Middle East Chronology - 1971-02-16 - 1971-05-15
Middle East Chronology - 1971-02-16 - 1971-05-15
Middle East Chronology - 1971-02-16 - 1971-05-15
Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 25, No. 3 (Summer, 1971), pp. 371-387
Published by: Middle East Institute
Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/4324780 .
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Nixon's statement on Feb. 25 showed "under- drawal from Egyptian territorywith free Israeli
standing" and Nixon "is trying to find a passage through the Suez, security at Sharm al-
settlement." Shaykh and establishmentof appropriatedemili-
Feb. 27: Al-Ahramsaid Egyptwas satisfiedthat prog- tarizedzones.
ress was being made in the Jarringtalks and that Israel said Syrian planes flew over Israeli posi-
the cease-firewould be extendedpast March 7. tions in the Jawlan region.
The Popular Front for the Liberationof Pales- Mar. 7: PresidentSadatsaid Egypt would not extend
tine (PFLP) called on the entire guerrilla move- the cease-firebut would continue to cooperatein
ment to prevent a peaceful settlement. diplomatic efforts. He appealed to the US "to
Feb. 28: The London Sunday Observerreportedan perform its duty." "The United States has prom-
interview with King Husayn in which he said ised us directly,especiallyin the last month, that
Jordan would sign a peace agreementwith Israel it objects to . . . the principle of seizing land by
if Israel would withdraw from all Arab territory. force of arms." S-adatrevealed that he made an
He said "theremay be some room for minor rec- unannouncedvisit to the USSR on March2-3 and
tification"of the border"on a reciprocalbasis." returned"satisfied"that the Soviets support "our
Egypt chargedIsrael with closing the doors on just rights absolutelyand positively."
a peace settlement by refusing to withdraw from Mar. 8: The New York Times reported that the
occupied territory. PLO's budget showed a deficit for the first time
UAR PresidentAnwar al-Sadattold the Pales- becauseof the failure of Arab statesto honor their
tine National Council meeting in Cairothat Egypt financialcommitments.
would never agree to a separatepeace with Israel: The US endorsedU Thant'sappealfor an Israeli
"Thereis but one solution-an Arab solution." pledge to withdrawfrom Egyptianterritory.
The Soviet Union said Israel's refusal to with- Israeli troops were put on alert along the Suez
drawfrom all Arabterritorieshad set back chances Canal as the formal cease-fireexpired.
for peace. Mar. 9: US Secretaryof State William Rogers said
Mar. 2: Egypt said the Israeli stand not to withdraw it would be "helpful"if the USSR would reduce
from all Arab territory"flagrantlydefiesthe United its military presence in Egypt as part of a
Nations Charterand the Security Council resolu- settlement.
tion and constitutes a challenge to the big Mar. 10: Israeli Premier Golda Meir said Israel's
four powers which should shoulder a particular declarationbarringtotal withdrawalfrom Egyptian
responsibility. territorywas a negotiatingposition.
Mar. 3: Iraqi Ba'th PartyAssistantSecretaryGeneral An Israeli policy paper releasedin the US said
Shibli 'Aysami said Egyptian and Jordanianwill- Israel would not accept the kind of international
ingness to concludea peace agreementwith Israel security arrangementsfor Sharm al-Shaykh pro-
"broughtthe Arabs to a plight worse than their posed by Jarringand would "resistall pressures,
plight in 1948" and said only armed struggle from whateversource,be they militaryor political,
would eliminateaggression. that aim at resurrectingIsrael's past territorial
Rumania accusedIsrael of blocking the way to vulnerability."
a negotiatedsettlement. Mar. 11: A US State Departmentspokesmansaid the
Mar. 4: A meeting of the Big Four powers failed US "is not exerting pressure on the Israeli
to reach agreementon a joint communiqueabout Government."
the Middle East situation. The New York Times Mar. 12: PremierMeir said Israel'ssettlementterms
reported"reliablesources"as saying the US wanted induded: a demilitarizedSinai; Israeli occupation
to include an appealfor an extensionof the cease- of Sharm al-Shaykh;a mixed internationaltruce
fire. The appeal was opposed by the USSR. force; a Jordanianport at Gaza;the Jawltn district
Mar. 5: UN SecretaryGeneral U Thant appealedto and a united Jerusalemunder Israel and a demili-
Israel to "respondfavorably"to a request from tarized West Bank under Jordan.
Jarring for a commitmentto withdraw from all Mar. 13: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim
Egyptianterritoryto the boundarybetween Egypt Khaddamrejected the idea of a Big Four peace
and the former British Mandateof Palestine. He force in the region.
called on both sides to "withhold fire" when the Mar. 15: Cairo Radio reportedthe CentralCommit-
cease-fireexpires on March 7. tee of the PLOended a 2 day meeting in Damascus
MuhammadHaykal, writing in Al-Ahram,said after forming a new militarycommandwith Yasir
the Middle East crisis could be solved if the US 'Arafatas Commander-in-Chief and 'Abd al-Razziq
and USSR adopted similar positions and, since Yahya as Chief of Staff.
the Soviets support the Arabs, the US should be The UN Commissionon Human Rights passed
"neutralized"in the crisis. a resolutioncondemningIsrael's"continuedviola-
M1gar.6: UN diplomatsdisclosedthat a UN proposal tion of human rights" in the occupied territories.
sent to Israel on Feb. 8 requested Israeli with- Mar. 16: SyrianPresidentAs'adsaid Syrianand UAR
forces were under one commandand he supported The EgyptianNational Assemblypassed a reso-
the UAR's participationin negotiationsas "com- lution saying "we, under no circumstances,will
plementing" the battle for liberation. acceptthe demilitarizationof Sinai."
US Secretaryof State Rogers said "there seems Mar. 31: Egyptian Foreign Minister Riyid said the
to be an impasse"in the Jarringtalks and urged refusal of the US to bring effective pressure on
Israel to seek security in a political settlement Israel was the reason for "the complete and very
rather than in "acquisitionof territory." serious deadlock"in the peace talks.
Mar. 17: Meir said of the US proposal for inter- Apr. 1: Egypt offered to resume a formal cease-fire
national guaranteesof Israel's borders: "We can- for a limited time if Israelwould agree to a partial
not trust Roger's offer, even if it is proposed in withdrawalof troops followed by an opening of
good faith." Israeli Minister Without Portfolio the Suez Canal. Egypt rejectedthe idea of a de-
Galili said the governmentwould "go to the na- militarizedSinai.
tion" when it was time to decide on peace borders US officials indicated the US would support
with the Arabs. negotiationsto reopen the canal.
Mar. 18: Israeli Foreign Minister Eban met with Apr. 2: Galili said Israel "is preparedto discusswith
U Thant and Jarring in New York. Egypt the opening of the canal separatelyfrom
Mar. 19: After meeting in the US with Rogers, Eban other issues . . . on the condition that . . . the
said he came to explain and not to changehis view cease-fireis maintainedpermanently."
that Israel would not withdraw to the pre-1967 Apr. 4: US SenatorJ. W. Fulbright accusedIsrael
war boundaries. of "Communist-baiting humbuggery"in an attempt
Israeli Deputy Premier Yigal Allon said: "All to "manipulate"US foreign policy.
the modern developmentsin military technology Meir said Egypt's proposal for reopening the
cannot negate the importanceof geographicallyde- canal was "totally unacceptableand cannot serve
fensible positions. There is no alternative to a as a basis for an agreementwith Israel."
peace treaty and secure borders which we can Apr. 5: Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan said
defend with our own forces." he favoredIsrael'sretainingthe West Bank.
Egypt charged that 2 Irsaeli jets crossed the Lebanon reported an Israeli force crossed the
Suez Canal and were driven off by air defenses. borderand destroyed6 houses.
Mar. 20: A small Israeli force crossedinto Lebanon Apr. 8: The New York Times reported "reliable
and conducteda house to house search for guer- sources" as saying Nixon assured Egypt of US
rillas in the village of al-'Adisahaccordingto a support for Egypt's proposal to reopen the Suez
Lebanesespokesman. Canal.
Mar. 21: Eban said his talks in the US convinced Apr. 10: The New York Times reportedthat a "small
him the US would not try to impose a solution number" of the USSR's most advanced fighter
on Israel. planes, the MIG 23, and 150 other MIG aircraft
Mar.24: Meir said Israelwould pay compensationfor were shipped to Egypt in recent weeks.
Arab propertyin Israel but rejectedthe idea of a The Shah of Iran called on Israel to withdraw
West Bank Palestinian state as "a knife in our from Arab territoryand said it was a mistake to
backs." reject"big four guaranteesas a meansof achieving
The New York Times reported"reliableWest- security."
ern sources"as saying weaponsdeliveriesfrom the Apr. 17: Announcing a federation agreement be-
USSR to Egypt were increasingin recentweeks. tween Libya, Syria and Egypt, Sadat said the re-
Mar. 25: The UN press office said Jarringleft New sources of the 3 countries would be channeled
York for an Easter holiday in Moscow and was toward liberating Arab territoryand that "there
scheduled to return late in April or earlier "if will be no negotiationsor peace agreementwith
developmentsshould warrantit." Israel. . ."
Rogers said the US was not urging Israel to Apr. 19: The US announceda previouslyunreported
withdraw but to accept the principle of with- sale of 12 Phantomjets to Israel, 8 of which were
drawal so negotiationscould resume. alreadydelivered.
Mar.28: Sadatsaid Egypthad reachedthe end of the Israeli Deputy Premier Allon arrived in the
road in seeking a political solution since "all these US for talks on means to reopen the Suez.
efforts were blocked by Israel's conceit and Apr. 20: Deputy Prime Minister Allon said 3 con-
arrogance." ditions were necessary before Israel would pull
Mar. 29: Israel and Egypt exchanged2 prisonersof back from the east bank of the Suez Canal: a
war who had been seriouslywounded. "terminationof the stateof belligerency,"an agree-
After UAR Foreign Minister MahmuidRiyad ment that neither the UAR nor Russian forces
met with French Foreign Minister Maurice Schu- would cross the canal and an agreementto con-
mann, Frenchofficialssaid the only way to avoid tinue the Jarringtalks.
new hostilities was for the Big Four "to assume Apr. 25: The Israeli Cabinet authorizedfurther ne-
their responsibilities." gotiation for reopening the Suez Canal.
Apir.26: Speaking of a proposedvisit of Rogers to states to treat the US "as they treat their enemy-
Egypt on May 4 Sadit said "the visit and its pro- Israel."
logues do not inspire optimismamong our people" Mar. 6: The National Council of Palestine ended a
and that Egyptwould receiveRogers with an open 6 day convention in Cairo with a resolution to
mind but was prepared to define its positions, not elect a new Council by June 1971.
alter them. Mar. 7: Talks opened in Damascus between the
Israel said it opened fire on a MIG 21 which Tripoli CharterStatesto discussunificationof tech-
had crossedthe Suez Canal. nical education.
May 1: Sadat said he would meet Rogers with "an Mar. 13: An Omani delegation presentedan appli-
open mind" but that would not compromisehis cation for membershipin the Arab League at its
terms for a reopening of the Suez Canal. meeting in Cairo.
May 4: Rogers arrivedin Cairofor talks on the ques- Mar. 14: Negotiations between oil companies and
tion of repoening the Suez Canal. Libya,Iraq, Algeria and Saudi Arabiabroke down.
May 5: Rogers met for 6 hours with Egyptian For- Mar. 15: Oil ministers of Iraq, Libya, Algeria and
eign MinisterRiyaidand PremierMa1m&dFawzi. SaudiArabiamet to discussthe breakdownof nego-
An Egyptianspokesmansaid the talks resulted in tiations with oil companies. A communiquesaid
importantclarificationsof the Suez issue. the talks had entered a new phase and that the
May 6: Rogers met with Sadatbefore flying to Israel producingcountrieswere willing to continue try-
where he met with Meir, Allon, Eban and Dayan. ing to reach a "reasonablesettlement."
May 8: Rogers flew to Rome from Israel. A member South Yemeni Ambassadorto Cairo 'Abd al-
of the Rogers delegation, Assistant Secretaryof Qadir Ba-FaqThsaid his country would oppose
State Joseph Sisco, returnedto Cairo to report to Oman's membershipin the Arab League because
Sidat "certain clarifications" resulting from Oman was still "under the rule of British
consultations between Rogers and the Israeli colonialism."
government. Mar. 17: Iraqi oil and minerals minister Sa'duin
Rogers said he found "some narrowingof the Hammadi said "radicalchanges will occur in the
gap" between Egypt and Israel on the terms of oil industry throughout the Mediterraneanarea"
reopeningthe Suez Canal. if companiesdo not meet the demandsof the pro-
May 9: Assistant Secretaryof State Sisco met with ducing countriesin the Tripoli negotiations.
Sadit. A UAR spokesman said the talks were Mar. 24: Syrian President HIafii al-As'ad said the
"useful" but that "the difference in Israeli and Tripoli Charterstates would soon take "a consti-
Egyptianpoints of view is large and continuing." tutional step" to bring about federation.
May 10: Rogers delivered a report on his Middle Apr. 13: The Presidentsof Syria, Egypt, Libya and
East tour to PresidentNixon. Aides said the re- Sudan began meeting in Cairo to discussthe situ-
port was "cautiouslyoptimistic." ation in Jordanand the projected4 statefederation.
Sisco returnedto the US from Cairo and said Apr. 17: Libya,Syriaand Egyptannouncedagreement
difficultiesremain but "I do believe there is more to establish a Federationof Arab Republics pro-
hope now that progresscan be made on reopening viding federal rule by a PresidentialCouncil, a
the canal." single constitution,and joint defense and foreign
May 11: Lebanese Foreign Minister Khalil Abu policies. A referendumto endorse the pact in
Hamad left for Italy and Franceto enlist support each of the 3 countrieswas planned for Sept. 1.
against Israeli annexation of East Jerusalem. The agreementwas signed by the 3 heads of state
in Benghazi.
May 1: A 2 day meeting of the CENTO Ministerial
General Councilended in Ankara. A communiqueurged a
"lastingpeace" in the Middle East "in accordance
1971 with the principles and provisions of the UN
Feb. 22: The Soviet Union said it would contribute Security Council resolution of November 22,
to a programof assistanceto the Palestinerefugees 1967."
but on a bilateral basis rather than through
Feb. 23: Algeria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia appointed Afghanistan
Libya to representthem in negotiationswith oil
companies for price increases in the Mediter- 1971
ranean. Deputy Premier'Abd al-Salim Jalliid said Mar. 1: Celebrationswere held marking the 50th
if agreementwas not reached by Mar. 9 an em- anniversary of the Afghan-Soviet treaty of
bargo on supplies on the West might be put into friendship.
effect. Mar. 12: It was announceddiplomaticrelationswith
Feb. 24: The Arab LawyersFederationended a 4 the Yemen Arab Republic would be raised to the
day meeting in Damascusand called on the Arab ambassadoriallevel.
Apr. 8: Minister of Finance Muhammad Amman to Algiers in an attemptto break the deadlockin
presented the government budget of 8.1 billion talks between French oil companies and Algeria.
afghanisfor 1971/72 to the Senate. He said meas- Mar. 29: PresidentBoumediennesaid the issues of
ureswould be takento promoteexportsand private oil and other relations with France were all
capital investment. connected.
Apr. 29: Following the departureof a Hungarian Apr. 1: French Foreign Minister MauriceSchumann
goodwill mission it was announced that a treaty said technicaland culturalcooperationwith Algeria
for culturalcooperationwas signed. is separatefrom the oil issue.
May 4: It was announcedthat a Departmentof Capi- Col. Abd al-KadrChabou,memberof the Coun-
tal Investment would be established within the cil of the Revolution and General Secretaryof the
Ministryof Commerceto "consider"domesticand National Defense Ministry, died in a helicopter
foreign private investment. crash.
Apr. 5: The governmentinformed7 Frenchoil com-
panies that beginning Apr. 7 they would have to
Algeria pay for oil prior to shipping.
President Boumediennesigned a decree giving
farmersin the "self-managedsector"the same so-
(See also General, Jordan, Libya) cial security benefits as urban workers.
1971 Apr. 9: Renault dosed its factory near Algiers and
Feb. 20: A delegation from the Syrian Ba'th Party dismissed900 workersfor lack of imported parts
was received by Qa'id Ahmad, leader of the Na- on which the government claimed AD800m in
tional LiberationFront (FLN) Party. customs duties was due.
Feb. 23: Minister of Industry and Energy Belaid Herve Alphand returnedto Paris and said he
Abdessalam outlined oil policy as requiring oil expected to return to Algiers soon.
companies to invest in fields other than oil and Apr. 11: An agreementwas signed giving Mauritania
that stressed the government's determination to an AD5m loan for port improvement.
gain control over all companies. Apr. 13: PresidentBoumedienneannouncedthe posted
Feb. 25: Francesaid the "unilateral"decision to na- price of Algerian oil was raised from $2.85 to
tionalize the oil industry would "profoundly $3.60 per barrel retroactiveto Mar. 20; French
modify" relations between the 2 countries and oil companieswould receive $100m in compens-
called on Algeria to make known the "just and sation for nationalization;519%of all new oil con-
equitable"indemnity it had promised. cessions would be owned by Sonatrachand wine
Minister of CommerceLayachiYaker returned productionwould be reducedin favor of grain and
from Poland and Rumaniawhere he signed trade dairyproducts.
agreements. Apr. 14: Francebroke off the governmentto govern-
Feb. 27: A delegation from Oman arrived for a 4 ment oil negotiationssayingthe unilateralAlgerian
day officialvisit. action of Apr. 12 would "renderfurther pursuit
Mar. 2: The USSR signed an agreementto purchase of oil negotiations pointless."
5m hectolitersof wine in 1971. Apr. 26: The New York Times reported that the
Mar. 9: The French governmentdelivered a memo- French oil companies,with government support,
randum stating that France did not contest the were seeking to impose a worldwide embargoon
principle of nationalizationbut demandedthat the Algerian oil.
49 % interest retained by French companies be May 1: Boumediennewarned oil companiesagainst
paid in crude oil. an embargoon Algerian oil which might lead to
A delegation of French oil companies began their losing all holdings in Algeria.
talks with the government on their status since
Mar. 18: The AmericancompanyDistrigas signed a Cyprus
contract to export 24,000m cubic meters of na-
tural gas over a 20 year period beginning in 1975.
Mar. 19: The governmentorderedall banks to seize 1971
all direct taxes due from ERAP subsidiariesand Feb. 28: President Makariossaid the Turkish "co-
threatenedto take over the oil companies'share residents... want cantonsand federations,which,
of crude oil if the companies did not carry out for the sake of debate, they call partnership.We
"all their obligations." clearlyand flatly rejectedthis demand."
Mar. 22: Al-Moudjahidreportedthat the government Mar. 24: Foreign Minister SpyrosKyprianousaid a
would grant "certain advantages"to private in- solution to the Cyprus problem "is not difficult,
vestorsin tourism and industry. providedthose in Turkeyface the situationwithout
Mar. 26: The French governmentsent the Secretary fanaticism."
General of the Foreign Ministry Herve Alphand Mar. 29: Following a meeting of the intercommunal
Mar. 7: KuwaytiDeputy ForeignMinisterRashid al- Yemen met in Cairo to discuss the situation in
Rashid denied reports that the subsidy to Jordan Jordan.
was resumed. Commandoscontinued to withdraw from Am-
Premieral-Tall met with the Presidentof Chase man while sporadicshooting occurred.
ManhattanBank, David Rockefeller. Apr. 11: An army spokesmansaid commandosat-
Mar. 8: Clashes broke out in Amman between se- tackedthe village of Turrafrom across the Syrian
curityforcesand commandos. borderbut were driven off.
Mar. 14: Crown Prince Hasan returnedfrom a tour Apr. 12: Commandoscontinuedto leave Amman but
of westernEuropeancountriesand the US. Econ- a spokesmansaid the Palestinianswould cooperate
omy Minister'Umaral-Nabulsisaid the trip would with the agreementnegotiatedby a Syrianmediator
benefitJordan'seconomyand developmentprojects. only if it was ratifiedby the 9 countriesmeeting
'All al-Hiyari was appointed Ambassador to in Cairo.
the UAR. Apr. 13: Formerhead of the Higher ArabCommittee
Mar. 24: The head of the Arab truce observation supervising the truce Bahi Laghdam accused
team Ahmad 'Abd al-Hamid Hilmi was recalled Jordan of ignoring the accords with the com-
to Cairo. mandos and trying to "liquidate"the Palestinian
Mar. 26: Heavy fighting broke out betweenthe army movement step by step.
and commandosin Irbid. Apr. 15: The conferenceof Arab states meeting in
Mar.28: A demonstrationby Palestiniansset off fight- Cairo on the Jordanian situation issued a final
ing in Amman. The governmentand commandos communiquesaying "there is a plan to liquidate
blamed each other for starting the shooting. the Palestinianresistance,the conferencecondemns
LibyanRevolutionCommandCouncil Chairman this plan and considersit imperativeto foil it."
Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhaficalled on the Jordanian Apr. 26: King Jusayn said stabilitywas re-established
Army to overthrowKing Husayn. in Jordanand the time had come for reconstruction.
Mar. 29: Egypt accusedthe governmentof "murder A week of ceremoniesbegan marking the 50th
and extermination"of the commandos. anniversaryof the HashimiteKingdom.
Mar. 31: King Husayn and President Anwar al- May 2: US Secretaryof State William Rogers ar-
Sadat of Egypt issued separatecalls for an Arab rived in Amman for talks with King Husayn.
summitmeeting to deal with the conflictin Jordan. May 4: Militaryspokesmensaid a Jordaniansoldier
Apr. 2: Commandos blew up an oil pipeline at was killed by commandorocketsfired from Syria.
Zarqa and announceda military campaign aimed May 8: An official spokesmansaid commandoshad
at forcing the ouster of Tall. opened machinegunfire from Syriaon a Jordanian
Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthe gov- village on May 7.
ernment approved a cooperationagreement with
the USSR to prospectfor oil and minerals.
Apr. 3: Commandosblew up 3 bridges and a rail-
road. King 1Husaynsaid Jordan was being sub-
jectedto an Arab"warof attrition"and that Jordan
would not "surrender." (See also Iraq, Jordan, Persian Gulf,
Apr. 4: Commandospokesmensaid commandoswould Sudan, Yemen)
be orderedout of Amman to ease the crisis with 1971
the government. Mar. 5: Middle East Ecoromic Digest reportedIraq
Apr. 5: A spokesmanfor the General Commandof signed an agreement to abolish customs duties
Palestinian forces said the commandosbegan an and local taxes on goods exchanged between the
offensive in "all parts of Jordan,especially along 2 countries.
the Jordanian-Syrian border"and that a new agree- Mar. 6: UAR Special Envoy IIasan al-Khiill arrived
ment would not be reachedwith the government with a message from UAR President Anwar
because Amman had "violated the existing one." al-Sadat.
Apr. 6: King Husaynsaid the commandosmust move Mar. 12: LebaneseMinister of Finance Ilyis Sabi
their weapons out of Amman in 2 days, "or the arrivedfor discussionson economic cooperation.
result will be cruel." Mar. 14: The Cabinetmet to discusssetting up dip-
Apr. 7: The US said it planned to increase"substan- lomatic relations with Communist China.
tially"militaryaid to Jordanin the following year. Mar. 16: LebaneseFinance Minister Sabi ended 5
Apr. 9: An agreementwas reachedbetweenthe gov- days of talks on increasingKuwaytiinvestmentin
ernment and commandosthrough the mediation Lebanon.
of Syria's Chief of Staff Mustafa Talas. A com- Mar. 21: Ministerof State 'Abd al-'AzlzHusaynsaid
mittee to oversee the agreementwould be formed the Cabinet decided to establish full diplomatic
of 2 Syrians,2 Jordaniansand 2 commandos. relationswith China.
Apr. 10: Delegates from Algeria, Kuwayt,Lebanon, Mar. 25: UAR Envoy al-Khiuliarrived for talks at
Libya, Sudan, Syria, Egypt, Yemen and South the beginningof a tour of the Gulf.
Apr. 1: Iraqi Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Karim Apr. 15: Trans Arabian Pipeline signed an agree-
Shaykhliarrivedfor talks on "improvingfraternal ment increasingannual revenue from the pipeline
relations." by 70% to ?LebI28m.
Ap.r.22: Television censorshipwas reintroducedbe-
Lebanon cause of alleged broadcastopposition to the Fed-
eration of Arab Republics.
(See also Iraq, Jordan, Kuwayt, Saudi Apr. 26: An official delegation returnedfrom talks
Arabia,Syria) in Tehran. Head of the delegation Muhammad
1971 Sabrasaid he was "optimistic"about relationswith
Feb. 16: UAR Minister of State Sami Sharaf de- Iran.
livered a message from President Anwar al-Sadat Apr. 29: Students at LebaneseUniversity ended a
to PresidentSulaymanFranjiyyah. 2 month strike. Education Minister Najib Abui
Feb. 18: The Democratic Socialist Movement an- Haydarwas reportedto have undertakento meet
nounced that a RevolutionaryPeasantUnion was student demands for better conditions and job
establishedin Akkar to "securebetter living con- opportunities.
ditions and put an end to exploitation by the May 2: Demonstrationswere held in Beirut protest-
capitalisttribal clique." ing the visit of US Secretaryof State William
Feb. 22: Demonstratorsfrom the Hermel region Rogers.
declared a 48 hour strike to protest lack of May 3: US Secretaryof State Rogers arrivedfor an
adequatehealth, education,power and securityin officialvisit.
their region.
Mar. 3: A student strike began to support demands
for educationalreforms. Libya
Mar. 4: Negotiations began with the Trans-Arabian
Pipeline Company for increasedpayments. (See also General, Jordan)
Mar. 9: Demonstrationswere held in Beirut protest- 1971
ing the arrivalof ChaseManhattanBank President Feb. 16: Franceremindedthe governmentthat Mirage
David Rockefellerwho arrivedfor economictalks. jets were being sold for "territorialdefense only."
Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khad- Feb. 17: UAR Minister of State Sami Sharaf de-
dam arrivedin Beirut for talks with PremierSa'ib livered a message from PresidentAnwar al-Sadat
Salam. to Revolution CommandCouncil (RCC) Chair-
Mar. 10: Studentsclashed with police in an attempt man Mu'ammarQadhdhafi.
to occupy Beirut Airportas part of a 2 week old Feb. 18: An Algerian delegation ended 2 days of
strike. talks in Tripoli on oil cooperation. A joint com-
FinanceMinisterIlyas Sabi said Lebanonwould munique said a plan for "establishinga zone of
purchase military equipment from any source declared oil prices" in the Mediterraneanwas
"provided the price specificationsmeet our re- discussed.
quirements"for the ?Leb200m plan to re-equip BaghdadRadio reportedthat Libyahad deported
the army. 3 Palestinianson Feb. 16.
Mar. 13: Representativesfrom Hermel said the gov- Feb. 20: Bulgaria signed an agreementto purchase
ernment was attending to their grievances. oil over a 5 year period.
Mar. 20: Premier Salam said recent strikes resulted Feb. 25: An internationaldelegation of oil execu-
from lack of confidencein the government and tives left for London after the governmentreiter-
called on "everyLebanesecitizens to be aware of ated its demand to negotiate price increaseswith
his responsibility." the oil companiesindividually.
Apr. 1: Taxi drivers began a 48 hour strike. Mar. 1: A Civil Defense Law was promulgatedestab-
Apr. 3: Salam said the government'spatience with lishing a national civil defense council with com-
strikes and demonstrationsresultedfrom a "deter- mittees in all provinces.
mination to prevent bloodshed" but added that Mar. 4: Esso reachedagreementwith the government
"sabotageof this beloved country"would not be on the terms for exporting liquified natural gas,
permitted. ending 9 months of negotiations.
Apr. 8: Telephone operatorsended a 12 day strike Esso agreedto a 65% price rise for naturalgas
to give authoritiestime to meet their demands. shipped to Spain thus reopening the liquidation
Taxi drivers ended a strike. plant at Marsa al-Brega which was closed for 9
Apr. 9: Twelve people were wounded in clashes be- months.
tween members of the Phalange Party and the Mar. 5: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedBul-
SocialistNationalist Party on the AmericanUniv. garia signed 2 agreementsfor increasedtrade and
of Beirut campus. technicalassistance.
Apr. 13: Floods caused heavy damage to agriculture Mar. 8: Greek Deputy Premier Stylianos Pattakos
in the Bekaaregion. departedafter a meeting with Qadhdhafi.
Mar. 11: Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim 1968 trade agreementwith East Germanywas re-
Khaddamended a 3 day officialvisit. newed and trade would increasefrom $7m a year
Mar. 13: The Popular Front for the Liberationof to $16.7m.
Palestine (PFLP) said more than 100 Palestinians Mar. 12: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat
were deportedfrom Libya and that the PFLP sent the IBRD advanceda $35m credit.
a protest note to RCC Chairman Qadhdhafi. Mar. 13: Following talks in Rabat Spanish Foreign
Mar. 14: A Fath spokesmanin Tripoli said the gov- Minister Lopez Bravo signed an agreementestab-
ernment had expelled Palestinians "related to lishing a permanent mixed commission to deal
parties with destructiveactivities"and added that with economicand culturalcooperation.
Fath was not responsible for those involved in Mar. 17: The daily issue of L'Opinionwas seized by
partisanacts. police.
Mar. 15: The governmentwarned farmersto invest Mar. 29: The Hasan EddakhilDam was inaugurated.
more in land or face nationalization. Mar. 30: Tunisian Foreign Minister Muhammad
Mar. 18: Tunisian Economy Minister Makki Zidi Masmoudi ended a 9 day visit dealing with
left after 4 days of talks on economiccooperation. Maghribcooperationand the Palestineproblemon
UAR PresidentSadatmet Qadhdhafiin Tobruk which the 2 states had "total identity" according
to discussthe Middle East situation. to a joint communique.
Mar. 31: The RCC approvedthe GeneralBudget for Apr. 5: Rabat Radio reportedKing Hasan proposed
1971/72 calling for expenditure of ?Lib 200m an Arab summit meeting be held in Algiers to
comparedwith ?Lib 182m for 1970/71. discuss "the Middle East situation and adopt the
Apr. 2: Deputy Premier 'Abd al-Salam Jalliid an- necessarymeasures."
nounced a 5 year agreementwith oil companies Apr. 7: Shaykh Zayd Sultan, ruler of Abu Dhabi,
raising the posted price by $.90 to $3.45 per arrivedfor a 5 day state visit.
barreland establishinga 55% tax rate. Apr. 15: King Hasan postponed a visit to the US
Apr. 11: Britain reiterateda denial to sell Chieftain scheduledfor Apr. 22-27 becauseof preparations
tanks to Libya. for a proposed Arab summit meeting.
Apr. 16: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedthat Apr. 22: The daily issue of L'Opinion was seized
the RCC issued a denial of a Libyanradio broad- by police for the 6th time in April.
cast that Egyptianworkerswould be allowed into Apr. 24: King Hasan made the following Cabinet
Libya. The statement said technical and manpower changes:
exchange agreements did not permit exchanges MuhammadLazrak:Tourism
when Libyan workers were available. Muhammad Tahiri: Commerce, Industry &
Apr. 19: France said it would block the delivery Mines
of Mirage jets if it were discoveredthey were go- Karim Lamrani:Finance
ing to other countries. Abdelhadi Sabihi: Agriculture
May 4: It was announcedthat foreign oil companies Ahmad Laski: Education
have been ordered to fill key posts in training,
servicesand personnelwith Libyans
May 5: Italian Foreign Minister Aldo Moro arrived Pakistan
for talks on cooperationbetween the 2 countries.
Feb. 21: PresidentYahya Khan announceddissolu-
tion of the Cabinet effective Feb. 22 "in view of
Morocco the political situation in the country."
(See also Syria) Mar. 1: YahyaKhan postponedindefinitelythe open-
ing of the National Assembly,scheduledfor Mar.
1971 3, because of the "political confrontation"be-
Feb. 16: Police seized the day's issue of the Istiqlal tween leadersof East and West Pakistan. Shaykh
Party'spaper L'Opinion. Mujib al-Rahmancalled for a general strike in
Feb. 18: A month long strike, involving 13,000 the East becausethe "minorityhas prevailedover
students demanding educationalreform, ended. the majority."
Feb. 23: A trade protocol was signed with East Mar. 3: Yahya Khan called for a meeting of all
Germany. major political leaders in Dacca on Mar. 10.
Feb. 25: SpanishChief of Defense StaffManuelDiez ShaykhMujib rejectedthe call for a meeting and
arrived in Rabat for a 10 day visit. demanded an end to military rlle in the East.
Feb. 26: An Omani delegationcarryinggreetingsand Rioting continued in Dacca for the 3rd day as a
makingcontactswith Arableadersarrivedin Rabat. general strike continued.
Mar.3: King Hasansaid the governmentwill "Moroc- Mar. 4: Mujib authorizeda relaxationof the general
canize" the servicessector of the economy. strike in Dacca and said he had establish control
Mar. 5: Middle East Economic Digest reported the over the central radio of the East.
Mar. 6: Yahya Khan announced the National As- onstrations were held protesting his arrival.
sembly would open on Mar. 25. Mujib accused Mar. 22: Yahya Khan postponed the National As-
the army of killing 300 persons in disordersin sembly pending the outcome of talks in Dacca.
Dacca during the week. Mar. 23: In East Pakistan"resistanceday" was cele-
Yahya Khan said Easternleaders reactedto his brated to dramatizeopposition to martial law.
postponementof the Assemblyin a mannerwhich Mar. 24: President of the Council of the Muslim
encouraged"destructiveelements coming out into League Mumtaz Daultana, returning from Dacca,
the streets." He said he would "ensurethe com- said Yahya Khan and the Awami League had
plete and absolute integrity of Pakistan." reached complete agreement in Dacca.
It was reportedthat 20 persons were killed in Mar. 25: Mujib called for a 1 day general strike to
clashes between security forces and demonstrators protest reported "atrocities"
allegedly committed
in Dacca.
by troops against civilians.
Mar. 7: Mujib called for a 1 week strike in govern- Ali Bhutto said he opposedthe Awami League's
ment officesand courts in protest against military demands for East Pakistani control over its own
administrationin the East. foreign aid and foreign trade.
Mujib made 4 demands to be met before he Army units occupied Dacca and fighting broke
would attend the National Assembly. The de- out in the city late in the evening. Mujib declared
mands were: an end to martial law; all troops the independenceof the East in a radio broadcast.
must return to their barracks;an inquiry be held
into deaths during disturbancesand power be Mar. 26: Fighting continued in Dacca and large
transferredto elected representatives. fires were reported in the city. Pakistan Radio
The general strike was called to an end by the reported that Mujib was arrested. Reports said
Awami League. civilian casualties were high and clashes spread
Man.8: The Chief Justiceof the High Courtin Dacca to other cities.
refused to swear in the new military governor to Yahya Khan returnedto the West and outlawed
East Pakistan. the Awami League,accusedMujib of treason,and
Mar. 9: East Pakistanigovernmentworkerswere out said he was orderingthe army to restorethe gov-
on strike. ernment'sauthority in the East to save the na-
Mar. 12: The Awami League issued instructionsfor tion's integrity.
banks in the East to lengthen their hours, loosen Mar. 27: Thirty-fiveforeign newsmen were expelled
paymentsfor trade purposes,maintain free trans- from the East. The US Consulate in Dacca re-
fer of funds in East Pakistanand bar remittances ported the city was quiet and martial law was in
to West Pakistan. effect.
Mar. 13: Martial law authorities in East Pakistan Mar. 28: Officialradio said Dacca was quiet but the
issued an order for employeesof defense installa- army was quelling disordersin Chittagong.
tions to report to work or face prison sentences. A clandestine"nationalist"radio station said a
Mar. 15: Mujib announcedhe was taking over the "liberationarmy"was marchingtowardDaccaafter
administration of East Pakistan based on the "capturing"army barracksin Comilla,Jessoreand
Awami League's victory in the December elec- Khulna.
tions. He suspended collection of taxes by the Mar. 29: The governmentsaid it was in control in
central government but said he was willing to the East but that resistance continued in
meet with Yahya Khan. Chittagong.
Yahya Khan arrived in Dacca for talks with Mar. 30: The governmentissued a protest to India
Easternleaders. against Indian news reports of continued resist-
The New York Times reported "authoritative ance in the East.
sources"as saying India banned flights of military Mar. 31: The Indian ParliamentaccusedWest Paki-
aircraftover Indian territoryto East Pakistan. stan of "genocide"in the East and said the East
Mar. 16: Yahya Khan met with Mujib in Dacca. would "receive the wholeheartedsupport of the
Mar. 17: It was announced that an investigation people of India."
would be held by the government into deaths The government accused India of infiltrating
which occurredduring demonstrations.Talks con- troops into the East.
tinued between Yahya Khan and Mujib. Apr. 1: Fightingcontinuedin the Eastas armytroops
Mar. 19: Mujib said after his 3rd meeting with were reportedon the offensive against pockets of
Yahya Khan that leaders of the Awami League resistance.
would meet with the President'sadvisorsto work Apr. 2:
The government warned India of "serious
out a "formula."
consequences"which would result from inter-
Mar. 20: Mujib said "someprogress"had been made ference in Pakistan'sinternal affairs.
in talks with Yahya Khan. The US accepted an offer of the government
Mar. 21: People's Party leader Zulfikar Ali Bhutto to use Pakistaniplanes to evacuate700 Americans
arrivedin Dacca to participatein the talks. Dem- from the East.
The Red Cross announcedthe government re- of the Awami League,to be Premierand Defense
fused to permit a relief team and supplies to enter Minister of Bangla Desh.
the East. Rebel spokesmenacknowledgedthat Mujib was
The USSR appealedto the governmentto take a captivein the West.
immediatemeasures"to put an end to the blood- Apr. 15: India said Pakistanitroops fired over the
shed and repression"in the East. border from East Pakistanand warned of conse-
Apr. 4: Pakistan Radio reported 9 Indian vehicles quences if such actions should continue.
loaded with arms were interceptedafter crossing Apr. 16: Chaduanga,the headquartersof the se-
the borderinto the East. cessionist leadership,was bombed and the leaders
Apr. 5: Rebel forces in East Pakistan designated withdrewto Meherpur.
Chuadangacapital of "independentBengal." The government said India's charges were an
Yahya Khan appealed to the USSR to restrain excuse "to intervene directly in Pakistaniaffairs."
India from interferingin the East. Apr. 18: The Pakistani consulate in Calcutta was
Apr. 6: The government informed the USSR that taken over by the East Pakistanimembers of the
Yahya Khan would start talks "with rational rep- staff and pronouncedthe mission of Bangla Desh.
resentativeelementsin East Pakistanat the earliest Apr. 19: The government said armed Indians sup-
opportunity." ported by artillery on Indian territoryattackeda
Apr. 7: The US called on the governmentto take border post in the East.
"every feasible step" to achieve a "peaceful ac- India reportedheavy fighting in the East as the
commodationin the East." army began an offensive to seal the borders.
Apr. 8: Air strikes were carried out against rebel Apr. 22: The governmentsaid it had the assurance
forces in the East. of India that India did not recognizethe autonomy
The governmentchargedin the UN that India of the East.
was interferingdirectlyin the East by sending in- Apr. 23: Abdul Bashani,a leader in the secessionist
filtrators "in plain clothes" over the border. movement,appealedto the US and China to stop
Apr. 11: CommunistChinaaccusedthe Soviet Union, the governmentfrom using the weapons supplied
the US and India of interfering in Pakistan's by those countriesand to recognize Bangla Desh.
internalaffairs. India appealed to the UN for aid in dealing
The government claimed that 2 companies of with a reported ?12mrefugees from East Pakistan.
Indian troops were wiped out near Jessore in the Pakistansaid it was closing down its high com-
East. mission officein Calcuttaand asked India to close
Indian sourcesreportedheavy fighting through- its mission in Dacca.
out the East. Apr. 25: The governmentannounceda temporaryban
Apir.12: The governmentannouncedChina had sent on 46 kinds of imported goods to alleviate pres-
a message to Yahya Khan which said the "unity sure on foreign exchange resulting from the "dis-
of East and West Pakistan"is the basic guarantee location of trade and industry during recent
of attainingprosperity,"whatis happeningin Paki- weeks. . ."
stan at present is purely an internal affair . . ." Apr. 27: PakistanRadio said all anti-stateforces in
and China would "firmlysupport"the "just strug- the coastalregion of the East had been destroyed.
gle to safeguard . . . state sovereignty and na- India said Pakistani troops crossed the border
tional independence." from the East and killed 5 persons. India ordered
India denied the charge that 2 companieshad strict police surveillanceof Pakistanidiplomatsin
crossedthe borderinto East Pakistan. Calcuttain retaliationfor similar measuresagainst
The government said "subversive elements" Indians in Dacca.
around a key railhead were destroyed. Apr. 29: The governmentdenied Indian chargesthat
Gen. Tikka Khan announcedall employeesmust troopshad crossedthe borderof the Eastinto India.
return to work by Apr. 21 or face dismissal or May 1: The governmentannouncedthat a 6 month
7 yearsin jail. moratoriumon external debt paymentswould be
The US said it would suspendwheat shipments requestedfrom creditor nations.
becauseof congestionin the ports of East Pakistan. May 3: The government protested to India for al-
Apr. 13: The governmentsaid it had captured"large legedly "creatingan atmosphereof confrontation"
amounts of Indian arms and ammunition"in the by firing artilleryacrossthe border at army posi-
area of Dinajpur. tions in the East.
The rebel leadership appealed to "democratic The governmentsaid Indian fighter planes vio-
nations" for recognition of sovereignty and for lated East Pakistani air space.
assistance. May 5: Chief of Military Intelligence Muhammad
The US said it had been selling $2.5m worth AkbarKhan said India mobilized 21/2 divisionson
of ammunitionyearly to Pakistansince 1967. the bordersand that Pakistanrespondedby alert-
Leaders of the secessionist movement named ing her own troops.
Tajjudin Ahmad, Mujib's assistant in command May 6: India appealed again for aid to care for
Pakistanirefugees allegedly totalling 1.5m people. May 6: British Envoy Sir William Luce renewedhis
India denied Pakistanichargesthat militaryunits mission to the Gulf arrivingin Bahraynfor talks
on the borderwere being reinforced. on the proposed Gulf Federation.
May 12: YahyaKhan informedUN SecretaryGeneral
U Thant that relief aid was not necessaryin the
East. Saudi Arabia
PersianGulf (See also General, Persian Gulf, South
(See also General, Algeria, Iran, Morocco, Yemen, UAR)
Sudan, Tunisia) 1971
1971 Feb. 21: Talks opened with LebaneseForeign Min-
ister Khalil Abii Hamad for constructionof a
Feb. 17: Omani jet planes bombed rebel bases in
joint oil refineryin Lebanon.
Feb. 23: Lebanese Foreign Minister Hamad said
Mar. 1: The British government announced the
"nothingcould provide a stumbling-blockto com-
treaties with the Gulf states would expire at the
end of 1971 and most British forces would be plete co-operation between Saudi Arabia and
withdrawn. Proposals for aid and a treaty of
Feb. 26: A Saudi spokesmanin Beirut denied Saudi
friendshipwith the proposedGulf Federationwere
also announced. involvement in the insurrectionin South Yemen.
Mar. 11: KuwaytiForeignMinisterRashid al-Rashid Mar. 7: A governmentspokesmansaid valuable de-
left Saudi Arabia after talks to coordinatepolicies posits of gold, silver, copper and zinc were dis-
for promoting a Gulf Federation. covered in central and western provinces.
Mar. 12: An agreement with Lebanon to build a
Mar. 14: The Trucial States Council ended a 2 day
meeting. A statement said the question of the joint refineryon a 50-50 basis was announced.
Mar. 22: A new agriculturaldam at Wadi Jizan
states' joining UN agencies was discussed but a
decision was postponed until the federationissue was inaugurated.
is settled. Mar. 25: LebanesePremier Sa'ib Salam arrived at
Mar. 19: Middle East EconomicDigest reportedAbu the invitation of King Faysal.
Dhabi's development budget for 1971 is 36% Apr. 3: 'AbdallahMutlaq was replaced as chief of
higher than for 1970. staff of the armed forces by Hamad al-Shunaybil.
Mar. 27: The official Omani newspaper Al-Watan Apr. 7: It was reported King Faysal approved a
reported the army had begun a spring offensive recommendationthat King 'Abd al-'Azlz Uni-
againstrebels in Dhufar and that the rebel harbor versity be placed under state control to alleviate
at Sadahwas captured. financial difficulties.
Mar. 29: After talks in Kuwayt Special Egyptian Apr. 14: The first trade agreement with Iran was
Envoy Hasan Sabri al-Khiili left for a tour of the signed encouragingmutual private investment.
Gulf amirates. May 1: US Secretaryof State William Rogers ar-
Apr. 12: Abu Dhabi's ruler ShaykhZayd Bin Sultan rived in Riyadh and met with King Faysal.
returnedafter a visit to Cairo. A joint commu-
nique said UAR President Anwar al-Sadat ex-
pressed support for efforts to establish a Gulf South Yemen
Apr. 15: Bahrayn'sState Council describedKuwayti- (See also General, Jordan)
Saudi efforts to bring about the Gulf Federation 1971
as "positive and encouraging." Feb. 16: Defense Minister 'Ali Nasir said the gov-
Apr. 19: A hospital built by Iran's Red Lion and ernment was "following the activities of anti-
Sun Society was opened in Ajman. revolutionary . . . forces along our borders with
Apr. 21: A joint Kuwayti-Saudidelegation ended concern."
a tour of the Gulf statesand reported"full under- Feb. 17: It was announced300 exiles had returned
standing of the mission's proposals"by the Gulf home since the end of 1970.
states. Feb. 23: Aden Radio reported the government de-
Apr. 22: Bahrayn announced it had accepted the cided to "launcha wide political initiativeat Arab
Kuwayti-Saudiproposalsfor a federation. and international levels" to expose conspiracies
Apr. 24: Oman'sSultan Qabiis arrivedin London at against the revolution.
the beginning of a Europeantour. Minister of Information 'Abdallah al-Khamiri
Apr. 29: Kuwayti Foreign Minister Shaykh Sabah announcedthat a "large" rebel force was routed
al-Jabir said Qatar had voiced "certain reserva- in the 3rd governorateon Feb. 20.
tions" about the Kuwayti-Saudiproposals for a Feb. 24: The government announcedthat a "mer-
Gulf Federation. cenary force" was routed in the 3rd governorate
and captured documents revealed that the rebel An Omani goodwill delegation arrived in
leadershipincludedformerarmy officersand mem- Khartium.
bers of the Front for the Liberation of South Mar. 18: OmdurmanRadio reportedKhartiimUni-
Yemen (FLOSY). versitywas closed down becauseof student unrest.
Feb. 28: It was announcedthat Fadl 'Abdallahwas Mar. 27: UAR PresidentSadat arrived in Khartium
appointedto the new post of Deputy Ministerof for talks with Numayrl which a spokesmansaid
Defense for Moral and Political GuidanceAffairs. were "crucial."
Mar. 3: Prime Minister Muhammad'All Haytham Apr. 2: A Chinesemedical team arrivedin Khartiim
emphasized in a speech the importance of the under the termsof a Dec. 1970 protocol.
private sector in national development and said Apr. 4: SouthernAffairsMinisterJosephGarangsaid
the government grants extensive facilities to the Council of Ministersagreed the northernand
businessmen. southern workers would receive equal pay.
Mar. 4: Aden Radio said land on Socotrawould be Apr. 16: Numayri returnedfrom a 2 day visit to the
reclaimedand agriculturaland developmentequip- USSR. A communiquesaid the 2 sides agreed to
ment sent to the island. expand political, economic and cultural relations.
Mar. 5: UAR Special Envoy HIasanSabrnal-Khiili Apr. 18: Ministerof Agriculture'Abd al-Jalil Hasan
left Aden after 3 days of talks on the Middle East al-Jalilsaid 24,000 feddansof land was distributed
situation. to peasantsto boost agriculturaloutput.
Mar. 6: UAR Special Envoy Khfili delivereda mes- Apr. 19: Al-Ayyam published a statement by
sage from UAR PresidentAnwar al-Sadatto Pres- Numayri which said Sudan would join the Fed-
ident Salim Rubay 'Ali. erationof Arab Republicswhen a permanentcon-
Apr. 10: North Korea signed an agreementfor co- stitution and a strong popular organization are
operationin telecomunicationsand postal services. establishedin Sudan.
Apr. 15: A decree named 86 members of the new
SupremePeople'sCounciland said 15 more would
be chosen after trade union elections are held. Syria
Apr. 24: The government reported routing Saudi-
backedmercenariesin the 5th governorate,killing (See also Arab-IsraeliConflict,General,Algeria,
over 40 and capturingothers with large quantities Iraq,Jordan,Lebanon,Libya)
of arms and ammunition.
May 6: Aden Radio said 100 people were arrested 1971
in a plot to overthrowthe government. Feb. 16: UAR Minister of State Simi Sharaf deliv-
ered a message from UAR President Anwar al-
Sadat to Premier Hifi; al-As'ad.
Feb. 18: The Cabinetapproveda budgetfor 1971/72
Sudan of ?Syr2.870m.
Feb. 22: PresidentAhmadal-Khatilbresignedhis post
(See also Jordan) and was elected presidentof the People's Council.
1971 An agreementwas signed with Iraq providing
Feb. 22: Time magazinereportedthat the USSR was for scholarshipsand exchangevisits between Iraqi
aiding Sudan against southern rebels with 100 and Syrianworkers'federations.
advisorsand was constructinga naval base at Port Feb. 26: Turkey signed an agreementunder which
Sudan. farm equipment sequesteredby both countriesin
Feb. 24: Premier Ja'far al-Numayri ended a 4 day 1958 and ?142,000 in blocked funds would be
visit to Chad. A joint communique said the 2 released.
countries agreed to support the African struggle Feb. 28: Premier As'ad said Syria would work to-
against "colonialistand racist regimes." ward establishinga one party system.
It was officiallyreportedthat Chad would sign Mar. 1: As'ad was nominatedto be President.
agreementsfor economic cooperation. It was announced diplomatic relations with
Feb. 28: UAR Ministerof StateSami Sharafdelivered Morocco would be resumed.
a message from UAR President Anwar al-Sadat Mar. 11: Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Halim Khaddam
to Premier Numayri. said Syria'sforeign policy aims at closer relations
Mar. 2: The CommunistParty issued a statementto with socialistcountries,especiallythe Soviet Union,
Al-A,khbarof Beirut saying: "Numeiry'stwo-week- and that the defense budgetwould be 71% of the
old anti-Communistcampaign has imperilled the total budget.
very existence of his regime...." Mar. 12: It was reported As'ad received 99.2% of
Mar. 4: Agreementwas reachedwith Kuwayt to in- the votes cast in the Presidentialreferendum.
crease trade, open industrial exhibits in Kuwayt, MiddleEastEconomicDigest reportedthat Econ-
establishreciprocalinvestmentofficesand to form a omy MinisterMustafi Hallaj said Syriawould like
permanentcommitteefor developmentinvestment. an economic agreement with France noting that
Mar. 19: Sunay designatedNihat Erim as new Pre- strong, active uprising against the motherland
mier. Erim said he would be willing to join all and the republic."
parties in a "national coalition government." Apr. 27: Military commandersannounced bans on
Mar. 21: Premier-DesignateErim said he planned possession of weapons and public meetings in
reforms in education and agriculture which, if Ankara, Izmir and Istanbul.
accepted,would make it unnecessaryfor the army Apr. 29: US Secretaryof State William Rogers ar-
to take over the government. rived in Ankarafor a CENTO meeting.
Mar. 22: The Justice Party voted to allow Erim to Martiallaw authoritiesorderedC#mhuriyetand
form a Cabinet. Akiam to cease publicationfor 10 days for articles
Mar. 26: Sunay endorsedthe following Cabinet: critical of martial law.
Nihat Erim: Premier May 1: Erim said the governmentwould "do every-
Sadi Koga;: Deputy Premier for Political and thing possible" to halt illicit opium cultivation.
AdministrativeAfairs He said Turkey would buy the entire 1971 crop
Atilla Karaosmanoglu:Deputy Premierfor Eco- of poppies and would have substitutecrops intro-
nomic Affairs duced in future years.
Mehmet Ozgune;: State Erim said there was no imminentdangerto the
Dogan Kitapli: State state but a threat of sabotage,subversionand sep-
Ismail Arar: Justice aratistmovement in the east. He added that 200
Ferit Melen: Defense people were detainedsince martiallaw took effect.
Hamdi Omeroglu: Interior May 12: An earthquakestruck the town of Burdur
Osman Olcay: Foreign in the southwest. An estimated 100 people were
Sait Naci Ergin: Finance killed.
Sinasi Orel: Education
Cahit Karaka?:Public Works
Ozer Derbil: Foreign Economic Relations United ArabRepublic
Ayhan CilingiroAlu:Industry& Trade
TuirkanAkyol: Health (See also Arab-Israeli Conflict, General, Jordan,
Haydar Ozalp: Customs & Monopolies Kuwayt,Lebanon,Libya, Persian Gulf, South
Orhan Dikmen: Agriculture Yemen, Sudan, Syria)
Hal'uk Arik: Communications 1971
Atilla Sav: Labor Feb. 20: YugoslavPresidentTito ended a 6 day visit.
Ihsan Topaloglu: Power & Natural Resources Mar. 1: A protocol was signed with Czechoslovakia
Erol Yilmaz Akcal: Tourism and Publicity for cooperationin the economic,politicaland mili-
SelahattinBabiiroglu: Construction& Housing tary fields. A joint communiquesaid cooperation
Cevdet Ayhan: Village Affairs was based on "unity ensuing from the economic
Sezai Ergiin: Youth & Sports struggle for the constructionof a society without
SelahattinInal: Forests exploitation and imperialist oppression ."
Apr. 7: The new government received a vote of Mar. 2: The Cairo International Industrial Fair
confidencein the National Assembly by a tally opened with 28 nations participating.
of 321 in favor and 46 against. Mar. 7: Presidentof Chase ManhattanBank, David
Apr. 11: The apartmentof General Atif Ercikan, Rockefeller left Cairo after talks with President
planning chief of the General Staff, was bombed. Anwar al-Sadatand PremierMahmiudFawzi.
Apr. 14: Minister of State for Economic Affairs Saudi Foreign Minister 'Umar al-Saqqafended
Atilla Karasomanogluaccused the previous gov- 6 days of talks on cooperation between that 2
ernmentof "maladministration." He said it would countries"in all fields."
take 2,359 years to reach the level of the EEC, Mar. 12: Editor of Al-Ahram Haykal wrote that
that hard currencyreserveswould meet demands Egyptian troops face "one of the most difficult
for only 1 month and 3 weeks and that the foreign battles of all time" and describedthe Israeli Bar-
debt rose from $1.6 to $3.4 billion under the Lev line as nearly impregnable.
Justice Party. He said measureswould be taken Mar. 16: Hafiz Isma'il was appointed Minister of
to discipline the balanceof paymentssituation. State for Foreign Affairs.
Apr. 25: Foreign MinisterOsman Olcay said Turkey Mar. 18: The Arab Socialist Union paper Al-Jum-
initiated direct contact with CommunistChina to huriyahaccusedHaykal of presenting "ambiguous
explore the possibility of establishing diplomatic notions, half-truthsand illusions" in his editorials
relations. in Al-Ahram.
Apr. 26: Martial law was declaredin 11 provinces Mar. 20: PresidentSadatmet with top military com-
including Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir. Justice mandersfor the 2nd time in a week.
Minister Ismail Arar said the action was taken The USSR signed an aid agreementincluding
after the Cabinet consideredthe views of the Na- $66m for an electrical grid for villages, $40m
tional SecurityCouncil and decided there was "a for desert reclamation,$33m for cement plants
and $55m for grain and flour storage facilities. Sadatsaid the 6 CabinetMinisterswho resigned
Creditswould be repayableover 12 yearsat 2.5% had been planning a coup d'etat and were placed
interest. under house arrest. He said there would be
Mar. 24: Sadat said Egypt was paying for all the free electionsto reorganizethe ASU.
arms and economicaid it was getting from Russia The National Assembly convened to expel 18
and that "in the very near future, we will be one members.
of the principal petroleum producersin this part Sadat pledged to end arbitrarypolice surveil-
of the world." lance and phone tapping.
Mar. 26: ForeignMinisterMahmuidRiyaidarrivedin May 15: Demonstrationsof support for Sadat were
Italy for talks with Italian Foreign Minister Aldo held in Cairo.
Moro and Yugoslav PresidentTito.
Mar. 27: Foreign MinisterRiyaddheld separatetalks Yemen
with Italian Prime Minister Emilio Columbo and (See also Afghanistan,Jordan)
Yugoslav PresidentTito in Italy. 1971
Mar.29: Riyad.went to Parisfor talks on the Middle Feb. 22: It was announcedthe World Bank and the
East situation and a conferenceof Egyptian Am- Kuwayt Development Fund agreed to provide
bassadorsto western countries. planning experts to help the governmentwithout
The governmentrestoredbroadcastingrights to chargeand to aid in road projectsand an agricul-
the Palestinianresistancemovement. tural scheme.
Apr. 3: The governmentannounceda rich new oil Feb. 25: Prime Minister Muhsin al-'Ayni presented
field was discovered50 miles south of al-Alamayn. his government'sresignation in preparationfor
Apr. 29: The National Assemblyvoted unanimously general elections. The ministers were asked to
in favor of the federation with Syria and Libya. continue in office under Deputy Premier for
The Central Committee of the Arab Socialist InternalAffairs'Abd al-SalamSabrauntil elections
Union ratifiedthe agreementto federatewith Syria were held.
and Libyawith the amendmentthat federalexecu- Mar. 2: UAR Special Envoy $abri al-Khfili delivered
tive decisions be made by unanimousrather than a message from UAR President Anwar al-Sidat
majority vote. to President'Abd al-RahmanIryanm.
May 1: Sadatsaid the name "UnitedArab Republic" Mar. 10: Elections were held for representativesto
might be changed to "Egypt." the ConsultativeCouncil.
May 2: Vice President'Ali Sabri was relieved of his Apr. 19: The National Assembly met for the first
duties by Sadat. time and elected Shaykh 'Abdallah al-Ahmar
May 10: Iranian Foreign Minister Ardeshir Zahedi Speaker.
arrived in Cairo for talks on the Middle East Apr. 23: The JerusalemPost reportedthat the Re-
situation. publican Council resigned and was refusing a
May 13: The following Ministersresigned from the requestto continue its duties until a new Council
Cabinet. could be elected.
MuhammadFawzi: War Apr. 26: A new 3-man RepublicanCouncil was ap-
Sha'rawiJum'ah: Interior pointed. They were: 'Abd al-Rahman al-Iryani,
Sami Sharaf: State Hasan al-'Amri, Muhammad'Uthman.
MuhammadFa'iq: Natio-nalGuidance May 3: A new Cabinetwas announced:
Sa'adZayd: Housing Ahmad MuhammadNu'min: Premier
Hilmi al-Sayd: ElectricalPower MuhammadGhalib: State
Three officials of the Arab Socialist Union i.usayn 'Abdallah al-Marawini: Health
(ASU) also resigned. They were: ASU Secretary Ahmad MuhammadNu'man: Foreign Affairs
General 'Abd al-Muhsin Abfi al-Nur, Labib 'Abdallah 'Ali: Communications
Shuqayrand Zia al-din Da'wuid. Ahmad 'Abduh Sa'id: Economy
Gen. MuhammadSadik was appointedMinister 'Abd al-Qadir 'Abdallah:Justice
of War. 'Abd al-Malikal-Tayyib:State
Deputy Premier 'Azlz Sidql said of the resig- MuhammadIsmi'il al-Rubay: Treasury
nations: "Finally the heads of conspiracyand re- Yahya 'Abdallah: Awqaf
bellion have come into the open." 'Abd al-Salam Sabrah: Deputy Premier
May 14: The following replacementswere sworn into Muhammad Isma'il al-Hajji: Local Ad-
the Cabinet: minstration
Mamdih Salim: Interior 'AbdallahHusaynBarakat:Interior
'Abd al-Qadir Hatim: Information MuhammadAhmad Junayd: Agriculture
MuhammadAhmadMuhammad:State Abmad Qa'id Barakit: Information
Ahmad Sultan: ElectricPower Ahmad Zayn al-'Abidin: Education
'All al-Sayyid:Housing Yahyi Ahmad al-Mudwah1:Public Works
Husayn al-Shdfi'i:Vice President Salih al-Masri:State