Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 Injection in Carbonate Reservoirs
Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 Injection in Carbonate Reservoirs
Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 Injection in Carbonate Reservoirs
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The majority of carbonate reservoirs have low porosity and permeability in general
because of having a high amount of matrixes that make a heterogeneous reservoir,
however high permeable layers are fractured. This study shows the effect of carbon
dioxide injection on the oil recovery factor using an ECLIPSE 300 compositional
reservoir simulator for 3D modelling and the change of carbonate components
reaction during CO2 injection in experimental work. In addition, a high recovery
factor has been recorded during miscible CO2 injection compared to immiscible
injection. Water alternative gas (WAG) has been used as an enhanced oil recovery
(EOR) method to overcome an unfavourable mobility ratio of CO2 flooding.
Miscible CO2 injection with the aid of WAG has also had a great impact on the
dissolution of carbonate components in dissolving calcite and dolomite
components. Consequently, CO2 flooding has a relatively low recovery factor
without any EOR techniques such as gravity stable displacement, WAG or
mobility control. CO2 injection below minimum miscibility pressure (MMP)
reduces CO2 emission, while it takes too long time to maintain reservoir pressure.
On the other hand, CO2 flooding above MMP improves pressure maintenance;
causes oil swelling, and increases the oil density.
Keywords: miscibility, MMP, CO2 and WAG injections, carbonate reactivity.
1 Introduction
Increasing the amount of greenhouse gases, especially CO2, in the atmosphere has
resulted in climate change and aggravation of global warming which are big
concerns for human beings in recent years [1]. In addition, there are number of
ways which are mentioned by the authors to reduce the amount of CO2 in the
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548 Energy and Sustainability V
Moreover, the main mechanisms of recovery oil by CO2 injection are identified
as; reducing viscosity of oil; swelling the crude oil; lowering the interfacial
tension between the oil and the CO2/oil phase in the near miscible regions; It also
produce miscibility since it has lower MMP: and Solubility process [5]. It has been
estimated that 40% of the worldwide oil reservoirs are carbonate reservoirs which
mostly contain about 1.6 trillion barrel in place of heavy oil [6]. Most of the
carbonate reservoirs have been recognised as having heterogeneous, vugs, cavities
and comprising fracture in their structures. Having very low permeability and
porosity matrix of carbonate reservoirs makes it difficult for the oil to flow through
it during primary and secondary recovery methods and it results in very low oil
recovery [7].
It is also revealed that water injection is not appropriate candidate to recover
oil in the carbonate reservoirs because they are commonly (80%) mixed-wet or oil
wet and it causes high water relative permeability [8]. Subsequently, carbonate
reservoirs have been selected as good candidates for CO2 enhanced oil recovery,
since CO2 can obtain miscibility with the oil at low minimum miscibility pressure
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Energy and Sustainability V 549
300 bars [9]. Although, immiscible CO2 flooding is not operative in carbonate
reservoirs, it is more effective than water flooding in these reservoirs [4]. On the
other hand, sometimes early CO2 breakthrough and poor macroscopic sweep
efficiency are resulted in due to viscous fingering and gravity override which are
caused by unfavourable CO2 mobility and reservoir heterogenic in carbonate
reservoirs [6]. The injection specified volumes, or slugs, of water and gas
alternately is a developed technique to overcome this problem and the method is
these called the water-alternating-gas (WAG) process [10].
WAG process has been introduced as a control method to improve vertical
sweep efficiency and solve gas fingering because the mobility of each face can be
declined by simultaneous flow of the two phases (water and CO2) and the stability
of flood front can improve. The author also mentioned that at immiscible condition
with CO2, WAG can improve oil recovery efficiently and this experienced in some
oil fields for both miscible and immiscible processes, for instance, Lick Creek,
Kuparuk River, Brage and Gullfaks and in some countries (USA, Canada and
recently in Norway) [11].
The aim of this paper is to show the effect of CO2 flooding on improving the
recovery factor and changing porosity and permeability in the carbonate
reservoirs. In addition, using of WAG flooding as a control method to minimise
fingering and mobility control.
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550 Energy and Sustainability V
CO2 is not miscible in the first contact with the reservoir oil, however, dynamic
miscibility with the oil can be obtained when CO2 pressure is high sufficient
(depends on oil composition and reservoir temperature). Based on this theory,
Vaporization occurs at temperatures where the fluid at the displacement front is a
CO2-rich gas, and extraction occurs at temperatures where the fluid at the
displacement front is a CO2-rich liquid [13].
It has been argued that the main factors which impact on miscibility pressure
are: 1) high density of CO2 results in dynamic miscibility as it can dissolve the
C5-through-C30 components in the hydrocarbons oil reservoir. 2) Higher
miscibility pressure can be attained as a result of high (constant) temperature.
3) Having large percentage of C5-through-C30 fraction causes reducing miscibility
pressure. 4) Light components in hydrocarbon crude oils, such as (methane and C2
through C4) do not have impaction on the achieving MMP [14].
It has been evidenced that pressure is the principal criterion during CO2
injection since CO2 pressure need to be significant to impact on the hydrocarbon
components [15]. In order to make distinguish between the two CO2 flooding
(miscible and immiscible) processes, the Minimum Miscibility Pressure (MMP)
needs to be known.
The relative values of the reservoir pressure and MMP can be used to
distinguish the immiscible and miscible CO2 injection processes. Furthermore,
dynamic miscibility of CO2 injection can be attended, if reservoir pressure is above
MMP. In order to reach dynamic miscibility, reservoir pressure can be increased,
although, reservoir fracturing is the big concern of this concept [15].
If MMP is unknown, immiscible CO2 injection can be achievable, when the oil
gravity and the injected pressure are lower than 25o API and 1450 psi, respectively.
Otherwise, if the pressure greater than 3600 psi and oil gravity is higher than 40o
API, then, miscible CO2 displacement will be practicable [16].
Temperature is another important principle in the successfulness of CO2
flooding and achieving miscibility since the solubility and density of CO2 decrease
with increasing temperature. Therefore, MMP necessary for given oil have to be
increased with normal rising temperature in the reservoir.
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Energy and Sustainability V 551
CO2 gas injection was set up to inject under reservoir condition and the wells
were located based on the five spot systems. In addition, WAG flooding was
performed on the same system in order to compare their results with the two CO2
flooding processes. The model consisted of four injectors and single producer
wells with 20 x 20 x 6 cells. The model included several low porous and permeable
layers of the hydrocarbon reservoir. The initial reservoir pressure was about 4000
psi at 5390 ft at temperature of 219°C. The input porosity is ranged about 0.07 to
0.18 with changeable permeability according to X, Y and Z directions. In addition,
the model consists of seven numbers of comments (MC1, MC2, M C3, MC4, MC5,
CO2, and N2). The total injection and production period was about 20 years, and
the other input data are listed in Table 1.
Parameter Value
No. of global cells 2400 (20 x 20 x 6)
Porosity 0.07 to 0.18
Permeability (x,y,z) [mD] 10 to 77
Initial reservoir pressure [Psia] 4000
Initial oil saturation 0.7
Initial water saturation 0.2
Depth [ft] 6109
Bottom hole pressure [Psia] 3000
CO2 [MSCFD] 10
Injection rate
Water [STBD] 200
Oil density [lb/ft3] 49
Water density [lb/ft3] 63
CO2 density [lb/ft3] 0.117
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552 Energy and Sustainability V
Krw Kro
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Water saturation
There was assumed that the reservoir fluid involve oil, gas and water, but,
without free gas and solution gas. The gas existing in the reservoir represents only
CO2 gas. When CO2 gas is injected into the reservoir, CO2 becomes immiscible
with oil at the first contact [7].
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Energy and Sustainability V 555
Figure 8: Field gas production total versus field gas injection total.
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556 Energy and Sustainability V
Furthermore, CO2 makes some problems during reaction with reservoir fluid
and rocks such as, fingeing, gravity segregation and early breackthroygh as
illustrated in Figure 7. Therefore, WAG injection is preferred to inject into
carbonate reservoirs because it reduces fingering. WAG injection controls
mobility ratio that makes later time breakthrough. CO2 injection has lower
recovery effeciency compared to WAG injection that is related to increasing
visosity, controlling mobility ratio, increasing desnsity as shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Field oil efficiency versus time (years).
6 Conclusion
1. CO2 injection is a good candidate to recover oil in carbonate reservoirs.
2. Miscible CO2 injection has better recovery factor than immiscible CO2
injection into carbonate reservoirs.
3. Highest gas production total was recorded during miscible CO2 injection.
4. CO2 injection might cause physical and chemical trapping
5. Geochemical interactions between CO2, pore-water and reservoir rocks can
change the permeability and porosity of carbonate reservoir either reducing or
improving them.
6. WAG process can control sweep efficiency during CO2 injection, but it can
also react with the carbonate components.
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