Sential Card Tricks
Sential Card Tricks
Sential Card Tricks
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All the tricks are written in two stages. The first stage appears as if
they are being shown to you. Then second reveals the solution.
There is also a link at the end of each trick which will take you to a
video on the web site so you can see the trick in
By David R Minns 2004
Flexible Cards
Did you know you can tell the value of a card by how flexible it is?
The more ink content the stiffer and the less ink content the more
flexible. For example a picture card such as a king has lots of ink and
is therefore stiff and a low value card such as a two has less ink and
is less stiff. Did you know you can also tell the suit of the card by
feeling the face of the card with your fingers?
The magician takes the top card off a shuffled and cut deck and
holds it facing you. He flexes the card to determine the stiffness and
feels the front of the card. He then reveals the selected card is the 7
of spades. The next card is taken, he bends the card again between
his thumb and forefinger and feels the front and reveals correctly that
it is the king of hearts. Finally, you are asked to take a card of your
choice from the deck and pass it back to the magician. He repeats
the process and gets it right again!
Front view of the bent card Rear View of the bent card
The secret to this trick is simple. When you flex the card in your
hand, if you bend it sufficiently you can see the the bottom corner of
the face of the card as show in the picture.
The magician passes you two cards and asks you to return them to
the deck he is holding anywhere you like. They can be together or
apart. As you are about to place then he says, ‘I hope you
remembered them?’. You take another quick look and place them in
the deck. He then taps the deck on the table to make all the edges
neat, telling you it disguises the location of your two cards. He then
riffles the deck. Places his thumb and second finger on the top and
the bottom of the deck whilst holding the deck firmly in his other hand
and then snaps your two cards straight out of the deck!
The solution to this trick is deception. Notice from the pictures the
first two cards you start with are not the two cards you finish with.
Almost everyone will not notice this especially if you don’t give them
long to remember them and secondly spend a few moments riffling
the deck and tapping it on the table etc! Start with the final cards on
the top and bottom of the deck and then hand the opposite cards to
your volunteer to start the trick. Then just pull the top and bottom
cards off with the snap move. It happens fast and looks great. It is
recommend to use the 7 of spades and 8 of clubs along with the 7 of
clubs and 8 of spades.
See video tricks at
Mystic Ash
The magician shows you a pack of cards and places it under a large
handkerchief. With the cards now covered he asks you to make a cut
in the deck. You keep hold of the cut through the handkerchief and
the remaining cards are brought back out. You are then shown the
top card which you cut to. The deck is put back together and you are
handed a small piece of paper and a pen. You are asked to draw a
picture of your card on the paper and fold it up as small as you can.
This is then held over an empty ash tray and set on fire! The
magician sprinkles the ashes on to his forearm and rubs them in with
his hand. The card you selected is revealed in ash on the magicians
arm! David Blaine has a variation of this trick, I have to say it’s been
around a lot longer than he has but nether the less is a great trick!
The two secrets to this trick are as follows. The trick is known as a
force, the volunteer is forced to select a card even though they think
they have a choice. When the deck is put under the handkerchief turn
the deck upside down, then after the cut turn it back again so the
volunteer is forced to take the original top card. The forced card is
drawn on your arm with wet soap prior to doing the trick. When the
ash is rubbed into your arm it will stick on the soap even when it’s
See video tricks at
Before you perform this trick you need to modify your deck of cards.
Take a pair of nail clippers and cut the corner off one card, not too
much just increase the radius on the corner slightly. Then repeat on
the opposite corner of the same card. Ensure this card is at the
bottom of the deck and when you shuffle and make sure it stays at
the bottom of the deck. When you perform the trick the selected card
will be below this modified card (when the deck is face down). You
can then throw out on to the table the selected card.
One-Way Cards
The magician shuffles the deck and fans the cards out and asks you
to select one. You are ask to look at it and remember it. You are then
asked to place it any where you like in the deck. The magician then
closes up the deck and shuffles well. Your card is now well and truly
lost in the deck. The magician then quickly selects your chosen card.
This trick is very similar to the ‘Cutting the Corner’ trick but is done in
a different way and may be simpler to perform.
Again this trick requires a modified deck. You will need a pack ideally
that has a border around the pattern on the back of the deck. As
shown in the picture use a pin to remove some of the ink across one
corner of every card, must be one corner only! When you have your
deck ready just make sure all the cards are arranged in the same
direction. When the volunteer takes their selected card you turn your
deck through 180 degrees so when the selected card is returned it is
now the other way around to all the others. Shuffle and select the
chosen card with ease!
The reverse riffle shuffle, one half The red black sort, one set with cuts in
turned 180 degrees before shuffle. the top right, the other without
Again you will need the directional pack of cards we made in the
previous trick, ‘One – Way Cards’. Start with them all in the same
direction, mixed up. Sort into the two piles, when you riffle shuffle turn
one set through 180 degrees so when they mix the red and blacks
are in opposing directions. Shuffle over hand as much as you like
and then sort into piles using the direction markings.
PS. Don’t worry about the two nines in the shuffle picture, the photo
was done with a Svengali deck which is a whole other story!
Aces High
The magician cuts the deck in half, and gives you half and keeps the
other for him self. You are then asked to follow every move. Both put
the deck behind your backs. Both select any card from your decks
and swap them with the other with out looking at them, you then both
place the swapped cards face up any where in your decks. You then
repeat this selecting, swapping and placing routine one more time.
The two halves are brought back together and spread across the
table to reveal that all four aces have been selected and can be seen
face up in the deck.
Aces on top of your deck before the start The final layout
The secret is before you start the trick have all four aces in your back
pocket and put them on top of the deck you keep. When the
volunteer gives you their card give them an ace, and put theirs on the
bottom and take another ace and place it in your deck face up. Just
repeat this again for the second time.
Photographic Memory
The magician riffles through the entire deck in a fraction of a second
and looks at all the cards. A tells everyone that he now knows the
order of every card in the deck! The first card is easy as everyone
can see it, so says, 3 of diamonds. The deck is then put behind his
back and the front card is put to the back and the deck is brought
back out facing the audience. The new front card is correctly
predicted. Again the cards are put behind the magicians back and the
front card put to the back, brought out and correctly identified. The
magician repeats this until everyone is satisfied that he knows the
entire deck!
Wrong Prediction
The magician fans out 15 cards from the top of the deck and asks
you to select any number of them from any location. You are asked
to keep them. He then places 20 cards in a line on the table in front
of you. You are asked to count how many cards you have in your
hand. The magician then proceeds to count the same number along
the line and gives you the card he stops on. You are asked to
remember this card and all the cards are put back into a single stack.
The magician then tells you if he cannot guess your card that he will
buy you a drink. The magician tells you your card but it’s wrong, has
a second attempt and gets it wrong once again, a third and final
attempt also fails! The magician opens his wallet and there is no
money in it, just your selected card!
20 cards right
to left and
count back left
to right! And
the final
There are several things to prepare for this trick. The first is the
selected card, let’s say the 5 of hearts, it must be the 21st card in the
deck from the top. An extra 5 of hearts must be in your wallet. When
you count the 20 cards onto the table lay them down right to left and
when you count back the volunteers card amount count it from the
left. This will ensure that your volunteer will always select the 5 of
hearts. Trust me!
The secret has something to do with the magician putting his fingers
on your card! You need a few grains of salt on your finger tips, then
when you remove your fingers a few remain. This will be sufficient to
make the cards split at this position.
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