Article WJPR 1611995787
Article WJPR 1611995787
Article WJPR 1611995787
Assistant Professor, Materia Medica Dept. SSVP Homoeopathic Medical College and
Research Institute, Hatta, Tq. Basmath, Dist. Hingoli (MS).
Professor, Pathology Depatment, SSVP Homoeopathic Medical College and Research
Institute Hatta, Tq. Basmath, Dist. Hingoli (MS).
Professor, Anatomy Depatment, SSVP Homoeopathic Medical College and Research
Institute, Hatta, Tq. Basmath, Dist. Hingoli (MS).
Article Received on
11 Dec. 2020, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is chronic metabolic disorder in which
Revised on 01 Jan. 2021, prevalence has been increasing steadily all over the world. It is fast
Accepted on 21 Jan. 2021
DOI: 10.20959/wjpr20212-19718 becoming an epidemic in some countries with the number of peoples
attacked expected to double in the next decade, due to increasing in
*Corresponding Author
aging, burden for health care provider. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus is
Dr. Jayesh Agrawal increasingly responsible for Hypertension, Obesity and further diabetic
Assistant Professor, Materia complication. Cause of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 is genetic and
Medica Dept. SSVP environmental with various treatment regimen available. But it is with
Homoeopathic Medical
hazardous effect on body. So, Homoeopathic medicine can be effectly
College and Research
Institute, Hatta, Tq.
post pone diabetic and its complications. The present review mainly
Basmath, Dist. Hingoli deals with organ remedies in treatment of Diabetes Mellitus type 2.
KEYWORDS: Homoeopathy, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus,
Hypertension, Obesity, Organ remedies.
In this review article, information from internet, books in the review of definition, aetiology,
pathophysiology, signs and symptoms and gist of contemporary text of Homoeopathy related
to Signs and symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus type 2 have been documented to understand
approach towards the review on organ remedies in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus type 2. │ Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 545
Jayesh et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
Diabetes is known to ancient’s physician of India as “Madhumeh” meaning sweet discharge
in urine. It was consider to be the kind of “Prameh” that is vital drain. This definition of
diabetes is clinically correct even today.
The first instant of writing about diabetes comes in charaka samhita in 400 B.C. It was
written by charaka. It is disease of sedentary, obese person in home the intake of food is very
high. The description of diabetes by charaka in his book matches very much with the
symptomatology of the type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder of protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism
characterized by hyperglycaemia. Diabetes mellitus has higher prevalence in urban area than
rural area because of so called modern life style, socio-economic factors, culture, obesity,
stresses and different mode of living and adaptation. Diabetes mellitus is silent killer
sometime it is present asymptomatically but patient is not aware about the disease.
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic clinical syndrome characterized by hyperglycaemia due to
deficiency or defective response of insulin. (Harsh Mohan 2000)[1]
Predisposing factors
1) Age : the disease develops generally after the age of 40 years
2) Sex: Both sex almost equally affected.
3) Heredity: The disease runs in families.
4) Stress and strain: Physical and/or mental stress and strain precipitate the disease from
latent state.
5) Obesity: It has been observed to be associated with diabetes mellitus.
6) Infection: It plays an important role in causation of diabetes.
Clinical manifestation
This is start with hyperglycaemia associated with increase thirst and dryness of Mouth,
Polyuria, Tiredness, Fatigue, and Irritability, Apathy, Sudden loss in weight pruritus
valvae,Nausea Headache and desire for sweet food. Many type 2 diabetics are asymptomatic
and remain silent for many years and at diagnosis many have feature of long term
complications. A middle aged female often consult a Gynaecologist for pruritus vulvae, a │ Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 546
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male subject may consult for banalities, because chronic hyperglycaemia makes a subjects
prone to several type of bacterial or fungal infections (API textbook of Medicine).[2]
1) Blood testing
2) Urine testing for glucose
Complications are best considered under two heads
1) Macro vascular complication
- Diabetic Retinopathy
- Diabetic Nephropathy
- Diabetic Neuropathy
2) Micro vascular complication:
- Coronary heart disease
- Cerebrovascular disease
- Peripheral vascular disease (Harrison)[3]
Joslin’s Diabetes mellitus (1993) states quite categorically “In dealing with a chronic disease
such as diabetes, our goals are aimed at maintenance of wellbeing of the affected individual
and minimizing long term complications”[4]
Now as diabetes has spread so much that, it has become a challenge to all medical
fraternity, high level of research is going on all around to understand the disease, it’s clinic
pathological correlations and the possible solutions in term of new therapeutic drugs. These
drugs due carry effects and side effect and only function at altering the effect of disease, but
not the cause. Disease continue to progress as well as continue to evade vital most
of the cases it has been seen that gradually dose of OHA increase and some of them need
insulin for controlling the BSL. │ Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 547
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control. Hence the attempt should be made to understand the utility of homoeopathic
medicine exclusively on diabetes.
Hahnemann was the first clinician to advocate accurate, unprejudiced observations as basis of
scientific clinical investigation of the disease. He recognizes the importance of unfavourable
factors, tangible, intangible. He does not lose sight of importance of constitutional
preduspution in genesis of illness.
Study of the individual in a holistic way burn back the back one of homoeopathic practice.
Similarly study of materia medica with holistic approach allow us to have a better and more
comprehensive idea of the similimum. Study of diabetes mellitus from source book and
clinical experiences it combined with the individual study allows us to evolve general guide
lines and helps in including lite in the remedies we study.
Diabetes is a very serious disease, but the treatment does not to be. Lifestyle modifications,
weight loss, exercise, along with the right vitamins, supplements and Homoeopathic
remedies, can make large difference. But due to the fact that, natural approaches can alter the
need for both insulin and insulin control drugs, it is highly important to monitor one’s glucose
level carefully, either with the help of glucose monitoring test or through a physician. It is
good idea to find practioner who is supportive of alternative treatment and can further advice
on necessary life style changes. The goal of any doctor and patient should be bring high
blood sugar under control and to stabilize it at normal level. This can best be achieved by
treatment approach that encourages diabetics to become actively responsible for their own
health. (Dr. Lynn Hardy ND)[5]
In allopathic medicine numerous drugs, recombinant and genetically modified insulin are
flooding the market to optimize type 2 diabetes. │ Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 548
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Homoeopaths in their own right and they have laid the foundation of this monograph by
inviting experts from allopathic school of medicines to right pathogenesis, available
allopathic drugs and principle of allopathic management for diabetes. These chapters will
allow a Homoeopathic physician to get acquainted with allopathic management for diabetes.
This will be extremely helpful as many diabetic patient may seek Homoeopathic treatment as
an add on therapy along with allopathy believing that additional Homoeopathic medicines
will stabilize the disease. More over the dietary advice given in this book for diabetes is
applicable to any system of medicine (Kanjaksha Ghosh).[6]
At the end, it must maintained that, change of lifestyle, yoga, diet modification and exercise
are equally significant in the management of diabetes. They are symbiotic to the holistic
application of Homoeopathy. (Dr. Ajit Kulkarni)[7]
Miasmatic background
According to Dr.J.H.Allen "The internal nature of the disease is made manifests wholly in the
study of chronic miasms.
Since miasms are the basic inherent dynamic murabitic entities of all the disease & they are
not restricted to pathological diagnosis of any disease but only on its peculiar susceptioily the
disease and modifies course of illness.
According to master, there are 3 basic miasms responsible for the cause of various sufferings
of mankind.
Dr.J.H.Allen introduced the tuberallar miasms. In his book "The chronic miasm" He
described it as "Psaudopura" (Allen 2001).[8] Pseudopsora is an affliction due to complication
of mixed miasm. The tuberullar aggravation indicates parental nature of its old syphilitic
basis. suppression give miasm a new impetus.
“The tubercular is the combination of psoric and syphilitic. In this combination we find all
mental and emotional reaction, the subjective symptoms, of predominant parent psora and
pathological and destructive changes of the younger parent syphilis (Robert 1996).[9]
It is rapidly progressing with erratic pattern, fast pace with increased sensitivity and low
immune process with moderate to high susceptibility which may take very little time
developes the disease process as well as its complications which may be lite threatening. │ Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 549
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Thus it is necessary for true homoeopathic to know about the chronic miasms and their
pressure in organism to find out the similimum which always based on exusting miasms.
Homoeopathic therapeutics
1. Samuel Lilienthal[11] recommends following organ remedies Syz Jambolanum, Uranium
2. William Boericke[12] recommmeds following organ remdedies Syz Jambolanum,
Uranium Nitricum
3. E.A.Farrington[13] says Phosphoric Acid and lactic acid are principle acid for diabetes
4. T.S. Iyser[14] suggest Phosphoric Acid corresponds diabetes for nervous origin, urine is
increased, Milky in colour contains much sugar.
5. Rechard Hugs[15] Gives importance to phosphoric acid, Syz Jambolanum, Uranium
Nitricum │ Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 550
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1. Abroma augusta
It is useful in those patients who are losing flash and suffer from extreme weakness due to
diabetes mellitus. It is very useful in complaints. Like increased thirst and urination frequent
day and night. It is also great help in treating sleeplessness in person with diabetes, in various
skin troubles like boils and carbuncles in diabetes patients burning sensation in the whole
body is prominent general symptom.
2. Syzygium jambolanum
Its acts prompty and efficiently in decreasing the sugar levels. Excessive thirst and Excessive
urination are always present in the patient. It is also useful in treatment of lung standing
ulcers. In diabetic patients.
It causes marked demination this medicine is used in patient diabetes mellitus whom there at
sugar in the urine is prickly heat in upper part of body, specific gravity of urine is very high
with great thirst. The patients emaciates in spites of proper nutrias diet.
3. Gymnema syluestre
It is very useful in patients of diabetess mellitus who are one losing weight with weakness
and exhaustion. In such patient this remedy acts as tonic resulting in improvement of overall
4. Phosporic acid
It is useful in patients with diabetes mellitus who are extremely weak physicery of mentaly.
Such Patient beds exhausted all the time. They have weak memory and are forgeful. Some
surts of history of gnets may be found for numbleness of feet in patient of Diabetes mellitus
is act best.
5. Uranium nitricum
This remedy is useful in patient with diabetes mellitus in whom there is excess urine output,
excess thirst dryness of mouth and skin. This remedy reduces sugar blood and urine. It acts
better when patients suffers from diabetes and gastric problem together. This is excellent
remedy for urination, Appetite, Excessive thirst with nausea, Dryness of mouth complete loss
of sexual power vomiting, burning in stomach due to gastric ulcer. This lead to great
emaciation debility and tendency to ascites. │ Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 551
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6. Cephalandra indica
This remedy is very effective in lowering and maintaining blood sugar level and heading
diabetes related symptoms. It is used in patient with diabetes mellitus who is suffering from
intolerable burning pain all ulcer the body. It is very effective remedy for skin complaints
associate with diabetes mellitus like abscess and carbuncles. It is also effective in dealing
with frequent urine and thirst in diabetes where patient feels weak and exhausted after
passing urine. It is also useful in diabetes related complication like burning in limbs,
Muscular tenderness, etc.
7. Helonias
It is indicated in Patient with diabetes mellitus who suffers from frequent urination which is
whitish in colour and clear due to presence of albumin in urine.
Patient have very week memory, extremely melancholic, depressed and irritable people who
cannot bear slightest contradiction.
8. Insulinum
It is useful in treatment of DM types by restoring the lost ability to oxidise carbohydrate and
storing glycogen in liver. It is also beneficial in patient with diabetes having acne, carbuncles,
erythema with itching eczema, varicose ulceration with polyuria.
here are many more remedies for diabetes mellitus type 2 in Homoeopathy which are rarely
used and very less known about their action and efficacy. Organ remedies can be tool to
stabilized blood sugar level in glucose dysregulation syndrome in diabetes mellitus type 2,
and in controlling acute exacerbation of disease state, in short term management, where
susceptibility is on lower side.
Organ remedies are useful in Diabetes Mellitus type 2 cases where further research and
reproving of them is necessary for their use in future.
1. Harsh Mohan Text book of Pathology Jaypee Brothers Medical publisher (P) Ltd. New
Delhi, 2000; 4: 802.
2. Yash Pal Munjal API text book of medicine published by the association of the Physician
of India, Mumbai, Ninth edition, 2012; 319. │ Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 552
Jayesh et al. World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research │ Vol 10, Issue 2, 2021. │ ISO 9001:2015 Certified Journal │ 553