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Is there something in your life that needs changing for the

better? Do you need more money? Are you seeking true love and
romance? Do you wonder what your purpose in life is? Are you
growing old too quickly? Are you suffering from poor health? Do
you have talents that go unnoticed by others? Do you want to
know what the future holds, and be able to change it?
You no longer need to feel the frustration of wishes un­
fulfilled. This book will change your life as no other book before
Long before you reach the end of this book you will be
changing your life for the better. The more I became exposed to
the unnecessary frustration many people experience in learning
personal psychic development, the stronger became my desire to
make a common sense, personal development book available to
There are literally hundreds of case histories that I could
cite in the Introduction of this book. I become so excited over the
success of my friends and students that have used Psychic
Telemetry that my thoughts trip over one another as I
attempt to write of only a few of the “miracles” that have
changed so many lives—Miracles that will change your life as
“ Plain Jane” laid down her mop and broom to become a
fashion model. Hammon D. didn’t have a chance to win a
political office, and yet he was elected County Supervisor. When
Albert V. thought his love life was a thing of the past, he found

4 What this Book Can Do for You

the perfect marriage partner. Unhappy Sally turned the tables

on her evil tormentors and became, in her words, “the happiest
girl in the world.” Bob F. thought his Mexican vacation was a
disaster. He was far from home and out of money. He bet his last
two dollars at the dog racing track. He walked away with $576.


I make no false nor unfounded claims of Psychic Telemetry
Power, I don’t have to. Psychic Telemetry is real and it proves
itself—miracle after miracle.
I have personally taught hundreds of people how to use
Psychic Telemetry power to bring health, wealth and happiness
into their lives. At other times, I have taught Psychic Telemetry
over television with equal success.
I have taken those very same psychic lessons that have
proved so successful for others, and compiled them into this
easy-to-use, and easy-to-understand book.
Many of my students have suggested that I title this book of
instruction, The Miracle Book. I do teach you to perform
miracles. Long before you have completed Psychic Telemetry’s
first chapter, miracles will be happening to you everyday.
Psychic Telemetry Power is real. Thousands of people are
using its power at this very moment, and you, too, should be one
of those miracle workers. Do you want to go from poverty to
riches? Do you want to experience a miraculous healing? You
can, and you will. Psychic Telemetry never fails the honest


Dave E., of Denver, Colorado, was ready to begin his first
year at the University when he attended his first Psychic
Telemetry class.
“I haven’t been able to find a job this summer,” Dave told
the Psychic Telemetry group. “ I only have three days left before I
have to pay my first year’s tuition at the University, and I don’t
have a cent.”
What this Book Can Do for You 5

Dave’s world appeared bleak and hopeless. It looked like

his dream was going to turn into a nightmare. But that was
before Dave knew how to use his Psychic Telemetry power.
Before the Psychic Telemetry class adjourned for the
evening, Dave was shown how to perform the Psychic Telemetry
Prosperity Ritual. Dave was the first one to class the next
evening. His face was wreathed in smiles.
“This probably won’t surprise you, but I have just received
$2,000—more than enough to pay for my tuition.”
A miracle? Not really. Just a very average example of the
power of Psychic Telemetry to change the course of events to
your favor.
Dave had performed his Prosperity Ritual at about 9:00
P.M. At 8:00 A.M., the following morning, Dave’s telephone
rang. It was Maurice. Maurice M. was a successful corporation
executive, and an old friend of Dave’s deceased father.
“Dave? This is Maurice,” the voice boomed over the
telephone. “ I just felt like I had to call you. Years ago, I
promised your father that I would see to it that you would go to
college. Are you short of tuition money?”
Dave hesitated before he admitted that, yes, he was short of
money. “ I need $1,200,” he told Maurice.
“I’ll send you $2,000 right now, and you can expect more in
the future,” Maurice said.
Thanks to Psychic Telemetry’s Prosperity Enchantments,
Dave E. is now a well-known, prosperous, criminal attorney.


It’s true! Everyone does have Psychic Telemetry power. But
it’s equally true that very few people use this magical power—
maybe one person in a thousand.
There are many reasons for the reluctance of these people
to delve into the occult. Most of the objections are downright
silly, based upon superstitions from the ignorant past.
There is only one difference between a successful, happy
person and an unhappy, frustrated person. The successful
6 What this Book Can Do for You

person uses occult principles, either consciously or un­

consciously. Unsuccessful people do not use Psychic Telemetry
power, either because they fear it, or they have not been for­
tunate enough to learn of its miraculous powers.


W hat awesome power did the saints and sages of the an­
cient races of man possess? To what power do we attribute the
miracles of the alchemist and the prophets of the Middle Ages?
It was Psychic Telemetry. The very power that I will teach you to
use in this book.
The wise men of these ages past wrote their secrets in a
manner to confuse the layman. Much of what they wrote, and the
tools they required to perform their miracles were unnecessary.
This book has been written in a simple and easy-to-follow
method. There is no guessing, and no false starts. I have stripped
the unnecessary mumbo-jumbo from the Enchantments and
Rituals to present you with a clear and concise method of per­
forming realistic miracles.


Fern H. knew that she would have a tough job ahead when
she entered the Police Academy. Fern relished the thought of law
enforcement, but she knew that she would have to prove herself
to her male peers—and she did!
Fern’s first assignment was in the apprehension of shop
lifters. “Not a very challenging assignment,” she said.
Using Psychic Telemetry techniques, Fern herself had soon
arrested more shop lifters than an entire team of detectives
combined. But Fern still dreamed of a more active assignment.
Fern performed a Psychic Telemetry Ritual and “saw” an at­
tempted bank robbery days before it happened. Fern was ready.
What this Book Can Do for You 7

Fully informed of the coming robbery, Fern stationed

herself inside the bank doors. Single-handedly she disarmed and
arrested the would-be robber.
Fern has received many citations for bravery since those
days. She is now one of the top female law enforcement officials
in the world.
“I use Psychic Telemetry everyday in my work,” she wrote.
“If it wasn’t for my psychic powers, I would still be sitting at a
police desk answering the telephone.”
I have hundreds of letters from people just like Fern.
Letters from people who are prosperous and successful—thanks
to Psychic Telemetry.


There is no need to feel frustrated. Psychic Telemetry can
give you health, wealth and happiness.
Psychic Telemetry “wishes” are not unrealistic hopes, they
are positive commands. And what you command does happen.
You can count positively on tangible results from your psychic
Psychic Telemetry can turn your world away from poverty,
ill health and loneliness, and replace them with wealth, health
and all of the love you can handle.


Toru N. was a prosperous and happy Japanese
businessman. He had everything in the world that he had ever
wanted, except freedom from pain.
Toru was wealthy. He and his wife had travelled to every
continent on the globe. Without effort, Toru’s business made
more money than he could ever hope to spend.
Suddenly, and without warning, Toru was crippled by
painful, and incurable arthritis. His wealth meant nothing. Toru
8 What this Book Can Do for You

was heard to say, “I would give every yen I have if I could be

relieved of my terrible pain.”
Luckily, a Psychic Telemetry student in Australia heard of
Toru’s plight, and flew to Osaka, Japan.
The Psychic Telemetry student met with Toru and his
family. Together, they performed Psychic Medi-Telemetry
Rituals. Toru later wrote:

“ I didn’t have much confidence in the healing

Rituals, but I was willing to try anything. I knew that
if I didn’t receive relief from my arthritis soon, that I
would commit suicide.
“ I didn’t sleep much the night of the healing
Rituals. I kept feeling a warm sensation running up
and down my arms, legs, and my spine. Toward dawn,
I drifted off to sleep.
“ I had had little sleep during my painful af­
fliction, and when I was still sleeping in the early
afternoon, my wife became concerned and shook me
awake. I had been sleeping as soundly as a baby. I felt
“I couldn’t believe that I was awake. ‘I must be
dreaming,’ I said to my wife. ‘My arthritis is cured!’ I
jumped from my bed and ran shouting about the
house. ‘A miracle! A miracle!’
“ I had been bed-ridden for one full year and had
spent thousands of yen on medical doctors.
“ It took but one hour of Psychic Telemetry’s
powerful healing Rituals to cure what had defied the
most competent men of medical science.”
Phillip, the Australian healer returned to his home, content
that he had been able to remove Toru’s chronic affliction. He
was later happily surprised to learn that the grateful Toru had
set up a generous trust fund in his name. Phillip will never have
to work at a job for as long as he lives.
This true case history is not exceptional, nor is it a miracle.
It is an example of the positive results that you can expect from
all of your Psychic Telemetry Rituals. You can do this exact
same thing, and even more.
What this Book Can Do for You 9


Your ever present psychic power has been laying dormant
below the surface of your conscious mind, but it has now been
You have been doing more than just reading the words
from the pages of this Psychic Telemetry introduction. You have
been opening your mind, and allowing your innate psychic power
to flow to the surface of your consciousness. It wants to go to
work. It’s anxious to perform miracles—not only for you, but for
your family and friends as well.
I make no claims that when you finish this book that a
“psychic veil” will be lifted. I make the claim that there is no
psychic veil to be lifted. I make the claim that you have this great
psychic power before you read this book.
Psychic Telemetry was written especially for you. Psychic
Telemetry is a sturdy guide that directs you in the proper use of
Rituals, Enchantments, and healing secrets so that your every
wish may come true.
Spend a few minutes each day recalling some of the words
from this book and its many valuable chapters. You will become
anything you want to be, and have anything you want to have.

Robert A. Ferguson

Chapter One — Psychic Telemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others •

Just as it Can for You (17)
You Have Already Experienced Simple Psychic Telemetry (18)
The Great Mystics Vanished, But Their Powers Survive (19) The
Pillars of Power Have Now Been Rediscovered (20) Intuition—
Your Psychic Legacy from Ages Past (21) How to Unlock the
Mighty Force of Your First Pillar of Power (22) Alex R. Clung to a
Worthless Parcel of Texas Prairie—Oil was Discovered (23) You
Can Do What Alex Did—And Far More (24) The Subconscious
Mind is the Cosmic Mind (25) How Your Cosmic Mind Speaks to
You (25) This Psychic Power is Not Determined By Age, Sex, or
Religion (26) How Allen F. Won $800 at the Craptable After
Using the Pillar of Power Magic Ritual (26) The Second Great
Pillar of Power is Yours to Command (28) The Genius of Long
Gone Souls is at Your Fingertips (28) How to Create Your Own
Guardian Genie (29) Where to Begin (29) The Guardian Genie
Creation Ritual (30) How to Use Your Guardian Genie to Fulfill
Your Every Command (31) Lorraine T. Purchased the Desert
Land. Her Guardian Genie Found the Water (31) Ritual of the
Second Pillar of Power (32) Psychic Telemetry Always Helps—It
Never Harms (33)
Chapter Two — Psychic Telemetry Enchantments That Automatically
Bring You Floodtides of Cash, Treasure, and Security
Psychic Telemetry’s Initiation Ritual (36) Be Your Own Secret
Society (37) Powerful Enchantment for Winning Contests (37)
How Agnes C. Won Over $500,000 with the Enchantment for
Winning Contests (37) How to Perform Your Enchantment

12 Table of Contents

Psychic Telemetry Enchantments That Automatically

Bring You Floodtides of Cash, Treasure, and Security
Ritual (39) Enchantment for Personal Recognition (40) How
Larry X. Went from Clerk to Engineering Specialist (40) Psychic
Telemetry Enchantments Work Best When Used for Good (42)
Enchantment for Health (43) How Lester W. Conquered His
Migraine Headaches By Using the Enchantment for Health (43)
This Magical Enchantment Will Give You Power Over Others
(44) How Hammon D. Was Elected County Supervisor (44)
Enchantment That Will Let You Know What Others are
Thinking (45) How Cindy F. Used the Enchantment to Know
W hat Others Were Thinking to Earn $500 a Month from Her
Hobby (45) Enchantment to Make Yourself Desirable (47) How
Albert V. Found a Perfect Partner (47) General Enchantment for
Prosperity (48) How Derek J. Went from Wishful Thinker to
Company President (48) Mary D. Needed $400. She Performed
Her Enchantment and Had the Money in 45 Minutes (49) En­
chantment to Increase Self-Esteem (50) How “ Plain Jane”
Became a Fashion Model (50) Enchantment for Protection from
Evil (51) How the Enchantment Against Evil Turned the Tables
on Sally’s Tormentor (52) Enchantments Work Exciting Miracles
Chapter Three— How Visual-Telemetry Will Give You the Magnetic
King Midas Golden Gaze (55)
Gary U.’s King Midas Gold Gaze Made Him One of America’s
Newest Millionaires! (55) Visual-Telemetry—A Look Into the
Future (58) Rituals of the Visions (61) How Dorothy K. Recovered
an $8,000 Loan That She Thought Was Lost Forever (63) Visual-
Telemetry and the Role of Meditation (64) Everyone Has Visual-
Telemetry Power But Few Use It (65) Curtis H. Watched a
Missouri Tornado from His California Living Room (66) How a
Psychic Telemetry Worker Operates (69) Do Some People Have
More Visual-Telemetry Power Than Others? (69)
Chapter Four— How to Read Telemetric Sign Language from the
Cosmic Mind (71)
How Steve R. Saw an Upcoming Vacancy at His Place of Work
and Gained a Big Promotion (72) Cosmic Mind Speaks in
Symbols, Not in Words (74) Telemetric Sign Language is Easy
(74) How to Know What is Happening Anywhere in the World
(75) How to Read Telemetric Sign Language (75) Telemetric Sign
Language is Simple to Learn (79) How to Begin Your Telemetric
Table of Contents 13

How to Read Telemetric Sign Language from the

Cosmic Mind (con’t)
Language Lesson (79) How to Begin Using Your Telemetric Sign
Language (80) The Telemetric Sign Language Ritual (81) Ryan R.
Used Telemetric Sign Language to Predict a New Discovery in
Astronomy (81) How to Differentiate Between Symbolic Pictures
and Actual Events (82) Sensory-Telemetry (83) How Joachim V.
Thwarted the Attempts of a Vicious Co-Worker to Have Him
Dismissed from His Well-Paying Job (83) How to Use Sensory
Telemetry (84) The Sensory-Telemetry Power Ritual (84) Sensory-
Telemetry is Your Caution Light Against Danger (85) When
Medical Science Failed, Gordon P. Used Sensory-Telemetry to
Diagnose His Own Illness (85) How Audio-Telemetry Told Judy
G. Where to Find Her Missing Child (87) How to Use Audio-
Telemetry (89) The Audio-Telemetry Ritual (90) Use Your New
Powers to Make Every Dream Come True (90)
Chapter Five — How to Command and Control Others with the Magic
Tele-Aurascope (91)
Jeffrey B. Soared from Underpaid Teacher to Top Educational
Administrator (91) The Ritual That Will Direct the Magic Tele-
Aurascope (92) Louise L. Became the Best-Liked Girl in the
Office and Married the Boss (92) How to Work with the Magic
Tele-Aurascope (94) How Harlan V. Commanded an Instant
Apology (94) Famous Movie Star Builds Wall of Protection (95)
The Magic Tele-Aurascope’s Law of Attraction (95) Zola H.
Zooms from Welfare Mother to Successful Business Woman (96)
How to See the Aura (97) Helen M. Wished to Be a
Policewoman—Her Dream Came True (98) Alexis Catches a
“ Con” Man (98) How to Analyze the Human Aura (99) Table of
Colors (99) Positive Red Tones (103) The Negative Red Tones
(104) Spiritual Qualities Within the Aura (104) Characteristics of
Those Possessing Positive Blue Tones (107) General Charac­
teristics of Negative Blue Tones (108) Positive Qualities of Those
Having Yellow as Their Dominant Color (112) The Negative
Yellow Tones (112) The Glorious Green (113) Miscellaneous Aura
Colors (115) Know All There is to Know About Every Person You
Meet (116) How to Use Your Magic Tele-Aurascope to Make
Others Do Your Bidding (116)
Chapter Six — Tele-Psychometry—Divining Miracle Power from
Inanimate Objects (117)
How Inanimate Objects Talk to You (117) Harold C. Helps Police
Solve Bizarre Murders (118) There is Much More to Harold’s
14 Table of Contents

Tele-Psychometry—Divining Miracle Power from

Inanimate Objects (con’t)
Story (120) The Power of Psychic-Telemetry Created Even More
Miracles (121) Magic Words That Will Increase Your Tele-
Psychometry Powers (122) Demitrius V. Earns Thousands of
Dollars from Her Collection of Antiques (123) How Inanimate
Objects “Talk” to You (125) How to “Read” the Past History of
Any Inanimate Object (125) Inanimate Objects Can Be Powerful
Forces for Evil (127) Iris S. Removed a Curse from a House and
Made $50,000 in One Year (127) Iris Breaks the Evil Curse Upon
the House (129) The Powerful Ritual That Will Banish Evil
Influences from a House or Other Buildings (130) The Case of the
Black Pentacle (132) Ritual of Exorcism to Banish Evil from
Small Inanimate Objects (132) How to Build a Power That At­
tracts Good to Any Inanimate Object (133) You are Now
Equipped to Change Your Life with Tele-Psychometry (133)
Chapter Seven— Miracle Healing Through Psychic Medi-Telemetiy
How Bertha P. Cured Her Husband of Alcoholism (135) How Ida
Cured Her Mother’s Senility (136) The Porcelain Cup Power
Ritual (137) How Harvey C.’s Asthma Was Cured (138) Paul P.’s
Epilepsy Miraculously Disappeared (139) The Gemstone Power
Ritual (139) Gem Healing is Inexpensive (142) Color is Power
(142) Evelina G .’s Miraculous Recovery (143) Harold F. Saw His
Lung Change from Disease to Perfection (144) Ritual to Perform
Healing By Color (144) The Power of Magnetic Healing (145)
Audrey R.’s Spastic Colon Cured (147) Power Ritual for Magnetic
Healing (147) Jack T .’s Eyesight Returned After Receiving
Healing from a Guardian Genie (148) Your Healing Genie is
Ready (148) Power Ritual to Perform Guardian Genie Healing
(149) Distance is No Obstacle to the Psychic Telemetry Healing
(149) Power Ritual to Perform Healings at a Distance (150) There
are Some People Who Cannot Be Healed (150) Why an Illness
Returns (150) Power Ritual for Diagnosing the Origin of a
Disease (151) Thoughts Can Cause an Illness (151)
Chapter Eight — How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetiy for Getting
Anywhere or Reaching Anybody (153)
In the Words of St. Paul, If There is Such a Thing as an Animal
Body, There is Also a Spiritual Body” (153) How You Will Feel as
Your Two Bodies Separate (154) Astral-Telemetry Experiences
are Not Uncommon (155) How Astral-Telemetry Moved
Reverend E. from a Storefront Church to a $125,000 Sanctuary
Table of Contents 15

How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry for Getting

Anywhere or Reaching Anybody (con’t)
(156) How to Influence the Thoughts of Others Through Astral-
Telemetry (159) How Rose K. Won a Legal Action Worth Almost
$30,000 When She Learned That a Man Had Intentionally Killed
Her Pet Dog (159) Astral-Telemetry is Harmless (162) How
Delbert L. Passed a Vital Civil Service Examination by Using
Astral-Telemetry (163) How to Use Astral-Telemetry to Ac­
complish an Out-of-the-Body Experience (164) How Tony R.
Traveled Invisibly from Guam to San Diego and Proved that His
Wife was Deceiving Him (165) How You Will Feel During Your
First Astral Journey (166) How Harriet O. Performed an Astral
Ritual to Gain the Love of a Man (167) You Can Now Go
Anywhere and Reach Anybody (168)
Chapter Nine—Psychic Telemetry Games That Will Make You a
Winner Every Time (171)
How Psychic Game One Revealed That Claudia F.’s Husband
was Unfaithful (172) How Claudia F. Used Psychic Game One to
Win Back Her Husband and Make His Temptress Beg for
Forgiveness (173) How to Play Psychic Game One (175) The
Psychic Game One Power Ritual That Wins Unfailing Control
Over Others (177) Your Psychic Marble Can Make a Flower
Grow (179) Psychic Party Games that Show You the Past,
Present, and Future (179) Psychic Game Two (180) How Ivan D.
Played Psychic Game Two and Found the Water that Saved His
Vineyard (181) How Leona M. Used Psychic Game Three to Win
a Vacation in Hawaii (183) How to Play Psychic Game Three
(184) The Psychic Game Three Ritual (185) Additional Psychic
Exercises that are Guaranteed to Make You a Winner Every
Time (185) Psychic Exercise One Will Increase Your Powers of
Sensory-Telemetry (186) Psychic Exercise Two Will Increase
Your Powers of Visual-Telemetry (187)

Chapter Ten — Advanced Secrets of Psychic Telemetry For a Great

New Life of Abundance, Health and Joy (189)
How Eleanor W. Used Her Combined Psychic Telemetry Powers
to Become a Healthy, Desirable Woman and Won the Man She
Loved (190) You Can Combine Your Psychic Powers to Perform a
Miracle (192) The Advanced Psychic Telemetry Power Ritual
(192) How to Increase Your Telemetric Sign Language with the
Magic Rectangles (194) Color Your World with Psychic Power
(196) How Wilfred B. Used Color to Sweep the Girls Off Their
Table of Contents

Advanced Secrets of Psychic Telemetry For a Great

New Life of Abundance, Health and Joy (con’t)
Feet (197) How Francine E. Used Color to Save Her Marriage
While It Healed Her Body (198) If There’s An Evil Influence
Lurking About You, Salt It Away (199) How Josephine L. Used
Salt to Counterattack Her Evil Entities and Won (200) No Harm
Will Come to You If You Make Unintentional Errors in Per­
forming Your Psychic Telemetry Rituals, Enchantments, or
Advanced Techniques (201) How to Use the Psychic Telemetry
Trinity, Sand-Sulphur-Salt (202) Sand, Sulphur, and Salt
Represent Air, Fire, and Water (202) How Ariel B. Used Sand,
Sulphur, and Salt to Make Powerful Talismans for the
Protection of Her Family (203) How to Make Your Own Cosmic
Dust (204) How to Use Cosmic Dust as an Advanced Psychic
Telemetry Technique (205) Gene H. Sprinkled Cosmic Dust at
the Door of the Man Who Cheated Him. The Building Burned
Down (206) Strike It Rich with Your New Psychic Telemetry
Powers (207)
Psychic Telemetry:
New Key to
, Wealth a n d Perfect
C h a p te r O ne

Psychic Telem etry Has R eaped

Miracles for Others-
Just as It C an for You

Life appears to be so very complicated. It often seems that

your entire existence is one of overcoming obstacles. You
overcome one obstacle and, sure enough, there’s another one to
Indeed, you spend so much time fighting the fires that
continually appear in your life that you have little time available
to devote to realizing the real you—the real you that pleads for
health, fame, achievement, wealth, and love. But this need not
continue, and it shouldn’t continue.
Right now, at this very moment, you have the power to
change your life from one of poverty to riches, to change a lonely
life to one of love. Any of these things can be yours—and they
will be yours before you have completed the last chapter of this
book. Psychic Telemetry has been written especially for you, and
I sincerely believe that you will find it to be the most important
book that you have ever read. Look at this natural occurence:
18 Psychic Telemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others

“ Bob, I had to tell you what happened to me,” a

voice on the telephone blurted out. “ I was driving to
Las Vegas. I was just going over a rise in the road
when I heard a voice scream, ‘Stop the car’! I applied
the brakes as quickly as possible, and finally came to a
stop just as I went over the crest of the hill. My God! It
was terrible! A semidiesel truck had overturned,
blocking the road. There were a dozen cars piled up in
the accident. There was no way that I could have
avoided hitting the cars strewn all over the highway.
That voice saved my life.”
This is a very simple example of helpful Psychic Telemetry.
As the chapters of this book unfold, you will explore a hundred
practical methods of harnessing this great realm of the
unknown. But is this psychic realm really so unknown to you?


Ever had a hunch? Did you ever experience “woman’s
intuition?” Did you ever sense someone staring at the back of
your head? Where did your last idea come from? These are all
expressions of the Great Cosmic Mind. The same Cosmic Mind
that gave you your hunch, or a novel idea, is the same Cosmic
Mind that gave struggling inventors the inspiration that has led
to brilliant inventions which have revolutionized the world.
The Cosmic Mind has taken a penniless drifter and made
him a millionaire, and raised the crippled and afflicted from
their beds so that they might walk. These are not miracles. They
are simple expressions of the power of Psychic Telemetry.
You possess these same powers of Psychic Telemetry at this
very moment. Then why aren’t you performing miracles? Simply
because you have not learned how to use these miraculous
powers that are standing quietly at your side—ready to go into
action at a moment’s notice. In reality, a “miracle a day” is
nothing unusual, as you will soon discover for yourself.
PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 19


Psychic Telemetry is not new. Its knowledge is old and was
practiced for thousands of years in the ancient past.
The Mystics of old used their powers to heal the sick and
enrich the poor. They brought hope, they even brought food and
gold to the starving masses. They could bring rain to the
drought-plagued crops. They brought lovemates to their friends
and to their families.
Legend now portrays these Mystics as “gods,” where in
reality they were ordinary men and women, just like you. They
merely had the knowledge to perform effortless miracles at any
time of their choosing—and they performed thousands of
The Mystics jealously guarded their secrets lest the kings,
princes, and potentates of their day discover the mystic power to
use for further degrading mankind to an eternal state of serfdom
and slavery.
As the Middle Ages dawned upon the horizon of mankind’s
evolution, the Mystic resisted the political and religious per­
secution that befell him. Some Mystics used their magical
powers to transport themselves to other countries of the earth,
where a semblance of these Ancient Teachings still survive.
Other Mystics chose the life of the hermit, withdrawing
alone to caves and mountain tops where they could find peace to
practice their magical powers. Occasionally, a weary stranger
would stumble into the Mystic’s camp to learn the magical
powers of the Masters. These disciples would sometimes remain
with the Holy Hermits for a century or more, performing their
good for mankind, but never rejoining it.
There were other Mystics during the dark time of the
Middle Ages who chose not to flee, but to remain among the
poor and sick whom they had learned to love.
20 PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others

Withstanding torture, and dying upon the racks, these

Wise Men died bravely, refusing to reveal their magical secrets to
the rulers who would use the powers for evil instead of good.
Though the great Mystics were now dead, bits and pieces of
their knowledge survived. Sorcerers, witches and alchemists
stumbled upon portions of the Ancient Wisdom, and with these
small bits of knowledge were able to perform wonderous feats.
But their attempts at duplicating the miracles of the ancient
Mystics were amateurish in comparison to the remarkable
achievements of their predecessors.
Many of the Ancient Teachings were lost through the trial-
and-error methods of the sorcerer and witch. They introduced
ridiculous special effects, ranging from the wearing of black
robes to howling at the moon like a forlorn coyote on the prairie.
O f all the special psychic and occult tools introduced over
the centuries, none were successful in turning on the magical
powers of the ancient Mystics. The real Key to Power escaped
their grasp. The key that they could not find was the shattering
power of the mind. With the power of the mind, you can now
perform the miracles of ages past, using as your psychic tools,
the same secret Pillars of Power that were known only to the last
of the great Mystics who were executed during the Middle Ages.
It is my honest belief that no book before Psychic
Telemetry, which you now hold in your hand, has ever revealed
the total secrets held within the Pillars of Power.


The half-successful magical efforts of the more recent
wizards, sorcerers, witches, psychics, etc., is because they have
discovered only half of the magical power that is required before
real miracles can be performed.
The magical key to the Pillars of Power is so obvious that
possibly it was overlooked by the wizards because of its sim­
plicity. They searched far and wide. Many traveled around the
world to discover the secrets that are about to be revealed to you.
PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 21

Searching, delving and studying, they looked so hard for the

magical secrets, that they neglected to realize that they already
had one of the Pillars of Power at their fingertips. They only
needed to use the power of their own mind and make it explode
into action.


The first great Pillar of Power? Your intuition, or instinct.
The Great Cosmic Mind determined that man, at his
creation, would possess the power of a god—the power to subvert
all things to his will.
Man was not created and then left to drift and fend for
himself, as best he could. If that had been the case, man would
have immediately been destroyed by the hostile forces of
nature that surrounded him on every side. A powerful force for
self-protection and for the performing of miracles was, and is,
given to every man and woman born on this planet.
A quick glimpse back to the primitive existence of the
newly created earth reveals to us the animal whose only means of
survival was reliance upon the instinct given it by the Cosmic
Mind. The ancient animal knew when to migrate to warmer
climes as the changing seasons approached. The animal could,
by instinct, find water for its survival. It could sense approaching
danger. This vital instinct was necessary for its survival in what
was a dangerous and troubled world. And man was not neglected
in this great scheme of creation.
In the evolutionary cycle of creation, prehistoric man was
not gifted with a level of intelligence that could insure his sur­
vival through logical and deductive reasoning. Man could
develop the power of the intellect through his own resources, but
the power of intuition could only be given by the Creator.
Ancient man did develop his intellect, and as his intellect
increased, he relied less and less upon his instinct for survival.
Man first used the club, then the ax, the bow, and the rifle
as a means of protection and for tools to be used in the gathering
22 PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others

of food. As these means of self-protection became more

sophisticated, he erroneously believed that he no longer required
reliance upon instinct. Ultimately, a conflict arose between
man’s rational mind and his instinctive mind. In haste, he chose
to accept as complete reality only those things that he could
touch, taste, see, etc. He chose to ignore those things which could
be instinctively sensed.
Our forebears chose not to use their intuitive power, but it
was by no means lost. The great Power of Intuition could not be
lost or destroyed by our ancestors because it is the automatic
birthright of every man and woman. It is your birthright! In­
tuition lies bubbling below the surface of your subconscious
mind, ready to burst into action. And I am going to show you
how to unleash this First Pillar of Power. The miracles that you
can and will perform will leave you awe-struck.


The first step toward unlocking the force of your First Pillar
of Power is to become as relaxed as possible. It is your choice
whether this brief method of relaxation should be in a standing,
sitting, or prone position. Now that you are relaxed in a com­
fortable position, close your eyes tightly. With eyes closed,
visualize a flaming pillar of light in front of you and to the right.
Watch this Pillar closely. It is your First Pillar of Power.
Now, repeat this positive Declaration:

“I am now relaxed and my eyes have shut out the

cares of the world.”

“I now command that my subconscious

mind be activiated. My subconscious mind now opens
to me and reveals its magical secrets.”

Remain relaxed! You will be pleasantly surprised at the

wonders that will now pour into your conscious mind.
Psychic Telemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 23


This true case history was brought to my attention as I sat
writing the pages of this chapter.
A few years ago Alex R. and his family owned worthless
prairie land in southern Texas. The family was very, very poor.
Though they owned hundreds of acres of land, they could neither
afford the equipment necessary to farm the land, nor could they
purchase cattle to graze upon it. The family fortune declined
even further. It was necessary to put the land up for sale. But let
Alex tell his own story.

“ I remember, at the time all of this happened, I

didn’t know anything about the Pillars of Power or
Psychic Telemetry.
“ Anyway, we had reached the point that my
family only had a few garden vegetables to eat. And
these were eaten at our one meal a day. The smaller
children had become lazy and listless from the very
poor diet which we barely managed to survive upon.
Dad decided that he had to sell our land and move the
family into town.
“A large cattle rancher, whose land bordered
ours, made Dad a fair offer on the property, and Dad
decided to accept the offer.
“ When the day arrived to sign the final papers of
the sale, I awoke with a feeling that I had never ex­
perienced before. I knew that we had to hang onto the
land, but I didn’t know why.
“ My pleas to my father fell upon deaf ears. ‘In
the first place, there is no way we can afford to keep
the land,’ he told me. ‘In the second place, I think
your instinct is crazy.’
“ I begged, argued, and pleaded that we keep the
land. I became so distraught in my urgings, that my
father finally agreed to deed 40 acres to me, on one
condition. The condition was that I must go to work at
a full-time job to pay for the land. Getting a job at 16
wasn’t easy, and it took nine years to pay for that land.
24 PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others

“ During those nine years, I still had no idea as to

why I had to keep that land. I kept telling myself that
I was a darned fool, but even thinking of selling the
land caused deep shudders. My instinct would tell me
over and over again to ‘hang on!’
“ A couple of years ago, I became interested in
Psychic Telemetry, and decided to perform the Ritual
of the First Pillar of Power.
“ I followed the instructions of the Ritual, and as
soon as I had said its last word I heard a voice. The
voice thundered, ‘There’s oil on your land!’ Now I
finally knew that all my years of struggling to keep
that sagebrush-covered land was for a specific reason.
“ I contacted an oil company, and after receiving
the geological reports, the company agreed to sink a
test well. Last week, the well came in.
“ I’m rich! I have just received a check for
$50,000, and th at’s just the beginning. I’ll receive
money from every barrel of oil produced from that

Alex R. concluded his letter by saying that he only wished

he had heard of Psychic Telemetry years before. He was grateful
that his intuition influenced him to keep his 40 acres. He could
have been a millionaire years before if he had only known how to
unlock his subconscious mind.


Alex’s story is unique only because oil was discovered on his
land. Hundreds of thousands of people every day receive the
same instinctive urgings as those that alerted Alex to the good
fortune at his fingertips. Unfortunately, few people heed their
hunches as Alex did. Even fewer know how to use the Pillar of
Power to unlock the subconscious mind. This is the essential
ingredient needed to perform miracles, and to get rich quick!
This is the ingredient that has been missed by modern Mystics.
Instinct is only one of the many aspects of Psychic
Telemetry power. Imagine what you will be able to do when you
PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 25

have learned deeper and greater secrets of Psychic Telemetry.

Remember, Alex only held one secret of Psychic Telemetry
power. Yet, he worked himself a miracle.
I’m not exaggerating when I say the sky is the limit. You’ll
be able to alter any situation to suit yourself. You’ll be an instant
miracle worker!

I do not want to become overly technical about how Psychic
Telemetry works. Psychic Telemetry works just as efficiently for
the person who knows nothing of its cosmic mechanics as for the
person who is expert in the technical aspects of this awe­
inspiring power.
Spiritually, man can never be separated from the Spirit
which caused his creation. The vital link that keeps man in tune
with the Infinite is the subconscious mind. It is this subconscious
mind that is, in reality, the great Cosmic Mind. It knows all, and
it tells all. It tells all to you as you unlock its mighty secrets
through the Ritual of the First Pillar of Power.


In later chapters you will learn that everything within the
universe emits a vibration. You will learn how to use these
vibrations to remove an evil spell, bring good luck, etc. It is these
vibrations which speak to your Cosmic Mind.
Each person possesses five psychic senses that are exact,
etheric duplicates of their five physical senses. It is these psychic
senses that are aware of the vibrations that remain invisible to
us. These etheric senses are stimulated by the unseen vibrations,
and the information is transmitted to your subconscious mind
where it is stored, until called upon by the First Pillar of Power
Ritual, to reveal its secrets to your conscious mind. The ex­
pressions of the subconscious cause you to hear voices and
sounds, to see clairvoyant pictures, and to feel, taste, and smell.
26 PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others

These sensory experiences are expressions of the Sensory, Audio,

and Visual-Telemetry that you will be learning in the chapters
which follow. Once you’ve discovered the secret, it’s very simple.


Many people mistakenly believe that this awesome psychic
power may, in some way, be governed by a person’s sex, religion,
or age. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Instinct is given at birth, to both male and female. This
instinctive power is then carried within for the remainder of their
life. Any religion that they might become involved in as they
grow older has no influence upon their psychic power.
The age at which a person discovers the secret of opening
the subconscious mind does not diminish or increase its power.
No one is ever too old to perform miracles, nor are they too
The particular sex of an individual does not determine the
extent of their psychic power. Society recognizes “woman’s
intuition,” and would infer that intuition is the sole property of
woman, but this is not the case. Men, through habit, do not refer
to “man’s intuition,” but rather to “hunches.” Hunches or
intuition. It makes no difference what word you use. They all
mean the same thing—instinct!
In writing this book, I use the word “ man” quite
frequently, but my usage of the word does not mean a man—it is
used to denote mankind, as a race of beings, which includes both
men and women.


Allen F. was the assistant pastor at a small and struggling
church that faced eviction from its rented quarters. Things
looked hopeless! It was Friday, and $800 was needed by Monday
Psychic Telemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 27

Allen had never been inside of a gambling casino, and knew

nothing about roulette, craps, or blackjack. He knew nothing
about gambling, and had never been exposed to it, even in
I had known Allen for many years, and I was quite sur­
prised when I received his telephone call. “Bob, I’ve got this
crazy urge to go gambling at Reno. Will you go with me?”
“ Sure,” I replied. Our party left the next morning. It was clear to
me that Allen’s instinct was trying to talk to him, and I wanted to
witness the results.
When we arrived at Reno, it was obvious that Allen really
didn’t know anything about gambling. He had taken only 20
dollars. On this 20 dollars, he expected to eat three meals and
still have plenty of money with which to gamble.
Allen was very surprised when in less than five minutes of
gambling he had lost 19 of his 20 dollars. He looked dejected as
he walked up to me.
“ I only have one dollar left. I was sure that I was going to
win the $800 that the church needed. Do you have a copy of that
Ritual for the Pillar of Power?” I handed him a copy, and he
stood reading it for a few moments. As Allen handed me back
the pamphlet, I noticed that his eyes looked almost trancelike.
Allen silently turned, and it seemed as if he glided across
the floor to a crap table. He had never before seen a crap table,
and he certainly did not know how to play the game. I followed
closely behind Allen and watched him intently. Without asking
for instructions, Allen placed his lone silver dollar on the “Pass
Allen threw the dice time after time, seven after seven. The
table was mobbed with other players trying to get a piece of the
action. The casino changed dice over and over again. There was
no explanation for Allen’s “hot streak” with the dice. “One more
roll,” Allen turned and said to me.
Allen counted his money as we walked from the table. He
had won exactly $800—the 800 dollars needed to pay the back
rent on his floundering church.
28 PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others

As we were driving away from Reno, I asked Allen where he

had learned to shoot craps?
“I don’t know how to play,” he replied.
“If you don’t know how to play, how could you stand there
yelling, ‘A dollar on the hard-way eight,’ or ‘I’ll take odds on
number six.’ ”
“ Did I do that?,” he asked.
Allen’s innocence brought a roar of laughter from our party
as we leisurely headed home.
Allen’s church held a Thanksgiving Service on Monday
evening, and I attended. Allen and I dropped our heads and
smiled as Pastor Bartlett told his congregation, “God answers
our prayers in strange and mysterious ways.”


The second great Pillar of Power is all that remains between
you and the secrets of the universe. And this secret power is now
going to be revealed to you.
The First Pillar of Power taught you how to use the inner,
instinctive power that you possess. The Second Pillar of Power
will teach you to use those outer forces that will draw even more
miraculous powers to do your every will.


There have been genuine instances where individuals have
communed with the spirits of the dead, but there are limitations
as to the help that these spirits can give. The mind within these
spiritual beings is the same mind that they possessed on earth,
and their knowledge is limited.
A lady with whom I was acquainted was communicating
with her dead husband, who was giving her advice on financial
investments. The lady lost everything. The last person she should
have been asking advice from was her dead husband.
While alive on earth, John had gone through a literal
fortune making bad investments, and his knowledge of wise
Psychic Telemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 29

money management did not increase with death, as the advice to

his wife later proved.
Psychic Telemetry does not allow you to make these same
errors. It teaches you to tap the Universal Mind, which is the
source of infallible, good judgment.
The Universal Mind retains all knowledge of the past and
present. It knows the course of future events, as the thoughts and
knowledge of long gone earthly geniuses smolder within the
Universal Memory. It is the accumulated knowledge of these
souls from the past that will give you the power to become an
instant miracle worker. There is no need to communicate with a
very fallible individual spirit when you can rely upon the entire
accumulated knowledge from human history. And this can be
easily done by creating your own materialized thoughtform, or
Guardian Genie.

You have no need of an individual Spirit Guide, but you do
need to create a thoughtform which resembles the human form.
This Guardian Genie, which you mentally create, will be a
willing slave, ready to serve you for any purpose, at any time or
any place.

Sit quietly with paper and pencil, jotting down each miracle
you desire upon a separate page of paper. On these pages of
paper, write a name. These will be the names of the Guardian
Genie that you are about to create.
Also on these pieces of paper, write the physical charac­
teristics that you want your Guardian Genii to possess. Black
hair, blue eyes, tall, short, thin, or stout. Now, also list those
abilities that each of your Guardian Genii will possess. Wisdom,
power over others, humor, financial guidance, or healing power?
I remember very clearly the first Guardian Genie that I
created. I was in junior high school, having difficulty with some
of my studies. As I sat at my desk brooding, I decided to call
30 PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others

upon the Genius Powers of Cosmic Mind to help me with my

schoolwork. I took out a piece of paper and listed my
requirements in a manner such as this:
My Guardian Genie
For Schoolwork
Name: Bennie
What Does He Look Like?: Bennie is a teenager with
black hair and blue eyes. He is tall, thin, and knows
the answers to all of my school problems.
As I grew older and matured, I created more and more
Guardian Genii, each with a separate job to do. I created a
thoughtform Spirit to give me advice on money, health, and love.
They gave me all of these things, and your Spirit Geniuses will do
the same things for you.


After you have completed the creation of your Spirit Genius
on paper, it is time to mold the thought force into a reality. Sit
quietly, holding one sheet of paper before you at a time. Invoke
this Power:

“I am now in tune with the Infinite source of all

knowledge and wisdom. This great Universal Mind
will now identify itself to me in the form of a Guardian
Genie, whose name will be___________________ _•
____ (name)___ will appear to me in this form: (Read
aloud the physical characteristics of your Spirit
Genius.) He or she will possess all knowledge needed
to bring (your wish) into my life.”

Sit back and relax with eyes closed, visualizing the Spirit
Genius you have just created. Follow this same Ritual for every
Guardian Genie you wish to create. They never, never fail you.
PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 31


Your Guardian Genii are powerful forces that stand ready
to fulfill your every command. You have created a Genie to work
miracles for you in health, wealth, happiness, etc. The more that
you use these Genii, the more powerful they become.
Your Magic Genie should be called upon to work each time
that you perform your Second Pillar of Power Ritual. When you
perform this Ritual, call your Genie to you by name. Give him or
her your command. You can be confident that they will work a
It would be repetitious if I were to remind you in each
chapter of this book to call upon your Genie each time you
perform your Second Pillar of Power Ritual. So, from this
moment on, remember to call upon your appropriate Guardian
Genie each time you perform your Second Pillar of Power Ritual.


Lorraine T. was a happy woman, but had very little in the
way of material luxuries. She could never acquire enough money
to buy a home or property. She held onto her dream, but had
accepted her fate as an eternal apartment dweller.
It seemed a coincidence that the day after she read about a
big land swindle in the daily newspaper, she received an ad­
vertisement from the same land development company that was
under investigation. The company was accused of selling land
that did not have water on it.
Natural curiosity led Lorraine to read the brochure. Rather
than being repelled by the advertisement, Lorraine became
intrigued. Her instinct was telling her to buy an acre of the
worthless land, she later confided to her friends.
A heated battle between Lorraine’s common sense and her
instinct was taking place as she stood at the cashier’s window,
withdrawing the last dollar from her meager savings.
32 PsychicTelemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others

The deed to Lorraine’s desert property was duly received.

She opened the airmail envelope and stared at the worthless
piece of paper. “ What have I done?,” she cried. Sinking into a
deep state of mental depression, Lorraine swore that she would
never reveal her stupidity to a soul.
Several weeks had passed before another coincidence
occurred. While riding the bus home from work, Lorraine
dropped a coin between the seat cushions. While reaching for the
coin, she felt a piece of paper. After pulling up the wadded paper
from the seat, she noticed that it was a small pamphlet entitled,
“How to Create A Guardian Genie.” With nothing better to do,
Lorraine glanced through the paragraphs as she completed her
bus ride home.
Lorraine was full of doubts as she performed the Guardian
Genie Creation Ritual and, as she later said, “ I was scared to
death when I saw a form actually appear before me.” But her
fear was short-lived.
The well-driller did everything in his power to discourage
Lorraine from wasting her money by having him drill for water.
“The geologists said there isn’t any water here,” he said.
Armed with borrowed money and the guidance of her
Guardian Genius, Lorraine walked onto her desert land and
pointed to the spot where she wanted the well dug. The pipe was
only drilled 24 feet when water was discovered! A miracle? No,
just a wise and all-knowing Guardian Genius.
As you read further into Psychic Telemetry, you will
discover that experiences such as this are common, everyday
occurrences. Incidentally, Lorraine later sold her “worthless”
desert property for enough money to purchase her dream house
in southern California. And she was able to pay cash for her
dream home.

You have now given names to the Guardian Genii which
you’ve created. These names and a quiet place to relax are all
that is needed to invoke this next powerful Ritual.
Psychic Telemetry Has Reaped Miracles for Others 33

Sit quietly upon a comfortable chair in a dimly lit room,

feet flat upon the floor, hands resting, with palms up, on your
knees. You are now ready to invoke the Ritual o f the Second
Pillar o f Power.
With eyes closed, visualize your First Pillar of Power on
your right. Then, with as much energy as possible, visualize your
Second Pillar of Power in front of you, slightly to the left. When
these two pillars of light are burning strongly, repeat the
following words:

“I now command that the Genius Mind, which

lies within the Universal Intelligence, draw close to me
now as I summon my Guardian Genie, (name)
will now appear to me.

Within seconds, the Spirit Genius will appear, standing

directly in front of you between the two Pillars of Power. Make
your desires known to the Genie and remain relaxed until he or
she returns to tell you the information desired, or has completed
the task assigned. The Ritual is completed when you repeat:

“The Great Cosmic Mind has heard and an­

swered my request. I give Thanks for my Genie and
for my miracle.”


These Pillars of Power Rituals show how Psychic Telemetry
can work quietly and gently to change your life for the better. Yet
these Powers are harmless to the user.
Whenever “magic” or “ miracles” is heard, many people
think of devils, demons, or evil spirits. Evil power is only a
reflection of the confused attitudes of the Middle Ages. None of
these ingredients is needed or used in Psychic Telemetry.
C h ap ter Two

Psychic Telem etry

Enchantm ents That
A utom atically Bring You
Floodtides of Cash,
Treasure, a n d Security

You are now going to use genuine ancient magic to change

the present and shape your future. Automatically and simply,
whatever you ask for is about to become a reality.
These Enchantments are secret, and they are powerful. As
you begin this exciting adventure into Psychic Telemetry, you
should make absolutely certain that you have your desires clearly
in mind. In that way, you will attune yourself with the mighty
forces that will be exerted by your Pillars of Power.
The results of your Enchantments will be realized more
quickly if you perform only one Enchantment a day. When you
have fulfilled one desire, you can then use another Enchantment

36 Psychic Telemetry Enchantments

to bring your next wish into reality. So read this chapter

carefully, for it will bring magical results to you within days,
hours, or even minutes.

This Initiation Ritual will be performed one time only. It
will enroll you into the Ancient Society of Mystics. You will be at
oneness with the ancient brotherhood of miracle workers who
changed history as they performed their miraculous powers for
themselves, and for others.
As you begin this very important Initiation Ritual, seat
yourself and calmly perform the Ritual of your Pillars of Power.
When both Pillars of Power are shining brightly, kneel before
your chair with hands clasped, as if in prayer. Relax in this
kneeling position for a few moments and invoke these sacred
words of initiation:
“I (your name) , now willingly enter the
Ancient Society of Mystics. I am at oneness with the
magical powers of the Cosmic Mind. I will perform all
miracles with a sense of truth, justice, and selflessness.
And so it is!”

Remain kneeling. You will feel an etheric hand placed

upon your head as a sign of blessing, and as a sign of your ac­
ceptance into this Ancient Society of Mystics.
When this Ritual has been completed you will feel dif­
ferent. The difference you feel cannot be described by words, and
I won’t attempt to do so. This new feeling of power and vibrancy
is your own special thing. Something special that is between the
Cosmic Mind and yourself.
This Ritual is occasionally overpowering. You may feel
weak or extremely emotional. If you do, don’t be alarmed. Many
people experience these new sensations of power in the same
manner. Just lie down and relax for a few minutes. Your strength
will soon return, and your feeling of emotion will soon be under
PsychicTelemetry Enchantments 37

Your greatest temptation will be from your exuberance at

joining the Ancient Society. You will want to scream to the world
of your happiness, but it’s wiser to control your happiness and
keep the new, powerful you a secret.


You will discover that most people will laugh and sneer at
the power you are developing. They either disbelieve the power or
they are frightened by it. In either case, these people will develop
active mental opposition against your honest efforts to search for
a new and better life. And it isn’t opposition of conflict that you
are looking for.
As you perform miracle after miracle, the day will soon
dawn which makes it impossible for you to keep your secret. By
that time you’ll be rich, happy, and healthy. And then who
cares? Let them laugh and ridicule to their hearts content. But
until that time, remain a one-person secret society.



“I command that Guardian Genie who brings

good fortune to appear before me now.
“I command that my Pillars of Power remain
strong and vibrant as I require my instinct and my
Spirit Genius to influence the results of the contest I
am about to enter.
“I have stated my desire and I command that it
be fulfilled.”


Agnes C., from the eastern United States, would be the first
to admit that she was an ordinary housewife from a family who
just never had enough to make ends meet.
38 Psychic Telemetry Enchantments

When Agnes attended a course of lectures on En­

chantments, Spells, etc., she insisted that she possessed no
psychic powers and never had a personal experience that she
could consider as evidence of any latent psychic powers.
She found the lectures interesting, but made no effort to
perform a miracle or use any Enchantments to enhance or
improve her life.
A few weeks after the completion of the lectures, Agnes
became sleepless because of a recurrent dream that awakened
her night after night. The meaning of the dream was quite
obvious, but it escaped Agnes’ comprehension. She confided her
dream to a friend.

“ Every night when I’m sleeping the soundest, a

man wakes me up. He’s dressed in flowing robes that
are decorated with brilliant gold dollar signs.
“ The man then walks to the foot of my bed and
holds seven fingers up in the air, all the time saying,
‘A dollar a day keeps poverty away!’
“ The dream is driving me nuts!”

Agnes was so disturbed by her dream—not because it was

frightening, but because she couldn’t understand it—that her
friend suggested a shopping excursion to get Agnes’ mind away
from the dream. While shopping, Agnes’ friend said, “Let’s stop
here for a minute. There’s only seven days left to buy tickets for
the Lottery.”
“ Seven?” Agnes mused, “Could that be what my dream’s
been all about?” Agnes bought a lottery ticket, but didn’t give
the matter a great deal of thought. “The chances are one in a
million that anyone could win any kind of prize from the
drawing,” she told her friend.
The subject of the coming lottery drawing came up in
conversation at the supper table that evening. It was then that
Agnes rummaged through her purse looking for the En­
chantment to Win Contests. “I ’m going to use that Enchantment
and I’m going to win,” she confidently declared.
PsychicTelemetry Enchantments 39

Agnes performed her Enchantment one time daily for the

next six days. And at the same time each day, she purchased a
one-dollar lottery ticket.
Agnes and her entire family were on pins and needles as the
day of the big drawing approached.
“ I was positive that I’d win something from the
lottery, at least one of the smaller prizes. I simply
could not believe it when my number was drawn for
the grand prize. I won over a half-million dollars. I
still can’t believe it!”
Agnes and her family are now enjoying their new lakefront
home with its private boathouse and dock. They have two ex­
pensive autos and all of the other luxuries that money can buy.
“W hat a change has taken place in our life,” she said. “An
Enchantment lifted us from poverty to riches!”


All of your Enchantment Rituals are slight variations from
the Ritual of the Pillars of Power.
As you begin your Enchantment Ritual, know exactly what
it is that you want to accomplish. There can’t be any, “ I think I
want such and such.” Be specific. There is no room for
generalizations as you perform your magical and powerful
Sit in your dimly lit room, with your spine erect and hands
resting upon your knees, palms up. Visualize your First Pillar of
Power on your right, and declare:

“ The First Pillar, which is the power of my

instinct, will now vibrate with energy as I command it
to fulfill the Enchantment that I now repeat.”

Repeat the Enchantment that will fulfill your desire.

Remain seated, visualizing your Second Pillar of Power on the
40 Psychic Telemetry Enchantments

left. When the Pillar is strong and bright, repeat these magical

“The Second Pillar, which is the Genius Intellect

of the great Cosmic Mind, now hears and obeys my
command. My Guardian Genie will now respond to
my Enchantment and bring it into reality.

Repeat the same Enchantment used after the First Pillar of

Power Ritual above. Now you can relax and wait. Your miracle is
on its way. This exact Ritual should be performed for each
Enchantment that you desire to exercise.


“ The strengthened Pillars of Power now respond

and know that I require personal recognition for all of
my talents and abilities.
“ I command that those people holding places of
power and authority will now recognize all of my
diligent efforts.
“ The Cosmic Powers now ordain that my wishes
shall be fulfilled. The Pillars of Power will now, this
very instant, have dominion over all forces that would
keep me from my goal. I am the ruler of my destiny
and have declared that Personal Recognition is now
mine, forevermore. And so it is!”


Larry X. was a quiet man. He worked as a poorly paid
clerk, with little opportunity for recognition or advancement.
The computer company for whom he was employed was known
for its opportunities for advancement, and the high wages it paid
its employees. Yet, Larry remained at his same position. The
wage increases he did receive were not sufficient to cover his
spiralling cost-of-living increases.
PsychicTelemetry Enchantments 41

No one contested the fact that Larry’s job performance was

excellent. The reasons for skipping over Larry when it came to
promotions remained a mystery to him and his fellow workers.
Larry was deeply in debt. He took care of his mother, and
his wife required treatment by expensive medical specialists. He
also had two daughters, and he was trying to financially help
them through college. Without a promotion and more money, he
would soon have to file for bankruptcy.
He talked with me on the telephone late one afternoon.
“ Bob, I think my only problem is that I just sit and do my
work,” he said. “All the other guys do less work than I do, but
they make a lot of noise about what they do, and everyone notices
them. No one seems to know that I’m even around.”
I asked Larry why he didn’t make more noise so the bosses
would notice him.
“I just can’t do that,” he replied. “ It just isn’t my nature to
be loud and boisterous. A person should be recognized on his
merits, not on what kind of a politician he is.”
Larry was familiar with Psychic Telemetry, but he had
never used any of its Enchantments. He wasn’t sure that he even
believed in such psychic things. It was from a feeling of
desperation that he decided to try the Enchantment for Personal
Recognition. He began his once-a-day Enchantment on Monday
On Thursday, a severe problem was discovered in some new
computer equipment. There was panic and chaos. The machine
was to be shipped to the company’s largest account. If it wasn’t
delivered as promised, hundreds of thousands of dollars in
revenue would be lost.
Larry knew basic electronics, but could not be considered
as any type of electronic engineer. The professional engineers
kept running into stone walls. They could not find the origin of
the problem.
At this point, Larry took the schematic drawings of the
electronic marvel and poured over them. Then he opened the
covers to the giant computer and peered inside. In his usual
quiet manner, Larry called the company vice-president to his
42 PsychicTelemetry Enchantments

“ See the resistors, diodes, and capacitors in this

area? Moisture is accumulating there and causing a
magnetic obstruction as the electrical impulses at­
tempt to pass.”
At first, no one believed Larry, but later tests proved he was
When Larry’s diagnosis of the computer problem was
confirmed, the vice-president gave him an unheard of, on-the-
spot promotion. Larry’s salary went from $220 a week to $300.
And that wasn’t the end of it. The following week, Larry’s
department was called for an impromptu meeting. He was
presented with a $1500 check for his outstanding contribution in
solving the computer dilemma.
The last word I heard from Larry was that he had received
another in a line of many promotions. His salary had
skyrocketed from $11,000 a year to almost $40,000.
“Believe me,” he said, “ I have no intention of staying where
I am. The sky’s the limit and I’m going after it.”
If Larry uses his Enchantments properly, I have no doubt
that he will continue to receive all of the success and personal
recognition he desires.

You have probably already performed miracles with
Psychic Telemetry, or are in the process of deciding just exactly
what you want as you prepare to perform a miracle. Psychic
Telemetry always works, but it produces more magnificently if
your motives are just and honorable as you repeat these magical
Perform a miracle only when a miracle is required. If you
want $1,000, don’t ask for $20,000. Money is always available to
you. You can get any amount of money at any time you need it.
Just take what you need and leave the extra money for someone
else to use until you require it for yourself.
Enchantments that are performed frivolously usually go
unanswered. You must know exactly what it is that you want.
PsychicTelemetry Enchantments 43

And then you must perform your Rituals and Enchantments

with all due seriousness of purpose. General requests that are
given in a light-hearted manner are answered in a like manner.
Be specific in your requests, and be serious.


“I 1 bask in the sunlit energy of my Pillars of

Power. The great rays of healing power now enfold
me. They pulsate within every nerve and cell of my
body; cleansing, soothing, and healing.
“I now command that all sickness and disease be
banished from my mind and body. My perfect Spirit
has now made me whole.”



Lester W., an accountant in Colorado, had suffered from

headaches for as long as he could recall. Les was not the ordinary
sufferer. He had three separate, but identifiable, head pains.
Two types of headaches were cured by surgery, but Les con­
tinued to be plagued by very painful migraine headaches.
Before I met Les, he had had two operations to help
alleviate his dreadful head pains. The first operation was on the
sinuses. This relieved Les of one type of headache. The second
operation required the severing of the occipital nerves in his
head. This operation relieved him of the occipital neuralgia that
had been causing him great pain.
Les was 54 years old when I first met him. His conversation
was filled with the problems resulting from his severe migraine
“I have an attack about every ten days, and they last from
12 to 36 hours,” he said. “ The only thing I can do is go to bed
until they pass.”

*If you wish someone other than yourself to be healed, use his or her name instead
o f “I.”
44 PsychicTelemetry Enchantments

Les had suffered head pain for so long, that he was just
about to give up all hope of ever being pain-free.
Les’ employer had a very generous pension plan. Any
employee who completed 30 years of service could retire at age
55. But Les lamented, “I’ve been missing so much work over
these headaches, that I’m afraid I’m going to be fired before I’m
Les began his Health Enchantment the first night I met
him, and he never had another migraine attack. He happily
retired at age 55, and began a three-month vacation touring the
United States.
Finally free of his excruciating pain, Les felt years younger.
In fact, he felt so good that he went back to work as an executive
in another company.
“My health is perfect now. I just can’t believe that this is
really me! I didn’t know what a beautiful world it really is,” were
the last words I heard from Les.



“I now send forth the mystic rays of my Pillars of

Power to impress those whom I command to bend to
my will at all times.
“ I radiate power to dominate those who would
oppose me. My Guardian Genie makes all who would
block my wishes bend to my will. And so it is!”


Hammond D. is a supervisor of one of the fastest-growing
counties in the United States. This county itself has a larger
population than some American states.
I first met Hammon during a hotly contested election for
county supervisor. All of the polls indicated that there was no
PsychicTelemetry Enchantments 45

chance that Hammon could wrest the supervisor’s seat from the
There were barely a dozen people present when I went to
the neighborhood community center to listen to Hammon’s
election program. It was obvious that he was a fighter who had
no selfish motives in proposing unique innovations to the
operation of the county government. But it appeared from the
low turnout of prospective voters that the polls were correct in
predicting Hammon’s defeat.
After the meeting, I handed him a leaflet containing the
Enchantment to Influence Others. On the front of the leaflet I
wrote, “ Congratulations to our new county supervisor.”
The news media was astounded as the election returns were
posted. Hammon had unseated a supervisor who had not lost an
election in 25 years.
A few days after the election, I received a hastily written
note on new county stationery. It simply said, “Thanks!”



“My mind is now open and clear.

“I Command that my Pillars of Power now
inspire me to know the thoughts of (name) .
“My Guardian Genie now attends me.
“I can now hear, see, and sense what is in his or
her mind.
“Whether awake or asleep, I will know these
thoughts until I command that they cease. And so it


Cindy F. was a happy homemaker dabbling in creative
writing as a hobby. She had written hundreds of articles without
46 PsychicTelemetry Enchantments

selling even one of her creations. She came to expect the

mimeographed rejection slips from prospective publishers.
Though editors did take the time to tell her that her articles were
good, they were just not on the subject matter that they were
considering for publication.
Cindy had been given copies of Psychic Telemetry En­
chantments, but had not felt the need to try them—at least not
until she decided that she would try the Enchantment To Know
What Others Are Thinking. “Maybe I can use this Enchantment
to see what’s in the mind of the editors—what type of article they
are really looking for,” she said.
Cindy chose the name of a professional magazine editor
and performed her Pillars of Power Ritual, and her En­
chantment. A thought flashed instantly through her mind! “The
editor wants a confessional story with an occult slant to it!”
Cindy thought that the idea was crazy, but decided to at least
give it a try. She was pleasantly surprised when she received her
first check for $75.00. She was even more surprised when the
magazine editor wrote her a personal letter asking for more
“I still had my doubts about the Enchantment,” she later
confided to me. “I thought that maybe it was a coincidence. As a
test, I concentrated on another editor. I heard ‘Write historical
occult quizzes.’ I wrote the quizzes and immediately sold them.
That Enchantment really works!”
Cindy has acquired a good name in the magazine
publishing business, selling every article that she writes. “ I could
sell a lot more articles,” she recently told me on the telephone,
“but I want to keep my writing just as a hobby. I just write
enough articles to earn about $500 a month for extra spending
money, then I stop for awhile to enjoy my success.”
If Cindy can earn $500 a month from her hobby, just
imagine for a moment what she could do if she wanted to turn
her hobby into a career!
This Enchantment worked for Cindy, and the very same
Enchantment will work for you.
Psychic Telemetry Enchantments 47


“I now declare that the Pillars of Power have

made me attractive and desirable.
“My Guardian Genie will now guide my perfect
partner to me. He or she will be blind to my short­
comings, whether they be physical or mental.
“My perfect partner will fulfill my every need
and my every desire. And so it is!”


Albert V. was 45 years old and living in New Orleans when I
first met him.
“The only reason I came to hear your lecture tonight is
because it’s free and I don’t have anything else to do,” Albert
told me as he filed into the meeting room. Only during the part
of the presentation where I explained the Power of En­
chantments did Albert show any interest in the evening’s
lecture. He hesitated to leave after the meeting, obviously
wanting to talk.
“Do you think those Enchantments would help me?,” he
asked. I assured him that they would.
Albert’s problem was loneliness. “Two years ago my wife
ran away with another man,” he sadly related. “She left me with
three children to raise, and it hasn’t been easy.”
“ Why don’t you remarry?,” I asked.
“Have you ever tried to find a woman who is willing to take
on the burden of raising three small children? I sure as heck
haven’t found one.”
A1 found many women interested in him, and there were
some who were very interested in marriage—at least until they
discovered the three children who would become part of their
marriage responsibilities.
48 Psychic Telemetry Enchantments

“I need a wife, and my children need a mother. Will an

Enchantment really help me?” he asked.
I saw A1 a few months later—he was on his honeymoon in
San Francisco.
“The Enchantment really worked,” he said. “ I repeated it
for five days, once each day. On the sixth day, one of my children
brought a note home from school. The note was inviting all
parents to an ‘open house’ at the school.
“I attended the open house and met my daughter’s teacher.
It was love at first sight. The sparks really flew when our eyes
first met. I just can’t describe how she fussed over me. I was
almost embarrassed over all of the attention she was giving me—
but I loved it.”
The best was yet to come. Albert knew he had found the
perfect partner for himself, but what about a mother for his
“ Everything is perfect. Ellie loves the children, and they
adore her. No more loneliness for me. Thanks a loti”
There was no need to thank me. It was a Psychic Telemetry
Enchantment that deserved his gratitude.

If you have no particular dollar figure in mind, nor a
particular place from where you want to receive your new
prosperity, then this Enchantment is for you! Repeat these words
three times (once in the morning, once at midday, and once
before retiring for the evening):

“My Guardian Genie hears me now.

“Everything and everybody prospers me NOW!”


Derek J.’s business was radio production. His business was
in a state of great uncertainty, and it seemed impossible that he
PsychicTelemetry Enchantments 49

could meet his ever-mounting debts. And there was no new

business in sight.

“ I had heard of the Prosperity Enchantment, but

hadn’t thought to use it. I was on the subway, on my
way to work, when I remembered the Enchantment
and began repeating it over and over.
“ The next day, I was led to call an acquaintance
in the financial world whom I hadn’t seen in over a
year. When I called him, he wanted to see me im­
mediately. We had lunch and I laid out my business
plans before him. He immediately agreed to give me
the loan I needed, but he insisted that the loan be
interest free.
“ I am now signing stock certificates as president
of my new company.”
I don’t know how much money Derek is now worth, but a
respected financial publication reported that the first year’s
profits from his new company were in six figures—over $100,000.


Mary D.’s is a simple story about the power of Psychic
Telemetry Enchantments.
Mary’s car had to be towed to the garage after stalling on
the freeway. Mary was by no means rich, and became terribly
upset when the mechanic said, “ It’ll take about $400 worth of
repairs to get your car running again, lady.” She left her car at
the garage, but had no idea where she could get the needed
Mary needed some cheering up after her depressing news,
and she just felt like she should stop by her sister’s house. Mary’s
sister was really in tune with Psychic Telemetry Enchantments,
and suggested that they repeat the Prosperity Enchantment
A mere 45 minutes after the sisters declared their
Prosperity Enchantment, the telephone rang. The call was from
a cousin living in Minnesota.
50 Psychic Telemetry Enchantments

“ I was just calling to tell you that we sold some

old farm equipment off of Uncle Oscar’s farm. As he
doesn’t have any children, he wants all of his nephews
and nieces to enjoy the money. Your share is $400. I ’ll
mail it to you today.”

There is no need to feel shy, withdrawn, afraid, or inferior.
You have within you, at this very moment, everything that is
required to make you a confident, outstanding person.
After performing your Ritual of the Pillars of Power each
day, repeat these magic words:

“I am confident and secure in each thing that I

do and say.
“ My every action demonstrates my attunement
with the great Cosmic Mind. I reflect this Divine
Intelligence in every thought, word, and deed.”


Jane D. was a shy, middle-aged housewife. She felt her life
had been rather dull and unrewarding. Jane had many desires,
but felt completely inadequate to follow any of them to a suc­
cessful conclusion. All of her wishes required that she would
have to be active before the public, and her shyness prevented
her from any attempt to achieve her goals. “I could never get up
before an audience,” she often said.
A kindly neighbor suggested that Jane use the En­
chantment To Increase Personal Esteem. “ The effort will be
worthwhile even if it only helps you to carry on a conversation in
a crowd,” she told Jane. “ It’s no fun being a wallflower while
everyone else is always having so much fun.”
PsychicTelemetry Enchantments 51

Jane started the Enchantment on a Thursday. Almost

immediately, she felt a new sense of poise and sophistication
within her. She was sensitive to how she walked and talked. She
was elated to discover that she could look a person right in the
eye as she spoke to them—no longer lowering her own eyes from
During a shopping excursion the week after her En­
chantment began, she stumbled upon a fashion show already in
progress at the city’s largest department store.
Jane was not embarrassed, or offended, as she noticed a
man staring at her intently. For the first time in her life she
actually felt flattered. She wasn’t at all surprised when the male
admirer approached her after the show.
“Are you a model?” he asked.
“No, just a housewife.”
Those two sentences were the beginning of Jane’s modeling
The gentleman who approached Jane was the designer of
the clothes that had just been shown. He was so impressed by
Jane’s sophisticated and regal bearing, that he hired her on-the-
spot to model the formal evening wear at all future fashion
“Plain Jane” now loves the spotlight and the glamour.
“And besides,” she says, “$35 an hour isn’t a bad wage.”



“I am now in attunement with the pure rays of

power that come to me from the Great Cosmic Mind.
“ My Guardian Genie stands ready to protect me
from every curse or evil influence.
“ I am surrounded with divine protection, and no
evil can penetrate my shield of power.
“ Those who would send me evil are powerless,
and their evil shall return to them a hundredfold.”
52 PsychicTelemetry Enchantments


Sally was an attractive secretary in the home office of a
large insurance firm when she wrote to me:
“ All of the fellows in the office have made good-
natured passes at me, and there were never any hard
feelings when I rejected their advances until a new
man transferred into the office—and he scares me to
“ He’s all honey and sweetness when anyone is
around, but as soon as he’s sure he can’t be overheard,
he tells me that he hates me and has put a curse on
“ The telephone rings all night. And when I
answer the phone no one is there.
“ Now my landlord has asked me to move. He
says he has heard from a good authority that I’m not
the type of woman whom he wants in his apartment
“ Can’t you please do something to help me get
rid of this evil man? He’s driving me toward a nervous
I wrote to her and enclosed the Enchantment for Protection
From Evil. I told her to perform the Ritual daily until the evil
was removed from her life.
Two weeks later, I heard from Sally again.
“ I felt a lot better after I performed my Ritual
tor the first time. I wasn’t as afraid as before. I didn’t
even dread getting up and going to the office. I just
knew inside that in some way my tormentor was going
to be taken care of.
“I had been saying the Enchantment for seven
days when that man came up to my desk. He leaned
toward me and whispered all kinds of obscene
remarks. But this time, another fellow in the office
overheard him. Right then and there, my tormentor
PsychicTelemetry Enchantments 53

was given a real beating by the man who overheard his

“ When the big boss came from his office to find
out what the ruckus was about, he fired that evil man,
and I haven’t seen or heard from him since.”


Enchantment miracles are so exciting, that many people
find it difficult to remain serene and peaceful as they work their
magic spells. Miracles are truly exciting events, but with practice
you’ll soon discover that you do indeed remain in a state of aloof
calmness as the Cosmic Mind, your Pillars of Power, and your
Guardian Genie fulfill your every wish and desire.
C h a p te r Three

How Visual-Telem etry Will

G ive You the M ag netic
King Midas G old en G aze

You are already well-equipped to change the future by

using the Enchantments and the Ritual of the Pillars of Power
from the preceding chapters. But seeing into the future is what
this chapter is all about.
There is no need to blindly stumble into the future when
you now have the tool to see any future obstacle before you.
When you can clearly see an obstacle, you can take the corrective
action needed to avoid it.


Gary U. was so down on himself, that he seriously con­
sidered suicide. Due to his overextravagence, the bills mounted
and mounted. The more the bills piled up, the more he became
miserable and unhappy. No longer able to bear Gary’s outbursts
of temper, his wife left him and moved to Los Angeles.

56 Visual-Telemetry

Gary had started each evening with a drink to calm his

nerves. Before long, the evening drink wasn’t enough. Gary
nipped at a bottle of whiskey before, during, and after his
working hours. He was consuming a full bottle of whiskey daily
when his employer reluctantly fired him for being drunk on the
Luckily for Gary, a fellow worker was familiar with Visual-
Telemetry, and was willing to take the time to explain to Gary
that he shouldn’t despair. “I’ll teach you to look into the future.
You’ll see that you have a lot to live for,” Gary’s friend told him.
“I don’t believe a bit of that baloney,” Gary replied.
It took a great deal of persuasion before Gary agreed to stay
sober long enough to at least try the Visual-Telemetry Ritual.
Though he agreed to try the Visual-Telemetry Ritual while
sober, Gary just didn’t get around to it for quite awhile. His
condition continued to deteriorate until he awoke from a
drunken stupor to find himself in a skid row flophouse. Gary was
horrified as he peered through bloodshot eyes at the physical and
mental derilects lying upon the dirty flophouse mattresses. He
rose quickly and fled to a nearby park.
As his brain cleared, Gary determined that he had to
change his pattern of living. But what could he do? What did the
future really hold for him?
“I sat on a park bench just looking around. There were
flowers, and there were children with their families. I didn’t have
any of these things.” Then Gary began to look inward.

“ I could remember clearly the Ritual for Visual-

Telemetiy. I decided it was the only thing that could
hold any glimmer of hope. I did a few visualization
exercises and performed the Ritual. I could not
believe the pictures that flooded into my mind. I
wondered if I was really seeing into the future, or if I
had a very vivid imagination.”

What Gary saw within his mind were simple pictures, but
they were the most important pictures of his life.
Visual-Telemetry 57

“The first thing I saw within my mind was a

picture of my wife. She was waving her right hand.
And in her hand I saw a check for $6,000. This
seemed impossible. But the more I thought about the
vision, the more anxious I became to telephone her.
As I placed the telephone call, I had strong doubts
that she would even accept my collect call.
“ Maureen did accept my call, and the rest is

W hat happened when Gary placed the call to his wife isn’t
a mystery to a Psychic Telemetry follower. After talking to
Maureen, Gary learned that an attorney had been trying to
contact him. A long-forgotten cousin had died and left Gary
$6,000 in her will. All Gary had to do was claim the money in
person and sign the proper papers. Gary immediately started
hitch-hiking toward Los Angeles.
While riding south with a friendly truck driver, Gary
“tuned in” to his Visual-Telemetry. He was surprised to see a
picture of himself in a stockbroker’s office, purchasing shares in
a company he had never heard of. At the next truck stop, Gary
looked in the financial section of the daily newspaper. Sure
enough, he found the company which he saw in his vision listed
on the New York Stock Exchange.
Gary was waiting at the attorney’s door the next morning.
He knew what he was going to do. As soon as he received his
check, he was going to buy stock. Stock in a company that he
knew nothing about. Gaiy received his money and dashed to the
nearest stockbroker.
The stockbroker was a considerate man who tried hard to
dissuade Gary from buying the manufacturing stock. “ That
company is on the verge of bankruptcy. Don’t waste your money
on that stock,” he said. However, at Gary’s insistence, the stock
was purchased at $3.00 per share. Gary had almost 2,000 shares
of what many considered to be worthless stock. But Gary hung
on. In just a few months, Gary’s stock was worth almost $66,000.
58 Visual-Telemetry

Gary knew from a previous Visual-Telemetry vision that he

should sell his manufacturing stock when it reached $33 per
share. He was to sell this stock, then purchase stock in a com­
puter company. Gary’s vision was correct. The computer stock
rose dramatically, and Gary sold his shares for over $118,000.
With money worries far behind, Gary and his wife
reconciled and have never been happier. Gary so impressed the
brokerage firm with his ability to make money while so many
others failed, that he was employed as a financial consultant to
the firm.
I have recently read in a financial review that Gary is one of
America’s newest millionaires. And all because of Visual-
Telemetry’s King Midas Golden Gaze.


Visual-Telemetry is the ability to see pictures relating to the

future without reliance upon the physical eyes. These visions of
the future are seen within the mind, and are as real as any image
you have ever seen with your physical eyes wide open.
Before you perform the simple Visual-Telemetry Ritual
that I will shortly reveal to you, perform these three visualization
Here is a drawing of a simple flower. Look at it for just a
few moments.
You can see the flower very well with your physical eyes.
But now, close your eyes and visualize the flower within your
mind. Open your eyes and look at the flower. Then, close your
eyes and look at the same flower within your mind.
The vision of the flower that you see within your mind is
Visual-Telemetry. Your visions of the future will appear in your
mind with the same force as the image of the flower in this
Visual-Telemetry 59

Here is another simple drawing. Practice seeing the image

first with your physical eyes, and then with your “ psychic eyes.”
60 Visual-Telemetry

Exercises such as this are not necessary for successful

Visual-Telemetry. I give them only as simple aids to assist you in
recognizing the Visual-Telemetry visions that will very shortly be
bombarding your conscious mind with all types of glimpses into
the future. You’ll soon be receiving more visions of the future
than the famous psychics and seers you read so much about in
your magazines and newspapers.
By performing three simple exercises, you have been
initiated into the secrets of Visual-Telemetry. Now, the only
ingredient you need before becoming a full-fledged prophet of
the future is the performance of your Ritual of the Visions.


Seat yourself in a dimly lit room and perform your Ritual of
the First Pillar of Power.
Visual-Telemetry 61

When your First Pillar is alive and pulsating, visualize the

Pillar enclosed in a large triangle. Each point of the triangle
signifies one of the three powerful psychic abilities. The bottom
point of the triangle represents Visual-Telemetry, the other two
points signify mystic powers that you will learn in Chapter Four.
62 Visual-Telemetry

As you visualize the Pillar of Power and the Magic Tele-

Triangle, repeat these words in a quiet, sing-song voice:
“My psychic eyes have opened,
And now I can see,
All of the visions,
That there are for me.”
Now sit relaxed for a few moments. Vision upon vision will flash
brilliantly into your mind.
At this point, perform your Second Pillar of Power Ritual,
and ask your appropriate Guardian Genie to help give power to
your Visual-Telemetry experiences.
If you have no specific request as you receive these visions
from the future, allow the Great Cosmic Mind to sift and filter
unimportant things from your visions of the future. The Cosmic
Mind will present you with the visions of the future that are
essential to your well-being. If there is danger ahead, Cosmic
Mind will flash you the warning so a possible catastrophe can be
avoided. If for any reason you are confused by your vision, ask
your Guardian Genie to step in and clarify your psychic message.
If there is tremendously good news in the future, the
Cosmic Mind can show it to you. And, if assistance is needed,
you can then take the proper action to ensure that your future
miracle will become a positive reality.
If you desire to receive a vision about a certain place,
person, or thing, it is only necessary to verbally state your
request. For example, if you wish to invest money in certain
stocks or bonds that will bring you the greatest return on your
investment, simply state:

“I will now visualize the stocks and bonds that will

make me rich,” or
“I will now receive a vision of the place where
I can gain employment,” or
“I now receive a vision of my future marriage partner,”
Visual-Telemetry 63


When Dorothy K. felt an instinctive nudging to have her
fianc€ sign a paper acknowledging her $8,000 loan to him, she
“At the time I made the loan, I felt stupid asking my fianc€
to sign a paper for the money—we were to be married in a few
weeks,” she later wrote to me. “But my intuition and my
Guardian Genie demanded that I get a receipt for the money.
And was I ever glad that I did!”
A few days prior to Dorothy’s planned wedding, her fiance
told her that he had to return to his hometown on urgent
business. When a week passed without any word, Dorothy traced
him by telephone. Dorothy was shocked when a woman an­
swered the telephone and idenified herself as the wife of the man
Dorothy had fully expected to marry.
As the story unfolded, Dorothy found that her lover was not
divorced as she had believed, but was only separated from his
legal wife. Dorothy was heartsick, but consoled herself by
thinking how lucky she was for not marrying that horrible man,
as she originally planned. She was by no means rich, but looked
at the $8,000 loan as a bad debt, with no hope of ever recovering
Two years later, Dorothy found herself out of a job and in
dire need of every penny she could scrape up. She wrote to her
ex-fianc6 and asked that he repay the $8,000 loan, or at least a
part of it. He refused to pay Dorothy, stating that he had no
money, was self-employed, and did not earn a steady income.
Her only recourse was to file a lawsuit to recover her money, but
before the suit was brought against Marc, he filed for
Dorothy had given up all hope of getting her money, until
she sat down one evening to ask her Visual-Telemetry to show
her a vision of how she would get the money to meet her
mounting debts. Dorothy could hardly believe what her psychic
eyes were showing her.
64 Visual-Telemetry

“When I asked for a vision showing me how I

was to pay my bills, I certainly didn’t expect to see
Marc in my vision. He didn’t have any money, he had
declared bankruptcy, hadn’t he?
“The pictures in my mind were as clear as if I
were watching a television drama. There was Marc.
He was walking into a bank that I was very
familiar with. I watched intently as Marc registered
his name, and entered the safety deposit vault. He
opened a box numbered 452. It was filled with money
and United States Savings Bonds. I was so excited
that I didn’t sleep all night. I could hardly wait to
telephone Marc the next morning.
“ His reaction was just as I had expected—a
complete denial that he had money hidden anywhere.
I really savored the moment when I casually men­
tioned how he would be sent to a federal penetentiary
for falsifying his bankruptcy claim if it were found
that Safety Deposit Box 452 held money and bonds
that belonged to him. There was dead silence on the
other end of the phone.
“ Needless to say, Marc withdrew his bankruptcy
claim and paid back the loan of $8,000, plus $1,000 in
“ If it hadn’t been for Visual-Telemetry I would
never have gotten my money back. I was so desperate,
that I hate to think of what might have happened to
me if I hadn’t recovered my money.”
Dorothy’s is an unusual story, but the happy ending is not
at all unusual. You have every right to expect these same
miraculous results when you look through Visual-Telemetry’s
window into the future.


Many forms of psychic and occult training demand that the
student devote a great deal of time to meditation—the technique
by which one becomes completely passive and oblivious to
physical surroundings. The role of meditation in Psychic
Visual-Telemetry 65

Telemetry is an insignificant part of your psychic development

There are a few instances where you might become a
passive observer as your spiritual Genie does the work, but in
most cases you will want to remain as mentally alert as possible.
You will be literally bombarded with Visual-Telemetry visions.
You will feel and hear forces that are not physically present.
Maintaining a keen alertness insures that none of the psychic
information being fed to you from the Cosmic Mind goes un­
Many people find it very tempting to just drift away as they
perform their Pillars of Power Rituals. At a previous class, a
student described his feelings to his fellow classmates.

“ I feel so darned good after I perform one of my

Psychic Telemetry Rituals, that I really have to use all
of my willpower to keep myself from mentally floating
“ It sure is tempting to forget about the purpose
of the Ritual—to forget about everything, as a matter-
of-fact. But you have to pay attention and stay alert if
you want to perform any miracles. My Guardian Genii
have complained more than once that I was ignoring
The student is absolutely correct. Don’t meditate any
longer than what is called for in your various Psychic Telemetry


Visual-Telemetry is not unusual. You experienced your
first visions shortly after birth. You learned to subdue these
visions from fear of becoming a target of wrath or ridicule from
many adult members of your family, who either did not un­
derstand, or feared psychic instincts.
Most people continue to stumble through their adult lives,
subduing this great Visual-Telemetry power that could set them
free from any problem that might confront them.
66 Visual-Telemetry

You are fortunate because you no longer need to stumble

along. The answer to every need, every wish, and every desire is
yours for the asking by just using Visual-Telemetry’s magical
window into the future.
Don’t feel that you have to prove your Visual-Telemetry
powers to anyone. Skeptics constantly ask for proof, proof, and
more proof! Let your miracles stand as proof of your powers.
Don’t waste your time on the skeptics. Your time is valuable, and
better spent in performing positive, constructive miracles.


Distance is not a barrier to experiencing Visual-Telemetry
visions. You can close your eyes and clearly see scenes from
hundreds, even thousands of miles away.
W hat was originally planned as a social evening among
business associates quickly turned into an impromptu Psychic
Telemetry class, as often happens at the first mention of psychic
or occult powers.
On an early summer evening in California, my wife and I
joined mutual friends and business associates at a party
honoring an out-of-state corporation executive.
During the course of the evening, conversation drifted to
the subject of my magazine writing and to the Psychic Telemetry
classes I was then teaching in the city. It was only a matter of
minutes before I was persuaded to show the group what Psychic
Telemetry was all about. I explained how I couldn’t possibly
cover all of the facets of Psychic Telemetry in one evening, but
would be happy to show them how to experience Visual-
Telemetry. After a few words of instruction and explanation, I
asked the group to perform the Visual-Telemetry Ritual of the
There were some people in the group who were, to say the
least, less than enthusiastic as they performed the simple Ritual.
One after another said, “I don’t believe it. I must be imagining
things. This can’t be real.”
Visual-Telemetry 67

Every person, skeptic or not, experienced at least one

simple Visual-Telemetry vision. Many of the visions were of a
personal nature, and not shared with the group as a whole. But
the vision received by Curtis H. astounded the party goers.
Curtis began explaining his vision by prefacing his remarks
with, “I think I’m crazy, but here goesl”
“This may sound strange, but when we finished
the Ritual, I saw myself walking up this country road.
I don’t know how I knew it, but I knew that I was in
“ I had only taken a few steps before I found
myself at a long driveway with a mailbox beside it.
The post of the mailbox wasn’t buried in the ground
as you would expect. Someone had laid an old tire on
the ground and filled its center with cement. The pole
to the mailbox was cemented into this tire and was
painted bright red. The mailbox itself was painted
“ When I looked up the driveway, I saw a 1949
Plymouth automobile that was painted a veiy pale
blue. Its license plates were from Oklahoma, rather
than from Missouri.
“ The first house was very old and built of wood.
There was little paint left on the boards, but I could
see that it was once painted white.
“The front of the house faced north, and I was
impressed with the very steep slope to the roof, which
seemed very unusual for that part of the countiy. The
roof wasn’t shingled. It was made of large sheets of
“ About a hundred feet further back from the
house, I could see the remains of a smaller house,
which was obviously much older than its larger
A loud gasp from an attorney in our group interrupted
Curtis’ story. “My God!” the astonished lawyer said. “You’ve
described my old family farm perfectly. Even the old blue
Plymouth with the Oklahoma license is right. It belongs to the
people whom I leased the farm to.”
68 Visual-Telemetry

I asked Curtis if there was anything else in his Visual-

Telemetry vision? “Well yes,” he replied, “but it really sounds
silly.” I encouraged him to continue relating the account of his,
at least so far, 100 percent accurate vision.

“Just after I looked at the ruin of the older

house, I glanced at the horizon and saw a tornado
moving swiftly toward the farm.
“ I then ran to the front porch of the occupied
house, yelling for the people inside to get out. Then
my vision ended.”

The attorney asked Curtis when he thought the tornado

would occur. “I ’m not sure I believe what’s happening,” Curtis
replied. “ I really think that the tornado has already hit the farm,
or is just about to. But the more I think of it,” Curtis continued,
“the more I feel it is going to happen tonight.”
The attorney was obviously shaken by Curtis’ revelation. I
encouraged the attorney to call the Missouri farm to give its
occupants a warning.
The lawyer was filled with doubt about the accuracy of the
vision, so he thought up an excuse to call the farm tenants. He
was embarassed to admit to them the real reason for his call.
During the course of the telephone conversation, he casually
mentioned how he had heard on the news that there was a
tornado watch for that area of Missouri. His face paled when the
man at the other end of the line confirmed that yes, indeed, there
was a tornado watch for that area.
“While I’m still on the phone, why don’t you look outside
and tell me what the weather’s like?” the attorney anxiously
The man on the farm in Missouri laid the telephone down
to look at the weather outside, but he didn’t come back to the
telephone—at least not that night.
Everyone at the party was on edge, wondering what had
happened. Why did the telephone go dead? Two days passed
before there was an answer.
Visual-Telemetry 69

When the farmer looked out the window the night of the
telephone call from California, he saw the same tornado that
Curtis had seen in his vision. He quickly gathered his family
around him and ran from the house. There was no storm cellar,
so the quick-thinking farmer threw his family into a shallow
irrigation ditch.
The tornado hit the farm. It levelled the house, the barn,
and all of the sheds on the property. The old Plymouth bounced
around like a rubber ball. Everything in the tornado’s path was
destroyed. The Missouri farmer and his family, huddled safely in
the ditch, were saved from certain destruction by a Visual-
Telemetry vision!

Curtis did not wear mystic robes, nor did he appear to be
eccentric when he received his lifesaving vision.
A follower of Psychic Telemetry looks and behaves no
differently than anyone else—at least on the surface. But behind
those quiet eyes lies a powerhouse of occult knowledge—a mind
that can see events taking place hundreds of miles away, a mind
that can see the future as clearly as the present. And as these
visions of the future unfold, the follower of Psychic Telemetry
knows that he can change the future if it is not to his liking. If
the futuristic panorama is pleasant, he can smugly sit back and
wait for those blessings to enter his life in their certain but
proper order.


There are, at times, individuals who do appear to have
more Psychic Telemetry power than others, but this is only an
appearance, not necessarily a reality.
It is true that you will occasionally find an extremely adept
student who seems to stand out among the crowd. Investigation
70 Visual-Telemetry

will reveal that he or she stands out because he or she is more

vociferous—not because he or she receives more accurate Visual-
Telemetry information than the silent student who quietly sits
back and just smiles, knowing all the while.
However, you will discover that the more you use Visual-
Telemetry, the more psychic information you will gather. The
speed at which you receive your visions will also increase with
greater use. Speed isn’t necessary, but there will be times when
it can be very handy.
One of my students was invited to appear on a television
talk show to demonstrate Visual-Telemetry before a live
audience. The hostess of the television show was very favorably
inclined toward Psychic Telemetry, and my student accepted the
After the usual introductions, chit-chat, etc., the student
was asked to demonstrate his Visual-Telemetry powers by giving
predictions of the future to the audience. The moderator asked
that he give his predictions quickly, so that as many people in the
audience as possible might benefit from his powers.
The television hostess, the camera crew, the audience, and
the station manager were awe-struck as the student stood up,
and talking as quickly as his tongue would move, gave an
astounding 96 predictions in just 19 minutes.
Aside from being able to talk fast, what was the student’s
secret for his ability to give such a large number of predictions in
such a short space of time? There was no secret at all. He simply
relied upon Telemetric Sign Language. The same magical
language that you will be learning in this next exciting chapter of
Psychic Telemetry.
C h ap ter Four

How to Read Telem etric

Sign Language from the
Cosmic Mind

You can now see into the future. With your Visual-
Telemetry power, you are able to clearly see what is happening at
a distance—just as the world famous psychics and seers are
Many of the most famous seers speak of the symbols they
receive when giving their predictions concerning the future. The
symbols to which they refer are signs from the Cosmic Mind.
They are the Telemetric Sign Language.
A symbol is something that stands fo r or suggests
something else by reason o f its relationship or association. For
Psychic Telemetry, a symbol is Cosmic Sign Language. It is a
picture that is worth a thousand words. It is a method used by
the Cosmic Mind to transfer to you valuable and completely
accurate predictions of the future.
You will be using Telemetric Sign Language long before
you have completed reading this chapter. And I’m going to show
you how easy it really is.

72 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language

There will be no more wishing that you could give

predictions equal to those published by America’s famous
psychics, seers, and astrologers. I guarantee that you will be able
to give more accurate predictions than any of these. Newspapers
and magazines pay these occultists hundreds, even thousands of
dollars for the right to publish their predictions and you’ll be
outpredicting them every time.
Steve R. was employed by an international manufacturing
organization. He worked hard, but his chances for a promotion
looked pretty slim. And though his salary was adequate, there
was never enough left over for vacations, new automobiles, or for
many of the smaller luxuries that make life worth living.
“One evening I was sitting quietly, just relaxing,” Steve
related. “I really made no effort to receive any revelations or
messages from the Cosmic Mind, and was surprised when
symbols which I recognized as Telemetric Sign Language began
to enter my consciousness.
“I saw arrows, buildings, suitcases, pencils, etc. The
Cosmic Mind was using Telemetric Sign Language to show me
that within a year I would be promoted at work and transferred
to a manufacturing facility in another state. All of this seemed
unlikely at the time. For one thing, the company I worked for
didn’t have a plant in the state that my symbols said I would be
transferred to.”
It seemed unlikely that Steve would be transferred, but he
believed his Telemetric Sign Language. It had never been wrong
before, and he knew it wouldn’t be wrong this time. The only
question in his mind was how these startling changes would enter
his life.
“The morning after my Telemetric vision,” he continued,
“I was reading the newspaper at the breakfast table. There was a
small article in the financial page saying there were rumors in
the industry that the company for which I worked had developed
a revolutionary new technology.”
How to Read Telemetric Sign Language 73

Steve now knew how his vision would come true, and he
didn’t hesitate in laying the groundwork.
“The first thing I did was to talk to the company’s vice-
president in charge of manufacturing. I told him that I wanted a
job in the new division that would be created, and that I would
like to be transferred to the new plant when it was built.”
The company vice-president denied that there were plans to
create a new division within the company. “If the company is
going to build a new plant, I certainly haven’t heard about it,”
the company executive said.
Steve chuckled to himself. Telemetric Sign Language had
shown him the future, and he felt rather smug about having so
much information on the company’s confidential plans.
He didn’t wait for any public announcement of the com­
pany’s plans. He read every book he could find on the new
technology, and went to night school to enforce the knowledge
that he accumulated.
“ I kept the big shot informed of the progress I was making
in my research. I really wasn’t surprised when he called me to his
office for a conference.”
“ Steve,” the boss said, “I’ve been appointed to head the
manufacturing operation of our new technology. The company is
going to acquire property in Colorado.
“You’ve really impressed me with your drive and
knowledge of the product. Would you be willing to transfer and
take the job as my staff assistant? Your salary would be $600 a
week. Think it over and let me know.”
Steve didn’t have to think it over. He had made up his mind
the night he received his foreknowledge of the future in
specifically accurate Telemetric Sign Language.
“The salary I was offered was more than satisfactory. I was
making $310 a week at the time of the offer. The $600-a-week
salary meant an additional $290 each week. That added up to an
extra $15,000 a year. My Prosperity Genie told me that I would
soon be earning another $15,000 a year, but I put it out of my
mind as being totally unrealistic. I should have known better
than to question my Prosperity Genie.
74 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language

“If it hadn’t been for Telemetric Sign Language, I would

never have been promoted to a job that paid a salary of over
$30,000 a year.”


We are fortunate that the Cosmic Mind speaks in Sign
Language. So much can be said with one picture. A very few
pictures can tell you more than many pages of written in­
struction. It’s very easy to see the future when it’s written in
Telemetric Sign Language. And it really makes a lot of sense, as
you will soon discover for yourself. No long dissertations are
needed to tell you of the future. A few simple pictures accurately
show you the future.


It only takes a few minutes a day to learn the complete
Telemetric Sign Language. Remember, the symbols used in
Telemetric Sign Language are Visual-Telemetry pictures that
stand for, or suggest, something else.
Here’s an example. In Telemetric Sign Language, a bee
represents prosperity. If the bee in your vision is moving toward
you, it means prosperity is coming. If the bee is moving away
from you, it denotes loss.
A clock face in your Telemetric vision denotes months and
days, not hours and minutes. The small hand of the clock points
to months, the larger hand to days.
If, in seeking answers to questions regarding the future you
were to see a bee moving toward you, followed by a clock whose
hands showed 10:15, you have been given a revelation—
“Prosperity is coming to you on October 15th.” The bee means
prosperity; the small hand of the clock at 10 designates October,
the tenth month; the large hand of the clock at 15 denotes the
fifteenth day of the month.
See how easy it is? And it’s fun as well as accurate. All great
prophets of the past received their revelations in allegorical
symbols, and you’re going to do the same thing.
How to Read Telemetric Sign Language 75


Most world events happen without really affecting you, but
at times it is useful to know what is happening at other places
within the universe.
At the present time, you can already see what’s happening
from a distance through Visual-Telemetry. You can, if you want
to, use Telemetric Sign Language to forecast the results of
elections, horse races, etc. Your forecasting of national events is
done in the same way as foretelling your own individual future.
Making world predictions is good practice, but using Telemetric
Sign Language to learn your own future and to map its course is
the most profitable way to use your new psychic knowledge.


Your Visual-Telemetry pictures will come to you rapidly in
Sign Language used by the Cosmic Mind. These visions of the
future are easily understood, and appear in this following

This daffodil symbolizes Spring.

How to Read Telemetric Sign Language

In Telemetric Sign Language, a bird represents good news.

A key is a new opportunity.

How to Read Telemetric Sign Language 77

The two buildings foretell a change of jobs.

This important arrow shows that the job in question is away

from your present location.
78 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language

Suitcases represent travel.

In a Telemetric vision, these six Symbols would flash into

your mind in seconds, but they give you an important prophesy
of the future.
“ In the Spring (daffodil), there will be good news (bird)
about a new opportunity (key) that will be opening up.
“The opportunity will involve a change of jobs (two
buildings). The new job is away from your present location (the
arrow pointing away), but you will travel to that new area
Once you get the hang of it, Telemetric Sign Language is
one of the easiest psychic talents you will ever acquire. It’s
simple, but terribly important in predicting the future through
Sign Language conversations with the Cosmic Mind.
How to Read Telemetric Sign Language 79


Telemetric Sign Language is simple because you determine
with what signs the Cosmic Mind will speak to you.
Symbols can mean different things to different people. To a
deeply religious person, a bell might mean spiritual upliftment.
But to the man who works during the night hours, a bell ringing
early on a Sunday morning might mean loss of sleep, or an­


Your first step is to make a list of those things that you will
most often be asking about. When this list is complete, write the
Symbol next to the corresponding word. Here is a fairly typical
example from a student who has given me a copy of his own
Telemetric Language.

Moving hands Work
Still hands Lack of work or unemployment
Two buildings Change of jobs
Arrow pointing toward me Someone, or something, coming
to me
Arrow pointing away Someone, or something, in
another geographical area
Suitcases Movement
Pine Tree A strong personality
Frog Jealousy
Books Education
Fox Slyness, deceit
Garbage can Scandal
Bell Victory, joy
Bird Good news
80 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language

Mountain Struggle
Candle Spiritual faith
Owl Spiritual wisdom
Horse Earthly wisdom
Elephant Physical strength
Rose Love, appreciation
Cross Protection
Circle Completeness
Key A new opportunity, chance
Door New experiences
Stairs An easy climb
Saucer Something left over, incomplete
Ticket Acceptance
Signature Binding agreement, contract
Sunflowers Interest in Indian history
Sword Interest in medieval history
Triangle Interest in metaphysics
Red Cross Involvement in medicine, healing
Blue Cross Spiritual leader
Yellow Cross Philosopher, philosophy

The young man who allowed me to use a portion of his

Telemetric Sign Language has obviously written his language to
serve his own purposes and needs. If you wish to use his Symbols,
it’s perfectly correct to do so. Or, you can use part or none of
When making your own list of Symbols, the most obvious
questions to ask are those concerning such important matters as
health, work, prosperity, home, and children. And for these
situations, make sure you develop a useful Sign Language.


The important thing is to develop a basic group of symbols
(you can add to your list as the need arises). When these symbols
How to Read Telemetric Sign Language 81

are established, it is only necessary to perform a simple Ritual,

and the Cosmic Mind will converse with you via Psychic
Telemetry Sign Language.


Sit quietly, with back straight, and feet flat upon the floor.
Your listing of symbols should be resting upon your knees. When
you have become relaxed, repeat the words of this simple but
powerful Ritual.

“I affirm that from this day forward, Cosmic

Mind will speak clearly to me.
“I will see and understand all Symbols that are
revealed to me by this great, all-knowing power.”

Now read aloud your list of symbols and their interpretation.

When the reading of your symbols has been completed, bring
your Ritual to a close.

“I give thanks that Cosmic Mind will respond to

my every need, and to my eveiy quest, through
Telemetric Sign Language. And so it is!”

Use this same Ritual any time you wish to add new symbols to
your Telemetric Sign Language.
At this point, it would be useful to create a Guardian Genie
whose sole duty is to help you memorize and develop a useful and
complete Telemetric Sign Language. Whenever you are con­
fronted by an unfamiliar symbol, call your Guardian Genie to
you by name and ask for clarification.


Ryan R. didn’t want to accept challenges when people
doubted his psychic abilities, but found himself badgered into
one on New Year’s Eve.
82 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language

Ryan performed his Visual-Telemetry Ritual, and silently

prayed that the Cosmic Mind respond to his needs. “ Show me a
scene from the future,” he said aloud. In an instant, a series of
symbols flashed through his mind. He knew that his prophecy
would be correct, and it was.
Ryan’s prediction was that a new star would be discovered
in San Jose, California. “It has something to do with the south­
west, and the star I speak of is in the heavens,” he firmly stated.
“It will be a ‘first.’ ”
Many people laughed at Ryan’s prediction. The general
feeling was that it was nearly impossible to believe that any
scientific discoveries were going to be made in San Jose con­
cerning astronomy.
A month later, there were some loud “gulps” when the San
Jose newspaper reported how San Jose’s Lick Observatory had
performed a “first” in astronomy. It had successfuly
photographed a particular type of star—a Pulsar. The article
also noted that this Pulsar was generally called the “southwest
An astounding prediction? Not when you rely upon Psychic
Telemetry Sign Language to predict national, local, or individual
future events.


Visual-Telemetry is a very versatile psychic ability. You can
use it to see what’s happening at a distance, and you use it to
peer into the future. On the surface, it would appear difficult to
tell the difference between a vision showing actual happenings,
and a vision that is given in Telemetric Sign Language.
The Cosmic Mind, always working in an efficient manner,
has given us a safeguard. With practice, you can move from
reality to Sign Language and back again with perfect ease. The
Cosmic Mind always precedes a Psychic Language message with
a black dot. This black dot is a mystery, but seeing this black dot
in a symbolic vision is the sure sign of an experienced seer.
How to Read Telemetric Sign Language 83

Telemetric Sign Language appears in your psychic vision to

look much like a picture upon a television screen. Your first
mental picture will be that of a black dot. The black dot will
appear at the right side of your mental television screen, and
move across your vision to the left until it disappears. This black
dot will be rapidly followed by sets of Symbols. This is a sym­
bolical message from the Cosmic Mind.
When the communication is complete, you will be shown
another black dot. If this black dot is followed by additional
pictures, you can be sure that you are seeing literal people,
places, or things, exactly as you have previously experienced in
your Visual-Telemetry Rituals.

In the previous chapter, you learned to use Visual-
Telemetry; in this chapter, you have learned to speak the
Telemetric Sign Language. But this chapter would not be
complete without instruction in using the powerful techniques of
two additional psychic talents, one of which is Sensory-


Joachim V. was living in Munich, Germany, when I first
heard from him. His lengthy letter was in very correct German.
His letter had been translated and forwarded to me by his sister,
who lived in the United States.
Joachim’s sister had previously attended a Psychic
Telemetry class. She attained so many remarkable results from
the class, that she translated the class pamphlets into her native
tongue and mailed them to her brother in Munich.
Joachim enjoyed working, but desired a better-paying job
in the factory. He used a Telemetry Enchantment, and was
quickly offered the job he desired. He excelled in his job and
84 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language

became the favorite of management and workers. He became so

respected by his fellow employees, that he was elected to sit as
the employee representative on the company’s board of directors.
But there was one employee who became so envious of Joachim’s
success, that he vowed to get him fired.
“ Hans did everything he could to get me dismissed,”
Joachim wrote to me. “ He sabotaged my work and he started
vicious rumors. He even hid company tools in my lunch box,
hoping it would appear that I was guilty of theft. But thanks to
my Sensory-Telemetry power, he was never successful in his
devious plans. I always sensed what his plans were, and in­
terrupted them before they could bear fruit.”


Sensory-Telemetry is the power to feel, or to intuitively
sense what is about to happen. It would be the rare individual
indeed who could testify that he has never had a feeling about a
person, a place, or a thing.
Sensory-Telemetry is essentially “woman’s intuition,” or
the “hunch” as this experience is called by the male. You do not
see pictures and you do not hear sounds. Sensory-Telemetry is
something that you sense to be true.
Everyone experiences Sensory-Telemetry at one time or
another. But one time or another is not adequate when you are
using Psychic Telemetry powers. Sensory-Telemetry can only be
considered as completely constructive when it can be used at any
required time. The Sensory-Telemetry Ritual ensures that your
power to sense is always keenly active in all of your endeavors.


Perform your Pillar of Power Ritual exactly as you did in
your Visual-Telemetry Ritual, and visualize your Magic Tele-
Triangle. (Don’t forget to perform your Second Pillar of Power
Ritual, calling upon your Guardian Genie.)
Rather than concentrating on the bottom point of the
traingle, you should now concentrate on its right point. This is
How to Read Telemetric Sign Language 85

the point of the triangle from which your Sensory-Telemetry

power flows. When you are deep in concentration upon the right
point of your Magic Tele-Triangle, repeat this powerful chant
three times in quick succession.
“I am in tune with the Infinite power of Good.
I sense and I know all things that will bring me
I am protected from all danger, both now and
I now command that this be so!”
It is unlikely that you will find the need to perform your
Sensory-Telemetry Ritual at frequent intervals.
Most students find that their power to sense has become so
acute, that they discover that performing the Sensory-Telemetry
Ritual once every few months is adequate.

You need not worry about running into the unexpected
when your Sensory-Telemetry powers are at work. A caution
light will flash before you. You will sense that something is
amiss. When this warning light flashes, stop! Stop as quickly as
possible, and use your other Psychic Telemetry powers to
discover what the problem or danger is, and avoid it! “To be
forewarned is to be forearmed” is a literal truth. Take advantage
of it. It will never let you down.


Gordon P. had always been a robust and healthy man. He
often bragged about never being sick a day in his life. So he
wasn’t too disturbed when he began experiencing mild
86 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language

As the weeks rolled by, Gordon’s head pain became worse

and worse. He finally found that he could not function properly
when he was overcome by the headaches, and would take to his
bed for days. A physical examination by an internist failed to
show any reason for Gordon’s acute pain. He next visited a
neurosurgeon, who hospitalized Gordon for extensive testing.
Gordon explained:
“That week I spent in the hospital was the worst week of my
life,” Gordon explained. “ I was tested and X-rayed for hours
each day. Many of the tests were not only dangerous, but ex­
tremely painful. They did tests that I had never even heard of.”
At the end of a week, Gordon was released from the
“The neurologist couldn’t find any reason for the terrible
pain I was experiencing, so he sent me home with a large supply
of pain killers.
“I was almost ready to believe that my pain was imaginary,
but the doctors convinced me otherwise. They knew that my pain
was real.
“Prior to the onset of a severe headache, my blood pressure
and my body temperature would drop to dangerously low levels.
It was finally deduced that the degree of pain that I experienced
could be measured by my body temperature. The lower my
temperature dropped, the more severe the pain.
Gordon was finally directed to the medical school of a large
university. Extensive testing at the hospital attached to the
medical school still failed to show results.
“By the time the tests were completed at the University, I
was a mental and physical wreck. My headaches were destroying
my entire life, and no one could even discover their origin.
“I ’d better back up for a minute.
“ When I first went to the doctor about my headaches, I told
him that I believed the origin of my headaches could be
discovered in my blood. When he asked me why I thought so, I
could only reply that it was just something I knew, it was
something that I could just sense was wrong. And I told every
other doctor the same thing.
How to Read Telemetric Sign Language 87

“All of the physicians had me take extensive blood tests,

then they tried to assure me that there was nothing in my blood
that could cause my problem.
“ In my desperation, I called a friend who I knew was deeply
involved with Psychic Telemetry. I asked him to use whatever
psychic power he had to find a doctor who could help me. By this
time, I was seriously considering suicide.”
Gordon’s friend did use his Psychic Telemetry power, and
called him to say that his Guardian Genie for Healing had shown
him a doctor’s name in a Visual-Telemetry vision.
“I made an appointment with the doctor chosen by my
psychic friend’s Healing Genie, and a miracle began to happen. I
told Dr. M. that I had this overpowering feeling that the answer
to my problem could be found in my blood, and that it had
something to do with lack of oxygen.
“Dr. M. ordered a relatively new type of blood test. A test
that would show the level of carbon-monoxide in my blood­
stream. The results of the test were a shocker. The normal
percentage of carbon monoxide within the blood is 2 to 3 per­
cent. Mine was 18 percent—a near fatal level. Thank God a
doctor paid attention to what I was sensing and did something
about it.
“There is no doubt that I would now be dead of carbon
monoxide poisoning if my Sensory-Telemetry had let me down.
But it didn’t.”
Gordon P. moved from the large city in which he lived to a
smog-free city in the southwest. His health returned and he
finally became free of pain. At last report, Gordon and his wife
were operating a very prosperous family restaurant in Arizona.


Judy G. panicked when she walked out of the corner
market. She had parked the baby carriage, with her infant son
asleep inside it, right by the door. “I was only gone long enough
to buy a loaf of bread,” she told the police in a hysterical voice.
88 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language

It was such a bright, warm morning, that Judy decided to

take her month-old son for a short walk in his baby carriage. She
remembered that she needed a loaf of bread, and thinking her
son completely safe, she walked into the neighborhood grocery to
get the needed item.
The attempts by the police and well-meaning neighbors to
calm Judy down were futile. She was a grief-stricken, hysterical
Judy was lying on her bed, sobbing, when a sudden feeling
of calm overtook her.
“I don’t know what happened,” she related, “but one
moment I was hysterical, and the next moment I felt perfectly
calm and in complete control of the situation.
“I closed the bedroom door so that I could have privacy,
and I performed the Audio-Telemetry Ritual. When I finished
the Ritual, I waited to hear something. I was discouraged at that
moment because I didn’t hear a word. I thought the Ritual was a
complete failure.”
Judy later told friends that she was very disturbed at the
failure of the Ritual.
“ I was ready to fall on the bed and cry again, when I heard a
voice in the hall say, The baby’s in the 600 block o f South Erie.
“I rushed from the bedroom to see who had found my son.
No one was in the hallway, and the neighbor’s swore that no one
had even mentioned South Erie.”
Judy knew that she had heard a voice, and she listened to it.
“My friends thought that I was crazy, but they followed me
as I jumped in the car and sped to Erie, which was only three
blocks away.”
Judy found her baby safe and unharmed. Apparently, two
small girls had walked by the corner grocery just as Judy parked
the carriage. The girls wanted to play house, and pushed the
baby and the buggy away, thinking he would be a welcome
addition to their game.
Judy found her son being pampered by the two girls on the
front lawn of their home. “But what would have happened when
the girls tired of playing house?,” Judy thought.
How to Read Telemetric Sign Language 89

The whole story could have ended tragically, but thanks to

Judy’s knowledge of Psychic Telemetry, the story had a happy


Judy, in the above case history, heard a “voice” speaking in
the hallway of her home. She understood Audio-Telemetry, and
she made it work.
Audio-Telemetry is the hearing of sounds not present to the
physical senses. These sounds can be a voice, or they can be
music. This psychic rhythm can be the sound of anything, but it
will not be heard by the physical ear. It is heard by the psychic
Except on rare occasions, these sounds are heard only by
the person performing the Audio-Telemetry Ritual. What you
hear depends on what you ask during your Ritual. In Judy’s case,
she needed to hear a voice. She had a specific need and it was
You can use Audio-Telemetry in a hundred different ways.
The “voice” will answer your every question. Do you need
peaceful music to relax by? Ask for it!
As I sat writing these words, I telephoned six different
people and asked them for what purposes they used Audio-
Telemetry. I believe their replies are typical of the wonders you
can achieve with this particular Psychic Telemetry phenomena.
Bob: I have a hard time falling asleep at night, so I ask for
beautiful music—it’s heavenly!
Betty: I sell real estate. My “voice” tells me what to offer
when I’m buying.
Dan: It gets lonely driving a truck. I carry on conversations
with my “voice” during the long stretches of road.
Len: I’m a doctor, and I usually rely on my own knowledge
to treat my patients. But if I have a veiy difficult case
to diagnose, I ask my “voice” for help.
Cary: Whenever I get stuck on a song lyric that I’m writing,
I use Audio-Telemetry to help me out.
Claude: I use my Audio-Telemetry to win at the horse races.
90 How to Read Telemetric Sign Language


Follow the same Ritual as you did in Visual and Sensory-
Telemetry. Visualize your First Pillar of Power enclosed in a
large triangle.
When the Pillar is alive and pulsating, concentrate on the
left point of the Magic Triangle. This is the point of the triangle
that controls your psychic hearing.
When you become relaxed and have the left point of the
triangle firmly within your mind, repeat these words three times:

“My psychic ear is open,

And now I can hear,
All of the good sounds,
That there are for me.”

Just sit and listen! You will be wonderfully surprised at the

beautiful voices, the music, and the sounds that will flood your
mind and lighten your burdens.
Perform your Second Pillar of Power Ritual, and bring your
ceremony to a close.


There you have them! Three psychic powers that will give a
tremendous boost to your Psychic Telemetry as you practice
them daily.
All of this power is yours to command, and Chapter Five
gives you further advice on how to get even closer to the awesome
power that you control.
C h a p te r Five

How to C o m m an d and Control

Others with the
M ag ic Tele-Aurascope

Most of the problems we face in life are caused by in­

dividuals. This chapter will show you how to use your Magic
Tele-Aurascope to change people’s moods, and even their
thoughts. No longer will you have to wonder what a person is
thinking or feeling. You’ll know all about them in a matter of
You are about to discover one of the most fascinating and
beneficial aspects of Psychic Telemetry—analyzing a person’s
character immediately, and having the power to change it at will.


Jeff was a frustrated and underpaid sixth-grade teacher
who desperately hoped for advancement into educational ad­
ministration. Jeffs classroom was filled with problem children,
which didn’t help his deep-seated frustration.

92 How to Command and Control Others

“I ’m going to give up teaching at the end of this school

year,” he confided to me. “I work hard every day, I give the best
I have to my students, but it just doesn’t seem to be enough.”
Performing hard work that goes unrecognized by others
seems to be a common problem. But Jeff did something about
his problem. He used the Magic Tele-Aurascope. In just a few
months, Jeff was named “Teacher of the Year.” A year later, he
was promoted to a top administrative post at a salary of $40,000
a year.
Soon after his promotion, he called me on the telephone.
“Thank heaven for the Magic Tele-Aurascope,” he said.


Directing the Magic Tele-Aurascope is a simple but
powerful way to accomplish just about anything you want.
Place the index finger of your right hand at the middle of
the forehead, and press down. At the same time that you are
pressing down, begin to hum quietly with your lips closed.
Continue humming until you can clearly hear the “hmmm”
within your head, and feel the strong vibrations within your


Louise L. answered a newspaper advertisement for an office
manager, and landed the job. What Louise didn’t realize, was
that the other women in the office expected that one of them
would be promoted to the position.
Louise’s first day on the job was a disaster. The secretaries
who worked for her were cold and silent. No one offered her help
or encouragement. Louise was ready to resign her new job on the
first day. Just at quitting time, she decided to stay on the job for
one more day, and use her Magic Tele-Aurascope.
Louise drove by to see me after she left work that night. I
had never seen a more depressed or dejected girl.
How to Command and Control Others 93

“As bad as I need that job, I could never work under those
conditions,” she said. “ It wasn’t only the girls—the boss looked
through me like I didn’t even exist.” She told me of her plan to
turn the full force of her Tele-Aurascope on the entire office.
“If that doesn’t work, I give up!”
I had no doubts that it would work—and it did. I didn’t
hear from Louise for two days. She finally telephoned late one
“ I’m sorry that I’m calling so late, but I just got home from
having dinner with my boss. I had dinner with him last night,
too, but it was too late to call you after I got home from the
theater. You’ll never guess what happened!”
Louise had so much to tell me, and was talking so rapidly,
that I had to slow her down. She told me what had happened on
her second day at the job.
“I knew who the real ringleader was, and I knew that if I
could break her hate and vindictiveness, that I would win the
“I went to work early and focused my Magic Tele-
Aurascope on Helen’s desk. I filled the whole area around her
desk with a vibration of friendship and helpfulness. I did the
same thing to the work area of every other girl in the office.
“The next thing I did was to summon the Guardian Genie
(Harry), that I use to help me influence others. Once I relied
upon Harry, and my Magic Tele-Aurascope, there was no doubt
that I would soon be victorious in overcoming the envy that was
being directed toward me.
“Helen was the first one in to work that morning. She
didn’t bother to answer my ‘good morning’ as she hung up her
coat in silence. She had a terrible scowl across her face.
“I watched as Helen sat down at her desk. A look of sur­
prise and pleasantness soon replaced her scowl. She became very
nervous and fumbled with the pencils on her desk. Very quickly
she pushed back her chair and came walking up to where I was
sitting. ‘Louise, I feel like someone’s pushing me up here. I just
want to apologize for the way I’ve acted. You can count on me
for any help you need.’
94 How to Command and Control Others

“I had to giggle to myself as each girl in the office came in

to work, sat down, and, as if propelled by a great unseen force,
bolted from her chair to come to me and offer her friendship.
“The Tele-Aurascope really worked. It worked so well that
I decided to use it on my boss. Late in the afternoon, he walked
from his office to speak to me. ‘Louise, it’s against office policy
for the manager to date the office employees, but I was won­
dering if you would have dinner with me this evening, and then
go to the theater?’ T hat’s why I couldn’t call you until late this
evening,” Louise said to me over the telephone.
I recently heard that Louise married her boss and is living
in a luxury apartment on San Francisco’s famous Nob Hill.


There is an electromagnetic force which surrounds every
thing within the universe. This electromagnetic force, which I
term the aura, is the power that I will teach you to use and
manipulate to fulfill your heart’s desire.
The simple use of Visual-Telemetry, which you learned in
Chapter Three, will enable you to perform instant miracles with
your Magic Tele-Aurascope.


Harlan V. worked for a large Texas company when I first
knew him. There was a constant turnover of personnel in his
department because of the domineering and brutal executive
who guided it.
After a particularly embarrassing and unjustified
reprimand before his fellow employees, Harlan decided to do
something about it. He performed his Magic Tele-Aurascope
Ritual and called his Guardian Genie to his side. Silently he
commanded that Mr. Big come out of his office and publicly
apologize for his ill treatment of Harlan.
How to Command and Control Others 95

It was only seconds before the door to the Executive Suite

opened. In the doorway stood an obviously flustered and em­
barrassed executive. “ Harlan, I’d like to apologize to you in front
of everyone for the things I said. I was wrong and I’m sorry.”
Mr. Big didn’t even know why he was apologizing—but
Harlan did. No one can withstand the magic power of the Tele-
Aurascope. In addition to the apology, Harlan received a 10
percent pay raise.


My wife and I were having dinner at a Los Angeles hotel
with one of America’s most brilliant movie and television stars.
The number of fans seeking autographs or the opportunity to
touch Mr. X. made it impossible to eat, let alone carry on a
conversation about Psychic Telemetry, which was the reason for
the dinner.
During a break in the steady stream of fans, I suggested
that we all try using our Tele-Aurascope to keep the fans at a
distance, so that we might finish our dinner and have an
uninterrupted conversation. I gave Mr. X. a very quick lesson in
the use of the Tele-Aurascope Ritual. After a few moments of
concentration, we resumed our dinner. Mr. X. said, “ I can’t
believe it,” as we watched the fans start for the table but sud­
denly stop before they reached us. A sheepish look would cross
their faces. They almost ran back to their own tables.
Mr. X. has been a follower of Psychic Telemetry since that
night. Though already extremely successful, Mr. X’s career has
soared to new heights. But more important to Mr. X., Psychic
Telemetry gave him what his wealth had not been able to buy—
peace of mind, and the ability to appear in public without being
immediately mobbed by admirers.
The old saying that “like attracts like” is true. There is a
magnetic quality within the human aura that attracts to the
96 Howto Command and Control Others

individual the very things that they have built up within the aura.
Because of this magnetism, it is extremely important that you
think positively about all of the things you would like to attract
into your life. This positive thinking builds power into your aura
and magnetically attracts those things which you desire—
whether good, or bad.
The aura is a constantly changing electromagnetic force
around you. The aura reflects what you are at the precise
moment. Every thought and deed performed by you will change
your aura to conformity. You will learn to see and analyze the
human aura in the remaining pages of this chapter. No one will
ever again be able to hide his true character or motives from


Zola H. was trying to raise her three children the best she
could on the small amount of welfare aid that she received.
Barely eking out a living was not what Zola wanted, and it wasn’t
what Zola wanted for her children. It appeared that Zola would
be trapped in her cycle of poverty and never have more than the
small amount of material possessions that she had in her dingy
apartment. Zola desperately wanted better food, clothing, and
cultural advantages for herself, but mostly for her children.
Zola’s desire was to open a small gift and crafts shop in one
of the larger shopping centers. She applied for many loans, but
all were rejected because she didn’t possess adequate collateral.
Zola heard about the power of the Tele-Aurascope from a
friend, and decided to give it a try. She walked into the bank and
focused her concentration on the loan officer. Zola concentrated
with all of her might that the bank official would grant her the
loan she needed to start her business. Zola could tell that the
mood of the bank officer changed as she concentrated, but she
became timid when the loan official seemed to return her gaze.
Zola left the bank without asking for her loan.
How to Command and Control Others 97

As Zola returned home and was opening her door, she

hurried to answer the ringing telephone. It was the loan officer
from the bank calling. Zola’s Tele-Aurascope was successful.
The bank was calling to say that they had reconsidered Zola’s
request for a small business loan—even though she was con­
sidered a high risk.
Within weeks, Zola had become highly successful. She was
making over $500 a week profit from her enterprise, and that
isn’t the end of Zola’s story.
As in many businesses, Zola found that shoplifting was
cutting into her profits. She spent a few minutes each day
learning how to see and analyze an aura. Within days,
shoplifting in her store had almost dropped to zero. She could
look into the aura of the people entering her store, and instantly
tell which people were inclined toward thievery. She could watch
them closely—and she did. The would-be thieves nearly bolted
from the store as soon as Zola gazed into their aura.


The human aura can be seen with the physical eyes (it
appears as a reflection of light around the head). Using the
Visual Telemetry learned in Chapter Three, you will see and
identify the various colors that exist within the human aura, and
analyze them for their various personality characteristics.
It’s very simple to see the aura around any individual—you
will know their true character regardless of how they act out­
wardly. Can they be trusted? Are they sincere? Are they
prosperous? All of these things, and more will be secretly
revealed to you. No longer can anyone conceal the truth from you
about any thing, or any situation.
Perform Your Visual Telemetry Ritual, as taught to you in
Chapter Three. After you have performed this ritual, gaze ap­
proximately six inches above the head of the individual whose
aura you want to see. Do not stare, but gaze gently. Suddenly
you will notice masses of pulsating color around the head. These
colors will appear much as a rainbow in perpetual motion.
98 How to Command and Control Others


Helen M .’s greatest desire was to be a policewoman. She
was hired by a sheriffs department and put on a six-month
probationary period. Helen was very unsure of her status as the
months rolled by—until she learned to use the Magic Tele-
Helen was assigned the responsibility of transporting
female prisoners to the State corrections center. Her male peers
laughed, as this was known to be one of the department’s
toughest assignments. They thought Helen was out of her mind
to drive from the jail with her female prisoner beside her in the
front seat—without handcuffs. Helen did this time after time,
with an occasional prisoner in the backseat behind the heavy
screen. Helen passed her probationary period with flying colors.
What was her secret? No secret at all.
Helen did a very simple thing upon entering the prisoner’s
cell to begin transport to the State prison. She looked into the
prisoner’s aura to see if the prisoner was trustworthy or
dangerous. Helen never made one mistake.
Helen has been promoted several times since those early
days. Her salary is more than she ever hoped to make, and she
has a very self-satisfying job. Incidentally, Helen recently
married the judge in whose court she had been assigned to
temporary bailiff duty.

A "C O N ” MAN
Alexis was a widow who had plenty of money, but was
looking for wise investments to increase her nest egg. Through
friends, Alexis was introduced to a religious leader who was
making fabulous amounts of money for his “ followers” through
investments in South American silver.
Alexis looked into the “holy man’s” aura, and saw
characteristics opposite from those portrayed outwardly. She saw
How to Command and Control Others 99

greed, avarice, hate, etc. Alexis listened intently to the financial

proposition and acted interested in this “chance-of-a-lifetime,”
or so the religious leader said. Alexis said that she would return
the next evening with $5,000 cash.
Full of suspicion, Alexis called the attorney general of the
state where the religious organization had its headquarters.
There was a warrant outstanding for the man’s arrest. Due to
Alexis’ psychic vision, the man was extradited, tried, and
Besides saving herself thousands of dollars, she was the
financial savior to those who were investing their lifesavings with
a holy man who would have soon disappeared had it not been for
Alexis’ vigilance.
And Alexis knew the true character of the phoney minister
from just a 30-second glimpse at his human aura.

After locating the rainbow of colors around the head,
mentally note those colors nearest the head. These will be the
person’s strongest personality characteristics. The further the
color from the head, the less influence it plays in the individual’s
All colors specify certain personality traits. All shades of
red denote physical characteristics. All blue shades denote
spiritual characteristics, and yellow shades the mental. It is
important to note that all clear colors are “positive” traits, and
all colors that appear muddy or mixed with black are “ negative”
characteristics. Below is a Table of Colors and their meanings for
your quick reference.


RED (Physical)
Bright Red Physical strength, health, vigor.
This shade of red shows physical
100 How to Command and Control Others

endurance, the ability to live with

small amounts of sleep. This also
shows the ability to recover quickly
from illnesses. There is an immunity
from what are usually considered to
be “contagious” diseases.
This person has a high sex drive,
but might bury himself in work rather
than love affairs.

Bright Red Anger (I was so angiy I could see

Mixed With red!).
Black This color shows the inclination to
seek revenge. This person has almost
superhuman strength if his anger is
directed toward destruction. This
person does not follow through with
promises, and is “two-faced.”
The person maintaining this color
has little interest in intellectual en­
deavors: probably drinks sporadically,
but heavily.
This color shows no sense of loyalty
tow ard friends, b u t an overly
possessive feeling toward family.
This person is known for sarcasm,
and the joy they feel when they hurt
others through a biting wit.
There is a great stubbomess and
sense of frustration when confronted
by change.

Pure Crimson The color of pure crimson denotes a

great understanding. It is the color of
physical love. It is the color of one who
likes physical closeness—who enjoys a
handshake or a hug. This is the aura
color that shows the individual is in
How to Command and Control Others 101

love with one person—intensely loyal

and faithful.
This person is a good parent and
very affectionate toward children.
Dark Crimson This tone of red is the negative op­
posite of “pure crimson.”
This color is seen in the auras of
those who love the sex act, but not the
person. They have a subconscious
desire to be unhappy in their personal
If things are going too smoothly,
this individual will cause unpleasant
things to occur. This person states
that he cannot stand an argument,
but he will be the first to provoke one.
This color shows a preferance
toward darkness, the night.
Women who carry this color
strongly within their aura are inclined
to often change the color of their hair.
Men appear to prefer wearing plaids
or rectangular patterns in their
Rose Rose is the color of an individual
dedicated to the well-being of others.
It is the dominant color in the auras of
social workers, nurses, ministers, etc.
The person who has rose as the
dominant color in his aura loves life.
He has a well-developed sense of
This person is compassionate and
can keep a secret. These happy in­
dividuals are often unmarried and
view the whole of mankind as their
102 How to Command and Control Others

Pink “ I’m in the ‘pink’ of condition” aptly

describes the character and per­
sonality of the person who has pink as
the dominant color within his aura.
This person is very well-balanced, is
harmonious, slow to anger, generous,
and kind.
This individual has a quiet
nature—not because of shyness, but
because he finds other people so
interesting, and likes to listen rather
than talk.
He will avoid conflict, will join
group activity, but never lose his sense
of independence.
The person who shows a dominant
color of pink within the aura makes a
good friend, and is talented in creative
endeavors such as knitting, sewing,
cooking, landscaping, carpentry,
painting, and photography.
Red Orange Red orange shows salesmanship,
leadership, egotism.
This person is a real ‘hustler’ who
must be doing several things at one
Red orange shows you an in­
dividual who likes pressure and works
well under it.
This man or woman will “blow up”
quickly, but will get over it just as
quickly. They tend to be loud and
pushy, but admire people who stand
up to them and speak their minds.
The red-orange individual is very
intolerant toward the mistakes others
might make, but always has an excuse
to cover his own mistakes.
How to Command and Control Others 103

Red-orange is a color commonly

found in the aura of the politician.
Red-Violet The person who has red-violet as the
predominate color within their aura is
inclined toward membership in lodges
and societies.
This person does not work well
alone, but is a ball-of-fire when
participating in group activities.
Red-violet auras show an individual
who likes games and enjoys the
challenge found in trying to beat the
odds at gambling.
C erem onial activities hold a
definite fascination for the red-violet
man or woman.
Individuals who have shades of red as the dominating
colors within their aura can be complex and mystifying.
The positive shades of red denote individuals who are
energetic, kind, generous, and born to leadership. They are
faithful friends, good lovers, and are usually prosperous. If they
are not properous, it is usually by choice—they are overly
generous to charities and causes that they feel to be worthwhile.
These people make good executives, but can be highly critical of
their employees.
The positive red tones show you the athlete, and the in­
dividual who is very conscious about the appearance of his body,
is a snappy dresser, and dreads getting old. Red makes a good
companion if you have the endurance to keep up with him. One
day he will be quietly engrossed in a novel, the next day he might
be climbing a mountain.
Positive reds will usually prefer dark, conservative colors in
their dress and home furnishings, but seem to be “turned on” by
the color of powder-blue. Yellow, as it is found in nature, is
acceptable to these individuals, but is generally avoided in dress
or furnishings. They like leather.
104 How to Command and Control Others

In stature, the “ red” will stand straight, but is inclined to

sit toward the front of a chair—unless it’s a rocking chair! They
are broad at the shoulders, but have small waists and narrow
hips. When walking, their gait is fast and their toes point
straight ahead.


Negative Reds are a sorrowful lot and should be avoided if
possible. They are usually overweight, slouch, and walk flat-
These negative reds are dangerous as friends, lovers, or
business associates—they will hold your feelings in low esteem.
They can be heavy drinkers, rapists, and child molesters. They
are unfaithful in love affairs, and not trustworthy with money.
Negative reds can turn on the charm when they need
something, but will give the cold-shoulder when they have
achieved their goals.
These individuals believe themselves to be the most im­
portant persons in the world. They ignore their children and
their own parents. These individuals prefer the company of their
own sex and boast constantly.
The negative red has little ambition or drive. He is bitter
because people do not recognize what he believes to be his ob­
vious talents. He is a slow thinker who changes his mind con­
stantly. This person is late to appointments and undependable in


Sky Blue This tone of blue shows that its auric
wearer maintains a positive spiritual
attitude toward all of life. This blue
also shows that the person is on a
concise path of constant spiritual
progression and evolution.
How to Command and Control Others 105

This person is never satisfied with

his own spiritual growth, and is
constantly in search of Higher Truths.
Sky blue men and women often
neglect worldly responsibilities in
their quest for spiritual knowledge.
You will find this person to be quiet
and retiring. Their knowledge of
spiritual Truth does not give them an
evangelical nature. They believe that
each man must, on his own, find the
Truth that is satisfying to him.
Violet Violet is one of the most beautiful of
auric colors. It shows you an in­
dividual who has grasped spiritual
knowledge, and knows how to apply
this knowledge in a practical manner
to improve all facets of his life.
The person who can maintain this
color within the aura is a person who
can face any crisis or difficult
situation with grace, dignity, and head
held high.
Very Dark This person is filled with superstition,
Blue and is a religious fanatic.
Dark blue people have a strong
belief in hell, and an even stronger
belief that any person thinking dif­
ferently than they, in a religious
manner, is a worker for the devil.
You will find, unfortunately, that
these individuals welcome pain,
poverty, and despair as opportunities
to prove their faith.
Little social life is enjoyed by these
fanatics. Large families and poverty
are their mark in life.
How to Command and Control Others

“ I feel ‘blue’ today!” And usually they

do. This tone of blue shows mental
depression and listlessness.
This person could soon become
physically ill, and would be slow to
No happiness or progress can be
enjoyed by the blue-gray individual
until he breaks the stranglehold of
self-pity and doubt that surrounds
This person loves ceremony as an
observer, not as a participant.
The purple aura shows that things
must be done in a proper order and a
proper sequence. This person com­
pletes all tasks in a thorough and
efficient m anner. Tasks are
sometimes completed slowly because
of the attention paid to insignificant
The purple loves all tones of blue in
physical surroundings and dress. They
are occasionally attracted to the color
of bright red, but this attraction is
temporary and soon leaves them.
This individual is studious, but a
slow reader.
F astidiousness, neatness, and
cleanliness are essential to the peace
of mind and comfort of those
possessing purple as the dominant
color within their auras. They will flee
people and places that do not show
these qualities.
Chaos and untidiness are so
dreadful to this person, that he will
How to Command and Control Others 107

leave those he loves best before he will

accept these negative qualities.
This person would rather hurt
himself than others, but is unable to
completely control his emotions.
Clear Blue This beautiful tone of blue shows you
a highly principled and moral in­
dividual. This lucky person can ward
off temptation with little effort.
Scrupulous honesty su rrounds
this principled party. They will go to
great effort to return a penny
mistakenly given them.
They are very hard on themselves,
graciously accepting the faults of
others, but finding it difficult to
forgive their own weaknesses—which
are very few.
Those blessed people who possess the positive blue tones
are assets to all of us. Many scientists, doctors, accountants,
mathematicians, farmers, and auto mechanics possess this
beautiful auric color. But the occupation of the person does little
to determine these strong spiritual characteristics.
You will find that these people are difficult to live with
unless you have acquired these same personality characteristics.
They demand the highest from their family members and close
personal associates.
These people are almost impossible to anger, but when
Principle is involved, they will fight the world with what they
consider to be “righteous wrath.” And they are fearless.
Quietness of nature is their trademark, but they can
become human dynamos when involved in a Just Cause. The
positive blue person believes that hard work is good for the soul.
They cannot understand or accept laziness.
108 How to Command and Control Others

Individuals possessing these tones respect all forms of life,

and love the variety of blooms on flowers.
Individuals of these positive blue tones appreciate for­
mality, like to dress well, and are sometimes offended by what
they consider to be an improper use of nicknames.
The elderly receive much attention and respect from this
spiritual group of people. Wealth, status, and position make
little impression upon these stout-of-heart.

The negative blue tones within the aura present to you one
of the most difficult people in the world to live with—they are
very hypocritical in nature.
These dogmatic religionists view every unpleasant cir­
cumstance as the work of the devil, and they find great joy in
their suffering, viewing it as an opportunity to show their faith.
The individuals possessing these negative tones as the
primary color within their aura tend to mingle with their own.
They are highly superstitious and live in constant fear of death,
hell, and the devil.
These people can not be trusted if you are not a part of their
group. They will lie, cheat, and steal to achieve their goals,
rationalizing that it is “just” to use any means to wrest material
possessions from the devil, who is you, in their eyes.
This type of person is emotionally attached to his particular
Cause, and releases these emotions in sexual acts. They have a
highly oversexed personality.
The negative blues usually have a large family where little
love, but a great deal of discipline, is shown. They are under-
educated, and have no interest in cultural pursuits.
These people tend to favor dark clothing and heavy-
appearing shoes. Their hair is usually brown to very dark brown.
The eyes appear smaller than average, and an unusually large
number of this group wear glasses by the time they reach their
early thirties.
How to Command and Control Others 109

No friends will you find here.

YELLOW (Mental)
Light Yellow This beautiful shade of yellow is found
within the aura of those individuals
who have gained a high degree of
intelligence. This intelligence may
have been gained through formal
education, or it may be self-taught.
This light yellow shows you an
individual who has great appreciation
toward cultural pursuits, but does not
necessarily show a great interest in
any particular cultural field.
This color is often seen within the
aura of the teacher and of those who
love music. Most of these people enjoy
dancing, or the rhythmic movement in
ballet and the various ethnic or tribal
Light yellow is also the color of
instinct and psychic power. This color
pulsates dramatically through the
auras of the followers of Psychic
Telemetry. It is pulsating through
your aura at this very moment. It is
the basic color that dominates your
aura as you learn to use your Magic
Tele-Aurascope later in this chapter.
Bright Yellow This is a mind that never stops
working—it’s always thinking and
planning. In fact, these people
sometimes talk so rapidly that it is
difficult to understand them.
These bright yellow personalities
make wonderful companions—if you
can keep up with them. It is torture
110 How to Command and Control Others

for these people to sit and relax. They

feel that relaxation is a waste of time
when there are so many things that
they want to do.
To these individuals, money is to
spend and not to invest or save.
Though they have boundless energy,
they will use little of this energy in
business or other money-making
Deep Yellow Plans abound within the minds of
those possessing deep yellow as the
primary color within their aura. Never
satisfied with the present, they are
always planning for the future.
These people do not like spur-of-
the-moment activities. They like their
activities to be planned—to have
plenty of notice before beginning any
new undertaking.
These people are sociable, but
generally quiet. They are not loud or
boisterous. They have com plete
control over themselves, but can
become rattled if outside influences
try to force quick decisions and quick
compliance. They do not like to be
These people are courteous and
prompt in their appointments.
Deep yellow is commonly found
within the auras of those persons
having strong interests in logic, ethics,
statistics, accounting and mathe­
Gold Gold shows you a love of pure
knowledge. It is the color of the
religious teach er and religious
How to Command and Control Others 111

philosopher. It is the color of the

individual who seeks truth in all
Gold does not show you a religious
person, it shows you a spiritual
person. There are many people who
are very religious, but lack true
These individuals enjoy being alone
to meditate and pray. They are
tolerant and loving. They have a
strong and uncom prom ising
These people do not appear timid
and meek, for they are not. They have
confidence in themselves and life.
Do not try to push these golden
auras. They are fearless and have the
courage of a lion.
Many of these people marry and
make good mates, if yon do not expect
or demand a romantic love.
They are intensely loyal, and they
love animals.
A large majority of these in­
dividuals are blue-eyed and of fair
Yellow-Orange This person is very persuasive, but will
rarely argue. Known for his
willingness to compromise, he rarely
demands that things be done his way.
This person has a healthy ego, but
is not inclined to dominate—and he
will not accept domination from
Here you can find a good friend. A
friend who is a good listener and will
rarely give advice, unless he is asked.
112 How to Command and Control Others

The yellow-orange shows pride, but

not arrogance. If there is a job to do,
he will finish it. But he is not ruled by


If you want the intelligent, the suave, and the sophisticated
around you, you want to draw those people to you possessing the
positive yellow tones within their aura.
These positive yellow individuals are the civilizers of society
in an intellectual manner (they are not, however, the civilizers in
the strong family sense).
Here we have the community organizers, though they are
somewhat selfish in their goals and the causes to which they
apply their energy.
These are generally good mates, but are not the best of
lovers. They have many acquaintances, but very few good
friends. These intellectuals have a tendency to expect much from
their immediate families, but are overly tolerant toward the
faults of those outside of their family domain.
The men who carry this positive yellow as the dominant
color within the aura are overly indulgent toward their
daughters, but have poor relationships with their sons. There
appears to be little closeness between these fathers and their
Women are the exact opposite. They have full and
meaningful relationships with their sons, but find it difficult to
understand their daughters, which in turn leads to a great deal of
personal animosity.


Immaturity, constantly changing personalities, ner­
vousness, and mental illness are the strong personality
characteristics of those carrying these negative yellow tones
within their auras.
How to Command and Control Others 113

It is very difficult to feel at ease with these negative in­

dividuals. Their emotional state is never static—it changes from
minute to minute. These individuals can have a very cruel
Lasting relationships are rare, even within the family. They
are constant drifters who seldom communicate with either friend
or family. These are often the people who need help, and they
know it, but they rarely accept the help that they need.
These negative yellows are interested in sex as a mental
endeavor, and feel very little emotional satisfaction from this
type of romance. They enjoy discussing and comparing their
sexual encounters with anyone who will listen. They can not keep
a secret where a sexual matter is concerned. If you value your
reputation, you should keep these negative yellow tones at a good
None of your beliefs are safe from attack. This person will
go to the greatest lengths to persuade you to change your belief
about the most unimportant of details.


The color green is a combination of blue and yellow. But its
importance in the proper analysis of the auric colors makes it
more reasonable to set it apart from, rather than combine with
yellow or blue.
Much can be learned from the green tones—especially
concerning health, emotions, home, and children.

Mixed Green “ I feel green around the gills!” is an
apt expression for describing this
dark, mixed green within the aura.
This tone denotes poor health—a
person who is not up to par, either
physically or mentally.
Due to their poor health, these
persons can become cross and
114 How to Command and Control Others

This person is a “real drag” to be

around, and he can quickly deplete
you of your own energy.
Light Green Light green shows you great tolerance.
Though this tolerance is toward all
things, it is primarily directed toward
children and the elderly. This person
is filled with emotional love, and
makes an ideal marriage partner.
Light green is also the vivid color of
those who make excellent parents.
How these people love a home!
They do not love a house for its
grandeur, but by the feeling they
create within. These fortunate people
can make a loving home in one room
or in a mansion.
Clear Green Clear green is the color of healing. It is
manifested in the auras of those who
are being healed, but usually it is in
the auras of those who have the ability
to heal. This person can perform
healings such as those described in
Chapter Seven of this book.
Forest Green Love of nature. Love of animals. The
environmentalist, farmer, forester,
etc., are those whom you will meet
when seeing this glossy forest green
within the aura.
Though these people are a bit
disorganized, they make wonderful
friends. But think twice before you
chose one as a business partner—
unless it is a venture concerning the
How to Command and Control Others 115

Dull Green Here we have malice, insincerity, and

the liar. They are untrustworthy and
make neither friend, lover or marriage
partner. They dislike children and the
elderly. They scheme and plan ways in
which they might take advantage of
No good relationships can evolve
from association with these dull green


Clear Brown This color shows you that you are with
a materially prosperous and in­
dustrious individual.
Dull Brown With dull, mixed brown, we find a
selfish and miserly person. He thinks
more of money than any person in the
world. This person is spiritually
Grey Extremely negative thoughts. A very
unreliable person.
White Pure spirit (God). This person has
achieved the highest of spiritual
attainment. It is rare that you will ever
see this color within the aura.
Black Hatred, revenge, and pessimism are
the dominant characteristics of this
116 How to Command and Control Others


You can now see and recognize everything there is to know
about every person. No one can deceive you again. You’ll never
be disillusioned by anyone again. You will know exactly who they
are at every minute.


Now that you know what each color in the aura means, you
can easily change the thoughts and personalities of others to
what you want them to be. You might call this your aura “zap”
To change another person’s personality or to make him do
your bidding, it’s only necessary for you to follow these simple
1. Close your eyes and visualize the light yellow color of
your own psychic power.
2. Mentally move this color of power into the aura of the
person you choose to influence, even if the person is at a
3. Once you have firmly placed this powerful force within
their aura, mentally demand that it explode into the
color you desire. For example, if you want tolerance,
make your demand light green. If you are seeking
physical love, demand that the appropriate shade of red
explode within the aura. Ask your Guardian Genie to
add his power to this psychic explosion.
4. Just sit back and enjoy your miraculous success. Within
seconds, minutes at the most, you will have a willing,
obedient slave.
C h a p te r Six

M iracle Power from
In an im ate O bjects

Inanimate objects are not just dead things! Inanimate

objects are full of life! They vibrate, tingle, and sparkle. They all
have a story to tell, and they’re waiting to tell their unique and
fascinating stories to you.
Would you like to walk into a house and have it tell you its
story? Would you like to pick up a vase in a second-hand store
and listen to its tale of having traveled the seven seas? You’ll do
this and a hundred more things before you have finished this
powerful chapter on the miracles of Tele-Psychometry.


Inanimate objects do not have a voice to talk to you, nor do
they have a brain with which to think. But inanimate objects do
have an etheric memory. You will learn to tap this etheric
118 Tele-Psychometry

memory by using the Visual-Telemetry, Audio-Telemetry, and

Sensory-Telemetry powers learned in earlier chapters of this
Tele-Psychometry is the divination of known past or
present facts which surround an object or objects. Everything
within the universe has a character or nature of its own. The
character (etheric memory) of inanimate objects is determined
not only by the physical environment around them, but more
strongly by the thoughts, words, and emotions expressed around
these objects by people. It is these thoughts, feelings, etc. ex­
pressed around the object, that cling to it to create the etheric
memory with which you will converse through various Psychic
Telemetry techniques. Essentially, you will be reading the soul or
character of an object.
This chapter on Tele-Psychometry will be one of the most
pleasurable adventures of your life.


This true case history received so much publicity, and the
people involved were so famous, that I have changed the names
and the location of this ghastly event so unpleasant memories
need not be stirred within the minds of those family and friends
who remain.
I do not enjoy writing of this horrible tale, but it is positive
proof of inanimate objects retaining memories. It is startling
proof of what the power of Tele-Psychometry can do, even under
the most trying of circumstances.
On a Tuesday afternoon, the police heard a hysterical
female voice screaming over the telephone, “ They’ve been
murdered! They’ve been murdered!” And then all sound ceased.
Since the caller had not hung up the telephone, the police were
able to trace the call. They hurried to reach the panic stricken
All looked quiet and peaceful as the squad cars raced up
the curving driveway of the palatial mansion that sat upon the
hilltop overlooking the city.
Tele-Psychometry 119

The police rushed through the open front door and found
the telephone caller sitting upon the floor, telephone receiver in
hand. Her shock had been so great, that she sat in a deep
stupor—neither hearing nor seeing the flurry of activity going on
around her.
The hardened law officers were sickened by what they
found within the rooms of the mansion—seven bodies, all
beaten, stabbed, and strangled. Floors, walls, and even the
ceilings were spattered with blood. One burly detective walked
outside to hide his tears. He stood alone, sobbing.
No clues were found in the house to identify the murderers.
Weeks went by with the police following up on hundreds of
leads, but getting nowhere. The investigation had come to a
When all looked dark, a young detective remembered that
while visiting his sister in the southwest, he met a man who
talked about the miracles of Tele-Psychometry. He placed a
hurried call to his sister. The man, Harold C., was on the next
plane to the city where the murders had taken place.
When the police met Harold at the airport, they told him
that they were going to drive him to a house where they wanted
him to tell them of any feelings he might have. They told him
nothing else.
As the party left the car and started walking toward the
front door of the murder house, Harold stopped, as in disbelief.
“ My God!” he cried, “I see bodies and blood all over the
house. I can’t believe it. My God, My God!”
Harold was so upset by the Tele-Psychometry vibrations he
was receiving, that he first refused to enter the house. Without
entering the house, Harold perfectly described the murder
victims, how they were killed, and the rooms in which each body
was discovered.
After finally entering the house, Harold gave the police
physical descriptions of the men and women responsible for the
murders, and the very unusual first names of two of the
assailants. Harold later described a farmhouse, which he was
seeing through his Sensory-Telemetry, and the geographical
location of the isolated farm.
120 Tele-Psychometry

The law officers were awed by Harold’s Psychic Telemetry

performance, but made no comments to deny or confirm his
Tele-Psychometry story. The next day, Harold returned to his
hometown in the southwest.
In a matter of days, the mayor of the city announced to the
press that suspects in the grisly murders had been arrested.
Though he did not announce that the arrests were the results of
Harold’s miraculous powers, Harold had earned the eternal
gratitude of a young detective, as well as the family and friends
of the murder victims.


Before being called upon to aid in solving the bizarre crime,
Harold’s life had not amounted to a great deal. He had many
dreams, but did little to ensure their fulfillment. He was always
half-sick—never feeling up-to-par. He never had enough money,
nor a meaningful job. He was often heard to say, “ I’m not living,
I’m only existing!” In general, he described himself as just being
plain miserable.
It was during one of Harold’s low periods that a friend gave
him a selection of pamphlets on the various aspects of Psychic
Telemetry. Harold became very interested and studied the
material. During this time, Harold was introduced to the visiting
detective who would, at a later time, call upon him to help solve
the mass-murder case.
Just three days prior to that significant telephone call,
Harold decided he was going to change his life for the better—
finally bringing his dreams into reality.
Harold took his pamplet on Psychic Telemetry (the same
Enchantments you learned in Chapter Two), and pronounced
with great force the Enchantments for:
1. Personal recognition.
2. Prosperity.
3. The opportunity to travel.
4. A loving wife and companion.
Tele-Psychometry 121

This is what the Magical Enchantments brought to Harold.

Harold’s first Enchantment was for Personal Recognition.
This he immediately received. He received personal recognition
when that all-important telephone call was received from the
distant city. He received great respect and esteem from the police
department, his fellow peers, and the family and friends of the
Harold’s only desire was for personal recognition, not fame.
But fame was his for the asking. As his Psychic Telemetry powers
became more widely known, he found himself approached by
reporters seeking interviews, and individuals and organizations
seeking his help. Harold finally found it more convenient to
move to a foreign country to escape the fame that would have
undoubtedly been his.
Harold’s second Enchantment called for prosperity. After
the capture of the criminals, the family of the victims set up a
special yearly annuity to be paid Harold so he would never have
to work another day of his life.
The third Enchantment Harold declared was that he be
presented the opportunity to travel. The magic of this En­
chantment worked as positively as the others. Harold’s first
travel was the plane trip (his first) to the distant city—all at the
expense of the Police Department. He then traveled to Scan­
dinavia, where he finally moved permanently.
At last report, Harold is happily traveling to every major
city in Europe.
After Harold’s first three Enchantments were brought into
reality, he said it was his fourth Enchantment that made his life
“ absolutely perfect.” He wrote to tell friends of his new Swedish
“ It’s like God made and moulded Ingrid
especially for me.”
This story has been one of miracles, but the miracles didn’t
stop with Harold.
122 Tele-Psychometry

Madge D. was the lady who made the original call to the
police when the murders were discovered. She was the woman
who was sitting on the floor in a stupor as the police arrived at
the ghastly scene.
Madge was so horrified by what she had discovered, that
she became a severely damaged woman, both mentally and
emotionally. When ordinary methods of medical treatment
failed, Madge was placed in an expensive, private, psychiatric
hospital. The advanced treatment she received there was
completely ineffectual. Madge’s family had given up hope that
she would ever recover.
In desperation, Madge’s daughter attended a lecture on
Psychic Telemetry Healing. After the lecture, the daughter
appealed to the Healer to help her mother. And the Healer did!
Using the same techniques that you will learn in Chapter
Seven, Miracle Healing Through Psychic Medi-Telemetry, the
Healer had Madge returned to a complete state of normalcy
within weeks. Psychic Telemetry succeeded where medical
science had failed.


Whenever you want to know the history of any place or
thing, follow this very simple Ritual.
If you are divining the past of an object, gently place your
hand upon it. If you want to divine a large object such as a house
or other building, gently place your hand upon its various walls,
repeating as often as necessary these Magical Words of Power:

“The vibration within the etheric memory of this

(house, stone, ring, etc.) now speaks to me. My mind is
now open, peaceful, and calm. I hear your story, I see
your story, I feel your story. I will accept what is given
me to know.”
Tele-Psychometry 123


Demitrius was a middle-aged, lovely lady who adored
antiques. Her home looked as if it were a beautiful reproduction
of the Victorian past. Over the years, the lovely lady had spent
every available cent to furnish her home with exquisite, priceless
antiques. Priceless? Or so she believed.
As Demitrius had no insurance on her possessions, a friend
suggested that she have her collection appraised, and purchase
adequate insurance to cover any possible loss.
Demitrius was dumbstruck by the appraiser’s report. She
had been conned and swindled. Only a few items of her furniture
were found to be authentic antiques. Most were cheap, worthless
reproductions—not even worth insuring.
“ I believed that people were honest,” Demitrius told me.
“How could so many people have cheated me? How could I have
been so dumb?”
Demitrius’ trusting nature had cost her a small fortune.
What she believed to be wise investments in priceless objects
from past decades, were actually valueless, or at best, worth a few
hundred dollars at the most. Many people would have become
embittered and pessimistic, if faced with a crisis the magnitude
of the one faced by Demitrius. But not Demitrius.
It was not long after the appraiser reported the sad news to
Demitrius, that I had the opportunity of visiting this fine lady. I
found her to be determined to not only recover her monetary
loss, but also to begin her own antique business, where she could
deal with the public in an honest and efficient manner.
I met Demitrius again a few months later, and she related
her activities of the previous months.
“ The first thing that I did after you visited with
me, was to locate every individual I could who had
sold me copies or duplicates of authentic antiques, or
124 Tele-Psychometry

those who had vastly overcharged me for legitimate

pieces of merchandise. I couldn’t locate all of the
fraudulent salesmen, as some had moved. Some
merchandise had been purchased so many years
earlier, that I couldn’t be sure as to where I had
purchased the items—much of it had been through
private parties.
“ Except for one case, my threats of legal action
fell on deaf ears. These charlatans had been very
shrewd. They said that I didn’t have enough proof of
fraudulent intent to win any legal action. And they
were right. This just gave me added determination to
win my battle.
“ I paid all of my ‘friends’ another visit. This
time, I told them that if they didn’t make financial
restitution for their thievery, I was going to use
psychic methods to disrupt their health, their
business, and anything else they held sacred. They
laughed, calling me ‘crazy,’ ‘weirdo,’ and ‘sick.’ I said,
‘Okay, I gave you fair warning.’
“ I used my Magic Tele-Aurascope, the En­
chantments, and every other power I had learned in
Psychic Telemetry. I really turned the whole works on
them. It took awhile, and some of those con artists
were pretty stubborn, but I received satisfactory
restitution from every one of them. It’ll be a long time
before they cheat anyone again.”

Demitrius went on to tell me of the fabulously successful

antique business she had begun.
“ Would you believe that I ’m already making more money
in a month than I did working at my previous job for a year? And
I’m just getting started!”
I was curious, so I asked Demitrius how she knew she still
wasn’t being cheated when she purchased antiques for resale in
her own shop? “Nothing to it,” she replied. Demitrius explained:
“Before I purchase any item, I close my eyes and
repeat the Tele-Psychometry Words of Power. Then I
gently rub my hand over the object. When I begin to
Tele-Psychometry 125

see pictures of my Guardian Genie dressed in the

fashions of the time period of the antique I’m con­
sidering, I know the piece is genuine. And I haven’t
been wrong yet!”
Just as Demitrius experienced visualizing periods in time by
the dress fashion of her Genii, inanimate objects will talk to you
in this same Language o f Symbols—the Telemetric Sign
Language you learned in Chapter Four.
The Language of Symbols, which is seen with your Visual-
Telemetry, is not the only way inanimate objects "talk” to you.
You may hear through your Audio-Telemetry, or you may feel
through your Sensory-Telemetry. At other times, you will receive
expressions through all three forms of Telemetry.
As you place your hand upon the thing you wish to
psychometrize, repeat your Magic Tele-Psychometry Words.
You immediately plug into the vibrations surrounding the
object. This linkup stimulates your physical senses and manifests
itself in Audio, Sensory, or Visual-Telemetry expression.


As you prepare to divine the history of any inanimate
object, gently place your hand upon the object, and repeat the
Tele-Psychometry Words of Power. If the object of your divining
is small enough, you might prefer to clasp it gently, holding it in
the palm of your hand.
Strange, but pleasant, sensations will overcome you as you
begin your reading into the past. The object will begin "talking”
to your Sensory, Audio, and Visual Telemetry Senses. The story
will begin to unfold before you. The panorama of sensory ex­
periences which unfolds before you is unique. At first ap­
pearance, your Tele-Psychometry story may seem to reveal itself
in a piecemeal fashion. But this is not the case. Tele-
Psychometry impressions come to you in a very logical manner.
126 Tele-Psychometry

At one time I agreed to undergo a test of my own powers of

Tele-Psychometry. I did not know what object would be used for
the test until I was handed a Catholic Rosary. I performed my
Ritual, and commenced the “ Reading.”

“ I hear a foreign language........ I cannot speak

the language, but I am sure that it is Italian. Ifeel that
these beads were given to their owner as a gift—a
recognition for much hard work that had been done.
The rosary was a gift from a man of dignity and
“ I feel myself drifting back through time—I am
now at the turn of the century—the early 1900’s. I see
mountainous terrain, not too high, but more like
rolling foothills. The vineyards and farmland which I
see around me are very beautiful.
“I see seven children, and I hear the name of
“The lady who owned these beads was quite
elderly and feeble when she died. . . I can feel my hand
shaking, just as hers did as she held this same rosary.
This wonderful woman did not die after a long or
painful illness, she simply drifted peacefully into
heaven during her sleep.” (I felt myself doing this very
thing—drifting peacefully up toward the clouds.)

The information given in this reading, while using my Tele-

Psychometry powers, was confirmed at the end of the test. The
rosary had belonged to a woman named Maria, who had been
the mother of seven children. Maria was born in Italy among the
rolling hills, where she grew up on her father’s farm and
The rosary was indeed a gift. Maria was devout. She
worked so diligently among the poor, that in the early 1900’s a
Catholic cardinal presented the young girl with his own rosary as
a token of his appreciation.
Through this very simple and logical manner, the history of
the rosary was presented to me. I passed the “test” with flying
colors—and you can do the exact same thing if you ever desire
Tele-Psychometry 127

Tele-Psychometry is accomplished very easily, and is a

thoroughly delightful experience. It is easy and simple to do after
you have performed your Ritual.
Most followers of Psychic Telemetry find Tele-Psychometry
so fascinating, that they lay this book aside for several days. They
just can’t resist the excitement of divining the past from the
many objects around them. You can do this same thing if you
desire. The remainder of the Psychic Telemetry secrets will be
waiting when you return to your book.


Millions of people are unhappy and ill, but unable to
discover the origin or basis of their misery. They resign them­
selves to lifelong acceptance of their sorrow.
Much, if not all, of the anguish suffered by these un­
fortunate souls can be removed if only they can become aware of
the negative influence surrounding much of their physical en­
vironment. They are sensitive to and deeply affected by these
forces of evil, of which they are totally unaware. This will never
happen to you!
No life should be destroyed. You can be totally confident
that after you finish this chapter, you will never again be in­
fluenced by an evil force surrounding any object within this
entire universe. And Iris S. proved it.


Jay and Karen were very happy in their medium-priced
development home. They were so happy in their home, that they
didn’t want to cut their ties when Jay was transferred to another
city. They decided to lease their dream home rather than sell it.
The neighbors were pleased as they watched the attractive
new couple and their children move into the house. But time
proved their attractiveness to be on the outside only.
128 Tele-Psychometry

In only a matter of days, the past history of the couple was

unveiled. Their whole life together had been one of evil doing.
The new couple were not married to each other, and had moved
into the house with hopes of changing their identity. The woman
had been released from prison five years earlier after serving a
prison term for manslaughter. The male member of the couple
had just been released from prison after serving a long jail
sentence for armed robbery.
Only a few days after this couple had moved into the tidy
home, the woman’s legal husband was released from prison. He
came to the home and shot holes through the front door, severely
wounding his wife’s lover. The evil force began to build its
vibration around the entire house.
During the year that these people lived in the house, the
man constantly beat the woman and children. The house was the
scene of almost constant drunken orgies. The neighborhood was
quite relieved when both the man and the woman were arrested
for burglary, and removed from the neighborhood. But the house
remained, cloaked in a vicious veil of evil.
With the house now empty, Jay and Karen returned on a
vacation to paint and repair the home which held such fond
memories for them. But something was different. The house did
not seem to be the home that they had left one year earlier.
Whenever Karen entered the home to help Jay with the
painting, she became moody and depressed. She was irritable,
using every excuse to begin an argument with Jay. Finally, in
disgust she walked from the house, swearing she would never
enter it again. Before returning to their home in the other city,
Jay and Karen put the house up for sale.
The very attractive house stood vacant for months while
similar homes around it sold almost immediately.
The real estate lady who was handling the property at this
particular time was a friend of mine. She told me that she didn’t
think she would ever sell the house.
“I drive up in front of the house with prospective
buyers, and they’re thrilled with it. I take them inside,
and at least half the people have said, ‘This is just
what we’ve been looking for.’ But before we get out of
Tele-Psychometry 129

the house, they’ve changed their mind. Not one person

has been able to tell me exactly why they suddenly
change their opinion of the property. They say there is
just something about the house that makes them
nervous. No one wants to live in that house!”
In desperation, the price of the house was lowered to make
it a bargain that was hard to resist. The house finally sold.
The couple who now bought the house were happily
married with sons, aged eight and ten. Before one year had
passed, the family was plagued by tragedy.
The wife had a near fatal accident; one son drowned while
swimming in three feet of water; the second son developed
epilepsy; finally, the husband deserted his wife for another
The house was sold three times following these tragic
events. The marriages of the next three owners ended in divorce.
The house again stood vacant for months, until it was purchased
by Iris, a widow with one small daughter.


Iris had been told the history of the house before the
purchase was made. “That house is selling for half the price of
the identical homes around it. I can’t afford to pass up a bargain
like that,” she told me.
Before moving into the house, and with no one else around,
Iris performed the Ritual to Banish Evil Influences From
Houses. She moved into her new home and was extremely happy.
In fact, she had never been happier. It seemed like one good
thing happened after another. Iris had certainly banished the
evil influences from the once tragic-stricken home.
Iris had only lived in the house for a few months, when a
Realtor knocked at the door.
“ I have a couple looking for a house in this
neighborhood. They’ve driven by yours and have
fallen in love with it. Would you be interested in
selling it?”
130 Tele-Psychometry

Iris sold the house for a $30,000 profit. Now she wanted to
increase her $30,000 windfall, but had no experience in stocks,
bonds, or other investments. With her money in the bank, the
happy lady now performed her Prosperity Rituals and En­
chantments, and just sat back and waited. It didn’t take long for
the Enchantments to go to work.
Four days after Iris spoke the Enchantments, she received a
telephone call from an old school chum, who told her, “For some
reason, I just had the urge to call.” During the course of their
conversation, the chum mentioned that he was looking for a
partner to purchase an old warehouse building. The plans were
to renovate the old building and divide it into sections which
would then be leased out to small speciality shops. Iris knew that
this was the answer to her Prosperity Rituals, and joined her
friend in the partnership.
The renovations on the old warehouse were going along
nicely, when the representative of a large company offered to buy
the building and complete the renovations. After some
discussion, Iris and her partner decided to sell. Iris’ profit?
Another $20,000. In less than one year, Iris had earned $50,000.
At last report, Iris was building a new apartment complex.
I have no doubt that Iris is now a millionaire—all because she
used a simple Ritual to remove the evil vibrations from an
inanimate object, a house.


Before beginning your Ritual, relax, and with all the
strength you possess, make this powerful Declaration.

“I am the ultimate Power of Good.

“I now banish from this house, and from the
smallest blade of grass, all evil influences. All that will
now remain within this house is the power that will
bring wealth, health, and happiness to all who enter
Tele-Psychometry 131

its doors. My Guardian Genie will bear witness to my

exorcism. And so it is!”

When this powerful Ritual has been performed, you must

then walk around the building three times counterclockwise
while performing a second powerful Ritual. As you are walking
around the house counterclockwise, continue repeating these
words until your walk has been completed:

“I am now walking back in time. As I walk into

the history of this home, I drive all influences of evil
from its walls. It is only Good that remains. And so it

This second Ritual can be very, very exhausting. After it

has been completed, sit down and relax for just a few minutes, or
until your strength has returned.
It would indeed be a very rare instance where an evil in­
fluence could withstand the two powerful Rituals which you have
now performed. But if your Sensory-Telemetry warns you that an
influence is still present, a small amount of investigation will
reveal where the evil force is lurking.
Negative influences are attracted to negative shades of the
color red. The vibrations from an evil past environment are the
most difficult to detach and destroy if they are from these red
tones. If an influence has escaped your Rituals, you will find that
carpeting, wallpaper, or walls within the house are of these red
If carpeting within the home is of a red tone, the evil in­
fluence can only be completely banished if the carpeting is taken
up and removed from the premises. If the floor covering is to be
replaced, yellow, gold, or blue should be considered as suitable
Wallpaper, or other types of wall covering, must be
completely stripped from the wall and replaced. Walls that have
been painted with the negative color tones are much easier to
correct. Simply wash the wall thoroughly (making sure that no
132 Tele-Psychometry

areas are missed while scrubbing). Then paint the wall with a
true white, good quality, paint.
Your complete exorcism of negative influences has now
been successful. All that remains within the house or building
are influences that will bring abundant joy to any person who
resides within its walls.
An obviously distraught gentleman telephoned me one
evening. “ Do you believe in curses?” he asked. I assured him
that I did. As we were talking, I began searching his home with
my Visual-Telemetry.
“You don’t have to tell me anymore. I can see a black
object hanging on a wall over a bed. That’s what’s causing this
sudden rash of bad luck,” I told him. “ Get rid of it, and your
troubles are over!”
Forrest’s son had apparently helped a neighbor clean the
basement of an old apartment building. The young son had
discovered a black pentacle among the many discarded items.
He was attracted to the black, five-pointed star, took it home,
and placed it on the wall of his bedroom.
Fortunately, the quick-thinking father used his common
sense and immediately sought help as he felt the veil of negativity
settle upon his home. His quick wit saved his family from a
vibration that would have soon brought tragedy.
You can quickly remove all traces of the negativity which
may cling to inanimate objects from your own home, and the
homes of family, acquaintances, and friends. Your friends will
soon be calling you the “miracle worker” as you bring health,
wealth, and happiness into every home you enter. You will
undoubtedly find that you do not have enough time to fulfill all
the requests for exorcism which will come to you as your fame
rapidly spreads.


This simple Ritual is guaranteed to work every time you use
it. It’s so simple, and yet so very powerful!
Tele-Psychometry 133

Place your hands firmly upon the object that you wish to
exorcise, and repeat these Words of Power:

“In the Name of all that Is Good, I now com­

mand that all evil influences leave this object now.”

When this Ritual has been completed, an added Psychic

Touch of Power is to cleanse the object in chilled, clean water.


You might term this Ritual, How To Develop Your Own
Lucky Charm. The ancients wore various talismans because they
knew the power of inanimate objects to ward off evil and draw
good luck to the wearer. Lucky charms can be a ring, a horse
shoe, or even an object as large, or larger, than an automobile.
Wherever or whatever the object might be, you can be absolutely
positive that vibrations of Good will shower upon it to draw every
beneficial thing to you.
Again, place your hands firmly upon the object that you are
about to make your Magnet o f Good, and repeat very firmly and
in a strong voice these magic words exactly seven times:
“I declare you a magnet of good!”
Then, cleanse the object in very warm water. If it is not practical
to use water on the new lucky charm, place it in the warm
sunlight for at least one hour.
You have undoubtedly already discovered, as have hun­
dreds of people before you, that the beneficial uses of Tele-
Psychometry are limitless. It would not be possible to write all of
these benefits into one book, let alone in one chapter, as I have
attempted to do.


The power of Tele-Psychometry will now become more and
more apparent. A day will never again pass that, in some
manner, you will not use it to reap miraculous benefits.
134 Tele-Psychometry

You will never again be influenced by evil. Stand aside and

allow a fountain of blessings to role gently over you as Tele-
Psychometry goes to work.
134 Tele-Psychometry

You will never again be influenced by evil. Stand aside and

allow a fountain of blessings to role gently over you as Tele-
Psychometry goes to work.
C h a p te r Seven

M iracle Healing Through

Psychic M edi-Telem etry

Whatever you are tiying to heal, you know that the job will
be done. You have already learned to call upon your dual Pillars
of Power. Now you can add additional tools to your psychic
powerhouse to perform healing miracles through Psychic
Medi- Telemetry.
You are about to discover occult secrets of healing that are
so powerful, that they have never been completely entrusted to
students before this time. You will perform the same healing
miracles attributed to the wise and ancient sages of the past.


Bertha and Russ had been married for years when I first
met them. Because of Russ’ drinking problems, they were deeply
in debt and faced foreclosure on their home. Russ had not held a
steady job for months, and his physical condition steadily
deteriorated. Russ was a nice guy, but he just didn’t have the
willpower needed to overcome his drinking problem.
136 Psychic Medi-Telemetry

“I ’ve gone to A.A. and every other group I could join, but
they just didn’t help me,” Russ said. “ Once I even went to a
sanitarium for treatment. I thought I was cured, but as soon as I
got out, I hit the bottle again.”
I asked Bertha and Russ to try the Porcelain Cup Treat­
ment for one week. Both of them were doubtful that it could
work, but in their desperation they agreed that anything was
worth a try. Each night before going to bed, Bertha would
perform her Porcelain Cup Ritual. Upon rising, Russ would
drink from the cup. In four days I received a telephone call.
“Bob, this is Bertha. I just can’t believe what’s happening.
Russ can’t even smell alcohol without becoming deathly ill. He’s
tried to drink, but he just can’t do it.”
This is just an average case of Porcelain Cup Healing. It’s
been two years since Bertha’s telephone call and Russ has lost all
desire for alcohol. Russ is now a successful contractor. Russ and
Bertha are not only happy and healthy, but on their way to
making their first million dollars—all because of a simple, but
powerful, porcelain cup.


Ida was a devoted daughter who took care of her mother
since the death of her father. Ida had an excellent executive
position with an advertising agency, and seemed to be living at
the top of the world. Then Ida’s world shattered.
Almost overnight, it seemed, Ida’s mother began to show
signs of senility. It was not long before Ida’s mother was unable
to stay alone. It was heartbreaking to both mother and daughter
when the day came to place Clara in a convalescent hospital for
the elderly.
“Bob, it seems so unfair. Mother’s in perfect physical
condition. Why did her mind have to go?”
I did my best to calm Ida. I told her that there was no need
for Clara’s condition to continue. I showed Ida the Porcelain Cup
Ritual. She immediately felt a great power after performing the
Ritual, and left immediately for the convalescent hospital. In less
Psychic Medi-Telemetry 137

than a month, Clara was back in her daughter’s home—fully

capable of caring for herself.
Ida was bubbling over with joy when I joined her for one of
the most delectable dinners of my life—all cooked by her 89-
year-old mother, Clara.
Ida explained the miraculous porcelain cup cure.
“As soon as I left you, I went and bought the most beautiful
porcelain cup I could find. I took it to the hospital, and in the
privacy of mother’s room, I performed the Ritual that you had
shown me earlier. The next morning, on my way to work, I
stopped and had mother drink the water from the cup. It was
just like a miracle. In fact, the nurses did call it a miracle.” Ida
laughed when she went on to say, “Dr. Larsen can’t explain the
reversal of mother’s senility. He said that there just wasn’t any
medical explanation.” Clara stood and danced a little jig. “I can
explain it, but I’ll never tell!”
These are two simple cases of the effectiveness of your
porcelain cup healing. Porcelain cup healing works to improve
all conditions, but can only be described as miraculous in the
treatment of alcoholism and diseases of the aged.


It makes no difference as to the shape or size of your
porcelain cup, but the cup must be constructed of true and
unblemished porcelain. The vibration emitted by your perfect
porcelain cup sends tentacles of power into the universe. These
tentacles of power search until they discover the perfect
chemicals necessary to invoke a healing. As the discovery is
made, the healing potion is drawn back and placed in the
porcelain cup by those invisible powers of heaven.
Before you begin your Power Ritual, fill your cup ap­
proximately two-thirds with water, and set it upon a table. Seat
yourself before the cup, facing the east. Just as with the morning
sun, it is from the east that all new light and power is born.
Your seating position should be with spine erect and feet
placed firmly upon the floor. Close your eyes and visualize your
138 Psychic Medi-Telemetry

Pillars of Power, first on the right, then on the left. Cross your
arms across your chest, placing your right hand on your left
shoulder and your left hand on your right shoulder, invoking
these Words of Power.
“I invoke the Spirit of spirits, that enters the
darkened world with the morning sun, to fill me with
the power of healing.”
Continue sitting passively for one or two minutes. Slowly
remove your hands from the shoulders and hold them over the
cup as Divine Healing falls from your hands into the water. Then
place the cup of water on the nightstand, next to the bed where
the person who needs healing will be sleeping. Immediately upon
rising in the morning, the patient should drink all the contents of
the miracle cup.


Harvey C. was in his early twenties when I first met him at a
healing lecture I was giving in southern California. After the
auditorium had nearly cleared Harvey approached me about his
“ I think you’re giving a lot of people false hope. I’ve had
asthma all my life and no one’s been able to cure it. The doctors
help me to keep it under control, but they sure can’t cure me!”
Harvey was a bitter young man. His life had been restricted
because of his asthma. He felt that he had missed much from
life, and didn’t expect the future to be any better. Though deeply
in love, Harvey refused to marry for fear that he would have
children who would be handicapped with asthma as he had been.
Harvey’s illness was a prime target for gemstone healing. I
was so positive that Harvey’s asthma could be cured, that I
offered to lend him the topaz I had been using for demonstration
purposes in my lectures. Then I showed Harvey the Gemstone
Power Ritual. “I’ll send your topaz back when I’m cured,” he
said in a mocking voice.
Psychic Medi-Telemetry 139

Harvey had completely slipped my mind. Several months

later, I received a small package with a note inside.

“Dear Bob,
“I’m sorry that I kept your topaz so long, but I
just can’t believe all of the things that have happened
to me since I attended your lecture.
“ I have had no signs of asthma since I performed
my first Gemstone Power Ritual. I no longer take
medicine or visit doctors. I could never run more than
a few steps until I was bent over, gasping for breath.
Now I’m jogging and playing tennis with my beautiful
wife—we were married last month.
“ I now have my own topaz. It’s been the best
investment of my life.”


Mrs. P. wrote to me, pleading for help for her 17-year-old,
epileptic son, Paul. His heart’s desire was to pursue a military
career, which seemed only to be an impossible dream. The
medicines prescribed by the doctors had helped Paul, but the
drugs far from effected a cure for his disease.
I immediately wrote to Mrs. P., instructing her to purchase
a small piece of jade and to follow the Gemstone Power Ritual
which I had enclosed.
A year later, I received a post card from the eastern United
States. It was from Paul.
“I ’ve been accepted for Officer’s Candidate
School. Miracles really do happen.”


As you begin your Power Ritual, choose the appropriate
stone from the table which follows. Hold the stone in your right
hand and repeat three times:

“The vibration of this stone increases in power

and strength to heal and to bless.”
140 Psychic Medi-Telemetry

If the stone is for your own healing, the next words should
be a very loud, “I AM HEALED!” If the stone is to be given to
another person, the words should be, “ (name) IS
Your Power Ritual is completed when you touch the stone
to your abdomen, heart, and forehead. The stone must be
carried on the person of the individual seeking the healing. It
may be carried in a pocket, or made into a ring or necklace. The
Gemstone Power Ritual should be repeated daily, until the
miraculous healing through Psychic Medi-Telemetry is com­


Emerald An antidote for blood poisoning and
gangrene, it is efficient in the healing
of sores or wounds. The emerald will
darken in color if the wearer is close to
someone who wishes him harm. The
gem will also darken in color if the
wearer is in, or at, a place where
negative or emotional turmoil has
Amethyst Cures ulcers, nervous headache, and
insomnia. This gem is noted for its
calming effect upon the nerves. It
soothes the temper and instills an
inclination to forgive those who have
wronged. The wearer will find new
interests in cultural pursuits with an
increase in social activities. The
am ethyst m agnifies leadership
Ruby Works to cure diseases of the liver and
spleen. It can be an effective pain
reliever if applied to the affected area
of the body. Stops bleeding. The
Psychic Medi-Telemetry 141
wearer of the ruby will also have new
interests and ideas regarding money­
making schemes. The wearer will also
find new interest from the opposite
Turquoise Effective in treating the loins, and
pains of the chest that are not con­
nected with the heart or lungs. The
wearer of this gem will be more
passive and less assertive. Revives new
interest in, and from, the family.
Wards off criticism.
Moonstone Effective against all conditions of the
lungs, including the common chest
cold. The wearer will notice his
reasoning powers are enhanced, and
clear thinking induced.
Opal Strengthens the memory and powers
of perception. Should be worn during
contract negotiations. The wearer will
know the truth behind the statements
of others.
Jade Will strengthen the eyes. Controls
epilepsy and disorders of the stomach.
The wearer will become more self-
assured and assertive.
Pearl A lucky charm. It protects the wearer
from surprise assaults, robberies, and
accidents. The pearl draws love.
Brings out the best in you.
Diamond Cures heart disease, increases cir­
culation, and heals gout. The wearer
will become more courageous and
outspoken. Increases the sex drive and
controls the physical emotions.
142 Psychic Medi-Telemetry

Topaz Heals burns, conditions of the nose,

throat, and sinus. Effective in treating
hay fever and asthma. The wearer of
the topaz will want “time to be
alone.” Will feel a temporary need to
withdraw from social activities.

Gem healing has been practiced for centuries, most

recently by the ancient alchemists who jealously guarded their
arcane secrets. Gem healing is no longer practiced by the rich
and powerful only. Gem healing is a power that’s yours—now!
Each area of the human body emits its own particular
vibration, its own unique energy zone. When there is illness, the
vibration becomes slower. The pulsating energy mass is reduced
to irregular pulsations.
The gems in the preceeding table emit vibrations that
compare to areas of the body when healthy. Your Power Ritual
focuses the healing vibration to the affected area, raising the
diseased area once again to perfection. Wearing or carrying your
healing gem aids you in keeping your body whole and perfect.


Bob F. went to the local “rock shop” to purchase an
amethyst to cure his nervous headaches and insomnia. Bob
happily found that he could purchase several uncut and un­
polished gems for less than one dollar. Your healing gems need
not be highly polished or of a precious nature, unless that is your
personal desire. Stones in the rough are every bit as powerful as a
brilliantly cut and polished diamond.

Scientifically, color is produced by vibrations. The number
of light vibrations reflected by an object determines and
produces its color. It is these reflected vibrations that you will
harness and direct for healing. You will direct this laser beam of
light to perform miracle healings hundreds of miles distant.
Psychic Medi-Telemetry 143

Color healing is another facet of your Psychic Medi-Telemetry

healing powers. A force so powerful that it almost defies


Evelina’s only hope was to find a suitable kidney donor
when she first heard of Psychic Medi-Telemetry. Evelina had
become so weakened by her kidney disorder, that it took two
people to almost carry her to the hospital for her frequent
treatments on the artificial kidney machine. Many times Evelina
dipped close to death. She was a pathetic woman. There seemed
to be little hope that Evelina would ever live a normal, healthy
life. I became very busy and didn’t follow up on Evelina’s
progress, though she remained very much in my thoughts.
While hiking on the trails at Mount Shasta, I heard a voice
from below yell my name. I hesitated on the trail as I watched a
young woman running quickly up the steep incline. It was
Evelina. She was strong, healthy, and beautiful. Could this really
be the young woman who just weeks before had been close to
death, her body filled with poisons? Could this be the young
woman who needed help to walk even a few paces? The same
young woman who could not run up a mountainside? It was!
“I was so sick when I first read about the miracles of
Psychic Medi-Telemetry, that I decided I’d rather be dead. No
more medicines, no more machines, and no operation. I read
about color healing, but I was too weak and mentally depressed
to even try it.
“When things were the worst, I was lying in bed in a state of
stupor. I heard beautiful music and the room seemed to fill with
a blue mist. The mist became so thick, that I felt like I was being
covered by an etheric blue blanket.
“Then my whole body began to tingle—it felt like little
electric shocks were playing games at the small of my back. As
suddenly as the mist arrived, it disappeared. I knew I was
healed! I leapt from my bed and ran into the living room
screaming, ‘I’m healed, I’m healed!’ Our house was filled with
tears of joy that night.”
144 Psychic Medi-Telemetry

I couldn’t conceal my big grin as I watched Evelina briskly

continue her hike up the mountain trail.


Although Harold F. had no particular interest in Psychic
Telemetry, he had no objection to his wife, Shirley, pursuing her
interests. He was silently amused at the many minor miracles
that kept occurring in their life. He silently believed that these
miracles were as much due to chance as to any powers Shirley
Harold’s face was ashen the day he returned from his
annual physical. “ Dr. Petersen says I have a spot on my right
lung. He wants to operate next Tuesday morning,” Harold said,
his voice filled with fear.
Shirley immediately performed her Color Healing Ritual,
and continued it daily until Harold checked into the hospital on
Monday morning.
Monday was a day filled with agony and terror for Harold.
X-ray after x-ray was taken in preparation for the operation that
was to take place the next morning. Shirley was with Harold that
evening when Dr. Petersen dropped by the hospital room.
“Harold, I don’t know how to explain this. All of the tests
we took today show no sign of the spot that was on your lung.
Your lungs are perfectly clear. You can check out and go home


Allow yourself at least ten minutes daily to perform
miraculous healing by color. Go into a dimly lit room and sit
comfortably in a straight-backed chair—hands resting upon the
knees, palms upward. Breathe in deeply but slowly through the
nose, exhaling rapidly through the mouth. This breathing
exercise should be done three times. Sit quietly for a few
moments until you feel completely relaxed. Then say:
Psychic Medi-Telemetry 145

“I invoke the Spirit of Healing to now make

whole and perfect,(name) .”

You should then visualize a circle of color that corresponds

to the organ you are about to heal. The healing has now begun.
Now, within the circle of color, visualize the name of the person
you are about to heal. Concentrate upon this name and the
healing color as intently as possible for at least five minutes. As
you begin to sense your Healing Ritual coming to a close, softly

“Praise God!(name) is healed!”

The Ritual of Color Healing is so powerful, that you might

possibly feel tired and weakened as you bring the healing to a
close. Don’t be alarmed. Continue to sit relaxed for just a few
minutes. All of your strength will quickly return.



Red The heart and circulatory system
Steel Gall bladder and the liver
Green The spleen and pancreas
Yellow The brain and nervous system
Pearl The stomach
Blue Kidneys
Purple Lungs


Until studying Psychic Telemetry, Louie A.’s life had been
the eternal conflict that many feel—the false belief that a person
cannot be rich and spiritual at the same time. Louie mistakenly
believed that if he sought money, he would have to give up his
desire of becoming a spiritual healer. If he chose to become a
spiritual healer, he would have to become content to live in
146 Psychic Medi-Telemetry

poverty. Psychic Telemetry proved to Louie that he could not

only be a spiritual healer, but that he could become rich and
famous as well.
At the time I met Louie, he was holding an executive
position with one of Canada’s largest electrical supply com­
panies. Louie had a lovely wife and children, a well-paying job,
and the respect of his community. But Louie was not happy—in
fact, he was a miserable human being.
In August, I visited Louie and his family at their vacation
retreat a few miles from Quebec.
“ It’s driving me crazy,” he said. “I want to make a living
for my wife and children, but I also want to devote my life to
healing. I just know that I could be a powerful healer, but I can’t
give away all of my worldly possessions. That wouldn’t be fair to
my family.”
I asked Louie why he couldn’t be a healer and still have all
of the money he needed and wanted. “It’s easier for a camel to
pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get to
Heaven,” he said.
I explained to Louie that the false belief that one must be
poor to be spiritual was a carryover from the Middle Ages. It just
was not true. “ Louie, this belief was cultivated by the rich to
forestall revolution by the masses of the poor. If anything, it’s
unspiritual to be poor, not rich.”
I then gave Louie some pamphlets with prosperity formulas
and the varieties of healing that can be performed through
Psychic Medi-Telemetry. Louie took to healing like a duck to
He performed the Power Ritual for Magnetic Healing, and
left the house like a shot. Louie was back in fifteen minutes.
“ I thought I ’d test my magnetic healing powers
right away. Ken, next door, is confined to a wheelchair
with arthiritis. If anybody needs healing, it’s him.”
The doorbell rang while Louie was still telling me
about his healing experience. It was Ken.
“ I haven’t been able to walk for months, and you
got me out of my wheelchair. I walked over here by
myself, and I want you to take this.”
It was a check for $500.
Psychic Medi-Telemetry 147

Louie has become a wealthy man since that August night.

He has been called to every continent to heal those with “in­
curable” diseases. The money donations that he’s accepted far
exceed the salary he received from the electrical company. And
you can do the very same thing.


Audrey R. was a victim of a very painful spastic colon. Her
attacks had become so frequent, that she rarely left her home.
Once active in civic organizations, Audrey had become a recluse.
Audrey’s husband, Jim, had to attend the many social functions
required by his business—alone.
One day, Jim picked up a pamphlet on magnetic healing
from his secretary’s desk. He took the pamphlet into his office
and read it thoroughly. That night, Jim performed his Power
Ritual For Magnetic Healing, and placed his hands on Audrey’s
feet. Jim called me a few days later.

“We went to the Opera Association’s Black and

White Ball last night. Audrey feels like a sixteen year
old. She never missed a dance.”
These healings are nothing unusual. By now you’ve read far
enough into this chapter that you should be performing healings
such as this on an almost daily basis.


Sit quietly and passively until you begin to visualize your
Pillars of Power. As the Pillars appear, repeat three times the

“I am the Universal Magnet. I draw illness from

those in pain and release this illness to the winds.”

Request your patient to remove his shoes and lie down.

While your patient is in this prone position, you should grasp his
feet tightly in your hands, knowing that you are drawing the
poisons from his body. As you feel the negativity entering your
148 Psychic Medi-Telemetry

hands, remove them from the feet and shake them violently.
When the negativity has dropped from your hands, continue the
treatment until you feel that the healing is complete. At the
completion of the healing, wash your hands thoroughly with soap
and water. This will ensure that no negative vibrations of the
disease remain with you or attached to you in any way.


Jack was playing first trombone in a popular band when he
noticed that his eyesight began to fail. Within months, he was
declared legally blind. Jack’s life went from bad to worse. He
lost his home and his friends. The bitterness he felt toward his
affliction poured over into his personal life, until he drove his
wife and family from him.
Jack was living in a Chicago skid row when a Psychic
Telemetry Healer visited the cheap hotel in which he lived. He
asked for a healing, but there were no noticeable results. There
was something driving Jack from within. He knew that a Healing
Genie could heal him. He tossed and turned throughout the
night. He kept hearing a voice say, “Go to the Healer! Go to the
Jack put on his clothes and asked the man on duty at the
hotel desk to look up the address of the Healer. Without bus
fare, blind and alone, Jack walked for miles across the streets of
Chicago until he reached the Healer’s home.
Jack made many trips across that city before his eyesight
returned. But return it did. He now has his own band, and is a
popular fund-raiser for the education of blind children. Also he
is happily married to a wealthy socialite.


You have contacted and talked with a Guardian Genie in
previous chapters of this book. This familiar Genie will bring to
you a Healing Genie. This Healing Genie will have but one
Psychic Medi-Telemetry 149

responsibility—to work with you and through you to effect

miracle cures upon the suffering and the lame. Your Healing
Genie is just waiting for you to call. This Genie has the power to
heal a withered limb or to return sight to the blind by working
diligently to rebuild damaged tissue, cell by cell, regardless of
how long it might take.


Before beginning your healing treatment, clasp your hands
as in a benediction, and repeat three times:

“Divine Love, through me, blesses every nerve

and cell, making (name) every bit whole.”

You should then warn your patient that he will be feeling sen­
sations of warmth and mild electric shocks. These are
pleasurable experiences, but they can be unnerving to people
who are not expecting these sensations of healing.
You should close your eyes and relax, asking that your
Healing Genie draw close. As you recognize the approach,
become even more passive. While in this state of passivity, you
should allow your Healing Genie to direct and manipulate your
hands. Let your hands move freely, without restraint. Your
Genie knows what he is doing, and what needs to be done. The
treatment is complete when your Healing Genie whispers a
gentle “God Bless You,” and withdraws.

As your fame as a Healer spreads, you will receive letters
and long-distance telephone calls from around the world—all
asking for your intercession. You can’t be everywhere, but your
Healing Genie can!
150 Psychic Medi-Telemetry


Sit erectly upon a chair in a dimly lit room. Relax and
visualize your Pillars of Power. Call your Healing Genie to you.
He will stand directly before you, between your Pillars of Power.
Always thank your Genie for coming.
Take your written messages and read to your Genie the
names and addresses of those who require healing. As your
Genie withdraws, close your eyes and remain completely passive
until your Healing Genie returns to tell you that the healing has
been completed.
You have participated in a very powerful Healing Ritual,
and you might feel a bit giddy when your Genie returns. Become
fully alert and remain seated for a minute or two. The giddiness
will be short-lived. You will be filled with such awe-inspiring
power, that you will feel as if you’re floating on a cloud—a
beautiful experience indeed.


You will rarely find a person who cannot be healed, but you
will meet a few. This failure to heal does not reflect upon your
Psychic Medi-Telemetry healing powers.
There are certain individuals who actively reject any
healing attempts by occult methods. Their stubbornness and
disbelief builds a wall of negativity around them which repulses
honest attempts to relieve their suffering. Healing only goes to
those who want it and accept it. Don’t waste your time or energy
on people who do not want your help. Let their problems remain
their problems.


While practicing your healing endeavors, you will discover
a unique group of people who have had complete cures, yet their
illness returns.
Psychic Medi-Telemetry 151

There is always a cause for an illness. If the cause of an

illness has not been removed, the illness will return. This is
exactly what happened to Betty.
Betty C. was suffering from an acute lung condition caused
by heavy cigarette smoking. A practitioner of the art of healing
via Psychic Medi-Telemetry cured her lung condition, but
cautioned her that she must give up cigarettes. A medical doctor
confirmed Betty’s cure.
Betty was elated over her cure, but she ignored the healer’s
warning and returned to heavy cigarette smoking. Within weeks
her condition had returned.


Lie down in a darkened room with your arms resting beside
your body (your arms, ankles, legs, or feet should not be crossed
in any manner). There should be no pillow under your head.
Repeat three times the affirmation:

“I peer into the Universe to discover the cause of

(name) illness. The Truth conies to me now!”

When your affirmation has been completed, become

passive and gaze gently at the ceiling of the room. Within
minutes, writing will appear on the ceiling, giving you a complete
diagnosis of the problem. Sit up slowly and remain seated for a
few moments before you resume your normal activities.


Psychic Telemetry has already proven to you that thoughts
are very real things. Thoughts can bring us our blessings, but
they can also bring us our curses.
There are general correlations between negative thought
patterns and broad groups of major physical complaints. The
following table is furnished as a general guide to use with your
Psychic Medi-Telemetry healing powers.
152 Psychic Medi-Telemetry


Hatred, pessimism cancer
Greed, selfishness high blood pressure,
Frustration respiratory ailments,
throat and sinus problems
Inferiority skin rash, boils,
Impatience ulcers, heart trouble,
migraine headaches
Fear, guilt diseases of the nerves,
spinal ailments

There you have them: four powerhouses of healing energy.

Never again do you, your family, or your friends need to ex­
perience illness or pain. You are forever free of the annoyance
caused by a diseased or imperfect physical body.
C h a p te r Eight

How to Use Psychic

Astral-Telemetry for G etting
Anywhere or Reaching

Psychic Telemetry allows you to become an invisible

traveler to anywhere in the world. You can listen to conversations
and you can see what’s going on, completely undetected.
Using the instructions in this chapter, you can benefit
yourself by influencing the thoughts of others, while ac­
cumulating knowledge previously held as secret.


St. Paul recognized that there were two bodies in man, but
people believed in various forms of this dualism for hundreds,
154 How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry

even thousands of years before St. Paul wrote his Letters to the
early Christians.
You already have this power to separate your spiritual body
from your physical body. And while separated, your conscious
mind will remain with your spiritual body as you invisibly travel
the world over.


You will feel the best you’ve ever felt in your entire life, as
your two bodies separate and you begin your first Astral-
Telemetry flight. Everything appears to be absolutely beautiful.
The first thing that you will probably notice is that your spiritual
body is just as real to you as your physical body ever was.
Your second experience can be a cause of hilarity or of
gentle concern, though most people do find it amusing. Many
find it to be humorous as they stand looking at their physical
bodies, which are lying in slumber—then learning that physical
objects are the things that are no longer real.
One of my students was recently telling me of the sensations
she experienced during her first Astral-Telemetry projection.

“ I did nothing but laugh during my first Astral-

Telemetry experience. I guess I should have been
concerned, but I found everything to be very amusing.
“ What started me giggling right away was how
funny I looked lying upon the bed, sound asleep. I
should say not how funny I looked, but how funny my
body looked.
“Then I decided to open the bedroom door and
walk into the hall. Then I really laughed. I kept
reaching for the door knob, but my hands would go
right through everything that I tried to touch! All of
the things that had always been real to me, were the
things that were now unreal
“ It was just a fantastic feeling when I found that
I didn’t have to open doors to pass to the next room. I
walked right through the door like it didn’t even
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 155

Though your reactions may be slightly different than the

lady’s above, you will experience this same ability to walk
through walls and doors. Nothing can be kept secret from you—
there is no longer such a thing as a locked door. You can enter
any place at will. You can think of a place, or a person, and you
are instantly there. You can be in America one minute, and in
Bombay, India, the next. You can travel from Africa to Australia
faster than the wink of an eye.

All out-of-the-body experiences are induced from a state of
unconsciousness. This unconsciousness can be caused by an
anesthetic, natural sleep, a hypnotic trance, traumatic shock, or
as a result of an accident.
Occult books and periodicals are filled with the personal
experiences of people involved in accidents who have blacked out
just before impact. And after the impact, they find themselves
observing the whole accident scene as their body lies un­
conscious upon the ground.
A youngster of eleven recently told me of his own Astral-
Telemetry experience that was induced as the result of an ac­
cident. The youngster apparently lost control of his bicycle as he
was riding down a very steep hill. He remembered being thrown
into the air, but he suddenly found himself floating high above
the ground. He saw his body hit the ground and remain
motionless. He had no feeling of fear, and he felt no pain from
the fall.
While still floating in the air, he watched two ladies run
from a distance to where his body lay sprawled on the ground.
He heard their conversation and watched their movements as
they attempted to revive his body from its unconscious state.
Then, as suddenly as he had left his body, he returned to it—
fully conscious and aware of the pain from his broken shoulder.
Many other people write about the very common experience
of their spiritual body separating from their physical body as the
result of an anesthetic. It almost seems the norm as these in­
156 How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry

dividuals watch, fully conscious in their spiritual bodies, as the

doctors operate upon their unconscious physical bodies.
Obviously it is not practical, nor is it desirable, to ac­
complish an out-of-the-body experience as the result of an ac­
cident, anesthetic, or a traumatic experience. Astral-Telemetry
will reveal a safe and foolproof method of inducing the
separation of your spiritual body from its physical counterpart.



Reverend E. was leading a very active, but financially poor,

storefront church in one of Long Beach, California’s less-than-
desirable neighborhoods. Disaster loomed on the horizon, as the
little church was given 30 days to vacate the premises while an
Urban Renewal Project prepared to level the entire neigh­
Three weeks passed, and the church still had no new
building to move to. Then Reverend E. determined that he was
going to have to do more than pray if he was going to keep the
church doors open. The good paster was unsure whether the
Astral-Telemetry Ritual would even work, as he lay down on his
bed and recited its words. But the Ritual did work. He instantly
found himself floating in the air above his unconscious physical
body. “W hat a wonderful feeling that was,” he later confided to
a friend.
However, there was work to do, and Reverend E. quickly
went about his task. Silently and unobservedly, he glided up and
down the streets of the city. He noticed a group of vacant
buildings on a corner in what he had previously thought to be a
neighborhood whose zoning ordinances had prohibited the
construction of commercial property.
“I was intrigued by the group of buildings, and just had a
hunch that I had found the right place,” Reverend E. told me. “ I
knew that unless a miracle occurred, there was no way that my
church could afford to purchase the property. But a miracle did
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 157

“As I was astrally investigating the buildings, two men, who

I later learned were business partners, drove up and entered a
small office in the largest of the buildings.”
Completely invisible, Reverend E. stood in a corner of the
office and listened to the conversation between the owners of the
property. He didn’t like eavesdropping on a private conversation,
but believed that the circumstances of the moment merited the
He discovered that the buildings were deliberately kept
vacant, as they permitted a large tax write-off for the business
partners. Though the buildings were advertised for sale, their
sale price was $50,000 over their fair market value—ensuring
that they would not only remain vacant, but would remain a
lucrative tax write-off as well.
Reverend E. saw the potential of the property. The one
large building would be sufficient not only for a sanctuary, but
for Sunday school rooms, a large kitchen, and a social hall, as
well. The three remaining smaller buildings could be leased to
small businesses. But how could he acquire this magnificent
piece of property?
“I thought about nothing but that piece of property the
entire next day,” the Reverend related. “There had to be a way
of acquiring it that would be mutually advantageous to the
church as well as the owners.”
That same night, Reverend E. astrally visited one of the
property owners as he lay sleeping.
“I entered the man’s bedroom and saw him fast asleep. I
leaned over and whispered in his ear that a minister would visit
him the next day to discuss the property in question. I em­
phasized that he would think of a way to save a great many tax
dollars by selling the property to the minister.”
The Reverend visited the partner’s office the next morning,
asking to speak to the man he had astrally visited the evening
“ You’ll never believe this,” the partner said, “but I dreamed
last night that a minister was going to inquire about that
property. I just can’t believe the coincidence,” he said.
158 How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry

The minister explained that his church had no money to

make a down payment on the property, but could easily make
any monthly payments by leasing out the three detached
“ I know that you are asking $175,000 for the property, but
I would be willing to pay only what it’s worth.”
“W hat is it really worth,” the partner asked?
“It has a market value of $125,000, but you could sell it to
my church for much less, and count the difference as a church
donation. That could save you a lot of money on taxes,”
Reverend E. explained.
“I can see you’re really a business man,” the surprised
partner said. “ How in the world did you find all of that in­
The minister chuckled as he said, “God tells us a lot of
things when we listen to Him.”
The purchase of the church property was quickly con­
cluded. It was truly a miracle. The partners lowered the price of
the property to $100,000—$25,000 below its fair market price.
They then donated another $25,000 to the church. The church
then used this $25,000 to make a down payment on the property.
But the partners didn’t stop there.
There was still the challenge of leasing the three smaller
buildings so that there would be sufficient income to make the
loan payment. Within days, the man Reverend E. had astrally
visited during sleep found lessors for all three buildings—a
chiropractor, a children’s nursery school, and a mail-order
cosmetic business. The rents from these leases were sufficient to
not only make the church loan payment, but to pay Reverend E.
a monthly salary as well.
Miraculously, almost overnight, a little storefront church in
the wrong part of town became a thriving, prosperous,
metropolitan religious center.
It really wasn’t a miracle. It only appeared as a miracle to
those people unfamiliar with the ease by which the impossible
become the possible when one influences the course of events
through Astral-Telemetry.
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 159


You can easily and dramatically influence the thoughts of
others in much the same way as did Reverend E. in the case
history you have just read.
The ideal moment to influence the thoughts of another
person is when he or she is in a sleeping state. When their
conscious mind is asleep, you are free to speak directly to their
subconscious mind. Your voice to the subconscious is remem­
bered upon awakening, but the person believes that it was a
dream. They have no conscious recollection of your nocturnal
It is slightly more difficult to influence the thoughts of an
individual when they are in a wakened condition. The conscious
mind moves so rapidly, that there is little opportunity to inject an
external thought. But it can be done, and here is how you do it.
After you have completed your Astral-Telemetry Ritual,
project yourself to the person whose thoughts you are going to
influence. Stand as close to the individual as possible, and wait
for the moment that they relax a bit. As they remain relaxed,
concentrate on the thought that you want to place within their
mind. When the thought has been placed, let nature take its
course. Return to your own sleeping body and relax. You can be
confident that the thought you placed within the mind is being
mulled over and acted upon.



Rose K. was a lonely widow whose greatest comfort and

best friend was a little black mongrel dog that had mysteriously
appeared at her door almost ten years before.
When Rose heard little Pete barking at the fence in the
backyard, she paid scant attention. He often barked through the
160 How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry

fence at the neighbors. When his barking ceased abruptly, she

went to investigate. She found Pete lying unconscious upon the
ground, his legs were twitching uncontrollably. Near hysteria,
Rose picked up the black bundle of curly hair and rushed him to
the veterinarian.
Pete was dead when Rose arrived at the animal hospital.
She wanted to know what had happened to her little friend.
“ Something hit him and crushed his skull,” the veterinarian told
Rose, now terribly upset, returned home and lay down to
rest and think. She later told me that she just could not un­
derstand what had happened to her dog.
While lying on the bed, emotionally drained, Rose decided
to use Astral-Telemetry to invisibly visit her neighbor. She had
no reason to suspect that he was instrumental in Pete’s death,
but maybe he could provide a clue.
“I glided quietly into my neighbor’s living room, just in
time to hear him tell his wife that he had finally put an end to
that darned dog’s barking next door. I stood listening in disbelief
as he described how he had leaned over the fence and hit Pete as
hard as he could with a large piece of lumber,” she told me.
Rose concluded her Astral-Telemetry visit and returned to
her sleeping body. Later that evening she went next door and
accused her neighbor of willfully killing her little friend, Pete.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” the neighbor
said. “I didn’t even touch your dog, let alone kill him. I think
you’re crazy, lady.”
Thoroughly enraged, Rose was quick to consult an at­
“I had no proof that my neighbor had killed Pete, and I
couldn’t find a lawyer who would take my case without proof,”
she confided.
Rose returned home and performed her Astral-Telemetry
Ritual. She scoured her neighbor’s yard from one end to the
other. She was unsuccessful in locating the piece of lumber that
was used to kill Pete.
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 161

“There was only one other place to look,” she said, “ and
that was in the house. Finally, in the closet of the master
bedroom, I found a large board with Pete’s black hair stuck to it.
I found the board, but I still needed the help of an attorney.
“I had earlier talked to a sympathetic attorney who would
gladly help me if I had one iota of proof of my neighbor’s guilt. I
astrally traveled to his office, and luckily found him in a relaxed
mood. I concentrated on my problem, and placed the thought in
his mind that he should telephone me.”
The lawyer did telephone Rose. She was so convincing in
telling her story of her neighbor’s guilt, that the lawyer asked
Rose to meet him at the district attorney’s office.
“My attorney advised me to lodge a formal complaint
against my neighbor, which I did. The district attorney then
informed the man that he was charged with a felony—cruelty to
“Before this criminal case came before the municipal
court, my attorney, acting in my behalf, filed a personal legal
action against the man for $100,000 as compensation for the loss
of my dog.”
As is usual in legal cases of this magnitude, the opposing
attorneys bring together the parties involved in an attempt to
settle the case before a long and costly trial.
“My neighbor’s attorney, who was a representative of his
insurance company, insisted that there was not one bit of proof
that my neighbor was guilty of my charges, and that they were
not going to pay me one red cent. In fact, they considered suing
me for harassment.
“ ‘Just a minute,’ I said. ‘The board that man used to kill
my dog is hidden in the closet of his master bedroom this very
minute!’ ”
Rose’s neighbor first gasped, and then he completely broke
down, admitting his guilt to both attorneys.
Rose didn’t have to go to court. She accepted the $28,000
settlement offered by the insurance company. With his guilt
already established, the man who had wielded the destructive
162 How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry

board meekly accepted the three-month jail sentence imposed by

the Municipal court judge.
Neither the money nor the jail sentence brought little Pete
back to Rose, but, in her words, “there was a great deal of
satisfaction in seeing justice done.”

Astral-Telemetry is a very enjoyable experience without the
slightest element of danger. Contrary to what you may have read
or heard, Astral-Telemetry is a totally safe method to accomplish
an out-of-the-body experience.
Some writers who have mastered Astral-Telemetry claim
that they have had unpleasant experiences while away from their
physical bodies. But their unpleasant experiences are rather silly
when you analyze them.
One writer turned against Astral-Telemetry because he
became terrified during an astral journey. “ I almost died of
fright,” he wrote. I admit that on the surface, “ almost dying of
fright,” does seem to be a legitimate complaint against astral
travel. But the writer of that fearsome statement failed to tell you
why he was really frightened, as do other opponents of Astral-
Telemetry. W hat frightened that individual was really quite silly.
Having heard of riots that were occurring in a European
country, the gentleman in question decided that he would astral
travel to Europe to see the riots first-hand. He projected his
spiritual body to Europe quickly and smoothly. He became
terrified when he found himself right in the middle of a riot. He
quickly forgot that no harm could come to his spiritual body,
which was immune to all physical forces. If he was going to
become frightened, he had no business projecting himself to the
riot area in the first place.
When you know the whole story, the objections to Astral-
Telemetry are petty and frivolous. Astral-Telemetry can be one
of your most fulfilling psychic endeavors.
You need not have the slightest fear that there will ever be
difficulty in re-entering your sleeping body. If anything does
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 163

disturb your reposing body at home, you will return to it in­

stantly, and wake as easily as from a restful night’s slumber.


Delbert L. held the lowest position in the county treasurer’s
office, and he was about to take a civil service examination that
would make every difference in the poverty-stricken life-style
that he was now living.
Delbert lived in a cramped apartment with his aging
“Mom and Dad can’t work, and their welfare check doesn’t
even furnish them with the necessities,” Delbert explained. “My
salary is just enough to furnish us with the food we need. There
isn’t a cent left for luxuries.
“It’s been years since I’ve bought a new suit, and I’d sure
like to buy a television set for Mom and Dad. The apartment gets
pretty lonely for them while I’m at work.”
Delbert studied hard for the examination. He studied until
his eyes ached.
“One night I was escaping the pressures of the moment by
using Astral-Telemetry to travel to a beautiful park on the other
side of town. When I started to return home, I suddenly found
myself in a county supervisor’s office, where the examination to
be given the next day was being stored.
“At first my conscience wouldn’t let me look at the test
questions, but ‘darn it,’ I said, ‘anyone else who works with
Astral-Telemetry can do the same thing!”
“I studied the test questions until I had them firmly in my
mind, then I spent the rest of the night looking up the answers.”
Not surprisingly, Delbert passed the civil service exam with
flying colors.
“My parents have a television set now, and a few other
luxuries,” Delbert said. “I don’t feel that I did anything wrong.
What I did wasn’t for myself, it was to help others. Only good
came from it.”
164 How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry


Astral-Telemetry will lift you very simply and comfortably
into your first out-of-the-body experience. There are simple
exercises that will help you to travel anywhere your heart desires.
First, sit in your usual chair in a dimly lit room and perform
your Pillars of Power Ritual. Gaze at the Pillar on the right, then
to the Pillar of light on the left, and to your Guardian Genie.
When you are completely relaxed, ask your Genie to aid you in
your Astral-Telemetry exercises.
When your Genie has been contacted, repeat this En­

“I will now enter the astral domain. I will travel

freely and unrestricted to any place that I desire.
“ I am safe and secure in all of my efforts. My
spiritual body will now drift free of its physical
counterpart. And so it is!”

Relax for a few moments, then calmly walk to your bed and
lie down. Lie flat on your back with your hands at your side, eyes
Now remember how you felt as you were sitting in the chair
performing your Rituals. Imagine your Genie beckoning to you
as he stands between your Pillars of Power in another room. Now
imagine that you are sitting up. Then pretend that you have
placed your feet upon the floor. Now imagine yourself walking
across the room toward your Ritual Chair and your Magic Genie.
It doesn’t matter that you aren’t physically moving. Just pretend
that you are.
Practice this exercise for approximately ten minutes a day,
and you will soon discover that you are no longer pretending.
You will feel the floor under your feet as you walk toward your
chair, your Genie, and your Pillars of Power.
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 165

Look at the bed! Sure enough, you will see your physical
body fast asleep. Don’t become startled, or you’ll zip right back
into your body and wake it up from its peaceful sleep.
Keep your first astral journeys close to home. Get used to
the feeling of being free of your physical body before you travel to
unfamiliar surroundings.
When you are at ease with your new found power, travel to
wherever you wish—listening and watching those things that will
help you along your Psychic-Telemetry road to abundant riches.


Tony R., a petty officer in the navy stationed on Guam, was
sure that his wife whom he left in San Diego was being unfaithful
to him. Her letters were full of warmth, but Tony still had his
“ She seemed to make too many excuses for not coming to
visit me in Guam. First she was ill. Then she had to wait while
she trained a new girl for her job. And then she wrote that her
parents were visiting for a month. It was one excuse after
another,” Tony recounted. “ So one evening I was just plain fed
up. I lay down on my bed and used my Astral-Telemetry to visit
her in San Diego.
“ I drifted into her apartment through the closed door and
found my best friend sitting in my favorite chair. He acted very
much at home.”
Tony became furious as he watched his wife walk from the
bedroom and sit on the man’s lap. He was enraged as he watched
her passionately kiss her lover.
Tony watched as she reached over and lifted her govern­
ment allotment check from the table.
“You’d better cash this tomorrow, honey,” she said. “ I
wonder what Tony would think if he knew he was paying for his
best friend’s new car?” she laughingly said.
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 167

clear and sharp within the mind. Just as clear as anything you
might experience in your physical body.
You do not lose any of your Psychic-Telemetry abilities
while on your astral journeys. If you wish, you can perform any of
your Rituals or Enchantments while you are out of your physical
body. They are effective whenever they are performed.


Harriet O. is an advanced Psychic-Telemetry student who
regularly combines Enchantments and Rituals with her Astral-
Telemetry. I recently heard her describe how she had won her
“Jeff is an extremely handsome man, and every single
woman in town was trying to wangle a date with him. And aside
from being handsome, he was rich. He was being invited to the
best parties, and was surrounded with luxury wherever he went.
He was enjoying his life, and I can’t say I really blamed him. But
I swore that I was going to make myself so desirable, that Jeff
would lose his interest in everyone else but me—and I never had
a date with him yet.”
Harriet used Astral-Telemetry several times to secretly visit
Jeff in his apartment. During one of these visits, she performed
the Enchantment to make herself desirable.
“It gave me a thrill to be beside Jeff, even though he wasn’t
aware that I was there. I think that being close to him gave the
Enchantment more power.
“It startled me a bit to see Jeff strip down to do his exer­
cises. I sat in a chair and watched Jeff. He was the most desirable
man I had ever seen.
“Just as he was finishing his exercises, I repeated the
Enchantment to make myself desirous. I knew that the En­
chantment had worked when Jeff looked in the telephone book
and wrote my number on a pad. I quickly returned to my body. I
knew that I ’d be hearing from Jeff soon.”
168 How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry

Harriet had just enough time to stand up and relax for a

few minutes before the telephone rang. It was Jeff.
“ I hope you’ll excuse me for calling so late,” Jeff said. “ I
just haven’t been able to get you off of my mind. Will you have
dinner with me tomorrow evening?”
Harriet was the envy of all her friends when she and Jeff
walked into the country club for dinner.
“You should have seen all of those jealous eyes staring as
Jeff catered to my every whim. It was obvious to everyone that
Jeff was trying to control the passion he was feeling toward me.
“Even Jeff couldn’t understand why he had developed such
an uncontrollable passion for me. I knew why, and naturally I
took full advantage of the situation.”
From then on, everything went Harriet’s way. Her wedding
to Jeff was the high point of the social season. She now enjoys her
luxury auto as she travels between her luxurious home and the
beach cottage that Jeff gave her as a wedding gift.
“Before I married Jeff, I had to watch every penny that I
spent. But it’s a lot different now. Jeff criticizes me because I
don’t spend enough money on myself—but there isn’t anything
else to buy. I already have every material possession that I ever
dreamed of.
“Jeff married me willingly, and he never even glances at
another woman. All of his previous girlfriends wonder how I ever
landed him. When I moved in with my Astral-Telemetry En­
chantment, they didn’t know what hit him.”


Practice your Astral-Telemetry. Like any other Psychic
Telemetry ability, it might take a few attempts before you are
successful. But after the first successful effort, there’s nothing to
hold you back.
You no longer need to have pressing questions about others
in your mind. You can secretly and invisibly watch their every
move and hear their every word.
How to Use Psychic Astral-Telemetry 169

Astral-Telemetry is not only fun, it is an ability that can

open an entirely new life for you. A life of riches, good health,
and love
C h a p te r Nine

Psychic Telem etry G am es

That Will M ake You a Winner
Every Time

This chapter can be one of the most important in this book.

One feature of Psychic Telemetry is that there are innumerable
ways that you can manipulate forces that command miracles to
happen for you. You will now learn to focus this force through
psychic games.
Your entire environment can be changed by this practical
method of Psychic Telemetry. These psychic games can be used
to produce the same Power that you have discovered in other
Psychic Telemetry chapters. These games can be used for en­
tertainment at parties and among friends. Though these games
are popular as an evening’s enjoyment, they will be secretly
revealing to you the psychic power, the true personality, the
health, and the wealth of its players.
Not only will these games reveal the deepest held secrets of
the players, they will afford you the opportunity to practice your
Psychic Telemetry skills completely undetec+°d by those around
172 PsychicTelemetry Games

I will first show you how to use these powerful forces as a

game that will reveal the secrets of the game’s players exclusively
to you. Secondly, I will teach you to use these same games as
powerful Rituals to control others, influencing their every
thought and action.
Refinements of these psychic games involve the invoking of
Enchantments, Positive Declarations, Symbols, Colors, or
Rituals. They are designed to give you unprecedented power to
control those individuals surrounding you. These games will give
you the feeling of a force pouring through your body, which is
seldom experienced in this Aquarian Age. It is a force that was
so adroitly manipulated by the Ancient Mystics, that it has
remained undiscovered by most seers and sages of the modern
I will present all of this in a simple step-by-step form. You
are on the road leading to miraculous magic as you acquire
money, love, power, success, happiness, and contentment.


Claudia F. and her husband, Ralph, belonged to a very
active social group. The group met at a different home each
month, where it was the obligation of the host and hostess to
plan entertaining activities, as well as provide food and liquid
refreshment. When it became Claudia’s turn to entertain, she
decided that she would play psychic games.
Claudia had noticed that during the past several months,
Ralph had become less attentive than usual. And though she had
no proof of any wrongdoing, her suspicions were aroused when it
became necessary for her husband to spend more and more
evenings working late at the office.
Ralph had always been a good husband, but Claudia
couldn’t believe what she was seeing as she analyzed his aura
each day.
“I kept seeing this dark crimson color in Ralph’s aura,” she
wrote to me. “ I thought that I was becoming overly emotional,
and I didn’t trust my aural observations.”
Psychic Telemetry Games 173

Claudia went on to explain how she used Psychic Game

One to prove Ralph’s infidelity.
“The first game, which I decided to play on the night we
entertained our social group, was pulling colored marbles from a
paper bag. I offered small prizes to the persons who could pull
the most marbles of the same color from the bag.
“ I had been instructed at a Psychic Telemetry class that
this marble game was an ideal method to secretly discover
personality characteristics of the players. I didn’t know until the
night of my party how well the game really works!”
Claudia’s suspicions of her husband’s wandering eye were
confirmed when, time after time, he drew a dark crimson-
colored marble from the bag.
“I knew my aural colors perfectly. There was no question
that Ralph’s repeated drawing of the dark crimson marble was
secretly telling me that he was sexually involved with another
woman. But who was she? The answer was not long in coming.
“Just as often as my husband would draw the telltale
marble from the bag, my best'girlfriend would draw a marble of
the same color.
“How could they do this to me? It was difficult, but I
exercised a great deal of self-control during that evening. I didn’t
want to become emotional, I wanted to think the matter through
in a rational manner. Regardless of Ralph’s wandering, I wanted
to save our marriage.
“I thought that evening would never end. I was on pins and
needles until the last guest left, so that I could perform the
Magic Ritual of Psychic Game One.”
After the guests had departed and Claudia’s husband had
retired, she sat quietly alone and determined that pure crimson,
the color of fidelity and physical love, was the trait that she must
encourage within her husband if she wanted to win back his love.
But what about the temptress who was encouraging Ralph to
meet her in an out-of-the-way motel?
174 Psychic Telemetry Games

“I knew that the first thing I needed to do was to remove

the physical temptations that my supposed best friend was
dangling before my husband. Instilling the spiritual qualities
attached to the color of clear blue proved to be much easier than
I believed possible.”
Claudia performed her Magic Ritual and went to bed,
convinced that she had saved her marriage. But even Claudia
was surprised at the almost instant results her Ritual produced.
“I was just drifting off to sleep when my husband rolled
gently against me and whispered, ‘I love you. You’re still the
most desirable woman I’ve every met.’
“I ’ll never forget that night. It was as beautiful as our
honeymoon ten years ago.
“Ralph hasn’t looked at another woman since that night.
He finds me so physically attractive, that there are times that I
am slightly embarrassed over his attentions when we are out in
public—but I love every minute of it. You should see the envious
glances I get from women half my age who are wondering what
my secret weapon is for getting a man so obviously in love with
me. Psychic Telemetry taught me the secret. I doubt very much
that they would believe me if I did tell them how I became so
alluring to my Ralph.”
Claudia felt like she was floating on air the morning after
she had performed her Psychic Game One Ritual. She wasn’t
surprised when her telephone rang and the woman she had
thought to be her best friend asked if she could visit Claudia that
afternoon. “There’s something I have to talk to you about,” she
“I was very calm and polite when my husband’s temptress
visited me that afternoon,” Claudia wrote. “I poured each of us a
cup of coffee as we sat down to the table to chat.
“The adulteress broke into tears, and between sobs, blurted
out that she had ruthlessly pursued my husband until he finally
succumbed to her physical charms. I can remember her exact

‘Can you ever forgive me for what I ’ve done,

Psychic Telemetry Games 175

‘Please don’t blame Ralph for what happened.

My own marriage was on the rocks, and I don’t know
why, but I just couldn’t stand it when I saw you and
Ralph so happy. I guess I just needed the physical
company that Ralph could provide. Oh, Claudia, what
have I done?’
“O f course I forgave the woman,” Claudia continued, “but
before she left, I wanted to know what had occurred to make
her feel so guilt-ridden over the liason she had created with my
husband. This is what she told me.
‘The scariest thing in my life happened last
night, and I wasn’t feeling a bit guilty over seeing
Ralph. As a matter of fact, I was secretly planning my
next rendezvous with him.
‘When I got home from your party last night, I
went right to bed. I instantly fell into a deep sleep, but
I wish I hadn’t. I had the most terrible nightmares. I
kept dreaming that all kinds of terrible things were
going to happen to me if I didn’t quit seeing Ralph,
and beg for your forgiveness.
‘Just as I thought I was waking up this morning,
I dreamed of a man in flowing robes lecturing me on
what an evil person I was. I think that dream bothered
me more than the nightmares.
‘Oh, Claudia, I have such a guilty conscience
that I don’t know what to do. Please forgive me. I’ll
never, never become involved with a married man
again. I’ve really learned my lesson. I’ve never felt so
miserable in my entire life.’ ”
This psychic game is a valuable occult tool. It can serve
many different purposes at the same time, as you will soon
The only utensils needed for Psychic Game One are a paper
bag and an abundance of colored marbles. The marbles can be
purchased at any toy store, or at a toy counter in a five-and-ten-
cent store.
176 Psychic Telemetry Games

Psychic Game One as Entertainment—Though many

people will deny the existence of ESP or other psychic powers,
they become interested in any game that proposes to be a test of
these powers. This Psychic Game has proven to be a wonderful
icebreaker at parties.
The group of players is first shown the colors of the mar­
bles, which will then be placed in a paper bag. Each player, in
turn, announces which color marble he or she is going to draw
from the bag (the bag is held at an angle from the player, so the
marbles cannot be observed as the draw takes place). Each
player is allowed five draws, and their accuracy is graded, in a
lighthearted and humorous manner, against an ESP scale.

Five Correct Draws— The Psychic Prima Donna. Should be

studied by the scientific community,
or he’s just darned lucky.
Four Correct Draws— The Psychic Seer. Watch out, Las
Vegas! He knows all, and sees all.
Three Correct Draws— The Psychic Tenderfoot. He not only
knows all, but he tells all. He only
thinks he’s psychic.
Two Correct Draws— The Psychic So-So. With psychic
talent like this, stay away from the
race track.
One Correct Draw— The Psychic Loser. Lock him in a
room before he hurts himself.
No Correct Draws— The Psychic Clown. Ha, ha, ha!

Psychic Game One Used to Reveal the Players’ Innermost

Secrets—This is the game that Claudia used in the case history
given earlier in this chapter.
In this game, you do not allow the players to declare what
color marble they will draw from the bag. The players draw five
marbles from the bag. The player with the most marbles of the
same color wins the game, or can be graded according to the
humorous ESP scale.
Psychic Telemetry Games 177

The vital difference between this game and the preceding

game, is that the players will be drawing marbles whose colors
will match the colors within their aura—they always do! Their
hand automatically reaches for the marble whose color matches
their personality most closely.
They believe that they are only playing a game, but you
know that it is much more than a game. You secretly analyze the
colors in accordance with the Color Tables previously learned in
Chapter Five. The true character of the player is opened wide to
your Psychic Telemetry gaze.
Psychic Game One Used to Enhance Your Sensory-
Telemetry Powers—As you learned in a previous chapter,
Sensory-Telemetry is the sensing and interpretation of
vibrations, which gives you valuable information.
This game is designed to allow you the opportunity to
practice this psychic skill in a gentle and comfortable manner, at
your own convenience, and at your own pace.
Place ten identical blue marbles in a bag with one black
marble. Without peering into the bag, reach in and withdraw the
black marble. With a minimal amount of practice, you will soon
discover that your hand becomes so sensitive to the blue colors,
that you can feel the black intruder and withdraw it from the bag
on the first try so often, that the mathematical odds against your
achieving this success are astronomical.
A group of medical authorities, psychologists, and
parapsychologists became intrigued with a former Psychic
Telemetry student who could feel color with his hands. He is now
being paid a hefty $30.00 per hour to play this marble game in a
laboratory, while scientists attempt to discover the source of his
psychic power.


Psychic Games used solely as entertainment must be laid
aside as you now make ready to perform a Ritual that can bend
the thoughts and actions of others to conform with your every
178 Psychic T elemetry Games

Claudia turned her husband into a passionate and loving

mate. She forced his temptess to beg forgiveness. You can do
these same things, and even more, as you perform this
miraculous Power Ritual.
Sit in your usual chair and perform your Ritual of the Two
Pillars of Power. Visualize, within your mind, a picture of the
person you wish to influence or control. Now hold within your
hand a marble whose color corresponds to the aura color you
wish to place in the individual’s aura (in Claudia’s Ritual, she
first used a marble of pure crimson to command physical love
from her husband).
If the person whom you are going to influence is a male,
the marble should be held in the right hand. If a female, the
marble should be held in the left hand.
Be confident of success as you repeat these words:

“ (Name) now bends to my will. My influence

is total and complete. There are no obstacles that can
hinder the success of my psychic mission, as the
Universal Laws work unfailingly to fulfill my every

Your Guardian Genie already knows your desires. Send

your Genie to the person you wish to control with the order that
he “shake up” the mind of the person and make him receptive to
the commands that you will shortly send.
The next step in the Ritual is to hold the marble in the palm
of your open hand. Gaze at the marble without staring. In a calm
but confident voice, say exactly what influence or control you are
going to exercise over the person you have visualized earlier in
your Ritual.
Continue gazing at the palm of your hand, forgetting that
you are looking at a simple marble. It has now become a Psychic
Power Cell.
A Psychic Time Clock resides within your abdomen. It will
ring the alarm when it is time to bring your Ritual to an end.
When you sense that your Ritual is at an end, bring it to a close
by declaring:
Psychic Telemetry Games 179

“My will has now been done, and so it shall always


The marble used in your Ritual has become a powerful

psychic force, and should not be used again in any Psychic Game
or Ritual. Lay it aside and, when convenient, it should be buried
in the ground.


If you wonder how powerful an occult force your marble
really is, bury it at the root of a flower and watch the results.
They are amazing.
If the marble’s color is one of the positive auric tones, the
flower will become brighter, it will grow faster, and produce
larger blooms than a similar flower growing beside it.
The negative auric tones will produce the opposite effect.
The flower will become withered, stunted, and often die without
apparent cause.
It’s a wonderful experiment. Try it! You will be amazed as
you observe the tremendous psychic energy that you are
generating during your Psychic Telemetry Rituals.


Psychic Party Games are more than justyim. Each game is
designed to accomplish a specific psychic objective, but you are
the only one aware of the games’ psychic importance. Others
play a game. You learn important details of the past, present,
and future.
The games’ players are not aware that they are using latent
powers of Visual, Audio, and Sensory-Telemetiy. They believe
the games are all guesswork—but they inwardly hope that it is
much more—and it is much more, but only you know it.
Watch closely as the games are played. You will be quite
surprised to learn that many of your party guests have a great
180 PsychicTelemetry Games

deal of ESP ability, but rarely know how to use it in a beneficial

manner. At a later time, you can meet with these talented people
and reveal Psychic Telemetry's secrets, if you choose.
Serious questions concerning the future will be asked
during the games, and many of these important questions will
receive frivolous answers. Other questions will receive extremely
accurate prophecies of the future. You will intuitively sense the
correct and incorrect answers to questions that are asked during
the games.


This game is designed to utilize Sensory, Audio, and
Visual-Telemetry powers. It gives you an excellent opportunity to
practice your abilities, and at the same time gives you immediate
feedback as to your psychic accuracy.
The game is played with any number of players. Each
player writes a question on a piece of paper. The paper is then
folded and placed in an envelope, which the player will now seal.
On the outside of the envelope, the player now writes a
coded identification known only to him, e.g., ABC, 123, H20, etc.
When all envelopes have been marked with the secret iden­
tification, they are gathered together.
Each player should now be given a different envelope,
making sure that no player receives his own envelope. Without
opening the envelope, each player is given five minutes to write
the answer to the sealed question on the outside of the envelope.
As the host or hostess of the party, you will probably need
to encourage the players. Simply state that whatever enters the
mind of the player is probably the answer to the sealed question,
and should be written on the envelope. “And if it isn’t,
remember, it’s only a game!” you explain.
At the end of five minutes, the envelopes should be
returned to their originators. The answers on the outside of the
envelopes should then be compared to the secret questions still
sealed within. The uncanny accuracy of some of the players will
be astounding.
PsychicTelemetry Games 181

I have an entire file drawer filled with testimonials from

people who have played this psychic game just for fun. Even
though the game was used as entertainment, they did ask serious
questions, which they sealed within the envelope. The answers
were so uncanny, that the advice was followed and found to be
completely correct.


Ivan D. wasn’t in the mood for a party, and he certainly
wasn’t in the mood for games. He was just about to lose
everything he had worked so very hard for.
Ivan was extremely upset but, upon his wife’s insistence, he
finally consented to go to the party whose invitation she already
had accepted.
“I might as well go to the darned party,” Ivan told his wife.
“I sure couldn’t feel any worse than I do right now.”
Ivan had saved money for several years until he could buy
some California farmland and turn it into a vineyard.
When the land was finally paid for, Ivan planted hundreds
of seedling grapes. They were just reaching maturity and would
soon be producing a paying crop of fruit, when the bottom
dropped out of Ivan’s world. There was a shift in the water table,
and the well ran dry. Since there was no water to irrigate the
maturing vines, Ivan was in danger of losing his entire vineyard.
“It’s easy enough to say, ‘Dig another well!’ ” Ivan wrote.
“But there’s a lot more to it than that. It takes a lot of dollars to
drill for water.”
It looked like Ivan was going to go deep in debt, borrowing
heavily on the land he had struggled to pay for.
“I thought the hostess at the party had gone off her rocker
when she said we were going to play an ESP game. I was con­
vinced that she was loony when she passed out envelopes and
told us to seal a question inside.”
The only thing on Ivan’s mind was the money he would
have to borrow on his land.
182 Psychic Telemetry Games

“Here I was ready to panic, and those darned fools wanted

to play a game. I went along with it and wrote, W illi fin d water?
and Where? on a piece of paper and sealed it in an envelope. On
the outside of the envelope I marked ‘COWS’ as an iden­
tification. No one could have know that the envelope was mine,
and no one could have guessed what I wrote on the folded piece
of paper which was sealed in the envelope.”
Ivan was surprised when he received his envelope back. On
the front of the envelope was an arrow pointing to the top of the
envelope with the words “42 paces” written next to the arrow.
“That supposed ESP message didn’t mean a thing to me at
the time. In fact, I put it out of my mind as a bunch of baloney.
“On the way home from the party I told my wife about the
problem with the vineyard. ‘That’s it,’ she yelled ‘Dig a new well
forty-two paces from the old one.’
“Which direction?” I asked my wife. “ I could have them
drill in a hundred places that are forty-two paces from the old
well. They could drill in a great big circle.”
Ivan went to bed with a troubled mind. The evening’s ESP
game was completely forgotten.
“I must have dreamed about the arrow that was on the
envelope, because it was on my mind when I got up the next
morning. An idea just sort of filtered into my mind. ‘Could that
arrow be a compass needle pointing north? No! That’s silly/ I
told myself.
“It was several days before the well-drillers arrived. By the
time they did arrive, I thought ‘Oh, what the heck!’ So I
measured off forty-two paces due north of the old well and told
them to start drilling.
“I don’t know a thing about geology, and I don’t un­
derstand how it happened, but the well-drillers hit water at a
level twenty-five feet nearer the surface than the old well.”
That “stupid psychic game” made Ivan more prosperous
than he had ever dreamed.
Ivan wrote to me later.
“There is always a demand for good California wine grapes
and I get a premium price from the winery for mine. Believe it or
not, I’m actually rich!”
Psychic Telemetry Games 183


Raising two children on her salary as a drugstore clerk
wasn’t easy for Leona M. There was enough money for the bare
essentials, but vacations away from the city were out of the
Leona’s dream was that sometime, after the children were
grown, she could save enough money to have a vacation in
Hawaii. But the possibility that the vacation would be at any
time soon was dim.
“I knew nothing about Psychic Telemetry when I went to
Joyce’s house for the houseware party, but a game we played that
evening was one I later learned was Psychic Game Three,” she
“I really didn’t think a great deal about the game until two
or three weeks later when I learned that the neighborhood
church was going to have a carnival, and that a vacation in
Hawaii was going to be one of the prizes. I really wanted that
vacation, but I thought that my chances of winning it were
mighty slim.”
Leona called her friend Joyce and asked about the Psychic
Game Three. “Do you think I could practice that psychic game
and get better at it?” she inquired. Joyce assured her that she
could, indeed, become more proficient with a little practice.
“ I practiced Psychic Game Three every night before the
carnival,” Leona wrote. “ There were some great prizes being
given at the carnival, but the only one I was interested in was
“There was a large barrel filled with envelopes. Some of the
envelopes were empty; others held receipts for various prizes.
But there was one envelope among the hundreds that contained
a small piece of paper that said, ‘Hawaiian Vacation.’ ”
Leona paid her dollar and thrust her hand into the barrel.
“I closed my eyes and started praying, ‘Please let me win.’ I
kept running my hand through the envelopes. I was startled
when I touched an envelope that felt warmer than the others. I
184 Psychic Telemetry Games

clasped it in my hand. ‘I know this is it,’ I said right out loud. I

opened the envelope as fast as I could. I just stood there crying.
In my hand I held a slip of paper. It said, ‘Hawaiian Vacation.’ ”
Leona became a sure winner by playing a psychic game,
and you can too! There really wasn’t any deep, dark secret in­
volved in Leona’s bit of good fortune. And she didn’t win her trip
to Paradise by chance. Without even realizing what she had
done, Leona had learned to use her Sensory-Telemetry ability
with great skill. And I’m going to show you how to do exactly the
same thing.

Psychic Game Three As Entertainment—This psychic
game can be played just for fun, but while your guests are
playing this variation of “Button, button, who’s got the button?”
they, and you, are developing important powers of Sensory-
Telemetry. Powers that can be used to win contests—just as
Leona M. did.
You needn’t tell your guests that they are developing
psychic power. They can enjoy playing the game while you
consciously and secretly grow in your Sensory-Telemetry skills.
To play the game, place in a paper bag one red marble for
each player. Then place one white marble in the bag. Mix up the
marbles by shaking the bag.
Each player then, without looking, draws a marble from the
bag and holds it firmly in his hand so that no one can see the
color of the marble drawn. The players then guess who has the
white marble. Or do they have it? Is it the one marble remaining
in the bag?
Lest your guests suspect your Psychic Telemetry power, act
very surprised as you time after time correctly guess who is
holding the white marble.
You really don’t guess who has the marble. You know who
has it. Simply relax and feel where the round white treasure is
located. Feel for the answer exactly as you were taught in
Chapter Four.
Psychic Telemetry Games 185

Psychic Game Three As An Individual Sensory-Telemetry

Exercise—This is an easy exercise, and it has been used suc­
cessfully by hundreds of students who wished to concentrate
their psychic efforts on their sensory powers.
Just as in the preceding section, place one white marble in
a paper bag. Pour approximately 20 to 25 red marbles into the
same bag. The odds that you can draw the white marble from the
bag on the first try without looking are a million to one. But
forget the odds. The odds mean nothing when you are in tune
with your Sensory-Telemetry, or clear feeling powers. You will
defy all odds with your correct draw—not one correct draw, but
two, three, and four correct draws in a row. Amazing? Not when
you’re using Psychic Telemetry.


Sit quietly and relax. When you feel at ease, repeat these
words three times:
“I am attuned to Cosmic Mind, which hears me
now. My right hand is sensitive to color and to
“I command that the white marble be warm to
my touch. And so it is, now!”

Reach into the bag with eyes closed, and withdraw the
white marble.
Many readers will find this Ritual unnecessary long before
the last chapter of this book. But until that time, it is a valuable
tool that can be used until you feel completely comfortable with
your Sensory-Telemetry power. As your skills develop, you will
no longer need the Ritual. You will just feel what you want to
know instantly and automatically.


Former students of Psychic Telemetry have written to me
asking if there weren’t simple exercises or games they could play,
“just to keep in shape.” As one former student wrote:
186 Psychic Telemetry Games

“When I began my Psychic Telemetry Rituals

and Enchantments, there were specific material
possessions and people that I wanted in my life.
“ Within weeks I had everything I desired—
Psychic Telemetry really does make miracles happen.
I didn’t need to work any more miracles, but I did
want to keep ‘in tune’ so that whenever a miracle was
necessary, I could perform it quickly.
“ The psychic games and the exercises you sent
me really filled the bill. In the first place, they were a
lot of fun. But more importantly, they kept me
psychically alert.
“ How did I feel? I felt like an agile cat—ready to
leap into a miracle on a moment’s notice.
“ I’d recommend that all Psychic Telemetry
students keep the psychic exercises in mind and that
they use them as often as possible.”


That intuitive feeling, that sensing, or just knowing, is what
Sensory-Telemetry is all about. It’s something that you are using
every day, and has increased in power daily as you have thumbed
your way through this book.
This exercise will further increase your Sensory-Telemetry
powers. Your feelings will now acquire new and startling
dimensions. You will actually feel a color with your fingertips. As
you touch the object, its color will flash into your mind with the
same intensity as if seen with your physical eyes, wide open.
This exercise can be accomplished by two different
methods. Either or both methods will equally enhance your
powers of Sensory-Telemetry. Many people enjoy doing both
exercises, alternating between the two.
Method 1: The tools required for this exercise are simple
and easily acquired.
Take small pieces of cloth that are equal in size—as many
different colors as possible. There should be two identical pieces
of cloth for each color. Separate these pieces of colored cloth into
two piles.
Psychic Telemetry Games 187

Sit comfortably at a table, with the cloth in two piles before

you. Have on the table one saucer for each color represented.
The piles of cloth and the saucers should be located on the table
before you in a manner that will make them easily reached.
Now, with eyes closed, pick from one pile a piece of cloth
and cover it with a saucer. Continue covering the cloth pieces
until one pile is depleted. Each piece of cloth from the one pile
should now be covered by a saucer. Open your eyes. Sit and relax
for a moment before you begin the next step in this exercise,
which will be done with your eyes wide open.
One pile of cloth has been concealed, the other sits in clear
view upon the table. Pick one piece of cloth at a time from the
remaining pile and, without lifting the saucer, lay the piece of
cloth on the top of the saucer that has the identical color con­
cealed underneath. Then turn the saucers over. You will be
amazed at how accurately you matched the colors of cloth.
Simply lay your hand upon the saucer and feel the color
radiating through the pottery As you feel the color, visualize it
within your mind. One-hundred percent accuracy is not unusual
after practicing this exercise a few times.
This exercise can also be a very entertaining party game.
Method 2: Using the same strips of cloth as in Method 1,
mix together and place in a paper bag.
Relax for a moment, and then say, “I will now pull a red
piece of cloth from the bag.” Then pull a cloth of blue, green,
orange, yellow, etc., from the bag. State what color cloth you are
going to remove each time you draw. You’ll soon acquire un­
canny accuracy in this exercise.
An effective way to perform this exercise is to first state the
color you are going to draw from the bag. Run your hand
through the concealed cloths until your fingertips feel your
stated color, and the color image is produced within your mind.


This simple exercise is guaranteed to increase your Visual-
Telemetry power, though I am doubtful that your power needs to
188 PsychicTelemetry Games

be increased. At this point in your Psychic Telemetry

development, I rather imagine that you’re quite expert in per­
forming Visual-Telemetry. But if, as a former student previously
stated, you desire an exercise just to “stay in shape,” this one is
ideal. It is ideal for you as an individual exercise, as you will soon
discover for yourself. It can also be an exciting party game.
Take a regular deck of playing cards and shuffle them
several times. Then lay the deck of cards on the table. Remove
the top card, keeping it face down. Hold the card between the
palms of your hands and, using your Visual-Telemetry, observe
if the card is red or black. Do this with each card in the deck,
laying the red cards in one pile, the black in another.
As your proficiency increases in seeing the red and black
cards, you can vary this exercise by laying the cards in four
stacks. Place all of the club cards in one pile, the diamonds in
another stack, the hearts together, and finally the spades in their
own place.
If you ever desire to demonstrate your Psychic Telemetry
abilities, this in an exercise that will bring shrieks of disbelief
from your observers.
This exercise with playing cards has undoubtedly been
entertaining and psychically stimulating, but it is only an
exercise and a game. Your real power comes from the many
facets of Psychic Telemetry that you have learned in previous
C h a p te r Ten

A d van ced Secrets of Psychic

Telem etry For a G reat New
Life of A bu n d an ce,
Health and Joy

Psychic Telemetry has shown you several methods by which

you can bring your wildest dreams into a happy reality.
You no longer need to feel frustrated or alone. It isn’t
necessary to live in poverty—you can have every material
pleasure. You can be healthy and strong. No longer do you have
to be plagued with poor health.
You are now the captain of your own ship of destiny. Steer
your ship to the ports of good health, prosperity, and eternal

190 Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry


Eleanor W. was living in the northwest when I first heard
from her. She had moved from one state to another, hoping that
a change in climate would bring her relief from the constant
illnesses which plagued her.
“I am just fed up with never feeling good!” she wrote. “ If it
isn’t one thing, it’s another. First it’s my arthritis. Then it’s my
sinus headaches, watery eyes, allergies, and on and on.
“I’m really beginning to think I was bom to be unhappy
and miserable. I’m always feeling so poorly that it’s hard to keep
a friend, let alone find any man that would waste his time on a
woman who’s always complaining.
“Unless you’ve lived a life where you’re always half-sick,
you just can’t realize how terrible it really is. Nothing every goes
“If I wasn’t born to be miserable, someone has surely
placed an effective curse on my life.”
I sent Eleanor all of the Psychic Telemetry pamphlets on
healing, and asked her to choose the method of healing that she
felt the most comfortable with, and to at least give it a try. “You
have nothing to lose, but a great deal to gain if you try Psychic
Telemetry healing techniques,” I wrote.
I didn’t hear from Eleanor for three months. I began to
think that she had either decided not to use the Psychic
Telemetry healing instructions, or had made one of her frequent
moves before the information reached her. When I did hear from
her, the bubbly words expressed her “delirious” happiness.
“ I’m so happy and full of energy, that it’s hard
for me to sit down and take the time to write a letter,”
she wrote.
“ I ’m busy every waking moment. It’s sure a far
cry from the times when I spent at least half of every
day ill and in my bed.
Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry 191

“There’s so much to write about, that my letter

would turn into a book, but I did want to write to say
‘thank you’ for making my life worth living again.
“ When I first received the healing pamphlets, I
didn’t bother to pick out the one method that ap­
pealed to me the most. I used them all—gem healing,
color healing, healing enchantments, etc.,—I didn’t
want to take a chance on just one method.”

Eleanor continued in her letter, “Along with the healing

pamphlets, you sent ‘The Advanced Psychic Telemetry Power
Ritual.’ That Ritual is amazing. Every time that I performed it, I
felt like I was floating on air.”
Psychic Telemetry healing techniques worked wonders for
“It was almost like a miracle. One by one, my illnesses left
me. The first thing to leave was the arthritis in my legs and hips.
The pain was bad enough, but the disease was crippling me. It
was only with the greatest effort that I could walk around the
house. Within days, I was out shoveling and pulling the weeds
which had overrun my garden.
“Within a week, my asthma, allergies, and sinus headaches
had completely disappeared.”
Eleanor’s illness had kept her so confined to her home, that
she had had little time to become acquainted with her neighbors.
“Late one afternoon,” Eleanor continued, “when I was
working in my garden, the man who lived next door walked over
to compliment me on my beautiful roses. It was love at first sight.
“Harry was a lonely widower who was a top executive at the
aircraft factory. He obviously wasn’t a millionaire, but he had
more money than he could possibly hope to spend.
“ Only two weeks after our first meeting, Harry and I flew to
the Caribbean on our honeymoon.
“Needless to say, I ’m delirious in my happiness. Regaining
my health was miraculous, and I was so grateful, that I don’t
think I would have asked for another thing for as long as I lived.
I couldn’t believe that I deserved more.
192 Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry

“I am the happiest woman in the world, and would you

believe that I have not had so much as a cold or a headache since
Psychic Telemetry showed me the way?”


Eleanor used several healing techniques to perform her
miracle, and you can do the same thing.
Several techniques to perform the same miracle have been
revealed to you in this powerful book. Many students, for
example, feel the most comfortable with one method of healing,
and use it consistently. Others vary their methods of healing,
while other students will bring to bear their entire healing
powerhouse upon the problem.
Performing more than one healing technique upon a
problem does not cause one psychic power to interfere with the
other. They work independently of each other, and cause no
disruption to the psychic energy that you produce.


It is difficult to adequately describe in words the power
produced in this Ritual. It is somewhat different than the power
you produced in your other Psychic Telemetry Rituals. A French
countess, who is a Psychic Telemetry follower, described this
Ritual as “The Seal of Approval from the Cosmic Mind.” And
perhaps it is.
This Advanced Power Ritual should be reserved for those
special occasions when your psychic miracles are slow in reacting
to your commands. This extra shot of energy will push your
desires into reality.
First, stand straight against a wall. Your heels should be
placed firmly against the baseboard as you begin the Ritual.
Repeat these words carefully:
“I am surrounded with the might and power of the
Great Cosmic Mind.
Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry 193

“Every Nerve and Cell of my body now tingles and

vibrates with the all powerful psychic energy of ages
“It is my will that will now be done.
“And so it is, both now and forevermore.”
Now, take one step forward from the wall and remain
standing erect. Let your head drop forward, keeping your chin
and jaws relaxed. Swing your right arm backwards toward the
wall and tap lightly with your knuckles three times, and repeat:

“I have power over all things physical.”

Next, swing your left arm backwards toward the wall. After
tapping lightly three times, repeat:

“I have power over all emotions.”

Now, take the index finger of each hand and press gently at
the bridge of your nose. The magic words to repeat are:

“I have power over all things of the mind.”

The last step of the Ritual is to touch your chin to your right
shoulder, and then to the left shoulder. While swinging your chin
to the right and to the left, say with complete conviction:

“All is now done, and all is well.”

Sit down and relax for a few moments when you complete
your Ritual. You’ll want these moments to savor the thrilling
sensations experienced.


Psychic energy is now constantly flowing through every bit
of your being. There are two simple tests that you can perform if
you want to experience a physical sensation as an assurance of
your powers.
194 Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry

Test 1: Press the underside of your wrists together so that

an “X” is formed. In but a few moments, you will feel a steady
warmth stealing across your shoulders.
The warmth at your shoulders is created when you in­
terrupt the general flow of psychic electricity that pulsates in
every cell of your body.
Test 2 s A sensation of warmth in the buttocks and lower
back can be experienced as you cross your ankles. Press your
ankles together in the same “X” manner.
A very good friend really puts this psychic energy to the
test, and he did it simply as a test.
It was Thanksgiving Day in Denver, Colorado, with the
weather registering below freezing, when Dewayne arrived at the
University of Denver Stadium to watch the football game.
“People thought I was crazy,” he told me, “but I was
enjoying all the attention I was attracting.
“While the stands were filled with spectators shivering
under their winter coats and blankets, I sat very comfortably in
khaki slacks and a summer sport shirt.
“One lady leaned toward me and said, ‘How can you stand
this cold?’ I just smiled. She would never have believed that my
crossed ankles and wrists were acting as my own little psychic



The secret which I’m about to reveal is very simple. And

yet, it has escaped everyone but those who follow Psychic
Telemetry techniques. The English philosopher who said,
“Truth is simple, wonderful, and yet so wonderfully simple,” was
speaking of psychic powers such as the one you are about to
You developed your Telemetric Sign Language in Chapter
Four, and listed your symbols. By using the Psychic Telemetry
technique that I am about to reveal to you, you can easily in­
crease your Sign Language by four times.
Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry 195

If you have been using ten symbols, you will soon have 40 at
your disposal. If you developed your Sign Language to include 25
psychic words, you will now have 100.
All predictions of the future fall into four distinct
classifications. Your visions of the future are in their nature
either emotional, physical, spiritual, or mental. There is nothing
Using your Visual-Telemetry abilities, build this picture
into your psychic vision:



Memorize these four rectangles and their meanings. And

with eyes closed, divide your Visual-Telemetry mental picture
into fourths.
Let’s say that a bee in your Telemetric Sign Language
denotes prosperity. Using the Magic Rectangles, it can mean
four different things.
If, in your Visual-Telemetry, the bee appears in the top left
of your vision, it is in the rectangle that denotes “ emotional.”
The bee would therefore signify that your prosperity is coming
from someone with whom you have an emotional tie. If the bee
were in the lower left corner, it would signify prosperity through
mental endeavors. In the top right of your vision, the bee would
signify prosperity in a spiritual endeavor. In the lower right,
prosperity would come from one with whom you are physically
See how very simple it is to expand your Telemetric Sign
Language? Let’s use another example.
Let’s assume that a bell is the symbol of good news.
Depending upon which quarter of your Visual-Telemetry vision
the bell appears, it tells you to what the good news applies—good
news from an emotional involvement, spiritual good news,
mental good news, or physical good news.
196 Advanced Secrets of Psychic Telemetry

From this point onward, interpret all of your visions in this

manner, remembering that each of your symbols now has four
meanings instead of just one.
You will soon discover that this Psychic Telemetry secret
will increase the accuracy of your forecasts to a remarkable
degree. And in addition to increased accuracy, you will discover
that you can give an incredible number of predictions in a very
few minutes—just as the young man referred to earlier in the
book did on live television.


Color presents a psychic pattern. It shows a pattern of the
personality, as you learned in the chapter on the human aura.
Color is a magnet that attracts like vibrations unto itself. As it
draws this like energy unto itself, it operates similar to an or­
dinary battery. It stores psychic energy until you flip a switch
that allows it to send forth its electrical energy or power.
Color has an effect upon all people, whether they realize it
or not. Color tends to influence everything around itself.
For many years, the color green adorned the walls of almost
every United States hospital. It was the color of growth and
healing. Green was not consciously chosen for these reasons, but
the hospital administrators were intuitively guided to choose this
It is a rare cocktail lounge that does not have reds and
blacks in its decor. Displayed together, these colors heighten the
sexual urge and stimulate the desire for alcohol.
People are manipulated through the use of color in almost
every facet of their lives, and it is the time for you to begin
manipulating events and people with the psychic power of color.
Begin each day by determining what you hope to ac­
complish during the allotted hours. Do you want to attract
prosperity? Wear brown that day. Do you want to stimulate
passion when you go out on your evening date? If you do, stick to
wearing red, black, or combinations of these colors.
Attracting those things you desire goes far beyond the
wearing of colorful clothing. Do you have a child who has dif­
Advanced Secrets of Psychic Telemetry 197

ficulty studying? Or do you have trouble concentrating yourself?

Paint the walls of the room in which you study a pale yellow.
Do you have a hyperactive child? If you do, remove all of
the yellow (which stimulates the mind) from your home and
replace it with pale greens.
Do you want your husband to suggest a trip to the coun­
tryside? Wear clothing of a forest green color, and place throw
pillows, etc., of the same color at strategic locations within the
If you’re trying to bring honesty and morality into your
home, decorate with pale blues and white.
Most Psychic Telemetry people are very successful in
turning the tide to their advantage by manipulating colors.


Wilfred B., a bachelor, was popular with all the girls, and
he gave color most of the credit.
“I experimented and found that you could really influence
people with color, and because of this, I had more girlfriends
than I could handle.
“The first thing I did was to paint all of the walls in my
apartment a true white. Then I bought ashtrays, throw pillows,
throw rugs, and table cloths, etc., in a variety of colors.
“If Shirley was coming to my apartment and I felt
romantic, I’d decorate with my red accessories. If Paulette was
coming over and I felt like a lively discussion about the latest
best-seller or a business problem, I ’d decorate with bright
Wilfred later told me that color had changed his life.
“I not only used color to become the most popular bachelor
in town, but I used it to win a better job, to draw prosperity to
me, and to improve my health.”
If you do not have your psychic colors memorized from
Chapter Five, consult the Table of Colors and Psychic
Definitions to color your world with countless wishes fulfilled.
198 Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry

You have also been exposed to the power produced by color

in Chapter Seven, and have probably performed miraculous
healing with your Ritual To Perform Healing By Color. One lady
wasn’t satisfied that one Color Ritual was adequate for her
needs, and literally surrounded herself with Cosmic Color Power.


Francine E. was a miserable, middle-aged housewife who
was not only ill, but was on the verge of losing her husband of 20
“It was bad enough just having a heart condition,” she
wrote. “ It slowed down all of my activities. My husband had
always been affectionate, but my constant feeling of being tired
had its effect. There was no more of that wonderful feeling of
lying close to each other. He slept on the very edge of his side of
the bed, and I did the same on mine.
“When I first read about Psychic Telemetry, I thought it
was quite a coincidence that red was not only the color used to
heal heart conditions, but was the color that could be used to
stimulate passion.”
Francine performed her Color Healing Ritual, and was
soon cured of her heart condition. She was now physically active,
but there was a wall between her husband and herself which she
couldn’t penetrate.
Francine’s letter continued to speak of her efforts to gain
her husband’s attentions.
“Our marriage was definitely on the rocks, but I wasn’t
about to give up without a fight.
“The first thing I did was to redecorate our bedroom. The
crimson bedspread and curtains look lovely. I even decorated the
bathroom with black and crimson towels.
“Only a few nights after I had finished splashing our home
with crimson colors, my husband put out his arm and pulled me
close to his side.”
You can rely upon color. Used properly, it can become one
of your most advanced Psychic Telemetry tools.
Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry 199


Since ancient times, man has recognized the need for salt in
his diet and to preserve his meat. But salt was also recognized to
possess occult powers. Throughout the centuries, salt continued
to be a holy ingredient in the hand of the witch doctor, the saint,
and the sage. The modern occultist has discovered that there is
no substitute for salt in the exorcism of evil influences.
Most evil influences are created by the negative thoughts
and hatred of unenlightened neighbors or acquaintances. But
there are evil influences that are not just thoughts, but spiritual
entities capable of disrupting the peace, harmony, health, and
prosperity of those they prey upon. These spiritual entities are
summoned by hate, jealousy, and envy. They are happy to do the
bidding of those they have come to serve.
In Chapter Six, I instructed you in the methods to be used
in cleansing a home of evil influences. But a more powerful and
advanced technique of winning the battle against an evil
spiritual entity involves the use of ordinary table salt.
Evil spirits consistently enter a home or other dwelling from
the north, and when their work is done, they retreat toward the
same direction.
If you are aware that evil influences in the form of spiritual
entities have entered your home, you should go into action
immediately and remove them from the dwelling by using any of
the psychic tools learned in these earlier chapters of Psychic
When all entities have been expelled, place three pinches of
salt at the northern corner of the building at frequent intervals.
An evil entity will never come close to salt, which exudes a
powerful vibration. This powerful vibration which flows from
ordinary table salt causes pain and bewilderment to any evil
entity coming upon it. In their bewilderment, these spirits will
turn upon those who sent them, and justice is done.
Evil entities have been known to be successful in causing
mental illness, depression, and a host of physical ailments. This
200 Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry

need not happen—and it should not happen—when salt can be

such a powerful psychic tool to prevent it. If an evil entity is
bothering you, just “ salt him away.”


Josephine, her husband, and widowed daughter lived in a
middle-class section of Kansas City. Things had gone well in the
quiet suburban neighborhood until a petty feud began between
Josephine and her neighbor.
“ We had always gotten along well with our neighbors until
our dog dug under the fence and destroyed a portion of my
neighbor’s much-loved flower garden.
“I didn’t blame the woman for being angry, I would have
felt the same way, but her fury was unnatural. She screamed and
hollered like a banshee. She didn’t even reply to our offers of
paying for the damage done, and our promise that we would do
our very best to replace each flower destroyed in the garden with
one of like kind.”
Josephine continued her letter by telling me that the woman
was so determined to extract vengeance, that she began a study
of withcraft.
“Things went from bad to worse,” Josephine related. “ My
daughter, my husband, and myself were plagued with one illness
after another. Our doctor even expressed surprise that a family
as healthy as ours could so quickly become such frequent visitors
to his office.
“One of my lady friends suggested that my neighbor had
put a curse on my home and family. Anything seemed possible
by this time, but unfortunately, my friend didn’t know how to get
rid of the evil which was making physical wrecks of my entire
“Months later, my daughter accidentally came upon a
Psychic Telemetry pamphlet. By this time, all of us were at the
end of our ropes, and would gladly have tried anything to remove
the black curse which was hanging over us.
Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry 201

“We read the instructions for removing an evil entity, but

thought that they sounded too simple to be effective. We placed
the three pinches of salt at the northern corner of the house, but
we thought that our efforts would prove futile.”
At the breakfast table the next morning, Josephine’s family
noticed that there was something different in the way that they
“I can’t find the appropriate word to describe how we felt
the morning after we placed the salt at the comer of the house.
The best word would probably be relief. We just felt relieved for
some unexplainable reason.”
Josephine finished her letter by saying, “Our health im­
proved with each coming day. Right now we’re in perfect health,
and have all intentions of staying that way.
“The woman who was sending the evil entities to prey upon
us is now confined to a state mental facility. I feel sorry for her,
but she only received back what she was sending out to us.”
A happy ending to what could have been a tragic story.


You have learned many different Enchantments, Rituals,
etc. But you should never be fearful that you have used the wrong
one, or have mixed up its words or instructions.
The most that could possibly happen would be that the
Ritual or Enchantment wouldn’t work for you. A mistake would
only be a mistake. Nothing would backfire on you.
The Cosmic Mind knows what you are attempting to do at
every moment. Cosmic Mind judges the intent of your requests
and works accordingly, even if you have made a slip or two in
your Ritual.
If there comes a time when you can’t decide which Ritual or
Enchantment to perform, use the Advanced Psychic Telemetry
Power Ritual which you learned earlier in this same chapter. You
202 Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry

will soon sense other Rituals or Enchantments to use in per­

forming your miracle.


The mystical origin of the power of sand, sulphur, and salt
has been lost in antiquity. It was used by the ancient alchemist in
his quest for gold. The Egyptian priest cast these elements into
the flame that burned at the feet of the statue of Isis.
The African witch doctor sprinkled these three powerful
ingredients at the doorway of the home of a newly deceased
member of the tribe. It was believed that sand, sulphur, and salt
would drive away any evil spirit trying to enter the home, but
would also act as a beacon to draw those good spirits that would
lead the newly deceased person into Paradise.
The American Indian medicine man used the three
elements to not only drive away evil spirits, but also to heal the
sick and give courage to the faint of heart as well.


The power of sand, sulphur, and salt were believed to
mystically represent the three basic elements of nature—Air,
Fire, and Water. If one of these basic elements were missing,
there could be no miracle.
In many ways these ancient mystics were correct, but the
modem occultist has discovered that there are many other
methods of performing the same miracles. The modern-day seer,
at times, does not wish to be bothered with talismans, or
mysterious tokens, as used by our Forebears. But there are
countless others who place great reliance upon talismans, and
they do work.
Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry 203



Ariel B. lived in one of the toughest areas of Boston. Youth­

ful gangs roamed the streets. Thefts, vandalism, and violence ran
“We were afraid to leave our home,” Ariel wrote. There
never was a day that passed without at least one of my children
coming home bloodied from fighting.
“My purse had been stolen so many times, that whenever I
left the house, I pinned what little money I had to the inside of
my dress.
“If the house was left alone more than a few hours at a
time, you could fully expect to find it burglarized on your return.
It was like we were living among a bunch of half-crazed
Ariel had been promised a good job in a nearby city, but
that job wouldn’t be open until the end of summer.
She knew that with her new job, she could afford to move
away from her crime-infested neighborhood. But this was May.
She still had three months of living in fear for the safety of
herself and her children.
“I had attended a Psychic Telemetry meeting, where the
power of sand, sulphur, and salt was discussed. I took a lot of
notes,” she wrote, “but I never did anything with them for
“One day, I dug my notes out of the drawer and did a lot of
studying. I was interested in finding how to use the air, fire, and
water elements as a means of protection from physical danger. I
wasn’t even interested in reading about protection from evil
spirits. I think they would have been a welcome relief after what I
had gone through.”
204 Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry

Ariel purchased her ingredients. She mixed equal parts of

sand, salt, and sulphur together and pour them into a small
“I carried my pouch everywhere I went. I never felt safer in
my life. No one threatened or harassed me. Everything just
seemed to change for the better overnight,” Ariel stated.
“My pouch proved to be such a powerful talisman, that I
made an identical one for each of my children. They escaped
physical abuse for the remainder of the summer. The burglaries
at my house even stopped, though there was little left worth
“Every time I left the house, I would put a pinch of my
powerful cosmic dust (that’s what I called the contents of my
pouch) at every opening into the house—a pinch at every win­
dow, and at both doors. The burglaries stopped immediately.
“No one could ever convince me that the cosmic dust
doesn’t work. I ’m living proof that it does work!”
I like Ariel’s description of sand, sulphur, and salt as
“cosmic dust.” And here’s how you can be your own powerful
medicine man.


The three needed ingredients are readily available, and very
inexpensive if they must be purchased. The salt is regular table
salt, available in every home. If the sand must be purchased, call
any pet store. Small boxes are available for use in aquariums or
bird cages.
Sulphur is also easy to acquire. If you live in the city,
sulphur can be purchased at any hobby store that sells chemistry
sets for children. In rural areas, you can purchase sulphur at any
feed-and-grain store.
When you have your ingredients before you, place a level
tablespoon of each into a bowl and mix well. Your cosmic dust
should then be placed in any suitable container—a pouch or
small bottle is excellent.
Advanced Secrets of PsychicTelemetry 205

You may feel that three tablespoons of cosmic dust isn’t

enough. When you only use a pinch at a time, three tablespoons
of dust lasts a long time.
Many people find that it isn’t practical to carry their cosmic
dust in a small bottle or pouch. I suggest that you acquire a small
pill box at any drug store in which to carry your cosmic dust.


Ariel B. used her cosmic dust as a talisman for self­
protection, and for the protection of her home. You can do this
very same thing, and be very effective. For protection from harm,
carry small amounts of cosmic dust on your person at all times.
A public service nurse, who is also a follower of Psychic
Telemetry, carries cosmic dust on her person at all times, but for
a very different reason than Ariel.
The nurse works with patients suffering from contagious
diseases. She is in constant danger of picking up a germ or virus
and becoming infected herself. She wrote to me not long ago.
Her letter ends with glowing praise for protective cosmic dust.
“The average length of time that a nurse can work in
communicable diseases without being stricken herself is four
months. I’ve worked there for two full years and haven’t become
ill yet. There is no doubt in my mind that my cosmic dust is
warding off every germ or virus that could make me ill.”
Your cosmic dust almost has a holy quality about it, but it
can also be used as the opposite.
If you have a desire to bring good fortune to any person,
place or thing, sprinkle it with a pinch of your cosmic dust and
watch all of the good things happen.
If, on-the-other-hand, there has been a person or a place
that has not treated you well, sprinkle a pinch of cosmic dust
there also. You’ll soon see that circumstances arise where
punishment is swiftly dealt out to fit the crime.
206 Advanced Secrets of Psychic Telemetry


Gene H. was an average guy who had gone into debt to
purchase a luxury car that he really couldn’t afford.
Gene was ecstatic as he drove his auto from the showroom
floor. “ It’s only car I ever wanted,” he leaned over and whispered
to his wife.
Gene’s joy was short-lived. His auto turned out to be a
lemon. Everything that could possibly go wrong, did. He had his
auto back to the dealer’s service department every week. One
thing would be fixed, then something else would go wrong.
“It was bad enough buying a lemon,” he said, “but what
made everything worse was the constant arguing I had to go
through to get the car fixed.
“ One day I had finally had it. The part needed to repair my
engine wouldn’t be in for a week, and I was going to have to leave
it there because I couldn’t drive it. I was furious!
“I walked out the door of the service department and threw
a pinch of cosmic dust on the floor. I had only gone a few steps
before I heard an explosion.
“For some unexplainable reason, an electrical short of
some type had caused the auto paint to explode.
“No one was injured, fortunately, but all of the cars that
were parked in the garage during the ensuing fire were
“The dealer, of course, replaced all of the cars destroyed in
the fire. My replacement auto isn’t a lemon. It’s a real beauty,
and trouble-free.
“My cosmic dust saw another justice done,” Gene said.
“Because the paint was stored incorrectly in the garage, the
insurance company refused to pay for the damages incurred.
Every cent came right out of the dealer’s pocket. Maybe he’ll
think twice before he treats anyone so unfairly again.”
Adva n ced Secrets of Psych ic Tel em etry 207


Now nothing can stop you from enjoying complete con­
tentment. Your life can now be filled with happiness, wealth,
good health, and success.
This book has offered you the methods and techniques to
work miracles. You know how to make Psychic Telemetry work.
Why it works is unimportant. You are looking for results and
you’ve found them.
Join the select few—the few happy people in this world. The
happy people who have everything their hearts desire. Bask in
the admiration of others as you live a lifetime of wealth, power,
and love.

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