International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 5 Issue 2, January-February 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Planned Teaching

Program on the Knowledge and Practice Regarding Dietary
Pattern among Mothers of Children with Tuberculosis
Admitted in Pediatric Ward at KGMU Hospital, Lucknow
Mrs. Anchal Tiwari1, Mrs. Anugrah Charan2, Dr. Sarika Gupta3
1Student, 2Clinical
Instructor, 3Assistant Professor,
1,2King George's Institute of Nursing, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

3Pediatric Department of KGMU, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Mrs. Anchal

Malnutrition and Tuberculosis (chronic infectious disease) are both problems Tiwari | Mrs. Anugrah Charan | Dr. Sarika
of considerable magnitude in the most underdeveloped regions of the world. Gupta "A Study to Assess the Effectiveness
Malnutrition can leads to secondary immunodeficiency that increase the host of Planned Teaching Program on the
susceptibility to infection. The aim of the study was to assess the effectiveness Knowledge and Practice Regarding
of planned teaching program on the knowledge and practice regarding dietary Dietary Pattern among Mothers of
pattern among mothers of children with tuberculosis admitted in pediatric Children with Tuberculosis Admitted in
ward. Quasi-experimental with two groups pre test post test design was used Pediatric Ward at KGMU Hospital,
for 60 mothers at IPD and OPD of pediatric department and purposive Lucknowv"
sampling technique was used. Self structured questionnaire was used to Published in
assess knowledge and checklist for practice. In post test experimental group International Journal
mothers have 63.3% average knowledge, 26.6% poor knowledge and 10% of Trend in Scientific
good knowledge while in the control group, 53.3% poor knowledge, 46.6% Research and
average knowledge and non hove good knowledge. In experimental group Development
mean score was 17.9 1.96 while in control group mean score was 11.8 2.99. At (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD38591
the “p” value <0.05, the calculated t-value (3.21) was compared with the 6470, Volume-5 |
tabulated value (2.01). In post test experimental group, mothers have 53.3% Issue-2, February 2021, pp.967-974, URL:
good practice, 46.6% average practice and none have poor practice while in
the control group, 63.33% average practice, 23.3% poor practice and 13.3%
good practice. In experimental group mean score was 19.13 1.99 while in the Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
control group, mean score was 14.06 2.85.At the “p” value <0.05, the International Journal of Trend in Scientific
calculated t value (3.28) was compared with the tabulated value (2.01). These Research and Development Journal. This
finding reveals that the planned teaching program on dietary pattern was is an Open Access article distributed
effective. under the terms of
the Creative
KEYWORDS: Assess, Knowledge, Practice, Mothers, Tuberculosis, Effectiveness, Commons Attribution
Planned teaching program License (CC BY 4.0)
(http: //

Tuberculosis (TB) in a child represents recent and ongoing introduction of specific antituberculosis drugs, however, has
transmission of TB bacteria. Young children are most likely so radically altered the management of the disease that the
to become exposed and infected with TB by close contacts, role of diet should be considered in the light of the advances
such as family members. Children can develop TB disease at in treatment.4
any age, but the severe forms of TB are most common among
Need of the Study
children between 1 and 4 years of age. Children can get sick
Malnutrition can leads to secondary immunodeficiency that
with TB disease very soon after being infected with TB
increase the host susceptibility to infection. In patients with
bacteria, or they can get sick at any time later in life. They
TB, it leads to reduction in appetite, nutrient malabsorption,
can even infect their own children, decades later, if not
micronutrient malabsorption and altered metabolism
leading to wasting. Nutritional status determines normal
The term consumption has been virtually synonymous with health and functioning of all systems in body, including the
tuberculosis throughout the history and the link between immune system which is responsible for host resistance to
tuberculosis and malnutrition has long been recognized; various infectious diseases. Both PEM and micronutrient
malnutrition may predispose people to the development of deficiencies increase the risk of TB.10
clinical disease and tuberculosis can contribute to
India has one of the highest tuberculosis (TB) burdens
malnutrition. Before the advent of antituberculosis
globally, accounting for 20%of the new 8.6 million TB cases
chemotherapy, a diet rich in calories, proteins, fats, minerals,
annually .While the burden of childhood TB in India not
and vitamins was generally considered to be an important, if
known, regional data from the World Health Organization
not essential factor in treatment of tuberculosis. The

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
(WHO) indicate that’ sputum microscopy smear-positive TB Sample size: 60
in children (<14 years old) accounts for 0.6%–3.6% of all Sampling Criteria:
reported cases .However, because the majority of children A. Inclusion criteria:
are sputum microscopy smear negative, these data 1. Mothers of children admitted with tuberculosis.
underestimate the true burden of childhood TB. It is 2. Mothers of 1-12 years of age group children.
estimated that childhood TB constitutes 10–20% of all TB in 3. Mothers who are willing to participate in the study.
high burden countries, accounting for 8–20% of TB-related 4. Mothers who can understand Hindi language.
B. Exclusion criteria:
Malnutrition is also highly prevalent in children living in 1. Mothers who are not available at the time of data
tuberculosis endemic countries and contributes to 2.2 collection.
million deaths in children fewer than 5 years of age globally. 2. Mothers who have history of mental illness or any kind
Poverty, overcrowding, food insecurity, and human of physical illness.
immunodeficiency virus (HIV) further set the stage for both 3. Mothers who have history of hearing disability.
malnutrition and poor infection control. Although the World
Methods for data collection:
Health Organization (WHO) states that malnutrition is a
Data collection is a gathering of information relevant to a
significant risk factor for TB.15
research problem. A questionnaire refers to a device for
Objectives: securing answers to questions by using a form which the
The objectives of the study are: respondent fills by himself or herself. But in case of
1. To assess knowledge regarding dietary pattern among uneducated respondent I fill answer sheet according to
mothers of children with tuberculosis. answer given by mother when I ask same questions to them.
2. To assess practice regarding dietary pattern among The instrument used for collecting data in the present study
mothers of children with tuberculosis. was a structured self administered questionnaire. After
3. To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program obtaining the permission from the concerned authorities the
on the knowledge regarding dietary pattern among investigator introduced her to the study subjects and
mothers of children with tuberculosis. explains the purposes of study. The data was collected by
4. To assess the effectiveness of planned teaching program using structured questionnaire after taking written consent
on the practice regarding dietary pattern among from the subjects.
mothers of children with tuberculosis.
Plan for Data Analysis:
5. To find out association between post test knowledge
The data was analyzed by using descriptive and inferential
score of experimental group and selected demographic
6. To find out association between post test practice score Descriptive statistics:
of experimental group and selected socio demographic Frequencies and percentage used to describe the sample
variable. characteristics and item wise analysis.
Mean and standard deviation were used to quantify the
level of knowledge and practice.
H0: There will be no significant difference between
knowledge and practice of the mothers after planned Inferential statistics:
teaching program. Independent t-test (unpaired t -test) was use to examine
H1: There will be significant difference between knowledge the effectiveness of planned teaching program.
of experimental and control group of the mothers after Chi-square test was used to find out the association of
planned teaching program. socio-demographic factors of people with post-test
H2: There will be significant difference between practices of knowledge and practice.
experimental and control group of the mothers after
planned teaching program.
The data were collected were tabulated, analyzed and
H3: There will be significant difference between post test
interpreted using descriptive and inferential statistics. The
knowledge score of experimental group and selected
data have been presented under the following sections:
socio demographic variables.
SECTION 1: Description of selected socio demographic
H4: There will be significant difference between post test
variables of the mothers and children.
practice score of experimental group a
SECTION 2(a): Analysis and interpretation of pre -test and
Materials and Methodology:
post- test score of knowledge on dietary pattern.
Research approach and Design: In this study Quasi
experimental research approach was used. SECTION 2(b): Analysis and interpretation of pre -test and
post- test score of practice on dietary pattern.
The research design used for this study is two group pre-test
and post-test, pre-experimental design. SECTION 3(a): Determine effectiveness of planned teaching
program on the knowledge of mothers regarding dietary
Setting of the study: The study was conducted IPD & OPD of
pattern of children with tuberculosis.
pediatric department at KGMU Lucknow.
SECTION 3(b): Determine effectiveness of planned teaching
Study duration: December 2017 to January 2019
program on practice of mothers regarding dietary pattern of
Study population: children with tuberculosis.
In this study the study population consists of all the mothers
SECTION 4(a): Association of post-test level of knowledge
of children with tuberculosis admitted to IPD and OPD of
score of experimental group with `socio demographic
pediatric department.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
SECTION 4(b): Association of post-test level of practice SECTION -1: Description of selected socio demographic
score of control group with `socio demographic variables variables of the mothers and children
Table 1: Frequency and percentage distribution of mothers as per their demographic variables
Experimental Group(n1) Control Group(n2)
Demographic variables Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
(f) (%) (f) (%)
Age (in years)
A. Less than 20 1 3.3 2 6.7
1. B. 20-30 13 43.3 14 46.7
C. 30-40 13 43.3 11 36,7
D. 41 and above 3 10 3 10
Educational qualification
0 0 1 3.3
A. Profession or honors
6 20 3 10
B. Graduate or post graduate
9 30 8 26.7
C. Intermediate or post high school diploma
D. High school certificate
4 13.3 8 26.7
E. Middle school certificate
7 23.3 4 13.3
F. Primary school certificate
3 10 3 10
G. Illiterate
1 3.3 3 10
A. Profession 2 6.67 3 10
B. semi-profession 4 13.3 3 10
C. clerical, shop owner 9 30 2 6.7
D. skilled worker 6 20 5 16.7
E. semi-skilled worker 4 13.3 8 26.7
F. unskilled worker 4 13.3 7 23.3
G. unemployed 1 3.3 2 6.7
Family income per month(in Rs.)
A. >41430 1 3.3 2 6.7
B. 20715-41429 9 30 3 10
C. 15536-20714 3 10 4 13.3
D. 10357-15535 8 26.7 5 16.7
E. 6214-10356 4 13.3 10 33.3
F. 2092-6213 5 16.7 6 20
G. <2091 0 0 0 0
A. Hindu 27 90 15 50
5. B. Muslim 3 10 15 50
C. Christian 0 0 0 0
D. Others 0 0 0 0
Area of residence
6. A. Urban 12 40 19 63.3
B. Rural 18 60 11 36.7
Type of family
7. A. Joint 15 50 11 36.7
B. Nuclear 15 50 19 63.3
Duration of illness
A. <4 weeks 20 66.7 13 43.3
B. 4-8 weeks 9 30 13 43.3
C. > 8 weeks 4 13.3 4 13.3
Past history of tuberculosis
9. A. Present 16 53.3 5 16.7
B. Absent 14 46.7 25 83.3
Previous exposure to information on dietary
pattern of tuberculosis children
A. Yes 8 26.7 6 20
B. No 22 73.3 24 80
Number of rooms in the home
A. 1 14 46.7 12 40
B. 2 12 40 13 43.3
C. More than 3 4 13.3 5 16.7

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Number of windows in the rooms
A. None 8 26.7 7 23.3
B. 1 14 46.7 15 50
C. 2 8 26.7 8 26.7
Number of children
A. 1 1 3.3 1 3.3
13. B. 2 14 46.7 12 40
C. 3 11 36.7 15 50
D. More than four 4 13.3 2 6.7
Table 1 depicts that:
In the experimental group, majority of the 13 (43 %) of mothers were 20-30 and 30-40 years. Others 3(10 %) were in the age
group of >41 years and 1(3.3 %) were in the age group of < 20 years. Whereas in the control group, 14 (46.5 %)were in the age
group 20-30 .Other samples 11 (36.7 %) were in the age group of 30-40 years, 3(10 %) were in the age group of >41 years and
2(6.7 %) were in the age group of < 20 years
SECTION -2 (a): Analysis and interpretation of pre and post- test knowledge score of mothers regarding dietary
Table 2: Frequency and percentage distribution of samples based on the pre-test and post test level of knowledge
among control and experimental group
Pre-Test Post-Test
Level of Knowledge Exp n1=30 Cont n2=30 Exp n1=30 Cont n2=30
f % f % f % F %
Good 0 0 0 0 3 10 0 0
Average 13 43.3 12 40 19 63.3 14 46.6
Poor 17 56.6 18 60 8 26.6 16 53.3
Table 2 reveals that-
In pre test experimental group, majority of the mothers 17 (53.3%) have poor knowledge, 13(43.3%) have average knowledge
and none have good knowledge. In the control group, 18 (60%) have poor knowledge, 12 (40%) have average knowledge and
none have good knowledge. In post test experimental group, majority of the mothers 19 (63.3 %) have average knowledge, 8
(26.6%) have poor knowledge and 3(10%) have good knowledge. while in the control group, 16 (53.3%) have poor knowledge,
14 (46.6%) have average knowledge and none have good knowledge.
Table 3: Comparison of mean and standard deviation of pre test and post test knowledge score of experimental
and control group
Pre-Test Post-Test
Level of Knowledge
Exp n1=30 Cont n2=30 Exp n1=30 Cont n2=30
Mean 5.53 5.6 17.9 11.8
Standard Deviation 2.75 1.89 1.96 2.99
Table 3 depicts that-
Data from this table shows that mean of the pre-test score in experimental group was 5.53 with a standard deviation of 2.75
whereas in control group was 5.6 with a standard deviation of 1.89. Post-test mean in experimental group was 17.9 with
standard deviation 1.96 whereas in the control group mean score was 11.8 with standard deviation of 2.99. These findings
indicate that of knowledge level of mothers improved after planned teaching program.
SECTION -2 (b): Analysis and interpretation of pre -test and post- score of mother’s practice regarding dietary pattern
Table 4: Frequency and percentage distribution of samples based on the pre-test and post test level of practice
among control and experimental group
Pre-test Post-test
Level of practice Exp n1=30 Cont n2=30 Exp n1=30 Cont n2=30
f % f % f % F %
Good 1 3.3 0 0 16 53.3 4 13.3
Average 17 56.6 16 53.3 14 46.6 19 63.3
Poor 12 40 14 46.6 0 0 7 23.3
Table 4 depicts that:
In pre test experimental group, Majority of the mothers 17 (56.6%) have average practice, 12 (40%) have good practice and 1
(3.3%) has good practice. In the control group, 16 (53.3%) have average practice, 14 (46.6 %) poor practice and none have
good practice. In post test experimental group, majority of the mothers 16 (53.3%) have good practice, 14 (46.6%) have
average practice and none have poor practice. while in the control group, 19 (63.3%) have average practice, 7 (23.3 %) have
poor practice and 4 (13.3 %) have good practice. These finding indicated that practice level of the mothers was improved after
planned teaching program because post test practice score was higher in the experimental group than the control group but in
pre test, both have scored same.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table 5: Comparison of mean and standard deviation of pre test and post test knowledge score of experimental
and control group
Pre-test Post-test
Level of practice
Exp n1=30 Cont n2=30 Exp n1=30 Cont n2=30
Mean 13.4 13.1 19.13 14.06
Standard deviation 1.99 1.83 1.99 2.85
Table 5 depicts that:
Data from the table shows that mean pre-test score in experimental group was 13.4 with a standard deviation of 1.99 whereas
in control group was 13.1 with a standard deviation of 1.83.Mean post-test score in experimental group was 19.13 with
standard deviation 1.99 whereas in control group was 14.06 with standard deviation of 2.85.
Mean post test score was significantly higher than the mean pre test score of experimental group which indicated that of
practice level of mother improved.
SECTION -3(a): Determine effectiveness of planned teaching program on the knowledge of mothers regarding dietary
pattern of children with tuberculosis
Table 6: Comparison of mean, mean difference, standard deviation and ‘t’ value of post test level of knowledge
among experimental group and control group
Knowledge N Mean SD Mean difference df Independent t- value Tabulated value
Experimental Group (n1) 30 17.9 1.96 3.21
6.1 58 2.01
Control Group (n2) 30 11.8 2.99 P <0.05
Table 6 depicts that:
Hypothesis testing
H0: There is no significant difference between post-test mean of the care givers in experimental and control group
H1: There is a significant difference between post-test mean of the care givers in experimental and control group.
P value was <0.05 and table value for two tailed test was 2.01. The calculated t- value (3.21) lies beyond the table value (2.01),
so the null hypothesis was rejected and alternative hypothesis was accepted which indicated that there was significant change
in the knowledge level of experimental and control group. So, this was evident that the planned teaching program on dietary
pattern was effective. This clearly showed that the implementation of planned teaching program on post test level of
knowledge among mothers of children with tuberculosis in the experimental group had significant improvement.
SECTION -3(b): Determine effectiveness of planned teaching program on mother’s practice regarding dietary pattern
of children with tuberculosis
Table 7: Comparison of mean, standard deviation and ‘t’ value scores of mothers regarding practice of post test in
experimental group and control group
Practice N Mean SD Mean difference df Independent t- value Tabulated value
Experimental Group(n1) 30 19.13 1.99 3.28
5.07 58
Control Group (n2) 30 14.06 2.85 P <0.05 2.01
Table 7 depicts that:
Hypothesis testing
H0: There is no significant difference between post-test practice score of the care givers in experimental and control group
H1 : There is a significant difference between post-test mean of the care givers in experimental and control group.
P value was <0.05 and table value for two tailed test was 2.01. The calculated t- value (3.28) compared with the table value
(2.01) which lies beyond table value, so the null hypothesis was rejected and accepted the alternative hypothesis that indicated
that there was a significant change in the practice level of experimental and control group. So, this was evident that the planned
teaching program on diet therapy was effective. This clearly showed that the implementation of planned teaching program on
post test level of practice among mothers of children with tuberculosis in the experimental group had significant improvement.
SECTION -4 (a): Association of post-test level of knowledge score with `socio demographic variables
Table 8: Association between the post-test knowledge score of mothers regarding dietary pattern in experimental
group and their selected demographic variables
Respondents Knowledge
Variables Category Sample P value <0.05 χ2 value
Poor Average Good
Age in years <20 years 1 0 1 0
20 – 30 years 13 1 10 2
7.81 df=3 4.04 NS
30-40 years 13 5 7 1
>41 years 3 2 1 0

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Education Profession 0 0 0
Graduate or post graduate 6 0 4 2
Intermediate 9 0 8 1
High school 4 1 3 0 11.07 df=6 3.46 NS
Middle school 7 4 3 0
Primary school 3 2 1 0
Illiterate 1 1 0 0
Occupation Profession 2 0 2 0
Semi-profession 4 0 3 1
Clerical, shop owner 9 1 7 1
Skilled worker 6 1 4 1 11.07 df=6 10.40 NS
Semi-skilled 4 1 3 0
Unskilled 4 4 0 0
Unemployed 1 1 0 0
Family income >41430 1 0 1
20715-41429 9 1 6 2
15536-20714 3 1 2 0
10357-15535 8 2 6 0 11.07 df = 6 5.47 NS
6214-10356 4 3 1 0
2092-6213 5 1 4 0
<2091 0 0 0 0
Religion Hindu 27 6 18 3
Muslim 3 2 1 0
3.84 df =3 2.13 NS
Christian 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0
Area of residence Urban 12 1 8 3
3.84 df =1 0.45 NS
Rural 18 7 11 0
Type of family Joint 15 6 8 1
3.84 df =1 2.73 NS
Nuclear 15 2 11 2
Duration of illness <4 weeks 20 4 15 1
4-8 weeks 9 2 4 2 5.99 df =2 2.67 NS
>8 weeks 1 2 0 0
History of illness Present 16 6 10 0 3.84 df =1 2.06 NS
Absent 14 2 9 3
Previous exposure Yes 8 1 5 2
3.84 df =1 0.65 NS
No 22 7 14 1
Number of rooms 1 14 2 10 2
2 12 4 7 1 5.99 df =2 1.75 NS
3 or more 4 2 2 0
Number of windows None 8 4 4 0
1 14 2 10 2 5.99 df =2 0.05 NS
2 8 2 5 1
Number of children 1 1 0 0 1
2 14 4 9 1
7.81 df =3 7.47 NS
3 11 2 8 1
4 or more 4 2 2 0
*NS – Nothing Significant **S – Significant
Table 8 depicts that: Hypothesis testing
H0: there is no association between the post -test knowledge practice score and the demographic Variables of mothers
H1: there will a significant association between the post-test knowledge and practice score and the demographic variables of
care givers,
The P value was <0.05.This hypothesis was used for each of the variables. Chi square values were calculated in order to find out
association. The calculated value compared with the table value for each of the variables.
Age(χ2cal=4.04),education(χ2cal=3.46),occupation(χ2cal=10.40),familyincome(χ2cal=5.47),religion(χ2cal=2.13),area of
residence(χ2cal=5.47),type of family(χ2cal=2.73),duration of illness (χ2cal=2.67), history of illness (χ2cal=2.06),previous
exposure (χ2cal=0.65), no. of rooms (χ2cal=1.75), no of windows (χ2cal=0.05), no. of children(χ2cal=7.47). At the appropriate
degrees of freedom, none of the variables has significant association. All the values are less than the critical value; researcher
accepted the null hypothesis and rejected the research hypothesis. There was no statistical significance association with other
demographic variables among mothers with knowledge in experimental group.
SECTION -4 (b): Association of post-test level of knowledge score with socio demographic variables

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38591 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 2 | January-February 2021 Page 972
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table 9: Association between the post-test practice score of mothers regarding dietary pattern in experimental
group and their selected demographic variables
N= 60
Respondents practice
Variables Category Sample P value <0.05 χ2 value
Poor Average Good
Age in years <20 years 1 0 1 0
20 – 30 years 13 0 5 8
7.81 df=3 4.04 NS
30-40 years 13 0 6 7
>41 years 3 0 2 1
Education Profession 0 0 0 0
Graduate or post graduate 6 0 3 3
Intermediate 9 0 3 6
High school 4 0 2 2 11.07 df=6 3.46 NS
Middle school 7 0 3 4
Primary school 3 0 2 1
Illiterate 1 0 1 0
Occupation Profession 2 0 1 1
Semi-profession 4 0 2 2
Clerical, shop owner 9 0 3 6
Skilled worker 6 0 2 4 11.07 df=6 10.40 NS
Semi-skilled 4 0 2 2
Unskilled 4 0 3 1
Unemployed 1 0 1 0
Family income >41430 1 0 0 1
20715-41429 9 0 3 6
15536-20714 3 0 2 1
10357-15535 8 0 3 5 11.07 df = 6 5.47 NS
6214-10356 4 0 2 2
2092-6213 5 0 4 1
<2091 0 0 0 0
Religion Hindu 27 0 12 15
Muslim 3 0 2 1
3.84 df =3 2.13 NS
Christian 0 0 0 0
Others 0 0 0 0
Area of residence Urban 12 0 8 4
3.84 df =1 0.45 NS
Rural 18 0 6 12
Type of family Joint 15 0 10 5
3.84 df =1 2.73 NS
Nuclear 15 0 4 11
Duration of illness <4 weeks 20 0 8 12
4-8 weeks 9 0 6 3 5.99 df =2 2.67 NS
>8 weeks 1 0 0 1
History of Present 16 0 7 9 3.84 2.06
Illness Absent 14 0 7 7 df =1 NS
Previous exposure Yes 8 0 5 3 0.65
3.84 df =1
No 22 0 9 13 NS
Number of rooms 1 14 0 9 5
2 12 0 4 8 5.99 df =2 1.75 NS
3 or more 4 0 1 3
Number of windows None 8 0 6 2
1 14 0 2 12 5.99 df =2 0.05 NS
2 8 0 6 2
Number of children 1 1 0 0 1
2 14 0 7 7
7.81 df =3 7.47 NS
3 11 0 3 8
4 or more 4 0 4 0

Discussion 11.8 2.99. At the “p” value <0.05, the calculated t-value (3.21)
The findings revealed that in post test experimental group was compared with the tabulated value (2.01). In post test
mothers have 63.3% average knowledge, 26.6% poor experimental group, mothers have 53.3% good practice,
knowledge and 10% good knowledge while in the control 46.6% average practice and none have poor practice while in
group, 53.3% poor knowledge, 46.6% average knowledge the control group, 63.33% average practice, 23.3% poor
and none hove good knowledge. In experimental group mean practice and 13.3% good practice. In experimental group
score was 17.9 1.96 while in control group mean score was mean score was 19.13 1.99 while in the control group, mean

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38591 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 2 | January-February 2021 Page 973
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD38591 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 2 | January-February 2021 Page 974

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