Reading Comprehension: Corporación Universitaria Uniminuto Psychology Colombia, Bogotá D.C January 2021

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Presented By

Laura Estephany Rojas Perico

ID 585385

Presented to:

John Alfredo Cano Salerno

NRC 1288

Corporación Universitaria Uniminuto

Psychology Colombia, Bogotá D.C
January 2021

Reading comprehension is important in learning a language. To improve

readingcomprehension, you should read the appropriate book according to the level of

English thateach one has, starting with easy-to-read texts to gradually increase until you reach

the mostcomplex. Next, we will describe ten tips to improve reading comprehension.

1. First strategie Making Connection

when good readers make conneting they hook new information froma text

to informartion they already know when this happens learning and understanding

take place you when you are working with a emerging reader, you can ask them

specific questions throughtout the book to help.

them makes tghese connections eventually they will learn to do automatically.

readers can make connection in three diferent ways :

text to self

• how would you feelif ?

• has something like this ?
• are you like any of the characters in ?

text to text

• have you ever heard of anything like this ?

• have you ever seen someone ?
• have you ever read another book wih pictures?
• have you ever been to?

text a world

• have you ever Heard of anything like this ?
• have you ever seen somenone ?
• have you ever been to …?

this way to better comprehension

2. Retelling

retelling occurs when a reader an describe the important parts of a story in his own words

diferent , may retail the same story in different ways in this is fine as long as the reader

can identify the main idea and key events in a story you can help a young reader retell a story

by asking cuestion like :.

• What was the most important thing that happened ?

• Dis this story teach us a lesson ?

• What happened next ? and after that ?.

3. Order or pictures

and after that having the student draw a picture of the main events of a story in the

correct order is another way to promote the strategie listening to a reader retell a story

will allow you to quickly asses her understanding of the text.

4. Asking questions

good readers ask lots of questions whilw they are reading sometimes the questions come up

because they dont understand something mentioned in the story sometimes a question occurs

because a trigger in the book peeks of readers curiosity when reading with a student it is a

good idea to encourage the student to write down any questions that occur in journal or

readers notebook some example of questions may be things like :

I wonder why the wolf wanted to get into the pigs houses ?

Why did some of the pigs buy Straw and Wood instead of bricks ?

what does the word huff mean?

while reading promotes reading comprehension because it gives a purpose for reaing the

book and it can make reading much more interesting.

5. Making predictions

making predictions about what will happen next in a story can help keep readers interested

in the text, it can be fun to check predictions as the text ,unfold you can helps a reader make

predictions by asking question like in this story fiction or nonfiction real or pretend for very

young students.

what do you happen next do?

do you think the wolf will be a good guy or a bad guy in the end?

your predictions in a journal at the end you can check , to see your predictions were correct,

what will happen next evaluates a abilitys to understand clue form the text.

what will happen next evaluates a abilitys to understand clue form the text to draw

conclusions when most of the predictions are correct or at least reasonable

6. Author and Passage ( inferences in the text )

authors dont make every point explicit ,sometimes the required readers to read between the

lines and draw conclusions or inferences, need to be drawn from a single statement these are

called detail based inferences in orden to make them ,correctly.

we most be aware of the context and tone of passage, lets look at one as we read the following

pasagge were going to try to answer this question what can we infer about residents of low-

income urban neighborhoods.

here the pasagge .

“every day people are exposed to many different enviromental polluntants which can cause

health problems, pesticides in particular are a major problem. large quantities are applied

in urban communities to control vermin, especially in some low-income áreas”.

notice towards the bottom that we mention people who live in the urban communities and in

low-income area , what is true about them well they get more pesticides a kind evironmental

pollutant which can cause more health problem so people who live in these areas may be

at greater risk for developing some health problems. thats a valid inference that we can draw

from that detail we could also draw an invalid inference we might see something like. this

enviromental pollutanst are not the biggest health threat to those in low income urban areas

this is not supported by the pasagge which does not rank or order or even discuss any other

health threats to people in these areas therefore this inference is invalid because it is not

supported by the detail in question.

7. how to start improving Reading comprehension

How can you start to improve reading comprehension with your math, science, history, or

English students?

Discuss reading comprehension

Writing a one-page brochure detailing your ideas about reading comprehension and why it is

important can be helpful. You can include your ideas on topics like taking notes, setting

goals, and asking questions. Also, connect the importance of improving reading

comprehension with something practical and relevant to them, like text messages, emails,

and blogs. Share these written thoughts with your students and use the handout as a reminder

throughout the school year.

8. Practice what you preach

Telling students that improving reading comprehension is crucial and then giving them tests

that emphasize memorization is backward reasoning. Instead, give them essay tests and ask

them to write reports. Your students may not be used to what appears to be a subjective rating,

but it is your responsibility to detail what you are looking for in your answers and written

reports and explain that you are preparing them for college.

9. Encourage thinking before Reading/ Encourage thinking while Reading.

Students should read their questions and / or the questions in the book before beginning to

read. This should help them know when to focus on the text and when to flip through it, In

other words, thinking before we read can help us be selective rather than trying to understand

each sentence.

Perhaps the most important advice you can give students about how to read is that their

reading comprehension is more likely to improve when they stop reading.

10. Practicing (a lot) makes perfect

Many of these tips can be summed up in one word: practice. Yes, students can be successful

in improving their reading comprehension skills by practicing asking and answering

questions while reading, taking notes, setting goals, writing summaries of what they have

read, and more. Be honest with them that improving reading comprehension skills is hard

work. However, it is worth it if you want to possess a useful skill for school and for life



Video 1: Tutoring tips :Reading Comprehesion

Video 2:Ecallent Reading Comprehension exercises


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