Injection Valve: Lmbo QFKD Fkpqor'qflk
Injection Valve: Lmbo QFKD Fkpqor'qflk
Injection Valve: Lmbo QFKD Fkpqor'qflk
Injection valve
Push rod wear limit
Engine type This Operating Instruction concerns WÄRTSILÄâ Vasa 32 and 32LN
engines fitted with injection valves having a “hollow end” push rod.
General A wear limit for the injection valve push rod has been defined. The wear
should be measured every time the injection nozzle is changed. If the wear
exceeds the limit, the push rod must be changed to avoid damage to the
injection valve.
Max 3.5 mm
Letter distribution Wärtsilä Service Network and owners / operators of engines concerned.
Wärtsilä Finland Oy P.O. Box 252 (Tarhaajantie 2) Telecop. +358 6 356 7355 Tel. +358 10 709 0000 Business ID 0773744-3
Service, Vaasa FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland Telecop. +358 6 356 7339 Registered Office: Vaasa
Wärtsilä Finland Oy P.O. Box 50 (Stålarminkatu 45) Telecop. +358 10 709 3279 Tel. +358 10 709 0000
Service, Turku FIN-20811 Turku, Finland Telecop. +358 10 709 3410
2004 Wärtsilä Finland Oy – All rights reserved
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