NCM 112 Respiratory Handout
NCM 112 Respiratory Handout
NCM 112 Respiratory Handout
A chronic dilation of the
bronchi caused by:
pulmonary TB infection
Pulmonary Embolism
• Mrs. Perkins pulse oximetry has
• decreased to 90%. What does Pulmonary Embolism
this indicate? • Mrs Perkins PT is 12.9 and PTT
• The normal pulse oximeter is 98. What are your implications
reading is 93% - 100%. for administering heparin to Mrs.
• A reading of 90% indicates Mrs. Perkins?
Perkins has an arterial oxygen • A normal PTT is 39 seconds
level of about 60 • 58-78 is 1.5 to 2 times the
• With a diagnosis of PE, what normal value and is within the
intervention is crucial for Mrs. normal therapeutic range
Perkins? • A PTT of 98 means Mrs
• Institute and maintain bedrest Perkins is not clotting;
• Bedrest reduces metabolic medication should be held.
demands and tissue needs for
Pulmonary Embolism
Management: Pulmonary Emboli The doctor has ordered Coumadin for
• Anticoagulation therapy Mrs. Perkins. PT = 22 PTT = 39 INR =
• Heparin 2.8
• Coumadin for ~6 months What action should you
• Thrombolytic therapy
• Give the Coumadin because the
• Use very cautiously only for
therapeutic INR level is 2-3.
acute, massive PE
• What is the antidote for
• Urokinase, Streptokinase &
• Inferior Vena Cava filter
Pulmonary Embolism: Teaching
• Use a soft bristle toothbrush to
Mrs. Perkins
reduce the risk of bleeding
Mrs. Perkins is receiving a heparin
drip. The bag hanging is 20,000 • Avoid aspirin
units/500 ml of • Aspirin is an antiplatlet which
D5W infusing at 22 ml/hr. How many may increase
units of heparin is Mrs Perkins receiving • bleeding tendencies
each hour? • Wear a medic alert band
• Increase fluid intake to 2-3L
Heparin Infusion day (increases fluid
880 units • volume which prevents DVT the
20,000 divided by 500 = 40 units common cause of PE)
Heparin Therapy
What nursing interventions should you
implement for
Mrs Perkins receiving Heparin?
• Keep protamine sulfate readily
• Assess for overt & covert signs
of bleeding
• Avoid invasive procedures and
• Administer stool softeners as