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TVP 2016 0506 IE Ultrasound Liver

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Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasonography


Danielle Mauragis, AS, CVT, and Clifford R. Berry, DVM, Diplomate ACVR
University of Florida

Welcome to our series of articles on small animal abdominal ultrasonography. The initial articles
provided an overview of basic ultrasonography principles and a discussion about how to perform a
sonographic tour of the abdomen. This article—and the rest of the series—will discuss ultrasound
evaluation of specific abdominal organs/systems, including scanning principles, normal sonographic
appearance, and identification of common abnormalities seen during ultrasound examination.
Read the Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasonography articles published in Today’s Veterinary
Practice at tvpjournal.com:
• Basics of Ultrasound Transducers & Image Formation (January/February 2015)
• Physical Principles of Artifacts & False Assumptions (May/June 2015)
• Basics of Imaging Optimization—How to Obtain High-Quality Scans (November/December 2015)
• A Tour of the Abdomen: Part 1 (January/February 2016) and Part 2 (March/April 2016).

When using the systematic approach described

in previous articles, the sonographic tour of the
abdomen begins in the cranial abdomen, evaluating
the liver and gallbladder. This article reviews
the normal ultrasound appearance of the liver
and gallbladder, steps for obtaining appropriate
views, and some common abnormalities seen with
ultrasonography of these organs. In Part 2, causes
of generalized hepatic changes and the ultrasound
appearance of biliary abnormalities will be reviewed.


Complete evaluation of the liver requires extensive
examination of all aspects of the liver and may
also necessitate both standard transabdominal
and intercostal (between the ribs within the
intercostal space) approaches. Evaluation consists
of longitudinal (sagittal and parasagittal) and
transverse images of all aspects of the liver (right
side, midline, and left side of the liver).

Initial Liver Evaluation

1. Clip the hair and apply acoustic gel at a level just
caudal to the xiphoid process.
2. With the patient in dorsal or lateral recumbency,
place the probe just caudal to the xiphoid process. FIGURE 1. Anatomy of the canine liver (caudal or visceral aspect), with
the lobes, porta hepatis, caudal vena cava, and gallbladder identified.
3. Begin the examination with the transducer in a
Illustration by Pamela Boutilier, DVM, MVSc, Diplomate ACVIM (Small
long-axis plane and angle it cranially to view the
Animal Internal Medicine), SAA.
midsection of the liver.

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Liver Lobes caudally, ending with the renal fossa, which contains
The liver is composed of 4 lobes, 4 sublobes, and 2 the cranial pole of the right kidney.
processes (Figure 1, page 73):
• Right lobe, including the lateral and medial Liver Vasculature
sublobes The liver parenchyma has a coarse echotexture, and
• Quadrate lobe portal vessels are the dominant vascular structure
• Left lobe, including the medial and lateral noted throughout the liver (Figure 2). The hepatic
sublobes, which makes up ¹⁄³ to ½ of the liver and portal veins form specific divisions to each
• Caudate lobe, including the caudate and papillary of the liver lobes. The porta hepatis is the central
processes. portion of the liver to the right of midline where
The hepatic lobes cannot be distinguished the portal vein, hepatic artery, and bile duct (see
with ultrasonography. However, when significant Gallbladder Evaluation, page 76) enter and exit
abdominal effusion is present, the divisions between the liver.
the hepatic lobes become more apparent. In dogs, • The portal vein is the easiest structure of these 3 to
the liver’s left lobe (medial sublobe), quadrate identify.
lobe, and right lobe (medial sublobe) encircle the • The hepatic artery is smaller and easier to identify
gallbladder. The caudate lobe extends dorsally and using color flow imaging.

FIGURE 2. Long-axis image of a canine liver. FIGURE 4. Long-axis image from a dog (the cra-
The hyperechoic line along the left side of nial side is the left side of the image). The falci-
the image represents the lung–diaphragm form ligament and fat are in the near field, and
interface; the arrows mark the hyperechoic the liver is deep on the left. The stomach (on
portal vessels. the right side of the image) is relatively empty,
with gas inside the gastric wall and reverbera-
tion artifact extending from the stomach.

FIGURE 3. Transverse midline image of a canine

liver. The echogenic oval on the left side of
the image is hyperechoic material within the FIGURE 5. Long-axis image from the right side
gallbladder. The hypoechoic vessel on the right of the abdomen of an adult dog. Echogenic
side of the image is the left hepatic vein, which material can be seen in the gallbladder, which is
drains into the caudal vena cava (arrow). normal in cats.

74 TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE | May/June 2016 | tvpjournal.com


• The bile duct is not seen in dogs, but may be central divisional branch diverging
visible in cats (up to 3 mm in diameter) in the • The portal vein then continues as the left
porta hepatis region. divisional branch into the left lobe of the liver.
The portal veins are the dominant vessels in The hepatic veins drain dorsally and to the right
the hepatic parenchyma. They have an outer into the caudal vena cava (Figure 3). They can be
hyperechoic wall due to fibrofatty connective tissue seen as hypoechoic tubular structures that do not
surrounding the wall and within the wall itself. The have hyperechoic walls; the vessels taper toward the
intrahepatic portal veins are a continuation of the periphery of the liver and enlarge centrally within
portal vein proper as it enters the porta hepatis: the liver. The hepatic veins enter into the caudal
• As the main portal vein enters the liver, the right vena cava in the dorsal right liver along the ventral
divisional branch diverges from the vein and lateral wall of the caudal vena cava.
• The portal vein continues cranially, with the
Further Liver Evaluation
1. With the transducer in the subxiphoid position,
angle it to the left to evaluate the left lobe in
the long-axis plane, with the diaphragm–lung
interface (a bright hyperechoic line) noted along
the cranial border of the liver (Figure 2). The
fundic portion of the stomach is just caudal
(Figure 4) to the left lobe of the liver.
2. Angle the transducer back to midline and then
A toward the right side of the patient to image the
gallbladder (Figure 5).
3. Angle the transducer back to midline, and rotate
it 90 degrees, with the notch pointing toward the
patient’s right side. Then angle the probe ventrally
and dorsally to see the entire extent of the liver.
Dividing the liver into thirds ensures evaluation
of all 3 sections: right side, midline, and left side
(Figure 6). Laterally and caudally, the liver extends
to the level of the spleen on the left; dorsally, the
B liver extends to the level of the right kidney on the
right (Figure 7).
Fat within the falciform ligament is seen in

FIGURE 6. Dog in dorsal recumbency; the
ultrasound transducer is in the short-axis
imaging plane, with the notch pointing to the
right in a midline position (A). Transverse image
obtained from the left side of the dog (B):
the spleen (S) is in the near field on the right FIGURE 7. Long-axis dorsal plane image, with
side of the image. Transverse image from the the notch of the transducer pointing toward the
same dog with the gallbladder on the left side cranial aspect of the dog. The caudate lobe of
of the image (right side of the dog) (C); the the liver (L) can be seen, with the renal fossa in
bright echogenic line in the far field is the lung– the same area as the right kidney (K). The right
diaphragm interface. adrenal gland (A) is in the far field.

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the near field, particularly in cats. Often the fat and cats with suspected portosystemic shunts is a
is isoechoic to the liver, and it can be difficult to transverse imaging plane between the dorsal right
delineate between the hepatic parenchyma and the 11th and 12th intercostal spaces. This window
falciform ligament (Figure 8). allows visualization of the relationship between the
A “window” that is often used to evaluate dogs porta hepatis and the aorta, caudal vena cava, and
portal vein (Figure 9).

Gallbladder Evaluation
The gallbladder is located to the right of midline.
The volume of bile noted within the gallbladder is
variable. Fasting and anorexia result in gallbladder
distension. In cats, the gallbladder can be bilobed
(Figure 10).
Parts of the gallbladder that are not normally
visualized are the:
• Gallbladder wall (< 1 mm) (Figure 11)
• Intrahepatic bile ducts
• In dogs, the cystic and bile ducts are not visible;
however, feline cystic and bile ducts can be
FIGURE 8. Long-axis view in a cat in which visualized sometimes, and can measure up to 3
the fat in the falciform ligament (near field) mm in diameter each (Figure 12).
is slightly hypoechoic relative to the liver (far
field). The arrows indicate the demarcation
between the falciform fat (near field) and the
liver parenchyma (far field). Hepatic abnormalities can be categorized as focal, mul-
tifocal, or generalized. Focal and multifocal abnormali-
ties (Table 1, page 78) are further described by:
• Size: Nodule versus mass (> 3 cm)


FIGURE 9. Dog in dorsal recumbency, with the B
ultrasound transducer positioned in a transverse
imaging plane at the level of the 11th intercostal FIGURE 10. A bilobed liver is a normal anatomic
space and the notch pointing dorsally (A); in this variant in cats. Long-axis image showing 2
image of the same dog (B), the aorta (AO), caudal chambers associated with the same gallbladder
vena cava (CVC), and portal vein (PV) can be seen (A); short-axis image from a different cat showing
in cross-section from the left to right side. 2 compartments stacked on each other (B).

76 TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE | May/June 2016 | tvpjournal.com


FIGURE 12. Transverse (short-axis) oblique

FIGURE 11. Parasagittal (long-axis) image of a image from a cat of the cranial right abdomen
normal canine gallbladder, with a small area of caudal to the level of the gallbladder (cat’s
echogenic material seen in the gallbladder. right side is on the left side of the image). The
tubular structures are the cystic duct and bile
duct (arrows); these ducts measure 2 to 3 mm
• Echogenicity: Anechoic, hypoechoic, hyperechoic, in diameter and are normal in cats.
and/or heteroechoic.
Generalized abnormalities will be discussed in
ance between benign and malignant lesions, either
Part 2 of this article. cytology or histology is needed for a final diagnosis.

Hepatic Nodules Hepatic Masses

Focal and multifocal nodules are < 3 cm, and Hepatic masses can be complex, with hyperechoic
can be anechoic, hyperechoic, hypoechoic, and/ and hypoechoic features and areas of cavitation
or heteroechoic, with a target lesion appearance consistent with necrosis (Figure 14, page 78).
(Figure 13). These lesions can become quite large and create
Target lesions are nodules with hyperechoic a cranial abdominal mass effect on abdominal
centers and hypoechoic rims. These lesions are often radiographs. A large hepatic mass is most commonly
metastatic, particularly if there are multiple target a primary hepatic tumor, with varying grades of
lesions in several abdominal organs (liver, spleen, malignancy (from hepatoma to hepatocellular
kidneys). Due to the overlap in ultrasound appear- carcinoma).

FIGURE 13. Transverse (short-axis) image of a
dog showing a hypoechoic nodule in the left
liver lobe (A); on cytology, it was determined
to be nodular regeneration. Long-axis image
of a dog showing a hyperechoic nodule in the
left liver lobe; the cytologic diagnosis was
extramedullary hematopoiesis (B). Multiple
target lesions (hypoechoic rim and hyperechoic
center) seen within a long-axis view of the left
liver lobe (C); on cytology, this was determined
B to be histiocytic sarcoma.

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Differential Diagnostic Considerations for Focal & Multifocal Hepatic Lesions

• Cyst • Nodular hyperplasia • Nodular hyperplasia • Nodular hyperplasia

• Necrosis • Hematoma • Metastasis • Metastasis
• Abscess • Lymphoma • Myelolipoma • Hematoma
• Cystic tumor • Complex cyst • Granuloma • Abscess
• Biloma • Metastasis • Primary neoplasia • Primary neoplasia
• Primary neoplasia • Mineralization
• Necrosis • Gas
• Extramedullary

* A target lesion is a nodule that has an outer hypoechoic rim and inner hyperechoic nodule or circle. This
type of lesion, particularly in the spleen and liver, holds an 80% positive predictive value for neoplasia
(metastatic disease).

Cystic Adenomas & Adenocarcinomas • Dystrophic mineralization within the biliary

In cats, cystic adenomas and adenocarcinomas tree, secondary to ascending inflammation and
are common and have a hypoechoic appearance cholecystitis (Figure 16)
with multifocal cystic areas (Figure 15). Other • Focal mineralized choleliths in the intrahepatic
tumors that can cause single or multiple hepatic biliary tree.
masses include lymphoma, histiocytic sarcoma, and Intraparenchymal gas can be seen:
hemangiosarcoma. Any large tumor mass in the liver • In the biliary tree and gallbladder after surgery
can result in hemorrhage and peritoneal effusion. • In the gallbladder wall in diabetic dogs with
emphysematous cholecystitis
Mineralization & Intraparenchymal Gas • Within the biliary tree, secondary to ascending
Other causes of focal or multifocal abnormalities infection
include areas of mineralization (hyperechoic focus • In a liver abscess and liver lobe torsion (Figure 17).
with distal shadowing) or intraparenchymal gas
(hyperechoic focus with distal acoustic reverberation COMPLICATIONS
artifact). Ultrasonography of the liver is complicated by the
Dystrophic mineralization typically occurs within facts that the liver is:
the parenchyma and can be seen as: • The largest organ in the abdomen
• Chronic granulomas from prior parasitic • Cranial to the stomach
migration or fungal infection • Protected by the caudal ribs.

FIGURE 15. Sagittal (long-axis) image from the

FIGURE 14. Transverse image from the left side right side of the cranial abdomen in a cat. A
of a 10-year-old spayed female dog in which large (4 × 5 cm) hyperechoic mass can be seen
a hyperechoic liver mass is present (> 5 cm in in the cranial abdomen. On histology, the mass
diameter), with some areas of cavitation noted was shown to be a cystic adenocarcinoma of
in the near field. On histology, this mass was the liver. Primary tumors of the liver are often
shown to be a hepatocellular carcinoma. large, hyperechoic masses.

78 TODAY’S VETERINARY PRACTICE | May/June 2016 | tvpjournal.com


FIGURE 17. Transverse image from the cranial left

abdomen of a dog. Note the large hypoechoic
FIGURE 16. Long-axis left-sided image from mass with multiple areas of speckled increased
a dog. There is a focal area of mineralization echogenicity consistent with gas. At surgery, a
(white arrow) with distal acoustic shadowing. liver lobe torsion with necrosis was identified;
Active hepatic disease was not seen at this time. anaerobic infection was found on culture.

Ultrasonography of the gallbladder is complicated TABLE 2.

by the: Sonographic Visualization of Liver &
• Small size of the organ Gallbladder Anatomy
• Echogenic material within it that varies, ANATOMIC DOG CAT
depending on the species and the patient COMPONENT
(Figure 5). Hepatic lobes Only if Only if
effusion is effusion is
IN SUMMARY present present
Liver evaluation takes time, with both intercostal Bilobed No Yes
and intraabdominal approaches often needed. It is gallbladder
important to note both the structures that can, and Portal vein Yes Yes
cannot, be visualized in the liver and gallbladder
Hepatic artery May require Requires
(Table 2). color Doppler color Doppler
imaging imaging
Suggested Reading Aorta Yes Yes
Cuccivillo A, Lamb CR. Cellular features of sonographic target
lesions of the liver and spleen in 21 dogs and cats. Vet Radiol Caudal vena cava Yes Yes
Ultrasound 2002; 43(3):275-278.
Falciform ligament Yes Yes
Kremkau F. Sonography Principles and Instruments, 8th ed.
Philadelphia: Saunders Elsevier, 2010. Gallbladder wall No No
Mattoon J, Nyland T. Small Animal Abdominal Ultrasound, 3rd
ed. Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2014. Bile duct No Yes
Penninck D, d’Anjou M. Atlas of Small Animal Abdominal (sometimes)
Ultrasound, 2nd ed. Ames, IA: Wiley Blackwell Publishing,
Intrahepatic bile No No


Danielle Mauragis, AS, CVT, is a radiol- Clifford R. Berry, DVM, Diplomate
ogy technician at University of Flor- ACVR, is a professor of diagnostic imag-
ida College of Veterinary Medicine, ing at University of Florida College of
where she teaches diagnostic imag- Veterinary Medicine. His research inter-
ing. She coauthored the Handbook of ests include cross-sectional imaging of
Radiographic Positioning for Veterinary the thorax, nuclear medicine, and bio-
Technicians and received the Florida medical applications of imaging. He
Veterinary Medical Association’s 2011 received his DVM from University of
Certified Veterinary Technician of the Florida and completed a radiology res-
Year award. idency at University of California–Davis.

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