Maternal Depression and Child Severe Acute Malnutrition A Case-Control Study From Kenya
Maternal Depression and Child Severe Acute Malnutrition A Case-Control Study From Kenya
Maternal Depression and Child Severe Acute Malnutrition A Case-Control Study From Kenya
Background: Depression is the leading cause of disease-related disability in women and adversely affects the
health and well-being of mothers and their children. Studies have shown maternal depression as a risk factor for
poor infant growth. Little is known about the situation in Sub-Saharan Africa. The aim of our study was to examine
the association between maternal depression and severe acute malnutrition in Kenyan children aged 6–60 months.
Methods: A matched case-control study was conducted in general paediatric wards at the Kenyatta National Hospital.
The cases were children admitted with severe acute malnutrition as determined by WHO criteria. The controls were
age and sex-matched children with normal weight admitted in the same wards with acute ailments. Mothers of the
cases and controls were assessed for depression using the PHQ-9 questionnaire. Child anthropometric and maternal
demographic data were captured. Logistic regression analyses were used to compare the odds of maternal depression
in cases and controls, taking into account other factors associated with child malnutrition status.
Results: The prevalence of moderate to severe depression among mothers of malnourished children was high (64.1%)
compared to mothers of normal weight children (5.1%). In multivariate analyses, the odds of maternal depression was
markedly higher in cases than in controls (adjusted OR = 53.5, 95% CI = 8.5–338.3), as was the odds of having very low
income (adjusted OR = 77.6 95% CI = 5.8–1033.2).
Conclusions: Kenyan mothers whose children are hospitalized with malnutrition were shown in this study to carry
a significant mental health burden. We strongly recommend formation of self-help groups that offer social support,
counseling, strategies to address food insecurity, and economic empowerment skills for mothers of children
hospitalized for malnourishment.
Keywords: Maternal depression, Child malnutrition, Kenya, Case control study, Poverty
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Haithar et al. BMC Pediatrics (2018) 18:289 Page 2 of 9
depression. Postpartum depression (PPD) prevalence es- and child clinic reported a strong association between ma-
timates vary from 15 to 57% [9–13]. An estimated 10– ternal depression and both non-exclusive breastfeeding
15% of mothers who reside in high income countries are (OR = 7.1; 95% CI = 2.9–17.6) and infant underweight sta-
affected [13], with nearly double the prevalence reported tus (OR = 4.4; 95%CI = 1.8–11.0) [17]. To date no Kenyan
in South Asia (Pakistan 28%, India 23%) [9, 11, 14–16]. studies have examined the association between severe
PPD prevalence estimates from sub-Saharan Africa acute malnutrition (SAM) in infants and depression in
range from 6 to 30% [17]. mothers. By testing the hypothesis that mothers of chil-
Most research on maternal depression and child nutri- dren hospitalized with SAM would have a significantly
tional outcomes in LMIC has been conducted in S. Asia, higher likelihood of suffering from depression than chil-
where the majority of the world’s underweight children dren hospitalized with other medical conditions, our re-
reside [9, 10, 14, 18]. The South Asian studies suggest that search was designed to fill this gap.
poor maternal mental health, particularly maternal depres-
sion, is a risk factor for inadequate growth in young chil- Methods
dren. A case-control study conducted in South India Study design
reported a significant association between current major We carried out a matched case-control study to examine
depression in mothers and malnutrition in children (OR = differences in the prevalence of depression in mothers
3.2, 95% CI 1.1–9.5) [16, 19]. A cohort study conducted by with young children hospitalized for severe acute malnu-
Rahman et al. (2007) [20] in rural Pakistan found that trition (SAM) and mothers with young children hospi-
perinatal depression in mothers predicted poorer growth talized for other health problems.
and higher risk of diarrhea in infants [21].
In Brazil de Miranda et al. (1996) conducted a Sample
case-control study of women of San Paulo and found high Sample size was determined using open Epi formula for
levels of psychiatric morbidity among women with protein matched case control studies. The minimum number
energy malnourished children, with 63% of cases having was determined as 74 (37 cases and 37 controls).
high levels of mental distress compared to 38% in controls Estimates from the Husain et al. study (2000) were used
(OR = 2.8;95% CI =1.2–6.9) [22]. In Rio de Janeiro Hassan to ascertain expected prevalence of maternal depression
et al. (2016) found that maternal mental health was associ- in children with SAM, and the meta-analytic study by
ated with the nutritional status of infants at six months [23]. O’Hara et al. (1996) [13] for the expected prevalence of
Infants of depressed mothers were reportedly two standard maternal depression in normal children [9, 13].
deviations below average height on WHO norms [12, 24].
A number of studies of child nutritional status in Recruitment and consenting procedures
under-fives conducted in sub-Saharan Africa have exam- The study was approved by the Kenyatta National
ined related demographic, socioeconomic and cultural Hospital/University of Nairobi ethical review committee
factors [25–29], while a small literature focuses on ma- (approval no. KNH/ERC/A/180). Consent was adminis-
ternal mental health (Table 1). Adewuya et al. (2008) tered in English or Kiswahili, depending on the mother’s
conducted a case-control study in Nigeria and found language preference, and written informed consent was
that at both three and six months, infants of depressed obtained from the participants. Cases were malnourished
mothers had statistically significantly poorer growth than children ages 6–60 months admitted with severe acute
infants of non-depressed mothers, with odds ratios of malnutrition at Kenyatta National Hospital pediatric
3.28 and 3.34 for length and 3.21 and 4.21 for height wards between May and June 2014. The controls were
[30]. Depressed mothers reported that they discontinued gender and age-matched children who were normal
breastfeeding earlier, and their infants had more episodes weight and admitted to the same hospital for acute ail-
of diarrhea and other infectious illnesses [30]. Other ments. For each case found at the pediatric ward, the
sub-Saharan African studies have shown that maternal first author matched the control on age (up to +/−three
depression is associated with compromised parenting months) and sex (except for two pairs). Sampling for the
behavior, non-responsive care- giving practices and de- cases and controls was done sequentially in all the
crease in breast feeding, all of which contribute to child- pediatric wards at the ratio of one to one. Malnourished
hood malnutrition [17, 21, 22]. Ashaba et al. (2015), who children who were admitted for duration longer than
conducted a case-control study in Uganda, reported that 7 days or not within the age range were excluded.
42% of mothers of malnourished children were de- Mothers who could not communicate in either English
pressed, compared to 12% of mothers of normal weight or Kiswahili or were unable to give informed consent
children admitted to hospital for chronic illness (OR = 2.4; were also excluded. Consecutive convenience sampling
95% CI =1.18–4.79) [31]. A recent cross-sectional study was applied to obtain cases and controls until the de-
conducted in Kenya with mothers attending a maternal sired sample size was achieved.
Table 1 Summary of Key SAM and Maternal Depression Studies in LMIC Contexts
Study Design Sample size & methods Population & setting Tools & mode of administration Outcomes (ORs with 95% CI)
Ashaba et al. (2015) [31] Maternal Matched case N = 166 children (83 cases and 83 Rural population from low MINI (Mini International Prevalence of depression 42% among
depression and malnutrition in control study controls); Controls were age and socioeconomic background. Neuropsychiatric Interview) cases versus 12% among controls
SW Uganda Not blinded gender-matched chronically ill Hospital-based study. Clinician administered. OR 2.4 (95% CI = 1.18–4.79; p = 0.015)
children. Children aged 6–60 months.
Ross & Hanlon et al. (2010) [35] Cohort study N = 954 mother child pairs. Rural population of low SRQ 20 (Self- Reporting Prevalence of High CMD (SRQ20
Perinatal mental distress & infant socio-economic status. Questionnaire) score > 6) was 9.8% in pregnancy,
Haithar et al. BMC Pediatrics (2018) 18:289
morbidity in Ethiopia Population-based study. Self-administered. 2.1% post- natally: persistent high
Followed up from 3rd trimester CMD was 2.5%
through first 2 months Persistent perinatal CMD was
postpartum. associated with RR 2.15 (95%
CI = 1.39–3.24) increased risk of
infant diarrhea.
Ejaz et al. (2012) [37] Maternal Matched case N = 100 (50 cases, 50 controls with Urban population in Karachi HADS (Hamilton Anxiety and Cases were more likely than controls
psychiatric morbidity & childhood control study significant co-morbidities were of low socio-economic Depression Scale) to have depressed mothers OR 0.85
malnutrition in Pakistan Not blinded excluded. status. Clinician administered at time of (95% CI = 0.38–1.86; p = 0.68)
Controls were children with normal Hospital based study. hospital admission.
weight. Admitted with common
childhood illnesses, like acute
respiratory infections, diarrhea.
Rahman et al. (2004) [38] Maternal Case control study N = 172(82 cases, 90 controls) Urban and peri-urban. SRQ 20 (Self- Reporting Strong association between maternal
mental health & childhood Interviewer blinded Controls were children from same Mainly of low SES. Questionnaire), depression and poor weight gain.
growth in Rawalpindi, Pakistan to case-control locality whose weight for age was Immunization clinic based. Self- administered Adjusted OR 2.8 (95% CI 1.2–6.8,
status of infant. above the 10th percentile. Administered to mother when p < 0.05)
she came to clinic for child’s
9-mo. immunization
Patel et al. (2003) [14] Maternal Cohort study 171 infants age > 9 months Rural population in Goa, EPDS (Edinburgh Perinatal Babies under the 5th percentile for
depression & infant growth in Hospitalized 22% with depressed mothers. India of low SES. Depression Scale) weight were more likely to have
Goa, India controls. Hospital based. Clinician administered at depressed mothers Risk ratio 2.3
6–8 week immunization visit. (95% CI = 1.1–4.7, p = 0.01)
Anoop et al. (2004) [19] Maternal Case control study 72 cases and 72 controls, matched. Rural and peri-urban SCID (Structured Clinical Mothers with malnourished babies
depression as risk factor for Interviewer blind Cases were children 50–80% of of low SES Interview for DSM-IV) were more likely to have post- natal
malnutrition in children 6–12 months to child nutritional expected weight. Community based. Clinician administered. depression OR 7.4 (95% CI = 1.6–3.85;
in Kaniyambadi Block, Nadu status. Controls matched for age, sex, and p = 0.01)
locality were > 80% of expected
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Haithar et al. BMC Pediatrics (2018) 18:289 Page 4 of 9
self-reported prevalence of HIV was 17.9% among Table 3 Logistic Regression Model: Depression Status of Mothers
mothers of the cases and 5.1% among mothers of the with Children Hospitalized with Severe Acute Malnutrition or
controls. The majority of the mothers of cases (71.8%) Other Health Conditions
and controls (84.6%) reported that they were receiving Model Variable OR (95% CI) p value
social support from family members or friends. Over 1 Depression Status
three quarters of mothers in both groups reported hav- Depressed 33.0 (6.9–158.2) < 0.001
ing some control over family finances. Not depressed 1.0
The prevalence of mild, moderate, or moderately se-
2 Depression Status
vere depression was 64.1% (N = 25) among mothers of
severely malnourished children. This statistically signifi- Depressed 53.5 (8.5–338.3) < 0.001
cantly higher than the 5.1% (N = 2) prevalence of depres- Not depressed 1.0
sion identified in mothers of normal weight children, Family income per annum
OR = 33.0; 95% CI 6.9–158.2, p < 0.001 (Fig. 1). Among < 36,000 77.6 (5.8–1033.2) 0.001
the 25 case mothers who were depressed, 13 had mild 36,000-150,000 3.3 (0.6–18.0) 0.162
depression, 9 had moderate depression and 3 had mod-
> 150,000 1.0
erately severe depression. In the control group one
mother had mild depression, and the other had moder-
ately severe depression (Fig. 1). discrepancy between the prevalence of depression in
Results of multivariate logistic models showed child these mothers compared to mothers of children hospi-
nutrition to be significantly associated with maternal de- talized with other illnesses.
pression (AOR = 53.5; 95% CI: 8.5–338.3) and low family The hospital-based case control study conducted in
income (AOR = 77.6; 95% CI: 5.8–1033.2). Besides family Pakistan by Ejaz et al. reported high psychiatric morbidity
income, none of the covariates were statistically signifi- of 50% in the cases, but with nearly as high a prevalence
cantly associated with child malnutrition in multivariate of depression (46%) in controls who were mothers of hos-
analyses (see Tables 2 and 3). pitalized normal weight children [37]. This high mental
health morbidity in both cases and controls reflected the
Discussion generally high prevalence of mental health problems
Our study demonstrated that infant malnutrition is sig- amongst women in Pakistan [38]. Although the prevalence
nificantly associated with both maternal depression and of depression in cases in the current study (64.1%) is
family income. Several studies in low income countries higher than estimates of 15–63% reported among mothers
such as India, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Uganda have in other LMICs, what is more striking in our study is the
shown similar findings [19, 21, 31, 35]. In a low prevalence of depression (5.1%) in the controls [14,
meta-analysis of seventeen studies from eleven different 16, 21, 30, 31, 39]. A prior Kenyan study conducted by
countries, Sukran et al. reported an OR of 2.2 in the as- Madeghe et al. (2016) with women with infants attending
sociation between maternal depression and underweight well-child visits reported a PPD prevalence (EPDS score of
and an OR of 2.0 in the association between maternal 10 or higher) of 13% [17].
depression and stunting [36]. Our study findings stand Several features of our study sample and methods may
out in both the high prevalence of depression in mothers have contributed to differences between our findings
of hospitalized malnourished children and in the and those of previous studies of hospitalized children.
Our study sample was restricted to mothers whose chil- undernutrition in children by compromising parenting be-
dren had been hospitalized for seven days or less, whereas havior. Depression can adversely affect the mother’s ability
the children in Ashaba et al. (2015) were not restricted to to perform caregiving activities such as breast feeding,
those with brief length of hospitalization and, subse- stimulation, hygiene and overall care [27]. This interferes
quently, their control mothers may have been suffering with formation of a secure early attachment and bonding
psychological effects of their children’s long hospital stays behaviors with the baby [19, 21] which, in turn affect a
(as high as 2–3 months) [31]. We only include those chil- child’s physical and emotional well-being. Conversely, hav-
dren admitted fewer than seven days previously in order ing a child who is severely malnourished is highly distres-
to mitigate this potential contributor to maternal distress. sing. In the current study the malnourished children had
The higher prevalence of depression in mothers of our been ill intermittently with general deterioration of health
cases may be due to differences in study populations, with that could trigger sustained psychological distress in the
the current sample being predominantly urban slum mothers. Additionally, the fact that the infant was physic-
dwellers of low socio economic status, while the Ashaba ally extremely fragile, and this was visually apparent to the
et al. sample was mainly rural. Table 1 highlights that a mother as she waited for the infant to recover, could
variety of tools, including the MINI, EPDS, HADS etc., heighten feelings of hopelessness and helplessness in the
were used in different studies. We administered the mother. Children in the hospital wards where the study
PHQ-9 because it has been validated in Kenya. was conducted have high mortality rates with conse-
Our study had several limitations. Although the study quences for the mothers’ level of stress and low mood. In
was adequately powered to evaluate the primary study contrast, the controls may have been ill for a shorter win-
question, the small sample size contributed to the very dow of time, so the mothers may not have been subjected
wide confidence intervals around estimated odds ratios to sustained distress.
for maternal depression and family income. We were not Our study illustrates the juxtaposition of two health
able to draw conclusions about the contribution to child conditions that have serious adverse effects on large seg-
malnutrition status of factors such as mother’s HIV status ments of populations in low income countries. In this
and father’s unemployment status that may have distin- case-control study, we draw attention to tremendous chal-
guished cases from controls in a larger study. Researchers lenges parents face in caring for malnourished children
were aware of the case-control status of the mother at the and the burgeoning challenges children face when their
time they administered the depression questionnaire. A caregivers are debilitated with depression. While our study
high proportion of participating mothers requested that is inconclusive regarding the temporal sequence in the
the questionnaire be administered orally. While the med- causal association between mother’s depression and child’s
ical students were carefully trained to administer the nutritional status, the empirical evidence regarding the eti-
PHQ-9 in a systematic way to both case and control ology of depression would support the argument that
mothers, there may have been errors in understanding the there is considerable reciprocity, with maternal depression
intent of the questions or in the data collectors’ sensitivity, affecting feeding and other child-rearing practices, and the
based on the health status of the child or if the mother stress of caring for a malnourished child affecting the
was perceived as highly distressed. Additionally, because mental health status of the caregiver [31, 40, 41].
the case-control study was organized around the outcome Hospitalization is an added burden on caregiving re-
of the child’s hospitalization, it is difficult to establish tem- sources. By matching cases and controls on the condition
poral sequence between maternal depression and the of hospitalization and by taking family income into ac-
child’s nutritional status. We were not able to determine count in multivariate analyses, our study was able to con-
which mothers in this study suffered from depression trol for these sources of parental stress.
before or during pregnancy. In addition we did not gather Our study findings suggest that mothers of malnour-
information about which children were born preterm or ished children are a very vulnerable group for whom
were underweight at the time of their birth. Knowledge of emotional health support and economic empowerment
the date of onset and temporal ordering of depression in programs are warranted. Mothers of malnourished infants
the mother and malnourishment in the infant would help are discharged from hospital to carry out feeding proto-
to determine the optimal timing for targeting inter- cols that require time, effort, new skills, and financial re-
vention strategies. sources. It may be difficult for mothers with depression
Having a child who is severely malnourished and who is and low income to comply with recommendations. Our
undergoing hospitalization requires high reserves of par- findings strongly suggest that the need for clinicians who
ental energy. From what we know about how depression care for families with malnourished infants should learn
affects functioning, a mother with moderate depression to recognize and treat maternal mental health conditions
will have difficulty in carrying out ordinary work and so- that can impede attainment of desired nutritional goals. In
cial activities. Maternal depression may contribute to addition, the association between malnourishment and
Haithar et al. BMC Pediatrics (2018) 18:289 Page 8 of 9
very low income calls for measures to ensure that families Authors’ contributions
have adequate economic resources so that mothers and The work was carried out by SH as part of the Masters degree in Psychiatry
at the department of Psychiatry University of Nairobi. SH with support from
infants do not suffer the health consequences of having AS collected data and wrote the findings, MK and MK were her University
insufficient food. mentors and helped in conceptualization, writing up and conducting statistical
Promising findings have emerged from a trial of the analysis. AVS was her third mentor who assisted during planning of the
research concept, reviewed the writing and data analysis and helped shape the
WHO endorsed Thinking Healthy Program conducted in manuscript for submission. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
rural Pakistan, where mothers with depression who re-
ceived cognitive behavioral therapy experienced significant Ethics approval and consent to participate
reduction in depression. Additionally their infants had Ethical approval was obtained from The Kenyatta National Hospital / University of
Nairobi Ethical and Research Committee (KNH/UoN-ERC) Ref. no. KNH/ERC/A/180.
fewer episodes of diarrhea in the first year, compared to The study purpose was explained to the participants. A written informed
women whose depression was not treated [21, 42]. The consent was signed by the respondent, based on willingness to participate
Thinking Healthy Program targets maternal depression in the study. Informed consent was given from participants in this research
for future uses of data, such as publication, preservation and long-term use
and infant health promotion and has been endorsed by of research data. Confidentiality was assured. The information collected was
WHO [43] for use in LMIC. The intervention can be of- kept confident, serial numbers were used instead of names.
fered by lay health workers and could be implemented in
Kenya to provide greater support to vulnerable women. Consent for publication
Not applicable.
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