Title: Tata Motors: Can the Turnaround Plan Improve Performance? - Student
This spreadsheet supports the product Tata Motors: Will the
Turnaround Plan Improve Performance?(9B20N001)
Prepared by: Shernaz Bodhanwala, Ruzbeh Bodhanwala
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Capacity Utilization
Production Production (units)
Source: Created by the case authors based on Tata Motors Limited, Form 20-F for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2018, filed with the United States
Capacity Utilization
FY 2018
1, 2018, filed with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission, July 31, 2018, 71, accessed February 1, 2019, www.tatamotors.com/wp-content/uploads
Case Exhibit 7: Consolidated Income Statements of Tata Motors and Subsidiaries
Source: Compiled by the case authors from Tata Motors Limited, “Consolidated Cash Flow Statements,” Thomson Reuters Eikon, accessed January 3
uters Eikon, accessed January 30, 2019.
Case Exhibit 9: Consolidated Balance Sheet of Tata Motors and Subsidiaries
Source: Compiled by the case authors from Tata Motors Limited, “Consolidated Balance Sheet,” Thomson Reuters Eikon, accessed January 30, 2019
2015 2016 2017 2018
30,671 36,819
8,201 7,235 13,926 15,591
46,052 35,031 31,204 44,236
0 10,702
135,750 151,012 295,970 302,735
993,936 1,070,494 1,156,295 1,432,195
546,071 505,104 606,292 611,995
545,164 504,414 605,752 611,528
908 690 540 468
26,859 45,449 11,740 61,258
4,298 4,328 4,532 5,251
257,547 256,512 378,066 248,528
1,828,711 1,881,887 2,156,925 2,359,226
Ratio Formula FY 2013
Profitability Ratios
Gross Margin Gross Profit ÷ Revenue 23.9%
(Operating Profit (EBIT) + Depreciation
EBITDA Margin 10.9%
and Amortization) ÷ Revenue
Operating Margin Operating Profit (EBIT) ÷ Revenue 7.3%
Net Margin Net Profit after Taxes ÷ Revenue 8.1%
Liquidity Ratios
(Cash + Marketable Securities +
Quick Ratio 1.01
Receivables) ÷ Current Liabilities
Current Ratio Current Assets ÷ Current Liabilities 1.20
Net Working Capital to Total Assets (Current Assets − Current Liabilities) ÷
Ratio Total Assets
Working Capital Cycle
(Average Accounts Receivable ÷ Revenue)
Average Accounts Receivable Days 51.1
× 360
(Average Inventory ÷ Cost of Goods Sold)
Average Inventory Days 31.2
× 360
(Average Accounts Payable ÷ Cost of
Average Accounts Payable Days 68.0
Goods Sold) × 360
(Accounts Receivable Days + Inventory
Cash Cycle (Days) 29.9
Days) − Accounts Payable Days
Leverage Ratios
Assets to Equity Total Assets ÷ Equity 2.25
Total Debt (Long-Term Debt + Short-Term
Debt to Equity Debt + Current Portion of Long-Term Debt) 0.12
÷ Equity
Long-Term Debt to Total Capital Long-Term Debt ÷ (Total Debt + Equity) 6.1%
(Total Debt − Cash and Short-Term
Net Debt to EBITDA 0.71
Investments) ÷ EBITDA
Times Interest Earned to Interest
EBIT ÷ Cash Interest Payments 11.1
Efficiency Ratios
Sales ÷ Fixed Assets (Property, Plant, and
Fixed Asset Turnover 4.12
Accounts Receivable Turnover Sales ÷ Accounts Receivable 7.1
Inventory Turnover Sales ÷ Inventory 11.7
FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018
Tata Motors' DuPont Analysis
Capital Turnover (B) Sales ÷ Invested Capital (Invested Capital = Equity + LT Debt)