Energy Internet: Abstract - Rising Prices of Energy Sources and Inadequacy of

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Energy internet

Abstract – Rising prices of energy sources and inadequacy of fuels and new smart grids so that slowly and eventually we
other sources pay emphasis to familiarize with dispersed energy get rid of those energy and climate threats. Hence we will be
springs. In order to ensure an uninterrupted supply of energy to no longer dependent on single finite input source.
make our future needs get fulfilled its high time to rely on
When the emerging techniques of ICT are utilized the
renewable energy sources alongside with current sources.
Multiple troupes such as power plants and electrical grids can
electrical grid becomes obvious and inevitable. It gives the
be brought together with another interface to offer smart, intelligent control of main grid also it helps the dispersed
secure and continual source of energy. The Internet energy also sources to access the central grid.
referred as smart grid introduces a new era of production and Smart grids can be explained in various ways according to
transmission and storage of energy sources. It’s a whole new their application and use based on technical, practical and
concept of a vast network that would be able to supply electrical commercial aspects.
energy to anyone and anytime. In other words internet energy is One of the points that are mutual in all of the above
the internet coming to rescue the energy. Energy internet is one classifications is the usage of information technology and its
of the efficient techniques that not only integrates but also offers
connection to the central gird which makes the data stream
two directional information flows of energy sources, which can
be reflected as 2.0 version of smart grid. The most evolutionary running efficiently to the central backbone.
characteristics of energy internet or smart grids that is its The advanced smart grid gets information from ICT and
accessibility or lack of restriction and peer-to-peer or elaborates the attitude of contractors and customers in such a
networking, are being discussed. Structural design of smart way that it advances the competence, consistency, finance
grids is also being focused such as switches, routers and energy and reliability of electrical energy [1].
conservation. The idea of need of energy internet for efficient The smart grid has lots of features that make it desirable and
production, utility and storage of energy without delay or loss, applicable. It is smart and has human intellect, smooth
which happens in old dumb electrical system, is designed. dynamics, data model, ideal control and a number of
Keywords - energy internet; smart grid; peer-to-peer; smart
appealing characteristics [2].Above mentioned features can be
regarded as one complex feature of smart grids which may
appear as major and complex problem lacking any logical
One of the methods to resolve the issue is the multi agent or
In the modern age, the traditional energy networks had intelligent agent approach [3]. With the help of support
converted into huge, developed and extremely interlocked methodology and integrated systems between proxies the
energy infrastructures. A vast number of small power quest for possible resolutions rather than finding typical
stations provide energy to main load with the help of high answers, is possible in this complex scenario. On the
volume transmission lines. This method was not only contrary, we still counter many technical difficulties while
efficient but also economical since oil, gas and coal are dealing with such complex systems. Such as data gathering,
cheapest energy sources whenever large supply of energy is dependable and secure transfer of data, decision making and
needed. But one drawback is that soon these fossil fuel merging of hardware devices.
sources will be run short off hence there’s severe need to find We can analyze them individually and step wise because it is
those sources that would not be gone off soon. Not only this complex to evaluate and assess them as one unit. We can
but also fossil fuels will be no cheaper since they are now smart grid as a transmission network that is capable of
deteriorating with the passage of time but also the discharges smart working by transferring and directing energy created
from fossil fuels is declining environment. This implies to from distributors to end users or vice versa.
look for such replacements that would lessen the financial Hence we can say that smart grid is a kind of energy internet
and ecological pressure we are going through. With the in which we can transfer the packets of energy across a
evolution of technology and industries the threat to network comprising of switches, routers and gateways. Smart
ecological system has increased widely. To minimize this grid chooses the best and optimal route to transfer
danger there is a need to add up renewable energy resources information by keeping in mind various factors like load
to the existing ones. Both the administration and power states and bill information or distribution rank in a specified
machinists are working eagerly to find other ways to help area to make better use of the services and lesser errors more
stop this degradation of both fossil fuel energy and benefits.
environment. Smart grid or energy internet is one of the ways to overcome
Development in the area of renewable energy sources and the complexity in those heavy and loaded power systems and
improvement in the information and communication make them easily accessible and connected
technologies (ICT) is a major improvement. First one assures Energy internet helps to create a link and balance the point of
the continual and viable supply of uninterrupted energy. This creation of energy and storage but also helps the customers to
doesn’t mean a complete shift to renewable sources of be able to keep track of their devices and related tasks.
energy and giving up all the conventional fossil fuel energy. Energy internet can be regarded as a smart grid 2.0 with
This would definitely need certain time lapse. Actually we reference to the information technology.
are just distributing the loads onto existing depleting fossil
INFRASTRUCTURE B) Cyber-physical systems (CPS)

Merger of energy and information is an active and The physical system of cyber infrastructure consists of
operational way of achieving actual information and several sub-systems which accomplish different tasks such as
successful implementation of control strategy. With the fusing and blending the basic interfaces and setting up
evolution of computing and networking into modern physical environments for network and computing. This is to
structures and technique the information infrastructure is of achieve the perfect and reliable control of data and
much interest and is an area of wide research for the informational services which can collaborate in real time.
technological smart countries.
It normally add automation of communication, precise
A) Cyber infrastructure of US NSF controlling and self control function to the structure which
The term “cyber infrastructure” was introduced by NSF in provide the close integeration and direction of resources. Cps
the year 2003 to satisfy the question about the future doesnot demage physical ability of the system and at the
development of modern computing so that it can be brought same time any software and system can join into the system
into the proper use of technical personals. without any interference so it ensure the quality of the
Cyber infrastructure has various levels such as storage system and services .
mechanism, advance tools and data source points which are
well connected so that it can produce high end research C) Berkely structure
results and set milestones with new inventions. The It is the data centric energy is an information on the energy
connection is achieved with the help of software and distribution system in its physical appearance so figure 2
complex networks. [4]. display the arrangement of this concept
The cyber structure consists of four distinct layers as By using well defined connection intelligence power switch
specified by US NSF. It can be seen in fig1. begging to give load and energy storage can be with each
All the primary tasks are accomplished by the basic layer that other at subnet . the total requirement of load and storage
is Process layer. These tasks are computing, data storing, and can be equal to the subnet that can be represented by the
interaction. The next layer is Transport layer it gives the timetable which has the working on providing estimation
medium and drives to service layer. It includes operating and can be with the trading status . this structure can also
system networking and middleware. Then there is third layer, provide information that can make a relationship between
the Service layer. It helps in the computing, management and energy providing to the storage and load
observation of service. It also calibrates and interfaces the
virtual service. Service layer also facilitates the last layer Figure 2
which is Application layer. It provides services to end users.

Such structure can give a well divided and equal energy

management system that can decrease energy drop and
provide data efficiently


The trial of cyber infrastructure is to assimilate applicable
and irrelevant services to give a supportive and connected It give us the new idea and make us able to improve the
background for more research which is only possible if the quality of electrical grid , power generation , distribution of
infrastructure is easily accessible and connected.
power , energy storage and information exchange .
The most wanted point of internet energy is that energy unit
is given by it only in the time of usage and safety is required III. ENERGY ROUTERS
that need proper watching and good intelligent management
of users and power consumers. Information collection can be In the world of electrical grid energy changes and routers
are basic and undependable instrument to give support to
done on the all platform of system from locally each devices
up to all levels , it help us to know at what will be cheaper energy management . To get the working of the data linking
energy provider and system state checking the structure of
for energy it also make less the power grid .
the energy router should be made up of three modules such
The support of the system of energy can be divided into three as information unit smart control center and electrical
parts which is written as the follows devices .

Lines are used to predict energy , dotted lines are for

information sending . in the real world use energy storage
A) Information based anticipatory control should interact to energy routers to get energy for the equal
levels of users .
This control have two parts as prediction of the future
states and smart decision making based on anticipation. A) Distribution of energy
This combination give us good solution of running state
future analysis of the power grid , from the angle of
control theory anticipatory control forward monitoring
into the energy distributor strategy . it could help us to
improve the quality and security issues because forward
monitoring of power distributor can give us with less
maintenance price and highly efficient system .

B) Network based distributed generation

We produce energy on large area are meant to be efficient

with this type of generation it can be the offset against the
compulsory condition to operate unit near to the user and we
need to use a district system to give power. Connection of Energy routers could be the link between the energy
generation in the way give us safety and quality issues and it supplies and consumers . so each of the its working is
can be cure by the idea of micro Grid . fusing of energy come from different supplies energy
router provide quality of power otherwise fusing of
The introduction of distribution renewable energy need the energy so no of its use if large amount of power is
generated which is not much is the requirement of the
setting of different need of consumption according to the
user the energy router can send the power to its needy
supply and the prices . neighborhood . Special units are in need to give
quantitate price of energy according to exterior
conditions like weather changes amount of demand and
It gives energy internet with new function with respect
to the current power grid . it enhances the quality of B) Intelligent power management
energy and enable us to perform stable working on the The energy router is important to check the change of
system it has the energy placement which enable us to supply and use in the meantime to provide the exact
peaking power and output . it is suitable form of power quantity and way to energy for flowing in the grid . the
providence it user Lesley use any type of devices to user supply ND the demand changes all the time the
store energy and demand at all time to minimize the energy routers have to detect the state variation to
possibility of break down , without the energy storage achieve the energy distribution . the router should
there is no energy enhancer to output power locally in provide the control of energy system with the amount of
the grid which mean it enable it to selfheal during power power using with respect to time pattern . this could help
cut, there are following energy storage are given in the to burden the loss of power grid caused by throwing
time now energy every time
1) advanced batteries C) Network configuration and management
2)storage capacitors Network status and management is the common thing of
3)fly wheel and super conduction devices energy internet as well . The energy router gives the path
for making it possible to give network management , it
So if the energy is stored in the power grid and provide should be given the right to access and handling of
it at the time of requirement it can implement the management and control logs any energy provider can
controlling capability of power over consumers access the local area network after configuration and
then after internet protocol is given for checking and
remembrances of source
The energy router connects basically both the suppliers
and the users to achieve constant power which has been
controlled before further the energy router can join the
other routers in the same grid . the role should be
determined by the energy stream . the router with output
power must the router of the supplier who receive power
and vice versa
That network management should be difficult because
of its task to maintain 24/7 power that’s why internet
has given access to address the main issue


Energy internet should be the unique idea of the energy

structure with wideness and lots of feature taken from
internet technology ,According to the development of VI ) CONCLUSION
communication internet any part in the energy internet can be
the router of energy which can do as transmitter and receiver Production of electrical grid is mentioned for talking
of energy or information . so energy routers working should about energy internet . the behavior of information and
be given in this way to fulfill different need of energy route mechanism submission is given with the features like
ring as the main and smart edge work in the internet then wideness , technology construction of energy internet
smart terminal should set its operation with respect to power which is away the scope of general smart grid are
sources observed and three level mechanism is introduced
Now the structure is been widely used and has huge input developing the energy is the answer to a problem facing
cost and it’s not possible to change the existing structure for in the energy world relation to implement the structure
new task figure 4 shows the recent pattern based on the
energy internet , the construction of energy submitted is While current electrical grid is coming to a smart
same to the working behavior of internet there are five level grid and free open energy is the trend now so an energy
in this mechanism which can get the bottom up attaining of internet is the era of smart grid 2.0 just like information web
management infrastructure the best feature of the 2.0 which provide us data collecting in a peer-to-peer way
construction is the using of energy routers and the working and where future energy internet will be an open mechanism
nature , the idea of storage device break the phenomenon of for power usage and convenient as information sharing today
linking power and load with each other

Information delivering protocol are submitted for managing

and response of cost signal and free power . in current power REFFERENCES
grid peak power cost is the average out and given to all user 1)
equally which is not applicable for the energy internet . so 2)
the system take the space capacity as main input parameter to 306261916308273
take control the production of energy and load of local grid . 3)
Energy internet is having internet based wide area network 4)
for data and energy sharing It make grid as backbone and new-new-internet/
energy sources as local area network , with the submission of 5)
energy and data one directional flow and equal energy is energy-internet
attain with new era of data centric and internet mechanism 6)
and submission of data and energy that flow is achieved it programmes/microgrids/activities/energy-internet/
enable user for efficient consuming ,

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