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Acetic Acid: Europe Chemical Profile

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Acetic acid
USES 130/tonne). Values were assessed by ICIS at EUROPE, MIDDLE EAST, AFRICA ACETIC
Acetic acid’s largest consumer is vinyl acetate €550–600/tonne FD (free delivered) NWE ACID CAPACITY ’000 TONNES/YEAR
monomer (VAM), used in paints, adhesives, (Northwest Europe). Company Location Capacity
textiles, paper, films and chewing gum. Market participants generally agreed that BP Chemicals Hull, UK 520
The second-largest outlet is purified tereph- this represented the average reduction from
Saudi International Al Jubail, Saudi Arabia 460
thalic acid (PTA), used in polyethylene quarter three, although some reported num- Petrochemical
terephthalate (PET) bottles and polyester fib- bers outside this range. Sources attributed the
Nevinnomyssk Azot Nevinnomyssk, Russia 170
ers. Acetic anhydride and solvents (ethyl ace- price reductions to ample availability of mate-
SSME Azot Severodonetsk, 150
tate, butyl acetate) are the third- and fourth- rial rather than any marked drop in demand.
Association Ukraine
largest users, respectively. Some contract business is now conducted
Fanavaran Bandar Imam, Iran 150
on a monthly basis. European spot prices de-
SUPPLY/DEMAND clined from a 2011 high of €800–900/tonne
Wacker Chemie Burghausen, Germany 120
The European market balance varied greatly FD NWE, recorded in early May, to €470–
in 2011. Force majeure declarations from UK- 500/tonne FD NWE at the beginning of Janu- MSK Kikinda Serbia 100
based BP Chemicals and US-headquartered ary 2012. Doljchim Craiova Romania 90
Celanese in the first half of the year saw the Lonza Visp, Switzerland 50
market move from balanced to tight. Availa- TECHNOLOGY Arabian Industrial Yanbu, Saudi Arabia 30
bility improved once Celanese’s unit in Nan- The dominant process is methanol carbonyla- Fibers
jing, China, and BP’s facility at Hull restarted. tion, which accounts for more than 65% of Arak Petrochemical Arak, Iran 30
During the tight period, a number of sourc- world capacity. Other processes are the oxida- SEKAB Domsjo, Sweden 25
es turned to the well-supplied Chinese market tion of acetaldehyde (used by German pro- Navoiazot Navoi, Uzbekistan 25
to look for opportunities to move material ducer Wacker) and the liquid-phase oxidation
Sasol Chemical Secunda, South Africa 16
from China to Europe. When ships started to of n-butane or naphtha. Industries
arrive in the second quarter, product easily Developments by companies including Ja-
Sekisui Specialty Tarragona, Spain 10
found a home, but by September it was evi- pan’s Showa Denko, Wacker and Saudi Ara- Chemicals Europe
dent that supply was starting to outweigh de- bia’s SABIC are based on the oxidation of eth- SOURCE: ICIS
mand. By the end of the year, the market was ylene, ethane or methane.
largely balanced once more. Wacker has investigated three bio-based
Assuming that there is no major loss of pro- routes. The ACEO process involves conver- in Jiangsu province, to 50% in December in
duction among European suppliers, the acetic sion of a biomass feedstock to ethanol (using response to mounting inventories.
acid market is expected to remain fairly bal- yeast), producing acetic acid via gas phase Consequently, Asia’s capacity to meet any
anced through 2012. oxidation. A 500 tonne/year pilot plant has shortfall in Europe, as demonstrated by the
been running in Burghausen, Germany, since large volumes imported in mid-2011, seems
PRICES late 2009. assured for the foreseeable future.
European contract prices in the fourth quarter A second route converts biomass-based bu- Europe will remain structurally depend-
of 2011 fell by around €70–100/tonne ($91– tanediol (BDO) to methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), ent on imports, with an increasing propor-
then acetic acid, while the third involves di- tion likely to be sourced from Asia and the
EUROPEAN ACETIC ACID SPOT AND rectly converting biomass to acetate/acetic Middle East.
acid using bacteria. Demand is very difficult to predict at this
€/tonne FD NWE
time on account of the prevailing economic
Spot OUTLOOK uncertainty in Europe, but this in itself may
Contract The European market for acetic acid is mature reduce offtake in the coming months.
and there are no plans to invest in additional Speaking at the World Methanol Confer-
capacity in the region. This is in sharp con- ence in December 2011, Nigel Suttie, direc-
700 trast with Asia, where some 1m tonnes/year tor of syngas chemicals for global consultan-
of capacity was added in 2011. cy CMAI, forecast that demand in Western
600 Additional proposed capacity totalling and Central Europe would grow by 1.2% an-
more than 3m tonnes/year is under considera- nually over the next five years, driven princi-
500 tion in China and India. pally by new downstream PTA capacity
There is currently no lack of supply in Asia, coming on line. O
as illustrated by Chinese producer Jiangsu For the latest market prices and reports on
Jan Jan Sopo’s decision to cut operating rates at its more than 120 commodity chemicals, please
2010 2012 1.4m tonne/year acetic acid plant at Zhenjiang, visit icispricing.com

42 | ICIS Chemical Business | January 30-February 12, 2012 www.icis.com

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