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NASA Tech Paper 3414 X29 Performance 1994

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December 1994

In-Flight Lift-Drag Characteristics

for a Forward-Swept Wing Aircraft
(and Comparisions With
Contemporary Aircraft)

Edwin J. Saltzman and

John W. Hicks


In-Flight Lift-Drag Characteristics

for a Forward-Swept Wing Aircraft
(and Comparisions With
Contemporary Aircraft)

Edwin J. Saltzman
PRC Inc.
Edwards, California

John W. Hicks
Dryden Flight Research Center
Edwards, California

National Aeronautics and

Space Administration
Office of Management
Scientific and Technical
Information Program
ABSTRACT TED trailing edge down

Lift (L) and drag (D) characteristics have been TEU trailing edge up
obtained in flight for the X-29A airplane (a forward-
swept-wing demonstrator) for Mach numbers (M) from Symbols
0.4 to 1.3. Most of the data were obtained near an 2
A b-
aspect ratio, ----
altitude of 30,000 ft. A representative Reynolds num- S
ber, for M = 0.9 and a pressure altitude of 30,000 ft, is
A′ aspect ratio based on alternative
18.6 × 106 based on the mean aerodynamic chord. The 2
reference area, ----
X-29A data (forward-swept wing) are compared with S′
three high-performance fighter aircraft—the F-15C,
F-16C, and F/A-18. The lifting efficiency of the Ac maximum cross-sectional area of
X-29A, as defined by the Oswald lifting efficiency fac- complete configuration
tor, e, is about average for a cantilevered monoplane for
M = 0.6 and angles of attack up to those required for Aw wetted area
maximum L/D. At M = 0.6 the level of L/D and e, as a
function of load factor, for the X-29A was about the az acceleration along aircraft z-axis, g
same as for the contemporary aircraft. The X-29A and
its contemporaries have high transonic wave drag and b wing span
equivalent parasite area compared with aircraft of the D-
CD drag coefficient, ---------
1940s through 1960s. q⋅S
CD drag coefficient at zero lift
NOMENCLATURE CD minimum value of drag coefficient for a
given polar, not necessarily C D
Acronyms and Initialisms 0

CD transonic wave drag coefficient,

ACC (wing flaperon) automatic camber wave
control reference area = A c (in fig. 14,
reference area = S)
BIR buffet intensity rise, as defined in
reference 61 CF equivalent average skin-friction
coefficient for turbulent flow
DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency L
CL lift coefficient, ----------
LE leading edge ∆C
CL lift-curve slope, ----------L-, deg–1 or rad–1
α ∆α
MAC mean aerodynamic chord
CL value of C L at corresponding C D for
MCC (wing flaperon) manual camber control min min
given polar
NACA National Advisory Committee for
Aeronautics cl section lift coefficient

NASA National Aeronautics and Space D drag force along flightpath

d equivalent diameter
PLA power lever angle
e airplane lifting efficiency factor, δc canard deflection angle, deg
1 ∆C D
------- -----------2 , unless otherwise δf wing flap or wing flaperon deflection,
πA ∆C deg
defined in text or figures
δs strake flap deflection, deg
f equivalent parasite area, C D ⋅ S Λ wing leading-edge sweep angle, deg

g acceleration of gravity Λ /4 sweep angle of quarter chord, deg

h pressure altitude θ twist wing twist angle with respect to fuselage
∆C D reference line, deg
K drag-due-to-lift factor, -----------
∆C L
η semispan fraction, in decimal form
K′ ratio of lift angle (rad) to K,
∆α ∆C D ηa aerodynamic efficiency at zero-lift,
----------- ----------- subsonic, based on reference
∆C L ∆C
L C F value of 0.003
L lift force, normal to flightpath ηa aerodynamic efficiency at zero-lift,
subsonic, based on calculated
l length C F e reference value for flat plate
turbulent flow for applicable wetted
M Mach number area and Reynolds number

M DR drag-rise Mach number, where η â aerodynamic efficiency at zero-lift,

∆C D subsonic, based on calculated C F e
----------- = 0.1 reference value for applicable
Reynolds number and wetted area,
including form factor to account for
P ambient pressure three-dimensional effects
q dynamic pressure, 0.7M P
S wing reference area assigned by airframe
builder In his National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics
(NACA) Technical Note published in 1924, Max Munk
S′ alternative reference area
said, “Sweep back was used in some of the early air-
t maximum wing thickness planes in order to obtain lateral stability” (ref. 1).
Though most of the aircraft of the 1920s and 1930s did
t/c wing thickness-to-chord ratio, maximum not use wing sweep, some early tailless gliders and air-
value averaged over the span planes employed sweep (refs. 2 and 3). Reference 2
refers to four experimenters who employed forward
α angle of attack, deg or rad sweep over part or all of the span from 1911 to 1928.
Interest in forward-swept wings increased when
α0 angle of attack at zero lift, deg some wind-tunnel tests in 1931 showed that 20° of for-
ward sweep provided a greater useful angle-of-attack
----------- lift angle, rad range than did a corresponding amount of aft sweep
∆C L
(ref. 4). Later, as airplane wings began to experience
δ deflection angle, deg the effects of local shock waves, A. Busemann and R.T.
Jones independently recommended sweepback as a trim drag, and improved low-speed handling qualities.
means of reducing transonic and supersonic drag These findings provided justification for building a
(refs. 5–7). flight demonstrator vehicle, and it was decided that it
It was only natural, then, to consider using forward should be manned rather than a remotely piloted vehi-
sweep for high-performance aircraft, because forward cle (ref. 35). Further analytical and wind-tunnel studies
sweep offered the dual benefits of reducing compress- verified the earlier indications of lower drag and in
ibility effects at transonic speeds and providing high- addition found that lift-related drag and wave drag may
lift advantages at lower speeds as indicated by also be reduced with forward sweep (refs. 36 and 37).
reference 4. This may have been a consideration in the As a result of these studies, DARPA sponsored a
design of the Junkers prototype bomber, the Ju-287, contract with Grumman Aerospace Corporation
which flew briefly in early 1945 (refs. 8–10). The Ger- (Bethpage, New York) to design and build a forward-
man-built Ju-287 had about 15° of forward, leading- swept-wing flight demonstrator (refs. 38 and 39). This
edge sweep. airplane was to incorporate several advanced technolo-
Subsequently, interest in forward-swept wings gies in addition to the forward-swept wing. By the
increased in the United States during the years follow- early 1980s, interest in forward sweep had grown
ing World War II. References 11 through 27 are a rep- enough that an international symposium was devoted to
resentative, but incomplete, listing of tests of forward the subject (ref. 40).
sweep before 1960. It may be of interest, especially to The airplane that was designed and built by Grum-
persons aware of the earliest flights to supersonic man was designated the X-29A. The Wright-Patterson
speeds, that the fuselage and empennage of the quarter Air Force Base X-29A Advanced Program Office pro-
scale X-1 model were tested with both swept-back and vided overall program management. The NASA Dry-
swept-forward wings (ref. 17). Later, during the 1960s, den Flight Research Center was the responsible test
moderate amounts of forward sweep were used in two organization and the Air Force Flight Test Center was
subsonic airplane designs in Germany, apparently for the participating test organization. More detailed infor-
advantageous positioning of the main spar (ref. 28). mation about the test organization and the flight test
Because of a warning from reference 16, published program is given in references 41 through 43.
in 1948, concerning aeroelastic structural divergence The X-29A airplane represents the integration of
for forward-swept wings, designers of high-speed air- several advanced technology features. The thin super-
craft were reluctant to employ forward sweep for more critical forward-swept wing is the most obvious of
than two decades. To avoid this problem, that is, to these (the complete list of advanced technologies will
achieve sufficient structural stiffness, conventional be given later). As indicated in references 41 through
metal wing construction would have resulted in sub- 43, one major objective of the flight program was to
stantial weight penalties. Through the development of define the lift and drag characteristics of the X-29A air-
advanced composite materials and using specially ori- plane. The purpose of this paper is to report these
ented laminates, the aeroelastic divergence problem results.
was alleviated (ref. 29). Now the forward-sweep con- Because the X-29A was a technology demonstrator,
cept could be applied to high-performance airplanes; it did not undergo thorough aerodynamic design
consequently several feasibility studies were initiated optimization. Components from other aircraft (for
(refs. 30–33). These and other studies were either spon- example, forebody and canopy) were used, and it had
sored or encouraged by the Defense Advanced exposed hinges and large actuator fairings beneath the
Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and supported by wing. Consequently, the X-29A lift and drag results
the United States Air Force and the National Aeronau- should not be interpreted as definitive for a more opti-
tics and Space Administration (NASA). DARPA then mized high-performance, forward-swept wing aircraft
contracted with three airframe companies to conduct that could be built.
analytical studies for comparing forward- and aft- The X-29A (number 1) was first flown by the builder
sweep designs for transonic military applications on December 14, 1984. There were four contractor-
(ref. 34). builder acceptance flights, and the first NASA flight
The results of those studies revealed the potential for was made on April 2, 1985. This paper contains results
higher lift-to-drag ratios in maneuvering flight, lower
from the dedicated performance flight research phase • Aeroelastically tailored composite wing structure
of the flight program, which followed the initial
• Close coupled, variable incidence canards
envelope expansion work. In the flight phase from
August to December 1987, a highly instrumented, • Relaxed static stability
thrust-calibrated engine was installed. This, along with • Triply redundant digital fly-by-wire control
other aircraft instrumentation improvements, qualified system
the airplane for flight lift-drag research.
The definition of both the zero-lift drag coefficients • Automatic variable wing camber control
and the lift-induced drag factors was achieved over the • Three-surface longitudinal control
Mach-number (M) range from 0.4 to approximately
1.3. The altitude range varied from 5,000 to 42,000 ft Figure 1(a) shows a three-view layout of the aircraft
with particular attention given to altitudes near with major geometrical characteristics, and important
30,000 ft. Mach numbers of 0.9 and 1.2 at 30,000 ft dimensional data are given in table 1.
represented the two primary design conditions
Table 1. X-29A general information.
(ref. 41); and the dynamic-pressure and Reynolds-
number ranges (based on the mean aerodynamic chord
(MAC)) for these test points varied from about 200 to Reference area, S 185.0 ft2
800 lb/ft2 and 11 million to 34 million, respectively. Exposed area 188.84 ft2
For the analysis considered here the maximum lift Mean aerodynamic chord 7.22 ft
coefficient was near 1.6 and the corresponding angle of Aspect ratio (A) 4.0
attack was about 16°. Thus the low-speed, very high Leading-edge sweep ( Λ ) –29.27°
angle-of-attack research that was conducted using the 1/4-chord sweep –33.73°
X-29A (number 2) is not included in this paper Taper ratio 0.4
(refs. 44–46). Dihedral angle 0°
Lift and drag data were obtained during pushover- Flaperon area 14.32 ft2
pullup and windup turn maneuvers using the well- Flaperon deflection (δf) 10° TEU (–)
known accelerometer method (see Method and Proce- 24.75° TED (+)
dures section). This paper will not address the Strake-flap area 5.21 ft2
relationship of full-scale flight data with predictions Strake-flap deflection (δs) 30° TEU (–)
based upon wind-tunnel model tests. Comparisons will
30° TED (+)
be made, however, between X-29A flight lift and drag Canard
characteristics and flight results from three other con-
Reference area 37.0 ft2
temporary high-performance aircraft that were opti-
mized for transonic maneuverability. Exposed area 35.96 ft2
Aspect ratio 1.47
Leading-edge sweep 42.0°
AIRCRAFT DESCRIPTION 1/4-chord sweep 23.06°
Taper ratio 0.318
The X-29A demonstrator aircraft, figure 1, was a Deflection (δc) 58° TEU (–)
single-seat fighter-type aircraft that integrated several 32° TED (+)
advanced technologies intended to provide aircraft Vertical tail
aero-performance and maneuverability improvements, Reference area 33.75 ft2
especially in transonic flight. Though the most obvious
Exposed area 32.51 ft2
feature of the airplane was its forward-swept wing, sev-
Aspect ratio 2.64
eral other advance technology factors were significant.
Leading-edge sweep 47.0°
These were, from references 39, 40, 42, and 47,
1/4-chord sweep 41.06°
• Thin supercritical airfoil Taper ratio 0.306
Rudder area 7.31 ft2

Table 1. Concluded. Because the actuator components used were
Rudder deflection 30° TE left (+) designed for other aircraft, two rather large (nonopti-
30° TE right (–) mum) external fairings were located under each wing
Engine F404-GE-400 to house hydraulic actuators for the flaperons. In
Power setting addition, each wing had five other lower surface protu-
Ground idle 18° PLA berances caused by flaperon actuators and hinges. The
Flight idle 31° PLA estimated extra drag caused by these fairings and
Intermediate 87° PLA hinges will be discussed in a later section. The design
Maximum afterburner 130° PLA lift coefficient at M = 0.90 was 0.92.
Engine inlet
Capture area 650 in2
Control Surfaces
Throat area 473.5 in2
Fuel JP-5 The three longitudinal control surfaces were the
Zero fuel weight and balance
variable-incidence canards, the wing flaperons, and the
Gross weight 13,906 lb
aft-mounted strake flaps. The exposed area of the
Center of gravity range –14.4% to –7.0%
of MAC canards was about 20 percent of the exposed wing area.
Fuel tank capacities The maximum canard deflection range was from 32°
Feed tank 1,830 lb trailing edge down (TED) to 58° trailing edge up
Forward tank 1,810 lb (TEU) at rates up to 100°/sec. The canards had sharp
Strake tank 340 lb leading and trailing edges, a symmetric airfoil section,
Total fuel capacity 3,980 lb and no twist. There was no provision for asymmetric
Maximum takeoff weight 17,800 lb canard deflections.
The aft-wing mounted flaperon chord length was
25 percent of the total (swept-forward) wing chord.
Wing Characteristics The maximum deflection range was from 10° TEU to
24.75° TED, and the maximum commanded deflection
The wing profile was a supercritical section of rate was 68°/sec. Symmetric flaperon deflection pro-
Grumman designation, with an average wing thickness vided pitch control while asymmetric deflection of the
ratio t/c of approximately 5 percent and a MAC of 86.6 flaperons, coordinated with rudder control-assist
in. A built-in wing leading-edge root-to-tip twist was through an aileron to rudder interconnect, provided roll
designed to optimize transonic performance at M = 0.9 control.
and an altitude of 30,000 ft. Figure 2 illustrates the dis- The strake flaps had a deflection range of ±30°.
tribution of the twist for two flight conditions adapted Figure 4 shows the permissible range of travel between
from reference 48. the maximum limits as influenced by angle of attack
The design limit load factors for symmetric maneu- or Mach number for all three longitudinal control
vers were 8 g for subsonic and 6.5 g for supersonic surfaces (ref. 47).
speeds. Flight limits were defined as 80 percent of the
design values. Leading-edge sweep was –29.3° from η Flight Control System
= 0.39 to the tip. From η = 0.39 to the root the leading-
edge was swept back about 29°. The wing had no lead- The X-29A flight control system was a triplex fly-
ing-edge devices but did have variable trailing-edge by-wire with two digital modes—a primary and a back
camber control throughout almost the entire span. Fig- up—and an analog mode. All flight research results
ure 3 shows a cross-section view of this control device reported here were performed in the primary mode.
(flaperon). Two longitudinal control loop features scheduled the

wing flaperon camber. The primary control loop was ity of the measurements used for this paper are listed
the continuously variable automatic camber control under the “basic parameters” heading. An external
(ACC) mode. This was the primary mode for obtaining array of sensors was contained on the noseboom, which
the lift and drag data of this report. A manual camber was a derivative of a standard NACA–NASA airdata
control (MCC) mode allowed the pilot to set fixed flap- head (ref. 52). Details on the instrumentation system
eron positions. Brief examples of lift and drag data will are reported in references 41, 42, and 43; and back-
be shown for the MCC mode at –5°, 0°, and 5° flap- ground information pertaining to the engine sensors
eron settings. Reference 49 shows a block diagram for and their location are found in references 51, 53, 54,
the longitudinal component of the primary digital and 55.
mode, and further details pertaining to the flight control
system are given in reference 50.
Data Uncertainty

Propulsion System Reference 56 discussed the permissible uncertainty

for several of the most important parameters with
The X-29A was powered by a single General Elec- respect to the definition of drag coefficient C D . The
tric F404-GE-400 turbofan engine (General Electric, measurement uncertainties considered there were
Lynn, Massachusetts) rated at 16,000 lb of thrust for based on specifications for the various sensors
sea-level static conditions for full afterburner. The noz- that were anticipated, or assumed limitations in the
zle region was relatively clean, as were the various state of the art. Based upon these individual measure-
vents and scoops that accompany turbofan installa- ment uncertainties and on a projected drag coefficient
tions. Additional details about this engine are found in value from a simulation model, the percentage of drag-
reference 51. coefficient error was calculated for several flight condi-
Engine air was supplied through two side fuselage- tions. Reference 56 concluded that “to achieve reason-
mounted inlets that merged 18 in. in front of the engine able net uncertainty levels in C D , the maximum limit
face. The inlets were of simple fixed geometry, error in thrust should be near 3 percent.” By assuming a
designed for optimum performance near M = 0.9 (one limit thrust error of ±3 percent, reference 56 deter-
of the primary design goals). Reference 48 showed mined that the several other most important error
details of the lip geometry and dimensions. sources combined to produce a net uncertainty in drag
coefficient of 2.6 and 2.4 percent for level flight and
maximum lift-drag ratio, respectively, at M = 0.9 and
DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM 30,000 ft altitude.
The authors now have the advantage of experience
Instrumentation with the instrumentation system and can apply this
experience to defining new values to the data uncertain-
A total of 691 parameters were measured. Because ties for the important parameters. This has been done,
the wing was quite thin and fuselage space was limited, and the resulting uncertainties in the important parame-
there was no onboard recording system. Consequently, ters are shown in table 2.
the data were transmitted to the ground for recording, Table 3 shows, for M = 0.9 and an altitude of
real-time analysis, and control-room monitoring. The 30,000 ft, the net uncertainty as calculated by the pro-
five-module 10-bit pulse code modulation system, cedures used in reference 56. The percentage of
combined with a single frequency modulation system, uncertainty is larger for level flight because the
were presented in block format in reference 48. All denominator, C D , is significantly lower than it is for
data were transmitted in encrypted form and then maximum lift-to-drag ratio.
decrypted and decommutated on the ground for record-
ing and display.
Figure 5 shows the distribution of research
data parameters among several disciplines. The major-

Table 2. Major data uncertainties. Test Maneuvers and Flight Conditions
Parameter limit error Pushover-pullup and constant Mach number windup
turns were used to obtain lift and drag throughout the
Longitudinal acceleration ±0.001 g range of angle of attack covered for this investigation.
Normal acceleration ±0.003 g The pushover (from level flight) covered the lower lift
Static pressure ±0.01 percent region; the pullup then reached the medium lift range;
and the windup turn covered the medium to high-
Mach number ±0.004 angle-of-attack range.*
Angle of attack ±0.25° A nominal maneuver began at level flight with
Net thrust ±2.5 percent velocity stabilized. A gradual pushover was then initi-
ated followed by a pullup to about a 2-g load factor and
Weight ±1.0 percent a recovery back to level flight. The rate of change in
load factor during the maneuver was about 0.2 g/sec;
and the entire maneuver was achieved in about 20 sec.
Table 3. Uncertainties at M = 0.9 and 30,000 ft.
Maneuvers also were performed at higher and lower
Level flight Maximum L/D onset rates to assess the effects of maneuver rates on
drag. It was determined from these data (not included
∆C D ±0.00162 ±0.00196
here) that the 0.2 g/sec rate used for these maneuvers
CD 0.0380 0.0580 provided lift-drag relationships that were not adversely
influenced by the onset rates. To achieve higher load
∆C D
----------- , percent ±4.3 ±3.4 factors windup turns were used. To keep Mach number
CD nearly constant, altitude would sometimes be sacrificed
as load factor was increased. Level flight acceleration
runs also were flown. Reference 59 gave details of
these and other flight test techniques.
The forces that combine to provide lift and drag
coefficients were obtained from the accelerometer
method, which has been used in flight since the 1940s This section will first present the basic X-29A flight
(ref. 57). Reference 58 adapted the equations for use lift curves and drag polars. These data will be followed
with turbojet powered aircraft, and reference 48 by zero-lift drag data, lift-related drag data and lift
detailed how the accelerometer data were resolved for curve slope results that are derived from the basic flight
the present X-29A investigation. data. The last part of this section will compare the
X-29A flight data with corresponding results for three
Data Reduction and Correction Procedures other aircraft.

The data were reduced through the Uniform Flight X-29A

Test Analysis System (UFTAS), a documented but
Basic Drag Polar and Lift Curve Data
unpublished procedure developed by the Air Force-
Flight Test Center, Edwards, California. Reference 48 The basic flight data plotted in figure 6 present lift
described the data correction procedures and the coefficient as a function of both drag coefficient and
calculation of in-flight thrust. Other significant angle of attack. The data are presented over the
propulsion-related information is contained in refer-
ences 51 and 53 through 55.
* For the present investigation angles of attack approaching the 15° to
20° range are considered high. It is acknowledged that at low speeds the
angle-of-attack range has been extended to 67° (refs. 44–46).

Mach-number range from 0.4 to 1.3 in figure parts 6(a) maximum lift-drag ratio over the Mach-number range
through 6(j), respectively. Each part of figure 6 con- of these tests. The breadth of the angle-of-attack
tains trimmed ACC flight data and ACC schedule pre- envelope varies from about 2.5° at low subsonic speeds
dictions for trimmed, stable flight. The following to 1.5° near the drag-rise Mach number; then the enve-
analysis will concern primarily the ACC schedule flight lope broadens to nearly 3° above the drag-rise Mach
data and comparisons with simple theory and some number. The zero-lift angle of attack, α 0 , also is
contemporary aircraft. The ACC schedule prediction included in the figure.
curves will not be a part of the present analysis. The
only reason that the predicted ACC schedule curves are Lift-Related Drag
included in figure 6 is that they add evidence that the ∆C D
maneuver rates used in the turns and pushovers did not Figure 10 shows the drag-due-to-lift factor -----------
2 as
∆C L
adversely affect the lift-drag characteristics of the air-
plane. The data and comparisons for the MCC mode a function of Mach number for the ACC mode. Two
will be limited to one Mach number, M = 0.6. forms of the factor are plotted because the polar shapes
Figure 7 shows drag coefficient plotted as a function for this airplane, in most instances, do not result in a
of Mach number for a family of constant lift- linear relationship when C D is plotted against C L .
coefficients (trimmed flight, ACC mode). The solid 2
Figure 11 is a schematic representation of a plot of C L
curves are separated by lift-coefficient increments of
0.3. The dashed curve at C L = 0.5 is included because as a function of C D that explains the origin of the open
maximum lift-to-drag ratio occurs close to this condi- and solid symbol values in figure 10. The open symbols
tion throughout the subsonic portion of the Mach- of figure 10 correspond to the slope of the straight-line
number range. At supersonic speeds maximum L/D is fairing, in figure 11, from the upper solid symbol to the
obtained closer to a C L value of 0.6. Excepting the 2′
intersection at C L = 0 . The solid symbols of figure 10
dashed curve, notice the increasing increment in drag
coefficient as each 0.3 increment in C L is considered, result from inserting the two C D values represented by
from C L = 0 to 1.2. In spite of the noted increasing lift- the solid symbols of figure 11 into the expression:
related drag, the drag-rise Mach number (indicated by
∆C D CD – CD
tick marks) remains relatively unchanged, except the ----------- = -----------------------0 (1)
2 2
curve for C L = 1.2. The transonic increment of wave CL CL
drag also is evident in this figure. Each of the expres-
sions of drag that have been typeset italic in this for the range of C L from 0 to 0.6. This range of C L is
paragraph will be shown and discussed in greater detail considered because it extends near or somewhat
in subsection portions of this paper to follow. beyond the lift coefficient required to achieve maxi-
mum lift-to-drag ratio.
Lift-to-Drag Ratio Figure 10 also shows relationships for the expres-
∆α- , which are theoretical values for
1- and ----------
sions ------
Figure 8 shows the variation of L/D with πA ∆C L
Mach number as obtained in flight. The circular
the drag-due-to-lift factor for 100 percent and zero
symbols represent the maximum L/D value and the
leading-edge suction, respectively. As can be seen, the
squares show L/D at the transonic (M = 0.9) design C L
X-29A drag-due-to-lift factor is qualitatively between
value of 0.92. The relative significance of the X-29A
the two criteria at subsonic speeds, and exceeds the
lift-to-drag ratios will become more apparent later in
zero-suction criterion at transonic and low supersonic
the paper when they are compared with values from
speeds. This is not unusual for aircraft that reach these
some contemporary, high-performance, fighter-type
Mach numbers.
Figure 12 shows another way of evaluating lift-
Figure 9 shows the envelope of lift coefficient and
related drag to these criteria. The ordinate e is the ratio
angle of attack that will provide 95 to 100 percent of

∆C D Note that from 95 to 100 percent of maximum lift-
of ------
πA- to -----------2 for Mach numbers below 1. Above drag ratio can be obtained at lift coefficients for which
∆C L the drag-rise Mach number is between 0.895 and 0.91.
Mach 1 the ordinate factor K′ is used. The factor K′ is The zero-lift drag-rise Mach number is 0.925.
∆α- to ∆
the ratio of ----------
----------- . The open and solid sym- Transonic Wave Drag Increment
∆C L 2
bols are derived from the corresponding symbols of fig- Figure 14 shows the variation of zero-lift drag coef-
ure 10. The range of the factor e, which is Oswald's ficient with Mach number. The increment of zero-lift
airplane lifting efficiency factor from reference 60, is drag coefficient between the highest Mach number and
mostly within the range of values (i.e., from 0.85 to the Mach-number region in which significant com-
1.0) one would expect for a cantilever monoplane at the pressibility effects are about to begin (assumed to be
lower Mach numbers. At transonic Mach numbers M = 0.8) is identified in figure 14 as transonic wave
(0.9 to 1.1), the e and K′ factors are each significantly drag. Based on the wing reference area, the wave drag
below unity. This trend is somewhat representative of coefficient increment is 0.0365.
compressibility effects that occur on all high-perfor- Because wave drag is more a function of cross-
mance aircraft. The continuation of K′ values below 1 sectional area than wing reference area, it is appropri-
at the highest Mach number may represent shock- ate to consider the wave drag coefficient as based on
induced flow separation that increases with lift along the X-29A maximum cross-sectional area. The maxi-
with less-than-optimum trim conditions (excess trim mum cross-sectional area was derived from the cross-
drag). Lift-related drag will also be discussed later in sectional area development plot shown in figure 15.
this paper relative to the X-29A and some contempo- The value derived used the peak area shown in figure
rary aircraft. 15 with nine-tenths of the inlet capture area subtracted,
which assumes an inlet mass-flow ratio of 0.9. Based
Drag-Rise Mach Number on the resulting cross-sectional area of 21.09 ft2,
the wave drag coefficient is 0.320. Wave drag for the
Figure 7 displays tick marks on each member of the X-29A will be more meaningful when compared with
family of curves showing the variation of drag other supersonic aircraft in a later section of this paper.
coefficient with Mach number. Each tick repre-
sents the Mach number at which the slope of the Lift-Curve Slope
∆C D
respective curve, ----------- , is equal to 0.1. This is the defi-
∆M Figure 16 shows the variation of the lift-curve slope
nition used for identifying the drag-rise Mach number. with Mach number for the X-29A in the ACC mode.
The M DR values from figure 7 have been combined These data are derived from the trimmed flight data of
figure 6, augmented by corresponding data from
with other X-29A data for C L values of 0.8, 1.0, and reference 47. The level of the lift-curve slope shown in
1.1 and plotted in figure 13 as a function of lift coeffi- figure 16 is high by usual standards (by a factor of 2 to
cient. The approximate angles of attack that correspond 3). This matter will be discussed in following
to the nearest data symbol are shown. paragraphs.
It is not surprising that the drag-rise Mach number An example of how high the values of figure 16 are
decreases significantly for lift coefficients above the compared with other sources can be seen by relating
design value of 0.92. The legends or captions that the subsonic values shown and the slope for Λ ≈ –30°
accompany the solid symbols indicate that the in figure 17. Figure 17, adapted from reference 27,
respective M DR – C L or M DR – α combinations occur shows an expected C L α value between 0.05 and 0.06
under conditions involving lifting surface buffet as for the sweep and aspect-ratio range of the X-29A. This
defined in reference 61. Thus it is reasonable to expect
supports the previous comment, in parentheses, about
diminishing values of drag-rise Mach number in this
the X-29A slopes appearing to be high by a factor of
region, particularly near buffet intensity rise (BIR) for
from 2 to 3.
the wing.

A primary reason for these inordinately high slopes relationship of the flight-measured and predicted lift-
relates to the variable-wing camber feature, which is curves is shown in the upper portion of figure 21 for M
used in the ACC mode. This is evident in figure 18(a) in = 0.6 and δ f = 0°. The same relationship is evident in
which the variable-camber slope of the lift curve for the figure 18(a).
ACC mode can be compared with the slopes for three The darkly shaded portions of the planform in figure
different fixed flaperon settings (or fixed camber) for 20 show reasonable added increments of reference area
the MCC mode at M = 0.6. that can significantly influence the relationship of pre-
The slopes for the three fixed flaperon (camber) set- dicted and measured lift curves. Table 4 shows the
tings are nearly the same, and they are significantly effect of the added increments of reference area on
lower than the slope of the trimmed ACC data. In spite total reference area and aspect ratio.*
of the significantly lower slopes for the X-29A with
fixed flaps, they are still greater than would be Table 4. Actual and hypothetical alternative reference
predicted by the method of Diederich, which accounts areas and aspect ratios.
for the sweep and aspect ratio of the X-29A wing (solid
line curve from ref. 62). ∆S , S, S′ ,
Description ft2 ft2 ft2 A A′
The three nearly parallel lift curves shown in figure
18 for constant flaperon deflections of –5°, 0°, and 5° Basic swept-
are characteristic of the data pattern for even higher fla- forward wing – 185 – 4.00 –
peron deflections. That is, higher fixed flaperon deflec- Stationary lift
tions would result in ever lower, to negative, values of surfaces, exposed 27 – 212 – 3.49
angle of attack for zero lift. This is, of course, also Stationary lift surfaces,
characteristic of conventional trailing-edge high-lift projected to centerline 79 – 264 – 2.80
devices that have been used over the last five decades
for takeoff and landing. Figure 19 (adapted from
When these increments of reference area are consid-
ref. 63) shows an example of such a conventional data
ered and the resulting values of S′ and aspect-ratio are
set. Notice the high apparent slope of the section lift
applied, the relationships of flight-determined and pre-
curve (added dashed line) when the trailing-edge flap
dicted lift curves are as shown in the two lower
deflection was varied accordingly as angle of attack
portions of figure 21. As can be seen, Diederich's the-
was increased. Thus it would be expected that the
ory from reference 62 (which accounts for sweep,
X-29A in the ACC mode would have a correspondingly
aspect-ratio, and compressibility effects) does not
high effective lift curve slope when flaperon deflection
approach the flight-derived lift-curve slope until the
varies from near zero at low lift to nearly 15° at the
largest reference area is used. The authors do not pre-
higher angles of attack. That is, the variable camber
tend to define the most appropriate reference area;
aspects of the X-29A would be expected to provide an
however, the relationships shown in figure 21 are
effectively higher lift-curve slope in the same way as
believed to provide evidence that the reference area
was demonstrated by the high-lift, double-slotted flap
originally used (S = 185 ft2) is not the appropriate value
data shown in figure 19.
if meaningful comparisons are to be made with force
Another factor, however, inflates the lift curve slopes
coefficients from other aircraft. Thus, it is believed that
(and other force coefficient parameters), which include
the inordinately high lift-curve slopes of the X-29A, as
the wing reference area in their definition. As men-
shown in figure 16, have two explainable sources—
tioned earlier, the three MCC curves in figure 18, for
variable wing camber, in ACC mode, and unrealistic
fixed flaperon deflections, had lift-curve slopes higher
(too small) reference area.
than would be predicted by the method shown in refer-
Furthermore, these two factors would also be
ence 62. Evidence shows that these flight-measured
expected to influence other lift-related parameters,
slopes are high because the force coefficients are based especially lift-induced drag, and the unrealistic
on an unreasonably small reference area. Figure 20 reference area alone will bias any aerodynamic
shows this reference area, S = 185 ft2, as the lightly
shaded area in the schematic planform. The resulting * The exposed “lifting canard” area could also be rationalized to be a portion
of the reference area, but it is not necessary to do this to demonstrate that the
reference area actually used for the X-29A is unreasonably small.
parameters containing uncancelled reference areas. For should recall that comparisons on the basis of L/D
example, reference area obviously cannot bias a ratio avoid dependence upon the choice of reference area.
C L ) in which the reference area
such as L/D (from -------
CD Lift-Related Drag
effects cancel. However, all of the solitary force coeffi-
cients are biased; an example of this will be included in Figure 24 presents lift-related drag characteristics
the following section. for the same four configurations. The drag-due-to-lift
∆C D
factor, -----------2 , shown in the upper portion of the figure
Comparisons With Other Aircraft ∆C L
is subject to the aforementioned reference area bias;
Zero Lift-Drag Coefficients however, it is shown for two reasons. The first reason is
to demonstrate that X-29A drag characteristics can
The first comparisons of the X-29A data with flight appear to be too high or low when compared with those
data from other contemporary aircraft involve the con- from other aircraft, depending on whether the uncan-
figurations shown in planform in figure 22. Figure 23 celled reference area is in the numerator or denomina-
shows zero-lift drag coefficients and maximum lift- tor of the lift or drag parameter. A comparison of the
drag ratios for these four configurations as a function of upper portion of figures 23 and 24 provides evidence of
Mach number. The zero-lift-drag coefficient compari- this fact. The second reason for including the upper
portion of figure 24 is because the parameters in the
sons, upper part of the figure, demonstrate the influence
lower part of figure 24 are derived from the respective
of a reference area that is too small in that the C D
values for the X-29A are inordinately high. Notice that
0 ∆C D
----------- data.
if the drag coefficient is based on a reference area of ∆C L
264 ft2 as discussed relative to figures 20 and 21 (solid
The lower portion of figure 24 compares the various
circular symbol at M = 0.7 and 1.2), the resulting val- configurations on the basis of two lifting efficiency fac-
ues of C D are within the range of values for the three
0 tors, e and K′ , which are not affected by reference
other aircraft. As stated before, the 264 ft2 value for
area. The factor e is to be considered for Mach numbers
reference area is not proposed as the proper value, but
below 1, and K′ is applicable at supersonic speeds.
it illustrates the inadequacy of the value of 185 ft2.
Serious comparisons of X-29A drag characteristics With the exception of the X-29A datum at M = 0.4, the
subsonic values of e for the various airplanes are close
with other aircraft results in this paper will use parame-
to the norm for a cantilever monoplane as defined by
ters that avoid dependency on the choice of wing Oswald in reference 60, that is, from 0.85 to 1.0. This
reference area. An appendix is included that discusses statement would not be expected to apply above
the subject of uncertain or debatable reference area in M ≈ 0.8 where compressibility effects probably deter-
greater detail. The data for the F-15C and F-16C are mine that the e values will be lower than were consid-
based on unpublished flight tests, and the F/A-18 data ered by Oswald. Based on e values as defined when
are from reference 64. ∆C D
----------- is calculated from equation (1) or defining e as
Lift-to-Drag Ratio ∆C L
The lower part of figure 23 compares maximum e = ---------------------------------------- (2)
lift-drag ratios for the four aircraft. As was the case for π ⋅ A(CD – CD )
the zero-lift drag comparisons, only a selected few
Mach numbers are included for the three contemporar- the lift-related drag of the other aircraft would appear
ies of the X-29A. Below the speed of sound the F-16C to be higher than for the X-29A, below M = 1.
and F/A-18 have higher maximum lift-drag ratios than At Mach numbers above 1 the X-29A lifting effi-
the X-29A or F-15C has. At M = 1.3 the value of ciency as defined by factor K ′ is low. A value for K′ of
maximum lift-drag ratio for the X-29A is near the aver- 1 would represent the theoretical drag-due-to-lift for
age of the values for the other three aircraft. The reader zero leading-edge suction, untrimmed. This suggests,

as was mentioned previously, that the X-29A is 2
coefficient as a function of ( C L – C L ) where
experiencing either significant trim drag for the ACC min

mode or increasing shock losses with lift at Mach CL is the lift coefficient that provides minimum drag
numbers above the speed of sound. The higher K′ val- coefficient. Thus, the equation used in figure 26(a) is
ues for the other three aircraft suggest that their trim
drag was lower. Because these other aircraft are opera- ( C L – C L )2
tional in significant numbers, it would be expected that transformed to e = ---------------------------------------- .
more effort to reduce trim drag would be expended for πA ( C D – C D )
them than for the two X-29A aircraft.
This expression has been applied to the polars
The Effect of Load Factor on Efficiency shown in figure 25 using the C D min and C L min relation-
ships resulting from the C L min values tabulated in the
Having established that the parameters e and L/D
should be reliable means of avoiding bias of perfor- same figure. The resulting lifting efficiency factors
mance definition caused by an unrealistic reference (now adjusted for asymmetry) are plotted in figure
area, it is also reasonable to examine these parameters 26(b) as a function of load factor.
for several maneuvering load factors. Figure 25 shows According to Oswald’s criteria (ref. 60), the highest
lift-drag polars and load factor–C L relationships for of these values of e represent somewhat low lifting effi-
the four aircraft previously considered at M = 0.9. Load ciency for a cantilevered monoplane. However, his cri-
factors from 1 to 3 are indicated on these polars for teria was established without consideration of local
each 0.5 increment of load factor. The significant varia- shock losses, which these configurations experience at
tion in C L , for a given load factor, among the four air- M = 0.9. Effective maneuvering flight at M ≈ 0.9 was
craft indicates why comparisons will be made at an important consideration for these four airplanes.
comparable load factors rather than for a range of con- This, apparently, is why the variation of e with load
stant lift coefficients. factor is relatively small for all four configurations
Figure 26(a) shows the variation of e for the at this Mach number. This range of e values for
four aircraft over the same range of load factors at the three production airplanes, over the range of load
M = 0.9. Note that e is defined according to the equa- factors ( symbols) is probably representative
tion shown on the figure, which inflates the resulting e of this class of fighter-interceptor aircraft at M ≈ 0.9.
where C D , that is, the drag at zero lift, is not the min- The X-29A aircraft was excluded from the preced-
imum drag coefficient. This is why the apparent values ing statement because of the complicating influence of
of e for the lower load factors for three of the aircraft its greater polar asymmetry and the causal automatic
are artificially high and do not, without qualification, camber. The polar adjustment proposed by Wendt
represent the real lifting efficiency of the respective results in lower values of e for the X-29A. However,
configurations. At higher load factors this problem is because C D min occurs at a substantial positive lift con-
diminished somewhat, especially for load factors of 2 dition, C L = 0.08, lifting efficiency derived in this
and above. However, even at elevated load factors these manner will result in an inordinately harsh definition of
values of e are not reliable indicators of lifting effi- e for the X-29A lifting system,* because the airplane
ciency because of polar asymmetry displayed by three has not been credited for the lift increment below the
of these configurations. By polar asymmetry it is meant C L for C D .
that the minimum drag coefficient, or the vertex of the min
Because polar asymmetry complicates the interpre-
parabola, does not occur at C L = 0 .
tation of the lifting efficiency factor e and three of the
Arguably a better way of defining the lift-induced
four subject aircraft display some degree of polar
drag characteristics (or the lifting efficiency factor e)
for various configurations in spite of varying
amounts of polar asymmetry was proposed by Wendt * The expression lifting system has been chosen deliberately. It is intended to
(ref. 65). Wendt defined e by plotting the drag emphasize that the five values of e for the X-29A (for various load factors)
represent as many wing profile shapes because the ACC schedule represents
preprogrammed variable geometry. In other words, each value of e
represents the lifting efficiency for a specific wing profile and load factor.

asymmetry for M = 0.9, lift-to-drag ratio is probably diameter of a body of revolution having the same
a more definitive way of comparing these aircraft at maximum cross-sectional area as the respective
these flight conditions. Consequently figure 26(c) fuselage plus wings, canopy, and empennage. For the
shows the variation of L/D with load factor for X-29A the maximum cross-sectional area was derived
the same four airplanes. The F-16C and the F/A-18 from the area development curve shown in figure 15.
have lift-drag ratios that are significantly higher Nine-tenths of the inlet capture area was subtracted, for
than the X-29A and F-15C results for load factors up to all four contemporary aircraft, in an attempt to approx-
2.5. At a load factor of 2 the F-16C and the F/A-18 lift- imate mass-flow ratio effects.
drag ratios are on the order of 1 unit higher than the The results for the X-29A, F-15C, F-16C, and the
X-29A value. The X-29A lift-drag ratio for this condi- F/A-18 are included on a plot adapted from reference
tion is about 0.3 units greater than the F-15C. At a load 66 (fig. 28). The ordinate is referenced to the maximum
factor of 3 the X-29A lift-drag ratio is about the aver- cross-sectional area from which the equivalent diame-
age value for the various airplanes. ter was derived (rather than wing reference area). The
Figure 27 presents similar comparisons of e and L/D author of reference 66 included more than 20 other
for three of the airplanes (F-15C data were not avail- configurations in his correlation; and he concluded that
able) for M = 0.6 where compressibility effects should there were three identifiable generations of supersonic
be negligible. Note that for a load factor of 1, all e aircraft, with each subsequent generation tending to
values are below unity, in contrast to the data for have lower wave drag coefficients. It was recognized in
M = 0.9, figure 26(a). This indicates that all three reference 66 that a few of the latest aircraft displayed a
polars for M = 0.6 are essentially symmetrical about regressive trend toward higher transonic wave drag.
zero lift. This observation is consistent with the wave drag
Considering both lifting efficiency parameter e and characteristics currently shown for the X-29A, F-15C,
L/D in figure 27, somewhere throughout the load-factor F-16C, and F/A-18 airplanes. The author of reference
range shown each configuration experiences small 66 states that most of the data in his original correlation
advantages or disadvantages in relation to at least one are derived from flight.
of the other airplanes. Note that the rate of loss with Another format for correlating wave drag was
load factor, for each lifting efficiency parameter, is suggested by Bellman in reference 67. This format
nearly the same for the three configurations. For the retains the wave drag coefficient based on the wing ref-
load-factor range considered and for subcritical speeds, erence area as the ordinate, while the maximum cross-
both of these parameters tend to rank these three air- A c- ) to the 5/3
sectional area is used in the abscissa as ( -----
planes as nearly equal. In retrospect, the inequalities S
power (an exponent associated with the transonic simi-
seen in figure 26, for M = 0.9, would seem primarily to
larity rules) (fig. 29). In this figure all data were derived
represent losses caused by compressibility effects at
from flight. The four contemporary aircraft compared
lifting conditions. Thus, the lifting efficiency of the
in previous figures are represented by the solid sym-
X-29A was probably penalized significantly by the
actuator fairings and hinges on the wing lower surface bols. Again, as for the format of figure 28, these four
(which would cause greater shock losses than would aircraft are revealed as having relatively high wave
otherwise occur). These protuberances would likely be drag as compared with some significantly older config-
refined or even eliminated for a production version of urations. This is especially evident for the F-15C. The
such an airplane. data which supplement Bellman’s original plot were
derived from references 68 through 84.
Wave Drag, Transonic
Subsonic, Nonlifting, Aerodynamic Efficiency
The zero-lift transonic wave drag coefficient of (Parasite Drag)
the X-29A and the results from the same three
contemporary aircraft will be compared with numerous An interesting format for comparing the nonlifting
other airplanes on the basis of fineness ratio. The drag of aircraft at subsonic speeds is to multiply the
denominator for the fineness ratio is the equivalent conventional drag coefficient, based on wing reference

area S, by S, so that the possibility of having used an Table 5. Zero-lift aero-efficiency: X-29A and con-
arbitrary or debatable reference area is avoided. Then temporary aircraft.
the resulting parasite area, f, is either plotted against Aircraft CD CF ηa
the aircraft wetted area* or divided by the wetted area 0 e

to provide an equivalent friction coefficient, C F . This X-29A

format has been used by aircraft designers, references baseline 0.0310 0.00492 0.61
85 and 86, who apparently borrowed it from Perkins X-29A
and Hage, reference 87. The subsonic zero-lift drag of clean wing 0.0276 0.00438 0.68
the X-29A and the three other contemporary aircraft
have been transformed to the equivalent parasite area F-15C 0.0218 0.00505 0.59
format in figure 30. Data from other aircraft, some not F-16C 0.0199 0.00399 0.75
previously published in this format (refs. 69, 70, 74, 75, F/A-18 0.0239 0.00471 0.64
77, 78, 81, 82, 88, 89, and data from the authors’ files)
are included. All data are derived from flight and none
There are other criteria for evaluating η a besides the
were from propeller-driven aircraft.
experimentally evolved reference value of 0.003 as the
The data shown in figure 30 represent a variety of
effective friction coefficient. One logical reference
planforms—unswept, aft swept, delta, and, of course,
value (for the numerator in the ratio defining η a )
the forward-swept X-29A. A wide range of wetted
would be the theoretical flat-plate turbulent friction
areas is represented; the largest is more than 25 times
coefficient for subsonic flight at 30,000 ft altitude
greater than the smallest. There are two symbols for the
based on an area-weighted mean flow length. Another
X-29A: a solid circle with and without a flag. The
reference coefficient could be this same flat-plate value
flagged symbol represents the equivalent parasite area
after adjustment for a component-area-weighted form
after the drag attributable to the several wing lower sur-
factor to account for the three-dimensionality of the
face fairings and hinge protuberances was estimated
airplane. These calculations have been performed for
and subtracted.
the X-29A; and for the three-dimensional case a form
Notice that more than half of the aircraft have
factor of 1.06 was used after proper area weighting.
parasite-area values that are close to or lower than the
Table 6 shows the results.
line for C F = 0.003. This accumulation of data near
the line for 0.003 would seem to confirm the notion Table 6. X-29A zero-lift aero-efficiency.
expressed in reference 10 that 0.003 was a reasonable
practical goal or reference standard for defining Condition CD CF ηa ηa η â
0 e
subsonic, nonlifting aerodynamic efficiency or clean-
Baseline 0.0310 0.00492 0.61 0.44 0.47
ness. Consequently, the previously compared four
contemporary aircraft will be evaluated by this crite- Clean wing 0.0276 0.00438 0.68 0.50 0.53
rion, as follows:
These values of aerodynamic efficiency or clean-
η a = ------------- for subject aircraft, ness, though seemingly low, should not be regarded as
CF evidence that is damaging to the concept of forward-
S swept wings. For cases in which theoretical turbulent
C F = C D × ------- (3)
e 0 A w flow friction coefficients were used as the reference
numerator (for η a and η â ), it should be realized that
where η a = aerodynamic efficiency for subsonic, non- these are rigid standards that would challenge all pro-
lifting flight, trimmed. Table 5 shows the resulting η a duction aircraft designed to be highly maneuverable at

* For the aircraft configurations considered here, wetted area can be defined
conclusively for nonlifting conditions.

transonic speeds. The design priority for the X-29A The X-29A lift and drag characteristics are com-
was to get the forward-sweep concept (along with pared with corresponding flight data from contempo-
close-coupled canard and variable camber) into flight rary high-performance operational aircraft. Serious
quickly. Some external lines of the X-29A were defined comparisons are made only for those aerodynamic
by components borrowed from other aircraft (the parameters that avoid uncertainties associated with the
forward fuselage, including the canopy, was obtained choice or definition of force coefficient reference area.
from an F-5A), and the fixed inlet was not optimized, A few comparisons are made for cases in which uncan-
which probably caused spillage drag for some flight celled wing reference areas remain so that the risk of
conditions. In addition, it could be argued, the incre- this practice can be demonstrated.
ment in drag or η a between the baseline and clean- The subsonic range of the Oswald lifting
wing values (or at least a significant portion of the efficiency factor, e, for the X-29A is about average for
increment) is a penalty that should be charged to the a monoplane of cantilever construction. When e for the
variable camber feature of the wing. Thus the drag X-29A is compared with the contemporary aircraft at
caused by the external hinges and fairings on the lower elevated load factors (up to 3) for M = 0.6, all three air-
surfaces of the wing can be thought of as a constant craft experience a similar decrease in e as load factor is
increment to be added to the lift-related drag.* increased. Somewhere throughout this load-factor
Referring back to the three contemporary aircraft range each airplane experiences a small advantage or
(F-15C, F-16C, and F/A-18) it is obvious that they have disadvantage relative to at least one of the other
relatively high zero-lift drag compared with aircraft.
the empirically established equivalent friction refer- A comparison of the X-29A with these same air-
ence value of 0.003. The X-29A aerodynamic planes on the basis of L/D for M = 0.6 provides similar
efficiency for zero-lift was also challenged by this cri- results. That is, all of these aircraft experience similar
terion. All four of these aircraft were designed to have decreases in lift-to-drag ratio as load factor increases.
high maneuverability at M ≈ 0.9. It is suggested that Likewise, each airplane has a small advantage (or dis-
this common feature may be an important factor advantage) relative to another aircraft somewhere over
regarding their somewhat low values of η a . This the load-factor range.
commonality of function is also believed to have influ- At M = 0.9 the X-29A lift-to-drag ratio is compared
enced the cross-sectional area distribution in a manner with those of three contemporary high-performance
that caused these configurations to have relatively high aircraft over the same, 1 to 3, load-factor range.
wave drag coefficients (figs. 28 and 29). Although these kinds of comparisons at M = 0.6
showed results that were similar, at M = 0.9 where
compressibility becomes important, there are signifi-
CONCLUDING REMARKS cant differences. At a load factor of 2 the lift-to-drag
ratios of the F-16C and F/A-18 are on the order of
The lift and drag characteristics of the X-29A air- 1 unit higher than the X-29A value whereas the F-15C
plane have been obtained in flight for a Mach-number value is about 0.3 units lower than the X-29A. At a load
range from 0.4 to about 1.3. The data were obtained for factor of 3 the X-29A lift-to-drag ratio is about the
altitudes from 5,000 to 42,000 ft; though most of the average of the values for the other three aircraft. Con-
data and the analysis involve altitudes near 30,000 ft. sidering that the various aircraft had nearly equal lift-
The angle of attack for these tests was limited to values to-drag ratio at subcritical speed (M = 0.6) and that sig-
below about 16° and the Reynolds number, based on nificant differences occur at M = 0.9, it seems apparent
the mean aerodynamic chord, ranged from 11 million that the X-29A and F-15C suffered greater shock losses
to 34 million. More than 90 percent of the data were than the other two aircraft. The X-29A was probably
obtained in the automatic camber control mode. penalized significantly by the underwing actuator

* On the other hand, if the X-29A were to be produced in large quantities,

the hinge and actuator design for the flaperons would likely be refined so
that this source of drag would be significantly reduced or even eliminated.

fairings and hinges. These protuberances would likely contemporary aircraft (based on the ratio of the lift
be refined for a production version of such an airplane. angle to the drag-due-to-lift factor). This is believed to
All four airplanes were compared with aircraft of the be caused by high trim drag, perhaps inherent in the
previous three to four decades on the basis of wave particular blending of the three longitudinal control
drag and subsonic aerodynamic cleanness. As a group surfaces of the X-29A in the automatic camber control
these four aircraft are characterized by high wave drag mode. Because the other three aircraft are operational
and high equivalent parasite area (poor aerodynamic and produced in large quantities, it would be expected
cleanness) when compared with the older airplanes. It that greater effort would be devoted to reducing trim
is suggested that the design missions of the X-29A and drag for them than for the X-29A, which was an exper-
the three contemporary aircraft (that is, high maneuver- imental technology demonstrator.
ability for M ≈ 0.90 and altitude in the 30,000-to
40,000-ft range) were important factors in causing the Dryden Flight Research Center
relatively high wave drag and equivalent parasite area. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
At supersonic speeds the lift-related drag of the Edwards, California, September 14, 1993
X-29A is high compared with that for the three

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12. Alexander, Sidney R., Drag Measurements of a 34° NACA RM No. L9H18a, Feb. 1950.
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13. Whitcomb, Richard T., An Investigation of 24. Whitcomb, Richard T., An Experimental Study at
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High-Aspect-Ratio Wing in the Langley 8-Foot Over Wings With 30° and 45° of Sweepforward in
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26. Furlong, G. Chester and James G. McHugh, A 37. Uhuad, G.C., T.M. Weeks, and R. Large, “Wind
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Reynolds Number, NACA Report 1339, 1957. Wings,” J. Aircraft, vol. 20, no. 3, Mar. 1983.
27. Hoerner, Sighard F. and Henry V. Borst, 38. Spacht, G., “The Forward Swept Wing: A
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28. Taylor, John W.R., ed., Jane’s All the Worlds 39. Moore, M. and D. Frei, “X-29 Forward Swept
Aircraft 1970–71, Jane’s Yearbooks, London Wing Aerodynamic Overview,” AIAA-83-1834,
W1A 2LG, England, 1971. AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Dan-
29. Krone, Norris J., Jr., Lt. Col., “Divergence vers, MA, July 13–15, 1983.
Elimination with Advanced Composites,” AIAA 40. Nangia, R.K., ed., Proceedings International
Paper No. 75-1009, AIAA 1975 Aircraft Sys- Conference, Forward Swept Wing Aircraft, Uni-
tems and Technology Meeting, Los Angeles, versity of Bristol, Bristol, U.K. March 24–26,
CA, Aug. 4–7, 1975. 1982.
30. Huffman, Jarrett K. and Charles H. Fox, Jr., Sub- 41. Putnam, Terrill W., X-29 Flight-Research Pro-
sonic Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Stat- gram, NASA TM-86025, 1984.
ic Aerodynamic Characteristics for a Close- 42. Sefic, Walter J. and Cleo M. Maxwell, X-29A
Coupled Wing-Canard Model in Both Swept Back Technology Demonstrator Flight Test Program
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TM-74092, 1978. 43. Sefic, Walter, J. and William Cutler, “X-29A
31. Huffman, Jarrett K. and Charles H. Fox Jr., Sub- Advanced Technology Demonstrator Program
sonic Longitudinal and Lateral-Directional Overview,” AIAA-86-9727, AIAA/AHS/CASI/
Static Aerodynamic Characteristics for a Model DGLR/IES/ISA/ITEA/SEP/FTE 3rd Flight Test-
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NASA TM-74093, 1978. 44. Fisher, David F., David M. Richwine, and
32. Huffman, Jarrett K. and Charles H. Fox, Jr., The Stephen Landers, Correlation of Forebody Pres-
Effect of Canard Relative Size and Vertical sures and Aircraft Yawing Moments on the
Location on the Subsonic Longitudinal and X-29A Aircraft at High Angles of Attack, NASA
Lateral-Directional Static Aerodynamic Char- TM-4417, 1992.
acteristics for a Model with a Swept Forward 45. Del Frate, John H. and John A. Saltzman, In-
Wing, NASA TM-78739, 1979. Flight Flow Visualization Results from the
33. Ricketts, Rodney H. and Robert V. Dogget Jr., X-29A Aircraft at High Angles of Attack, NASA
Wind-Tunnel Experiments on Divergence of TM-4430, 1992.
Forward-Swept Wings, NASA TP-1685, 1980. 46. Webster, Fredrick R. and Dana Purifoy, “X-29
34. “Forward-Swept Wing Potential Studied,” Avi- High Angle-of-Attack Flying Qualities,” AF-
ation Week and Space Technology, Jan. 29, FTC-TR-91-15, July 1991. (Available to U.S.
1979. government agencies and contractors; others
35. Krone, N.J., Jr., “Forward Swept Wing Flight should contact WL/FIMT, Wright-Patterson
Demonstrator,” AIAA-80-1882, AIAA Aircraft AFB, OH 45433-6523.)
Systems and Technology Meeting, Anaheim, 47. Huckabone, Thomas C., and Harry C. Walker
CA, Aug. 4–6, 1980. III, “Performance Evaluation of the X-29A Re-
36. Löbert, G., “Spanwise Lift Distribution of search Aircraft,” AFFTC-TR-87-51, Mar. 1988.
Forward-and Aft-Swept Wings in Comparison 48. Hicks, John W. and Thomas Huckabone, Prelim-
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81-4187, J. Aircraft, vol. 18, no. 6, June 1981. Characteristics of the X-29A Forward-
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49. Hicks, John W. and Bryan J. Moulton, Effects of 60. Oswald, W. Bailey, General Formulas and Charts
Maneuver Dynamics on Drag Polars of the X-29 for the Calculation of Airplane Performance,
Forward-Swept-Wing Aircraft With Automatic NACA Report No. 408, 1932.
Wing Camber Control, NASA TM-100422, 1988. 61. Friend, Edward L., Initial Flight Buffet Character-
50. Gera, J., J.T. Bosworth, and T.H. Cox, X-29A istics of the X-29A Airplane Including Compari-
Flight Test Techniques and Results: Flight Con- sons With Other Contemporary Designs, NASA
trols, NASA TP-3121, 1991. TM-4159, 1990. (ITAR restricted; available from
51. Alexander, R.I. and R.J. Ray, Development and AFWAL/FIF, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433.)
Flight Test of a Real-Time Thrust Measurement 62. Diederich, Franklin W., A Plan-Form Parameter
Technique on the X-29A/F404 Advanced Technolo- for Correlating Certain Aerodynamic Characteris-
gy Demonstrator, NASA TM-101707, 1989. tics of Swept Wings, NACA TN-2335, Apr. 1951.
(Available to U.S. government agencies and con- 63. Abbott, Ira H., and Albert E. Von Doenhoff, Theo-
tractors; others should contact WL/FIMT, Wright- ry of Wing Sections, Dover Publications, Inc., New
Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6523.) York, NY, 1959.
52. Richardson, Norman R. and Albin O. Pearson, 64. Peters, G.E., S.L. Parker, C.M. Pulley, and B.R.
Wind-Tunnel Calibrations of a Combined Pitot- Williams, “F/A-18 Basic Aerodynamic Data (U),”
Static Tube, Vane-Type Flow-Direction Transmit- Report No. MDC A8575, McDonnell Aircraft
ter, and Stagnation-Temperature Element at Mach Company, St. Louis, MO 63166, Mar. 1984.
Numbers from 0.60 to 2.87, NASA TN-D-122, 65. Wendt, R.E., “A Method of Airplane Performance
1959. Calculation Applicable to Any Polar,” J. Aeronaut.
53. Ray, Ronald J., Evaluation of Various Thrust Cal- Sci., vol. 14, no. 4, Apr. 1947, pp. 243–250.
culation Techniques on an F404 Engine, NASA 66. Jobe, Charles E., “Prediction of Aerodynamic
TP-3001, 1990. Drag,” AFWAL-TM-84-203, Flight Dynamics
54. Burns, Maureen E. and Thomas A. Kirchgessner, Laboratory, Air Force Wright Aeronautical Labo-
Airflow Calibration and Exhaust Pressure/Temper- ratories, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH
ature Survey of an F404, S/N 215-109, Turbofan 45433, July 1984.
Engine, NASA TM-100159, 1987. 67. Bellman, Donald R., A Summary of Flight Deter-
55. Conners, Timothy R., Measurement Effects on the mined Transonic Lift and Drag Characteristics of
Calculation of In-Flight Thrust for an F404 Turbo- Several Research Airplane Configurations, NASA
fan Engine, NASA TM-4140, 1989. MEMO 3-3-59H, Apr. 1959.
56. Powers, Sheryll Goecke, Predicted X-29A Lift 68. Nugent Jack, Lift and Drag of the Bell X-5 Re-
and Drag Coefficient Uncertainties Caused search Airplane in the 45° Sweptback Configura-
by Errors in Selected Parameters, NASA tion at Transonic Speeds, NACA RM No. H56E02,
TM-86747, 1985. July 1956.
57. Keller, Thomas L. and Robert F. Keuper, Compar- 69. Saltzman, Edwin J. and William P. Asher, Tran-
ison of the Energy Method With the Accelerometer sonic Flight Evaluation of the Effects of Fuse-
Method of Computing Drag Coefficients From lage Extension and Indentation on the Drag of a
Flight Data, NACA CB No. 5H31, Oct. 1945. 60° Delta-Wing Interceptor Airplane, NACA
58. Beeler, De E., Donald R. Bellman, and Edwin J. RM No. H57E29, Sept. 1957.
Saltzman, Flight Techniques for Determining Air- 70. Carman, L. Robert and John R. Carden, Lift and
plane Drag at High Mach Numbers, NACA TN- Drag Coefficients for the Bell X-1 Airplane
3821, Aug. 1956. (8-Percent-Thick Wing) in Power-Off Transonic
59. Hicks, John W., James M. Cooper, Jr., and Walter Flight, NACA RM No. L51E08, June 1951.
J. Sefic, Flight Test Techniques for the X-29A Air- 71. Saltzman, Edwin J., Flight Measurements of Lift
craft, NASA TM-88289, 1987. and Drag for the Bell X-1 Research Airplane
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No. L53F08, Sept. 1953.

72. Rolls, L. Stewart and Rodney C. Wingrove, An tained in Exploratory Flights to a Mach Number
Investigation of the Drag Characteristics of a of 2.0, NACA RM No. L54F03, Aug. 1954.
Tailless Delta-Wing Airplane in Flight, Includ- 83. Bellman, Donald R. and Edward D. Murphy,
ing Comparison with Wind-Tunnel Data, NASA Lift and Drag Characteristics of the Douglas
MEMO 10-8-58A, Nov. 1958. X-3 Research Airplane Obtained During Dem-
73. Purser, Paul E., Comparison of Wind-Tunnel, onstration Flights to a Mach Number of 1.20,
Rocket, and Flight Drag Measurements for NACA RM No. H54I17, Dec. 1954.
Eight Airplane Configurations at Mach Num- 84. Saltzman, Edwin J., Donald R. Bellman, and
bers Between 0.7 and 1.6, NACA RM No. Norman T. Musialowski, Flight-Determined
L54F18, Sept. 1954. Transonic Lift and Drag Characteristics of the
74. Nugent, Jack, Lift and Drag of a Swept-Wing YF-102 Airplane With Two Wing
Fighter Airplane at Transonic and Supersonic Configurations, NACA RM No. H56E08, July
Speeds, NASA MEMO 10-1-58H, Jan. 1959. 1956.
75. Arnaiz, Henry H., Flight-Measured Lift and 85. Corning, Gerald, Supersonic and Subsonic
Drag Characteristics of a Large, Flexible, High Airplane Design, 3rd edition, College Park,
Supersonic Cruise Airplane, NASA TM X-3532, MD, 1970.
May 1977. 86. Stinton, Darrol, The Design of the Aeroplane,
76. Pyle, Jon S. and Louis L. Steers, Flight- Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, 1983.
Determined Lift and Drag Characteristics of an 87. Perkins, Courtland D. and Robert E. Hage, Air-
F-8 Airplane Modified With a Supercritical Wing plane Performance Stability and Control, John
With Comparisons to Wind-Tunnel Results, NASA Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1949.
TM X-3250, June 1975. 88. Wong, Kent J., “AFTI/F-111 Mission Adaptive
77. Cooper, James M., Jr., Donald L. Hughes, and Wing Lift and Drag Flight Test Results, Volume
Kenneth Rawlings III, “Transonic Aircraft I,” AFFTC-TR-87-02, Apr. 1987. (Distribution
Technology—Flight-Derived Lift and Drag restricted to U.S. government agencies only.
Character-istics, Volume I of II,” AFFTC-TR- Other requestors should contact AFTI/F-111
77-12, July 1977. (MAW) Program Office (AFWAL/FIMF),
78. Finley, D.B., “Final F-16XL Aerodynamic Sta- Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433-6503.)
tus Report and Flight Test Results,” CDRL Se- 89. Fox, M.K. and E.A. Wadsworth, “Correlation of
quence Number 3008, DI-E-3135/M) Contract the Supersonic Thrust and Drag of the B-58A
F33657-78G-0004-0009, Sept. 1985. Airplane,” General Dynamics Report
79. Saltzman, Edwin J. and Darwin J. Garringer, FZA-4-415, Dec. 1963.
Summary of Full-Scale Lift and Drag 90. Ames Research Center, Collected Works of Robert
Characteristics of the X-15 Airplane, NASA TN T. Jones, NASA TM X-3334, Feb. 1976.
D-3343, 1966. 91. Munk, Max M., The Minimum Induced Drag of
80. Bellman, Donald R., Lift and Drag Characteris- Aerofoils, NACA Report No. 121, 1921.
tics of the Bell X-5 Research Airplane at 59° 92. Prandtl, L., Applications of Modern Hydrodynam-
Sweepback for Mach Numbers From 0.60 to ics to Aeronautics, NACA Report No. 116, 1921.
1.03, NACA RM No. L53A09c, Feb. 1953. 93. Prandtl, L. and O. G. Tietjens, Applied Hydro- and
81. Bellman, Donald R. and Thomas R. Sisk, Pre- Aeromechanics, Dover Publications, Inc., New
liminary Drag Measurements of the Consolidat- York, 1957.
ed Vultee XF-92A Delta-Wing Airplane in Flight 94. Walker, Harold J., Performance Evaluation Meth-
Tests to a Mach Number of 1.01, NACA RM No. od for Dissimilar Aircraft Designs, NASA
L53J23, Jan. 1954. RP-1042, 1979.
82. Nugent, Jack, Lift and Drag Characteristics of
the Douglas D-558-II Research Airplane Ob-

Wing flaperons


Nose strakes

Strake flap

48 ft 1 in.

F-5A nose
14 ft
9.5 in.

Strake flap

Wing area = 185 ft 2 27 ft 2.44 in.

MAC = 86.6 in.
Aspect ratio = 4.0
Taper ratio = 0.4
Sweep angle = –29.3°
(leading edge)
Gross weight = 17,800 lb


(a) Three view.

Figure 1. X-29A airplane.

(b) In-flight view.
Figure 1. Concluded.

Inlet side Aeroelastic

Canard 0.9 M, 30,000 ft

4 5-g maneuver



1-g cruise

Body side

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0

Reference line airfoil

section chord

FRL Airfoil true chord line

Note: Twist angle plotted above refers to angle between

airfoil true chord line and fuselage reference line (FRL),
as shown in sketch. 930611

Figure 2. Wing twist distribution, adapted from reference 48.

Forward Full-up


Full-down Maneuver
position position


Figure 3. X-29A full-span flaperon profile.

40 Note: Limits obtained

30 from ref. 47


Maximum allowable
canard deflection
Canard –10
deg –20

Minimum allowable
–40 canard deflection
–8 –4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
Angle of attack, deg 930613

(a) Canard.
Figure 4. Permissible longitudinal control surface deflections.

20 Limit


Flaperon 10
deg 5

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Mach number 930614

(b) Flaperon.

Pressure altitude
35 15,000 ft
TED, 20,000 ft
TEU 10,000 ft 30,000 ft
30 50,000 ft


Sea level
Strake 20
deflection, 15


0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Mach number 930615

(c) Strake flap (includes TED and TEU).

Figure 4. Concluded.

Basic parameters Structures
• Airdata (9) • Strain gauges (112)
• Angles of attack and sideslip (4) • Optical deflection measurement
• Pitch, roll, and yaw attitudes, rates, system (12)
and accelerations (10)
• Center-of-gravity accelerations (6) Aerodynamic
• Engine speed, temperature, pressure, • Wing/strake static pressure (152)
and nozzle positions (21) • Canard static pressures (29)
• Surface positions (9) Miscellaneous
Flight-control system • Hydraulic (9)
• Computer parameters (429 bus) (64) • Electrical (10)
• Stick, rudder pedal position, and • Temperature (46)
forces (6) • Vibration (8)
• Cockpit accelerations (2) • Other (22)

Flutter and buffet

• Accelerometers (23)
• Velocities (4)
• Flap tab shaker (3) 930616

Figure 5. X-29A measurands (ref. 41).

1.2 CL






CD 0.6





0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Mach number 930627

Figure 7. Variation of drag coefficient with Mach number for constant lift coefficient; trimmed flight, ACC mode.



Maximum (for hp ≈ 30,000 ft)

At design (M = 0.9) CL of 0.92

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Mach number 930628

Figure 8. Variation of lift-drag ratio with Mach number; trimmed flight, ACC control mode.


C range for 95
percent of
(L/D)max C for (L/D)
L max
C .6


α range for 95
8 percent of



0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Mach number 930629

Figure 9. Lift coefficients and angles of attack that provide 95 to 100 percent of maximum lift-drag ratio; and angle
of attack for zero-lift; trimmed flight in ACC mode.


∆CD ∆CL2
Straight line fairing to CL = 0
.16 Used actual CD , see equation (1)



1/ π A

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Mach number 930630

Figure 10. Variation of drag-due-to-lift factor with Mach number; trimmed flight, ACC mode.

.36 CL2 = 0.36 or CL = 0.6

CD at CL = 0.6


CD at CL = 0, CD

CD 930631

Figure 11. The C L – CD relationship for illustrating the origin of two definitions of drag-due-to-lift factor for a
constant Mach number.

1.0 1.0

.8 .8

e K′
These data derived from
respective solid or open
.6 .6
symbols of figure 10

e scale
K′ scale
.4 .4
0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Mach number 930632

Figure 12. Variation of airplane lifting efficiency factors, e and K′ , with Mach number; trimmed flight, ACC

BIR conditions for canard

Between BIR for canard and wing
BIR conditions for wing

2.5° 4.2° 5.2° 5.4°

.9 6.3° 6.6°

95% of
L D max
.7 Design
CL for CL 9.5°

L D max

0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4
CL 930633

Figure 13. Relationship of drag-rise Mach number with C L , angle of attack, and some secondary flight conditions;
ACC mode.


S wave
∆CD/∆M = 0.1
0 .04


0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4

Mach number 930634

Figure 14. Variation of zero-lift-drag coefficient with Mach number and illustration of transonic wave drag
increment; trimmed flight, ACC mode.

28 Note: The area under the curve

includes 4.65 ft2 of capture area


Cross 16
ft 2 12

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Fuselage station, in. 930635

Figure 15. X-29A cross-sectional area distribution.


From fig. 6
Averages from
ref. 47

CL ,
α .16
deg –1


.4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Mach number 930636

Figure 16. Variation of lift-curve slope with Mach number; trimmed flight, ACC mode

Theory in 2-dimensional
flow, dCL /dα ∼ cos Λ

CL ,
α A = 3 to 4
deg –1
.02 Λ for X-29A
LE Angle of sweep Λ°/4
–90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90

Figure 17. Lift-curve slopes of wings having aspect ratios between 3 and 4 (ref. 27).


δ, flap, 45


2.0 20


cl 1.2

δ, flap,


Apparent c l
–.4 versus α
relation if
camber varies
during maneuver

–24 –16 –8 0 8 16 24
α, deg 930640

Figure 19. NACA airfoil section with 0.309c double-slotted flap (low speed) (ref. 63).

Wing reference area,
S = 185 ft2
Stationary lifting surfaces,
area = 27 ft2 (exposed)
area = 79 ft2 (projected to centerline) 930641

Figure 20. Planform view of X-29A airplane.

.6 Flight
S = 185 ft2
A = 4.00 Theory,
ref. 62




S′ = 212 ft2
A′ = 3.49




S′ = 264 ft2
A′ = 2.80




0 2 4 6 8 10
α, deg 930642

Figure 21. Comparison of flight-measured lift-curve with theory for three reference areas; M = 0.6, δ f = 0°;
X-29A in MCC mode.

X-29A F-15C



Figure 22. Planforms of X-29A and three contemporary aircraft; scale of each configuration is approximately correct; reference
area, S, defined by shaded region.

X-29A, ACC mode


CD .04

Solid symbol, , is for X-29A
with reference area = 264 ft2



L/D, 8

.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Mach number 930644

Figure 23. Variation of zero-lift-drag coefficient and maximum L/D with Mach number for X-29A and three con-
temporary aircraft.


X-29A, ACC mode

.2 F-16C
∆CD F/A-18


(no flags)
(flags) .8

.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6
Mach number 930645

Figure 24. Variation of drag-due-to-lift factor and lifting efficiency factors (e and K′ ) with Mach number for
X-29A and three contemporary aircraft.

.8 CL denoted by <
0.05 F/A-18 az , g
0 F-15C 3.0
.7 0.04 F-16C
0.08 X-29A, ACC mode
Example: solid symbols for az = 2.0 3.0
M = 0.9 2.5
.6 hp = 30,000 to 36,000 ft 3.0

.5 2.0 3.0

CL .4 2.0


.3 1.5

1.0 CL for several load factors

az , g Load factor, g units
.2 1.0
A/C 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
1.0 X-29A 0.243 0.365 0.486 0.608 0.729
F-15C 0.166 0.249 0.332 0.415 0.498
.1 F-16C 0.202 0.303 0.404 0.505 0.606
F/A-18 0.220 0.330 0.440 0.550 0.660
< <

0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09 .10
CD 930646

Figure 25. Relationship of lift and drag coefficients for contemporary aircraft at several constant load factors.

X-29A, ACC mode
1.6 F/A-18
π . A CD – CD
Where e =
( )

e 1.2


1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
az , g 930647

(a) Asymmetric polars for X-29A, F/A-18, and F-16C.

1.6 2
Where e =
(CL – CL min)
X-29A, ACC mode π • A(CD – CD )
F-15C min
F-16C X-29A
1.2 F-16C Asymmetrical polars
F/A-18 adjusted so vertex of
e polar (parabola) is at
CL where CD is minimum,
.8 that is, vertex coordinates
are CD ,C
min Lmin

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
az, g 930648

(b) Values of e when all polars symmetrical.

Figure 26. Variation of efficiency parameters e and L/D with load factor for four contemporary aircraft;
M = 0.90 .



L/D 8

X-29A, ACC mode

6 F-15C

1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
az, g 930649

(c) Variation of L/D with load factor.

Figure 26. Concluded.

1.2 12

CL2 X-29A, ACC mode

Where e =
1.0 π • A CD – CD ) 10
( 0 F/A-18

.8 8

e L /D
.6 6

.4 4

.2 2
1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
az , g az , g 930650

Figure 27. Variation of efficiency parameters e and L/D with load factor for three contemporary aircraft; M = 0.60.

.7 X-29A First generation Note: Numerals adjacent to data

F-15C Second symbol from ref. 66 are approximately
.6 F-16C Third chronological. Hence, configurations
F/A-18 Fourth 24 – 27 are of more recent vintage.
.4 2 27
CD 1
wave 3 25 of supersonic
.3 26
10 aircraft
7 11 6
8 14 15 16
9 17 19 First
.2 20 12 13
22 18 Second
Sears-Haack 13A 23
.1 minimum drag
6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Fineness ratio, /d 930651

Figure 28. Comparision of transonic wave drag as determined for X-29A and three contemporary aircraft, with
correlation of reference 66.

.10 X-29A
.08 F/A-18
Other aircraft

• CD
S wave


0 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08

( c S)5/3
/ 930652

Figure 29. Relationship of wave drag increment to reference-area ratio factor for X-29A, three contemporary air-
craft, and several other airplanes.

0.008 0.005
0.003 0.002 0.001
0.010 0.006 0.004
f = CD . S
CF = CD . S
e 0 Aw

area, 101
ft 2

X-29A, clean wing
Ref. 85
Refs. 69,70,74,75,
and unpublished

102 10 3 10 4 10 5
Wetted area, ft 2

Figure 30. Relationship of equivalent parasite area and Cf to total wetted area for several aircraft at subsonic Mach numbers; flight data.
APPENDIX problem and to accredit a means of circumvention.
Having emphasized the problem and offered a solution,
COMMENTS ON PROCEDURES FOR mention of this will be added to the concluding

Lift-Related Drag Another Approach to the Reference Area

Problem for Lift-Related Drag
The use of an inappropriate reference area has been
shown to result in unreliable lift and drag coefficients, In the late 1970's Harold Walker began a compara-
i.e., unreliable for comparison with force coefficients tive analysis of the performance of about 20 widely
of other aircraft. Consequently, to make reliable com- diverse aircraft configurations. Because the planforms
parisons of lifting efficiency between various aircraft, it were so varied, he too was confronted with the problem
is advisable to use the Oswald efficiency factor, e, or of defining an unambiguous basis (reference area) for
the lift-to-drag ratio to cancel the effects of a question- his comparative analysis. Consequently, he studied the-
able reference area. oretical works by R. T. Jones, M. Munk, and L. Prandtl
However, as has been noted, when the lift-drag polar (refs. 90–93) in search of a valid solution to his
is asymmetric another problem occurs. In the case of problem.
three of the aircraft considered here, the value of e He concluded that theory, as developed in these and
became inflated if the polar asymmetry were ignored. other works, supported wingspan squared as a logical
On the other hand, when the asymmetry was accounted reference area that would avoid ambiguity when com-
for, there was a residual increment of lift below C L min paring the aerodynamic performance of different air-
that was not accredited to the airplane through the craft. Reference 94 presents the careful development of
parameter e. It seems apparent, then, that when both his rationale in support of the span-squared method.
polar asymmetry and an uncertain reference area are References 6 and 60 also support the rationale for this
present, the lift-to-drag ratio, L/D, is the most definitive method of comparative evaluation.
parameter for comparing the lift-related drag of various
airplanes for a given flight condition. For a specific Subsonic and Transonic Drag at Zero Lift
Mach number–altitude condition the lift-to-drag ratio
of the aircraft to be compared should be plotted as a The problem of inappropriate, or hard-to-define, ref-
function of load factor rather than C L or angle of erence areas also affects drag coefficients for nonlifting
attack. This is because making comparisons between conditions. As is evident from the body of the text,
contending aircraft at a common C L or α does not other investigators, as well as the authors of this paper,
ensure that all vehicles are performing the same task. recommend circumvention of the reference area prob-
It is appropriate to consider figure 22 again, in which lem for definition of drag coefficient at zero lift by
the assigned reference areas of the four aircraft can be using the less arbitrary areas for reference purposes as
compared with other probable lifting surfaces of each follows:
configuration, mostly upstream from the wing. For the Subsonic C D : use A w as reference area and base
X-29A the canard provides lift for some important comparisons on C F ; example,
flight conditions, and the other three airplanes each e

have the potential for generating lift from their chine or

strake-like surfaces ahead of the wing. It is probable S
C F = C D ⋅ -------
that future competing configurations will use refined e 0 A
versions of these upstream devices and other means
(perhaps primarily at the wingtips) to enhance lifting Transonic CD : base C D on A c ; example,
wave wave
efficiency. Therefore, uncertainties and disagreements
on the correct way to define reference area will become
even more commonplace. This discussion has been CD = C D ⋅ ------
wave 0 A
allotted appendix space to make clear the impact of the c

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December 1994 Technical Paper

In-Flight Lift-Drag Characteristics for a Forward-Swept-Wing Aircraft (and

Comparisions With Contemporary Aircraft)
WU 505-68-50

Edwin J. Saltzman and John W. Hicks


NASA Dryden Flight Research Center
P.O. Box 273 H-1913
Edwards, California 93523-0273



National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Washington, DC 20546-0001 NASA TP-3414


Sue Luke, editor


Subject Category 05, 02

13. ABSTRACT (Maximum 200 words)

Lift (L) and drag (D) characteristics have been obtained in flight for the X-29A airplane (a
forward-swept-wing demonstrator) for Mach numbers (M) from 0.4 to 1.3. Most of the data
were obtained near an altitude of 30,000 ft. A representative Reynolds number, for M = 0.9 and
a pressure altitude of 30,000 ft, is 18.6 × 10 6 based on the mean aerodynamic chord. The X-29A data
(forward-swept wing) are compared with three high-performance fighter aircraft—the F-15C, F-16C,
and F/A18. The lifting efficiency of the X-29A, as defined by the Oswald lifting efficiency factor, e, is
about average for a cantilevered monoplane for M = 0.6 and angles of attack up to those required for
maximum L/D. At M = 0.6 the level of L/D and e, as a function of load factor, for the X-29A was
about the same as for the contemporary aircraft. The X-29A and its contemporaries have high tran-
sonic wave drag and equivalent parasite area compared with aircraft of the 1940s through 1960s.


Efficiency, Forward-swept wing, Lift-drag, Lift-related drag, Aerodynamic clean- 60

ners, Transonic wave drag 16. PRICE CODE
Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified Unlimited
NSN 7540-01-280-5500 Available from the NASA Center for AeroSpace Information, 800 Elkridge Landing Road, Standard Form 298 (Rev. 2-89)
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