Review of Pasig's Contact Tracing Solution
Review of Pasig's Contact Tracing Solution
Review of Pasig's Contact Tracing Solution
country that may threaten the security and privacy of its users.
Technical Review of Pasig's Contact
On this blog, I will be discussing my feedback or review for PasigPass.
Tracing Solution
Dec 07, 2020
Security Headers
The password field on its sign up page clearly display the requirement for the
account's password. For me, I don't recommend setting '6' characters as the
minimum number of characters as password.
The sign up form is only asking for necessary details such as Full Name,
Birthdate, Home Address, Email, and Mobile Numbers which are vital for
contact tracing.
image above.
The first thing I noticed was the note included on the email. I was like WOW!
The reset password link validity is so strict or short. The common
recommended validity that I always encounter is at least 24 hours but for
PasigPass it's only for 5 minutes which is not a problem (I actually like it).
Figure 7: Source of Username and Password field with autocomplete set to off
They use UUID instead of random characters that could possible be guessed
The username and password fields, even the fields in the signup forms does or bruteforced.
contain an attribute called autocomplete and currently set to off. If the
attribute is missing or enabled, then credentials entered by the user are Software Version
stored on their local computer and retrieved by the browser on future visits
to the same application. Server: Microsoft-IIS/10.0
X-AspNetMvc-Version: 5.2
This is very important since some users are sharing devices or renting/using X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
computers in some internet cafe.
When you requested the website of PasigPass, the following data above will
Reset Password Validity
be returned as part of the response headers.
Both the Microsoft IIS server and ASP Net MVC are up to date!
When I requested to reset my password, I've received the email shown in the
By default, a form with missing method attribute will use GET as the primary
method. The problem of using the GET method is that the data such as
Figure 9: Result of WAF Checker
username and password will be transmitted as part of the URL.
Web Application Firewall typically protects web applications from attacks
Sensitive information within URLs may be logged in various locations such
such as cross-site forgery (CSRF), cross-site-scripting (XSS), file inclusion,
and SQL injection, among others.
- web server logs (via referrer);
By deploying or implementing a WAF in front of a web application, a shield is - browser's history;
placed between the Internet and web application. - and potentially, search engines (cached by Google)
Weakness Type: CWE-598: Use of GET Method With Sensitive Query Service description
Strings Personal information that are collected
Purpose of collected information
Third Party transfer/disclosure December 4, 2020 9:16pm - I sent my final email and informed them
Retention Period that I will publish this blog post.
Data Subject Rights