Pike Palace-1 N Draft Final Concept Document

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Pike Place Market

Concept Design
Project Narrative
September 14, 2012


prepared by: The Miller Hull Partnership, Magnusson Klemencic Associates, Arup, Swift Company, Steinbrueck Urban Strategies

CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction

1.1 Project Overview
1.2 Project Goals
1.3 Design Process

2.0 Design Rationale

2.1 Program
2.2 Site, History and Constraints
2.3 Zoning and Code Analysis
2.4 Historic

3.0 Public Realm Analysis

3.1 View Analysis
3.2 Circulation Analysis

4.0 Preliminary Massing Concepts

4.1 Options A, B, C & D
4.2 Project Diagrams

5.0 Preferred Massing Concept

5.1 Massing Diagrams


6.1 Parking Garage
6.2 Building Plans
6.3 Site Sections
6.4 Renderings
6.5 Phasing Diagrams
6.6 Next Steps

7.0 Architectural Attachments

7.1 Project Schedule
7.2 Zoning Code Analysis
7.3 Building Code Analysis

APPENDIX 1 8.0 Landscape Narrative

9.0 Structural Narrative
10.0 Civil Narrative
11.0 MEP Narrative
APPENDIX 2 12.0 Concept Design Drawing Set

Introduction 1.0


The Pike Place Market opened in Seattle in 1907, and is one of the oldest continually operated public farmers’ markets in the
country, attracting some 10 million visitors per year. Spurred on by the replacement of the elevated Alaskan Way Viaduct,
which currently blocks much of the waterfront from downtown, with a bored tunnel, the City of Seattle is in the early design
stages to overhaul the entire waterfront and drammatically improve the connection from the urban core to water’s edge.
The Pike Place Market is a central connection point and the PC1-N site will play a critical role in making that connection


The project goals, as discussed in numerous meetings with the PDA Council, Waterfront Redevelopment Committee and
Market community members can be summarized as a commitment to providing unique and memorable market experiences.
The public will feel welcomed into a vibrant mixed-use project made up of commercial spaces and low income residential
units with market parking and other support spaces carefully organized into ‘back of house’ spaces. This collection of
program spaces will be framed and enhanced by nearly an acre of public open space. This network of terraced open spaces
will belong to everyone — families, seniors, travelers, market vendors--and transition seamlessly with the planned Overlook
Walk and connection to the revived waterfront.

The Pike Place Market Preservation and Development Authority (PDA) established a series of ‘Guiding Principles’ for the
development of the PC1N site as follows:

• Pedestrian Access and Neighborhood Connectivity

• Vehicle Access
• PC1N Priority Uses (see below under Program)
• Character and Identity
• Views
• 24/7 – 365 Activation
• Financial Viability
• Preservation and Sustainability

The design team embraced these principles and developed the design concept to address them.


For this process to be a successful one, two paramount objectives were established early to work closely with the market
constituency and to work collaboratively with the Waterfront design team. To that end the team:

• Met with PDA on a weekly basis

• Presented to the Waterfront Redevelopment Committee (WRC) on a biweekly basis where the team received a
significant amount of input from not only the committee but the general public and market constituency
• Met with the Market Historical Commission regularly
• Held design working sessions with council and WRC Committee
• Met with the Waterfront design team at least once a month
• Participated in a half-day working retreat with the full PDA Council
• Met with the Market stakeholder group and conducted multiple public meetings
• Created a dedicated information page on the Market website
• Presented to the Market Foundation
• Presented to the Central Waterfront Design Oversight Committee

Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull Partnership 7


Design Rationale 2.0

Development of Program
The PDA had developed a series of priority uses for the PC1N site:
PC1N Priority Uses:
1. Parking
• loss of 130 spaces from surface lots and need to preserve as many of the existing 81 spaces as possible.
2. Storage
• Cold storage and dry storage is chronically in short supply. Key component in retention and recruitment of
farmers, crafters, restaurants and businesses.
3. Commercial/Residential Activation
• Financial support for development and maintenance of PC1N could include commercial and/or residential
activation along the edges. activating space along Western, new space facing the Waterfront and integrating
with the Desimone bridge consistent with historic plans and concepts.
4. Social Services
• The Foodbank, while operating successfully, faces ongoing challenges with access and space. This project
could improve access to the Foodbank and consider possible relocation and expansion. Options include
possible adult dental or other support spaces for the Medical Clinic.
5. Programs
• Provide opportunities to expand and support components of core programs including farming, education and
busking will greatly aid in the successful activation of new public space created between the Market and the

On December 15th, 2011 the PDA passed Resolution 11-102 which adopted a preliminary program:
PC1-North Preliminary Building Program
• Support and enhance the Market’s core mission, functions and character, consistent with historical uses for
PC1N and adjacent areas as part of Central Waterfront redevelopment
• Improve Market pedestrian connections to and from the Central Waterfront through the PC1N site
• Develop the PC1N site to its maximum potential for serving core Market mission and functions
• Remain consistent with Market Historic Commission Guidelines
• Include the following general uses:
o Retail
o Residential
o Replacement parking
o Storage
o Social Services
o Public Space
o Circulation and Pedestrian Passage

Final Concept Program

In a previous feasibility study, the PDA further developed the above program and established targets of 76,900 square feet of
building area and 23,100 square feet of public open space. Through the course of the concept design process and numerous
public meetings, the building program was reduced to approximately 42,000 with an increase in the amount publicly
accessible open space to 44,000 square feet. We are providing an additional 9500 square feet provided as open space
reserved for the use of residents. The initial parking target was for 260 stalls and we have increased that number through the
course of the concept study to meet the requirements of a WSDOT parking mitigation plan.

Final Program Summary

housing 22,500 sf
commercial 19,300 sf
total conditioned area 41,800 sf
parking 122,000 sf
open space 44,000 sf

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2.0 Design Rationale


The site comprises approximately 39,142 square feet and is bounded by Western Avenue to the east, the Alaskan Way
Viaduct to the west, Victor Steinbrueck Park to the north and the Heritage House and Market Parking Structure to the south.

The base zone is Pike Market Mixed with a corresponding height limit of 85 feet. The site, however, is within the boundaries
of the Pike Place Market Urban Renew Plan of 1974, which established much lower maximum allowable building heights.
The site is also within the city’s Pike Place Market Historic District and therefore subject to the Historic Commission Use and
Design Guidelines which places further restrictions on the height and the developable areas on site.

PC1-N Site

Underground high voltage transmission line

12 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document
Design Rationale 2.0

The site is classified as having Environmentally Critical Areas due to steep slopes existing at the southwest corner and
a small portion of the northeast corner. The Burlington Northern Railway has an easement to operate a tunnel that runs
directly below the site and daylights just to the west of the site. Seattle City Light (SCL) has an underground high voltage
transmission line that runs along the western property line and crosses over the top of the tunnel adjacent to the portal and
then crosses onto the PC1N site for the northernmost 55 feet. The line encroaches only about a foot so the impact to the
building is not significant, however careful coordination with SCL during construction will be required.

While the site is not included in the “Pike Place Market Historic District” that is listed on the US National Register of Historic
Places, it is included in the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods “Pike Place Market Historic District”.

Seattle’s Pike Place Market Historic District Map National Register of Historic Places District Map

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2.0 Design Rationale

Site History
The site is at a critical juncture in the city of Seattle not only in terms of its proximity to the market and downtown urban
core but also in its adjacency to major transportation infrastructure. The Alaskan Way Viaduct runs the length of the site
to west and the Burlington Northern train tunnel runs directly below the site. The Viaduct presents phasing challenges and
the railroad tunnel presents planning and construction issues. To achieve the parking program the Market requires creates
very tight tolerances between the building foundation and the tunnel structure. To better understand the tunnel infrastructure
and what else might be buried on site the team researched city archives and historic photo databases. The following is a
summary of that research and attached as an appendix is a complete chronology.

While there is earlier information, our focus began with construction of tunnel. A Sanborn fire insurance map from 1904-05
gives us a glimpse of what buildings were on the site right at the time of construction. The maps shows a number of ‘cheap
cabins’ on the northern portion of the site and two long buildings referred to as ‘contractor bunk houses’ and another west of
the alley labeled ‘office.’ We have assumed these were for the construction of the tunnel as the below photographs suggest.
The red lines delineate the current parcel lines which were adjusted when Pike Place connection was established and the
Western Avenue right of way shifted to the west.

Sanborn Fire Insurance Map, 1904-1905

14 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document
Design Rationale 2.0

Tunnel Excavation, 1903 Tunnel Construction, 1905

A photograph dated to 1903 shows the tunnel portal being excavated and three gabled wood frame structures that conform to
what is shown on the map. This map also shows a structure just west of the tunnel portal and refers to it as a concrete mixing
shed. This shed appears to be in construction with timber columns in place in the 1903 photo and clearly identifiable in the
1905 photo.

View across site to the south, 1909

A photo dated 1909, with the tunnel now operational and construction complete, shows the site cleared and graded with a
gentle slope to the west. The contractor’s bunk houses, the office and most of the cabins are gone. Western Ave has been
re-graded and realigned. The Market was now in its second year of operation. The building at the south end of the site is the
Sailor’s Institute which is labeled as ‘being built’ on the 1904-05 Sanborn map.

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2.0 Design Rationale

Municipal Building, 1961 Municipal Building with two bridges, 1961

The site appears to have been largely vacant until 1920, when the Market Municipal Building was constructed. The building
had two bridge connections to the market arcade. The original Joe Desimone bridge was an arched truss pedestrian bridge
that connected to the north end of the arcade. South of that pedestrian bridge was larger, timber framed bridge.

Municipal Building converted to garage, 1964 Municipal Building converted to garage, 1964

This timber truss bridge was replaced in 1965 with the precast concrete T-section bridge that we see now. This conversion
allowed vehicles to access the Municipal building which was converted at the same time to provide open-air parking on the
top floor.

Municipal Building, 1974 Municipal Building being demolished after the fire, 1974

In 1974 the Municipal building caught fire and was subsequently torn down. The 10 year old vehicular bridge was preserved
however and remained as open air deck until architect Jim Cutler designed an enclosure that allowed the bridge the function
as an extension of market arcade. This work occurred in 1985 and remains intact today.

16 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document
Design Rationale 2.0

Site cleared and graded for surface parking, 1974 Site cleared and graded for surface parking, 1974

View of site from the Truss Bridge, 2012

Train Tunnel: A critical feature and design constraint of the site is the Burlington Northern train tunnel. As mentioned above,
the tunnel was constructed in 1903-1905. During a review of the as-built drawings of the tunnel we encountered a sketch that
described additional concrete that was placed on top of the tunnel and a heading that was seven feet tall and ten feet wide.
The sketch says this concrete was placed in 1911-1913.

Typical Tunnel Section, 1903 Concrete Packing over Tunnel, 1913

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2.0 Design Rationale

Timber Shoring system, 1903 Crews excavating and placing timber shoring, 1903

The explanation for this additional concrete has to do with the timber shoring that used to retain earth while concrete tunnel
was formed and pored. A few years after the construction was complete a number of locations along 4th Avenue and the
new Central Library at 4th and Madison in particular, experienced some settling. The city determined that the tunnel was the
cause and filed suit against the railroad. Engineers determined that timbers used to retain earth around the concrete tunnel
were rotting and the surrounding soils settling down onto the concrete tunnel shell. To mitigate future settlement, the Great
Northern company excavated a seven by ten foot access way for the length of the tunnel so that concrete packing could be
placed in the voids to prevent further settlement to buildings and infrastructure above. This heading was subsequently filled
as crews moved backward toward the tunnel portals.

This addition of seven feet to the top of the tunnel is significant because it affects the number of parking levels that can be
accommodated between existing grade and top of tunnel. Without this additional heading, three levels could fit, but with the
heading intact, only two are possible. This is important to the project because it determines how much flexibility we have on
the west property line to accommodate the Overlook Walk and supporting program spaces.

One final question involved the extent of the concrete cap. The heading is not visible where the tunnel daylights just to the
west of our site and no documentation could be found as where exactly the heading started or stopped. Another discrepancy
uncovered was conflicting survey data on the exact location of the tunnel below grade. To field verify the location and
sectional profile of the tunnel a potholing crew was contracted to dig down and field verify depths of concrete in key locations.
We were able to confirm that the heading and packing on top of the tunnel existed at the eastern portion of the site but not
the western. We then dug a series of holes along the centerline of the tunnel to determine exactly where the heading stopped
and how it terminated. See pothole plans and sections in Appendix 2, 12.0 Concept Design Drawing Set.

Another aspect of the site that was discovered through the course of potholing was the existence of a significant amount of
debris across the site. At times, the potholing crew were unable to reach the tunnel zone. An analysis of historic photos and
grades where debris was encountered suggested that the original grade of the site was approximately ten feet below the
current grade. Below this ten-foot zone of fill and building debris is undisturbed soil. Refer to Appendix 1, Civil Narrative for
additional detail and geotechnical data.

18 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document
Design Rationale 2.0


Zoning Analysis
An analysis of the Seattle Zoning Code was conducted and included in section 7.0 Architectural Attachments. While the base
zoning allowable height is 85 feet, Urban renewal covenants apply which reduce the allowable height. No parking is required
for either the commercial uses nor the residential due to fact that site is located within the Commercial Core Urban Center
Village. Most of the code does not apply due to the Historic District and Market Historic Commission.

Building Code Analysis

An analysis was also conducted of the Seattle Building Code and found in section 7.0 Architectural Attachments. A quick
overview of the major issues is as follows. The parking garage will be required to have a 3-hour fire separation from the
commercial and residential above. Separation between commercial and residential will be 1-hour. The building will be
sprinkled at all levels. The design intent for the above garage construction is that of a heavy timber building. Whether we
design it as a type-IV heavy timber building or as a type-V and utilize the heavy timber exception for the primary structural
members will be determined during subsequent phases of design. The housing component is envisioned either as post-
tensioned concrete or cross-laminated timber to minimize depth of the floor structure and maximize ceiling heights.

2.4 Historical
Market Historical Commission Design Guidelines Overview
The Pike Place Market Historical District is a 7-acre site bounded by 1st Avenue, Virginia Street, the Alaska Viaduct and
a line approximately midway between Union Street and Pike Street. The Market Historical Commission reviews all design
proposals for the Pike Place Market and have established Design Guidelines for decision-making on the approval of uses and
designs in the Market.

Our design team has studied and evaluated the guidelines and our work has been substantially influenced by them.
Guidelines that we feel are particularly relevant to our project, include: maintaining and enhancing pedestrian qualities,
respecting and enhancing visual connections between Steinbrueck Park, Elliott Bay, and within the district, shaping unique
utilitarian urban form that is respectful of the surrounding structures, utilizing exterior materials that have inherent color and
do not require painted surfaces, differentiating the new work from the historic while being compatible with massing , size,
scale and architectural features.

Our team is especially inspired by the use of the concrete post and beam structures along Western Avenue – commonly
referred to as the Western Frame. We are also inspired by the use of heavy timber structures in the Market. Wood, harvested
from certified forests, and used as a structural element, is the most sustainable building material in the Pacific Northwest.

Regular structural rhythm along Western Avenue

Concrete frame with glass infill Heavy timber framing Exposed structure, mechanical and lighting

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PUBLIC REALM Analysis 3.0


There are so many great views throughout the Market our first effort was to qualify the views and begin to establish a
hierarchy of at the least, primary exterior views of the market and primary interior views.

Primary Exterior Views

We identified four viewpoints as the primary iconic views of the Market, from the city: Pike, Pine, Pike Place and Victor
Steinbrueck Park.

View from Pike St.

View from Pine St.

View from Stewart Street

View from Victor Steinbreuck Park

View from Pike Place

Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull Partnership 23
3.0 PUBLIC REALM Analysis

Primary Interior Views

The primary interior views include views from within the North arcade across the site, views from restaurants within the
market, and views from the Joe Desimone Bridge.

North arcade views

Market views

Desimone Bridge views

24 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document
PUBLIC REALM Analysis 3.0


1. Connect to the Overlook Walk along the west edge of the site
2. Connect to Victor Steinbrueck Park
3. Connect to Western along south edge of site
4. Stair connection up to the Desimone Bridge
5. Activation of Western Avenue with commercial
6. Connect the Desimone bridge to Victor Steinbrueck Park which creates a larger circulation loop back across
Western to the north end of Pike Place
7. Establish a new, second and lower level on the truss bridge to provide improved access to the DownUnder in
the Market
8. Explored a new stair and pedestrian crossing at the north end of Market arcade

6 5
2 4

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4.1 OPTIONS A, B, C & D

The Design team produced four massing options in various
configurations to test the program fit on the site. The process
was essential to engaging dialog and public input to refine
massing and program placement.

Option-A preserved west views from the slabs on Pike

Place with a one-story building at the northern half of the
site. The building stepped up to two stories adjacent to the
existing arcade. The housing program occupied the south
portion of the site and extended westward leaving a 15 feet to Option-A
accommodate the pedestrian circulation.

Option-B considered a long narrow building along Western

Avenue with 2 stories of program at north and three at the
south. A break in the center provide open space in front of the
Desimone Bridge. A second level exterior circulation space
ran along the west side of the north building and connected
down to Steinbrueck Park. While we had ample commercial
space, the housing program was reduced to about half of the

Option-C tested the concept of a housing tower on the south Option-B

east corner of the site. Also considered was a wider opening
from Desimone Bridge. This option provided the most public
space along the western portion of the site but compromised
views to achieve the program required.

Option-D considered a horizontal projection of residential

program instead of the vertical tower form. The pedestrian
walk from the waterfront would pass underneath the

These four massing options were presented to the PDA

Council and constituency at a series of public meetings. We Option-C
received a lot of great feedback that helped us understand
how to better place the program on the site. The following
series diagrams synthesizes that feedback and provides
logical progression that leads us to our preferred massing


Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull Partnership 29


Site: We start with base site which slopes gently to the south
and west. The grade change along Western Avenue is roughly
18 feet.

Zoning Max Volume: The maximum allowable height on site
is not the 85 foot limit of the base zone but limited instead
by the Urban Renewal legislation passed by city council in
1974 which results in a maximum envelope not to exceed
the arcade roof on the northern portion of the site and an
approximate one story increase to south.


Maintain Views from Desimone: To ensure that views from

the Joe Desimone Bridge were preserved, we carved into this
maximum building envelope.


Maintain Views to South: To ensure that views of Mount
Rainier, the stadiums, the Duwamish River and West Seattle
are preserved from the Virginia Street pergola, we lowered
the top of building as required. This left a small portion at the
southeast corner of the site a higher elevation.


Connect to Waterfront: Honoring the switchback concept
from the Overlook Walk removed roughly a third of the
potential floor area for the below market portion of the project.


30 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document

Connect to Western With Plaza: To preserve mountain

and sound views from Western Avenue, under the Desimone
Bridge, the remaining volume was bisected.

Connect to western with plaza

Connect to Park: Providing an accessible connection to
Victor Steinbrueck Park was also a strong priority. Sloping the
roof terrace accomplished this but reduced ceiling heights in
the northwestern portion of the building.

connect to park

Connect to Market: Completing the primary connection from

the waterfront to the Desimone Bridge requires a deck area to
span over the primary Western Ave breezeway.

connect to market
Porosity Through Building: Providing multiple breezeway
connections to Western Avenue ensured that pedestrians
have numerous options and helped break down the scale
and massing of the project further and is consistent with the
multiple paths of travel currently found in the Market.

porosity through building

Natural Light Through Housing: To ensure that the

residential uses on the south half of the site have ample
access to natural daylight and ventilation the floor plates were
narrowed and courtyard created.

natural light through housing

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The team received approval from the PDA council on July 19 to continue study of the preferred massing concept, which
had two versions — BB (below bridge) and BB+ (below bridge +). The two version were the same with the exception of an
additional floor and a half of housing. By lifting the roof of the third floor 3 feet we are able to fit another level below and
maintain nine foot floor to floors. A fourth level of housing can also be achieved without going above the ridge of the Market
arcade building. Both options were tested to ensure that they didn’t block the view from under the Virginia Street Pergola.

Preferred Massing option BB Preferred Massing Option BB+


View Analysis for Preferred Massing Option BB from under the Virginia Street Pergola

View Analysis for Preferred Massing Option BB+ from under the Virginia Street Pergola

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The final concept design brings together nearly four months of work.

The Parking levels are accessed from a new curb cut along Western Avenue at the southeast corner of the site. To preserve
the pedestrian connection across the site to Western Avenue the single parking ramp on the PC1-Market Parking garage will
be abandoned and overframed to create a level pedestrian connection through. The Heritage House extends over the new
walkway creating a dynamic pedestrian experience and dramatic unfolding of views when walking toward the waterfront.

The parking access ramp will have fully automated parking payments columns just inside the property lines and under
cover of the building above. After ticketing the ramp slopes down at a 5% grade into the garage and below the rising grade
on Western Ave by the time it gets to southern end of the Desimone Bridge. This ramp configuration preserves the site
connection and views from Western below the bridge.

The garage is configured with four levels on the northern portion of the site and two levels on the south half of the site.
Vehicular access between levels is a continuous two way loop with 90 degree parking stalls.


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Parking Level Summary Upper Level Summary

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Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull Partnership 39


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 Avenue, Lower Terrace Plan, Plan Elements: Retail on Western Ave and public space, arcade connection to

Western, central terrace, housing on public space, and entrance to garage.

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 Level 2 (Lower Courtyard) Plan, Plan Elements: Housing units around shared community spaces.
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40 
The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document
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 Plan, Plan Elements: Mid-level terrace with associated retail at mezzanine. Housing around semi-public

courtyard, bridge to “DownUnder.”    


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Market (Upper) Terrace Plan & Housing Level 4 Plan, Plan Elements: Connection to Desimone Bridge, roof terrace at

Market arcade level, and ramp to Steinbrueck Park and public space. Fourth floor of housing at East and roof garden at West,
   

preserves view corridor from Desimone.


Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull 
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The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document
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Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull 
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View of project from Pine St.

View of project from Stewart St.

View of the project from the Pergola at Virginia and Pike Place

44 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document

Axon sketch

View to the West across the roof terrace from the Desimone Bridge

Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull Partnership 45

View back toward the Market from the Overlook Walk

View to the to the South from Victor Steinbrueck Park

46 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document


Site Phasing Figure #1: Existing Site Conditions, 2012

Site Phasing #2: Construction of PC1N complete, Fall 2015

Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull Partnership 47

Site Phasing Figure #5: Construction of Overlook Walk est. 2018


The next steps in the design process are to focus on the connection to the overlook walk and develop a more seamless
transition and beginning to address the complex phasing between the two projects. To that end, the team met with the
waterfront team on September 13th to formally begin this process. Miller Hull prepared a series of sketches to begin the

It is possible to phase parking spaces out over time so that shallow commercial or light industrial
uses could take over these spaces with prime frontage onto the overlook walk. Sloping parking
slabs could be constructed in a way so they could be removed and replaced with level floors.

48 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document

A possible revision to building massing would consolidate the two breezeways below Desimone
Bridge into a single larger connection with additional commercial space fronting onto it.

The design team identified three shared goals that we will work toward; (1) the incorporation of children play spaces, (2) breaking down the wall to
provide a more graceful flow between the waterfront and the market, and (3) a more consistent presence of landscape along the pedestrian walk.

Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull Partnership 49


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Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull Partnership
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Code Analysis
The table below is a brief overview of the Seattle Land Use and Zoning Code (tiles 23 and 24 of the SMC). An in-depth
analysis will be required for future design phases.


Zone Pike Market Mixed (PMM) Zoning Map #109
Special Districts Pike Place Market Urban Renewal Area
Pike Place Market Historic District
Overlay Downtown Fire District (DF)
Pike Place Market Historic Core Area
Urban Village Overlay Commercial Core Urban Center Village
Allowable Height 85 feet Superseded by Pike Place
Market Urban Renewal Plan in
adopted by city council in 1974

23.49 Downtown Zoning

23.49.02 Downtown Amenity Standards also apply to Downtown Amenity Standards
downtown district but.... do not apply to the PMM zone
23.49.08 Structure Height In PMM base height is based on urban
renewal covenants
23.49.008 rooftop features-elevator elevator penthouses limited to 15 feet above
D.2.b.1 penthouse height in PMM
23.49.008 rooftop features- greenhouses dedicated to food production
D.2.d greenhouses are permitted to extend 15 feet above height
23.49.008 Screening of Rooftop height of screening shall not exceed height
D.3.c Features of equipment or based on approval of
23.49.009 Street-level use per Map 1G street-level use regulated by
requirements Special Overlay District
23.49.010 General requirements for Common Recreation Area required for all
residential uses development with greater than 20 units.
1. area to be equivalent to 5% of gross
residential area
2. maximum of 50% required area
allowed to be enclosed
3. minimum horizontal dimension of
15 feet, minimum area of 225 sf
4. common recreational area provided
as open space at street level counts
5. director can allow public open
space to satidfy a portion of
required area
6. pedestrian access can be counted if
it meets WSR&R for Barrier free
23.49.011 Floor area ratio FAR of 7 allowed per Table A
23.49.018 Overhead Weather continuous overhead weather protection there are a few exceptions
Protection and Lighting required along entire street frontage based on setbacks or
23.49.019 Parking this section does not apply to PMM zones
23.49.025 odor, noise, light/glare and venting shall be 10 feet above sidewalk and
waste recyclable space directed away from residential uses within 50
standards feet

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54 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document

23.49.336 Allowable Uses determined by the Market Historical Map 1K delineates the district
Commission (MHC) which includes PC1 North site
23.53 Streets, Alleys and
23.54 Parking
23.54.015 Required parking Table A for nonresidential uses, Table B for
residential. Parking based on gross floor
23.54.015 required parking parking in downtown zones regulated by no parking requirements then?
B 23.49.019, which per above doesn't apply to
PMM zone
23.54.015 Parking waivers for in pedestrian designated zones, pakring
D nonresidential uses waived for uses listed on table-D
23.54.015 Bicycle parking minimum number of bicycle spaces set forth
K in Table E
23.54.015 Nonresidential parking B.2--Eating and drinking establishments--1 no required parking for
Table A requirements per every 250sf nonresidential uses
B.4--Food processing and craft work--1 per
every 2000sf
B.7--Medical services--1 per every 500sf
D--Live-work--none for units less than 1500sf
E--Manufacturing--1 per every 2000sf
F--Storage--1 per every 2000sf
Subsection II
I--nonresidential uses in urban centers--no
parking required
23.54.015 Residential parking I--multifamily residential--1 per unit no required parking for
Table B requirements Subsection II residential uses
L--residential uses within urban centers--
no parking required
23.54.015 Parking for Bicycles A.1--Eating and drinking establishments--1
Table E per 12,000sf long-term and 1 per 2000sf
A.4--Medical services--1 per 12,000sf long-
term and 1 per 2000sf short-term
C--Manufacturing--1 per 4000sf long-term
D.2--Multifamily--1 per 4 units long-term
23.54.030 Parking space standards parking required by 23.54.015 shall meet the need to clarify that parking
requirements of 23.54.030. provided when not required is
subject to the standards of
23.54.030 between 35 and 65% of stalls to be striped
B.2.c for small cars and at least 35% to be striped
for large vehicles
23.54.030 minimum of 6'-9" vertical clearance on at
B.2.d least one floor
23.54.030 Exhibit B Driveway width to be a minimum of 22 feet
D.2 wide and meet dimensional requirements of
Exhibit B (18 foot radius minimum) at turn
23.54.035 Loading berth one loading berth is required with 14 foot need to verify this can occur on
requirements vertical clearance required PC1S garage upper deck
23.54.040 waste and recyclable 375 sf required for residential uses can be shared space, with
materials storage spaces 175 sf required for commercial uses some restrictions
23.73 Pike/Pine Conservation
Overlay District
25.24 Historic District Ordinance

Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document |2The Miller Hull Partnership 55
Building Code Analysis
Code Analysis

The table below is a brief overview of 2009 International Building Code with Seattle Amendments. An in-depth analysis
will be required for future design phases.
Seattle Building Code – 2009 Edition
3 Occupancy S-2 Parking Garage (closed)
A-2 (restaurant),
M Retail
R-2 Residential
4 406.4 Garage Ventilation Enclosed parking area; mechanical
ventilation required.
5 509.2 Special Provisions S-2 with A, M, R-2, above. Consider as Max total building height no
separate buildings (area, fire wall continuity, greater than allowed under
stories, type of construction). Type IA 503.
construction below. 3-hour horizontal
separation. 2 hr shaft penetrations. Above
separation, can have A (<300 occupants), B,
M, R, or S. Below separation, can have S-2, or
A<300, B, M, if sprinklered. Can also have
lobbies, mechanical rooms, etc.
5 508 Occupancy Separation 1-hour separation between: Fully Sprinklered
• A-2 and R, M
• S-2 and R, M
• M and R
No requirement between S-2 and A-2.
5 504 Building Height Under 504.2, sprinklers complying with
NFPA13 allow adding 1 story and 20 feet to
height. Group R may be increased by 20 feet
not to exceed 60 feet and 1 stories. This is in
addition to area increases allowed under
506.2 and 506.3.
5 505 Mezzanines Under 505.2, mezzanines can be up to 1/2 of
the floor area of the open space within the
room in Type I construction where there are
approved voice/alarm communication
systems. 2 means of egress are required.
5 506 Allowable Areas - Construction Type: 1A
below horizontal Base Area: Unlimited
separation Base Height: Unlimited
Approx Actual area: 121,200 SF.
5 506 Allowable Areas - Type VA, R-2 occupancy
above horizontal Base Height: 4 stories, 50 feet
separation, For R-2 Increase to 5 stories, 70' per 504.2
occupancy Base Area: 12,000 SF
Increase to 24,000 SF (F/P = 0.50) per story.
Total Area limit: 120,000 SF.
Approx Actual R-2 Area: 22,300 SF
5 506 Allowable Areas - Type VA, A-2 occupancy (most restrictive)
above horizontal Base Height: 2 stories, 50 feet
separation, for M and A-2 Increase to 3 stories, 70' per 504.2
occupancy Base Area: 11,500 SF
Increase to 23,000 SF (F/P = 0.50) per story.
Total Area limit: 69,000 SF.
Approx Actual A-2/M Area: 19,400 SF

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56 September5, 2012 The Miller Hull Partnership | Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document

6 601 Fire Ratings Type IA

Frame: 3 hr
Exterior Bearing Walls: 3 hr
Interior Bearing Walls: 3 hr
Exterior Non-Bearing Walls: per Table 602
Interior Non-Bearing Walls: unrated
Floor: 2 hr
Roof: 1 1/2 hr
Type VA
Frame: 1 hr
Exterior Bearing Walls: 1hr
Interior Bearing Walls: 1 hr
Exterior Non-Bearing Walls: per Table 602
Interior Non-Bearing Walls: unrated
Floor: 1 hr
Roof: 1 hr or HT
6 602 Exterior Wall Ratings Type IA construction, S-2 occupancies: Below Horizontal Separation
Generally 1 hr < 30'
Unrated > 30'
Type VA construction, R-2, A, B, M Above Horizontal Separation
Generally 1 hr < 30'
Unrated > 30'
6 602.5 Type VA buildings are permitted to have
exposed heavy timber construction for
columns, beams, girders, arches, trusses
floors and roof decks except for fire-resistive
construction requirements by section 509
and 708 and Chapter 10
7 705.8 Unprotected Area of unprotected openings in rated Sprinklered
Opening Areas exterior walls (distance):
Not permitted < 3'
15% <5'
25% < 10'
45% < 15'
75% < 20'
No limit < 25'
7 706 Fire Walls A-2, R-2 and S-2: 2 hr
M: 3 hr
9 903 Fire Protection Sprinklers complying with NFPA 13 will be Sprinklers are used for stories
used. and area increases and 509.2
Special Provisions.
10 1005 Egress Width Worst case: Parking levels P2 and P3
39,000 SF / 200 = 200 occupants / Floor. 60"
for stairs required and 40" for doorways
Worst case: Residential Level 3 = 12,128 SF
/200 = 18" required for Stairs and 12"
required for doors.
10 1016 Exit Access travel A, M, R-2 occupancies: 250' with sprinklers
distance B occupancy: 300' with sprinklers
S-2 occupancy: 400' with sprinklers
10 1017 Corridors A, M, B and S occupancies: unrated
R-2 occupancy: 1 hr rating
10 1021 Number of Exits 2 exits required from each type of occupancy

Pike Place PC-1 NORTH Final Concept Document | The Miller Hull Partnership 57

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