Assignment 1 - Professional Portfolio

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Assignment: Professional Portfolio

Student Name: Courtney Robinson (McKinnon)

Course: NFDN 1002

U: Medication Management
Competency: Category U-2: Medication Preparation and Administration
Letter, Number and
Subcategory U-2-6: Demonstrate knowledge and ability to apply the “rights” and “checks” of
medication administration to reduce risk of medication error and ensure patient

One significant learning experience I have had in this course related to the
Significant Learning CLPNA competency I have chosen is applying the rights and checks of medication
Experience: Describe one administration. I have gone over this in the theory portion of this course, Unit 3,
significant learning and have been recently practicing my competency in preparation for my lab
experience in this course video submissions. Through practicing for my lab submission via preparing and
related to the CLPNA administering medication to a “patient”, I feel confident in applying the ten
Competency identified. rights of medication and the three checks required during the preparation of
Provide an example medication. Thus, reducing the chance of medication error and ensuring patient

I have learned through the theory portion of this course the ten rights of
medication administration (right medication, dose, patient, route, time and
frequency, documentation, reason, refuse, patient education, and evaluation)
and the three checks required during preparation of medication (1 st check –
When removing the medication from the drawer, shelf, or fridge, confirm the
What you Learned: name of the medication by comparing the label with the MAR, medical
Describe what you learned administration record, along with checking the expiry date; 2nd check – Before
and how it relates to the going into the patient’s room, verify the patient’s name on the MAR with the
competency identified. labels on the prepared drugs to confirm the drug name and the patient’s name;
3rd check – At the patient’s bedside, again compare the MAR with the names of
the medications on the medication labels and with the patient’s name.) Through
practicing the skills that I learnt in theory, I feel confident in demonstrating my
knowledge ability to apply the “rights” and “checks” of medication
Proficiency Rating: Use the
“Proficiency Rating Good: Understands the competency in theory and in scenarios and nursing
Categories” (excellent, practice.
good, fair, poor) to rate
your proficiency in the I have rated myself as good, as I believe integrating competency theory with
identified CLPNA other knowledge, skills and attitudes so that it becomes seamless/automatic as
competency. Explain what part of everyday nursing practice, (excellent), comes with time and experience
was done to achieve the that is obtained through work and everyday practice. As a practical nurse
competency and to student, I believe there is always room for growth.
support your rating.
I feel confident, however, that I understand the competency in theory and in
scenarios and nursing practice, through studying the theory portion as well as
practicing my skills for lab. My skills are not always seamless/automatic, as I
have caught myself while practicing for lab, forgetting to explain the proper
education to the patient before administering the drug. I do however
understand this is in fact one of the ten rights of medication. For patients to be
fully informed about their medication and consequences of refusing to take it, it
is imperative that they receive the right education about their medications and
their overall treatment plan.

Significance of Learning: This competency is meaningful because these standards ensure safe nursing
Explain how the identified practice. We as nurses are ethically and legally responsible to acquire the
competency enhanced knowledge needed to administer medications for patient’s safety. This course
your learning (was has underlined the importance of medication administration safety using the ten
meaningful) in this course rights and three checks, skills I need to have to pass my upcoming lab
submissions and CIA to become a practical nurse.
Nursing Practice: Describe I will apply this learning in my current and future nursing practice by always
how you will be able to ensuring the ten rights of medication and performing the three checks. Whether
apply this learning in your I am practicing for labs, CIA, or when I am working as a practical nurse, I will
current and future nursing make medication administration safety a priority. My strengths are
practice (What are your understanding the knowledge behind the ten rights and performing the three
strengths and what are checks. I will practice furthermore performing the ten rights to make sure I do
your future learning not miss a right, as all medication errors can be linked, in some way, to an
needs). inconsistency in adhering to the ten rights.

College of Licensed Practical Nurses of Alberta. (2020, February 1). Competency

APA: Reference Profile for Licensed Practical Nurses, 5th Edition. Retrieved from

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