CJR Penelitian Kualitatif
CJR Penelitian Kualitatif
CJR Penelitian Kualitatif
Arranged By Group 3 :
Erika Istiqamah
Lidya Fitria
Siti Aisyah
T.A 2020/2021
Thank to almighty god who has given his bless to the writer for finishing the
English paper assignment entitled “Critical Jurnal Review”. This paper can be present
as it is now because of good teamwork. For that, we are very grateful to my team for
their cooperation in making this paper from beginning to end.
However, we realize that this paper still has things that have not been perfect and
escaped the attention of the author. Be it from the language used or from the
presentation techniques. Therefore, with all the shortcomings and humility, we are
looking forward to the criticism and suggestions from all readers for the improvement
of this paper going forward.
Hopefully the paper can provide information for the reader and is useful for the
development of insight and improvement of knowledge for all of us.
PREFACE............................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background.......................................................................................................................... 1
CHAPTER II : DISCUSSION............................................................................................ 2
3.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................................10
3.2 Suggestion.................................................................................................................................10
1.1 Background
The research methodology is a set of regulations, activities, and procedures used by the
perpetrators of a disciplinary. Methodology is also theoretical analysis of a way or method.
Research is a systematic investigation to increase a number of knowledge, it is also a systematic
and organized effort to investigate certain problems that require answers. The essence of research
can be understood by studying various aspects that encourage research to conduct research.
Research is a business that does to look for data and facts about something with scientific rules. This
lesson is very important to be conveyed to students so that they are able to produce a new theory of
theories about various kinds of knowledge which can later be used as a foundation for other to the future.
This book is for students who are beginner researchers. Reviews in this book are how differences in
qualitative research approaches are quantitative. By studying this student can choose which approach will
be done in writing a thesis.
1.3 Purpose
1. To know analysis the journal from the method research.
2.To know the result from the research.
3. To know the advantages and disadvantages of the journal.
The purpose of this study is to analyze English needs of culinary art students of Vocational High
School Number 9 Padang in learning procedure text/recipe. It employed qualitative research
method. The subjects of this study were second grade culinary art students of Vocational High
School Number 9 Padang. One out of seven classes was chosen to be the sample of this study
which consist of 32 students. The data were collected through questionnaires and interview
guide. A questionnaire administered to each of the students and an interview was done to an
English teacher who teach them. The questionnaire covers three things as the benchmark of
students’ needs in learning procedure text/recipe in English class. It was analyzed by looking at
the mean value of the students’ answers.
English is a compulsory subject taught to the students in Indonesia included vocational high
school. Teaching English in vocational high school is based on the syllabus developed by
government which is the same as the syllabus used for Indonesian senior high schools.
Moreover, text books that were designed by government are also intended to both senior and
vocational high school. Those text books contain the general English material, whereas
vocational students need English for Specific Purposes.
Vocational high school is equal to senior high school in Indonesia. It can be seen from
several aspects. First, the students who are accepted by both of them are junior high school
graduates. Second, both of them are in the same level before university entrance. Third, the
students are usually in the same age between 15 until 18 years old. The most important one is
that the syllabus they used is same. The only difference is on its purpose. A vocational high
school aims to prepare the students to have certain skills that can be applied to work right after
graduation. The skills taught are based on the majors that they take. Because of this difference,
some subjects taught in vocational high school should be different from the senior high school.
However, according to curriculum 2013, there are six subjects that both of them have such
as math, Bahasa Indonesia, religious education, civic, Indonesia history, and English. Even
though the subjects are same, the material included must be different considering the goals of the
students’ skills particularly in English subject.
All of them come from the different aspects. Students’necessities are derived from their
target situation. The lacks are drawn from what the students have already known, and wants
come up because of students’ expectation about what they should learn. Additionally, some
important information could be obtained from the English teachers who teach them. Based on the
description above, the researcher was interested in conducting a research which entitled “An
Analysis of Culinary Art Vocational Students’ Needs in Learning English at the Public
Vocational High School Number 9 Padang”.
The research design used in this study is qualitative. Qualitative design is used to describe a
phenomenon and provide a definite theory as its result. This study aims to find out what the
needs of the culinary art students are by collecting data trough questionnaire, analyzing it in
mean, and drawing a conclusion based on the data analysis.
The population of this study was the second grade of culinary art students at Vocational
High School Number 9 Padang and English teachers who teach them. The students learn English
as a compulsory subject. They are taught by an English teachers. A class was taken as the sample
of this research.
In speaking activity, the problem that I face when learning procedure text is….
1 Lacks of vocabulary 7
2 Not confident 12
3 Sentence structure 3
4 Not able to pronounce certain words 1
In writing activity, the problem that I face when learning procedure text is….
7 Lacks of vocabulary 11
8 Sentence 8
In reading activity, the problem that I face when learning procedure text is…
10 Lacks of vocabulary 3
11 Not able to pronounce certain words 3
14 Lacks of vocabulary 5
15 Not focus 4
There are some problems that faced by the students when learning procedure text in the class.
The table above shows all the problems in the certain activity. In speaking activity, the most
problems that is felt by them is being not confident. They are not confident enough to speak in
English in the the learning process. The second most problem problem appears because of the
lacks of vocabulary. The students does not have enough English words to convey their intention.
Too long text is also being a problem that face by the students that makes them do not want
to speak in English.The other problems are their ignorance of sentence structure, incapacity to
interpret the meaning of what they listen to or read, and the obstacles in pronouncing the words.
In writing activity, students think that the lacks of vocabulary becomes the main problem. The
sentence structure is also a problem that face them when they want to write English text.
Too long sentences in the given is the most problem that appear in reading activity. The
lacks of vocabulary and not being able to pronounce words and interpret the meaning of the text
are also perceived by the students as the problems in reading activity in the class. Meanwhile,
in listening activity, the most problems felt by the students is too fast audio. It makes them hard
to get what the audio talk about. The lacks of vocabulary again becomes a problem in this
activity. Two other problem in listening activity according to the students are not focus and not
able to interpret the meaning because of the above three problems. From all four activities
above, it can conclude that the problem that always arises is the lacks of vocabulary. It means
that give more vocabulary will help them to improve their activities in the class.
Question 2
The collected data shows the wants of the students. What they expect they learn in English
classroom when learning procedure text. It provides in the table below (table) The Students
no statements Number of students
In reading activity, I want to:
1 Be able to read the recipe fluenntly 20
2 Read vocabularies which relate with culinary 4
3 Read shorter text to make it easy to remember 2
4 Read text while listening to audio 1
5 Read a text with pictures in it 4
6 Read the dialogue 1
In writing activity, I want to:
7 Write my own recipe 7
8 Learn new vocabularies 8
9 Write with my own English which simpler and easier 15
10 Write a dialogue 2
In listening activity, I want to:
11 Be focus to listen to the audio 23
12 Listen more to the dialogue or monologue about 7
13 Listen to vocabulary which relate with culinary 2
In speaking activity, I want to:
14 Have dialogue with friends 6
15 Speak about culinary 3
16 Talk to friend with my style of English 1
17 Memories more new vocabularies 4
18 Speak fluently in order to make the meaning clear 17
19 Do role play in English 1
In reading activity, the students prefer to be able to read and understand the recipe. Some of
them also want to read some new vocabularies about culinary. Reading the shorter text, reading a
text while listening to its audio, reading a recipe with pictures in it, and reading dialogue are also
wishes of the students in learning process.
In writing activity, many of the students want to write recipe with their own words which is
simpler and easier to understand. Some of them also want to make their own recipe in English.
Others think that learning new vocabularies will help them to write in English. Finally some of
them want to write a dialogue about recipe in the class.
In listening activity, the students want to be more focus in listening to an audio. They want
to listen to dialogue or monologue about culinary things. They also want to get and learn new
vocabularies through the audio.
In speaking activity, the students prefer to be more fluent in speaking English in order to
convey the meaning clearly. They want to have dialogue with their friends in the class. Talking
about culinary with their own communication style and words. Doing role play and memorizing
more new words are also two things that they want do in speaking activity in the class.
From the data analysis above, it found that the most important activity in learning procedure
text/recipe in the English class is speaking. Both teacher and students agree that speaking skill
must be mastered by culinary students since it will help them a lot in their future carrier.
However, when it comes to procedure text/recipe lesson, both of teacher and students prefer
reading activity as the most important activity that should be done in the class. One of reading
activities which interest the students is comprehending recipe and answer the related questions.
There are some suggestions for the English teachers who teach culinary students in vocational
high school from the result of this study. In teaching procedure text/recipe, teachers should
concern more about what the students’ needs in order to perform well in the class as well as in
their future carrier. What skill that must be mastered by the students and what English activities
should be done in the class in order to support their other skill are the two main focuses. From
this study the most important skill is speaking and reading. That is why, it is necessary for the
teachers to create an activity that can support those skills. The researcher suggests the teachers to
choose material of procedure text or recipe that will be applied in their work as culinary students.
1. The presence of a logo image in the middle of the paper, resulting in closed words, so
that the reader is less clear about reading the contents of the journal.
2. There are only a few references, so that it can cause the reader to feel unsure about the
contents of this journal.
3.1 Conclusion
We can conclude that this journal is already good at writing. There is an analysis of
student needs about text procedures. Develop students' abilities, especially in speaking and
reading. This study use the qualitative research by collecting data trough questionnaire,
analyzing it in mean, and drawing a conclusion based on the data analysis. So, from the results of
this study, it can be clearly described the needs of students in learning the procedure text/recipe.
3.2 Suggestion
We realize that the reviews we have done are inseparable from shortcoming, so we really
hope the suggestions and criticsm from the readers can be used as evaluation material for the
better in the future. Finally, we hope this study will be benefit to readers in adding insight into
science regarding the study of a journal.
Dewi, Rukmala and Zul Amri. 2019. An Analysis of Culinary Art Vocational Students Needs in
Learning English At The Pubic Vocational High School Number 9 Padang. English Language
Teaching, 8 (4) : 504-514.