S-Block Element

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e-Alock Elerr.er,ts
ol the
General inttoduction to sblock elernents-abundance, occurrcnce' anonElous ProPedbs
lirst elements in each gro.lp, diagonal relationship'
Alkali metals----occutrence, eleclronic conligurltion nd Physical. properties
(including lE, reactiiity and ]eactions with oryqen'
hydrogen, hal la. Basii natu roxides' halides' Li and
Na-otcurren and uses, NarCOa.
in atomic and Physical
The R

f alkaline earth metals-

Mag ,
strlal uses ol lirne, lirne stonB' coment'

12.1.1. Occur:tncc and Abunilance.


l,: :,r i, , r
:, , , . r: ,,1], , ]:
:,': j r: ,, :., , ,:
: r:, : j r:1

Both alkali and alkaline earth metals are high-

Dependiug upon the type of the orbital wbich

ly reactive and hence do not occv in the free stote

receives'the lasi eicctron, the element in the long
but are widelydistributed in nature in the combined
state. Whereas alkali metals rnostly occur as halides
oxides, silicates, borates and nitrates, alkaline earth
metals mainly occur as silicates, carbonates, sul-
phates and phosphates.
Atthough alkali metals have similar chemical
properties yet they do not occur together mainly
ErouDs contain one or two electrons in their outer- Leciuse thiir ions are of different sizes. Similarly,
i,.r.d s-orbital while all the inner shells are com- alkaline earth metals usually do not occur together
except dolomite which is a double carbonate of
calcium and magnesium [MgCO, . CaCOr].
Likewise some double salts of alkali and alkaline
earth metals such as carnallite
(KCl.MgC! .6 H2O) are also known to occur in
Some alkali and alkaline earth metals occur
abundantly in nature. For example, calciutll is the
frllln, mognesium is tlre slxah, sodiunt is rrre sevcnth
and potassium is the eigllth, baiunt is the fotur'
alkaline earth rnetals on!y.
te€nth and srror iurz is rhe lifteenth most abundant

1212 Neul Course
element by weight in the earth,s crust. Sodium and 12.13. Diagonal r:latlonshlp.
magnesium are also present in relativety large
amounts in sea water, brine wells and a few silt . Some elements ofcertair groups in the second
period resemble with the certain elements of the
Iakes. Calcium and potassium also occur in sea
water but to smaller extents.

It is intcrcsting to note that although soatium and

potassium are almost cqually abundant (2.837o Na and
2 59qo K) in thc eaflh's crusl, ylt sca ozlci conrains 2.87a Group 1. Group 2 Group 13 Group 14
NaO butonly0 E7o KO. Thi6 is duc to thc Eason trat mucb peiod: Li.-
2nd Be... B\ C
of potassium appcaring in ground watcr from di&sotlcd
minc16ls ifl takcn up pr.€fcrEntialtybyptants whilc sodium ion
gocs to thc 6cs watcr. 3rdpeiod: N" \M, \4 \S,
Thus Iithium resembles magnesiurq beryllium
resembles aluminium and boron r-esembles silicon.,It
The remaining elements are much less abun-
may, howeve4, be noted that lhese similaities are much
datt, i.e., rubidium rJ ,he twenty.thlrd , caesium is
rlre for8-slxth and beryllium
ri ,lre fiIty.llrst most
weokg lhan The
main reason
abundant element by weight in the earth,s crust
(i) Sim

radiotherapy treatment of cancer at one time but R

now &Co is used. Marie Curie was awarded the

Nobel Prize for chemistry in 1911 for isolating and

studying radium and polonium.

The element francium was discovered later in


1939 by Pierre at the Curie Institute, paris. Its


longest lived isotope 223Fr has a half-life period of


21 minutes. As a result, not much is known about

it; chemistry. Nevertheless, whatever little ajor.Tic and ionic radii (Fig. 12.1) and hence have
element clearly srmllar propertres.
mical properties, Electronegativity increases, Atomtc and ionic
sizes decrease, Polarlzing power increases
12.1r. Anomalous b€havlour offlrst element 'Dam
of a group. *

I e.q
Slmllar electronegatlviv Similar atomic and
lonic radii, Similar potadzing power
metals (Mg Ca, Sr and Ba).
FIGURE 12.1. llustration of diagonal rclationship.

chargc)(ionic 6izc). Polari6ilg parPlr h aldo 6omctimc6 hcs6urEd in tcrm6 of charge pcr u n it arEa, i.c
(ioni. radius)'

(iii) Similarity in polaising powel On moving (i) spodumene, LiA(SiO3)2, ald (ii)
across a period, the charge on thc ions increases LirAlr(SiOJ (FOH),. Sodium aad potassium are
and size decreases, causing the polarizing power to
the sevanth aI[id eighth most abundant elements by
increase. On moving down a group, the size in-
weight in the earth's crust. IiaCl and KCI occur in
creases and the polarizing power decreases. On
large amounts in sea water. The largest source of
moving diagonally, these two trends partly cancel
out. As a result, diagonally related elemcnts have
sodium is rock salt (NaCl). Other important
minerals of sodiumare: NarBoO, . L0 HrO (borax),
similar polarizing power and bence have similar
propertics. NarCOr. NaHCO3.z}{z0 (tona), NaNO, (clu7e
sl,l("il()\-l sdlt petre) and sodium sulphate (mimbilite) .

AI,KAI,I NII'TALS Potassium mainly occurs as KCI (sylule), a

mixture of KCI and NaCl (sylrznife) and tho double
The group 1 of the periodic table contairs six sak, KCI.MNL . 6HrO (camallite) and as
elements, namely lithium (Li), sodium (Na), potas- IqO . ALO3 . 6 Sio, (felspar) .
sium (K), rubidum (Rb), caesium (Cs) and fran-
cicium (Fr). All these elements are tlpical metals. 12.3. Electronic Conllgurallon i:::r:r:r:::....::::.:r;...j.r;..:.:...::
These are usually refe(red to as alkali metals since
their hydroxides from strong bases or alkalies. Alkali metals are .r-block elements, bc-
cause last electron in them enters the s-orbital.
They contain only one s-electron outside the noble
Alkali metals are highly reactive and gas core. Therefore, their general electronic con-
hence do not occur n the free state blut are widely hguration is [noble gaslnsl where n = 2 to 7. Since
distributed in natute in lhe combined state iD. f.orm R
all these elements have similar valence shell or
of halides, oxides, silicates, borates and nitrates. outer electronic configuration, they have similar

Lithium is the rlrir)y'y'tft most abundance ele- physical and chemical properties. The electronic
ment by weight in the earth's crust (lithosphere) configurations of alkali metals are given in Thble

and mainly occurs in form of silicate minerals, i.e. t2.t.


l'AllLE 12.1. Electronic configuration ofalkali m€tals


EIcrncIlts Atomic Electrollic CohfiSuratjoo

Number (jomplete Wiih Inert tirs core

Lithium (Li) 3 7:\z zt1 []tel 2rr

Sodium (Na) 11 1s2 2t2 2p6 3sl [Ne] 3.rl
Potassium (K) 19 tiz xz 2p6 3? 3p6 4s1 [Ar] 411

Rubidium (Rb) 31 7sz z\2 ?f 3s2 3p5 3dro [Itul5,rr

Ajz 4p6 5rr
Caesium (Cs) 55 1s2 zt2 2p6 x2 3p6 3d1o [Xe] 6rr
4sz 4p6 4d1o sP 5p6 &1
Francium (Fr) 87 lP z'z 2f Nz 3p6 3dto [Rnl 7rl
4s2 4p6 4dto 4f4 5"2 5p6
5d1o 6t2 6f itr

Some important physical properties by alkali metals are given in Table 12.2.
1214 llradc cyt's Neut Course Chem istt4l$[f
TARLE 12.2. Some phlsical properties r.rf gloup 1 elements (alkali metals)
I'roperty l,i Nn K Rb Cs l.r

1\tomic number 3 ll t9 31 55 a'l

Aromic mass 694 22 99 39 10 a5 .4't 132.91 223
Metallic radius (pm) 152 186 248 265 375

Io0ic radius (M+/pm) 76 102 138 152 16'.7 180

lcDization enthalpy I 520 496 419 403 376
(kJ mol-l) II 7298 4562 3051 2633 2230

I llct roncgativity
(PaulinE scale) 0.98 0.93 0.82 0.82 o.'19

Density/g cm-3 (at 293 K) 0.53 0.97 0.86 1.53 l90

Meltrng point/K 454 37'l 336 312 302
lloiliDg poiDVK l6l5 r 156 1032 961 944
Il'(V) at 298 K for
M+(4q)+e--M(r) -3.04 -2.114 -2.925
R -2.930 -2 92',1
.84'' 78.12' 2.6'.
occurrence iD Lithcpherc 18. 227" I

These proprties are briefly discussed below : conesponding atoms. However like atomic radii,

l. Inrge atomlc t dll. The anmic radii of these are the largest in their respective periods.

largestin the respeclivepeiods.

l\<ali tnetals ore tlrc Explanation. When the valence s-electron is

increase os we lravel down the group fum Li lost from the alkali metal atom, the monovalent

to Cs as shorvn in Table 12.2 cation formed has one shell less than the cor-

Explanation. This is due to the reason that as responding metal atom. Further,with the loss ofone
hc atomic number increases, the number of energy electron, the effective nuclear charge increases and
shells increases by one with each succeeding ele- thus the remaining electrons are pulled closer to
nrcnt. As a result, the screening effect of the inner the nucleus thereby decreasing the size of each
lilled shells on the valence s-electron increases and individual energlshell. Hence, it can be concluded
lhc electron cloud tends to expand.In other words, lhat &te to contractive efrect oI lhe inueased nuclear
ths distance betweeeo the nucleus and the last shell chatge and lesser number of energ shells, the radii ol
increases and thus the atomic radius increasEs with cations are much smaller thon the conesponding
increase in atomic number. It may, however, be atoms.
stilted herc that asthe atomic number increases, the Thend ln the group. Like atomic radii, rfte
rrrrclcar charge alsogoes up. This ten& to deqease ionic radii increase we move down the group from Li
rhc atomic radii by attracting the electron cloud ro G primarily due to the addition of a new energy
inrvarrl more forcibly. But the screening effect is so shell with each succeeding element as shown in
li!r ge that it ovcrcomes the cotrtractiv€ effect of the Table 10.1.
irrcrcirscd nuclear charge. Hencc. the increase in 3. Low ionization enthalpies. 7-1rc ionizalion
,t ontic t tdius os we move down thc gtoup
from Li to enthalpies of the alkuli melals are the lowest a,\ com-
s is primaily due to the predaminstt soeening pared to the elements in the othet groups.
, il,'ct (addition of anew meryt shell ) of innerfrlled
Explanation, This is mainly because of the
tltclls on lhe valence s- electon.
fact that noble gas core shields the lone s-electron
2. Iarge ionic radll. The ionic mdii ol the in the valence shell from the direct attraction ofthe
, tttions fonned by them are smaller in ske than the

'pf'm (parts pcr million "pcrccnt.gc byvciSht.


positive charge on the atomic nucleus. As a result, metals, The metallic character increases down the
the valence s-electron is loosely held bythe nucleus group because ionization energ5r decreases down
and can be easily knocked off by supplying only a the group.
small amount of energy. The bigger the kernel or smaller the number
Thend ln the group. The ionbatian enthalpies of valence electrons, the weaker is the metallic
ol alkali metals decrease progressiely os we move bond.
down the group from Li to Cs. Since the atoms of alkali metals have bigger
Explanatlon. This is due to th€ fact that the kernels and smallcr number of valence electroDs,
s-electron to be removed becomes farther and far- the metallic bonds in them are very weak. Hence
ther away from the nucleus because oftbe addition they are soft and can be cut with a knife.
of a new shell with each succeedhg element (Li, 6. Meltlng and bolllngpoinls.The melting and
2rl ; Na,3rl ; I( 4sl ;Rb,5r1 ; Cs,6sl and Fr,7sl). boiling Wints of atkali metab are very low and
Due to an increase in tbe number of inner shells, decrease with inucase in atomic numbeti
the screening effect also increases. As a result, the
Explanatlon, As alkali metals have large size,
attraction of the nucleus for the valence s-electron
the intermetallic bonds in them are quite weak.
decreases and hence the ionization enthalpies
Hence they have low melting and boiling points
decrease as we travel down the group from Li to Cs.
which decrease down the group with the iocrease
4. +1 Oxidation state- Uniposldve lons. in the atomic size.
The alkali metals uhibit oxidation state of + I in
7. Naturc of bonds tormed. AU ,he alkali me-
their compounds and are strongly elect opositive in
tals Iom ionic (electovalent) compounds. The ionic
charactei The electopositive chaructet increases
character increases from Li lo Cs as we move down
from lithium down lo caesium in lhe gtoup. R
in thc group.
Explanation. As the alkali metals have low
Explanation. This is because alkali metals
ioaization energies, they have a strong tendetrcl to

have low ionization energies which decrease down

lose the single valence s- electron to form the
tho group.

unipositive ions. Thus they show an oxidation state

E.Denslty,The densiay oI alkali metals are Etite

of + 1 and are strongly electropositive.


low as compared to othet metals. Li, Na and K are

M ---------- M+ + e-

even lighter than waat These den:ities increase from


The second ionization energies of these ele- Li to Cs.

ments are fairly high and thus the loss of second
Explanation. Because oftheir large size, their
electron Ls quite difficult. This is due to the fact that
atoms are less closely packed. Consequently they
the second electron has to be lost ftom the most
have low densities. Rlther as we move down the
stable noble gas core, i.e. ni np6. Thuq we may
goup from LitoG, both the atomicsize and atomic
conclude that the cft emistry of alkali metals k essen-
mass increase. But the increase in atomic mass
tially lhe chemistty ofunipositive ions.
more than compensates the bigger atomic size. As
As we go dowtr the group, the atomic size a result, the densities ofalkali metals increase from
increases and the ionisation energy ofthe elements Li to Cs. Potossium is, howevet lititer than sodium.
decreases, i.e. the tendency of the elements to lose This is probably due to an abnormal increase in
electrons increases. Consequently the electroposi- atomic size of potassium.
tive characler increases.
9. Flame colouratlon. AU lhe alkali metols
5. Metalllc chaEcter. The elements of this imparl a chorockristic colour to the tlatne.
Wup aw typical maah and are soft. Ttese can be Ll
easily cut with a knife. When freshly cut, they are Metal Na K Rb Cs
silvery whitc and on exposure to air they are tar- Colour Crim- Yellow Pale Red Blue
nished (i.e. become dull.) The metallic character son violet violci
increases down the group. llnm 670.8 589.2 766.5 780.0 455.5
Explanatlon. The tendency of an element to
lose valence electrons to from positive ions deter-
Explanatlon. On heating an alkali metal or its
salt especially chloride due to its more volatile
mines its metallic character. As alkali metals have
nature in a flame, the electrons are cxcited easily to
low ionization energies, they have high tendencl to
lose valence electrons and are, therefore, typical higher energy levels because of absorption ofener-
1216 Pradeep's

gy. When these excitsd electrons returD to their element to lose electrons and hence stronger is the
ground states, they emit extra energy in form of reducing character or higher is the reactivity of the
electromagnetic radiations which fall in the visible elemsnt. Since the ionization cnthalpies of alkali
region thereby imparting a characteristic colour to metals decrease down the group, therefore, dreir
the flame. reducing character ot reactiviEt in the gaseous state
The colour actually arises from electronic increases from Li to Cs, i.e., Li < Na < K < Rb <
transition-s in short lived species which are formed
momentarily in theflame. The flame is a rich source However, in aqueous solutions, it has been
of electrons, and in case of sodium, the ions are observed that the reducing character of alkali me-
temporarily reduced to atoms tals follows the sequence : Na < K < Rb < Cs <
Na+ + e-- Na Li. In other words, Li is the strongest while sodium
is the least poweful rcdrcing agent in aqueous solu'
The yellow flame of sodium commonly called
,ion. This may be explained in terms of electrode
sodium D-llne (actually consists of a doublet potentials (E) of alkali metals.
centred at 589.0 nm 539.6 "-) arises from the
electronic transitio rr3 s1 3 pt in sodium atoms
Electrode potential is a measure of the ten-
formed in the flame. It may - be noted here ahat the dency of an element to lose electronsi[ the aqueous
colours lrom differenl elements do not all arise from
solution. Thus, rnore negative is the electrode poten-
the sqme transition, or from the same species. For tial, highu is the tendenc! oI the elemenl to lose
example, crimson colour of lithium arises from a eleclmns and hence stronger is the rcducinB ogent-
short lived LiOH species formed in the flame. Siace tbe standard electrode potentials (E)
10. Photoelectrlc e[Iect. Alkali metals (escept of alkali metalsbecome more and more negative as
we move down the group from Na to Cs, therefore,
Li) exhibit photoelecffic effect. Photoelectic elfect R
reducing character of these elements increases in
is the phenomenon of ejection or emission of
eleclrons from the melal suiaces when eleclromag-
the same order, i.e., Na to Cs. However, standard

netic rodiations sre made lo strike against them. electrode potential of lithium, is the lowest, i.e.,
- 3. 04 volts. In othet wotds,lithium is the strongest

Explanation. Due to low ionization energies,

reducing agent in the aqueous solution This may be

alkali metals, specially potassium and caseium,


explained as follows.
eject electrons when elposed to light. It may be

noted that lithium which has the highest ionization Electrode potential, among other things,
depends upon : (i) enthalp of sttblimatkn,

cnergy amongst the alkali metals cannot be used in

photoelectric cells because it does not release (ii) ionization entholry and (iii) enthalpy ol hydra-
electrons when exposed to light. ,ion as shown below :
Sublimation cnthalpy
12.5. Chemical Properties (D Li G) Li(c)
loniza tion enthalDv
Somo important chemical properties of (,i) Li G) -------------5 Li+ G)
alkali metals are discussed below: (,,,) Li+ G) + aq """- Li+ (aq)
12.5.1. Reactiyity and El€ctrode Potcntial. +
enthalpy of hydration
All the alkali metals are highly reactive ele- The sublimation enthalpies of alkali metals
ments since they have a strong tendency to lose the are almost similar. Since lithium has the smallest
single valence .r-electron to form unipositive ions ionicsize among alkali metals, its enthalpyofhydra-
havinginert gas configuration. This reactivity arises tion is the highest. Although ionization enthalpy of
due to their low ionization enthalpies and high lithium is the highest among alkali metals, it is nore
negative values of their standard electrode poten- thatr compensated by the large hydration enthalpy
tials (Table 12.2). Ftr tlher dlue to lheh strong tenden- released in step (iii). Thus, among alkali metals,
qt lo lose electron, alkali metals ako &ct as slrong lithium has the most negative standard eleckode
reducing agents. In other words, reactiity oI on ele- potential (E :
-3.MY) andhence is the strongest
ment is nteasured in tems oI its rcduclag character. reducing a4ent in the oqueous solution. Sircn, it
Reducing character. Ionization enthalpy is a general, stronger reducing agents have higher rcac-
measure of the tendency of an atom to lose tivity, therefore, Li should also bc most reactivc in
electrons in the gaseous state. Thus, lower the aqueous solution. This is, however, not correct as
ionization enthalpy, greater is the tendency of an discussed below :

12.52. Reaction wlth uater. Sodium has a low melting point, and the heat
Alkali metals react with water, Iiberating H, and of the reactioD is sufficient to make it melt or even
forming their hydroxid es- The reaction becomes morc vaporize. The molten metal thus spreads out there-
qnd more iolent as we move down the gruup, Tltr:s, by exposing a larger su ace to water. As a result, it
lithium reacts gently, sodium melts on the surface of reacts even faster, gets evenhotter and catches fire.
water and the molten metal moves around vigorously Lithium, o! the other hand, has high melting point.
and may sometimes catch fue, potassium melts and Although the heat of the reaction is high, it is still
alwap catches fue and so are Rb aad Cs. Dot sufEcietrt to melt the metal and the hence the
reactioa proceeds gently. Other metals of thls
zLi + 2H2O .------.2 LiOH + H2 group with lower melting points react explosively
2Na*2HrO --+2NaOH+Hz with water.
2K+ zHzO '--.--r 2KOH + H, Rom the above discussion, we learn that ws
should be cautious while predicting the chemical
Because of their large negative reduction behaviour of elements on the basis of one single
potentials alkali metals are better reducing agents fundamental property ofatoms since in many cases
than hydrogen. Hence they react with compounds it rnay depend upon many other factors.
containing acidic hydrogen atoms such as water,
1253. Reaction with olrygen,
alcohol and acetylene liberating hydrogen gas.
The alkali metals tarnish in air due to the
2M +2 HrO -----------+ 2MOH +H2 formation of an oxide or hydroxide on the surface.
(Alkalimerals) Atkali metal
hydroxidc When heated in excess of air, alkali metals form
different types ofoxides depending upon the nature
2 M + 2qH5OH---------- 2 qH,OM + H2
of the metal, e.9.,
Alkali metal R
cthoxidc Lithium whenheated in orygen forms lithium
M + HC = CH -C C- M+ +H2 monoxide (and some lithium peroxide).
--.....r M+

Alkati metal acct,,tide 4Lt+O2 """""'- zLhO

Thns, lithium is the least reactive while the Sodium when heated with oxygen at about

reactivity of othet alkali metals towards water and 575 K forms mainly sodium peroxide (and some

other acidic hydrogen contoining compounds in- sodium oxide).


creases on moving dow'n the group fom Ns to Cs.


575 K
Cause for low rcactivity of lithium. The low 2 Na * O, NuzOz
reactivity of lithium may be explahed as follows : --r Sodium peroxide
Standard electrode potential (E ) and Gibbs Olher alkali mecals, i.e.,I( Rb and Cs react
free energy (AG') are related by the equation, with orygen to form superoxides of the general
AG'= - nFE' formula, MO, whelg N4 : K, Rb and Cs, e.g.
wheren is the number of electrons lost by the
metal and F is the faraday constant. K+ 02 -----------. Koz
Potassium supeloxide
Since E for the reaction, Li+ (aq) + s-
U (s) has the lowest negative value, r'.e. - 3.04- { Thus the reartivily oI alkali metals with orygen
therefore, AG'ofthe reaction has the largest posi- increases down the group. Furthe4 the increasing
tive value. In olher words, this reaction does not stability of peroxide or superoxide, as the size of the
occur However, the reverse reaction, Li (r) -------' metal ion increases, is due to the stabilkation of
Li+ (aq) + e - has a large negative value of AG', so latger anions by lar4 cations through higJter lattice
Li liberates more enerry than any other alkali metal eneryies.
whenit reactswithHrO. Inview of this, atft st sight,
it appears surprising why Li reacts with HrO gently,
whereas Na, which liberates less energy, reacts Na
more vigorously and the hydrogen produced K
catches fire. The e:<planation for this observation Rb
lies in the kinetics (i.e., the rate at which the reac-
tion procceds) and not in the thermodynamics (i.e.,
the total amount of energy liberated) .
1218 Ned Couvse

Explanatioo. Because of the small size, Li+ The order ol reoctivity of the olkali ttrctal;
has a soont positive freld arovrd it which attracts towards hydrogen decreases as we ntove down the
gtoup ftom Li to Cs. This is due to the reasott thqt the
lattice energies of thcse hydides <lecrease progres'
sively as the size o[ lhe ntelal cation inTesses and
thlts tlrc stobility ol these hydides decreases from
hand, Na+ ion because of its larger size than Li+
positive field around
LiH to CsH.
ion to combine with 1073 K
peroxide ion, Ol-.
ZLi+Hz 2 LiH
Lithiuor hFride
The larger, K+, Rb+ and Cs+ ions have still - 613 K
wcaker positive fields around them which cannot
2Na+H2 .._ 2NaH
Sodium hydride
preveni even peroxide ion, O!- to combine with
Alt the alkali metal hydrides are ionic solids
atrother orygen atom to form suPeroxide, Ot. with high melting points.
7/202 02 Since these hydrides contain the hydride ion
02- .-.---.--------- 20; (H-), therefore, they liberate hydrogen at the
oxidc Pcrqidc supcaoxide anode on electrolysis.
It may be pointed out here that superoxide ion All these hydrides react with proton donors
such as water, alcohols, gaseous ammonia and
r O :)- has a thrce elecion bon4 i.e., it hos alkynes liberating H, gas.
one unpaired elecfron which makes it coloured
(LiO2, NaO, are yellow, KO, is orange, RbO, is LiH (s) + Hzo (0 ......._ LioH (aq) + H2@)
NaH (s) + ROH O --"""'r RoNa (s) + H2 @)
browrr and CsO, is orangc) and Parumagnetic-
Sodium peroxide is ycllow in colour probably due Hcat

to the presence of a small amount of superoxide in NaH (s) + NH, @) ..........* NaNHI (s) + H2 @)

it. The normal oxides of alkali metals are however, Hcat

2KH (s)+HC=CH G)+ KC=CK (r)+2H2

c olourles s and dianagnetic. @)


12.5.4. Ac'tion ot alr and moisturt. Lithium hydride is used as a source of


AII the alkali metals on expcure to atmosPhere hydrogen for military purposes and for filling

o oxides, metrological balloons since it has a low molecular

alkali me- weight and on reacting with HrO, it evolves highest
moisture. percentage of hydrogen by weight.
4M+02 """' ZMrO 12.5.6. Reaction with halogens.
Alkali metals react vigorously with halogens
M2O+H2O ' 2MOH to form metal halides of the general formula,
2 MOH + CO2 """+ M2CO3 + HzO M+X- wbere M stands for the metal and X for the
It is because of tbese reactions that alkali 2 M+ X2 """"".r 2 M+X-
metals arc stored in ineft hydrocubon solwnts likc
petroleum ether and kerosene oil which prevent where M = Li, Na, K, Rb or Cs and
them from c.ming in contact with air a[d moisture. X: E Cl, Br or l.
1255. R@cfion rYith hydrogen. The reactivity of alkali metals towards a par-
All the alkali meta.ls react with hydrogen at ticular halogcn increases as we move dovm the
673 K (Lithium at 1073 K) to form colourless crys- group from Li to Cs. For example, potassium reacts
talline lonic hydrtrles of the general formula, with chlorine more vigorously than sodium.
M+H- where M stands for the alkali metals On the other hand, reactivity of halogens
Heat towards a particular alkali metal decreases form
2M+Ht """""r 2M+H- Frlolr, i.e.,

where M : Li, Na, K, Rb or Cs Fr>Clr>Brr>1,

12.5.7. Solulrility in liquid ammonia. 2 M+ (NH3)r + 2 e- (NH3)r-
2 M+ NH2- + H, + (r +,y - 2) NH..
U I!
tI clz
However, under anhydrous contlitions anrl in
Na IF u2 the absence of catalytic impurities such as tran:ii
K tr or! Brz tion metal ions, these solutions can be stored for
d several days.
l2 '12.6. General Characteristics of lhe
Compounds ol the Alkali Metals i:ti:r:: :i:i ,t:, ,:r,,r

All alkali metals dissolve in liquid aounonia AII the compounds of alkali metals are
(solubiliry may be as high as 5 M) giing higlty predomirantly ionic. Some of the general charac-
conducting deep blue solutions. teristics of these compounds are discussed below :
Eryrlanatlon. These solutions contain am- 12,5.1. Oxidcs and Hydroxldes
moniated cations aod ammoniated electrons as All the alkali metals, their oxides, peroxides
shown below : and superoxides readily dissolve in water to
1 M+(.r +),) NH3-----.r M+(NH3), +e-(NHr), produc€ corresponding bydroxides which are
strong alkalles, e.9.,
When ordinary light falls on ttrese am-
moniated electrorx, they get excited to higher levels
2 Na+ 2 HzO-.-....| 2 NaOH + H2
by absorbing energy corresponding to red region of NqO + HrO .----------r 2 NaOH
the visible light. As a result, trarsmitted light is blue
which imparts blue colour to the solution. Some
NarO,+2HrO -.-.....r 2NaOH * HzOz
important properties of blue solutions of alkali R
2KO2+2H7O 12KOH + H2O2 + ()2
metals in liquid ammonia are as under :
Thug peroxides and supcroxides also act as

(i) Dilute solutions of alkali metals in liquid axidbing agent since they react with HrO forming

ammonia are dark blue in colour but as the con-

HrO, and C), respectively.
centration increases above 3 M, the colour changes

to copper-bronze and the solutions acquire metal- The hydroxides of all the alkali metals arc

lic lustre due to formation of metal ion clusters. white crystalline solids. Thcy are strongest of all

(ri) The blue coloured solutions areparurzca" bases and readily dissohe in water with the evolu-
netic due to the presence of large number of un- tion of much heat. A number of hydrates of the
paired electrons but bronze solutions are heavicr alkali metal hydroxidas e.g., NaOH, Hz()
diamagnetic due to formation of electron clusters (where n = 1,2,3,4,5 and )
have been preparcd
in which ammoniated electrons witb opposite spin from their aqueous solutions but little is known
group together, r'.€., about their structures.
2e- (NHr)r-------r I I e- (NH:)rl I J e- (NHr)rl (i) Basic swngh. The basic strength of thosc
(iri) The solutions of alkali metals in liquid hydroxides increases as we movc down thc group
from Li to G. Thus, NaOH is a stronger alkali than
ammonia are good conductors of electricity due to
the presence of ammoniated cations and am- LiOH ; I(OH is a stronger alkali than NaOH ancl
moniated electrons. However, the conductivity so oD.
decreases as the concentration increases sincc the
ammoniated metol cations are bornd by he fue UOH
unpaired electrolos $)hich have been descrbetl as \,laot
extr and€d metals.
(lv) These solutions are stronger reducing
KOH 2i,6
agents than hydrogen and hence will reacf with bz
water to liberate hydrogen.
(v) In preseace of inpurities or catal)6t such
Explanation. The hydroxides of alkali metals
as Fe, the blue coloured solutions dccompose to
behave as strong bases due to their low ionizqtion
form metal amides with the liberation of Hr.
€ner8r'er. Due to low ionization energies, the M O
atse ChcmiswsfrBlD
bond in M
()H - ions.
- O - H can easily break giving M+ and
MOH ....- M+ + OH- (basic narure)

, . Qi.) _ Sotubitiity ond stobility. All

hydroxidcs are highlysoluble in water and thermal-

ly stablc cxcept lithium hydroxide.

2 LiOH ._ Li2O + H2O
(ii.i). F()-rmation
. oI salts with acids. Alkali metal
being strongly basic react with all acids
Iorming salts.
NaOH + HCI NaCl + H2O
2 NaOH + HrSOo -"-- Na2SO4 + 2 H2O

. _ The salts are colourless ionic solids which are

soluble in water.
12.6.2. Halides

M+ x-


MrO + 2 HX._....> lMx I +'---',

+ H2O


-.-) MX + HzO PoLARrzrNc poLABzED I

M2CO3 + 2 HX---r ZMX + CO2 + H2O CATION ANION gpp61aqg2E9
(where M = Li, Na, I( Rb or Cs and X
^. Br
Cl, ^ or I) = F,
The_covalent character of any compound, in
general, depends upon the following factlrs. ' c

_._.!icl > NsCt > KCI > RbCt > CsCl Thus,
LiCl is more covalent than KCl.
ilnip iz.i.'S
(in kl mo
;i;; (7) Slze o-fthe arllor
_,_s potarizability.
ts !-arycr the at on, greqter
This explains why coval eni char_
acter oflithium halides is in the order

Li 4tz LiI>LiBr>UCl>LiF
-398 -350 -2'11
Na ,_ _F9r
tle samc reason, dipole moment of LiI
-569 -400 -360 -2A8 -
(o.25 D).is much less than the theoretically ex_
K -563 424 -392 pected value of 11.5 D ifit were l\OVa ioltc.
Rb -549 423
Cs -531 4U
-389 -329 . (rr) Charge on the ton. Greater the chop on
the catio4 Water is its poloizing power
-395 -337 and .lience

larger is the covalent character. That is why the (c) Hydration cnthalpy. It is the amount of
covalcnt character ofsome of l.he halides increases enthalpy released when one mole of gaseous ions
in the order Na+Cl- < Mg3+Cl2 .
Alr*Clr. combine with water to form hydrated ions.

Similarly, greater the charge otr the adon, M* G) + aq M+ (aq) + hydration enthaipy
morc easily it gets polarized thereby irnparting x- (g) + aq --'-'+ x- (aq) + hydration enthalpy
morc covalent character to the compound formed. Higfier the hydrolion enthalp, of the ions",
For example, covalent character increases ia the greotcr is tle solubilily oI the enthalry in water
order : NaCl < NarSOo < NarPO. as the size of Further, the odeDt of hydration depends upon
the aniou increases and hence larger is the covalent the size of the ion. Smaller the fie of the ion, more
characler Thus, the covalent characlet decreases es higbly it is hydrated and hence greater is its hydrated
the size oI the anion decreases- ionic radius and less is ils ionic mobility (conduc-
tance) . Thus the order of their radii and mobility are
(iv) Electronic configuration ofthe cation. If
two cations have the same charge and size, the one Ionic radius : Li+ < Na+ < K+ < Rb+ < Cs+
with apseudo noble gas configumtion, i.e., having 18 (in pm) 76 r38 152 167
electrons in the outermost shell has greater polariz- Hyd.ration
ing power than a cation with noble gas configura-
tion, r'.e., having 8 electrons itr the outermost shell.
rrumberar' 25'3 16.6 10.5 10.0 9.9
For this reaction, CuCl is more coralent that NaCl Hydroted
(although Na+ and Cu+ have same charge uiz +L rochus: Lr' >Na+>K+>Rb+>cs+
and nearly the same size ra'z Na+ (1'02 A) and (inprn) 3q n6 2i2 2U Z2A
cu+ (0.96 A).
Ionic mobility : Li+ <Na+<K+<Rb+<cs+
(D) latfice €nthslples. Latticr etrthalpy is
(ar R
ntfnite 33 43.5 64.5 67.5 68
defined as the amount of enerry required to
separate one mole ofsolid ionic compound into its dilution)

gaseous ions. Er4zenlly greater lhe lattice enthalpy, In the light of above argumentE let us now

higher is the melting point oI the alkali metal halide explain the melting points of alkali metal halides and
their solubility in water or organic solvents. Thug

and lower is iu (Tbble 12.4) sohtbiliE in wateE


r\BLE l.ai(i.:..nri'iipi-i. t'f,ir,,ii ,i' .'-' (i) A delicate balance between lattice enthal-

thalpies (in kl mol- r). (sohrhilitie\ (in /l{)0 g

H.())) and melting Points (in X) of sornt alk;rli

metal halides.
lotlice enew ?1005 A mofl) n hercas the low
Com- Lrttice Hydrationr Solu. MeltirE solubility of Csl (44 g1100 g HrO) is due to smallet
polIEd enthalpy eothalpy bitiE DoiIIt hydration enet&t ol the two ions (-670 kl mol-l).
LiCI -445 -a76 63.',l 887
NaCl J'to J76 35.7 1084
KCt -:703 -700 34.7 1039
Rbcl -6'14 -680 17.0 988
CsCl -444 -646 162 925
NaF -493 -919 4.22 1261
NaCl -,70 -1'16 35.7 1084

NaBr -145 116 1028 soluble in HrO lhan NaCl'

Nal -685 -685 184 944 (,i,) B
LiF -1005 -1019 0.n 1115 electronega
470 44.O
CsI -582
cnthalPics of cation6 and snions'
'Sum of thc hydraliot!
..Thc hldration entlalpy ol thc alkrli mctal cations and halides (in ld mol-l) rcspcctiwty arc :
Li+ (-506), Na+ G.406), K+ (-330), Rb+ (-310), Cs+ (-276) and F- (-513), Ct- (-370)' Br-
(-339)' I- (-39a)'
..rThc h,'dration number i5 thc avciagp number ofwatcr moleflrles associatcd with thc mctal ion'
12112 Neur Course Chemistry

ortanic sotvenls sach as alcohol, acetone, eW A

ocetate ; LiCl is ako soluble in Widine. ln contrast,
Li2CO3 """'' Lizo + co2
NaCl being ionic is insoluble in organic solvents. Being strongly basic, alkali metals also form
(iy) Due to highhydration enthalpyofLi+ ion, solid bicarbonates. No other metals form solid
lith tm halides are soluble in watet scept LiF which bicarbonates, though NH.HCO, also exists as a
is spaingly soluble due to its high lattice entlrulpy. solid. Lithium, however, does not form solid bicar-
However, as we move dor*n the group, the solubility bonate though it does exist in solution. All the
of a.lkali metal fluorides increases regularly as we bicarbonates on gentle heatiag undergo decom-
move from LiF to CsF since the decrease in lattice position to form carbonates with the evolution of
eathalpy more than compensates the decrease in coz.
hydration enthalpy. A
(v) For the same alkalt metal, the melting 2MHCO, """'r M,CO3 + CO2 + H2O
points deoeo:e in the order : fluoide > chloide > As the electropositive character iacreascs
bromide > iodide. down the group, the stability of carbonates and
Explanation. For the same alkali metal ion, bicarbonates increases.
the lattice energies decrease as the size ofthe halide
ion increases. For example, lattice enthalpies of
All the carbonates and bicarbonates are
soluble in water and their solubilities increase
Naf,, NaCl, NaBr andNal are919,776,745 and 685
rapidly on descending the group. This is due to the
kJ mol-r. As the ldttke enthalpies decrease, enew reasotr that their lattice energies decrea.se more
reE.ired to break the lattice (meltingpoint) decreoses
rapidly than their hydration eaergies on moving
dnd hence the melting points of sodium halides down the group.
decrease lrom NaF (1261 K) -------+ NaCl (1084 K)
"-.+ NaBr ( 1028 K) ----.- NaI (944 K). 1 2.7. R
Anomalous behaviout of Lithium,,r,+iir:iiii,,:i.i,
(w) For the same h alldeion, the meltingpoins Lithium - the first element of group

of lithium hqlides are lower than those of the cor- I (alkali metals) differs from rest ofthe elemcnts of
responding sodiwn halides and thereafier they this group in many rcspects cotrtrary to the expec-

decrease as we move dowtt the goup ltom Na to Cs. tations. Thb anmlous bchavina.o{Iithhqi*drc -

Explanation. The low meltitg pnint d LiCl to the following reasoru :


(887 K) as compored to that of NaCl is prubably (i) vcry suaE eine of lithium atom aad its im.

because LiCl is covalent in nature while N aCl is ionic

(because Li atom is smaller in size than Na atom).
higher polarizing power of Li+ (i.e.
chargelsizn ratio) resulting in increased covalent
Thereafter, the meltingpoints decrease as we movo
from NaCl (1084 K) .._ KCI (1039 K) + RbCl
character ofits compounds which is responsible for
(988 K) -"- CsCl (925 K) because the lattice en-
their solubility h
organic solvents.
thalpies decrease as thesizeofthe alkali metal atom (rr) comparatively high ionization energ and
rncreases. low electropositive character of lithium as com-
pared to other alkali metals.
12.63. Salts of Oxoacids
(rv) non-availability ofd-orbitals in its valence
electroposi- shell.
tive, vory strotrg
(v) stroDg intermetallic bonding.
base all oxoacids
(H2CO3, H3PO1, H2SO4, HNO,, HNO, etc.). Some of the properties in which lithium difrers
They are generally soluble in water aad stable its
towards heat. Here, we shall discuss only car-
bonates and bicarbonates. (r) Uthiun is harder while all other alkali
metals are soft.
The carbonates (MrCOr) of alkali metals are
(ii) The melting and boiling points of lithium
rem are comparitively high.
oxid . (d Uthium forms monoxide with orygen
while other alkali metals form peroxides (t"t Ori as
and decomposes readily.
well as superoxides (MOr).

(iv) Lithium combines with nitrogen to form (ry) Lithium ion, being very small in size, is
nitride while other alkali metals do not very strongly hydrated in aqueous solution than
6Li+N2 -* 2Li:N other alkali metals ions that is whv effective size of
Li+ ion in aqueous solution is thjlargest.
(v) LiOH is a weak base *hile the hydroxides
of other alkali metats are strong bases. 12.8. Diagonal relationship ol
Lithium with Magnesium ii:i-:r::iiii+,1irr+:ri:i.r:.i:riiir:::":
(yi) Lithium hydroxide on heating dccom-
poses to form lithium oxide while othc.r alkalimetal Lithium resembles magnesium mainly
hydroxides do rot due to the similarity in sizes of the ir atoms (Li :
2 LiOH ---------* Li2O + H2o 152 pm, Mg : 160 pm) and ions (Li+ = 76 pm,
(wi) Lithium carbonate* on heating dccom-
Md+ = 72 pm). The main points of similarity are :
poses to give CO, while other alkali metal car'- (i) Both LiOH and Mg(OH), are weak bases.

bonates do not ( ) Both form ionic nitrides wh€n heated in an

Li2CO3 """""'' Li2O + CO2 atmosphere o[ nitrogen.
(viu) Lithium bicarbooate does not fo:n a 6Li+N2-2Li:N
solid though it exists in solution while all other r,lkali A
metals form solid bicarbonates. 3 Mg + N, Mg3N2
(ir) Lithium does not react u'ith cthyne (ar.:cty- (iii) The hydroxidcs and carbonates ofboth Li
lene) to form lithium acetylide while all other alkali -
and Mg decompose upon heating.
metals react to form the corresponding acctylides. A
l-iq. NIII 2 LIOI{ -.....--.t LLO + H2O
zNa+HC=CH ' R
196 K Mg(OH)r-MgO+HrO

Na+ -C = C- Nil* + H2 A
LirCO, ........_ Li2O + CO2

Disodium acetvlide
However, when Li is heated with carboo, it A

MgCO, .........- MgO + CO,


forms lithium acetylide (or lithium carbidc) while


other alkalimetals do notreactwith carbon directly (iu) Both Lithium and magnesium do not form

A solid bicarbonates.
ZLi+ZC + Li+ -C = C- Li+ (v) LirO and MgO do not combine withexcess
Dililhium acctylide
(x) Lithium nitrate on heating decomposes to of orygen to give a peroxide or a superoxide.
give LirO, NO, and O, while other alkali metal (ur) Both lithium and magnesium nitrates
nitrates decompose to give the corrcsponding decomposc on heating producing nitrogen dioxide.
nitrite and orygen 4 LiNO, '------r / li2o + 4 NO2 + ()2
4 LiNO3 """""'r 2 Li2O + 4 NOz + O2 A
2 NaNO, ...._ 2 NaNO, * O, 2 Mg(NOr),
---+ 2MgO + 4 NO, + O,
(ri) The oxide, hydroxide, carbonate, phos- (vii) The hydroxides, carbonates and fluorides
phate and fluoride of lithium are sparingly solublc of both lithium and magnesium are sparingly
in water whereas the corresponding salts ol other soluble in wa.er.
alkali metals are soluble in water (vrii) Because of covalent character LiCl and
MgC[, are soluble in ethanol.
(xi) Because of covalent character, halidcs of
lithium (like LiCl) are soluble in organic solvents (u) Both lithium perchlorate and magnesium
while those of other alkali metals are i-nsoluble. perchlorate are highly soluble in ethanol.
(.rn'i) LiCl is deliqucscent and crystallizes as a (-r) LiCI and MgCl, are deliquescent and crys-
hydrate, LiCl.2HrO, whereas other alkali metal tallise from aqueous solution as hydrates,
chlorides do not form hydratcs. LiCl.2 HrO and MgCL.6 H2O.
.Strucrure of Li2CO3 is C
llrtttit'r rt's Neut Coprse ChemistrqWID

-' t.
l:ili MonoxtdGq peroxirlcs and suPcrodd€s of alkali metat& All the flve alkali mctals can be induced to form
normat cidis (r'.€. moncddes), permides aod superoxides by dissoMng the mctal in liquid ammonia and
bubbling in the approPriate amount of o)(ygen.
:jii 2. Ctl6td;tructurti olmonoddcs olalkall mctals ExcePl Cs2O which has anti-Cdcl2laycr structure, all other
monoxides, ie., Li2O, Na2O, K2O and Rb2O have anti-fluorite structures.
,ri -1. FotrsshE supctordde (Kor) isus€d asa sourEc ofoxygen in subElarincs, sPacEshuttlcs and inemergcDcy breathing
appamtus suci s @O,B?l ,narb. Such rDast6 are used in resqre work in miD€s aod in other areas wbere the air is so
Aihcient in ulrgcn that 8n artifcial atmosphere must be generated. The moisture of the &eath reacts with
superside to liberate Gygeq and at tbe same time the potasium h)drcldde formed remo\€s carboo diodde as it
is odaled thereby alo ing the atmccphere io lhe mask !o be continuousy regenerated.
4KO, (s) + 2 H2O 6) 4KOH (4q\ + 3 o2gt i KOH (44) + coz G)+ KHCO3 (s)
with Co2 forming lqco3 and with co2 and the moisture forming KHco3.
KO2 also combines directly
4Y'o2+ 2co2 a2l$Co3+3oz; 4Koz+4co2+2H2o 4KHco3+3o2
,.ii' :l Potssslum ozoDlde (Ko3) is formed when ozone is Passed tbrough KOH.
2KOH + 503 2KO: + 5 o, + H2o
It is an orange coloured solid and contaiDs the paramagnctic Ot ion. R
::,:r !i. Uthlum hldroide (UOII) bused to remc've CO2 from exhaled air in contined quaflerslike submarines and

sPac€ vehicles.
,,r,i 6. fbe alkali m etals rcact uritb, halogens and inlerhologen CI,mpounds formi[S lonlc polyhalide compounds.

KI+ Iz KlI3l


KBr + ICI * KlBrICll


KF+BrF, K[BrFll

solutio[ of alkali metals such as Li, Na or K in
' ? The
r:iii; on of ethylenic double
bonds, acetylenic triple bonds to double bonds and me Birch reductlon.
r,,i 8 Lithium is lhe li8hlcst knol n metal, having deDsity be, stored i[l keroseDe
oil becausc it floats otl the surfac€, It is kePl wrapped in Parafhfl wax.
,i!ti 9. C.s is the mc! electroPositive elcment due to its lowest ioniztion enerry.
,,i | ,r Uthium canDot bc used in makiDg photoelectric crlls b€cause out of all the alkali metals, it has highest
ionization enersr and canDot emit elcctroDs when exposed to light.
,il IIThe compounds ofalkali metals are mlourless (unless the anion is coloured like permangaDate or dichromate)
and diamagnetic. Thls is because they have noble gas coDfiguraton with no unPaired electroD.
t;i:t 12. The pcrfiides ofalkali metab arc colourless and diamagneticwhilesuper idcs are paramagnetic aod colouM.
iiiir l-1. All alkali meta.ls exist as body-c€ntred cubic lattice with a coordinatioD number of8.
,ti l.{. Due to small size, lithium does not form alums.
:,,l ti. Alkali metals combiDe $rth mercllry to form compouDds kno n as AmalSams. This readiolr is hiShly oothermic.
1;1.9. Lithium i!:..lliit;i:;r,iii:i:;ir:iii:i:!t:jri:ii:j:iin:i:i:rj:t:.:.:iL.iii,tiir.:iiiii:ij:j mineral is alWays small and thUS extraCtiOn of the
so easv' some importa minerals of
Lithirun is the tust member of alkali m" illilXltJ::
tals. It is the lightest metal known. Mhcrals of.,thtum
12.9.1. Occurrence. (i) Spodumene, LiAl(SiO3)z containing 4-
67o lithium'
Lithium is the thirty-frfth most abundant ele-
ment by weight in the earih,s crust. It mainly occurs Qi) Triphylite, (Li, Na)rPOn.(Fe, Mn)r(POo),
as silicate minerals but the amount present in any containing upto 47o lithium.

(iii) Petalite, LiA(Si2O5)1 containing 2.7- (SiOr). The ftltrate thus obtained is treated with a
3'7Vo lithilum. calculated amount of NqCO, to precipitate
(iv) Lepidolite, (Li, Na, K), (SiO3)3 €OH)2 aluminium and iron as carbonates which are fil-
containing 1. 57o lithium. tered off. Excess of NarCO, is then added to the
(v) A mbtygonitc, LiA(PO1)F. ftltrate to precipitate LirCOr. This is filtered and
dissolved in HCI to obtain LiCl which is purihed by
Lithium also occurs in certain spring waters
and insome plantssuch as tobacro, beat and sugar- cxtraction with alcohol.
cane. In India, Iithium is mainly found as lepidolite (ii) Fuslon method. The powdered silicate
in Bihar, Rajasthan, Karnatka and Kashmir. mineral is fused with CaCO, and the fused mass is
12.92. Dilliculties encount€r€d during ex- extracted with HCI and filtered. The filtrate con-
traction of alkali metals. tains chlorides of Li, Al, Ca, Na and K whereas
Alkali metals, cannot be extracted from their silicon is removed as insoluble residue. The filtrate
ores by the usual methods of extraction of metals is evaporated to dryness and the residue is ex-
becausc of thc following difhculties :
tracted with pyddine in which only LiCl dissolves.
Pyridine is distilled offwhite LiCl is leftbehind. The
(i) Alkali metals are strong reducing qgents and
method discussed above may be summed up in the
hence can tot be &rocted, by reduction of their oides following flow-sheet.
or chloides.
(ii) Alkali metals being higltly electropositive Lithium ore (Spod,rmene or l,epidolite)
cannot be displaced from the aqueous solutions of Flrse with CaCO3,
tluir sahs by otlrct rnetals.
(iii) Alkali metals csnnot be isolated by R and enract with and filter
electt olyis oftlrc aqueous solution oI their salts since

hydrogen is liberated ot the csthode instead ol the

alkali metalbecausethe discharye potentiols oI alkqli (sio2) (Chlorides of Li, Al, Ca, Na, K)

nwtals are much higlwr than that of tlrc lrydmg*. Evaporate to dryness aod

However, by using mercury as cathode, the alkali


extract with pyridine

metals can be deposited at the cathode but the

alkali metal so deposited readily combines with


mercury to form an amalgam from which its (LiCD
rccovery is very difficult. flacl, KCl, CaCl2, AICI3)

Therefore, in view ofthe above difficulties, rh€ ofllthlum chlotkle. A mixture

2. Electrolysis
only ruccesslul method is the elecnolysis of their of dry lithium chloride (557o) and potassium
molten (fused) sqlts usudlly chloides. chloride (457o) is fused and electrolysed in an
electrolytic cell shown in Fig. 12.2.
But the melting point.. of these chlorides are
vcry high which are normally difficult to attain. This Potassium chloride is added to increase the
difficulty can, however, be overcome to some extent condtctiity of lithium chloride a.od to lower the
by lowering the melting points of these chlorides by fusion temperaure. The cell is operated at a
temperature of about 723 K and voltage of 8-9 volts
the addition of suitable salts such as CaClr, l(F etc.
is applied.
12.93. Extraction of Lithlum, As a result of electrolysis, the following reac-
It involves the following steps : tions take place :

1. Preparation of lithlum chloride. The Licl + Li+ + cl-

minerals are fust of all converted into lithium At cathode : Ll+ + e- -------'Li
chloride by any one of the following methods : + C\
At anode : 2 C'l- - 2e-
(i) Acid fieatment method. The finely pow-
dered silicate ore is first heated to about 1373 K to Chlorine gas, a valuable by product, liberated
make it more friable and then with HrSOa at 523 K. at the anode leaves the cell through the exist while
molten lithium rises to the surface of the fir-sed
The LirSOo.HrO thus formed is cooled, leached
electrolytc and collects in the cast iron cnclosure
with water and then filtered to remove silica surrounding the cathode. The metal thus obtained
12116 Pradeep's


1 I


FIGURE 12.2. Electrol9,tic cell for exkaction of lithium.

is 9970 pure and is preserved bykeeping it wrapped in air or orygen at about 375 K, it burns with a
in paraffin wax. It may be noted here thal lithiunt brilliant white light forming lithium monoxide,
being the lighest metal known (cknsity :
g' 5j4 t Li2o

cm-3) cannot be stored in kerosene oil since il llodls 4Li + Oz '------' zLiko

on the surface.

Llthium. (ii) Action of water Lithium reacts slowlywith

12,9,4. Propertles of

water evolviug H, gas, However, the reaction is


(a) Physlcal properties.

much less vigorous than in case of Na or K.

(i) Lithium is a silvery white metal.

LLi + 2H2O -'-- + zLiOH + Hz
(ii) It is the hardest alkali metal but still is soft
enough to be cut with a knife. (iii) Action of acids. Lilhium.being a strongly
(rrr) Atomic and ionic radii of lithium are the electropositive metal, readily reacts with dilute
lowest aootrgst alkali metals. acids evolving Hr gas.
(iv) It is the lighest element known (density 2 Li + H2SO4 ----'' LizSOl + H2
5'34g cm-3). 2Li + 2HNO3 ...-2LiNO3+H2
(v) Being the first member of alkali metals, it
has the highest elec(ronegativity (0'98), highest (iv) Reuction with non-metdls. Lithium on
ionization enthalpy (520 kJ mol-l), highest melting hea[ing combines readily with number of non-me-
point (453 5 K) and highest heat of atomization tals forming their corresponding compounds.
(1603 K). A
2 Li + Hz -------> 2 LiH (Lithium hydide)
(vi) When voltatilized, it imparts a crimson
red colour to the flame. A
(b) Chemidal propertles. Lithium like other 6Li + N2 Z LitN (Lithitrm nitride)
alkali metals, is a monovalent electropositive ele-
ment. It a highly reactive element. However, 2 Li + Clz " -'- 2 LiCl (Lithium cltloide)
amongst alkali metals, it is the least reactive. Some
important chemical properties of lithium are : 16 Li + Ss .*A 8 Lr2S (Lithium sulphide)
(i) Action of air Lrthium tarnishes slowly in A
moist air while dry air has no effect. When heated 12 Li + P4 4 L1p (Lithirtnt phospltide)

In fa ali metal which (viii) Lithium hydride is used as sourcc of

combines o form lithium hydrogen for meterological purposes aod for filling
nitride. Li is rubY red. Ou of balloons.
heating to a high temperature, it decompose's to its fu\ Liihium hvdroxide is used for removing
constiiutent elementi. lt also reacts with water cO, ion exhaled an in closed quarters like sub-
evolving ammonia marines and space vehicles.
A 's
UrN """r 6 Li + N,
2 (x) Lithtum sluminium hytuide (Li.AJIl.)
used as a reducing agent itr sytrthetic orgatric
Li3N + 3H2O -""'3LiOH +NH3 chemistry.
(, ffie other alkali 12.10. Sodium
metaG, ammonia to form
a deep formation of am' Sodium is the sevcnth most abundatrt
moniated electrons. elerne.at by weight fouod in the earth's crust.
1%-200I( Mlnerals of sodlum
Li + (.t + y) NH,
(i) Atbite or sotu leldspu Na2O.Al2O3.6SiO2
Li (NH3), + e- (NH3),
or NaAlSirO,
Howcver, when NH, gas is passed over mol- chloide NaCl
(ii) Rock salt or sodioa
ten lithium, lithium amide is iormed. nioate
A (iil Aile salt pene ot sodium NaNO3
2 Li + 2 NH3 --'r 2 LiNHz * Hz (iv) Glanbels salt or sodium svlPhate
12.95. Uses of Llthlum. Na2SO..10[O
(r) R
(v) Boru or soilium borate
lithium- for

Na2[B.OdOH)a]. 8HrO or NarB.Or'10HrO

making es'

(b) eat tcnsile Out of these minerals only NaCl has been used
econoEically to exEact thc metal and /rence NaCl

strength steel lt is

used for is the ore oJ sodium.


Lithium is 12.102. Extraction of Sodium


extremely tough rs Sodium is extracted by the electrolpis of
used for armour ts' fused sodium chloride by a process called Down's
(rI) It is used for producing thermonuclear Proccss,
energr iequired for propelling rockets and guided Dllliculties encountered Although sodium
missiles. chloride is very cheap and h abundantly available
or scavcnger vet the derclopme tt of Down's process for the ex'
since and nitrogen' iraction of sodium ftom fused sodium chloride was
Thus ces of orygen delayed because of the following reasons :
and nitrogen during refining of metals such as cop- (i) Sodium chloide melts o. Im4 K ad it is
per and nickel. difrcufi to afrain and maintain this high lempemture'
Gv\ Lithium corbonate is used in making a (ii\ Sodiwn boih at about I 156 K and hence at
speciil variety of glass which is very strong and is rhe temperanre of electrolysis, the melal liberuted
weather proof. will vaporise.
(v\ Lithium chtoidz s used iu air-condition' (iii) Molten sodiwn fotms a metallic fog (col'
ing ptants to regulate the humidity. lt is also used io loidal sohttion) with fitsed sodium chloide'
Ni-Fe accumulators. $v\ The pruducas of eleclrolysis, sodium and
(i) Lithium bimide is used in medicine as chloiii, corride the mateial of the cell at this high
sedative. temPerufrua.
Mi'l Lithiun bkaftonote and lithium salicy In 194, J.C. Down overcane all these diffrcul-
,ate havi been used for treatment of rheumatism ties. He observed that the addition of calcium
since the resulting lithium urate is soluble in water'

12118 Pradeep,s
chloride and potassium fluoride lower the
point of sodium chloride to g50_E75 K. CH LORiN E


FIGLTRE 12.3. Down's c€llfor exkaction ofSodium.

At cathode: Na+ +s_ _+ Na

At qnode -.

Cl- "'-.----+ Cl + e-
CI + Cl ..........- Cl2
Adyantages of Donn,s proc€ss.
(i) Sodium metal obtained is of high purity
(abo* 99 5%) .

,, .(ii) The starting material, rle., sodium


cnrorr(lc rs yery cheap.


(lii) Chlorine is obtained as a valuable by



The chemicat reac(ions taking

_-l::j,,on:. (iv). This process is cheaper

place than Costner,s
dunng electrolysis are : prorcss rnvolving electrolysis of fused
Dissociation sodium
Nacl .....-...- Na+ + cl-

A'KN,@, irE
:;l;l: ii::;:iil i:lii::i,tr :,:i

Extratron ofpotolsdunl since K mctaris more

sorubre-io t(cr (tha[ Na metar is
soruble inrNacr;, porassium
obrained b' eredrorr^is ora rused.orrtion
oJ iliii"In, iio**'Ji,'i..',",r.d by the rorrowins rwo
1. By electrolysis otfused KOH

Aa cathode :
At orode :
4OH-- C,2+2HzO+4e-
2. Reductlon ofKCI with so.liunr.
Potassium can arso be obtained by reduction
ofKCrlvith Na vapoun at about I125I( in a large f.ctiona ng corumn.
KCI +Na _ NaCl +K
Potsssium thus obtai[ed is about 99.5%

12.103. Propertles of Sodium 2 Na + 2 HCI ---..+ 2 NaCI + Hz

(a) Physlcal properfles
(vi) Action ol hydrogen. When hcared with
(i) Sodium is a soft, silvery white metal. hydrogen, it forms sodium hydridc.
(r, It is lighter than water, irs density being A
0'97 g cra-t .
2Na + H2 2Na+H-
(iii) lt is sufficiently malleable and ductile. - non-ntetah.
(vii) Action of other It conrbincs
(iu) It imparts golden yellow flame when in- readily with chlorine, sulphur and phosphorus
troduced into bunsen flame. Iorming sodium chloride, sirlphitle anj phosphide
(v) Like other metals, it is a good conductor respectrvely.
of heat and electricity. A
2 Na + Cl, ------+ 2 NaCl
(b) Chemical propertles. Sodium is
more A
reactive than lithium. Some important chemical 16 Na * S, --- 8 NazS
properties of sodium are :
(i) Action ol air and moirrrre. Sodium is a 12Na + Po --__r 4 Narp
highly reactive metal. It is tamished rapidly on (viii) Action of ammonia. Sodium dissolves in
exposure to moist air. At first a thin filT ofsodium
liquid ammonia to form a blue solution which is a
monoxide, NarO is formed which changes readily
good conductor of electricity.
into sodium hydroxide by the action of moisture The blue colour of the solution is due to the
and finally into sodium carbonate by the action of formation of ammoniated electrons.
carbon dioxide present in air.
196 K
Na + (-r +y) NH, ...-.r Na+(NH3)"
4 Na + Or """+ 2 |.I2rQ
NarO * HrO .......r 2 NaOH Ammoniated sodium

NaOH + CO, ------- Na2CO3

+ e- (NHr),
2 + H2O
Afi moniatcd clecirons (rlre)

or NqO * CO, Nqgo, However, when ammonia is passed through


molten sodium, it yields sodamide ivolving H, gis.


(ii) Action of orygen When heated in a current


of air or oxygen, it burns formiag a uixture of 475 K

* 2 NH,

sodium monoxide and sodium peroxide. 2 Na ----+ 2 NaNH, * H,

4 Na * 02 """- 2 NEO . (ix) Reducingacabrr. Sodium is a strongreduc-
2Na2O + Oz *2N%Oz ing agent. It reduces many chlorides and oxides.
(ili) Action of watez It reacts with water more BeCl + 2Na ..--.r Be + 2NaCl
vigorously than lithium producing H2 gas. A
2 Na + II,O ......- 2 NaOH AlClr+3Na.....r Al + 3 NaCl
2 + tlz
Since ionization enerry of Na is lower than Al2O3+6Na ----. 2Al + 3NqO
that of Li, therefore, NaOH is a stronger base than
12.10.4. Uses of Sodium.
(i) Sodium is :used as a reducing agent a the
(iv) Actibn of alcohol. It reacts slowly with
extraction ofboron and silicon.
alcohol evolving H, gas.
mployed as a reduc_
2 qHjOH + 2 Na -..-r 2 C:H5ONa * H, amalgam and as a
Sod. ethoxide in the synthesis of
This reaction is widely used for removing ex-
cess of sodium from various reactions involving Q)i) It is also used in Lassaigne,s test for the
sodium. detection of N, S and halogens in organic com-
, (v) Action o/ acidr. Sodium being more pounds.
electropositive than lithium reacts with dilute acids (rr,) About 60Vo of world production of
and liberates H, gas. sodium is used to nake tetiaethyl lead,

Pb(CrHr)n whiclr is used as an anti-kttocking sqent heated to give pure sodium carbonate. Recrystal-
lization fr-om water produces washing soda,
for gasoline. Na2CO3.10 HrO.
@ Liquid Na or its alloy with potassium is NECO3 + CO2 + HzO ---"'r 2 NaHCOT
usetl as a coolant in nuclear reactors.
(r'i) lt is used in lhe manufacture ofnumber ol' 2 NaHCo, '-""+ NazCor + H2o + CO2
chemicals such as Na2or, NaCN and NaNHr' Function of ammonla. COz is only slightly
(uii) Sodium is used in sodium vapour lamps' soluble in water. ds a result, the conccntration of
is largcly used in industry for the
(viii) Sodium HrCO, is very low. Further since H2CO3 is a very
protlucrior: oI artiFrcial rubber, dyes, drugs etc' weak acid, the concentration of HCO3- in the reac-
(r-r) Because o[ its lightness and high thermal
tion mixture is extremelY low.
concluctivity, it is used for filling exhaust valves of :. H2CO3 ...(r)
co2 + H2O
aeropiane engines.
a9ii!9 1..l:: :'i1 1" h' Na2c o:' H2CO3 : H+ + HCO; ...(r,
i:l i:-s'- 9 ::l

Sodium carbonate commonly known as To shift the equilibrium in the forward direc-
wqr;hing soda is manufactured by Solvoy amnronio tion, a base such ai NH, is used which combines
with H+ to form NH.+ ion.
H+ + NH3 ----' NHr
Thus the function of NH3 is to Produce a
sufficient amount of HCO! ion which enables
sparingly solubleNaHCO, to precipitate out ofthe

Na+ , NHi , cl and HCol

reaction mixture.

Out oI the various compounds possible, (c) D€talls of the process. The manufacturing

sodium bicarbonate being sparingly soluble crystal-


lizes out. This is finally calcined to form sodium details the Solvay ammonia Proc€ss are

carbonate. described below :


(b) Th€ory When carbon dioxide is passed

brine solution salurated with ammonia,
sodium bicarbonate is formed:
NH3 + HzC) NH:.Hzo- NH1+ + OH-
- ammonia while impurities of cal'
Na+ + cl- + NH4+ + oH- + co2""'+ saturated
cium and magnesium present as impurities in coT-
Na++HCo3-+NH1++cl- mercial sodiirn chloride get PreciPitated as their
\a+ + HCot -...- NaHCo3 (as PrecrPitate) corresponding insoluble carbonates.
, NHrCI (in solution) .. (0 2 NH3+CO2+H2O """'-- (NII|rCO3
NHi + Cl-
CaCl2+(NHa)2CO3 """'-'- 2 NH4CI + CaCO3 I
Becau-se of the common ion effect due to the
orcsencc of Na+ ions oI sodium chloride' sodium MgCl2+ (NH)2CO3 ......- 2 NH4CI+ MgCO3 I
Licrrbonate precipitates out. It is filtered and then The ammoniated brinc thus obtained is
ignited to get sodium carbonate. pzssed through ftlters to remove precipitatcd cal-
H2O cium and magnesium carbonates and then passed
2 NaHCO3 ---- NazCO: + CO2 + '('D
through the carbonation tower.
Sodium carbonate as obtained above is con- s made uP of iron
tamirated with ammonium salts. It is puritied by forated horimntal
passing CO, through its aqneous solution' The d brine solution is
soclium bicarbonate thus fornred is filtered and top of the tower


AMMONIA + LITTLE CARBON D|OXtDE This recovered ammonia mixed

with little carbon dioxide is used lor
saturation ofbrine in the ammoniation
tower as discussed above. Calcium
chloride is obtained as a by product.
Hl AEI--,,EjjJ''"*''" (vi) Lime kiln. Here,
dioxide is generated by heating lime-

stone to about 1273 K

1273 K
CaCO3 -'-'-' CaO + COz ...(r,)
The carbon dioxide is broucht to
STEAM the carbonation tower whilc liire is
NH.rCl + A LITTLE NHTHCOo slaked with water in a tank known as
slaker to form milk of lime which is
pumped to the ammonia recovery
FIGURE 12.4. Sofuay.Arnmonia plocess for the Raw Materials. Ttc solvav-am-
manulacfu re of sodium carbonate_ monia process is very economica[since
except NaCl and CaCO, all olher raw
while carbon dioxide
liom the bottom at a p materials used are not consumed in the process.
Carbon dioxide rises For exarnple,
reacts tyith ammoniated brine (a) Quick line (CaO) left in the lime kiln and
to form sodium R
bicarbonate. ammonium chloride (NH.CI) left in the mother
NaCl + + CO2 + HzO .-._ Iiquor after removal of NaHCO, are reactecl to

produce NHr. Therefore, except for small losses,
NaHCO,(s) +

NHoCt (ag)
no additional NH, is required.

Throughout the process, a temperature of

- 310 K is maintaincd.

300- (b) CO, produced during conversion of


(iii) Filtration. The solution flowing out of the NaHCO3 to NarCO, acmrding to reaction (iri) is

carbona(ion lowcr contains tiny crystals of sodium reintroduced in the carbonation lower.
bicarbonate. These are fiItered by passing through Thus, NaCI and CaCO3 are rhe only raw
vacuum ttlters.
materiallused which are quite cheap. At the same
(iv) Calcination ofsodium bicarbonates. The time CaCl2 is produced asa bye product which, of
sodium bicarbonate obtained above is heated
course, has no large scale
strongly or calcined in a kiln when sodium car_ Thus, solay ammonia oroc
bonate is formcd. tiuuous and self-contained
2 + CO2 + H2O
NaHCO, -------+ NarCg,
(v) Ammonia recovery tower. The filtrate
from the carbonation tower contains ammonium
chloride and a little ammonium bicarbonate It is
made to flow down the ammonia recovery tower
while a current of steam is matlc [o go up. Vilk of
lime is introduced at a point little above Ge middle
of the tower. Ammonium bicarbonate is decom-
posccl by steam anrl ammonium chloritle by milk of
limc as lollorvs :

NH4HCOT -------. NH3 + CO2 + HzO

2NIloCl+ Ca(t)H)2 .- 2NH3 *CaCt, *2HrO FIGUBE 12.5. Flow-sheet for

SolvayAmmonia process
Net{ Course

(fi) It is used iD the manufacture of soap,

glass,'borax, caustic soda, sodium phosphate etc'
(rv) A mi:cure of Na2CO, and I!Co, is used
as a lusion mbaure.
(v) It is used in paper and textile industry and
soluble in water, potassium bicarbonate (KHCO) also in ietroleum refining and metal refining'
is fairly soluble in water. Thus, when CO2 is passed (u) It is used as a reagent in the laboratory'
through ammoniated brine, NaHCO3 gets SI]CTION_II
precipitated while KHCO, does not get ,\t,Ku.l)il': I'lAl{ l I{ Irl-liNIIIN',IS
precipitated when CO2 is passed througb an am-
um chloridc. Hcnce,
be PrePared bY the

Propertles. (i) Sodium carbonate is a white

crystallini solid which crystallizes as decahydrate
(r1) It is readily soluble in water.
(iii) Action of h
it loses 9 molecules
lorm monohYdratc R
elenents of grouP 2.
above 373 K, the monohydrate changes to an an-
hydrous white powder called soda ash but does not

decompose further'

B€low 37J K are


NarCOr.lOH2O Na2CO3'H2O+9H2O the


Ab.,vt 37J K the


Na2CO3.H2O Na2CO3 + H2O


(iv) Hvrlrolvsls. Being a salt of a strong base

NaO'gj ana weaf acid (H2CO3), when dissolved
i n water, sodium carbonate undergoes
hydrolysis to
lorm at alkaline solution.
Na2CO1 * ZH2O'----'H2CO3 + 2NaOH
(frLakt $io"Q
itt*d) iotti"tr) t
(v) Actlon of acftls. It reacts with dil' mincral
elernent bY
acids evolving CO, gas.
inly occurs
Na2CO3 +2 HCl """'+ 2 NaCl + H2O + CO2 t and chalk.

(vi) Reactloo wlth mltk of llme. With hot milk

Other important mineraLs of calcium are
of lime, Ca(OH)2, it reacts to form sodium lluoropatite [3 (Cq(PO)) . CaFJ' Wntm
CaSO. . 2 HrO and anhYilrite CaSOn
Strontium and barium are much less abun'
Ca(OH)2 *Na2CO3 -"""+ ChCO3 J +2NaOH dant. Whereas strontium is mined irs'celestite
SrSOa and.t mntiarlire SrCO, and harium is mined
Uses. (i) It is used for softening ofhardwater,
laundry and cleaning. as barl'tes, BaSOo. Radium is extremely scrare and
is radioactive.
(li) It is used in Paints and dYes.
.MaBncsia (MgO ;trontia (SrO) and baryta (BaO).
12.13. Electronic Configuration
the atkaline earth Eerars have two s-electrons in their
outermost shel (ns2) as shorvn
a *#";1r".'" "tall

TABLE 12.5. ELectronic configuration of alkaline carth metuls


Bcryllium (Be) 4 b2 ztz

Magne,sium (Mg) l2 G x2 2p6k2
[Nel 3r2
Calcium (Ca) 20 1s2 2sz 2p6 xz 3p5 4] [Arl 4r2
Strortium (Sr) 38 k2
1t2 2s2 2p6 tsz 3p6 34to 4p6 *2 I Kr] 5l2
Barium (Ba) 56 hz X2 2p6at23p63dto*2 4p6 4dro *2 Sp6 &2 [Xe] tu2
Radium (Ra) 88 7s2 ztz 2p6 a? 3pG Sdto 4sz 4pF 4rto 4ft [Rnl 7.r2
ssz 5p6 sdto 6tz 6p6 iiz
As these elemcnts have similar varence.h"rt
chemical properties. "t"tio@
some important physical properties of arkaline earth meta.ls
are given in Thbre 12.6.

TABLE 12.6. Phlsical properties ofgroup 2 elements (alkali


Sr Ba Ra

Atomic number 4t220

Atomic mass 9.01 24.3't ,().08
Metallic radius/pm 112 160 197
Ionic radiuvpm
IoDisation eDthalpy I
(U mot-r) [ 1'157 1450 1146 9't9
Enthalpy of hydratioo of -u94 _1577
M2+ iors (kJ mol-l)
(Pauling scalc )
Density/g mol - I at 293 K
Melting point /K
Boiling poinr /K

B (9at 298 Kfor

M2+ 1aq1 +zc- -1.97 -2.37 -2.81
Occurence io lithGphcre

rppm (pans per million) percentage byxEighr

Pra,lcc l"s Ner4 Course Chemist4llffi
alkaline earthmetals (e.g. Mg), the second electron
i" to be t"mou"d from"a citioo (unipositive ion)
l. Atomic radii The atomic rudii ol alkaline able noble gas con-
eafth metqls are foirly tarye though smaller than I of second electron
<:orresponding aikali metals qnd lhey inoeose dotett s requires much less
llrc gtoup.
due to higher nuclear
c tends toPullthe orbital
e ds the nucleus'
on movins down the group, atomic radii in-
crease primaritidue to addition ofan extra shell of
electrons in each succeeding element'
2. Ionic radii. The atoms oJ lhese elements
fotttt divalent ions which show the sane trend ot
in lheir size down the group.

follows R
(i) The divalent cations of alkaline earth me-

tals ac(uire stable inert gas configuration'


nuclear charge than those of alkali mctals'

MgCl2 is - 642 kJ mol-l. Thus, the enthalpy of
disproportionation reaction,
2 MgCl MgCl, + Mg
is - 642 - 2 (- 125) = - 392 kI mol-r
charge. This imolies that anv method used to prepare
Il is of interest to note lhdt the second ionizotion MX would iways result-ia the formation of MX,
L'nllnlpies I E2 ol the elements of group I are higher compounds. Similarly, we can show that in case of
thqn lhose of the elemenls ol grouP 2' The 'IEt and alkaiine earth metals. MX, compounds are not
18, values ofsodium (alkalimctal) and magnesium formed. In other words, alkaline eqtlh metals
(alkaline earth metals ) are given below : unifurmally lomr diPositive ions.

[.)lenrcnt IEI (kI mol-l) IEr (kJ lEol-r)

Na (Group 1 ) 496 4562

Mg (Group 2) 737 1450

cctron in case of those of alkali metal ions of comparable size [e g',

a removed from a AHvd for Li+ (size 76 pm) = 506 kJ mol-',I-
c alreadYacquired -
anyU fot Vg3*'Gize7} pm) = 1921 kJ mol- I
a reas in case of
while thosc ofmonovalent alkaline earth metals are
lower [e.g AHyd for Mg+ =
- 365 kJ mol-rlthan
the corresponding alkali metal ions. Larger hydra_
tion enthalpy is due to the fact that thi alkaline
energy change accompanfng the formation of
MgCl, (ag) is uruch htgler (i.e. 774 H mol -r) than
that of MgCl (aq) i.e. 74 kJ mol-r as calculared
As a resull the enthalgry of hydration of MgCl. is below. Thereforc, atkaline eafth metols preler to
much higher I- tg?f, (Me\ - z. x 370 (zct-) lorm divalent ions rather lhan monovalent ions.

C.mpaLis.n nf .t,rng", i" ,n" n,.-rrr,,, nr*li ,",r l,r,i ir*ii, tr.,l
"n..gy "i
MgCl (aq) aH(tiJrnot-l) MgcL (.rr) A H (kJ nlot--l)

Mg (s).....- Mg G) 150 Mg (r) ...._

Ms G) 150
Mg(s) .....* tvtg+1g;+c- i37 .-
Mg 1s) Mgz+ 91 + z c- 218't
ictze) ct (a 122 c\(9 2ct(O 244
Cl (g) + c- Cl- (g _348 -
zcl(g)+2e- I _696
Z Ct- G)
Mg* G) * ct-- (E) + aq Mg2* (g) + z ct- (g) + aq
Mc+ @q) + ct- (oq) R ct- -2661
Mcz+ (aq) + z (aq)
- Net eDergy changc =
-74 - Net energy change =

5. Elec-tropositive or Metaltic character The

. On
p, the atomic radii
s decrease. Conse_
quently, metallic character

rnels and greater

etallic bonding in
as compared to

tion enersv decreases. Beryllium forms covalent alkali metals, therefore, alkqlifle earth metals ate
lcss reactive thon coresponding alkuli metals'
compoun;s because iL has smaller size and high
ionization energY. 12.15.1, Realucing character.
The alksline earth metals are weaker reducing
aeents than the alkali metels. Like alkali metsls'
tieir reducing chdracter also increases down the

crcases fro,n Ca to Ba.

9. Flame colouration Akaline earth metals
intpafl a characterislic colour to the llame'
Calcium Strontium Barium Radium
Brick red Cimson Apple gzen Cimson'
Be to Ba.


12.152. Reactton with water-Formatlon of


colour to the flame.

r'.'; ieactivrty a n_ci_l: lectrcCe
. steam even at red heat.
All the alkaline earth metals are highly
reactive elements sinc€ they have a strong tendency
i.-i"." in" two valetrce i-electrons to form the yet
gas con-
corresponding dipositive ions having inert and
reacts with boiling water or steam'
Mg + H2O MgO + H2
or Mg + 2 HzO """'D Mg(OH)2 + 2 H2'

is the most reactive elemenl'

Further since the ionization energies of
atk"lirJeurth metals are higher and their
;i;;i. [.. negative than the corresponding
ing vigour even with cold water, liberating H, and A
lbrming the corresponding metal hydroxides 3M+N2 ._ M:Nz
Ca+2HrO-Ca(OH)r+H, BerN, being covalent is volatile while the
Tbis means that reactivity of alkaline earth nitrites of all other elements are cr)ttalline solids.
metals increases as we move down the group. How_ Allthese nitrides decompose on heating and
ever, the reaction of alkaline earth metals is less react with water liberating NHj
vigorous as compared to alkali metals. A
B%N2 """'' 3 Be + N2
Bs CarN, + 6HrO ......+ 3Ca(OH)r + 2NH,
Mg larger ca-
E- Hili;
(BaOr) is
Sr formed by passing air over heated BaO at 773 K but
Ba 2 BaO + 02 .-------+ 2 BaO2

2 SrO + O, SrO2
12.153. Reaction with air (uitrogrn anrl high prEssurc
nrlgen) SrO, b prepared in a similar way but under
R --
highpressure aod temperature. CaO2 isnot formed
form lhk yry^blr_ 9"1 be prepared as rhe hydrale by

treating Ca(OH), witb HrO, and then deLydratin!

ever, powdered and
burns brilliantly the product.

e of
beryllium oxide Ca(OH), + HrO, .......r CaOr.2HrO


Crude MgO, has been made using HrO, but

A peroxide of beryllium is not known.


ZBe * 02 (air) ......- 2 3"9

All peroxides are white crystalline ionicsolids
3 Be + N2 (air) ----. 3%IV, cortaining the peroxide ion, Ol-.
Treatment of
peroxides with acids liberates hydrogen peroxide.
ance BaO, + 2 HCI -....+ BaC! + HrO,
and 12,15.4. Reaction with hydrogcn _ Forma-
lion of hydrides.
Mg + air ...-" MCO + Mg3N2 pt berryllium
ating to form
es. M+ H, """""'r MH,
Metal b.dridc
The hydride of beryllium caa also be obtaiaed
by the re duction of BeCl, with LiAltfn
zBeclz + LiAlHa -....+ I f,e112 +LiCI+AICI3
(D) Formatton of nitrldes. All the alkaline Both beryllium hydride (BeHr) and mag-
earth metals burn in dinitrogen to form ionic
nesium hydride (Mgtl.) are cnvalena compounds
nitrides of the formula, MrNr. Tbis is in coDtrast to
hoving polymedc soucaues in which H-atoms be-
alkali metals where only Li forms LirN.
tween beryllium itoms are held together by tbree
i'r'azlca1,': Nety' Coarse Qlla:m istryfififl
1375 K
c€ntre-two electrotr (3c - 2e) bonds as showD caq + N. -""""rCalcaNCN +c
below : cr'nsrnidc
Tho mixture of calcium cyanamide and carb'
on is called zifolim and is used as a slow acting
>"()'"<)'"(-)'"< nitrogenous fertilizer as it hydrolysis slowly over a
period of months evolving NH3 gas
The hvdrides of other elemenls ofthis group, CaNCN + 3tI2O """r CaCO3 + 2NH3
!.e., CaHr, SrH2 aod BaH, are iontc and contain 12.15.6. Reactlon with ackls.
f1- ions. the hydrides of alkaline earth metals
All All alkaline earth metals react with acid's
react with water fberating H, gas and thus act as liberating Hr.
re:lucine aents
" -trlH,
+ zHzO 'M(OH)2 + 2 H2 M+ 2HCl'-'- Mcl2 + H2
(M=Bc, M& Ca' sr' Ba)
CaH, is called hyrlrolith and is used for
Be being amphoteric also dissolves is alkali
production of H, by action ofwater on it' liberating Hr'
- Formatlon of
12.155. Reactlon with carbon Be * 2NaOH + 2 H2O-NarlBe(OH)al + H,
carbldes. Sod' bcty'late
When bervllium oxide is heated with carbon 12.15.7. Reactlon with Liquid Ammonia
at 2175-2215 i( a brick red coloured carbide of
Like alkali metals, all alkaline earth metals
the formulu, BerC is formed.
2115-7275 K R ;l?

It is an iozic compound and reacts with water the formation of metal clusters.
Thqse solutions decompose very slowly form-

forming methane
BerC+4HrO ' 2Be(OH)z + CH+ ing amidas and evolving Ur, but ttre reaction is

accelerated by many traDsition metals and their


Sr compounds.

M M + (.r + 2Y) NH, "-'->

in t{2+ G'IH3), + 2e- (NH3)v
heated with carbon.
"'-"'- CaQ
C; +ZC
e- (NHr)r-'+ NHI + iHr+ 0/ - 1) NH3

UEK Whereas evaporation of ammonia from solu'

CaO+3C , Caq+CO tions of alkali metals gives the metal, evaporation
AII these carbides react with water producing of ammonia from solutions of alkaline earth metals
acetylene gas. eives he)(asmoniatcs which slowly decompose to
"-"r the corresponding metal amides.
CaQ + 2 rlO HC = CH + Ca(OH)2
cal. carbidc A'ttylcnc M(NHS)G "--
M(NHJz + 4 NH3 + H2
here that MgQ on heating
It may be noted 12.'16. General Characteristics ol Compounds
gives MgCr. This carbide contains Q- units and ol the Alkaline Earth Metals p':illtlil;s:1'Yitji:'i;ir't'i'
reacs with watcr to form propyle (i'e'
As discusscd above, due to higher enthal-
methylacetylene) py of formation in the sotd state and due to higher
MAQ + 4HrO""- CH3C = CH + 2 Mg(OH)2 Lidtutio" enthalpy in the aqueous solution'
PrcPYnc aikaline earth ureials unformally form dipositive
Calcium carbide is an important chemical in- ions.
termediatc. When CaC, is hiated in an electric Firrther due to increased auclear charge and
furnacc with atrrosphcric dinitrogen at lii75 It it soaller size, alkaline earth metals form compounds
forms calcium cyaaamide, CaNCN

which are less ionic than the corresponding com- BeCI, + 2NaOH-r Be(OH), [ +2NaCl
pounds of the alkali metals. Usually tbe cxides and
other salts of Be and Mg are rnore covalent than MgSOa +2NaOH +
Mg(OH), J + NahSO4
those formed by the heavier and larger members Properties of hydroxides. (i) Basic chuackr.
(Ca, Sr, Ba). A general survey of some of their Due to small size and high ionization enthalpy,
compounds is presented below. Be(OH), is amphoteric. It, therefore, dissoGs
12.16.1. O)ddes and Hy&oxides both in acids and bases.
Oxides. The oxides of alkaliae earth metaLs Be(OH), + 2HCl r BeCt + 2HzO
MO, are obtained either by heating the meta.ts itr
diorygen or by thermal decomposition of their car- Be(OH), + 2 NaOH......+ NarBeO2 + 2 H2O
bonates. Sod. beryllatc
A or Be(OH), + 2 OH- + [Be(OH)a]z-
2M+02 r2MO (M =Be,MgCa) Bcryllatc ion
A The hydroxides of Mg, Ca, Sr and Ba are
MCO3 ""'* MO + CO2
basic. Their basic strength increases as we move
(M : Be, Mg C4 Sr, Ba) down the group. This is because increase in their
Except BeO, all the oxides have rock-sa-lt sizes and decrease of their ionization energies
structures. Rrther, the enthalpies of formation of weaken the strength of M-O bonds in trlOH
these oxides are quite high and consequently they which ultimately breaks to give OH- ions and thus
are very stable. increase the basic strength.
Metal o(ide However, these hydroxides are less basic than
BcO Mso C.ao SrO BaO
A/ I' (kJ nrol -l) 550 590 62i 5m 5,15
R hydroxides because
smaller ionic sizes

These have high melting poiots, have very low

vapour pressures, are verygood conductors ofheat, (ii) Solubilily in watert. Alkali.urc earth metal

are chemicallyinert and act as electrical insulators. hydroxides are less soluble in watsr as compared to

Because of these properties, these oxides aro used the alkali metal hydroxides.

for lining furnances and hence are used as refrac- The solubility of tbe alkaline earth metal

tory materials. Due to small size of beryllium ion, hydroxidesin water increases with i.ncrease in

BeO is covalent but still has high melring poiat

because of its po|,m eic rlLaaure. Each Be itom is
tetrahedrally coordinated to four other orygen
atoms. Therefore, like other metal oxides, BeO is
also used as a refractory.
Hydroxides. The hydroxides of Ca, Sr and Ba
are obtained either by treating the metal with cold
water or by reacting the correspondhg oxides with Be(OH)z
water. The reaction of these oxides with HrO is also
sometimes called as slaking. trs(oH)e ar d,
(.) z
M + 2H2O U(, Eo
-'M(OH)2+H2 Ca(oH)z 1o
(M = Ca, Sr, Ba) o: o
Mo+H2o._M(OH), o5 LzI
s(ot0e oz @ Lll z
(M = Ca, Sr, Ba -I LIJ
Be(OH)2 and Mg(OH), being insoluble are s4oH)2 E
obtained from suitable Eetal ion solutions by
precipitation with OH- ions.
'l]lc solubility of a 6alt in wate. dcpcnds upon : (i) Iltticc
crlergf and (ii) Hydration cncrE.
In gcneEl, If hrdration cncrB, > Ltticc cocrBr, soh di$ott.|J,.
If hydration cnerB, < lattice cnctE , sar, doar noa d.i,il,ohv.

12,162. Halides Be + 2NH3 + 4HF -"' (NHa)2[BeFal

The alkalhe earth metals combhe directly
with halogens at apProPriate temperatures forming -BeF2+2NH4F
873 K
halides , MX2.
BeO+C+Cl2 ..._ BeCl2+CO
These halides can also be prepared by the v73K
action of halogen acids (HX) on metals, metal 2 Beo + CCln '-"""'' 2BeC\ + COz
oxides. hvdroxides and carbonates.
M+2Hx + H2 5. BeF, is very soluble in water due to the high
MO + 2 HX"-""'* MX2 + HzO hvdration enerqv of the small Be2+ ion' The other
fl'uorides (Mgir, caFr, SrF, and BaFr) are almost
M(OH)2 + zHx-4MX2+z}IzO
MCO3 + 2HX """'-+ M& + COz + H2O
Properties of halldes
covalent down the group.
are hydr
On hydr
BeCt2 + 2H2O- Be(OH)2 + 2 HCI'
2. The halides of all other alkaline earth me-
tals are ionic. Their ionic character, however, in- 6. Except BeCl, and MgCl2, the other
creases as the size of the metal ion increases' R
chlorides of alkaline earth metals impart charac-
3. Exc€pt BeCl2, a[ other chlorides ofgroup
teristic colours to flame.

form hvdrates but their tendency to form hydrates CaCl, SrCl, BaCl,
decreases. For examPle, MgClr'6 H2O,

Brick rrd colour Crimso[ colour Gmssy gEcn colour

CaClr.6 HrO, SrClr.6 HrO and BaClr'2 HrO'

Sot.cture ol Becla. In the solid phase, BeCl2


below :

Uses. Calcium fluoride or fluorospar

In the vapour phase it tends to form a chloro
bridged dimei which dissociates into the linear
(CaF) is by'far the most importaot of all the
iiiutErt" -oro*"r at high temperatures (at nearly fluorides of the alkaline earth metals since it is the
1200 K). orly large scale source of fluorine.
al (ii) CaC! is widely used for melting ice on
.' - o./-'\
--\Ct,/ B" - cl cl - Be - cl roads. oarticularly in very cold countries because
30% eutectic mixture of CaClr/ice freezes at 21 8 K

compated to NaCUice at 255 IC It is also used as a ever the hydration encrry decrcases from
desiccant (drying agent in the laboratory). Bez+ to Ba2+ appreciably as the size ofthe cation
(iii) Anhydrous MgCl, is used in the iucreases down the grottp. Hence, the sohrbilities oI
electrolyte extraction of magnesium. sulphates ol alkaline eafth metab deoease down the
gmup nzinly &te to
12.17. Solubility and Therrnal
Stability o, Oxo Salts lrom B*+ toBaz+.
MgSOois due to he high hydration mergies due to
The salts containing one or more atoms of smaller Bd+ and Mf+ ions.
oxygensuch carbonates, (iii) Stability. The sulphates of alkaline earth
bicarbonates, tes oxalates metaf,s decompose on heating giving the oxides and
and phosphat Let us now
discuss the solubility and thermal stability of some
of the oxo salts of alkaline earth metals. A
MSOa """- MO + SO3
12.17.1. Sulphates.
The sulphates of alkaline earth The temperature of decomposition of these
(MSO.) are prepared by the action of sulphuric sulphates increases as the basicity of the hydroxide
of the corresponding metal inireases d-own the
acid on metals, metal oxides, hydroxides and car- group. For example,
M + H2SOI """"'- MSOr + Hz Compunds: BeSOI MgSOa CaSOr SrSO.
MO + H2SO1 ..-.---. MSO. + H2O Temp. of

M(OH)2 + H2SO. ---------- MSO. + 2 H2O R

decomposition: 773 K 1168K I4ZZK 1647 K

MCO3 + H2SO1 MSO. + COz + H2O


-------+ Uses. (i) The almost negligible solubility of

Propertles of sulphates. BaSO. in water is used h the detection and estima-

(i) The sulphates of alkaline earth metals are tion ofSO!- ions.

all white solids. Berylliuq magnesium and callium (rr) BaSOoii both insoluble in HrO and opa-

sulphates crystallise in the hydratert form, i.e.,

que to X-rays. Thereforc,,baium meal is used to

BeSO..4HrO, MgSO1.7H2O, CaSOo.2HrO but

obtair a shadow of the stomach on an X-ray film
sulphates of stronium zrnd barium crystallise which is useful in diagnosing stomach ulcers.
without water of crysta llization.
12.172. Cartonates and BicarboDates.
BeSO4 Alkaline earth metal carbonates are obtained

as white precipitates when
(i) calculated amount of carbon dioxide is
CaSOa 6 a0 passed through the solution of the alkaline metal
l!o hydroxides
M(oH)r(aq)+Coz (8).......' MCor(s) + H2o(4
BaSO. 3ur and (ii) sodium or ammonium carbonate is
added to the solution of the alkaline earthmetal salt
(ii) Solubility. The solubiliry ofrhe sulphares such as CaC!
in water decreases down the group, i.e. Be'> Mg
Caclz @4 + NarCO, (cq)
> > Ca > Sr > Ba. Thus, BeSOo and MgSOn are
highly soluble, CaSOo is sparingly soluble but the -......-. CaCOr (s) + 2 NaCl (aq)
sulphates of Sr, Ba and Ra are virtually insoluble.
Explanatlon. The magnitude of the lattice
energy remains almost constant as the sulphate is
hydraied ion
so big that small increase in the size of the cations [B" and hencc is
from Be to Ba does not make any difference. How- precipitated only in an atmosphere of COr.
prn41' 1' 7r'5 Ne.4 Coulse thcmistqlifrlD
B6CO3 <373K 813 K 1171K 1563 K 1633 K
MgCos k*
BeCO, is thus unstablo and can be kept onty
ir, o in an atmosphere of COr'
o iil Bicarbonates. The bicarbonates of alkaline
gE earth metats are prepared by passing CO2 tbrough
a suspension of metal carbonates in water'

Ab,scncc of CO2 M2CO3 + HzO + COz """.l M(HCOr)2

BeCO3 + 4HzO : (h$olublc)
PEscncc of COz All the bicarbonatcs of alkaline earth metals
arc stable only in solution aIrd have not been iso'
lBe(H2o)112+ + co3- lated in the pure state.
Uses' The extremely low solubility of alkaline
earth carbonates itr watei is made use ofin qualita-
tive analysis. For examPle,

slightly soluble in water but BaCO, is alrnost in'

soluble. R

(r'i) The solublo carbonates, i e', carbonates

alkali metals and NH.+ ion are detected by


precipitation insoluble magnesium carbonate'


(rr, CaCO3 is used in


process for manufacture of NarCor, in glass

making and in cement manufacture.

Bez+ to Baz+ . 12.173. Nltrates
Alkalin ared in
are, how solution aad saltsby
CO, due the action of nd car-

bonates. For example, bonates.

caco, (s) . .o, *, * Mo+2HNo3-M(No:)z+H:o

lro"rljr"or, M(OH), + 2 HNO, '-+ fvt(|{Orh + 2H2O
MCo3 + 2 HNos -"-' M(Nor)z + Co2 + HzO
fii:, Stobiliy. The carbonates of all alkaline "r,
earth'metals decompose on heating to form the (M = Be, Mg, Ca, Sr or Ba)
corresponding metal oxide and COr' Macnesium nitrate cq'stallizcs as
MgNoj2.6H2o whil eBa(llor)rcrysmllises as an-
MCo3 """.. Mo + Co2 trydJali sall
Bervllium nitrate is unusual because it forms
basic nitiate, i.e., [Be.o(No)5l in addition to the
norrnal salt.
All nitrates on heating give the corresponding
2 M(NO3)2 '2MO+4NO2+02 other members arc iorrtc e.g., CaC, is
(M : Be, Mg Ca, Sr or Ba) Ca2+ 1C
Strontium and barium nitrates are used in (rzi) Beryllium carbide reacts with water to
pyrotechaics for giving red and green flames producc methane gas whereas carbidcs of other
respectively. alkaline earth metals give acetylene gas. Thus
From the abov-e discussion, il follows that cal- BezC+4H2O -.....- 2Be(OH)z + CH+
cium, strontium and barium are the tfuee elemenls
CaC. + ZHrO .......--+ Ca(OH)2 + qH2
ofgroup 2 whosep rdes
are closelyrelated with (xu) Beryllium does not exhibit coordination
increasing atomic are
highly electropositive, have high negative electrode
potentials (.e. E ) and show systematic l.reods in
the solubility oftheir oxo sa-lts. by making use of d-orbitals in additioa to s- and
'12.18. Anomalous behaviour ol p-orbitals.
Beryllium forms fluoro complex anion
Beryllium, the first member of alkaliae -(rr)
(BeF!-) whereas other members of thi group do
not form fluoro complex anions.

(a) exceptionally small atomic and ionic size

(D) high ionization energy Just as lithium shows resemblance with
ils diagonally opposite element magnesium, in
(c) absence ofd-orbitals in its valence shell. a
similar way bery'lium shows resembjance with its
-- Someinpo beryllium

,_ diagonally opposite elcment aluniniurn. This is due

differs from thi its group to the reason that these two elements have the same
(especially the n

follJws :'
and the

(i) Beryllium is harder than other members of


its group.

of lheir
(ri) It has higher melting and boiling points

than the other members. Some points o[ similarity are given below :
( ) Beryllium does not react with water ev€n ve a tendeucy to form
at high temperatures while othcr mctals do, c.g.,
the cblorides ofboth (i.e.
Mg + H2O MgO + Hz cova-lent are soluble in
-' organic solvents.
(ri) Both BeCl and A.lCt, act as strong Lewis
ionic compounds. (ur) Both BeCl, and AICI, have bridged
Because of covalent character, salts of beryl- chloride structures in the vapour phase.
Iium are easily hydrolysed. For example, CI. CI .CI CI
_. _/ \- \./
BeCO, *
HrO.---r [B€(HrO).|2+ + CO3-
Cl-Be- Be-Cl Al \./'-Al
(v) Beryllium oxide and hydroxide are am- \",/ ,/\,/\
photeric whereas oxides of other alkaline earth CI CI CI
metals are basic.
BeO + 2 HCI ..........- BeClz + HzO
BeO + 2NaOH ---+ Na2BeO2 + HzO
Sod. bcrr atc
(vr) Carbides of Be(BqC and BeCr) are
covalent (e.g, Be = C = Be) whereas carbides of
Net4 Cttttrse Chenr istr4

(vi) The oxides and hydroxides ofboth Be and Be2C 4H2O ' 2 Bo(OH)z + CHr
Al aie amnhoteric and dissolve sodium in ALq + uH2O ,4AI(OH)3 + 3CH4
iua.nxide soiution as well as in hydrochloric acid' (eiii) Salts of both these elements lorm
BeO + 2 HCt ----"* BeClz * HzO t ydrui"d' ions e.8., [Be(OHr)nlz+

BeO+2NaOH --.....- NarBeO2 * HzO [Al(OHr)6P+ in aqueous solutions'

AtO3 + 6HCl 2AlCl3+3HzO

AlzO3 + 2NaOH -+ 2NeAlO2+HzO
Sod mela-aluminale

(vii) Carbides of both the metals react with

water liberating methane gas. lA(9o.)r13-'


' with no unpaired electrons'
,rr. #rrii. Thls is tecausc itrey trave notle gas configuration
""toured. most ofthe barium compounds are made from
ili;'i 2. Reduction ofsulPhateswith carboo givessulphides Therefore' R
barium sulPhate.



12.20. Mag Besides these minerals, magnesium is the es-


sential constituent of chlorophyll, the geen colour-

12r0.1. Minerals of Magnesium' ing matter of the Platrts.
Masnesium is the srxrll most abundant ele- 12202. Extraction of Magneslum
ment by" weight in thc earth's crust lls chiel l. trlom Magneslte or Dotomlte' The ore is
minerals are : calcined to form the oxide.
(i) Comollite, KCl. Mgclz 6 HrO MNO: MgO+CO,
(ii) Mognesite, MgCO3
MgCOr.CaCO, MgO'CaO + 2 COz
(iii) Dolornte, cacor. MgCO, The mineral is obtained ftom the oxide or the
(iv) EPsomite, MgSOo.T HrO' mixed oxides as follows :
(v) LangPeinite, IISO4 2 MgSOo
(c) ftom MgO. The oxide is mixed with carb'
on and heated in a current of Cl, gas.
(vi) Talc, HrMgSiO,
MgO+C+Ct .-.... MgCl, + CO
(vii)Asbestos, CarMgSitOrr(OH), The anhydrous MgCL thus obtained is sub-
Masnesium is also present in sea water up to
an eneni of 0 l3Vo as MgC! and MgSO. from emixed
which it is being extracted on an increasing scale' osilicon
India has a sood reserve (approx. 250 million ton- under reduced pressure above 1273 K.
nes of magn'esite ore, mostly in U.P, Tamil Nadu >l?73K
ud Rajasthan. 2 MgO.CaO+FeSi 'ZME + Fe
+ Ca2SiOa

2. Flom sea water. The sea water cotrtainitrg At anode: Cl- Cl+e-
magnesium chloride and magnesium sulphate. is -""'
Cl + Cl ---.-.r Cl2.
concentrated under the sun and is treated with
slaked lime, ca(oH)2. chlorine liberated at the anode passes o.ut
ftom the exist Drovided in the porcelain tube while
MgCl, + Ca(OH)2 """'r Mg(OH), + CaCl, the magnesiurir liberated at the cathode is in the
Magnesium hydroxide being almost insoluble molten_statc (T p %4 K) It being lighter rises to
thus pre;lpitated ii filtered and f,eated to give the the surface- o-f the molten electrolyte from wh€re it
oxide. is removed from time to time by meaas of per-
a forated laddles. Magnesium thus obtained is about
Mg(OH), """'r MgO * HzO 99Vo ptrc.It is refined further by subliming at 873
K under a Dressure of 1 mm mercury.
lhe onde so oDtarneo ls converteo lnto
MsCl2 as described under I then
(a) above and 3. trlom camalllte' 2 xcl.Mgclr.6Hro. car-

subjected to electrolysis as described below: nallite is hfated to 625 K itr an atmosphere of

Electrolysls of anhydrou ' hvdrosen chloride gas to make it anhydrous Etcess
the hvdmtvsis oJ magnesium
rhe anhydr"* r'aecr,
chrorrde. '1,15]-t::,!:1*L
added to a norten mixture or
-;;i;;il 'o''""Ir:;i'::{!3'"J,lif?rr.,
is -
- ltlli K) and electrolysed. The electrol6is :
iarried out in an iron vesiel which serues is the The anhydrous carnallite thus obtained is
cathode (Fig. 12.6). A graphite rod which dips 1, fused with anhydrous cacl2 and Nacl. The
the molten electrolyte (MgCl2+NaCl+CaCIr) electrolysis of the fused mixture is then carried out
acts as the anode. Thc anode is surrounded by a as described above' R
porcelain tube which prevents the intermixing of 12203. ProPerties ofMagnesium
the products of electrolysis (Mg and Clr). The (a) Pl,ysical propertl€s. (i) Magnesium is a

electrolytic tank Ls heated to 923- 10Zi K to melt silvery white metal which soon becomes dull in air

the electrolyte. A stream of some inert gas such as (ri) It is a light metal with a density of

coal gas is passed through the tank to epel air in l.74gcm-3.


order to protect the moltenmagnesiumfrorn oxida-


(rii) It is fairly malleable and ductile.

tion. On passing electric current, fused McCL un- -'-

dergoeselectrolysisasrouows: ,,
calcium, strontium and barium. Some inrportrnt
PORCELAIN i--z -GRApH;TE chemical properties ofmagnesium are :

iJiE-":' -4-
f /.. ANooE OAction of orygen orarr Magnesium does not
react with dry air but slowly gets tarnished in moist
air due to the formation of a thin lllm o[ thc oxidc,
-;-I_J I lJ-*coAL GAS Mgo. It burns in orygen or air with a rlazzling light.
of cafton diuide ond
FU'ED Qi) Action sulphur
:fiE dioxide. Because of its great affinity for orygen,
ffiELtA,rrE::=::::E-+::=.=l H%}t"'' magnesium keeps on burning even in co, or So,'

lRoN 2Mg+CO, .......) 2MgO+C

vEssEL a
2 Mg + SO, """'r 2 MgO + S
FIGURE 12-6. Extraction of Magnesium Uii) Actbn ol nilrcgen. on heating, mag-
.""'n"'." *irh nirr.gcn ro lrrm nragncsiunr
Mgcr, ------- Mgr+ + 2cr- :i;lj:l
At cathocle : Mf+ + 2 c- ) MS .l Mg + Nz * MgrNz
)\,,dcc p's Neur Coirsc Chr*trwglfrm

Thus whco magncsium burns in air both thc (iii) Magnesium is also used in cathodic
oxide and the nitride are formed. protection of metals and as an orygen scavenger in
(iv)Action ofhologenr. Magnesium on heating rnetallurgy.
with halogens rcadily tbrms the halides, e.9., (iv) Being a reducing agent, magnesium is
A used in the extraction of boron and silicon from
Mg + CI2 ....- MgCl, their respective oxides.
(v) Action of water Maglesium does not BrOr+3Mg-'+3MgO+2B
decompose wrter in cold but decomposes boiling SiOr+2Mg p2MSO +Si
water or steam.
It is also used in the extraction of other metals
Mg + HrO (steam) --- MgO + H2 such as Ti, Zr and Hf.
Magnesium amalgam, however, liberates H, (v) Magnesium is used in the preparation of
from cold water. Gignard rcagentr whtch are widely used in organic
(vi) Action of acids. Difute acids including
nitric acid react with magnesium to produce (ra) Magnesium is used for ignition of ther-
dihydrogen. mite cbarge in aluminothermy.
Mg + 2HCl MgCl + H,
.......r (ui) A suspensioa of magnesium hydroxide
knowt as milk of ma6reslc is used as an antacid for
Mg + Dil..HrSOa ....-MgSOolH, patients suffering from acidity.
Mg + 2HNO3 *Mg(NO:)z+Hu (rzii) Magnesium carbonate is one of the com-
ponents of tooth paste.
However with conc. HrSOo, SO, is produced sticTl()N-IIt
Mg + HrSOo -->MgSOa + SO2 + 2 H2O 12.21. Compounds ol Alkaline Earth Metals

(vii) Reaction with allql and aryl halides. Mag- Alkaline earth Eetals form many com-

nesium reacts with alkyl and aryl halides in dry opounds. Some of these are discussed below :

ether to form covalent compounds called Gignard 1211.1. Magneslum sulphat€, Epsom salt,



Mg + C2H5I CrH5MgI Magnesium sulphate ocrurs as Kieseile,

Ethylmag iodide MgSO..2 HrO in Stassfurt (Germany) deposits or
Dryethcr as Epsomite, MgSOo.T HrO in the mineral waters
Mg * C5H5Br C6H5MgBr
of the Epsom springs in England. It is prepared
Pheflylmag. bromidc
from these minerals by ftactional crystallization.
1210.4. Uses of Magnesium.
Prtparation (l) Flom dolomlte.The dolomite
(i) Magnesium is the lightest structural metal ore is boiled with dil. H2SO4.
having density two-thirds of aluminium. It is there-
fore, widelyused in the preparation ofalloys, Some
CaCO3.MgCO3 + 2H2SO4
ofthe magnesium alloys contain more that9lVoMg Dolomitc
togethet rith 2-9Vo Al alJd 7Vo Zn. Duralumit (Al caSo. J + MgSOa + 2H2O +2CO2
= 95Vo, Cr.r:AVo, Mn, = 0.5Vo and Mg = 0.5%) The precipitates of sparingly soluble calcium
being light tough and resistant to corrosion is used sulphate are filtered off and the two sulphates from
for the manufacture of airplanes and automobilc the resultingsolution can be separated byfractional
parts.Magnalium (Al=NVo andMg = tj%)beiry crystallization.
light, tough and hard is uscd for making balance (li) From magneslte. The magnesite ore is
beam.s. powdered and dissolved in dil. HrSoo. The result-
(ii) Magnesium burns with an intense light. ing solution is concentrated and crystallized in the
Therefore, magnesium (as powder or ribbon) is temperature ratge 275-32i K when crystals of
used in flash bulbs for photography, fireworks and MgSOo.T HrO separate out.
signal fires, MgCO3 + H2SOa
--'--'MgSO 4 + CO2+ H2O

(ili) trlom ldeserite. The mioeral kieserite (v) Anhydrous magnesium sulphate is used as
(MgSOa.H2O) is powdered and dissolved in water. a drying agent in Organic Chemistry.
The resulting solution upon conccntration and 1221.2. Calclum oxide.., Quick llme, CaO
crystallization is the temperature range 2il5-320 K Preparatlon, Calcium oxide is called quick
gives crystals of MgSOa.7H2O. lime. It is prepared by heathg limestone in a
(iv) Iaboratory prtparation, In the rotatory kiln at 1273 K.
laboratory magnesium sulphate is prepared bydis- 1273K
solving magnesium metal or magnesium oxide or CaCO, <- CaO + COz;
magnesium carbonate with dil. H2SO4. a H -- + 179'9 kJ
Mg+ H2SOa .--........ MgSO+ + Hz It is only above 1100 Kthat CO2 escapes freely
MgO + H2SO4 """""'r MgSOa + H2O and hence a temperature of 1273 is mahtained.
The necessary conditions for obtaining a good
MgC03 +H2SO. MgSOa + CO2 + H2O
yield of quick lime are :
The resulting- solution upon concentration (i) Since the reaction is rcversible, cotbon
and cooling (275-3m K) gives crptals of dkxide should be removed as soon as il is formed in
MgSOn.T HrO. order to shift the equilibrium in the forward direc-
Properties. (i) Magnesium sulphate is a col- tion in accordance wilh Le Aadiels Principle.
ourless efforoscent (loses water of crystallization (ii) The tempeiature should not be allowed to
slowly) crystalline solid highly soluble in water. rise above 1273 K otherwise silica present as im-
Its extract formula is [Mg(HrO)5lSO..tI2O. purity in lime will combine with calcium oxide to
(ii) R
form infusible calcium silicate.
Isomorphisma. MgSOn.THrO shows
Abo!,e 12?3 K
isomorphism since it exists in two crystalline forms CaO+SiO,

CaSiO, (calcium sili-

; one isomorphous with ZnSC)o.7HrO and the other cote)

isomorphous with FeSO4. 7H2O. Propcrties. (i) It is a white amorphous solid


(ni) It forms double salts with alkali metal with a m.p. of 2?i73 K.

sulphates. The double salt, KrSOo.MgSO1.6H2O is (r'i) It is usually obtained itr form of hard

sold as a fertilizer un der the laame potash magnesis. lumps. When heated is oryhydrogen flame, it emits
brilliant white light called limelight,
(iv) Action of heat. When heated to 423 I( it
loses six molecules of water of crystallisation and (iii) When exposed to atmosphere, it absorbs
charges into magnesium sulphate monohydrate. moisture and carbon dioxide forming slakcd lime
The monohydrate becomes anhydrous when and calcium carbonate respectivoly.
heated to 503 K and on further strong heating, it CaO + H2O ----------- Ca(OH)z
decomposes to give MgO and SO, gas. (moisture) Galciumiilicotc)
423K CaO + CO, CaCOt (calcium caftonate)
-6H20 (iv) On adding water, it produces a hissing
503 K - Strong sound and a large amount of heat is evolved which
MgSOo ...-- MgO+ SO, conve s water into steam. This process is called
-HzO heating slaking of lime and the fine powder thus obtained is
called slaked lime.
Uses. Magnesium sulphate is used :

(i) in weigbtirg, sizing and fue-proofing of

CaO +H2O ---. Ca(OH)z ;

Paper and cloth. AH = -64 mol-r 5 kJ

(ii) as a mordant for dyeing and tanning. (v) Action of acids and acidic oxides. It is a
(iri) in the preparation of paints and soaps. basic oxide and hence combines with acids and
(n ) as a purgativc in medicine. acidic oxides forming salts.

'Compounds having same crFtal stluctulc arE called lsoErotphous and the Phenomcnon is callcd lsomorPhbm.
" Non -€valuative.
121s8 Neq, Course Cl

CaO + 2HCl """""+ CaCl, + H2O (ra) Rcactlon with chlorlne. Slaked lime
reacts with chlorine to form calcium hypochlorite,
CaO + SiO, .........- CaSiO, a con-stituent ofbleaching powder
6 CaO * PaO16"""""'r 2 Car(PO.), 2 Ca(OH)2 + 2 Cl2 """',
CaO + SO, '--""- CaSOs CaCl, + Ca(OCl), +2H2O'
(vi) Reactton ryith coke. When heated with (iv) Reaction with carbon dioxide. Whsn
coke in an electric futnace at2Tl3-3273lt it forms carbon dioxide is passed through lime water, it
calcium carbide. turns milky due to the formation of insoluble cal-
22T3-3273K cium carbonate,
CaO + 3C CaC2 + CO
Ca(OH)2 + CO2 """""'' CaCO3 I + H2O
(vii) Rcacdon wlth amnonlum salts. On heat- (Milkinets)
ing with ammonium salts, it liberates ammonia gas. on
passing excess of carbon dioxide, the
CaO + 2 NHaCI """'-+ CaCl2 + 2 NH3 + H2O precipitates of calcium carbonate dissolve to form
Uses. (i) As a constituent of mortar, it is used
soluble calcium bicarbonate and hence tlrc nilki'
ness disappeors.
on very large scale in building constructions.
(ri) In the preparation of cement, glass, cal- CaCO3 + CO2 + H2O '--'--- Ca(HCO:)z
cium carbide and sodium carbonate (from caustic
soda). If this clear solution of calcium hicarbonate is
(iv) It is used in the preParation of ammonia heated, the solution again turns milky due to the
and sodalime (CaO + NaOH). decomposition of calcium bicarbonate back to cal-
cium carbonate.
(u) It is used for drying alcohols and non'
Ca(HCO)r(aa) -..."....- CaCo3(s) + Cozftl)

acidic gases.
(r,i) It is used as a basic lining in furnaces. + H2Oo

12213. Calclum hydroxide'' Slalred llme'


CB(oH)2 (v) Reaction with acids. Slaked lime being a


strongbase reacts with acids and acidicgases form-


Pr.eparatlon. (i) Ftom qulck lime. Calcium ing salts.


hydroxide is prcpared on a commercial scale by

adding water to quick lime. This process is called
Ca(OH), + 2 HCI --'---""- Caclz + H2O
shking of lime. Ca(Ofl), * SO, """'r CaSOo + HrO
CaO + H2O """""'. Ca(OH)2 However, Ca(OH)2 does not dissolvc in dil.
HrSC)n because the calcium sulphate formed is
During the prccess of slaking, lumps of quick
lime crumble to a finc powder. sparingly soluble in water.
(tl) triom calclurn chloride.It is also obtained Uses. (i) Calcium hydroxide is used
by treating calcium chloride with caustic soda. (r) for absorbing acidic gases such as

CaCl2 + 2 NaOH ......... Ca(OH)2 * 2NaCl cor, Nor, SOr, SO, erc.
Properttes, (i) It is a white amorPhous powder
(ii) lor preparing ammonia from ammonium
sparingly soluble in water, the solubility decreasing
further with rise in temperatlutre. An aEteous sofu- (iii) in the production of mortar which i-s used
tion is known as Ettu vsbr and a susPension ol as a building material.
slaked lime in wwer is colled mllk of llme ' (iv) in white washing due to its disinfectant
(ti) Action of heat. On hcating, slaked lime properties.
loseswater odyat temperatures greater than 7fi) K (v) for softening of hard watcr.
(vi) in the manufacture of bleaching powder.
?00 K
Ca(OH), """'r CaO * Hzg. (vii) in the laboratory, as linte watar for delec-
tion of carbon dioxide,

(r,iri) It is also used in making glass, in tanning (ir,) lt is alstr used in dcntistry.
industry, as a cbeap alkali for neutralising acids and
in the purifrcation of sugar and coal gas.
1221.4. Plast€r of Paris*, CaSO.. l/2 H2O Uses of lime. Calcium oide is called lime or
or (CaSO.)r,HrO. quicklime. Its main industrial uses are :
(i) It is used in steel industry to remove phos-
Plaster of Paris is calcium sulphate hemihy- phates and silicates as s/cg
dratc Casoa. 1./2 H2O.
(if) It is used to make cement by mixing it with
Prcparation.It is prepared by heatingglpsum silica, alumina or clay.
to 393. (iri) It is used in making glass.
393 K
2 CaSOo.2 HrO ............_ 2 CaSO + 1/2H2O (rv) In chlor alkali industry (includes the
production of three main chemicals : NaOH, Cl2,
Gr?6um Plastcr of Pans
+3H2O NECO3), it is used in thc lime-soda process for the
conversion of NarCO3 to NaOH and vice-versa.
The following conditions are necrssary :
(i) The temperatue should not be allowed to (r) It is used for softening water, for making
rise above 393 K because above this temperature slaked lime, Ca(OH)2 by treatment with water and
the whole of water of crystallisation is lost. The calcium carbide.
resulting anhydrous CaSOa is called dead bumt Uses of slaked lime. Calcium hydroxide is
p/arler because it loses the properties of settiog with called slaked lime. Its main industrial uses are :
water. (i) Slaked lime is used as a building material
(ii) The gypsum should not be allowed to R
in form of mortar. It is prepared by mixing slaked
come in contact with carbon containing fuel other- lime with 3-4 times its weight of sand. The mixture
wise some ofit will be reduced to calcium sulphite. is made into a thick pastc with gradual addition of

Propertics, (i) It is a white powder. water. The paste is called mofiar and is used in

building construction. It sets into a hard mass by

(ii) On mixing with one-third its weight of

loss of HrO and gradual absorption of CO, from

water, it forms a plastic mass which sets into a hard

the air. Sometimes coal ash is mixed with lime


mass ofinterlocking crystals of gypsum within 5 to

instead of sand.

15 minutes. It is due to this reason that it is called

plaster. The addition of common salt accelerates (ii) It is used in the manufacture of bleaching
the rate of setting, while a little borax or alum powder by passing Cl, gas.
reduces it. The setting ofPlaster ofParisis believed (iii) It is used in making glass and in the
to be due to rehydration and its reconversion into purification of sugar and coal gas.
(iv) It is used in softening of hard water.
2 CaSO+ 1/2H2O *3 HrO-----------r2 CaSO4.2 H2O
Uses oflimestone. Limestone rock is the com-
PlasterofPairs cr?sum
mon form ofcalcium carbonate.It occurs as chalk,
During the process of setting, slight expansion marble, corals, calcite, aragonite etc. Mixed
(l%) in volume occurs. As a rEsult, it cnn take the ',lith
magnesium carbonate, it occurs as dolomite. Its
shape and impression of the mould in which it is main uses are :
(i) It is used as a building material in form of
Uses. (i) Plaster ofParis is used for producing marble.
moulds for pottery and ceramics and casts of
(r'i) lt is used in the manufacture of quicklime.
statues and busts.
(ii) It is used for makng statues, models and
(iii) It is also used in the man facture ofquick
lime .
other decorative materials.
(iii) It is used in surgical bandages used for (iv) It h used as a r*w amterial for the
plastering brokea or ftactured bones of the body manufacture of sodium carbonate is Solvay-am-
monia process,
and for preparing black board chalks.

'Non-e\,? luativc.

(v) Commercial limestone contai-qs iron amounts of magnesia (MgO) and iron oxide
oxide, alrmina, magnesi4 silica and sulphur, with a (FerOr) are also required for imparting suitable
CaO content of 22-56Vo. and MgO content upto colour to csment.
217o. It is used as such as a fertilizer. 12233. Manufactur€ of C€ment
Portland cement is chiefly manufactured by
the following two processes :
(i) Wet Process (ii) Dry Process.
The wet process is preferred wheo the raw
materialsi.e. lime stonc and clay arc soft, climate is
humid and the fuel is cheap. The dry process is
preferred when the raw materials are hard.
The main raw mate rials are lime slone andclqt
building stone in England those days. He, whereas the former supplies lime while the latter is
therefore, named it as portland cement. a source of silica, alumina and iron oxide. The raw
materials are hrst crushed separately in a suitable
machine. They are then mixed in the required
proportions (3 parts lime stone + one part cla,
and ground togcther finely. This grinding is done
either by the dry process or by the wet Process -
The chief components of cement are trical- In the wet process, the clay is washed with
cium silicate, 3CaO.SiO2, dicalcium silicate, water in a wash mill to removo flint and other
2CaO.SiO, and tricalcium aluminate 3CaO. R
foreign substaaces-
ALO3. Out of all these, tricalcium silicate is the quantity of limesto

mi.ll. The resulting

homogenised to get 'raw slurr/ containing about

4OVo watq.

Inthe dry process, theraw materials are dried


1j!23.1. ComPosltlon of Portland Cement

and mixed h desired proportiors. The mixture is

The average composition of portland cement then finelypowdered and passed through3fi) mesh

is sieves and hornogenised with the help of com-

Line (CaO) 50 - 6n% pressed air. The homogcneous mass is called 'raw
Magnesium oxide (MgO) 2 -3% meal'.
Silica (SiOr) 2l - 25Vo The slurry or the raw meal is introduced into
the upper end of a rotary kiln (Fig. 12.7) by means
Ferric oxide (FerOr) L-2% of screw conveyer. The kiln consists of al inclined
filrrrnina (AtOr) 5-10% steel rotating cylinder, 150-200 ft long and about
10 ft in diametor lined inside with firebricks. The
Sulphur trioxide (SOr) 1-2% charge trarcls downwards slowly due to tbe
For a good quality c€ment, the ratio of rotatorymotiong given to the kiln and is heatcd by
alumina (A1.Or) to silica (SiOr) should lie between burning coal dust which is blown in from the lower
* end. The charge takes about 2- 3 hours to cover
2.5 and 4 while that of lime (CaO) to silica
the entire journey in the kiln.In thekiln, the follow-
alumina + ferric oxide should be as close to 2 as
ing changes occur :
(i) In the upper patt of rie tirn, the temPerature
2r3a..Rrfr Materlels
is around 1000- l1fi) K. Here, the charge loses all
The ossentiaf raw materials required for the its water due to evaporation by hot gases.
manufacture of cemetrt are : (i) limestone CaCOt'
(ii) In the middle of,rre kilrr, the temperature
(ii) c/av which orovidesboth silica and alumina and
is around 11m-U!0 K. Here, linestone decom-
iii g'p*^, baSOo.2HrO. Besides these, smalt poses to form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide.






FIGURE 12.7. Manufacture of Portland Cement.

(iii) The lower pan of the kiln, f romwherc usal 4 CaO +AlrO, +FezO: + 4 (}O. AlrOr.FerO,
dust is blo*n in is the hottest with the temperature Tckacalcium aluminofcrdlc
ranging betwecn l7'7O -1870 K. As the chargc Due to very high temperature in this zone,
reachcs here, chemical combination takes placc
bctween lime, alumina and silica to form calcium R
about 20 - 3070 mirss melts and combines with solid
mass to form grey coloured balls (ranging in size
silicates and aluminates : from a pea to that of an egg) called cement clinkers.

2CaO + SiO, 2CaO.SiO, The hot clinkers are coolcd by cold air and are

Dicalcium silicate mixed with 7-3Vo gypstm (to slow down the
3 CaO * SiO, -

3 CaO.SiO, process ofsetting of cement and thereby imparting


l ricalcium silicate greater strength to it) and finely powdered to 325


3 CaO * AlrO, 3 CaO.AlrO. mesh size in grinding machines. The hne powder

Tricalcium alu inate called the 'Potland cement'is sieved and packed in
2 CaO + AlrO, 2 CaO.AlO,
The flow sheet diagram ofthe entire manufac-
Dicalcium alumtnatc
turing process is given below :

Calcium silicates
Bumt at (2CaO.SiO2, 3CaO.SiO2)
17m - l8m K Addition of
powdered and mixed * Calciuim aluminates Porlland ccnlent
in a Iot tory Liln (3CaO.AlrOr, 2CaO.Al2O3) gPsum
(Cement Clinker)

1223.4. Settlng of Cemcnt sional net work structure involving

-Si - O-Si-
The important constituents present in and -Si- O-Al- chains.
Portland crment ar€ dicalcium silicate (Ca2SiO.), Out of the various constituents of cement, the
2.6Vo, triczlcitdm stlicate (CarSiO5), 517o and trical- most important is tricalcium silicate. It.sets quicLly
cium aluminate (C arAl,rO r), ll%o. and develops considerable strength within a few
days. Dicalcium silicate sets slowly and devolops
When water is adde dto cemen,a, arlexothermic appreciable strength after a month or so. Thical-
reactior. occvs. During this process, thc c€ment cium aluminate sets instantaneously in prescnce of
reacts with water to form a gelatinous mass which water. The intcrnal strength acquired by cement is
slowly sets into a hard mass having three-dimen- primarily due to the setting oftricalcium aluminate.
Neu) Course Chent is trY

Tetracalcium aluminoferrite also sets rapidly but 1223.6. Cement industrY in India
not as quickly as tricalcium aluminate. India is one of the major cement producing
12.23.5. C€ment Substitutes countries in the world. At present more than 60
units, both in prirate as well as public sectors, are
engaged in the manufacture of cement. Their com-
bined annual production of cement is about 21
million tons. Of these, Associated Cement Com-
which is a waste Product from steel industry and
mainly consists of calcium silicate (CaSio3). This
can be added to cement to reduce its cost without
affecting the quality. In many countries, rice husk
with hith siliia content has been used to make In Haryana, there are two cement factories,
Dadi .
one at Surajpur and the othet at Charkhi

Q. l.sodlumflrcinthelsboratoryshouldDotbeextlnguishedbyPortritrgreater'Why?
Ars. sodium reacts violentty with vatcr Producing H2 8as which also calches fire. As a result, the fire sPreads
itran Uelng extinguishid. Thereforl, HrO shou-ld not be used for cxtinguishing sodium fire. IDstead Pyrene
(CCL) should b€ used.
Q. 2. why doe-s tsble salt get wet in raitry ses.son ?

AIls. p'.rre Nacl is not hygroscopic R

but rable salt is impure NaCl clDtaining impurities of N%soa ' casoa, M8cl2
aDd Caclz. All of these b€iog hygrqscoPic absorb moisture from air in rainy
season' As a re'sult' table sall gets

3. Alkolt Eetals
are paramagnetlc but their salts sre diaEastretic' EJrplsiD'

during salt formation'
ADS Alkali metals coDtain onc upaired electron (,u1) aod hence are ParamagDetis' However,

th; forming i$ anion. As a r€sult, salt has paired


ifiii ,"p"irio is transferred to [o;-metallic ato61

in the cation as well as in the anion and hence alkali metal salts are diamagnetic in nature.

;lecEo;s both"rcctron

Q.4. r,vhich out ol6odium or Potasslum hss blSher Delting potDt ?

weZkens. In other words
ars. on going from Na to K the size of the atom inqeases and hence the meEllic bondi[8
sodi-um f,as higrer melting point than Potassium because ofstronger metallic bonding'
Q 5' Why ceslum can be used h photoclectric cell while lithium canuot be ?
lithium has the highest ioDization cnthalPy. Hcnce Cs can lGc electrons very casily
AN. cesium has the lowest while
while lithium caonot.
Q 6' Why alkali mctals lmPart colour to the llame ?
the flamc and are
A|!s. Alkali metrls have lotr ionization cnthatPics Their valencc elcdfons easily atEorb eners/ ftorn

Q 7' Why alkali metals are DorDally kept in k rosenc oil ?

-An6. This is because iD the

8ir they are easily uidized to oxides which may dissoke in the Dloisture ofthe air to form
---tryOro:riaes or they also mmtine directly with water vapours present in moisturc to form
Q 8' Among alkali metals ln aqueous solutlon, Li+ iou has the lowc6t moblltty' why ?
ans. Because of smallest size among alkali meials' Li+

resuli, among alkali metals, mass of hydrated lithiu


iiJr":Hf,:"ffi l:'s,ti:'"
Ans (i) Duo to smaller size, Li+ is more polarising than Na+ and hcncc LiCl is more covalent than NaCl.

(ii) Due to bigger size, I- is more polarizablc than F- and hence LiI is more covalent thar LiE
(iii) Due to higher charge, Mg2 is more polarising thaD Na+ and hcocc MgCl2 more corr'alent than NaCI.
(rv) Due to pseudo inert gasconfiguratioo, Cu + is more polarising than Na+ and hence CuCl is more covalent
thaD NaCl.
Q. I l. What mokcs lithium to show properties uncorninon to the iest ofthe olkali metals ? (N.C.E.R.T)
Ans. The unusual propertics of lithium as comparcd to other alkali meta.ls is due to (i) the exc€ptionally small size
ofits atom and ion aDd (ii) hi8h polarising pow€r (charge/size ratio).
Q. 12. When ls o catton hlghly polarlslng ? Whlch olksll meaal ho6 the hl8h6t polorlsltrg power ? (N.C.E.R.I)
tut A cation is highty polarising if its chargeAize ratio is very high. Li+ ion has the highest polarising pol er among
the alkali metal ions.
Q. 13. The enthslpy offormation of hypothetlcal Cocl(s) ls theoretically fould to be - l8E kJ ool-r ond A/H'
lor Cocl2(r) ls - 795 LJ mol-1. Colculote ArE forthe disproportlorrtlo[ reactlon.
2 Cacl(s) * Caclr(s) + ca(r) (N.C.E.R.T.)
Ans. A/ H'for the above reaction = A/H'(products) A/H'(reaclanls)
- A./.H'(CaCl2) + d/ H'(Ca) - 2 Ar.H'(CaCD

= -795 +O - 2 x - 188kJmol-l = -419 kJmol-l

Q. 11. why docs the reactiou )C-Cl+Mf + >C-F + MCI procccd bctter wtth NF thsn wlth NaF ?
Ans. The standard e[thalpies of formation of alkali mctal chlorides b€come more and more negative as we move
dot n thc group, ie. a/H'of I(Cl is morc negative (- 42t kJ mot-l) than rhat of NaCl (- 4oo kJ mol-1).

Tberefore, the absve reac on proc€€ds better with KF thaD with NaE
It Rb sld Cs fontr supcroddcs ltr preferenc:r to oxldcs

Q. 15, Why is tt that on b.lDg hrated ltr Gxcrss supply ofair,

nnd peroxides ? (N.C.E.R.T,)

ADs. K+ , Rb+ and Cs+ are large cations and superoxide (o;) is larger than cide (o2-) and perqide (ol-) ion.

SiDcc a larSc 6tion stabllizcs a largc aDion, thereforc, these metals form supercidc! in prcfcrence didcs

and perqide.s.
Q. 16. Vghy soludoEs oldksll mctrls ln llquld amuonlo are coaduciug parauagnctlc ond blue la colour ?
<PS.D. twt s)
Ans. Refer to Scc. 12.5.7 on B.gD 1219.
Q. 17, MsgnesluD metal bums ltr sir to givr I tbltc osh. WheD ahls ash ls trcat€d wtth tystcr, the odour olsmEonlo
can bc dct ct!d. ExplalD
AtE, Mg bums io afu to form MgO and Mg3Nz.
2ME+Oz +2M8O ; 3Mg+N2-Mg3N2
Magnesium nitride on hydrobGis with H2O gives NH3.
Mg3N2 + 6 HrO.+ 3 M8(OH)2 + 2NH3
Q. lE. Why is crlcluE prclerrcd over EodluE to rcDove lost trrces olDolsture ftoD alcohol ?
Ars. Both Na and Ca reast with water to form thcir respeciive hydrcide!. But Na readily reacts with alcohol to
form sodium ethodde but Ca reac6 only very slowly.
zqHjOH + 2Na._ 2qHjONa + H2
Therefore, Ca is prefcrred over Na !o removc the last traces of moisture ftom alcohol.
Q. f9. Whst k thc dlllcrcncc bctrrccu mllk of llDG and llEG nlter ?
Ars. A sulpension of slakcd lime, i r., Ca(OHt in water is called milk of limc bu I I clear decaoted solutioD of slaked
limc itr watcr is called limc water.
Q. 20. A plcce ol burmlDs Erg[.rtuE rlbboD coDtluue to bun lD rulphur dldde &phlr.
12144 Pradeep's
Atr6. A piece of magDcsium ribbon contioues to bum in SO2 since it reacts to form MgO aad S.

2M8+SO2 "ul *
'*rO '
that heat cvotved keeps the magnesium ribbon burninS.
This reacrion is so much exothermic
Q.21. Alkaline earth metals olr/alrs forlr dlvalcDt catlotrs eve[ though their secoEd ionlzstloE GntbolPi6 rre
olmost dooblc thrtr their llrst lonlzotlon crthrlpi.€. Exploir.
Ars. The highcr enthatpy of lattice formation by M2+ ions more tban comPcDsat€s the tlighq second loniztion
enthalpies of metals.
orgsrlc solvcnta vtlle thosG of Bo do not. Why l]3 lt .o ?
Q. 22. Eelides oI Bc dlssolYc lt!
Atrs Halides of Be are co\raleot because of high IE of Be while those of Ba are ionic due to low IE of Ba.
Q. 23. E $laln vhy handcs ofberyllluo fuEc lr! molst alr but other al]aliDe eorth |Deiol hslld.s do nol
(PS.B. 19e2t

Ans. Beclz being a salt of a w€€k baac, Bo(OHh aod a strong acid, HCI uodcrgoe6 hydrobsis by watcr to form HCI
wbich fumes in air. BaCl2, oD the other hand, being a salt ofa strorg base, Ba(OHh and stroDg acid, HO do€s
Dot undcr8o hydrol,'sis by water to form HCI aod hence does [lot fume in air'
BeCl2 + 2H2O Be(OH)z + 2 HCI ; BaCl2 + H2O *t Ba(OHh + 2HCl
24. Itrhy Be and Mg do not glve charact ristic colour to the ltame vhcreoa otbcr alkDllnc earth metal6 do 8lYG.
(IIIS.B. 1993)
Ans. Be and Mg hsve high ionization enthalpi€s and henc€ their \.alence electmns are not easiv excitcd.
Q. 25. Why superoxldes ot stksli Detsts sre poromagnetic while nornrsl oxldes art diamagnctlc ?
Ar& Superoxides contain thc ion 02- which has tbe strucEre (: O : O :)- co[taining a thrcc eleclron bond, ia,

it has one u[paired elec-tron and hence is paramagnctic. Normal mid€s containing the ion 02- do not have

any uDpair€d dectmN aDd hcncc are diamagnetic.


,,rv,gi1?Il,Anp,wgr, Q"u.e,s,,*,lgnz aaREVrlI. r MAB*


lNsme thc alksu trrct&ls which form 6upGloxidcs ldben heated ln exc6s of air ? (NC.E.R.T)
ADs. K, Rb and Cs.
Q. 2. Nsmc the Ectal rvhich lloats on xrtlr without ary aPPoraDt rexctlon
vlth iL
Ans. Li.
Q. 3. Nsme the chlel lsctor EspoDEible fo! the anomalous behariour of lithluh' (N.C.D.R. r)
Ans. Small size, high elecrooegatMty and high ioDization enthalPy.
Q. 4. Name the €leEcnt which ls Invarlably biYslent ord wh6e odde is soluble lE ercr6s ol Nf,OH rrtd lts
dipositivc ion bas noble 8ss core. (N.C.E.R.T.)

An6. Be ; BeO dissolves io alkali to form beryllates.

Q. 5. Mention tbe msln corstituctrts ol Foilsnd cement ?
Ans. Dicalcium silicatc, tricalcium silicatc and tricalcium aluminate.
Q. 5. Dr$d the structure ol (, Becl, (vapout) (i0 Beclt (s). (N.C.E.RT)
A-os. Refer to the text.
Q. 7. What happ€ns when Ko2 rcacts with water ? write the balance chemical cquation for th€ reactloD
l ,!.4. /t.1i 7:)

Ans. 2KO2 + 2H2O+ 2 KOH + H2O2+ o'2.

Q. t. PFdlct glvlDS rrslon the outcomc oltiG rEsdon,

LII + KF- (N.C.E.RT,)
Atrs LiI + IC: + LiF + KI ; lar8er cation smbilizcs larger anio.

Q. 9. Name ore reagent or one opemtion to distinguish between

(i) BeSO. and BaSO.t (fi) Be(OH)2 and Ba(OH)2 t \( t.. k t:
Ans. (i) B9SO4 is soluble in H2O while BaSOa is ror (ir) Be(OH)2 dissolves in alkali but Ba(OH)z does not.

Q, 10. Why does bcrylllum shory similarities with aluminiurn ? I \' a / /i 1l

Ans. Due to same electronegativity (l .5) and very sinrilar polarizing power (Bez +=0 064 and Al3 + = 0.060) of
their ions.
Q. 11. Arrsngc the followiDg ilr order ofthc incressi[g covaletrt chsracter : MCl, MBr, Mn, MI (wherc M = alkAli
metsl). I \i( /.' /i 1i,
Ans. As the size ol tbe aDion increa-ses, coralent character increases aod beoce the order is MF < M CI < MBr < ML
Q, 12, What is the geneml llAme for elements ofgroup I ?
Ans. A.lkali metals.
Q. 13. Which olksli metal i6 radioactive ? Give its trtomic rumber also. iI\l,:ttil
Ans. Fr, Z = 87.
Q. 14. Name the alkali rnetalwhich shows diagonol rclationship with magnesium.
Ans. Li.
Q. 15. Which alkali metal acts as the strorgest reducinp agent irt aqueous solution ?
Ans. Li.
Q. 16. Name the alkaline earth hetal which forms covalent compounds.
Ans. Be-
Q. 17. Which alkaline earth metal is radioactive ?
Ans. Ra-
Q. 1E. Narne the alkalire earth Eetsl hydroxide which is amphoteric.

Ahs. Be(OHt.

Q. 19. Why the eleEents ofsecold rorr (lirst short period) show s number ofdilferences in properties from othcr

members of their respcctive famili€s.


Ans. The difference in tbe properties of the first Drember of a group from thGe of the other meDbers is due [o

(i) smaller size of the atom (ii) presence ofoDe inner shellof only two electrons and (ii) absence ofd-orbitals.

Q. 20. Whflt is diagoEsl r€lotionship duc to ?

Ans. Similar size ofatoms or ions, similar electroDegativity or similar polarising power.
Q. 2!. Why alk liDe earth metals have a greater tendency to form coDplex€s thatr the alkali metals.
Ans. Due to higher ouclear charge.
Q. 22. Alkali and alkaline earth metals cannot be obtained by chemical reduction method. Explain.
Ahs. Since they are themsekes stroDger reducing ageDts thaD Dajority of the mmmoo reducing agents.
Q. 23. Why does table salt get wet in raiDy serson ?
Ans. Titbld salt contains impurities of CaCl2 and Mgclz which beiog deliquesc&Di compounds absorb moisture from
the air in rainy season.
Q, 24. Why is sodirm metal kept under keroseue oil ?
Ans. Na nretal is highly reacri!,E aDd combines with moisture, 02 and COz of the air forming NaOH, NazO and
Na2COJ etc. Therefore, to protect Na from moisture and air, it is kept under keroseDe oil.

Q. 25. What are the raw mnterials used fo. the manulocture ofwashi[g soda by Solvay pnocess ?
Ans, NaCl, CaCO3 and NH!.
Q. 26. Why is calcium preferred ovcr
sodiuE to remove last traces ofmoisture from alcohol ?
Ans' Both Na and Ca react with water forming their respective hydroxides. In contrast, Na reacts with alcohot ro
form sodium alkodde but Ca does not-
Q. 27. Boncs contain calcium ions. What do you think would be the anion associated with them ?
Ans. PO;- ioD.
12146 Pradcap's
Q,2t, Give one irnportont orc ofeach o[sodiuh ond pottrssiurn.
ADs. Na : NaCl and K: KCl.
Q.29. Give two ores ofmngnesium.
Ars. ClrDallite (Kcl.Mgct2-6H2O) and magnesium chloride (Mgclr.
Q. 30. Thc second ionizfftion enthalpy of calclrm is more than that of the lirst ond yet calcium forms CaCl, nnd
Ilot CaCl, Why? (NC,E,RT)
Ars. The higher cDth6lpy oflattice formation ry Ca2+ ioDs mL,e than comp€nsates the higher ionization enthalpy
of calcium.
lorEula of dolomitc rrd csrnrllltc.
Q. 31. Glve the chemlcsl
Ars. CaCO3.MgCO3 and KC1.MgC|2.6H2O.
Q, 32"lvhst ls the forEula ol SlPsum ? Whst hsppetrs wher it ls hesterl ?
Ars. CaSO..2HrO. Wben heated to 393 K it gives Plaster of Paris (CaSOa.12H2O) but at 473 K it gives dead
burnr plaster (CgSO4).

Q. 33. What ls qulck llme ? what happeDs whar we sdd wstcr to lt ?

Ars. CsO, slakcd limc, Ca(OH)2 is formed.

Q. 34. Whst ls the forltruh ol Plsster of PorlE ?

Ans CaSO..jHrO.
Q, 35.What ts desd burBt plsster ?
Ans. Anhydrous CaSO4 which has Do tendcncy to absorb HzO R
is called dead bumt plsster.

Q. 36, What 16 Epsom sslt ? Vyhat ls thG scdotr olheot otr it ?

4?3K 573K

Ars. MgSO..7 HzO; MgSOa.T H2O MgSO.. HrO - MgSO.- MgO+SO3.

-6H2O -tLO

Q. 37. Vvty ls lt ueccssarf to rdd gpcuur ltr the llnal 6ta8e ol prepsratlon ol ceElcDt ?

Ars. Gypcum is added to slo$, dowlr the process of setting of ccme[t and thus impartitrg gr€3ter strcngth to it.

Q.3t, Wbut ls ,ly osh ?

Ans, It is a waste product from steel industry and has properties similar to that of c€ment. It mainly consists of
calcium silicatc.
Q. 39. Whyc{lnot sodftlln rnd potssslum bc prparEd by the elc.Eol}5ls ol thclr squcous EolualoDs ?
Ans. The electrode potential i.c. rcduction potential of Na (- 2 .71 v) or K (- 2.92) is much lower than that of
H2O (- 0.83 V), iherefore, upon eleclrolysis, water gets reduced in prcferenca oo Na+ or K+ ions. In other
words, sodium and potassium cannot bc obtained by electrolytic rcduction of Na+ or K+ ions in aqueous
Q. ,(). Amongst olksu Eetsls, why ls ltthlum r€grrded as tnct spt rcduciEg sSent ln aqueous solutlons ?
An6. Amongst alkali metals, Li+ has the smallest size and hencr has the highest hdration enerry. In other words,
it has the lo!rcst electKde potential (Eo = V), ie-, it has the maximum tendency to lose electrons and
hen(p is lhc t'2ntest (mcf,t aPt) ruducing agent amongst alkali metals.
Q, 41. Strte sny orc resson tor alkallnc earti lltetals having a grEcter tcndency to forD mmplcxct thon elkali
Eetols. (D.5.8.2001)
An& Because ofsmaller size and higher charge on alkaline earth metal cations as compareq to the corresPotrding
alkali metal cations, alkaline earth metal cations have a Sreater tendency to fonn comphxes.

Scc. 12.1. 1. What are ,r-block elements ?

2. Comment on the statemeDl, "The first element of a grouP shoPs anomalous behaviour with resP€ct
to the rest of the members of the grouP."
3, What is meant by diaSonal relationshiP io thc Periodic table ? What is it due to ?
(N.C.E.R T)

4, What is thc cause ofdiaSooal siDrilality ?

sec. 12.2. 5. Why are the elements of SrouP 1 called the alkali metals ?
to 12.t.
6. Name the alkali metab in order of infieasinS atomic masses and wrlte their elecronic confiSurations.
The altsli mctals follow the noblc gas€s in their atomlc structure. what Properties of these metals
can bc predicted from this iDformation ? (MJI f)
& Account for thc follo$,ing :

(0 Alkali mctals show only +1 didation slate.

(ir) Thc hydrqides of alkali metals are strong bases. (P.S.B. 2000\

(iii) Na and K impart colour to the flame but Mg does [ot.

(iv) Li is the be$ reducing agent in aqueous solution. (
9. Discuss the diagonal relationshiP of lithium with magnesium.
t0. List threc properties of lithium in which it diffcrs ftom rest of the alkali metals.

11. Discuss thc anomalou3 behaviour of lithiu m in its 8rouP. compare the Prop€rties of lithiu m with those
of maSnesiurD- (H.S.B. 2004 C)

12. Alkali mctals have lo 'ionizaiio[ energies. Why is it so ? (a.I.S.B.I9e3)


13. Account for the following


(r) There is a striking similarity betc/€€n Li and M8. u.I.s.B. 1994)


(i) Alkalimetals are difficult to rcduce. (H.PS.B. 1994)

14. wlry alkEli metah and their salts 8ii€ charactetistic mlour to the flame ?
(H.S.B. 2001\

15. when ao alkali metal dissotves in liquid aormooia, the solution acquires different colours. Explain the
reasoN for this tyPe ofcolour change. (N.C.E.R.T)
16. What happen. whcn
(i) sodium metal is dropped in water ?

(ii) sodium metal is heatcd in a free suPPly of air ?

(tii) sodium perodde dissolves in waler (N.C.E.R.T\

t1, Explain what happens when
(i) sodium hydrogen carbonate is heated
(i0 sodium amalgam reacts with water
(iii) fused sodium metal reacts with ammonia. (N.C.E.R.T)
Write balanced equatioN for reactions betwcen
(a) NEO2 and water
(D) Ko2 ard waier
(c) Na2O ard CO2. (N.c.E.R.T)
Comment on each ofthc follol,ing observations:
(a) The mobilities of alkali metal ioDs in aqueous solutioD at€ : Li+ . Na* . K+ . Rb+ < G+
(r) I-ithium is rhe only alkali metat ro fo.m a nitride directly
(c) LiF is leasi soluble among the fluorides ofalkali metals
(d) LiF is nrore soluble thao KF in ethanot.
(?) Ljl is rDore soluble than KI in ethanol. (N.C.E.R.T)
20. State as to why
(a) lithium on beiog he€red iD air llainly forms rhe monoxide and Dot the peroxide
(r) sodium is stored
in kercene oil.
scc. I2.9. 21. List somc importan! mioerals of lithium and sodium.
lr) l2 ll
EDumerate the main diffic'uhies encounBred io the extrac{ion ofalkali metals by usual methods.
23, Sodium metal cannot be obtained by the electrolysis ofaqucous sodium chloride solution. Why ?
u. Dcscrib€ the Gxtracfion of sodium by DoPn's proces. What precautioDs are takeo for collecting
sodium ?
25. Enlist some important us€s ofsodium and potasrium metals.
26. VJhitc equations for thc re€ctions involved in making sodium bicarbooate from sodium chloride.
27. Discrss briefly the funclion of ammonia in sotvay- ammonia process for manufacture of sodium
24. Staning with sodium chloride hol will you proceed to prepare (state thc steF onty)
(i) sodium Detal
(ii) sodium hydroxide
(ir'i) sodium peroxide

(iv) sodium carbonate- (N.C.E.R.T)


29. State as to why


(4) A solution of Na2CO3 is alkaline


(6) Alkali meials are prepared by clectrollsis of rheir fused chlorides


(c) Sodium is fouod more useful than porassium.


Give reasons for the follorYing :

(i) Sodium carbonate is prepared iDdirectly through sodium bicarbonatc in Sokay-ammonia process.
(ii) Potassium carbonate cannot be prepared b,, Solvay- ammonia process. (N.C.E.R.T)
What happ€ns when :
(t) Carbon diodde is passed through ammoniacal briDe solution.
( ) Carbon dioxide is passed rhrough aD aqueous solution of sodiun carbonate.
(iii) Sodium hydrogen carboDate is hcated
sec ll t2. 32. Why are elemeots ofgroup 2 kno\Mn as alkaline earth metals ?
to 12.22.
33. Name the alkaline earth metals and give rheir electronic coofigurations.
34. Why are alkaliDe earth metals good reducing agents ?

35. Alkaline eartb metals form ionic salts having bivalent c€tioDs. Justify the statemenr by giving reasons
iD favour of),our answer. (lLS.B. Sanple Paper 1991)
36. In what respects does BeC'12 differ ftom the halides ofother group 2 elemeots ?
31. What is diagonal relationship ? Discuss the diagonal relationship between Be and AI. cive the points
of resemblanc€ between Be and Al. tt. & K. 1997; H.S.B. 20041
3t. Explaio the trend ofsolubility ofcarbonates, sulphates and hydroxides ofalkaline earth metals down
tbe group. (PS.B. 1992\
39, The second ionization energy ofan alkaline earth metal is higher thao its first ioDization eners'. Why
isitso? (A.I.S.B. 199i)

40. Why do alkalinc earth metals not (rccur in the ftee state ? Name some important minerals of
41. Holr does magDesium occur in nature ? Hor is lhe magnesium metal obtaincd by the electrol,6is
method ?
42, Why alkaline earth metals cannol. be obtained by reduction oftheir dides with carbon ?
43. Give reasons for thc following ?

(0 Alkaline earth mctals do not occrr free in nature.

(ir) Magnesium doe6 not impart colour to the flame whilc calcium does.
(iri) Alkalioe earth metals always form dirralent catioDs cveD though the second ionization etrergies of
thesc metals are almct doublc their first ionization energiet
(iv) A piece of buming magnesium ribbon contiouc-s to burD in SO2.
(v) Be and Mg do not impart mlour ro the flame. (H.S.B.200tt)
44. The hydrdides and carbonates of sodium and potassium are essity soluble in water while the
corresponding salB of rnagnesium aod c€lcium are sparingly soluble irl E?ter. Frplain.
45. Give three important uses of eacb ofcalcium and magnesium.
46. What happens when
(i) nagnesium is bumt in air
(fi) quicklime is heated with silica
(rii) chlorine reacls with slaked lime
(iD calcium nilrate is heated. (N.C.E.R.T)
47. Commercialaluminium alt*a)6 contains somemagnesium. Name two such allojls ofalumilium. What
properties are imparted by tbe additioD of magnesium to these allq6 ?
(N.C.E.R X)

Beryllium qhibits some similarities with aluminium. Poi[t out tbree such propertics.

Like lithium in Group l,
beryllium shows aDomalous behaviour in Group 2. Yy'rite three such

properties of bcryllium which make il anomalous io the group. (N.C.E.R.T)


Complete the following equations for the reaction betwecD


(i) C€ + Hzo
0i) BeOH + NaOII
('lr) C€(oHh + Cl2
(iv) BaO2 + H2SOa. (N.C.E.R.T.)
Cootrast the action ofheat on the following and explaio your aDswer:
(i) Na2CO3 and CaCo3

0i) MgCl2.6H2O and CaCl2-6H2O

(ni) Ca(NO3)2 and NaNOj (NC.E.RT)
s2. Ho$, will you explain ?

(i) BeO is iosoluble but BeSOI is soluble in water

(x) BaO is soluble but BaSO4 E iDsoluble in warer

(iri) E for M2+ (oq) +2 e- (where M = Ca, SrorBa) is nearly constant.

(iy) NaHCO3 is knotm in solid state bur Ca(HCO3h is oot isolated in solid state.
53. Give one method of preparing quick lime. What happcDs when raiD water falls oo it ?
54. What is Epsom sali ? How is ir prepared ? EDIist its important uses.
55. How is Plaster of Paris prepared ? Describe its chief property due to },hich it is widely used.
12150 Pradeep's
56. Differentiatebetween
(d) quick linre
(b) lime water
(c) slaked liole. (N.C.E.R.X)
57. Describe two imPortant uses of each of the following :

(i) quicklime
(i,) gypsum
(iii) calcium carbide
(iv) magnesium sulphate.
5E. Describe the importance of the following :

(i) limestone
(ii) cemeDt
(iii) Plaster of (N.C.ER-TI
ste I.2.52.59. Listthe raw materials required for the manufacture ofPortland c€mcnt ? Whatisthe role of$PsuDl
in it (N'C'E'R'T"'
60. Whar is the effecr of hear on the followiDg compounds ? (Write equatioDs for the reactions).
(i) Calciunr carbonate
(ii) Magnesium chloride hexahydrate ?

(,,t) G}?sum
(iv) Magnesium sulphate heptahydrate.


Sec. 12,1. 1. Discuss the position of lithium in the Periodic table. How does it differ from other members of the

to 12.20. famity ? Ib what other elemelts iD the Periodic table does it resemble t Justiry your answer with
oramples. @.1.5.8. 1990 C)


2, Give general characteristics of alkali metals. Discuss thc anomalous bebaviour of lithium. Mention

similaiitics sho n bylithium towards magncsium ? (A-I.S.B. 1992')


3. List some imponanc€ ores of lithium. Discuss the various difficulties encountered in the extraction
ofalkali metals. Describe briefly the extraction of lithium ftom a silicate ore.
4. How is sodium obtained ry the Down's process ? Write equations for the reactiom involved. Why
sodium cannot be obtained L'y electrolysis of aD aqueous soluiion of sodium chloride ?
Describe iD detail manufacture of sodium carbomte by the solvay process. State the PriDciPles
iovolved in rhis proc€ss . (N.C.E.R.T'
Why is it thatJ-block elements Dever occur free io nature I What are thgir usual modcs of occu rreDc€
andhow are they generally prePared ? (N.C.E-R.I)
1 write three general characteristics of the elements ofJ.block of the Periodic table which disrinSuish
them ftom the elemcnis of the other blocks. <N.C.E.R.T)
Crmpare the solubility and thermal stability of the following mmPounds of the alkali metals with
those of the alkaline earth metals.
(4) nitrates (c) carbonates (c) sulPhates (N.C.E.R.T\
9. MeDtion the geDeral treDds in Group 1 and Group 2 with increasing atomic number with respect to
(i) deNity (ri) melting point (i.i) atomic size (iv) ionization erthalPy. (N.C.E.R.")
How do the following proPeriies change on moving froD Group I to Group 2 in the Periodic table ?
(i) Atomic size
(ii) Ionization eothalPy
(iii) Density
(iv) Meldng points. (N.C.E.R.T)

11' ComParc and contrafi the cicmistry of Group 1 mctals with thcc of Group 2 mctab Mth respcct to
(r) natur€ ofcddcr
(ir) lolubility and thcrmal stability of carbonatB
(sr) polarizing pof,.cr of cations
(rv) reactiviry 8nd r€dudtrg pcnEr. (N,C,E-R"T)
12, Tbc chcmfutry of bcrylliuE ir mt esseoually ionic. Justlry tbc lurtcEcnt brr meki[g a rcfsrsBcc to the
nsturc of cidc, d oride, fluodde of bcryllium. W,CA.R.D .
13. Give any.thrce Point! ofsimilarity between beryllium and sluminium and mo points ofdbslmilarity. '

bett*E€n b€ryllium ard bariuD"

. f4 DE*cribc threc iDdwtrial uscs of caultic soda. D6cdbc orc Ecthod of manufteurc of rodluE
trydrcdde. Whst happeDs $tcn sodium ,rjdr(ddc rescls wilh (r) atuminium mctd (n) COz
(tOsio2? w.c-B-rcn)
Sec. 12.21 13 Name chl€f forms ofoccurrcnce of m8gneslum h nature. Howb magDcrium e of
ractcd irom one
to t2 .23 . ?
its ores -
16 Dcscribc thc manuhctur€ of podand cemctrt., Wbat b itr spprGiDstc cGlpoaltim ?


Sodium Peroxide
Manufacture. It is manufacturcd by heating sodium metal oD aluminium trals in CO2 free air'
2 Na + 02 (air) -.... Naroz
peroxide is due to
Properties. (i) Pure NEO2 is colourless. The faiDt yello\r'colour of the ordinary sodium
the presence of a small amount of sodium suPeroxide (Nao2) as an imPurity' The
ycllow colour' however'
disappears when it comes in contact with moist air due to the formation of NaOH and NqCO3 Thus'

4NaO2 + 2Co2
zNa2oz + zHzo .- 4 NaOH + 02

CO, -.- NarC6, .' 11rg


2 NaoH +

(r'i) Sodiun] perodde is a po$'crtul oxidising agent' It oxidises


iii chromium (III) hydroxide to chromale ion


Ol- +2HrO+2e--4OH- lx3

Cr(OH)3+5OH-- Crof,- +4H2O+3e- lx2

2 C(oH)3 +2ol- 297of,- +2oH- + 2H2o

(ii) Manganese atlphale to sodium manganole
Mnsoa + 2 Na2o2 .. NazMnor + NazSol
(iii) Sulphidet to ;ulPhates

S2-+3Ol- +2H2O _ Sol- +aOH-

CO2 to form sodium carbonate and oxygen.
2N\O2 + 2COz -- 2 NazCO: + Oz

(Ii) Because of its oxidising ProPerty, it is used as a bleachinS ageDt'

and many che-licals such as benzoyl peroxide' sodiuD
il;;; NarO, is wiOety used in the manufacture of dyes
perborate ctc.
2. Sodium hydroxlde, Caustic soda, NaOH
two types of cells are used.



(.,) The mercury csthode cell-(Castner-Kell[er cell), It consists of a large rectaDgular iron tank iD which
mercury flors at the bottom of the c€ll and is made the cathode. The brine solution flo\+s in the same direction.
The anode consists of a number ofgraphite blocks. When electricity is passed. electrolysis of briDe occurs. Since
bydrogen has a hi8h over voltage at mercury cathode, sodium is prelerentially discharged at the cathode which
forms amalgam with mercury.
The sodium amalgam flows out and is reacled with watcr ro give NaOH.
2Na.Hg + 2H2O 2NaOH + 2Hg + H2
Hydrogen and chlorine are the two bye-products
of this process.
(D) Dinphragm cell-Nelson Cell. In this cett, NaOH aDd Cl2 are kept separate by the use ofa diaphragm. It
consists of a U-shaPed perforatcd steel c€thode lined on the inside with asbestG diaphragm and is suspeoded in
a rectangular iron ta[k. The anode coDsists ofa Sraphite rGl and issuspeDded in thesolution. On passing electricity,
electrol,,sis begiDs ; Cl2 is lib€ratcd at the graphiie anode and NaOH is formed at the outside edges ofthe cathode.
(c) UsingNaflon M€mbrane Cell. The naturalbril)e is now clectrollsed io a membrane cellinwhich cathode
and aDode are seParated by NAFION membrane. Nafion is a copotymer of tetralluoroethyleoe altd perfluoro-
sulphonylethory ether. Tbe copotlmer is supporred on a tefloD mesh. plastic membraDes (at NafioD) are
increasingly being used in diaphragm crlls thcsc da)6 because of rheir lower resistance than asbestos.
Properties. (i) Sodium hydrqide is a deliquescent solid and absorbs moisture and csrbon dicide forming
a hldrated solid carbonate.
2NaOH+CO2+9HzO ..- NazCOr.t0 HzO

(ii) ILs aqueous solution contains a high concentratioD of oH- ions and thus precipiEtes insoluble metal
hydroxrdes ftom their aqueous solutioos contaiDing these catioos :

fg3+ llet{- .... Fc(oH)l I


Fcrric hydroxidc

(Ikddi:h btotqt ppl)


Cl+ + 3oH- ...* c(oH)3 I



The hydroxides ofAl, Zn, Pb and SD being ampboteric dissolve in excess of NaOH giviDg cl€ar solutions.
Za(oHh + 2oH- [Zn(oHL]2-
- Zncatc ion
or Zn + zOH- + 2H7O [Z1(OH)4]2- + H2
AI(OH)3 +3oH- ..- [AI(OH)6]3-
Aluminatc ion
or 2Al +6OH- +6H2O 2 [Aj(OH)6P- +3Hz
These metals also dissoke in NaOH liberatiog H2 gas.
U:o NaOH is widely used ir (a) soap, paper, textitc afld petroleum industry (b) thc preparatioo of pure
fats and oils and artificialsilk.

' Hotd ls snhydrous mognrsluttr chlorldc pre' Q. 3, It ls necessry to add S4lsum ln the llnal Etsgc6
psred ftlm ms8tresium chloride hQxshydrote ? ofpreParotlon ofcemenl B(ptstn why ?
Ans. Cypsum (CaSO12[I2O) is added in thc Enalstages
Ans Adlrdrous MgCl2 caDrot be PrePared by simPly
oi preparation ofcement since when Hzo is added
he€ting MgCl2 . 6 H2O bccausc it gets
to cement it slo\ s do\r,n tbe PrGess of setting of
hvdrotvsed bv irs otrn u,ater of cr)Etallization' cemeot so that it Sets sufficie[tly hardened thcreby
rrigCh. o ILO- MgO + 2 HCI + 5 HzO
imparting Sreater stength to it.
mchlorid€ is hcatcd Q. I . Whqt is fly 8sh ?
650 K it clt€d!8 the Ans. It is a waste Product from iron industry and has
the tDdrated ma8' proPerties similar to that of cement. It mainty
r ofcrystallizatbn to consists calcium silicate (casio3).
form anh)dr$s magnesium chlffi'e Give brtefly the lsolatlon of mogneslum ffom
Hcl -'
MgCh+6H2O seo wster lry the Dow Proces& Give cquotions for
- lneolved. (I.I.T 1993)
630 K the steps
(). 2. Account for thc followltr8 : AJls. See pages 1230.
(i) Be(OE)2 ls lnsotuble but Ba(oH)2 ls fairly Q 6. MgrN, *h"o reacted with wster gives ofl NH3
soluble ln w.ter. butHCl ls trot obtrlned ftom M8Cl2 oD rcactlon
(ii) Be(OH)2 is smPhoterlc whlle Mg(OH)2 ts
ivith woter at rooE temP.rature. (l'I'T' 199t
hasic. R
Ans. Mg3N2 is a salt of a strong base, M8(OH)2 and a
weak acid (NH3) aod heDce gets hydrolyscd to

give NH3 . In contrast, M8CI2 is a salt of a stroog


base,Mg(OH)2and a strongacid, HCland hence


than that of M8, the M-OH bo[d can break lcss does noi undergo hydroDsis to give HCI'

easily iD Be{OH)2 than in M8(OHL. In other Q 7 The cq'stalline salts of all@line e,rth mctsls cotr'

wot&, Be (o Hh ocls ot a weak boY even weaker taln more rflater of crystalllsstion than the cor'

respording alkEll Eetal sslts. Why ? (I'I'T 1997)

thott Mg<oHtz.
Ans. Due to smaller size aod hiSher nuc,ear charge,
Fbrther be@use of smaller size and higher alkaline earth memls have a higher tende[cy tha[
electronegativity than that of M8, Be(OHt can alkali metals to attracl H2O molecules and thus
acccPt OH- ions from alkalies to form beryllate contrain more water of cr)Gtallization than alkali
ion but M8(OHh do€s rot. metals. For eEmPle, UO.2H2O aod MgCh 6H2O'
Q.li, Chlorinatlon of calclum hydroxlde proiluces
BC(OH)2 + 2oH-.. Be(oH)l- bleachitrg Powder. Vltite lts chelrlcal equatiou'
Beotr- + 2H2o (I.I.T, 1998)
Bcty'latc ion Ans, Bleaching PoPder is obtained by Passing Cl2into
Ms(oHt + 2oH- i(' M8(oHf- Ca(OH)2. Though bleaching Powder is ofteD
Thus, Be(oH)z acE ta a $'eak scid bu MitteD as Ca(OCl)2, it is actually a mixture'
Mg(o[)z does nol combining both the focu' we 3C,a1OH)1+2C\-
coacbde tlat Be(oth it @nPhotetic but ca(ocl)z. ca (oH)z. c,aclz -2H2O
Mg(OH)2 ir Da,tic. BlcachingPosdcr


Q. 1. Calcium burrs in nitrogen to produce a whlte
Dorryder whlch dissolves in sulllclent t?ater to
produce a gns (A) and nn alksline solution' The
Ans. (h burns in air to form CaO and Ca3N2. IdeDtify A5 B, C, D ond E.
2Ca+Or+2CaO (r.r.T t99e)
3 Ca + N, CarN, Ans. (i) CaO + H2O-- Ca(OHh
- hydrolrsis with fI2O gives
Calcium nitride on (A)
ammonia (A)
Ca3N2 + 6HrO* 3 Ca(OH)2 + 2NH3
0i) NH3 + H2O + COz * NH4HCO3
The alkaline soturion of Ca(OH)2 rfrus flrmea
reacts with CO2 present in thC air to form
CaCO3(B). (nr) 2 NaHCO3 NECO3 + CO2 + H2O
Ca(OH)z + CO2- CaCO3 + H2O
- (c)
Thus, A=NH, and B=CaCO: l(white pol der) (rv) NHIHCO3 + NaCt- NaHCO, + NH4CI
Q2 The Hober-process cln be reprccerted by the (D)
followlng scheme.

2NH3+2HzO+ G0z
H^O (E)
Thtts, A = Ca (OH)2,
1A R B = NH iHCO3,

D - NHpt

and E = CaCtz.


1. The raw matcrials used in the maaufacture of 4. Whicb of the following is not prese[t in cement ?
sodium csrboMte by Solva /s proccss are :
(c) Gypsum (6) clay
(a) Ammonia and carbon diffide
(c) Alumim (d) Alum.
(D) Sodium chloride and carbon diqide 5. Which of the fo[orring bas the lourcst mctting
(c) Sodium chloride, limestone and carboD dimjde point?
(d) Sodium chloride, limcslotre and ammonia. (a) Ucl (r) Nact
Glauber's salt is (c) KCI (d) Rbct.
(a)FeSOa.7H2O (6) MgSO..7H.O 6. Whici of the folloring alkaline €arrh metal sul_
(c) NECo,.1oH2O (d) NqSO..t0rLO. phates is least soluble in water ?
(a) BaSOa (D) Mgsoa
Plaster of Paris is
(c) SrSOo (d) CaSO1.
(a)(crsoah.H2o (D) c8so1.2Il2o
7. The basic character of thc oddes, MgO, SrO, K2O,
(c)Casoa.tl2o (d)C8sO1.
NiO and Cs2O increases in the order :

1,.1 2,d 3,a 4. .l 5.a 6.4


(a) M8o > sro > Iqo > NIO > Gzo (c) excitaiio[ of frec electrons
(d) existence of body ccntred cubic lallice'
(r) Cqo < K2O < MSO < SrO < Nio tI I. l: 1939)
(c) Nio < MgO < Sro < IqO < CqO
< MBO < Sro < cszo' 16. GyDsum on heaiing to 390 K gives
(d)Y.zo.Nio (.t'caso1.2H2o (6) caso4
& Which of thc following are arranged in hcreasiDg (c)CaSOa.l /zHzO (d) SO3 aod CaO'
order of solubilities ?
\C ItM'l: 1t)9i\
(o) CaCO3 < KHCo3 < NaHCO3
17. The by-product of Solv
(6) NaHCo3 < KHCOT < CsCoJ (d) Carboo dioxide
(c) KHCO3 < N8HCo3 < CaCO3 (c) Calcium chloride
(d) caco3 < NaHcO3 < KHco3 i,
9. The thermal stability of atkaline csrth metal car- 1E. Thedrying agentwhicb absorbscarboo dioxide and
booates decrcascs in tho order ;
reacts violeotly with water is
(4) BacO3 > srCO3 > caco3 > MgCO3 (4) Sodium carbonate (b) Almhol
(c) Conc. H2SO1 (d) Calci'rm oxide
(D) BaCO3 > S[CO3 > MgCO3 > CaCO3
t B. H. t',. 1991\

(c) Cacos > srco3 > Mgco3 > Baco3

19. Metallic calciuD is prePared by
(d) M8CO3 > CaCO3 > SrCOr > BaCO3' (4) Displacemeot of calciunr by iron from calciunr
10. Which of the follo ing alkali metal halides has the sulphate solution
lo$est lattice cnerry ? (b) Electrolysis of molten calcium chloride
(D) NaCl
(a) LiF R
(c) Reduction of limc bY coke
(c) KBr (d) csl.
metal in liquid ammonia is

11. A solution of sodium

strongty reducing due to the Presence of 20, The follswing compounds havc beeo arranged in

(a) sodium atoms (D) sodium hydride orderof theirlncreasingthermalstabilities

(d) solvated electrorls- the correct order :

(c) sodium amide

(l.l.T. 1981) Iqco3 0), Msco3 (Il)' caco3 0ll)' Beco3 0v)

12. Sodium reacts with water more vigorously than

{atl<II<llt<Iv (b)lv< II <lll<I

lithium because, it i"j tv. tt. r. ttt (d)ll < w< III < I
t I.l.T. 1996\
(a) has higher atomic weight
(lr) is a metal 21. Among Ko2, AlOt , Bao2 and Nor+, unpaired
clectron is Prescflt in
(a) Nor+ and (D) Ko2 and Alot
(c) KOz oDlY (d) BaOz only'
of t L I.',l. lt)97t

(r) Al3 t 1a; la+ 22. Property ofalkalille earth metals lhat increaseswith
(t.t.r' tesl) their atomic Dumber is
(c) Be2+ (4 Mf+
(a) ionization ener$/
14. The comPound insoluble in acetic acid is
(b) solubility of their hydroxides
(4) calcium oxide (D) calcium carboDate
(c) solubility of their sulPhates
(c) catcium oxalate (d) *1"luo, (I I T le97t
Y;?Iil;,, (,J) electronegativity
23. C.alcium is obtaiDed bY the
15. The metalliclustrc cxhibited by sodium isexPlained
by (d) Roasting of limcstonc
(a) diftusioD of sodium ions (6) Electrolysis of a solution ofczlcium chloride in
(b) Gcillation of loosc electrons
(c) Reducrion of catcium chloride with carbol (c) SOr, ClrOr, Mp, AlrO.
(d) Elcdrolysis of molteD anhydrous catcium
chloride. (C.B.S.E. nM.T t997)
(d) MgO, AI2O3, SO3, Ct2O7. @.C.8. rgss)
24. For trrD 32. Which one is uscd ar an air puriEer in spacr craft ?
ionic Golids CaO aod KI, ideo tily tie wrong
shtement amoDg the follo ing ? (d) Quick lime (r) Staked time
(c) Porassium superffide
(a) Latticc energ of CaO is much higher tban that (d) ADhydrous CaCt2.
Of KI (D.C.8.2000\
(6) KI is soluble in bonzcne 33. The active constituent of bleaching por,\der is
(4) ca(oCl)2 (6) Ca(ocl)Cl
(c) CaO has hig! m.p.
(c) Ca(ClO2)2 (d) ca(clorct.
(d) KI has higlr E p. (c.B.s.E. pM.T rssn
25. The compouDds of alkalioe earth metals have ttle 6.nM,C.2000t
follou,ing magnetic nature 34. Bleaching po$der lces its power on keeping for a
(4) Diamagneric (D) Paramagnetic loog timc because
(c)Ferromagnetic (l,) ir changes iDto calcium bypochlorate
(.lt l!P.u.T 199t) (b)it changes ioto calcium chloride and catciun]
26. The stability of the followiog alkali metal chtorides
follorrys the order : (c) it absorbs moisture
(a) UCI > KCt > NaCt > CSCI (d)it
changes into calcium chloride aod calciun)
(r) CsCl > KCI > NaCt > LiCl
chforate. lKanv ko ( l . t: 2000t
35. The correct order of increasing ionic characrer is
(c) Nacl > KCI > LiCl > CsCt
(a) BeCl2 < MgCl2 < CaCI2 < Bactz
(d) KCI > GCI > NaCt > LiCt tv.t!t!.tt.t: ts%)
27. Which of thc followiDg substaDces can be used for R
(6) BeCl2 < MgCt2 < BaCt2 < CaCt2
(c) BeCl2 < BaCl2 < MgCl2 < CaCl2
drying gases ?

(a) Calcium carboDate (6) Sodium carbonatc (.r) Baclz < CaCl2 < Mgctz < Bectz
(c) Sodium bicarbonate (d) Catcium oxide.

t_\L LC. L. E. 1999) 36. KOz (pota.ssium superoride) is used in


Epsom salt is cylinders iD space and submarines because

HrO it

(a) MgSoo.T (6) CaSo4.HzO

(6) absorbs CO2 and increases 02 mntent

(c) MgSOa.z (d) BaSO1.2 H2o.

(D) eliminatcs moisture
.'t.t:c.L.r. t99et (c) absorbs CO,
29. Among the alkaline earth metals, thc eleDent
formiDg prcdomiDaDtly covalent coDpound is (d) produces ozone (A.I.E.E.E. 2002\
(a) Barium (D) Strootium 37. M readity forms water soluble sulphate
A- metal
(c) Calcium MSO4, water insotubte hydrcxide M(OH); and
(d) Bcrylium.
(M.PC.E.E. t999\ oxid€ MO which becomes inert on heatio!. The
hydroxide is solubte in NaOH. The metal M"is
30. The solubility in warer of sutpharcs dolr,n the Be
group is : Be > Mg > C€ > Sr > Ba. This is duc to (a) Be (6) Ms
(a) Increase in mclting point (") Ca (d)Sr (A.t.E.E.E. 2002 t
(D) High ionizatior erergy 3E Which oflhe following process is used in the extrac_
tive metallur$r of magnesium ?
(c) Higher coordioatioo numbcr
(a) fused salt etecirolysis
(d) Allof these. (LLI.M.S. 1999)
(6) selfreduction
31. Which of thc following is the correcl order of
g'adually desearing basic naturc of thc oxides ? (c) aqueous solution elec{ rolysis
(a) AI2O3, MgO, Cl2O7, SOj (d) thermite reducriotr it.l.T )no2 )

39. Ide[tify the correct order ot acidic strengths of

(D) Ct Or, SOr, At Or, MgO COr, CuO, CaO, HrO

23. d u.d ?1," 26. d 21. d Zt. a Zg. tt 30. c 31. d 32. c
33. b 34. .l 35. a 36. a 37. a 38. a
Net4 Course
(d) hydrating sand and Eravel mixed with clment
(d) cao < Cuo < Hzori Coz
(A.I.E ll.Il 2003)
(b) HzO < Cuo < C-aO < Co2
45. ME and Liare similar in their propcrti; due to
(c) Cao < H2O < Cub < CO2 (aisame c/m ratio (D) same electron afiinity
(d)H2O<COrcCaOcCuO i' i"j *m" group (d) same ionic PoteDtial
40, The paramagnetic sPecies is
(a) Koz (b) sio2
Photoelectric effect is maximum in
(c) Tio2 (d) Bao2 (4) G (b) Na
(4 1'1 111's 2003) (c) K (d)b (A.t M.c 2oo1)

47, Which of the follo\Ping metal has stable carbonates ?

41. On dirsoMng moderatc amount of sdium metal (a) Na (D) Mg
in liquid NH; at lo tcmPeraturc, which onc of the
(c) Al (d) si 6.tiM C',. 2oo1\
follouring does llot occur ? 4$. A sodium salt of unknowo anioD wben treated with
(a) Bluc colourcd solution is obtaincd MgCl2 gives white preciPitate onty or boiling' The
1r) Na+ io are formed iD the solution anion is
icj Uquio ammonia bccomd g@d conductor (a) sol- (D) Hcot
(d) Liquid ammonis remains dia (c) col- (d) NOt
u L r. 2oo4)
200j\ 49. Asolid comPound'x on heating Sives CO2 gas a[ld
4e Thc aubsEncc not likely to contain CaCO3 is a residue. The residue mir(ed with watcr forms'Y''
On passing an a(crss ofCOz through'Y inwater'
(a) dolomiE (D) a m
(c) calciDcd EEsum (d) sea a clear solution'Z is obtained. Oo boilinS '2"
)oo.tt R
corDDound 'X' is reformed. The comPound'X'is
dol n tbe mag-
(4) Ca(HCO3)2 (b) CaCOJ
43. Solubilities of carbomt6s d€crease

(c) Na2CO3 (d) Y\co3

ncaium SrouP due to desease in
(c B.s.D. Prl T 2oo4)

(o) cntroPY of sotution formation

!O One molc of maglesium nitride on reaction with afl

(E) lattlcc encrgica of solids


(a) co €rtbg lood into siliclc scid 51. Which of the follor,/ing is not a Mg ore ?
(a) GyPsum (D) Magnesite
(D) k€rPing it cool
(c) Dolomite (d) Carnallite
(c) devcloping interlocting necdlc like caystals of (c.PM.'l:2001)
hydratcd silicates

H I NT9/EXP LA NATIO N I r,o M ult'i?l e Ch oic e Qu e e'cio n g

10. Bigger lhe sizc of the ions, lar8cr is the distance (r)
be-frcen thelr centres and lower is ihe lattic€ cDcrgy
@rqtt ?)'
13. Na+ h8s + l unit charge, Mg2+ and Be2* have +2
unit charge while Mgl+ and AP+ have +3 unit
is more basic tban MsO. Thereforc, the overall charge, thcrefore, br'dration eners/ of All+ and
order is NiO < MgO < SrO qO ' CqO' Mg3+ is e4ectet to be biSh€r than those of
t. The solubility of bicarbonates o[ alkali metals in- Mgz+ and Be2+, which in turn, 8re cxPcted to b€
crcases down the grouP. But alkaline eanh metal higher than that of Na+. Furtber the hydralion
carboDates are insoluble in H2O

I ,1' ' (('El<s

42. c 43. c c 45' d 46' a 47' a 4t' b
t9, s 4.a 4l.d 44.

!0,!- !L :\

eDer$' of Be2+ is higher thad thar orMg2+ due to J6. 4 KO2 + 2 CO2 * 2 K2CO3 + j 02
its smaller size. Inotierwords, hydration etlerby o( Although KO2 ako rcacts wath moisture of the
Mgz+ is expected ro be higher than that ofNa+. breath but do€s not completely eliminate it.
14. CaO, CaCO3 and Ca(OH)z are allbasessnd hsnce 4ROz+zHzO*4KOH+302
mu6l dis$oh,e iIIacctrcacid to form calcium ace(ate,
For furrher eplaoafion, refer to page l?14.
Onty calcium oxalate docs oot. dissolve in
cH3cooII. 37. BeO being ampholeric dissolvqs in NaOI I.
39. H2O is a neurral oxidc. Non-metallic oxjdes, (i.e.
21. ODry KO? bas an unpsired clectron,
COz) arc acidic white metallic oxides (i,.. CaO and

K+ -,il-o'. CUO) are basic. IIowever, (xides of alkaline earth

metals are ntore basic than oxides of transilion
metals Thus, the ol.erall acid strength docreases i11
24, Due to lc|vcr latticc cner$/ of KI as coflrparqj 1o that thc ordcr: CaO < CUO < H2O < COz
of CaO, them.p. ofKl is much lou'er than rhat ofclo.
26. The stabiliiy ofa compound depends uporl its en-
45. I-i+ and Mgz+ ions have similar polarisiflg power
thalpyof fbrmation,AH'/ Evideutlymore negative or ioDic porential,
thc !"lue of AH", moro stable is lhe compouod. 4E, Bicarbonates on heatingform iDsoluble carbonates

(Reter to Thble 12.3 on page 1?10). Thus, option Mgclz+2NaHCO3 ..- NaCl t Mg(HCO3)2
(d) is corrEct, r.e., KCI (--428) > C-sCl (---424) >
NaCl (--a00) > LiCl (-399). The values given in Mg(HCo3)2 Mgco3l +co2 + H2o
mol-I. A -
pareDtheses are in kJ
49, CaCOs * CO2 + CaO
30. As the size in€rcases, the extcnr of hydrarioD, ie., (x)
coordiDatio Dumber decreas€s and hence the R (}r(Ofl)2
solubility dccIeases accordingly. CaO+HzO
Jr. tY)

MgO is basio, A.lzol is amphoteric SOj aDd Cl2O7

both are acidic but ClzO? is otore acidic thao SO3.
Ci(OU)2 2COz * Ca(HCOJz

Therefore, optioD (d) is correct.

(exces6) Z

35. ...-

As the sizeofthe cation increasos, elecrronegarivity Ca(HCOt)2 CaCOr + CO2 + HzO


defieases and heDce the slectrotregativity dif-

fcrence increases and heoce ionic characrer in.

creases acaordingly.
50. M83II2 + 3 H2O * 3 Mg(CH)2 + 2 NH3

ornpe e E)<arn ifr€r ofts
Ass erti on -Re a s o n Ty p e e.u e stio n s
The following questions corslst ofor iAssertiort In column I and the rReasor, in colum[ 2. Use the following
k.y to choose the appmpriate srtsxer.
(a) Ifboth ass€rtion and reason are coRRECf and reason ls the GoRRECT explanation ofthe assertion.
(r) If both ossertlon and reasotr arc CoRREgf but r€ason is NoT the coRREcT explanatioD of the a-sserdon.
(c) If assertion ls CORRECI| but reason is INCORRECX,
(d) Ifassertlor ts INCORRECr, but resson is CORRECI.
12160 l'radcap's NeU Cortr1e Cfrcmistrq WIll
Aasertion (Column 1) ReasoB (Column 2)
Magnesium can be obtained by the electrol),sis of -Ihe reduc',ion potential of Mg2+ is far lower thao that
aqueous MgCI2.
2. Common salt becomes damp after some tirl]e oD Comnron salt ir NaClwhich is hygroscopic iD nature.
keepiDg in air.
3. MagDesium keeps on burniog iD CO2. Magnesium reduoes CO2 to C.
4, Calcium and magnesium qides are oot reduced by Calcium and magnesium oxides react with carboo to
carboo. tbrm their respective carbides.
5' Li+ 1o4; has larger ionic radius than that of Li+ (4q) is relatively more exlensively hydrated as com-
N.+ (r{). Dosed to Na+ (oq).
6. Potassium can be obtained by the electrolysis of Metallic potassium is soluble in melt (molteD Caclr.
tused KCI io molten Caclz. Thus, the c€ll for electrolysis gets short circuited.
7. The alkali metals are strong reduciDg ageuts. They have only one eleclron to be lost from theirvalence
E. Potissium erbonate cannot be rnanuhctured ry a Potassium hydrogen carbonate is less soluble in water
p.oa€ss similar to the Solvq/s soda ammonia proce.s$ fiarl sodium hydrogen carboDate.
9. r-i resembles Mg.
U+ has same size as Mgz+ (A.r.r.M.s. 1994
10.. NazSOa issolublein waterwhileBaSOa is insoluble. Lattic€ eDer$/ ofbarium sulphate exceeds its hydration
energy. u.I.I.M.S. 1997)
11. The alkali metals can form iooic hydridcs whicb The alkali Drelals have low elec(roDegatMty ; their
qrDtair the hydride ion, H-. hydrides conduct electricity when fused and liberate
hydrogen at the anode. R (I.I.T 199s\
12. Sodium ioos are dischargcd in prelereDce to The nature ofcathode caD affect the order ofdischarqe

hvdrogen ions at a mercury cathode. of catioos. (A.I.I.L4S. 1996)

13. Alkalimetals impart colour to the flame. Their ionizaton cDergicsarc lcir.
(AJ.I-L(S. l99E)

14. Sulphur is estimated as BaSO4 and not as MgSOa. The ionic radius of Mgl+ is smauer than that of Ba2+.

(IJ.r, 199E)

15. LiCI is predominantly covalent compound. Electronegativity differcnco bctwEeo U 8nd Cl h too
small. (It.t

16. Al{OH)3 is ampholeric in nalurc. Al-O and O-H bonds can be broken with equal ease
in Al(oH)3. (LI.T. l99El
!7. Barium is not required for nornlal biological Barium dcs not shotv variable qidation state.
function in buman. (aJ.I.M.S.2o0j)
lt. Barium carbonate is more soluble in HNO3 than in Carbonate is a wcak base and reacts with thc H+ ftom
plain water. the strong acid causing tbc barium salt to dissociate.
19. Mg is Dot present in enamel olhuman t€eth. Mg is an essential element for biologi@l fuDdi,ls of huma[.

True/False StatemenAs
Whbh ol the tollowilg staternents qe m4 qld Desd bumt plaster can be used as a dcsiccanl
which are falte ?
6. Calcium is prdcnt in the bones of snimah and
1. Elements found in the combinEd state arc often huma[ bcirgr a8 phcphates.
presetlt as did€s, carbo[at€s, sulpbides and silicat€s.
Mg and Ca form dipGitive ions duc to tbeir high
All alkali metal bdrqidcs are strotr8 bas€s.
hydratio[ encrges.
3. Sodium carbonate is called soda ash. Solvay€mmonia proc€ss is used for the manufac-
4. Magnesium imparts pink colour to the flame.
ture ofcaustic soda.

9. Lithium rqlembles magrlesiuDl since their 14. Magnesium is aE essentia! mnstitueDt of

e lectmDegatMtics are alm6t the same. chlorcphy , thc glecD mlouring Eatter of Dlants.
10. Uthium burns iD nilrogen to gi\€ litbium nitride.
15. Sodium whcn buror- in excms ot' GygeD gives
11, Beryllium is rnore electroFsitivc thaD Eagnesium. sodium.Jxide. (r.r.T, 1e87)
12. Alkalioe earth meials are befter reducing agents
than alkali metals. 16, ID group l ofatkali metals, the icnizatioD po[ential
decreases dollltr the group. Therefore, Lithium is a
13, Beryllium r€sembles aluminium clcety in its po$edul reduciDg agenE.
propenies though it belo[gs !o a differeot group.

Fill ln'fhe Alanks

l. Highly electropcitive Derals like alkali metals arg 10, Calcium cfride is mmmonly knowD ..... y.,hile cal-
obrained bv.... . cium hydroxide is called ..... .
2. Magne.sium hurEs io air fo give . . aR.l !1. 'Ile.. .....of Be is highcst anlong the atkalirnetals.
3. Lithium resernbles ntcre with......tbanwith sodium. 12. Tbe alkali metal hydroddes are......and tbe basici!y
of the hydroxide with increaso io slze of thc
4. Be(OHh is.... . .aDd thus di,jsolves i:rslkalies asltell catioo-
as acrds.
13. Among alkaline earth Dtctals, ... salts impart red
5. Lithium nitr3te oD heating gives.......,arld........ . colour while ..... salts do not impar! any colour to
the flame.
6, Na2CO3 is........in weter but BaCO3 is........ .

14. Ca is extracted by the electrolysis ofa fuscd [rixture

7. In Solvay process, excess cl.......is passe.l th:ough R
of..... and .... .
sodium chloridesolutionwhich has b€€n previo'rsry
saturated with........ . t 5. Ca2+ has a smaller ionlc radius than K+ bec{use i!

has (I.I.T. 1993\

8. Sodium is obtai[ed by the electrolFis of.... a! wel!

as .:.. in their molteE slate. 16. Or hearing, Rb(ICl, wiu decompose 9iving..........

(I.I.T t997)

9. During electrolvtic extrrctioD of Mg fiom MgCl,


.... i$ added to lowcr !!:e meltlDg point of the 17. -4 solulioD of srjdium in liould ammonia at -33.C

electrolyte. colducls electricity. On cooli[g, the co[du ctivity of

this solutio[l....-...

M atchin O Ty? e Q.u estio ns

Match items giwrl in C-olumn A against thse give n in Column B.
Column A Column B
L Alkali metals are eKracfed by (a) Flame tcst
2 Sodium chloride (D)r-Block elemeoB
3. Sodium bicarbonate is used iD (c) Fire extinguishcrs
4. Alkali metals are (d) Re{tucirg agetrrs
5. Alkaline earth metals are (e) Electolytic method
6. MagDesium does not ive (f An ore ofsodium
12162 llradee p's Ne@ Course Ch'"m iitrg.Wlil

t. (d)2. (c)3. (a) a. @) s. (a) s. (d)7. (a) E. (c) e. (a) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (a) 13. (a) M. (D) ls. (c) le. (a)
17. (b) 18. (a) o. (b).

1. Tiue 2. Tiue 3. Ttue 4. False, does not impart any colour 5. Fhlse 6. Tfue 7. Tlue t. Fhlse, washing soda
9. Ttue 10. Tiue 11. Fhlse, Mg is more electropositive than Be 12. Fblse, alkali metals because of their
more electronegative standard electrode potentials are better reducing agents than alkaline earth metals.
13. Thue, diagonal relationship. 14. Ttue 15. Fhlse, NarO, 16. False, electrode potential of Li in the most
negative amongst the alkali metals and hence it is the strongest reducing agent.

1. electrolytic reduction 2. MgO, MgrN, 3. maguesium 4. amphoteric 5. NO2, LirO and O, 6. soluble,
insoluble 7. carbon dioxide, ammonia E. sodium chloride, sodium hydroride 9. NaCl and CaCl,
10. quick lime, slaked lime 11. ionization energy or electronegatMty. 12. strong bases, increases.
13. d+ , Mg2+ u. C-2tclz, C,2F215. higher effective nuclear charge 16. RbCl and ICI 17. increases.



l, Con'ect assertioiT r Mg can be obtained by the Con'ect realion : KHCO3 is more soluble in HrO
electrolysis of tused MgClr. than NaHCOr.

2. Cot'r'ect reoson :
NaCl contains impurities of 14. Correct *planation. BaSOo is insoluble

MgClz,CaClr, MgSol, CaSoo etc. which are

MgSOn is soluble.

rs. Cot'rect rea.tolL Because of small size Li prefers to

6. Con'ect as,tertion .' K cannot be obtained by the

share rather than donating electrons.
electrolysis of fused KCI in molten CaClr.

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