Guilds, Wool, and Trade: Medieval England in A Global Economy

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Guilds, Wool, and Trade: Medieval England

in a Global Economy
Around 1250-1350, an archipelago of trade stretched across Afro-Eurasia.
Nick and Trevor explore the role of the wool trade in this system and its
impact on England.
Guilds, Wool, and Trade: Medieval England in a Global Economy

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00:01 NICK: Hello, I’m Nick Dennis, fellow of the school city projects and a history
teacher in the UK.
Nick Dennis and Trevor
Getz in a grassy field TREVOR: And I’m Trevor Getz, professor of World History at San Francisco State
surrounded by sheep University. We’re standing here in the February cold in a field in southern England,
with some sheep, for some reason.

NICK: It’s to talk about medieval trade routes.

TREVOR: Right. And all I’m saying is, we could easily be standing in a field in
Photos of a cotton field in India where they grow cotton, or a silk farm in China, or a salt mine in the Sahara
India, a silk farm in China, Desert—all places where people were actively producing highly desired goods in
a salt mine in the Sahara the 13th century, and all places that are a lot warmer than this one.

00:57 NICK: Traditionally, historians who have written or thought about medieval Europe,
Asia, and Africa, have thought of them as separate places, but we now understand
An Archipelago of trade that these communities were connected to each other in a big trading system—one
stretching far back in time. This system sometimes grew, sometimes shrank, and
Map of the globe reconfigured several times, but it turns out it was especially large and complex in
the century between 1250 and 1350 CE. So rather than think of these 14th century
Archipelago: a cluster or trading centers as lonely islands, separated by a vast ocean, let’s think of them as
scattering of islands, cities, an archipelago: a chain of islands that were all connected to each other.
or other things
TREVOR: Historian and anthropologist, Janet Abu-Lughod, saw this archipelago as
Map shows overlapping a world system. A vast and integrated network, with a bunch of circuits running
and intersecting trade within it. Groups of merchants moved within each circuit in caravans of camels,
routes or with mule trains, or by ship. Where the circuits intersected, there was trade
between these groups of merchants.

02:00 NICK: One circuit operated in Europe, connecting wool producers in England and
Flanders in northwest Europe, to markets in France and traders in Italy and the
Mediterranean. One way to study this vast trading system, and the circuits within
Map zooms in on Europe them, is to follow one particular product, how it is made, and how it gets traded.
For example, we can look at wool, the product that dominated English exports in
the 13th century, and was part of that European circuit.

The Trade in English TREVOR: Why did England export wool? Wool, of course, gets turned into cloth,
Wool and cloth gets turned into clothing—and everyone needs clothing. In the 13th
century, the biggest cloth manufacturing regions in Europe were in northern Italy
early drawings depict and in Flanders, just across the channel from England. But although people in
the production of cloth; these regions were good at turning raw wool into cloth, they didn’t really produce
a painting of a farm in much high-quality wool of their own. The best wool in Europe came from England.
Flanders In fact, English wool was so good, that when the duke of Austria captured the
English King Richard the 1st, his ransom was largely paid in wool instead of
money. 14th century English documents even describe wool as “the sovereign
merchandise and jewel of this realm of England”.

Guilds, Wool, and Trade: Medieval England in a Global Economy

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03:16 In the late 13th and early 14th centuries, large portions of the English population
were involved in producing wool. Some individual peasants owned small flocks
Very early paintings of of sheep, while many villagers held their flocks in common, sharing ownership.
people tending to a flock of Noblemen, like the Duke of Lancaster, or the wealthy Clair family, owned big
sheep flocks. So did the church. The Bishop of Winchester was one of the largest
producers of wool of all, owning 29,000 sheep in 1259. In just one county,
Hampshire, as much as 30% of all land belonged to the Bishop of Winchester for
the use of his sheep.

03:53 NICK: At first, much of the wool trade was dominated by merchants sent by
the manufacturers in Flanders and Italy, but English merchants soon became
important. In both cases, the merchants often advanced money to the owners
of the sheep, in essence, guaranteeing they would get wool every year, and
sometimes charging interest of a sort. The merchants would then go around and
gather the wool every year. By the 14th century, some wool merchant families
living in towns across England, had become as rich as the nobility. These
merchants were called Woolmen.

04:27 NICK: I’m here with Bill Clark, Past Master of the Worshipful Company of Woolmen.
So when was the company set up?
The Wool Traders’ Guild
BILL: Well, we don’t know for sure, but we’ve got records that show it was around
in 1174, when they began to build the original London Bridge, and we definitely
know they were around in 1180, because they were fined that year for operating
without the King’s license.

NICK: And why was it set up?

BILL: It was set up because a lot of other organizations were getting together—all
Guild: an organization of the grocers were getting together, the pepper importers were getting together—it
craftsmen or merchants just made sense for them to form a guild for mutual support and mutual profit. The
who come together to Worshipful Company of Woolmen is a livery company.
promote their industry
Livery Companies: the
name given to guilds in
London Now, livery companies, I think there are about 110 in the city of London at the
moment, are groups of people who used to work in the same trade, live in the
artwork shows the coats same areas, and were there as a sort of self-help organization to make sure that
of arms of the livery everybody thrived and prospered in that particular trade. And as such, they would
companies of London (sort go to the same churches and get involved in the same activities. And eventually,
of like badges – each livery the idea came that they’d wear the same clothes, and their clothes were known as
company had their own livery. And so they became called Livery companies.
unique coat of arms)

05:38 Now, to become a liveryman, you, first of all, have to be a freeman of the City of
London, and being a Freeman of the City of London, the biggest advantage of that
Livery: a uniform worn was that you could trade in the city, and you couldn’t do that unless you were
by people of a guild or actually free of the city, as they say. And so, if you were free of the city, you had
servants of a noble family a number of advantages. Not just trading in the City of London, but you were also
allowed to carry a naked sword in public, so that you could defend yourself, if you,
Guilds, Wool, and Trade: Medieval England in a Global Economy

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um, overindulged one night, and you weren’t too steady on your feet, then the
watch would see you home and nothing further was said. If you committed a capital
offense, you could be hung with a silken rope, which is probably not much different
Modern day video footage from being hung with a hempen one, but anyway, it was a privilege and a right. And
of sheep crossing the of course, you had the right to take the tools of your trade across London Bridge,
London Bridge and of course for the woolmen, the tools of their trade were their sheep.

06:37 NICK: Why was wool important for England?

The Importance of Wool BILL: Wool was known as the sovereign merchandise for two reasons. One was,
it was the king of merchandise as it was so valuable, and the other reason was
that the King traded in wool, and so it was also a sovereign merchandise for that
reason. Certainly in the early 12th century, there were English traders who were
Early painting of a Flemish trading in wool and so on, but then of course Flanders got involved. When they had
city their shortage of wool, they came across and they were buying all our wool, and
most of the wool went to the Flemish cities of Ghent and Bruges and so on.

07:15 And then of course, the Italians got involved. The Italians suddenly thought that,
um, if there’s money in wool, we want to be there, and they were the ones who
actually got very close to the king and said to the king, “if you want to make some
money, just add a bit more tax on the wool, and then everybody collects the taxes
all the way along, and you’ll get an extra bonus”. And so the king thought this was
a good idea, because several kings in a row wanted to fight quite a number of
Painting of a war taking wars, and so Edward the 1st, Edward the 2nd, and Edward the 3rd financed all their
place in England wars from wool. In fact, he even bought allies with wool. And so, wool was, as I’ve
said before, it was a sovereign merchandise, it would open all doors.

08:00 NICK: In return for their wool, English merchants would buy all kinds of goods—
French wine of course, and ceramics from Flanders just across the channel, but
Footage of a flock of sheep also Russian and Swedish furs, precious metals from Central Europe, and silks
from as far away as Asia.
Artworks depict trade for
a barrel of wine; for furs

08:20 In the late 14th century, with the advent of the plague known as the Black
Death, and a 100-year war between England and France, the English wool trade
The Decline and collapsed. However, it would recover in the later centuries, and eventually form
Continuity of the Wool the basis of the first industry of the Industrial Revolution in the late 18th century—
Trade an era where England would dominate the world of cloth, not only as a producer of
Timeline: wool, but also as a manufacturer of cloth, made of wool, cotton, and other fibers.
1270 – height of the
medieval English wool TREVOR: Some of the best wool in the world still comes from England—heck, I’m
trade wearing some right now!
1335—English wool trade
hits lowest value NICK: Often when we think about continuity and change in history, we focus on
1337—Hundred Years War wars, personalities, and disputes. What we can miss by focusing on these large,
begins eye-catching events, is that there are currents under the surface, moving steadily.
1348—black death arrives By looking closely at trade during this period, we can see how the lives of ordinary
in England people, thousands of miles apart, were connected. And we marvel that many of
these networks still exist today, and still shape the clothing that we wear.

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