1 Topic Selection Background and Research Significance 1.1 Background of Topic Selection
1 Topic Selection Background and Research Significance 1.1 Background of Topic Selection
1 Topic Selection Background and Research Significance 1.1 Background of Topic Selection
学院 专业 通信工程 班级 2016211121
学生姓名 学号 2017290005 班内序号
指导教师姓名 廖青 所在单位 信息与通信工程学院 职称 副教授
设计(论文) (中文)基于 OMNET++的 VANET 路由方案的可靠性的分析
1.3 The research overview, development level and trend of this subject at
home and abroad
The advances in mobile communications and the current trends in ad hoc networks
allow different deployment architectures for vehicular networks in highways, urban and
rural environments to support many applications with different QoS requirements. The
goal of a VANET architecture (as shown in Fig. 1) is to allow the communication
among vehicles and between vehicles and fixed roadside equipment’s. The
communication in VANETs consists of three possibilities: (1) Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)
communication: making use of the OBUs (On Board Units) installed on the vehicles,
the direct vehicular communication can be established without relaying on a fixed
infrastructure; (2) Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communication: allows a vehicle to
communicate with the roadside infrastructure through equipped RSUs (Road Side
Units), and this communication is mainly used for information and data gathering
applications; (3) Hybrid communication: combines both Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and
Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I), and in this scenario, a vehicle can communicate with
the roadside infrastructure either in a single hop or multi-hop fashion, so it enables
long distance connection to the Internet or to vehicles that are far away with each
1.4 The overall idea and theoretical basis of the topic selection
VANETs are a special type of Mobile Ad hoc NETworks (MANETs), and they are
composed of a group of vehicles which can communicate without relying on fixed
infrastructure support. In VANETs, the vehicles are able to act as routing nodes to
exchange information (which may be various depending on different applications, for
example, video, security notifications, location messages and so on) by means of
either Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) or Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) communications. V2V
communication takes place among On-Board Units (OBUs) equipped in each vehicle,
and V2I communication occurs between OBUs and Road Side Units (RSUs), which
can transmit available information to servers through Internet based on different
network access technologies (RFID, 3G/4G, Wi-Fi, ect.). VANETs have tremendous
potential to improve vehicle and road security, increase traffic efficiency, and enhance
convenience and comfort to both drivers and passengers.
The particularity of VANET brings challenging technical problems, such as high
mobility and frequent changes in network topology. The above problems need to be
solved to effectively deploy the network. Routing reliability is one of the key points to
solve the problem. It is necessary to ensure that the established route should be the
most reliable one of all other routes to the destination, that is, to ensure link reliability.
Therefore, a reliability-based VANET routing solution is needed to promote the quality
of service (QoS) support in the routing process. The main tasks and goals to be
achieved are:
1. Model the routing process in the VANET architecture and understand the basic
architecture of the communication process.
2. Understand the standard reliability-based routing protocol scheme AODV in VANET,
improve the routing scheme, and improve the stability and accuracy of the data packet
transmission process.
3. On the basis of AODV, consider the scenario of segmented transmission when the
data packet size exceeds the MTU to ensure the response performance of network
topology changes.
2 The basic content of the research and the main problems to be solved
2.1 The basic content of the research
The aim of is to propose a new reliability-based routing scheme for VANETs to
facilitate QoS support in a highway traffic scenario. The novelty of this work lies in its
unique design of routing protocols by taking into account the mathematical distribution
of vehicular movements and link breakages.
Research content 1:
Model the routing process in the VANET architecture and understand the basic structure
of the communication process。
Support indicator points:3.1;3.3;4.1;5.1;6.2;10.1;10.2;10.3;12.1
3.1 Introduce the basic characteristics and applications of VANETs,
followed by an overview of their technical issues and associated projects. In addition, a
number of appropriate routing protocols and packet forwarding algorithms for VANETs
are described.
3.3 To evaluate the reliability-based routing process, OMNet++ simulator software will be
used, and compare to the standard AODV. OMNeT++ is an extensible, modular,
component-based C++ simulation library and framework, primarily for building network
simulators .
4.1 Presents the proposed reliability-based routing scheme. It explains how we develop
the mathematical model to get the link reliability value and the data structure needed to
implement our proposed scheme.
Research content 2:
Understand the standard routing protocol scheme AODV in VANET, improve the routing
scheme, and improve the stability and accuracy of the data packet transmission process.
Support indicator points:3.3;4.1;4.3;5.1;6.2;10.1;10.2;10.3;12.1
3.3 Demonstrate that the proposed scheme improves significantly the performance of the
standard Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol.
4.1 In this section we will use some mathematical formulas, based on the paper "a
reliability-bases routing scheme for vehiculas ad hoc network (VANET) on Highway".
4.3 The data obtained is compared with the data obtained in the paper "a reliability-bases
routing scheme for vehicles ad hoc network (VANET) on Highway".
5.1 Information retrieval tools in the field of research Omnet ++ software.
6.2 Process solutions to problems that may affect society, health, safety, law, and the
impact on culture.
10.1 For Understand the standard routing protocol scheme AODV in VANET, improve the
routing scheme, and improve the stability and accuracy of the data packet transmission
process. different experts in the field and automotive companies will be consulted.
10.2 For Understand the standard routing protocol scheme AODV in VANET, improve the
routing scheme, and improve the stability and accuracy of the data packet transmission
process, different Chinese-English-Spanish texts will be consulted.
10.3 For Understand the standard routing protocol scheme AODV in VANET, improve the
routing scheme, and improve the stability and accuracy of the data packet transmission
process. We work with different experts in the Materia.
12.1 For Understand the standard routing protocol scheme AODV in VANET, improve the
routing scheme, and improve the stability and accuracy of the data packet transmission
process. We will be able to recognize the need for continuous exploration and learning,
with independent learning.
Research content 3:
On the basis of AODV, consider the scenario of segmented transmission when the packet
size exceeds the MTU to ensure the response performance of network topology changes
Support indicator points:4.1;4.3;5.1;6.2;10.1;10.2;10.3;12.1
4.1 we are to determine the required experimental data according to the objective together
with the design of the test plan
4.3 The data obtained is compared with the data obtained in the paper "a reliability-bases
routing scheme for vehicles ad hoc network (VANET) on Highway".
5.1 Information retrieval tools in the field of research Omnet ++ software.
6.2 Process solutions to problems that may affect society, health, safety, law, and the
impact on culture.
10.1 For On the basis of AODV, consider the scenario of segmented transmission when
the packet size exceeds the MTU to ensure the response performance of network
topology changes. different experts in the field and automotive companies will be
10.2 For On the basis of AODV, consider the scenario of segmented transmission when
the packet size exceeds the MTU to ensure the response performance of network
topology changes. different Chinese-English-Spanish texts will be consulted.
10.3 For On the basis of AODV, consider the scenario of segmented transmission when
the packet size exceeds the MTU to ensure the response performance of network
topology changes. We work with different experts in the Materia.
12.1 For On the basis of AODV, consider the scenario of segmented transmission when
the packet size exceeds the MTU to ensure the response performance of network
topology changes. and improve the stability and accuracy of the data packet transmission
process. We will be able to recognize the need for continuous exploration and learning,
with independent learning.
Research content 4:
Use the OMNET++ platform for simulation verification, verify the performance of the
benchmark AODV algorithm and improved algorithms (such as R-AODV, S-AODV, BP-
AODV, etc.) by verifying the packet transmission rate and routing error information
Support indicator points:4.1;4.3;5.1;6.2;10.1;10.2;10.3;12.1
4.1 we are to determine the required experimental data according to the objective together
with the design of the test plan.
4.3 The data obtained is compared with the data obtained in benchmark AODV algorithm
and improved algorithms (such as R-AODV, S-AODV, BP-AODV, etc.) by verifying the
packet transmission rate and routing error information.
5.1 Information retrieval tools in the field of research Omnet ++ software.
6.2 Process solutions to problems that may affect society, health, safety, law, and the
impact on culture.
10.1 For On the basis of AODV, consider the scenario of segmented transmission when
the packet size exceeds the MTU to ensure the response performance of network
topology changes. different experts in the field and automotive companies will be
10.2 For Use the OMNET++ platform for simulation verification, verify the performance of
the benchmark AODV algorithm and improved algorithms (such as R-AODV, S-AODV,
BP-AODV, etc.) by verifying the packet transmission rate and routing error information.
different Chinese-English-Spanish texts will be consulted.
10.3 For Use the OMNET++ platform for simulation verification, verify the performance of
the benchmark AODV algorithm and improved algorithms (such as R-AODV, S-AODV,
BP-AODV, etc.) by verifying the packet transmission rate and routing error information.
We work with different experts in the Materia.
12.1 For Use the OMNET++ platform for simulation verification, verify the performance of
the benchmark AODV algorithm and improved algorithms (such as R-AODV, S-AODV,
BP-AODV, etc.) by verifying the packet transmission rate and routing error information.
We will be able to recognize the need for continuous exploration and learning, with
independent learning.
5 Main references
1. M. H. Eiza and Q. Ni, "A Reliability-Based Routing Scheme for Vehicular Ad Hoc
Networks (VANETs) on Highways," 2012 IEEE 11th International Conference on Trust,
Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, Liverpool, 2012, pp. 1578-1585,
doi: 10.1109/TrustCom.2012.53.
2. K. E. Suleiman and O. Basir, "Adaptive incentive-compatible routing in VANETs for
highway applications," 2017 8th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and
Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON), Vancouver, BC, 2017, pp. 670-679, doi:
3. Bello-Salau H , Aibinu A M , Wang Z , et al. An optimized routing algorithm for vehicle
ad-hoc networks[J]. Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 2019.
日期 2021 年 03 月 9 日