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Teacher: Brittany Alexander Unit: Poetry Class: 5th Grade English/Language Arts

Mini-Lesson One: Poetry Collection

Essential How can poetry encourage students to think about sounds in poems and
Question enjoyable to read?
Standards ELAGSE5RL7: Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to
the meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia
presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, poem).
ISTE Standards
1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
2b: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using
technology, including social interactions online or when using networked

Inquiry Students will learn with a deeper understanding on how poetry encourage
Focus students to think about sounds in poems, while they choice their own poem to
create a video over. Students will also use appropriate use of technology by
communicating their understanding and collaborate and share with others their
final product for their poem video.
Information 1.D: Learners select digital search tools based on their effectiveness and
Fluency efficiency.
Focus 3.A: Learners ethically use digital information
Student Technology Needed:
Activities  iMovie for MAC, iPhone or iPad. Alternative free recording software
and for MAC is Audacity, iSkysoft for PC
Used  Internet access to Sound Poems
 Internet access to Onomatopoeia Poem for Children
 Internet access to 41 Poems for Children
 Internet access to child appropriate poem websites found by the student,
must ask teacher first!
 Google Slides
 Access to computers, iPads, cameras, microphones and headphones
 Mimio board or Smartboard

Students will do a read aloud to Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare, but will
not know the author. Students will get a paper copy and the poem will also be
displayed on the Mimio board or Smartboard. Ask students who they think
wrote the poem. Discuss what the author was trying to say. Ask students what
Teacher: Brittany Alexander Unit: Poetry Class: 5th Grade English/Language Arts

other poets they know and/or like. Ask what makes a good poem and how to
add sound to poetry. Tell students they are going to create a class collection of
poems on Google Slides. Allow students to go to the different poem websites
Sound Poems ,
Onomatopoeia Poem for Children , 41 Poems for
Children or
website they found themselves, but must ask teacher first. Students will find
one poem they like and have to make a copy and practice reading their poem
aloud. Show students how to use iMovie and iSkysoft software. Students then
will use iMovie or iSkysoft to create a video of them saying their poems.
Students should make sure to represent their “sound” of their poem. Students
can add music or use props in their movies. Once students are happy with their
final product, students will place it on the Google Slides. Students then can
listen to one another’s poems displayed on the Mimio board or Smartboard.
Encourage students to explain to the class why they chose the poem they did
and what they liked best about it.

Assessment Students will do a Kahoot It over Poetry. It will allow the teacher to see if the
students understand the different definitions used for poetry. Students will do a
turn and talk for each question. Teacher will ask students why they choose their
answer before showing the correct answer.

Mini-Lesson Two: Create a Poetry Calendar

Essen How can I research poems and poets and create a school calendar based off my
tial information?
Stand ELAGSE5RL7: Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the
ards meaning, tone, or beauty of a text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of
fiction, folktale, myth, poem).
ELAGSE5W8: Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant
information from print and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in
notes and finished work, and provide a list of sources.
ISTE Standards
1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their practice
and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
2b: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using
technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
6b: Students create original works or responsibly repurpose or remix digital resources
into new creations.
Teacher: Brittany Alexander Unit: Poetry Class: 5th Grade English/Language Arts

InquirStudents will learn with a deeper understanding about different poets. Students will
y also use appropriate use of technology by communicating their understanding about
Focus the poets and collaborate and share with others their information about the poets and
adding the information to the Google Calendar.
Infor 1.D: Learners select digital search tools based on their effectiveness and efficiency.
matio 1.E. Leaners select and apply appropriate search strategies to effectively and
n efficiently locate reliable digital information related to their academic learning goal(s).
Fluen 2.A: Learners evaluate the quality of a search result to determine its usefulness in the
cy search process.
Focus 3.A: Learners ethically use digital information.
Stude Technology Needed:
Learn  Google Calendar
ing cid=Y2xheXRvbi5rMTIuZ2EudXNfY2xhc3Nyb29tOGJmNmRjZTJAZ3JvdX
Activ AuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
ities  Google Classroom
Tech Class Code: pr4f23
nolog  Internet access to Symbaloo
y  Internet access to Poet’s Corner
 Internet access to child appropriate poem websites found by the student, must
ask teacher first!
 Access to computers, iPads, microphones and headphones
 Mimio board or Smartboard
Students will use and research online sources to learn about five famous poets born
in a particular month. Students will read 3-5 poems from the five poets they
choose. Students will create a calendar of “Famous Poets” by placing information
about the poets or poems they wrote on the class Google Calendar. Students will
work in a small group and be assigned a month. Have each student research names
of five poets who were born in his or her group's assigned month, and record on a
piece of paper, each poet's birthday and the titles of 3-5 poems by that poet and
personal information about the poet. (Students should read the poems as well.)
Students can use the Poet Corner or use appropriate website, but
must ask the teacher first. Also have students record the URL of the Web site under
the Google Classroom Assignment URL for Poets. Ask students to share with their
groups the information they find, eliminating duplicate poets. The goal is to end up
with 8-12 unique birthdays per group. Then invite each student to read to the group
his or her favorite poem. After listening to the poems, each group should to decide
which poet and what image to feature for the month. Explain that the image can be
Teacher: Brittany Alexander Unit: Poetry Class: 5th Grade English/Language Arts

an original photo, an online photo, an original drawing, a clip-art collage, and so

on. To ensure that students think carefully and creatively about the assignment,
require teacher approval of the final design. Students can type their information on
the Google Calendar. Students have free range on the font, background, border,
and more. Display all completed months for the entire class to see on the Mimio
board or Smartboard. Ask students to look at the birthdays in each month as well as
the large graphic, and then invite them to vote for their favorite design. Combine
all the months into a single calendar; use the graphic that gets the most votes for
the front cover. Students will also have to complete a writing assignment in Google
Classroom. The assignment would be what they learned about one poet, what was
one of their favorite poems and why? What they would change about the calendar?
Asses Students will do a Kahoot It over different poets. It will allow the teacher to see if the
sment students are able to answer questions about different poets taught in the class.
Students will do a turn and talk for each question. Teacher will ask students why they
choose their answer before showing the correct answer.

Mini-Lesson Three: Poet Biography and Plagiarism

Essenti How can research help you to know more about a famous poet?
al How can you should evidence of not plagiarism someone’s work?
Standa ELAGSE5W7: Conduct short research projects that use several sources to build
rds knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic.
ELAGSE5W8: Recall relevant information from experiences or gather relevant
information from print and digital sources; summarize or paraphrase information in
notes and finished work, and provide a list of sources.
ISTE Standards
1b: Students build networks and customize their learning environments in ways that
support the learning process.
1c: Students use technology to seek feedback that informs and improves their
practice and to demonstrate their learning in a variety of ways.
2b: Students engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using
technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices.
3c: Students curate information from digital resources using a variety of tools and
methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or
Inquir Students will learn with a deeper understanding about information about their poet.
y Students will also use appropriate use of technology by communicating their
Focus understanding about the poets and collaborate and share with others their information
Teacher: Brittany Alexander Unit: Poetry Class: 5th Grade English/Language Arts

about the poet creating an online biography presentation.

Inform 1.A: Learners identify key concepts in a research question.
ation 1.D: Learners select digital search tools based on their effectiveness and efficiency.
Fluenc 1.E: Learners select and apply appropriate search strategies to effectively and
y efficiently locate reliable digital information related to their academic learning
Focus goal(s).
2.C: Learners evaluate the quality of a search result to determine the reliability of its
3.A: Learners ethnically use digital information.

Studen Technology Needed:

Learni  Internet access to Poet’s Corner
Activit  Internet access to Prezi
ies and gclid=EAIaIQobChMItYKPm7ur4wIVHLbACh3wygZ7EAAYASAAEgKW
Techn CvD_BwE
ology  Internet access to Galileo Elementary
 Internet access to Author (Poet) Biography Questions
 Internet access to Google Slides
 Internet access to Power Point
 Internet access to child appropriate poem websites found by the student, must
ask teacher first!
 Access to computers, iPads, microphones and headphones
 Mimio board or Smartboard
 Students will first watch a brain pop over and on the Mimio board
or Smartboard. Allow the students to answer the quiz answers at the end of
the video. Ask the students what they learned about plagiarism and citing
sources. Explain to students it is important to give the original writers their
credit and how not to write word from word their word. Show students to
correctly cited sources on the Mimio board or Smartboard. After having a
class’s discussion, inform the class they will be doing a research project
about a famous poet and will be creating an online biography presentation.
Students will be able to pick their own poet they have little information
about. Students can use the Poet Corner to find different poets.
Students can use Galileo Elementary to get more information about their
poet or they can use appropriate websites, but must ask the teacher first.
Students should answer the Author (Poet) Biography question
Teacher: Brittany Alexander Unit: Poetry Class: 5th Grade English/Language Arts

Worksheet-71635. Once students have all their information, students will

create their online biography presentation. Students can use Prezi
CvD_BwE, Google Slides, or Power Points. Students should at least have 6-
12 slides. On the slides, students must have correct information about their
poet and cite where they got their information without plagiarism someone
else’s work. Students should also have at least image on each slide and a
cover page. Once completed, students will present their final product to their
classmates on the Mimio board or Smartboard.

Assess Students will complete a Google Forms Ticket Out the Door which would be a self-
ment evaluation of what they learned through the different presentations. It will allow the
teacher to see what the students learned through the different presentations.

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