Utilisation of Waste Plastic in Bituminous Roads - A Review: Mrs - Kalpana, D.Surendaran
Utilisation of Waste Plastic in Bituminous Roads - A Review: Mrs - Kalpana, D.Surendaran
Utilisation of Waste Plastic in Bituminous Roads - A Review: Mrs - Kalpana, D.Surendaran
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
major categories: thermoses and by ten. It conjointly will increase the strength
thermoplastics. A thermosetting and performance of the road. Plastic will
solidifies or “sets” irreversibly once heated. increase the freezing point of hydrocarbon
in step with recent studies, plastics will keep and thus missing may be wiped out additional
unchanged for as long as 4500 years on earth higher and easier approach. Inclusion of
with increase within the world population and plastic waste in construction eliminates the
also the rising demand for food and different plastic shrinkage cracking of paved surface
necessities, there has been an increase within and reduces the drying shrinkage to some
the quantity of waste being generated daily by extent.
every house. Plastic in several forms is found The uses of plastic waste helps in
to be nearly five-hitter in municipal solid considerably up the abrasion and slip
waste, that is unhealthful in nature. it's a resistance of versatile pavement and
standard sight in each urban and rural areas to conjointly permits to get values of ripping
search out empty plastic baggage and lastingness happy the required limits whereas
different variety of plastic wadding littering plastic waste content is on the far side half-
the roads yet as drains. thanks to its hour by weight of combine. If the consistent
biodegradability it creates stagnation of water commixture time and commixture
and associated hygiene issues. so as to contain temperature don't seem to be provided for
this drawback experiments are dispensed bitumen– modifier combine, changed
whether or not this waste plastic may be hydrocarbon cannot exhibit sensible
reused fruitfully. Plastic waste is employed as performance in place, therefore premature
modifier of hydrocarbon to boost a number of failures can occur. Therefore, there area unit
hydrocarbon properties Roads that area unit bound counseled commixture time,
made victimisation plastic waste area unit commixture temperature and modifier
referred to as Plastic Roads and area unit content for all the polymers with a trademark.
found to perform higher compared to those This all ought to be taken in mind whereas
made with typical hydrocarbon. more it's missing and giving birth of roads is to be done
been found that such roads weren't subjected victimisation plastic waste. Plastic road
to denudation once are available in contact would be a boon for India. In hot and very wet
with water. Use of upper share of plastic climate sturdy and eco-friendly plastic roads
waste reduces the necessity of hydrocarbon area unit of greatest blessings. this can
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
conjointly facilitate in experience the world FTIR spectroscopy was also employed to
from all variety of plastic waste. study the chemical functionalities present in
the bitumen composite. The properties of the
LITERATURE REVIEW: unmodified bitumen were found to be
enhanced with the changes recorded in the
[1] Johnson Kwabena Appiah, Victor Nana
rheological properties of the polymer
Berko-Boateng, Trinity Ama Tagbor
modified bitumen (PMB). It was observed
that polypropylene polymer, showed
profound effect on homogeneity and
compatibility with slight linear increment in
Studies in Construction Materials 6 (2017)
the viscosity, softening and penetration
PP1-7:This paper forms part of research to
values as against relatively high changes for
solve two main problems in Ghana: firstly,
HDPE modified bitumen.
the management of municipal solid waste
(MSW), particularly with regards to used [2] Amit Gawande, G. Zamare, V.C.
plastics which have overwhelmed major Rengea, Saurabh Tayde, G. Bharsakale,
cities and towns; secondly, the formation of “AN OVERVIEW ON WASTE PLASTIC
potholes on roads due to excessive traffic and UTILIZATION IN
axle weight. ASPHALTING OF ROADS” Journal of
This study examines the effect of blending Engineering Research and
waste thermoplastic polymers, namely High StudiesEISSN0976-7916Vol. III/ Issue
density polyethylene (HDPE) and II/AprilJune,2012/01-05:The quantum of
Polypropylene (PP) in Conventional AC-20 plastic waste in municipal solid waste (MSW)
graded bitumen, at various plastic is increasing due to increase in population,
compositions. The plastics were shredded and urbanization, development activities and
blended with the bitumen ‘in-situ’, with a changes in life style which leading
shear mixer at a temperature range of 160°C– widespread littering on the landscape. Thus
170°C. Basic rheological parameters such as disposal of waste plastic is a menace and
penetration, ring & ball softening point and become a serious problem globally due to
viscosity tests were employed to determine their non-biodegradability and unaesthetic
the resulting changes from base bitumen. view. Since these are not disposed
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
scientifically & possibility to create ground fatigue cracks are very common. In this study,
and water pollution. This waste plastic Low Density and High Density Polyethylene
partially replaced the conventional material to and Crumb rubber were used as additions to
improve desired mechanical characteristics base bitumen. Complex modulus (G*) and
for particular road mix. In the present paper phase angle (δ) obtained from Dynamic Shear
developed techniques to use plastic waste for Rheometer (DSR) are the basic perimeters
construction purpose of roads and flexible used to evaluate the behavior of the binder in
pavements has reviewed. In conventional respect to rutting and fatigue cracking. It was
road making process bitumen is used as concluded that Low Density Polyethylene
binder. Such bitumen can be modified with (LDPE), High
waste plastic pieces andbitumen mix is made Density Polyethylene (HDPE), and Crumb
which can be used as a top layer coat of Rubber (CR) modified binder showed
flexible pavement. This waste plastic significant improvement in rheological
modified bitumen mix show better binding properties of the binder. Furthermore,
property, stability, density and more resistant recycling these municipal wastes will
to water. contribute to solving environmental problems
in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia caused by the
[3] Imran M. Khan, Shahid Kabir, Majed piling up of these wastes in dumpsites.
A. Alhussain, Feras F. Almansoor
[4]Utibe J. Nkanga, Johnson A.
Joseph,Feyisayo V. Adams, Obioma U.
Procedia Engineering 145( 2016):The
Manufacturing 7(2017)PP 490-496:Waste
seasonal change in temperature and loading
plastic materials including low density
nature has a significant effect on asphalt
polyethylene (LDPE) grocery bags etc. are
behavior because of its viscoelastic nature.
disposed through landfills: this poses an
Several types of flexible pavement
environmental pollution due to difficult in
failure/distress occur due to this behavior of
degradation of polymeric materials by
asphalt binder, among which rutting and
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
have been undertaken to improve the quality The use of the innovative technology will not
of the existing bitumen. In this study, bitumen only strengthen the road construction but also
grade is done with the addition of various increase the road life as well as will help to
pieces of rubber per cent content. Percentage improve the environment. Plastic roads would
of rubber used is 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and be a boon for India’s hot and extremely humid
10% of the total amount of bitumen used. climate, where temperatures frequently cross
Overall analysis will shows, the addition of 50°C and torrential rains create havoc,
pieces of rubber in the mixture can enhance leaving most of the roads with big potholes.
the capability of the mixture pave flexible. In my research work I have done a thorough
study on the methodology of using plastic
waste in bituminous mixes and presented the
[6] Miss Apurva J Chavan,“ USE OF
various tests performed on aggregates and
PAVEMENTS”, International Journal of
Application or Innovation in Engineering
& Management (IJAIEM), Volume 2,
Issue 4, April 2013 PP 540-551:Disposal of
waste materials including waste plastic bags
has become a serious problem and waste
plastics are burnt for apparent disposal which
cause environmental pollution. Utilization of
International Journal of Civil
waste plastic bags in bituminous mixes has
Engineering-Special Issue-April 2017 PP
proved that these enhance the properties of
9-14:A nation’s development mainly depends
mix in addition to solving disposal problems.
on the development of transportation of the
Plastic waste which is cleaned is cut into a
country. As flexible pavement is majorly used
size such that it passes through 2-3mm sieve
in India, it is important that steps has to be
using shredding machine. The aggregate mix
taken to increase the life of the bituminous
is heated and the plastic is effectively coated
pavements. Flexible pavement is often
over the aggregate. This plastic waste coated
subjected to problems like rutting, cracking,
aggregate is mixed with hot bitumen and the
and other failures due to repeated traffic
resulted mix is used for road construction.
loads. In this project, we have used the waste
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
materials like lignin and plastic as a same time, continuous increase in number of
replacement material for bitumen in the vehicles emphasizes on need of roads with
percentage of 5&10%, 10&15%, 15&20%, better quality and engineering design. This
20&25% respectively. It has been found that waste plastic and rubber can be used to
lignin can act as a binding material for asphalt partially replace the conventional material
hence improving the properties of the which is bitumen to improve desired
bitumen. By the mix proportions which is mechanical characteristics for particular road
analyzed and determined by series of tests mix. . In the present study, a comparison is
like penetration, ductility, viscosity, softening carried out between use of waste plastic like
point, it is found that the mix proportion of PET bottles and crumb rubber (3%,
15&20% has efficient results when compared 4.5%,6%,7.5%,9%by weight of bitumen) in
to other proportions used. bitumen concrete mixes to analyze which has
better ability to modify bitumen so as to use it
[8] Athira R Prasad, Dr Sowmya N J, “ for road construction.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
product. The experiments were done by using social benefits are the encouraging factors for
the waste of polyethylene packages include pavement recycling. The global objective of
bottle and food crates in the range of 10% to sustainable development can be achieved by
80% by volume as a short reinforcement making use of Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement
structure. The results show that there is a (RAP) in roadway paving new projects. The
possibility to produce plastic cement from main purpose of this study is to investigate the
polyethylene waste and Portland cement by use of RAP materials in addition of neat
using 60% and 40%, respectively. In addition, bitumen at various types of highway. The
their density was decreased, ductility study describes the determination of
increased, and the workability improved, Optimum Bitumen Content (OBC) using
which lead to produce lightweight materials. Marshall Mix Design method at various
bitumen content. The investigation also
[10] R.B.Ahmed, A.Rahman, K.Islam, J. covers the determination of bitumen content
Amin , S. K. Palit, “RECYCLING OF present in RAP and reclaimed aggregate
gradation before Marshall Mix Design and
finding out the water sensitivity of
International Conference on Research and bituminous mix in terms of retained stability
Innovation in Civil Engineering (ICRICE at OBC. The aggregates of reclaimed
2018):Most of the highways and roads of pavement falls within the envelope for
Bangladesh are generally constructed as continuously graded mix and the binder
flexible pavement and are generally designed content present in RAP is 1.37%. From this
with fresh aggregates and neat bitumen. design, the OBC was found as 4.92% and at
During road reconstruction and rehabilitation, OBC, the retained stability was found as
proper handling of demolished pavement 77.2%. Marshall Mix Design properties at
becomes a great problem. When this OBC of the samples are in specified limit
demolished pavement is not properly according to Marshall Mix Design criteria for
handled, it causes environmental hazards and a new pavement construction. So, it can be
creates disposal problems. Reusing of concluded that reclaimed pavement materials
demolished pavement materials may become with the addition of neat bitumen can be
a possible alternative for pavement reused as bituminous surface course
construction. Environmental, economic, and successfully.
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
environmental problems in the Kingdom of problems and, despite some downsides, in the
Saudi Arabia caused by the piling up of these majority of the cases they have demonstrated
wastes in dumpsites. to enhance performance of road’s pavement.
This study reports the results of a literature
[13]Davide Lo Presti, “RECYCLED review upon the existing technologies and
TYRE RUBBER MODIFIED specifications related to the production,
BITUMENS FOR ROAD ASPHALT handling and storage of RTR-MBs and on
MIXTURES: A LITERATURE their current applications within road asphalt
REVIEW”, Construction and Building mixtures. Furthermore, considering that
Materials 49 (2013)PP 863– RTR-MBs technologies are still struggling to
881:Nowadays, only a small percentage of be fully adopted worldwide, mainly because
waste tyres are being land-filled. The of poor information, lack of training of
Recycled Tyre Rubber is being used in new personnel and stakeholders and rare support
tyres, in tyre-derived fuel, in civil engineering of local policies, the present work aims to be
applications and products, in moulded rubber an upto-date reference to clarify benefits and
products, in agricultural uses, recreational issues associated to this family of
and sports applications and in rubber technologies and to finally provide
modified asphalt applications. The benefits of suggestions for their widespread use.
using rubber modified asphalts are being
more widely experienced and recognized, and [14] Farag Khodary, Y. Mohammed, A.
the incorporation of tyres into asphalt is likely Wazeri, “DAMAGE ANALYSIS OF
to increase. The technology with much ASPHALT CONCRETE MIXTURES
different evidence of success demonstrated MODIFIED WITH CRUMB
by roads built in the last 40 years is the RUBBER/CACO3NANOCOMPOSITE”,
rubberised asphalt mixture obtained through International Journal of Scientific &
the so-called ‘‘wet process’’ which involves Engineering Research, Volume 6, Issue 3,
the utilisation of the Recycled Tyre Rubber MARCH-2015 PP307-312:Fracture
Modified Bitumens (RTR-MBs). Since mechanices is one of the most important
1960s, asphalt mixtures produced with RTR- methodology that can be use to evaluate
MBs have been used in different parts of the asphalt concrete mixtures resistance to crack
world as solutions for different quality propagation. Semi-Circular Bending (SCB)
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
test is a fast and accurate three-point bending International Journal of the Physical
test, which was originally used in rock Sciences Vol. 7(2), pp. 166 - 170, 9 January,
mechanics, and Viscoelastic material. 2012:Roadways are considered one of the
Asphalt concert material is investigated using most important elements of infrastructure and
semi cracked circular specimen (50 mm they play an essential role in our daily lives.
radius and 63 mm thickness. Crumb rubber In road pavement construction, the use of
was used as asphalt concrete mixtures crumb rubber in the modification of bitumen
modifiers in research with by 10% of the binder is considered as a smart solution for
weight of bitumen. CaCo3was added to the sustainable development by reusing waste
crumb rubber modified heated bitumen by materials. It is believed that crumb rubber
modification level namely 5%, 10%, modifier (CRM) could be one of the
15%,20% and 25%. The result shows that alternative polymer materials in improving
crumb rubber/CaCo3nanocom-posite can be bitumen binder performance properties of hot
used as asphalt modifier and improve both mix asphalt. This study aims to present and
Penetration and softening point for all discuss the findings from some of the studies,
modified bitumen. from the point of on the use of crumb rubber in asphalt
mechanical properties and fracture resistance pavement.
modified asphalt concrete mixtures with 15%
crumb rubber/CaCo3nanocomposite have CONCLUSION:
higher than unmodified mixtures by 34.2% we can conclude that, using plastic waste in
and it is appear that modified mixtures with mix will help reduction in need of bitumen by
15% crumb rubber/CaCo3nanocomposite around 10%, increase the strength and
have two times higher CriticalEnergy Release performance of road, avoid use of anti
Rate (J1C) than unmodified mixtures that stripping agent, avoid disposal of plastic
means the modified mixtures is more waste by incineration and land filling and
resistance to fracture. ultimately develop a technology, which is
eco-friendly. Increased traffic conditions will
[15] Nuha S. Mashaan, Asim Hassan Ali, and are reducing the life span of roads. Plastic
Mohamed Rehan Karim , Mahrez roads are means of prevention and ultimately
Abdelaziz,“AN OVERVIEW OF CRUMB will be the cure. It will save millions of
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
dollars in future and reduce the amount of [5] Shivraj Sarojero Patil, “EXPERIMENTAL
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II/April-June,2012/01-05 Mythili,R.Vetturayasudharsan,“EXPERIME
[3] Imran M. Khan, Shahid Kabir, Majed A. REPLACEMENT OF BITUMEN WITH
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[8] Athira R Prasad, Dr Sowmya N J, “
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ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 12, Issue 3 Ver. II (May -
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“Recycling of Polyethylene Waste to
APPLICATION”,Procedia Manufacturing 7(2017)PP
Produce Plastic Cement”, Procedia
Manufacturing 8 (2017)pp 635 – 642
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue