DKEFS Sample Report
DKEFS Sample Report
DKEFS Sample Report
Name: John Smith Highest Level of Education (years): 12
Examinee ID: 1111 Date Tested: 12/31/02
Examiner: Jane Jones Date of Birth: 12/31/70
Sex: Male Age at Testing: 32 Years 0 Month
School: Handedness: Not Specified
Referral Source/Reason for Referral/Presenting Complaints
Dr. Joseph Brown
head injury (primarily frontal & left-temporal)
poor decision-making ability, impulsiveness, risk-taking behavior
Attitude Toward Testing
cooperative and polite
Physical Appearance
Visual/Auditory/Motor Problems
none reported
Language Background
Diagnostic History
Dx w/ADHD in adolescence
Current Medications
Raw Scaled
Score Score
Primary Measure: Completion Times
Condition 1: Visual Scanning 18 11
Condition 2: Number Sequencing 20 13
Condition 3: Letter Sequencing 29 11
Condition 4: Number-Letter Switching 35 14
Condition 5: Motor Speed 30 10
Sum of Composite
Scaled Scaled
Scores Score
Primary Combined Measure: Completion Times
Combined Number + Letter Sequencing 24 13
Scaled Contrast
Score Scaled
Difference Score*
Primary Contrast Measures: Completion Times
Switching vs Visual Scanning 3 13
Switching vs Number Sequencing 1 11
Switching vs Letter Sequencing 3 13
Switching vs Combined Number + Letter Sequencing 1 11
Switching vs Motor Speed 4 14
*A low or high contrast scaled score may reflect different cognitive problems; see examiner's manual.
Raw Cumulative
Score %ile Rank
Optional Measures: Error Analysis
Omission Errors: Condition 1 (Visual Scanning) 0 100
Commission Errors: Condition 1 (Visual Scanning) 1 2
Sequencing Errors: Condition 2 (Number Sequencing) 0 100
Sequencing Errors: Condition 3 (Letter Sequencing) 0 100
Sequencing Errors: Condition 4 (Number-Letter Switching) 0 100
Set-Loss Errors Condition 2 (Number Sequencing) 0 100
Set-Loss Errors Condition 3 (Letter Sequencing) 0 100
Set-Loss Errors Condition 4 (Number-Letter Switching) 0 100
Time Discontinue Errors: Condition 2 (Number Sequencing) 0 100
Time Discontinue Errors: Condition 3 (Letter Sequencing) 0 100
Time Discontinue Errors: Condition 4 (Number-Letter Switching) 0 100
Time Discontinue Errors: Condition 5 (Motor Speed) 1 3
All Error Types: Condition 4 (Number-Letter Switching) 0 12 *
*Scaled Score.
Letter Category
Category Total
Fluency Fluency Scaled
Switching Raw
Raw Raw Score
Raw Score Score
Score Score
Optional Measures: Conditions 1-3 Combined
First Interval: Total Correct 12 13 6 31 7
Second Interval: Total Correct 10 9 5 24 10
Third Interval: Total Correct 5 6 3 14 7
Fourth Interval: Total Correct 4 6 3 13 8
Set-Loss Errors 1 1 0 2 10
Repetition Errors 0 0 0 0 12
Total Responses (Correct + Incorrect)* 31 35 17 83 _
*Note: Some Repetition Errors are coded also as Set-Loss Errors; each double-coded error counts as only one response for the Total Responses
Percent Scaled
Raw Score Score
Percent Set-Loss Errors 2 10
Percent Repetition Errors 0 13
Category Switching: Percent Switching 88 10
Raw Scaled
Score Score
Primary Measures
Condition 1 Filled Dots: Total Correct 18 17
Condition 2 Empty Dots Only: Total Correct 15 13
Condition 3 Switching: Total Correct 12 14
Sum of Composite
Scaled Scaled
Scores Score
Sum of Composite
Scaled Scaled
Scores Score
Primary Combined Filled + Empty Dots Measure
Combined Filled + Empty Dots: Total Correct 30 15
Scaled Contrast
Score Scaled
Difference Score*
Primary Contrast Measure
Switching vs Combined Filled + Empty Dots -1 9
*A low or a high contrast scaled score may reflect different cognitive problems; see examiner's manual.
Condition Condition
1 2 Total Total
Condition 3
Filled Empty Switching Raw Scaled
Dots Dots Only Score Score
Optional Measures
Total Set-Loss Designs 1 0 0 1 13
Total Repeated Designs 0 0 1 1 13
Total Attempted Designs* 21 19 17 57 19
*Note: Some Repetition Errors are coded also as Set-Loss Errors; each double-coded error counts as only one response for the Total Attempted
Design Measure.
Percent Design Accuracy 79 8
Scaled Contrast
Score Scaled
Difference Score*
Optional Contrast Measures: Completion Times
Inhibition/Switching vs. Color Naming 3 13
Inhibition/Switching vs. Word Reading 2 12
*A low or a high contrast scaled score may reflect different cognitive problems; see examiner's manual.
Cor. Uncor. Total Total
Cor. Errors Errors
Errors Errors Errors Errors
Cum. Freq. Cum.
Raw Raw Raw Scaled
Rank Freq.
Score Score Score Score
Optional Measures: Error
Cond. 1: Color Naming 1 _ 0 _ 1 18 *
Cond. 2: Word Reading 0 _ 0 _ 0 100 *
Cond. 3: Inhibition 1 20 0 100 1 10
Cond. 4: Inhibition/Switching 0 100 0 100 0 12
*Cumulative Percentile Rank
Sum of Composite
Scaled Scaled
Scores Score
Combined Conditions 1 + 2
Combined Description Score 20 10
Scaled Contrast
Score Scaled
Difference Score*
Contrast Measure: Sort Recognition Versus Free Sorting Description Score
Sort Recognition versus Free Sorting -4 5
* A Low or high contrast scaled score may reflect different cognitive problems; see examiner's manual.
Raw Scaled
Score Score
Percent Sorting Accuracy 85 10
Cum. Sort Attempted
Time: Both Sorts Ratio
Sets Total Total Score*
Raw Score Raw Score
Time-Per-Sort Ratio 352 13 27 7
* A Low or high ratio scaled score may reflect different cognitive problems; see examiner's manual.
Condition Condition
1: Free 2: Sort Combined Scaled
Sorting Recog. Raw
Total Total Score
Combined Conditions 1 + 2: Description Measures (Optional)
Combined Description Score: Verbal Rules 13 17 30 10
Combined Description Score: Perceptual Rules 16 17 33 7
Combined No/Don't Know Responses 2 3 5 12
Combined Noncredit Descriptions 0 2 2 10*
Combined Overly Abstract Descriptions 1 0 1 24 *
*Cumulative Percentile Rank
Sum of Composite
Scaled Scaled
Scores Score
Combined Incorrect Descriptions 19 9
Total Cum.
Raw %ile
Score Rank
Combined Repeated Descriptions 1 23
Raw Scaled
Score Score
Primary Measures
Total Consecutively Correct 38 16
Optional Measures
Consistently Correct Ratio 90* 8
*Percent Raw Score
Tower Test
Primary Measure
Total Achievement Score 15 9
Total Cum.
Raw %ile
Score Rank
Optional Measures
Total Rule Violations 2 20
Ratio Scaled
Score Score
Mean First-Move Time* 7 8
Time-Per-Move-Ratio* 2 12
Move Accuracy Ratio* 2 8
Rule-Violations-Per-Item Ratio 0 11
*A low or a high ratio scaled score may reflect different cognitive problems; see examiner's manual.
Total Scaled
Raw Score
Optional Measures: Free Inquiry
Common Proverb Achievement Score: Free Inquiry 18 11
Uncommon Proverb Achievement Score: Free Inquiry 11 13
Accuracy Only Score 9 8
Abstraction Only Score 8 4
No/Don't Know Responses 2 12*
Repeated Responses 0 100*
*Cumulative Percentile Rank
Optional Measures: Multiple Choice
Common Proverb Achievement Score: Multiple Choice 16 11
Uncommon Proverb Achievement Score: Multiple Choice 8 12
Total Correct Abstract Choices 8 100
Total Correct Concrete Choices 8 100
Total Incorrect Phonemic Choices 0 100
Total Incorrect Unrelated Choices 1 7
Total Incorrect Phonemic + Unrelated Choices 1 18