Practical Research 2

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Background of the Study

According to Kirkwood and Melton (2002), anxiety disorders are among the most

common mental disorders encountered by students. People who experience this

disorder generally tend to avoid situations where they have to perform, but when

encountering such situations, they suffer intense distress and anxiety.

According to Kant (2000), people in general negatively assess and appraise those

who demonstrate their fears towards public speaking and fail to make a strong

impression through confident gestures. These problems can act as hurdles in achieving

ones’ goals that could be both personal and professional; hence speakers need to

develop strong public speaking skills to enable them to become more confident.

Self-confidence is an essential thing in creating good communication, especially

in public speaking. Public speaking needs not only fluency but also self-confidence. Self-
confidence is a positive attitude of the individual that enables himself to against the

environment or situation he/she faces (Erdina Indrawati, 2018).

In public speaking, the speaker is expected to convey ideas, argument, and topic

in front of people. Public speaking and self-confidence can’t be separated. If there is

one thing that is needful for the development of self-confidence it is public speaking.

The speaker ought to stand rightly with suitable gesture and give a good voice in a

speech. Speakers can imagine the audience with any imagination such as making an

audience as a statue or believing that there are no people in front of them in order to

perform well. (Nadia, et al. 2019).

Confidence and mastery on the language plays a big role to the performance in a

public speaking. This research aims to investigate the relationship of the anxiety level to

the performance of public speaking of the students. The reason behind why the

students experience such disorder.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to determine the anxiety level in public speaking in Jugaban

National High School.

Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the personal profile of the students in terms of:

2. What are the factors that affect the anxiety level of Grade 12 SHS in

public speaking?

3. What are the strategies in coping with these factors that affect the anxiety

level of the Grade12 SHS in public speaking?

4. Is there significant relationship between the strategies in coping the fear

in public speaking and the factors that affect the anxiety level of Grade 12

SHS in public


Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study aims to determine the anxiety level of Grade 12 Senior High School in

public speaking.

It delimits that the study may not generalizable to other students who are not

Grade 12 students.
Significance of the

The study will be undertaken to find out the anxiety level of Grade 12 senior high


Benefitting the study are the various sectors to follow:

The Students

The direct recipients of the study are the students especially the Grade 12

students. Students will be knowledgeable on what are the strategies on coping these

anxiety level in public speaking.

The Teachers

This study will also beneficial to teachers so that they will have ideas to give to

the students on how to cope with the anxiety level in public speaking.

The Aspiring Public Speakers

This study will be very beneficial to public speakers even though they are

learning on how to do a public speaking without these anxieties. The aspiring public

speakers can look for strategies in this study.



Related Literature and Studies

Speaking is the most important skill also the most challenging and anxiety

producing activity for most of the learners. They experience high levels of anxiety in

speaking both educational and social context. It gives several fears which directly

affects their learning and they ultimately become less motivated in learning the

language. As a matter of fact, anxiety is a horrible feeling which contributes to poor

performance (Iqbal, et al.,2017).

Language is the most important things in communication. People always use

language to communicate, give information, and express their idea and thought.

Speaking ability is the competence of people in interaction and communication and

speaking activities can give people especially students to have an emotion, confidence

and satisfaction (Rahayu, 2015).

The speaking anxiety increases when the students speak the language without

preparation. The main cause of speaking anxiety is the fear of showing poor

performance, social context, competitive learning environment of classroom, low

teachers and students interaction, embarrassment risk before class fellows, fear of

abasement and criticism (Bipus and Dally, 1999).

According to Nadiah M. et al., (2019) Public speaking is the act of speaking to a

group of people. The speech should be in a structured and deliberate manner, delivered

with sincerity. Public speaking speech usually have a function it is whether intended to

inform, influence or to entertain the audience.

The fear of public speaking is the most common phobia ahead of death, spiders

or heights, the national institute of mental health reports that public speaking anxiety is

judgement or negative evaluation by others. Public speaking anxiety is considered a

social anxiety disorder (NSAC, 2016).

According to Cuncic (2020), the symptoms of public speaking anxiety are the

same as these that occur for social anxiety disorder (SAD). There physical symptoms of

anxiety during a speech such as the following: shaking, blushing, pounding heart,

quivering voice, shortness of breath, dizziness, and upset stomach. The cause of this
symptoms is the rush of adrenaline that prepares for danger, even though there are no

real physical threats.

The students’ fears and anxieties regarding public speaking change before the

first speech and after the last speech, the fear and anxiety decrease or diminished in

first speech and last speech in intensity. Memory glitches were the most often cited fear

at both first and last speech. Students PSA (public speaking anxiety) decrease over time

(Le Febvre, et al., 2019).

Factors that are not contributing to public speaking anxiety, are psychological

and physiological factors. Students get anxious if they were not well prepared for public

speeches. But post graduate students could control and manage their level of anxiety

while delivering a public speech. Their strategies for coping with anxiety, the post

graduate students selected their own interested topics, also using rhetorical devices

was important when delivering their public speeches. Students regulates their gesture,

project their voices clearly, confidently and appropriately (Hayaramae, 2017).

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework of the Study


The word "anxiety" Is usually describe an emotion characterized by feelings of

tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased in blood pressure. People

with anxiety disorders usually recurring intrusive or concerns. They may avoid certain

situations out of worry. Anxiety levels are typically classified by the level of distress and

impairment experienced into four categories: mild anxiety, moderate anxiety, severe

anxiety and panic level anxiety. There are different types of anxiety and different types

of causes. People who feel anxiety while speaking in public generally tend to avoid

situations where they have to perform, but when they encounter such situations, they

suffer intense distress and anxiety. According to Hoffman et al. In their Conditioning

Theory (1995). The theory posits that anxiety is a learned condition that negative life

experiences can shape us to behave in certain ways, and to avoid certain things. Some

studies have supported conditioning theory with many individuals who suffer from PSA

(Public Speaking Anxiety) reporting traumatic instances as being the trigger for their

condition. As an example, if a person has a bad experience with PS (Public Speaking)

throughout his schooling, over time this may create a situation in which PS (once an

unconditioned stimulus) becomes strongly associated with negative outcomes and as

such becomes a fear-inducing stimulus (conditioned stimulus). This study will determine

if the respondents (Grade 12 SHS in JNHS) have a traumatic event that is associated

with PS and triggers anxiety in public speaking.

Conceptual Framework


Public speaking
Speaking Anxiety
Anxiety Level

Social Anxiety

Figure 1: A scheme that showing the conceptual flow of the study.

Public speaking is the process of communicating information to an audience. It is

usually done before a large audience like school. The benefits of knowing how to

communicate to an audience include sharpening critical thinking, and verbal/non-verbal

communication skill (, 2020).

Public speaking is a great way of building personal development on many levels,

on career advancement, it indicates creativity, critical thinking skills, leadership abilities

which are very valuable for the job market. It also boosts our confident, public speaking

significantly boosts our confidence. It helps overcoming our fears (Barnard, 2017).


This study was a midget extent analytic research conducted to examine the

needs of Grade 12 students to lessen the anxiety level with regards to public speaking.

Research Design

This study was conducted using the descriptive research design. This is a

quantitative research design that attempts to collect quantifiable information for

statistical analysis of the population sample. It is an appropriate choice for the study

because the researcher’s aim to identify characteristics, frequencies, and categories as

regards to the issue under study.

Research Respondents
The total Grade 12 students of Jugaban National High School is the entire

population. The study was conducted with Grade 12 HUMSS students. Twenty (20)

student from the Grade 12 HUMSS was selected as the respondents.

Research Locale

The study was conducted in Jugaban National High School. The place was

chosen because the issue in the study to be addressed is helpful to the students

especially the Grade 12 students. In this way, the respondents sustained the

information needed in the study.

Sampling Technique

The simple random sampling was used for this study since the respondents have

equal chance or probability. Simple random sampling is a sampling technique that is

commonly a subsets of individuals chosen from a larger subset with equal probability.

Research Instrument
The research instrument used is questionnaire, it is a set of standardized

questions, often called items, which follows a fixed scheme in order to collect individual

data about one or more specific topics.

Validation/Dry-run of Instrument

The research instrument questionnaire, improves consistency of responses and

typically easy to use, understand, and execute. Questionnaire have advantages over

some other type of surveys in that way are cheap, do not require as much effort from

the questionnaire as verbal or telephone surveys.

Data Gathering Procedure

After pilot testing of the questionnaire and the necessary modification, the

questionnaire is administered to the chosen respondents of the study. Twenty (20)

copies of the questionnaire given out successfully completed and returned. The

possibility of retrieving back all the questionnaire was a result of it was online so that

no hard copies went missing, and also conducting the consideration in gathering data.

Methods of Scoring
Analytical scoring was used in this study because it allows the researcher to

assess the respondents’ achievements based on multiple criteria using a single criterion.

It is more detailed than simply balancing the strengths and weaknesses on key criteria

to reach the overall scores.

Statistical Treatment of Data

Quantitative analysis uses numerical data to analyze by performing hypothesis

testing, which includes identifying the alpha, null, and alternative hypothesis, mean,

standard deviation, and doing a two-tailed test.


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