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International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 537

Original Article

Usage of Aromatherapy in Symptom Management in Cancer Patients:

A Systematic Review

Baykal Dilek, PhD

Assistant Professor, Halic University, School of Nursing. Istanbul, Turkey
Comlekci Necmiye
Research Assistant, Bartin University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing. Bartin, Turkey
Correspondence: Baykal Dilek, Assistant Professor. Halic University, School of Nursing. Istanbul, Turkey
e-mail: [email protected]

Background: Several symptoms caused by the disease itself and the treatments that are provided may be
observed in cancer patients. It is important to eliminate or minimize these symptoms.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to investigate usage of aromatherapy practices in cancer patients for
symptom management.
Methods: For the last 5 years (2014-2019), the keywords “cancer”, “pain”, “anxiety”, “depression”, “sleep
management”, “aromatherapy” and “nausea and vomiting” were searched on the “PUBMED”, “CINAHL”,
“Google Scholar” and “Web of Science” databases, and a total of 72 studies were reached. It was found that
twelve of these studies were on usage of aromatherapy in symptom management in cancer patients, and these
studies were examined.
Conclusion: It was observed in the reviewed studies that aromatherapy practices were utilized as a safe method
in symptom management in cancer patients. Whether topically or in form of inhalation, aromatherapy is used in
management of patient’s pain, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, nausea and vomiting and improvement of
their general health status.
Keywords: aromatherapy, symptom management, cancer patients

Introduction They are most frequently used in the form of

inhalation (direct or by diffusion) and topical
Cancer has a high incidence rate among non-
application. When aromatherapy is applied in the
contagious diseases in developed and developing
form of inhalation, it does not show its effect
countries. Patients may experience several
only due to the smell of the oil. The physiological
symptoms such as pain, dyspnea, fatigue and
and psychological effects created by scents in the
depression. While these symptoms may be
body are also utilized.
related to the disease itself, they may also emerge
in relation to the treatment that is provided to the Additionally, scent molecules affect the limbic
patient. Taking symptoms under control in cancer system of the brain, and the heart rate, blood
patient helps improvement of their quality of life pressure, respiratory rate, memory and hormones.
(Guleser, et al. 2012). Aromatherapy entered the Furthermore, the amygdala, which is found in the
history of medicine 5000 years ago as a result of limbic system, is activated in cases of fear, anger
obtaining volatile oils based on distillation of and emotional trauma, and it reanimates or
herbs in the Middle East and Egypt (Ozpolat, et reminds emotional memories. In topical
al. 2018). Today, with the increase in the application, oils are applied through massaging,
popularity of complementary medicine, mild rubbing or spraying. In this process,
aromatherapy has been used frequently for non- essential oils show their effects by being
pharmacological symptom management in cancer absorbed by the circulation and nervous systems.
patients. Essential oils that are used in However, many people have concerns about the
aromatherapy reduce certain physical and idea that massage would lead to metastasis of the
psychological symptoms and provide relaxation. tumor by increasing blood circulation. No
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 538

evidence has been found to confirm the accessed, and 13 were excluded as their samples
reasonability of these concerns. Attention should and the interventions they applied were not
be paid only the pressure to be applied with the clearly explained. The results of 11 studies were
massage to prevent complications related to examined in this systematic review (Figure 1).
patients with bone metastases (Singh &
The results of 11 studies that were published in
Chaturvedi, 2015).
the last 5 years within the period of 2014-2019
Aim of the study: The purpose of this systematic were examined. Table 1 shows the information
review is to compare different aromatherapy on the reviewed studies regarding their authors,
practices and different methods of applying these year, objective, design, intervention that is
in management of symptoms that are seen in applied and results. From the reviewed studies, it
cancer patients. Additionally, with this systematic is understood that aromatherapy practices were
review, it will be possible to define (1) for applied in different forms and to manage
management of which symptoms in cancer different symptoms in cancer patients.
patients aromatherapy practices are utilized, (2)
Aromatherapy is a non-pharmacological method
essential oils used in aromatherapy for cancer
that aims to make it easier for the patient who
patients and (3) the methods of applying the
encounters life-threatening diseases to cope with
essential oils that are used.
the problems they experience due to the disease
Methodology: The systematic review utilized the that is encountered or the treatment that is
PRISMA guide ( received. In this method that utilizes essential Access date: 20.05.2019). For oils, the problems of the patient are dealt with in
the last 5 years (2014-2019), the keywords a holistic approach, and it is aimed to increase
“cancer”, “pain”, “anxiety”, “depression”, “sleep quality of life.
management”, “aromatherapy” and “nausea and
In the literature, it is seen that aromatherapy in
vomiting” were searched on the “PUBMED”,
cancer patients has been applied for the purposes
“CINAHL”, “Google Scholar” and “Web of
of reducing pain, anxiety, depression, nausea and
Science” databases, and the literature review
vomiting and increasing quality of life and
process is shown in detail in the PRISMA flow
general health status.
chart (Figure 1). Randomized controlled studies
written in the English language on aromatherapy Usage of aromatherapy in managing pain: In
practices in cancer patients were included. studies cancer patients, aromatherapy inhibits GABA
on patients with diagnoses other than cancer, (gamma amino butyric acid) and reduces pain by
those written in another language and those affecting the glutamate bonds of
whose full text could not be obtained were neurotransmitters. In reducing pain, especially
excluded. The titles and abstracts of the accessed the substance linalool that is found in lavender oil
literature were independently assessed by the is effective. Lavender oil also plays a role in
authors. Then, the entirety of the text was regulation of emotional responses, heart rate,
examined by the authors in terms of the methods blood pressure and respiration (Singh &
and explicitness of the interventions that were Chaturvedi, 2015). In a study on patients with
made. To reduce the risk of bias, the authors breast cancer, massage was applied with essential
performed the literature search and review oils to manage symptoms such as pain, anxiety,
processes independently of each other up to the depression, emotional problems, insomnia,
point of writing in this systematic review. nausea and vomiting.
Results The essential oils that were applied to 135
women in 7 massage sessions based on their
For the last 5 years (2014-2019), the keywords
preference (lavender, bergamot, lemongrass,
“cancer”, “pain”, “anxiety”, “depression”, “sleep
neroli, grapefruit, frankincense, sandal wood)
management”, “aromatherapy” and “nausea and
were diluted in the ratio of 1%. While there were
vomiting” were searched on the “PUBMED”,
no significant changes in the pain and insomnia
“CINAHL”, “Google Scholar” and “Web of
scores in comparison to the pre-intervention
Science” databases, and a total of 72 studies were
scores, it was concluded that fatigue and
reached. Among these studies, 31 were excluded
depression decreased, and the emotional statuses
for not being related to cancer patients, 6 were
of the patients were better (Clemo-Crosby, et al.
excluded as they were duplicates, 11 were
eliminated as their full texts could not be
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 538

Figure 1. PRISMA Flow Diagram

References are identified through

database search

Excluded journal (n=31)

Filtered journals (n=41)

Duplicate journal from the

database (n=6)
Full text articles (n=35)

Full text articles are excluded

(manuscript, review etc.) (n=11)
Complete text articles that are
relevant to the key words (n=24 )
Qualitative synthesis studies are
excluded (n=13)
Journal that is appropriate for
Results and
systematic Discussion
review quantitative
synthesis (n=11)
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 539

When aromatherapy was applied on a group reduce anxiety and depression for these
consisting of pediatric cancer patients, who are characteristics (Zeng, et al. 2018). A study that
more sensitive to pain and painful medical was carried out with 60 breast cancer patients
procedures, it was observed that pain decreased, compared the effects of ginger essential oil and
and the anxiety caused by medical procedures ginger smell. In the study, the patients were given
was not experienced (Jibb, et al. 2015). However, necklaces made out of Murano class and asked to
no randomized controlled trial for the use of always keep these necklaces on their neck. Inside
aromatherapy in pediatric cancer patients was the necklaces of the patients in the two groups,
found. Since randomized controlled studies on they put 2 drops of ginger essential oil and a fluid
children increased ethical concerns it was thought smelling like ginger. When they were asked to
that no studies were found in the literature. smell these 3 times a day for at least 2 minutes
even though they did not have any symptoms,
Usage of aromatherapy in managing
there was no significant difference between the
psychological symptoms: Anxiety and
two groups in terms of their symptoms such as
depression may be observed frequently in cancer
nausea, vomiting and fatigue. The explained this
patients due to the nature of the disease and
outcome with the effect of the scent of ginger in
complication of the treatments that are applied.
both groups. On the other hand, the general
Aromatherapy is utilized to reduce anxiety and
quality of health in the ginger essential oil group
provide relaxation. When massage is applied
was reported to be higher (Lua, et al. 2015). A
especially with essential oils, blood circulation
study on reduction of chemotherapy-related
increases, stress decreases, and this helps
nausea-vomiting in pediatric cancer patients
relaxation (Shin, et al. 2016).
created three groups for usage of ginger essential
If anxiety and depression are not treated, they
oil (n=10), Johnson’s baby shampoo (n=19) and
lead to disruption of sleep quality and worsening
water (n=10). They put 4 drops of liquid on a
in the general state of mental wellness
piece of cotton and placed it inside a capped
(Kandasamy, et al. 2011). A study that was
sterile urine sampling container. The double-
carried out with lavender oil and colorectal
blind nature of the study was preserved by
cancer patients applied 10 minutes of back
putting yellow food coloring inside the liquids so
massage two times before the operation and
that they would look similar. The children were
reported that the anxiety levels of the patients
asked to take 3 deep breaths from inside the
decreased, and their sleep quality increased (Ayik
container before starting chemotherapy and
& Ozden, 2018).
inhale it whenever they need to during
Usage of aromatherapy in managing nausea- chemotherapy. The 3 groups were compared 30
vomiting: Nausea and vomiting are observed minutes after chemotherapy ended, and no
prevalently in especially gynecological oncology significant change was observed in their nausea
patients due to chemotherapy or opioid usage. and vomiting. As a result of the study, it was
The taste changes the patients already have and determined that a total of 21 patients experienced
reduced oral intake due to affected olfactory nausea, and there was a decrease in the nausea
receptors may become even worse by addition of levels of 67%, worsening in 5% and no change in
nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting in 28% (Evans, et al. 2018). Other than inhalation,
cancer patients lead to problems such as aromatherapy application was also evaluated by
significant electrolyte imbalance, dehydration massaging. In a study in breast cancer patients,
and anorexia (Hamadani, et al. 2007). Because of when aromatherapy was applied through
all these reasons, the general health statuses of massaging, there were decreases in symptoms
patients are disrupted. The essential oils that are such as nausea, vomiting, pain and fatigue for up
used to manage nausea-vomiting show their to 10 weeks (Ovayolu, et al. 2014). In another
effect on the central nervous system. In the study where different essential oils (peppermint
central nervous system, the amygdala, (2%), bergamot (1%) and cardamom (1%) mixed
hippocampus and limbic system play a role in with 100 ml sweet almond oil) were used, the
processes such as recalling and memory. The patients in the inhalation group were asked to
essential oils used in aromatherapy stimulate the breathe normally for 3 minutes after putting 2 ml
central nervous system through inhalation and of oil from the mixture on a piece of cotton. In
help formation of positive emotions or the massage group, they applied Swedish
elimination of negative emotions. Essential oils massage to both feet for a total of 20 minutes
are utilized to prevent nausea and vomiting and with 2 ml of essential oil. It was reported that
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 540

inhalation aromatherapy and massage Before the intervention, they measured heart rate,
applications reduced the severity of nausea respiratory rate, SpO2, systolic and diastolic blood
triggered by chemotherapy (Zorba & Ozdemir, pressures.
While there was an increase in all parameters
Usage of aromatherapy in managing sleep when lemon oil was used in conscious and
disorders: Sleep is very important in achieving a unconscious patients, it was observed that SpO2
state of physical and psychological well-being. decreased when lavender oil was applied
Qualitative and quantitative inadequacy of sleep (Goepfert et al., 2017). However, a study with
delays the recovery and rehabilitation of patients. breast cancer patients did not find the practice to
be effective. In the aromatherapy group among
Aromatherapy is also utilized in solution of sleep
breast cancer patients, based on their preferences,
problems of cancer patients. When lavender,
one of 3 different aromatic oils of “ylang-ylang”,
peppermint and chamomile oils were applied on
“orange” and “lavender” was hanged overhead
newly diagnosed acute leukemia patients for 4
one day before their surgery. The control group
weeks in which they received intense
received no intervention. The quality of life,
chemotherapy, the authors observed that there
satisfaction and vital signs of the participants
was a decrease in symptom load (fatigue, taste
were recorded throughout their hospitalization
changes, depression, anxiety and general well-
process. No significant difference was found
being) (Lisa Blackburn, et al. 2017).
between the groups (Tamaki et al., 2017).
The aroma other than lavender oil that is used the The effects of aromatherapy were also
most frequently in management of sleep investigated in thyroid cancer patients who were
disorders is rose oil. Different concentrations of receiving radioactive iodine treatment. 1 ml of
rose oil were examined in cancer patients. The lemon essential oil and 0.5 ml of ginger essential
researchers asked the patients to apply 5 drops of oil were mixed, and a group of patients (n=35)
5% and 10% concentrations of rose oil on cotton were asked to inhale it. Distilled water was used
and inhale it for 20 minutes starting at 30 minutes for the other group (n=36).
before they go to bed, and they observed a
concentration-independent increase in sleep The patients were asked to inhale these liquids
latency, quality and nighttime sleep duration for 10 minutes during radiotherapy. When the
(Heydaridad, et al. 2019). functions of their salivary glands were measured
before and after the intervention, improvement
Usage of aromatherapy for general health
was seen in the functions of the parathyroid and
status: The essential oils that are used in
submandibular salivary glands of the participants
aromatherapy show their effect on general health-
in the group where the intervention was applied.
related functions such as heart rate, respiration,
It was concluded that, by applying aromatherapy
blood pressure and salivation by influencing the
on thyroid cancer patients under treatment of
central and peripheral nervous system
radioactive iodine, it is possible to prevent
(Hongratanaworakit, 2004). Especially bergamot,
reduction in the secretion of their salivary glands
lavender and geranium are used frequently
(Nakayama et al., 2016).
(Chang & Shen, 2011).
A study that was carried out with 3 groups that
contained conscious (n=15) and unconscious
(n=5) palliative care patients and healthy controls
(n=10) had the participants inhale 3-4 drops of
lemon and lavender essential oils applied on
surgical mask, while water was applied to the
masks in the control group.
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 541

Table 1. Studies that were included in the systematic review

Authors, year Title Aim of the Design Sample size Intervention Results
research and scope
Ovayolu et al., The effect of To assess the RCT’s 280 patients. The fragrance group was mixed with Compared to the control group, the
2014. aromatherapy effects of Fragrance lavender, mint, chamomile, jasmine, violet, symptoms of the intervention group
and massage aromatherapy group (n = rosemary and eucalyptus. were decreased. It is reported that
administered and massage 70), classical Patients were asked to smell this mixture by especially aromatherapy massage is
in different applied to massage group spraying on sterile sponge for 5 minutes, 3 effective in increasing the total quality
ways to women with (n = 70), times a week and for 1 month. of life. It was observed that
women with breast cancer in aromatherapy The classical massage group was treated aromatherapy massage was significantly
breast cancer different ways massage group with olive oil for 35 minutes on legs (15 effective in reducing the physical and
on their (classical (n = 70), minutes), arms (10 minutes), feet (5 minutes) psychological symptoms of the patients
symptoms and massage, control group and hands (5 minutes) 3 times a week for 1 due to chemotherapy in the 6th and 10th
quality of life. fragrance and (n = 70). month. weeks.
aromatherapy Aromatherapy massage group with the same
massage) on oils, the same areas for 35 minutes 3 times a
symptoms and week for 1 month massage was applied.
quality of life. No intervention was applied to the control
Lua et al., Effects of To assess the RCT’s, 60 female Both groups were given necklaces made of There was no difference between the
2015. inhaled ginger efficacy of single patients murano glass. two groups in reducing symptoms
aromatherapy inhaled ginger blind, Ginger essential oil in one part of the (nausea, vomiting, fatigue, etc.).
on aromatherapy cross- necklace, while only 2 drops of ginger smell. However, it has been reported that
chemotherapy- on nausea, over They were asked to smell 3 times a day for at ginger essential oil is more effective
induced vomiting and least 2 minutes, even if they had no than ginger odor in improving overall
nausea and health-related symptoms. health quality.
vomiting and quality of life
health-related (HRQoL) in
quality of life chemotherapy
in women with breast cancer
breast cancer patients.
Nakayama et A To investigate RCT’s Patients were Patients were asked to inhale the fluid given The parathyroid and submandibular
al., 2016. Randomized effects of divided into for 10 minutes during radiotherapy. The salivary glands showed changes in the
Controlled aromatherapy in two groups. functions of the salivary glands were intervention group. It has been found to
Trial for the decreasing Group A (n = measured before and after the intervention. be effective in preventing salivary gland
Effectiveness salivary gland 35) was mixed secretion in thyroid cancer patients
of damage for with 1 ml of under radioactive iodine treatment.
Aromatherapy patients lemon
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 542

in Decreasing undergoing essential oil

Salivary radioactive and 0.5 ml of
Gland iodine (RAI) ginger oil, and
Damage therapy with group B (n =
following differentiated 36) used
Radioactive thyroid cancer distilled water.
Iodine (DTC).
Therapy for
Lisa The effect of To determine if RCT’S 50 patients Three scents (lavender, mint, chamomile) Most patients reported poor quality sleep
Blackburn et aromatherapy the use of hospitalized were offered to the patients during the trial. at baseline, but aromatherapy had a
al., on insomnia aromatherapy for intensive Each patient was randomized to selected statistically significant positive impact.
2017. and other improves induction aromatherapy intervention to measure sleep Improvements were noted in tiredness,
common insomnia and chemotherapy quality and other common symptoms. drowsiness, lack of appetite, depression,
symptoms other common for the first anxiety, and well-being because of
among symptoms in four weeks aromatherapy.
patients with hospitalized
acute patients with
leukemia newly
diagnosed acute
Goepfert et Aroma oil To analyze the Pilot The control They allowed the participants to be inhaled Significant physiological changes were
al., 2017 therapy in reactions of RCT’s group by putting 3-4 drops of lemon and lavender reported in all three groups.
palliative care: healthy test consisting of oil on the surgical mask. Water in the control They reported an increase in all
a pilot study persons and healthy group. They measured heart rate, respiratory parameters in lemon oil and decreased
with conscious as subjects rate, SpO2, systolic and diastolic blood SpO2 in lavender oil in conscious and
physiological well as (n=10), pressure before the intervention. closed patients. Healthy participants
parameters in unconscious conscious concluded that they had different
conscious as palliative palliative care reactions from palliative care patients
well as patients to patient (n=15), regardless of their state of
unconscious aroma stimuli. unconscious consciousness.
patients palliative care
patient (n=5)
Tamaki et al., Randomized To compare the RCT’S 110 patients Patients in the aromatherapy group were They reported that there was no
2017 trial of quality of life, aromatherapy asked to choose one of three types of aroma significant difference in quality of life,
aromatherapy vital signs and group, 52 oils: ylang-ylang, orange and lavender. The vital signs and sleep quality between the
versus sleep quality, patients aroma oil of their choice was placed on the aromatherapy group and the control
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 543

conventional and the effects control group bedside from 9:00 am to 6 am on the day group.
care for breast of before surgery. Quality of life was evaluated
cancer patients aromatherapy during the hospital stay. In addition, vital
during and signs and impressions of the patients were
perioperative conventional recorded until discharge from the hospital.
periods. treatment in
periods of
breast cancer
Evans et al., The Use of To evaluate the RCT’s, Ginger aroma 4 drops of liquid cotton were dripped onto A total of 21 patients had nausea during
2018. Aromatherapy effect of ginger double group (n = the lid. chemotherapy. It was reported that 67%
to Reduce on reducing blind, 10), Johnson It is colored with yellow food coloring to had decreased nausea, 5% had
Chemotherapy nausea and plasebo baby shampoo make liquids look similar. Before worsening and 28% had no change.
-Induced vomiting control group (n = 19) chemotherapy, each child was asked to take There were no significant changes
Nausea in caused by and water 3 deep breaths through the cup and were between the 3 groups.
Children With chemotherapy group (n = 10) asked to use them as needed throughout the
Cancer: A in pediatric CT. Evaluation was performed before CT
Randomized, cancer patients. and 15 to 30 minutes after the end.
Ayik & The effects of To investigate RCT’s Aromatherapy According to the "Back Massage Guide", They concluded that the anxiety levels
Ozden, 2018. preoperative the effects of massage group aromatherapy massage was applied twice of patients receiving aromatherapy
aromatherapy aromatherapy (n=40) and using 10% lavender oil (Lavandula Hybrida) massage decreased and their sleep
massage on massage on control group for ten min. before surgery. The control quality increased.
anxiety and anxiety and (n=40) group received standard nursing care in
sleep quality sleep quality in accordance with the hospital procedure and
of colorectal patients did not apply any intervention.
surgery undergoing
patients: A colorectal
randomized surgery in the
controlled preoperative
study. period.
Zorba&Ozde The To investigate Semi- 71 patients English peppermint 2%, bergamot 1% and In the control group, nausea and retching
mir,2018. Preliminary the effect of RCT’s with breast cardamom 1% were mixed with 100 ml scores were significantly higher than the
Effects of aromatherapy Pilot cancer were sweet almond oil. intervention group. They also concluded
Massage and via massage and Trial divided into 3 Patients in the massage group received that the incidence of nausea was
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 544

Inhalation inhalation on groups. Swedish foot massage with 20-min. significantly lower in the inhalation
Aromatherapy nausea and Massage aromatherapy, while those in the inhalation group than in the massage group.
on vomiting due to (n=25), group received aromatherapy with 3-min.
Chemotherapy chemotherapy. inhalation inhalation before the second, third and fourth
-Induced (n=25) and chemotherapy cycles. The control group
Acute Nausea control received only routine treatment.
and Vomiting: (n=25).
A Quasi-
Pilot Trial.
Chemo- Aromatherapy To evaluate the RCT’s In the Seven essential oils (lavender, lemongrass, In the aromatherapy group, pain,
Crosby et al., Massage for effect of intervention neroli, grapefruit, bergamot, frankincense, insomnia scores did not change, whereas
2018. Breast Cancer aromatherapy group sandal wood) were applied to the emotional functions, fatigue and
Patients: A on the reduction (n=135), 6 intervention group with 1% mixing depression decreased after 6 weeks.
Randomized of symptoms appointments according to the wishes of the patients. They
Controlled (pain, anxiety, were made found that patients mostly preferred lavender
Trial depression, and they and bergamot oil.
emotional applied
problem, massage with
insomnia, essential oils.
nausea/ In the control
vomiting) in group (n=149)
breast cancer they did not
patients. apply any
Heydarirad et Efficacy of To determine RCT’s, The use of The patients were asked to inhale 5 drops of It was concluded that there was an
al., 2019. aromatherapy the effect of single rose oil in 5% and 10% drops of rose oil on cotton for increase in sleep quality, latency and
with Rosa aromatherapy blind. different 30 minutes before going to bed for 2 weeks. nighttime sleep duration in
damascena in on sleep quality concentrations aromatherapy groups, regardless of their
the in cancer was compared intensity.
improvement patients. in 45 cancer
of sleep patients. 5%
quality of (n=15), 10%
cancer (n=15) and
patients: A control (n=15)
clinical trial
International Journal of Caring Sciences January – April 2020 Volume 13 | Issue 1| Page 545

Conclusions/Recommendations: Consequently, superior serotonin receptor antagonist?. Journal of

based on the studies that were reviewed, it is seen Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 13(2), 69-75.
that aromatherapy practices have been utilized as Heydarirad G., Keyhanmehr A. S., Mofid B.,
a safe method for management of the symptoms Nikfarjad H., & Mosavat S. H. (2019). Efficacy of
aromatherapy with Rosa damascena in the
of cancer patients. Although the methods of
improvement of sleep quality of cancer patients: A
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