50 People Who Buggered Up Britain

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quentin letts

· London
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Constable and Robinson

3 The Lanchesters
162 Fulham Palace Road
London W6 9ER

Published in the UK by Constable,

an imprint of Constable & Robinson Ltd 2008

Text copyright © Quentin Letts 2008

The right of Quentin Letts to be identified
as the author of this work has been asserted by him in accordance
with Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

Illustrations © Nicola Jennings

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Dedicated to my darling wife Lois,

who puts up with me shouting at the television
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Acknowledgements ix
Introduction 1
1 Jeffrey Archer 7
2 Kenneth Baker 13
3 Ed Balls 19
4 Peter Bazalgette 23
5 Richard Beeching 31
6 John Birt 35
7 Frank Blackmore 43
8 Tony Blair 47
9 David Blunkett 53
10 Rhodes Boyson 59
11 Gordon Brown 63
12 Richard Brunstrom 67
13 Paul Burrell 71
14 James Callaghan 77
15 Alastair Campbell 81
16 Anthony Crosland 87
17 Richard Dawkins and Charles Simonyi 91
18 Diana 97
19 Greg Dyke 103
20 Sir Alex Ferguson 109
21 Maurice ‘Maus’ Gatsonides 113
22 Tony Greig 117
23 Edward Heath 121
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24 The Very Rev. Ronald Jasper 127

25 Graham Kelly 133
26 Graham Kendrick 137
27 Sir Denys Lasdun 143
28 Dame Suzi Leather 149
29 John McEnroe 155
30 Stephen Marks 161
31 Michael Martin 165
32 Alun Michael 169
33 Rupert Murdoch 175
34 John Prescott 181
35 Nicholas Ridley 187
36 Geoffrey Rippon 193
37 Charles Saatchi 197
38 Sir Jimmy Savile 203
39 John Scarlett 209
40 Howard Schultz 215
41 Julia Smith 221
42 Janet Street-Porter 225
43 Margaret Thatcher 231
44 Alan Titchmarsh 237
45 Topsy and Tim 243
46 Harold Walker 247
47 ‘Webonymous’ 251
48 Tim Westwood 255
49 Helen Willetts 261
50 Harold Wilson 265
Bubblin’ Under 271
Now try your own . . . 275
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Thanks to the following for their help and advice: Andreas

Campomar, the Daily Mail library and its staff, Sir Andrew
Green, Nicola Jennings, Anthony Kilmister, Hilary Lowinger,
Maggie Pearlstine, Sue Roccelli and Gill Watmough.
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hrivelled old Enoch, bony forefinger describing the horizon,

S said forty years ago in his papery voice that he saw ‘a
nation busily engaged in building its own funeral pyre’. Moulded
by his colour-prejudiced era, Powell supposed that ‘the black
man’ would have ‘the whip hand’ by the year 1988.
Well, it has taken a little longer than that and has proved a
great deal more complicated. Colour grievance has been but
one blight on British life. ‘The black man’ has turned out to
be just as likely a bossy white woman wielding a clipboard and
a list of rules, or an unreasonable personal injury lawyer with
ginger hair and another person’s ankle sprain, or a pallid British
Asian lad with a bomb in his rucksack and a selfish grudge
against his fellow beings. The ‘black man’ has actually turned
out, in many cases, to be one of the last proponents of family
support, Christian charity and communal endeavour – once
common standards which have crumbled like Dorset’s Jurassic
coast. The loss of those uniting manners is a sorry theme.
Decline is hard to deny. The funeral pyre has not just been
built but is starting to smoke. Flames lick at our toes. Teenagers
are killing each other with knives and guns. Illiteracy is rampant.
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Loneliness is reaching epidemic proportions, not least because

our churches have been so damaged by their own idiocy and
by sneering atheists. Look back to that day Enoch Powell made
his hated speech about ‘the black man’ and we can indeed say,
‘Good God, whatever have we done?’ – not as regards race
relations, but in numerous other ways.
Some of the ‘disimprovements’ seem, on the surface, to be
mere irritants: the reduction of informed horticultural advice
in television gardening programmes which devote themselves
instead to the allegedly irresistible personality of their presenters;
the rise of inauthentically matey American coffee shops at the
expense of older caffs; the nettle-like spread of bad language.
At first we shrug off such minor blemishes but then, perhaps,
we realise they represent something more menacing. If tinny
little Alan Titchmarsh is the ideal of a gardener it really might
tell us that, Houston, ‘we have a prab-lem’.
Common sense has decayed and is starting to drop from the
gum, from the ruling cadre’s obsession with ‘yoof ’ to the
dismantlement of railway branch lines, or the encouragement
to worship crappy modern art. There is the loss of high-
mindedness in our one-time newspaper of record. It may now
be more commercially aggressive but has its transformation
not diminished our self-respect, our gauges of communal
decency? National opinion of the police may not be altered
overnight by one senior officer’s crazed determination to arrest
speeding motorists and to use a dead motorcyclist’s image in
a road safety presentation without asking his family, but once
that doubt has been seeded, once this bulgy-eyed crassness has
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Introduction 3

been tolerated in officialdom, how long will it be before the

wider acceptance of law and order is dented? One silly hip-hop
DJ on BBC Radio 1 will not, on his grotty little ownsome, bring
the temple of nationhood crashing to the ground by swaggering
like a Los Angeles gangsta rapper. But it nibbles at the tightrope.
It scrapes the foundations. The more confused we become about
our cultural identity, the weaker our national self-respect
becomes, along with our very existence as a coherent society.
And weak is certainly the word for twenty-first-century
Britain. National institutions cower at the mercy of an
uncontrolled, publicly employed inspectorate of interfering
tartars and politicised quangocrats such as snippy Suzi Leather.
We subjects of the Crown have lost pride in our self-government.
Propriety in public life is a dwindling resource. We have
outsourced reason. We deserve it.
Who helped to build this pyre? What were they thinking? If
we can identify and agree on some of the culprits maybe we
can undo some of their cock-ups. Did the rot set in with the
promotion of comprehensive schooling over selective education?
It is too late for the generations who have passed through the
‘apprehensives’, but we can still make things better for their
children and grandchildren. A return of academic selection to
state schools is perhaps the single most practical, realisable
policy to improve our country. If promotion and relegation
are accepted in football leagues why should they be anathema
in our schools? Anthony Crosland’s ruinous work, surely, must
be undone. But don’t hold your breath.
Should we blame the insistence of the Thatcher Government
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that personal responsibility was the be-all and end-all and that
men over the age of thirty who travelled in a bus were failures?
Was that the moment the idea of kindred values was ruptured?
With discipline and group behaviour having been loosened in
the laid-back 1960s there was nothing to restrain Thatcherism’s
finger-wagging expectations of personal advancement.
Ephemeral enrichment, fevered by greed, was placed above long-
term damage to the fabric of our nation. What did it matter
if the coal miners had their noses rubbed in defeat? Forwards!
Upwards! Now! Today! We are still paying for her rough-
Before we all emigrate to New Zealand, let’s cheerfully admit
that many things have improved. We live longer. The wrenching
misery of child mortality has been sharply reduced, thank God
and science (if they be different). We take more holidays and
are generally less paralysed by class anxiety. Washing machines,
disliked by the climate change crowd, are a wonderful invention
which has reduced the domestic workload, as have throw-away
plates and dogs that lick the roast beef tin.
Cities are no longer cloaked by smog and the stink of horse
dung. We sleep in springier beds. Some, but not all of us, have
more relaxed relationships with our children. All these are
advances. So why are we not happier? What is missing?
Religious faith has declined. Secularist pulpiteer Richard
Dawkins may be a fiendishly bookish fellow but he has done
more to erode our substratum than anyone since Lucifer. Like
many of the people who have buggered up Britain, Dawkins
leads a comfortable life, cocooned in wealth and wisdom. To
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Introduction 5

him it is an intriguing intellectual struggle, a paper battle

played out in lecture halls and radio studios. He, like so many
of his fellow false prophets, is separated from the spiritual
poverty of the people whose life experiences he has diminished.
Do television producers such as Peter Bazalgette pause long to
consider the social consequences of their vile little programmes
or are they in it simply for the money, the thrill, the creative
So much money, so many technological advances, yet such
an unhappy country, so drained of community, so robotic as
it staggers towards oblivion. Who landed us in this mess? Who
are the halfwits, the mooncalves, the clotpolls, the pickthanks
whose little touches and yanks on the national tiller steered us
into such a rock-strewn channel? Read on, Macduff.
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1 Jeffrey Archer

ong before Tony Blair even thought about ennobling any of

L the Labour Party’s donors, there was talk of how John Major
stamped his feet up and down on the carpets of 10 Downing
Street and insisted, in the manner of Violet Elizabeth Bott until
he was nearly sick, that Jeffrey Archer be made a peer. It was as
bad a piece of work as Major did during his premiership and
it was an early sign that places in the Upper House of Parliament
were being handed out like spaces in an executive car park.
Much criticism has been fired at Blair and the Labour Party
for demeaning the House of Lords. Rightly so. But this flaky
combo was not the first to push dodgy friends towards the
Upper House. The Archer appointment was equally troubling.
That the Lords did not really take off as a political scandal until
2006 – some fourteen years after Archer first settled his bottom
on the red leather benches – shows how long the British
Establishment is allowed to get away with rank rum behaviour
before being shamed into higher standards of conduct.
Jeffrey Archer should never have been allowed anywhere near
the Lords. He was a political liability. In his earliest days as a
politician he was spotted by a laconic, slightly mournful man
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Jeffrey Archer 9

of the world called Humphrey Berkeley MP. I knew Humphrey

a little and he had a nose for trouble. He recognised Archer as
just that. His warnings to the Conservative Party went unheeded.
Archer’s wild unsuitability for a Life Peerage might seem
obvious now but it was also obvious to many people in 1992.
There was no shortage of well-placed types who told John Major
that ‘Lord Archer’ was a bad idea. The shadowy committee which
at that time approved nominations for the Lords shed its normal
discretion when the name of J. Archer came before its members.
It was not uncommon, as a Fleet Street journalist during those
months, to find oneself being shepherded into a corner of the
Palace of Westminster’s cloisters to be told off the record that
‘the committee was most unhappy’ and ‘the committee had
asked Downing Street if it was really sure about this nomination’.
And yet Archer, this scandal-flecked clown with the resilience
of an India rubber ball, bounced through the trouble and straight
through the stained-glass windows of the double doors which
lead into the House of Lords. Maybe it was his money. Maybe
it was his optimistic enthusiasm. Maybe there was another
reason. But he was given that most coveted of baubles.
There he remains, despite having been convicted of perjury
in 2001. The fact that he retains his seat in our legislature after
serving time in prison is a smaller matter. In a way he is rather
better qualified now to bring something of value to the House’s
discussions. Parliament needs authoritative voices and Archer
certainly has some expertise now in the area of penal reform.
But that is rather beside the point. He should never have been
there in the first place.
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It needs to be said that Archer is not an entirely bad man.

He has a mercurial effervescence which can be attractive – and
must especially have appealed to a Prime Minister who was
surrounded by cautious nay-sayers who, he may have felt, looked
down upon him. Perhaps the more the senior civil servants and
the Cabinet colleagues said, ‘John, you really must drop this idea
of Jeffrey going to the Lords,’ the more, perhaps, the idea appealed.
Who can say why John Major supported Archer? But this serial
fantasist, amusing company but a toxic political colleague, would
have been questionable as a recruit for a gossip column, let
alone for the revising chamber of our Parliament. There are
times when snobbery is justified and this was one of them.
Archer’s crassness, his boastfulness, his social mountaineering,
his pushiness, his sheer, screamingly obvious dodginess, were
traffic signs to his character and should have prevented him
getting as far as he did. The moment he made it in to the Lords
should have been the moment our system realised that something
needed doing about admission procedures to the Upper House.
Having become a producer of best-selling fiction Archer was
rich. Moreover, he was generous with money. By splashing it
around socially he lured journalists who should have known
better. He showed how easy it is, by offering free drink and the
thought of access to glamour, to subvert the British elite. At
the Conservative Party conference most years, and in central
London, in his south bank flat overlooking the Thames, Archer
was the most flamboyant host. Invitations to his parties –
champagne and shepherd’s pie, a questionable combination –
were greatly cherished by the impressionable and the
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Jeffrey Archer 11

disreputable. Lesser men and women fluttered towards Archer

like moths towards an outside light in summer.
The perjury that undid him, however, showed he was not
entirely a figure of fun. It related to an infamous 1987 libel
case against the Daily Star at which Archer won £500,000. The
editor of the Star, who consequently lost his job, later died of
a heart attack. Some said that he was broken by the case – the
case in which Archer lied. It was also a case in which the presiding
judge, a viciously uneven beak called Mr Justice Caulfield, held
up to the jury the sainted figure of Archer’s wife Mary. ‘Your
vision of her probably will never disappear,’ said Caulfield,
breaking the convention that summings-up should not be
biased. ‘Has she elegance? Has she fragrance? Would she have,
without the strain of this trial, radiance? How would she appeal?
Has she had a happy married life? Has she been able to enjoy,
rather than endure, her husband Jeffrey? . . . Is he in need of
cold, unloving, rubber-insulated sex in a seedy hotel round
about quarter to one on a Tuesday morning after an evening
at the Caprice?’
It was later reported that Mary and Jeffrey Archer were
hardly sleeping together. Mary Archer could have clarified
matters at the time of Caulfield’s summing-up. She did not.
No further questions, m’lud.
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2 Kenneth Baker

harming and mellifluous he may have been as a Cabinet

C minister. Some accused him of an unctuousness to rival
that of nipple grease. Others forgave him his shortcomings in
exchange for his delicious indiscretion. One thing Kenneth
Baker could never be accused of, however, was being a mere
agent of the people. There was something elevated, gamey,
casually anti-democratic about him, something that made him
more complicated and unpredictable than the routine-issue
legislator. More destructive, too.
Baker exuded paternalistic charity yet was simultaneously
hungry for headlines. This is how he came to be responsible for
two ill-considered changes to our law: the Dangerous Dogs Act
of 1991 and, five years earlier, the abolition of corporal punishment
in England’s state schools. So: unpleasant dogs could be
exterminated. Whole breeds were condemned with one sweep of
his ministerial nib. ‘Zero tolerance’, not then much used as an
expression, had to be shown to canines with an imperfect grasp
of discipline. But dangerous youths? Vicious children? Out-of-
control schoolboys? They could under no circumstances be caned
or birched or hit on the knuckles, even if they were terrorising
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Kenneth Baker 15

their classmates and persecuting their teachers (sometimes into

early retirement, in one case to a violent death). And even though
several members of the parliamentary Conservative Party paid
good money to be treated thus in the corrective parlours of Soho!
Sophisticated Kenneth Baker, aesthete, wit and courtier, was
a creature of the elite – the people who think they know better.
He may have worshipped at the feet of the great Sheba, Margaret
Thatcher, but he always did so with a sarcastic twinkle, sensing
rightly that she was not as all-powerful or all-seeing as her
sycophants and slovenly caricaturists supposed. Baker was alive
to nuances of social disapproval from ‘respectable’ voices. He
would gossip with them afterwards, behind the arras, off
microphone, about the sweatier, more yeomanlike and brutish
elements in the Conservative Party. He may outwardly have
been loyal to Mrs T, speaking up for her until the day she was
binned, but with oily Kenneth we always sensed it was a game
in which he knew the party line without ever quite supporting
it in his bones.
In the way that certain Wehrmacht officers in the Second
World War wanted to be known as ‘good Germans’, Baker
cherished good headlines from the upmarket newspapers which
dressed to the Left: the Guardian, the Independent and parts of
The Times. He was vulnerable to the sociologists and amateur
shrinks who signed up to the anti-corporal punishment lobbies
– the Clare Rayners and the Joan Bakewells and the Ruby Waxes
of this godawful world. The signatories to a pressure group called
Children Are Unbeatable is as good a list of bien pensant London
as exists. They could all of them benefit from six of the best.
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The caning ban came about in July 1986 when Baker was
Education Secretary. It was the tightest of votes – 231 versus
230 – and would have gone the other way if several pro-whacking
Tories had not been stuck in traffic and been unable to make
it to the division in time. Did they chastise themselves afterwards
for their failings? It is enough almost to bring tears to the eyes.
In recent times Gordon Brown has earned a reputation as
‘Macavity’, such is his habit of being absent at telling moments,
but Mrs Thatcher was almost as bad. On the night of the caning
vote she abstained owing to a dinner engagement with Nancy
Reagan, wife of the US President. So much for the ‘Iron’ Lady.
Progressive forces were delighted with Baker. Having prevented
teachers from using the most effective weapon in their armoury,
he then decided that they needed further training. Progressives
were now in ecstasy. Ah, training! Today’s all-purpose political
get-out. When in doubt, when criticised, when needing to buy
off a pressure group, offer more training. It creates jobs in the
sector which is attacking you and it provides a line of argument
to see off critics from elsewhere. ‘Baker Days’ were therefore
introduced, shortening teachers’ holidays and increasing the
cost of education to the state.
Baker was also afraid of bad headlines. As a politician who
fancied himself adroit in such matters, he thought he could ride
the bucks and kicks of the media pony. He thought, poor fool,
that he could appease the tabloid newspaper editors. The
Dangerous Dogs Act followed a spate of newspaper stories about
dog attacks. Freelance journalists scoured their districts for stories
which could be worked up into ‘another’ dog-savages-child story.
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Kenneth Baker 17

Fleet Street’s news editors solved the problem of what to put

on the front page by deciding there was a sudden emergency
of killer dogs on the rampage.
Up went the cry – invariably the wrong response – that
‘something must be done’. And with Kenneth Baker in charge
(now as Home Secretary, having been promoted there to get
him out of the way at Education) ‘something’ was indeed done.
Something kneejerk and pointlessly extreme. The breeding and
trade of four types of dog were banned. Among them was the
pit bull terrier – an animal which can be perfectly sociable, if
a little exuberant, provided it has not been trained to fight. Dog
experts said that Baker was mistaken. Baker was deaf to their
pleas. Potentially dangerous breeds not only had to be muzzled
but also had to be castrated or have their wombs scraped, and
had to be fitted with microchips. Big Government demanded
nothing less. Big Government should never be the Tory solution.
Inevitably it was not long before the media outcry of killer
dogs had been replaced by an equally lurid media outcry about
‘dogs on death row’ and one particular mutt, name of Dempsey
the Pit Bull, became the object of a national campaign for
clemency. Cue the screech of brakes, much sudden wisdom
after the event, numerous claims that ‘we never intended this’
and the realisation that Baker had created a publicity nightmare
and a rank bad policy which did not achieve what it intended.
It is the same with his law against caning. In 1986 he assured
us that caning produced more violent children. Since 1986
violence in schools has multiplied. Our streets are now roamed
by feral youths who have never experienced the pain they inflict
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on the victims of their violence. They have never feared an

adult, never been shamed into better conduct, never hesitated
from a course of misconduct because they were worried about
being caned. It may be only a coincidence but the demise of
corporal punishment has been followed by a sharp rise in
youth delinquency. Just as a majority of people, in 1986 opinion
polls, said it would.
Baker, unusually for a long-serving Cabinet minister, had
three constituencies in his parliamentary career. For two years
at the end of the 1960s he represented Acton. Then he took
over from Quintin Hogg as MP for St Marylebone in 1970.
When that seat was abolished in 1983 he nested himself in the
new, safe Tory seat of Mole Valley. A longer connection with
just one constituency might have made him a better MP. He
might have been less reliant on the patronage of the party and
developed a better instinct for sensible legislation rather than
the numerous grotty stews he left as his endowment to the
British people.
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3 Ed Balls

hat makes Ed Balls’s eyes bulge? This may sound like

W the start of a dirty joke and it is an unkind question.
The poor man may have an ocular problem. He may, for all
we know, have raging constipation. But bulge they most certainly
do, those eyes.
Cabinet minister Balls is said to be fantastically clever, a
master of strategy, a seer for the Centre Left. Despite these
horizon-scanning gifts he looks permanently surprised, less
the learned prophet than a man whose breakfast has just gone
down the wrong way after receiving a nasty surprise from the
electricity bill.
This Balls, overlord of detail, marshal of Treasury statistics,
begs to be taken as a serious man of the people. Those of us
who apply ourselves to that task do not have an altogether easy
time of things. Apart from the over-inflated optics there is the
surname – Balls! – so inviting to low comedians and political
opponents. You overcome that sort of burden only by ignoring
it, but Balls is good at ignoring things. He is coated in a
transparent varnish which sometimes makes him impervious
to other points of view and to mocking laughter. Yet we can
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note that his wife Yvette, who is also a Labour MP and a

minister, has chosen to sail under her maiden name of Cooper.
A wise call.
The Ballses are high Brahmins of the modern elite and it is
their presumption, their lack of understanding for the ‘lower
orders’ of the country they casually think they will govern,
which makes them such an insufferable and dangerous menace.
Both studied at Harvard. They are economists. They used to
write leader articles for newspapers with a high opinion of
themselves (but rather smaller circulations) and were later
crow-barred into safe Labour seats which would need little
supervision. They claim vast amounts in expenses and
allowances. Ed even took a chauffeur-driven government car
150 yards the other day.
Their 1998 wedding was a high-level merger, attended by
the grandees of New Labour and accorded the sort of publicity
which respectful chronicles of the 1920s would give the nuptials
of ducal offspring. It would be easy to mistake these two for
children of privilege – an impression they go to some lengths
to dispel. In Who’s Who Mr Balls lists as his recreations ‘playing
football, the violin and with daughter Ellie’. Mrs Balls, or Ms
Cooper as we have already noted she prefers to be known, lists
‘swimming, painting portraits (badly), watching soap operas’.
Savour the class awareness in those two collations, the skilful
elision of proletarian ‘football’ with intellectual, refined ‘violin’
and the new-mannish mention of one of his children. With
Ms Cooper there is the show of modesty (the ‘badly’ in brackets)
and then the insistence, with her soap operas, that she has a
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Ed Balls 21

taste for populist pap on the television. Please, please, they are
saying, do not think of us as aloof or spoiled. Think of us as
‘ordinary people’.
With their accents, too, the Ballses seek to accentuate an
unconvincing matey-ness. Ed (it is hardly ever Edward) speaks
in a strangulated Mockney which manages to be both staccato
and foggy. It is also peppered by delay phrases, by ‘errrr’ and
by little stammers. So bright! Yet so ineloquent! Yvette labours
for a northern twang, making her short ‘a’ even more aggressive
when she is fighting off criticism. Few onlookers would guess
that she was reared in southern England – in Hampshire, thank
you – or that her husband, who loves to attack David Cameron
for his public school background, himself attended a fee-paying
school in Nottingham and that his father is a university professor.
This background to the Ballses sits comfortably with their
political record of ‘nanny knows best’ interference. From the
start of the Blair Government in 1997 Balls was a decision-
maker at the Treasury, answerable only to his patron Gordon
Brown. Many of the schemes and themes of the Brown budgets
can be credited to Balls. It is not just Brown who loves
complicated welfare policies which test the brainpower of the
innocent citizen and clog up the machinery of government. It
is also Balls. The nonsense of tax credits? Classic Balls. The anti-
parliamentary shenanigans of stealth taxation, whereby clarity
of tax policy becomes apparent only days after the Budget has
been ‘announced’ to the House of Commons? Yet more Balls.
We can see his working methods apparent in the Education
Department – a Whitehall fiefdom which, with classic Balls
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opaqueness, has been renamed ‘Schools, Children and Families’.

Grandeur oozing from his every pore, he announced ‘the first
ever Children’s Plan’ for British youngsters. This included the
idea that all teachers in all British schools should in future be
entitled to study up to Master’s level at university, courtesy of
the Government. Does every kindergarten teacher in the land
really need to be an MA? Think of the extra costs: the money
needed not only to keep teachers at university long enough for
them to gain an MA, but also the higher wages they will feel
they deserve once they have that title. The Ballses have a fetish
for qualifications and certificates. These almost always mean
higher costs to the state – and therefore higher taxes. Tsk! Fret
not. The public will pay. They always do.
Cooper, who in private is said to be contemptuous of Labour
backbenchers (mere elected boobies? Pah!), also has this mania
for interference. She pushed through Parliament the Bill which
made Home Information Packs compulsory in property sales.
These ‘HIPs’ introduced a whole new inspectorate – an entire
bureaucratic regiment which owes its existence to the Ballses
and to the vast, multi-tendrilled state they feed – and have
added hundreds of pounds to the cost of property transactions.
Form filling, cost incurring, pointless job creating: that’s the
Ballses for you. This deadly duo are just getting into their stride
and will no doubt be running our lives for many years to come.
After you with that cyanide, Perkins.

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