Introduction To Second Quantization: 1.1 Single-Particle Hilbert Space
Introduction To Second Quantization: 1.1 Single-Particle Hilbert Space
Introduction To Second Quantization: 1.1 Single-Particle Hilbert Space
1 Preliminaries 1
1.1 Single-particle Hilbert space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.2 Many-particle Hilbert space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
3 Representation of operators 4
3.1 Change of basis and the field operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3.2 Representation of one-body and two-body operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Part of the complexity in the many-body problem - systems involving many particles -
comes from the indistinguishability of identical particles, fermions or bosons. Calculations
in first quantization thus involve the cumbersome (anti-)symmetrization of wavefunctions.
Second quantization is an efficient technical tool that describes many-body systems in a
compact and intuitive way.
1 Preliminaries
Before entering the details of second quantization, it is worth drawing a clear distinction
between the single-particle and the many-particle Hilbert spaces.
ĥ|λi = ελ |λi,
2. spin 1/2 in a magnetic field, ĥ = −BS z . The Hilbert space has dimension 2, generated
by the eigenstates | ↑i and | ↓i of the spin operator S z .
1.2 Many-particle Hilbert space 2
The basis of two-particle states, given by the set of (anti-)symmetrized functions, + for
bosons and − for fermions,
ψλ,ν (1, 2) = √ [ϕλ (1) ϕν (2) ± ϕλ (2) ϕν (1)] ,
is built out of the single-particle states ϕλ (1) = h1|λi. The corresponding Hilbert space1 is
denoted F2 .
where the summation runs over all permutations of {1, . . . , N }, forms the basis2 of the
Hilbert space FN . In the bosonic case, the basis is obtained from symmetrized states, i.e.
Eq. (1) where (−1)P is replaced by 1.
The hamiltonian may describe independent particles in which case
Ĥ = ĥ(i) ,
p2i /(2m).
1. for particles in free space, Ĥ = i
The annihilation operator cλ , lowering the number by 1, is the hermitian conjugate of c†λ .
The full basis of the Fock space F is in fact generated by creation operators applied on the
vacuum state, namely |nλ1 = 1, . . . , nλN = 1i = c†λ1 . . . c†λN |0 >.
The antisymmetric properties of the basis states (Slater determinants) |nλ1 . . . nλN i are
ensured by the anticommutation relations
{cα , cβ } = cα cβ + cβ cα = 0, {cα , c†β } = δα,β . (5)
The product n̂λ = c†λ cλ gives the number of fermions occupying the state |λi,
c†λ cλ |{nα }i = nλ |{nα }i
where nλ = 0 or 1.
ψλ1 ,...,λN (1, . . . , N ) = h1, . . . , N |ψλ1 ,...,λN i.
2.3 Bosons 4
2.3 Bosons
There are only slight differences in the way second quantization works for fermions and for
bosons. In the case of bosons, the basis states are symmetrized functions and the number of
bosons in a given single-particle state is not restricted. These properties are ensured by the
commutation relations
with the (annihilation) creation operators (bα ) b†α . From Eq. (6), one can prove4 that
b†λ |nλ i = nλ + 1|nλ + 1i
√ (7)
bλ |nλ i = nλ |nλ − 1i
such that n̂λ = b†λ bλ is indeed the number operator, n̂λ |nλ i = nλ |nλ i.
3 Representation of operators
The complexity associated with wavefunction (anti)symmetrization has been reduced, in the
formalism of second quantization, to the surprisingly simple commutation relations, Eq. (5)
for fermions and Eq. (6) for bosons. Had the usual operators of the theory complicated
expressions in terms of creation/annihilation operators, this would not be very useful. How-
ever, as we shall see below, the hamiltonian as well as standard operators do have simple
expressions in second quantization.
from one basis to another. Hence, the change of basis only requires the calculation of matrix
elements hα|λi involving single-particle states.
By convention, the field operator Ψ(r) in a continuous problem is associated to the basis
of position states |ri, X
Ψ(r) = hr|λi cλ . (9)
Using Eq. (5) and Eq. (6), one finds the commutation relation
The states |nλ i are chosen to be normalized to 1.
3.2 Representation of one-body and two-body operators 5
where the local density operator ρ̂(r) = Ψ† (r)Ψ(r) has been introduced.
wherePck destroys a particle with momentum k. The total number of particle is given by
N̂ = k c†k ck .
p2i /(2m), describing independent particles, reads
1. The kinetic energy operator T̂ = i
in second quantization
X ~2 k 2 †
T̂ = c ck , (14)
2m k
i.e. it is diagonal in the momentum basis. An alternative expression involving the field
operator is
(~∇/i)2 ~2
T̂ = d r Ψ (r) Ψ(r) = dd r ∇Ψ† (r) · ∇Ψ(r). (15)
2m 2m
2. Tight-binding models are simplified band models for electrons in solids where only
neighboring sites hybridize. A particularly simple example is given by the hamiltonian
X †
Ĥ = −t ci cj + c†j ci , (16)
where c†i creates an electron on site i and hi, ji denotes neighboring sites. The product
c†i cj describes intuitively the hopping of an electron from site j to site i: one electron
is annihilated on site j while a novel electron appears on sitePi. The hamiltonian
Eq. (16) is diagonalized by going to the Fourier space ck = √1Ns i e−ik·ri ci (Ns is the
P †
number of sites of the lattice), with the result Ĥ = k εk ck ck . In one dimension,
εk = −2t cos(ka), a being the lattice spacing.
We now consider a two-body operator such as the Coulomb interaction of Eq. (2). In
first quantization, it has the form
1 X (2)
Ô(2) = ô [i, j], (17)
2 i6=j
References 6
where ô(2) [i, j] accounts for pair interactions. In second quantization, it reads5
1 X
Ô(2) = hα β|ô(2) |γδic†α c†β cδ cγ , (18)
2 α,β,γ,δ
V̂Coulomb = dr1 dr2 Ψ† (r1 )Ψ†σ2 (r2 )Ψσ2 (r2 )Ψσ1 (r1 ), (20)
2 σ ,σ 4πε0 |r1 − r2 | σ1
1 2
in terms of the field operator Ψσ (r). Here the spin σ of electrons has been included. After
going to the Fourier momentum representation of Eq. (12), one obtains the alternative
1 X X
V̂Coulomb = v(q) c†k1 +q,σ1 c†k2 −q,σ2 ck2 ,σ2 ck1 ,σ1
2V σ ,σ q,k ,k
1 2 1 2
with the Fourier transform of the Coulomb pair potential v(q) = e2 /(ε0 q 2 ).
[1] H. Bruus and K. Flensberg, Many-Body Quantum Theory in Condensed Matter Physics
(Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004).
[2] A. Altland and B. Simons, Condensed Matter Field Theory (Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, 2010).
Note the ordering of indices which, in the product of annihilation operators, is reversed with respect to
the ordering in the matrix element.