Training Schedule 2021 - SLV
Training Schedule 2021 - SLV
Training Schedule 2021 - SLV
YEAR - 2021
1 BASIC WELDER SMAW 11 Rp 20,500,000 4 & 18 8 & 22 1 & 15 5 & 19 3 & 31 7 & 21 5 & 26 2 & 23 6 & 20 11 & 25 8 & 22 6 & 20 BNSP
2 BASIC WELDER NON-SMAW 11 Rp 24,500,000 4 & 18 8 & 22 1 & 15 5 & 19 3 & 31 7 & 21 5 & 26 2 & 23 6 & 20 11 & 25 8 & 22 6 & 20 BNSP
3 UPGRADING WELDER SMAW 6 Rp 16,000,000 4 & 18 8 & 22 1 & 15 5 & 19 3 & 31 7 & 21 5 & 26 2 & 23 6 & 20 11 & 25 8 & 22 6 & 20 BNSP
4 UPGRADING WELDER NON-SMAW 6 Rp 18,000,000 4 & 18 8 & 22 1 & 15 5 & 19 3 & 31 7 & 21 5 & 26 2 & 23 6 & 20 11 & 25 8 & 22 6 & 20 BNSP
5 Sertifikasi Welder BNSP SMAW 2 Rp 6,500,000 8 & 22 5 & 19 5 &19 9 & 23 7 11 & 25 9 & 30 13 & 27 10 & 24 15 & 29 12 & 26 3 & 17 BNSP
6 Sertifikasi Welder BNSP NON-SMAW 2 Rp 8,500,000 8 & 22 5 & 19 5 &19 9 & 23 7 11 & 25 9 & 30 13 & 27 10 & 24 15 & 29 12 & 26 3 & 17 BNSP
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI +
7 Sertifikasi Welder Kelas 1 (SMAW) 5 Rp 19,000,000 4 & 18 8 & 22 1 & 15 5 & 19 3 & 31 7 & 21 5 & 26 2 & 23 6 & 20 11 & 25 8 & 22 6 & 20 BNSP
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI +
8 Sertifikasi Welder Kelas 2 (SMAW) 5 Rp 18,000,000 4 & 18 8 & 22 1 & 15 5 & 19 3 & 31 7 & 21 5 & 26 2 & 23 6 & 20 11 & 25 8 & 22 6 & 20 BNSP
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI +
9 Sertifikasi Welder Kelas 3 (SMAW) 5 Rp 17,000,000 4 & 18 8 & 22 1 & 15 5 & 19 3 & 31 7 & 21 5 & 26 2 & 23 6 & 20 11 & 25 8 & 22 6 & 20 BNSP
13 Welding Inspector / Inspektur Las 2in1 (SLV + BNSP) 12 Rp 18,500,000 11 8 7 2 4 6 SLV + BNSP
14 Welding Inspector / Inspektur Las (3in1 NDT RI) SLV + 19 Rp 21,000,000 11 8 7 2 4 6 SLV + BNSP + NDT RI
15 Welding Inspector / Inspektur Las (3in1 CSWIP) SLV + 15 Rp 22,500,000 11 8 7 2 4 6 SLV + BNSP + CSWIP 3.0
18 Welding Inspector / Inspektur Las (Jogjakarta) (3IN1 6 Rp 18,500,000 15 31 5 13 15 SLV + BNSP + CSWIP 3.0
19 Welding Inspector / Inspektur Las (Bali) (2IN1 7 Rp 15,000,000 25 26 12 4 BNSP
20 Welding Inspector / Inspektur Las (Batam) (2IN1 7 Rp 15,000,000 15 12 14 23 25 13 BNSP
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI +
50 Operator Boiler Kelas 1 6 Rp 7,000,000 21 15 10 21 27 29 BNSP
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI +
51 Ahli Muda K3 Konstruksi 5 Rp 6,500,000 25 22 17 12 20 8 BNSP
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI +
52 Operator Forklift 3 Rp 4,500,000 15 5 14 23 4 20 BNSP
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI +
53 Petugas K3 Kimia 6 Rp 6,000,000 22 19 21 2 11 6 BNSP
Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan RI +
54 Operator Overhead Crane Kelas 1 5 Rp 5,500,000 22 26 28 23 11 13 BNSP
59 Uji Kompetensi 2 Rp 6,500,000 8 & 22 5 & 19 5 &19 9 & 23 7 11 & 25 9 & 30 13 & 27 10 & 24 15 & 29 12 & 26 3 & 17 BNSP
One Stop Training & Certification - Inspection - Welding Engineering Consultant
WPS Design – Kualifikasi/Sertifikasi Welder - NDT & PWHT Services
Office : Metro Cilegon A.1 No.9 - 10, Cilegon - Banten 42411, Indonesia
Phone : +62-254 8481815 Website : E-mail : [email protected]
PRE-REQUISITE DOCUMENT (COURSE & EXAM) (PRE-REQUISITE FOR CSWIP/BGAS EXAMINATION) Should held minimum experiences in welding field Inspection as below:
5. Painting inspector: Above 6 months + QC Painting Inspector, Engineer
1. Resume / Personal CV 1. CSWIP 3.0: Although there is no specific experience requirement it is
2. TWI Enrollment Form recommended that candidates possess a minimum of six months’ welding related
6. Site coating Inspector: Above 6 months + QC Painting or Coating,
3. Photograph (Background Blue) size 4x6 (4 pcs) engineering experience and two years industrial experience.
Engineer Background
4. Eye Test Report 2. CSWIP 3.1: Above 3 years as QC Inspector or 2 years if held valid Cert. CSWIP
7. Plant Inspector: Above 5 years and held Multi Certificates of
5. Examination Form 3.0 or 5 years as Welding Instructor / Welding Foreman
Discipline Inspection
6. BGAS Experience Form (for BGAS - CSWIP Training) 3. CSWIP 3.2: Above 2 years as QC Inspector + Held valid Cert. CSWIP 3.1
7. Fotocopy of Passport/ID Card (Mandatory) + CSWIP RI 3.4 (PCN Lvl II) if any
Note : If there is any cancellation by candidate after registration to
8. Down Payment / Booking = 30% 4. NDT Appreciation: Welders / Fitters, Foreman, Supervisor and Manager Level
TWI SEA, will be charged USD 30
One Stop Training & Certification - Inspection - Welding Engineering Consultant
WPS Design – Kualifikasi/Sertifikasi Welder - NDT & PWHT Services
Office : Metro Cilegon A.1 No.9 - 10, Cilegon - Banten 42411, Indonesia
Phone : +62-254 8481815 Website : E-mail : [email protected]
CERTIFICATION TRAINING RETEST 10 Yr Re-Certification (Initial) 10 Yr Re-Certification (Retest)
1 CSWIP Visual Welding Inspector (3.0) $ 145.00 $ 285.00 $ 170.00 1. Fotocopy of Result Notice
2 CSWIP Welding Inspector (3.1) $ 305.00 $ 570.00 $ 310.00 2. TWI Enrollment Form
$ 325.00 $ 570.00 $ 360.00 3. Photograph (Background Blue)
3 CSWIP Senior Welding Inspector (3.2)
size 4x6 (4 pcs)
Plant Inspector Level 1 - Module 1 Part 4. Eye Test Report
4 CSWIP $ 295.00 $ 560.00 $ 280.00
A: Rules/Regulations and Duties 5. Examination Form
6. Fotocopy of Passport/ID Card
Plant Inspector Level 1 - Module 1 Part 7. Down Payment / Booking = 50%
5 CSWIP $ 295.00 $ 560.00 $ 280.00
B : Inspection Methods
6 CSWIP NDT Magnetic Particle Testing Lv2 $ 265.00 $ 480.00 $ 255.00
7 CSWIP NDT Liquid Penetrant Testing Lv2 $ 265.00 $ 480.00 $ 255.00 APPROVAL 10 YEARS
8 CSWIP NDT Radiographic Interpreter $ 230.00 $ 485.00 $ 330.00 1. Letter of Approval from CSWIP
2. Personal CV/Resume
Ultrasonic Testing (UT) - Thickness 3. TWI Enrollment Form
9 CSWIP $ 240.00 $ 365.00 $ 240.00
Measurement 4. Photograph (Background Blue)
$ 240.00 $ 680.00 $ 410.00 size 4x6 (4 pcs)
10 CSWIP Ultrasonic Testing (UT) - Welds
5. Eye Test Report
11 BGAS - CSWIP Painting Inspector - Grade 2 $ 300.00 $ 660.00 $ 300.00 6. Examination Form
12 BGAS - CSWIP Site Coating Inspector $ 300.00 $ 660.00 $ 300.00 7. Photocopy CSWIP/BGAS Certificate
Nebosh International General (1 sheet)
13 NEBOSH Certificate in Occupational Health and $ 285.00 - - 8. Fotocopy of Passport/ID Card
Safety 9. 100% Renewal fee paid in advance
Note : If there is any cancellation by candidate after registration to TWI SEA, will be charged USD 30