United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.414,155 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.414,155 B2
United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.414,155 B2
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ACOUSTC COLLECTION SYSTEM FOR unit having a Surface for resting against a sound-transmitting
HAND HELD ELECTRONIC DEVICES material, and a hollow interior for transmitting that Sound out
through a stem.
FIELD With the advent of handheld electronic devices, some have
proposed alternative designs for stethoscopes that call for
The present disclosure relates to the field of acoustic aug incorporating them with electronic Sound recorders and wire
mentation devices, including stethoscopes and long range less transmitters. For example, it has been proposed to attach
sound collectors. The present disclosure also relates to the a stethoscope chestpiece to an electronic recording device
field of attachment accessories for handheld electronic
mounted along the tube running to the stethoscope's earbuds.
devices such as Smartphones and tablets. This “in-line' device may be equipped with a microphone and
Bluetooth-type transmitter for wirelessly delivering a sound
BACKGROUND recording.
It has also been proposed that a small stethoscope dia
Acoustic collection devices comprising funnels, elongated 15 phragm be built into the back of a cellular phone. This design
tubes and/or listening bells have been used for centuries. As is of limited use, however, because, it would require manu
relevant herein, acoustic collection devices can generally be facturing a cellular telephone with a small diaphragm already
considered to fall into two categories: (1) stethoscopes for “embedded into main body of the phone. This is a specialty
close-range, contact-based sound transmission, and (2) fun purpose application that most cellular phone manufacturers
nels used for contactless, longer range sound detection and would not consider. Furthermore, embedding a small dia
amplification, such as parabolic collectors. phragm within the phone limits its size. It has also been
The first medical stethoscope is attributed to the nineteenth proposed to have an electronic wire connection between a
century French physician René Laennec. Stethoscopes have stethoscope chestpiece and a jack on the cellular phone, but
since come to be used ubiquitously not only by doctors, but this is yet another piece of specialty electronic equipment that
also by Scientists and craftsmen in a broad range of fields that 25 would require separate manufacture.
have a need for basic Sound conduction/amplification. The Another proposed solution is to physically connect a tube
modern stethoscope consists of a chestpiece having a hollow from the chestpiece to the microphone of a cellular phone.
stem connected to a length of hollow tubing that leads to two Such a design proposes that a phone have a microphone at one
earbuds. end, and that an adapter connects the stethoscope tube
The chestpiece typically consists of two opposite sides, one 30
directly to the end of the phone equipped with the micro
having a diaphragm that transmits higher frequency sounds, phone. These proposals call for the chestpiece to be physi
and the other side having a rigid, cupped bell for transmitting cally separate from the main body of the electronic device,
lower frequency sounds. The standard stethoscope includes a and in some cases connected only by a long length of tubing.
semi-rigid frame that serves the dual purpose of mounting the 35 The disadvantages of Such proposals include at least: (1)
ear buds and allowing the stethoscope to hang around the instability of the mounting, (2) difficulty of handling the
user's neck. portable electronic device and the chestpiece as separate
For longer-range, contactless Sound collection, funnels are items, and (3) poor sound quality and conduction.
often used. Though no longer in widespread use, ear trumpets Applicants are aware of no proposals for directly mounting
were traditionally used to assist people with hearing nearby 40 a stethoscope chestpiece to a modern portable electronic
conversation or sounds. Modernly, parabolic microphones device Such as a Smartphone or tablet.
have come into ubiquitous use for gathering Sound waves Embodiments that a contactless, open air acoustic collector
traveling over distances as great as several hundred yards. The with a portable electronic device such as portable phones and
design of a parabolic microphone is fairly straightforward: a tablets may be advantageous.
cone with a parabolic inner wall focuses incoming Sound 45
waves at the geometric focal point of the parabola. A micro OBJECTS OF THE INVENTION
phone is mounted at the focal point to collect the sound.
Alternatively, a tube with an opening may be placed at the In light of the foregoing disadvantages of the prior art, it is
focal point, and the Sound conducted through the tube to a an object of embodiments of the present invention to provide
listening location. 50 an acoustic collector mounting system that allows a stetho
In the present disclosure, the generic term "acoustic col Scope chestpiece or open air collector to be mounted directly
lector” or “collector” will be used to refer to acoustic collec to a handheld electronic device as part of a fitted casing.
tors in the nature of both (1) stethoscope chestpieces and (2) It is a further object of the invention to allow the mounting
longer-range, contactless Sound collectors, such as funnels of an acoustic collector to modern handheld electronic
and parabolic collectors. These longer-range, contactless 55
devices such as Smartphones and tablets.
acoustic collectors may also be referred to as “open air” It is a further object of embodiments of the invention to
collectors because they are not pressed againsta Surface in the allow for the removable mounting of an acoustic collector
manner of a stethoscope chestpiece. Where the term “stetho
scope chestpiece' or “chestpiece' is employed, it should be directly on a handheld electronic device case.
noted although this disclosure will use those terms to refer to 60 It is a further object of embodiments of the invention to
a unit containing a diaphragm and/or a bell, Such a unit need conveniently allow a variety of stethoscope chestpieces to be
not only be used in conjunction with medical evaluations. The mounted to a variety of different handheld electronic devices
“chestpiece” might also be used for any number of applica using a universal attachment mechanism.
tions that benefit from being able to detect sound vibrations It is a further object of embodiments of the invention to
through a material. The size and shape of the chestpiece might 65 allow persons to use a handheld electronic device Such as a
also vary, along with the type and sensitivity of the diaphragm Smartphone to amplify sounds across a room, or a longer
and/or bell. As used herein, “chestpiece” refers broadly to any distance.
US 9,414,155 B2
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It is a further object of embodiments the invention to pro rial having sufficient rigidity that it will keep lip 32 clasped
vide a means for allowing a user to selectively enhance certain about the edges of the device 33 during normal use.
Sound frequencies or limit reception to certain sound frequen As shown, casing 31 only covers the upper portion of
cies. device 33. In this mode, casing 31 should have sufficient
elastic tension to exerta Squeezing force on device 33 to help
SUMMARY keep lip 32 engaged and prevent casing 31 from slipping off
device 33. In most circumstances, the overlap of lip 32 on the
The foregoing objectives are achieved by Supplying a fitted front face 32A need only be barely visible to achieve the
casing that wraps around at least part of a handheld electronic desired clasping effect, so long as the casing is sufficiently
device. The casing is designed to allow affixing of the acous- 10 rigid to keep the rim in place. Adding a rubberized layer or
tic collector to the handheld electronic device, and may texturing to the surface of casing 31 contacting the device 33
include an embedded tube running from one or more of the will also improve the casings its grip.
device's microphones to the collector. The acoustic collector Alternatively, casing 31 can be designed to wrap more
may be a stethoscope chestpiece or a longer-range open air completely around the device as shown by dotted lines rep
collector, such as a parabolic collector. In certain embodi- 15 resenting lower casing portion 31a. Casing portion 31 a con
ments, the casing may take the form of a band whose length tinues lip 32 as lip 32a, which also clasps the sides of the
can be adjusted to fit a variety of electronic devices. In pre device 33 and slightly overlaps the front face 32A. When the
ferred embodiments, the portable electronic device is casing 31 is designed in this manner, it is less likely that
equipped with software that allows the user to selectively device 33 will slip out, and consequently the casing may be
amplify and/or limit certain sound frequencies. 2O made of a more flexible or rubbery material, having sufficient
elastic tension that it will keep lips 32 and 32a in overlapping
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS engagement with front face 32A.
The overlapping aspect of the rims just discussed can also
FIG. 1A is a plan view of an embodiment of the invention. be described as the rim “hooking onto” at least a portion of the
FIG. 1B is a plan view of the opposite side of the embodi- 25 device such that the casing material wraps around at least a
ment shown in FIG. 1A. portion of the device by more than 180 degrees, even if the
FIG. 1C is a side external view of the embodiment shown overlap is only slight. This concept is depicted visually in
in FIG. 1A. FIGS. 2A-2D. FIG. 2A is a cross-sectional view of a device
FIG. 1D is a side cross-sectional view of the embodiment 125 partially wrapped with a casing 127. The casing 127 does
shown in FIG. 1A, also showing other attachable compo- 30 not hook onto the device, and instead only covers three sides
nentS. that are at rightangles to each other. The arc covered by casing
FIGS. 2A-2D are cross-sectional schematic views of cas 127 is therefore only 180 degrees, which can be understood
ings attached to various devices. The circular diagrams on the by thinking of the device 125 in the abstract as the circle
right are abstract representations of the extent to which the shown in the diagram to the right of the figure.
casings encircle the devices. 35 Referring to FIG. 2B, device 125 in encased by casing 131
FIG.3 is a side external view of another embodiment of the which has a lip 137 slightly overlapping the front face of the
present invention. device. In this instance, the arc covered by the casing 131 is
FIG. 4A is a side view of a portion of an embodiment of the slightly greater than 180 degrees. Similarly, in FIG. 2C, the
present invention, including a partial cross-sectional view arc covered by casing 133 about device 125 is greater than
indicated by Stripes. 40 180 degree by virtue of lip 139. If the casing completely
FIG. 4B is a plan view of the portion of the embodiment encircled the device, we would say it covered an arc of 360
shown in FIG. 4A. degrees.
FIG. 5 is a side cross-sectional view of an embodiment of FIG. 2D depicts an alternative arrangement in which
the present invention. device 129 has an indentation 143 that allows lip 141 of
FIG. 6A is a plan view of another embodiment of the 45 casing 135 to “hook onto the device 129. The arc covered by
present invention. casing 135 is therefore slightly greater than 180 degrees.
FIG. 6B is a plan view of another embodiment of the Generally speaking, “hooking onto a device will require
present invention. that the casing cover three faces of the device, and that two
FIG. 7A is a plan view of another embodiment of the opposing edges of the casing have lips that each overlap a
present invention. 50 fourth surface of the device.
FIG. 7B is a side view of the embodiment shown in FIG. Casings of the kind just described are already made by
7A. manufacturers of Smartphone accessories, such as Incase
FIG. 8A is a plan view of another embodiment of the Designs Corporation, and their construction is known in the
present invention. art. To the applicant's knowledge, however, no handheld elec
FIG. 8B is a side view of the embodiment shown in FIG. 55 tronic device casing manufacturer has yet proposed incorpo
8A. rating a stethoscope chestpiece with Such a casing.
FIG. 8C is a side cross-sectional view of the embodiment Returning now to FIG. 1A, the microphone end 35 of
shown in FIG. 8A. hollow tube 37 (shown in FIG. 1B) is visible at the top of
device 33. The location of the microphone end 35 is dictated
DETAILED DESCRIPTION 60 by the location of the recording microphone on the device. In
many modern Smartphones and tablets, there may be more
FIG. 1A depicts an embodiment 30 of the present inven than one microphone on the device. In the case of the iPhone
tion. A sleeve? casing 31 is fit Snuggly around a handheld 4S, for example, there are two microphones present. A first
electronic device 33 having front face 32A. The casing 31 is microphone has an aperture located off-center on the top of
provided with a lip 32 that clasps the edges of device 33, 65 the device. A second microphone (which is used for picking
slightly overlapping the front face 32A. The casing 31 may be up Voice during normal telephone operation) is located off
made of any number of materials, including polymeric mate center at the bottom of the device. Either microphone could be
US 9,414,155 B2
5 6
used for the invention, but the top microphone is preferred overlap the front face 32A of the device 33, thereby hooking
because it enables the user to audibly interact with the device onto the device in conjunction with the side portions of lip 32.
(i.e. phone call, digital Voice assistant, Voice recording, etc.) Hollow tube 37 is shown as having a hollow core 53 that runs
without removing the casing from the device. from collector hole 45 to the microphone end opening 34.
Referring now to FIG. 1B, the other side of embodiment 30 The embedded collector 44 may be constructed with a
is depicted. An opening 39 in casing 31 exposes the camera hollow chamber 51 behind sloped inner wall 41. This design
aperture 47 and flash element 49 of device 33, shown here will decrease the quantity of material in (and therefore the
with its rear face 32B partially exposed. It may be advanta weight of) the casing. Hollow chamber 51 can be filled with
geous to combine audio recordings made with the acoustic materials having certain sound dampening/transmission
collector with visual recordings (still images or video) made 10 properties to Suit the particular application of the stethoscope
by the camera. For example, if the invention is used as a chestpiece.
medical stethoscope, the audio recordings may be combined FIG. 1D depicts embedded collector 44 with a grooved rim
in the same computer file with pictures or video of the patient 43. This rim can serve multiple purposes. In one mode, it can
taken which the audio recordings were being made. In be designed as the attachment point for a rigid circular collar
another example, if the invention is used as on open air 15 62 that mounts diaphragm 64. Screw threading can be added
collector to detect Sound across a long distance during a live to rim 43 for mounting collars with corresponding threading.
event (Such as a sporting event), the camera can be used to Alternatively, a collar may be provided capable of snap-fitting
simultaneously record video of event. over rim 43. Rim 43 can also serve as the mounting point for
The microphone end 35 of hollow tube 37 and hollow an elastic O-ring, also used for attachment of a diaphragm.
tube 37 itself are incorporated with casing 31, and can be As a practical matter, many modern stethoscope chestpiece
cast in the same mold, or printed by the same 3D printer. diaphragms are about 1.7inches in diameter. For example, the
Hollow tube 37 curves and runs along the back of casing 31 ubiquitous Littmann brand stethoscopes (manufactured by
toward the center of the casing. 3M), traditionally have chestpieces with diameters of about
FIG. 1B shows embodiment 30 provided with an embed 1.7inches. It will thus be advantageous to design collector 44
ded acoustic collector 44, which, like the hollow tube 37, can 25 to accommodate diaphragms having that dimension (assum
be cast in the same mold as casing 31, or printed on the same ing it is intended to be used as a stethoscope chestpiece).
3D printer. When the collector is cast from the same mold as Depending on the use the collectoris being put to, collector
the casing, or printed on the same 3D printer, or otherwise 44 need not be fitted with a diaphragm. For example, collector
manufactured as permanently affixed to the casing, the col 44 can be used as a bell for detecting lower frequency Sounds.
lector will be referred to as “incorporated with the casing.” 30 Its use as a bell will be improved by fitting rim 43 with a
As a general matter, any funnel-like structure can serve as rubberized ring for creating a seal over the listening Surface.
an acoustic collector for both stethoscope and longer-range As noted, collector 44 can also be used as a longer-range
sound collection purposes. As will be described, the collector Sound collector. For example, a hearing impaired person
44 shown here is specially configured to be used as a stetho might use collector 44 to collect and amplify sound across a
Scope chestpiece, though could also be used for longer-range 35 room. An attendee at a live performance or sporting event
sound collection. FIGS. 8A-8C, by comparison, depict an might also use collector 44 to amplify sound over a longer
alternative embodiment in which the collector is specifically distance.
intended for long-range, open air sound collection. Although the invention has thus far been shown with the
Returning to FIG. 1B, the hollow tube 37 runs along the collector located on the broad Surface of the casing, the casing
back of casing 31 and opens at hole 45 of embedded collector 40 may also be designed with the collector located in any of a
44. The embedded collector 44 has a sloped inner wall 41 that variety of other positions. For instance, the collector may be
extends outward from hole 45. Embedded collector 44 is attached to the edge of the case, acoustically coupled directly
provided with a grooved or threaded outer rim 43 for mount with the device's microphone. The size of the collector may
ing a diaphragm or other circular attachments, such as a vary depending on the size of the device it is being coupled
rubberized O-ring. As such, collector 44 is specially designed 45 with. If the collector is attached to the edge of the device, the
to be used as a stethoscope chestpiece (though could also be size of the attachment will be in congruence with the size of
used for longer-range open air sound collection). the device's edge.
When designed to mount a diaphragm, collector 44 is It should also be noted that in the above-described embodi
preferably constructed of a rigid material Such as hard plastic ment, and in the embodiments that follow, it will be advanta
or metal. However, when used on its own as a stethoscope 50 geous to design the opening of the hollow tube over the
chestpiece without a diaphragm, it will be advantageous to microphone to have a rubberized or gel sealing ring that can
construct the collector 44 from a flexible rubber material that be compressed by the casing to form a tight seal between the
can deform to match the contours of the Surface being listened tube and the microphone. This added seal will help improve
to such that it forms a good seal. Alternatively, the lip 43 can audio transmission quality.
be fitted with a flexible rubber sealing ring to accomplish the 55 It should additionally be noted that the invention can oper
same purpose, as discussed further below. ate with the acoustic collector physically separate and inde
FIG. 1C is a side view of the exterior of embodiment 30, pendently moveable from the casing, with a length offlexible
shown here on its own without the device 33. An opening 57 tubing connecting the collector to the handheld devices
is provided for buttons along the side of device 33. Similar microphone. This is in contrast to the embodiments depicted
openings may be placed wherever necessary to access the 60 in the Figures, which show the collector affixed to the casing,
surface of the device 33. Hollow tube 37 is shown running either because it is directly bonded (i.e., incorporated with)
along the back surface of casing 31, with embedded collector with the casing, or detachably mounted in Such away that any
44 protruding outward. independent movement is substantially restricted. For
FIG. 1D is a cross-sectional view of embodiment 30. The example, the collector 81 of embodiment 70 in FIG. 3 is still
inner backing 55 of casing 31 would be substantially flush 65 deemed “affixed' to the casing 72 because the neck 73 can be
against the back of the device 33 when the casing is attached made rigid with respect to the casing 72 such that the collector
to the device. Similarly, upper lip 68 of lip 32 would partially 81 does not move freely from the casing 72.
US 9,414,155 B2
7 8
While the figures herein depict tubing as embedded within joint 71, the rotary joint could be designed to have sufficient
the casing, the tubing could just as easily be fixed to the friction that it will tend to stay in a given position unless
outside of the casing. As a practical matter it may be easier to moved by the user.
manufacture the casing with the tubing as an embedded chan FIG. 4A is a side view of a system 90 for directly mounting
nel, which also reduces the extent to which the tube projects a collector to a casing 87. Here, the casing (shown in cross
out from the side of the casing. Whether embedded or section) is provided with an embedded hollow tube with
attached to the outside of the casing, Such rigidly fixed tubing hollow core 89, like hollow core 53. A raised slot 85 is
may be referred to herein is as “fixed' to the casing (as provided on the surface of casing 87 for mounting the pinched
opposed to extending away from the casing as an independent end 95 of collector 97. The opening of slot 85 is just wide
component). 10 enough to accommodate the pinched neck 99 of collector 97.
FIG.3 depicts an alternative embodiment 70 of the inven The pinched end 95 of collector 97 fills a correspondingly
tion designed to allow easy mounting of a collector having a shaped cavity 91 within slot 85. End 95 is provided with a
stem. Because many stethoscope chestpieces have stems, rubberized tip 93 to form a seal with the inner walls of cavity
91 about the hollow core opening 89.
embodiment 70 is particularly suited to use with such chest 15 FIG. 4B is a plan view of the mounting system 90. Raised
pieces, though it could also be used with an open air collector slot 85 is shown with dotted lines indicating inner cavity 91.
having a stem (or, as discussed below, with any collector that Collector 97 is shown with dotted lines representing pinched
can be attached to the device by other means). neck 99 and pinched end 95 on the opposite side of the
Here, a casing 72 is provided much like casing 31. Just as collector facing casing 87. The user can mount the collector
in embodiment 30, a hollow tube 78 is incorporated with the 97 to the casing 87 by sliding the pinched end 95 into the
casing, and runs to a microphone end 76 opening over the cavity 91 of slot 85. Rubberized tip 93 can be made slightly
recording microphone aperture of the handheld electronic larger than the cavity space so that it will elastically compress
device. Here, however, the hollow tube 78 bends around and form a tight seal that will help conduct sound and prevent
juncture 73 and curves outward and upward to form neck 75. the collector from disconnecting from the casing.
The juncture 73 and neck 75 may be made of a relatively 25 FIG. 5 depicts another embodiment 100 of the present
stiff material. Such as rigid polymeric material or the like, invention featuring an alternative mounting system. Here, a
such that it will tend to hold the chestpiece securely. The casing 101 (shown in cross-section) is provided similar to
chestpiece is thereby prevented from pivoting relative to the casing 31. A hollow tube with hollow core 103 runs to an
casing. Alternatively, the juncture 73 may be provided with a opening 105 on the back of the casing 101. Here, a substan
pivot joint 71 that allows the neck 75 to pivot relative to the 30 tially rigid neck 109 is provided for mounting a correspond
casing 72. The joint could be designed to have sufficient ing stem 119 of collector 115. A rubberized ring 111 encircles
friction that it will tend to remain in a given position unless the tip of neck 109 and provides a tight seal for stem 119.
moved by the user. Alternatively, the joint 71 could be pro Neck 109 may also be provided with magnetic portions 107
vided with a screw that can be loosed to pivot neck 75 and then for attaching to a corresponding magnet or ferromagnetic
tightened to hold it in place. 35 material 117 at the tip of stem 119. If magnets are used, they
In an alternative embodiment (not shown) the collector should be selected to have a level of intensity such that,
might be directly attached to the casing by a pivot joint Such depending on their location relative to the handheld electronic
as a ball and socket joint that allows the collector to pivot device and the type of electronic device used, the magnets
relative to the casing. In Such an embodiment, each of the ball will not interfere with the function of the electronic device.
and socket would have a hole to allow the transmission of 40 The selection of magnets will thus depend on the technical
sound to the tubing that runs to the electronic device's micro parameters of the handheld electronic device being used with
phone. The hole openings in the ball and the socket would embodiment 100.
have to be wide enough Such that an air passage can be FIG. 6A depicts an alternative embodiment 150 of the
maintained between the ball and socket even if the collectoris invention. Here, the casing 158 has been designed to cover the
pivoted. 45 entire backing of the handheld electronic device (rather than
As shown in the particular embodiment depicted in FIG.3, just the upper portion as in previous embodiments). In this
neck 75 is designed to be wide enough to accommodate most regard, the casing 158 is much like standard protective cas
stethoscope chestpiece stems, which typically are less than a ings currently sold by companies Such as Incase as accesso
half inch in diameter. The design would of course work with ries to Smartphones.
an open air collector having a similar stem diameter, or the 50 The hollow tube 154 is embedded along an angle in the
neck 75 could be designed to have whatever diameter is called casing 158 (rather than with 90 degree joints as previously
for by the user's application. A rubberized mating washer 77 shown). It should be noted that although the invention can be
may be provided to improve the seal and grip around stem 79 used with angled tubing Such as that shown in previous fig
of collector 81. The washer 77 may be made of a rubberized ures, it is preferred to have tubing that runs along the shortest
material with a relatively narrow opening capable of elasti 55 distance with the fewest bends. The shorter the tubing and the
cally expanding to accommodate and securely grip stem 79. fewer bends it has, the better the sound transmission.
Alternatively, removable washers of various sizes may be Also included in embodiment 150 is a second tubing 156
provided with the device for mounting collectors with stems branching off of the collector 155. This second tubing 156
having different diameters. Embodiment 70 thus enables terminates in an open end 160 that covers a second micro
users to Supply their own collector, and modify the mounting 60 phone on the opposite side if the device. In this manner, the
system to conform to the user's selection. device 150 is capable of delivering sound to two different
Having a neck-and-stem system has the added advantage microphones, even if only one is used at a time.
of allowing the collector 81 to rotate within the neck 75 to FIG. 6B depicts an alternative embodiment 151 of the
whatever angle is desired by the user. Alternatively, embodi invention which has a first tube 164 running to the handheld
ment 70 could be designed with the collector permanently 65 device's microphone, as well as a second branching tube 170
incorporated with the neck, and if rotational pivoting is that extends beyond the casing 168 and splits into ear chan
desired, a rotary joint could be added to neck 75. As with pivot nels 172a and 172b. These earchannels function like those of
US 9,414,155 B2
conventional stethoscopes and terminate inearbuds 174a and connects with embedded casing tube 202, which terminates at
174b. Note that the full length of earchannels 172a and 172b microphone end 201 over the device's microphone.
has been truncated here for illustrative purposes. Embodi FIG.8B is a side view of embodiment 200 showing how the
ment 151 allows the user to listen to the stethoscope at the focal point tube 205 traverses the opening of collector dish
same time as the handheld device's microphone registers the 207. FIG. 8C is a cross-sectional view of FIG. 8B that shows
Sounds it conducts. the parabolic curve of inner wall 211. Focal point tube 205
It should be noted that the branching second tube 170 could opens at funnel opening 209a of funnel end 209. Funnel 209
just as easily be connected to a different form of listening collects the sound that is reflected to the focal point of para
device. Such as a second microphone. This second micro bolic inner wall 207. Those sound waves are then transmitted
phone could also in turn be paired with a recording device or 10 through the tubing channel 215 to microphone end 201. Lips
speaker that is physically separate from the main handheld 213 and 217 of casing 203 hook onto the handheld electronic
device. device (not shown), and keep the embodiment 200 securely
FIGS. 7A and 7B show yet another alternative embodiment attached to it.
180 of the invention that eliminates the casing and replaces it Though not shown in the drawings, it is also possible for
with a band 187 that encircles the handheld electronic device 15 the collector dish and focal point tubing to be a separate unit
183. Band 187 is preferably elastic and sized to tightly wrap capable of moving independently from the handheld elec
around the device 183. Alternatively, band 187 may be tronic device and connected to the handheld electronic device
equipped with a commonplace length adjuster—such as a via a length of flexible tubing. Such an embodiment would
notched belt buckle, or Velcro ends (not shown)—that allow allow larger collector dishes to be used as they could be
the user to wrap it around device 183 with a desired tightness. supported by the user's hand rather relying solely on the
Included with belt 187 is a microphone mounting port 193 Support of the casing.
that allows attachment of a hollow collector tube 181. The A test was performed using a device casing and collector
port 193 is preferably made of rigid hollow plastic, and the similar to that shown in FIGS. 1A-1D. First, an iPhone (model
tube 181 is preferably made of a rubber-like material having 4S) was placed at approximately 14 feet from a constant
sufficient elasticity to mate with port 193 as shown in FIG. 25 Sound source. A comparison was made between the Sound
7B. A port base 191 included with the belt 187 has a registered by the iPhone without the invention attached and
rubber seal for forming an sealed connection with the micro with the invention attached. When the invention was attached,
phone on device 183. a marked increase in Volume was observed.
Rather than employing a mounting port 193, the port might
alternatively feature a magnetic ring, and the corresponding 30 Varieties of Handheld Electronic Devices
end of tube 181 provided with a mating magnetic ring. Thus,
the paired ring magnets would hold the end of tube 181 While the drawings herein depict a casing used with an
directly over the microphone port by the force of magnetic electronic device similar to an early model iPhone, it should
attraction. be understood that the present invention can be used with a
A collector may be incorporated directly into belt 187, with 35 wide variety of handheld electronic devices such as tablets,
tube 181 running from the collector to the port 193. When it Smartphones, cellular phones and the like. The invention
is desired to use the invention as a stethoscope, the device 180 might also be used with any number of other handheld elec
can also take advantage of the fact that many chestpieces have tronic devices of any shape by using the same lips and attach
bulbous ends, and use one or the other of those bulbous ends ment means disclosed herein.
to secure the chestpiece to the belt 187. FIG. 7B shows a 40 As used herein, “handheld electronic device' specifically
chestpiece 189 having a bulbous bell 185. Belt 187 is includes (but is not limited to) iPhones (and similar devices),
equipped with a fitting 192 for grabbing bell 185 and holding iPads (and similar devices), tablets, smartphones, iPods
it fixed against belt 187. Additional padding may be added to equipped with microphones (and similar devices), and mobile
the portion of belt 187 that contacts the chestpiece to reduce telephones. “Smartphone” refers to any wireless phone hav
sound conduction directly into the device 183. 45 ing a generally flat, rectangular shape. Such as an Apple
The fitting 192 is preferably an elastic band with a hole iPhone or Samsung Galaxy phone (as well as any similar
having a diameter similar to the diameter of the central por functioning, flat handheld devices that may yet come to mar
tion 194 of chestpiece 189. The user can stretch open the ket not having a rectangular shape). "Tablet” refers to any
elastic hole of fitting 192 to accommodate bell 185. In this microphone-equipped handheld electronic device that has a
case, the length of fitting 192 should be such that it elastically 50 generally flat, rectangular shape, but which may not be
holds bell 185 tightly to belt 187. equipped with a telephone feature (as well as any similar
Embodiment 180 thus advantageously allows the user to functioning, flat handheld devices that may yet come to mar
employ the invention with a wide range of stethoscope chest ket not having a rectangular shape). Tablets include, for
pieces and tubing of the user's selection, and does not require example, the Apple iPad, the Barnes & Noble Nook, and the
selling the chestpiece with the device. 55 Microsoft Surface. The term “Smartphone/Tablet encom
FIGS. 8A-8C depict an alternative embodiment 200 of the passes both of those terms as just defined.
invention specially designed to be used as a contactless, According to the present invention, an acoustic collector
longer-range Sound collector, i.e., and "open air collector. may be mounted to such handheld electronic devices by pro
FIG. 8A depicts a handheld electronic device casing 203 (in viding a fitted casing that is capable of wrapping around at
this case, similar to a standard iPhone casing). Directly 60 least a portion of the device and hooking onto it (as discussed
attached to that casing is a parabolic sound collector dish 207 above), with a hollow audio tube connected to the casing and
which has a parabolically sloped inner wall 211. A rigid focal positioned over the device's microphone.
point tube 205 extends across the valley created by the para It is also possible that a casing could be made to attach to a
bolically sloped inner wall 211 and opens to funnel 209 handheld electronic device without hooking onto it as shown
located at the geometric focal point of the parabola. The 65 in FIGS. 2B-2D. For example, the embodiments shown in
geometric focal point is the location at which the collector FIGS. 1A-1D could be functional without lip 32. One way
dish 207 will concentrate sound waves. Focal point tube 205 this could be accomplished is by using a magnetic attachment
US 9,414,155 B2
11 12
means to hold the casing to the electronic device. For user actually wishes to hear. Furthermore, the frequencies
example, Small magnets could be embedded within the edges that are of interest to the user may have less strength than
of the casing that tend to attract the corresponding edges of others (and therefore may not be loud enough). In the context
the electronic device. Or a magnet could be embedded with of the present invention, this problem can be conveniently
the broad portion f the casing. Wherever magnets are used Solved by providing the handheld electronic device in ques
throughout this disclosure, care should be taken to investigate tion with a software program that is capable of eliminating
whether the particular electronic device being used might be unwanted Sound frequencies and/or amplifying desired Sound
disrupted by magnetic fields in certain locations. Devices frequencies.
Such as the iPad are known to employ magnets along their As an example, human heart Sounds typically fall in a range
edges without disruption of the functioning of the device. 10
less than about 150 ha. A test was performed recording a
Alternatively, if it is desired not to use either lips or magnets, human heart Sound using a stethoscope connected by a tube to
the user could simply "pinch' the casing to the electronic an iPhone microphone. The recorded heart sounds turned out
device while it is in use to ensure that the casing does not to be of Sub-par quality. Then, commercially available audio
become dislodged. frequency manipulation software applications were
It should be noted that it is advantageous to be able to use 15
employed in conjunction with an embodiment of the inven
the present invention with a speaker so that the user can listen tion similar to that shown in FIGS. 1A-1D. These software
to the Sounds conducted through the stethoscope at the same
time as those sounds are being received by the electronic programs included the Thinklabs Stethoscope Application
device's microphone. Most Smartphone/Tablets include their and an application entitled “My Baby's Beat' (an application
own speakers that can provide Such simultaneous sound pro intended to allow pregnant mothers to record their baby's
jection. Feedback effects can be minimized by ensuring a heart Sounds). By using this audio frequency manipulation
tight seal around the microphone. Additionally, Software Software in conjunction with the invention, a much clearer
applications are available that reduce microphone feedback. Sound output was achieved. Although many sound frequency
Alternatively, as shown in FIG. 6B, a secondary tubing can augmentation, equalization and/or elimination Software pro
branch from the device and be connected to a separate listen 25 grams exist on the market and are known to those of skill in
ing instrument. That instrument can be a separate microphone the art of digital sound manipulation, applicants are not aware
and speaker system for projecting the Sounds conducted by of anyone proposing the use of such programs in conjunction
the stethoscope. Providing a separate speaker unit of this kind with an acoustic collector mounted to a handheld electronic
will allow the Sounds to be projected in a separate location, device, as proposed herein.
and will minimize feedback effects. 30 In a preferred embodiment, the present invention will be
Applicants note that Smartphone/Tablet devices may yet accompanied by a Sound frequency manipulation Software
come to market that are made of thin, flexible material, allow installed on the handheld electronic device and capable of
ing them to bend or even roll up like paper. It has already been amplifying certain frequencies and/or limiting or eliminating
proposed to introduce such products using OLED technol others. Because most users will not be familiar with the
ogy. The present invention can be adapted to work with Such 35 frequency range of the sounds they desire to listento, it will be
thin, flexible devices by providing a rigid or semi-rigid casing advantageous for the program to provide a simple visual
that covers most or all of the device, and which has one or frequency range selector tool so the user can actively vary
more padded lips that can be tightened about an edge (or which frequencies are augmented to identify the best possible
edges) of the flexible device. For example, a clipboard-type Sound output. Certain known frequency ranges for common
clamping mechanism can be incorporated into the casing lip 40 applications may be indicated, e.g., approximately 20-150 HZ
to clamp an edge of the flexible device. Alternatively, the for human heart sounds, approximately 150-1200 Hz for most
casing could be designed with edge lips that hook onto oppo human lung Sounds.
site sides of the flexible device, and a chord could be extended As just noted, the frequency manipulation Software
from opposite sides of the casing across the face of the device described above might function by amplifying certain Sound
to hold it into the casing. Rather than using lips, the casing 45 frequencies relative to others, or by limiting or eliminating
might include one or more Suction cups for attachment to the certain undesired Sound frequencies. Any of the these tech
flexible device. To the extent the flexible device has a metallic niques will be referred to herein in as “augmentation” or
component, magnets could also be used to affix the device to “augmenting certain sound frequencies.
the casing. Although the invention has been described in terms of
Alternatively, a casing could be provided with a central 50 exemplary embodiments, it is not limited thereto. Rather, the
slot, allowing all or part of the flexible Smartphone/Tablet appended claims should be construed broadly, to include
device to slide into the casing and be held rigidly therein, in other variants and embodiments of the invention, which may
much the same manner as a hardcopy photograph may be slid be made by those skilled in the art without departing from the
into a slotted picture frame. Such a casing could have a Scope and range of equivalents of the invention.
partially open face to allow access to the viewing screen of the 55
flexible device. The casing might also be constructed of a The invention claimed is:
clear plastic material to allow the user to see through the 1. A tool for connecting an acoustic collector to a micro
casing to the viewing screen of the device. Where a casing phone-equipped handheld electronic device, said tool com
with a slot is used, the Sound transmission tubing could be prising:
embedded in a predetermined location within the casing Such 60 (a) a detachable fitted casing for fitting around at least a
that it opens over the flexible device's microphone when the portion of said handheld device;
flexible device is inserted into the slot. (b) said acoustic collector affixed to said casing; and
(c) a tube configured to carry Sound waves through air from
Frequency Manipulation Software said acoustic collector to a microphone on said handheld
65 electronic device, wherein the entire length of said tube
A problem that arises when using a Sound collector is that is physically incorporated as a channel within said cas
often many more frequencies of sounds are collected than the 1ng.
US 9,414,155 B2
13 14
2. The tool of claim 1, wherein said handheld electronic (e) allowing said handheld electronic device's microphone
device is a Smartphone/Tablet and said casing is designed to to detect Sounds transmitted through said collector.
hook onto said handheld electronic device. 9. The method of claim 8, further comprising providing
3. The tool of claim 1, wherein said collector has a rim said handheld electronic device as a Smartphone/Tablet and
capable of detachably mounting a diaphragm. providing said casing with lips for hooking onto said device.
4. The tool of claim 1, wherein the casing is configured to 10. The method of claim 8, further comprising providing a
hook onto the electronic device and exerta Squeezing force on Software program capable of augmenting user-selected Sound
the electronic device. frequencies.
5. The tool of claim 1, wherein the casing is configured to 11. The method of claim 8, further comprising using said
create an airtight seal between the tube and the microphone. 10
collector as a stethoscope chestpiece.
6. The tool of claim 4, wherein the casing is configured to 12. The method of claim 8, further comprising providing
create an airtight seal between the tube and the microphone.
7. The tool of claim 1, wherein the acoustic collector is said handheld electronic device as equipped with a camera,
formed from a flexible rubber material configured to deform and including using said camera to capture a visual image of
to match contours of a Surface being listened to. 15
the Subject that is emitting said Sounds.
8. A method for using an acoustic collector, said method 13. The method of claim 8, including configuring the cas
comprising: ing to exert a squeezing force on the electronic device, the
(a) providing a microphone-equipped handheld electronic casing including a sealing means between the tube and the
device; microphone, and allowing the Squeezing force to create an
(b) providing a detachable fitted casing covering at least a airtight seal between the tube and the microphone.
portion of said handheld device; 14. A casing for fitting around a handheld electronic
(c) providing said acoustic collector, device, the casing comprising a tube whose entire length is
(d) providing a tube configured to carry Sound waves physically incorporated within the casing, the tube config
through air from said acoustic collector to a microphone ured to carry Sound waves through air from an acoustic col
on said handheld electronic device, wherein the entire 25
lector incorporated with the casing to a microphone on the
handheld electronic device.
length of said tube is physically incorporated as a chan
nel within said casing; and k k k k k