Obe Syllabus Cs 111 - Discrete Structures 1 v1
Obe Syllabus Cs 111 - Discrete Structures 1 v1
Obe Syllabus Cs 111 - Discrete Structures 1 v1
The University of Choice for higher learning with strong research orientation The institute shall provide academic excellence in the field of Information and
that produces professionals who are socially responsive to and responsible for Communication Technology, with emphasis on the following goals:
human development; ecological sustainability; and, peace and security within
and beyond the region. a. Produce quality, excellent and eco-friendly graduates imbued with
gender responsiveness.
MISSION b. Achievement of highest level of accreditation and center of excellence
imbued with outcomes-based education.
The Western Mindanao State University, set in a culturally diverse c. Partner with national and international industries as an outlet for
environment, shall pursue a vibrant socio-economic agenda that include: research development and extension.
A relevant instruction paradigm in the education and training of d. Support faculty members through faculty development programs to be
competent and responsive human resource for societal and industry competitive with the highest global standards.
A home for intellectual formation that generates knowledge for people
empowerment, social transformation and sustainable development;
A hub where science, technology and innovation flourish enriched by
the wisdom of the Arts and Letters, and Philosophy.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program Outcomes
a b c d
a. Utilize effectively the concepts of computer science theories and methodologies, and mathematical concepts in modeling,
designing and developing of computer-based systems of varying complexity.
b. Adapt new technologies and ideas in the design, analysis and implementation of software.
c. Formulate an effective solution to solve Information Technology-related problems through proper research and understanding of
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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program Outcomes
a b c d
d. Demonstrate the ability to work cohesively with members of a team using their individual skills to the successful completion of a
e. Manage the available human and technical resources effectively and efficiently.
f. Recognize the societal needs and its professional, legal, security, and ethical issues relevant to computing career practice.
g. Produce computer-related researches relevant with institutional, regional and national priorities.
h. Produce computer-related researches that are responsive to the needs and concerns of the communities they serve.
i. Pursue personal development and lifelong learning through research, graduate studies, training and membership to professional
organization to be globally competitive.
COURSE DESCRIPTION Discrete structures provide the basic concepts that serve as the foundation for computer science. This course will teach
students how to think logically and mathematically. Specifically it will train students how to perform operations
associated with sets, functions and relations, prove validity of arguments applying different rules and identities on
propositional and predicate logic and use appropriate proof technique in solving a problem.
Program Outcomes
At the end of the semester, the students can:
1 Construct sound arguments in propositional and predicate logic by applying appropriate rules of
2 Construct valid mathematical proofs using mathematical induction, direct proof and proof by
contradiction to simplify programs and prove program correctness.
3 Perform the operations associated with Sets, Functions and Relations and relate these operations to
computer programming.
4 Relate the concepts discussed in this course to programming such as arrays, functions/methods, verifying
feasibility of system specification, conditional statements and other programming constructs.
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Rosen, Kenneth H. (2012). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (7th Edition).New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Wallis, W.D. (2012). A Beginner’s Guide to Discrete Mathematics (2nd Edition). USA: Springer Science + Business Media.
Epp, S. (2012). Discrete Mathematics with Applications (4th Edition).Boston, USA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning.
Haggard, G, Schlipf, J & Whitesides, S (2008). Discrete Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists. Singapore: Cengage Learning Asia Pte Lt..
85-87 2.0 Wearing of Prescribed School Uniform and ID: Per article 391 of the WMSU
code, every student must wear the prescribed college uniform unless, for certain
82-84 2.25 valid reasons, s/he has written exemption from the Dean of Student Affairs which
s/he must show on demand. Students are exempted from wearing their school
79-81 2.5 uniform during Wednesdays and Saturdays since these days are considered as a wash
day. Students are also required to wear their school ID when inside the campus, at all
76-78 2.75 times.
75 3.0 Cleanliness and Room Organization: For lecture and laboratory, students are
advised to arrange the chairs and tables (if any), and pick up pieces of trash before
Below 75 5.0 the start of the class. A student is also assigned in random to keep the white or black
board clean before and after the class. Lighting, air conditioners and other electrical
Lacks requirements and/or final exam INC equipment should also be turned on and off during and after the class respectively.
Additional rule for laboratory is that students are required to wear their shoe
Authorized Withdrawal (Dropped with permit) AW protectors when coming in to the laboratory room.
Unauthorized Withdrawal (Dropped from class for non- Seat Plan: For the seat plan during lecture classes, students are arranged
attendance/non-appearance for 20% of prescribed UW alphabetically during quizzes or major exams. However, students are given the
freedom to choose the seat and place they are comfortable with inside the room
during lecture classes. For laboratory, students are arranged alphabetically. There
should be one computer for each student.
Cellphone/Mobile Devices: Cellular phones or any mobile device should be set to
silent or vibrate mode to avoid disruption in class discussion. Important calls and
texts must be answered outside the classroom.
Stuadent Facilitators: Student facilitators are selected from the class by the
teacher. These students will assist their classmates in accomplishing the laboratory
activity given by the teacher. This is done only upon the instruction of the teacher.
Quizzes: Quizzes are given to students at least once after a chapter or two which
may be announced or unannounced. Students are advised to use the CET Exam
Booklet during quizzes. Calculators and mobile devices are not allowed during
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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016
Major Examinations: Major exams such as midterm and final exams are given to him/her; or doing it for another. On the first offense, suspension of not less than
students based on the schedule specified in the university calendar. Students must one semester but not more than one year. On second offense, the disciplinary
present the student permit before they will be allowed to take the exam. They are also action is DISMISSAL. Hands-On exam, particularly programming hands-on exam
advised to use the CET examination booklet for the major exams. Students who fail allows students to open books or API documentations for reference but not source
take the major exams due to illness (with medical certificate) should inform the codes of previous activities or exams or worst, source codes of other students.
instructor early so they will be given a special exam before the submission of grades. Claiming programs or fragment of codes of others as yours, as well as copying
Otherwise, an “INC with No Final/Midterm exam” will be submitted by the documentations or part of the documentation is a form of plagiarism. Students will
instructor. A calculator may be used depending on the content of the exam. However, automatically get a 5.0 on the final rating for the subject/course for cheating or
mobile devices are strictly prohibited during major exams. Failure to do so will be plagiarism if proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt.
considered as a form of cheating.
Submission/Presentation of Projects/Requirements: Submission or
Consultation: Aside from the regular system of consultation offered by the adviser presentation of projects or requirements must be on time. No project or requirement
and/or guidance counselor, the faculty shall provide the student with consultation will be accepted after the due date unless with a valid reason.
hours for students to inquire regarding their subject/course, ask for clarification or
further explanation of certain topics discussed or to be discussed in the subject, and COURSE REQUIREMENTS
other concerns related to the subject. The student should set an appointment at least 2 Written Major Exams (Midterm and Final Examination)
a day before the consultation to avoid conflicts of schedule. At least 6 Quizzes (3 quizzes midterm + 3 quizzes final term)
1 Project for the final term
Plagiarism and Cheating: Per article 489 of WMSU code, Cheating in any form CONDITIONS FOR PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
during examinations or any act of dishonesty in relation to his/ her studies, such as Active participation in all class activities.
but not limited to plagiarism; asking another student to take an examination for At least 55% passing in all exams and other graded requirements.
Present and not distracting the class. Does not show any interest on the
RUBRIC SCORE discussion, no evidence of trying to interpret or analyze problems given. Does
(0) not respond
Absent or didwhen called and
not answer exhibits passive involvement in the discussion.
at all
POOR Present and not distracting in the class. Shows little interest on the discussion,
SATISFACTOR Provides a solution fortothe
interpret or analyze
given problem problems
with given.but
minor error Infrequently
the answer is
FAIR responds when called but without
entirely provided/dictated by classmates. elaboration and mostly read notes/book or
(2) dictated
Providesby classmates.
a correct solution for the given problem supported by notes/references
SATISFACTOR Present and attentive
but cannot explain theinanswer.
the class. Shows interest on the discussion, with
Y evidences of trying to interpret or analyze problems given. Inquisitive on topics
(3) Provides
discussed,a and
correct solution well
contributes for the given
in the problem in
discussion without notes/references
a constructive way. but
VERY tries to explain but not confident
Y Frequently responds when called enough
and try with the answer.
to elaborate the answer supported by
Y notes/book or other references.
Providesand attentive
a correct in thefor
solution class.
the Actively participates
given problem on notes/references
without the discussion, with
(4) evidences
(4) without hesitations, explain the answer confidently to class.Inquisitive on topics
of trying to interpret or analyze problems given.
discussed, and contributes much in the discussion in a constructive way. Always
responds when called and confidently elaborate the answer supported by
notes/book or other references.
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(0) Absent
The members of group slightly understood the topic assigned to them. At least
one member could explain or answer the question being asked relevant to the
(1) topic assigned but some members still could not understand or follow the
FAIR explanations. Could not elaborate more on the answer and only the presenter of
topic and the instructor understood the explanation with little evidence on class
understanding the topic.
Every member of the group clearly understood the topic assigned to them but
not all members demonstrate enough confidence to explain it to others. At least
(2) one member could explain or answer clearly the question being asked relevant
Y to the topic assigned supported by other members of the group if the presenter
fails to elaborate the answer. The class as a whole partly understood the topic
and elaborated further by the instructor.
Every member of the group clearly understood the topic assigned to them and
(3) demonstrates enough confidence to explain it to others. Any member could
explain or answer clearly the question being asked relevant to the topic
Y assigned. The class as a whole understood the topic with little help from the
instructor for further explanation.
Every member of the group clearly understood the topic assigned to them and
demonstrates enough confidence to explain it to others. Any member could
(4) explain or answer clearly the question being asked relevant to the topic
EXCELLENT assigned and elaborates further if there are clarifications. The class shows
complete understanding of the topic explained by the group without further
explanation from the instructor.
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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016
Syllabus for [CC 103 –Data Structures and Algorithms
Desired Student Learning Evidence of
(OBA) Activities Course
Time Course Content Outcomes/Competencies Outcomes Program Values
(Teaching & Learning
Frame (No. of Hours Per Topic) At the end of each topic and (Assessment of Outcomes Integration
Learning Outcomes
semester, the students can Learning Outcome)
WEEK Orientation: WMSU VMGO, Classroom Policies, Course Overview, Course Requirements, Grading System (1 hour)
WMSU VMGO, Exhibit awareness and Individual Rubric score sheet of
Classroom Policies, appreciation of the University participation in class participation
Course Overview, Vision, Mission & Quality class discussion
Course Requirements, Policy, College Goals, and
Grading System (1 hr) Program objectives.
f, g, h, i Appreciation
understanding of the
classroom policies, course
requirements, and grading
Topic 1: Introduction to Propositional Logic (11 hours)
Definition of Terms Construct truth table for Individual Rubric score sheet of 1 a, b,c,d Attentiveness
Proposition the given logical expression participation in class participation
Propositional Logic using combination of class discussion Teamwork
Propositional compound propositions. Rubric score sheet for
Variables Write the symbolic logic Board Work: brainstorming activity Diligence
Logical Connectives expression of a given Complete the truth presentation of
Definition and compound proposition in an table outputs. Appreciation
truth table of the English sentence.
logical connectives: State/Read the symbolic Brainstorming Quiz Results
Conjunction, logic expression given the Activity:
Disjunction, Negation, different atomic propositions Translating
Conditional, used in the expression. English statements
Biconditional and Tell whether the system to symbolic logic
Exclusive Or. specifications are consistent expressions and
Example of or not using propositional vice versa.
Propositions in logic. Presentation of
English Statements Relate these logical group output
and symbolic logic connectives with the logical
expressions. operators and conditional Quiz
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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016
Syllabus for [CC 103 –Data Structures and Algorithms
Desired Student Learning Evidence of
(OBA) Activities Course
Time Course Content Outcomes/Competencies Outcomes Program Values
(Teaching & Learning
Frame (No. of Hours Per Topic) At the end of each topic and (Assessment of Outcomes Integration
Learning Outcomes
semester, the students can Learning Outcome)
System statement in programming.
Topic 2: Logical Equivalences (9 hours)
Examples of Determine whether the Board Work: Results of Seatwork:
logically equivalent given compound propositions Constructing truth Completed Truth Table
propositions using are equivalent using the truth table and finding and CNF/DNF
truth table. table. the CNF and DNF
List of logical Identify the logical of an expression.
identities identity used in the proof. Rubric Score Sheet for
Examples of proof Prove equivalence of Peer Teaching class participation/ Patience
of propositional compound propositions using Activity/Seatwork: board work/
Week 5- equivalence using known logical identities Pair students Attention to
7 logical identities. Get the Conjunctive appropriately base Quiz Results details
1,4 a,c,d
Examples of Normal Form and Disjunctive on their capability
conjunctive normal Normal Form of a given in the topic and let Accuracy
form and disjunctive logical expression. them answer an
normal form activity ensuring Teamwork
both understood
the solution and
can confidently
explain it.
Week 8 Topic 3: Predicate Logic (3 hours)
Definition of Identify the predicates in a Board Work: Rubric Score Sheet for 1,4 a,c,d Appreciation
predicate and quantified statement. Translating class participation/
predicate logic. Express the statement as statements to board work/ Accuracy
Universal and logical expression using the logical expression Brainstorming and
Existential Quantifiers predicate and appropriate Presentation Teamwork
Examples of quantifiers Brainstorming:
predicates and using Use quantifiers in system Each group will be
the universal and specifications given a system
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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016
Syllabus for [CC 103 –Data Structures and Algorithms
Desired Student Learning Evidence of
(OBA) Activities Course
Time Course Content Outcomes/Competencies Outcomes Program Values
(Teaching & Learning
Frame (No. of Hours Per Topic) At the end of each topic and (Assessment of Outcomes Integration
Learning Outcomes
semester, the students can Learning Outcome)
existential quantifiers. specification. The
Quantifiers in group will discuss
system specifications. and decide
whether the
specifications are
feasible and
consistent or not.
Presentation of
group output
Week 9 MIDTERM EXAM (3 hours)
Topic 5: Rules of Inference and Methods of Proof (12 hours)
Rules of inference Determine solution of a puzzle Pair Activity: Rubric Score Sheet for
Mathematical using proposition/predicate Determine class participation/
Induction logic and rules of inference whether the board work/ Peer
Methods proving Determine the validity of argument is valid Teaching Activity
theorems argument using rules of or is a fallacy. Appreciation
o Direct Proof inference. Assignment
Week o Proof by Assignment: Cleverness
10-12 Contraposition Use methods of proving Methods of Proof Quiz Results
1,2,4 a, b, c, d
o Proof by theorems appropriately given
the statement/theorem. Peer Teaching Conviction
Activity on Proving
and presentation/
explanation of
Week 13 Topic 6: Sets (3 hrs)
Sets and Set Represent data in a set Board Work: Rubric Score Sheet for 3,4 a, c, d Appreciation
Operations using different notations. Set Operations, board work
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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016
Syllabus for [CC 103 –Data Structures and Algorithms
Desired Student Learning Evidence of
(OBA) Activities Course
Time Course Content Outcomes/Competencies Outcomes Program Values
(Teaching & Learning
Frame (No. of Hours Per Topic) At the end of each topic and (Assessment of Outcomes Integration
Learning Outcomes
semester, the students can Learning Outcome)
Set Notations with Find the resulting set of Venn Diagrams
Quantifiers given set operations. Assignment
Computer Write down the computer Assignment: Cleverness
Representation of Sets representation of sets. Computer Quiz Results
Venn Diagrams Draw Venn Diagrams of a representation of
given expression sets Patience
Topic 7: Functions (6 hrs)
Definition of Define functions and give Board Work: Rubric Score Sheet for
function examples Graph class participation/
Types of Functions Discuss the types of representation of board work
(Injective, functions functions and Appreciation
Week Surjective , Bijective Discuss the inverse and determine the type Quiz Results
14-15 Functions) compositions of functions 3,4 a, c, d Cleverness
Inverse and Relate these concepts with Quiz
Compositions of the subroutines Patience
Functions (functions/methods) in
Graphs of programming
Week Topic 8: Relations (6 hrs)
Relations Discuss relations and their Board Work: Rubric Score Sheet for 3,4 a, c, d Appreciation
Properties of representations Representation, class participation/
Relations Discuss the properties of properties and board work Cleverness
Intersections and relations operations of
unions of relations Show how to determine Relations Quiz Results Patience
Equivalence the intersection and union of
relations and relations Quiz
partitions Prove equivalence of
Relate these concepts with
the concepts of two
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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016
Syllabus for [CC 103 –Data Structures and Algorithms
Desired Student Learning Evidence of
(OBA) Activities Course
Time Course Content Outcomes/Competencies Outcomes Program Values
(Teaching & Learning
Frame (No. of Hours Per Topic) At the end of each topic and (Assessment of Outcomes Integration
Learning Outcomes
semester, the students can Learning Outcome)
dimensional arrays in
Week 18 FINAL EXAM: (3hrs)
Instructor Department Head, Computer Science Director, Institute of Computer Studies Vice-President for Academic Affairs
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Effective Date: 7-DEC-2016