Starkville Dispatch Eedition 3-18-21
Starkville Dispatch Eedition 3-18-21
Starkville Dispatch Eedition 3-18-21
Thursday | March 18, 2021
Authorities have
charged a Waffle
House employee ac-
cused of stabbing a
customer to death
with murder.
Hezekiah Mani-
go, 22, of Columbus, Manigo
was arrested Wednesday morning
for the death of Davartex Artez
Fisher, 28.
Fisher was at the Waffle House
location near the intersection of
Highway 45 North and Highway 82
at about 2 a.m. Wednesday when
he and Manigo apparently got into
an argument over a food order,
Deanna Robinson/Dispatch Staff according to a Columbus Police
Ridge Swain, 5, rides in his Spider-Man car at his home in Caledonia Tuesday afternoon. “I like Spider-Man because he has Department press release. The re-
webs,” Ridge said. He is the son of Mary Margaret Swain. See MANIGO, 6A
y mid April, folks leaving changing, add items and keep Teepee this month, themes including home.
Ola J. Pickett Park can customers on their toes,” Ma- bringing kids’ camouflage, sports Shae McGee opened Shae’s
stop for an afternoon clean said. sleepovers to “the themed, rainbow Treats this year from her own
treat. Once open, Maclean said next level.” and unicorns and kitchen.
Sonya Maclean is opening “We offer full more. For now, McGee is baking
customers can stop by Tuesday
Sweetie’s Café at 9641 Old service party pack- “We wanted to out of her kitchen, but hopes to
through Sunday 1-6 p.m.
ages that includes bring some creativ- expand to a brick and mortar
Wolf Road, across from the “We wanted to do something
teepees, mattress- ity and versatility shop.
Caledonia park. The new café close to home,” Maclean said. “I bake a lot,” McGee said.
es, linens, pillows to the party options
will start serving customers ice “We’re excited about being and the party décor offered in our com- “More than an average person
cream, coffee, snowballs and there. I grew up in Caledo- of your choice from Mary Pollitz munity,” Duke said. by far. My friends and family
various desserts. nia, we’re building a house in our themes,” Duke Check out Local always get me to make treats
She added the new café will Caledonia, so we’re ready and said. “Our packages include Little Teepee’s Facebook page for events. … Lately it’s been
continually offer specials and excited to open up.” delivery, set up and pick up to for pricing, scheduling and vari- weekly that I get asked to, so
seasonal treats. Moving on, we’ve got a new the location of your choice in ous specials to make your kid’s I prayed about it and decided I
“We’re going to keep things kind of kid’s sleepover. the Golden Triangle.” sleepover the talk of the school. See BUSINESS, 6A
The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Thurs. Fri.
Major 4:45a 5:31a
Minor 10:35a 11:11a
Major 5:08p 5:54p
Minor — 12:44a
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks
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BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947
COMMERCIAL DISPATCH Home. Spring, Michigan, North Mississippi Med- Arrangements are
OBITUARY POLICY Grave- Caldonia Clark of Rog- ical Center in Tupelo. incomplete and will be
Obituaries with basic informa-
side ers, Arkansas, Floyd Graveside services announced by Carter’s
tion including visitation and Linda Burns
service times, are provided services Clark of Baltimore, will be at 11 a.m. at Funeral Services of Incomplete
free of charge. Extended obit- will be at Maryland, Willie Mae Pheba Community Columbus. 2nd Ave. N. Location
uaries with a photograph, de- 11 a.m. Summers of Colum- Cemetery in Pheba,
tailed biographical information Friday, at bus, Emogene Liddell with Willie B. Lairy
and other details families may Christian Clark of Columbus, James officiating. Visitation Ellis Rinehart
wish to include, are available Clark of Macon, Marie will be from 10:30-11 COLUMBUS — Ellis
Love M.B.
for a fee. Obituaries must be
Church Cemetery in Chambers of Hartford, a.m. prior to services at Wendell Rinehart, 62,
submitted through funeral died March 17, 2021, at
homes unless the deceased’s Macon, with Ricardus Michigan, Edward the cemetery. Carter’s
body has been donated to sci- Mixon officiating. Clark of Bowie, Mary- Mortuary Services of his residence.
ence. If the deceased’s body Visitation is from 2-6 land, Charles Clark of West Point is in charge Arrangements are
was donated to science, the p.m. today, at Carter’s Columbus, Sylvester of arrangements. incomplete and will be
family must provide official
Funeral Services. Car- Clark of Seattle, Wash- Mr. Hogan was born announced by Lown-
proof of death. Please submit ington and Patricia Feb. 15, 1941 in Pheba,
ter’s Funeral Services des Funeral Home of
all obituaries on the form pro-
vided by The Commercial Dis- of Macon is in charge Dooley Columbus; sib- to the late Nash Hogan Columbus.
patch. Free notices must be of arrangements. Mrs. lings, Willie L. Hubbart and Ruth Hogan. He
submitted to the newspaper Clark was born July 18, and Roosevelt Hubbart was formerly employed
no later than 3 p.m. the day 1936, in Scooba, to the both of Erie, Pennsylva- as a mechanic with
prior for publication Tuesday late Ezell Mayberry nia; 37 grandchildren; General Motors.
through Friday; no later than 4
and Mattie B. Mayber- 27 great-grandchildren;
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday
edition; and no later than 7:30 ry. She was a member and one great-great- Linda Burns
a.m. for the Monday edition. of Christian Love M.B. grandchild. COLUMBUS — Lin-
Incomplete notices must be Church. da J. Burns, 73, died
received no later than 7:30 In addition to her Joe Jones March 18, 2021, at Bap-
a.m. for the Monday through parents, she was COLUMBUS — Joe tist Memorial Hospital
Friday editions. Paid notices Lee Jones, 93, died Golden Triangle.
preceded in death by
must be finalized by 3 p.m. for
inclusion the next day Monday her husband, Willie D. March 17, 2021. Arrangements are
through Thursday; and on Clark; son, Major Tate; Arrangements are incomplete and will be
Friday by 3 p.m. for Sunday siblings, John Mayber- incomplete and will be announced by Memori-
Roy Smith
and Monday publication. For ry, Tommie Mayberry announced by Carter’s al Gunter Peel Funeral
more information, call 662- and Mary Thompson; Funeral Services of Home and Crematory,
stepmother, Evalina Columbus. Second Avenue North
Mayberry; two grand- location. Roy Harvey Smith, 85, of
Josephine Clark children; and two Charles Hogan Columbus, Mississippi, passed
COLUMBUS — Jo- great-grandchildren. WEST POINT Davartex Fisher away quietly at his home on
sephine Adams Clark, She is survived by — Charles Anthony COLUMBUS — Da- January 20, 2021.
84, died March 8, 2021, her children, Mattie Wayne Hogan, 80, died vartex Fisher, 28, died Roy, the oldest of four
at Aurora Nursing C. Vergot of Berrien March 10, 2021, at March 17, 2021. siblings, was born on January
23, 1935, in Jefferson County,
Wayne Parker
MS to Harvey and Ruth Smith.
After graduating high school in
Red Lick, MS, Roy joined the
United States Marine Corps, and he served his
Breyer mum as some liberals Charles Dewayne Parker, 61,
of Columbus, MS passed away
Monday, March 15, 2021, at his
country in Korea and Japan during the time of
the Korean Conflict. During his time as an active
urge him to quit Supreme Court residence.
A visitation will be Thursday,
Marine, he became a skilled marksman, and he
honed those skills all his life. After receiving
82-year-old Justice Stephen Breyer is March 18, 2021, from 6:00-8:00 his honorable discharge, he went to work with
PM at Lowndes Funeral Home. South Central Bell Telephone Company, where
the oldest member of the court and The funeral service will be he retired after 39 years. After a whirlwind
Friday, March 19, 2021, at 2:00 courtship, he married his sweetheart Opal in
has served more than 26 years since PM at Lowndes Funeral Home 1975, and they had a long, loving marriage of 44
Chapel with Bro. Joe Fondren years.
his appointment by President Clinton officiating. Interment will be at Crossroads Roy was a quiet man, a hard worker, and his
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS is time for Breyer to go, Baptist Church Cemetery, Carrollton, AL favorite pastime was being outdoors and walking
without delay. Other liber- with Lowndes Funeral Home, Columbus, MS in the woods. He valued the simple pleasures
WASHINGTON — al voices have said Breyer directing. of being at home with his family, having a good
Forgive progressives who should retire when the Mr. Parker was born on November 1, 1959, meal, and reading a good book. He was proud to
aren’t looking forward to court finishes its work for in Columbus, MS to the late Iva Mae Oglesby be a life member of the NRA. He treasured all the
the sequel of their person- the term, usually by early Parker and Charles Tillman Parker. He loved his family stories he had heard as a child growing
al “Nightmare on First summer. grandchildren and enjoyed spending time with up, and he enjoyed sharing them with his loved
Street,” a Supreme Court “He should announce his family, aunts, uncles, cousins. Mr. Parker ones. He was a loving and faithful husband to
succession story. his retirement immediate- was a loving husband and father and known also his wife, a kind, proud, and generous father to
The original followed ly, effective upon the con- as “Warden” to his nieces. He was always willing his children, and a very proud and loving Papaw
Justice Ruth Bader Gins- firmation of his successor,” to help others and someone you can depend on. to his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
burg’s decision to forgo University of Colorado law Mr. Parker was a devoted Christian, Deacon, and Roy and Opal were residents of Brookhaven, MS
retirement from the high professor Paul Campos Sunday School teacher of Crossroads Baptist for many years, but in their retirement moved
court, located on First wrote in The New York Church. He worked at Twin River Transportation to Ethelsville, AL. They loved living there, and
Street in Washington, Times on Monday. as a Diesel Mechanic for 45 years. Mr. Parker Roy often said “the air just smells better in the
when Democrats con- Campos’ plea stems country!” In their golden years, Opal and Roy
was a member of Bud Price Motorcycle Riders
trolled the White House from the Democrats’ tenu- enjoyed spending time with family, watching
and enjoyed riding and traveling with his friends.
and the Senate during six ous hold on power. wildlife in their backyard, going on drives along
years of Barack Obama’s
He also enjoyed deer hunting.
A Democrat, President country roads, and looking for collectibles at
presidency, until 2015. In addition to his parents, Mr. Parker is
Joe Biden, lives in the
preceded in death by his sister, Debra Luker. local shops.
Despite some pointed White House and his par-
warnings of what might Mr. Parker is survived by his wife, Kathy Roy was preceded in death by Opal, who
ty runs the evenly divided
happen, Ginsburg re- Senate only because the Jaynes Parker of Columbus, MS; son, Blake passed away in 2019. He was also preceded
mained on the bench un- tie-breaking 51st vote be- (Monica) Parker; grandchildren, Riley and in death by his mother, father and his brother,
til her death last year at longs to Vice President Ka- Sarah; nieces, Chellie (Larry) Pittman, Crystal Lucien “Pete” Smith.
age 87. President Donald mala Harris. Luker and Stephanie (Daniel) Luker. He is survived by his children, Caryn Amaris
Trump replaced the liberal But there is no margin Pallbearers will be David Falls, Tommy (Smith) Robinson and husband Jonathan, Jesse
icon with a young conser- for a senator’s death or Fondren, Jim Hancox, Buddy Henry, Jimmy Scott Smith and wife, Debra, Gail Boggan and
vative, Justice Amy Coney incapacitating illness that Henson, Wayne Henson, Darwin Holliman and husband, Bob, John Bullock and wife, Dana;
Barrett, and cemented a could instantly flip control Tommy Yates. grandchildren, Brent, Kimberly and Lindsey
6-3 conservative majori- to Republicans. Campos Honorary pallbearers will be Deacons Boggan, Krisha and Christopher Bullock, Gage
ty on the court just over a noted that the party com- of Crossroads Baptist Church, Twin River Querns, Logan and Andrew Smith and Eli
month before he lost his position of the Senate has Employees, Peggy Youngblood, Kathy Henry, Robinson; great-grandchildren, Mason Bullock,
bid for a second term. changed more often than Ernie Jacobsen, Tonya Moore and staff of Jaco Harper Bullock-Hargrove, Maddie Sanford,
In the updated version, not in each two-year ses- and Ladies of Bud Price Motorcycle Riders. Adrian Querns and Hailyne Courtney; sisters,
82-year-old Justice Stephen sion of Congress since the Memorials may be made to Crossroads Baptist Ruby Dickerson (John) and Margie Whittington
Breyer plays the leading end of World War II. Church Building Fund 1811 Lewis Crossroads (James); sister-in-law, Betty Jean Smith; and
role. He is the oldest mem- Breyer has remained Rd. Carrollton, AL 35447. nieces and nephews.
ber of the court and has mum about his plans, at Compliments of Roy’s life will be celebrated and his and
served more than 26 years least publicly. His last Lowndes Funeral Home Opal’s ashes laid to rest in a private memorial
since his appointment by comment on the topic of ceremony for the family on April 17, 2021. Cards
President Bill Clinton. retirement was made to & memorials may be sent to the family at 153
With spring comes the Slate’s Dahlia Lithwick in
Cooper Road, Columbus, MS 39702.
start of the period in which an interview published in
many justices have an- December. “I mean, even- Compliments of
nounced their retirement. tually I’ll retire, sure I will,” Lowndes Funeral Home
Some progressives say it Breyer said.
6A THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2021 The Dispatch •
Continued from Page 1A
“The letter you found learned to be inaccurate. Richardson, who treated in a stable mental state is
implicated another sus- Is that right?” Calderón Martinez at the home and to repeat the question.
pect, that being Paul said. during the drive to the “So you killed your
Vega, right?” Calderón “I wouldn’t say that,” hospital. son-in-law and burned his
asked, naming a friend of Cooper responded. Richardson said Mar- body?” Richardson asked.
Vasquez. Following Cooper’s tes- tinez was conscious but “ … She said, ‘I shot him
“Correct,” Cooper said. timony, the prosecution not communicative at the first, then I burned him.’”
Cooper said after leav- called on Greg Nester, home, but revived on the During cross-exam-
ing the Vasquez home, he a crime scene specialist way to the hospital, ask- ination, Calderón asked
went to Vega’s home with with Mississippi Bureau ing where she was. Richardson if Martinez
a search warrant and an of Investigations, who At that point, Richard- had said Paul Vega helped
arrest warrant and took detailed the forensic evi- son did an assessment on her kill Vasquez.
Vega into custody. dence found at the scene, her mental state, asking Richardson said yes.
Calderón then con- which included potential standard questions used Calderón then ques-
firmed through Cooper blood evidence found on all patients which she tioned whether Marti-
that Vega was released downstairs in the master described as “person,
nez’s mental state was
the next day without ever bedroom, bathroom, laun- place, time and event.”
stable, asking Richardson
being charged. dry room and garage, two Richardson said Mar-
about pills Martinez had
“The information that bullet fragments found in tinez answered the ques-
taken before she arrived.
implicated (Vega) was in- the master bedroom and tions correctly.
sufficient,” Cooper said. human remains found by “At that point, I asked “She did tell me that
“There was not enough a cadaver dog outside the her what happened,” Rich- she had taken some pills,
evidence to hold Mr. Vega, residence. ardson said. “She said, but she didn’t say what
and he was released. The During cross-exam- ‘I want to die.’ So I asked kind,” Richardson said.
information that was ob- ination, Nester acknowl- her why. She told me it Judge Lee Coleman
tained was recanted.” edged that no forensic was because she killed suspended testimony at
Calderón seized on evidence was found up- her son-in-law and burned noon because of threats of
that. stairs where Martinez’s his body.” severe weather.
“So the only thing bedroom is located. Richardson said one of Testimony continues
you have to go on are The day’s last witness the techniques used to as- today.
statements that you later was paramedic Amy sess whether a patient is
Continued from Page 1A
should make it a business.” Also in Starkville, we have a new
Customers can reach out to McGee place to change your oil.
on Facebook, Instagram or they can call Take 5 Oil Change, 814 Hwy. 12, had
or text 870-917-8236. its grand opening last month.
McGee makes banana pudding, straw- The oil change franchise first opened
berry shortcake, brownies, cookies, tri- in the mid-1980s and has expanded to
fles, various cakes, petit fours and more. more than 500 franchises throughout the
If you’re interested in supporting this country.
new, incoming business to our area, Take 5 will be open Monday through
reach out to McGee. Her desserts are Friday 7 a.m.-8 p.m., Saturday 7 a.m.-7
available for either pick up or delivery. p.m. and Sundays 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Continued from Page 1A
lease said “a weapon was identified Fisher’s body, examiner’s office in Pearl
produced” and that Man- told The Dispatch Fisher for autopsy, Merchant
igo attacked Fisher. Fish- apparently died of stab said.
er was taken to Baptist wounds, though CPD in- Manigo is currently
Memorial Hospital-Gold- vestigators did not identi- in custody at Lowndes
en Triangle where he fy the weapon used in the County Adult Detention
died. murder. Center. His bond had not
Lowndes County Coro- Fisher’s body will be been set as of Wednesday
ner Greg Merchant, who taken to the state medical afternoon.
662-241-5000 B
Starkville Jerome Miron/USA TODAY Sports
Academy Mississippi State Bulldogs head coach Mike Leach walks the sidelines during the first half against the Tulsa Golden Hurricane at Amon G.
Carter Stadium.
Continued from Page 1B
plethora of talented first year players Erroll Thompson is gone, so what Zach Arnett and teammates a season Copiah-Lincoln Community College
in four-star receivers Teddy Knox and ago, burst onto the scene in playing teammates Jordan Davis and Tyrus
Antonio Harmon along with three- happens at linebacker? all three linebacker spots during the Wheat are back in the fold — though
star prospects Rodarius Thomas and For the first time in what seems 2020 campaign. With Thompson now they could play on the outside or even
Jacobi Moore. Junior college product like 20 years, Erroll Thompson will no out of the picture and sophomore Aar- move down toward the line of scrim-
Caleb Ducking, who didn’t see any ac- longer patrol the middle of the MSU on Brule slated to take on a role on mage.
tion last year, also figures to be in the defense. Thompson, who opted to the outside, it’s expected Watson will MSU finished the 2020 season fifth
mix for time this fall. chase professional opportunities over command the middle of the defense. in the SEC in total defense despite
In short, MSU has plenty of options returning for another season, will now This isn’t to say there won’t be a youthful unit. Now one year older,
to replace Mitchell’s production. The watch as sophomore Nathaniel Wat- some challenges to his throne. The Watson and his compatriots stand to
question here is moreso who sees the son presumably slides into his spot. Bulldogs signed four-star inside line- be a force in the middle of Arnett’s
field when, versus whether legit op- Watson, who received wide ac- backer John Lewis out of German- 3-3-5 scheme with another spring un-
tions exist. claim from defensive coordinator town in their 2021 class, while former der their belts.
Continued from Page 1B
on the mound. Colby Allen had three strikeouts in do 11-1 on the run rule in four innings. at Ocean Springs High School.
a scoreless frame. Starkville Academy scored four runs in the first The Vols broke a 2-2 tie with three runs in the
Starkville Academy will face Resurrection Cath- inning and added six in the second sixth inning.
olic at 2:30 p.m. Thursday at Biloxi High School. Alsobrooks had two doubles and drove in five Colby Allen led Starkville Academy with two
runs. Drew Williams pitched a complete game to hits, and Randall Futral drove in two runs.
Other scores earn the victory.
Prep Baseball Prep Softball
Starkville Academy 11, Hernando 1, four innings Starkville Academy 5, Ocean Springs 3, Tuesday At Gulf Coast Classic, Gulf Shores, Ala.
— at St. Martin Buckner struck out nine in a complete game as Tuscaloosa County 8, Caledonia 2, Monday
Earlier Wednesday, the Vols took down Hernan- the Vols beat Ocean Springs 5-3 on Tuesday night Fairhope (Ala.) 12, Caledonia 0, Monday
The Dispatch • THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2021 3B
Continued from Page 1B
lucky. They’re among basketball, but the band plan here to give the circumstances sur- and at the convention of our players were so
the few teams not play- plays, the cheerleaders student-athletes the rounding the six ref- center was fine. good at it,” Gard said.
ing their first games in cheer and everyone gets opportunity to play the erees who were sent “ There may be teams It could be a long
Indianapolis. Instead, pumped for the next games successfully,” home this week — one that are being more three weeks, though
North Carolina will day’s action. NCA A vice president who tested positive and restrictive,” he said. the NCA A expects con-
face Wisconsin at Pur- This year, bands, Dan Gavitt said. “We’re five who were out with “But as long as teams ditions to improve when
due’s home court, 70 mascots and cheerlead- very confident the stu- him to dinner. It’s true, are staying in the con- 52 of these teams head
miles away. It means ers are staying at home dent-athletes, coaches Gavitt said, that they trolled environment, home following their
the Heels get to practice (at least through the and teams want that had not checked into we’re providing as losses over the first two
there, too. Elite 8), because teams environment to have their hotel when they much f lexibility as pos- rounds.
“Today, the monoto- are restricted to 34 the best chance to play went out and, so, were sible.” If a “trip” to the
ny is really going to be members for their trav- these games.” not officially in the Gavitt said takeaway Sweet 16 isn’t motivation
broken up,” coach Roy el squads. On Wednes- None of the 68 teams NCA A protocol. containers are piling enough, Gavitt dangled
Williams said. “We’re day, the four arenas in notified the NCA A they up in hallways as the this little carrot: “We’re
going to have two and Indianapolis (and the would have to with- “But it was not NCA A players order out, then going to take some
a half hours in the bus. ones in West Lafayette draw by Tuesday night’s staff that encouraged have the food delivered teams to Top Golf, where
... It hasn’t exactly been and Bloomington) were deadline. Gavitt said it meals to be had in to their rooms by staff we’ll have the whole fa-
Maui.” mainly empty, save for also was encouraging restaurants,” he said. who have been cleared cility to ourselves,” he
Or Spokane. Or Oma- the occasional deliv- that, of the 6,900 coro- “At no time was there to move around the ho- said.
ha. Or Raleigh. ery truck or work crew navirus tests analyzed direction to go have a tel. All of which fits in
Normally, on the heading in through a so far, only seven have meal at a restaurant Food isn’t all that’s with Gonzaga’s plan.
Wednesday before the service entrance. come back with positive outside the controlled being delivered. One “I brought a few golf
start of the tournament, Illinois Street, which results. He said players environment.” team ordered whiff le balls, a putter and I kind
parking lots at arenas cuts through the heart from Virginia, the only In addressing a smat- ball bats. Wisconsin of line up a water bottle
in cities such as those of downtown in front of team of the 68 not yet in tering of complaints coach Greg Gard said at the end of the room,”
would be open, with mu- the convention center, Indianapolis because of from holed-up players, a ping-pong table ap- said Corey Kispert of
sic playing, hot dog ven- was a veritable speed- a COV ID-19 outbreak Gavitt also said there peared in to the Badgers’ the top-seeded Bull-
dors working and fans way, with nothing more last week, would need was no specific instruc- team room Tuesday. And dogs. “Gotta make sure
in face paint streaming than typical lunchtime to clear three tests af- tion that players could the newest craze for the the game’s sharp by
in to take advantage of traffic passing the ter arriving in Indy on only be in their rooms Badgers: spikeball. the time springtime
free admission to team NCA A-sanctioned ho- Friday afternoon to be while at the hotel. He “I didn’t realize some comes.”
shootarounds. Cer- tels. approved to play Ohio said moving around the
tainly not much to see “We have no reser- on Saturday night. “controlled environ-
there in the way of real vations at all about the Gavitt also clarified ment” inside the hotels
Continued from Page 1B
lift to find she’d qual- very strong work ethic, “I’ve always told her to meet, he bowed his
ified for the Class 5A and she is a very natural do the best she can, so head and prayed, hop-
state tournament with athlete,” Blackwell said. she really tries to do ing he would qualify.
a total lift of 775 pounds “I really enjoyed see- what I’ve told her.” “I guess that prayer
across three events: ing her qualify because Used to weightlifting worked,” Jefferson said.
bench press, squat and she’s an athlete who will from his high school So did Jefferson’s
deadlift. She’ll be com- push herself.” days playing football for own immense willpow-
peting on April 16 in Crusoe, too, has the Falcons, Crusoe Sr. er — something shared
Jackson for a chance at seen a lot of improve- said it was an “out-of- by his fellow state qual-
a state title. ment from one year to body experience” see- ifiers. Blackwell said
“I’m hoping to win the next. She upped ing his daughter com- Baker’s ability to accept
the whole thing, get a her maximum by 10 -15 pete in the sport as well. coaching and her men-
ring, everything — just pounds from districts He’ll be there in Jackson tal toughness pushed
hoping for the best,” March 3 to north half next month as she goes her up from sixth in
Crusoe said. just more than a week for a state champion- north state from one
Crusoe is one of six later, and Armistad ship. year to the next.
local MHSA A powerlift- said he expects her to “I’m very proud of “When she sets her
ers who will be taking improve by the same her to see her excel in mind to it, she can do
part in the champion- margin by the time the sports or anything she
it,” Blackwell said. “I’m
ship event, which will state tournament rolls wants to do,” Crusoe Sr.
excited to see what
be held at the Missis- around. said.
she can do at the state
sippi Coliseum. Girls “She’s gotten a lot Crusoe began pow-
championship because I
will compete on April 16 stronger,” Armistad erlifting in the 2019-
know that her numbers
with boys the following said. “I think she’s built 20 school year, but
day. a great amount of con- COVID-19 canceled the can go up even further.”
“It felt great because fidence — not only in remainder of the sea-
some people don’t get her self-esteem but also son, including the state
to that point and some regarding some of the tournament. When Ar-
people don’t reach that abilities that she didn’t mistad put together his
level,” said New Hope know that she had. I team — which currently
junior Jeremiah Jeffer- think she’s grown tre- consists of five girls and
son, who qualified in the mendously as an indi- 10 boys — for the cur-
Class 5A boys heavy- vidual as well as a com- rent season, he made
weight division with his petitor.” sure Crusoe wanted to
performance in Oxford. Crusoe also plays bas- come back.
Jefferson finished ketball and competes in “Coach,” she told
third in the north half shot put for the Falcons’ him, “I’m in.”
with a total lift of 1,280 track and field team. At New Hope, Jeffer-
pounds. A standout on While Columbus’ bas- son too was in after fail-
the Trojans’ offensive ketball season wrapped ing to make the top five
line, Jefferson stayed up in late February, Cru- and qualify for state as
after football practice to soe has remained busy a sophomore in his first
put in extra powerlifting in her efforts to stay year lifting competitive-
work, according to Seth fresh in both shot put ly.
Stillman, who coaches and powerlifting. Her fa- “When I knew that
both sports. ther, Carlos Crusoe Sr., didn’t make it, I was
“He works really, re- said she’s practically al- like, ‘I’ve got to make
ally hard at it,” Stillman ways leaving one sport it this year,’” he said.
said. “He’s a great foot- and heading for the oth- “‘I’ve got to.’”
ball player, but he works er. Jefferson finished
his tail off in the weight “She doesn’t want first in his weight class
room.” to be mediocre, so she in the Region 1-5A tour-
Jefferson is one of tries to do the best she nament, held at Nesho-
four area football play- can in everything she ba Central High School.
ers to qualify for the does,” Crusoe Sr. said. Before the north state
state powerlifting tour-
nament. Starkville ju-
nior Javalon Gandy and
sophomore Eric Thom-
as punched their tickets
in Class 6A’s 242-pound
division, and West Point
junior Chris Dean qual-
ified in the 182-pound
weight class in Class
5A. Gandy lifted 1,300
pounds, Thomas fin-
ished at 1,250, and Dean
placed third with 1,150.
The Yellow Jackets
also saw junior Michaela
Baker qualify in the girls
165 -pound weight class.
Starkville girls power-
lifting coach Mauriesa
Blackwell said Baker
improved her form and
upped her maximum lift
by 55 pounds to reach
590 pounds and book
her berth in the state
“Michaela has a very,
Cheap thrills.
Go for a walk.
4B THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 2021 The Dispatch •
TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (March You use your time well and your LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Your
18). There’s the option of stick- energy efficiently. As others heart is open for business, and
ing with what’s expected of you, observe how you focus yourself, you’re in for lively exchanges
but you get better results when they will decide straight away until closing time brings the wel-
you forget about the “mature” that you are not someone to come lull. In solitude, you can
move and fall into carefree mo- trifle with. They’ll approach in a rest, process and ready your
ments, finding and making fun, way that won’t waste your time. heart for another round.
letting go. You’ll take something GEMINI (May 21-June 21). VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept.
you’re good at and raise it to By using your time, energy and 22). There is a thing you want
such an exceptional level that vitality very well, you let others because you’d like to see their
an elite world will open to you. know that you’re in control of faces when you get it. But if no
Taurus and Gemini adore you. your life. They will not try to de- one else could know, would you
Your lucky numbers are: 11, 5, rail you or distract you, because still want it? That’s the litmus
BABY BLUES 20, 14 and 28. they see the futility in that. test that will reveal your true
ARIES (March 21-April CANCER (June 22-July 22). heart’s desire.
19). Not only will you see what Emotional and physical bruises LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
others overlook but you’ll also work in the same way: They’re You need humor. It’s not an
turn these details and aspects tender until healed. You avoid option; it’s a requirement.
around in your mind until you touching them until one day, you Laughter releases the tension,
start to see how they might fit realize that there are no painful elevates your point of view, lifts
together in a more useful, inter- sensations associated with your mood and aligns you with
esting or lucrative way. the area. Today brings such a the people who get you on a
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). realization. soul level.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Remember how noisy
places allowed for a raucous
time without the pressure of
conversation? With your longing
BEETLE BAILEY for such environments peaking,
you’ll still seize the opportunity
to work on developing communi-
cation skills.
21). If all the options that used
to be readily available were on
offer now, you wouldn’t see the
golden opportunity of this day:
to seize what is within your con-
trol. Don’t wait for the change.
The change is you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). A new relationship will have
you seeing an old relationship
MALLARD FILLMORE differently. Certain history will
take on altered significance,
meaning and scale as though
you’re looking at it through
someone else’s prescription
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). The excitement comes
with a realization that you don’t
have to stay stuck -- you can let
go of something and, suddenly,
there’s wiggle room. Let go of
something else and you can
practically walk right out of that
20). Most of the opportunities
blend into the background
with the stylish camouflage of
people wearing suits made out
of the wallpaper they are stand-
ing in front of. If you scan the
scene, you’ll miss it. You have
to really look.
Treasury: $242 billion in new
relief payments already sent
Roughly 150,000 checks rized direct payments of up to $1,400 to
qualifying individuals.
worth about $442 million Treasury said the first batch of pay-
ments went to eligible taxpayers who
also mailed to individuals provided direct-deposit information on
their 2019 or 2020 tax returns. Includ-
BY MARTIN CRUTSINGER ed were people who don’t typically file a
AP Economics Writer return but who used a non-filers tool at last year to be included in two
WASHINGTON — The Treasury earlier rounds of COVID-19 relief pay-
Department says it has sent out 90 mil- ments.
lion economic impact payments totaling Officials said additional batches of
$242 billion since President Joe Biden payments will be sent in coming weeks
signed a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief by direct deposit and through the mail
plan last week. as a check or debit card.
The bulk of those payments were No action is needed by most taxpay-
made by the IRS as direct deposits, ers to receive the payments, which will
which recipients starting seeing in their be automatic and similar to how people
bank accounts last weekend, officials received their first and second round of
said Wednesday. economic impact payments in 2020.
In addition, Treasury has mailed out The payments, which are being made
roughly 150,000 checks worth about to cushion the blow from the coronavirus
$442 million. pandemic, started with $1,200 payments
Processing of the payments began in the first round last spring and $600
last Friday, the day after Biden signed payments in a second round of payments
the American Rescue Plan, which autho- approved by Congress in December.
Pool Company
home; Columbus Mobile
■ Tim Anderson; 9641 Wolfe
Homes 1829 US-45 N
Road; construct storage/shop;
■ McShella Harris; 85 Ray Har-
■ Annie Rogers; 275 Farmers
ris Road; construct storage/ STARKVILLE
shop; owner
Market; set up mobile home;
West Malone ■ Robert and Amy More; 2073 1012 MS-12
■ Tyshon Rogers; Lodge ■ John Gibbons; Breland Over-
Street; construct storage/ look; construct s/f residence; 405 Russell St.
Apts For Rent: Other Lots & Acreage General Merchandise Motorcycles & ATVs
Employment COLEMAN
+/− 1 acre. Open land with
Need a little care.
Black, red & grey. Actual
RENTALS water & electricity nearby. Brown sofa w/ matching miles, 1,432. $1200.
Call us: 662-328-2424 TOWNHOUSES & APARTMENTS $17,900. Call or text, love seat & reversible 662−364−0120.
662−435−0401. pillows, $550.
General Help Wanted 1 BEDROOM Entertainment Center, $80.
Queen Mattress w/
part-time position available
3 BEDROOMS Garage Sales
railings, $75.
Call 662−549−5332. Community
at small personal care
LEASE, Ads starting at $12
© The Dispatch
5 Montréal
Columbus, MS miles. $13,000.
Real Estate
seeks a motivated, 662−251−1515
contracted carrier for the Call 662−312−6617.
Caledonia area. Excellent
opportunity to earn money Lawn & Garden
Ads starting at $25
for college. Must have
good transportation, valid
driver's license & insur- Farms & Timberland
ance. Delivers on Sunday
morning and Mon-Fri after- Ads starting at $12
noons. Apply at The Com- 203 ACRES
mercial Dispatch, 516 PRIME TIMBERLAND Burial Plots
Main Street in Columbus. $270,000
No phone calls please. Exc deer, turkey hunting 2 BURIAL PLOTS
Good Investment Located in Veteran location
(615)719−8329 @ Memorial Gardens of
Transportation Columbus, MS. Must have
cash, $7500. A savings of
CLASS A CDL DRIVER with $1500. Plots include burial
Truck & Lowboy/Dump LAMAR COUNTY, AL: 63 vaults and can be
Trailer experience to load, ACRES on County Road 34. exchanged for any spot
haul, & unload heavy Exc hunting, some timber, other than a veteran.
construction equipment/ power & county water. Call 662−386−4080 or
material. Overnight travel $1,150 per acre. 205−712 662−386−4081.
required. Only qualified −5606 or 205−799−9846.
applicants with clean MVR,
current medical examiner’s Lots & Acreage
certificate and no
accidents need apply. 1.75 ACRE LOTS. Good/
Email resume to chastity@ Bad Credit Options. Good credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land,
OPERATORS needed for
local project. Must be able
to maintain & operate
dozers and excavators.
Email resume to: chastity@
Ads starting at $25 ACROSS
1 Flight part
Apts For Rent: North 5 Gives over
10 Caruso, for
Central Heat & Air one
Appliances 12 Decree
$600/mo. plus sec. dep., 13 Make blank
No pets. No HUD.
662−327−0587 14 Specialized
15 Lob path
1 & 2 BR near hospital.
16 Go every
$595−$645 monthly. direction
Military discount, pet area, 18 Be important
pet friendly, and furnished 20 Frothy brew
corporate apts.
GYM. ON SITE SECURITY. 23 In addition
ON SITE MAINTENANCE. 24 Italy’s shape
24−HOUR CAMERA 26 Grace finish DOWN 24 Peachy
SURVEILLANCE. Benji & 28 Ab’s neighbor 1 Iron output cocktail
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31 Pamplona cry 3 Make into law 27 Got together
Apts For Rent: West
32 Potential 4 Not neg. 28 Appears
5 Pro wrestler/ unexpectedly
36 Old-time actor John 30 Tad Lincoln’s
record 6 Fix a story dad
39 Freud topic 7 Give orders 33 Colorful fish
Apartments & Houses 40 Mideast 8 Flying forma- 34 Snowy wader
peninsula tion 35 Perch
1 Bedrooms 41 Lead-in 9 Sound system 37 “Toodle-oo!”
2 Bedroooms 43 Merge 11 Does usher- 38 Draws
3 Bedrooms 44 Massage ing work 42 Right away
targets 17 Weep
Furnished & Unfurnished
Service Directory
45 Print units 19 Binary base
1, 2, & 3 Baths 46 Power unit 22 Game quests
Lease, Deposit
& Credit Check
327-8555 Promote your small business starting at only $25
Building & Remodeling General Services General Services Lawn Care / Landscaping
Apts For Rent: Other
Work wanted. Carpentry, Clay Gravel − $250 CHAPTER 7 Spring Cleanup, Tree
concrete, electrical & Millie for Driveways − $375 BANKRUPTCY Cutting, Landscaping,
plumbing, shingle & metal Available for hauling any $545 plus Filing Fee Sodding & Bush Hogging
roofing, fascia & soffit materials. Filling in 662−356−6525
repairs, pressure washing swimming pools. CHAPTER 13
& mobile home repairs. Columbus. Call Walter, BANKRUPTCY Painting & Papering
No Job Too Small. 662−251−8664. All Attorney Fees Through The Plan
662−549−7031. Jim Arnold, Attorney QUALITY PAINTING
WORK WANTED: Ext/Int Painting
General Services
Licensed & Bonded. 662-324-1666 Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
TILL SMALL GARDENS. 104 South Lafayette Street, Starkville Repair. Pressure Washing.
A & T TREE SERVICES Carpentry, minor electrical, Please visit our website: Free Estimates. Ask for
Bucket truck & stump minor plumbing, insulation, specials! Larry Webber,
removal. Free est. painting, demolition, Saturday morning appointments 662−242−4932.
Serving Columbus gutters cleaned, pressure available for Starkville Office.
since 1987. Senior washing, landscaping, &
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ cleanup work. SULLIVAN’S PAINT
242−0324/241−4447 662−242−3608. SERVICE
"We’ll go out on a limb Are you a painter? Special Prices.
for you!" Advertise here! Interior & Exterior Painting. 662−435−6528