Telemetry 195
Telemetry 195
Telemetry 195
4 What this Book Can Do for You
Robert A. Ferguson
12 Table of Contents
I do not want to become overly technical about how Psychic
Telemetry works. Psychic Telemetry works just as efficiently for
the person who knows nothing of its cosmic mechanics as for the
person who is expert in the technical aspects of this awe
inspiring power.
Spiritually, man can never be separated from the Spirit
which caused his creation. The vital link that keeps man in tune
with the Infinite is the subconscious mind. It is this subconscious
mind that is, in reality, the great Cosmic Mind. It knows all, and
it tells all. It tells all to you as you unlock its mighty secrets
through the Ritual of the First Pillar of Power.
You have no need of an individual Spirit Guide, but you do
need to create a thoughtform which resembles the human form.
This Guardian Genie, which you mentally create, will be a
willing slave, ready to serve you for any purpose, at any time or
any place.
Sit quietly with paper and pencil, jotting down each miracle
you desire upon a separate page of paper. On these pages of
paper, write a name. These will be the names of the Guardian
Genie that you are about to create.
Also on these pieces of paper, write the physical charac
teristics that you want your Guardian Genii to possess. Black
hair, blue eyes, tall, short, thin, or stout. Now, also list those
abilities that each of your Guardian Genii will possess. Wisdom,
power over others, humor, financial guidance, or healing power?
I remember very clearly the first Guardian Genie that I
created. I was in junior high school, having difficulty with some
of my studies. As I sat at my desk brooding, I decided to call
30 PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others
Sit back and relax with eyes closed, visualizing the Spirit
Genius you have just created. Follow this same Ritual for every
Guardian Genie you wish to create. They never, never fail you.
PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 31
You have now given names to the Guardian Genii which
you’ve created. These names and a quiet place to relax are all
that is needed to invoke this next powerful Ritual.
Psychic Telemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 33
36 Psychic Telemetry Enchantments
This Initiation Ritual will be performed one time only. It
will enroll you into the Ancient Society of Mystics. You will be at
oneness with the ancient brotherhood of miracle workers who
changed history as they performed their miraculous powers for
themselves, and for others.
As you begin this very important Initiation Ritual, seat
yourself and calmly perform the Ritual of your Pillars of Power.
When both Pillars of Power are shining brightly, kneel before
your chair with hands clasped, as if in prayer. Relax in this
kneeling position for a few moments and invoke these sacred
words of initiation:
“I (your name) , now willingly enter the
Ancient Society of Mystics. I am at oneness with the
magical powers of the Cosmic Mind. I will perform all
miracles with a sense of truth, justice, and selflessness.
And so it is!”
left. When the Pillar is strong and bright, repeat these magical
You have probably already performed miracles with
Psychic Telemetry, or are in the process of deciding just exactly
what you want as you prepare to perform a miracle. Psychic
Telemetry always works, but it produces more magnificently if
your motives are just and honorable as you repeat these magical
Perform a miracle only when a miracle is required. If you
want $1,000, don’t ask for $20,000. Money is always available to
you. You can get any amount of money at any time you need it.
Just take what you need and leave the extra money for someone
else to use until you require it for yourself.
Enchantments that are performed frivolously usually go
unanswered. You must know exactly what it is that you want.
PsychicTelemetry Enchantments 43
*If you wish someone other than yourself to be healed, use his or her name instead
o f “I.”
44 PsychicTelemetry Enchantments
Les had suffered head pain for so long, that he was just
about to give up all hope of ever being pain-free.
Les’ employer had a very generous pension plan. Any
employee who completed 30 years of service could retire at age
55. But Les lamented, “I’ve been missing so much work over
these headaches, that I’m afraid I’m going to be fired before I’m
Les began his Health Enchantment the first night I met
him, and he never had another migraine attack. He happily
retired at age 55, and began a three-month vacation touring the
United States.
Finally free of his excruciating pain, Les felt years younger.
In fact, he felt so good that he went back to work as an executive
in another company.
“My health is perfect now. I just can’t believe that this is
really me! I didn’t know what a beautiful world it really is,” were
the last words I heard from Les.
chance that Hammon could wrest the supervisor’s seat from the
There were barely a dozen people present when I went to
the neighborhood community center to listen to Hammon’s
election program. It was obvious that he was a fighter who had
no selfish motives in proposing unique innovations to the
operation of the county government. But it appeared from the
low turnout of prospective voters that the polls were correct in
predicting Hammon’s defeat.
After the meeting, I handed him a leaflet containing the
Enchantment to Influence Others. On the front of the leaflet I
wrote, “ Congratulations to our new county supervisor.”
The news media was astounded as the election returns were
posted. Hammon had unseated a supervisor who had not lost an
election in 25 years.
A few days after the election, I received a hastily written
note on new county stationery. It simply said, “Thanks!”
If you have no particular dollar figure in mind, nor a
particular place from where you want to receive your new
prosperity, then this Enchantment is for you! Repeat these words
three times (once in the morning, once at midday, and once
before retiring for the evening):
There is no need to feel shy, withdrawn, afraid, or inferior.
You have within you, at this very moment, everything that is
required to make you a confident, outstanding person.
After performing your Ritual of the Pillars of Power each
day, repeat these magic words:
56 Visual-Telemetry
What Gary saw within his mind were simple pictures, but
they were the most important pictures of his life.
Visual-Telemetry 57
W hat happened when Gary placed the call to his wife isn’t
a mystery to a Psychic Telemetry follower. After talking to
Maureen, Gary learned that an attorney had been trying to
contact him. A long-forgotten cousin had died and left Gary
$6,000 in her will. All Gary had to do was claim the money in
person and sign the proper papers. Gary immediately started
hitch-hiking toward Los Angeles.
While riding south with a friendly truck driver, Gary
“tuned in” to his Visual-Telemetry. He was surprised to see a
picture of himself in a stockbroker’s office, purchasing shares in
a company he had never heard of. At the next truck stop, Gary
looked in the financial section of the daily newspaper. Sure
enough, he found the company which he saw in his vision listed
on the New York Stock Exchange.
Gary was waiting at the attorney’s door the next morning.
He knew what he was going to do. As soon as he received his
check, he was going to buy stock. Stock in a company that he
knew nothing about. Gaiy received his money and dashed to the
nearest stockbroker.
The stockbroker was a considerate man who tried hard to
dissuade Gary from buying the manufacturing stock. “ That
company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Don’t waste your money
on that stock,” he said. However, at Gary’s insistence, the stock
was purchased at $3.00 per share. Gary had almost 2,000 shares
of what many considered to be worthless stock. But Gary hung
on. In just a few months, Gary’s stock was worth almost $66,000.
58 Visual-Telemetry
When the farmer looked out the window the night of the
telephone call from California, he saw the same tornado that
Curtis had seen in his vision. He quickly gathered his family
around him and ran from the house. There was no storm cellar,
so the quick-thinking farmer threw his family into a shallow
irrigation ditch.
The tornado hit the farm. It levelled the house, the barn,
and all of the sheds on the property. The old Plymouth bounced
around like a rubber ball. Everything in the tornado’s path was
destroyed. The Missouri farmer and his family, huddled safely in
the ditch, were saved from certain destruction by a Visual-
Telemetry vision!
Curtis did not wear mystic robes, nor did he appear to be
eccentric when he received his lifesaving vision.
A follower of Psychic Telemetry looks and behaves no
differently than anyone else—at least on the surface. But behind
those quiet eyes lies a powerhouse of occult knowledge—a mind
that can see events taking place hundreds of miles away, a mind
that can see the future as clearly as the present. And as these
visions of the future unfold, the follower of Psychic Telemetry
knows that he can change the future if it is not to his liking. If
the futuristic panorama is pleasant, he can smugly sit back and
wait for those blessings to enter his life in their certain but
proper order.
You can now see into the future. With your Visual-
Telemetry power, you are able to clearly see what is happening at
a distance—just as the world famous psychics and seers are
Many of the most famous seers speak of the symbols they
receive when giving their predictions concerning the future. The
symbols to which they refer are signs from the Cosmic Mind.
They are the Telemetric Sign Language.
A symbol is something that stands fo r or suggests
something else by reason o f its relationship or association. For
Psychic Telemetry, a symbol is Cosmic Sign Language. It is a
picture that is worth a thousand words. It is a method used by
the Cosmic Mind to transfer to you valuable and completely
accurate predictions of the future.
You will be using Telemetric Sign Language long before
you have completed reading this chapter. And I’m going to show
you how easy it really is.
72 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language
Steve now knew how his vision would come true, and he
didn’t hesitate in laying the groundwork.
“The first thing I did was to talk to the company’s vice-
president in charge of manufacturing. I told him that I wanted a
job in the new division that would be created, and that I would
like to be transferred to the new plant when it was built.”
The company vice-president denied that there were plans to
create a new division within the company. “If the company is
going to build a new plant, I certainly haven’t heard about it,”
the company executive said.
Steve chuckled to himself. Telemetric Sign Language had
shown him the future, and he felt rather smug about having so
much information on the company’s confidential plans.
He didn’t wait for any public announcement of the com
pany’s plans. He read every book he could find on the new
technology, and went to night school to enforce the knowledge
that he accumulated.
“ I kept the big shot informed of the progress I was making
in my research. I really wasn’t surprised when he called me to his
office for a conference.”
“ Steve,” the boss said, “I’ve been appointed to head the
manufacturing operation of our new technology. The company is
going to acquire property in Colorado.
“You’ve really impressed me with your drive and
knowledge of the product. Would you be willing to transfer and
take the job as my staff assistant? Your salary would be $600 a
week. Think it over and let me know.”
Steve didn’t have to think it over. He had made up his mind
the night he received his foreknowledge of the future in
specifically accurate Telemetric Sign Language.
“The salary I was offered was more than satisfactory. I was
making $310 a week at the time of the offer. The $600-a-week
salary meant an additional $290 each week. That added up to an
extra $15,000 a year. My Prosperity Genie told me that I would
soon be earning another $15,000 a year, but I put it out of my
mind as being totally unrealistic. I should have known better
than to question my Prosperity Genie.
74 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language
Moving hands Work
Still hands Lack of work or unemployment
Two buildings Change of jobs
Arrow pointing toward me Someone, or something, coming
to me
Arrow pointing away Someone, or something, in
another geographical area
Suitcases Movement
Pine Tree A strong personality
Frog Jealousy
Books Education
Fox Slyness, deceit
Garbage can Scandal
Bell Victory, joy
Bird Good news
80 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language
Mountain Struggle
Candle Spiritual faith
Owl Spiritual wisdom
Horse Earthly wisdom
Elephant Physical strength
Rose Love, appreciation
Cross Protection
Circle Completeness
Key A new opportunity, chance
Door New experiences
Stairs An easy climb
Saucer Something left over, incomplete
Ticket Acceptance
Signature Binding agreement, contract
Sunflowers Interest in Indian history
Sword Interest in medieval history
Triangle Interest in metaphysics
Red Cross Involvement in medicine, healing
Blue Cross Spiritual leader
Yellow Cross Philosopher, philosophy
Use this same Ritual any time you wish to add new symbols to
your Telemetric Sign Language.
At this point, it would be useful to create a Guardian Genie
whose sole duty is to help you memorize and develop a useful and
complete Telemetric Sign Language. Whenever you are con
fronted by an unfamiliar symbol, call your Guardian Genie to
you by name and ask for clarification.
In the previous chapter, you learned to use Visual-
Telemetry; in this chapter, you have learned to speak the
Telemetric Sign Language. But this chapter would not be
complete without instruction in using the powerful techniques of
two additional psychic talents, one of which is Sensory-
You need not worry about running into the unexpected
when your Sensory-Telemetry powers are at work. A caution
light will flash before you. You will sense that something is
amiss. When this warning light flashes, stop! Stop as quickly as
possible, and use your other Psychic Telemetry powers to
discover what the problem or danger is, and avoid it! “To be
forewarned is to be forearmed” is a literal truth. Take advantage
of it. It will never let you down.
92 How to Command and Control Others
“As bad as I need that job, I could never work under those
conditions,” she said. “ It wasn’t only the girls—the boss looked
through me like I didn’t even exist.” She told me of her plan to
turn the full force of her Tele-Aurascope on the entire office.
“If that doesn’t work, I give up!”
I had no doubts that it would work—and it did. I didn’t
hear from Louise for two days. She finally telephoned late one
“ I’m sorry that I’m calling so late, but I just got home from
having dinner with my boss. I had dinner with him last night,
too, but it was too late to call you after I got home from the
theater. You’ll never guess what happened!”
Louise had so much to tell me, and was talking so rapidly,
that I had to slow her down. She told me what had happened on
her second day at the job.
“I knew who the real ringleader was, and I knew that if I
could break her hate and vindictiveness, that I would win the
“I went to work early and focused my Magic Tele-
Aurascope on Helen’s desk. I filled the whole area around her
desk with a vibration of friendship and helpfulness. I did the
same thing to the work area of every other girl in the office.
“The next thing I did was to summon the Guardian Genie
(Harry), that I use to help me influence others. Once I relied
upon Harry, and my Magic Tele-Aurascope, there was no doubt
that I would soon be victorious in overcoming the envy that was
being directed toward me.
“Helen was the first one in to work that morning. She
didn’t bother to answer my ‘good morning’ as she hung up her
coat in silence. She had a terrible scowl across her face.
“I watched as Helen sat down at her desk. A look of sur
prise and pleasantness soon replaced her scowl. She became very
nervous and fumbled with the pencils on her desk. Very quickly
she pushed back her chair and came walking up to where I was
sitting. ‘Louise, I feel like someone’s pushing me up here. I just
want to apologize for the way I’ve acted. You can count on me
for any help you need.’
94 How to Command and Control Others
individual the very things that they have built up within the aura.
Because of this magnetism, it is extremely important that you
think positively about all of the things you would like to attract
into your life. This positive thinking builds power into your aura
and magnetically attracts those things which you desire—
whether good, or bad.
The aura is a constantly changing electromagnetic force
around you. The aura reflects what you are at the precise
moment. Every thought and deed performed by you will change
your aura to conformity. You will learn to see and analyze the
human aura in the remaining pages of this chapter. No one will
ever again be able to hide his true character or motives from
A "C O N ” MAN
Alexis was a widow who had plenty of money, but was
looking for wise investments to increase her nest egg. Through
friends, Alexis was introduced to a religious leader who was
making fabulous amounts of money for his “ followers” through
investments in South American silver.
Alexis looked into the “holy man’s” aura, and saw
characteristics opposite from those portrayed outwardly. She saw
How to Command and Control Others 99
After locating the rainbow of colors around the head,
mentally note those colors nearest the head. These will be the
person’s strongest personality characteristics. The further the
color from the head, the less influence it plays in the individual’s
All colors specify certain personality traits. All shades of
red denote physical characteristics. All blue shades denote
spiritual characteristics, and yellow shades the mental. It is
important to note that all clear colors are “positive” traits, and
all colors that appear muddy or mixed with black are “ negative”
characteristics. Below is a Table of Colors and their meanings for
your quick reference.
RED (Physical)
Bright Red Physical strength, health, vigor.
This shade of red shows physical
100 How to Command and Control Others
Sky Blue This tone of blue shows that its auric
wearer maintains a positive spiritual
attitude toward all of life. This blue
also shows that the person is on a
concise path of constant spiritual
progression and evolution.
How to Command and Control Others 105
The negative blue tones within the aura present to you one
of the most difficult people in the world to live with—they are
very hypocritical in nature.
These dogmatic religionists view every unpleasant cir
cumstance as the work of the devil, and they find great joy in
their suffering, viewing it as an opportunity to show their faith.
The individuals possessing these negative tones as the
primary color within their aura tend to mingle with their own.
They are highly superstitious and live in constant fear of death,
hell, and the devil.
These people can not be trusted if you are not a part of their
group. They will lie, cheat, and steal to achieve their goals,
rationalizing that it is “just” to use any means to wrest material
possessions from the devil, who is you, in their eyes.
This type of person is emotionally attached to his particular
Cause, and releases these emotions in sexual acts. They have a
highly oversexed personality.
The negative blues usually have a large family where little
love, but a great deal of discipline, is shown. They are under-
educated, and have no interest in cultural pursuits.
These people tend to favor dark clothing and heavy-
appearing shoes. Their hair is usually brown to very dark brown.
The eyes appear smaller than average, and an unusually large
number of this group wear glasses by the time they reach their
early thirties.
How to Command and Control Others 109
Mixed Green “ I feel green around the gills!” is an
apt expression for describing this
dark, mixed green within the aura.
This tone denotes poor health—a
person who is not up to par, either
physically or mentally.
Due to their poor health, these
persons can become cross and
114 How to Command and Control Others
Clear Brown This color shows you that you are with
a materially prosperous and in
dustrious individual.
Dull Brown With dull, mixed brown, we find a
selfish and miserly person. He thinks
more of money than any person in the
world. This person is spiritually
Grey Extremely negative thoughts. A very
unreliable person.
White Pure spirit (God). This person has
achieved the highest of spiritual
attainment. It is rare that you will ever
see this color within the aura.
Black Hatred, revenge, and pessimism are
the dominant characteristics of this
116 How to Command and Control Others
M iracle Power from
In an im ate O bjects
The police rushed through the open front door and found
the telephone caller sitting upon the floor, telephone receiver in
hand. Her shock had been so great, that she sat in a deep
stupor—neither hearing nor seeing the flurry of activity going on
around her.
The hardened law officers were sickened by what they
found within the rooms of the mansion—seven bodies, all
beaten, stabbed, and strangled. Floors, walls, and even the
ceilings were spattered with blood. One burly detective walked
outside to hide his tears. He stood alone, sobbing.
No clues were found in the house to identify the murderers.
Weeks went by with the police following up on hundreds of
leads, but getting nowhere. The investigation had come to a
When all looked dark, a young detective remembered that
while visiting his sister in the southwest, he met a man who
talked about the miracles of Tele-Psychometry. He placed a
hurried call to his sister. The man, Harold C., was on the next
plane to the city where the murders had taken place.
When the police met Harold at the airport, they told him
that they were going to drive him to a house where they wanted
him to tell them of any feelings he might have. They told him
nothing else.
As the party left the car and started walking toward the
front door of the murder house, Harold stopped, as in disbelief.
“ My God!” he cried, “I see bodies and blood all over the
house. I can’t believe it. My God, My God!”
Harold was so upset by the Tele-Psychometry vibrations he
was receiving, that he first refused to enter the house. Without
entering the house, Harold perfectly described the murder
victims, how they were killed, and the rooms in which each body
was discovered.
After finally entering the house, Harold gave the police
physical descriptions of the men and women responsible for the
murders, and the very unusual first names of two of the
assailants. Harold later described a farmhouse, which he was
seeing through his Sensory-Telemetry, and the geographical
location of the isolated farm.
120 Tele-Psychometry
Madge D. was the lady who made the original call to the
police when the murders were discovered. She was the woman
who was sitting on the floor in a stupor as the police arrived at
the ghastly scene.
Madge was so horrified by what she had discovered, that
she became a severely damaged woman, both mentally and
emotionally. When ordinary methods of medical treatment
failed, Madge was placed in an expensive, private, psychiatric
hospital. The advanced treatment she received there was
completely ineffectual. Madge’s family had given up hope that
she would ever recover.
In desperation, Madge’s daughter attended a lecture on
Psychic Telemetry Healing. After the lecture, the daughter
appealed to the Healer to help her mother. And the Healer did!
Using the same techniques that you will learn in Chapter
Seven, Miracle Healing Through Psychic Medi-Telemetry, the
Healer had Madge returned to a complete state of normalcy
within weeks. Psychic Telemetry succeeded where medical
science had failed.
Iris sold the house for a $30,000 profit. Now she wanted to
increase her $30,000 windfall, but had no experience in stocks,
bonds, or other investments. With her money in the bank, the
happy lady now performed her Prosperity Rituals and En
chantments, and just sat back and waited. It didn’t take long for
the Enchantments to go to work.
Four days after Iris spoke the Enchantments, she received a
telephone call from an old school chum, who told her, “For some
reason, I just had the urge to call.” During the course of their
conversation, the chum mentioned that he was looking for a
partner to purchase an old warehouse building. The plans were
to renovate the old building and divide it into sections which
would then be leased out to small speciality shops. Iris knew that
this was the answer to her Prosperity Rituals, and joined her
friend in the partnership.
The renovations on the old warehouse were going along
nicely, when the representative of a large company offered to buy
the building and complete the renovations. After some
discussion, Iris and her partner decided to sell. Iris’ profit?
Another $20,000. In less than one year, Iris had earned $50,000.
At last report, Iris was building a new apartment complex.
I have no doubt that Iris is now a millionaire—all because she
used a simple Ritual to remove the evil vibrations from an
inanimate object, a house.
areas are missed while scrubbing). Then paint the wall with a
true white, good quality, paint.
Your complete exorcism of negative influences has now
been successful. All that remains within the house or building
are influences that will bring abundant joy to any person who
resides within its walls.
An obviously distraught gentleman telephoned me one
evening. “ Do you believe in curses?” he asked. I assured him
that I did. As we were talking, I began searching his home with
my Visual-Telemetry.
“You don’t have to tell me anymore. I can see a black
object hanging on a wall over a bed. That’s what’s causing this
sudden rash of bad luck,” I told him. “ Get rid of it, and your
troubles are over!”
Forrest’s son had apparently helped a neighbor clean the
basement of an old apartment building. The young son had
discovered a black pentacle among the many discarded items.
He was attracted to the black, five-pointed star, took it home,
and placed it on the wall of his bedroom.
Fortunately, the quick-thinking father used his common
sense and immediately sought help as he felt the veil of negativity
settle upon his home. His quick wit saved his family from a
vibration that would have soon brought tragedy.
You can quickly remove all traces of the negativity which
may cling to inanimate objects from your own home, and the
homes of family, acquaintances, and friends. Your friends will
soon be calling you the “miracle worker” as you bring health,
wealth, and happiness into every home you enter. You will
undoubtedly find that you do not have enough time to fulfill all
the requests for exorcism which will come to you as your fame
rapidly spreads.
Place your hands firmly upon the object that you wish to
exorcise, and repeat these Words of Power:
Whatever you are tiying to heal, you know that the job will
be done. You have already learned to call upon your dual Pillars
of Power. Now you can add additional tools to your psychic
powerhouse to perform healing miracles through Psychic
Medi- Telemetry.
You are about to discover occult secrets of healing that are
so powerful, that they have never been completely entrusted to
students before this time. You will perform the same healing
miracles attributed to the wise and ancient sages of the past.
Bertha and Russ had been married for years when I first
met them. Because of Russ’ drinking problems, they were deeply
in debt and faced foreclosure on their home. Russ had not held a
steady job for months, and his physical condition steadily
deteriorated. Russ was a nice guy, but he just didn’t have the
willpower needed to overcome his drinking problem.
136 Psychic Medi-Telemetry
“I ’ve gone to A.A. and every other group I could join, but
they just didn’t help me,” Russ said. “ Once I even went to a
sanitarium for treatment. I thought I was cured, but as soon as I
got out, I hit the bottle again.”
I asked Bertha and Russ to try the Porcelain Cup Treat
ment for one week. Both of them were doubtful that it could
work, but in their desperation they agreed that anything was
worth a try. Each night before going to bed, Bertha would
perform her Porcelain Cup Ritual. Upon rising, Russ would
drink from the cup. In four days I received a telephone call.
“Bob, this is Bertha. I just can’t believe what’s happening.
Russ can’t even smell alcohol without becoming deathly ill. He’s
tried to drink, but he just can’t do it.”
This is just an average case of Porcelain Cup Healing. It’s
been two years since Bertha’s telephone call and Russ has lost all
desire for alcohol. Russ is now a successful contractor. Russ and
Bertha are not only happy and healthy, but on their way to
making their first million dollars—all because of a simple, but
powerful, porcelain cup.
Pillars of Power, first on the right, then on the left. Cross your
arms across your chest, placing your right hand on your left
shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder, invoking
these Words of Power.
“I invoke the Spirit of spirits, that enters the
darkened world with the morning sun, to fill me with
the power of healing.”
Continue sitting passively for one or two minutes. Slowly
remove your hands from the shoulders and hold them over the
cup as Divine Healing falls from your hands into the water. Then
place the cup of water on the nightstand, next to the bed where
the person who needs healing will be sleeping. Immediately upon
rising in the morning, the patient should drink all the contents of
the miracle cup.
“Dear Bob,
“I’m sorry that I kept your topaz so long, but I
just can’t believe all of the things that have happened
to me since I attended your lecture.
“ I have had no signs of asthma since I performed
my first Gemstone Power Ritual. I no longer take
medicine or visit doctors. I could never run more than
a few steps until I was bent over, gasping for breath.
Now I’m jogging and playing tennis with my beautiful
wife—we were married last month.
“ I now have my own topaz. It’s been the best
investment of my life.”
If the stone is for your own healing, the next words should
be a very loud, “I AM HEALED!” If the stone is to be given to
another person, the words should be, “ (name) IS
Your Power Ritual is completed when you touch the stone
to your abdomen, heart, and forehead. The stone must be
carried on the person of the individual seeking the healing. It
may be carried in a pocket, or made into a ring or necklace. The
Gemstone Power Ritual should be repeated daily, until the
miraculous healing through Psychic Medi-Telemetry is com
Scientifically, color is produced by vibrations. The number
of light vibrations reflected by an object determines and
produces its color. It is these reflected vibrations that you will
harness and direct for healing. You will direct this laser beam of
light to perform miracle healings hundreds of miles distant.
Psychic Medi-Telemetry 143
hands, remove them from the feet and shake them violently.
When the negativity has dropped from your hands, continue the
treatment until you feel that the healing is complete. At the
completion of the healing, wash your hands thoroughly with soap
and water. This will ensure that no negative vibrations of the
disease remain with you or attached to you in any way.
You should then warn your patient that he will be feeling sen
sations of warmth and mild electric shocks. These are
pleasurable experiences, but they can be unnerving to people
who are not expecting these sensations of healing.
You should close your eyes and relax, asking that your
Healing Genie draw close. As you recognize the approach,
become even more passive. While in this state of passivity, you
should allow your Healing Genie to direct and manipulate your
hands. Let your hands move freely, without restraint. Your
Genie knows what he is doing, and what needs to be done. The
treatment is complete when your Healing Genie whispers a
gentle “God Bless You,” and withdraws.
As your fame as a Healer spreads, you will receive letters
and long-distance telephone calls from around the world—all
asking for your intercession. You can’t be everywhere, but your
Healing Genie can!
150 Psychic Medi-Telemetry
even thousands of years before St. Paul wrote his Letters to the
early Christians.
You already have this power to separate your spiritual body
from your physical body. And while separated, your conscious
mind will remain with your spiritual body as you invisibly travel
the world over.
All out-of-the-body experiences are induced from a state of
unconsciousness. This unconsciousness can be caused by an
anesthetic, natural sleep, a hypnotic trance, traumatic shock, or
as a result of an accident.
Occult books and periodicals are filled with the personal
experiences of people involved in accidents who have blacked out
just before impact. And after the impact, they find themselves
observing the whole accident scene as their body lies un
conscious upon the ground.
A youngster of eleven recently told me of his own Astral-
Telemetry experience that was induced as the result of an ac
cident. The youngster apparently lost control of his bicycle as he
was riding down a very steep hill. He remembered being thrown
into the air, but he suddenly found himself floating high above
the ground. He saw his body hit the ground and remain
motionless. He had no feeling of fear, and he felt no pain from
the fall.
While still floating in the air, he watched two ladies run
from a distance to where his body lay sprawled on the ground.
He heard their conversation and watched their movements as
they attempted to revive his body from its unconscious state.
Then, as suddenly as he had left his body, he returned to it—
fully conscious and aware of the pain from his broken shoulder.
Many other people write about the very common experience
of their spiritual body separating from their physical body as the
result of an anesthetic. It almost seems the norm as these in
156 How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry
“There was only one other place to look,” she said, “ and
that was in the house. Finally, in the closet of the master
bedroom, I found a large board with Pete’s black hair stuck to it.
I found the board, but I still needed the help of an attorney.
“I had earlier talked to a sympathetic attorney who would
gladly help me if I had one iota of proof of my neighbor’s guilt. I
astrally traveled to his office, and luckily found him in a relaxed
mood. I concentrated on my problem, and placed the thought in
his mind that he should telephone me.”
The lawyer did telephone Rose. She was so convincing in
telling her story of her neighbor’s guilt, that the lawyer asked
Rose to meet him at the district attorney’s office.
“My attorney advised me to lodge a formal complaint
against my neighbor, which I did. The district attorney then
informed the man that he was charged with a felony—cruelty to
“Before this criminal case came before the municipal
court, my attorney, acting in my behalf, filed a personal legal
action against the man for $100,000 as compensation for the loss
of my dog.”
As is usual in legal cases of this magnitude, the opposing
attorneys bring together the parties involved in an attempt to
settle the case before a long and costly trial.
“My neighbor’s attorney, who was a representative of his
insurance company, insisted that there was not one bit of proof
that my neighbor was guilty of my charges, and that they were
not going to pay me one red cent. In fact, they considered suing
me for harassment.
“ ‘Just a minute,’ I said. ‘The board that man used to kill
my dog is hidden in the closet of his master bedroom this very
minute!’ ”
Rose’s neighbor first gasped, and then he completely broke
down, admitting his guilt to both attorneys.
Rose didn’t have to go to court. She accepted the $28,000
settlement offered by the insurance company. With his guilt
already established, the man who had wielded the destructive
162 How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry
Astral-Telemetry is a very enjoyable experience without the
slightest element of danger. Contrary to what you may have read
or heard, Astral-Telemetry is a totally safe method to accomplish
an out-of-the-body experience.
Some writers who have mastered Astral-Telemetry claim
that they have had unpleasant experiences while away from their
physical bodies. But their unpleasant experiences are rather silly
when you analyze them.
One writer turned against Astral-Telemetry because he
became terrified during an astral journey. “ I almost died of
fright,” he wrote. I admit that on the surface, “ almost dying of
fright,” does seem to be a legitimate complaint against astral
travel. But the writer of that fearsome statement failed to tell you
why he was really frightened, as do other opponents of Astral-
Telemetry. W hat frightened that individual was really quite silly.
Having heard of riots that were occurring in a European
country, the gentleman in question decided that he would astral
travel to Europe to see the riots first-hand. He projected his
spiritual body to Europe quickly and smoothly. He became
terrified when he found himself right in the middle of a riot. He
quickly forgot that no harm could come to his spiritual body,
which was immune to all physical forces. If he was going to
become frightened, he had no business projecting himself to the
riot area in the first place.
When you know the whole story, the objections to Astral-
Telemetry are petty and frivolous. Astral-Telemetry can be one
of your most fulfilling psychic endeavors.
You need not have the slightest fear that there will ever be
difficulty in re-entering your sleeping body. If anything does
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 163
Relax for a few moments, then calmly walk to your bed and
lie down. Lie flat on your back with your hands at your side, eyes
Now remember how you felt as you were sitting in the chair
performing your Rituals. Imagine your Genie beckoning to you
as he stands between your Pillars of Power in another room. Now
imagine that you are sitting up. Then pretend that you have
placed your feet upon the floor. Now imagine yourself walking
across the room toward your Ritual Chair and your Magic Genie.
It doesn’t matter that you aren’t physically moving. Just pretend
that you are.
Practice this exercise for approximately ten minutes a day,
and you will soon discover that you are no longer pretending.
You will feel the floor under your feet as you walk toward your
chair, your Genie, and your Pillars of Power.
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 165
Look at the bed! Sure enough, you will see your physical
body fast asleep. Don’t become startled, or you’ll zip right back
into your body and wake it up from its peaceful sleep.
Keep your first astral journeys close to home. Get used to
the feeling of being free of your physical body before you travel to
unfamiliar surroundings.
When you are at ease with your new found power, travel to
wherever you wish—listening and watching those things that will
help you along your Psychic-Telemetry road to abundant riches.
clear and sharp within the mind. Just as clear as anything you
might experience in your physical body.
You do not lose any of your Psychic-Telemetry abilities
while on your astral journeys. If you wish, you can perform any of
your Rituals or Enchantments while you are out of your physical
body. They are effective whenever they are performed.
Psychic Game Three As Entertainment—This psychic
game can be played just for fun, but while your guests are
playing this variation of “Button, button, who’s got the button?”
they, and you, are developing important powers of Sensory-
Telemetry. Powers that can be used to win contests—just as
Leona M. did.
You needn’t tell your guests that they are developing
psychic power. They can enjoy playing the game while you
consciously and secretly grow in your Sensory-Telemetry skills.
To play the game, place in a paper bag one red marble for
each player. Then place one white marble in the bag. Mix up the
marbles by shaking the bag.
Each player then, without looking, draws a marble from the
bag and holds it firmly in his hand so that no one can see the
color of the marble drawn. The players then guess who has the
white marble. Or do they have it? Is it the one marble remaining
in the bag?
Lest your guests suspect your Psychic Telemetry power, act
very surprised as you time after time correctly guess who is
holding the white marble.
You really don’t guess who has the marble. You know who
has it. Simply relax and feel where the round white treasure is
located. Feel for the answer exactly as you were taught in
Chapter Four.
Psychic Telemetry Games 185
Reach into the bag with eyes closed, and withdraw the
white marble.
Many readers will find this Ritual unnecessary long before
the last chapter of this book. But until that time, it is a valuable
tool that can be used until you feel completely comfortable with
your Sensory-Telemetry power. As your skills develop, you will
no longer need the Ritual. You will just feel what you want to
know instantly and automatically.
190 Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry
Next, swing your left arm backwards toward the wall. After
tapping lightly three times, repeat:
Now, take the index finger of each hand and press gently at
the bridge of your nose. The magic words to repeat are:
The last step of the Ritual is to touch your chin to your right
shoulder, and then to the left shoulder. While swinging your chin
to the right and to the left, say with complete conviction:
Sit down and relax for a few moments when you complete
your Ritual. You’ll want these moments to savor the thrilling
sensations experienced.
If you have been using ten symbols, you will soon have 40 at
your disposal. If you developed your Sign Language to include 25
psychic words, you will now have 100.
All predictions of the future fall into four distinct
classifications. Your visions of the future are in their nature
either emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental. There is nothing
Using your Visual-Telemetry abilities, build this picture
into your psychic vision: