EEE Suggestion: AC & DC Circuit
EEE Suggestion: AC & DC Circuit
EEE Suggestion: AC & DC Circuit
AC & DC Circuit
1.Fundamental of Electric circuits-- Alexander &Sadiku
(Ch: 1-7, 9, 11, 12, 13)
2.Alternating Current Circuit- Corcoran
(Ch: 1-4)
3. A Text Book of Electrical Circuits (Volume –I)- B.L. Theraja and A.K. Theraja
4. Introductory Circuit Analysis- Robert L. Boylestad
Electronics device and Circuit
5.Electronic device & Circuit theory- Boylested
(Transistor, FET, MOSFET, Clipper Clamper, Rectifier, Voltage Divider Circuit)
6. Microelectronic Circuit- Sedra/Smith
(Transistor, Diode, Zener Diode, FET, MOSFET, Op-Amp)
7.Operational amplifier-Gawkward
8. Principle of Electronic- V K Mehta
9. Power Electronics- Abdur Rashid
(Half & Full Bridge Inverter & Converter, DIAC, TRIAC, UJT Curve & Math, Buck
Boost Regulator)
10.A text book of Electrical technology Vol-2 --- B.L. Thereja
(Ch: 26-30, 32-34, 37, 38)
11.Electric Machinery Fundamentals—Chapman
(Ch: 2, 4, 5, 6)
12. Electric Machines- Charles I. Hurbert
13. Principles of Electrical Machines- V.K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta
14. Direct and Alternating Current Machinery- Rosenblatt and Friedman
15.Modern digital communication systems--B.P.Lathi
16.Optical fiber communication--Senior
17. Data communication systems---Foroujan (Ch:1-7)
18. Communication Theory - Dr. Md. Saifur Rahman
Power system analysis
19.Principle of power system-- V.K.Mehta (Ch: All)
(Ch: 2-11, 13, 17, 18-25)
20.Modern Power system analysis--Nagrath
(Ch: 4,6,7,9,10,11,12)
21. Elements of Power System Analysis- William D. Stevenson
Control system
22. Control system engineering -- Norman S. Naise
(Ch: 2-7)
23. Modern Control Engineering - Katsuiko Ogata
For Departmental MCQ Preparation-
24. Objective of Electrical Technology - V.K. Mehta and Rohit Mehta
25. Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering - B. L. Theraja
26. Electronics Engineering (Objective Type) - R. Kumar
Job Solution
27. Job Solution by Yousuf Book Stall/Pritam Mitra/Haque Publication/Perfect
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28. DUET Admission Guide (Optimum/Resonance/Acme)
30. Previous Question of GATE test
Compiled By
Engr. MahfujAlam