Frequency Distribution: Postgraduate Corner
Frequency Distribution: Postgraduate Corner
Frequency Distribution: Postgraduate Corner
Postgraduate Corner
Frequency distribution
Manikandan S
Assistant Editor, JPP
INTRODUCTION are very few, then the shape of the distribution itself cannot
be determined. Generally, 6–14 intervals are adequate.[2]
The next step after the completion of data collection is to
organize the data into a meaningful form so that a trend, if The width of the class can be determined by dividing the range
any, emerging out of the data can be seen easily. One of the of observations by the number of classes. The following are
common methods for organizing data is to construct frequency some guidelines regarding class widths:[1]
distribution. Frequency distribution is an organized tabulation/ • It is advisable to have equal class widths. Unequal class
graphical representation of the number of individuals in widths should be used only when large gaps exist in data.
each category on the scale of measurement.[1] It allows the • The class intervals should be mutually exclusive and
researcher to have a glance at the entire data conveniently. nonoverlapping.
It shows whether the observations are high or low and also • Open-ended classes at the lower and upper side (e.g., <10,
whether they are concentrated in one area or spread out >100) should be avoided.
across the entire scale. Thus, frequency distribution presents
a picture of how the individual observations are distributed in The frequency distribution table of the resting pulse rate
the measurement scale. in healthy individuals is given in Table 1. It also gives the
cumulative and relative frequency that helps to interpret the
data more easily.
Frequency distribution graphs
Frequency tables A frequency distribution graph is a diagrammatic illustration
A frequency (distribution) table shows the different of the information in the frequency table.
measurement categories and the number of observations in
each category. Before constructing a frequency table, one Histogram
should have an idea about the range (minimum and maximum A histogram is a graphical representation of the variable
values). The range is divided into arbitrary intervals called
“class interval.” If the class intervals are too many, then Table 1: Frequency distribution of the resting
there will be no reduction in the bulkiness of data and minor pulse rate in healthy volunteers (N = 63)
deviations also become noticeable. On the other hand, if they Pulse/min Frequency Cumulative Relative
frequency cumulative
frequency (%)
Access this article online 60–64 2 2 3.17
Quick Response Code:
65–69 7 9 14.29
70–74 11 20 31.75
75–79 15 35 55.56
80–84 10 45 71.43
85–89 9 54 85.71
90–94 6 60 95.24
95–99 3 63 100
A bar diagram and a histogram may look the same but there
are three important differences between them:[3,4]
All the bars need not be of equal width in a histogram (depends Figure 1: Histogram of the resting pulse rate in healthy volunteers
on the class interval), whereas they are equal in a bar diagram. (N = 63)
Frequency polygon
A frequency polygon is constructed by connecting all
midpoints of the top of the bars in a histogram by a straight
line without displaying the bars. A frequency polygon aids in
the easy comparison of two frequency distributions. When
the total frequency is large and the class intervals are narrow,
the frequency polygon becomes a smooth curve known as the
frequency curve. A frequency polygon illustrating the data in
Table 1 is shown in Figure 2.
• Measures of dispersion (range, variance, standard 2. Dawson B, Trapp RG. Basic and clinical biostatistics. 4th ed. New York:
deviation) McGraw Hill; 2004.
3. Sundaram KR, Dwivedi SN, Sreenivas V. Medical statistics principles and
• The extent of symmetry/asymmetry (skewness) methods. 1st ed. New Delhi: B.I Publications Pvt Ltd; 2010.
• The flatness or peakedness (kurtosis). 4. Swinscow TDV, Campbell MJ. Statistics at square one. 10th ed (Indian).
New Delhi: Viva Books Private Limited; 2003.
5. Norman GR, Streiner DL. Biostatistics the bare essentials. 2nd ed. Hamilton:
These will be dealt with in detail in the next issue. B.C. Decker Inc; 2000.
6. Sundar Rao PS, Richard J. Introduction to biostatistics and research
methods. 4th ed. New Delhi: Prentice Hall of India Pvt Ltd; 2006.
1. Gravetter FJ, Wallnau LB. Statistics for the behavioral sciences. 5th ed.
Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None declared
Belmont: Wadsworth – Thomson Learning; 2000.