001-76439 AN76439 PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP Phase-Shift Full Bridge Modulation and Control

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PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP - Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Modulation and Control

Author: Ross Fosler/Srinivas NVNS

Associated Project: Yes
Associated Part Family: All PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP parts
Software Version: PSoC Creator™ 2.2 or higher
Related Application Notes: AN76496

If you have a question, or need help with this application note, contact the author at
[email protected] OR [email protected].

AN76439 introduces phase-shift full-bridge modulation for PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP. This application note describes in
detail the implementation of phase-shift modulation in UDBs with some discussion on how to control the full-bridge
for Power applications.

Contents Introduction
Introduction .......................................................................1 There are a variety of modulation approaches and control
Introduction to PSFB Modulation .......................................2 techniques that apply to power applications. With the
PSFB Modulator Implementation.......................................6 introduction of PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP and the significant
programmable analog and digital functions that come with
Master Pair Gate Signal Generation .............................6 both product families, there is very little to limit the
Slave Pair Gate Signal Generation ...............................6 possibilities, especially advanced modulation and control
Modulation Techniques ................................................7 techniques.
Delay Generation Techniques ......................................8 This application note introduces phase-shift full-bridge
A Simple PSFB Component ............................................ 11 (PSFB) modulation. This is a modulation commonly found
Peak Current Control Example ........................................ 12 in zero-voltage switching (ZVS) converters, a group within
Included Project Examples .............................................. 14 the family of soft-switched converters. This application
Quick Instructions to Get Going .................................. 16 note focuses on how a PSFB modulator is implemented in
PSoC. Both analog and digital design variations are
Project Example 1 – Basic PSFB Modulation ............. 17
explored. In addition there is some light discussion about
Project Example 2 – Analog PSFB Modulation .......... 18 control approaches.
Project Example 3 - PSFB Modulation with Delay ...... 19
Note that although the PSFB is common in ZVS design,
Project Example 4 – Interleaved PSFB Modulation .... 20
this application note does not discuss in any significant
Conclusion ...................................................................... 21 detail the fundamentals of ZVS and soft switching. Also it
Appendix A: Using the PSFB Component in Your Project is not the intent of this application note to introduce the
........................................................................................ 22 fundamentals of power electronics, an interesting and vast
Document History ............................................................ 24 subject in its own right. These topics are left for you to
Worldwide Sales and Design Support ............................. 25 explore.
Also keep in mind that this application note assumes that
you are familiar with developing applications using PSoC
Creator for PSoC 3 or PSoC 5LP. If you are new to
PSoC 3 or PSoC 5LP, introductions can be found in
AN54181, Getting Started with PSoC 3 and AN77759,
Getting Started with PSoC 5LP. If you are new to PSoC
Creator, see the PSoC Creator home page.

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PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP - Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Modulation and Control

Introduction to PSFB Modulation

The full-bridge can be thought of as two half-bridges with For phase-shift modulation, each leg of the full-bridge
the load driven between each leg. Figure 1 shows a (half-bridge) is modulated with a complementary square
schematic example of a basic full-bridge converter. The wave, as Figure 2 shows. The transfer of energy is
master leg is defined by MOSFETs Q1A and Q1B, and the controlled by modulating the phase relationship between
slave leg is defined by Q2A and Q2B in this the complementary signal pairs driving the master and
representation. Notice that the load in this example is a slave legs of the converter. The amount of overlap
transformer with the transformer output diode rectified into determines transfer energy, as you would expect.
an LC filter. In most modern high efficiency designs the
output is likely to be synchronously rectified rather than Figure 2. Phase-Shift Modulated Signals
diode rectified. Also note that the PSFB is not limited to
Phase Shift Phase Shift
the schematic shown in Figure 1; other variations exist
depending on the application. 1A

Figure 1. PSFB Schematic Example

1B Delay Delay

Q1A Q2A 2A

2B Delay Delay

A dead time is usually inserted between each of the

complementary signals to avoid shoot-through (also
Q1B Q2B shown in Figure 2). In soft-switched designs, where the
PSFB is commonly employed, the delay is set to achieve
zero-voltage switching. ZVS is a design approach that
significantly reduces the switching losses by switching
when the voltage across the switched MOSFET is at or
near zero.
For the sake of introducing typical phase-shift full-bridge
modulation, I only touch upon zero-voltage switching
concepts. However, just a reminder, it is not my intent to
discuss ZVS and the detailed theory behind it. Such
discussion of ZVS is beyond the scope of this application
note and is left for future exploration. There are numerous
resources available that explore this topic (again another
very interesting subject).
Let us now examine in detail each of the phases, or
stages, in the modulation cycle.

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PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP - Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Modulation and Control

Stage 1 – Forward Conduction

A good starting point is to look at the period where the master FET Q1A and slave FET Q2B are both conducting. During this
period, current flows through the transformer and any series and/or leakage inductance. You might notice that the opposing
MOSFETs that are not conducting maintain full voltage across their output capacitance (C oss).





S t a g e 2 – S l a ve - L e g T r a n s i t i o n
After the forward conduction period, Q2B is switched off. The PSFB enters a period where the energy stored in the series
inductance (including leakage inductance) and the previously charged MOSFET, Q2A, is released into the system. Notice that
the series inductance and the MOSFET’s Coss of the slave leg form a resonant tank. Q2B Coss is charged and Q2A Coss is
discharged. In ZVS designs the circuit and delay are tuned so that Q2A is switched on in the next transition somewhere near
the point where the voltage across Q2A is zero.






Stage 3 – Freewheeling
During the freewheeling period MOSFETs Q1A and Q2A are conducting; they maintain any current flow that may exist in the
series inductance. Again notice that now Coss of Q1B and Q2B are charged to the full voltage of the input.





+ +
- -

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Stage 4 – Master-Leg Transition

The next phase I refer to as the master leg transition. Notice again that the series inductance and Coss of the master leg’s
MOSFETs now form a resonant tank. Q1A’s Coss is charged while Q1B’s Coss is discharged.






Stage 5 – Forward Conduction

Similar to Stage 1, the master FET Q1B and slave FET Q2A are both conducting. Again during this period current is flowing
through the transformer and any series and/or leakage inductance. Notice that the opposing MOSFETs that are not conducting
maintain full voltage across their output capacitance.





S t a g e 6 – S l a ve - L e g T r a n s i t i o n
Q2A is switched off. The PSFB enters a period where the energy stored in the series inductance and the previously charged
MOSFET, Q2B, is released into the system. As in previous stages, the series inductance and MOSFETs Coss of the slave leg
form a resonant tank. Q2A is charged and Q2B is discharged. In ZVS designs the circuit and delay are tuned so that Q2A is
switched on in the next transition somewhere near the point where the voltage across Q2B is zero.





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Stage 7 – Freewheeling
During the second freewheeling period MOSFETs Q1B and Q2B are conducting; they maintain any current flow that may exist
in the series inductance. Again notice that now Coss of Q1A and Q2A are charged to the full voltage of the input.

+ +
- -




Stage 8 – Master-Leg Transition

The final phase is again a master leg transition. The series inductance and C oss of the master leg’s MOSFETs form a resonant
tank. Q1A’s Coss is charged while Q1B’s Coss is discharged. After this stage the modulation cycle starts again with stage 1.





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PSoC® 3 and PSoC 5LP - Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Modulation and Control

PSFB Modulator Implementation

The PSFB modulator has several major functional
elements or pieces:
Figure 4. Master Gate Signal Generation
 Control logic to support the complementary master
(fixed) gate drive logic.

Master Leg
 Complementary slave (phase shifted) gate drive logic. Generation

 Event generation translated from pulse-width

modulation, to determine the phase shift.

 And last, as with most synchronous modulators, there

is delay control between edges.
The following sections describe these functional elements
with variations to the design approach. This is the part of
the power of PSoC - its vast flexibility which makes it easy
to quickly build and test different solutions.
Slave Pair Gate Signal Generation
The complementary slave signal pair is derived, in part,
Master Pair Gate Signal Generation from the master signal pair. This is because the state of
the slave leg signals depend on the phase of the master
The gate signal generation for the complementary master
leg signals. A trigger signal, generated by the PWM block,
pair is straightforward - clock the inverted output of a ‘D’
is used to set the edge, and the master phase logic output
flip-flop back to its input as Figure 3 shows. This causes
sets the slave’s direction. A simple SR latch holds the
the outputs to toggle and form a square wave at half the
slave output state until the next trigger arrives. The
clock frequency. The complementary pair is derived from
latching event is a falling edge transition on the PWM
the inverted and non-inverted outputs of the flip-flop.
block output or the clock to the master.
Figure 3. Master Gate Signal Generation It is necessary for the latching event to come from both the
master source and the slave source. This is provided to
support the situation when the PWM is at zero duty cycle.
If it were not for the master synchronizing event the slave
would never update at the zero duty cycle singularity.
Just like the master leg design, there is a pair of AND
gates, as Figure 5 shows. These gates provide an option
to turn off the gate drive logic effectively allowing ‘output
disable’ capability. And just like the master signals, three-
The AND gates in Figure 3 provide an option to turn off the terminal AND gates are used with two of the inputs
gate drive logic effectively allowing 'output disable' shorted together to add delay. Again, this will be
capability. You also might notice that three-terminal AND discussed later.
gates are used with two of the inputs shorted together.
Although not shown here, the extra inputs are present for Figure 5. Slave Gate Signal Generation
adding delay generation circuitry, which will be discussed
later. Figure 4 shows the complementary nature of the
signal and the link between the master leg synchronizing

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Figure 6 shows an example of what the output looks like Modulation Techniques
when it is operating near 100 kHz. The master pair gate
Since the modulator requires only falling edges to indicate
signals (the inverting and non-inverting outputs of the ‘D’
phase transitions, these edges can be generated by an
flip-flop) are reset and set respectively. On the falling edge
analog programmed source as well as any digital source.
of the PWM input signal, the SR latch of the slave logic
PSoC's flexibility allows you to easily implement either
output is set to the non-inverting output of the master pair
analog or digital. Let us examine each method:
that is currently logic high. This sets the slave output high
driving the low side MOSFET gate signal low and the high Analog Modulation Source
side MOSFET gate signal high. This state remains until Figure 7 shows an analog PWM generated by an external
the next low transition of the PWM signal occurs. capacitor and a current source or IDAC combined with a
Figure 6. Slave Gate Signal Generation comparator. A simple time-based function (a digital PWM
in this example) is used to reset the integration in the
capacitor and trigger the PSFB slave pair. .
Analog modulation has an advantage over any digital
approach in that the modulation input is a continuous
function; there is no definable quantization unlike a digital

Phase-Shift implementation (i.e. infinite resolution for the ‘digital’

thinkers like myself). However, the down-side might be
that the duty cycle programming is set externally rather
than a register or some easily programmable function.
Another DAC could be used to program the modulation,
but the effect would be similar to just implementing a
digital PWM (i.e. quantization in the DAC).
Note The SR latch in Figure 5 is intentionally included.
PSoC Creator permits this; however, an SR latch is a Figure 7. Analog Modulation Design
combinational loop, and PSoC Creator generates a
warning on combinational loops in logic. This is because
PSoC Creator can only perform timing analysis on
sequential logic paths. Thus it warns that it must break the
loop to analyze.

Looking at Figure 7, the IDAC in this configuration is used

only as a programmable current source; the current is
fixed to a desired value. The current source (IDAC) into
the external capacitor generates a constant voltage ramp.
The digital PWM is used for nothing more than a
programmable reset pulse. Thus the reset pulse width
may be set based on the pin current sink capability and
the capacitor tied to the pin. The RESET pin is configured
as open-drain to allow the ramp to occur, which is quite
apparent in Figure 8 on page 8.

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With the current programmed by a constant current Figure 10. PWM Configuration for Digital Modulation
source, the relation between voltage, time, and current
resolves into a simple linear function:

Equation 1

Figure 8 shows an example of the analog pulse-width

modulation in operation. The ramp capacitor is
approximately 470 pF with the current source set at
200 µA. The period of each half phase is around 5.3 µs
yielding a ramp up to about ~2.3 V according to
Equation 1.
Figure 8 also shows the analog PWM in action. The
n_pwm_clk signal drives the master leg phase generation.
The pwm signal drives the slave leg phase generation.

Figure 8. Analog Modulation

Digital event generation is extremely simple to implement -

the modulation is done entirely with register writes (no
external signals). Thus, full digital control of the PSFB and
the system is possible. The negative effect is quantization,
which can contribute to limit-cycling. For some
applications quantization may impact converter
performance to the point that the method becomes
Digital Modulation Source
unfeasible. Again, the feasibility depends enormously on
Digital modulation generation for the PSFB is nothing the application. Note that resolution is appreciably worse
more than an ordinary digital counter and comparator as the target switching frequency goes up relative to the
derived pulse-width modulator (or delay-line derived if you clock frequency.
feel challenged enough to do it). The PSoC Creator PWM
Component shown in Figure 9 is sufficient for this. The Delay Generation Techniques
clock strobe, n_pwm_clk, is derived from the terminal
count strobe of the PWM’s internal timer. The PWM is The modulation techniques described previously enable
direct. Figure 10 shows the PWM Component the PSFB implementations described in Introduction to
configuration dialog use to set up modulation. PSFB Modulation on page 2. However, they cannot be
directly applied to ZVS topologies because transition
Figure 9. Digital Modulation Design delays can result in hard switching and shoot-through in
the half-bridges. Therefore, delays must be introduced
between transitions to allow the voltage in the full-bridge to
resonate down to a minimum or zero voltage before
turning the FETs on.
Similar to modulation, there are analog and digital
techniques for generating delays in switching, and both
can be easily implemented in PSoC. Let us examine each:
Analog Programmed Dela y Generation
The basic idea in the analog programmed delay approach
is to use the comparators in the special I/O (SIO) pins in
PSoC 3 or PSoC 5LP to program delay at each transition.
The SIO pins exist on PORT12. Figure 11 on page 9
shows the additional gating connection through the SIO

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Figure 11. Modulation with Delay Signals Note that the SIO input thresholds are programmable in
the PSoC Creator Pins Component configuration dialog
(Figure 13).

Figure 13. SIO Threshold Setting

The delay in this example is set by the threshold

programmed in the SIO combined with the external RC
network. Figure 12 shows a zoom-in of Figure 11 around
the slave leg signal generation. Additional resistors and
capacitors are annotated to show the hardware
programmed delay. Clearly this is an analog way of
programming the delay. Using the SIO threshold, ordinary circuit analysis of the
RC network shows the delay to be:
Figure 12. Modulation with Delay
Equation 2
For example, if the SIO comparator reference is set to
50% of VDDIO then Equation 2 reduces significantly:
Equation 3
Hence the timing of each leading transition of each gate
signal can be programmed individually with a simple RC
network. Individual programmability is important for ZVS
applications since symmetric delay is not always
Another critical point is that the propagation delay through
gate driver and buffer may not always be matched
between channels. Thus the difference in propagation
delay could also be accounted for by programming the

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Digital Programmed Dela y Generation Figure 16. Digital Delay Settings

True to PSoC character, digital delay programming is also
possible. In this case the delay is programmed with
synchronous logic. Note that because the logic is
synchronous to the clock, the output is also synchronous;
therefore, there is also quantization in the output. For
some systems the finite nature of a synchronized system
can yield system results that are less than ideal (certainly
less ideal than infinite resolution). Figure 14 shows a clip
of the logic with the delay generation in Figure 15.

Figure 14. Modulation with Delay Signals

Figure 17. Digital Delay Settings (Continued)

Figure 15. Digital Delay Generation

In this example the delay is programmed using one-shot

triggered PWM Components. Figure 16 and Figure 17
show the PWM configurations. At the rising edge of the
trigger signal the PWM module runs through its count until
it hits the terminal count. Since there are four independent
channels this method requires four PWM Components to
generate delay for all signals that drive the PSFB (only two
of them are shown here).
Note that Figure 15 does not necessarily show the only
way to inject a delay. There are many other ways to solve
this problem digitally. What is shown is a convenient and Figure 18. PSFB Example Showing Delay
highly programmable example. Simply setting the
compare value in a PWM component sets the delay for the
corresponding channel. There are certainly more ways to
solve this problem that would likely confine the range of
delay programming yet improve the resource utilization.
Figure 18 shows a running example of delay on the PSFB.
In this case the delay is clearly programmed to be
symmetrical for all edges.

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A Simple PSFB Component Figure 20. PSFB Component Parameters

The PSFB structure and design described in PSFB

Modulator Implementation on page 6 is encapsulated in a
component for the projects in this application note.
Figure 19 shows a view of the component with all possible
inputs and outputs exposed.

Figure 19. PSFB Component

This is an asynchronous
output gating signal for all
modulator outputs. Output signals to drive the
These are the event inputs if
an external modulation is

Gating signals to the PSFB Raw output signals from the

outputs to allow individual modulator. These outputs
programming of the delay for could be routed to delay
each output. circuits.

Figure 21 shows an "under the hood" look at the major

elements of the component:

 Master Phase Signal Generation

The component includes simple digital modulation for the
sake of quick testing and demonstration. However, the  Slave Phase Signal Generation
modulation input can be exposed to allow for external
operation. This allows you to use a custom analog or other  Internal Pulse Width Modulation – A PWM is used to
generate modulation. This option can be bypassed if
digital technique for the component to translate into desired by using the start_of_frame and
phase-shift modulated gate signals. A component start_of_phase inputs.
datasheet describing the component and its parameters
(Figure 20) is included with the projects. Refer to the
component datasheet for additional details about the
 Output Gating – Gating is for enable / disable, and
signal delay programming for each rising edge.
Figure 21. The PSFB Component (Under the Hood)

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Peak Current Control Example Another major benefit is flux balancing. PSFB designs
(such as the one shown in Figure 1) usually have a
The PSFB is mostly just a modulation technique. In most transformer and no DC flux blocking capability in the
power applications the modulator is not operated without transformer. Thus, without some management of the flux
some compensation network or other control driving it. In in the transformer, the transformer can 'walk' into
this section I briefly present a peak current control idea saturation. Knowing that current is proportional to
that is married to the PSFB modulator. You can use this magnetic flux, such designs are naturally flux balancing
as an example to explore the vast possibilities (such as with peak current-control employed.
analog voltage control, digital voltage control, or even Slope Compensation
combined peak current control and digital voltage control).
With PSoC the possibilities are virtually endless. Peak current control has the well known 50% duty cycle
limitation. To overcome this, an artificially generated ramp
Note that this is an idea and not fully explored in hardware signal is mixed with the current signal to yield part voltage
at the release of this application note. Exploring the finer and part current control. The amount of ramp relative to
details of peak current control is well beyond the intent of the amount of current signal relates to how far past the
this application note (saving this for another time). This is 50% duty cycle point the design can be pushed.
presented as an idea to help put into perspective how
complex control ideas can be built with PSoC. Figure 22 The easiest way to think of this is to conceptualize the
shows a current-control design in PSoC Creator. slope of the artificial ramp growing to infinity. If the ramp
were infinite then the control would be purely based on
In most real-world applications the PSFB is often voltage at the output of the converter. If there was no ramp
employed with some form of current control strategy. Why then the control would be purely based on current.
is this? Anything in between is a mix of current and voltage
control. Equation 4 shows the mixing ratio based on what
First, pure current-control of the PSFB results in a system
is shown in Figure 22.
with a single dominant pole in its transfer function,
whereas its voltage-control counterpart yields a resonant Equation 4
two-pole system. Thus, current-controlled systems that are
derived from the 'Buck Converter' topology (such as the Note that the PSFB is naturally limited to a 50% duty
PSFB in Figure 1) are easier to compensate and control. cycle, however slope compensation is still often employed
in practice.

Figure 22. Peak Current Control with Slope Compensation

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Ramp Generation Voltage Loop Compensation Network

Ramp generation is performed by using a current source With the addition of current control to the PSFB, the output
to drive into a capacitor. As noted in Analog Modulation response looks more like a single pole system rather than
Source on 7, the ramp voltage is as Equation 5 shows the two-pole resonant network. Still, although it is not
(Equation 1 repeated): theoretically necessary in the ideal situation, Type III
compensation is often employed in practice to account for
Equation 5 the loss of current information at very light load conditions.
The voltage control portion of Figure 22 shows a Type III
When mixing with other signals, the assumption in this compensation network (very similar to a PID). Equation 6
case is that the mixing resistors have little effect on the shows the small-signal transfer function of the
current. Thus Equation 5, although technically not perfect, compensation network.
is still a good predictor of the ramp.

Equation 6. Voltage Loop Compensator Transfer Function

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Included Project Examples

There are four projects included with this application note.
I could have included several more; however, I chose to  PSFB_Dual – A digitally generated phase-shift
modulation. Two modulators are interleaved together.
confine this document to well less than 100 pages to avoid
putting readers into a deep and potentially unrecoverable
 Peak_Current_Control – A project showing the peak
current control concept. This project is for reference
Note that when you open the workspace you will find ten only and does not do anything.
projects (Figure 23) including the PSFB component library Demonstration Hardware Setup
project. The four main projects mentioned are cloned for All of the projects are targeted for the CY8CKIT-001 with
PSoC 3 to PSoC 5LP totaling eight projects. The project either the PSoC 3 or PSoC 5LP Family Processor module.
"Peak_Current_Control" is not a complete project Figure 24 on page 15 shows a picture of the setup. Here is
(although it does build correctly). It is provided for visual a summary of what needs to be connected to see the
reference only. Should you decide to explore a little, this demonstrations running.
project is what is described in Figure 22.

Figure 23. Included Projects  Connect VR  P2_7

 Connect P1_2  LED4

 Connect P1_4  Scope

 Connect P1_5  Scope

 Connect P1_6  Scope

 Connect P1_7  Scope

 Install a 470 pF capacitor from GND to the proto area,

and connect P0_6 and P0_7 to the other end of the
capacitor in the proto area.
Project 2 has some interesting analog signals. These are
optional; however, if you have an appropriate oscilloscope
for the task, connect the following:

 Connect P0_6  Scope (to view the ramp signal)

 Connect P2_7  Scope (to view the POT voltage)

 Connect P0_0  Scope (to view the start of phase)

Each of the four projects demonstrates the PSFB
operation. The different projects combine digital and  Connect P0_1  Scope (to view the start of frame)
analog resources to perform variations on the design, yet Project 4, the dual interleaved PSFB project, has
the underlying PSFB operation is still there. The following additional signals that are instructive to see. If you have a
sections describe these projects and how to get them capable scope that can monitor at least eight signals, then
going. Here is a brief summary of the projects: connect the following:

 PSFB_Basic – A basic digitally generated phase-shift  Connect P2_0  Scope (to view the second PSFB)
 Connect P2_1  Scope (to view the second PSFB)
 PSFB_Analog – An analog method for generating
phase-shift modulation.  Connect P2_2  Scope (to view the second PSFB)

 PSFB_Digital_Delay – A digitally generated phase-  Connect P2_3  Scope (to view the second PSFB)
shift modulation scheme with digital delay.

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Figure 24. CY8CKIT-001 Hardware Setup

Capacitor Programming


LED Drive

PSFB Modulation Signals

POT Input

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Quick Instructions to Get Going

Although this application note assumes that you are Figure 26. Build the Project
familiar with PSoC Creator, this section does provide three
very quick steps to get the projects running on your
If you are new to PSoC 3 or PSoC 5LP, some useful
starting information can be found in AN54181, Getting
Started with PSoC 3 and AN77759, Getting Started with
PSoC 5LP. If you are new to PSoC Creator, see the PSoC
Creator home page. Any of these resources can get you
started opening, building and programming PSoC Creator
projects into your demonstration board.
S t e p 1 – S e t t h e A c t i ve P r o j e c t
The PSoC Creator workspace can hold many projects,
and needs to know what project to work from. To set a
project as the active project, right click the project title in
the Workspace Explorer window and select Set As Active
Project. Figure 25 shows an example.

Figure 25. Set the Active Project

Step 3 – Program PSoC

After the project has been successfully built, you can
program the device from PSoC Creator environment.
Connect the programming connector of the MiniProg3 to
the development board and the USB connector to your
PC. Select Debug  Program (Figure 27), or press
Ctrl+F5, to program the device.

Figure 27. Program PSoC

Step 2 – Build the Project

Select menu item Build  <Project_Name>, or press
Shift-F6, to build the active project. <Project_Name> is the
name of the project that you want to build. Figure 26
shows an example.

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Figure 28. Project 1 Code

Project Example 1 – Basic PSFB Modulation
void main()
This project shows the basic operation of the PSFB {
modulation using the PSFB Component provided with this
application note. In this case the phase modulation is /* Start the Phase-Shifted Full-Bridge */
digitally generated internal to the component. Figure 29 PSFB_CTRL_Write(0x02);
shows the design.
/* Start the ADC */
An ADC is instantiated to take an input from a ADC_DelSig_1_Start();
potentiometer and use that information to drive the digital ADC_DelSig_1_StartConvert();
phase modulation. The firmware (Figure 28) is the link /* Loop forever here */
between the ADC and PSFB. The firmware conditions the for(;;)
data, limiting its range and truncates the unused bits from {
the ADC, before writing it to the PSFB. int16 val;

/* Grab the analog data */

A small amount of logic is used to mix the phase val = ADC_DelSig_1_GetResult16();
information back to pulse-width modulation to drive an
LED. There is no practical reason to do this other than to /* Limit the data to 0 < X < 16383 */
demonstrate modulation is working on the demonstration if (val < 0) {val = 0;}
else if (val > 16383) {val = 16383;}
board without the need of an oscilloscope. Thus, when
wired, the LED dims and brightens when the modulation is /* Put the upper 8-bit value on the
changed (via the POT). phase-shifted full-bridge */
PSFB_1_WriteCompare(val >> 6);


Figure 29. PSFB Modulation with No External Modulation Source

Results Figure 30. Modulation Results, Less Shift

Figure 30 shows an example with relatively small shift,
and Figure 31 shows an example with relatively large shift.
In a typical application such as the design shown in
Figure 1 the high phase shift would result in a higher
output voltage.

small phase shift

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Figure 31. Modulation Results, More Shift Project Example 2 – Analog PSFB
This project is almost exactly the same as Project 1; it is
altered slightly to show analog modulation. The details of
analog pulse-width modulation are described in Analog
Modulation Source on page 7; the modulation technique is
the same and is shown in Figure 32. In this case the POT
is used as in Project 1 to set the phase shift. The LED is
large phase shift also driven to show modulation in operation without a
scope. The LED varies in brightness based on the phase.
Note that there is no active code in this project other than
initialization. The operation is entirely hardware based.
Figure 32. Analog PSFB Modulation

Results Figure 34. Modulation Results, More Shift

Increasing the potentiometer output voltage increases the
phase and moves the slave pair gate drive signals
accordingly. The LED connected to P1_2 changes its large phase shift
brightness accordingly. Figure 33 and Figure 34 show the
outputs of the modulator as well as the RAMP, VREF,
SOF, and SOP signals noted in Figure 32.

Figure 33. Modulation Results, Less Shift

small phase shift

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Digital Programmed Delay Generation on page 9.

Project Example 3 - PSFB Modulation with
Delay The code functionality is the same as in Project 1 (except
for some initialization of the delay logic). The POT voltage
This project is the same as Project 1; however, the design
is sampled by the ADC and is used to set the phase shift.
is expanded to include digital delay for each drive signal
The LED is also driven to show modulation in operation
out of the PSFB, as Figure 35 shows. In this case the
without a scope. The LED varies in brightness based on
delay is introduced using one-shot triggered PWM
the phase.
Components as described in

Figure 35. Digital Modulation with Programmed Delay

Results Figure 36. Modulation Results, Less Shift

Figure 36 shows an example with relatively small shift,
and Figure 37 shows an example with relatively large shift.
Notice that the programmed delay is quite apparent. delay

small phase shift

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Figure 37. Modulation Results, More Shift Project Example 4 – Interleaved PSFB
This project is also similar to project 1; however, the
design is expanded to show a dual PSFB design with the
bridges running interleaved, as Figure 38 shows.
Again note that the code functionality is the same as in
Project 1, except for initialization for the extra logic
modulating two bridges. The POT voltage is sampled by
large phase shift
the ADC and is used to set the phase shift for both
bridges. The LED is also driven to show modulation in
operation without a scope. The LED varies in brightness
based on the programmed phase with the POT.
Figure 38. Schematic Layout for Interleaved PSFB

Results Figure 40. Modulation Results, More Shift

Figure 39 and Figure 40 show the phase-shift modulation
for this design. The distinction here is that two bridges are
being driven. Notice that the phase relationships between large phase shift
the bridges; they are interleaved.

Figure 39. Modulation Results, Less Shift

large phase shift

small phase shift

small phase shift

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Conclusion About the Authors

PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP are amazingly capable devices Name: Ross Fosler
with a wide degree of flexibility. The flexibility crosses both
digital and analog. It is this flexibility that gives PSoC Title: Member of Technical Staff Applications
leverage in some Power Applications. Engineer

This application note showed how to build a phase-shift Background: Ross is an Electrical Engineer with
full-bridge modulator using the resources available in several years experience designing
PSoC. The resource usage spans both the digital and digital controls and embedded
analog capability of PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP. In addition firmware for numerous applications.
the idea of controlling the PSFB is approached. His technical interests are Real-Time
Embedded Processing, Control
Theory, and Power Electronics.
Contact: [email protected]

Name: Srinivas NVNS

Title: Staff Systems Engineer
Background: Srinivas is an electrical engineer with
background in power electronics,
control systems and embedded
firmware. He is currently working on
power applications using PSoC.
Contact: [email protected]

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Appendix A: Using the PSFB Component in Your Project

To add the PSFB component to your project, you must Figure 42. Adding a User Dependency
add it as a dependency. To do this, right-click on the
project’s name in Workspace Explorer of the PSoC
Creator window. Select the Dependencies option in the
pop-up menu, as shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41. Select Dependencies Option

Navigate to the folder containing the library where the

PSFB component resides. In this case, it is in the folder
PSFB.cylib. Select the file PSFB.cyprj, as Figure 43

Figure 43. Select the PSFB Component

When the Dependencies dialog opens, click the folder icon

for User Dependencies, as shown in Figure 42.

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After the PSFB component is added to the project, you will After the component is added to the project, it will appear
see it in the Dependencies tab, as Figure 44 shows. in the Component Catalog of PSoC Creator, as Figure 45
shows. It will be listed in the Appnote tab under Appnote
Figure 44. PSFB Component Added to Project Component Catalog/AN76439 entry.

Figure 45. PSFB Component in the Catalog

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Document History
Document Title: AN76439 - PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP - Phase-Shift Full-Bridge Modulation and Control
Document Number: 001-76439

Revision ECN Orig. of Submission Description of Change

Change Date

** 4009565 SNVN 05/28/2013 New application note

*A 5704113 AESATMP9 04/20/2017 Updated logo and copyright.

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