Online Butics Shopping System
Online Butics Shopping System
Online Butics Shopping System
1. GIZACHEW MINALE……………………...CET0040/07
2. YOSEPH WAKGARI………………………CET0096/07
3. BINIYAM ADMASS………………………. CET0055/07
4. HEVEN BELEW……………………………CET0046/07
5. MUZAMILE MUSA………………………...CET0064/07
6. GASHAW YISMAW………………………..CET0038/07
7. NABIYOU ABARA…………………………CET0065/07
Final approval and acceptance of the contingent upon the submission of the final copy of
the project to the department of computer science
------------------------- ----------------------------
Signature: _______________________
Date: _______________
We would like to express our deepest appreciation and special thanks to our advisor Mr.
YHENEW ADDIS. who give us immeasurable help to done our project. Without his
guidance and persistent help this project would not have been possible with this time. We
have also special thanks to the workers of DUBTI EDERES butics shop who helped us in
providing the necessary information and material such as working manuals for preparing
this document. Finally, we would like to forward our special thanks to college of
engineering and technology of computer science department, who gave us by preparing
laboratory class and internet to done our project.
The general objective of the project is to change the existing paper based system in the
computerized system. We use primary data collection mechanism such as interview,
observation, questionnaire, document analysis and also for designing purpose we use
object oriented methodology. Butics shopping, also known as e-commerce is a type of
industry where buying and selling of a product is conducted over butics shopping
systems such as the internet. This web based shopping system is mainly designed for the
DUBTI EDERES organization and it will be easy, fast, suitable and efficient system.
And it can be performed simple with a little knowledge of computer. This project is the
output of our planning, schedule, programming skill and the hard work, and this report
reflects our steps taken at various levels of programming skill, planning and schedule.
The purpose of this application is to bring knowledge to students about e-commerce and
how an interactive e-commerce application can be designed from scratch using client-
side languages, such as JavaScript and HTML, combined with the server-side Php
language through wamp Server Faces. The server side, mostly Php, contains all the
implementation related to setting up the database, creating session models for joining
different userinterface pages(UI), calculating the shipping costs and sales tax, etc.
Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLE....................................................................................................................VII
CHAPTER FOUR...................................................................................................................... 44
4. System design ................................................................................................................... 44
CHAPTER SIX......................................................................................................................... 69
6. Conclusion and Recommendation .................................................................................... 69
6.1 Conclusion.............................................................................................................. 69
6.2 Recommendation ....................................................................................................
Reference .................................................................................................................................... 71
Table 1: Use-case description for Create Account........................................................... 17
Table 2: Use-case description for Login ...........................................................................
Table 3: Use-case description for Change Password........................................................ 19
Table 4: Use-case description for Search Item................................................................. 21
Table 5: Use-case description for View Item ...................................................................
Table 6: Use-case description for Order Item ...................................................................
Table 7: Use-case description for View Order................................................................. 24
Figure 1:Use case Diagram ...............................................................................................
Figure 2 : login sequence diagram ....................................................................................
Figure 3: create account sequence diagram ......................................................................
Figure 4:change password sequence diagram ...................................................................
Figure 5: search item sequence diagram ...........................................................................
Figure 6: view item sequence diagram............................................................................. 35
Figure 7: order item sequence diagram.............................................................................
Figure 8: view order sequence diagram ............................................................................
CD-RW Compact Disk rewritable
JS Java Script
SU Samara University
UC Use case
UI User- Interface
1.1. Introduction
This chapter deals about the system requirement specification that follows to analysis and
design methodology. Statement of problem, proposed objective, scope, limitation,
literature review, hardware and software implementation and test methodology.
effective use of computer technology to enhance the customer can view, buy their
favorite’s product item.
Customer has shortages of information about butics product item in order to buy
Searching of items is time taking and it also increasing the work load of the
When generating report, it takes time and it may not be easy to manage and
analysis the monthly work due to massive collection of data.
1.4. Objectives
Design the system using object-oriented models for understanding the system and
to make the implementation easy.
Customers are very relevant because it can give clear product in the shop.
Easily add, delete, and update product item.
To minimize time and efforts needed to perform tasks.
The system will provide secure services to customers and easy to use.
1.6.1. Scope our project should be overcome the drawbacks of their manual system by
replacing computerized system and it provide simple, efficient environment and reduce
time consuming and this project only limited for Dubti town. Generally, part of our
project address: -
View register customer, view item, and order item, Update item, register item and
View order and generate report.
It does not search the item by color, discount ,number
1.7. Methodology
Interview: -The teamwas use open interview method asked to EDERES to get
the basic information and background information for thebutics shopping system.
Document analysis: -To understand the existing system, we can collect more
information by referring books, documents and other reading materials about
shopping system with through internet.
During this phase our team will use E-draw max software to refine the use case model,
and to reflect the establishment environment, model object interactions and behavior
that support the use case scenario, and finally update object model to reflect the physical
environment, the users and other people, their work process, and so on. It is critical for
analysts and developers to understand the application domain for a system to accomplish
its intended task effectively [5].
The data analysis model applied in this project is an object oriented approach. That is
Object oriented method is select because of the process of analyzing a task (also known
as a problem domain) to develop a conceptual model that can then be used to complete
the task. A typical object oriented approach model would describe computer software
that could be used to satisfy a set of customer-defined requirements[1].
Hardware Tools: -
Server: for connection to the client computer (to host the system.
Desktop computer with 2 GB RAM and 150 GB hard disk.
CD/DVD and flash disk to take back up.
The laptop with 4 GB RAM and 80-300GB HDD. Software Tools
Anti-Virus software:- used to keep secure ,scan,fix Flash Disk and to prevent
data destruction and corruption.
Unit testing: - Each module was be test separately and often performed by the coder
himself simultaneously along with the coding of the module. The purpose is to exercise
the different parts of the module’s code to detect coding errors.
Integration Testing: -The modules was be gradually integrated into subsystems, which
are then integrated to eventually to the entire system. Integration testing will be done to
detect design errors by focusing on testing the interconnection between modules.
System Testing: - After the system is put together, it was be performed. The system will
be tested against the system requirement to see whether the entire requirements meet and
whether the system performs as specified by the requirement.
2. Requirement elicitation
The customer might not get service of the organization twenty-four hours a
day and seven days a week.
BR1: -almost all items have some time guaranties given by the business rule.
BR3: -The copy of the original receipt is left for the business rules.
life style or lots of works. In order to solve this, E-Commerce websites have been started.
Using these websites, the customer can buy goods or products by using Account number
preparing a bank database just by visiting the website and ordering the item online. . It
requires lots of time to travel to the particular shop to buy the goods. Since everyone is
leading busy life now days, time means like money to everyone. Also there are expenses
for travelling from house to shop.
In order to overcome these, we have e-commerce solution, i.e. one place where we can get
all required goods/products online. User can choose different products based on
categories, delivery services.
Reliability: - the proposed system will be better due to proper storage of information when users
access the system.
Availability: - All data in the system will be available all the time.
No Redundancy: - In the proposed system can be avoided reputation of data anywhere in the
Accuracy: - The proposed system will be better due to reduction of error. All operation can be
done correctly and it ensures that whatever information is coming from the data base is accurate.
Efficiency: - The system must ensure allocation and use of services being requested for the users
by using minimum memory storage, cost, time and human power.
2.6.1 Constraints
Constraints are something limit or impose our project. A constraint can be two types which are:-
During gathering information the manager not always present on their office.
The time schedule limits our project function of working in order to submit before the
given time deadline.
2. Technical Constraints:-It depends on security and safety. Some of them in our proposed
system are:-
2.6.2 Assumptions
It is a belief of what we assume that are expected to happen during the project's life cycle.
Thus are:-
To access the system the customer should be in network coverage area.
3. System modeling
3.1. Introduction
This chapter deals about the modeling technique that follows to design the system. Object
oriented analysis design technique will be used. It includes system use case model,
sequence diagrams, class diagram Actor specification, use case identification &use case
2. Administrator: -The person who manage, controlling and coordinating the activity and
responsible for register item, update item, view order, generate report.
Actor Customer
Description These use case allow customer to create account to the system.
Use-case UC-02
Use-case Login
Alternate 3.1 If all fields are not filled out and not matched to the username and
course of password the system notifies the actor message username and password is
Action incorrect and then goes back or returns to step 2 of basic course of Action to
enter again
Use-case UC-03
Use-case Name Change password
Actor Customer and Administrator
Description These use case allow and Administrator to change password from the
6. The system
replay password
successfully changed
on change password user
interface. 7. Use case Ends.
Use-case UC-04
This use case permits Customer to search item from item list in order to
Precondition UC-02
Alternative 5.1 If any lists are not selected from the search system goes back or
returns to step 2 of basic course of Action to search the item.
Use-case UC-05
Actor Customer
Description This use case allows Customer to view or display all items with
their detail description about the item.
Action 1. The Customer opens the system to 2. The system send
enter home page. request item to database.
3. The system display
item on home page user
Use-case UC-06
Actor Customer
Description These use case allow customer to order the item from the system.
Pre-condition UC-02
of Action
1. The customer is in home 2. The system creates search form.
4. The system controller
3. The customer writes and verifies the input and check input
search item on search form. 6. is verified.
If the item found the customer
5. The system retrieves the
select it on main menu.
item and the retrieved search
7. The customer click add to result and also the result not found
cart link and click the cart and put on home page.
display cart user interface.
8. The system create order button.
9. The customer click order
10. The system creates
confirmation and clicks and sends
11. The customer writes the text to customer and saves to the
message and confirm on email database.
12. The system verify message on
database and send message
ordered is successful on cart user
Alternate 6.1 If the item is not found the system state is unchanged.
course of action
Actor Administrator
These use case allow Administrator to view order form the
Pre-condition UC-02
Actor Administrator
Description This use case permits staff to update or modify item information
Alternate course of Action 6.1 If item is not found back to basic course of action 6
to update item.
Use-case ID UC-09
Actor Administration
Description This use case permits to register item information of the customers
Pre-condition UC-2
Alternate 2.1. If all fields are not filled out and matched to the registration form the
course of system notifies the actor message the item information is incorrect and then
Action goes back or returns to step 2 of basic course of action to register again.
Use-case UC-11
Actor Administrator
Description These use case allow administrator of the organization to generate a report about
the item information of a month.
Use-case UC-13
Use-case Logout
Description These use case allow customer and manager to logout from the
system at a time of accomplishing their work.
Precondition UC-02
of Action
In the diagram, classes are represented with boxes which contain three parts:
The top part contains the name of the class. It is printed in bold and centered, and the
first letter is capitalized.
The middle part contains the attributes of the class. They are left-aligned and the first
letter is lowercase.
The bottom part contains the methods or operation the class can execute. They are also
left-aligned and the first letter is lowercase.
bankname:Type = varchar(50)
location: Type = varchar(20)
1 username: Type = varchar(30)
1 balance: Type=int())
cust_id:Type = varchar(15) mailid:Type = (10)
FirstName:Type = Varchar(30) sub:Type = varchar(20)
FatherName:Type = Varchar() message:Type = varchar(30)
gender:Type = Varchar(6) mesdate:Type=date()
1 * sender:Type=varchar(20)
email:Type = Varchar(20)
username:Type = Varchar(20) reciver:Type=varchar(20)
password:Type = string
address:Type = Varchar(30) * *
phone:Type = varchar(13) Order
regdate:Type = date() ord_id:Type = varchar(20)
prd_id:Type = varchar(20)
username:Type = varchar(20)
+search products() ord_pname:Type = varchar(20)
+order product() ord_qty_:Type = varchar(20)
+view report() price:Type = int(10)
ord_fname:Type = varchar(20) 1
ord_fathername:Type = varchar(20)
ord_date:Type = date(10)
1 drd_date:Type = date(10)
Category billing_address:Type = varchar(20) Admin
address:Type = varchar(20) username:Type = varchar(20)
* password:Type = string
cat_id:Type =varchar(20) admaccno:Type = int(20) email:Type = varchar(20)
sub_cat:Type=varchar(20) price:Type = Decimal(10)
+add category()
description:Type = varchar(20) admaccno:Type = int(20)
delivery_status:Type=Varchar(20) +record product()
+view report()
+deliver product()
1 +view feedback()
+view balance()
* 1
username:Type = varchar(20) 1
prd_name:Type = varchar(20) Admin account
photo:Type =varchar(30)
prd_qty:Type = int(10) bankname:Type = varchar(50)
prd_id:Type=varchar(20) * location:Type = varchar(20)
price:Type= Decimal(10,0)
username:Type =varchar(30)
prd_cat:Type =varchar(30)
prd_sub_cat:Type =varchar(30) pwd:Type=string
prd_descrip:Type=varchar() balance:Type=int()
4.System design
Systems design is the process of defining the architecture, components, modules,
interfaces, and data for a system to satisfy specified requirements. Design of software
involves conceiving, planning out and specifying the externally observable characteristics
of the software product. We have data design, architectural design and user interface
design in the design process. These are explained in the following section. The goal of
design process is to provide a blue print for implementation, testing and maintenance
System design is one of the activities that are required to build and verify software. The
designer’s goal is to produce a model or representation of an entity that will later be built.
Design provides us with representations of software that can assess for quality. Design is
the only way that we can accurately translate customer’s view into finished software
product or system.
There are three main components to any system architecture of the system theses includes: storage,
connectivity, and user experience.
The system will use the MYSQL database to store persistent data. In addition to the various
benefits of using a modern relational database management system.
It is also used to describe the persistence data aspect of the system. The following diagram
indicates the persistence diagram of the system.
integrity. This system is locked to prevent people from accessing your private document
and resources.
To describe the Access control and security we use the following tables. The rows
represent the actor of the system and the column represents the classes of the system and
operation that actors are allowed to performed.
Actor Object
Power fluctuation.
<title>online shopping</title>
<div id="wrapper">
<div id="search">
<div class="shell">
</form><div class="cl"> </div>
<div id="navigation">
<div class="shell"><ul>
<div class="cl"> </div>
</div></div><div id="slider">
<div class="slider-outer">
<div class="slide-entry">
<div class="slide-entry"></div>
<div class="slide-entry"></div>
<div class="slide-entry"></div>
<div class="cl"> </div>
<div class="slider-controls">
<div class="cl"> </div></div>
<div id="main">
<div class="inner">
<div class="shell">
} else {
<html xmlns="">
<title>Online Shopping</title>
@import "online.css";
<script language="javascript">
function logoutcon()
} else
{ return
<body background="images/bg.jpg">
<div class="twoColFixLtHdr">
<div id="header">
<div id="container">
<div id="container1"></div>
<div id="sidebar1">
<div id="subsidebar1">
<div id="mainContent">
<div id="mainContent1">
<div id="middletxtheadermain">
<div id="middletxt1">
<div id="middletxt">
<div id="footer">
<div class="shell">
<div class="cl"> </div></div></div></div>
Software testing is a process of running with intent of finding errors in assures
the quality of software and represents final review of other phases of software like
specification, design, code generation etc.
5.4.2 Unit testing
The module interface is tested to ensure that information properly flows into and out of
the program unit under test. The unit testing is normally considered as an adjunct step to
coding step. Because modules are not a standalone program, drivers and/or stubs software
must be developed for each unit. A driver is nothing more than a “main program” that
accepts test cases data and passes it to the module. A stub serves to replace the modules
that are subordinate to the modules to be tested. A stub may do minimal data
manipulation, prints verification of entry and returns. For example:-
Test case description: Admin enters Username and Password, then presses login button.
Client program contacts with server, server contacts with the database, and database checks for
authentication and displays administrator page.
Test Environment: WAmpmysql server must be in running state, Database Should contain
appropriate table and link must be established between server and client program.
Pre-Conditions: AWmapserver should be in running state and Username and Password fields
should be filled correctly.
The administrator should enter the correct user name and Displays administrator page.
password to login.
The user name and password are not correctly. Administrator username and
password do not mach.
Top down integration: Modules are integrated by moving downwards through the
control hierarchy, beginning with main control module are incorporated into the structure
in either a depth first or breadth first manner.
Bottom up integration: It begins with construction and testing with atomic modules i.e.
modules at the lowest level of the program structure. Because modules are integrated
from the bottom up, processing required for the modules subordinate to a given level is
always available and the need of stubs is eliminated.
Test the system by using requirements of software and hardware components such as
computer with operating system containing: - WAMP server: a server used to run the
PHPMY Admin: front-end, to develop the PHP programming of the system translation.
These are used for testing all the functional requirements are function able and access able
inthe environment of WAMP server.
Configuration review: Ensures that all the elements of software configuration have been
properly developed cataloged and have support for the maintenance phase of software life
6.1 Conclusion
In this project, the user is provided with an e-commerce system that can be used to buy
butics product item online .The Internet has become a major resource in modern business,
thus butics shopping has gained significance not only from the entrepreneur’s but also
from the customer’s point of view. For the entrepreneur, butics shopping generates new
business opportunities and for the customer, it makes comparative shopping possible.
The project began by laying out the foundation that determines the development process.
This involved defining the system development methodology, identifying resource
requirements, and setting the project schedule.
Requirements analysis is performed to discover the needs of the new solution to proposed
system. This phase consists of drawing out functional and non-function requirements of
the system.
In analysis, the proposed system is modeled using UML diagrams: use case diagrams, sequence
diagrams, Class diagrams.
We have designed the project to provide the user with easy navigation, retrieval of data
and necessary feedback as much as possible. To implement this system was used PHP and
MySQL also JavaScript were the major software and database used for developing the
entire system.
A good shopping cart design must be accompanied with user- friendly shopping cart
system. It should be convenient for the customer to view the contents of their cart and to
be able to remove or add items to their cart.
Generally, the system would take as a means for butics shop to deliver efficient and
effective report generating, recording categories, products, displaying product information
and information sharing.
The system that we developed is the one that is relatively minor in its type, but it can be a breakthrough
for other system developers to further implementation on the system.
6.2 Recommendation
This system will give a solution for some of the problems in EDERES Butics shopping
This project will promote e-commerce and online marketing on the Internet, complying with
the information technology more develop.
Firstly, we recommend EDERES Butics shop to apply and use this system.
Training for users: -We need to give training for those users of the system.
The system is developed for the first time, and it may have some limitation, so we are
willing to welcome every interested person’s idea and we need support of the program to
make the best.
The system that developed is the one that is relatively minor in its type, but it can be a
breakthrough for other system developers to further implementation on the system.
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