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EMC Documentum Foundation Classes: Installation Guide

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EMC ® Documentum ®

Foundation Classes
Version 7.2

Installation Guide

EMC Corporation
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Table of Contents

Preface ................................................................................................................................ 5

Chapter 1 Before You Install DFC ................................................................................ 7

Where to install DFC ........................................................................................ 7
Java 2 Security .............................................................................................. 8
Whether to remove old programs first................................................................ 8
Whether to remove the old DFC .................................................................... 9
Whether to upgrade client programs.............................................................. 9
Establishing the environment for DFC ............................................................... 9
Defining file system locations for DFC components ........................................ 10
DFC program root directory ...................................................................... 10
DFC user root directory ............................................................................ 10
Directory for shared libraries ..................................................................... 10
Directory for DFC configuration files ......................................................... 11
Locations of DFC classes ........................................................................... 11
Setting environment variables ....................................................................... 11
Using the DFC config directory ......................................................................... 12
Uninstalling DFC.............................................................................................. 13
Uninstalling from Windows .......................................................................... 14
Uninstalling from Linux ................................................................................ 14

Chapter 2 Installing DFC .............................................................................................. 15

Installation requirements .................................................................................. 15
Installing DFC on a Windows system ................................................................. 16
Installing on a Linux system .............................................................................. 17

Chapter 3 Installing Silently ......................................................................................... 21

Creating the configuration file ........................................................................... 21
Running the installation program silently .......................................................... 21
Encrypting passwords ...................................................................................... 22

Chapter 4 IPv6 Support ................................................................................................ 23

Documentum client connection process (dual-stack mode) .................................. 23
Configuring the client DFC ............................................................................... 23
Configuring the Java Virtual Machine for IPv4 only ............................................ 24

Chapter 5 Troubleshooting Installer Problems ............................................................ 25

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 3

Table of Contents

List of Tables

Table 1. Environment variables that DFC uses .................................................................... 11

Table 2. Configuration files for DFC ................................................................................... 12

4 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide


This manual describes how to install EMC Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC).

Intended Audience
This manual is for programmers or system administrators who must install DFC. For Windows
systems, it assumes general familiarity with Windows operation. For Linux systems it assumes
general familiarity with shells, permissions, and environment variables.

Document Scope
This document addresses the rare case where you would install DFC as a standalone product. This
would be useful primarily to customers who have created their own interface to the Documentum
system. Documentum applications each install their own instance of DFC. For information on
updating and maintaining DFC with client applications, see the deployment guide for the particular
application you’re using.

Revision History
The following changes have been made to this document.

Revision Date Description

February 2015 Initial publication.

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 5


6 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Chapter 1
Before You Install DFC

This chapter describes the steps you must take before installing DFC. Any EMC Documentum client
product that uses DFC installs DFC. If both DFC and its client applications are compiled with the
same JAVA version, you can upgrade DFC without upgrading the client applications. You might do
so to incorporate the bug fixes or other improvements that we provide in a service pack.

Caution: If you previously installed additional classes on top of DFC under the DFC program
root directory, check whether those classes are still in place after you upgrade DFC. For example,
some InputAccel use cases required that you install bpmutil.jar and bpm_infra.jar after you
installed DFC. Another example, you may have customized your system and created custom
classes and installed them in the DFC shared directory after installing DFC.
Whenever you upgrade DFC, you will need to check if your additional classes need to be
reinstalled after the upgrade.

DFC relies upon certain environment variables. Whether you install DFC directly or rely on a
client program to do so, you must ensure that these variables have correct values. Establishing the
environment for DFC, page 9 explains how to set the environment variables that DFC relies upon.
DFC requires administrator privileges to run. At installation, the installer verifies that the installation
account has those privileges.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• Where to install DFC, page 7
• Whether to remove old programs first, page 8
• Establishing the environment for DFC, page 9
• Using the DFC config directory, page 12
• Uninstalling DFC, page 13

Where to install DFC

You can install DFC on:
• A middle-tier system.

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 7

Before You Install DFC

For example, to support WDK or Content Server methods.

• An end user’s computer.
For example, to support Desktop.
DFC runs on a Java virtual machine (JVM) on the machine from which you call it.
Note: Refer to the EMC Documentum Environment and System Requirements Guide for the supported
versions of the JVM. These can change from one minor release to the next. Using DFC with an
application server may further restrict the supported versions.

Java 2 Security
If you plan to use the Java 2 security archiy the policy file that you create at the startup of your Java
Virtual Machine (JVM). For a stand-alone installation, you will specify the file in the command
line startup arguments for your JVM. If you are deploying on an application server, refer to the
application server documentation for the specifics of specifying Java 2 security policies.The DFC
example policy template file is named dfc.example.java.policy, and is found in the dfc.jar file
installed in the DOCUMENTUM_SHARED directory (by default, in Windows systems, C:\Program
If you deploy DFC on WebSphere Application Server 7.x, you must set the dfc.security.
enforce_existing_policy JVM runtime system property before policy configuration.

Name Description Type Required Default

or Not
dfc.security.enforce_ Specifies whether to enforce the existing boolean Yes false
existing_policy security policy settings or not.

true: DFC enforces the existing

security policy settings. And thus,
policy configuration is skipped.

false: DFC does not enforces the

existing security policy settings.
And thus, you can initialize policy
configuration to update the security

Whether to remove old programs first

This section explains the situations in which you must remove an older version of DFC, and possibly
other programs as well, before installing this version of DFC. It contains the following sections:
• Whether to remove the old DFC, page 9
• Whether to upgrade client programs, page 9

8 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Before You Install DFC

Whether to remove the old DFC

You can install this release of DFC directly over DFC version 5.3 or later.
Install the new DFC without uninstalling the old one if the following conditions are true:
• The DFC installation you want to upgrade has a version number of 5.1 or later.
• The DFC installation is on a Content Server host.
In all other cases, uninstall the old DFC before installing the new one.
Uninstalling DFC, page 13 explains how to remove DFC.

Whether to upgrade client programs

Programs that use DFC are called client programs. Upgrading DFC does not affect client programs
that use DFC version 5.3 or later.
In order to run more than one version of DFC on a Linux system, you must arrange to run the
different DFC versions in different processes. Set the environment variables described in Establishing
the environment for DFC, page 9 and install the different versions of DFC in locations that you can
distinguish from one another by those environment settings.

Establishing the environment for DFC

This section explains how to set the environment variables that DFC relies upon.
Table 1, page 11 lists the environment variables that DFC relies upon. To set the variables:
• Windows: Installation program sets the environment variables.
The DFC installation program for Windows sets environment variables. The only additional
setting you need to make is to add jars to the classpath if you need to refer to DFC classes and
interfaces in your Java programs. Locations of DFC classes, page 11 provides more details about
what to place on the classpath.
• Linux: You set environment variables.
For Linux systems, the installation program does not set environment variables. If the installation
program does not find the needed environment variables, it aborts the installation.
For Linux systems, the way to set environment variables depends on the shell that you use. Be
sure to set the variables in such a way that a process launched in a different shell has the same
values defined. This means using setenv or export (depending on the shell). Do not use set, which
defines variables only for the current shell, but not for any child shell.
The following topics describe the considerations in setting up the DFC environment for Windows
or Linux:
• Defining file system locations for DFC components, page 10
• Setting environment variables, page 11

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 9

Before You Install DFC

Defining file system locations for DFC components

DFC maintains components at different file system locations. The following sections provide details
about the locations DFC uses.

DFC program root directory

DFC installs program files under the program root directory.

On Windows systems, the installation program asks for a program root directory. It uses C:\Program
Files\Documentum if you do not specify a location.
On Linux systems, the installation program uses the environment variable DOCUMENTUM_SHARED
to determine the program root directory. The installation program terminates the installation if it
finds this variable undefined.

DFC user root directory

DFC creates client-oriented directories (for example, checkout and export) in the user root directory.
On Windows systems, the installation program asks for a user directory root and uses
C:\Documentum if you do not specify a location.
On Linux systems, the installation program uses the environment variable DOCUMENTUM to
determine the user directory root. The installation program terminates the installation if it finds
this variable undefined.

Directory for shared libraries

The installation program places shared libraries at specific locations relative to the program root
On Windows systems, the installation program uses the shared subdirectory of the program root
directory. It attaches the full path of this directory (followed by a separator character) in front of the
value of the PATH system environment variable.
On Linux systems the installation program uses the dfc subdirectory of the program root directory.
You must place the full path of this directory onto the library path. The library path environment
variable is LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Linux.
Environment variables can be set on Linux systems using the setenv script. The script can be found at
$DOCUMENTUM_SHARED/dfc/set_dctm_env.sh (.csh). You can source this file to properly set the
environment variables from Table 1, page 11.

10 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Before You Install DFC

Directory for DFC configuration files

The installation program creates the config directory to store configuration files. Using the DFC
config directory, page 12 provides information about DFC configuration files. The installation
program creates the config directory under the program root directory on Linux systems and under
the user root directory on Windows systems. For DFC to operate properly, the full path to the config
directory must appear in the classpath.
On Windows systems, the installation program attaches the full path of the config directory (followed
by a separator character) in front of the value of the CLASSPATH system environment variable.
On Linux systems, you must place the full path of the config directory onto the classpath. For
example, in the syntax of the csh shell, attach $DOCUMENTUM_SHARED\config: to the value of the
CLASSPATH environment variable. You can do this before or after running the installation program,
because the installation program does not use this setting.

Locations of DFC classes

The Java runtime environment uses the CLASSPATH environment variable to find DFC classes and
the config directory.
On a Windows system, the installation program places the full paths to dctm.jar and the config
directory (with appropriate separators) at the front of the classpath.
On a Linux system the installation program does not modify the classpath. You must place the full
paths of dctm.jar and the config directory onto the classpath.
For both Windows and Linux systems, you must perform an additional step if you want the javac
compiler to have access to DFC classes. The javac compiler does not recognize the jars specified in
the manifest contained in dctm.jar.

Setting environment variables

DFC uses several environment variables to find its components. Defining file system locations for
DFC components, page 10 describes the file system locations that the environment variables point to.
On Windows systems, the installation program asks you for the information that it uses to set these
variables. On Linux systems, you must set these variables before you run the installation program.
Table 1, page 11 lists these environment variables and summarizes the ways that DFC uses them.

Table 1. Environment variables that DFC uses

Variable How DFC uses it Windows value Unix value (you set)
program sets)
DOCUMENTUM_ Determine the full path Not used by Specify a value before
SHARED to the program root Windows systems installing DFC
directory for Linux

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 11

Before You Install DFC

Variable How DFC uses it Windows value Unix value (you set)
program sets)
PATH Find the directory Attach the full Not used by Linux
containing DFC shared path (followed by a systems
libraries (DLLs) on separator character)
Windows in front of the shared
subdirectory of
the Documentum
program root
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Find the directory Not used by Add $DOCUMENTUM_
containing DFC shared Windows systems SHARED/dfc
libraries on Linux and
LIBPATH Find the directory Not used by Add $DOCUMENTUM_
containing DFC shared Windows systems SHARED/dfc
libraries on AIX
DFC_DATA Documentum has Directory for DFC configuration files, page 11
deprecated this variable. provides information about what you should do
instead of using this variable.
DOCUMENTUM Determine the full Not used by Specify a value before
path to the user root Windows systems installing DFC
CLASSPATH Allow Java runtime to Attach (with ap- Add $DOCUMENTUM_
find dctm.jar and, the propriate separator SHARED/dctm.jar and
DFC config directory. characters) the full $DOCUMENTUM_
See Locations of DFC paths of dctm.jar SHARED/config
classes, page 11 for and the config di-
information about rectory (for exam-
making DFC classes ple, C:\Documen-
available to the javac tum\Shared\dctm.
compiler jar and C:\Docu-

Using the DFC config directory

The DFC config directory contains Java properties files that control the behavior of DFC. The
installation program creates the config directory if it does not already exist. Table 2, page 12 describes
the files in the config directory.

Table 2. Configuration files for DFC

File Description
dfc.properties Current configuration options for DFC.

12 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Before You Install DFC

File Description
dfcfull.properties Template containing all possible configuration options. Do not modify this
file. Copy sections into dfc.properties as necessary.
log4j.properties Current configuration options for the log4j instance that underlies the
unified logging system. DFC Development Guide explains the logging system.
dbor.properties Registry for pre-5.3 business objects. Do not edit this file. DFC Development
Guide contains information about how to use this file.
Each line of a Java properties file is either a comment (begins with #) or contains a statement of the
form key=value, where key and value are character strings that comply with ISO 8859–1 encoding.
For characters that do not comply with ISO 8859–1, use Unicode escapes. These are of the form
\u followed by the four hexadecimal digits that represent the character’s Unicode encoding (for
example, \u2297).
The key cannot contain white space. The value can contain spaces and other special characters,
but you must precede each with a backslash ( \ ) character. For example, to indicate that the DFC
configuration files are in C:\Documentum User Files\config, you can include the line:
dfc.data.dir=C\:\\Documentum\ User\ Files

A backslash precedes each colon, backslash, or space.

The Java convention for expressing file paths allows you to write the same line as:
dfc.data.dir=C\:/Documentum\ User\ Files

You do not need to precede a forward slash with an escape character.

After installation, the dfc.properties file contains the key dfc.data.dir,. The corresponding value is the
full path to the DFC data directory.
At a minimum, dfc.properties also contains the following keys: dfc.docbroker.host[0],
dfc.docbroker.port[0], dfc.tokenstorage.dir, dfc.tokenstorage.enable.

Uninstalling DFC
This section explains how to remove DFC. Whether to remove the old DFC, page 9 lists the situations
in which you must remove an old version of DFC before installing the current version.
Regardless of which operating system you use, you cannot uninstall DFC if any program has locked
any portion of it. You must stop any program that uses the DFC that you want to uninstall. In
particular, this means that you must stop any application server that uses the DFC that you want
to uninstall. Stopping an application server terminates any web applications running on it, even
those that do not use DFC.
The following sections explain how to uninstall on different operating systems:
• Uninstalling from Windows, page 14
• Uninstalling from Linux, page 14

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 13

Before You Install DFC

Uninstalling from Windows

This section explains how to remove a DFC installation from a Windows system.
If you are uninstalling a DFC version prior to 5.1, refer to Whether to upgrade client programs, page
9 for information about the effect on client programs of upgrading to the current version of DFC.

To uninstall DFC on a Windows system:

1. Change the startup setting to manual for each service that uses DFC.
This prevents such services (for example, an application server) from restarting themselves after
you reboot and locking DFC again before you can uninstall it.
2. Use the control panel’s Add/Remove Programs facility to remove Documentum DFC Runtime
3. If prompted to do so, reboot the system.
4. Restore any startup settings you changed in the first step.

Uninstalling from Linux

This section explains how to remove a DFC installation from a Linux system.
If you are uninstalling a DFC version prior to 5.1, refer to Whether to upgrade client programs, page
9 for information about the effect on client programs of upgrading to the current version of DFC.
To uninstall DFC on a Linux system, run the uninstall.bin program.
For older versions of DFC, these programs resides in the _uninst subdirectory of the EMC
Documentum program root directory. For recent versions, it resides in _uninst/dfc.

14 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Chapter 2
Installing DFC

This chapter describes the process of installing DFC. It contains the following main sections:
• Installation requirements, page 15
• Installing DFC on a Windows system, page 16
• Installing on a Linux system, page 17

Installation requirements
The DFC installation program assumes a video capability of at least 256 colors and at least 800 by 600
screen resolution. For Linux systems you must also ensure that:
• /usr/dt/bin and /usr/openwin/bin are on the path
• DISPLAY is set to localhost:0.0
• XWindows is installed on the Linux host to run the graphical installation program. The xterm
program may be installed in various locations depending on the operating system and software
packages installed.
• These RPM packages are available before installing DFC on a 64-bit Linux system:
— libXp....i686
— libXi...i686
— libXtst....i686
— libXt....i686
— libgcc....i686
— libXrender....i686
Because the installation program provides a graphical interface, you cannot use a telnet session to
install DFC. Install from the system console, or use an X server to perform the installation remotely.
However, be careful when you install remotely with a DISPLAY setting to localhost:0.0, as the output
will be sent to that terminal rather than the one at which you are working.
Before installing DFC on Windows system, disable the IP Helper service from the Windows Services
console. This method disables the Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface. Restart the machine.

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 15

Installing DFC

Installing DFC on a Windows system

This section explains how to install DFC on a Windows system

To install DFC on a Windows system:

1. Run the installation program, dfcWinSuiteSetup.exe.
The installation program proceeds through a series of dialog boxes and information windows.
When necessary, it asks for input.
2. View the Welcome window, and click Next.
The license agreement appears.
3. Select the accept option (I accept the terms of the license agreement), and click Next.
4. Specify the directory into which the installation program should place the DFC programs and
click Next.
The default value for this directory is C:\Program Files\Documentum. Refer to Defining file
system locations for DFC components, page 10 for information about how DFC uses the value
you supply.
The installation program skips this step if it finds a registry entry that contains the required
5. Specify whether to install optional components for developers, and click Next.
Select the Developer Documentation checkbox to request installation of Javadocs, or leave
it unselected if you do not want to have Javadocs installed. The installation program places
Javadocs into the help/dfc subdirectory of the DFC program root directory. Open index.html
from that subdirectory to view the Javadocs.
6. Specify the root directory for Documentum user information and click Next.
The default value for this directory is C:\Documentum. Refer to Defining file system locations for
DFC components, page 10 for information about how DFC uses the value you supply.
The installation program skips this step if it finds a registry entry that contains the required
7. Provide the connection broker information and specify if you want to enable SSL certificates:
• Connection Broker Port: Type the connection broker port number.
• Connection Broker Host: Type the host name. You can use an IP address or a symbolic
address (for example, MyHost.MyCompany.com).
• Use certificates: Select if you want to enable SSL certificates.
If Use certificates is selected, provide the DFC trust store information:
• TrustStore: The location of the DFC trust store. For example,
• Password: The password of the trust store file.
Select Use Default Java TrustStore if you want to use the default Java trust store specified by
JVM property javax.net.ssl.trustStore.

16 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Installing DFC

Note: The default value of the dfc.session.secure_connect_default attribute is

try_native_first. If you want to connect in secure mode, change the attribute value to
secure or try_secure_first in dfc.properties file.
Click Next.
8. Review the summary.
The installation program summarizes what it plans to install and where it plans to install it. Make
a note of anything you want to keep a record of. Use the Back button if you want to change
anything. Otherwise, click Next.
9. Use the checkbox to tell the installation program whether you want to identify the global registry
for this DFC to use.
The installation program skips this step if it finds the required information in the dfc.properties
It is safe to leave the checkbox unselected if you do not have the necessary information. You can
set the information manually in the dfc.properties file after the installation program has finished
installing DFC.
If you select the checkbox, the installation program requests the repository and connection
credentials, and provides a checkbox you can use to disable validation. Use that checkbox if the
repository does not exist or is unavailable. Otherwise, the installation program checks to see if it
can use the credentials you provide.
10. Observe the progress of the installation, and click Finish when the installation program reports
that it has successfully installed DFC.
The installation program displays progress bars as it completes the installation.
If the installation program needs to initiate a reboot, it asks before doing so.

Installing on a Linux system

This section explains how to install DFC on a Linux system

To install DFC on a Linux system:

1. Set environment variables, as described in Establishing the environment for DFC, page 9 and
Table 1, page 11.
2. Run the installation program, dfcLinuxSuiteSetup.bin.
The installation program proceeds through a series of dialog boxes and information windows.
When necessary, it asks for input.
3. View the Welcome window and proceed to the next window.
4. The license agreement is displayed.
Select the accept option (I accept the terms of the license agreement), and click Next.
5. Specify whether to install optional components for developers, and click Next.
Check the Developer Documentation checkbox to request installation of Javadocs, or leave the
box unchecked if you do not want to have Javadocs installed. The installation program places

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 17

Installing DFC

Javadocs into the help/dfc subdirectory of the DFC program root directory. Open index.html
from that subdirectory to view the Javadocs.
6. Provide the connection broker information and specify if you want to enable SSL certificates:
• Connection Broker Port: Type the connection broker port number.
• Connection Broker Host: Type the host name. You can use an IP address or a symbolic
address (for example, MyHost.MyCompany.com).
• Use certificates: Select if you want to enable SSL certificates.
If Use certificates is selected, provide the DFC trust store information:
• TrustStore: The location of the DFC trust store. For example,
• Password: The password of the trust store file.
Select Use Default Java TrustStore if you want to use the default Java trust store specified by
JVM property javax.net.ssl.trustStore.
Note: The default value of the dfc.session.secure_connect_default attribute is
try_native_first. If you want to connect in secure mode, change the attribute value to
secure or try_secure_first in dfc.properties file.
Click Next.
7. Review the summary and click Next when you are ready to proceed.
The installation program summarizes what it plans to install and where it plans to install it. Make
a note of anything you want to keep a record of. Use the Back button if you want to change
8. Use the checkbox to tell the installation program whether you want to identify the global registry
for this DFC to use.
It is safe to leave the checkbox unchecked if you do not have the necessary information. You can
set the information manually in the dfc.properties file after the installation program has finished
installing DFC.
If you check the checkbox, the installation program requests the repository and connection
credentials, and provides a checkbox you can use to disable validation. Use that checkbox if the
repository does not exist or is unavailable. Otherwise, the installation program checks to see if it
can use the credentials you provide.
The installation program skips this step if it finds the required information in the dfc.properties
9. Observe the progress of the installation, and click Finish when the installation program reports
that it has successfully installed DFC.
The installation program displays progress bars as it completes the installation.
10. The installation program replaces copies of the shared library that it finds, but other copies may
exist on the machine. It is safe to replace all of them with the current version, but if you do not
want to do so, you must ensure that the old version does not precede the current version in any
path environment variable that the current DFC might use.

18 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Installing DFC

If the machine has a Content Server installation, you must manually replace the DMCL shared
library that is in the server’s bin directory.

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 19

Installing DFC

20 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Chapter 3
Installing Silently

The DFC installation program provides capabilities to support installing silently, that is, invoking
the installation program from a command line and giving it a configuration file that allows the
installation to proceed without further interaction. This chapter explains how to do this. It contains
the following main sections:
• Creating the configuration file, page 21
• Running the installation program silently, page 21
• Encrypting passwords, page 22

Creating the configuration file

To install silently, you must first create a configuration file. To do this, use a command such as
the following at a command prompt:
dfcWinSuiteSetup.exe –record C:\myFile.properties

This is the command for Windows. For other operating systems, use the appropriate executable file
rather than dfcWinSuiteSetup.exe. See Step 2 of the installation procedure in Installing on a Linux
system, page 17.
You can replace C:\myFile.properties with any file you choose. Give the full path, not a path relative
to the current directory.
Running this command creates myFile.properties as an installer configuration file. It does this by
running the installation program interactively and saving your inputs.

Caution: This process records the information during a real-time installation. If you use this
method to create your configuration file, it will perform an actual installation during the process.

Running the installation program silently

To run the installation program silently, use a command such as the following at a command prompt:
dfcWinSuiteSetup.exe –config C:\myFile.properties –silent

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 21

Installing Silently

Use the same executable file and configuration file as in the previous section.
Because the silent installation program cannot say whether a reboot is required, we recommend
always rebooting after a silent installation.

Encrypting passwords
For installation procedures that require users to supply passwords, the installation program provides
a rudimentary encryption facility. You can invoke it by using the –x option in the previous sections,
as in the following example:
dfcWinSuiteSetup.exe –record C:\myFile.properties –x

dfcWinSuiteSetup.exe –config C:\myFile.properties –silent –x

22 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Chapter 4
IPv6 Support

This chapter discusses the IPv6 support.

Documentum client connection process

(dual-stack mode)
During startup, Content Server projects its host information such as IP address, port number, and
so forth to its connection broker, which maintains the list of all Content Servers to which a client
can connect. A Documentum client’s DFC retrieves Content Server connection information from
the connection broker and stores the IP addresses to which the Content Server listens. The client
DFC then connects to Content Server using IPv6 or IPv4. The client DFC first tries to communicate
using IPv6. If no connection can be established with IPv6, the client DFC tries IPv4. When the client
DFC exhausts both IPv6 and IPv4 connectivity options, an error message is displayed. The client
DFC caches the connectivity option for the last successful connection to the Content Server. This
improves performance by avoiding repeated attempts to communicate with connection options in
which no connectivity can be established. For example, if a client is on a dual stack machine with
a connection option set to try_secure_first and the Content Server is listening to an IPv4 non-SSL
socket, the client DFC tries to connect to IPv6 SSL, IPv4 SSL, and native IPv6 protocols respectively,
before falling back to a native IPv4 connection. The client DFC cache stores the protocol that was
successful, and provides it to the client next time the client tries to connect to the Content Server,
thus avoiding unnecessary connection attempts.
Note: The DFC cache is refreshed at regular (configurable) time intervals.

Configuring the client DFC

The client DFC retrieves the information about the Content Server by using the full qualified server
name (docbase_name.server_config_name@host_name) from the connection brokers listed in its
dfc.properties file. In the dfc.properties configuration file, you can specify an IP address or hostname
on which the connection broker runs. If you specify an IPv6 address, enclose the IP address in square
brackets as per the IPv6 convention.
dfc.host.name[0] = [2001:0db8:1234:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000]

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 23

IPv6 Support

The following applies when a dual stack client host connects to a connection broker running on a
dual stack machine:
• When you specify an IP address in the dfc.properties file, the client DFC uses that IP address and
connects without any further processing. For example, if you specify an IPv4 address, the client
DFC uses IPv4 for communication.
• When you specify a host name in the dfc.properties, the client DFC resolves all available IP
addresses for that host name before determining the connection protocol. When the connection
broker runs on a dual stack machine, the client DFC resolves both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The
client DFC keeps track of the IPv4 address and chooses the best available IPv6 address for the host
from Unicast Global, Site Local, and Link Local, in the order specified.
To configure DFC installed on a dual-stack machine for native IPv4 operation, perform the following:
• Specify an IPv4 address in the dfc.properties file.
• Disable the dual-stack operation for Java Virtual Machine.

Configuring the Java Virtual Machine for IPv4

A custom property setting in the Java Virtual Machine used by the operating system determines
the communications protocol used by the operating system. By default, this custom property
(java.net.preferIPv4Stack) is set to False to support dual-stack communications. To configure a
host for native IPv4, set this property to True.

24 EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide

Chapter 5
Troubleshooting Installer Problems

We implemented this installation program using InstallShield Multiplatform (ISMP).

The installation program maintains an error log, which it writes to a file called setupError.log in
the current working directory. If it cannot write into the working directory, it writes to the home
directory of the user who initiated the installation. Reading this file may help you see what went
wrong. If not, it can help Documentum Technical Support to help you. Everything in this file is
important. Send the entire file, unedited, to Documentum if you need make a support call. The file does
not contain passwords or other secure information.

EMC Documentum Foundation Classes Version 7.2 Installation Guide 25

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