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(Under the Direction of Brian H. Kiepper)


Regulatory environmental permits governing wastewater disposal have become

stricter for poultry processing plants that discharge effluent directly into the environment

or pre-treat their wastewater stream prior to discharge to a municipal sewer systems.

Therefore, more effective means of on-site wastewater treatment is a constant demand.

The viability of membrane filtration as an on-site treatment method for pre- and post-

DAF (dissolved air flotation) poultry processing wastewater (PPW) was investigated. A

performance index (Pmi) was used to indicate which membrane was the most effective

and suitable for the membrane filtration of pre-and post-DAF PPW. For the membranes

tested, the 0.3µm PVDF membrane was determined to be the most effective in treating

pre-DAF PPW by producing a 115 Lm-2h-1 permeate flux, while the 100,000 MWCO

Ultrafilic membrane was determined to be the most effective in treating post-DAF PPW

by producing a 224 Lm-2h-1 permeate flux. COD, TS and TSS reductions are evaluated

and reported.

INDEX WORDS: Poultry processing, wastewater treatment, membrane filtration,

permeate flux, COD, TS, TSS





B.S., Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Ghana, 2007

A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of The University of Georgia in Partial

Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree



© 2011

Ebenezer Abboah-Afari

All Rights Reserved





Major Professor: Brian H. Kiepper

Committee: Jenna Jambeck
Ke Li
Ernest W. Tollner

Electronic Version Approved:

Maureen Grasso
Dean of the Graduate School
The University of Georgia
August 2011

To my family and friends, thank you for the love and support.


I would like to thank everyone whose through their endeavors has brought this

project to light. First, my sincere gratitude goes to my major professor, Dr. Brian Kiepper

for his undying help, leadership and support for these past years. I would also like to

thank rest of my committee members Dr. Jenna Jambeck, Dr. Ke Li and Dr. E.W. Tollner

for their advice and support. I appreciate all of the help, advice and support given to me

by Herbert Ssegane, Husain Plumber, Dan Geller and the faculty, staff and graduate

students in Bio. & Ag. Engineering. A special thank you to Benedicta Antwiwaa-Wiafe,

Elsie Kitcher, Sasu-Boakye and my Athens family. Finally, to Him who has remained

faithful, Glory be to His name.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................v

LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii

LIST OF FIGURES .............................................................................................................x


1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................1

2 LITERATURE REVIEW ..................................................................................4

Poultry Processing Wastewater (PPW) ........................................................5

Characteristics of Poultry Processing Wastewater ......................................6

Poultry Processing Wastewater Treatment ................................................12

Thesis Goal and Objectives .......................................................................29



Abstract ......................................................................................................32

Introduction ................................................................................................33

Materials and Methods ...............................................................................35

Results and Discussion ..............................................................................39

Conclusions ................................................................................................52

References ..................................................................................................55



Abstract ......................................................................................................58

Introduction ................................................................................................59

Materials and Methods ...............................................................................62

Results and Discussion ..............................................................................67

Conclusions ................................................................................................77

References ..................................................................................................80

5 CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS...........................................83

Conclusions ................................................................................................83

Future Directions .......................................................................................87

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................88



Table 2.1: Summary of the various constituents of organics, inorganics, particulates and

nutrients in poultry processing wastewater (PPW) ................................................11

Table 2.2: Wastewater Screen Classifications by Open Space Sizes ................................14

Table 3.1: Pair-wise comparison of the criteria (i.e., COD, Permeate flux, TS) for

membrane filtration of pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater ..........................39

Table 3.2: Mean permeate flux (Lm-2h-1±SEM), COD (mg/L±SEM) and TS (mg/L±SEM)

values for 6 membranes filtering pre-dissolved air flotation (DAF) poultry

processing wastewater for 120 min........................................................................40

Table 3.3: Mean permeate flux (Lm-2h-1±SEM), COD (mg/L±SEM) and TS (mg/L±SEM)

values at 2 pressure levels (50 and 80psi) for pre-dissolved air flotation (DAF)

poultry processing wastewater for 120 min ...........................................................40

Table 3.4: Best performing membrane for treatment of pre-DAF poultry processing

wastewater based on maximum permeate flux, and reduction of COD and TS over

120 min of operation based on significant difference (P<0.05)............................53

Table 4.1: Pair-wise comparison of the criteria (i.e., COD, Permeate flux, TS) for

membrane filtration of post-DAF poultry processing wastewater .........................66

Table 4.2: Mean permeate flux (Lm-2h-1), COD (mg/L) TS (mg/L) and TSS (mg/L)

values for 6 membranes filtering post-dissolved air flotation (DAF) poultry

processing wastewater for 60 min..........................................................................68

Table 4.3: Best performing membrane for treatment of post-DAF poultry processing

wastewater based on maximum permeate flux, and reduction of COD and TS over

60 min of operation based on significant difference (P<0.05)..............................78

Table 5.1: Best performing membrane for treatment of pre-DAF poultry processing

wastewater based on maximum permeate flux, and reduction of COD and TS over

60 min of operation based on significant difference (P<0.05)..............................85

Table 5.2: Best performing membrane for treatment of post-DAF poultry processing

wastewater based on maximum permeate flux, and reduction of COD and TS over

60 min of operation based on significant difference (P<0.05)..............................85



Figure 3.1: SpinTek Static Test Cell (STC) Membrane Filtration System ........................36

Figure 3.2: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values at 10

minute intervals for 3 membrane filters at 50 psi operating pressure ....................41

Figure 3.3: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values at 10

minute intervals for 3 membrane filters at 80 psi operating pressure ....................42

Figure 3.4: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate flux values (Lm-2h-1)

for 3 membranes. ...................................................................................................43

Figure 3.5: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate flux values (Lm-2h-1)

at 50 and 80 psi ......................................................................................................44

Figure 3.6: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate COD concentrations

(mg/L) for 3 membranes ........................................................................................46

Figure 3.7: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate COD concentrations

(mg/L) at 50 and 80 psi ..........................................................................................46

Figure 3.8: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) for 3 membranes ........................................................................................48

Figure 3.9: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) at 50 and 80 psi ..........................................................................................50

Figure 3.10: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) for 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane at 50 and 80 psi ........................50

Figure 3.11: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) for 0.10µm Polysulfone membrane at 50 and 80 psi .................................51

Figure 3.12: Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) for a 0.30µm PVDF membrane at 50 and 80 psi .......................................51

Figure 4.1: SpinTek Static Test Cell (STC) Membrane Filtration System ........................63

Figure 4.2: Post-DAF poultry processing wastewater permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values at 10

min intervals for 6 membrane filters over 60 min .................................................69

Figure 4.3: Mean permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values for 6 membranes filtering post-DAF

poultry processing wastewater over 60 min...........................................................70

Figure 4.4: Post-DAF poultry processing wastewater permeate COD concentrations

(mg/L) values at 10 minute intervals for 6 membrane filters over 60 min ............71

Figure 4.5: Mean permeate COD concentrations (mg/L) for 6 membranes filtering post-

dissolved air flotation (DAF) poultry processing wastewater for 60 min .............73

Figure 4.6: Mean permeate TS (mg/L) for 6 membranes filtering post-DAF poultry

processing wastewater for 60 min ........................................................................74

Figure 4.7: Mean permeate TSS (mg/L) for 6 membranes filtering post-DAF poultry

processing wastewater for 60 min..........................................................................76



U.S. poultry processing plants are constantly faced with challenges resulting from

the generation of high-strength wastewater and slaughter byproduct recovery and

handling (APHA, 2005; Kiepper et al., 2008). Due to constant environmental pressures

the poultry industry is relentlessly searching for better wastewater treatment practices.

Since the inception of the Clean Water Act in 1972, regulations governing wastewater

disposal have increased and become stricter on industrial and domestic wastewater

treatment plants that discharge effluent directly into the environment (i.e., direct

dischargers) (Del Nery et al., 2007; Kiepper et al., 2001; USEPA, 2002). Alternatively,

poultry processing plants that discharge their effluent to local sewage systems (i.e.,

indirect dischargers) often must pay substantial surcharges fees to local municipalities to

cover costs associated with treatment of high-strength wastewater discharges. Therefore

the need for alternative, more effective means of wastewater treatment is a constant

challenge for U.S. poultry processors (Avula et al., 2009).

Currently, more than 80% of poultry processors use a combination of mechanical

screens followed by dissolved air flotation (DAF) to treat their wastewater on-site

(Kiepper, 2003; Lo et al., 2005). Although DAF is effective, the aggressive aeration of

the fine poultry processing wastewater particulates causes excessive oxidative damage

and bacterial degradation of fat and protein components of the recovered byproduct (Del

Nery et al., 2007; Park et al., 2001; Viitasaari et al., 1995). Also, various chemicals (e.g.,

metal salts, cationic and anionic polymers) are used in combination with the physical

DAF process which improves treatment, but further adulterates and greatly reduces the

value of the recovered DAF skimmings as a nutrient source in rendered animal byproduct

feed ingredients. Thus, utilization and disposal of DAF skimmings is a major expense

and inconvenience to the poultry industry (Kiepper, 2003).

There is great potential in exploring advanced physical separation systems

(APSS) (e.g., microscreening and membrane filtration) on both pre- and post-DAF

poultry processing wastewater (PPW) (Avula et al., 2009). The benefits of improved pre-

DAF PPW treatment include a substantial increase in the volume of unadulterated

byproduct (i.e., offal) recovered for rendering while reducing a corresponding volume of

lower value DAF skimmings, substantial chemical cost savings, and a potential reduction

in energy consumption. The benefits of improved post-DAF PPW treatment include

reduced cost of operation of biological treatment systems and sludge volume production

in direct discharge systems, and the potential to significantly reduce surcharge fees paid

by indirect dischargers.

To examine the potential for use of APSS in pre- and post-DAF PPW treatment

on-site at poultry processing plants, two membrane filtration experiments were

completed. The first experiment (i.e., Chapter 3) involved the use of membrane filtration

in the treatment of pre-DAF PPW as a potential enhancement or replacement for existing

DAF technology. Flat sheet membranes within the microfiltration (i.e., 0.1-10µm) and

ultrafiltration (i.e., 0.01-0.1µm) ranges that use a semi-permeable surface under pressure

to separate colloids and high molecular weight materials in solution were tested on pre-

DAF PPW. The 3 membranes sizes/materials tested were 0.30µm Polyvinylidene

fluoride (PVDF), 0.10µm Polysulfone (PS), and 100,000MWCO (molecular weight cut-

off) Ultrafilic at two operating pressures (i.e., 50 psi and 80 psi) on pre-DAF PPW pre-

sieved (i.e., microscreened) to 106µm. Effluent permeate flux (Lm-2h-1), and

concentration (mg/L) of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and total solids (TS) were

measured and analyzed.

The second experiment (i.e., Chapter 4) involved the use of membrane filtration

in treating post-DAF PPW. Flat sheet membranes within the microfiltration and

ultrafiltration ranges were tested on post-DAF PPW to measure the potential for

surcharge fee reduction. A total of six membranes (i.e., 0.3µm PVDF, 0.1µm

Polysulfone, 100,000MWCO PVDF, 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic, 30,000MWCO PVDF

and 30,000MWCO Polysulfone) were tested at 50 psi on post-DAF PPW pre-sieved to

106µm. Effluent permeate flux (Lm-2h-1), and concentration (mg/L) of COD, TS and

total suspended solid (TSS) were measured and analyzed.

The results of both experiments were enumerated and comparisons were made

with the results found (i.e., Chapter 5). General limitations of membrane materials,

membrane pore sizes and transmembrane pressures are identified.



The term poultry refers to a group of avian species that are raised for the

production of meat and eggs. Poultry includes chicken, turkey, geese, quail, pigeons,

pheasants, and ostrich (Perry et al., 1999). However for purpose of this thesis, the term

poultry is used synonymously with young chickens (i.e., broilers) as defined by the

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), which account for over 95% of the 9

billion poultry processed in the U.S. on an annual basis (USDA, 2010).

Poultry processing plants utilize relatively large volumes of potable water to clean

both products and processing equipment. In the U.S., commercial broiler slaughter plants

use 19 to 38 L (5 to 10 gal) of potable water per bird processed (Kiepper, 2003; Northcutt

and Jones, 2004). The live weight of poultry plays a critical role in determining the

amount portable water utilized in processing. For example large male turkeys can weigh

18 kg (40 lbs) and require potable water volumes in the range of 130 to 150 L (35 to 40

gal) per bird for processing (Avula et al., 2009).

One common problem facing the U.S. poultry industry is that increasing levels of

the water use, due to increased production levels, that results in a corresponding increase

in high-strength wastewater generation (APHA, 2005). Most of the water used in poultry

processing is for scalding, defeathering, evisceration, washing of equipment and

carcasses, and overall plant sanitation. Also, water is used by poultry processors as a

transport medium for byproducts generated during processing (e.g., offal including

feathers, heads, and viscera) (Northcutt and Jones, 2004; Thornton and O’Keefe, 2002;

Veerkamp, 1999).

Since the inception of the Clean Water Act in 1972, environmental regulatory

permits governing wastewater disposal have consistently become stricter on industrial

wastewater treatment plants that discharge effluent directly into the environment or to

local municipal sewage systems. Poultry processing plants are classified as either

‘indirect’ or ‘direct’ wastewater effluent dischargers. Indirect dischargers pre-treat their

wastewater stream on-site prior to discharge to local municipal sewerage collection

systems commonly known as publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). Indirect

dischargers are subject to both regulatory permit limits as well as surcharge fees set by

local environmental authorities to recover added costs associated with the treatment of

high-strength wastewater. Direct dischargers must fully treat their wastewater stream

prior to releasing the treated effluent straight into the environment under federal or state

environmental regulatory permit.

Poultry Processing Wastewater (PPW)

Poultry processing wastewater (PPW) consists of spent potable water and the

proteins, fats and carbohydrates generated from the meat, blood, skin and feathers

removed from the bird during processing. PPW also contains grit and other inorganic

particulates (Fonkwe et al., 2001). The term PPW is typically used to define the combine

wastewater stream generated during poultry slaughter after all processing operations and

following offal screening which removes large solids from the PPW stream (e.g, feathers,

heads and viscera). Prior to discharge of PPW, poultry processors are required to remove

the majority of the soluble and particulate organic and inorganic material in order to

comply with environmental regulations. With an estimated 2 to 5% of total carcass

proteins lost to the wastewater stream during processing, PPW contains predominantly

(i.e., ~35%) protein, resulting in a high-strength effluent with a substantially higher

biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration

(mg/L) than domestic wastewater (Zhang, 1997). Thus PPW requires intensive treatment

before it can be discharged (Wesley, 1985).

Characteristics of Poultry Processing Wastewater

PPW consists of various constituents in the form of organics, particulates and

inorganic nutrients. BOD and COD are the two most common analytical tests used to

assess the organic ‘strength’ of PPW. The series of analytical tests used to establish the

concentration of particulates in PPW include total solids (TS), total suspended solids

(TSS), total volatile solids (TVS), total dissolved solids (TDS) and total fixed solids

(TFS). Inorganic nutrients of concern such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) can be

found in substantial quantities in PPW. Also, pathogens (e.g., bacteria) and colloidal

particles (e.g., fats, oil and grease) are found in PPW (APHA, 2005). The following is a

glossary of common PPW terms:

BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) – measures the amount of oxygen used by

aerobic microorganisms to stabilize the biodegradable organic matter in a wastewater

sample (Metcalf and Eddy Inc., 2003). The BOD test is also known as BOD5 since the

test is conducted over a period of 5 days (USEPA, 2002). BOD involves calculating the

change in the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in a wastewater sample incubated

at 20oC over a 5-day period (APHA, 2005). BOD is the traditional test used to track the

organic concentration of pollutants though the wastewater treatment process prior to

discharge into a receiving water body (USEPA, 1974).

COD (chemical oxygen demand) – measures the amount of oxygen required for

oxidation of the organic matter in wastewater using a standard reagent (APHA, 2005). A

measured sample with a known excess of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) is mixed after

the addition of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and silver sulfate (Ag2SO4). The organic matter is

oxidized over a 2 hour heating period at 150oC. Once samples are cooled, all samples,

blanks and standards are measured against a reference solution (reagent blank) at a

620nm wavelength. COD is a useful control parameter for oxidation operations, and

given a consistent waste stream, a stable empirical ratio can be established between COD

and BOD. Thus COD can be an effective predictor of BOD. COD is used as a more

accurate, cheaper and less time consuming means of determining the effectiveness of

wastewater treatment (Nielsen, 1989).

Colloidal particles – are solids in a liquid that do not settle due to gravity (i.e., low

specific gravity) and as a result causes them to float or suspend in wastewater (APHA,

2005). These immiscible particles blinds screens, clogs pipes and pumping systems. They

can cause decrease in the efficiency of aerobic reactors by reducing oxygen transfer. Oils

and greases (O&G) are examples of common PPW colloidal particles.

DO (dissolved oxygen) – is the concentration (mg/L) of oxygen in solution in

water (APHA, 2005).

Nutrients - are elements required to support living organisms. Poultry processing

plants can contribute significant loadings of nutrients of concern (e.g., nitrogen and

phosphorus) into PPW. PPW typically contains organic nitrogen, phosphorus and

dissolved ammonia gas (Contreras et al., 2000; CSUS, 1993; Metcalf and Eddy Inc.,

2003; Welch and Lindell, 1992). Nutrients are important in aquatic biosystems, but

excess amounts accelerate eutrophication and is detrimental to water quality. The

presence of ammonia in PPW results from the breakdown of proteins and other

nitrogenous compounds which can be toxic to aquatic life. About 2 to 5% of the total

carcass protein can be found in PPW (Grant, 1980). Mead (1989) reported the bulk of

solids in PPW to be nitrogen, which can be recovered and recycled for feed for farm

animals and pets. Nitrate (NO3) is another pollutant of concern in water and is formed as

a result of oxidation of ammonia. In high levels in natural water bodies, nitrate brings

about excess algal growth and accelerated eutrophication (Eremektar et al., 1999; Welch

and Lindell, 1992). Along with the nutrient present in poultry tissues, other factors that

increase the pollutant load of nutrients in PPW can be attributed to cleaning agents and

disinfectants used in cleaning the equipment and birds, grit or soil particles from the birds

and transportation equipment, undigested feeds from the carcasses, and ingredients used

in further processing operations (Kiepper, 2009; Mead, 1989; Merka, 2001). Excess

nitrate in water is toxic to both microorganisms and public health. Excess phosphorus in

water also adversely affects quality (Eremektar et al., 1999).

TFS (total fixed solids) – measures the concentration (mg/L) of inorganic solids in

a wastewater sample. TFS are the remaining solids in the form of ash following the

combustion of organic solids in a TVS test (APHA, 2005). It can be calculated by

subtracting the TVS from TS.

TDS (total dissolved solids) – is the concentration (mg/L) of soluble inorganic

and organic matter that is in solution in a wastewater sample (APHA, 2005). TDS is

determined by measuring the solids remaining in the filtrate that passes through the glass

fiber filter in the TSS test (USEPA, 1974).

TKN (total Kjeldahl nitrogen) – measures the concentration (mg/L) of organic

nitrogen and ammonia combined in a wastewater sample through acid digestion and

distillation (Merka, 1989).

TS (total solids) – measures the concentration (mg/L) of the total amount of

inorganic and organic matter recovered after a wastewater sample has been evaporated to

dryness (APHA, 2005). A measured volume of wastewater is poured in a pre-weighed

crucible and dried to dryness at 105oC to a constant weight over a period of 24 hours

(APHA, 2005).

TSS (total suspended solids) – is the concentration (mg/L) of insoluble inorganic

and organic matter that is suspended in a wastewater sample (APHA, 2005; Nielsen,

1989). TSS is determined by passing a measured volume of wastewater through a

standard glass fiber filter (i.e., < 2.0µm) and drying the filter to a constant weight at 103

to105oC (USEPA, 1974).

TVS (total volatile solids) – is the concentration (mg/L) of organic solids in a

wastewater sample. A measured volume of wastewater is evaporated and the residue

combusted at 550oC (APHA, 2005). The loss in weight is equal to the organic solids

which volatilized during combustion. It can be calculated by subtracting the total fixed

solids (TFS) from the total solids (TS).

To be able to meet environmental regulatory permits, most of the organics,

particulates and nutrients must be removed from PPW before discharge (Kiepper et al.,

2001; Mead, 1989; Merka, 2001). From the early 1960s to late 1970s, researchers

reported average BOD readings from US broiler processing plants ranging from 400 to

1300 mg/L (Camp and Willoughby, 1968; Carawan et al., 1974; Chen et al., 1976.; Glide,

1968; Lillard, 1978; Nemerow, 1969; Singh et al., 1973; Teletzke, 1961; USEPA, 1975;

Whitehead, 1979; Woodard et al., 1972; Woodard et al., 1977). Hamza et al. (1978)

reported an Egyptian poultry processing plant generating wastewater with a BOD

concentration of 2341 mg/L. As poultry processing plant line speeds have increased,

there have been corresponding increases in BOD and COD levels of PPW. Merka (1989)

reported an average BOD and COD concentrations of PPW to be 2178 mg/L and 3772

mg/L, respectively from a broiler processing plant. Avula et al., (2009), Del Nery et al.(

2007), Eremektar et al. (1999), Kiepper (2009), Lo et al. (2005), Merka (2001), Rusten et

al. (1998) and Zhang (1997), all reported increasing BOD and COD concentrations in

PPW in recent decades.

TS and TSS in PPW show similar increasing trends over the years. Camp and

Willoughby (1968) reported average TS and TSS concentrations of 650 mg/L and 196

mg/L, respectively in PPW. USEPA (1975) reported average TS and TSS concentration

ranges of 600 to 1000 mg/L and 200 to 700 mg/L, respectively in a broiler processing

plant survey. Merka (1989) reported average TSS and TVS concentrations of 1446 mg/L

and 1745 mg/L. Rusten et al. (1998) reported an average TSS concentration of 1360

mg/L for PPW. Kiepper et al. (2009) reported TS, TSS and TVS concentration ranges of

2000 to 2700 mg/L, 880 to 1250 mg/L, and 1600 to 2200 mg/L, respectively, in PPW.

Yordanov (2010) reported an average TSS concentration range of 2280 to 2446 mg/L in


The concentration of O&G collidial partciles in PPW was reported by Rusten et

al. in 1998 at an average O&G concentration of 970 mg/L. Yordanov (2010) reported an

average O&G concentration range of 289 to 389 mg/L in PPW.

Nutrient concentration levels in PPW have documented by Eremektar et al. (1999)

who reported average phosphorus concentrations of 48, 16 18 and 40 mg/L for four

different samples of PPW. Rusten et al. (1998) reported an average phosphorus

concentration range from 14.1 to 18.5 mg/L. Kiepper et al. (2009) reported TKN

concentration range of 120 to 250 mg/L in PPW.

The increasing trend these constituents is a result of increase in production

poultry over the years, thus a corresponding increase with load on wastewater.

Table 2.1. Summary of the various constituents of organics, inorganics, particulates and
nutrients in poultry processing wastewater (PPW)

Discharge Range of Concentration Average Concentration

Characteristics (mg/L) (mg/L)
BOD 200-2341 1271
COD 1300-3772 2536
TS 600-2700 1650
TSS 200-2446 1323
TVS 1600-2200 1900
TKN 120-250 185
O&G 100-970 535
Phosphorus 14-50 32

The composition of wastewater from the poultry varies from one plant to another

depending on the type of systems, the methods of operations, treatments and the

processing loads (Zhang, 1997).

Poultry Processing Wastewater Treatment

Most of the water used in poultry processing is utilized for scalding, evisceration,

washing of equipment and birds, and overall plant sanitation (Northcutt and Jones, 2004;

Thornton and O’Keefe, 2002). These wastewaters cannot be simply discharged into

water bodies like rivers and lakes because of the high content of organic and inorganic

matters, and microorganisms they contain (Mead, 1989). Various treatment procedures

can be used, ranging from simple mechanical screening to advanced biological treatment

systems, to treat PPW. PPW primary treatment involves the separation of offal (i.e.,

inedible poultry byproducts) from the wastewater stream through physical separation

(e.g., mechanical screens) driven by force or gravity (Pankratz, 1995).

Secondary treatment consists of advanced physical, chemical and biological

processes that remove finer particulates of the poultry processing byproducts contained in

PPW. Although effective, secondary treatment changes and adulterates the byproducts

recovered from the wastewater stream, thus reducing their value and uses (Pierson and

Pavlostathis, 2000).

Physical Treatment of PPW

Primary treatment of PPW traditionally involves the use of mechanical screens to

physically remove coarse solids (i.e., offal) from the wastewater stream. Depending on

the type of processing wastewater and desired removal efficiencies, other methods of

physical treatment are available and have been documented by researchers. Examples

include using air stripping to remove volatile compounds, sedimentation and sand

filtration (Torrens, 2001). Barrett (1977) and Chen et al. (2002) documented electrolysis

and electroflocculation to be effective in removing fine suspended solid particles in

piggery wastewater. Electro-coagulation has also proven to be an effective method for

treatment of animal processing wastewater. Kobya et al. (2006) found electro-

coagulation to be an effective method for the treatment of PPW. Kobya et al. found that

by means of combined usage of iron and aluminum as anode materials at appropriate

treatment conditions, high levels of COD and O&G could be removed from PPW.


In most poultry processing plants, physical screening is the typical primary

treatment method utilized. Mechanical screen are the most energy efficient and least

expensive form of primary treatment in reducing solids in PPW. Currently, primary

treatment of PPW at U.S. poultry processing plants consists of physical screening in the

Fine (1500 to 6000µm) and Very Fine (200 to 1499µm) ranges as defined by the Water

Environment Federation (Kiepper, 2003). Screening recovers offal (i.e., feathers,

viscera, meat particles) removing the large solid particulates that might hinder operation

of downstream treatment processes (Arundel, 1995; Pankratz, 1995).

Screening is defined as the physical removal of particulate matter from a waste

stream by the insertion of a perforated surface that retains particles larger that the surface

openings and allows the flow through of smaller particles and water (Arundel, 1995).

Screen opening size and flow rate capacity are the most important criteria used to select a

screen. However many other factors must be considered including plant hydraulics,

operational costs, size constraints, debris handing systems, operator qualifications and

engineering design (Pankratz, 1995). Common problems associated with screens include

mechanical failures and blinding due either to the overloading of the screen or to under

sizing of screen gaps. Blinding is defined as the overloading of a screen resulting in the

coating over of the open spaces by solids thus preventing the pass-through of water

(AWWA, 1977). Screens are classified by the size of the open spaces that allow the

passage of water. Screens are classified as coarse, fine, very fine and micro. Table 2.2

shows the range of space openings for each screen size (WEF, 1998).

Table 2.2. Wastewater screen classifications by open space sizes

Type Inches (in) Millimeters (mm) Microns (µm)

Coarse > 0.25 > 6.0 > 6000
Fine 0.059 - 0.25 1.5 - 6.0 1500 - 6000
Very Fine 0.008 - 0.058 0.2 - 1.49 200 - 1499
Micro 3.9 x 10-8 - 1.2 x 10-2 0.001 - 0.19 1 - 199

In most poultry slaughter applications screens are used both in parallel and in

series. Two larger gap size opening ‘primary’ screens are typically used in parallel to

remove feathers from one flume, while another screen handles solids removal from a

separate viscera flume. These primary screens typically range in gap opening size from

1500 to 3500µm (0.059 to 0.138 in) and are designed to remove large offal pieces.

Effluent flow from the primary screens is usually combined and then flows through a

‘secondary’ screen. Commercial secondary rotary screens are commonly available with

minimum gap size openings of 500µm (0.020 in) and 250µm (0.010 in). Traditionally,

any particulate matter remaining in the wastewater then flows to advanced chemical

and/or biological treatment operations for removal prior to discharge.

Membrane filtration

Membrane filtration involves a pressure driven process that uses a semi-

permeable membrane to separate particulate matter from wastewater (Strathmann, 1979).

The membrane serves as a selective barrier that allows the passage of water and fine solid

particulates (i.e., permeate) while retaining and concentrating the larger solids (i.e.,

retentate) (de Morais Coutinho et al., 2008). The nature (i.e., texture, structure and

material) of the membrane controls which components will permeate and which will be

retained, since they are selectively separated according to their molar masses or particle

size (Cheryan, 1998).

Ultrafiltration (UF) and microfiltration (MF) are membrane-based, typically

pressure driven membrane filtration processes widely used to simultaneously purify,

separate and concentrate colloids and high molecular weight materials in water (Cheryan,

1998; Lo et al., 1996). UF membranes have a pore size in the range of 0.001 to 0.1µm,

whereas MF membranes have a pore size range of 0.1 to 1.0µm.

UF and MF membranes have found applications in removing particulates, bacteria

and pyrogens in water, as well as in recovering valuable ingredients and byproducts in

the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries (Cheryan and Rajagopalan, 1998).

However, limited efforts have been made to recover the byproducts and nutrients from

PPW beyond traditional offal screening (El Boushy and van der Poel, 1994; Grant, 1976;

Shih and Kozink, 1980). The idea of using UF and MF to recover valuable byproducts

from PPW is not new, however since treatment of PPW is usually driven by

environmental regulations and not economics, only limited studies on its potential have

been conducted (Avula et al., 2009). Shih and Kozink (1980) reported that the

combination of UF and dehydration could produce a byproduct that contains 30 to 35%

protein and 24 to 45% fat from PPW. Unfortunately, due to the presence of both fat and

protein in the feed stream, and the single-stage use of a standalone 30,000MWCO UF

membrane unit, the effectiveness of the process was greatly hindered due to severe

fouling of the membrane, leaving considerable doubt to its applied full-scale application.

The importance of pretreatment of PPW to remove larger particulates, especially

fat, on the performance of membrane-based processes was confirmed by Zhang et al.

(1997) in their attempt to investigate the feasibility of recycling chiller water using

membranes made from different polymeric materials. The work helped establish the

feasibility of recovering protein from PPW using UF by establishing the optimization of

processing parameters crucial to overall UF performance. From a processing standpoint,

if the optimal filtration conditions are identified, it is highly applicable that a multi-stage

MF and UF system could be operated at its highest flux for an extended period of time,

minimizing the adverse effects caused by fouled membranes (le Roux and Belyea, 1999;

Yushina and Hasegawa, 1994). The importance is that: (1) if the majority of fat in PPW

is recovered by primary (physical) treatment steps, a MF and/or UF unit inserted directly

following the primary treatment could dramatically reduce the severity of membrane

fouling; (2) although fouling of membrane inevitably remains as the primary concern in

the recovery of valuable byproducts from PPW, means to restore MF and UF

performance (e.g., backwashing) after fouling could be employed in order to make this

process cost-effective; and (3) while reducing the organic and nutrient loads of

downstream effluent, the recovered protein is expected to retain its quality and

functionality because the non-thermal MF and UF operations prevents protein from

undergoing thermal denaturation (Avula et al., 2009).

Permeate flux, defined as the permeate flow per unit area per unit time, is the

major operating parameter monitored during membrane filtration. Permeate flux is

typically reported in the unit of liters per square meter of membrane per hour (Lm-2 h-1).

The gradual decline in permeate flux is observed during membrane filtration and it is

indicative of membrane fouling when all other operating parameters (e.g., pressure,

velocity, temperature, concentration) are held constant over an extended period of time

(Avula et al., 2009). In 2005 Lo et al., published work on recovery of protein from PPW

using UF. In this study the volumetric flux declined rapidly from 264 to 140 Lm -2 h-1 in

the first 20 minutes and continued to drop until the end of the filtration process. The

crude protein (CP) concentration of the retentate increased from 80 to 273 mg/L, yielding

a concentration ratio of 3.4. This concentration ratio, which was less than the theoretical

value of 5.0, is determined by the change in liquid volume after UF, indicates loss of

proteins that fouled the polysulfone membrane operating at 25 °C and pH 7.0 S.U.

This initial decrease of flux is typical while using MF and UF to process

proteinaceous materials. This is because protein, like fat, does not have a fixed

conformation but rather is in a dynamic state where conformation and activity are a

compromise between flexibility of structure and stability of the molecules (Campbell et

al., 1993). Pressure, and the resulting shear forces, has been identified as one of the

major energy inputs required to destabilize such structures in membrane filtration

systems (Durchschlag et al., 1996).

Permeate flux is affected by both the temperature and the pH of PPW. In general,

the temperature of PPW increases during membrane filtration due to hydraulic

turbulence, friction with the membrane, and heat transmitted from the pump. Typically, a

cooling coil is used to maintain the operation around 40°C in order to prevent any heat

damage to the membrane (Cheryan and Rajagopalan, 1998). It is also well recognized

that pH of a solution impacts the conformation of protein molecules. When PPW is

acidified with hydrochloric acid from its regular pH of ~6.6 to pH 3.0, it becomes less

colloidal and permeate flux significantly increases from 20 to 24 Lm-2 h-1, up from 14 to

16 Lm-2 h-1 (Shih and Kozink, 1980).

Also, the electrical properties of protein molecules play an important role in

determining their interactions with the membrane surface (Martínez et al., 2000).

Therefore to assess the effect of pH on permeate flux, the isoelectric point (pI) of the

protein recovered from PPW needs to be determined. In work published by Martinez et

al. (2000), the pI of the recovered protein was found to be at pH 4.6, which was

substantially different from the optimal pH value, which was determined at pH 6.74. UF

of PPW at pH 6.74 is optimal because it avoids protein coagulation that could result in

adverse effects on membrane performance (Lo et al., 2005).

Increases in volumetric feed flow rate are expected to also increase permeate flux

in MF and UF systems. However, due to rejection of solutes in a membrane separation

process, the excessive increase of flow rate often leads to the problem of the bulk flow

carrying away the majority of solution without permitting adequate retention time,

causing a poor tangential flow for water removal (Chung et al., 2000). The average flux

(Jave) throughout the operation of the membrane filtration unit can be estimated using the

following equation (Lo et al., 2005):

Jave = 0.33 Ji + 0.67 Jr

where Ji is the initial flux and Jr is the fouled flux, with respective leading constants

corresponding to the ratio of average time span during a typical MF/UF batch. Under a

transmembrane pressure of 96.5 kPa, Lo et al. found the optimum combination of pH and

flow rate for PPW was found to be 6.74 and 683mL min−1, respectively.

Membrane characteristics

According to Wagner (2001), membranes can be classified as symmetrical or

asymmetrical. Asymmetrical membranes are defined by the internal structure of the

membrane and the pores of these materials are usually larger when located further from

the filter surface. Conversely, symmetrical membranes have uniform pore sizes in their

cross-sections that are identical on both sides of the filter surface.

The main performance characteristics of the any membrane are directly related to

pore size (i.e., diameter of openings), solvent density and viscosity, membrane thickness,

solvent permeability and porosity. Other factors such as temperature, operating pressure,

pH and permeate flow rate also play an essential role in the filtration process (Cheryan

and Rajagopalan, 1998; Ostergaard, 1989).

Types of membranes

Membrane filtration processes such as microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF),

nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO) are used for wastewater treatment (Cheryan

and Rajagopalan, 1998). Microfiltration is the physical separation of particles from 0.1 to

10μm under pressure through a semi-permeable membrane. It is used for clarification,

sterilization, and to detect or analyze bacteria and other organisms and particulates in

wastewater. Nakao (1994) reported MF uses at pressures lower than 0.2 MPa and

separation of molecules between 0.025 and 10μm in treating wastewater.

Ultrafiltration is physical separation of large molecules according to their

molecular weight under pressure through a semi-permeable membrane (Zeman and

Zydney, 1996) . UF uses pressures lower than 10MPa and separates particles between

MWCO values of 1 to 3000Da molar masses (Nakao, 1994). Membranes in the MF and

UF ranges are expressed in microns (µm).

Nanofiltration is also a pressure driven process that separate minute molecular

particles using a semi-permeable membrane. It is a fairly new development in the range

of membrane separation processes. It uses pressures between 1 and 4MPa and separates

particles between MWCO values of 350 to 1000Da molar masses (Nakao, 1994).

Reverse Osmosis (RO) is the tightest possible membrane process in liquid-liquid

separation through a semi-permeable membrane under pressure. It uses pressures

between 4 and 10 MPa and separates particles below MWCO value of 350 Da molar

masses (Nakao, 1994).

Membrane materials are made up of polymers consisting of either organic or

inorganic materials. Organic materials include cellulose acetate (CA), polyamide (PA),

polysulfone (PS), polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) and ultrafilic. Inorganic materials

include metals and ceramics (Cheryan and Rajagopalan, 1998; Cuperus and Nijhuis,

1993; Luque et al., 2008; Nakao, 1994)

Cellulose acetate membrane materials operate effectively at a pH range of 3 to 8

S.U. and a maximum temperature of 50oC. It is used for UF, RO and NF applications

(Almas, 1985; Cheryan, 1998). The disadvantage of this membrane material is that they

are vulnerable to disinfectants and can be eaten by microorganisms (Cheryan, 1998;

Wagner, 2001)

Polysulfone membrane materials have been in use since 1975 for UF and MF. The

advantage of this material is its high temperature and pH resistance, however they have

low resistance to mechanical compacting (Porter, 1990; Wagner, 2001). PVDF

membrane materials have high resistance to hydrocarbons and oxidizing environments

(Wagner, 2001).

Ceramic membrane materials are inorganic and are made up of alumina oxide or

zirconium oxide placed on graphite material surfaces. Ceramics are resistant to high

temperature (over 400oC) and pH (14 S.U.), and support high pressure levels. The

downside of these materials is high cost compared to organic membranes (Cuperus and

Nijhuis, 1993; Wagner, 2001).

There are also hybrids or combinations of several membranes with different pore

size to obtain optimum results in the filtration process. Aider et al. (2008) used

continuous electrophoresis with porous membrane (CEPM) to separate organic

molecules. This technique can be coupled with dialysis and electrolysis (Bazinet et al.,

1998; Langevin and Bazinet, 2011; Nagarale et al., 2006; Tanaka, 2006). An external

direct electric field is the driving force for the separation process. Under an electric

current effect, the ions (i.e., cations or anions) are transported from one solution to

another through a single or multiple semi-permeable membranes. One commonly known

form of the electro-separation method is conventional electrodialysis, mainly used in the

bio-food industry, biotechnology and nutraceutical industries (Aider et al., 2008).

Factors affecting membrane processes

One major factor affecting membrane performance is the type of filtration flow.

The two major types of filtration flow are cross flow and dead-end flow. In cross flow,

flow is parallel to the membrane surface whereas in dead-end flow, flow is perpendicular

to the membrane surface. The advantage of cross flow is that it does not cause build up or

cake formation on the membrane surface and therefore does not suffer as dramatically as

dead-end flow from reduced permeate flux overtime (Almas, 1985; Zeman and Zydney,


During the initial stage of membrane filtration, there is a gradual fall in the

permeate flow rate which is mainly attributed to concentration gradient (i.e.,

concentration polarization) which may lead to gel-layer formation. The gel-layer acts as a

‘second membrane’ if pressure and the solute concentration in the flow of feed are

significantly high. Attempts have been made to explain mass transference through the

gel-layer. (Cheryan and Rajagopalan, 1998; Mulder, 1991; Mulder, 1995; Porter, 1990;

Roesink et al., 1991; Singh et al., 1998). In the second stage, the flow rate decreases

slowly due to the interactions between the membrane pores and the solute, a process

known as mechanical fouling. In the final stage, the flow rate is relatively stationary due

to interactions between the molecules of the solute and molecules of the membrane

leading to adhesion, a process known as physico-chemical interaction (Dresch et al.,

1999; Khayat et al., 1997; Marshall and Daufin, 1995). Susanto and Ulbricht (2005;

2009) reported that fouling of a membrane is dependent on the chemical constitution of

membrane structure, on the interaction between the solute and membrane and on the

interaction between the molecules of the solute. In other words, fouling develops by the

adsorption of solute onto the membrane surface, which is determined by the interaction

between the solute and membrane.

Blocking of the membrane pores is a result of size and form of the solute in

relation to the membrane pore size distribution. Giorno et al. (1998) and Todisco et al.

(1996) reported that during internal blockage, chemical species are adsorbed on the inside

of the membrane pores reducing the permeate flux. In partial blockage, the pores of the

membrane are partial sealed by the solute particles causing reduction in permeate flux.

Complete blockage of the membrane pores occurs when the particles on the surface of the

membrane are larger than the membrane pore causing no permeate flow.

Membrane cleaning processes

Membrane cleaning processes are essential in filtration since it is essential in

developing a membrane’s potential technical and economic viability (de Morais Coutinho

et al., 2008). To obtain the optimum conditions, the cleaning process is dependent on

several factors such pressure, temperature, flow rate, feed concentration, duration of the

cleaning and concentration factor. By developing the proper combination of these

operational parameters, maximum permeate flow rate and minimal fouling can be

obtained (Ebrahim, 1994; Mulder, 1995; Peng and Tremblay, 2008; Smith et al., 2006).

Membrane cleaning can be grouped into four types: physical, chemical, physico-

chemical and biological. The most widely used membrane cleaning procedure is the

chemical method. Cleaning agents such as alkalis, acids, enzymes, surfactants,

sequestering agents, disinfectants and formulated agents have been described in

membrane research (Chakrabarty et al., 2010; Cheryan and Rajagopalan, 1998; Hyun,

1997; Smith et al., 2006). Chemical cleaning has several advantages. As an example,

alkaline cleaners exhibit no cloud point and therefore cleaning can be accomplished at a

high temperature of 82oC. However, there are also several disadvantages to chemical

cleaning methods. These include high costs and handling safety problems (Peng and

Tremblay, 2008). Ang et al. (2006) investigated the chemical and physical aspects of

cleaning organic-fouled RO membranes. The results showed that using a metal chelating

agent like disodium ethylenediaminetetraacetate – EDTA Na2 and an anionic surfactant

like sodium dodecyl sulfate – SDS was effective and efficient in reducing the attractive

interactive forces induced by the divalent cations - Ca2+ ions between the two fouling-

causing agents- alginate and natural organic material (Suwannee River natural organic

matter - SRNOM).

Physical methods of cleaning include air sparging (Takizawa et al., 1996), sponge

ball cleaning (Yanagi and Mori, 1980), ultrasonication (Kobayashi et al., 2003; Li et al.,

2002; Muthukumaran et al., 2007), vibration (Ebrahim, 1994), and backflushing (Kim

and Chang, 1991; Levesley and Hoare, 1999; Nakatsuka et al., 1996; Smith et al., 2006).

Physical cleaning is dependent on mechanical action to remove foulant particles from the

membrane surface. Physical cleaning methods have disadvantages such as difficulty in

operation and handling of mechanical cleaning equipment. However, it is often the most

preferred method because of its environmental friendliness in that it does not involve the

use of chemicals or bioactive agents and does not have chemical supply, storage and

handling problems (Peng and Tremblay, 2008).

Backflushing is the physical process of cleaning filters by reversing the flow of

fluid through the system. It can be an effective tool in many filtration applications,

potentially extending system life and reducing cost (Peng and Tremblay, 2008; Smith et

al., 2006). Peng et al. (2005) investigated the use of synthetic bilge water using a

cascaded membrane system consisting of a backflushed coalescing MF membrane as a

pre-treatment for UF of bilge water. Smith et al. (2006) reported the effect of

backflushing in maintaining the flow rate of membrane filtration system to be effective

and efficient in removing the majority of the particles responsible for reversible fouling

of a membrane and increasing permeate flow rate while reducing the working pressure of

the system. In physico-chemical cleaning methods there are chemical additions to the

physical process to enhance cleaning effectiveness and efficiency (Ebrahim, 1994;

Maartens et al., 2002).

In the every membrane cleaning process, two main steps of rinsing and cleaning

are completed. Time, water and cleaning agent consumption play essential roles in these

two steps (Heinemann et al., 1988; Kulozik, 1994). The cleaning effect of the rinsing is

provided by mechanical action and the power of water. Rinsing is considered an essential

step to reduce cleaning agent consumption and to restore permeate flux after cleaning.

Cabero et al. (1999) examined the influence of rinsing cleaning procedures in the removal

of whey proteins from ceramic membranes.

Biological methods involve the use of cleaning mixtures containing bioagents to

enhance the cleaning effectiveness (Peng and Tremblay, 2008). Using enzymes as

cleaning agents are also considered biological cleaning (Allie et al., 2003; Argüello et al.,

2003; Petrus et al., 2008).

Life Cycle Assessment of Membrane filtration

Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a method to evaluate environmental impacts

associated with all the stages of a product's life from the beginning to ending stages (i.e.

from raw material stage process through the recycling or disposal stage) (USEPA, 2006).

In 1998, Meijers et al. performed a LCA to membrane filtration process used in the

production of potable water. In their studies, they found the operational stage was

responsible for the majority of environmental problems and the energy consumed in this

stage to obtain optimal filtration pressures was of major importance. Also, the use of

chemicals such as H2SO4 for the cleaning in place proved to cause significant

environmental problems. The economic feasibility of incorporating membrane filtration

unit in the poultry processing plant indicates positive impacts. Vedavyasan (2007)

investigated that even though the capital costs of microfiltration and ultrafiltration are

currently 0-25% higher than conventional wastewater treatment systems, and as such

their life cycle costs are comparable with conventional treatments.

Physical - Chemical Treatment of PPW

Harper et al. (1988) and WEF (1998) reported that the most popular form of

physical-chemical treatment in the U.S. poultry processing plants is dissolved air

flotation (DAF). The process of DAF is used to remove the majority of the free O&G and

protein from PPW. The removal is achieved by dissolving air in wastewater under

pressure and then releasing the pressurized air to form fine bubbles at atmospheric

pressure that attach to the suspended fat and protein particles and float then to the surface

where they are collected (Kiuru, 2001; Wang et al., 2005). The most important feature of

the DAF process is the minute bubble formation (Cassell et al., 1975). DAF systems

using chemicals (e.g., alum, ferric sulfate, sodium aluminate and ferrous sulfate) have

been shown to remove more than 90% of O&G and solids, and 70% of the BOD load

(Rusten et al., 1998) in PPW. Bough et al. (1975) reduced the COD in PPW of a broiler

processing plant by 86%. Chemicals enhance the coagulation and flocculation processes

in DAF, which are used to separate the suspended solids portion from wastewater

(Karpati and Szabo, 1984; Rusten et al., 1998; Travers and Lovett, 1985; Woodard et al.,

1972; Woodard et al., 1977). Although, the majority of fat is removed during the DAF

treatment, residual fat ranging from 50 to 60 mg/L is found in the post-DAF PPW (Avula

et al., 2009).

Poultry processing plants using DAF suffer from the following disadvantages: (1)

other than specific rendering operations utilizing the degraded nutrients produced from

the DAF process (El Boushy and van der Poel, 1994), only limited efforts have been

made to reclaim DAF skimmings (Grant, 1976; Shih and Kozink, 1980); (2) use of

chemicals (e.g., metal salts, polymers) in the DAF process makes the precipitated protein

useless for many applications (Whittemore, 1994); and (3) potentially valuable

constituents in PPW are degraded during the secondary (biological) treatment to

biosolids, which in itself presents a disposal problem (Barik et al., 1991; Janosz Rajczyk,


Biological Treatment of PPW

The most widely utilized biological treatment systems for PPW can be classified

as either aerobic (e.g., activated sludge, trickling filters), anaerobic (e.g., covered

lagoons, sealed reactors) or facultative (i.e., a combination of aerobic and anaerobic

treatment) (Del Nery et al., 2007; Nemerov and Dasgupta, 1991). All biological

wastewater treatment processes involve the use of microorganisms (e.g., bacteria) to

convert both inorganic and organic materials into a stable biomass and treated effluent

(Del Nery et al., 2001)

Aerobic treatment processes such as activated sludge systems are limited by high

levels of energy needed for aeration and high sludge volume production (del Pozo et al.,

2000; Nguyen and Shieh, 2000). Anaerobic treatment processes have the ability to treat

higher strength waste streams as compared to aerobic system, but often required

subsequent aerobic treatment to meet environmental regulatory permit limits for effluent


Biological treatment systems that have been used to effectively treat PPW include

sequential batch reactors (SBR), moving bed bioreactors (MBBR), membrane bioreactors

(MBR), as well as conventional activated sludge plants (CASP). All these biological

treatment systems can achieve more than 90% organic matter removal in PPW.

Sequential batch reactors (SBR) are designed to reduce the organic and nutrient

loadings in medium strength wastewater to comply with surface water discharge limits or

as a pre-treatment stage to tertiary recycling plants. Oxygen is passed in a form of

bubbles through the wastewater to reduce BOD and COD before release into POTWs.

The advantages of an SBR include a reduced footprint compared to CASP and since a

portion of the biomass is maintained in the reactor after decanting, no sludge recycling

system is required. However, the requirement of a settling tank is an important

disadvantage due to the lack of physical filtration (Andreottola et al., 2001; Bernet et al.,


Moving bed bioreactors (MBBR) used an activated sludge aeration system where

the sludge is collected on carriers (biofilters). These carriers made of plastic have an

internal surface for water, air and bacteria contact. The biofiltering process is used for the

removal of organic substances, nitrification and denitrification (Pastorelli et al., 1997).

This process is quite costly compared to CASP due to increased operation and

maintenance (Andreotolla et al., 2000).

The membrane bioreactors (MBR) process involves an activated sludge system

that uses membranes for solute separation in place of secondary clarifiers. The membrane

component uses low pressure MF or UF membranes. The cost of building, maintaining

and operating an MBR is usually high compared to CASP. The disadvantage of this

system includes the fouling of the membranes (Bernal et al., 2002).

Conventional activated sludge plants (CASP) involve atmospheric air being

introduced to a mixture of primary treated or screened wastewater combined with

organisms to develop a biological flocculation which reduces the organic content of the

wastewater. The major disadvantages of this process are high energy costs and poor

settling of sludge caused by the problematic filamentous microbes. In the presence of

inadequate oxygen and iron, the filamentous microbes flourish and cause the biomass to

not settle in the clarifier. Also, CASP are poor removers of nitrate and phosphate

compounds (Woolard and Irvine, 1995).

The anaerobic treatment process occurs in the absence of free-oxygen (Metcalf

and Eddy Inc., 2003). Digestion of organic materials by microorganisms under these

conditions results in the production of a gaseous byproduct. This resulting gas mixture,

mostly methane and carbon dioxide, with smaller amounts of hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide,

and ammonia, is referred to as ‘biogas’. Despite the no free-oxygen and low energy

requirement during digestion, further treatment with an aerobic treatment process may be

needed to meet discharge requirements (Nguyen and Shieh, 2000).

Thesis Goal and Objectives

The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of membrane filtration on pre- and post-
The specific objectives were;
1. To evaluate the performance of different membrane pore sizes in
Microfiltration (0.1-10µm) and Ultrafiltration (0.01 - 0.1 µm) pore size

2. To evaluate the performance of three membrane materials; polysulfone (PS),
polyvinylidenedifluoride (PVDF) and Ultrafilic,
3. To determine optimum conditions for membrane filtration with respect to
flow rate, temperature and operating pressure, and
4. To measure the effect of membrane filtration on chemical oxygen demand
(COD), total solids (TS) and total suspension solids (TSS) in PPW.





Abboah-Afari, E., and B.H. Kiepper. To be submitted to the ASABE Journal Applied

Engineering in Agriculture


An experiment was conducted to measure the effects of membrane filtration on

pre-dissolved air flotation (DAF) poultry processing wastewater (PPW). Bulk grab

samples of raw PPW were collected after primary (1500–3000µm) and secondary

(500µm) offal screens, but before additional wastewater treatment at a commercial

broiler processing plant. 4L subsamples of raw PPW were pre-sieved (500/106µm) and

then filtered using one of three membranes (0.3µm polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF),

0.1µm Polysulfone, or 100,000 MWCO Ultrafilic) at one of two pressures (50 or 80 psi)

for three 2-hour trials. The resulting 3x2 treatments with 3 repetitions totaling 18 trials

were completed over 6 wks, 3 trials taking place one day per wk. Mean chemical oxygen

demand (COD) and total solids (TS) concentrations (mg/L) were determined for PPW

samples prior to each trial. Mean permeate flux was calculated, and membrane permeate

PPW samples were collected at 10 minute intervals during each trial for subsequent COD

and TS analyses. Results showed that COD and TS for raw PPW samples (sieved at

500µm) were 5263 mg/L and 3355 mg/L, respectively. COD and TS for pre-sieved PPW

samples (sieved to 106µm) were 4390 and 2991 mg/L, respectively, which represented

16.6% and 10.8% reductions, respectively. The maximum mean permeate flux of 115

Lm-2h-1 and TS reduction of 34% was obtained by the 0.3µm PVDF membrane, while the

maximum mean COD reduction of 89% was achieved by the 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic

membrane. Based on a calculated performance index (Pmi), the 0.3µm PVDF membrane

was determined to be the most effective membrane for pre-DAF PPW treatment.

Keywords: Poultry processing, wastewater, membrane filtration, permeate flux, COD,TS


In 2009, the U.S. poultry industry slaughtered 8.5 billion broilers (USDA, 2010),

using an average of 26L (7 gal) of potable water per bird. Thus, the processing of

broilers in the U.S. in 2009 generated approximately 2270 million L (60 billion gal) of

high strength poultry processing wastewater (PPW) requiring treatment. Current

wastewater treatment methods provide viable ways of reducing pollutants such as

organics, solids and nutrients in PPW, but often neglect the fact that advanced wastewater

treatment alters and adulterates potential valuable poultry processing byproducts (e.g.,

protein, oil and grease) producing low-value chemical skimmings and biological sludges

(Ockerman and Hansen, 2000; Wessels, 1972). Previous analysis of solids recovered

from PPW using microscreening have been reported to average 63.5% fat, 17.5% protein,

4.8% crude fiber and 1.5% ash on a dry weight basis (Kiepper et al., 2008).

Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is the most popular physical/chemical PPW

treatment method currently utilized by U.S. poultry processors with approximately 80%

of slaughter plants employing the technology. Although DAF is effective at PPW

treatment, the aggressive aeration of the fine particulates causes excessive oxidative

damage and bacterial degradation of fat and protein components. Also, various

combinations of chemicals are added to enhance the coagulation and flocculation of the

particulates. The combination of this physical and chemical treatment greatly reduces the

value of DAF skimmings as a nutrient source in rendered animal byproduct feed

ingredients. Moreover, utilization and disposal of DAF skimmings is a major expense and

an inconvenience to the poultry industry. Thus, the U.S. poultry processing industry

would benefit greatly by PPW treatment technology aimed at recovering unadulterated

byproducts prior to DAF treatment (i.e., pre-DAF PPW).

The benefits for pre-DAF PPW treatment include a substantial increase in the

volume of unadulterated byproduct (i.e., offal) recovered for rendering with a

corresponding reduction in the volume of lower value DAF skimmings produced,

substantial chemical cost savings, and reduced energy consumption (Avula et al., 2009).

One emerging technology of interest in treatment of high-strength wastewater is

membrane filtration. Even though membrane filtration technology has been studied in

various wastewater studies, only limited work has been published on the treatment of

PPW. In 2005, Lo et al. successfully recovered concentrated protein from PPW using

ultrafiltration (UF). The study was successful, however the work was focused on

recovery of a potential high-value byproduct as a retentate rather than the effect

membrane filtration had on PPW treatment efficiency.

In membrane filtration, protein and fat exhibit similar characteristics in terms of

flexible and stable structures. It is possible that a membrane surface can be operated at its

highest flux for a longer time, minimizing the conditions caused by fouled membrane

(Cheryan and Rajagopalan, 1998; Yushina and Hasegawa, 1994). Increases in volumetric

feed flow rate are expected to increase flux in the membrane filtration system which

reduces trapping or retention efficiency. An experiment was conducted to quantify the

efficiency of membrane filtration in reducing COD and TS concentration (mg/L) and

increase the permeate volume (i.e., flux) in pre-DAF PPW at optimum conditions.

Materials and Methods

Grab samples of approximately 40L of pre-DAF PPW were collected in large

plastic containers after the primary (1,500-3,000µm) and secondary (500µm) physical

mechanical screens at a north Georgia broiler processing plant during normal slaughter

operations and transported immediately to the laboratory. Within 1 hr of collection, 4L

subsamples of PPW were poured through a 500µm sieve and designated as ‘raw PPW’.

Each 4L raw PPW sample was then poured through a 106µm sieve and designated ‘pre-

sieved PPW’ in preparation for membrane filtration trials. The pre-sieved PPW

subsamples ranged in temperature from 26-30oC (79-86oF) and pH from 6.0-6.2 S.U.

The experimental trials were carried out using a Spintek STC bench-scale

membrane filtration system (Spintek, 2008). As shown in Figure 3.1, this system

simulates a full-scale membrane filtration system by circulating raw wastewater from a

feed tank, past a sample (i.e., coupon) of flat-sheet test membrane in a cross-current

configuration under pressure. A variable speed pump and back pressure control valve

can be manipulated to maintain constant pressure on the membrane. The wastewater

stream circulates back through the feed tank as a concentrate, while the treated water

passes through the membrane as permeate.

The experiment was designed in a 3 x 2 factorial configuration with 3 membrane

sizes/materials (100,000MWCO Ultrafilic, 0.10µm Polysulfone and 0.30µm

polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF)), operated at 2 pressure levels (50 and 80 psi) for a

total of 6 treatments. The 6 treatments were conducted once per wk for 3 wks for a total

of 18 trials. Each test membrane had an effective surface area of 0.005m2.

Figure 3.1. SpinTek Static Test Cell (STC) Membrane Filtration System (Spintek, 2008)

Each trial consisted of a 4L pre-sieved subsample of PPW being placed into the

feed tank of the STC system fitted with one of the 3 membranes and operated for 2 hours

at one of the 2 pressure levels. A total of 16 wastewater samples were collected in 1L

glass jars during each trial. Representative raw PPW and pre-sieve PPW samples were

collected prior to each membrane filtration trial (i.e., samples 1 and 2). During each trial,

membrane filtration permeate samples were collected every 10 minutes (i.e., samples 3-

12) with the volume of effluent (mL) noted for subsequent permeate flux calculations.

Finally, 1L concentrate samples were collected after 1 and 2 hr (i.e., samples 15 and 16).

The pH of all samples was adjusted to < 2.0 S.U. using H2SO4 as a preservative and

stored at 4oC prior to analysis.

Analytical Methods

All PPW samples were analyzed for COD (chemical oxygen demand method

5220D) and TS (total solids method 2540B) (APHA, 2005). COD was used to determine

the concentration of organic materials in each PPW sample, while the TS test was used to

determine the concentration of solids present in each PPW sample.

Statistical Analysis

Data were subjected to statistical analysis by the SAS JMP 8.0.2 program (SAS

Institute, 2009). Data from the 3 x 2 treatments with 3 replications were analyzed by

factorial ANOVA with membrane at 3 levels and pressure at 2 levels as the main effects.

Data was first run as a factorial ANOVA with a main effects (i.e., membrane and

pressure) interaction term. If the interaction was not significant (P>0.05), ANOVA was

re-run without the interaction term and each factor was analyzed independently. Means

were separated using the Tukey-HSD procedure (SAS Institute, 2009). Difference in

means were regarded as significant if P<0.05.

Data Analysis

Permeate Flux

Permeate flux is the membrane effluent flow per unit area per unit time. This is

the most common calculation used to determine membrane efficiency (Cheryan and

Rajagopalan, 1998). In this experiment, permeate flux was calculated and expressed as

liters per square meter of membrane per hour (Lm-2h-1). The permeate volume collected

during each 10 min interval of trial runs was recorded in mL. The total volume (mL)

collected for the 10 min interval was divided by 10 to produce a mL/min. This was

converted to L/hr and then divided by 0.005 m2 (i.e., the surface area of each test

membrane coupon) to produce the reported permeate flux value (Lm-2h-1).

COD and TS Percentage Reduction

Data were analyzed for percentage reduction in concentration of COD and TS. This

was achieved by subtracting the end point mean concentration (i.e., pre-sieved or

permeate PPW) from the corresponding start point mean concentration (i.e., raw or pre-

sieved PPW), and dividing the difference by the start point mean concentration. The

result was then multiply by 100%.

Membrane Efficiency

The most effective and suitable membrane for pre-DAF PPW membrane filtration

was generated using weighted linear aggregation (WLA) of the three parameters of COD,

permeate flux and TS. WLA is a weighted average in which the decision maker assigns

the weights of relative importance to each criterion (Eastman et al., 1995). The relative

weights of each criterion were computed using a pair-wise comparison matrix (Saaty,

1977). As shown in Table 3.1, the value of each matrix cell represents the relative

importance of the row criterion against the column criterion within a range from 1 to 9. A

consistency ratio (CR) was used to determine the probability that the matrix ratings were

randomly generated which should be less than 0.1. Each relative importance weight was

evaluated using the CR. The relative weights are computed by corresponding the

maximum eigen value with the relative values of the eigen vector.

Consistency ratio is expressed by

where λmax is the maximum eigen value of the matrix and n is the total number of criteria.

Table 3.1. Pair-wise comparison of the criteria (i.e., COD, Permeate flux, TS) for
membrane filtration of pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater

COD Permeate Flux TS Weight

COD 1 3/2 2 0.46
Permeate Flux 2/3 1 3/2 0.32
TS 1/2 2/3 1 0.22
Consistency ratio (CR) = 0.00077

A performance index was used to indicate which of the membranes was the most

effective and suitable for the membrane filtration of pre-DAF PPW. Performance index

is expressed by , where Pmi =

Performance index, wcod and Ricod = weight and rank of COD, wf and Rif = weight and

rank of flux, wts and Rits = weight and rank of TS. Ranks were developed in descending

order based on their significant differences (i.e. from the best rank (4) to the least rank


Results and Discussion

Permeate Flux

Permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values calculated at 10 minute intervals and averaged for

the 3 repetitions at each membrane size over the course of the 2 hour STC system trials at

50 and 80 psi are summarized in Table 3.2 and 3.3, and graphically shown in Figures 3.2

and 3.3, respectively. These permeate flux values were in the expected range and are

relatively similar to the results reported by Lo et al. (2005).

Table 3.2. Mean permeate flux (Lm-2h-1±SEM), COD (mg/L±SEM) and TS
(mg/L±SEM) values for 6 membranes filtering pre-dissolved air flotation (DAF) poultry
processing wastewater for 120 min

Membrane size/material Mean Permeate Mean Permeate Mean Permeate

-2 -1
(Lm h ±SEM) (mg/L±SEM) (mg/L±SEM)
(P<0.0001) (P<0.0001) (P<0.0001)
100,000MWCO Ultrafilic 109a±3 465b±13 2324b±61

0.10µm Polysulfone 91ab±3 869a±40 2686a±79

0.30µm PVDF 115a±5 530b±16 1978c±51

- differing superscripts within a column indicates statistically significant difference

Table 3.3. Mean permeate flux (Lm-2h-1±SEM), COD (mg/L±SEM) and TS

(mg/L±SEM) values at 2 pressure levels (50 and 80psi) for pre-dissolved air flotation
(DAF) poultry processing wastewater for 120 min

Pressure Mean Permeate Mean Permeate Mean Permeate

(psi) Flux COD TS
(Lm-2h-1±SEM) (mg/L±SEM) (mg/L±SEM)
(P<0.0001) (P<0.0001) (P=0.3007)
50 96b±4 682a±33 484±81
80 114a±3 560b±37 359±60
- differing superscripts within a column indicates statistically significant difference

Visual inspection of Figures 3.2 and 3.3 show that while the 100,000MWCO

Ultrafilic and 0.30µm PVDF membranes flux values produced a flux curve that was

downward sweeping and similar results reported by Lo et al. (2005), the 0.10µm

Polysulfone membrane did not. At both pressures, the 0.10µm Polysulfone membrane

produced flux curves that were relatively flat with only slight increases over the 2-hour

trial time period.

Figures 3.2 and 3.3 also showed that the differences between the 3 membranes in

flux curves seen over time at the 50 psi level were negated at the 80 psi level. Finally, all

trials showed a steady state permeate flux after 2 hours with no visible trend towards

blinding for of membranes, with the exception of the 0.10µm Polysulfone membrane at

80 psi which indicates the start of a flux decline at 110 minutes.

100,000 MWCO Ultrafilic
0.1 µm Polysulfone
FLux (Lm-2h-1)

0.3 µm PVDF
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120

Elapsed Time (minutes)

Figure 3.2. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values at 10
minute intervals for 3 membrane filters at 50 psi operating pressure

170 100,000 MWCO Ultrafilic
0.1 µm Polysulfone
FLux (Lm-2h-1)

150 0.3 µm PVDF

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Elapsed Time (minutes)

Figure 3.3. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values at 10
minute intervals for 3 membrane filters at 80 psi operating pressure

A mean permeate flux value was calculated for each membrane by averaging the

twelve (12) 10-minute interval flux values during each trial. Statistical analysis of mean

permeate flux results showed no interaction between membrane and pressure (P=0.5293).

Therefore, the main effects were analyzed independently. The total mean permeate values

at the 3 membrane sizes and the 2 pressure settings are summarized in Figures 3.4 and


As shown in Table 3.2 and graphically represented in Figure 3.4, the mean

permeate flux values of the 0.30µm PVDF (115 Lm-2h-1) and 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic

(109 Lm-2h-1) membranes were not significantly different, however the mean permeate

flux of the 0.10µm Polysulfone (91 Lm-2h-1) membrane was significantly lower. As

expected, the membrane with the largest nominal gap openings (i.e., 0.30µm PVDF) had

the largest total mean flux values, however it was unexpected that the membrane with the

next largest nominal gap openings (i.e., 0.10µm Polysulfone) would have the lowest

mean flux values. These results would indicate that the membrane material (i.e.,

Polysulfone) played a significant role in reducing the separation efficiency of the 0.10µm



Figure 3.4. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate flux values (Lm-2h-1)
for 3 membranes


Figure 3.5. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate flux values (Lm-2h-1)
for 3 membranes operated at 50 and 80 psi

From the results shown in Table 3.3 and Figure 3.5, the mean permeate flux at 80

psi (114 Lm-2h-1) was significantly greater than at 50 psi (96 Lm-2h-1). From these results

it can be concluded that for the optimum efficiency and high permeate flux, either the

0.3µm PVDF or 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane at 80 psi operating pressure should

be selected.

COD Concentration

The concentration (mg/L) of organic matter in each PPW sample was measured

using COD. COD concentration data were also used to calculate a COD removal

efficiency value, as a percentage (%), for pre-sieved (i.e., 106µm) and membrane

permeate PPW samples. The membrane producing the lowest mean COD concentrations

and highest COD removal percentages was deemed the most effective.

The mean COD concentrations (mg/L) for raw PPW and pre-sieved PPW samples

for the 18 membrane filtration trials were 5263 and 4390 mg/L, respectively. Thus the

106µm pre-sieving reduced the COD concentration on average by 16.6%.

Statistical analysis of mean COD results showed no interaction between

membrane and pressure (P=0.7439). Therefore, the main effects were analyzed

independently. The mean COD values at the 3 membrane sizes and the 2 pressure settings

are summarized in Table 3.2 and 3.3, and graphically represented in Figures 3.6 and 3.7,


From results shown in Table 3.2 and Figure 3.6, expectantly, the 100,000MWCO

Ultrafilic membrane (i.e., the membrane with the smallest nominal gap openings)

produced the permeate with the lowest mean COD concentration (465 mg/L), but this

value was not significantly different from the 0.30µm PVDF membrane (530 mg/L). The

465 mg/L effluent COD concentration represents an 89% removal efficiency by the

100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane as compared with the pre-sieved sample of mean

COD concentration of 4390 mg/L.



Figure 3.6. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate COD concentrations
(mg/L) for 3 membranes


Figure 3.7. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate COD concentrations
(mg/L) at 50 and 80 psi

Unexpectantly, the 0.10µm Polysulfone membrane produced the highest mean

COD concentration (868 mg/L), which was significantly higher than both the 0.30µm

PVDF and 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membranes. The 868 mg/L effluent COD

concentration represented an 80% removal efficiency as compared with the pre-sieved

PPW sample mean COD concentration of 4390 mg/L. With a mean of 530 mg/L of

effluent COD concentration, the 0.30µm PVDF had an 88% removal efficiency, while the

465 mg/L effluent concentration of the 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane represented

an 89% reduction. Like the permeate flux results, the COD concentration results showed

that the 0.10µm Polysulfone membrane was the least efficient producing the highest

mean COD values.

Results in Table 3.3 and Figure 3.7 showed that the mean permeate COD

concentration at 80 psi (560 mg/L) was significantly better than at 50 psi (682 mg/L). As

with permeate flux, from these results it can be concluded that, for the lowest COD

permeate concentration and corresponding highest removal efficiencies either the

100,000MWCO Ultrafilic or 0.3µm PVDF membrane at 80 psi operating pressure should

be selected.

TS Concentration

The concentration of solids in each PPW sample was measured using TS. TS

concentration data were also used to calculate a TS removal efficiency value for pre-

sieved (i.e., 106µm) and membrane permeate PPW samples. The membrane producing

the lowest mean TS concentrations and highest TS removal percentages was deemed the

most effective.

The mean TS concentrations (mg/L) for raw PPW and pre-sieved PPW samples

for the 18 membrane filtration trials were 3355 and 2991 mg/L, respectively. Thus the

106µm pre-sieve reduced the TS concentration on average by 10.8%.

Statistical analysis of mean TS results showed significant interaction between the

membrane and pressure main effects (P=0.0366). Therefore, the main effects were

analyzed simultaneously. The mean TS values at the 3 membrane sizes and the 2 pressure

settings are summarized in Table 3.2 and 3.3, and Figures 3.8 and 3.9, while each

membrane was analyzed at the 2 pressure levels, as shown in Figures 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12

to determine which membrane/pressure combinations performed best at TS reduction.



Figure 3.8. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) for 3 membranes

Surprisingly as shown in Figure 3.8, the 0.30µm PVDF membrane (i.e., the

membrane with the largest nominal gap openings) produced the permeate with the

significantly lowest mean TS concentration (1978 mg/L) as compared with the two other

smaller gap opening membranes. This resulting mean permeate TS concentration

represents a removal efficiency of 34% as calculated against the pre-sieved PPW sample

mean TS concentration of 2991 mg/L.

The 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane produced a permeate with a mean TS

concentration (2324 mg/L) which was significantly lower than the 0.10µm Polysulfone

membrane (2685 mg/L). The 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane effluent TS

concentration represented a 22% TS removal efficiency, while the 0.10µm Polysulfone

membrane had a 10% TS removal efficiency. Like the permeate flux and COD results,

the TS mean concentration results showed that the 0.10µm Polysulfone membrane was

the least efficient, producing the highest mean TS values. Figure 3.9 shows that the mean

permeate TS concentration at 50 psi (2381 mg/L) and 80 psi (2277 mg/L) were not

significantly different (P=0.1481).

2381 2277

Figure 3.9. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) at 50 and 80 psi

2321 2326

Figure 3.10. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) for 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane at 50 and 80 psi



Figure 3.11. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) for 0.10µm Polysulfone membrane at 50 and 80 psi

1953 2004

Figure 3.12. Pre-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate TS concentrations

(mg/L) for a 0.30µm PVDF membrane at 50 and 80 psi

The mean permeate TS concentrations for each membrane at both pressures are

shown in Figures 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12. Results represented in Figures 3.10 and 3.12

showed that there was no significant difference in mean TS concentration for the

100,000MWCO Ultrafilic (P=0.9676) and 0.30µm PVDF membranes (P=0.6246) at

either pressure. The mean permeate TS concentrations for 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic

membrane at 50 and 80 psi were 2321 mg/L and 2326 mg/L, respectively. The mean

permeate TS concentrations for the 0.30µm PVDF membrane at 50 and 80 psi were 1953

mg/L and 2004 mg/L, respectively. Thus, operating pressure did not significantly affect

the TS removal efficiency of either the 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic or 0.30µm PVDF


However, the mean permeate TS concentration for the 0.10µm Polysulfone

membrane at 80 psi (2500 mg/L) was significantly (P=0.0152) lower than that at 50 psi

(2871 mg/L). These results suggest that operating the 0.10µm Polysulfone membrane at

the higher 80 psi pressure will significantly improve TS removal versus the lower 50 psi.


Using the previously described performance index (Pmi), the most effective

membrane for treatment of pre-DAF PPW was determined. Based on calculated Pmi

values as shown in Table 3.4, the 0.3µm PVDF membrane (i.e., the membrane with the

largest nominal gap openings) was determined the most effective (Pmi = 2.54 on a 3.0

scale) in regards to increase in permeate flux, and COD and TS reduction. The

100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane (Pmi = 2.32) was the second most effective

membrane, while the 0.1µm Polysulfone membrane (Pmi = 1.32) was the least effective

at pre-DAF PPW treatment. The maximum mean permeate flux of 115 Lm-2h-1 and TS

reduction of 34% was obtained by the 0.3µm PVDF membrane, while the maximum

mean COD reduction of 89% was achieved by the 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane.

Table 3.4. Best performing membrane for treatment of pre-DAF poultry processing
wastewater based on maximum permeate flux, and reduction of COD and TS over 120
min of operation based on significant difference (P<0.05)

COD Permeate TS Performance Index

Flux (Pmi)
1 0.3µm PVDF 2 3 3 2.54
2 100,000 MWCO 2 3 2 2.32
3 0.1µm Polysulfone 1 2 1 1.32

The experiment determined that pre-screening of pre-DAF PPW to 106µm prior

to membrane filtration reduced COD by 16.6% and TS by 10.8% making pre-screening a

potentially valuable tool in membrane filtration PPW treatment. Membrane filtration of

pre-DAF PPW reduced the COD concentration by 80 to 89%, and TS concentration by

10 to 34%. Thus experiment results indicate that membrane filtration in the MF and UF

ranges will be substantially more effective at reducing the organic load of pre-DAF PPW

as opposed to solids removal.

Mean permeate flux values (Lm-2h-1) calculated in this experiment can be used to

determine the surface area of membrane (m2) required to treat a known volume of PPW

in a full scale membrane filtration system. As an example, a typical broiler processing

plant slaughtering 250,000 birds per day (bpd) and utilizing 26 L per bird will produce

6,500,000 L of PPW. If a membrane filtration system was designed to operate 24 hours

per day, then 270,833 L of PPW would need to be treated each hour. Results of this

experiment showed the top performing membrane in terms of permeate flux was the

0.3µm PVDF membrane which averaged 115 Lm-2h-1. Thus, by dividing 270,833 Lh-1 by

115 Lm-2h-1 it can be determined that 2355 m2 would be needed to filter the total PPW

stream using 0.3µm PVDF membranes.


APHA. (2005) Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater 21st ed.

Am. Public Health Assoc., Washington, DC.

Avula R.Y., Nelson H.M., Singh R.K. (2009) Recycling of poultry process wastewater by

ultrafiltration. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 10:1-8.

Cheryan M., Rajagopalan N. (1998) Membrane processing of oily streams. Wastewater

treatment and waste reduction. Journal of Membrane Science 151:13-28.

Eastman J.R., Jin W., Kyem P.A.K., Toledano J. (1995) Raster procedures for multi-

criteria/multi-objective decisions. Photogram. Eng. Rem. Sen.:539–547.

Kiepper B.H., Merka W.C., Fletcher D.L. (2008) Proximate composition of poultry

processing wastewater particulate matter from broiler slaughter plants. Pou.Sci.


Ockerman H.W., Hansen C.L. (2000) Animal ByProduct Processing and Utilization.

Technomic Publishing Company, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Saaty T.L. (1977) A scaling method for priorities in hierarchical structures. Journal of

Mathematical Psychology 15:234-281.

SAS Institute. (2009) SAS JMP 8.0.2 Statistical Program. SAS Institute. Cary, N.C.

Spintek. (2008) Static Test Cell (STC) Membrane Filtration System. Retrieved from stc.htm.

USDA. (2010) Poultry Slaughter. 2009 Annual Report. U.S. Department of Agriculture.

National Agricultural Statistics Service. Pou 2-1(10).

Wessels J.P.H. (1972) A study of the protein quality of different feather meals. Poultry

Sci. 51:537.

Yushina Y., Hasegawa J. (1994) Process performance comparison of membrane

introduced anaerobic-digestion using food-industry waste-water, Elsevier Science

Bv. pp. 413-421.





Abboah-Afari, E., and B.H. Kiepper. To be submitted to the ASABE Journal Applied

Engineering in Agriculture

An experiment was conducted to measure the effects of membrane filtration on

post-dissolved air flotation (DAF) poultry processing wastewater (PPW). Grab samples

were collected and passed through a 500µm sieve and 106µm sieve to prepare the

samples for membrane filtration. 4L presieved subsamples were filtered through one of

six membranes (30,000MWCO Polysulfone, 30,000MWCO PVDF, 100,000MWCO

Ultrafilic, 100,000MWCO PVDF, 0.10µm Polysulfone and 0.30µm PVDF) operated at

one pressure level (50 psi) with membrane pore size and membrane material as the main

effects. The six treatments were conducted for once per wk for 3 wks for a total of 18

trials. The mean permeate flux values were calculated by averaging the six 10-minute

interval flux values from each STC system one hour run. Permeate samples were

analyzed for concentration (mg/L) of COD, TS and TSS. Results showed that mean

COD, TS and TSS for raw post-DAF PPW samples (sieved to 500µm) were 635, 1706

and 49 mg/L, respectively. Mean COD, TS and TSS for pre-sieved post DAF PPW

samples (sieved to 106µm) were 624, 1604 and 48 mg/L, respectively. Thus, pre-sieving

reduced COD by 1.7%, TS by 5.9% and TSS by 2.0% prior to membrane filtration. All

trials ended with permeate flux in a steady state indicating good resistance to blinding by

the membranes. The maximum mean permeate flux value of 224 Lm-2h-1 and lowest

mean TS value was obtained by the 0.3µm PVDF membrane. The lowest COD

concentration, and corresponding highest reduction percentage, was obtained by the

100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane (373 mg/L, 40%), which had the highest

performance index (Pmi = 3.56 on a 4.0 scale) of the 6 membranes tested.

Keywords: Poultry processing, wastewater, membrane filtration, permeate flux, COD,



In 2010, the U.S. Department of Agriculture reported that approximately 8.8

billion broilers were slaughtered in the U.S. with an average live weight per bird of 2.6

kg (5.7 lbs) and a total live weight of 22.7 million metric tons (50.1 billion lbs) (USDA,

2011). It has been reported that U.S. broiler processing plants use 26 L (7 gal) of water

during the processing of poultry and the cleaning of plants and equipment (Northcutt and

Jones, 2004; Veerkamp, 1999). Treatment and potential reuse of the resulting poultry

processing wastewater (PPW) could benefit poultry processing plants by reducing water

demand, effluent volume and energy consumption (Avula et al., 2009), while meeting

discharge limits set forth in environmental regulatory permits.

A typical poultry processing plant’s wastewater treatment system consists of

mechanical physical screens (designed to remove inedible offal), DAF (dissolved air

flotation) units, and biological treatment provided either onsite (i.e., direct discharge

system) or by a public utility (i.e., indirect discharge or pretreatment system). The first

treatment process, mechanical physical screening, recovers offal which is a valuable raw

material for the rendering industry and is a profit center for poultry processing plants.

However, the subsequent treatment processes of PPW such as DAF suffer several

disadvantages including effluent containing residual fat in the range of 50 to 60mg/L and

adulterated byproducts (e.g., DAF skimmings, biosolids) that have diminished value (Lo et

al., 2005), all these costs at the expense of the processor.

Most poultry processors in the U.S. use DAF for treatment of their wastewater

(Harper et al., 1988). The concentration or strength of treated wastewater varies from one

plant to another depending on the standards set, methods of operations, type of systems and

processing loads (Vidal et al., 2000). The process of DAF is used to remove the majority of

the free oil and grease (O&G) and particulate protein from PPW. The removal is achieved

by dissolving air in the wastewater under pressure and then releasing the pressurized air to

form fine microbubbles at atmospheric pressure that adhere to the suspended fats and

protein, and float them to the surface where they are collected (Kiuru, 2001). DAF

performance is achieved by the number and the size of the air bubbles formed by the

pressure relief of the supersaturated air in the wastewater stream (Cassell et al., 1975;

Nielsen, 1989). DAF systems using chemicals (e.g. alum, ferric sulfate, sodium aluminate,

and ferrous sulfate) can achieve chemical oxygen demand (COD) reductions ranging from

32 to 90% and are capable of removing large amounts of nutrients (Mittal, 2006).

Chemicals enhance the coagulation and flocculation processes, which are used to separate

the suspended solids from the wastewater.

Using membrane filtration in post-DAF PPW treatment could help further reduce

fats, bacteria and other particulate matters (Avula et al., 2009), reduce the cost of operation

of biological treatment systems, and lower sludge volume production in direct discharge

systems. Membrane filtration could also significantly reduce the amount of surcharge fees

paid by indirect or pretreatment dischargers to local utilities for the treatment of their high-

strength wastewater streams. Significant reduction in concentration of chemical oxygen

demand (COD) and total solids (TS) of PPW by ultrafiltration (UF) was reported by Lo et

al. (2005).

There are several factors that influence the effectiveness and efficiency of

filtration membranes in treating wastewater. Increase in feed concentration and pressure

alters the viscosity, density and diffusivity of the feed solution, thus causing a decrease in

permeate flow rate (i.e., flux) (Manjula and Subramanian, 2006). An increase in

temperature results in a decrease in fluid viscosity and increase in molecular diffusivity

through the membrane (Cheryan and Rajagopalan, 1998; Marenchino, (2006).; Nakao,

1994; Zak and Pawlak, 2006; Zhang and Song, 2000).

Membrane material also affects membrane performance. For example,

Polysulfone has exceptional temperature (up to 75oC) and pH (1 to 13 S.U.) resistance,

but has been known to perform poorly in the treatment of protein-based food processing

wastewater streams. There should be balance between membrane performance with

respect to permeate flow rate and retention of the desired solute and membrane

characteristics such as tendency for fouling, cost and life span (Cheryan and Rajagopalan,


Many variables, such as composition of membrane, method of membrane

manufacturing, shape and configuration of the fluid molecules, their interactions with each

other and the membrane surface, fluid dynamics of the membrane unit, pressure,

temperature and velocity of the mixture, influence the filtration process (Del Nery et al.,

2007). Two of the main factors that control the efficiency of membrane separations are size

exclusion and chemical interaction between membrane surfaces and permeate.

An experiment was conducted to investigate the efficiency of the treatment of post-

DAF PPW using membrane filtration. Permeate flux, COD, TS and total suspension solids

(TSS) were measured and analyzed. The performance of 6 membranes (4 pore sizes and 3

membrane materials) within the microfiltration (MF) and UF ranges were evaluated at 50


Materials and Methods

Sample Collection and Preparation

Grab samples of approximately 40L of post-DAF PPW were collected in large

plastic containers after primary screening and pretreatment in a DAF unit at a north

Georgia broiler processing plant during normal slaughter operations and transported

immediately to the laboratory. The DAF process has been shown to remove more than

90% of fats and solids in PPW (Grant, 1980; Nielsen, 1989). Within 1 hr of collection

and in preparation for each experimental trial, 4L subsamples of PPW were poured from

the collection containers through a 500µm sieve and designated as ‘raw PPW’. Each 4L

raw PPW sample was then poured through a 106µm sieve and designated ‘pre-sieved

PPW’. Pre-sieved subsamples ranged in temperature from 18 to 34oC (64 to 93oF) and

pH ranged from 5.0 to 5.6 S.U.

Each experimental trail was conducted using one of 6 membranes (30,000MWCO

Polysulfone, 30,000MWCO PVDF, 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic, 100,000MWCO PVDF,

0.10µm Polysulfone and 0.30µm PVDF) within the microfiltration (MF) and

ultrafiltration (UF) ranges, operated at one pressure level (50 psi) with membrane

material and membrane pore size as the statistical main effects. The 6 membranes (i.e.,

treatments) were tested once per week for 3 weeks for a total of 18 trials. The experiment

was carried out using a Spintek STC bench-scale membrane filtration system as shown in

Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1. SpinTek Static Test Cell (STC) Membrane Filtration System (Spintek, 2008)

This system simulates a full-scale membrane filtration system by circulating raw

wastewater from a feed tank, past a sample (i.e., coupon) of flat-sheet test membrane in a

cross-current configuration under pressure. A variable speed pump with a maximum

speed of 1207 rpm and back pressure control valve can be manipulated to maintain

constant pressure on the membrane. For this experiment the pressure remained constant

at 50 psi. The wastewater stream circulates back through the feed tank as a retentate (i.e.,

concentrate), while the treated water passes through the membrane as permeate. The flow

through the STC system during the experiment ranged from 2.3 to 2.6 L/min. Each test

membrane coupon had an effective surface area of 0.005m2.

Each trial consisted of a 4L pre-sieved subsample of PPW being placed into the

feed tank of the STC Membrane Filtration System fitted with one of the 6 membranes

(previously rinsed with deionized water) and operated for 60 min at 50 psi. The 6 trials

were randomly conducted each week for 3 weeks. A total of 9 wastewater samples were

collected in 1L glass jars during each trial. Representative raw PPW (500µm) and pre-

sieve (106µm) PPW samples were collected prior to each membrane filtration trial

(Samples 1 and 2). During each trial, membrane filtration permeate samples were

collected every 10 minutes (Samples 3 – 8) with the volume (mL) of effluent noted for

subsequent permeate flux calculations. Finally, a sample of recycled concentrate was

collected after 60 min (Sample 9). The pH of all samples was adjusted to < 2.0 S.U. using

H2SO4 as a preservative and stored at 4oC prior to analysis.

Analytical Methods

The post-DAF PPW samples were analyzed for COD (chemical oxygen demand

method 5220D), TS (total solids method 2540B) and TSS (total suspended solids method

2540D) concentration (mg/L) (APHA, 2005). A COD test was run on each 10 min

interval permeate sample collected and was used to determine the organic ‘strength’ of

post-DAF PPW. A TS test was also run on each 10 min interval permeate sample

collected and was used to determine the concentration (mg/L) of total solids present in

each sample. Due to the small amount of permeate sample available following COD and

TS analysis, a composite of the 10 minute interval permeate samples for each trail was

prepared and a TSS test was run on each composite sample to determine the

concentration (mg/L) of suspended solids present. TS can be defined in terms of

particulate size as the sum of TSS and total dissolved solids (TDS) as represented in the

equation: TS = TSS + TDS (APHA, 2005).

Statistical Analysis

Data were subjected to statistical analysis by the SAS JMP 8.0.2 program (SAS

Institute, 2009). Data from the 6 membranes (30,000MWCO Polysulfone, 30,000MWCO

PVDF, 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic, 100,000MWCO PVDF, 0.10µm Polysulfone and

0.30µm PVDF) with 3 replications were analyzed by one-way ANOVA procedures for

completely randomized design. Means were separated using Tukey-HSD procedure to

assess the significance (P<0.05) of the data (SAS Institute, 2009).

Data Analysis

Permeate Flux

Permeate flux is defined as the membrane effluent flow per unit area per unit time

and is the most common calculation used to determine membrane efficiency (Cheryan

and Rajagopalan, 1998). In this experiment, permeate flux was calculated and expressed

as liters per square meter of membrane per hour (Lm-2h-1). The permeate volume

collected during each 10 min interval of trial runs was recorded in mL. The total volume

(mL) collected for the 10 min interval was divided by 10 to produce a mL/min value.

The mL/min value was then divided by 1000 to produce a L/min value. The L/min value

was then multiplied by 60 to produce a L/hr value. Finally, the L/hr value was divided by

0.005 m2 (i.e., the surface area of each test membrane coupon) to produce the reported

permeate flux value (Lm-2h-1).

COD, TS and TSS Percentage Reduction

Percentage reduction in concentrations (mg/L) of analytical tests was calculated

by subtracting the end-point (i.e., pre-sieved or permeate) values from the corresponding

start-point (i.e., raw or pre-sieved) values, and dividing the difference by the start-point

value. The result was then multiply by 100%.

Membrane Efficiency

The most effective and suitable membrane for post-DAF PPW treatment was

generated using weighted linear aggregation (WLA) of 3 of the parameters tested (i.e.,

COD, permeate flux and TS). TSS results were not utilized in the WLA due to non-

significance statistically. The WLA is a weighted average in which the decision maker

assigns the weights of relative importance to each criterion (Eastman et al., 1995). The

relative weights of each criterion was computed using a pair-wise comparison matrix

(Saaty, 1977). As shown in Table 4.1, the value of each matrix cell represents the relative

importance of the row criterion against the column criterion with a range from 1 to 9. A

consistency ratio (CR) was used to determine the probability that the matrix ratings were

randomly generated, which should be less than 0.1. Each relative importance weight was

evaluated using the CR. The relative weights are computed by corresponding the

maximum eigen value with the relative values of the eigen vector.

Consistency ratio is expressed by

where λmax is the maximum eigen value of the matrix and n is the total number of criteria.

Table 4.1. Pair-wise comparison of the criteria (i.e., COD, Permeate flux, TS) for
membrane filtration of post-DAF poultry processing wastewater

COD Permeate Flux TS Weight

COD 1 3/2 2 0.46
Permeate Flux 2/3 1 3/2 0.32
TS 1/2 2/3 1 0.22
Consistency ratio (CR) = 0.00077

A performance index was used to indicate which of the membrane was the most

effective and suitable for the membrane filtration of post-DAF PPW.

Performance index is expressed by

where Pmi = Performance index, wcod and = weight and rank of COD, and =

weight and rank of flux, wts and = weight and rank of TS. Ranks were developed in

descending order based on their significant differences (i.e. from the best rank (4) to the

least rank (1)).

Results and Discussion

Permeate Flux

The mean permeate flux values for each trail were calculated by averaging the six

10-minute interval flux values from each STC system run for a period of one hour. The

resulting means from the 3 repetitions were then averaged to determine an overall

permeate flux mean for each membrane. The overall mean permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values

for the 6 membranes at 50 psi operating pressure are summarized in Table 4.2 and

graphically shown in Figures 4.2 and 4.3.

Visual inspection of Figure 4.2 showed that all membranes flux values produced a

downward sweeping flux curve similar to Lo et al. (2005), with a much steeper curve

from the 0.30µm PVDF membrane versus the other membranes which remained

relatively flat throughout the run.

As shown in Table 4.2 and graphically represented in Figure 4.3, the 0.30µm

PVDF (224 Lm-2h1), 100,000MWCO PVDF (149 Lm-2h-1) and 0.1µm Polysulfone (146

Lm-2h-1) membranes were not significantly different from each other, nor were the

30,000MWCO Polysulfone (114 Lm-2h-1), 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic (100 Lm-2h-1) and

30,000MWCO PVDF (84 Lm-2h-1) membranes. However, the mean permeate flux of the

0.3µm PVDF membrane was significantly higher than the 30,000MWCO Polysulfone,

100,000MWCO Ultrafilic and 30,000MWCO PVDF membranes.

Table 4.2. Mean permeate flux (Lm-2h-1±SEM), COD (mg/L±SEM), TS (mg/L±SEM)

and TSS (mg/L±SEM) values for 6 membranes filtering post-dissolved air flotation
(DAF) poultry processing wastewater for 60 min

Membrane size/material Mean Permeate Mean Mean Mean

Flux Permeate Permeate Permeate
(Lm-2h-1±SEM) COD TS TSS
(P<0.0001) (mg/L±SEM) (mg/L±SEM) (mg/L±SEM)
(P<0.0001) (P<0.0001) (P=0.1984)
30,000MWCO 114b±6 388cd±8 ab
2292 ±209 21±12
30,000MWCO PVDF 84b±2 397cd±13 2863a±172 29±5
100,000MWCO Ultrafilic 100b±1 373d±11 2332 ab±116 8±2
100,000MWCO PVDF 149ab±7 483bc±32 1925 bc±208 12±4
0.10µm Polysulfone 146ab±4 748a±42 2020bc±55 24±3
0.30µm PVDF 224a±59 519b±12 1498c±133 13±6

- differing superscripts within a column indicates statistically significant difference

As expected, the membrane with the largest nominal gap openings (i.e., 0.30µm

PVDF) had the largest mean flux values, while the 2 membranes with the smallest

nominal gap openings (i.e., 30,000MWCO) and one of the next smallest nominal gap

opening membranes (i.e., 100,000MWCO) had the significantly lowest mean flux values.

These results indicate that membrane pore size (i.e., 0.30µm versus 100,000 MWCO and

30,000MWCO) plays a critical role in determining the permeate flow rate of membranes.

Results also showed that the membrane materials of the 100,000MWCO membranes (i.e.,

PVDF and Ultrafilic) and the 30,000MWCO membranes (i.e., Polysulfone and PVDF)

did not play a significant role in mean permeate flux. From the results shown in Table

4.2, it can be concluded that, for the optimum efficiency and high permeate flux, either

the 0.3µm PVDF, 100,000MWCO PVDF or 0.10µm Polysulfone membrane should be


30,000 MWCO
30,000 MWCO
100,000 MWCO
400 Ultrafilic
FLux (Lm-2h-1)

100,000 MWCO
0.1µm Polysulfone

0.3µm PVDF


10 20 30 40 50 60

Elapsed time (minutes)

Figure 4.2. Post-DAF poultry processing wastewater permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values at
10 min intervals for 6 membrane filters over 60 min


ab ab
b b

Figure 4.3. Mean permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) values for 6 membranes filtering post-DAF
poultry processing wastewater over 60 min

COD Concentration

The organic strength of the post-DAF PPW samples was measured using COD.

Mean permeate COD concentrations (mg/L) were determined and analyzed for the 6

membranes. COD concentration (mg/L) data were also used to calculate a COD removal

efficiency (%) values for the pre-sieved and membrane permeate PPW samples.

Statistical analysis showed that there were significant differences in the COD

concentration means (P<0.0001). The COD results are summarized in Table 4.2 and

graphically represented in Figures 4.4 and 4.5. The membrane producing the lowest mean

COD concentrations and highest COD removal percentages was deemed the most


The mean COD concentrations (mg/L) for raw PPW (i.e., sieved at 500µm) and

pre-sieved PPW samples (i.e., sieved at 106µm) for the 18 membrane filtration trials

were 635 and 624 mg/L, respectively. Thus the 106µm pre-sieving reduced the COD

concentration on average by 2%.

1000 30,000 MWCO

Permeate COD concentration (mg/L)

30,000 MWCO
800 PVDF
100,000 MWCO
600 Ultrafilic

500 100,000 MWCO

300 Polysulfone

200 0.3µm PVDF


10 20 30 40 50 60
Elapsed time (minutes)

Figure 4.4. Post-DAF poultry processing wastewater mean permeate COD concentrations
(mg/L) values at 10 min intervals for 6 membrane filters over 60 min

Visual inspection of Figure 4.4 showed that all of the membrane mean COD

values produced a slight downward sweeping curve. The downward curve is indicative

of improving COD removal over the course of the filtration run. As shown in Table 4.2

and Figure 4.5, the 0.1µm Polysulfone membrane had the highest COD permeate

concentration (748 mg/L), which was significantly higher than all the other membranes.

This established the 0.1µm Polysulfone membrane as the least efficient at COD reduction

and the only membrane with a negative removal efficiency (i.e.,-20%), indicating that the

Polysulfone membrane material degenerated in some way when in contact with PPW,

thus adding COD to the permeate stream. There was no significance difference between

the 0.30µm PVDF membrane (519 mg/L) and the 100,000MWCO PVDF (483 mg/L),

which represented removal efficiencies of 17% and 23%, respectively. There was also no

significant difference between the 100,000MWCO PVDF, 30,000MWCO PVDF

(397mg/L) and 30,000MWCO Polysulfone (388 mg/L) membranes, which had removal

efficiencies of 23%, 36% and 38%, respectively. Finally, the 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic

(373 mg/L) membrane produced the lowest COD mean concentrations, although not

significantly different from the 30,000MWCO PVDF or the 30,000MWCO Polysulfone

membranes. The 373 mg/L permeate COD concentration produced by the

100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane resulted in the highest COD removal efficiency of

40% making it the most effective COD reduction membrane.

Interestingly, the 30,000MWCO PVDF (36% COD reduction) and 30,000MWCO

Polysulfone (38% COD reduction) membranes were not significantly different, indicating

that membrane material did not influence the COD removal efficiency at the smaller gap

opening size. This result is surprising since the Polysulfone membrane material seems to

have a strong detrimental effect on the removal efficiency of the 0.1µm membrane which

produced a negative % reduction. However in the case of the 100,000MWCO

membranes, membrane material seems to play a significant role in that the Ultrafilic

membrane material (40% COD reduction) significantly outperformed the PVDF

membrane material (23% COD reduction). From the results in Table 4.2, it can be

concluded that, based on the lowest mean COD mean concentration and highest COD

mean removal percentages, either the 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic, 30,000MWCO PVDF or

30,000MWCO Polysulfone membranes membrane should be selected.

cd cd

Figure 4.5. Mean permeate COD concentrations (mg/L) for 6 membranes filtering post-
dissolved air flotation (DAF) poultry processing wastewater for 60 min

TS Concentration

The total amount of solids contained in the PPW membrane permeate samples

was measured using TS. TS mean concentration (mg/L) data for each membrane was

determined and analyzed. These data were also used to calculate a TS removal efficiency

(%) value for pre-sieved and membrane permeate PPW samples. The membrane

producing the lowest mean TS concentrations and highest TS removal percentages was

deemed the most effective. Statistical analysis showed that there were significant

differences in the TS concentration permeate means (P<0.0001). The TS results are

summarized in Table 4.2 and Figure 4.6.

ab ab
bc bc

Figure 4.6. Mean permeate TS (mg/L) for 6 membranes filtering post-DAF poultry

processing wastewater for 60 min

The mean TS concentrations (mg/L) for raw PPW and pre-sieved PPW samples

for the 18 membrane filtration trials were 1706 and 1604 mg/L, respectively. Thus the

106µm pre-sieve reduced the TS concentration of the post-DAF PPW on average by 6%.

It should be noted that only one membrane (i.e., 0.3µm PVDF) produced a positive

removal efficiency for TS of 7%. The 5 remaining membranes all produced mean TS

permeate concentrations which were higher than the initial trial pre-sieved PPW samples.

This would indicate that the membranes themselves, in contact with PPW, release

particulates into the permeate stream causing TS concentrations to rise.

As shown in Figure 4.6, the 30,000MWCO PVDF (2862 mg/L), 100,000MWCO

Ultrafilic (2332 mg/L) and 30,000MWCO Polysulfone (2292 mg/L) membranes were not

significantly different from each other, and were the least efficient membranes at

reducing TS. The 0.1µm Polysulfone (2020 mg/L), 100,000MWCO PVDF (1925 mg/L),

and 0.3µm PVDF (1498 mg/L) membranes were also not significantly different, and were

the most efficient at reducing TS in post-DAF PPW. The only significant difference was

between the top performing 0.3µm PVDF membrane and the bottom performing 0.1µm

Polysulfone, 100,000MWCO PVDF and the 30,000MWCO PVDF membranes. With a

mean permeate TS concentration of 1498 mg/L, the 0.3µm PVDF had the highest TS

concentration removal efficiency of 7%.

As with the permeate COD concentration results, the 30,000MWCO PVDF and

30,000MWCO Polysulfone membranes were not significantly different in TS reduction

in post-DAF PPW, indicating again that membrane material did not influence the TS

removal efficiency at the smallest nominal gap size. The same was true of the

100,000MWCO Ultrafilic and 100,000MWCO PVDF membranes which were not

significantly different. Like the permeate flux results, it can be concluded from the results

in Table 4.2 that, for the lowest mean TS concentrations and highest TS removal

percentages, either the 0.3µm PVDF, 100,000MWCO PVDF or 0.10µm Polysulfone

membrane should be selected.

TSS Concentration

The mean concentration of suspended particulates in each PPW sample for the 6

membranes was measured using TSS. The TSS values were determined by averaging

TSS values from each trial after a period of one hour for the 3 repetitions. The membrane

producing the lowest TSS concentrations and highest TSS removal percentages was

deemed the most effective. The TSS results are summarized in Table 4.2 and graphically

represented in Figure 4.7.


13 12

Figure 4.7. Mean permeate TSS (mg/L) for 6 membranes filtering post-DAF poultry

processing wastewater for 60 min

The mean TSS concentrations (mg/L) for raw PPW and pre-sieved PPW samples

for the 18 membrane filtration trials were 49 and 48 mg/L, respectively. Thus the 106µm

pre-sieve reduced the TSS concentration on average by 2%. There was no significant

difference (P=0.1984) in the performance of any of the membranes in terms of TSS

reduction. These results indicate that TSS concentration reduction would not be a viable

criterion for membrane selection.


The maximum mean permeate flux value of 224 Lm-2h-1 and lowest mean TS

value was obtained by the 0.3µm PVDF membrane (1498 mg/L, 7%). The lowest COD

concentration, and corresponding highest reduction percentage, was obtained by the

100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane (373 mg/L, 40%).

Using the previously described performance index (Pmi), the most effective

membrane for treatment of post-DAF PPW was determined. Based on calculated Pmi

values as shown in Table 4.3, the 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane was determined

to be the most effective (Pmi = 3.56 on a 4.0 scale) in regards to maximizing permeate

flux, and COD and TS reduction. Interestingly the 100,000MWCO PVDF membrane

(Pmi = 2.22) was the least effective membrane indicating that membrane material played

a critical role in membrane performance at the 100,000MWCO level. The second most

effective membrane was the 30,000MWCO PVDF membrane (Pmi = 3.24), followed by

the other 30,000MWCO membrane made of Polysulfone (Pmi = 3.02) indicating that

membrane material does not make a significant difference at the 30,000MWCO level in

treatment of post-DAF PPW. The 0.3µm PVDF membrane (Pmi = 2.86) placed fourth in

performance index value, followed by the 0.1µm Polysulfone membrane (Pm i = 2.40) in

fifth place.

Table 4.3. Performance index values for 6 membranes treating post-DAF poultry
processing wastewater based on maximum permeate flux, and reduction of COD and TS
over 60 min of operation based on significant difference (P<0.05)

COD Permeate TS Performance

Flux Index (Pmi)
1 100,000 MWCO 4 4 2 3.56
2 30,000 MWCO 4 3 2 3.24
3 30,000 MWCO 4 3 1 3.02
4 0.3µm PVDF 2 4 3 2.86
5 0.1µm Polysulfone 1 4 3 2.40
6 100,000MWCO 2 3 3 2.22

The permeate flux values (Lm-2h-1) calculated in this experiment can be used to

determine the surface area of membrane (m2) required to treat a known volume of PPW

in a full scale membrane filtration system. As an example, a typical broiler processing

plant slaughtering 250,000 birds per day (bpd) and utilizing 26 L per bird will produce

6,500,000 L of PPW. If a membrane filtration system was designed to operate 24 hours

per day, then 270,833 L of PPW would need to be treated each hour. Results of this

experiment showed the top performing membrane in terms of flux was the 0.3µm PVDF

membrane which averaged 224 Lm-2h-1. Thus, by dividing 270,833 Lh-1 by 224 Lm-2h-1 it

can be determined that 1209 m2 of membrane would be needed to filter the total PPW

stream. Use of the 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane would require 2708 m2 of


The experiment determined that pre-sieving of post-DAF PPW to 106µm prior to

membrane filtration reduced COD by 2%, TS by 6%, and TSS by 2% making pre-

screening of post-DAF PPW most likely unnecessary in preparation for membrane

filtration. Membrane filtration of post-DAF PPW reduced the COD concentration by as

much as 40%, and TS concentration by as much as 7%. These results indicate that

membrane filtration of post-DAF PPW will be effective at reducing the organic content,

but not the total solids content of post-DAF PPW.


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Membrane filtration has become a popular wastewater treatment method because

of its ability to remove minute particles such as fats, protein and pathogens, and is now

cost competitive with traditional treatment methods (Lo et al., 2005). The objectives of

this study were to evaluate the effects of membrane filtration on pre- and post-DAF PPW.

To accomplish this, two membrane filtration experiments were carried out as described in

Chapters 3 and 4. The pre- and post-DAF PPW samples were pre-sieved to 106µm, to

reduce fouling of the test membranes. Membrane filtration was carried out using the

Spintek STC bench-scale system.


The first experiment involved membrane filtration of pre-DAF PPW with

emphasis on 3 membrane pore sizes (0.30µm PVDF, 0.10µm Polysulfone and 100,000

MWCO Ultrafilic) and 2 transmembrane pressures (50 and 80psi) as main effects. The

Spintek system was operated at a flow rate range of 2.4 to 3.0 L/min and pump speed

range of 750 to 1000 rpm. The second experiment involved membrane filtration of post-

DAF PPW with emphasis on 4 membrane pore sizes (0.3µm, 0.1µm, 100,000MWCO and

30,000MWCO) and 3 membrane materials (Polysulfone, PVDF and Ultrafilic) as main

effects. The Spintek system was operated at 50 psi, at flow rate range of 2.3 to 2.6 L/min

and pump speed 1207 rpm.

The concentration of organics present in the PPW was measured by using COD in

Experiments 1 and 2, while solids content was determined using TS in Experiments 1 and

2, and TSS in Experiment 2. Membrane efficiency was determined by permeate flux,

which was expressed in terms of Lm-2h-1. Both experiments were carried out using the

same general procedures. Differences between the two experiments included statistical

analysis, time of trial runs, and main effects. While the first experiment was designed as a

3x2 factorial design and thus was analyzed using a factorial analysis of variance

(ANOVA) with an interaction term, the second experiment was analyzed using a one-

way ANOVA since 4 membrane sizes and 3 membrane materials were utilized in a non-

factorial arrangement. Trials in the first experiment were conducted for 2 hr, however

results from the first experiment showed that permeate flux values generally stabilized

after one hour of filtration. Thus, trials in the second experiment were conducted for 1 hr

which allowed for the doubling in the number of trials conducted in a single day. Finally,

the first experiment focused on the main effects of membrane pore size and

transmembrane pressure. Analysis for results in experiment 1 created the question of the

impact of membrane material on treatment of PPW. Thus, the second experiment

focused on the main effects of membrane pore size and membrane material.

The most effective and suitable membrane for both pre-DAF and post-DAF PPW

membrane filtration based on the 3 parameters of COD, permeate flux and TS was

generated using weighted linear aggregation (WLA) as described by Eastman et al.

(1995) and Saaty (1977). A performance index was generated to indicate which of the

membranes was the most efficient for the membrane filtration of pre- and post-DAF PPW

as shown in Tables 5.1 (Experiment 1) and 5.2 (Experiment 2). From these results,

membrane filtration on pre-DAF PPW using 0.30µm PVDF membrane was the most

suitable in terms of permeate flux, COD, and TS reduction and its performance was

comparable to the existing DAF pre-treatment, whereas in post-DAF PPW pre-treatment,

the 100,000MWCO Ultrafilic membrane was determined to be the most effective.

Table 5.1. Best performing membrane for treatment of pre-DAF poultry processing
wastewater based on maximum permeate flux, and reduction of COD and TS over 60 min
of operation based on significant difference (P<0.05)
COD Permeate TS Performance
Flux Index (Pmi)
1 0.3µm PVDF 2 3 3 2.54

2 100,000 MWCO 2 3 2 2.32

3 0.1µm Polysulfone 1 2 1 1.32

Table 5.2. Performance index values for 6 membranes treating post-DAF poultry
processing wastewater based on maximum permeate flux, and reduction of COD and TS
over 60 min of operation based on significant difference (P<0.05)
COD Permeate TS Performance
Flux Index (Pmi)
1 100,000 MWCO 4 4 2 3.56
2 30,000 MWCO 4 3 2 3.24
3 30,000 MWCO 4 3 1 3.02
4 0.3µm PVDF 2 4 3 2.86
5 0.1µm Polysulfone 1 4 3 2.40
6 100,000MWCO 2 3 3 2.22

Permeate flux (Lm-2h-1) was used to determine effluent flow efficacy. Logically,

as the concentration of a PPW sample decreases, permeate flux increases. This can be

seen in the results of the 2 experiments. When the 0.3µm PVDF membrane was utilized

to treat the higher concentration pre-DAF PPW, an average permeate flux of 115 Lm -2h-1

was achieved. Conversely, when the same 0.3µm PVDF membrane was used to treat the

less concentrated post-DAF PPW, an average permeate flux of 224 Lm-2h-1 was achieved,

which represented a 95% increase in the effluent flow rate.

Permeate flux results from the two experiments can be used to determine the

square meters (m2) of membrane that would be required by a full-scale PPW treatment

systems at the poultry processing plant, in that the mean permeate flux plays an essential

role in the calculation of the required membrane surface area. For example, using a

typical poultry processing plant that slaughters 250,000 birds per day (bpd) and uses the

average 26 L of portable water per bird (Lpb), it can be calculated that such a plant would

generate 6.5 million L of PPW per day. The assumption is also made that an automated

membrane filtration system operating 24 hr a day is utilized. In the Conclusion section of

Experiment 1 (Chapter 3), it was calculated that 2355 m2 of the top flux producing 0.3µm

PVDF membrane would be required to treat 6.5 million L of pre-DAF PPW. In

comparison, the Conclusion section of Experiment 2 (Chapter 4) reports that only 1209

m2 of 0.3µm PVDF membrane would be required to treat 6.5 million L of post-DAF

PPW, effectively reducing the required surface area of membrane by 49%. From the

above deductions, a post-DAF PPW on-site treatment system less would require

approximately half the membrane surface area required for treatment of a pre-DAF PPW

stream of the same volume. Thus from an initial capital investment standpoint,

membrane filtration of post-DAF PPW would be preferable over pre-DAF PPW.

However, because chemical addition plays a critical role in DAF treatment, the operating

cost savings of reducing chemical demand in DAF systems by employing pre-DAF PPW

membrane filtration could play a substantial economic role.

Future directions

Future research in membrane filtration of PPW should consider exploring the use

of membrane (materials and pore sizes) combinations in treating PPW. Further analytics

should be done to look at membrane filtration effectiveness on other critical wastewater

parameters such as TKN and other nutrients. In addition, future experiments should

explore the potential for maximizing pre-screening (e.g., tertiary microscreening) prior to

membrane filtration of PPW. The ability of membrane filtration to reduce pathogens

(e.g., bacteria) should be further studied. Exploring the different membrane cleaning

processes in membrane filtration that works best on pre- and post-DAF PPW will help in

better filtration. The life cycle assessment (LCA) of pre- and post-poultry processing

wastewater membrane filtration unit in an operating plant should be addressed.


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