Department of Educational Studies Lewis University Sample Lesson Plan Format

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Department of Educational Studies

Lewis University Date:

Sample Lesson Plan Format
Instructional Format:
Teacher Candidate Name:  Samantha Morgan ☒Whole Group ☐Small Group ☐One to One

Duration of Lesson:  45 minutes

Lesson Topic:  Math Grade Level/Age:  4th grade number: Lesson 4

1. Instructional Materials/Technology: List the materials needed to carry out the lesson (example: scissors, science lab materials. Also include
technology needed for the lesson example; computer, projector, smartboard, URL links).
Zearn website
Students Zearn notes

2. Common Core / State Standards: Identify applicable CCSS and state learning standards. Fully state each standard (example: CCSS Math content
7NS.A.1: Apply and extend previous understandings of addition and subtraction to add and subtract rational numbers; represent addition and
subtraction on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram).
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.4.NBT.A.1Recognize that in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents ten times what it
represents in the place to its right. For example, recognize that 700 ÷ 70 = 10 by applying concepts of place value and division.
Use place value understanding to round multi-digit whole numbers to any place.
3. Identify Prior Knowledge of Learners: Give a description of what prior knowledge is necessary for the lesson and where are learners going.
Throughout this week, we have been talking about rounding digits. This lesson is a review before going into rounding two-digit numbers and
conversions. The students did learn about rounding in third grade, so this lesson is reviewing their prior knowledge to the topic. This lesson
could be considered a pre lesson into a harder unit.

4. Learning Goals/Objectives: What students will know and be able to do at the end of this lesson.
Students will round multi-digit whole numbers to any place value.

5. Assessment(s): Explain and include the formal and/or informal assessments and/or instruments that will be used to determine the extent to which
students have met the lesson learning goals.
The teacher will have the students do Tower of Power assessment on Zearn. Problems in the Tower of Power are digitally translated from the
paper Problem Set.

6. Theory/Theoretical background: Describe a theorist to support the lesson.

Van Hiele Model (1959) would best support this math lesson. When learning, especially in math, students follow these 5 levels.
Visualization is when students use visual perception and nonverbal thinking to recognize. Analysis is when students can see
properties/descriptions, but not understand how they are related to each other. Abstraction is informal deduction or ordering of
properties, but no understanding of intrinsic meaning. Deduction is formal deduction, understanding of the role of properties and
descriptions when necessary. Rigor is full understanding. Students must have full understanding to help build on their math skills
for further and future learning.

Introductory Activity: (Explain how you will capture/engage student’s interest. Explain your one-five minutes introductory activity)
Teacher Action Student Action Approximate Time
The teacher will have the students go onto Zearn. The Students will complete their Number Gym activity in 5 minutes 5 minutes
teacher will have the students go to the first activity called before the class moves onto the nest section. If students are not
number gym. Number Gym, an individually adaptive done, they can go back and finish it after their sprint activity
fluency experience that helps students build foundational
number sense. As students demonstrate proficiency in an
activity, they progress to larger numbers and more
challenging portions of the Number Gym sequence.

Instructional Procedures with approximate times: (Elaborate, Explain, Explore)

Teacher Action Student Action Approximate Time
The teacher will go through the teacher led module. The Students will be taking notes during the lesson. Students will be 20 minutes
teacher will stop the Zearn instruction video after each completing each question when it pops up on the screen to move
question to talk with the class and to clarify any questions onto the next section of the lesson.
or concerns.

Student Engagement Activity: (Elaborate, Explain, Explore)

Teacher Action Student Action Approximate Time
The teacher will assign a math sprint for the students to do Students will complete their sprints. 10 minutes
after the lesson. Sprints are one of the lesson-aligned
fluency activities. This activity is designed to strengthen
math foundations and features two rounds of questions
where students are asked to answer as many as they can.

Closure Activity: (Describe how you will recap the objective of the lesson and move to the next activity)
Teacher Action Student Action Approximate Time
The teacher will have the students go onto the next activity Students need to answer all of the questions correctly to complete 10 minutes
called Tower of Power. Problems in the Tower of Power the Tower of Power and unlock the next lesson.
are digitally translated from the paper Problem Set.

Adaptations and Accommodations as needed: (Specific adaptations/accommodations that will be used by the teacher/classroom staff.
Example: DLL/EL, hearing/vision impaired, enrichment/gifted, behavioral concerns, I.E.P., 504, trauma students)
ELL students: Students can use the extra math practice option on the website. There is a button that they can click on that will read the
question again for them. The online application will give them hints as they go through the lesson. The teacher can provide extra practice
using online manipulatives. Here is a website that students can use to practice place values with base 10 blocks
Inclusion of academic language in the lesson

Struggling learners/IEP students: Students can use the extra math practice option on the website. There is a button that they can click on
that will read the question again for them. The online application will give them hints as they go through the lesson. The teacher can
provide extra practice using online manipulatives. Here is a website that students can use to practice place values with base 10 blocks

For high-proficient students: Students can complete more lessons on Zearn to earn more badges. Students can also go onto their IXL to do
more math. Students can try to come up with their own math problem and show the teacher.

Higher order thinking questions

How does grouping and regrouping connect to our lives? How does regrouping connect to money? How do we do place value charts with
two- or three-digit numbers.

Words/Phrases Definitions Rationale

Grouping dividing things into equal groups or sets. These words are some terminology that
students will come across during this math
Re-Grouping process of making groups of tens when carrying out operations like addition lesson. We are talking about grouping
and subtraction with two-digit numbers or larger numbers and moving numbers in number
Place Value value of each digit in a number
Academic Language

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