Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Title Of Lesson: Economic Systems Around the World Subject/Course/Grade: 12th Grade-Economics

Dates of Lesson: Jan 29th-Feb 3rd Designer(s): Chloe Provance

Materials Needed: Computer and Google Apps

Stage 1- Desired Results
● California Content Standards Economics: 12.2
o Students analyze the elements of America’s market economy in a global setting.
Big Idea or Concept​: Essential Questions​:
● Scarcity ● How do different countries around the world answer the
● Three Economic Questions three economic questions?
o What, How, and For Whom to Produce? ● How does each country's answers to the three economic
● The Four Economic Systems questions define which economic system that country
o Market has?
o Command ● How are other countries' economic systems similar and
o Traditional different to the US’s economic system?
o Mixed
Students will understand/know​… Students will be able to​ …
● Students will understand the four economic systems ● Students will be able to apply what they learned out
and how they are similar and different from each of the four economic systems in order to analyze a
other. country of their choice economic system.
● Students will understand which economic system the ● Students will then be able compare and contrast the
US has and how the US economy functions. similarities and differences between the US
● Students will research and learn how different economy and the country of their choosing
countries run their economies. economy.
Stage 2- Assessment Evidence
Monitoring and Assessments: Feedback:
● Students will demonstrate their understanding of the ● Students will get feedback by answering questions
topic through formative assessments. in the chat to check for understanding.
● Students will answer formative questions during the ● Students will get feedback about their infographic.
lecture. ● Students will get feedback about their comparison
● Students will apply their knowledge of economic paragraph.
systems while researching any country of their
choosing and creating an infographic to represent that
country's economic system.
● Students will compare their country of choice
economic system with the US in a minimum of one
Stage 3- Learning Plan
Learning Activities:
Day 1:
Start with a Do Now that focuses on review from the previous lesson. Submit on Google Classroom.
Lecture on the Four Economic Systems. Ask questions throughout. Post lecture on Google Classroom after class.
Practice Questions reviewing the lecture. Students answer in chat.
Explain and assign Infographic. Go over rubric and example. Post on Google Classroom. Submit on Google Classroom.

Day 2:
Start with a Do Now that focuses on review from the previous lesson.
Lecture on the US’s Economic System. Post lecture on Google Classroom after class.
Explain and assign Comparison Activity. Post on Google Classroom. Submit on Google Classroom.

Details in other documents on Website.

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