B. Sc. II Physical Chart
B. Sc. II Physical Chart
B. Sc. II Physical Chart
Paper-No. -IX - Non -Instrumental
Paper-No. -X II - Instrumental
Theory: Phenol- Water system has an upper critical solution temperature. If phase rule is
applied to phenol-water system, it is found that the system has two degrees of
freedom (invariant) as –
F = C - P +2
Where, C is the number of components i.e. phenol and water, P is the number of
phase which are two in the system.
Since the system is having two degrees of freedom i.e. pressure and
temperature, if. The pressure is fixed; temperature alone will define the system
When phenol and water are shaken together, two layers separate, one is
the separated solution of phenol on water in phenol. As the temperature is
increased, the two phases will be mutual soluble. This miscible temperature i.e.
Critical Solution Temperature at which Phenol & Water merge into each other. If
the composition is plotted against miscible temperature (CST), a curve will be
obtained. The maxima of the curve correspond to the critical solution temperature.
2 2 8 20
3 3 7 30
4 4 6 40
5 5 5 50
6 4 60
7 7 3 70
8 8 2 80
9 1 90
The percentage composition of phenol is plotted on X- axis against the miscibility
temperature (t oc) on the Y-axis. The Y Co-ordinate of the maximum point on the
graph corresponds to the critical solution temperature (Tc) and the corresponding
point on X- co-ordinate given the critical composition.
The critical Solution of phenol-water system = -------- o c
The critical composition of phenol-water system is = _______ %
ΔH = 2.303R log
S1 = Solubility of solute at temp T1.
& S2 = Solubility of solute at temp T2.
The Solubility i.e. Strength can be calculated by using formula---------
Strength (S1) = N X Equivalent Weight of Benzoic Acid i.e. (122)
Observation table:-
1) Normality can be calculated by using the formula----
2) The Solubility i.e. Strength (S) can be calculated by using formula---------
Strength (S) = N X Equivalent Weight of Benzoic Acid i.e. (122)
Log S2/S1 =
Log = x
ΔH = 2.303R Log
Log S
Aim: - To study the distribution of Benzoic Acid between Benzene & Water at room
temperature & show the molecular state of Benzoic Acid in Benzene.
Determine the partition coefficient of Benzoic Acid in Benzene-Water system.
Theory: - The carboxylic acid like benzoic acid, succinic acid has a tendency to dimerize in
non–polar solvents like Benzene, Toluene etc. The dimerization take place
through hydrogen bonding, therefore the distribution of the acids in water & non
polar solvent do not obey the distribution law = [K = C1 / C2]
Benzoic acid associate in benzene to give a dimer.
K = =
The value of ‘n’ can be determined by hit & trial method giving different values
of n i.e. 1,2,3,4 etc. so as to obtain constants value obtains of K.
Alternatively ‘n’ value be determined by the following method from the above
equation, we have.
Log K + log Caq = 1/n log. Corg.
Log Caq = 1/n log Corg – log K
This in an equation of straight line hence a plot graph of log Caq (y - axis)
against log Corg (x - axis) must be a straight line with slope equal to 1/n & the
intercept equal to – log K.
Chemical: - Benzoic acid, 0.1N NaOH, pure benzene, phenolphthalein etc.
Apparatus: - Stoppered bottles, burette, pipette beakers, conical flasks etc.
1. Take four stoppered bottles & label them as 1,2,3,4 etc. & in each bottles
place 50 ml of distilled water & 50 ml of benzene.
2. Weigh 1,2,3,4 gm of benzoic acid & transfer these amounts to bottle numbers
1,2,3,4 respectively.
3. Shake the bottles for an hour.
Observation Table:-
layer Caq.
Bottle No.
Log Corg.
Conc. of
Conc. of
Log Caq
1) Concentration of organic layer ( Corg.) 2) Concentration of aqueous layer (Caq.)
N1V1 = N2V2 N1V1 = N2V2
N1 = N2V2/V1 N1 = N2V2/V1
Corg.= 0.1xB.R./5 Caq..= 0.1xB.R./10
3) Partition Coefficient (K)
B.Sc. II Practical Physical Chemistry, Jawahar College, Anadur Page 9
Plot a graph of log Caq against log Corg, from this ‘n’ value be determined
by the following method from the above equation, we have.
Log K + log Caq = 1/n log. Corg.
Log Caq = 1/n log Corg – log K
This in an equation of straight line hence a plot graph of log Caq (y - axis)
against log Corg (x - axis) must be a straight line with slope equal to 1/n & the
intercept equal to – log K.
Intercept= -log K
Log Corg
Apparatus: Glass stoppered bottles, pipettes, burette, conical flasks, thermostat etc.
Chemicals: Iodine, CCl4, KI, Na2S2O3 and distilled water etc.
Procedure: The procedure of it involves two steps:
I) Determination of partition or distribution coefficient (Kd).
II) Determination of equilibrium constant K with the help of Kd i.e. partition
coefficient so the following steps are taken.
I) Determination of partition or distribution coefficient Kd.
1) Prepare a nearly saturated solution of I2 in CCl4 by dissolving 4-5 gm of
iodine in 150 ml of CCl4.
2) Take 30 ml, 40 ml and 50 ml of above I2 solution in three bottles namely 30%,
40% & 50% respectively, to these bottles make the volume 50 ml by adding
CCl4 i.e. add 20 ml, 10 ml & 0 ml of CCl4 to 30% , 40% & 50% bottle
3) Now add 50ml of water to each bottle to make volume 100 ml. Shake
vigorously for 30 minutes and then allow standing for half an hour.
4) Separate two layers by using the separating funnel.
Hence K1 =
The densities of solution and solvents are very close, since the polymer
solutions used in the experiment are very dilute, their densities will be
approximately equal to that of solvent.
Relative viscosity,
This method involves the preparation of a series of the polymer say polyvinyl alcohol in
suitable solvent say water and the measurement of their viscosity by Ostwald’s
1) Weigh accurately 1 gm of polymer sample (polyvinyl alcohol ) and transfer in
a beaker containing about 70 ml solvent (water) and warm it with constant
stirring cool and transfer the solution in 100 ml standard volumetric flask,
wash the washing into the volumetric flask then dilute up to the mark, keep
solutions in thermostat at 25oc. This is 1% solution which can be used as stock
2) Form this stock solution, prepare 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 and 0.1 (gm / 100ml)
solution and keep them in the same thermostat at 25oc.
3) Determine the time of flow of solvent i.e. water say to. Similarly determine
the time of flow of each solution say t.
1) Time of how of the solvent (water) = to = ------------- sec
2) Density of the solvent = = ------------ gm/cc
Observation Table:-
Part- I
Graph :-
Plot a graph against Concentration and from the intercept of
straight line (at C = O) , calculate intrinsic viscosity Then by using the
Schrodinger equation calculate the molecular weight of polymer i.e.
polyvinyl alcohol, taking the known values of the constant K and a
[ ] = K Ma
log [ ] = a log M + log K
[ ]= Intrinsic Viscosity
Concentration ( C )
How iodine reacts with these enol form & converts into acetonlyl iodine.
The free iodine is then titrated against standard sodium thiosulphate solution
using starch as an indicator.
The reaction in which keto form is converted to enol is slow and rate
determining step, hence in this reaction kinetics and order of reaction is zero with
respect to iodine (I2).
Apparatus: - Burette, Pipettes, Conical flasks, Stoppered bottles, Stopwatch, Measuring
cylinder etc.
Chemicals :- Acetone, 2 N H2SO4, 0.1 M I2 in 10% KI, 0.01 M Sodium thiosulphate solution,
1M Sodium acetate or 1M NaHCO3, Starch indicator etc.
1. Prepare four sets of mixture of Acetone, water and Sulphuric acid in four
clean bottles as shown below.
Bottles No →
1 2 3 4
Chemicals ↓
Acetone 10 10 15 15
Water 70 65 55 60
Sulphuric Acid 10 10 10 15
Observation Table:-
Temperature of water bath = -------------- 0C
Time (t) in Burette reading (ml) (Titrant volume)
minutes Set-1 Set- 2 Set- 3 Set- 4
Result :-
1. The value of K =
2. The order of reaction. =
i.e. the kinetics of iodination of acetone is ______________
Temp t4
Time in min.
I) Determination of water equivalent of calorimeter.
1) Volume of cold water = V1 = 50 ml
2) Temperature of cold water = t 1oc = _____ oc
3) Volume of hot water = V2 = 50ml
4) Temperature of hot water = t2oc =______oc
5) Final temperature after mixing hot and cold water in calorimeter t 3oc= __ oc
(mass x sp. Heat x fall in temperature) =) mass x sp. heat rise in temperature) +
(water equivalent rise in temperature)
Mass = volume X density
For water Density & specific heat is considered as unity i.e. 1,
Hence volume of water = mass therefore,
50(t2-t3) = 50(t3-t1) + W (t3-t1)
W= cal.
Where, W is water equivalent of calorimeter.
II) Determination of Heat of neutralization:
If Q is the amount of heat evolved during the reaction, then we have.
[Heat evolved during the reaction] = [Heat gained or absorbed by NaOH solution]
+ [Heat gained or absorbed by HCl solution] + [Heat gained or a absorbed by
Q = (volume X rise in temp. of NaOH) + (volume of HCl + rise in temp) + (water
equivalent C rise in temp)
Q = 50 (t5 – t4) + 50 (t5-t4) + W (t5-t4)
Q = (50+50+W) (t 5-t4)
Q = (100 + W) (t 5-t4)
The Q cals of heat evolved when 0.25N HCl i.e. 1/16 gm equivalent of mole in
neutralized by equal amount of NaOH.
Result: The heat of neutralization of an acid HCl and base NaOH = ____ calories.
Perform the expt. in 2 parts.
Determination of Heat of Neutralisation using strong Acid (HCl) and strong Base (NaOH)
1) Take 100 ml of strong acid in a clean polythene bottle using a measuring cylinder.
2) Take 100 ml of strong base in another polythene bottle using a clean measuring cylinder.
3) Keep both the bottles in a water bath for about 10 min. to attain a steady temp.
4) Record Initial temp. of Acid (t 1OC) when the bottle is in the water bath.
5) Clean the thermometer and take Initial temp. of the base (t 2OC) keeping the bottle in the water
6) Take both the bottles out of the water bath. Add Acid to the Base quickly and carefully. Stir
well and measure the maximum temp. of the mixture (t 3OC).
7) Note down the Rise in temp. (t)
8) Ask for the value of ‘Z’ and calculate (H1) i.e. Heat of Neutralisation of strong Acid and
strong Base.
Determination of Heat of Neutralisation using weak Acid (CH3COOH) and strong Base
Similarly find out Rise in temp (t) using CH3COOH and NaOH.
Calculate Heat of Neutralisation of Weak Acid and Strong Base (H2)
Then calculate Heat of Ionisation of Weak Acid (Hi)
Vol. of Acid Temp. of Temp. of Initial Max. Temp Rise in H.N. H1
+ Base ml Acid t1OC Base t2OC Temp. of Mixt. Temp.
t 1+ t 2 / 2 = t3OC. t3 – t = – Joules
t OC tOC
Vol. of Acid Temp. of Temp. of Initial Max. Temp Rise in H.N. H1
+ Base ml Acid t1OC Base t2OC Temp. of Mixt. Temp.
t 1+ t 2 / 2 = t3OC. t3 – t =
t OC tOC – Joules
Part A Part B
Part A Part B
H+ + Cl– + Na+ + OH– –– Na+ + Cl– + H2O CH3COO– + H+ + Na+ + OH– ––
CH3COO– + Na+ + H2O
Aim:- To determine normality & strength of strong acid in gram per liter
by using strong base Conductometrically.
Theory :- Electrical conductivity depends upon the number of ions present & then
ionic mobility’s, when an acid in titrated with NaOH the conductance will
go on changing & when the acid is just neutralized i.e. at the equivalence
point, the solution will contain only NaOH. When excess of NaOH added
to the solution it will contain NaCl + NaOH. The conductance will go on
increasing it is due to produce of free OH- ions of NaOH.
Thus on plotting a graph of conductance versus volume of titrate (volume
of NaOH) added two branches of straight lines may be obtained. The
point of intersection of two lines will give end point or equivalence point.
Plot a graph of conductance versus volume of titrate (volume of NaOH) added two branches
of straight lines may be obtained. The point of intersection of two lines will give end point
or equivalence point.
End point
End point
Aim:- To determine normality & strength of HCl using 0.1 NaOH solution PH -
Theory: - Depending upon the capacity of forming H+ ions in the solution, the acid is called
strong if it dissociates completely or weak acid if it partially dissociate in the
HA H+ + A-
K = dissociation constant.
It is convenient to express K in the form of its’ negative logarithm.
i.e. log ka = pka.
According to Henderson’s equation
PH = pKa + log
PH = - log H+
If acid solution is titrated against strong alkali, acid is converted into salt, when
half amount of acid in neutralized.
[Salt] = [Acid]
Log1 = 0
PH = Pka
Apparatus:- PH meter with glass & Calomel electrode, beaker, micropipette, burette etc.
Chemicals:- 0.1N NaOH, HCl, quinhydron powder, distilled water etc.
N1= ------------N
Theory:- Simple acid solution cannot produce potential difference between two electrodes
and there is no change of potential if acid solution is titrated with standard alkali.
To convert this system into reversible redox system, quinhydron powder is added
in acid solution.
Platinum electrode is used for this half-cell and connected to make complete cell.
Hg. Hg2Cl2 KCl (satu) Quinhydron H+ Pt+
PH = 0.456 - EObs
Apparatus:- Potentiometer with calomel and platinum electrode, Burette, Pipette, Beaker,
magnetic stirrer etc.
Chemicals:- Hydrochloric acid (0.1 N), 0.1 N NaOH solution, quinhydron powder, distilled
water etc.
I] Plot a graph of E.M.F. against (V) i.e. volume of 0.1 N NaOH added.
Aim:- To determine the specific rotation and concentration of given cane sugar
solution by Polarimeter.
Theory:- The apparatus consist of two nickel prism mounted on the axis of instrument, the
first prism known as Polarizer which is fixed & second prism known as Analyser
which can be rotated about the axis of the instrument. In between these two nickel
prisms a tube is placed. This tube is used for keeping the sugar solution whose
specific rotation is to be determined. Now when a beam of monochromatic light is
passed through the tube without containing the liquid, light gets polarized by the
first nickel prism & the come on the second prism which is rotated slowly as to
cut out light completely. The reading at this point of the scale corresponds to zero
reading. If, now glass tube containing optically active liquid is placed between
these prisms is rotated plane of polarize light to a certain angle & hence to get
dark field of view again, the analyzer will have to be rotated through the same
angle, the angle is measured with the help of graduated scale.
The angle of rotation caused by an optically active compound depends
upon the path length through which the light passes, wavelength of the light used,
temperature, nature of the solvent and the concentration of the solution. When all
the factors except concentration are kept constant, the angle of rotation depends
on the only concentration. As concentration increases, the angle of rotation
increases. Therefore a calibration curve can be prepared by plotting the the angle
of rotation against concentration of a series of solutions. From this curve, the
concentration of unknown solution can be determined by measuring its angle of
Apparatus:- Polarimeter, Sodium lamp, Standard flask, Beakers, Funnel etc.
Chemicals: Pure sample of cane sugar, Distilled water etc.
I) Determination of zero point
1. Clean the polarimeter tube with chromic acid then with distilled water and
remove any air bubble in the tube is driven into the bulb provided in the
middle of the tube. Tightly fit with metal cap.
2. Dry the exposed surface of the tube and its cap and place it in the instrument
between the polarizer and analyzer till the field of view are nearly matched.
Now with the help of the fine adjustment, set the analyzer for best matching.
When two halves match they have a grey color. Record the reading of the
scale as zero reading, for both the Vernier’s on the scale (1800 apart) to
remove the error. Take several readings of the zero position and take the
[α]tD = 100 x α
Unknown concentration
Conc. ( C )
2) Prepare 0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0004, 0.0005, 0.0006, 0.0008, 0.001 & 0.002 N
solution of KMnO4 using 0.01N solution
------------- Concentration
ii) To test the validity of Beer ‘law – The straight line deviate of O.D. of higher
concentration is plotted on the same graph. The point of deviation on the
straight line given the knowledge of validity. Of means that Beer’s law is
valid only up to that concentration for KMnO4
iii) To determine the concentration of unknown – by fixing the same λ max, note
down the O.D. value of unknown solution. The value of O.D. is plotted on Y-
Axis & draw parallels to X-Axis, so that it intersect the straight line at a
particular point. Drop of perpendicular from that point X-Axis which given
the concentration of unknown solution.
Theory: The pK and hence dissociation constant (K) of an acid-base indicator can be
determined colorimetrically. Consider an acid-base indicator methyl red to illustrate the method.
The acidic (HMR) and basic (MR-) forms of methyl red are given below-
N(CH3)2 N-(CH3)2 N(CH3)2
N N N + H+
On applying the law of mass action, the dissociation constant K of the above equilibrium
between acid form and base form is defined by the expression-
K= [H+] [MR- ]
pK= pH - log [MR- ] as pK= -log K and pH= -log [H+]
In the above equation if [MR = [HMR] then equation reduces to, pK = pH
Apparatus – Colorimeter with cell, PH- meter, hard test tubes, standard flasks, breakers etc.
Chemical – Methyl Red solution (Dissolve 20 mg of methyl red in 60 ml of ethanol and dilute to
100 ml by distilled water), 0.2 M Na2HPO4 , 0.1 M citric acid solution, distilled water etc.
Flask No. Expected pH 0.2 M NaHPO4 (ml) 0.1 Citric acid (ml)
1 3.4 11.40 28.60
2 3.8 14.20 25.80
3 4.2 16.56 23.44
4 4.6 18.70 21.30
5 5.0 20.60 19.40
6 5.4 22.30 17.70
7 5.8 24.18 15.82
8 6.2 26.44 13.56
9 6.6 29.10 10.90
10 7.0 32.94 7.06
11 7.4 36.34 3.66
12 8.0 38.90 1.10
Observation Table:
Solution from Observed Absorbance % ΔA Δ pH ΔA Mean pH
Test tube no. pH (A) Transmittance Δ pH
The point of inflection of the first plot or peak of the second plot indicates [MR - ] = [HMR] .
The pH value at these positions indicates pK value of the indicator. As pK= -log K, calculate
the value of dissociation constant K of methyl red indicator.
i) λ Max= --------------nm
ii) pK= -----------------
iii) K = ------------------
Theory:- A ray of monochromatic light passing from one medium into another is refracted
or bent towards or away from the normal depending upon the optical nature of the
two media.
According to Snell’s law,
Refractive Index (η) = sin i / sin r
The refractive index depends upon the temperature, the chemical nature of the
substance and the wave length of light. If the second medium is solution,
refractive index also depends upon the concentration of the solution. So it can be
used to identify a pure substance and to determine the composition of
homogeneous transparent binary mixture.
Specific and molar refraction:
According to Gladstone and Dale,
η – 1 / d = constant (r)
Where η is the refractive index of the liquid, d is the density and r is constant.
But according to Lorentz and Lorentz,
η2 – 1 / η2 + 2 x 1/ d = Constant ( r )
gives a better constant. The value of this constant r is termed the specific
refraction of the liquid and is characteristic property of the liquid.
The molecular refractivity or molar refractivity ( R ) is given by
expression –
R = η – 1 / d x M ( According to Gladstone and Dale )
R = η2 – 1 / η2 + 2 x 1/ x M / d (According to Lorentz and Lorentz)
Where, M = Molecular weight of the substance.
Mixture Law:- The mixture law is given by the formula-
rx x 100 = rA P + rB ( 100 – P )
Where rx = Specific refractivity of the mixture A and B
rA = Specific refractivity of pure liquid A
rB = Specific refractivity of pure liquid B
PA = Percentage of A in the mixture
Here , PA = 100 (rx - rB ) / (rA - rB )
Material: Abbe refractometer, dropper, cotton wool, specific gravity bottle, alcohol.
Liquid A: pure liquid Mixture D: 25% A
r = η2 – 1 / η2 + 2 x 1/ d ml / gm
Plot a graph by plotting the specific refractivity’s against the percentage composition.
% of A
Results :