Pharmacokinetics of Inhaled Drugs
Pharmacokinetics of Inhaled Drugs
Pharmacokinetics of Inhaled Drugs
Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD1 9SY, UK
Correspondence: B. J. Lipworth, Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee DD1
provides a valuable tool for investigating lung deposition enhanced delivery of salbutamol from a low velocity
and bioavailability, and hence ways of optimising drug modified vortex metered-dose actuator (Spacehaler,
delivery. At the same time, pharmacokinetic techniques Evans) resulted in a greater plasma C compared with
can be used to predict and explain the systemic adverse an ordinary actuator [2 ]. As one might perhaps predict,
effect profiles of inhaled drugs. The widespread avail- the higher plasma concentration of salbutamol was
ability of sensitive assay techniques, such as high associated with a leftward shift in the dose-response
performance liquid chromatography allows the measure- curve for extrapulmonary b -mediated responses. The
ment of plasma and urinary drug levels required for same methodology was subsequently used to compare
pharmacokinetic evaluation. The purpose of this review two nebuliser delivery systems, namely the Hudson
is to appraise the literature on pharmacokinetics of Updraft II and the Ventstream. In vitro studies had
commonly used inhaled drugs and how this may be shown that the Ventstream produced a significant
applied to optimising their use in every-day clinical increase in output of respirable particles compared with
practice. the Hudson [3]. Since the Venstream also increases the
drug delivery by matching the nebuliser output to
inspiratory tidal flow rate, one might expect to find a
difference in lung deposition of salbutamol when
Inhaled b -adrenoceptor agonists comparing the two nebuliser systems. In a study of
asthmatic patients (FEV 55% predicted ) [3 ] the
Following inhalation of salbutamol, most of the dose Venstream produced an enhanced delivery of salbutamol
(60–80%) is delivered to the oropharynx and hence to across a dose range of 1.25 mg, 2.5 mg and 5 mg,
the gut after swallowing, with a much smaller fraction resulting in an approximate two-fold improvement in
(10–20%) reaching the lungs. The polarity of salbutamol lung absorption as assessed by plasma C or area
at salivary pH results in only negligible buccal absorp- under the concentration-time profile (AUC) (Figure 1 ).
tion, and the swallowed fraction undergoes extensive This was associated with a difference between nebulisers
first-pass conjugation in the intestinal wall and liver. in AUC values for bronchodilator and systemic
Since there is no first-pass conjugation in the lung, this responses. Furthermore, each nebuliser exhibited linear
means that initial plasma levels of unchanged salbutamol pharmacokinetics with doubling doses of salbutamol.
will reflect the dose delivered to the lung. Direct The pharmacokinetic approach may also be applied
measurement of plasma salbutamol given by pressurised to evaluate the bioequivalence of different formulations
metered-dose inhaler shows that maximal plasma con- of inhaled salbutamol. In one such study no differences
centration (C ) is achieved within 5–10 min of inha- were found in lung absorption of salbutamol comparing
lation, consistent with rapid absorption from the lung three different formulations of inhaled salbutamol given
[ 1,2]. It is however, unclear what proportion of this by pressurised metered dose inhaler [4]. However, in a
initial absorption originates from alveolar or bronchial comparison of a non-CFC metered-dose inhaler formu-
sites. This approach provides a simple method to lation of salbutamol (Airomir, 3M ) with a CFC metered-
compare the relative drug deposition of salbutamol from dose inhaler formulation ( Ventolin, Allen & Hanburys),
different inhaler devices by making a direct measurement a 1.3-fold greater ratio for C was found [5]
of lung absorption. In an initial study it was shown that (Figure 2 ). This probably reflects the lower aerosol
4 4 4 *
3 3 3 *
* *
* * V
2 2 V 2
* *
* H
1 V 1 1
0 0 0
5 10 20 40 5 10 20 40 5 10 20 40 (60) (120) (240)
Time (min) Time (min) Time (min)
Figure 1 Pharmacokinetic time profiles for plasma salbutamol after inhalation of 1.25 mg, 2.5 mg (1.25 mg+1.25 mg) or 5.0mg
(2.5 mg+2.5 mg) as sequential cumulative doses administered via a Ventstream (V ) or Hudraft Updraft II ( H) nebulisers to
eight asthmatic patients (FEV 55±2% predicted). Values shown are means and s.e.mean. Asterisk denotes a significant
difference between the two nebulisers. (T aken from: Newnham & L ipworth, T horax 1994; 49: 762–770, with permission of the
BMJ publishing group [3 ]).
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4.5 * 50 6
2.5 // 30
Cmax Cav Urine 1
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Pharmacokinetics of inhaled drugs 701
The differences in the hepatic first-pass inactivation for lung deposition appears to translate into a commen-
therefore explain the observation that for budesonide surate dose-ratio for clinical efficacy. In a double-blind
the addition of a large volume spacer to a metered dose randomized double-dummy cross over study of 241
inhaler will increase systemic bioactivity ( by increasing stable asthmatic children, halving their dose of budeson-
lung absorption), whilst for beclomethasone diproprion- ide via the nebuhaler resulted in a clinical relapse in
ate the addition of a spacer reduces systemic activity 126 cases [26 ]. Of these 126 patients, 64 were ran-
( by reducing gut absorption). In other words, for domized to continue with their usual budesonide dose
beclomethasone dipropionate the reduction in gastro- via the nebuhaler, with the other 62 being randomized
intestinal absorption with the spacer outweighs the to use half their usual dose via the turbuhaler. After 9
concomitant increase in lung absorption, because of the weeks of evaluation, there were no differences between
low degree of hepatic first-pass inactivation. Thus, for the two groups in terms of symptom control, spirometry,
fluticasone propionate like budesonide, the use of a peak flow rate or exercise challenge. A similar degree of
large volume spacer would increase systemic bioactivity, corticosteroid dose-reduction for turbuhaler vs nebu-
because lung absorption is the major determinant, and haler has been reported during step-down therapy to
this would be increased with the spacer. In any event, identify the lowest maintenance dose of inhaled budeson-
mouth-rinsing should be routinely employed when using ide over a prospective 4 year period of follow-up in
inhaled corticosteroids to reduce local adverse effects asthmatic children [27]. This suggests that at least with
such as oropharyngeal candidiasis. This in turn acts to inhaled budesonide, greater lung deposition with the
reduce further the component of gut bioavailability. turbuhaler allows lower maintenance doses during the
Detailed studies have evaluated the plasma pharmaco- step-down phase of the management guidelines.
kinetics of inhaled budesonide in children and adults. The pharmacokinetics of inhaled corticosteroids may
In a study of adult healthy volunteers a single 1000 mg also determine the systemic adverse effect profile,
dose of budesonide was given via a turbuhaler or particularly for drugs such as budesonide and fluticasone
metered dose inhaler along with intravenous adminis- propionate which have high hepatic first-pass, but no
tration of a 500 mg dose of budesonide as a reference lung first-pass metabolism. Fluticasone propionate has
[ 23]. The same treatments were also administered with approximately 2–3 times greater glucocorticoid potency
concomitant oral charcoal to obviate gastrointestinal than budesonide [28 ]. Thus if lung absorption is the
absorption and hence evaluate the bioavailability from major determinant of systemic bioactivity, one might
the lung. The pharmacokinetic profile for both inhaler expect to find commensurate differences between the
devices showed rapid absorption with a t for two drugs in terms of their respective systemic bioactiv-
budesonide of 0.3 h and elimination half-life of 2.3 h. In ity. This hypothesis was investigated in a comparison of
the presence of charcoal-block the lung bioavailability single inhaled doses of budesonide and fluticasone
was calculated at 32% for the turbuhaler vs 18% for ranging from 400–2000 mg, both given by metered-dose
the metered dose inhaler. Comparative values for total aerosol with mouth rinsing to asthmatic adults in a
bioavailability in the absence of charcoal (i.e. lung plus placebo controlled double-blind randomized cross-over
gut) were 38% for the turbuhaler against 26% for the study [29]. Suppression of overnight urinary cortisol
metered dose inhaler, giving a clear indication of the excretion, a sensitive marker of adrenal activity, showed
relative lung and gut components. approximately two-fold greater suppression with flut-
In asthmatic children given inhaled (1000 mg) and icasone 500 mg than with budesonide 400 mg. For 08.00 h
intravenous (500 mg ) doses of budesonide without serum cortisol and ACTH, at doses above 1000 mg on
charcoal, total systemic bioavailability was calculated at the steep part of the dose-response curve there was
approximately 30% of the nominal inhaled dose from a three-fold greater adrenal suppression with fluticasone
tube spacer (Inhalet) and 15% from a nebuliser (Pari- than with budesonide on a mg equivalent basis. Similar
inhalerboy) [24 ]. Data from the same study revealed a differences in systemic activity have been found compar-
value for clearance of budesonide which was 40% higher ing single inhaled doses of fluticasone and budesonide
than comparable values in adults, along with a shorter (400–1250 mg) given by spacer to asthmatic children,
elimination half-life of 1.5 h. The higher clearance and with three-fold greater suppression of urinary cortisol
shorter half-life of budesonide in children would seem excretion [30 ].
to be advantageous in terms of reducing the burden of Thus it is evident that lung absorption of a cortico-
systemic adverse effects. steroid with enhanced potency produces greater systemic
The charcoal-block method has also been used to activity on the steep part of the dose-response curve.
investigate the pharmacokinetics of plasma budesonide The plasma elimination half-life of inhaled budesonide
given as a 1000 mg dose via a turbuhaler to asthmatic is 2.3 h compared with 14.4 h for inhaled fluticasone
children. It was found that charcoal reduced the systemic [23,31]. The longer elimination half-life for fluticasone
absorption (as AUC (0,4 h)) by approximately 20%. The should result in greater steady-state accumulation during
absorption of the same dose of budesonide was higher repeated dosing. This is supported by a study where
comparing turbuhaler with nebuhaler ( both without there was a large step-up in adrenal suppression between
charcoal ) being two-fold greater [ 25]. Allowing for single and repeated doses of fluticasone 1000 mg twice
greater oropharangeal deposition of budesonide with a daily (25% vs 55% suppression), whereas with budeson-
turbuhaler than with a nebuhaler, these data suggest an ide 800 mg twice daily this effect was much less
almost two-fold greater lung delivery of budesonide pronounced (26% vs 34% suppression) [32 ]. Other
when comparing the two devices. Interestingly, this ratio factors which may contribute to greater steady-state
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suppression with fluticasone include a more prolonged three-fold difference in AUC (0,240 min), and was
receptor residency time [33 ] and greater lipophilicity mirrored by similar differences in C . There were
[ 34] compared with either budesonide or beclome- however, no differences in plasma concentration-time
thasone dipropionate. The higher degree of lipophilicity curves when comparing inhalation from a spinhaler
for fluticasone may result in enhanced systemic tissue with and without a 10 s breath hold at the end of
retention in fat stores, in effect acting as a reservoir in inspiration. In the same study pharmacokinetics of
the body at steady-state. sodium cromoglycate delivered as a solution directly
into the airways was investigated in patients undergoing
diagnostic bronchoscopy. The plasma concentration-
time profile was found to be similar to those obtained
Inhaled sodium cromoglycate and nedocromil sodium after normal inhalation and values for C and
AUC(0,240 min) were intermediate between the higher
The pharmacokinetics of inhaled sodium cromoglycate two inspiratory flow rates for the spinhaler. Comparison
and nedocromil sodium has been extensively evaluated of the AUC values after bronchoscopic administration
both in normal subjects and in patients with obstructive with those by spinhaler indicates that only 10% of the
airways disease. After inhalation of sodium cromoglycate nominal dose reaches the airways. Furthermore compari-
there is rapid absorption from the alveolar vascular bed son of the AUC after bronchoscopic administration
with peak plasma levels being reached within 20 min with that after intravenous infusion suggests that
[ 35–38]. approximately 70% of the drug was bioavailable in
However absorption appears to occur at two different terms of absorption from the lungs.
rates with an initial fast phase from the alveoli and a The effects of bronchoconstrictor challenge with
later slow phase from the bronchial epithelium. This methacholine, histamine and adenosine monophosphate
slower phase of absorption is probably due to the high (AMP) on the pharmacokinetics of inhaled sodium
degree of hydrophilicity of sodium cromoglycate which cromoglycate have been evaluated in a series of studies
results in a lesser propensity for absorption from the from the same laboratory. Methacholine challenge
bronchial epithelial barrier compared with the endo- resulted in a 23% lower FEV and a 2.8-fold higher
thelium of the alveolar vascular bed. Thus, inhaled central5peripheral lung deposition ratio (with
sodium cromoglycate exhibits absorption rate-limited technetium-99m) in comparison with saline [ 41].
or ‘flip-flop’ kinetics, as has been shown by comparison Inhalation of methacholine was associated with signifi-
of elimination after intravenous and inhaled dosing cant increase in C but not in AUC for plasma
[ 35–37]. cromoglycate. The greater C after methacholine is
The urinary excretion of sodium cromoglycate given difficult to explain if initial rapid absorption occurs
by dry powder inhaler (Spinhaler, Fisons) has been used from the peripheral alveolar vascular bed, particularly
to evaluate the effect of airway calibre on lung since technetium studies suggested increased central
bioavailability in patients with obstructive airways deposition after methacholine inhalation.
disease compared with normal controls [ 39]. Urinary The effects of inspiratory flow rate on pharmaco-
excretion as a measure lung bioavailability is possible, kinetics of sodium cromoglycate given by spinhaler and
because when sodium cromoglycate is given orally less its protection against AMP challenge were evaluated in
than 2% is absorbed, and when given by the intravenous asthmatic subjects [42 ]. Values for C and AUC
or inhaled route the drug is also excreted unmetabolized. showed proportional attenuation with associated
It was found that urinary excretion of sodium cromog- reduction in inspiratory flow rate. Furthermore, both
lycate was markedly reduced in patients with chronic inspiratory flow rate and AUC correlated significantly
bronchitis but not in asthmatics as compared with with the degree of protection afforded against AMP
normal controls. The explanation for this may be the induced bronchoconstriction. This shows that the
combined effects of a lower FEV and a lower inspiratory inspiratory flow rate used to inhale sodium cromoglycate
flow rate in the chronic bronchitic compared with dry powder is an important determinant of protection
asthmatic group, resulting in reduced lung bioavail- against bronchial challenge. The smaller degree of lung
ability. However in another study looking at lung absorption at lower inspiratory flow rates probably
bioavailability of sodium cromoglycate given via a reflects a reduction in fragmentation of particles in the
spinhaler, there was a reduction in plasma C and spinhaler device and hence a lower delivered mass of
AUC comparing asthmatic patients vs normal volun- respirable particles.
teers, and this was also mirrored by urinary excretion In another study following histamine inhalation which
[ 40]. There was a large inter-subject variability in produced a 20% fall in FEV , initial absorption of
plasma concentration of sodium cromoglycate which sodium cromoglycate from lung was significantly
was attributed to differences in inhalation technique, increased as evidenced by lower values for t and
particularly with respect to inspiratory flow rate and absorption half-life [43]. This phenomenon was
breath holding. observed in both histamine non-responsive (control
In a study of normal subjects using the spinhaler normal subjects) and hyperresponsive subjects and was
there were clear differences in plasma concentration therefore independent of bronchoconstriction. The sug-
time curves for three different peak inspiratory flow gested mechanism for enhanced initial absorption of
rates [37]. For example, mean inspiratory flow rates of sodium cromoglycate was an increase in permeability of
57 l min−1 and 184 l min−1 resulted in an approximate the bronchial epithelium due to histamine. This in turns
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Pharmacokinetics of inhaled drugs 703
suggests that the pharmacokinetics of inhaled sodium attempted to evaluate pharmacokinetics for inhaled
cromoglycate may be altered by inflammatory mediators delivery of aminoglycoside antibiotics. The polarity of
present at the site of drug absorption from the airways, gentamicin is such that it is poorly absorbed from the
although the effect appears to be relatively short-lived gastrointestinal tract. Hence plasma levels of gentamicin
and not clinically relevant. The plasma pharmacokinetics following inhalation will directly reflect absorption from
of cromoglycate have also been investigated in tandem the lungs. However, as with cromoglycate, a high degree
with its effects on exercise induced bronchoconstriction, of hydrophilicity may result in a greater propensity for
with a ceiling in response being observed at inhaled absorption across the endothelium of the alveolar
doses which resulted in plasma levels of about 4 ng ml−1 vascular bed compared with the bronchial mucosa. In
[ 44]. This illustrates the point that the plasma concen- one study, serum levels of gentamicin 1 h post-dosing
tration is not directly related to the local dose- ranged from 3.0 to 12.0 mg ml−1 after intramuscular
response effect. administration and 1.3 to 6.8 mg ml−1 after intratracheal
The pharmacokinetics of inhaled nedocromil sodium administration, both given in a daily dose of 240 mg
are similar to those of sodium cromoglycate in that it [50]. In a study of four patients, 40 mg of nebulised
exhibits two absorption components consistent with a gentamicin achieved mean levels of 22.2 mg ml−1 in
‘flip-flop’ model [ 45]. As is the case with cromoglycate, tracheal aspirate and 0.2 mg ml−1 in serum [ 51],
the terminal half-life of nedocromil represents the although no details of nebuliser apparatus or sampling
absorption half-life, with absorption from the lungs times are available. Thirty minutes after intratracheal
becoming rate limiting. After inhalation of 4 mg dose administration, mean peak serum concentration of
by a pressurised metered dose inhaler, differences were gentamicin was 1.04 mg ml−1, with levels in bronchial
observed between normal volunteers and asthmatic secretions at 4 h (43 mg ml−1) exceeding minimum
patients in terms of a prolonged t and lower values bacterial inhibitory concentrations. Serum gentamicin
for C and AUC in the asthmatics [45 ]. The calculated levels have also been measured 1 h after an 80 mg dose
bioavailability for inhaled nedocromil was 9.2% of the given via a nebuliser, via oral aerosolisation or via a
nominal dose in normals vs 5.7% in asthmatics. As with tracheotomy tube, both with intermittent positive press-
cromoglycate absorption of an oral dose is less than ure breathing [ 52]. Serum gentamicin levels were 0.1 to
2%. With inhalation of both cromoglycate and nedocro- 0.94 mg ml−1 after tracheal aerosolisation and 0.1 to
mil, forced expiration and deep inspiration results in 0.16 mg ml−1 after normal inhalation. Moreover, 1 h
enhanced drug absorption [46,47]. It has also been after nasotracheal administration of gentamicin levels
found that significant increases in plasma nedocromil ranged from 1.2 to 4.0 mg ml−1. Serum concentration of
concentration occurs following exercise but not after gentamicin, were evaluated 1 h after intramuscular
valsalva manoeuvres or hyperventilation, suggesting (1.5 mg kg−1), intratracheal (40 mg) and oral nebulised
that enhanced bioavailability occurs as a consequence (40 mg) administration to children with cystic fibrosis
of an increase in lung volume with exercise [48]. In a [53]. Mean serum concentration of gentamicin was
comparison of a intravenous and inhaled nedocromil much lower after aerosolised (0.20 mg ml−1) than intra-
during AMP challenge no relationship was found tracheal (0.53 mg ml−1) routes. Both aerosolised and
between either C or AUC and protection against intratracheal routes gave adequate bronchial levels
AMP bronchoconstriction [49]. Since inhaled but not above minimum bacterial inhibitory concentration.
systemic administration of nedocromil produced protec- Nebulised delivery of tobramycin in a single-dose of
tion, there is no direct relationship between plasma 120 mg achieved sputum levels in excess of 100 mg ml−1
levels and degree of protection afforded against in patients with cystic fibrosis [54 ].
challenge. Taken together, these studies suggest that therapeutic
nebulised doses of gentamicin achieve adequate levels
in the bronchial tree with only minimal systemic
absorption. It is unclear whether it is possible to
Other inhaled drugs evaluate lung delivery of gentamicin with different
nebulisers using pharmacokinetic methods, since this
The nebulised route of delivery now has an established would require a proper concentration-time profile to
role for delivering antibiotics to the lung in patients quantify accurately lung absorption.
with the chronic bronchial sepsis as well as to delivery Delivery of nebulised morphine to the lung has been
pentamidine prophylaxis for patients with HIV infection. suggested as a way of avoiding hepatic first-pass
The type of nebuliser is important in determining the metabolism and an alternative method for achieving
size of particles and preferred site of distribution for rapid analgesia compared with the oral or prarenteral
delivery of the drug. For example, in delivering nebulised route of administration. It has also been suggested that
pentamidine it is more preferable to produce peripheral it may relieve breathlessness in patients with associated
deposition to the alveolar compartment of the lung. It bronchial carcinoma by a direct action on airway
would therefore seem appropriate in these situations to nociceptive receptors. In a recent study the pharmaco-
apply the pharmacokinetic technique for evaluating kinetics of morphine were compared when given by the
drug delivery in order to compare different nebuliser intravenous, oral and nebulised routes of administration
systems, as has successfully been done with nebulised to 10 healthy subjects [55]. Nebulised delivery of
salbutamol [3 ]. morphine was associated with an initial rapid absorption
There have been a number of studies which have from the lung with a t of 10 min and a time profile
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similar to that of the intravenous route. The systemic salbutamol metered dose inhalers. T horax 1996; 51:
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© 1996 Blackwell Science Ltd British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 42, 697–705