Chlorination Mass Balance Calculation: Legend Overall Reactions (Mol/Hr)

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Manually filled
NaCl H2O NaOCl H2 (gas)
Initial (mol)/hr 211.92053 50216.9242 0 0
Reaction (mol/hr) 211.92053 211.92053 211.9205298 211.9205
Product (mol/hr) 0 50005.0037 211.92 211.9205
(no remain)

Density (kg/m3) 2170 998 1110
MW 58.5 18 75.5 2

Water in Canal Seawater Condition Concentration of NaOCl in Product
Flowrate Cooling 1650 m3/hr Concentration of NaCl 13500 mg/L mol NaOCl 211.92053 mol/hr
Number of Pump 8 13.5 kg/m3 SW mol H2O 50005 mol/hr
Flowrate WTP 375 m3/hr Density of seawater 1020 kg/m3 kg NaOCl 16 kg/hr
Flowrate of water demand 13575 m3/hr Concentration of water 96.50% w/w kg H2O 900.09007 kg/hr
Vol of H2O 0.9018939 m3/hr
Continuous Dosing Demand 1 ppm (mg/L) NaCl demand (mol) 211.92053 mole/hr Vol of NaOCl 0.0144144 m3/hr
0.001 kg/m3 NaCl demand (mass) 12.397351 kg/hr Concentration of NaOCl 17740.447 ppm (mg/L)
Mass rate of pure NaOCl 13.575 kg/hr NaCl demand (Volume) 0.00571306 m3/hr Total Mass of Injection 916.09007 kg/hr
325.8 kg/day Total Volume of Injection 0.9163083 m3/hr
Volumrate of pure NaOCl 0.01441441 m3/hr Seawater demand (mass) 936.688742 kg/hr
Mole rate of pure NaOCl 179.801325 mol/hr Seawater demand (Volume) 0.9183223 m3/hr Storage Tank
Seawater (Volume) + SF 20% 1.10198675 m3/hr Residence Time 5 hour
Shock Dosing Demand 3 ppm (mg/L) Volume Tank 5 m3
0.003 kg/m3 H2O in seawater (mass) 904 kg/hr
Operasi Shock Dosing 8 jam H2O in seawater (mol) 50216.9242 mol/hr Injection Pump
Duration of Dosing 20 menit Cont. Dosing Pump Flow 0.7652006 m3/hr
Mass rate of pure NaOCl 40.725 kg/day Concentration of H2 in Product --Discharge Pressure 2 barg
Volumrate of pure NaOCl 0.03668919 m3/hr mol H2 211.9205 mol Shock Dosing Pump Flow 2.2956017 m3/hr
Mole rate of pure NaOCl 539.403974 mol/hr kg H2 0.423841 kg/hr --Discharge Pressure 2 barg

Total Demand 366.53 kg/day

15.27 kg/hr
Roundup 16.00 kg/hr

Seawater Intake Demand + SF20% 1.10 m3/hr
Cont. Dosing Pump Flowrate 0.77 m3/hr
Shock Dosing Pump Flowrate 2.30 m3/hr
H2 gas produced 0.42 kg/hr

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