Test Requirements For Seismic Qualification of Substation High-Voltage Equipment and Recommendations For New Edition of IEEE693 Standard
Test Requirements For Seismic Qualification of Substation High-Voltage Equipment and Recommendations For New Edition of IEEE693 Standard
Test Requirements For Seismic Qualification of Substation High-Voltage Equipment and Recommendations For New Edition of IEEE693 Standard
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1 author:
Shakhzod Takhirov
University of California, Berkeley
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KEY WORDS: Lifeline systems, electrical substation equipment, seismic qualification, IEEE693, shake table testing.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014
scale (preferably in the as-installed configuration), the Spectral accelerations of the table and support structure
feasibility of seismic qualification by testing can be limited by computed for High PL run are presented in Figure 2, which
the capacity of a test laboratory. These limitations may show that the spectral accelerations on top of the support
include the clearance above the shake table, the footprint of structure were amplified in a wide range of frequencies with
the support structure and the equipment itself. The allowed some significant amplification in the vicinity of the first and
payload of a shake table, displacement and velocity limits are second mode frequencies of the system. This plot is typical for
also significant factors to consider. Utilities may often use all three directions of testing and only the X direction of
support structures of their own design, and certain types of shaking is shown in this figure.
equipment may be installed with widely varying support Ratios of spectral accelerations on top of the support
configurations depending on functional needs. structure to that of the table have a similar trend for all three
To address these issues, the standard allows the testing of directions of testing, as shown in Figure 3. Spectral
electrical equipment without a support structure under amplifications in both horizontal directions significantly
amplified strong motion that accounts for the effects of a exceeded the standard’s factor of 2.5, with the most
support structure. The shortcomings of this approach are amplification seen in the X axis (direction of the switch with
discussed in this paper and are based on the extensive research lower stiffness, perpendicular to the switch base). The latter
program conducted on the 550-kV vertical break disconnect amplification is more than two times greater than the 2.5
switch at the University of California, Berkeley as part of the factor with the largest amplification is as high as 5.5
Lifelines Program [5]. The switch was tested using many 12
configurations, including the two major ones: main blade Shake table
Top of support
closed and main blade open. The latter configuration was 10 IEEE693
tested with amplified strong motion obtained from the top of
the support structure.
Spectral acceleration, g
for the complex 6D motion (3 translations and 3 rotations) of Figure 2. Spectral accelerations of table, top of support
the attachment points of the equipment on the support structure and current IEEE693 amplified spectra for unknown
structure. Although the Standard specifies that the 2.5 structure.
amplification factor be applied to translational as well as
rotational responses, the latter are very difficult to achieve in 6
practice. As a result, practitioners often neglect the effects of X direction
Y direction
support rotation. 5 Z direction
0 1
10 10
Frequency, Hz
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014
seismic qualifications that had a similar outcome was the test This case represents a case when the model is perfectly
program conducted on three-phase disconnect switch with a defined: properties of the “switch’s model” and the “support
voltage rating of 245-kV, tested at the University of California structure’s model” perfectly reflect the actual ones. Three
at Berkeley [6]. Even though it is somewhat expected that the levels of tests with amplified excitation at 0.125g, 0.25g and
spectral amplification will be larger for the 550-kV switch 0.5g were performed. The test results were compared to test
mounted on a tall and flexible structure, it was surprising to data recorded for the switch with support structure. The
discover a somewhat similar amplification in the case of a differential displacement between the tips of so called Jaw
relatively rigid frame supporting the phases of 245-kV switch, post insulator (located at the opening side of the main blade)
as shown in Figure 4 (the switch in closed configuration is and Rotating post insulator (located under the hinge fixture
shown). coupling two posts together) was monitored during the tests.
are needed. 10
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014
or cannot be expected to indicate acceptability of the part, the
Extension: Support shake table test is required to be supplemented by static
35 Retraction: Support
Extension: No support testing in which the parts are subjected to estimated PL
Retraction: No support
30 loading. Functionality of the equipment is then confirmed
after these tests. If the strains are below or at the allowable
Displacement, mm
values, the results of supplemental static testing are
acceptable, and electrical functionality is confirmed, the
15 equipment is considered to be qualified, and its performance
10 can be projected to the full High PL. This approach was
introduced in earlier versions of the standard to address the
following: (1) limited number of shake tables was available
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 that could deliver the required motions, (2) available shake
PGA level of IEEE693 testing, g
table facilities had limited payload capacities, and (3) risk of
financial loss during testing of expensive equipment, (4)
Figure 7. Strains at bottom section of Rigid post insulator (the
safety concerns with testing large, brittle porcelain
most overstressed post)
components, some of them subjected to high internal gas
Based on the discussions provided above the following can pressures at shaking levels close to structural failure, (5)
be concluded. Even in this case of ideal match between uncertainty regarding the seismic capability of equipment that
physical components and finite element models the latter fail could actually pass full PL testing. After introduction of the
to fully represent complexity of actual equipment with a standard, several brand new shake table facilities have come
support structure. For the case discussed in this paper, as well on line and several old tables have been upgraded to achieve
as many cases encountered in practice, the effects of top-of- adequate payload capacities. In recent years, a number of full
support rotation are very difficult to address adequately. In High PL qualification tests of high voltage equipment have
many seismic qualification programs done commercially, been successfully completed.
modelling is done without any component tests taken into A typical example that shows shortcomings of the approach
account and in many cases no calibration of the model is is provided herein. In a vertical break disconnect switch its
performed which raises concerns about the validity of the final main blade must remain inside of the contacts when the
model. Even in the perfect (albeit ignoring the support switch is in closed configuration. In many cases the blade has
rotation effects) match situation the performance of the additional electrical shielding components in the vicinity of
equipment can differ significantly when support structure’s the jaw contact clip which limits the allowable relative motion
effect is substituted by an amplified motion. between the switch blade and the jaw clip as shown in Figure
This approach needs to be reconsidered and re-evaluated to 8.
achieve consistency in testing and seismic qualification. A
new reliable and conservative enough approach needs to be
developed to assess structural performance of the equipment
and its support as a coupled system with complex and
nonlinear properties.
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014
survive more than one large earthquake. Although aftershocks
Extension are a consideration, the demand loading from such events is
100 IEEE693 generally substantially lower than the main shock.
The primary objective for the most if not all utilities is to
80 maintain or provide for rapid restoration of electric service
Displacement, mm
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014
FE analysis: isolation system or damping device response spectra should envelop the lowest resonant
component testing. To develop a FE model that closely frequency obtained in the resonant search tests.
represents the isolation system, component testing on the Shake table testing: time history testing. Only triaxial
isolation system is needed. The results of these tests would be full-scale testing is permitted. The seismic qualification
used for calibration of the nonlinear force versus displacement method for equipment with seismic protective devices should
relation assumed in the analysis. This testing would also be be by shake-table response histories testing. An option of
used to verify that the isolation system has the required using a site-specific spectrum as specified by the utility may
displacement/force capacity determined from the analysis of be used for evaluation.
the coupled equipment-isolation system (with an appropriate
factor of safety). The tests are recommended to be conducted 6 REQUIRED RESPONSE SPECTRUM
in a cyclic setting with incrementally increasing amplitude up As currently written, IEEE 693 requires most substation
to displacement level expected at High PL. equipment to be qualified by means of numerical analysis or
FE analysis: bounding analysis. To account in variations by full-scale shake table testing. The demand on the
in the damper/isolator properties, a bounding analysis should equipment is specified by required response spectra (RRS) of
be conducted. The lower bound should equal the value the strong motion imposed at the attachment points of the
obtained from the component tests but not greater than 85% of equipment. In case of numerical analysis, for complex
nominal value and the upper bound should equal the value structures with many modes in the seismic range, a detailed
obtained from the component tests but not smaller than 120% finite element model is required. The damping ratio is
of nominal value. The components and connections in the required to be measured directly or a conservatively low value
equipment and its anchorage should be designed from the (e.g., 2%) is permitted to be used. The lower frequencies of
worst case results obtained from the bounding analysis. the mathematical model should, if possible, also be verified by
FE analysis: dynamic analysis of seismically protected simple-bump or other specified test methods. In case of full-
system. To qualify the equipment to certain seismic scale testing by means shake table tests a resonance search
qualification level, a dynamic analysis of the equipment- test is required. The resonant frequency search test is for the
isolation system needs to be performed. The equipment and its determination of resonant frequencies and damping of
support structure could be modelled as linear if analysis shows equipment before and after each time history test. The data
that the components of the equipment remain elastic. The obtained from the test may be an essential part of an
isolation system needs to be modelled as nonlinear component equipment qualification; however, the test does not constitute
based on the results of the component tests. Alternatively, for a seismic test qualification by itself.
velocity- and frequency-independent devices, it would be Per the current version of IEEE693, a maximum damping
permitted to perform linear analysis using equivalent value of 2% may be assumed on all equipment and structures
properties of the isolation/damping system at the target and any claims of any damping beyond 2% must be
displacement. substantiated by testing. Historically, the determination of
FE analysis: seismic qualification level. For either damping of substation equipment has been focused on the
moderate or high qualification levels, the acceleration damping associated with the horizontal response of equipment
spectrum anchored to the performance level (Moderate or and with particular emphasis on the lower modes of vibration.
High PL) should be used. In reality, structural and non-structural systems can have
5.2 Seismic Qualification by Means of Shake Table Testing damping ratios other than 2%, depending on various factors
such as structural types, construction materials, the level of
If the seismically protected system cannot be tested in full- ground motion excitations and many others. For instance, the
scale as-installed configuration it may be qualified by analysis effective damping of the equipment can change during the
as currently allowed by the standard for transformers and time history tests especially during high PL testing due to
other oversized equipment. some plastic deformations expected during this severe motion.
In many cases the HV substation equipment is relatively For seismically isolated equipment the variation in damping
light weight, with limited foot print and height, and as such it can be related to physical properties of the isolation system
can be seismically evaluated by means of shake table testing. itself.
Shake table testing: component tests and bounding In most building codes and seismic design standards [9] the
analysis. Similar to the requirements of the seismic design spectra is provided at 5% damping ratio. If a structure
qualification by analysis, the isolation system and/or damping has a damping ratio different from 5% a special damping
devices should be subjected to component testing prior to the scaling factor (DSF) is used to modify the design spectra to
shake table testing and bounding analysis performed. that particular damping value. A similar approach was used in
Shake table testing: resonance search tests. Sine sweep the IEEE693 standard which specifies required response
testing should be conducted independently in three directions. spectra at 2%, 5%, and other damping and provides DSF for
For seismically isolated equipment, both the isolation system other damping ratios. The 2%-damped spectrum is specified
and equipment frequencies and damping should be identified. as the target for spectral matching when developing input
For isolated equipment and damping devices that are motions for testing.
displacement-dependent, a minimum of four sweeps with In recent research utilizing the updated, 2011 version of the
amplitudes ranging from 0.05g to 0.25g are proposed to be NGA database of ground motions recorded in worldwide
conducted. The sine sweeps may be replaced by equivalent shallow crustal earthquakes in active tectonic regions (i.e., the
white noise excitations at multiple levels to estimate the NGA-West2 database), dependencies of the DSF on variables
frequency dependency on the level of excitation. The required
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014
including damping ratio, spectral period, moment magnitude, IEEE693 RRS at 2% and RotD50 (M=7,D=10)
source-to-site distance, duration, and local site conditions are
examined [10]. 3.5
The comparison between the IEEE693 required response
spectra at 5% damping and the estimated RRS for other 3
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Structural Dynamics, EURODYN 2014