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С.Ю. Кот
О.О. Анікіна-Лопакова

з практики усного та писемного мовлення
англійської мови

Миколаїв 2015
Unit 1. Leisure.................................................................................................. 3

Unit 2. Sports................................................................................................... 29

Unit 3. Theatre.................................................................................................. 49

Unit 4. Choosing a Career............................................................................... 68

Unit 5. A Question of Health........................................................................... 95

Unit 6. Geography............................................................................................ 117

Unit 7. On the Move........................................................................................ 129

Unit 8. Britain and the British. Ukraine and the Ukrainians........................ 155

Appendices...................................................................................................... 166

Word list. Unit 1. Leisure................................................................................ 192

Word list. Unit 2. Sports.................................................................................. 194

Word list. Unit 3. Theatre................................................................................ 197

Word list. Unit 4. Choosing a Career............................................................. 199

Word list. Unit 5. A Question of Health.......................................................... 202

Word list. Unit 6. Geography.......................................................................... 205

Word list. Unit 7. On the Move....................................................................... 207

Word list. Unit 8. Britain and the British. Ukraine and the Ukrainians....... 210


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V ocabulary and S
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1. Look at the list of activities and choose 10 that y St lt,
you enjoy doing at the weekend most of all. Speak with a
partner using the expressions in the box and compare your lists.
Do you share any activities?
Expressing likes: Expressing Indifference Expressing dislikes:
• I don’t like…
• I like… • It doesn’t matter to me. • I dislike...
• I love... • I couldn’t care less. • I hate…
• I adore… • I don’t care. • I abhor…
• I’m crazy about… • It’s all the same to me. • I can’t bear...
• I’m mad about… • It makes no difference to • I can’t stand…
• I enjoy… me. • I detest...
• I’m keen on… • I loathe...
• I’m fond of... • I can’t put up with…
• I don’t mind... • I’m sick of…
• I fancy... • … make(s) me mad.
• … drive(s) me crazy.
• … annoy(s) me.
‰‰ collecting ‰‰ going to the zoo
‰‰ cooking ‰‰ having a party
‰‰ dancing ‰‰ listening to music
‰‰ doing jigsaw puzzles ‰‰ painting
‰‰ drawing ‰‰ playing a musical instrument
‰‰ eating out ‰‰ playing board games
‰‰ exercising/playing a sport/doing yoga ‰‰ playing cards/dice
‰‰ fishing ‰‰ playing chess/ draughts (checkers)
‰‰ gardening ‰‰ playing computer games/video games
‰‰ going dancing ‰‰ practising arts and crafts
‰‰ going on a picnic ‰‰ reading
‰‰ going out/downtown ‰‰ rollerblading
‰‰ going shopping ‰‰ sculpting
‰‰ going to a ball game/match ‰‰ singing
‰‰ going to a concert ‰‰ surfing the internet
‰‰ going to an amusement park ‰‰ taking photographs
‰‰ going to the beach/seaside ‰‰ visiting friends/socializing/hanging out
‰‰ going to the cinema/theatre/museum/ ‰‰ watching a movie
art gallery ‰‰ writing a diary
‰‰ going to the park
2. How do you spend your free time? Write a list of things you do at leisure
weekly into three columns: always/almost always; often/usually; seldom/
sometimes. Are there any activities you would like to practice more often?
always/almost always often/usually seldom/sometimes
♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦
♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦
♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦
♦♦ ♦♦ ♦♦

3. Complete each sentence with one word:
To start/ to take up a hobby
1. I got __________ in fishing when I was To get involved/ to get interested in
10 years old. To choose/ to decide on a hobby
2. My mother is _________ about watching To change one hobby for another
soap operas – she can’t live a day without To give up/ to drop a hobby
3. Being a schoolgirl Rachel __________ up photography.
4. My best friend is __________ on reading novels about vampires.
5. Since childhood he _________ a lot of hobbies for other ones.
6. Tina is ___________ of painting, and, I must confess, she does it professionally.
7. I __________ collecting mode car since I have no place to keep them.
8. Tim __________ on doing jigsaw puzzles as his new hobby.
9. I don’t __________ jazz music, but I won’t go to this concert – it’s too expensive.
10. My sister can’t __________ cats – she crosses the street whenever she sees
4. Paraphrase the sentences using the word given in brackets:
1. I hate this song – please turn it off! (STAND)
2. I think reggae music is OK. (MIND)
3. They’d rather go fishing than hunting. (PREFER)
4. Erica enjoys writing poems. (KEEN)
5. Their father is interested in science fiction. (FOND)
6. They hate going shopping. (BEAR)

!!! When you have something in common with another person, you can
use expressions like “So (do/ am/ etc.) I.” or “Neither (do/ am/ etc.) I”.

5. Agree with the following sentences:

1. I detest vacuuming!
2. I can’t stand people who brag about the fact that they have too many hobbies.
3. I’ve given up sports entirely.
4. I adore his style of painting.
5. I haven’t decided on a new hobby yet.
6. I’m crazy about Rolling Stones!
7. I didn’t use to be fond of embroidering at school.
8. Fishing is boring for me - I can’t bear it.
9. I’m not keen on collecting stamps any more.
10. I didn’t enjoy playing draughts till last year.
6. With a partner discuss the hobbies that people in your family/ your friends
have. Are there any unusual/ strange ones? Report to the whole group.

7. Competition: Using active vocabulary from the unit, talk about your hobby
(or hobbies) and the story how you took it up during 1 minute. The person who
uses the most number of new expressions from the unit wins.

Reading and Vocabulary
8. Skim through the text and match the paragraphs with their headings.
How to Fill Your Free Time With Useful Things
Edited by Karm, Flickety, Ellen Etc., Nicole Willson and 39 others
Lots of free time might come about through change of lifestyle, retirement,
career changes, having your kids leave home, or graduating from school
or college. Filling your free time with useful pursuits is a way of increasing
your creativity, energy, enthusiasm, and sense of fulfillment from life. Using
free time productively can help you to overcome the inability to relax because
you’re scared of «just doing nothing». And ultimately, using free time in a way that feels
beneficial to you will ensure that you feel well-rounded, engaged fully in life, and very much a
productive human being. In this article, you’ll have the chance to explore various ways of filling your
free time with useful and fulfilling activities.
a. Focus on your spirituality. 1. ________________________
b. Get friendly. Free time will only become useful
c. Turn  cooking  and  gardening  into joys to you if you’ve focused on how
instead of chores. you’d like to use it. Simply expecting
d. Learn for the sake of learning. 
e. Indulge your hobby or pastime. free time to turn productive, creative,
f. Make a plan for your free time. or fulfilling won’t bring it about
g. Guard your free time from unnecessary because you haven’t thought about
stressors. the process needed to fill that time
h. Change your approach to media usage.  effectively.
i. Expand your comfort zone.
2. _________________________
3. _______________________________ If you want your free time to be
A great way to use free time usefully is to truly useful, don’t allow non-free time
discover new things. By stepping beyond things to bleed into it. The reason for
your usual comfort zone, your free time this is that your free time is needed to
becomes a journey of self-discovery and refresh you and improve your energy,
helps you to grow. Moreover, it helps you to your creativity, and your sense of
stay interested by sparking your curiosity and self. If you let the usual mundane
broadening your awareness. Try new things activities of everyday life creep into
that you’ve always wanted to try but made your free time under the pretense
excuses for not doing. Write down the things of being «useful», you won’t gain
that excite and energize you. Consider some anything from your free time and
of the following hobbies that you can get you will have very loose boundaries
started on your own: teaching yourself a new between free time and the rest of
computer programming language, learning a your time. Some of the things that
new foreign language, writing a book/short it is suggested you don’t do during
story/play, making jewelry, graphic designing, free time include your usual work or
amateur photography, learning a new type of chores, answering emails and voice
dancing (pole dancing, belly dancing, zumba, messages, watching TV, constant
tap, jazz, etc.), cooking or action (free time needs to include
baking, teaching private some spaces for daydreaming
classes on something you and reflection), and playing with
already love doing. electronics if you tend to lose your
sense of time with «gamer brain».

4. _________________________________________________
Turn off the TV and leave it out of your free time. Think about creative
ways to use media in your free time instead. The Internet can provide
you with ample opportunities for creating informative messages
that you’d like to share with the world. How about taking a video that
highlights something you’re passionate or concerned about, and then
setting it free on YouTube? Or perhaps you can write some poems or short stories,
and add them to an online portfolio. Or if you’re passionate about fashion, piece
together some eye-catching pieces, find a model, and create your own fashion blog.
Maybe music is more your thing and you’d like to compose a song and share it with
people online.
5. _____________________________ 6.____________________________
School, college, university, and Free time is an excuse
continued learning on-the-job are to get fully involved in
usually focused on getting us into gainful doing something that you
employment. Sometimes learning for the consider to be a hobby
sake of learning is lost underneath all the or pastime. Hobbies are useful because
deadlines, necessities for grades, and they give you the opportunity to expand
fears of keeping jobs. Learning within free knowledge, improve skills, and to be
time can be free of these constrictions focused, diligent, and switched on. Be sure
and can be completely different from our to reach out to others in the same hobby
chosen professional path in life, free from so that you can connect, share ideas, and
the usual reason of honing skills to a brag. This is one area where showing off
specific job or promotion. Always fancied now and then does no harm provided it’s
yourself getting involved in archaeology, all in good fun and you return the favor
ballroom dancing, jewelry making, by complimenting the efforts of others in
wilderness first aid, or hang-gliding? your hobby, too. Even within one hobby,
This type of learning may be beneficial there are many roads to take to keep
because it increases your ability to yourself occupied. For example, art and
understand the world better. It also allows craft is filled with ideas for possible hobby
you to «think outside the box» and come angles; within painting alone you could
up with new, creative solutions to your investigate acrylics, enamel, encaustic
everyday activities. (wax), frescos, gouache, inks, oils, heat-
set oils, water miscible oils, pastels and
7. __________________________ dry pastels, oil pastels, pastel pencils,
These two activities can be a burden or spray paint graffiti, tempera, watercolor,
a major source of therapeutic unwinding sketching.
and inner joy; it really depends on how 8. __________________
you approach them. Giving yourself free Free time is the perfect
time to explore them will open up the time for all things spiritual
possibilities for seeing them because you give yourself the space to
as useful and enjoyable things unwind, reflect, and think about the bigger
to do in place of a chore. picture and life’s purpose.
Learn to meditate. Sit quietly for 20
9. _______ Finally, but most importantly, minutes and breathe naturally. Count your
don’t hide yourself away all the time when breaths, up to 10, then start over again.
it comes to free time. Reach out to others The idea is to have something on which to
and spend time with people you care focus, so that you stay holistically present
about. Schedule regular get-togethers with and don’t drift off mentally (which you will
friends, hang out spontaneously now and tend to do, by the way!).
then, and catch up with family members
you haven’t seen for a while to see how they’re doing. Even if you’re not
keen on spending a lot of time socializing, build at least a small amount
of it into your week to have a chance to share ideas, have fun, and be
re-energized through your connections.

9. Explain the meaning of the highlighted expressions.

10. Match the expressions from the text with their Ukrainian equivalents and
without looking into the text try to remember in what situations they were used.

1. to brag/ to show off a. корисне заняття

2. a useful pursuit b. відчуття реалізованості
3. to share ideas c. регулярні зустрічі
4. regular get-togethers d. закрастися у вільний час
5. to provide you with ample opportunities for e. створювати широкі можливості
6. to creep into your free time f. поділяти погляди
7. sense of fulfillment g. відточувати майстерність для
8. to hone skills to h. хвалитися

11. Fill in the pronoun “yourself” where necessary and translate the expressions
into Ukrainian.
1. to give ____________ the space to unwind, reflect
2. to keep ______________occupied
3. to enjoy __________
4. to indulge __________ in the hobby or pastime
5. to come ____________ up with new, creative
solutions to
6. to get ______________ involved in
7. to fancy____________
8. to be__________ more your thing
9. to be ________________ passionate or concerned about

12. Fill in the expressions from exercises 9, 10 and 11 into the next sentences.

1. She has time now to follow such useful _______ as swimming and cycling.
2. All people in our community _______ these _______.
3. Regular family _______ are really beneficial.
4. University time _______ you with _______ opportunities.
5. Do not let business _______ _______ _______ free time.
6. Only risk gave him a sense _______ _______ that made his life worthwhile
7. To be good at mountain climbing you have to _______ your _______ all the time.
8. Give yourself _______ _______ to _______ and _______
with the help of meditation or yoga.
9. Ray has enough money to _______ _______ such a
money-consuming _______ as collecting expensive wines.
10. More than 30 people were _______ in the animal rescue
11. Painting is definitely _______ _______ because it makes
me feel switched on.

12. I am really _______ and _______ about collecting stamps though some people
consider it to be an absolute waste of time.
13. If you want to feel well-rounded but have nothing to _______ about so far come
up with new, _______ _______ to make your life more useful and enjoyable.

Vocabulary and Speaking

13. Divide into two teams and without looking into the text try to name as
many hobbies and free time activities mentioned in the text as you can.

14. Use the correct form of these expressions to complete the dialogues.

to bring
to come along 1. It’s Jim’s birthday on Friday,
to get together 2. A. What are you up to
so he is _______________
to go round this evening?
on Friday night. Why don’t
to hang out (*2) B. Not much really. I might
you _________ too? You can
to have a party ____________ to see Molly
_____________ Kate, if you
to meet up and Peter later.
like. I’m sure she’d like it.
to socialize

3. A. I didn’t expect to run into you 4. A. Have you got anything special this
here. Let’s go out together sometime. Sunday?
Are you doing anything tonight? B. Yes, I have actually. I’m seeing my
B. Nothing special. I’m just second cousin Tina. We used to be very
_______________with a few friends for close, but now she lives in another city.
a drink. But we can meet on Monday. We try to _____________every couple of
months to keep in touch.
5. A. Can you tell me where Jim
________? 6. A. How’s your new job? Do you get
B. I don’t really know where and who along well with your colleagues?
he _________ with. B. Frankly speaking, I can’t fit in. I never
__________ with people from work.

15. Answer the questions.

1. Why should not people let their everyday chores
creep into their free time?
2. How do you understand the notion “a comfort
zone”? How can you expand your comfort zone?
3. Compare learning on-the-job and learning for the
sake of learning. What is beneficial about each type? Can you personally get sheer
enjoyment out of learning?
4. What is useful about being involved in a hobby?
5. How much time do you spend watching TV and surfing the Net? Do you consider
it a useful activity or a waste of time? What are the creative ways to use media in your
free time?

6. Are there any things that you can turn into joys instead of chores?
7. What do you think of meditation? Why do people meditate?
8. What part of free time do people spend with their friends? Why do they need it?
How much time do you spend socializing?
9. Suggest your own method of using one’s free time productively.

Vocabulary and Reading

16. Match the names of different leisure activities with the pictures.

1. beadwork and beading 11. macramé

2. blacksmithing 12. origami
3. candle making 13. papier-mâché
4. ceramics 14. pottery
5. crochet/crocheting 15. pyrography/woodburning
6. cross stitching 16. quilling
7. doll making 17. sewing
8. engraving 18. soap making
9. knitting 19. weaving
10. leather crafting/working 20. wood carving/woodworking



17. Fill in the gaps with the words from the boxes to find out
about embroidery and decoupage. Translate the texts.
fabrics linen painstaking
thread (×2)
hoop (×2) needle stitching (×3)

Embroidery is the art of decorating fabric or other materials, by (1) _______

designs, using thread, yarn, and a (2) _______. Hand embroidery involves (3) _______
designs by hand onto the fabric. This process is time-consuming and (4) _______, but
produces amazing results.
Embroidery as an art form can be traced back to the Iron Age. Primitive man discovered
that he could use (5) _______ to join pieces of fur to make clothes. As a natural progression,
he also discovered that the same (6) _______ could be used to make decorative patterns
on the clothes.
Though embroidery began in the dimly remembered past in different regions, there are
no variations in the basic (7) _______. The techniques have been the same since forever.
While patterns and materials change according to fashion and availability, the process of
adding the stitches remains the same everywhere.
Embroidery uses many different kinds of (8) _______ and threads. It depends
a lot on location. Silk, wool and (9) _______ are very popular in embroidery,
both as a fabric and a thread.
The most important piece of equipment an embroider needs is the embroidery
(10) _______. This is a frame which is composed of two wooden circles that
fit each other. A piece of fabric is placed in between the rings. The embroidery
(11) _______ holds the fabric flat and helps embroiders a lot.
By: Lisa Bower appreciated layer
The practice of layering objects decorate
furniture ornaments
with cutouts lathered in glue may
seem like a new craft, but the history of decoupage has deep roots.
Decoupage comes from the French word, decouper, and means «to
cut». This refers to the act of cutting paper and fabric to (1) _______ onto
various objects. The craft was used to mimic some of the hand-painted lacquered
items that came from Asia. In fact, the history of decoupage can trace its roots to the twelfth
century in China. The Chinese used the technique (2) _______ lanterns and windows,
among other objects.
Although decoupage crafts have been around for a while, they gained immense popularity
during the eighteenth century. The word was first used in France and Italy. The technique
became so popular that famous folk including Marie Antoinette enjoyed and (3) _______ its
Decoupage became even more popular during the nineteenth century.
Women who considered themselves fashionable used cutouts to dress up
screens and (4) _______ with unique designs. The craft was especially
popular with England’s upper and growing middle classes. During the
twentieth century, people would decoupage everything from their purses
to holiday (5) _______ to their dresses.

18. Find equivalents for the following words and phrases in the texts above.
1. пряжа
2. трудомісткий, такий, що займає багато часу
3. первісна людина
4. декоративний візерунок
5. різновид (варіант) чогось, зміна в чомусь
6. техніка (прийом, спосіб)
7. процес додавання стібків
8. імітувати; наслідувати
9. здобути величезну популярність

19. Complete the texts using words derived from the words in brackets.
Translate the texts.
1) A scrapbook is simply a _______ (1. to decorate) photo album
that also preserves the stories behind the photos (called journaling); it
can also hold memorabilia (tickets, certificates, letters, etc.). You might
have a family album as well as smaller theme albums for vacations,
home _______ (2. to improve) or a baby’s first year. Some
scrapbookers create an album for each family member.
Some scrapbookers put separate themes in separate books, whereas
others reserve each individual spread — two adjacent pages of a book
— for different themes. A theme can vary from a particular event, a
holiday, or what life was like at a particular moment of time. One spread,
for example, may be reserved for a birthday party, another for a _______
(3. to wed), and another for Halloween.
Scrapbooking is a hobby that has been growing in _______
(4. popular). The underlying goal is to preserve memories in
a unique and _______ (5. to create) way. A scrapbooker
starts with a book and a set of memories — usually photos, clippings,
and other small mementos — that he or she wants to preserve for the
Instead of just _______ (6. to place) photographs in a photo album,
a scrapbooker aims to capture the feeling and the mood associated with his or her
memories. Photographs are embellished with all sorts of _______ (7. addition) items
to help set the mood of a spread. Backgrounds, rubber stampings, cut-outs, die cuts,
drawings, newspaper clippings, _______ (8. to stick), cards and other flat items are
used to embellish the photographs to set the tone. When someone looks at a page in
a photo album, he sees just a few photographs; when a person enjoys the pages of a
well-executed scrapbook, he may be transported to a _______ (9. to differ) time.
2) Patchwork is a type of needlework in which pieces of small material
are sewn together to make a much larger _______ (1. to finish) piece,
such as a quilt or a skirt. While patchwork has its origins in a desire
to use up scraps of fabric or to _______ (2. work) older garments, it
has evolved into an art form in several countries around the world.
Some very _______ (3. beauty) examples of patchwork can be seen in
museum _______ (4. to collect), or in private homes, where quilts may
be passed down through several generations.
There are numerous different styles of patchwork, ranging from block
quilting to crazy quilting. Styles like block quilting are very carefully
arranged, using _______ (5. to repeat) patterns to build up a larger
finished textile, while crazy quilting is freehanded, with pieces of all
different shapes and sizes being sewn together. The finished patchwork
product may be _______ (6. far) ornamented with _______ (7. to embroider), appliqué,
and other accents, depending on the taste of the craftsperson.
In quilting, patchwork is used to make the top layer of a quilt. A layer of batting is placed
between the patchwork and a single sheet on the bottom of the quilt, or patchwork may
be used to make both outer layers. The pieces of patchwork are sewn
together with lines of thread which break the quilt up into small sections,
ensuring that the stuffing remains _______ (8. even) distributed for the
life of the quilt. In some cases, the quilting may be accomplished with
tufts which are tied off at even intervals, to accomplish the same effect.

20. Arrange the words to make sentences. Translate the sentences into
1. in / can / be / of / ways. / decorated / an / limitless /Pottery / number / almost
2. of / the / a / yarn / process / creating / fabric / is / from / using / Crochet / crochet
3. art / into / which / «folding paper», / is / folding. / the / translates / paper / Origami,
/ of / art / directly / through / creating / Japanese
4. the / is / using / objects / techniques. / craft / of / types / of / Woodworking / and /
with / wood / creating / carving / cutting / all
5. most / two / popular / and / checkers. / board games / enduring / chess / history /
are / The / and / in
21. Fill in the gaps with the prepositions below. Translate the extracts into
1) If you are looking (1) ___ a hobby that will
around from throughout
by in×2 to×3 get you outdoors, is environmentally friendly,
for ×3 of with and doesn’t take a big investment (2) ___
instruction or equipment to get started, then
bird watching may be (3) ___ you.
2) One of the earliest forms of entertainment that has lasted the test of time is also one
of today’s most common hobbies. Card games have been around (4) ___ centuries,
at least since playing cards was invented, which was somewhere (5) ___ the seventh
century, and they don’t seem to be going anywhere any time soon. The first main
group of card games is called Solitaire games, which means that they are designed
to be played (6) ___ one player. Companion card games, or card games that require
2 or more people to play, make up a majority (7) ___ the card games that are known
(8) ___ the world. These games vary (9) ___ country (10) ___ country and culture (11)
___ culture, but most of them are essentially the same game (12) ___ different names
and usually tweaked rules.
3) Coin Collecting or Numismatics as it is also known is an easy hobby to start
and get involved (13) ___. As one of the most popular and oldest hobbies it is often
referred (14) ___ as the «King of Hobbies.”
22. Translate the passages paying attention to the words in bold.
1. Candle making is not a very difficult task; however, you would
certainly like to create something that could be made a focal point in
your room. The best thing about this hobby is that in case your design
is not good, you can melt the candle and make one all over again.
Candle making will not only help you relax but once you see the result it will also give
you tremendous creative satisfaction. This hobby can be a very enjoyable
experience for anyone. The only limitation you have is your imagination.
2. Knitting is a truly unique and old fashioned hobby that is easy to
learn and yet it can take years of practice and study to master all of
the techniques. This hobby allows for you to be able to create just
about anything out of a few knitting needles and plenty of yarn to
do the job. The best thing about getting started is that you will not have
to spend much money at all and it is something that all ages can learn.
3. There are few people that don’t remember paper-mâché as
a favourite pastime and art project in school. While paper-
mâché certainly is terrific for younger children, it is also a great
medium for creating sculptures, reliefs, masks and virtually
any other type of dimensional art. Paper-mâché is definitely very
environmentally friendly and can be created completely
from recycled materials and basic household kitchen ingredients.
It is durable, long lasting, lightweight and can be finished with a variety of types of
4. Sewing can be a very useful and rewarding hobby. There
are a number of different types of sewing and they all serve their own
unique purposes. You can also choose to sew by hand or learn
to sew by machine, with each offering their own benefits
and their detractions. Sewing is seen by many as a dying art but
it can be a very relaxing and rewarding hobby, as you are able to
create beautiful masterpieces and repair clothes. Sewing can
be used to tailor clothes, create quilts, bags or just about anything. You
can even learn to decorate and personalize a variety of different items.

23. Discuss the following questions.

1. Do you enjoy hand making? Why/Why not? What do you think about craft hobbies?
2. Have you ever tried any craft hobbies mentioned above? Which ones?
3. Do you know any other craft hobbies? What are they?
4. Would you like to try any crafts/any new crafts? What would these crafts be?
5. Why do people enjoy/hate hand making?
6. What is DIY?
7. What are the easiest/the most difficult craft hobbies as for you?
8. Do you think that handmade things are useful? Can you give any examples of
such things?
9. Do you believe that handmade things are worth the time spent for creating them?
10. What is your opinion on scale model building? What
models do people usually create?
11. Do you think that a handmade present (such as
a birthday card, a piece of jewellery etc.) is better than a
present made typically by machines? Why/Why not? Have
you ever made/given/received such presents?

Watching a Video. Speaking

24. You are going to watch a video about geocaching. Before
watching, answer the questions below.
ÙÙDo you know what geocaching is? Can you guess what its main aim is?
ÙÙWhat is required for geocaching?

25. Watch the video (http://discoverahobby.com/learn/Geocaching) and say
whether the statements below are true or false. Correct the false sentences.
‰‰ The basic idea of geocaching is to go outside and locate hidden containers, called
geocaches, using a GPS enabled device.
‰‰ You can explore only far locations if you are geocaching.
‰‰ You do not have to identify an exact location of the cache because
your GPS device clearly states the coordinates.
‰‰ It is prohibited to take anything from the cache, because it should
be left for the next geocachers to find.
‰‰ You have to re-hide the cache exactly as you found it.

26. Watch the video again and answer the questions below.
1. Where can you find the coordinates of geocaches? How should you use these
coordinates to find the cache?
2. What is often the best reward in geocaching?
3. What do you have to do when you find a cache?
4. What should you do when you return from your
geocaching adventure?
5. What do you need to start geocaching?

27. Discuss the following questions.

1. Have you ever tried geocaching? If you haven’t, would you like to try it? If you
have, could you speak about your experience?
2. What do you think attracts people in geocaching most?
3. What equipment, besides GPS device, should you use for
4. What caches could be hidden?
5. What should you think about while planning your geocaching
adventure? What safety precautions should be taken?
6. What locations are not good places to hide a geocache? Think
about planting a cache legally and about permission for planting.

28. Name at least three activities that

* are useful and enjoyable * are environmentally friendly
* are beneficial * are insane, unreasonable, risky
* are mundane * make you feel inner joy
* are absorbing * make you feel focused
* are relaxing * make you feel diligent
* are boring * make you feel switched on
* are exciting * make you feel well-rounded
* are time-consuming * make you feel engaged fully in life
* are money-consuming * give tremendous creative satisfaction
* are major source of therapeutic to you

Reading. Writing. Group Work
29. Answer the questions.
1. Why do you think people keep pets? Is it difficult to keep a pet?
2. Have you got a pet or have you ever had a pet?
3. What are the most popular pets?
4. What things are necessary to consider if you want to take a
5. Have you heard of any unusual or exotic pets? Why do people choose unusual
pets? If you had a possibility, what unusual pet would you keep?
30. Read the introduction to the text ‘Top 10 Peculiar Pets That Are Legal To
Own’. Can you guess what the most popular peculiar pets are?
You’re probably familiar with all the typical categories of pet devotees. Dog and cat
lovers are so devoted to their favored species that it’s been a long-running debate
about which is the better pet, and each side makes its feeling known far and wide.
Even people with less common pets like lizards or ferrets are mostly understood for
their fanatic ways, but that’s not as unusual as it gets. But would you own a pet skunk,
donkey or cockroach? Believe it or not, there are many people who do call these
unconventional creatures their pets. Find out which ones are the most popular of
the ever-growing exotic pet trend, and learn what it really takes to care for these 10
peculiar pets.
31. You are going to read the text ‘Top 10 Peculiar Pets That Are Legal To Own’.
Before reading, make sure that you understand the words and phrases below.
• a balanced diet • to hurt inexperienced handlers
• a diet rich in sth • to lead to aggressive behavior
• friendly dispositions • to locate a vet in your area
• simple care needs • to maintain (a balanced diet)
• to accept (an animal) into the family • to make a good match for a family with
• to adopt an animal small children
• to be (not) ideal for a household with • to make a good/excellent (first) pet
small children • to need … enclosures
• to be accustomed to • to plan bonding time
• to be considered affectionate/ • to prove too challenging
entertaining/educating/tolerant/gentle/ • to recommend a diet of…
intelligent/timid/sensitive animals • to require regular vaccines/shelters/
• to be easy to care for/to train open space/diet
• to be good with children • to roam
• to be in charge of cleaning/handling • to supplement the pet’s diet with…
• to be litter-trained/low-maintenance/ • to take on an animal
odour-free/tame • to thrive on a diet of …
• to handle an animal • to trim an animal
32. Translate the words below.
bramble porcupine ferret omnivore marsupial
ivy cricket squealer rodent breed (n)
33. Work in pairs or in groups of three – four. Read the extract from the text
Group 1. Go to Appendix 2. ‘Top 10 Peculiar Pets That Are Legal To Own’.
Group 2. Go to Appendix 4. Write a short summary (3 – 4 sentences) of the
Group 3. Go to Appendix 6. extract using the plan/questions below to help
Group 4. Go to Appendix 9. you. While reading the text, you may consult the
Group 5. Go to Appendix 12. list of the words and their definitions (Appendix1)
to make sure you understand their meaning.
1. Description of the pet 3. Choosing the animal as a pet (the
♦ does it look like? main focus of the summary that should
♦ is its size? be based on the previous facts)
♦ are its peculiar features? ♦Who
♦ is this animal suitable/unsuitable
2. Caring for the pet for? Why?
♦ does the pet behave? ♦Why
♦ will it be a good pet?
♦ it need any special conditions ♦Can
♦ you own this pet if you have
(space, temperature, etc.)? children?
♦ it require any diet? ♦Do
♦ you have to adjust your schedule
♦ activities can it be involved in? to the animal’s way of life?
Can it be trained?

34. Work with other groups. Present the information you have read to your
partners. Then, join other groups and exchange the information with them to
find out the whole list of 10 peculiar pets. Use the vocabulary from Appendix 1
to help you. Discuss whether you would or wouldn’t choose these animals as
1. 3. 5. 7. 9.
2. 4. 6. 8. 10.

35. Role-play the situations. Use the phrases from the box in exercise 31.
Group 1. Group 2.
Student A. You are a teenager who Student A. You are an owner of a stick
wants to buy a pygmy goat or a potbellied insect/a Madagascar hissing cockroach
pig as a pet. Try to convince your parents and you are fond of your pet. Unfortunately,
that these animals are good for your not all your friends share your affection.
family. Explain to your friend who sees your pet
Student B. You are a father of a teenage for the first time why this is a good pet.
son/daughter. Your child wants to buy a Suggest that your friend buy such a pet,
pygmy goat or a potbellied pig as a pet. too.
Explain your child why these animals are Student B. You come to a friend and
not suitable for your family. see a stick insect/a Madagascar hissing
Student C. You are a mother of a cockroach for the first time. You can’t
teenage son/daughter. Your child wants understand your friend’s admiration of
to buy a pygmy goat or a potbellied pig this pet because you find it disgusting.
as a pet. Explain why you are against any In a polite way, explain why you wouldn’t
exotic animals. like to own such a pet.
Group 3.
Student A. You have got a sugar glider. You have to go on a business trip for two
weeks, and you cannot leave your pet alone. Convince your friend to take care of
your pet.
Student B. Your friend asks you to take care of his/her sugar glider but you have
never seen such an animal, so you don’t know any details about this animal and its
maintenance. You are not sure that you would be able to take care of the pet. Talk to
your friend and explain your point of view.
Group 4.
Student A. You are a vet. A person with a potbellied pig comes to you complaining
that the pig is becoming obese. Find out details about the animal, its maintenance
and diet. Give recommendations.
Student B. You are an owner of a potbellied pig. You are visiting a vet because
you think that the pig is becoming obese. Describe your pet’s way of life and ask for
Group 5.
Student A. You are an owner of a pet shop. You have got a lot of different exotic
pets. Give advice to the family who want to own an exotic pet.
Student B. You are a 5-year old child who has come to a pet shop to choose an
animal. You like a capybara, a skunk and a hedgehog. Convince your mother to buy
one of these animals.
Student C. You are a mother of a 5-year old child. You have come to a pet shop to
choose an animal for your family. Ask your child what he/she likes. Then consult the
owner to find out which pet will suit your family.
36. Complete the sentences using the words from the box to make the tips for
keeping a pet. How many other pieces of advice can you add to this list? Write
down your own ideas.
˜˜ aggressive ˜˜ handled ˜˜ match ˜˜ sociable
˜˜ balanced ˜˜ household ˜˜ mixes ˜˜ supplement
˜˜ bonding ˜˜ implications ˜˜ nocturnal ˜˜ to roam
˜˜ daytime ˜˜ inexperienced ˜˜ recommend ˜˜ weight
˜˜ enclosures ˜˜ low-maintenance ˜˜ regular vaccines

1. To keep your pet healthy, visit a vet at least once a year

because animals require ______ ______.
2. If you have a big animal, make sure that you have plenty of
land or space for it to ______ .
3. The ______ of such pets as fish, parrots, rodents, turtles
should be kept at the necessary temperature and cleaned out
4. ______ animals can generally make good first pets for
children, because adults can easily teach their children to be in
charge of cleaning and handling duties.
5. It’s important to maintain a pet’s ______ diet. Usually you can buy such food
______ at pet stores that are specially formulated for the animals and ______ their
diet with some kind of treats. You can always consult veterinarians, and they will
______ a diet for your pet.
6. Animals should often be ______ while they are young to adjust to humans in
general or to a particular family.
7. If an animal is capable of ______ with people, spend plenty of time handling your
pet, especially when it is young to make a connection.
8. You should be committed to regular ______ checks to ensure that the animal is
not eating too much or too little.
9. In case a pet is very ______ and is happier in a herd atmosphere, it is advisable
to adopt a pair of animals.
10. It is important to take into consideration the fact that some animals are ______
(mostly sleep all day and are up all night) and rarely adapt to ______ activities. So
you might have to adjust your schedule to plan some bonding time during odd hours.
11. Sometimes animals are not ideal for a ______ with small children because of
their sharp teeth and claws that can hurt ______ handlers. Some animals don’t make
a good ______ for a family with small children because of their ______ behavior.
Therefore, you should choose a type of pets very
12. Also, you should seriously consider the financial
______ and commitment before purchasing or
adopting a pet.

Reading and Vocabulary
37. Read the texts and match the questions 1 – 10 to the waterparks (A – F).
Some letters can be used more than once.
A. Aquatica (Orlando, Florida)
E. WaterWorld Waterpark (Ayia
B. Area 47 (Innsbruck, Austria)
Napa, Cyprus)
C. Siam Park (Tenerife, Spain)
F. World Waterpark (Alberta,
D. Tropical Islands (Krausnick,
Which waterpark … 6. … gives a possibility to try bungee
1. … was not originally built as a jumping?
waterpark? 7. …has got private accommodation
2. … gives you a chance to swim with available to rent?
dolphins? 8. … contains an indoor rainforest?
3. … can be visited along with going 9. … provides you with an opportunity to
shopping? learn surfing?
4. … is connected with mythology? 10. … gives you a chance to swim in hot
5. … cannot be visited in winter? water?
By Tamara Hinson, for CNN
Some of us are lucky enough to live within a rogue inflatable ball’s reach of the world’s
best beaches. Some of us can paddle out for a ride on the greatest waves on a whim.
For those of us who live further inland, or prefer something less salty, there are still
watery joys to be had, in the form of the world’s best water parks.
Aquatica (Orlando, Florida)
One enormous wave pool obviously wasn’t enough for the
team behind Aquatica, so they built two, side by side.
Elsewhere, the Dolphin Plunge water slide takes passengers on
a white-knuckle ride through a dolphin-filled aquarium and riders
brave enough to take on the Omaka Rocka blast down a series
of flumes and funnels. There’s a sandy beach covered with 1,360
tons of soft, white sand and South Seas-inspired gardens with
more than 60,000 species of plants. Aquatica’s gardens have 250
species of shrubs, grasses and vines. The entire park contains
3.3 million gallons of water kept at a temperature of 82 degrees.
Private cabanas are available to rent.

Area 47 (Innsbruck, Austria)

An Alpine lake is the location for this outdoor water park, which
opens from April to the end of September. This Austrian
water park is located in an Alpine lake and has five water
slides and a water catapult. There’s a separate lake area for
swimmers and children. There are water rides, a diving tower
and a hydro-speed slide. On dry land there’s a high-ropes
course, bridge swing and climbing wall.

Siam Park (Tenerife, Spain)
Siam Park is a Thai-themed water park on the island of
Tenerife. The park’s most popular ride is the 91-foot-high
(27 meters) Tower of Power, on which
riders plunge down a vertical drop
before shooting through an aquarium
filled with stingrays and sharks. This Thai-themed water park
offers surf lessons in the wave pool, which is capable of creating
waves up to nine feet (three meters) high. A lazy river and surf
lessons in the park’s wave pool offer slightly more sedate

Tropical Islands (Krausnick, Germany)

Housed inside the largest free-standing hall in the world
– the structure was originally built as a hangar for dirigibles
– Tropical Islands can accommodate 6,000 visitors a day
and has one of the world’s largest indoor pools, measuring
656 feet (200 meters) in length. Away from the water, there’s
a rainforest with 50,000 plants, a hotel and a nightclub.
An artificial beach complements
the world’s largest indoor rainforest at Tropical Islands in
Krausnick. It’s also home to Germany’s tallest water slide
tower. It’s even possible to go for a balloon ride – all without
stepping outside.

WaterWorld Waterpark (Ayia Napa, Cyprus)

Foam parties aren’t the only way to cool off in Ayia Napa.
The WaterWorld Water Park has a Grecian theme, with lots
of pillars and Trojan horse-shaped monuments. Poseidon’s
Wave Pool has Greek ruins, geysers and shipwrecks, the
River Odyssey lazy river has crumbling stone pillars and
the vertigo-inducing Drop to Atlantis shoots riders out of an
enormous Roman temple. Inspired by Mount Olympus, the thrill rides at WaterWorld
Waterpark include tube slides, whirlpool rides and a wave pool. Other attractions
include a fish spa and go-kart track.

World Waterpark (Alberta, Canada)

Located inside Alberta’s West Edmonton Mall, this is the
world’s second-largest indoor water park and has the world’s
largest indoor wave pool, with 2.7 million gallons of water.
Attractions include a looping water slide and Blue Thunder,
a bungee jump tower suspended over the wave pool. World
Waterpark has the world’s largest indoor wave pool, 17 water
slides and attractions and a 452-foot (138-meter) zip line that
runs the length of the wave pool.

38. Look through the text again and underline/write out all the names of different
attractions that you can find in water parks.
39. Work in pairs. Looking at the words and expressions that you have
written out of the text, in turns, ask each other to explain their meaning or to
give a description of an attraction.
A. What is ‘a water slide’?
B. It’s a construction incorporating an inclined smooth slope for sliding down in a
water park.
40. Look at the context in which the highlighted words and expressions were
used in the text. Match these words and expressions to their definitions.
a) a spring that discharges steam and hot water
1. on a whim b) causing or experiencing fear or anxiety
2. white-knuckle c) slow, calm and relaxed
d) causing the feeling of dizziness and fear, and of losing
3. to plunge your balance (in some people when they look down from a
very high place)
4. sedate e) having a sudden wish to do or have sth, especially when
5. to accommodate it is sth unusual or unnecessary
f) to provide enough space for sb/sth
6. geyser g) to move or make sb/sth move suddenly forwards and/or
downwards; to move or dash violently or with great speed or
7. vertigo-inducing
Reading and Speaking
41. Discuss the questions below.
1. What unusual attractions of water parks were mentioned in the text ‘12 of the
world’s best water parks’? Which of them were surprising to read about?
2. Have you ever been to a water park? Describe your experience. Mention different
types of attracions and rides that you enjoyed or disliked.
3. Do you like petrifying, white-knuckle and vertigo-inducing rides or do you prefer
more sedate activities? What attractions of water parks do you enjoy most?
4. If you had a possibility to visit one of the water parks mentioned in the text, what
would it be? Explain your choice.
5. What is an amusement park or a theme park?
6. What attractions can be found in amusement and theme
parks? Who usually visits amusement and theme parks?
7. Have you ever been to an amusement or theme park?
What was your visit like? Did you enjoy yourself?
8. Do you think that water parks and amusement parks are
risky and dangerous? Prove your opinion.
42. Scan through the text ‘The World’s Best Amusement Parks’ and find the
answers to the questions below.
1. What do amusement parks combine?
2. Where is the oldest amusement park located?
3. How many people attended the most visited park in the world in 2001?
4. Why are amusement parks big business?
The World’s Best Amusement Parks
By Christina Valhouli
You might think of amusement parks as being noisy places with overpriced food
where your kids want to drag you off to every year – and you’d be right. As any parent
knows, enduring amusement parks is as much a part of raising children as braces and
funny haircuts. The only thing you can do is suck it up and hope that at least there’s a
decent golf course nearby.
Amusement parks such as Coney Island, the pier at Santa Monica and even the
Atlantic City boardwalk have become iconic symbols of Americana because of their
blend of outdoorsy wholesomeness combined with adrenaline thrills, and unhealthy
(but tasty) fast food. But most people would be surprised to learn that the oldest
operating amusement park in the world is not American but Danish: Bakken, in
Klampenborg, Denmark, opened in 1583. The oldest in the U.S. is Lake Compounce
in Bristol, Conn., which opened in 1846, according to Susie Story of the International
Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.
Parks are a growing industry, and U.S. parks account for only 54% of the worldwide
revenue that, according to New York-based consultant Wilkofsky Gruen Associates,
totalled $19 billion in 2001. The most visited park in the world is Tokyo Disneyland,
which had over 17 million attendees last year. What makes the global success of
theme parks even more surprising is the disastrous debut of Euro Disney in 1992.
The French, as usual, practically revolted against the intrusion of American low
culture on Gallic soil. But Disney retooled the park to tone down the American-ness,
placed the emphasis on the rides and voilà.
“Disney toned down the American arrogance, and now it’s
just fun,” says Tim O’Brien, a senior editor at Amusement
Business Weekly. “They also made it more of a European
park than just a French one.” (What does that mean?
Serving wine and snails instead of Coke and hot dogs?)
Its formula worked so well that Disney just opened a
second park there.
Romania even has plans to create a Dracula theme park – not
in the count’s alleged hometown but in Sighisoara, a city that ponied up free land.
Later this year amusement parks will also be opening in such far-flung spots as Tunisia;
Guatemala; Anchorage, Alaska; and Gelendjik, Russia.
One reason parks are multiplying so quickly is because they’re big business. The
average price of a one-day ticket is around $25. Multiply that by a family of four and
add Grandma and Grandpa, overpriced food, plush-toy souvenirs, mouse ears and
perhaps a night or two in a hotel…and you’re looking at some serious dough.
But there are bargains to be found. Many parks offer package deals (with deeper
savings on their Web sites), and few people may realize that the cost of a season
pass is often just a few dollars more than the price of a one-day ticket. Now if the
parks could only do something about the lines.

43. Here is the list of world’s most famous and popular amusement parks.
Look through the list and find information about one of the parks. Then, imagine
that you are a manager of the park you have chosen. Your task is to advertise
the park and attract new clients. Prepare a presentation about the park following
the plan below.
1. General information
Include some details about the location of the park,
its size, age, etc.
2. Attractions
Speak about the main attractions of the park. Focus
on various activities for different people (children,
teenagers, adults).
3. Special features
Pay attention to the features and facilities that make this park different from other
parks. You can include pictures and video of the park to support your presentation.

’’ Blackpool Pleasure Beach, ’’ Liseberg, Gothenburg, Sweden

Lancashire, United Kingdom ’’ Ocean Park in Hong Kong
’’ Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, ’’ Parc Astérix, Plailly, France
Virginia and Tampa, Florida, USA ’’ Port Aventura, Salou, Spain
’’ Canada’s Wonderland, Vaughan, ’’ Six Flags Great Adventure and Wild
Ontario, Canada safari, New Jersey USA
’’ Cedar Point, Ohio, United States ’’ Six Flags Magic Mountain in Los
’’ Dreamworld on The Gold Coast, Angeles, California, USA
Australia ’’ Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen,
’’ Efteling Park in Kaatsheuvel, Denmark
Netherlands ’’ Tokyo Disneyland at Tokyo Disney
’’ Europa Park in Rust, Germany Resort Tokyo, Japan
’’ Everland Resort in Yongin, South ’’ Universal Studios, Singapore
Korea ’’ Universal’s Islands of Adventure,
’’ Happy Valley, Beijing, China Orlando, Florida
’’ Legoland (Denmark; Windsor, ’’ Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida,
England, United Kingdom; Germany; San USA
Diego County, California, USA; Malaysia; ’’ Wisconsin Dells in Wisconsin, USA
Winter Haven, Florida, USA)

44. In groups, make your presentations. Then

discuss the presentations.
1. What were the most interesting and unusual
2. What presentations were more convincing? Why?
3. Which park would you choose if you were going to
visit an amusement park?

Vocabulary. Listening and Speaking
Extreme places, daredevils,
heart pounding hobbies
45. What high-risk activities and extreme sports do you know? Can you say
what people are doing in these pictures?

1. 3.

2. 4.


6. 8.


10. 11. 12.



46. Try to guess what people might do if they indulge in such hobbies as

¾¾ Cave diving ¾¾ Ice canoeing

¾¾ Freediving ¾¾ Land windsurfing
¾¾ Freeflying ¾¾ Motocross
¾¾ Freestyle scootering ¾¾ Sandboarding
¾¾ Freeskiing ¾¾ Snowmobile
¾¾ Ice climbing

47. Read the newspaper pars (paragraphs) and give your characteristic to the
people described using the next words and expressions. Speak of their possible
WW a daredevil, WW a personal challenge,
WW a frightening experience, WW thrill seeking/sensation-seeking,
WW a hair-raising experience, WW insane, unreasonable, risky,
WW a heart-pounding sport, WW adrenaline rush,
WW to scream in cold sweat, WW danger for the fun of it,
WW to faint with fear, WW getting addicted to the risk of it.
WW thrilling/ terrifying/exiting/ scaring/
˜˜ As a keen young mountaineer, Edurne Pasaban made
her hobby into a record breaking profession by becoming the
world’s first woman to climb all 14 peaks over 8,000 meters.
˜˜ Austrian daredevil Felix Baumgartner
jumps from more than 24 miles above
Earth, breaking the speed of sound
before he releases his parachute.
The 43-year-old broke the record for highest jump set by Joe
Kittinger at 19.5 miles in 1960. Kittinger was in the control room
in Roswell, New Mexico, together with Baumgartner’s family.
˜˜ Martin Strel swam The Amazon.
On February 1st, 2007 he embarked on this one of a kind
swim with an escort of boats ready to pour blood in the water
just in case Martin started to get attacked by flesh eating
piranhas.He completed the swim in 66 days on April 7th.
It was also a record-breaking distance of 5,268 kilometers
(3,273 mi) and longer than the width of the Atlantic Ocean.
48. You are going to listen to the podcast with the title “Why do people do
Extreme sports?” Researchers and adventurers are discussing motivation for
high-risk activities. Predict what they might say by coming up with a list of
reasons for pursuing extreme hobbies.

49. Explain the meaning of the highlighted words and expressions which you
will meet in the podcast.
1. Big wave surfing requires courage and passionate commitment.
2. By doing bungee jumping or base jumping people are trying to push their boundaries
physically, mentally and emotionally.
3. Ordinary people consider all the expeditions set out by the adventurers and
sensation-seekers to be really daunting.
4. Risk taking means going beyond your fears.
5. A typical adrenaline junky probably enjoys intense complex music like rock and
techno and can’t stand couch potatoes.
6. Some scientists claim that skydivers and other sensation-seekers have a
subconscious death-wish.
7. Though parachuting is a heart-pounding sport, I am glad I did it, because it is
really the experience of a lifetime.

50. Listen to the podcast and match the names of the people involved into the
discussion 1-5 with who they are A-E.
A. a sport psychologist at the University of Queensland, who
1. Justin Jones and is trying to find out why people engage in extreme activities.
James Castrission B. a person who jumped from the edge of 300 foot crane.
2. Jan Lewis C. a person who is conducting a research on extreme
sports, works at Queensland University of Technology
3. Dr.Eric Brymer D. adventurers set out on the daunting expedition across
4. Glenn Singleman the Tasman Sea.
5. Elyse Denman E. a lecturer on psychology and extreme sports at Central
Queensland University
51. The quotations below belong to some of these people. Try to recollect who
said them.
When Roosevelt said
By both of us pushing our own boundaries we’ve got nothing to fear
so far physically, mentally, emotionally, all but fear itself...
those boundaries so far, we got to see what
we were capable of as well.

I couldn’t believe it; I just thought this is it. It’s not going to open. I really
thought for a couple of seconds, it is not going to open. And whack! It
was open and I looked up and there it was. And it’s so alive, so alive.

52. Listen to the podcast again and decide whether the statements are true or
1. Glenn Singleman had troubles opening the parachute when jumping from the
edge of a 300 foot crane.
2. Dr.Eric Brymer treated Glenn Singleman and made him a prime subject for his
medical research on people who jumped from the extreme height and hurt themselves
3. Dr.Brymer considers extreme sports people to be thrill seekers putting their lives
in danger for an adrenaline rush.
4. Jan Lewis and Glann Singlaman agree that those who enjoy extreme activities are
motivated people with high ambition.
5. Justin Jones and James Castrission wanted to push their own boundaries and
see what they were made of by swimming across the Tasman Sea from Australia to
New Zealand.
6. Improving technology makes X-sport a real challenge.

53. Write down the list of reasons, which make people engage in extreme
activities, given by the researchers and adventurers. Compare them with those
you came up with.
54. Get ready to take part in a debate on high-risk activities.

It’s up for debate

Topic: High-risk activities
Resolution: People involved in high risk activities are insane.
ÎÎ Select a moderator who will direct the debate. The moderator should be able
to speak clearly and keep everyone on task in a respectful manner. The moderator
introduces the resolution and gives instructions (For the detailed descriptions of the
steps, see Appendix 24).
ÎÎ Divide into two sides (teams), the affirmative team and the negative team. The
affirmative team, “pro”, supports the resolution. The opposing or negative team, “con”,
opposes the resolution.
ÎÎ In teams carry out a research on the topic. Each team develops arguments and
gathers facts and examples that support their point of view. Use the template below to
guide your research and take notes.

Reason 2
Reason 3
Students Tips for Success in Debate
1. While preparing your speech include facts, opinions, and examples.
2. Come up with at least 5 questions that you can ask your opponents during the
Cross examination.
3. Anticipate that your opponents will ask at least 5 questions in the Cross examination.
Prepare answers to them. Think of what questions you would ask if you were on the
opposing team?
4. Prepare a powerful final conclusive argument/statement which will be said at the
end of your debate. This should be no longer than 1 minute.
5.Take notes during the debate to tailor this statement to your team’s strengths and
your opponents’ weaknesses
6. When speaking use useful vocabulary (see Appendix 25).


55. How to Spend Your Summer Vacation

at Home ...
1. Imagine that you do not have a possibility to go abroad or far from
your region for your summer holidays, so you stay at home. You want
to have fun during your summer holidays. Plan what activities you would like to
indulge in. Think about activities that you enjoy and that you would like to start.
2. Pair work. Compare you plan with you partner. and discuss places you can visit
in your region. These can be sights, clubs and cafes, amusement and water parks,
countryside locations. If you know anything about your partner’s activities, give your
pieces of advice to him/her as for the place to do these activities, the equipment
needed, etc.
2. Develop you plan into a post for your Internet blog «How to Spend Your
Summer Vacation at Home» describing the places you can visit in your region
and activities that you have chosen.

56. Choose one of the topics to make a presentation.

Hobbies shape the world around us

1. Hobbies differ like tastes. Some people enjoy doing things, others making things,
collecting things, and learning things. Doing a classroom project is a hobby itself. If
you enjoy doing projects and presentations, prepare a pecha-kucha presentation on
the topic “The most unusual hobbies I’ve ever heard about”. These can be hobbies
you have found out about on the Internet or some pastime your best friend is involved
into. To find out how to make a pecha-kucha presentation go to Appendix…
2. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste, you are
lucky because your life becomes more interesting. If you have a hobby you would
like to share with your groupmates, prepare a short presentation about it. Bring
some of the objects that are connected with your hobby. These can be your pieces
of work, equipment or gear (e.g. some special trainers), etc. Think of any creative
ways to present your hobby. You may even organize a short workshop to teach you
groupmates something that you do.
Enjoy doing your project.

57. Revise the active vocabulary. Translate into English.
1. Заняття людей у вільний час залежать від їхнього характеру. Для когось
улюбленим заняттям є колекціонування різноманітних речей, хтось полюбляє
складати пазли, хтось захоплюється грою в шахи, шашки чи кості, а хтось
не проти пограти на музичному інструменті чи послухати музику.
2. Якщо Ви – відчайдушна людина і любите прилив адреналіну, Ви можете
обрати такі екстремальні види спорту як парапланеризм, стрибки з парашутом,
серфінг на великих хвилях та багато інших. Багато людей вважають такі заняття
божевільними, нерозважливими та ризикованими. Утім, якщо Ви наважитеся
спробувати стрибки з еластичним тросом (банджо) чи спуск у печеру, ці
заняття, від яких волосся стає дибки, точно стануть подією/досвідом усього
життя. Менш екстремальним, але також захопливим може бути похід в аквапарк.
Ви можете пірнати вниз із численних гірок та спусків. Ті члени Вашої сім’ї, які не
поділяють Ваших поглядів та не хочуть знепритомніти від страху на висоті,
можуть спробувати більш спокійні атракціони, наприклад, «повільна ріка».
3. Не всі люди обожнюють також хобі, пов’язані з ручною роботою та
ремеслами, оскільки вважають їх нудними та ординарними. Утім, такі заняття
як шиття, в’язання спицями чи гачком, вишивання та вишивка хрестиком,
гончарство, ткацтво є корисними (= вигідними, що приносять користь)
заняттями, оскільки їхні результати можна застосовувати. Незважаючи на те,
що ручна робота може забирати багато часу та грошей, вона дає широкі
можливості для створення прекрасних шедеврів та приносить величезне
творче задоволення.
4. Якщо Ви захоплюєтеся тваринами та хочете взяти домашнього улюбленця,
ви повинні подумати, перш за все, про поводження Вашої родини з твариною.
Наприклад, деякі великі собаки не зможуть добре підійти для родини з
маленькими дітьми. Пам’ятайте, що важливо підтримувати збалансоване
харчування тварини та відвідувати ветеринара, оскільки тварини потребують
регулярних щеплень.

Unit 2.
1. Match the sports with the
1. archery 7. high jump 14. motor racing 21. synchronized
2. boxing 8. horse racing 15. mountain biking swimming
3. cross-country 9. hurdles 16. pole-vault 22. trampolining
skiing 10. ice hockey 17. relay race 23. weightlifting
4. cycling 11. ice-skating 18. rowing 24. windsurfing
5. discus (throwing) 12. javelin (throwing) 19. shot-put 25. wrestling
6. gymnastics 13. long jump 20. snowboarding







If you are a serious sportsperson, you
practise your sport, which means you do
something regularly in order to improve
your skills and to prepare for competitions.
In other words to train. If you are a tennis
player you might practise to ace.
You can also work out at the gym, which
is to exercise in order to improve your
appearance, strength, burn off the calories.
People who do sports
-er can be used for many sports: high-
jumper, footballer, cricketer etc.
Player is necessary: tennis-player, darts-
player, snooker-player. We can also say
football-player, cricket-payer.
In some sports there are special words for
sportsmen: canoeist, cyclist, mountaineer,
jockey, gymnast, archer (not archerer)
We can also say you go to yoga,
judo, aerobics. This means that you There are two types of athletic events:
have got classes in this sport. track events are all those which take
place on the running track. All other events,
A sprint is a short race –100 meters. except the marathon, are field events.
The 800, 1500, and 3000 meter races
are middle-distance events. A long- The event when you have to hop, step
distance race is 5000 meters or more. and jump is called the triple jump.

2. Match the following activities with do, play, go, practise.

gymnastics aerobics surfing cycling
fishing sailing hang-gliding table tennis
badminton hockey archery chess
judo wrestling athletics jogging
acing taking a penalty bowls skiing
weightlifting skateboarding rugby
3. Fill in the table with the kinds of sport mentioned above.

Piece of Equipment Place where it is Sportsperson who

Kind of Sport
necessary to play it played plays it

1. golf a course a golfer

a club, a ball












4. Complete the charts with the provided kinds of sports and games. Some
kinds of sports may be used more than once.
badminton roller-skating
baseball rugby
basketball skating
boxing soccer
cricket squash
football tennis
hockey, volleyball
grass hockey wrestling

Reading and Vocabulary
5. Read the descriptions below and provide the names for different kinds of
sports and games.

5. ________ is a track and field event in which a

person uses a long, flexible pole (which today is
usually made either of fiberglass or carbon fiber)
as an aid to jump over a bar. The competitions
were known to the ancient Greeks, Cretans
and Celts. It has been a full medal event at the
Olympic Games since 1896 for men and 2000
2. Olympic________, also called Olympic- for women.
style ________, or ________, is an athletic It is typically classified as one of the four major
discipline in the modern Olympic programme in jumping events in athletics, alongside the high
which the athlete attempts a maximum-weight jump, long jump and triple jump. It is unusual
single lift of a barbell loaded with weight plates.among track and field sports in that it requires
The two competition lifts in order are the snatcha significant amount of specialised equipment
and the clean and jerk. Each sportsman receives in order to participate, even at a basic level. A
three attempts in each, and the combined total number of elite sportsmen have had backgrounds
of the highest two successful lifts determines in gymnastics, including world record breakers
the overall result within a bodyweight category. Yelena Isinbayeva and Brian Sternberg,
Bodyweight categories are different for women reflecting the similar physical attributes required
and men. A lifter who fails to complete at least for the sports.
one successful snatch and one successful clean
and jerk also fails to total, and therefore receives 6. ________ is a sport with origins back to
an «incomplete» entry for the competition. Ancient Egyptian times. It is based on propelling
a boat (racing shell) on water using oars. By
3. ________ is the art, practice, or skill of pushing against the water with an oar, a force
propelling arrows with the use of a bow, from is generated to move the boat. The sport can
Latin arcus. Historically, archery has been used be either recreational - focusing on learning the
for hunting and combat, while in modern times, technique of _______, or competitive - where
its main use is that of a competitive sport and athletes race against each other in boats. There
recreational activity. A person who participates in are a number of different boat classes in which
this sport is typically known as an «archer» or a athletes compete, ranging from an individual
«bowman», and one who is fond of or an expert shell (called a single scull) to an eight person
at archery can be referred to as a toxophilite. shell with coxswain (called a coxed eight).

6. Read the texts again. Find equivalents for the following words and phrases:

1. бій/боротьба зі списом використання лука

2. рапіра, шабля, шпага 8. перешкода
3. сутичка, змагання (у боротьбі і т.ін.) 9. довга, гнучка жердина
4. спортсмен, що відступає/відходить 10. перестрибнути через планку
5. штанга, навантажена дисками 11. стрибок у висоту, у довжину та
певної маси потрійний стрибок
6. вагова категорія 12. відштовхуватися від води веслом
7. надання руху стрілам за допомогою
7. Do the crossword. Use the words from the word box.
athlete opponent
4 8
audience outsider
competitor pushover
7 crew referee
1 14 fan rival
2 11 favourite runner-up
judge spectator
link sportswoman
loser teammate
Olympian umpire
9 13 17

5 19
2. a person or animal who seems
to have no chance of winning a
4. a woman who plays many
different sports
5. the person who makes sure
that the players obey the rules in
sports such as tennis, baseball,
and cricket
10. someone who you try to
defeat in a competition, game
11. an opponent who is easy to defeat
12. the weakest ... (in the chain) – the weakest part of a team
13. someone who makes sure that the rules of a sport such as football, basketball, or boxing, are
15. a team of people who compete in rowing races
16. the person or animal that is expected to win a race or competition
18. someone who is in the same team as you
1. someone who decides on the result of a competition
3. a person or team that does not win a competition or race but is second, or is close to winning
6. someone who takes part in a sports competition
7. a group of people who come to watch a competition
9. someone who is watching an event or game
14. someone who did not win a race, competition, fight etc
16. someone who likes a particular sport very much, or who admires a famous person
17. a person, team, or business that competes with another
19. someone who competes in sports competitions, especially running, jumping, and throwing

8. Discuss the questions.
1. Are you good at sports? What sports are you good
at? What kind of sport do you go in for?
2. Are you a member of any sports team? If not,
have you ever been?
3. Do you often play sports?
4. Do you jog more than once a week?
5. Do you think everybody should practice sports?
6. Do you think that parents are too involved in their children’s
sports activities?
7. Have you ever tried any winter sports: figure-skating/ skiing/
tobogganing/ others? Who usually likes tobogganing?
8. Have you ever been to watch a professional sporting event?
9. Do you have any famous sport team in your city? Do you
attend their matches?
10. What do spectators do at the stadiums? Have you ever
shouted for your favourite team or player?
11. What do judges do during the match or event? Why some judges are disliked
by fans?
12. What sports do you hate watching?
13. Who do you think is the best all around athlete in the world? In your country?
14. Is it good that professional sports are so commercial nowadays? Do you think
professional athletes earn too much money? Why or why not? Which sport’s
athletes do you think earn the money?
15. Does it bother you that people gamble on sporting
16. What new sports would you like to try?
17. What are some of the benefits of sports?
Fighting sports 9. Answer the questions about fighting sports.
boxing 1. Which three sports take place in a ring?
fencing 2. In which of the sports do sportsmen use gloves?
judo 3. In which of the sports can you become a black-belt?
karate 4. In which of the sports
kickboxing does a sportsman
sumo wrestling throw his opponent?
wrestling ...
I firmly believe
pinion on …
10. Name three kinds of sport that you find … I share your o
ns to believe
I have reaso
◊ the most boring
that… ur
◊ the most difficult to do s apart in o
We are pole
◊ the easiest to do attitudes to… n
er of opinio
◊ the most challenging It is a matt
◊ harmful for one’s health
◊ profitable
Give you reasons.
11. Work in groups of 3 – 4. Think of a kind of sport or a game. In turns,
describe the sport or game giving details about it (place, people, equipment,
etc.) without naming it. Let others guess the name of the sport or game.

Vocabulary. Watching a Video

12. Discuss the questions:
1. Why do you think football is one of the most popular games in the world? Why
do people play football? What is the main aim in football?
2. Do amateur footballers and professional players have the same aims?
3. Are you a football fan? Do you support any football team? Who is their coach/
captain? Is there any star player in the football team you support?
4. When did you last watch a football match? Who played? Did you enjoy the game?
5. Have you ever played football?
6. How important was it to create the general rules of football? Do you think modern
rules are fair?
13. Read the definitions and name the members of a football team.
1. someone who makes sure that the rules are followed
2. a player whose job is to move forward and try to score goals
3. players who usually play in the midfield
4. the player whose job is to try to stop the ball going into the goal 
5. one of the players who have to defend their team’s goal from the opposing team
6. someone who plays in the far left or far right of the field
14. You are going to watch the video about the history of football. Before
watching try to answer the questions.
1. What are the rules of football? What is the offside rule?
2. What is FIFA? Do you know what these letters stand for?
3. How many football teams and clubs are there in the world?
4. How many men and women play football?

15. Make sure you understand the meaning of the following expressions:
• to pick up the ball • to kick away the ball kick/a penalty
• to dribble forward the • to give (it) a free kick • to score a goal
ball • to throw the ball in • to send a player off
• to pass forward the ball • to commit a foul • to be out of play
• to handle the ball • to give/award a free
16. Give Ukrainian equivalents for the following expressions.
€€an attacker €€‘handling game’,
€€a goalkeeper (a keeper) ‘kicking game’
€€a defender €€to turn something into something
€€a midfielder €€to suit the spaces available
€€a wide player (a winger) €€to be confined to the inside of something
€€a referee €€to encourage the lawn kicking game
€€inflated bladder €€to be responsible for formulating
€€the art of dribbling consistent set of rules
17. Match the expressions with their synonyms/definitions.
1. to be devised by a. to start to exist; to appear or become known
2. to emerge (from b. to arrange laws/ rules into a system
somewhere) c. a person who has a university degree; a person who
3. to be accustomed has completed their school studies
to (the rules) d. to be formulated or invented by
e. to be familiar with something and accept it as normal
4. to codify rules
or usual
5. comprehensively f. the far distant past, esp the time preceding the Middle
accepted (set of rules) Ages in Europe
6. Oxbridge g. a field covered in grass
7. antiquity h. a private independent fee-paying secondary school(in
8. a meadow England and Wales)
9. a graduate i. the British universities of Oxford and Cambridge
10. a public school j. commonly or thoroughly approved or recognized
18. Look through the questions about the history of football. Watch the first
part of the video and note down your answers to these questions.
1. When did people first start to kick the ball and to play football?
2. Where and when did football as a game appear?
3. What historical period and what establishments is the developing of football
associated with? Where were football games played at that time?
4. What game was the basis for creating soccer rules?
5. Why are/were there 2 halftimes in the game?
6. Why was there a need to formulate the rules for football games?
7. Who was the first set of football rules (‘laws’) created by? Where did they meet to
formulate the rules? What did they call their organization?
8. How were the rules different back then?
9. What was the score of the first game of football ever played under the FA rules?
19. Summarize the history of football in 5-7 sentences.

20. Now watch the second part. Make notes of all the
footballers that are mentioned in the video and complete the
It can be a great source of national ___________________
or it can take us to the depth of _______. And it’s a modern morality play.
We spend more time discussing the fairness or not of a tackle, a ref’s decision
of an ____________ than we do on any other topic in modern ethics. It’s where
we find our modern Adonis figures, where we find ______________________. It’s
a theatre of ___________________. It can cause a riot or and be a celebration of
________________________. In Europe alone football clubs are ______________
business and then there are the ____________________________.
No other game is so discussed ________________. No other game crosses every
________. It provides a framework in which people all over the world can share
our __________________ of emotions, sport, frustration and desire. It is, as
Pele said, _______________.
Vocabulary and Speaking
21. Read the quotations and discuss the question: What does victory mean for
22. Translate the highlighted
Winning isn’t expressions.
everything, but 1. The French team won hands down.
wanting to win is. To win
without 2. Ukraine beat England 3-0.
VinceLombardi risk is 3. Nadal was about to lose.
to trium
ph witho
ut 4. Brazil national team is an extremely
Corneille difficult opponent.
5. Federer’s straight-sets win puts him
through to the semi-final.
6. What was the final score?
7. Grand slam is a major tennis
8. Torino notched up a 2-1 win at Milan.
9. Willams romped to a 12-shot win in
the Open.
10. Real was narrowly beaten by their

23. Fill in the prepositions. over, into, by, to, in, against, of, on, at

1. They stand a good chance of team.

winning ___ their league rivals. 9. Our swimmer
2. I never win ___ tennis. was beaten ___
3. She won the race ___ 40 metres. second place ___ the
4. The match was eventually won ___ American.
penalties. 10. She has a narrow
5. There are a lot of teams capable lead ___ the other runners.
___ winning the title. 11. Ferrary team is struggling to stay
6. Manchester lost ___ Chelsey.  ___ the lead.
7. We lost ___ five goals ___ two 12. This win gives the team a two-point
8. The visiting side lost ___ the home lead ___ their closest rival.

24. Complete each of the following phrases with either win or beat.
______ your rival ______ the final
______ a race ______ a medal
______ on points ______ the champion
______ a trophy ______ your opponent
______ the other team ______ the favorite
______ the championship ______ the world record

25. Answer the questions.
♦ represent one’s country
1. What medals do you win if you come
♦ pull ahead of the rest
second or third?
♦ break the world record
2. How does it look like when a team or a
♦ take the lead
sportsman gives in?
♦ get narrowly defeated/ beaten
3. What do you think of our national
♦ come first
football team?
♦ finish in second place
4. Describe a sportsperson when they are
♦ win the gold medal
pulling ahead of the rest on the field.
♦ compete in the race
5. Why breaking records is so difficult
♦ give in

26. Speak about the results of the matches using the words below.
1. Ukraine _______ four goals. * beat * lost to
2. Spain _______ two goals. * conceded * scored
3. France and Germany _______ 2-2. * drew * won
4. England _______ Italy.
5. Russia _______ Brazil 1-2. Scores
6. Argentina _______ 5-2. Football scores are said like this:
3-1 They won/lost three – one
pains. 4-0 They won/lost four – nil
n o g a in s without
There are enson
2-2 They drew two – all
Adlai Stev 0-0 They drew nil – nil

27. Discuss the following questions with your partner.

1. What makes a champion? What qualities must one have to become a champion?
2. Sophocles once said, “There is no success without hardship”. What is more
important for being a good sportsman: to be hardworking or to be talented?
3. Is stamina important for sportsmen? How can you get an amazing stamina?
4. Are you a competitive person? Does being competitive help or prevent a person
to be a good sportsman?
5. What is your attitude to aggressive players? Can being aggressive help a sportsman
to win?
6. Explain an expression “to have guts”. Is it important for a sportsman to have guts?
7. Most of sportsmen are really dedicated to what they do. How does this dedication
help them in their life?

28. Match the sports in the box with the following extracts from commentaries.
Some sports are used more than once. Translate the expressions in bold.
♦♦baseball ♦♦football 1. Real Madrid will use the £42.4 millions
♦♦boxing ♦♦sprint from the saleof 24-year-old Mesut Ozil to
♦♦car racing ♦♦tennis Arsenal to make a move for either Liverpool
striker Luis Suarez, 26, or Monaco forward
Radamel Falcao, 27, when the transfer window reopens inJanuary.

2. They certainly push a lot of players forward to pressure the ball. They are not
afraid to take a risk that there will be space at the back.
3. US Open runner-up Rafael Nadal chasing down Roger
Federer’s record wins.
4. The Mercedes motor sport director Toto Wolff is expecting the
team to rediscover the route to victory again after admitting
to taking a recent wrong turn.
5. All three referees only agreed over five rounds, including the eighth round which
they all scored 10-8 to Beltran. 
6. Brett Gardner rips a triple to center in the sixth inning, clearing the bases and
giving the Yankees a 7-6 lead over the Red Sox
7. U s a i n Bolt outran fellow Jamaican Yohan Blakein the 100-meter dash
on Sunday to capture the gold medal. The defending gold
medalist struggled out but overtook the field to finish in 9.63
seconds, the second-fastest 100 in history.
8. «At the last two races, let’s say low-down force races, I’d
say Ferrari are also now ahead of us. This is what the results
have shown us.
9. Lewis is the only men with consecutive gold medals in the Summer Games’
marquee track event.   Justin Gatlin of the U.S. earned the bronze medal.
10. Current holder Andy Murray also progressed into the
quarter finals after losing the first set of his encounter
with Denis Istominin a tiebreak, Murray went on to take the
next three sets with relative ease. Murray’s quarterfinal
opponent will be Stanislas Wawrinka.

Reading. Group Work

29. Look at the photos with three famous athletes. What do these athletes have
in common? Find the answer on the page…

The biggest doping scandals in sport history
The strange tale of Heidi Krieger is The US Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)
one for the records. East Germany had in July 2012 started formal procedures
been supplying their Olympic athletes against seven times Tour de France
with steroids for more than 20 years. The winner and professional road racing
athletes in question included shot putter cyclist, Lance Armstrong, for having
Heidi, who started to receive the injections used performance enhancing drugs.
regularly at age 16. She went on to earn Later, in August, the USADA stripped
the European championship in 1986, but Armstrong of all his wins since August
was left with all the traits of a man, after 1998 including his Tour de France
enduring long-term hormone abuse. When wins and handed him a lifetime ban
she retired in 1990, Heidi had a sex change from competitive cycling. The cyclist’s
operation and lives now as Andreas. He has fans were extremely disappointed and
told the media that he’s unsure if he would felt cheated. As the fallout continued,
have remained a woman or not, but that the Armstrong’s three major sponsors -
choice was stolen from him with those little sports gear maker Nike, cycle maker
blue pills given to him by his coach as a Trek, and beer manufacturer Anheuser-
young teenager. Busch - severed ties with him.
Diego Maradona was an Argentine soccer player and considered one of the best,
despite his controversial association with performance enhancing substances. He
was often failing drug tests for cocaine – considered to be a stimulant – and eventually
received a suspension from soccer for 15 months in 1991, in Italy. This didn’t seem
to curb his bad habits, and three years later he was again banned from the game –
in the 1994 World Cup, in the US – after testing positive for another stimulant drug,
30. Find in the articles the expressions that mean the same.
1. to be using hormones for the wrong urine etc carried out to discover if an
purpose for a long time. athlete has used any illegal substances
2. a drug or product that is used illegally 4. to prohibit somebody from doing
by people competing in sports events to something
improve their performance 5. a set of clothes that you wear for
3. an examination of someone’s blood, doing sports.
31. Read the articles again and put HK (Heidi Krieger), DM (Diego Maradona),
or LA (Lance Armstrong).
1. __________ couldn’t curb his 4. __________ was disqualified from all
nasty habit of using cocaine and other the races and banned from competitive
stimulants. cycling for life for doping offenses.
2. __________ was in her teens when 5. __________ had a transsexual
started to be given PEDs by the coach. surgery and changed a name.
3. __________ won the Tour de France 6. __________was one of the best
a record seven consecutive times. football player ever.
32. In a group, discuss the questions below.
1. What do you know about PEDs 4. Why are PEDs prohibited to use? In
(performance enhancing drugs) in sport? your opinion should or shouldn’t they be
What is another word to call them? banned?
2. What kinds of PEDs do you know? 5. Have you ever heard of any doping
3. Why do athletes use them? scandals?
33. Work in pairs. Debate with your partner an issue of doping in sports. Student
A, see Appendix 3. Student B, see Appendix 5.
34. Write an essay on the topic “Pros and cons of being a professional athlete”.
Reading and Speaking
35. Before reading, answer the 36. Pay attention to the pronunciation
following questions. of the following words.
1. What do you know about the Olympic Zeus [zjuːs]
Games? When and where did they start? Rhodes [rəʊdz]
Pentathlon [penˈtæθlən]
2. What events were included in the Demeter [diˈmiːtə]
ancient Olympic Games? How are modern Theseus [ˈθiːsjuːs]
games different from the ancient ones? Minotaur [ˈmaɪnətɔː]
37. Read the first part of the text about the Olympic Games.
According to historical records, the first ancient Olympic Games can
be traced back to 776 BC. They were dedicated to the Olympian gods
and were staged on the ancient plains of Olympia. They continued
for nearly 12 centuries, until Emperor Theodosius decreed in 393
A.D. that all such «pagan cults» be banned.
Olympia The Games and religion
Olympia, the site of the ancient Olympic The Olympic Games were closely
Games, is in the western part of the Peloponnese linked to the religious festivals of the
which, according to Greek mythology, is the cult of Zeus, but were not an integral
island of «Pelops», the founder of the Olympic part of a rite. Indeed, they had a
Games. Imposing temples, votive buildings, secular character and aimed to show
elaborate shrines and ancient sporting facilities the physical qualities and evolution of
were combined in a site of unique natural and the performances accomplished by
mystical beauty. Olympia functioned as a young people, as well as encouraging
meeting place for worship and other religious good relations between the cities of
and political practices as early as the 10th Greece. According to specialists, the
century B.C. The central part of Olympia was Olympic Games owed their purity
dominated by the majestic temple of Zeus, and importance to religion.
with the temple of Hera parallel to it.
Victory Ceremonies
The Olympic victor received his first awards immediately after the competition.
Following the announcement of the winner’s name by the herald, a Hellanodikis
(Greek judge) would place a palm branch in his hands, while the spectators cheered
and threw flowers to him. Red ribbons were tied on his head and hands as a mark of
The official award ceremony would take place on the last day of the Games, at the
elevated vestibule of the temple of Zeus. In a loud voice, the herald would announce
the name of the Olympic winner, his father’s name, and his homeland. Then, the
Hellanodikis placed the sacred olive tree wreath, or kotinos, on the winner’s head.
Through the 12 centuries of the Olympic Games, many wonderful athletes competed
in the stadium and the hippodrome of ancient Olympia’s sacred area, moving the
crowds with their great achievements. Although mortal, their Olympic victories
immortalised them. Of the best athletes who left their mark on the sacred valley of
Olympia, some surpassed all limits and became legends by winning in successive
Olympic Games and remaining at the forefront of their sport for more than a decade.
All free male Greek citizens were entitled to participate in the ancient
Olympic Games, regardless of their social status. Orsippos, a general from
Megara; Polymnistor, a shepherd; Diagoras, a member of a royal family
from Rhodes; Alexander I, son of Amyndas and King of Macedonia; and
Democritus, a philosopher, were all participants in the Games.
Married women were not allowed to participate in, or to watch, the ancient Olympic
Games. However, unmarried women could attend the competition, and
the priestess of Demeter, goddess of fertility, was given a privileged
position next to the Stadium altar.
The Pentathlon became an Olympic sport with the addition of wrestling
in 708 B.C., and included the following: Running / Jumping / Discus Throw
Running Jumping Discus throw
Running contests included: Athletes used stone The discus was
* the stade race, which was the pre- or lead weights called originally made
eminent test of speed, covering the halteres to increase the of stone and
Olympia track from one end to the distance of a jump. They later of iron, lead
other (200m foot race), held onto the weights or bronze. The
* the diaulos (two stades - 400m foot until the end of their technique was
race), flight, and then jettisoned very similar to
* dolichos (ranging between 7 and them backwards. today’s freestyle
24 stades). discus throw.
Boxing Wrestling
Boxers wrapped straps (himantes) around their This was highly valued as
hands to strengthen their wrists and steady their a form of military exercise
fingers. Initially, these straps were soft but, as time without weapons. It ended only
progressed, boxers started using hard leather straps, when one of the contestants
often causing disfigurement of their opponent’s face. admitted defeat.
Equestrian events Pankration
These included horse This was a primitive form of martial art combining
races and chariot races wrestling and boxing, and was considered to be one
and took place in the of the toughest sports. Greeks believed that it was
Hippodrome, a wide, flat, founded by Theseus when he defeated the fierce
open space. Minotaur in the labyrinth.

38. Answer the questions about the text you have read.

1. What was Olympia? What did it function as?

2. What were the ancient Olympic Games connected with? What did they aim to
3. What did the winner of the games get?
4. What did the official award ceremony include?
5. Who was allowed to participate in/to watch the Olympic Games?
6. What events were included in the ancient Olympic Games? What equipment did
the sportsmen use?

39. Read the second part of the text about the Olympic Games and decide
whether the following statements are true or false; correct the false statements.

1. There is no single organisation that rules the Olympic Games.

Those athletes who got second received silver medals at the first
3. Different cities usually compete to be the host city of the Olympics.
All the athletes at the first Winter Olympic Games were presented
with medals by Pierre de Coubertin.
The Olympic flame travels from Greece to other countries before the
games start.
The Olympic flag contains five rings to symbolize the unity of five
Any sport can become a part of the Olympic programme if it is
practised in two or more countries.

Baron Pierre de Coubertin founded the International Olympic Committee
(IOC) in 1894. The IOC has since become the governing body of the Olympics
and the first modern event took place in Athens in 1896. Nowadays the aim of the
Olympic  Movement  is to promote peace, friendship and understanding between
different nations through sport. 
The first modern Olympic Games were held in Greece in 1896. Just over 200 men,
representing 14 countries, competed in a total of 43 events. Winners received a
silver medal, a certificate and a crown of olive leaves. Runners-up were given bronze
medals and a crown  of laurel, while those who finished third  went home empty-
The Olympic Games are held every four years with one country being responsible
for the organisation of the event. There is often fierce competition to be the host city.

Winter Olympics
The first Olympic Winter Games were originally known as the «Winter
Sports Week.»
In 1926, during the 25th Session of the International Olympic Committee
in Lisbon, the Chamonix Games were recognised as the first Olympic
Winter Games.
Equipment on shoulders
For the parade of the delegations during the Opening Ceremony, many athletes
marched with their equipment on their shoulder (skis, hockey sticks, etc.). Indeed,
according to the rules in place at the time, the athletes had to march in sportswear,
and the skis or hockey sticks were part of their equipment. Today, the delegations no
longer wear their sportswear, but they try to outdo each other in terms of imagination
to appear in all their finery.
Medal presentation
The official medal ceremony was not held until 5 February, shortly before the closing
speech by Pierre de Coubertin. As some athletes had already gone home, Frantz
Reichel presented their medals to other members of their teams.
The Olympic flame
The Olympic flame is an important symbol of the Games. A few
months before the games start, the flame is carried from Greece to the
country holding the Olympics. Often it is carried by runners with torches.
On the first day of the Olympic Games the flame is used to light a much
bigger fire usually at the centre of the Olympic stadium and it will burn
for as long as the games last.
The flag
The flag of the Olympic Games is white with five rings: blue, yellow,
black, green and red. The rings represent the union of the five continents:
Africa, America, Asia, Oceania and Europe.
How does a sport become Olympic?
To make it onto the Olympic programme, a sport first has to be recognised: it must be
administered by an International Federation which ensures that the sport’s activities
follow the Olympic Charter. If it is widely practised around the world and meets a
number of criteria established by the IOC session, a recognised sport may be added
to the Olympic programme on the recommendation of the IOC’s Olympic Programme

40. Look through both parts of the text and find the words (1 – 16) in the text.
Match the words (1 – 16) to their definitions (a – p).

1. to trace back a. not connected with spiritual or religious matters

b. the people who come second in a race or game
2. to dedicate
c. to throw away; abandon; get rid of sth that you no longer
3. to decree need or want
4. imposing d. a ceremony performed by a particular group of people,
often for religious purposes
5. votive e. a track in ancient Greece or Rome on which horse races or
6. elaborate chariot races took place
f. following immediately one after the other
7. shrine g. higher than the area around; above the level of the ground
8. rite h. to address or inscribe (a book, artistic performance, etc.)
to a person, cause, etc. as a token of affection or respect
9. secular i. to decide, judge or order sth officially
10. elevated j. very complicated and detailed; carefully prepared and
11. vestibule k. a circular ornament for the head, usually made of gold and
12. hippodrome jewels which kings and queens wear at official ceremonies
l. an entrance hall of a large building
13. successive m. a place where people come to worship because it is
14. to jettison connected with a holy person or event
n. impressive to look at; making a strong impression
15. runners-up
o. to find the origin or cause of sth
16. a crown p. presented to a god as a sign of thanks
41. Find the following words and expressions in the text. Explain their meaning
using the context of the text. Provide the translation for them.
1. to cheer 7. martial art
2. to immortalise 8. to promote peace, friendship and
3. to be entitled to participate in
understanding…through sport
4. pre-eminent test of speed
9. to go home empty-handed
5. lead weights
6. to strengthen their wrists and steady 10. the union of the five continents
their fingers 11. the host city
42. Find English equivalents for the following words and phrases in the text.
1. отримати перші нагороди
2. офіційна церемонія нагородження
3. великі досягнення
4. перевершити усі межі
5. залишатися на передовій позиції (у лідерах)
6. визнати поразку
7. спотворення обличчя суперника
8. бути одним з найважчих/найжорсткіших видів спорту
9. країна, яка приймає Олімпійські ігри
10. бути широко розповсюдженим у світі
11. відповідати певній кількості критеріїв, установлених сесією МОК
43. Translate the following sentences using the active vocabulary:
1. Пітер мріє присвятити себе спорту, стати відомим
спортсменом та взяти участь в Олімпійських іграх. Він часто
уявляє, як мільйони людей будуть підбадьорювати його, коли
він буде отримувати свої перші нагороди під час офіційної
церемонії нагородження. Пітер знає, що для того, щоб
отримати право брати участь в Олімпійських іграх, необхідно
старанно працювати багато годин на день, щоб перевершити усі межі.
2. Бойові мистецтва стають все більше популярними серед жінок.
Незважаючи на те, що бойові мистецтва є одним з найжорсткіших видів
спорту, вони є широко розповсюдженими у світі.
3. У кар’єрі кожного чемпіона є великі досягнення, якими
він може пишатися. Ті, хто посіли друге місце, отримують не
менше слави, ніж переможці. Утім, кожен чемпіон прагне не
лише здобути перемогу, а й залишатися в лідерах тривалий
час та вигравати послідовні Олімпійські ігри. Тому найважчим
моментом для спортсмена є той момент, коли необхідно визнати свою
4. На мою думку, спорт є надзвичайно важливим для людей по всьому світу.
Олімпійські ігри не лише виявляють найкращих спортсменів, а й сприяють миру,
дружбі, порозумінню та єдності п’яти континентів за допомогою спорту.
Listening and Writing
44. Look at the proper names used in the speech. Do you know anything about
these people/organisations?
 Clare Balding - presenter of the  William Penny Brookes
‘Sports and the British’  George Stuart Robertson
 Stuart McLoughlin - the reader  Lord Desborough
 the International Centre for Sport  John Carpenter
History and Culture at De Montfort  Wyndham Halswelle
University  Mike Murphy
 Richard Holt and Tony Collins  Johnny Hayes
 Thomas Arnold  Dorando Pietri
 Lord Coe
45. Match the words
from the box with
their definitions.
1. __________ the loss of other people’s
respect and approval because of the bad 9. __________ a person who enters a
way sb has behaved competition or contest; competitor
2. __________ stimulation or arousal 10. __________ willingness and
of the mind, feelings, etc., to special or liberality in giving away one’s money,
unusual activity or creativity time, etc.
3. __________ great energy or 11. __________ curving inwards
enthusiasm connected with sth that you 12. __________ not prejudiced
feel strongly about towards or against any particular side or
4. __________ having the power or party; fair; unbiased
ability to convince; tending to convince 13. __________ the combination of
5. __________ to twist together, blend qualities expected of an ideal knight, esp
6. __________ not good or not as good courage, honour, justice, and a readiness
as sb/sth else to help the weak
7. __________ a teacher at a university, 14. to find an acceptable way of dealing
especially Oxford or Cambridge with two or more ideas, needs, etc. that
8. __________ the willingness to accept seem to be opposed to each other; to
or tolerate sb/sth, especially opinions or make people become friends again after
behaviour that you may not agree with, an argument or a disagreement
or people who are not like you
46. Explain and translate the following expressions.
- to pay respect/homage to - patriotic hostility - hammer throwing
- to strive to do one’s best - polarized world - to undermine the original
- archaic footage - to be impacted upon idea
- to be incandescent (with - school chapel
rage) - the breadth of sb’s vision
47. Look through the questions below. Listen to the first part of the ‘Sport and
the British: the Rise of Olympism’, make notes and answer these questions.
1. Why does Lord Coe think that sport is a part of British history?
2. Who is generally considered to be the founding father of the Olympic movement?
Who and what was he influenced by?
3. What did de Coubertin find most persuasive?
4. What is ‘the idea of artistic chivalry’?
5. What patriotic reasons made de Coubertin interested in sports?
6. What utopian vision did de Coubertin have?
48. Listen to the second part of the ‘Sport and the British: the Rise of Olympism’.
Fill in the gaps with the missing information.
1. The world was not quite ready for the breadth of de Coubertin’s vision. The first
modern Olympic Games were staged in (1) _____________ in (2) _____________.
There were less than (3) _____________ competitors, and most of them were (4)
_____________. None were (5) _____________. Only (6) _____________ travelled
to (7) _____________, and another tourist joined them as he happened to be passing
through. There were no (8) _____________. Athletes competed as (9) _____________.
And there was no official (10) _____________, just turn up, and you’re in. So George
S. Robertson did just that.

2. Then came the (11) _____________ of (12) _____________ and they were just
a small part of a (13) _____________ designed to showcase La civilisation française.
The (14) _____________ had to use the Seine, and (15) _____________ – the Bois
de Boulogne, running on (16) _____________ and watching the (17) _____________
landing in the (18) _____________ trees. This time there was (19) _____________
competitors, but the events were spread over (20) _____________. And most visitors
didn’t even realise they were taking place.
The 1904 Olympic Games held in (21) _____________ as part of the World’s (22)
_____________ were even worse. Of the (23) _____________ competitors (24)
_____________ came from (25) _____________, who won virtually everything.
Pierre de Coubertin considered it was (26) _____________. The Olympic (27)
_____________ very nearly ended there and then.
49. Listen to the third part of the 'Sport and the British: the Rise of Olympism'.
Decide whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
1. The 1908 Olympic Games were a lot of people interested at the 1908
due to be held in Athenes but they were Olympics.
hosted by Great Britain. 8. The entire 1908 games were
2. The 1908 Olympics were probably the dominated by fierce rivalry between
first games that would be recognisable Britain and Italy.
to us as Modern Olympics. 9. These were the first Olympics that
3. The 1908 games were a huge required entrants to compete under a
success, they attracted large crowds; national flag.
the White City stadium was sold out 10. Pierre de Coubertin’s original idea
many times. was that the Olympics were going to be
4. The games were led and organised about individual athletes.
by members of the middle and working 11. The British coach Mike Murphy
classes. was extremely angry because the
5. The main participants were members British winner of the 400 meters was
of the aristocracy who’d been educated disqualified for running wide and
at publican grammar schools. preventing the American runner from
6. The games were watched by the overtaking him.
working classes, the thousands who 12. The American runner Johnny Hayes
went to the White City Stadium from became the winner of the marathon
London working class. because the Italian runner Dorando
7. There was a controversy which got Pietri was disqualified for being helped.
50. Check your general comprehension.
1. Why is sport closely connected with the British history? What role did the British
play in forming the Olympic movement?
2. Why were the 1908 Olympic Games very important for Great Britain?
3. How did the British idea that each national team would enter behind its country’s
flag at the opening ceremony influence the Olympic Games? What was de Coubertin’s
original vision of the Olympics?
4. How did a story of a human drama help the Olympics to become a brand? What
did it show?
5. What lessons could be learnt from London Olympics?

51. Make a short summary (about 10 – 12 sentences) of what you have heard.
Pay special attention to the role of the British in the rise of Olympic Movement.
You can use the following plan:
1) Formulating the original idea of the Olympics.
2) The history of the first modern Olympic Games.
3) The 1908 Olympic Games: innovations and changes, rivalry and dramas, popularity
and lessons.

52. Choose one Olympic Sport (a sport included into the Olympic programme)
that attracts you most and make a short presentation about it. Include the
following information:
♦♦ the period for which the sport has been Olympic;
♦♦ main rules/events;
♦♦ equipment used;
♦♦ top medallists;
♦♦ world records/best results;
♦♦ why this sport is attractive/exciting.
For the list of Olympic Sports, see Appendix 27.

53. Discuss the following questions with your partner/in a group.
1. Do you know which countries have hosted the Olympic Games most often? Which
cities did the Games take place in? When will the next Summer and Winter Olympic
Games take place?
2. What countries are the leaders in winning Olympic medals? What Olympic athletes
do you know?
3. Do you watch the Olympics? Do you think that the opening
and closing ceremonies should be imposing and elaborate?
4. What Olympic events do you like watching? Are you emotionally
involved with the success of the Ukrainian team?
5. If you were going to visit the Olympic Games, what events
would you choose to attend? Why?

Unit 3. Theatre
1. Read the quotations and discuss the questions below.
◊ What makes a theatre?
◊ How is the theatre different from other kinds of art and entertainment?
◊ Why do people go to the theatre? Why do people want/like to watch different plays?
◊ Why do you think people like acting and become actors? I r
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Ma r
All the best performers
‘All the world’s a stage, bring to their role something
And all the men and women merely players; more, something different than
They have their exits and their entrances, what the author put on paper. That’s
And one man in his time plays many parts…’ what makes theatre live. That’s why
William Shakespeare, As You Like It it persists.
Stephen Sondheim

Reading and Vocabulary

2. Read the information below and match the parts of the theatre with their
What makes a theatre?
Theatres are complex buildings, made up of many elements. These include
dedicated spaces for its many functions, both front of house and backstage.
They need to be carefully planned to ensure smooth presentation of a production.
Theatres also contain a vast amount of equipment, essential to present a show, and
which needs to be safely accommodated and operated without interfering with the
audience’s enjoyment.

‰‰Auditorium ‰‰Props 1.____________________________

‰‰Boxes ‰‰Quick change room This is where the audience sits and is
‰‰Dressing rooms ‰‰Scenery sometimes known as ‘the house’. Side
‰‰Green room ‰‰Seats and central aisles lead to the seating.
‰‰Orchestra pit ‰‰Stage Heating, cooling and ventilation systems
‰‰Prompt corner ‰‰Wings control the temperature for the benefit
of the audience and the performers.

2. __________________________ 7. ___________________________
It is planned to ensure the audience This is located in the wings usually to the
gets the best possible view of the stage. downstage-left of the stage. Traditionally
Many large theatres have different levels. this is where a person would sit with the
The lower level is called the stalls, the first text of the play, prompting actors when
level the dress circle or occasionally the they forgot their lines. The stage manager
grand circle. Above that is the upper circle, directs the staging of the show from here.
with the top level called the gallery, balcony
or ‘the gods’. All ________ have numbers 8. __________________________
though this was not originally the case. This is the base for actors and
performers, and is used as their social
3. __________________________ room or lounge. Traditionally it is green
These were originally built as private as it is a restful colour. But it may have
seating for the very rich at the side of the been called after the village green on
stage – not necessarily with the best views which travelling players in Tudor times
though. But it ensured they could sit in a rested after their performances.
prominent position where they could show 9. _________________________
off. Sometimes they entertained friends These are where the performers
there, with either drinks or supper, closing dress and get ready for the stage. The
the curtains for privacy. principal ________ ________ are
4. __________________________ reserved for the lead performers; the rest
The musicians are seated in a sunken share them. Most actors apply their own
area, known as a ________ which is make-up so the mirrors have several light
directly in front of the stage, often running bulbs around them to simulate the lighting
partially underneath it. conditions of the stage. This helps them
see how they would appear in front of an
5.___________________________ audience. The temperature of the room is
This is where the performance takes the same as the stage. Sudden changes
place. Some of them are raked (sloped) in temperatures or humidity are not good
so that they are higher at the back, up for a performer’s voice or a dancer’s
to a gradient of 1 in 24. This slope helps muscles.
create a sense of perspective and lets the 10. ________________________
audience see any activity and performers This is a temporary area near the
at the back. The terms ‘upstage’ (away stage with lighting, mirrors and a costume
from the audience) and ‘downstage’ rail for the actors to make quick costume
(towards the audience) arise from the changes. This is usually with the aid of a
rake of the _______. Large theatres often dresser.
have _______ with trapdoors, or ‘traps’ in
their floors for spectacular entrances and 11. _________________________
exits and special effects. When an actor This is the collective term for painted,
is on _______ facing the audience, their printed or photographically-produced
left is known as ‘_______-left’, and their cloths, flats and backdrops, made from
right is known as ‘_______-right’. These fabric or rigid materials. They can be
directions are also applied generally and by brought onto stage on trolleys, un-rolled
members of the production team who are from above the stage or ‘flown’ in from
in the auditorium facing the _______. fly towers. These are the large spaces
above the stage and can be up to two
6. __________________________ or three times the height of the opening
These are the areas either side of the defined by the proscenium.
stage where the performers wait before
going on stage, hence the expression 12. _________________________
‘waiting in the ___________’. It is also This is short for properties, and refers to
where large props and standing scenery all portable objects used in performances.
are stored when not used, in a section that They are brought on and off by the stage
can usually be closed off, called a scene crew and stored in the wings (areas either
dock. side of the stage) until needed.
3. Match the words to their definitions. Provide the translation for the words.
1. stalls (AmE a) a passageway separating seating areas in a
parterre) theatre
b) an area of seats upstairs in a theatre
2. parquet circle = c) a separate compartment in a public place for a small
parterre group of people, a small area separated off from where
3. circle (AmE balcony) other people sit
d) the highest level in a theatre where the cheapest
4. dress circle = seats are
first balcony (AmE e) a line of seats in a cinema/movie theatre, etc
mezzanine) f) the seats that are nearest to the stage in a theatre;
the lower level in a theatre where the audience sits,
5. upper circle especially the area underneath the balcony
6. balcony g) the second level of seats above the floor in a theatre
h) an upper floor of a theatre where the seats are
7. gallery
arranged in curved rows
8. box i) the first level of seats above the ground floor in a
9. row theatre
j) the seating area of the main floor of a theatre that lies
10. aisle
to the rear of the auditorium
and underneath the
4. Look at the picture
and write the names of
different theatre parts
that you can see.

5. Work with a partner

or in a small group. See
the instructions below.

1) Follow one of the links

and study what’s on in
different theatres.
2) Choose the play you would like to visit.
3) Look at the scheme of the theatre. Discuss with your
partner(s) the seats that you would like to book. Think
about the location of the seats, the view you get and the price.
Your budget is 150£.
4) Make a short summary of your discussion. Tell others what you are going to see
and what seats you are going to book. Draw a scheme of the theatre and mark your
seats on it. Explain your choice of seats to other students.
6. Rearrange the letters to make words starting with the capitalised letter.
Explain the words.
1. Iprioivsaotmn 6. oCtoudcnr
2. esrsD lRereahas 7. hApahetmreit
3. Ccaaterrh 8. Dnemeouten
4. sPpro (=oePertipsr) 9. eRertroipe
5. rCeogorrpaheh 10. seUhr

7. Read the definitions below and guess the names. Then, find these names in
the crossword.
1. area where musicians are seated to accompany the
actors onstage
2. a written text of a play, film/movie, broadcast, talk, etc
3. time that is spent practising a play or piece of music
in preparation for a public performance; a session of
practising a play, concert, speech etc., in preparation for
public performance
4. all the people who act in a play or film/movie
5. a person in charge of a film/movie or play who tells the actors
and staff what to do
6. the scenery and other props used in and identifying the location
of a stage or television production, film, etc
7. a person who writes plays for the theatre, television or radio
8. a person who writes music
9. a large group of singers; a body of singers or dancers who
perform together, in contrast to principals or soloists
10. the first public appearance of a performer, or the first public
presentation of a show
U L C C O M P O S E R G 11. the first public performance
N B H P R E M I E R E P of a film/movie or play
12. an actor who learns the
D Z O B C J F D A R P L part of another actor in a play
E Y R E H E A R S A L A so that they can play that part if
R N U W E G H D K P A Y 13. a printed notice advertising
S M S E S C R I P T Y B a play


8. Match the theatre words to their definitions.
a) bowing and receiving the audience’s applause at the
1. touring show end of the show, or,sometimes in opera, at the end of an act
2. run b) to attract the public
c) theatre done by schools, colleges, and universities in
3. handbill their training programs for students
4. educational theatre d) a slower darkening of the stage
e) a printed announcement of a forthcoming show
5. fade out/dim out
f) to bring up full house lights for intermission or at the end
6. to draw of a play
7. playbill g) a program usually containing information about the play,
cast, crew, supporters, and advertisers
8. lights up h) the number of performance for a particular show
9. curtain call i) a play performed by a company at numerous locations

9. Who does what in the theatre? Match each person to their responsibilities.
You can associate several responsibilities with one person sometimes.

1. takes care of bookings

‰‰agent 2. writes or adapts properties known as play
3. decides which styles and fabrics to use
‰‰costume designer 4. draws or paints the costumes in renderings
5. negotiate performance contracts.
6. brings to life the playwright’s script.
‰‰leading lady, man 7. researches the costumes
8. provides artistic meaning to the theatre experience.
‰‰playwright 9. plays the main role in a show

10. Translate the sentences paying attention to the words and expressions
in bold.
1. He said he had written to everyone who had included an address, explaining
that the problem in the dress circle was due to the original structure of the theatre.
2. Once we were fed and watered it was back onto the dance floor to practise
what we had learnt and add, would you believe, a small jump to our repertoire.
3. On the Monday night the orchestra arrived ready for the dress rehearsal
of Gypsy Baron the next morning.
4. Pepper and Jack carried Bunty through the doors into the wings and on into
the Property Room, a cavern of furniture and baskets of props, rich with the smell of
dust and old beer.
5. He wasn’t on the piano in this intermission because in the next act they were
using the orchestra pit as part of the scenery.
6. Drew became less punctual, he muffed his lines, and was often replaced
by an understudy.
7. We have 8 wheelchair positions at the back of the stalls, including one at
either end of row ‘T’ with adjoining fixed seats for companion/assistant.

11. Express your opinion. Answer the following
questions. Theatre
• black cogenres
• comedy medy
1. Do you enjoy going to the theatre? How often do you • drama
go to the theatre? • farce
2. How do you choose a play/performance? Do you read • melodra
theatre reviews? Do you listen to your friends’ advice? • mime, ma
3. What theatre genres are your favourite? Do you prefer theatre, hysical
of images theatre
classical plays or modern ones? Explain your choice. • musical
4. Have you ever been to an opera? What were your • musical comedy
impressions? • operetta theatre
5. What was the latest play or performance that you • pantom
• puppetr ime
watched? What was it about? Did you like the performance? • puppet sy
What did you enjoy most of all? • rock ope how
6. What makes a good play/performance? What features • romantic ra
of a good play/performance can you name? • tragedy comedy
• tragicom

12. Try your hand at acting. Play the next improvisation games. Use the
improvisation tips to be good at acting.
Fairy Tale in a Minute:
Here Comes Mary: The actors pick a fairy tale (or get one
One actress plays Mary who is off stage. from the audience) and then act out the
The other two actors are menagers at a story in one minute. Then they must act
restaurant and describe what Mary is like out the same thing in 30 seconds. THEN
while she is off stage. Mary is a waitress they must act it out in 10 seconds.
and when Mary comes in, she has to act
like she is described. e Acti
ng Im
Lines from our Pockets: 1) do T i p s ation
mind t h e fir
The audience will write lines for the actors related st thing tha
topic to the t co
to say. Someone will collect the lines and situati mes to
not show them to the actors. The actors 2) don on/sce
’t try to ne/
will act out the scene and then they must 3) alw b e f un
interject the lines into the scene. the oth ys say yes ny
er acto (agree
More r s d o with w
Pass the Ball: improv a n d b uild on hat
All players in a circle. The players pass ama.n at http://ww it)
et/imp w
a mimed ball to others (one ball at a time). rov.htm .
The ball becomes heavier, until it weighs
a ton, or extremely light, extremely big Size Adjectives
(and light or heavy) or extremely small colossal miniature
(and light or heavy).While passing a ball gigantic petite
huge puny
an actor needs to characterize the ball immense teeny
with an adjective from the list below in little teeny-tiny
order another actor could show the ball’s mammoth tiny
characteristics in the way it gets passed. massive

Watching a Video. Speaking
13. You are going to watch videos about Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre. Before
watching, answer the following questions.

* What do you remember about Shakespeare? How is his name connected with
* Do you know anything about the construction of the Globe Theatre?

14. Watch the video about the construction of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre
(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZarqSs1odXE) and fill
in the gaps in the text using the key words in the box.
challenges incarnation preservation
commenced intended release
dismantling octagon resurrected
entertainment open-air sue
erected owned thatched
foundations performance whining
The Globe Theatre was (1) __________ in 1598 by William Shakespeare’s Theatre
company. It was made in the shape of an (2) __________, was (3) __________, and
had three storeys.
The construction of the Globe is a rather interesting history as Shakespeare’s
company had not originally (4) __________ to build a new theatre. In fact, they were
quite happily using a theatre built by James Burbage in 1576. The trouble facing
them began in 1597. The company technically (5) __________ the theatre itself, but
the (6)  __________ on the land was expired. The landlord Giles Allen wanted the
structure torn down. The Lord Chamberlain’s Men had a solution. They bought a new
plot of land where they could have a new theatre made. Unfortunately for them, this
inspired (7) __________ from the surrounding neighbours who complained of the
construction. Shakespeare’s men had every right to be building where they were,
however, so the construction continued as planned. They even saved a great deal
of money by (8) __________ the old theatre, which was their property, and using
the materials to put together the new Globe Theatre. Giles Allen attempted to (9)
__________, but failed.
Even after its rocky start, the Globe has had a history of (10) __________ in its
way. In 1613, the Globe Theatre burnt down due to a cannon fire during the (11)
__________ of Henry VIII that set fire to the (12) __________ roof. The theatre was
relatively quickly rebuilt, and Shakespeare lived to see its new (13) __________. The
theatre still didn’t have the pleasure of a smooth ride, as it was shut down in 1642
by the Puritans along with every other theatre or any place of (14) __________. The
building was razed in 1644, when the Puritans decided that they needed the spot for
tenements. The theatre was forgotten until the (15) __________ were found. And so,
in 1993, yet another reconstruction of the Globe (16) __________. Construction was
completed in 1996 and opened by Queen Elizabeth II.
It is, perhaps, one of the best examples of (17) __________ in London’s history,
particularly since it has been (18) ____________ multiple times in the attempt to
remember and reuse the space. Even when times had been hard for the Globe, it’s
always come back with a bang, promising a long and fruitful future for the theatre.
15. Work with a partner or in a small group. Ask each other different questions
about the history of Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.

16. Match the words to their definitions.

a) taking part in sth; being part of sth or connected
1. to put on with sth
2. groundling b) a small door in a floor or ceiling
c) (in Elizabethan theatre) a spectator standing in the yard
3. affordable in front of the stage and paying least; a spectator in the
4. involved (in sth) cheapest section of any theatre
5. trapdoor d) to present or stage (a play, show, etc.)
e) cheap enough for ordinary people to buy/to do

17. Now watch another video about the Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre (https://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3VGa6Fp3zI) and say whether the statements
below are true (T) or false (F).
 All plays used to be put on during the day because
actors didn’t have enough money to afford candles.
 The spectators could shout at the actors and throw
things at them if they didn’t like the play.
 None of the spectators were women.
 The cheapest seats could be afforded by everyone.
 If you are standing in the theatre, you’ll never get
 The Globe Theatre puts on mainly plays by
Shakespeare, but they are not authentic any more.
 Now we go to see the play, but in the past, the most expensive seats were the
ones that had the best sound because acoustics were more important.
 There are three trapdoors in the Globe.
 It was difficult to get permission for building the theatre after it got burnt down.

18. Check your comprehension. Answer the following questions.

1. Why was the theatre named ‘the Globe’? What expression is it connected with?
2. How did the church regard the theatre? Where were theatres located?
3. How much does the cheapest ticket cost? What kind of a place will you get for
this price?
4. How is the Globe different from typical West End
theatres and plays?
5. What is specific about the stage in the Globe?
What does the stage represent?
6. How does the shape of the Globe influence the
spectators’ impression?

Reading and Vocabulary
19. You are going to read an extract from the book ‘The Picture of Dorian
Gray’ by Oscar Wilde. Before reading, discuss the following questions.
1. What is Oscar Wilde famous for?
2. What is a visit to the theatre usually associated with for you?
3. Have you ever seen the same play more than once? What makes people go
and watch the same performance several times?

20. Read the extract and note down as many words and expressions
connected with the theatre as possible.

Well, one evening about seven o’clock, I determined to go out in search of

some adventure. I felt that this grey monstrous London of ours, with its myriads of
people, its sordid sinners, and its splendid sins, as you once phrased it, must have
something in store for me. I fancied a thousand things. The mere danger gave
me a sense of delight. I remembered what you had said to me on that wonderful
evening when we first dined together, about the search for beauty being the real
secret of life. I don’t know what I expected, but I went out and wandered eastward,
soon losing my way in a labyrinth of grimy streets and black grassless squares.
About half-past eight I passed by an absurd little theatre, with great flaring gas-jets
and gaudy play-bills. A hideous Jew, in the most amazing waistcoat I ever beheld in
my life, was standing at the entrance, smoking a vile cigar. He had greasy ringlets,
and an enormous diamond blazed in the centre of a soiled shirt. ‘Have a box, my
Lord?’ he said, when he saw me, and he took off his hat with an air of gorgeous
servility. There was something about him, Harry, that amused me. He was such a
monster. You will laugh at me, I know, but I really went in and paid a whole guinea
for the stage-box. To the present day I can’t make out why I did so; and yet if I
hadn’t-- my dear Harry, if I hadn’t--I should have missed the greatest romance of
my life. I see you are laughing. It is horrid of you!”
“I am not laughing, Dorian; at least I am not laughing at you. But you should not
say the greatest romance of your life. You should say the first romance of your life.
You will always be loved, and you will always be in love with love. A grande passion
is the privilege of people who have nothing to do. That is the one use of the idle
classes of a country. Don’t be afraid. There are exquisite things in store for you.
This is merely the beginning.”
“Do you think my nature so shallow?” cried Dorian Gray angrily.
“No; I think your nature so deep.”
“How do you mean?”
“My dear boy, the people who love only once in their lives are really the shallow
people. What they call their loyalty, and their fidelity, I call either the lethargy of custom
or their lack of imagination. Faithfulness is to the emotional life what consistency
is to the life of the intellect – simply a confession of failure. Faithfulness! I must
analyse it some day. The passion for property is in it. There are many things that we
would throw away if we were not afraid that others might pick them up. But I don’t
want to interrupt you. Go on with your story.”
“Well, I found myself seated in a horrid little private box, with a vulgar drop-scene
staring me in the face. I looked out from behind the curtain and surveyed the house.
It was a tawdry affair, all Cupids and cornucopias, like a third-rate wedding-cake.

The gallery and pit were fairly full, but the two rows of dingy stalls were quite empty,
and there was hardly a person in what I suppose they called the dress-circle. Women
went about with oranges and ginger-beer, and there was a terrible consumption of
nuts going on.”
“It must have been just like the palmy days of the British drama.”
“Just like, I should fancy, and very depressing. I began to wonder what on earth
I should do when I caught sight of the play-bill. What do you think the play was,
“I should think ‘The Idiot Boy’, or ‘Dumb but Innocent’. Our fathers used to like
that sort of piece, I believe. The longer I live, Dorian, the more keenly I feel that
whatever was good enough for our fathers is not good enough for us. In art, as in
politics, les grandperes ont toujours tort.”
“This play was good enough for us, Harry. It was Romeo and Juliet. I must
admit that I was rather annoyed at the idea of seeing Shakespeare done in such
a wretched hole of a place. Still, I felt interested, in a sort of way. At any rate, I
determined to wait for the first act. There was a dreadful orchestra, presided over
by a young Hebrew who sat at a cracked piano, that nearly drove me away, but at
last the drop-scene was drawn up and the play began. Romeo was a stout elderly
gentleman, with corked eyebrows, a husky tragedy voice, and a figure like a beer-
barrel. Mercutio was almost as bad. He was played by the low-comedian, who
had introduced gags of his own and was on most friendly terms with the pit. They
were both as grotesque as the scenery, and that looked as if it had come out of
a country-booth. But Juliet! Harry, imagine a girl, hardly seventeen years of age,
with a little, flowerlike face, a small Greek head with plaited coils of dark-brown
hair, eyes that were violet wells of passion, lips that were like the petals of a rose.
She was the loveliest thing I had ever seen in my life. You said to me once that
pathos left you unmoved, but that beauty, mere beauty, could fill your eyes with
tears. I tell you, Harry, I could hardly see this girl for the mist of tears that came
across me. And her voice – I never heard such a voice. It was very low at first,
with deep mellow notes that seemed to fall singly upon one’s ear. Then it became
a little louder, and sounded like a flute or a distant hautboy. In the garden-scene it
had all the tremulous ecstasy that one hears just before dawn when nightingales
are singing. There were moments, later on, when it had the wild passion of violins.
You know how a voice can stir one. Your voice and the voice of Sibyl Vane are two
things that I shall never forget. When I close my eyes, I hear them, and each of
them says something different. I don’t know which to follow. Why should I not love
her? Harry, I do love her. She is everything to me in life. Night after night I go to
see her play. One evening she is Rosalind, and the next evening she is Imogen.
I have seen her die in the gloom of an Italian tomb, sucking the poison from her
lover’s lips. I have watched her wandering through the forest of Arden, disguised
as a pretty boy in hose and doublet and dainty cap. She has been mad, and has
come into the presence of a guilty king, and given him rue to wear and bitter herbs
to taste of. She has been innocent, and the black hands of jealousy have crushed
her reedlike throat. I have seen her in every age and in every costume. Ordinary
women never appeal to one’s imagination. They are limited to their century. No
glamour ever transfigures them. One knows their minds as easily as one knows
their bonnets. One can always find them. There is no mystery in any of them. They
ride in the park in the morning and chatter at tea-parties in the afternoon. They have
their stereotyped smile and their fashionable manner. They are quite obvious. But
an actress! How different an actress is! Harry! why didn’t you tell me that the only
thing worth loving is an actress?”
21. Look at the context in which these words and expressions were used in
the text. Explain them.
• to have sth in store for smb
• with an air of gorgeous servility
• such a wretched hole of a place
• the low-comedian
• appeal to one’s imagination

22. Find English equivalents for the following words and expressions:
1. театральна афіша
2. театральна ложа, розташована біля сцени
3. гальорка
4. партер; місце для оркестру (в театрі)
5. два ряди крісел в партері
6. бельетаж
7. період розквіту британської драматургії
8. чекати на перший акт
9. жахливий оркестр
10. куліси були підняті
11. такі ж абсурдні/безглузді, як і театральні декорації
12. сільський балаган (на ярмарку)
13. дуже низький з глибокими, повними нотами (голос)
14. переодягнений, замаскований

23. Match the following words with their definitions:

a) a joke or a funny story, especially one
1. drop scene (= drop curtain) told by a professional comedian
b) to make sb not want to stay or not want to go
2. to be presided over sth somewhere
c) (in a theatre) a curtain or a painted cloth which
3. to drive somebody away can be let down so that it hangs across the stage
d) the power of a performance, description, etc.
4. gag
to produce feelings of sadness and sympathy
5. pathos e) to lead or be in charge of sth; to occupy a
position as an instrumentalist

24. Answer the following questions.
1. What do people usually wear when they go to the theatre? What did the Jew
at the entrance described in the text look like? How can you characterise him
judging by his looks?
2. What was the theatre like? Describe the atmosphere and the interior of the theatre.
Prove your thoughts using the text.
3. How does the appearance of actors influence their performance?
4. How is the actress, Sibyl Vane, described? What did Dorian like about her?
5. Why did Dorian believe that an actress is different from other people?
25. What do you see in the pictures? Use the phrases below to describe them.
• to applaud an actor
• to go on stage
• to take a curtain call
• to play encore

Listening and Speaking

26. Listen to the song ‘Are You Lonesome Tonight’ by Elvis Presley. Put the
lines (a – i) into the correct order and fill in the gaps using the words in the box.
acted cue line
bring doubt part
You read your (2) ________
(a) Do the chairs in your parlor seem so cleverly and never missed a (3)
empty and bare? ________
(b) Are you sorry we drifted apart? Then came act two, you seemed to
(c) Tell me dear, are you lonesome change and you (4) ________ strange
tonight? And why I’ll never know
(d) Are you lonesome tonight? Honey, you lied when you said you
(e) Do you gaze at your doorstep and loved me
picture me there? And I had no cause to (5) ________
(f) Does your memory stray to a you
brighter sunny day But I’d rather go on hearing your lies
(g) Is your heart filled with pain, shall Than go on living without you
I come back again? Now the (6) ________ is bare and I’m
(h) Do you miss me tonight? standing there
(i) When I kissed you and called you With emptiness all around
sweetheart? And if you won’t come back to me
Then they can (7) ________ the
I wonder if you’re lonesome tonight curtain down
You know someone said that the
world’s a stage Is your heart filled
And each must play a (1) ________ with pain, shall I
Fate had me playing in love you as come back again?
my sweet heart Tell me dear, are
Act one was when we met, I loved you lonesome tonight?
you at first glance

27. Discuss the following questions.

• Why are relations and love compared with acting in this song?
• What expressions are used to show the behaviour, attitude and feelings?
• Do you think people often play different parts in real life while communicating
with others?
28. Listen to the podcast and fill-in the gaps.

I ran into my neighbor, Dennis, yesterday afternoon. He asked if I wanted

two tickets to the theater. He had __________ __________, but couldn’t go to this
performance. It was __________ __________ of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. I
jumped at his offer and invited Lucy to come along.
We arrived at the theater a half an hour before ___________ __________. We
had the tickets in hand and didn’t need to pick them up at the will call window.
The doors to the theater were open and we handed our tickets to the __________
___________ standing in the doorway.
We looked for our seats and were pleasantly surprised to find that we had some
of the __________ ___________ __________ __________! I thought we would be
sitting in the __________, but we were in the orchestra section in the center. This
was great! The lights dimmed and the curtain __________.
After the second act, there was an __________. Lucy and I went into the
__________ and bought drinks from the bar. After about 15 minutes, the lights
flickered and we went back to our seats.
After the last act, the audience gave the actors a __________ __________.
This was the best play I had seen in ages. The acting was superb, the __________
and ___________ were fresh. I couldn’t have asked for a better theater experience. I
owed Dennis big time for giving me his tickets.

29. In your own words explain the words in bold and the ones you have
written down.

Speaking. Group Work

30. Work in teams.

Team A. Team B.
Describe what happens in the theatre Describe what happens in the theatre
as if you were actors. Use at least 10 from the point of view of a spectator.
expressions from your vocabulary list. Use at least 10 expressions from your
Think of some specific actions that an vocabulary list. Think of some specific
actor can do. actions that a spectator can do.

31. Compare your descriptions. The team that uses more expressions from
the active vocabulary list wins.

Reading and Vocabulary
32. Discuss the following questions.
1.What do you know about Broadway?
2. What’s the difference between Broadway and Off Broadway theatres?
3. What famous Broadway shows can you name?
33. Fill the words into the sentences to find out some facts about buying
Broadway tickets.
You can buy Broadway Tickets in person
returns direct from the (1)______________This
ticket scalpers
sold-out shows way you can avoid service fees, which you
to book
theatre box office would have to pay if you bought Broadway
Twofers tickets by telephone or online via the
ticket brokers
There are many agencies that sell Broadway theatre tickets, called (2)______________.
They will charge anything from 40% upwards, but they can sometimes have Broadway
tickets for (3)____________which are not available elsewhere.
If tickets are sold out you could try lining up for (4)___________. Arrive at the theatre
several hours before the performance and you may be lucky!
The (5)___________ will hang around the top theatres trying to sell you tickets.
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER buy from them. It is just too big a risk that the tickets could
be stolen or forged, as well as being very expensive.
If you really want to see a particular show or if you want only prime seats for any
show, we always advise (6)________________ as early as you can.
You may also find some (7)___________ at your hotel or tourist information spots.
These are ticket-sized pieces of paper that enable you to buy tickets for specific shows
at substantial discounts right at the box office.
34. If you fill in the next words and expression you will get some more facts
about the Broadway theatres. Pay attention to the correct form of the expressions
to be filled in.
a matinee a Suit and Tie Many Broadway theatres showing musicals
a performance general public (1)____________ on Monday nights
because they have Sunday (2)__________
a preview to be dark
Broadway theatres showing straight plays
a star autograph to cancel often do have performances on Monday
nights, instead of Sunday matinees.
Also, Broadway and Off-Broadway shows go on as usual on most public holidays
except two holiday periods--Thanksgiving (the 4th week of November) and the Xmas-
New Years week. In these cases, each show will announce extra matinees to make
up for shows (3)____________ on the holiday itself.
It does not matter whether you wear formal or informal clothes when you go to the
theatre. You will not look out of place whether you wear (4)____________, or Jeans
and a T-shirt.
How can I get (5)____________? Wait near the theatre’s stage door after the show.
Generally, (6)___________ are (7)________________ that allow the director and
production team to make changes or for the cast to become settled in their part before
the show is attended by theatre critics.
The (8)_______________ can buy tickets for previews, and in some cases the price
is reduced. Generally, you won’t find much difference between a show in previews
and when it is technically ‘opened’, although new musicals may have many changes!
Reading and Speaking
35. Scan the reviews given below and find out how you can buy tickets for
each show at the best price.

36. Look at these Broadway show reviews on the Broadway World’s website.
Find out what’s on now or upcoming shows and decide which show you would
like and can afford visiting. Explain your choice.

Looking to buy last minute tickets discounts, availability for the hottest
to a Broadway show? Don’t know productions, and locations for shows
what to see? Trying to find a theater? playing the Great White Way! Catch
up on all the latest stats so that you
Welcome to BroadwayWorld’s: can see your favorite productions at
The Broadway Ticket Buying the best price! (And make it there on
Guide. Below, you will find weekly time).
updates on full priced tickets,
March 5, 2013 – ongoing
Al Hirschfeld Theater
302 W. 45th St. (bet. Eighth and Ninth Aves.)
Manhattan, NY 10036
phone: 212-239-6200|
description: Grammy Award–winning singer-
songwriter Cyndi Lauper and four-time Tony Award winner Harvey
Fierstein coauthored this musical comedy, based on the 2005 indie film
hit of the same name. A young man (aided by a wise, witty drag queen) saves his
family’s struggling shoe business by producing sexy women’s shoes…for men.
genre: Musical
price: from $131.50
recommended audience: Might not be suitable for younger children
discounts and lottery: A limited number of tickets for each performance will be
sold via lottery. Entries will be accepted at the box office beginning two and a half
hours prior to each performance. Two hours before curtain, names will be drawn at
random for a limited number of tickets priced at $37.00 each. Limit one entry per
person and two tickets per winner – entries will be checked for duplicates. Winners
must be present at the time of the drawing and show valid ID to purchase tickets.
Tickets may be purchased in cash or with a valid credit card. Tickets are subject to
availability. Tickets may be partial view. The cancelation line will begin following the

January 9, 1988 – ongoing
Majestic Theater
247 W. 44th St.
Manhattan, NY 10036

description: Andrew Lloyd Webber’s most

famous creation, based on a popular French
novel, is the longest-running musical on
Broadway. Night after night, audiences are
moved and awed by this ghost story with
a heart, a darker version of Beauty and the Beast, in which a
deformed musical genius gives voice lessons to a struggling singer, falls in love and
attempts to force her to return his feelings. The passionate music, suspenseful plot
twists and spooky ambiance of the show leave a lasting impression. 
genre: Musical
recommended audience: Family - All Ages
approximate runtime: 3 hours 30 minutes
price: from $121.50
discounts and lottery: Tickets in the last two rows of the Rear Mezzanine are $26.25
for Monday through Thursday performances through general rush. These tickets may
be purchased through Telecharge or at the box office. $26.25 standing room tickets
are available, only when the performance is sold out. Tickets are available only at the
box office. Limit two tickets per person. 28 standing room positions available.

October 23, 1996 – ongoing
Ambassador Theatre
219 W. 49th St.
Manhattan, NY 10019
description: This quintessential Broadway
experience features show-stopping tunes, slinky
dancing and a story that revolves around murder,
heartache, betrayal, revenge, friendship, fame
and all that jazz. You won’t be disappointed by this
Tony Award-winning show, which spawned the hit movie. 
genre: Musical
recommended audience: Teens and Adults
approximate runtime: 2 hours 30 minutes
price: from $127.50
discounts and lottery: A limited number of $37 front row tickets will be sold on
the day of the performance when the box office opens. Subject to availability. Not
available for Saturday evenings. Limit 2 per person.
$27 Standing Room tickets are available, only when the performance is sold out.
Tickets are available only at the box office. Limit two tickets per person.

37. Divide into several groups of 3-4 students. Imagine that you are...
Group 1. A family from Texas coming to New-York for holidays. You have got two
children in their teens. You did not have the possibility to book tickets in advance.
Group 2. Students form New York Art School. You struggle to balance your budget,
which is really tight.
Group 3. A wealthy couple of theatre-goers. You have seen a lot of shows and want
something brand new.
Reading and Vocabulary. Writing
38. Scan the titles of the two performance reviews below and guess what show
they are about.

39. Skim through the text of the reviews and say whether the authors approve
or disapprove of the performances. What helps you to understand that?

Theatre Review: Cats (Tour) - New Eight lives too many

Wimbledon Theatre Cats comes back -- but had we
really been missing the original?
By Steve Stubbs
7th May 2014: It’s not often I can say
TORONTO -- A disclaimer: Before
I’m going to a musical that I’ve never Cats began its current run at the Canon
seen before, but tonight was one of Theatre Tuesday night, Andrew Lloyd
those moments. No, I’ve never seen Cats Webber’s ubiquitous musical was, for
performed before, I’ve seen most other me, little more than a 20-year punchline.
Lloyd-Webber musicals, so this was quite «It was better than Cats» -- an old
a rarity for me. You could feel the buzz Saturday Night Live catchphrase -- had
assumed its place in the lexicon next to
in the foyer from the audience going «better than a poke in the eye.»
to their seats, and when inside, you are Then, Tuesday night, I became what
welcomed by the junkyard set sprawling must be one of the last 300 people in the
all over the huge Wimbledon stage, western world to see Cats.
detritus strewn about with steps leading And all that distortion melted away to
into the auditorium. reveal, um, Cats.
Short of comparing it to past productions,
If you’ve not seen Cats before, then
this U.S. touring company version is
what is it about? I hear you asking... Well, lean, but not necessarily mean.
it tells the story of a tribe of cats called With the trademark catsuits and back-
the Jellicles and the night they make alley backdrop, it’s a tangled furball to
what is known as «the Jellicle choice» look at, though the performers deserve
and decide which cat will ascend to the merit for not colliding with each other
during director-choreographer Richard
Heaviside Layer and come back to a new
Stafford’s clustered dance routines.
life. Webber’s score, performed by a
As soon as the show started, I knew I 10-piece group and piped in from
was in for a good evening because the backstage, is interpreted mainly with
first thing that hits you is the quality of the synthesizers and ends up bearing an
sound and the band playing off stage odd resemblance to Wendy Carlos’
under the baton of Anthony Gabriele... soundtrack to Tron. (Coupled with the
fact that the female players look like Daryl
Crystal clear, deep mellow bass and Hannah in Blade Runner, and it’s 1982 all
a very good volume indeed. The mix over again.)
was just right, you can clearly hear all Grant Turner’s Munkustrap is a solid
vocals on stage, sign of a stunning job centre for the chorus, McCree O’Kelley
well done from all involved. defies gravity as Mistoffelees.

The Cats tonight are quite simply a William Hartery, as both Bustopher
fantastic bunch of performers - all Jones and Asparagus, and Gretchen
singing, dancing, acrobatics, tap-dancing, Goldsworthy, as Grizabella, offer equal
full of energy... I could go on, this is one measures of bluster and melodramatic
ensemble I was proud to be watching. quaking.
Vocals are crisp from all, emotions Amid this jumble of prancing
characters there’s some stand-out
running high, especially from Joanna
movement, though the trade-off here
Ampil’s Grizabella who steals the show seems to be that the best dancers are
with a tremendous performance of weak singers and the best singers are
Memory. Another standout is Joseph weak dancers.
Poulton’s Mistoffelees, fantastic Still, the fault truly lies with the
dancing and showmanship all round. material itself.
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer - Benjamin For all its far-reaching popularity,
Yates and Dawn Williams - also provide Cats is a musical where the performers
a dazzling routine with cartwheels and must excel in spite of the work and not
because of it. As if in some theatrical
various other moves of which I have no training ground, they seem a bit like
idea what the names are. soldiers being put through the paces
with live ammunition.
So all in all, this is a well polished Yes, the words are comprised mostly
show, and it’s great to watch whatever of poems from T.S. Eliot’s Old Possum’s
age you are - in tonights audience there Book Of Practical Cats. That doesn’t
were ages ranging from 5 to 85 - it just make Eliot’s work bad, but it doesn’t
goes to show that Cats’ popularity still make Cats good, either.
Its two acts are entirely exposition,
lives strong today... Purrfect! where characters are randomly
introduced and shuffled off. Its floss-
Five stars  thin story, or lack thereof, takes five
minutes to play out at the end.
Cats is at New Wimbledon Theatre until While there may still be plenty for kids
17th May. of all ages enjoy in the way of song and
dance, this Cats probably isn’t the place
to find out.
40. Study the ‘Performance Review Guideline’ (Appendix 28). Then, analyze the
reviews above and identify all the components of a traditional review highlighted
in the performance review guideline.
41. Find all the expressions the authors use to express their opinions about
the musical “Cats”. Place all the expressions you found into one of the two
categories: ‘Positive’ and ‘Negative’. Translate these expressions.
Positive Negative

42. Compare the two reviews and say in what way the authors describe:
* the choreography
* the plot
* the stage and the costumes
* the vocals
* the actors’ play
* the performance in general

43. Match the collocations and translate them.

1. floss-thin a) job
2. weak b) dancing
3. show-stopping c) performance
4. well polished d) singers
5. lean e) show
6. stunning f) story
7. tremendous g) version

44. Find the expessions in the text. Explain them using the context.
1. the quality of the sound and the band 6. to deserve merit for sth/doing sth
2. to play under the baton of sb 7. to be a solid centre for the chorus
3. to clearly hear all vocals on stage 8. to offer equal measures of … and …
4. to provide a dazzling routine 9. a stand-out movement
5. to be great to watch whatever age 10. to be comprised mostly of
you are 11. to play out at the end
45. Find the English equivalents for the following expressions:
1. мати дивну схожість з 5. затьмарити всіх
2. купа гарцюючих персонажів 6. емоції зашкалюють
3. головна проблема в 7. фантастична група акторів
4. зірка/ хтось, або щось визначне 8. прекрасна робота всіх учасників
46. Write your own performance review about the play or musical you have
seen. Use the review guideline (Appendix 28) and the expressions from the
vocabulary exercises above.

47. Go to http://www.freedrama.net/one.html and choose a one act play to
perform in the class room. You can divide into groups and choose a small cast
play script or work on your own using a one actor monologue script to perform.
Get ready to perform the play in the classroom.
Do not forget to:
- rehearse the play;
- choose costumes, props, scenery (if possible);
- choose music for background (if needed).
Have fun!
Unit 4.
Choosing a career
Vocabulary and Speaking
1. Discuss the questions with a partner.
◊ When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
◊ What would be your dream job? Why do you think it suits you?
◊ What job is suitable for your partner? Why is s/he the right person for such a job?
2. Test your partner and let your partner test you using the career test below.
These 10 simple  questions  will help you figure out what kind of career you
should have. Compare the results with your own ideas.

What career might be right for you

The Quiz By Sheetal Mandora

I. If you got the opportunity to be known as one of the famous people on the
planet, would you be willing?
1. Yes! Why won’t I? It’s a great opportunity.
2. Maybe; I’m not greedy about fame, but if I get the opportunity.
3. No, I would decline. I don’t really want people stalking me.
II. Is there a particular salary range you’d wish to earn?
1. My salary has to be at least USD 4,000 or higher.
2. My salary has to be between USD 1,000 to USD 2,000.
3. I’ll be satisfied to work till USD 200 to USD 300.
III. At work, do you think you can work under pressure and
stressful conditions?
1. I am fine with working under pressure; in fact I do very well in those situations.
2. I’d wish to avoid such situations as much as possible.
3. I don’t really have any preference.
IV. When you read the newspaper, which section are you mostly fond of?
1. Arts and Entertainment; I love to learn about what’s going on out there.
2. Business; I enjoy learning about the current market conditions.
3. Crossword puzzles; I’m a huge fan.
V. Would you like your job to be predictable and flexible?
1. I don’t mind flexible, but predictable jobs scare me.
2. I don’t mind predictable, but flexible jobs don’t really motivate me.
3. I don’t really have any preference.
VI. If we happen to speak to your professor about
you, he/she would say that ...
1. I am really good at logically reasoning with people.
2. I am great with numbers.
3. I am great with machines.

VII. Do you wish to travel around the world for your job?
1. I love traveling and if I can combine this hobby with my job,
then it will be perfect.
2. Occasional traveling is fine by me.
3. Not an enthusiastic traveler.
VIII. At work, what type of attire would you like to wear?
1. Formal dress code
2. Uniform dress code
3. Casual dress code
IX. What is your educational background? What level have
you finished or are about to complete?
1. Postgraduate
2. Community College graduate
3. High School graduate
X. Would you prefer a growth oriented organization where you can work
hard and show results?
1. Yes! I am very much interested.
2. I don’t wish to be pressured into giving results.
3. No, I don’t desire working with such an organization.
By Sheetal Mandora
Last Updated: September 26, 2011

The Result
Now that you took the quiz, it’s time for the results. Here, you
need to refer to your notes you took (about the majority of 1, 2,
or 3 answers) and count which number ranks highest. According
to that, you will jump to the corresponding results.

Mostly 1’s Mostly 2’s

With the selection of answers you With the selection
chose, you can become a sales manager, of answers you chose,
a college professor, an advertising you can become an IT analyst, social
sales agent, a personnel manager, a service manager, an editor, a personnel
public relations specialist, a real estate manager, an engineer,
agent, a social service a physicist, a school
manager, a writer, administrator, or
a surgeon, or a a public relations
psychologist. specialist.

Mostly 3’s
With the selection of answers you chose, you can
become a landscape architect, a music director/
composer, a coach, an editor, camera operator for television, video, or
even motion picture.

3. Match the words to their definitions.
a. activities that you do to earn money, either working for a
company or for yourself
1. A job
b. the regular paid work that you do for an employer
2. A career c. a job that you do because you feel it is your purpose in life
3. A profession and for which you have special skills
d. the kind of work that someone usually does. It is used
4. Work mainly on official forms
5. An occupation e. the kind of work for which you need special training and a
good education.
6. A calling /vocation f. the type of work that you do or hope to do for most of your
4. Choose the correct preposition. Translate the sentences.
1. There’s not much chance of promotion in/on a job like that.
2. She’s got a job by/as a waitress.
3. She got a teaching job in/at the university.
4. We’re going to have some building work done on/at the house.
5. He’s been hard at/in work all morning.
6. She’s done a lot of work with/at disadvantaged children.
7. In the college vacations he does casual work into/in the local hospital.
8. He was a consultant physician on/by profession.
9. He had a distinguished career as/like a diplomat.
10. She achieved a lot in/from her chosen career.
11. She pursued a successful career in/at medicine.
12. He is desperate to pursue his vocation as/for an artist.
13. She seems to have a vocation for/on healing.
14. He gave up his occupation by/as a farmer and became a teacher.
5. Complete the sentences with the words above.
1. I have a very demanding ______________.
2. The scandal ruined his ____________ and he never worked in the stock market
3. Last month we completed ______________ on the new business center.
4. For a time he believed he had a __________ to be a priest.
5. State your name, age, and ______________ in the box below.
6. The medical ____________ is always telling us we should exercise more.
7. Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male ______________.
8. She made a __________ break to have children.
9. It’s piece ___________, so how much you earn depends on how fast you can
10. What would be your dream __________?
11. I spend most Saturdays doing odd ___________ around the house.
12. Many unemployed people welcome the chance to do purposeful ____________,
even if unpaid.
13. Her ___________ as a market researcher involves a lot of leg________.
14. She entered the legal _______________ after university.
6. Define the words below and explain the difference between them.

post position vacancy

7. Translate the sentences into English.
1. Він отримав освіту в Оксфорді і пізніше зробив кар’єру в журналістиці, але
любов до музики, яку він успадкував від батька, підготувала для нього інше по-
2. У місцевому супермаркеті є вакансія продавця, я збираюся подати заяву,
щоб отримати цю роботу.
3. Пост президента є надзвичайно почесним у будь-якій сфері.
4. Головний обов’язок топменеджера контролювати роботу усіх його підлеглих.
5. На піку своєї кар’єри вона вирішила стати домогосподаркою.
6. Приблизно половина з усіх опитаних зазначили що їх рід занять – фізична
7. Батько Сари не бажав, щоб її професією стало вчителювання.
8. Він отримав посаду секретаря минулого квітня.
8. What are trades? What are unskilled jobs? Decide if the jobs below belong
to professions, trades or unskilled jobs.

professions trades unskilled jobs

* archaeologist * electrician * judge * security guard

* architect * estate agent * lawyer * shepherd
* baker * excavator * loader * shop assistant
* bank clerk operator * locksmith * social worker
* barrister * factory worker * lorry driver * solicitor
* blacksmith * filling station * mechanic * surgeon
* bricklayer attendant * musician * taxi driver
* butcher * fisherman * notary * teacher
* carpenter * flight attendant * nurse * traffic warden
* chef * forklift truck * photographer * vet
* chemist operator * physician * waiter/waitress
* conveyer operator * garage man / * physicist * welder
* crane operator service station * plumber * window cleaner
* dentist man * postman
* dyer * hairdresser * refuse collector
9. Match the job description with the position.
Dmanaging director/ D
chief executive officer D
Dpersonnel manager (personal assistant)
1. S/he is responsible for keeping and checking financial accounts, calculating taxes
2. S/he is responsible for keeping records or accounts in an office.
3. S/he is responsible for choosing people for jobs and dealing with any problems of
the stuff.
4. S/he is responsible for welcoming and dealing with people arriving in an office.
5. S/he is in responsible for typing letters, keeping records, answering telephone
calls, arranging meetings.
6. S/he is in charge of a large company or organization.

10. Fill the jobs into the blanks.

◊◊ custom officer ◊◊ paramedic ◊◊ police officer ◊◊ soldier

◊◊ firefighter ◊◊ pilot ◊◊ sailor ◊◊ traffic warden

1. Daniel is a ___________ in the Royal Navy.

2. My husband is a _____________ in the fire brigade.
3. Lucy works as a _____________ in the ambulance service.
4. Her brother was recruited last month. Now he is a ______________ in the army.
5. As a child I dreamt to be a ________________ in the air force.
6. He is a senior __________________.
7. In Britain a ____________ is a member of a traffic control department or agency
who issues tickets for parking violations.
8. It does not take too long to have the bags checked in the airport if a
_________________ works efficiently.
11. Label the pictures.
• bricklayer • fishmonger • plumber
• butcher • hairdresser • roofer
• cashier • locksmith • smith (blacksmith)
• electrician • mechanic • window cleaner


12. Complete the information in the table. Describe three more jobs.

Job Place of work Responsibilities Tools Qualities required

1. a conductor music stand,

2. a photographer
Must be creative; detail oriented;
patient and willing to wait for the
right moment before taking a photo

3. machine,

perform religious
4. a priest duties and

5. a film director
filming location

6. a news
News “copy”
(an anchor)

7. an artist Artist’s studio




13. Do the crossword.
1 2
…… architect
…… barrister
…… butcher

4 6
…… chemist
…… coach

…… fishmonger
…… freelancer
10 12
…… jeweler
9 …… locksmith
15 18 …… lumberjack
5 11 14 …… notary
…… physicist
7 16 17
…… plumber
…… priest
…… sculptor
…… secretary
…… shepherd
…… solicitor

Across 4. someone who makes and repairs

1. a scientist who has special knowledge locks
and training in physics 10. a lawyer in Britain who can argue
3. someone whose job is to design cases in the higher law courts
buildings 11. someone, especially a lawyer, who
5. someone who sells fish has the legal power to make a signed
6. someone who makes sculptures statement or document official
7. someone who is specially trained to 12. someone whose job is to take care
perform religious duties and ceremonies of sheep
in the Christian church 13. someone who works independently
8. someone who buys, sells, makes, or for different companies rather than being
repairs jewellery employed by one particular company:
9. someone who trains a person or team 15. someone whose job is cutting down
in a sport: trees for wood
14. someone whose job is to repair 16. someone who owns or works in a
water pipes, baths, toilets etc shop that sells meat
Down 17. a scientist who has special knowledge
2. a type of lawyer in Britain who gives and training in chemistry
legal advice, prepares the necessary 18. someone who works in an office
documents when property is bought or typing letters, keeping records, answering
sold, and defends people, especially in telephone calls, arranging meetings
the lower courts of law
14. Match the words and translate 15. Who will you go to if…
the names of the jobs into Ukrainian. …you want to have your hair cut?
When and why do you address these …you need your car to be repaired?
people? …if you have a toothache and need to
have your tooth filled?
1. traffic a. manager …if you want to have your parcel sent?
2. sales b. warden …if you want to have a new dress
3. estate c. operator made?
4. camera d. guard …if you need to have your passport
5. security e. agent picture taken?
6. shop f. assistant …if you need your garbage bin to be
7. custom g. director emptied?
8. managing h. officer …if you want to have the piano moved
to your new apartment?
…if you want to have a new house built?
œœ16. Match the skills and abilities with the explanations. Then choose the
correct jobs and professions that need these skills and abilities.
I. Concept organization 1. the ability to quickly see a common element among
seemingly unrelated ideas
II. Inductive reasoning 2. the ability to decipher numerical patterns and concepts
III. Structural visualization 3. the ability to break down complicated ideas and make
them more easily understood
IV. Numerical reasoning 4. the ability to imagine lots of possibilities – and anticipate
potential problems
V. Foresight 5. the ability to picture three-dimensional objects in your
a) Research scientists, police detectives, lawyers.
b) Politicians, entrepreneurs, physicians, activists
c) Engineers, architects, physicians
d) Engineers, computer programmers, editors.
e) Economists, financial analysts, accountants
œœ 17. Work with a partner. Ask each other questions about various professions
and abilities following the schemes below.

‘n u m e r ic al reasoninipher A. What
A. What is e ability to dects. need? do econo
B. It’s th p a tt e r n s a nd concep erical B. They re
numerical jobs require num quire num
t A. What is erical reas
A. Wha ‘numerical oning
eded B. It’s the a reasoning’? .
reasoning?ical reasoning is nealysts, bility to dec
ipher nume
B. Numer ists, financial an patterns a
nd concep rical
by econo ts. ts.
accounta n

18. Find two people who are in your team by asking your classmates questions
about their jobs.
- What do you do (for a living)?
- My job is making and altering garments.
- So, you are a tailor.

Group 1. Go to Appendix 7.
Group 2. Go to Appendix 10.
Group 3. Go to Appendix 22.

19. When all the members of the team are found

a) come up with three points of similarity between your jobs;
b) decide which job does not match with the other two.
20. Name three jobs that...
™™ are the most/ the least demanding;
™™ are badly paid;
™™ are over-paid;
™™ require a dress code / wearing a uniform;
™™ are challenging for you.

21. Answer the questions.

1. Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?
2. If you could own your own business, what would it be?
3. If you had to choose between a satisfying job and a well-paid one, which would
you choose?
4. If money weren’t a problem for you, which job would you prefer to have?
22. Which of the following benefits are most important to you in a job and
why? Rank them according to their importance.

ˆˆ A high salary
ˆˆ The opportunity to use the training
ˆˆ Good working conditions
and skills you have acquired
ˆˆ A boss you enjoy working for
ˆˆ A job near where you live
ˆˆ Co-workers you like
ˆˆ The opportunity to travel
ˆˆ Little or no overtime
ˆˆ Flexible working hours
ˆˆ Good opportunities for advancement

Reading and Vocabulary

23. Discuss the questions below.
1. What do you know about Forbes? What is it famous for?
2. What is your idea about an ideal job?
3. What jobs can be considered the best? What factors influence the choice of a job?
4. Do you think there is a difference between jobs for men and women? Which jobs
are considered to be ‘for men’ and ‘for women’?
24. Read the text. Write out the names of different professions mentioned in
the text.

The Best Jobs For Women In 2013

In recent surveys, over 80% of workers said they planned to look for a new job in
the New Year, and 60% said they wanted to choose a different career path entirely.
Women seem to be at the forefront of the charge. For the last few years, more women
than men have pursued MBAs in order to make a mid-career switch.
But which jobs offer the most security, satisfaction and financial gain? Cue jobs
expert Laurence Shatkin, Ph.D., the author of Best Jobs for the 21st Century. He
uncovered the best jobs for women in 2013 by analyzing the occupations with the
highest percentage of women reporting “very high” satisfaction levels, based on the
National Survey of College Graduates, the highest median annual earnings as of
2011, strong projected growth through 2020 and the largest number of total annual
openings, as tracked by the U.S. Department of Labor.
The result? Shatkin found that a woman’s best shot at career success
in the New Year is as a diagnosing medical doctor, including physicians,
dentists and optometrists. The majority of women in this role (60%)
report very high satisfaction levels, and the job pays a median salary
of $121,000 and features high job security. There are nearly 80,000
openings a year, and the field is expected to grow 27% by 2020.
In fact, several roles in health care, one of the fastest-growing sectors
of the U.S. economy and dominated by women, appear on this list.
Female health professionals (including registered nurses, pharmacists
and dieticians),non-practicing medical scientists, and psychologists all report high
satisfaction and feature good pay and strong future growth.
According to the Society for Human Resource Management’s annual employee
satisfaction survey, women rank the top contributors to their job satisfaction as:
opportunities to use their skills and abilities (65%), job security (64%), communication
between employees and senior management (61%) and compensation.
As a comparison, men place slightly more importance on pay and also
list the work itself as a leading contributor.
Interestingly, most of these jobs are high-level professional jobs
requiring a major education and time commitment. For example,
lawyers and judges and top-level managers and executives — jobs
known for long hours and a lot of stress — have some of the highest
satisfaction levels among women.
Shatkin says these types of jobs offer a high level of intellectual satisfaction,
and, because more education typically results in higher pay, the women
are able to feel more secure and fairly compensated. Furthermore, he
says the trend of hiring more professional support staff unburdens them
from much of the grunt work.
For example, physician assistants, nurse aides and paralegals often
manage the administrative and routine work, allowing the professional
to focus on the work they were trained for.

Professional jobs also feature high levels of autonomy, which research shows boosts
employee satisfaction. Defined as freedom to make choices in the workplace and
be accountable for them, autonomy may include on-the-job decision-making latitude,
control over your work schedule or the freedom to elect how and where to work. In
a study last year, researchers at Concordia University found the potential benefits of
workplace autonomy to include greater employee commitment, better performance,
improved productivity and lower turnover.
In some of the best jobs, women are in the minority of workers.
Although they are only 29% of actuaries and only 5% of petroleum
engineers, both landed on the top-10 list. Shatkin believes the women
who pursue typically masculine jobs, bravely bucking employment
gender norms, likely have a strong personality fit and talent for the work, which
would contribute to higher satisfaction levels. For example, 56% of female actuaries
report being “very satisfied,” compared to only 47% of male actuaries.
The numbers of women pursuing professional jobs has exploded
in the last 50 years. They now earn the majority of professional and
doctoral degrees, up from just 10% in 1961. The number of women in
law school has gone from 4% in 1963 to 44% today, and the number
in medical school increased from 6% to 49%. Despite these gains,
women continue to face significant leadership and wage gaps, earning just 82%
as much as their male peers earn just one year out of college.

25. Work with a partner. In turns, give a definition of a profession mentioned in

the text and ask each other to guess the profession.
A. What do you call a person who is a specialist in general medicine, and not surgery?
B. It’s a physician.

26. Look at the highlighted words and expressions in the text.

Match them with their definitions. Make up your own sentences
using these words and expressions.
1. job satisfaction a. to apply oneself to (one’s studies, hobbies, etc.)
b. a job that is available, a vacancy
2. opening
c. profits or winnings
3. employee d. manner or quality of functioning; how well or badly you do
4. compensation sth
e. something, especially money, that sb gives you because
5. commitment they have hurt you, or damaged sth that you own (as reparation
6. grunt work for loss, injury, etc.); indemnity
f. hard boring work
7. to be trained g. the willingness to work hard and give your energy and time
for (work) to a job or an activity
h. the rate at which a worker, a company or a country produces
8. performance goods, and the amount produced, compared with how much
9. productivity time, work and money is needed to produce them
i. to be taught the skills for a particular job or activity
10. to pursue j. a person who is paid to work for sb
11. gains k. the extent to which a person’s hopes, desires, and
expectations about the employment he is engaged in are fulfilled

27. Find English equivalents for the following words and phrases in the text.
1. гарантія зайнятості, 7. адміністративна та повсякденна
забезпеченість роботою робота
2. фінансова користь; прибутки, 8. свобода прийняття рішень на ро-
заробітки бочому місці
3. середній річний дохід (заробіток) 9. плинність робочої сили; коефіцієнт
4. середня заробітна платня, плата; плинності робочої сили
оклад 10. займатися типово чоловічою робо-
5. гарна (заробітна) плата тою, мати типово чоловічу професію
6. сталий майбутній розвиток 11. різниця у заробітній платі
28. Find in the text words which mean the money that you earn by working.
Match them to their definitions.
1. ______ is a fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis but often
expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee, especially a
professional or white-collar worker.
2. ______ is the money that blue-collar workers are paid every week by their employer,
usually according to how many hours or days they work each week or month.
3. ______ is any money that one is given for doing a job.
29. What other kinds of payment do you know? How do you call…
• …the money paid to a lawyer, doctor, or similar qualified worker for a piece of work
they have done?
• …a small amount of additional money that you give to someone such as a waiter
or a taxi driver?
• …money added to someone’s wages, especially as a reward for good work?
30. Fill in the gaps with the words from the previous exercises.
1. The employee of the week receives a ___________ for his excellent work.
2. A doctor usually charges a __________ for a home visit.
3. The average _________ of a teacher is $39,000 a year.
4. How can factory workers live on such a low _________?
5. He left the waitress a large _________.
6. The job offers good rates of __________ and excellent perks.
31. What kind of pay may these people get? More than one answer is possible.
• a plumber • a cashier • a petroleum engineer
• a barber • a waiter • a CEO
• a mechanic • a dentist
32. Say who and when gets such kinds of pay.
1. holiday pay 3. overtime pay 5. sick pay
2. maternity pay 4. unemployment pay
33. Answer the following questions to check your comprehension of the text.
1. How did the jobs expert analyse the it connected with job satisfaction?
occupations? 5. What is autonomy? Why is it important
2. What jobs become the most popular for employee satisfaction?
and successful? 6. Why are women who pursue typically
3. What are the main factors that masculine jobs more satisfied than male
contribute to women’s job satisfaction? workers?
4. Why is education important? How is 7. What problems do women still face?
Use of English and Vocabulary
34. You are going to read Arielle’s letter about her job. Before reading, translate
and explain the following words.
DD to intern DD department staff
DD to treat sb like … DD update meeting
DD a co-worker DD to be discounted
DD an assistant DD to speak up
DD to give sb respect DD to fit in
35. Using the words above, try to predict the content of the letter. Then, read
and check your ideas. Which ideas of yours were correct?

Dear Liz,
I’m in the middle of a very disappointing first year on my first post-college job. I interned at
this company twice and they made me an offer to join the firm after graduation.
I got the job offer before my winter break in my senior year of school. I didn’t even interview
with any other companies because I had such a great experience interning here two different
times, with different teams.
Now that I’m here as a full-time employee I am still viewed as an intern and everyone I knew
in the ‘old days’ still treats me like a college kid. My boss, Allan, was never my supervisor
when I was an intern but he knew me, and in fact the two people I worked for as an intern are
two of the worst offenders when it comes to communicating with me as a co-worker and not
an assistant. They are nice to me but they don’t give me the same respect they give one another.
They don’t ask my opinion about a lot of things. I only go to one meeting, which is our
department staff update meeting. I do a good job but I haven’t been brought into any
conversations at a higher level than my own desk.
When I have ideas and try to get them acted on, the bar is higher for me than for other people.
I feel like I’m being discounted because of my age.
Nobody is snippy or harsh, it’s just that they change their tone of voice when they talk to
me and they ask me about whether I like Beyonce and what movie I saw last weekend. I have
nothing against social conversation and fun but I can’t climb out of the Intern Zone with
these people! I dress as seriously as I can.
I speak up at meetings. I’ve never tried so hard to fit in as I’m doing right now. When will
my colleagues start to see me as a businessperson rather than the youngest and most junior
member of the team?
36. If you were Liz, what would you recommend Arielle to do? Note down your
37. Now read Liz’s answer completing the text with the necessary words from
the list below. Were your ideas correct?
Dear Arielle,
I’m very (0) excited for you on your first career adventure! That first job can be a roller coaster.
You’re learning a tremendous amount, and not all of the learning is (1) _______. It’s those little pricks
and stings that teach us to pay attention (2) _______ things we may not have focused on before.
When you were an intern, the folks in your office could mother-hen you and mentor you or ignore
you and go on with their day. Interns (3) _______ and go. Now that you’re a full-fledged team member,
they are checking you (4) _______ in a new way. That isn’t a negative thing. They’re trying to understand who you are, and
trying to (5) _______ to you across the distance of the gap in your ages or the differences in your life experiences. I cannot say
exactly what’s going on in the energy field at your workplace, but I have a hypothesis.
You were determined not to let your former intern status slow you (6) _______ as a serious career woman, and you say that
you’ve never worked so hard to fit in anywhere in your life before. My suggestion is for you to stop trying so (7) _______. You
can be yourself. Your colleagues may be talking about Beyonce and movies to help you settle down and relax.
You don’t have to play the part Ultra Serious Business Woman! You didn’t say in your letter that anyone was belittling
or criticizing you, just that it’s hard to get your ideas taken (8) _______.
That is the way it is when you’re new in your career. You have to build (9) _______ credibility. That isn’t an age-related thing;
it’s a matter of life and work experience and accumulated stories. Part of your job now is to show your co-workers that
along with suggesting ideas, you can learn and take suggestions, too.
It would be awful if your first professional job required you to bow and scrape and do everybody else’s scutwork (10)
_______ you were less than the other employees. I don’t hear that in your letter, but I do hear the fear of a business newbie
wanting to be taken seriously and not being sure how to make that happen. Soften, relax and ask (11) _______ help even if you
think you don’t need it. Give up (12) _______ to follow the Ms. Independent Business Woman persona and be your amazing
Arielle self. It doesn’t matter what you think your co-workers think of you right now.
It matters that you’re on your path, clear on how to move (13) _______ and connected to the power source that makes work
fun and (14) _______. Focus on those things, and your brand inside the company will take care (15) _______ itself.
0. A. exciting B. excited C. excite D. excitement
1. A. most pleasant B. more pleasant C. the pleasure D. pleasant
2. A. to B. at C. for D. in
3. A. come B. come in C. arrive D. come up
4. A. in B. out C. off D. away
5. A. refer B. empathise C. relate D. react
6. A. up B. down C. over D. off
7. A. hardly B. harder C. hardest D. hard
8. A. seriously B. serious C. severely D. severe
9. A. on B. up C. over D. in
10. A. as B. though C. as though D. if
11. A. after B. around C. on D. for
12. A. trying B. to try C. try D. tried
13. A. along B. forward C. around D. downward
14. A. awarding B. rewarded C. rewarding D. reward
15. A. for B. of C. after D. about
38. Fill in the table with the related words. Translate all the words.
to employ employer employee employment
to train training
interviewee interview
to examine examiner
to address addressee
to pay payment
39. Choose the correct word in the following sentences. Translate the sentences.
1. Whatever the type of interview the basic purpose is always the same: to elicit
information from the interviewer/interviewee.
2. Trainees/trainers may leave at any time if, for example, they wish to take up
3. This will enable you to show the interviewer/interviewee that you are really keen
for a job with that particular company.
4. The study was based on structured interviews with some 370 former employers/
employees of a privately owned steel company in Sheffield who were made redundant
in and shortly after the summer of 1979.
5. On receipt of a bill, the charge payer/payee is given a specified date by which he
or she should pay each instalment.
6. In 1907 the central committee campaigned for a minimum wage for all women co-
operative employers/employees.
7. If you go for a number of interviews/interviewers without success you may
subconsciously associate your interview outfit with failure.
8. He was a good conductor, and a first-rate trainer/trainee of singers.
9. Currently 8 per cent of the population has private health insurance, which is usually
paid for by an employer/employee rather than by the individual.
40. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box. Translate the sentences.

Daddressee D
Demployer D
Dinterviewee D
Demployee D
Dinterview D
1. If you write the words ‘Account __________ Only’ between the crossings on the
cheque, you can be certain that the cheque can only be banked by the person to
whom you made it out.
2. In addition to this, __________ participate in many hours of training in the bureau,
both supervised and via self-instruction packs.
3. So-called new information is what the speaker assumes he is introducing into the
__________’s consciousness by what he says.
4. The competition for places may be fierce where all __________ have access to
5. The interviewer should collect the __________, not have him sent for from the
waiting room.
6. We continue to be a major __________ in Port Sunlight, with some 1,300 staff.
7. You will hear from us again if you are short-listed for __________.

Getting a job Doing a job
• to look for work • to work (in) shifts
• to look for/apply • to do/work overtime
for a job • to have/gain/get/
• to complete/fill lack/need experience/
out/ (BrE) fill in an qualifications
application (form) • to do/get/have/receive training
• to send/email your CV(BrE)/résumé • to learn/pick up/improve/develop (your)
(NAmE) /application/application form/ skills
covering letter • to cope with/manage/share/spread the
• to be called for/have/attend an workload
interview • to improve your/achieve a better work-
• to offer sb a job/work/employment/ life balance
promotion • to have (no) job satisfaction/job security
• to employ/ to hire (especially NAmE)/
Leaving your job
to recruit/to take on (especially BrE) staff/
• to leave/quit (especially
NAmE) your job
• to recruit sb to sth/to do sth
• to resign (from your job)
• to give up work/your
Building a career job/your career
• to have a job/work/a career/a vocation • to retire sb
• to find/follow/pursue/live (out) your • to retire (as sth; from sth) /to be due to
vocation retire
• to enter/go into/join a profession • to take early retirement
• to pursue a career • to send /hand (in) /give in/submit one’s
• to work freelance resignation/notice
• to do/take on temp work/freelance work • to lay sb off
• to do/be engaged in/be involved in • to dismiss sb (from sth)
voluntary work • to make sb redundant
• to promote sb (from sth) (to sth) • to fire sb
• to be/get promoted • to sack sb (informal)
• to achieve promotion • to give sb the sack
• to demote sb (from sth) • to get the sack (for sth)/ to be
(to sth) given the sack
• to be demoted • to discharge sb from a job (formal)
• to move up/to climb the • to be out of work/to be jobless/to be
career ladder unemployed

41. Explain the difference between:

to dismiss sb, to sack sb,
to lay sb off (to be laid off), to
to fire sb (to be dismissed, to be
be made redundant
sacked, to be fired)

42. Match the following words and expressions to their definitions.
1. a workaholic a. to suspend (workers) from employment with the intention of re-
employing them at a later date
2. to sack b. a person who works very hard and finds it difficult to stop
3. to lay off working and do other things; a person obsessively addicted to work
c. to find new people to join a company, an organization
4. to dismiss d. to officially tell sb that you are leaving your job, an organization,
5. to resign
e. to dismiss sb from a job; you can no longer continue working
6. to promote for a company, etc. usually because of sth that you have done
7. to recruit f. to officially remove sb from their job; to fire
8. to appoint g. to raise to a higher rank, status, degree, etc; to move sb to a
higher rank or more senior job
h. to choose sb for a job or position of responsibility
43. Paraphrase the sentences using passive constructions instead of the ac-
tive ones as in the example. Translate the sentences.
They will make the workers redundant just before Christmas.
The workers will be made redundant just before Christmas.
1. Freeman, specialising in property, has laid off a dozen well-paid staff members.
2. Between 1975 and 1985, we will have hired nearly 18000 people at all levels.
3. They recruited as divisional controllers six former CEB managers, six municipal
engineers, and two engineers from the power companies.
4. At the age of 53, it comes as a pretty bad shock when they make you redundant.
5. But then they fired him from his £400,000-a-year job as chief executive of the M I
insurance group — and his champagne lifestyle collapsed.
6. He is about sixty and they should have retired him years ago, but he has nowhere
else to go.
44. Complete each sentence with 2 to 5 words and including the provided
word as in the example.
EXAMPLE: Every young person who is hired will be guaranteed the right to Learn
While You Earn.
Every young person in employment will be guaranteed the right to Learn While You
1. It would have meant seven hundred ager’s job at Preston in 1981, he imme-
vacancies and work for the unemployed. diately told the press.
¨¨jobless ¨¨sacked
It would have meant seven hundred When he _______________________
vacancies and ___________________ manager’s job at Preston in 1981, he
______________________. immediately told the press.
2. They recruited a pilot to fly them in a 4. Philip Masinde replaced the Labour
chartered plane. Minister Peter Okondo who left his job
¨¨hired in August.
The pilot _______________________ ¨¨resigned
___________________ in a chartered The Labour Minister Peter Okondo
plane. _________________________ August
3. When they fired him from the man- and was replaced by Philip Masinde.

5. Investment was drying up, busi- 7. The Daily Telegraph chose Trevor
nesses were collapsing, they made men Grove for the position of its Sunday edi-
redundant and wages were cut. tor.
¨¨laid ¨¨appointed
Investment was drying up, businesses The Daily Telegraph _____________
were collapsing, men ______________ ___________________ its Sunday edi-
_____________________ and wages tor.
were cut. 8. Two years ago they dismissed
6. She got the sack from Apollo Video Rosemary from a job she had held for
Film Hire for being ‘unreliable’. 20 years.
¨¨fired ¨¨redundant
She ___________________________ Two years ago Rosemary
Apollo Video Film Hire for being ‘unreli- ______________________________
able’. a job she had held for 20 years.
45. Fill in the gaps with the words given below. Translate the sentences.
DDappointed DDjobless DDretired
DDfired DDlaid off DDsacked
DDhired DDredundant DDworkaholic
1. During the third week of rehearsal, Gene Hackman was_______ and replaced by
the extremely different Murray Hamilton.
2. The workforce took salary cuts, the three directors work without salary for three
months and one skilled employee was made _______.
3. He says that they’ve _______ security guards, and taken other security measures.
4. If you’re late without getting permission beforehand just once more, you’re _______.
5. A Birmingham graduate, Professor Lodge taught in the English Department until
1987, when he _______ to become a full-time writer.
6. He has tried hard to balance his managerial duties with outside interests and not
to allow himself to become too much of a _______.
7. He was _______ Executive Secretary of the Cabinet — a position known colloquially
as “the little presidency” — in December 1990.
8. In the winter months, for example, many building workers find themselves without
work because of bad weather and many workers in the tourism industry are also
9. Twenty per cent of Spain’s workforce is _______ and welfare payments are
46. Translate the sentences giving as many variants as possible.
1. Він звільнився з посади лікаря 3 роки тому.
2. Молоде подружжя працювало дуже старанно, щоб якомога швидше
отримати підвищення та збільшити свої прибутки.
3. У наш час багато компаній вимушені скорочувати своїх працівників через
брак коштів. Іноді навіть найкращі робітники можуть бути звільненими.
4. Іноді краще наймати недосвідчених випускників вишів, оскільки вони не
проти працювати понаднормово і є самовідданими працівниками.
5. Через свою неуважність Марк не помітив помилки у контракті фірми, тому
його понизили на посаді.
6. Коли Пилипа призначили менеджером відділу з продажів, він одразу ж став
владним та самовдоволеним.

7. Лікарям часто доводиться працювати в нічну зміну, тому ця професія є
дуже відповідальною.
8. Гарантія зайнятості та задоволеність працею є одними з найважливіших
показників якості робочого життя.
9. Якщо Ви – безробітний, Вам слід звернутися до центру зайнятості або до
бюро з працевлаштування, щоб отримати поради щодо пошуку роботи. Коли
Ви шукатимете роботу, Ви повинні заповнити заяву про прийом на роботу.
Speaking. Group Work
47. Work with a partner or in a small group.
You are personnel department managers. There are going to be job cuts and
one of four workers in your company needs to be made redundant. You must
choose between 4 people and decide which one should get the sack.
Micheal Ross. He Donna Smith. She is
is a young man of 22, 47 and has been with the
who has been with the company for many years.
company for 2 years She gets on very well
since leaving the college. with all her colleagues, and plays a
He is a hard worker key role in the business because of her
with a lot of ambition and shows a experience and ability with languages.
lot of promise for future career However she has recently been
development; and he also works well suffering from health problems and
in a team. However, he has recently hasn’t been able to work very much;
been going to interviews for other she has also just divorced from her
positions and maybe unhappy with his husband and seems to be depressed.
current position. Marry Ann Anderson.
Dirk Spenser. He is 30 and has She is 35 and married and
been working for the company for knows the company inside
5 years. He is a good worker who is out. She is very dedicated
especially valued for his good relations and hardworking, although she tends to be
with our customers. He lives far from a bit difficult to work with. She often stays
place of work so he often arrives late behind to finish anything that needs doing
to work and his colleagues are always complaining and is always available to fill in for other
that he is untidy and disorganized. He is single and people. However, her colleagues think she
lives with his elderly disabled mother. is bossy and ill-mannered.
48. Look at the following list of items. Are they benefits of a job or
qualifications for a job?
ˆˆ Ability to meet deadlines ˆˆ Paid Holidays
ˆˆ Ability to work accurately ˆˆ Pay Raise
ˆˆ Bachelor/masters/doctor degree ˆˆ Professional development programs
ˆˆ Day off ˆˆ Promotion
ˆˆ Driving licence ˆˆ References
ˆˆ Flex time ˆˆ Regional occupation training classes
ˆˆ Health/dental insurance ˆˆ Sick, personal, and parental leave
ˆˆ Housing ˆˆ Vacation time
ˆˆ Job resources ˆˆ Verbal communication skills
ˆˆ Life and disability insurance ˆˆ Work experience
49. In an interview an interviewee would probably want to ask about the
benefits of the job offered and an interviewer would ask about interviewee’s
qualifications for the job. Think and come up with 5 questions an interviewer
and an interviewee could ask.
Interviewer Is there any chance for a
What kind of experience do you have? promotion or raise?

œœ50. Work in two groups. Role-play the situation. Group 1, go to Appendix 13.
Group 2, go to Appendix 17.

51. Look at the charts. Explain the words and expressions.

Reading and Vocabulary

52. Read the text and say what advantages and disadvantages of working night
shifts Dr Zakia Akhteruzzaman mentions.

Is working night shifts bad for you?

Paula Cocozza, Tom Meltzer, Nosheen Iqbal and Aisha Gani
The Guardian, Tuesday 21 January 2014 18.58 GMT
A new study claims that working nights can disrupt gene activity after only three days
– and the health dangers are thought to include an increased risk of breast cancer,
type 2 diabetes and heart attacks. Does it worry nocturnal workers? And are there any
Dr Zakia Akhteruzzaman, 32
General practitioner
«I worked night shifts on and off for three years when I was a junior doctor, but the
worst time was four long months in A&E. It was disorientating. A&E totally messes
up your body clock. You have long shifts – 12 or 13 hours – and you have no time to
process anything. There’s no window in the main emergency room, so you don’t know
what’s happening outside. I felt totally out of touch with the universe. The most difficult
thing is that there’s no fixed times.
One day you do 8am to 5pm and then 8pm to 8am for a few days, and then sometimes
till 2am. So every day is different. It’s difficult to have a social life, and your body can’t
You feel very unwell and jetlagged. I could barely talk sometimes. I would be seeing
a patient and taking down their history, and then would have to go to the toilet and
cough up phlegm. Twice when I was on night shift I had to take time off as I was sick
in bed. I remember feeling really guilty.
When we qualified, there were some doctors who wanted to do A&E, mainly because
they enjoyed acute medicine and the associated adrenaline rush, but it wasn’t for me.
I don’t see how you could have any work/life balance and work those shifts.
But as difficult as it was, I also remember it with some nostalgia. It sounds strange,
but hospitals can be peaceful at that time. During the day, the patients are in the
corridor and there are doctors huddling. But at night, it’s often just you walking along
the corridors. We would have really deep conversations at that time – even discussing
spirituality and deeper issues. I have never found that during the day. I think people
feel a bit more vulnerable and open up more. Also, another positive thing is that at
this time you really get a chance to bond. Sometimes the junior handles the shop floor
while the senior is asleep or does some paperwork, and so the motherly nurses –
especially on paediatrics – would look out for juniors and would make a bed and say:
«It’s quiet now, get some sleep.» AG
53. Find equivalents for the following words and expressions in the text.
1. працювати час від часу 5. відчувати порушення добового
2. порушувати біологічний годинник ритму організму
3. почуватися повністю відірваним 6. почуватися трохи більш уразливим
від суспільства та відкриватися більше
4. пристосовуватися 7. піклуватися про молодших (колег)
54. Join the parts of sentences to find out advantages and disadvantages of
working night shifts. Mark the sentences A (advantage) or D (disadvantage).
1. It is physically demanding to try to
a) that require more thought later at
stay awake all night because
2. You don’t get a chance to sleep
b) adjusts and so you become a
during the day because
nocturnal creature.
3. There is no hustle and bustle in the
c) the rest of society doesn’t expect
you to sleep.
4. One of the biggest problem is
d) in the rush hour and in crowds.
e) so you can get things done.
4. Some people find it easier to do
f) an adverse effect on your personality.
g) you are tired during the day and tired
6. You could get depressed if
during the night.
7. You don’t get stuck
h) you worked on your own through the
8. During the day you can do things,
like Christmas shopping,
i) while everyone’s at work.
9. Once you are doing night shifts on a
j) as you can have lots of stomach
permanent basis, your body clock
10. Not seeing sunlight can have
55. Can you name other pros and cons of working night shifts?

Listening and Vocabulary. Speaking
56. You are going to listen to a song «Shiftwork». It is a song written by Troy
Jones, and recorded by American country music artist Kenny Chesney with
George Strait as a duet. Before listening, explain the following words and
DDconvenience store DDround the clock
57. Listen to the song and fill in the gaps with the words below.
ˆˆ beach ˆˆ bunch ˆˆ partied ˆˆ sweat
ˆˆ blue-collar ˆˆ clerk ˆˆ saved ˆˆ tough
ˆˆ break ˆˆ insane ˆˆ stops
Shift work, hard work, tired bar
(1) ________________ shirt and a baseball cap
You knew me

He’s hot, (2) ________________ drops, ‘round the clock

Door never locks
And the noise never (3) ________________
Not all day
Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

Shift work, (4) ________________ work

for the busy convenience store (5) ________________
Two feet that hurt, going (6) ________________
She’s mad at some lad
Drove off and didn’t pay for his gas and he won’t be the last
‘round the clock pain
Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

Talking about a (7) ________________ of shift work

A big ol’ pile of shift work
Work seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

Well I work, shift work,

Ten years man, I hated that work
I made a (8) ______________ with the money I (9) ______________
It took me to the (10) ________________
to have a beer by the edge of the sea
And this ‘round a clock place
I drank my money away
We (11) ________________
Seven to three
Three to eleven
Eleven to seven

I’m talkin’ about…

58. Check your comprehension and answer the following questions.
1. Where do the main characters work? How long have they been doing this work?
2. What other jobs can you notice in the video?
3. What difficulties do these people face at work? What words and
expressions are used to describe work in shifts?
4. How do the characters feel?
5. How did they spend their holiday and their money?
59. There are a lot of people who have to work night shifts. Work in pairs or in
small groups. Write a list of jobs where people work night shifts. Discuss
the jobs in different spheres of life such as
(( manufacturing/industries, (( services and facilities,
(( healthcare, (( transportation,
(( education, (( media, etc.
60. Competition. Working in pairs or in small groups, in turns, name the jobs
where people have to work night shifts.

61. Name the jobs in which…
¨¨people take early retirement; ¨¨people have high job security;
¨¨there is a high/low turnover of staff; ¨¨employees' productivity influence
¨¨people often work overtime; their payment.
62. Express your opinion.
1. Who usually works long hours? short - a woman with a baby/child?
hours? Is better payment worth working - a young person who
long hours? wants to climb a career
2. Is it better to have a flexible working ladder quickly?
schedule or to work standard hours? 4. Would you prefer to
Why do you think so? work in shifts or to work
3. What employment regular hours? Explain your choice.
basis and what working 5. If you had to work in shifts, what shift
hours are the best for: would you prefer? Justify your choice.
- a hard-working student?

Reading and Speaking

63. Discuss the questions below.
1. Can you name three famous people who are highly successful? Do their stories
of success inspire you?
2. What might be the keys to their success?
64. Read this introduction and try to guess who you are going to read about.
What would you say of a child who was born to a single 13-year-old mother who was
struggling to survive on the streets? What would you say if I told you that this child
became the victim of multiple physical and sexual abuses before the age of thirteen
herself? She later became pregnant and gave birth to a still-born baby. She often got
into trouble with the law before the age of fifteen. You wouldn’t bet too much hope on
her future would you? What if I told you that this person was one of the richest and
most successful women in the United States? And she is an Afro-American as well.
65. Read the text and write down Oprah’s career timeline.

1. early 1980s co-host of a local 4.______________________________

Baltimore morning show 5.______________________________
2. at 19 __________________________ 6. ______________________________
3.______________________________ 7.______________________________
A Glimpse at Oprah’s Career in Her 20s and What We Can Take from It
by Meredith Lepore
Today is Oprah’s 60th birthday. This woman has a lot to celebrate. I mean
frankly sometimes it seems like every day is Oprah’s birthday. She is a
titan of media, philanthropy, film, literature and a cultural icon, but at one
point in her life she was a woman in her 20′s trying to figure out the next
step in her career. Did she have this grand plan to take over the world
when she was the co-host of a local Baltimore morning show in the early
1980s? It would be cool to think she had this all mapped out but like most of us, she
didn’t have her entire career scheduled to a tee. In fact, Oprah
claims not to be much of a strategist. “I haven’t planned one
thing – ever. I have just been led by a strong instinct, and I
have made choices based on what was right for me at the
time,” she has said.
She was doing pretty well on the pageantry circuit (she was crowned Miss
Black Tennessee in 1972) but her news career was starting to take off.
According to People, at 19, she became anchor of Nashville’s WTVF-TV
station and left Tennessee State University to be the first female African-
American news anchor in Nashville. ”Even then you understood that
success was a process,” Oprah to a photo of her 20-year-old self, just
starting out as a reporter, ”and that moving with the flow of life and not against it
would be your greatest achievement.”
Oprah certainly paid her dues in the news business before she turned into the
superstar talk show host we know today. She worked for eight
years as the co-host of that Baltimore morning show. At 29 she
was given the opportunity to cohost the talk show AM Chicago. Her
talent shined through and eventually she took over. Within a few
months she beat the legendary Phil Donahue Show in viewership
and the show was renamed, wait for it, The Oprah Winfrey Show.
And then slowly but surely came her Oscar-nominated role in The Color Purple, the
opening of Harpo Productions, The Oprah Winfrey Show becoming the highest-rated
talk show in TV history, 40 Emmys, her overwhelmingly popular book club (which
turns every book into a best-seller), Beloved, O Magazine, Broadway, the $40 million-
plus Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls and OWN. Whew!
But none of this was handed to Oprah on a plate. She worked for all of it. She used
her abilities as an entrepreneur to take Harpo, Inc. from a small, five-person production
company to a 430-person multimedia conglomerate (as of 2011). ”I have always had
the deep understanding for myself that if anything was going to move forward
in my life that I was going to have to be responsible for making that happen,”
she has said.
Oprah has always pushed the notion that “You are responsible for
your life.” Remember that the next time you are faced with a challenge
at work or find you are at a crossroads in your career, think of that. Happy
Birthday, Oprah!

66. Find in the text the English equivalents for the next phrases.
1. розписаний до секунди 5. віддавати належне/ віддати борг
2. керуватися сильним інстинктом 6. піти в гору (про кар’єру)
3. подати на блюдечку 7. детально розпланувати
4. завоювати світ
67. Paraphrase the sentences using the expressions form the previous
1. Her own future had been planned for her in detail by her parents.
2. Mimi became jealous when Jack started to climb a career ladder.
3. The feeling inside told me that it would be unwise to leave home.
4. I’m going to be working to a very tight schedule this week. I have meetings every
half an hour.
5. She was grateful to her parents for their love and support and was ready to do her
best helping them when they would be old.
6. It must be something unfair about Andy’s getting promotion. He got it with little
effort while others would normally have to work hard to get promoted
7. Napoleon was so ambitious that he wanted to take control of the whole world.
68. Explain Oprah’s quotations used in the text in your own words.
69. What are career lessons we can take from Oprah?
70. Imagine you are a journalist who has to interview Oprah about her career.
Prepare 5 questions to her based on the text you read.
71. Work in pairs. Role-play the short interview with Oprah using your questions.

Writing. Presentation
72. Think about the job and career of a person you know well (a relative, a
friend, a celebrity, etc.) using the questions below to help you. Make notes and
write about the person’s career.
ˆˆWhy did the person choose this training?
profession? ˆˆHow did they improve their skills?
ˆˆWhere did they look for a job? How ˆˆWas the person promoted?
did they find their job? ˆˆWhen did the person retire? /When
ˆˆWhen was the person employed? is the person due to retire?
How did they start their career? ˆˆDoes this kind of job provide high
ˆˆDoes/Did the person work regular job security?
hours or in shifts? ˆˆHow can you characterise the
ˆˆDo/Did they have to work overtime? person’s job? Is it demanding/easy/
If yes, how often and why? boring?
ˆˆIs/Was the person able to control ˆˆDoes it include much creativity or
their work schedule? routine work?
ˆˆWhat qualifications did the person ˆˆDoes/Did the person enjoy the job?
have/get? Would you like to have such a job?
ˆˆDid they receive any additional
73. Work with a partner. Present the information in turns using any additional
prompts (quotations, pictures, posters, cards, etc.). Make notes on your part-
ner’s information. Then, present the most interesting information to the class.
Watching a Video. Writing and Speaking
74. What do you know about Steve Jobs? Using at least one fact about him
prove that he was one of the key people of influence in the XX-XXI century.
75. Listen to the inspirational speech Job gave at Stanford University (https://
www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1R-jKKp3NA). Decide if these facts about Steve
Jobs are true or false.
1. Steve Jobs never went to college.
2. Steve was a son of a lawyer.
3. The calligraphy class Jobs once had taken influenced
greatly all the personal computers existing in the world.
4. Steve Jobs was fired from the company he founded because
he had a quarrel with Board of Directors.
5. Steve Jobs was the founder of the three companies that
deal with computers.
6. Steve Jobs lived only six months after he had been diagnosed with pancreatic
7. Steve Job was afraid of death.
76. Listen to the second “story” Steve Jobs tells and decide what the next
expressions mean.
1. to run the company as in “Apple Board of Directors sided with him”.
grew we hired someone who I thought a) to discuss an issue with somebody
was very talented to run the company b) to support a person in a quarrel
with me” c) to sign a contract
a) to make company successful 4. to screw up as in “and tried to
b) to be in charge of the company apologize for screwing up so badly”.
c) to promote the company a) to make a serious mistake
2. to fall out as in “But then our visions b) to feel upset
of the future began to diverge and c) to have a quarrel
eventually we had a falling out” 5. to start over as in “so I decided to
a) to have a difficult time start over”.
b) to have a quarrel a) to begin a new career or way of life
c) to split up b) to start fighting for something
3. to side with as in “When we did, our c) to start a new company

77. Write down all the sentences in which the speaker

induces the audiece to take some actions (e.g. If you
haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t
settle.). Why does the narrator use
inducement so often?

78. Identify the structure of the speech. Write down

the outline of it.

79. Summarize each “story” of the speech in one paragraph.

80. Using the structure of the Job’s speech prepare your own 2 minute
inspirational speech on the topic:

There is nothing better than to be a ...

(choose any JOB and speak about it)
Go to http://www.virtualspeechcoach.com/2012/04/11/how-to-write-a-speech-in-5-
minutes/ and http://www.virtualspeechcoach.com/2012/02/01/never-forget-another-
speech-speech-memorization-techniques/ . The articles will be useful while writing
and memorizing a speech.

81. Divide into groups of 4-5 people and prepare to hold a practical workshop
on one of the topics. Use the guidelines for organising workshops (Appendix

ains about the w

n e ca n st a rt b u si ness at home
pe ss im is t co m pl
Every o
ome based
«The change. The leader
pe ct s it to
b e su cc es sf u l. H
and it can
The opti m is t ex
e sa ils .» H ow to position yourself as
adjusts th
a leader at work. business ideas.

How to dress professionally:

“Some people dream of success... while others wake
Business dress code basics
up and work hard at it.” How to climb a career

Unit 5.
A Question of Health
Vocabulary and Listening
1. Look at the picture. What can you see in it?
What names of bones/organs/parts of the body do you
Body parts
2. Provide the names of organs, parts of the body, etc. for the
following definitions.
a. Any of the blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart to
all parts of the body
b. The muscular organ inside the chest that pumps blood through
the body
c. The red liquid that flows throughout the bodies of humans
d. One of the blood vessels through which the blood flows to the
heart from all parts of the body
e. Tubes in the body through which blood circulates
f. Blood vessels that join the end of an artery to the beginning of a
g. A sac attached to the liver, in which extra bile is stored until needed
h. The large organ like a bag or pouch into which food passes from
the mouth and throat to begin the process of digestion
i. A large reddish-brown organ in people and animals that helps the
body absorb food
j. A gland near the stomach that helps digestion
k. The bones of the head that surround and protect the brain
l. Narrow bones that curve around the body from the spine in back to
the breastbone in front and that protect the organs inside
m. A basin-shaped structure in the skeleton
n. One of the pair of organs for breathing found in the chest. They
take in oxygen from the air and remove carbon dioxide from the
o. The process of taking in oxygen and giving off carbon dioxide
which is breathing
p. To breathe out
q. To breathe air into the lungs
r. A place in the body where bones come together and movement
can occur
s. A tough, flexible connecting tissue that attaches one bone to
another bone at a joint
t. The smallest unit of an organism that carries out all
activities of life
u. A hard structure that supports and protects an
animal or human’s body

3. Match the following words with their definitions.Translate the words.

1. cell a) either of the pieces of skin above and below the eye
2. intestines that cover it when you blink or close the eye
3. leftover b) a hand when it is tightly closed with the fingers bent
4. urine into the palm
5. kidney c) a unit inside a cell which controls a particular quality
in a living thing that has been passed on from its
6. lid
7. fist
d) an uncomfortable feeling in a part of your body,
8. pins and
needles caused when a normal flow of blood returns after it
has been partly blocked, especially because you have
9. airway
been sitting or lying in an awkward position
10. gene
e) a passage down which air travels from the nose or
11. suffocation
mouth to the lungs
12. strangulation
f) dying because there is no air to breathe; blocking
the air passages or having the air passages blocked
g) the act of killing sb by squeezing their throat tightly;
the state of being killed in this way
h) a long tube in the body between the stomach and
the anus
i) an object that remains from an earlier time
j) the waste liquid that collects in the bladder and that
you pass from your body
k) the smallest unit of living matter that can exist on its
own. All plants and animals are made up of them
l) either of the two organs in the body that remove
waste products from the blood and produce urine

4. Listen to the recording ‘Parts of the body’ by Richard Sidaway and guess
the names; complete the crossword with the names for the parts of the body.


5. Listen to the recording again and note down the idioms connected with the
parts of the body.

6. ‘You keep it up to recover from a misfortune, and use the word twice to toast
someone’. What is the name of this part of the body? What expressions are
meant? Do you know any other idioms, set expressions, proverbs and sayings
connected with the parts of the body?

7. Match the parts to form idioms. Explain and translate them.

1. to follow a) on one’s knee

2. to break b) to the soul
3. one’s jaw c) somebody’s heart
4. to get down d) dropped
5. to get a frog e) your heart
6. the window f) in one’s throat

8. Put the idioms from the list above into the correct form to fill in the gaps in
the following sentences:
1. When my mother saw the room, her _________ ______.
2. ‘_______ your _______, Jenna, and see where it leads you.’
3. The story she told ___________ his ___________.
4. I don’t listen, I mean sorry, I’ve got ___________ in my _____________, … she
tells me not to stay on the phone too long…
5. They say the eyes are the _______ to the _____ and that if you look deep within
you can see the person’s sincerity and truth!

9. Make up your own sentences or situations to illustrate these idioms.

10. Find the difference between the meaning of the words and complete the
a wound and an injury/ to wound and to injure
a disease, an illness, a malady, sore
1. The film ended with the main character being shot in the chest, but he didn’t die
– he was just __________________.
2. She suffers from a strange _______________. There is some infection in her
3. I have a minor __________________. It’s nothing serious.
4. He got a/an ________________ playing basketball.
5. Her brother is in hospital with a rare blood _______________.
6. He had a knife __________ in his back – he was stabbed.
7. They had multiple _______________ after the accident.
8. Your ________ is cosidered to be running, if there is an infection and pus comes
out of it.

11. Read the rules and complete the tasks.

Pain (n) – the feelings that you have in your body when you have been hurt or
when you are ill/sick;
Pain (v) – (not used in the progressive tenses) (formal) to cause sb pain or make
them unhappy
Ache (n) – a continuous feeling of pain in a part of the body;
Ache (v) – to feel a continuous dull pain (Syn: hurt)

We can say acute, awful, intense, severe, terrible, unbearable, unimaginable,

piercing, sharp, nagging, sudden pain; abdominal, back, chest, joint, leg, muscle,
pelvic, shoulder, stomach pain.
We can say constant, deep (figurative), dull, nagging ache.
Ache is used with these nouns as the subject: back, body, chest, ear, head, heart,
joint, knee, leg, lung, muscle, neck, side, throat, tooth, tummy.
We can also use such phrases as to ache badly, really, terribly, a little, slightly, all

Translate the sentences paying attention to the phrases with ‘ache’, ‘pain’.
1. Asleep, he’d felt a terrible pain in his upper arm.
2. It’s important that if you do get an ache or a strain, treat it with a specialised spray
similar to those trainers use with injured athletes which can either heat up an area or
cool it rapidly, bringing relief.
3. She couldn’t stop crying, and then the pain came back and nagged at her, till she
held her hands to her lower belly.
4. I’ll stand up unless my legs start to ache and then I’ll sit down again.
5. If you suddenly get severe calf or leg pain, consult your doctor or midwife
6. Does sitting make your back ache?
7. Behind him he heard Sir Leon scream in pain.
8. She had fallen asleep sitting before the fire and she was stiff, her joints aching.
9. His jaw would ache and once, when he cleaned his teeth that night, he found
blood on his toothbrush.
10. The aching that Willie had first felt on waking was beginning to ease up, apart
from his ankles, which were still a little sore from his boots.
11. Sinking into the seat, I was aware that I was getting a severe headache to go
with the soreness of my face.
12. Read the rules and complete the tasks.

We use “have” with different symptoms, infections, before phrases with “ache”,
medical conditions, illnesses and diseases.
We use “to be” before adjectives.
The use of the indefinite and zero articles with illnesses
Expressions where the use of the a cold, a headache, a sore throat,
indefinite article is compulsory: a weak heart, a broken leg

catch (a) cold, have (a) backache/

Expressions where the use of the
stomach-ache/toothache, (an) earache
indefinite article is optional:
I’ve had (a) toothache all night.

With illnesses which are plural

in form (e.g. measles, mumps, My children are in bed with mumps.
shingles) no article is used:
With illnesses which are defined
as ‘uncountable’ (e.g. flu, gout, I was in bed with flu for ten days.
hepatitis, etc.) no article is used:
The will also combine with e g. flu, measles and mumps
He’s got the flu/the measles/the mumps
Sort out the words and expressions into the following categories.

To have a/an To have To be

asthma ear infection infection sore throat/ back/
cancer earache measles neck
chest infection fever pain in … (+ part stomach-ache
cold food poisoning of one’s body) sweating
constipated hayfever pregnant temperature
cough headache rash toothache
depressed high blood sick weak
diarrhoea pressure sore back / neck
dizzy ill etc.
13. Write sentences using the correct tense of “have” or “to be” and an article
where necessary.
1. She/ pregnant. She/ baby/ in 9 months.
2. How long/ you stomach-ache? I think you should see the doctor.
3. He/ not eat/weak/ dizzy.
4. The girl/ not satisfied with her appearance/ so/she/ depressed.
5. He/ not sleep well/ so/ he/ headache.
6. My friend/ asthma/ and/ have to take/ special medicine all the time.
7. He /to be poisoned/sick/and/ vomiting the whole day.
8. He/ sweating/because/ he/ running for 3 hours.
9. He/ cough/ sore throat/ pain in his chest/fever/ he must/ flu.
10. After/ she/ recover from her illness/ she/ good appetite.
14. Insert articles where it is necessary.
1. You’re going to give me ____ heart attack one of these days!
2. If you suspect that you have ____ chronic bronchitis, consult your doctor.
3. Take some aspirin – it’ll help ____ fever to go down.
4. After swimming in cold water the child had ____ earache.
5. Some of my grandfather’s earliest memories were of ____ typhoid epidemic which
hit Worthing in 1893.
6. People that take in high amounts of sodium are more likely to have ____ high
blood pressure.
7. If you suspect your baby has ____ allergy to milk, tell your pediatrician.
8. Relatively few of ____ illnesses and emergencies which affect people at home or
at work need emergency help.
9. Four years ago, she had ____ nervous breakdown caused, she said, by a range
of issues.
10. Each year a lot of people consult their doctors because of ____ backache.
15. What are the symptoms of these diseases and illnesses? Make sure you
can pronounce the words correctly.

66 appendicitis 66 travel sickness

66 an allergy 66 head lice
66 flu 66 tooth decay
66 a cold 66 sunstroke
66 a heart attack 66 dehydration
66 measles 66 pneumonia
66 food poisoning 66 a migraine

16. Read the rules and complete the tasks.

You can catch a cold, the flu, pneumonia

You can contract (formal) a disease, malaria, typhoid
You can develop (formal) cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease
You can suffer from asthma, hay fever, diarrhea
You can be diagnosed with cancer, AIDS, leukemia
Paraphrase the sentences by changing ‘get’/’has’/’has got’ into other verbs.
1. Many surgeons who get arthritis 5. He got a terminal illness and died a
experience the tragedy of no longer month later.
being able to operate. 6. She has a rare disease of the brain.
2. He has got a serious lung disease. 7. She got typhoid while she was
3. You can’t get the malaria just abroad on holiday.
from physical contact. 8. I’m running a temperature. It
4. She got liver cancer when she seems I got the flu.
was only twenty. -itis
17. Rearrange the letters to form the names of diseases. [-aɪtɪs] –

Start with the CAPITALISED letter. All the words end in -itis. suffix forming
nouns, indicating
1. hRni inflammation of
2. tAhrr a specified part:
3. pidAncpe tonsillitis
4. solniTl
5. taHpe
6. sartG
7. atrnaPce
8. Citnjcunvo
9. mtaoSt
10. radC
18. Work in a group of 3-4. Think of other diseases that end in -itis. Write
them down checking their spelling and pronunciation. Compare your list with
another group.
19. Match the disease on the left with the part of the body that it particularly
affects. Then, make a sentence to describe the disease.
e.g. Migrane is a disease that affects your head.
1. migraine a) stomach
2. appendicitis b) tonsils
3. tonsillitis c) head
4. arthritis d) part of the eye
5. hepatitis e) appendix
6. rhinitis f) joints and bones
7. conjunctivitis g) heart
8. gastritis h) blood and liver
9. pancreatitis i) lungs
10. stomatitis j) pancreas
11. carditis k) immune system
12. asthma l) skin
13. an ulcer m) mucous membrane that lines the nose
14. AIDS n) bowels (intestines)
15. typhoid o) the outside of the body or the surface of an organ
16. skin cancer p) mouth
20. Prepare a short oral report (2 minutes) on any disease. Speak about main
signs and symptoms of the disease and the treatment for it. While preparing the
report, use the tips below.

- make sure you’ve got a clear focus;

- plan what you want to say;
- narrow the scope/depth;
- do not include undefined terminology or unknown words;
- prepare handouts with 5-7 key or specific words (terms);
- check your report for coherence;
- edit your report;
- prepare visual aids (pictures/posters etc.)

21. Discuss the questions with your partner.

1. What terminal diseases do you know? Why are they considered to be terminal?
Can they be cured? How can a person develop them?
2. What acute diseases are there? What must a person do if they are diagnosed with
such a disease?
3. Do you or your relatives suffer from any chronic disease? What do they do about
4. What is a contagious disease? What must you do not to catch a contagious
disease? Can it be terminal? What preventative measures are usually taken to prevent
a contagious disease from transmitting?
5. Are you allergic to anything? What are the symptoms of any allergy? Do you
usually suffer from hay fever? How can you fight it off?

22. Translate the following expressions into English. Choose 5 of them to make
your own sentences.
1. кровоносні судини 7. харчове отруєння 12. відчувати
2. підшлункова залоза 8. мати алергію на щось запаморочення
3. нирки та печінка 9. сінна гарячка 13. невиліковна хвороба
4. гострий апендицит 10. страждати на запори 14. раптовий біль у спині
5. виразка шлунку 11. мати підвищений 15. жахливий (постійний)
6. запалення легень кров’яний тиск біль у суглобах

23. Read the introduction to the text How I beat anorexia: one woman’s story.

Around one in five people with an eating disorder die within 20 years
through suicide or long-term health damage. So what does it take
to beat this terrible disease?
Here, we spoke to 22-year-old Leanne MacNay, from Glasgow,
who, as a bullied teenager, suffered from anorexia and eventually
tried to kill herself. Today, healthy and happy, she is a model and
mother to a delightful five-year-old girl. This is her inspiring story . . .

24. Before reading, discuss the following questions.
1. What is anorexia nervosa? What are the symptoms of it?
2. Brainstorm a list of reasons that make people suffer from anorexia.

25. Now read the text and find out Leanne’s story.

How I beat anorexia:

one woman’s story (part 1)
by CLARE CAMPBELL, Daily Mail sit alone in my bedroom and cry for hours.
Leanne MacNay beat anorexia My mother became increasingly
concerned and insisted that I go to
Until the age of five, I was a very happy our GP. Recognising immediately how
child. But that all changed when I started serious my problem was, the doctor not
at primary school. I had a younger brother only prescribed Prozac but also referred
and two loving and supportive parents, me to a child psychologist.Talking to
both teachers, so I never expected for a someone about my feelings acted as a
moment that the other children might not temporary release but still did not solve
like me. the problem of my increasing self-hatred.
Yet almost from the first day, I was Even meeting David, the boy who was
picked out by the other children as being later to become my first lover, did not
plump. Looking back now at photos of help. Even then, I would not be satisfied
myself as child, I can see that I was only and would flinch at the sight of my own
slightly heavier than average - certainly reflection. I hated going out in the street
not enough to worry about. alone, and stayed at home as much as I
But I did. By the time I was eight, possibly could.
teasing had turned into bullying and made I started dieting po
every day an ordeal. All I knew was that and lost a few (abb
being bigger made me different - and pounds. I was a = 0 .454 r. lb)
worse, an outsider. normal weight for
No one who hasn’t been through my height, but in my head I
it can know what it’s like to be called remained as enormous - and as ugly -
names such as ‘Miss Piggy’ or ‘Fatty’ in as ever. One morning, I suddenly decided
the playground at the age of five. Even I’d had enough. I knew I did not want to go
now, I have to block out the memories of on living like this and I resolved to take my
exactly what was said to me because it own life. Some people plan a suicide for
still hurts me so much. I felt I was ugly and months, but for me it was on the spur of
unloveable. the moment, an almost hysterical attack
Occasionally I would say to my mother of panic at the thought of going on. I felt
that I was unhappy about my weight, I was so worthless that, ultimately, both
but she would just tell me to cut out sweets my family and David would be better off
and crisps and eat sensibly. What I wanted without me. I did not even think about
was a more drastic solution - preferably leaving a note.
to be someone else entirely different.By Once the rest of the family had left
the time I was 13, I hated myself so much the house, I went downstairs to the living
and was so miserable that I had become room and swallowed an entire packet of
clinically depressed. After school, I would my prescribed anti-depressants.

26. Explain highlighted expressions and phrases in your own words.

27. Find in the text the English equivalents for

• антидепресанти, виписані лікарем
• перестати вживати солодощі
• істеричний напад паніки
• сісти на дієту
• проковтнути цілу пачку пігулок
• мати нормальну вагу для свого зросту
• направити до дитячого психолога
• розлади харчування
• піти до терапевта
• правильно харчуватися
• бути трохи повнуватим
• шкода, завдана здоров’ю
• завдавати болю
• перебувати в стані клінічної депресії

28. Give answers to the following questions:

1. What was Leanne’s childhood like? Were there any
mental or physical disorders in her early childhood that
might cause anorexia?
2. Why was she bullied at school? What damaging
consequences did it lead to?
3. When did Leanne start to experience serious health
problems? Was there anybody to help her?
4. Draw a mental image of the girl who was suffering from
anorexia? What did she look like?
4. What way out of that dramatic situation did the girl find?
5. What might happen to Leanne?

29. What advice would you give to someone in the

girl’s situation? Write a short feedback suggesting the better solution than the
one Leanne has found.

30. Read the transcription, provide the words and explain their meaning.
1. [saı’kaıətrıst]
2. [,gaınə‛kɒlədʒɪst]
3. [ˌænəsˌθiːziˈɒlədʒɪst]
4. [ˌɔːθəˈpiːdɪst]
5. [njʊəˈrɒlədʒɪst]
6. [ˌɒfθælˈmɒlədʒɪst]
7. [ˌruːməˈtɒlədʒɪst]

31. Fill in the missing letters. Read, translate and explain the words.
1. ___ E ___ N ___ T O L ___ G ___ S T
2. O ___ S ___ E ___ R I ___ I A N
3. G ___ R ___ A T R ___ C ___ A N
4. ___ E ___ I ___ T ___ I ___ I ___ N
5. G ___ S ___ R O ___ N T ___ R O ___ O G I ___ T
6. ___ N C ___ L ___ G ___ S T

32. What doctor should you go to if …

1. you have any ailment related to the skin or hair, nails etc.?
2. you have any allergic reaction to something?
3. you have an ear and nose ailment?
4. you have any urinary problems or urinary tract infections?
5. you have problems dealing with heart diseases?
6. your tooth is aching?
7. you have caught a cold?
8. you have twisted or broken your arm?

33. Here is the list of common medicines. Fill them into the small talks between
the patient and the doctor.
• antibiotics • sleeping pills
• painkillers • indigestion tablets
• eye drops • anti-depressant
• cough mixture • spray for the throat
1. P. Doctor Green, I don’t the matter?
feel well.
4. D. Hello, what’s he in
D. What’s the matter with yo
u? oo d m or ni ng . I have a terrible ac
P. I haven’t been sleeping P. G
D. I’ll prescribe you some my lower back. ur back been bother
sleeping pills. lo ng ha s yo
D. How
2. D. What’s the problem? you?
ha vi ng pa in for about the last
P. I have a terrible stomach P. I’ve be en
D. Do you have any other two weeks. pain.
symptoms? ___ to relieve the
P. Yes, I feel sick. D. I’ll give you __
D. You mean you feel naus
P. That’s right. I feel like to be the
vomiting. And 5. D. What seems
right now I feel dizzy, too.
problem? .
D. I’ll give you a pre bouts of depression
scription for P. I’m suffering from
___________. ng drastically.
My weight is droppi
It lo ok s lik e an ob sessive behavior .I
3. D. What are your co D . a
mplaints? ___ and refer you to
P. I have a strong he
adache and a sore will prescribe you __
throat. I think that I ha
ve a fever. psychologist.
D. I’ll prescribe you __ n’t feel
you have any other sy
___ and a _____ . Do 6. P. Doctor Peterson, I do
mptoms? well.
P. I’ve also got a terrible
cough. D. What’s the matter?
D. I’ll give you a ____ get really itchy.
of it three times a day
_. Take a tablespoon P. My eyes are sore. They
n. I will
before your meal. D. You have an eye infectio
prescribe you _____ .

Reading and Speaking
How I beat anorexia:
one woman’s story (part 2)
by CLARE CAMPBELL , Daily Mail
Leanne MacNay beat anorexia
34. Before reading, match the words with their definitions. Use these words to
make predictions about the end of Leanne’s story.
a) to cause such severe problems for someone
1. straight away that their life is completely spoilt
b) to deal with something very difficult or
2. to be alarmed about smth
unpleasant in a brave and determined way
3. to destroy smb’s life c) to be extremely frightened of smth
4. to confront smth d) immediately
5. to be terrified of smth e) to visit a place or a person
6. panic stricken f) frightened or worried that something unpleasant
7. to call in or dangerous might happen
g) very badly affected by a strong feeling of fear

35. Answer the questions. How can anorexia be treated? What kinds of treatment
do people need? What are/can be the consequenses?
As you read, underline anything that confirms or contradicts your thoughts.

Thank God, that morning a girl I knew there?’ I told him that I didn’t think so, but on
from college happened to be passing hearing that I was having sex, he decided
and called in to see me. I didn’t know to give me a pregnancy test anyway. To
her all that well, but I owe her my life. our amazement and shock, the result was
By the time she arrived, I was already positive. Immediately I felt terribly guilty,
disoriented from the effects of the drug. realising that it was not just my life I had
Realising something was not normal, nearly destroyed but that of my unborn
she asked me what was wrong. I still child as well. It was all too much to take in.
don’t know what made me tell her what Little did I know just how long the
I had done. Panic-stricken, she called road to recovery would be. Lauren, our
an ambulance and came with me to the healthy and beautiful baby daughter,
hospital. While I was being hooked up to was born without any complications. But
a hea rt monitor, she telephoned David. although I had eaten healthily during
David came straight away and stayed the pregnancy, I was secretly already
with me as the doctor terrified of being fat after she
organised a stomach was born. Within weeks of
pump. But just before Lauren’s birth, I’d already lost
going ahead, he suddenly two stone, and over the next
asked me, as a precaution: few months I starved myself
‘There isn’t any chance to the point of collapse.
you could be pregnant, is

Looking back, I cannot believe how normal. I continued to receive treatment
mad and irresponsible my behaviour was. at the Priory for a further six months to
Once again alarmed about my health, prevent the possibility of relapse.During
my parents insisted that I see the family that time, tragically, two of my friends
doctor , who at first gave me sedatives to from hospital, one aged 13 and one 15,
try to stop my obsessive behaviour. But both died from anorexia. Standing by the
my weight continued to drop and soon I coffin of a dead friend suddenly made
weighed less than 5 stone. The doctor the illness more real, and more terrifying,
finally referred me to the Priory Hospital than any doctor’s warning I had ever had.
in Glasgow, where I was lucky enough Once I was discharged from hospital,
to receive NHS funding for my treatment. the first thing I did was to buy new clothes,
It was a very long, slow and painful have my hair cut and change my make-up.
process, but gradually, with the support My life now is happier than I could ever
of the other patients and the counsellors, have hoped for. Last year, I moved with
I confronted the unhappiness of my Lauren into my own two-bedroom flat. I have
childhood.I also realised that I was a wonderful family, a beautiful daughter,
the only person who could help myself and a bright future to look forward to.
now, and that I had to start by looking Occasionally, I still suffer from bouts of
after my own health. It took me about depression, but I’ve learned now how to
six months to get my weight back to get help for myself straight away.

36. Complete the sentences about Leanne. stone

1. Leanne owes her life to…. (abbr. . stone)
2. Leanne was taken by the ambulance to the hospital kg or 14 ) =6.35
where… s
3. When it turned out that Leanne was pregnant…
4. Her parents were alarmed about her health because
5. At the Priory Hospital Leanne received a treatment which…
6. Leanne realized …
7. Now her life is…
37. Pick out all the expressions which have something to do with healthcare
and sort them according to the next categories:

Health problems and At the hospital Healthy/Unhealthy

Treatment lifestyle

38. Translate the sentences into English using the expressions from the text.

1. Щоб контролювати пульс та серцебиття пацієнта, його зазвичай підключають

до кардіомонітору.
2. Якщо пацієнт отруївся, йому роблять промивання шлунку.
3. Коли людина себе погано почуває, слід відразу викликати швидку. Якщо стан
людини критичний, її треба швидко відвезти до лікарні. Головне в таких випадках
не піддаватися паніці.
4. Після операції не виникло ніяких ускладнень.
5. Вона майже падала з ніг, виснаживши себе голодуванням, адже надзвичайно
боялася знову набрати вагу.
6. Після виписки з лікарні, Емма почала правильно харчуватися.
7. Надзвичайно складно протистояти такій хворобі як анорексія, але якщо не
отримувати лікування, то можна зруйнувати своє здоров’я та навіть померти від
цієї хвороби.
8. Батьки були дуже занепокоєні станом здоров’я дочки, адже вона продовжу-
вала втрачати вагу. Вони дуже боялися можливості рецидиву хвороби.
9. Хвороблива поведінка та швидка втрати ваги – головні симптоми анорексії.
Вони є приводом для того, щоб направити пацієнта у стаціонар на лікування.
10. Щоб запобігти рецидиву та допомогти пацієнтці, що страждає від нападів
депресії, лікар призначив заспокійливе.
11. Матір Анни намагалася покінчити життя самогубством. Вона довго пере-
бувала у стані хворобливої депресії і одного разу, в істеричному нападі паніки,
проковтнула цілу пачку пігулок. Вона вже майже втратила свідомість під впли-
вом медикаментів, аж раптом нагодився сусід і викликав швидку. Жінка навіть
не розуміла, якої шкоди здоров’ю вона завдає та як боляче вона робить своїм

Speaking. Group Work

39. Role play the situations.

Role-play 1
Student A. You are Leanne in her teens. You are bullied by your classmates for
being slightly heavier than average. Share the situation with your mother.
Student B. You are Leanne’s mother. You are alarmed about your daughter’s health
as she is losing her weight. Insist that she go to a GP.

Role-play 2
Student A. You are Leanne’s boy-friend David. You found out that your girl-friend is at the
hospital because she attempted to commit a suicide. Besides you are deeply shocked
at the fact that she is pregnant. Ask the doctor about Leanne’s and the baby’s health.
Student B. You are a hospital doctor. Recently a new patient was admitted to your
hospital department. The pregnant teenage girl, who is suffering anorexia nervosa,
was trying to commit suicide. Tell her relatives about her current condition and the
treatment she is being given.

Role-play 3
Student A. You are a GP. You are examining a patient who has an eating disorder.
Diagnose her with anorexia nervosa.
Student B. You are Leanne. You are at the doctor. Speak about your eating habits,
your weight and your worries.

Role-play 4
Student A. You are hosting a call-in radio programme which describes different
eating disorders. Your special guest today is a 22-year-old model Leanne MacNay,
from Glasgow, who as a bullied teenager used to suffer from anorexia. Ask how
she managed to beat anorexia and confront the unhappiness of her childhood.
Student B. You are the 22-year-old. healthy and happy Leanne. You are a
model and a mother to a delightful five-year-old girl. You have been invited
to a call-in radio show about eating disorder. Now you are being interviewed.
Share your painful experience of fighting off anorexia with the audience.
Student C. You are a radio listener. You used to be obese and have developed
bulimia. Now you are listening to an eating disorders radio programme. Call to the
radio and ask for some advice.

40. Design a poster or a leaflet that can alert girls to the danger of anorexia or
any other eating disorder.
- think about physical and psychological symptoms
(signs) of anorexia/another eating disorder;
- emphasise that anorexia/an eating disorder is an
illness that is usually noticed by others;
- think about the causes of anorexia/an eating
- mention health risks with anorexia nervosa;
- find some striking/impressive statistics and facts
about the illness;
- suggest possible ways of treatment;
- find the ways to persuade girls to control their weight
sensibly, without avoiding food and starving themselves;
- carefully choose the material/ideas you want to include
in your poster/leaflet;
- avoid sentences/phrases that are too long and
- organise your poster/leaflet (include some pictures, making lists instead
of sentences, etc.).

Vocabulary and Speaking
41. Discuss the questions.
1) How well do you know first aid? Where did 66a bandage,
you learn it? 66a plaster,
2) What should one/doctors do if… 66ammonia spirit
¬¬ somebody cut ¬¬ somebody has a (liquid ammonia, ammonia
themselves concussion solution)
¬¬ somebody broke ¬¬ somebody was 66antiseptic,
their limb (arm, leg etc.) stung by a bee/ wasp 66brilliant/diamond (ethyl)
¬¬ somebody twisted ¬¬ a part of one’s body green
their ankle is bleeding 66ice/something cold,
¬¬ somebody sprained ¬¬ a part of one’s body 66iodine
a ligament is swollen 66ointment,
¬¬ somebody burnt ¬¬ somebody had too 66plaster (uncountable)/
some part of their body much to drink and was plaster cast,
¬¬ somebody has (got) unconscious? 66stitches,
a bruise 66to apply sth to sth
66to call an ambulance,
You can choose from the solutions in the 66to rush/ go immediately
box and add your own ideas. to hospital

3) Have you ever had to give first aid to

anybody? What happened?
4) Has anyone ever had to give you the first aid? What happened?

Speaking. Group Work

42. Work in a group. Imagine the following emergency situations and disscuss
the first aid that you can give the people.
Group 1. Your friends and you are having a picnic
at the seaside on a hot summer day. Suddenly after
midday one of your friends faints. The ER won’t be
able to reach you faster than in an hour. You have
to do everything you can to help your friend before they arrive.
What are you going to do? Describe your actions in as many details as possible.
Group 2. Your family and you were driving to the other city. On the
half way you see a car accident. There are some injured people. You
call the ER but they won’t be able to reach the place faster than in an
hour. You have to do everything you can to help the people before they
arrive. What are you going to do? Describe your actions in as many details as possible.
Group 3. You are having a New Year party. Suddenly the door bell rings. This is
your teenage neighbour from the next door. They were celebrating
with their classmates and one of them had too much to drink. The ER
won’t be able to reach them faster than in an hour. You have to do
everything you can to help your neighbour before they arrive. What are
you going to do? Describe your actions in as many details as possible.
Watching a Video. Speaking
‘A Broken Body Isn’t a Broken Person’
43. You are going to watch a talk by Janine Shepherd (http://www.ted.com/
talks/janine_shepherd_a_broken_body_isn_t_a_broken_person.html). Before
watching, translate the words below. Fill in the gaps with the suitable words to
make definitions.
1. _____ is the inner part of your spine that contains nerves
going from your brain to the other parts of your body.
a) blood clot (n) 2. _____ is one of the small bones that are linked together to
b) brace (n), form the backbone (spine).
3. _____ means to use a needle and thread to close a large cut
c) drip (n), or wound on someone.
4. _____ is a person who is permanently unable to move or feel
d) limp (n), the legs or lower half of the body because of injury or illness.
5. _____ is a soft mass of almost solid blood that blocks a tube
e) paraplegic (n), in your body.
f) quadriplegic (n), 6. _____ is a person who is permanently unable to move or feel
both arms and both legs because of injury or illness.
g) spinal cord (n), 7. _____ are the very thin muscles inside your throat that you
use for making sounds.
h) stitch up (v), 8. _____ is a slow and awkward way of walking caused by an
injury to a leg or foot.
i) vertebra (n), 9. _____ is a piece of equipment used in a hospital for putting a
j) vocal cords (n) liquid such as medicine directly into your body.
10. _____ is an object that supports a part of your body and
holds it in the correct position after you have injured it.
44. Match the following words to the pictures below:
beanbag collarbone neck brace walking frame
calipers drip plaster body cast ward

1. _______ 2. ________ 3. _____ 4. ________

5. _______ 6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______

45. Make sure that you understand the following words and expressions:
1. bliss 4. catheter [ˈkæθɪtə(r)]
2. to suck in (the air) 5. blessing
3. utility truck 6. cockpit

46. Match the words from the first box to the words from the second box to
make phrases and expressions. Translate these phrases and expressions:
1. to embrace 10. to embark a) between two i) bleeding
2. to make one’s 11. infinite dimensions j) bottom
3. to drift 12. to become b) airborne k) way to
4. internal 13. to pass c) fracture something
5. stable 14. physical d) sth for granted l) a medical
6. to fuse e) on the project m) sth together
7. to thread f) opportunities n) something
8. to take g) possibilities together
9. rock h) capabilities

47. Now watch the video about Janine Shepherd and choose the best answer.

1. Before she was hit by the truck, a) a complete paraplegic;

Janine had been riding a bike towards b) a partial paraplegic.
the spectacular Blue Mountains on the
west of Sydney for 6. Janine shared a ward with five other
a) three and a half hours; people, and she saw her world through
b) five and a half hours; a) a window that she was lying next to;
с) six and a half hours. b) a mirror that was suspended above
her head
2. She was taken to a large spinal unit c) a mirror that was suspended opposite
in Sydney by the window.
a) a rescue helicopter;
b) by an ambulance car; 7. Janine spent ____ in the spinal ward
c) by her friends’ car. a) 6 weeks;
b) 3 months;
3. Because of extensive and life- c) 6 months.
threatening injuries, Janine drifted
between life and death for 8. When Janine was leaving the
a) 10 days; hospital, she
b) 10 weeks; a) was walking herself though she was
c) 2 days. wrapped in a plaster body cast;
b) was sitting in a wheelchair wrapped
4. After the operation, Janine could in a plaster body cast and was pushed
a) move her legs and arms; by her father;
b) move one of her big toes; c) was sitting in a wheelchair wrapped
c) only her legs. in a plaster body cast and was pushed
by her mother.
5. The doctor told Janine that she was
9. After returning home, Janine b) was sitting in her wheelchair and saw
a) quickly recovered and didn’t get an airplane in the sky;
depressed; c) was looking through the phonebook
b) got depressed because she was able and came across the instructor’s number.
to walk but was unable to participate in
the Olympics; 13. When Janine arrived at the airport,
c) got depressed because she she
understood how much the life became a) tried to look like an ideal candidate to
different for her. get the pilot’s licence;
b) didn’t look like an ideal candidate to
10. The 16-year-old girl, Maria, who get the pilot’s licence because she was
was in the spinal ward with Janine, was wearing her plaster body cast and was
mentioned as an example of optimism supported by her mother and friend;
because c) didn’t try to persuade the instructors
a) this girl was a complete quadriplegic that she could be a good candidate to
after a car accident but kept smiling all get the pilot’s licence.
the time;
b) this girl kept supporting everyone in 14. Janine started learning the flying
the ward convincing them that everything theory
would be good; a) while the doctors continued to
c) this girl taught other patients not to operate and put her body back together
complain. again;
b) only after the doctors had finished to
11. Janine thinks that she has become operate and put her body back together
a creative person because again;
a) she had a sense of certainty and c) only after she had passed her pilot’s
freedom in building her new life; medical.
b) she could help other people to rebuild
their lives; 15. Janine started teaching other
с) she started the project of rebuilding people to fly
her life. a) just under 18 months after the
12. She had an idea of learning how to b) just under 15 months after she had
fly when she left the spinal ward;
a) was driven to the airport by her c) just under 18 months after she had
friends; left the spinal ward.

16. What skills has Janine acquired in flying? What are the steps in her career? Put
Janine’s achievements in flying in the correct order:
1. a) aerobatics flying instructor
2. b) instrument rating
3. c) instructor rating
4. d) private pilot’s licence
5. e) commercial pilot’s licence
6. f) twin engine rating

48. Fill in the gaps with the words below. Translate the sentences.
‡‡acute spinal ‡‡injuries ‡‡plaster
‡‡airlifted ‡‡intensive care ‡‡pressure
‡‡blood loss ‡‡life-threatening ‡‡rescue helicopter
‡‡consumed ‡‡paralyzed ‡‡skull
‡‡drips ‡‡partial ‡‡stitched
‡‡front ‡‡permanent

1. My body was __________ by pain.

2. I was __________ from the scene of the accident by a __________ to a large
spinal unit in Sydney.
3. I had extensive and __________ injuries.
4. My head was cut open across the__________, lifted back exposing the __________
5. I had massive __________.
6. My blood __________ was 40 over nothing.
7. I was __________ from the waist down.
8. Then they __________ me up.
9. I woke up in __________, and the doctors were really excited that the operation
had been a success.
10. The damage is __________.
11. You’re what we call a __________ paraplegic, and you’ll have all of the __________
that go along with that.
12. They moved me from intensive care to __________ .
13. I had one arm in __________, one arm tied down by __________.

49. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of injuries did Janine have?
2. What did Janine think when she had a little bit of
movement in one of her big toes?
3. What was her state when she was in acute spinal ward?
What does she say about other people in the hospital?
4. How did the nurse, Jonathan, help the patients?
5. How much time did Janine spend in hospital? How did she
feel when she left the hospital?
6. What was Janine’s ‘the most creative person that any of us could ever do’?
7. Why did she have an idea to fly?
8. How did she feel when she was in the plane for the first time?
9. How have her way of thinking and her attitude to life changed?
50. Discuss in a group or with a partner.
In her speech, Janine mentions such phrases, ‘Although my body might be limited,
it was my spirit that was unstoppable’; ‘My real strength never came from my
body, and although my phisical capabilities have changed dramatically, who I
am is unchanged’. Do you agree or disagree with her opinion? Do you know other
people who managed to overcome some difficult injuries and not to lose the desire to
live and struggle?
Group Work
51. “Rescue 911”
1) Carry out a research on emergency services. Find out
how they operate and what their functions are. Either listen
to youtube real 911 calls or watch any of the “Rescue 911”
reality TV series which focus on police, firefighters, paramedics and ordinary
people as they respond to real 911 emergency phone calls. Pay attention to
the questions that are asked during such phone call and the first aid that
dispatchers are telling people to perform. In addition, find out what CPR is.

2) Work in two groups.

Group A, go to Appendix 8.
Group B: go to Appendix 11.
52. Look through the vocabulary list. Choose 20 words that cause difficulties
in spelling and pronunciation. Write them out. Prepare small cards with
these words at home.
Work with a partner or in a small group. In turns, ask your partner(s) to provide
the correct spelling of the word. You can use the phrase ‘How do you spell
…?’ or ‘Can you spell …?’

53. Look through the vocabulary list. Choose 10 words that cause difficulties
in spelling and translation. Write them out. Prepare small cards with these
words at home: one card should have the word itself on it, another one should
have the translation of the word.
Work with a partner or in a small group. In turns, take the cards you have
prepared, mix them and then try to match the words with their translation. You
can ask your partner(s) to provide the correct translation of the word using the
phrase ‘What is the English for…? How do you spell it?’

54. Translate the following sentences using your active vocabulary.

1. Я погано почуваюся. У мене болить голова, заклало ніс та болить горло.
Здається, я підхопив грип. Зараз ходить новий вірус грипу.
2. Потрібно негайно звернутися до лікарні, якщо у Вас гострий апендицит.
3. Люди, які мало сплять, часто відчувають запаморочення та знаходяться у
депресивному стані.
4. Вона крикнула від раптового сильного болю у спині.
5. Усі його м’язи боліли від постійних тренувань, але він продовжував займатися
спортом, оскільки мріяв стати Олімпійським чемпіоном.
6. Нашому другові Алексу завжди не щастить. Останнього разу, коли ми ходили
в похід, він спочатку одягнув нові черевики і натер водянку, потім загнав
колючку у руку, послизнувся і вивихнув щиколотку і насамкінець впав зі схилу
та зламав руку. Надавши йому першу допомогу, ми мали повертатися, щоб
відвезти Алекса до лікарні, де йому наклали гіпс. Наш похід завершився у
травмпункті, а Алекс ще місяць ходив з милицями.
7. Кожного року у липні моя мама страждає від сезонної алергії. Вона часто чхає
і у неї сльозяться очі.
8. Туристи, що подорожують Індією, мають бути дуже обережні, коли вирішують
перекусити у вуличному кафе. Їжа там не завжди свіжа, тож вони можуть
отримати розлад травлення. Нудота або блювота, біль у животі, діарея,
запаморочення та навіть лихоманка – це перші симптоми, що свідчать про
харчове отруєння.
9. Коли людина страждає на хронічний бронхіт, варто їй лише застудитися, як
починається жахливий кашель. Оточуючим навіть може здаватися, що ця
людина хвора на туберкульоз.
10. Якщо Ви застудилися або захворіли на грип, приймайте виписану лікарем
мікстуру від кашлю, бризкайте горло, пийте багато гарячої рідини та уникайте
контакту з іншими людьми, щоб не заразити їх.
11. Найвідоміша дитяча хвороба – це вітрянка. Тіло хворого вкривається
висипом, і у нього піднімається температура. Ця хвороба дуже заразна і будь-
хто з тих, хто не хворів на неї в дитинстві, може її підхопити. У дорослих вона
супроводжується ускладненнями.
12. Хвороба Альцгеймера є невиліковною, хоча й не смертельною.
13. Моя бабуся вчора втратила свідомість. Знаючи, що у неї хворе серце, я
негайно викликав швидку, адже це було схоже на серцевий напад.

Vocabulary and Speaking
1. Look at the pictures and try to associate them with the given names. What
do you know about these places? What places would you like to visit? Why?
1. Mount Everest
2. The Atacama Desert
3. The Andes
4. The Marianas Trench
5. Krubera Cave
6. The Angel Falls
7. The Grand Canyon

2. What do you know about the Earth? What landforms can be found there?

3. Label the landforms in the picture using the word bank below.

Word bank
archipelago isthmus peninsula
bay island river
gulf lake strait


3 4


7 8

Reading and Vocabulary. Group Work

4. Work in groups:
- read the texts filling in the gaps with the provided words;
- underline the key words that help you to identify the landform;
- join another group;
- describe your landforms without giving their names; let the other group guess
the names.
Group 1. Go Appendix 14.
Group 2. Go Appendix 16.
Group 3. Go Appendix 18.
Group 4. Go Appendix 20.

5. Look through the texts again (p. ....). Find equivalents for the following words
and expressions in the text:
1. більш важке для життя місце під час відпливу
2. круті схили гір 11. водна маса/водний об’єкт
3. бути повністю позбавленим 12. незалежні (самостійні) екосистеми
рослинного життя 13. напівзатоплене, просочене водою
4. край землі середовище
5. проникати всередину, проходити 14. міжприливні ділянки вздовж
крізь узбережжя
6. ланцюжок харчування 15. торф
7. помірні моря 16. засушливі райони у помірних
8. вода, що постійно тече в одному регіонах
напрямку 17. бути добре пристосованим до
9. пливти проти течії збереження води
10. відкриватися (бути виставленим)
6. Match the following words with their definitions:
1. canyon a) a narrow strip of land, with water on each side,
2. cape that joins two larger pieces of land
3. delta b) a piece of high land that sticks out into the sea
c) the wide part of a river where it flows into the sea
4. isthmus d) an area of flat land that is higher than the land around it
5. peninsula e) an area of land that is almost surrounded by water but is joined to
6. plateau a larger piece of land
7. bay f) the place where a particular type of animal or plant is normally
8. estuary found
g) a deep valley with steep sides of rock (Syn: gorge)
9. habitat h) a part of the sea, or of a large lake, partly surrounded by a wide
10. tributary curve of the land
i) an area of land, shaped like a triangle, where a river has split into
several smaller rivers before entering the sea
j) a river or stream that flows into a larger river or a lake
7. Complete the following sentences using the words denoting landforms:
1. The __________ of Bengal, the __________ of Fundy, Hudson __________ and
San Francisco __________ are the most famous __________s.
2. The __________ of Guinea, the Persian __________, the __________ of Alaska,
the __________ of Mexico are the world’s well-known __________s.
3. __________ Horn, North __________, __________ Chelyuskin and the
__________ of Good Hope are famous points of land that juts out into water.
4. The most famous __________ in the world is the __________ of the Nile River; it
is formed from the silt, sand and small rocks and it is shaped like a triangle.
5. The Sahara __________, the Gobi __________, the Kalahari __________, the
Atacama __________, the Kara Kum __________ are the regions of little rainfall
where few plants and animals live.
6. Greenland, Jamaica, Madagascar and Cuba are __________s.
7. The __________ of Panama is a narrow strip of land connecting North and South
8. Italy is considered to be a __________ because it is surrounded by water on three
9. The __________ of Gibraltar, the __________ of Dover (Pas de Calais), the
__________ of Magellan, the Bering __________ are narrow bodies of water that
connect two larger bodies of water.

10. The Niagara __________ and the Angel __________ are places where running
water makes a sheer drop.
11. The Cordilleras, the Andes, the Pyrenees and the Alps are __________
12. The Tibetan __________, the Central Siberian __________, the Mexican
__________, the Colorado __________ are famous areas of flat land.

8. Answer the following questions.

• How many continents are there on the Earth? What are they?
• How many oceans are there? Name them.

9. Divide the words into categories according to the types of topography they
◊ a cave ◊ a hill ◊ a plain
◊ a desert ◊ a lake/a lake bed ◊ a river
◊ a glacier ◊ a mountain ◊ a trench
◊ a gorge ◊ a mountain range/ridge ◊ a waterfall

Watching a Video. Speaking

10. Make sure that you understand the following words and expressions:
• a coastline • an angle • navigable • to dig
• a continental • an elevation • remote • to evaporate
crust • freshwater • to bulge due to
• a summit • inaccessibility the rotation
11. You are going to watch a video (http://www.youtube.com/
watch?v=7Of3pNx794A) and find out the top 25 most extreme places on the
Earth. While watching, fill in the gaps in the table on page... with the missing
information that you’ll hear. Make notes to provide more information about the
12. Watch the video again. Say what these numbers stand for.
• 34,40 C • angle of 1050
• 2000 meters • 250 km/h (kilometers per hour)
• 8848 meters • 3211 feet
• 5000 miles • 31820 miles2
• 11770 centimeters • 33 years
• October 1903 to January 1918 • 200 feet
• 70 million people • 3 people
13. Answer the following questions and check how many facts about extreme
places you can remember.
1. Which of the places mentioned in the video are appreciated by climbers?
2. What mountain range extends through 7 South American countries?
3. Who managed to reach the depth of 12,262 metres in the Baltic continental crust?
4. How much rain does the rainiest place receive?
5. What is the town of Arica in Chile famous for?
6. Where does water evaporate before it reaches the ground?
7. What river created the world’s largest gorge?
name and location notes
(‘extremity of the place’)
25 Hottest ______________ place Dallol, Ethiopia
24 ______________ Cave Krubera Cave, in Abkhazia
23 ______________ Point Mount Everest
22 Point ______________ From Chimborazo, Ecuador
The Earth’s ______________
21 Most ______________ Island Bouvet Island
20 Most Remote ______________ Antarctic Pole Of
Point Inaccessibility
19 ______________ Place Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia
18 Highest ______________ Lake Lake Titicaca, on the border
of ______________ and
17 ______________ Point On ______________ of the
______________ Land Dead Sea; Israel, Jordan,
and the West Bank
16 ______________ Mountain The Andes, South America
15 Deepest ______________ Hole Kola superdeep borehole,
the Baltic continental crust
14 ______________ Place Chocó, Colombia
13 ______________ Place Atacama ______________,
12 Most ______________ Ethiopia
Landlocked Country
11 Greatest ______________ Drop Mount Thor,
10 Coldest ______________ Place Oymkyakon,
9 ______________ Place Commonwealth Bay,
8 ______________ Waterfall Angel Falls,
7 Highest ______________ Pass Marsimik La, India
6 Largest ______________ Lake Lake Superior, the
United States and
5 Longest ______________ of any ______________
4 Largest ______________ Grand Canyon, United
3 Longest ______________ Lambert-Fisher,
2 ______________ River Roe River, Montana
1 ______________ Point Challenger Deep, Marianas

14. Now look at the list of extreme places and mark them on the blank map
below to see which continent or ocean takes the lead in the number of extremes
situated there.

15. Tell your partner which of the extreme places you would like to visit and
which you would have fainted with fear if visited.
Do you know any other world extreme places?

16. Do you know…?

- What are the highest mountains in Ukraine? Where are they situated?
- What is the name of the longest/deepest canyon in Ukraine? Where is it situated?
- What are the longest rivers in Ukraine? What tributaries do they have?
- What are the biggest waterfalls in
- What are the biggest lakes in
Ukraine? Where are they located?
- What is the deepest lake in
- Where is the geographical centre
of Ukraine situated? Where is the
geographical centre of Europe
- What are the furthest points of

Reading. Group Work

17. Work in pairs. Read the text and make up questions to ask your partner in
order to find out the missing information. Student A reads the text in Appendix
15. Student B reads the text in Appendix 19.

18. Speak about the places you have visited or you would like to visit. Describe
these places giving their names, location and your impressions/feelings about
these places.
Have you ever been to/Would you like to visit...
- a cave? - a mountain - an island? - a delta?
- an underwater range/a summit? - an ocean/a - a desert?
cave? - a canyon? sea/a lake/a
- a coral reef? - an estuary? bay/a gulf?

Project. Group Work

19. Work in groups of 3 – 4 following the instructions below. Find information
about the geographical position and the landforms of the USA and GB. Compare
the information you have found discussing it in your group. Choose the most
interesting pieces of information that you want to share with others and make a
group presentation. Use Appendix 21 to help you organise a group.
Group 1 Group 2
♦ the information about the ♦Prepare
♦ the information about the
oceans, seas, main rivers and their mountain ranges, mountain peaks,
tributaries, main lakes, main waterfalls plains and deserts of the USA.
of the USA. Choose the most famous, Choose the most famous, well-known
well-known geographical objects. Provide geographical objects. Provide the most
the most essential information about the essential information about the objects
objects (location, length, importance). (location, length, importance).
♦ the list of the names of the ♦Write
♦ the list of the names of the
geographical objects and make copies for geographical objects and make copies
your classmates. for your classmates.
♦ the pronunciation of the ♦Check ♦ the pronunciation of the
geographical objects on your list. geographical objects on your list.
♦ be ready to show the objects ♦Please,
♦ be ready to show the objects
on the map. on the map.
Group 3 Group 4
♦ the information about the ♦Prepare
♦ the information about
oceans, seas, main rivers and their the mountain ranges, mountain
tributaries, main lakes, main waterfalls peaks, plains and deserts of the UK.
of the UK. Choose the most famous, Choose the most famous, well-known
well-known geographical objects. Provide geographical objects. Provide the most
the most essential information about the essential information about the objects
objects (location, length, importance). (location, length, importance).
♦ the list of the names of the ♦Write
♦ the list of the names of the
geographical objects and make copies for geographical objects and make copies
your classmates. for your classmates.
♦ the pronunciation of the ♦Check
♦ the pronunciation of the
geographical objects on your list. geographical objects on your list.
♦ be ready to show the objects ♦Please,
♦ be ready to show the objects
on the map. on the map.

20. Who is Christopher Columbus? What is he
famous for?
Complete the text using articles where necessary.
...AMERICA was the most famous discovery of
Christopher Columbus. On October 12, 1492 the
expedition of Christopher Columbus reached __ island
of __ San Salvador in __ Bahamas archipelago. This
day is considered the official date of the discovery of
__ America.
Until the end of his days, Columbus believed that he
opened the way to __ Asia. At that time __ Ottoman
Empire blocked the path of the Silk Road, which ran across __ Himalayas and __
Karakum desert from __ China to __ Mediterranean Sea connecting __ Western Europe
and __ Southeast Asia. As trade links between __ Europe and __ Asia were blocked
and the sea route around __ Africa was long and dangerous, the European merchants
were interested in finding new trade roads. At that time it was already known that the
Earth is round. Therefore, Columbus believed that by moving to the west, he could
arrive in __ Asia and save considerable time. As we know Columbus was mistaken but
due to this a new continent of __ North America was discovered. Besides, Columbus
was the first European to cross __ Atlantic Ocean, sail __ Caribbean Sea, discover
and land in __ Bahamas archipelago, __ Greater and Lesser Antilles, __ island of
__ Hispaniola (known now as __ Haiti) and many others. Thus Cristopher Columbus
initiated the Spanish colonization of the New World.

Name other people who made great discoveries.

21. Do you know the person who did discover the sea route from Europe to
India? Find the answer to this question at the end of the exercise and find out
about other great travellers and discoverers.
1. Amundsen (Norwegian) - the first person to set foot on __ South Pole in 1912.
2. Byrd - American aviator and polar explorer. Flew over __ North Pole in 1926
and made the first flight over __ South Pole in 1929. Discovered __ Edsel Ford
mountains and __ Morei Byrd land.
3. Cabot (Venetian)-Discovered __ New Foundland in 1494.
4. Captain Cook (English)-Discovered __ Sandwich (now Hawaiian) Isles in 1770.
5. David Livingstone-Discovered course of __ Zambesi, __ Victoria Falls and __
Lake Nyasa in __Africa.
6. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing (Indian) - Joint conquerors of __ Mount Everest.
Hillary also led a Trans-Atlantic expedition and reached __ South Pole on January
3, 1958.
7. Ferdinand de Lesseps-Conceived the plan of __ Suez Canal.
8. Ferdinand Magellan-Commanded the first expedition in 1519 to sail round the
world. Discovered passage to __ Pacific from __ Atlantic through Straits afterwards
named after him: __ Strait of Maggelan.
9. Nansen-Norwegian explorer who explored across __ Greenland and reached
the highest altitude in __ North Polar Region.
10. Iksman-Dutch navigator, discovered __ Tasmania Island and __ New
Zealand in 1642.
11. Vasco da Gama (Portuguese) - Rounded __ Cape of Good Hope and discovered
the sea route to __ India in 1498.

22. How many countries are there in the world?
How many English names of different countries do you know?
Can you say their capitals? Fill in the following table.
Country Pronunciation Capital city Pronunciation People
1 Afghanistan [æfˈɡænɪstæn] Kabul [ˈkɑːbʊl] an Afghan
2 Argentina Buenos Aires an Argentinian, Argentine
3 [ɒˈstreɪliə] [ˈkænbərə]
4 Austria Vienna
5 Belarus Belorussian /Byelorussian
6 [ˈbeldʒəm] [ˈbrʌsəlz] a Belgian
7 Brazil Brasilia [brəˈzɪliə]
8 Bulgaria [bʌlˈɡeəriə]
9 Ottawa
10 China [ˈtʃaɪnə] a Chinese
11 Bogota [ˌbɒɡəˈtɑː]
12 Cuba a Cuban
13 Czech Republic a Czech
14 Denmark Copenhagen
15 Egypt an Egyptian
16 Tallinn [ˈtælɪn]
17 Helsinki a Finn
a Frenchman, a
18 Paris
19 Georgia Tbilisi a Georgian
20 Germany a German
21 [ɡriːs] Athens
22 Hungary
23 [ˈaɪslənd]
24 New Delhi
25 Iran Teheran an Iranian
26 [ɪˈrɑːk] an Iraqi
27 Dublin an Irishman, an Irishwoman
28 [ˈɪzreɪəl] Jerusalem
29 Rome
30 Kazakhstan
31 Riga a Latvian
32 [ˌlɪθ juˈeɪniə] [ˈvɪlniəs]
33 Skopje
35 New Zealand [ˈwelɪŋtən] a New Zealander
36 Oslo a Norwegian
37 [ˈpəʊlənd] [ˈwɔːsɔː] a Pole
38 Portugal Lisbon a Portuguese

39 [ruˈmeɪniə] Bucharest [ruˈmeɪniən]
40 Russia a Russian
41 Bratislava a Slovak
42 Slovenia [ˌlʊbliˈɑːnə] a Slovene or a Slovenian
43 Madrid
44 [ˈswiːdən] Stockholm
45 [ˈswɪtsələnd] [swɪs]
46 Thailand Bangkok
47 Ankara a Turk
United Arab [ˌæbu ˈdɑːbi]
49 [ˈlʌndən] a Briton [ˈbrɪtən]
United States of a US citizen

Listening and Speaking

23. Explain the difference between the notions below by matching them to
their definitions.

a boundary – a border
a coastline – a coast – a beach – the seashore –
the seaside

a) the official line that separates two countries, states, or areas, or the area
close to this line
b) the land on the edge of the coast, especially the shape of this land as seen
from the air
c) the areas or towns near the sea, where people go to enjoy themselves
d) the land at the edge of the sea, consisting of sand and rocks
e) an area of sand or small stones at the edge of the sea or a lake
f) the area where the land meets the sea
g) the real or imaginary line that marks the edge of a state, country etc, or the
edge of an area of land that belongs to someone

24. Use the words from the previous exersice to complete the sentences:
1. While our plane was landing we could see the hills along the __________ of
New England.
2. This was their first holiday together at the __________.
3. The opening shot shows a cliff on the __________.
4. We drove along the Pacific __________ to Seattle.
5. I like the kind of holiday where I can sit on the sandy __________ for a week
and do nothing.
6. The Mississippi River forms a natural __________ between Iowa and Illinois.
7. The river lies on the __________ between the US and Mexico.
25. You are going to listen to the text about landlocked countries. using the
key words from the text provided below, try to predict the information and
guess what countries are called landlocked.
♦ (adj.) ♦a
♦ coastline ♦a
♦ route ♦navigable
♦ (adj.)
♦ have access to ♦a ♦ border ♦to
♦ reach ♦means
♦ of transport
26. Work in pairs. Look at the map of the
world and decide what the following countries
have got in common. Then listen to the text
and find out the answers.
1) Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom,
Iceland and Madagascar
2) Slovakia, Botswana, Kazakhstan,
Paraguay and Liechtenstein

27. Listen to the text about landlocked countries. Decide whether the statements
are true or false.
1. A country is called landlocked if it is situated on an island and has no borders
with any other country.
2. If you live in Paraguay, you have to cross another country’s border to go to the
3. Lichtenstein is doubly landlocked because it borders with 5 other landlocked
4. The Himalayas form the natural boundary of Switzerland.
5. Poland has got access to the Black Sea via a small corridor of land.
6. Bolivia used to have access to the Pacific, but now it is landlocked.
7. If a country is landlocked, it cannot access the coast in any way.
8. Almost all the landlocked countries are economically advanced.
9. To improve their economic situation, landlocked countries have to develop
different routes and means of transport.

28. Listen again. Mark which of these countries mentioned in the text are
landlocked. Make notes about them.
□ Australia □ Liechtenstein □ Ethiopia
□ Japan □ Austria □ Bolivia
□ the United Kingdom □ Switzerland □ Eritrea
□ Iceland □ Uzbekistan □ Chile
□ Madagascar □ Nepal □ Singapore
□ Slovakia □ Poland □ Russia
□ Botswana □ the Democratic □ Czech Republic
□ Kazakhstan Republic of Congo
□ Paraguay □ Angola
29. How does the geographical position of a country influence its economic
climate? Use examples from the text you have listened to and your own ones to
prove your point of view.

Project. Group Work
30. You are going on an expedition to different places on the Earth in groups
of 3-4. Your task is to explore the place in as much detail as possible and after
that to report to the community.
The steps of your trip and report about it:
1. Plan what exactly you are going to take with you (depending on the climate and
geographical position of the place).
2. Go on the expedition to explore your area.
3. Make a video diary of your stay there (each of you makes a 1-2 minutes diary
entry about your trips and finding of the day- what you have found out).
3. Write a report about the geographic characteristics (including geographical
objects such as rivers, mountains, falls, gorges, etc.) of the place you visited including
the route you followed (mark it on the map).

Choose among these places:

Kamchatka peninsula Amazonian rainforest

Niagara Falls The Great Lakes
Mount Kilimanjaro The North or South Pole

Good luck!

Unit 7. On the Move
1. Read the following quotations and
discuss the questions below.
• “I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I
travel for travel’s sake. The great affair
is to move.” (Robert Louis Stevenson,
Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes)
• “It is good to have an end to journey
toward; but it is the journey that matters,
in the end.” (Ernest Hemingway)
• “I have found out that there ain’t no surer
way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.”
(Mark Twain, Tom Sawyer Abroad)
• “…to travel is worth any cost or sacrifice.” (Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love)
• “Don’t tell me how educated you are, tell me how much you
have travelled.” (The Prophet Mohammed)
• “One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing
things.” (Henry Miller)

Do you like travelling? Why or why not? What do you like most
of all in travelling? Why do you think travelling is important for
How many different countries/cities/places have you visited?
2. Match the words to their meanings.

1) A travel/ to travel a) an activity in which you go through a place (such as a building

or city) in order to see and learn about the different parts of it
2) A tour/ to tour b) a long and difficult journey that is made especially by walking
c) a way to get from one place to another place; a way that
3) A trip someone or something regularly travels along
4) A journey d) a journey especially to a distant or unfamiliar place
e) a long trip to a distant or unknown place especially over water
5) An expedition or through outer space
f) a usually brief pleasure trip
6) A trek g) a journey especially by a group of people for a specific
purpose (such as to explore a distant place or to do research)
7) A hike/ to hike h) a long walk especially for
pleasure or exercise
8) An excursion i) a route that someone follows to go
somewhere or achieve something
9) A trail
j) a short journey to a store,
10) A route business, office, etc., for a
particular purpose

3. Fill in the text with the necessary word from
the list above. One of them is mentioned twice.
The Lodge Trek
This new ________ is for those who want to _______
like an old-school Andean explorer by day but sleep
between clean sheets each night after cocktails and
a gourmet meal. (And who don’t mind paying for the
privilege of staying at the four fully serviced private
lodges that dot the route.) The __________ is similar
to the Salcantay Route, offering close-up views of the
sacred apu and its glaciers, but places an emphasis on
comfort rather than on roughing it. The __________
reaches a height of 15,000 feet before descending
into a lush valley where coffee and bananas grow.
Luxury lodgings near Machu Picchu and a private
________ guide at the ruins are usually included in
the price of a package __________.

4. Make up your own sentences with the words not mentioned in the text.

5. Answer the following questions.
1) What is your idea of the perfect holidays/vacations? Depict the scene from your
perfect vacation.
2) Have you ever heard anything about ecotourism? How do you imagine it?
6. Match the following explanations with the words in the box.
to conserve
1. able to continue without causing damage to the environment
2. to protect something and prevent it from changing or being damaged
a reserve
3. to get help or an advantage from something
4. an area of land where wild animals and plants are protected endangered
5. one that soon may no longer exist to benefit
7. Listen to the first part of the text and tick the essential features that distinguish
ecotourism from other kinds of tourism. Write down other names for ecotourism
mentioned in the text.
Ecotourism must..
□ еxplore the unique experiences
□ conserve the wildlife and culture of the area.
□ help tourists to escape from established routines
□ benefit the local people and involve the local community
□ allow a time for relaxing, partying, sporting, celebrating, and
romancing, if possible, near the sea
□ be sustainable, that is make a profit without destroying natural resources
□ provide an experience that tourists want to pay for.


8. Listen to the second part of the text about ecotourism and finish the sentences
to complete the ecotourist guidance below.
• Be prepared. Learn ________________________________________________.
• Have respect _____________________________________________________.
• Don’t waste _______________________________________________________
• «Leave nothing behind ____________________________ and take nothing away
___________________» Take as much care____________________. Don’t buy
• Walk or use_______________________________________________________.
• Be flexible and keep ________________________________________________.
• Stay in________________________ and eat ____________________________.
Buy __________________________ and pay ____________________________.
• Choose __________________________________________________________.

Reading and Vocabulary

9. You are going to read a text about a married couple’s travel adventure. Quickly
scan the first part of the text to answer the questions below.
Then read again and give details about the couple’s plans.
What was their original destination?
What happened to their visas?
It Really Happened: Visas Required
Aisha Causey
When my husband, Mike, and I stood in the check-in line at
the Chicago O’Hare airport for the beginning of our blissful 11-day vacation to sun-
drenched Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, we never could have imagined that the bathing suits,
khaki shorts, quick-dry tank tops, and bottles of SPF 15 suntan lotion we were toting
in our luggage would be completely useless.
“Going to Rio?” Tom, the airline agent asked, thumbing through our tickets and
passports. “Do you have visas?”
“Visas?” my husband and I responded in unison.
“Yes, I can’t let you get on the plane without them.”
In all of my careful planning of each and every detail, I’d forgotten nothing ― except
to apply for our visas.
As reality sank in, I stood there dumbstruck. I’ve always considered myself an
organized traveler. When faced with the adversities of ever-changing itineraries,
delayed flights, lost reservations, and unpredictable weather, I had always been able
to temper my frustrations and make the most of the situation.
However, standing at the ticket counter, an indescribable surge of panic engulfed
me. I quickly forced it down with a gulp of air and then swallowed another for good
measure. By the look on Mike’s face, I could tell he wasn’t taking the disappointment
any better.
Forcing myself to think of our options, I decided we could drive back home and try
again later, leaving all thoughts of Brazil in the cold. Or, we could wait two days until
the Brazilian Embassy opened, pay the hefty rush fees, and hope we’d be granted
permission to enter. Neither scenario seemed appealing, but then I remembered
another vacation — this one in Mexico.
Because of gusting winds and a relentless downpour, my visit to Chichén Itzá, a
popular cluster of Maya ruins, had been cancelled. Flush with disappointment, I had
returned to my hotel room for an uneventful day of channel surfing and napping when
I saw two rain-soaked children puddle-jumping in the courtyard.
They were obviously making the best of a bad situation. Why couldn’t I? I slipped
into my bathing suit, headed outside, and made a beeline for the beachside pool. The
sun wasn’t shining and the rain was a constant tickle on my shoulders, but I was able
to let go, relax, and enjoy the moment.
10. What will Aisha and Mike do? Where do you think the couple will end up?
Before reading the second part of the story, try to predict it.
Back at the ticket counter, with the image of those children in mind, I
blurted, “Where can we go without a visa?”
Mike and I huddled around the computer while airline agent Tom, typed
in destinations as quickly as we rattled them off ― London, Sydney, and
Mexico City ―and voilà: We were able to evenly exchange our plane
tickets to Rio for tickets to Tokyo, Japan.
Even though our plans had greatly changed, along with the current
season of our destination, our smiles reappeared. We had been tested,
flexed far beyond what we imagined, and had not broken. In a not-so-
subtle way, we were reminded that sometimes it isn’t the destination that’s important
but the ability to let go and enjoy the journey.
Japan turned out to be an amazing place to visit after all. I enjoyed window shopping
along the bustling districts of Tokyo, gazing upon the serene rock gardens and ancient
temples in Kyoto, trying new foods and bathing at a traditional onsen (spa).
These were just some of the many experiences we’ll not soon forget. And all because
I forgot those visas.

11. Check your comprehension. Answer these multiple choice questions.

1. Another title for this story could be… of the bad situation.
а) A great voyage to Japan. 4. In the sentence “Tom, the airline agent
b) An unexpected journey to Japan. asked, thumbing through our tickets and
c) A wasted journey to Japan. passports.” what does 'thumb through'
d) A fantastic trip to Japan. mean?
2. Which sentence about Aisha and a) to look through something quickly
Mike’s journey is NOT true? b) to look through something
a) They were disappointed because thoroughly
they did not have visas to go to Brazil. c) to see something through
b) They were able to exchange their d) to see through something
plane tickets. 5. Which expression from the text
c) They decided to wait for two days means “to say something suddenly and
until the Brazilian Embassy opened without thinking”?
and pay the hefty rush fees to get visas. a) to respond
d) Instead of traveling to Rio, they b) to rattle off
ended up in Japan. c) to blurt
3. Which statement would Aisha most 6. In the sentence “As reality sank in,
likely disagree with? I stood there dumbstruck.” what does
a) The ability to enjoy the journey is far 'dumbstruck' mean?
more important than the destination. a) very happy and exited
b) There is always a way-out, even in b) bitterly disappointed
the most desperate situation. c) so shocked or surprised that you
c) Any trip should be thoroughly cannot speak
planned. d) unhappy, especially because
d) One must be able to make the best something unpleasant has happened
12. Answer the questions.
1. What made Aisha change her mind about intended destination?
2. How did they find their vacation in Japan? What did they do there?
3. Describe the changes in the couple’s emotional state throughout the story. What
expressions are used to depict the emotions?
4. Have you ever found yourself in an awkward or extraordinary situation while
13. Match the collocations as they appear in the text.
1. ancient a) itineraries
2. serene b) flights
3. bustling c) city
4. window d) temples
5. popular cluster of e) reservations
6. ticket f) districts
7. lost g) shopping
8. delayed h) counter
9. ever-changing i) rock gardens
10. sun-drenched j) ruins
14. Work in pairs. Explain the highlighted expressions from the text. Let your
partner guess the expression.
15. What usually happens at the airport? Put the events below in order. Use
the useful words from the box to say what people usually do when travelling by
‰‰ to stay in the check-in line • to begin with • when
‰‰ to weigh the luggage • in due time • once
‰‰ to apply for visas • as soon as • about
‰‰ to get a boarding card • in the • next
‰‰ to go through passport control meantime • now
‰‰ to go to the check-in desk • without delay • formerly
‰‰ to go to the departure lounge • first, second • suddenly
‰‰ to get on /board the plane • immediately • shortly
‰‰ a plane taxis (moves slowly) towards the • quickly • henceforth
runway • finally • whenever
‰‰ to pass through customs • after • eventually
‰‰ the plane takes off • later • meanwhile
‰‰ to fasten your seatbelt • last • further
‰‰ the plane lands • before • during
‰‰ to get off the plane • hence in time
‰‰ to go through security
• since
‰‰ to go to the baggage reclaim
16. Match the pictures with the words denoting different vehicles. Say what
each vehicle is used for.
Convertible car
Pickup truck
Smart car

What other vehicles/means of transport do you remember?

17. Discuss the following questions.
How often do you use transport?
Why do you use transport?
What means of transport do you use most often/seldom?

Watching a Video
18. Watch a video ‘A journey home from grandpa’s’. While watching, make
notes under the following categories (as in the example):

means of transport/ actions (verbs) characteristics

places (nouns)
vehicles (adjectives)
car to drive road bouncy, bumpy

Vocabulary and Speaking

19. Complete the charts using the words from the boxes to make collocations
(as in the examples). Translate all collocations.
ˆˆ commuter ˆˆ platform ˆˆ to get on
ˆˆ driver ˆˆ route ˆˆ to run late
ˆˆ fare ˆˆ to board ˆˆ to terminate
ˆˆ freight ˆˆ to change ˆˆ to travel at the speed…
ˆˆ intercity ˆˆ to get off

ˆˆ jet
ˆˆ passenger
ˆˆ to board
ˆˆ to get off
ˆˆ to get on
ˆˆ to land
ˆˆ to pilot/to fly
ˆˆ to take off

ˆˆ connecting ˆˆ bumpy, smooth ˆˆ to cancel/ suspend

ˆˆ charter ˆˆ to book sb / yourself ˆˆ to delay/ hold up
ˆˆ domestic on/onto ˆˆ number

ˆˆ double-decker ˆˆ route ˆˆ to carry sb
ˆˆ fare ˆˆ shuttle ˆˆ to get off
ˆˆ open-topped (BrE) ˆˆ station ˆˆ to get on/onto
ˆˆ pass ˆˆ stop ˆˆ to pick sb up
ˆˆ public ˆˆ terminal
ˆˆ queue (BrE) ˆˆ to board

ˆˆ to come off/to fall off

ˆˆ to mount
ˆˆ to ride/to drive
ˆˆ rider

ˆˆcruise anchor) ˆˆto put out to sea (to put
ˆˆto anchor ˆˆto come/go aboard to sea)
ˆˆto be at anchor (to lie at ˆˆto come/go on board ˆˆto set sail

ˆˆinflatable ˆˆto get into ˆˆto capsize

ˆˆrubber ˆˆto row ˆˆto sink
ˆˆto anchor ˆˆto sail

20. Decide which word does NOT collocate with the key word. Explain your
choice. Translate the appropriate collocations.
1. a railway(BrE)/railroad(AmE): a high-speed railway/
railroad, a low-speed railway/railroad, a funicular railway/
railroad, commuter railway/railroad, a passenger railway/
railroad, a freight railway/railroad
2. railway(BrE)/railroad(AmE): a railway/railroad journey, a
railway/railroad travel, a railway/railroad connection, a railway/
railroad voyage, a railway/railroad network, a railway/railroad
system, a railway/railroad bridge, a railway/railroad crossing, a railway/railroad tunnel
3. an airport: a domestic airport, an international airport, a local
airport, a regional airport, a foreign airport, a departure airport, a
destination airport, an intermediate airport
4. an airport: to depart from an airport, to
arrive at an airport, to take off from an airport,
to land at an airport, to terminate at an airport, to pass through
an airport, to touch down at an airport
5. airport: an airport building, an airport terminal, an airport
check-in, an airport check-out, an airport lounge
6. a station: a railroad/railway station, a train station, a bus station, a coach station,
an airplane station, a subway station, a tube station, an underground station
7. a motorway/freeway: a busy motorway/freeway, a three-lane motorway/freeway,
an urban motorway/freeway, an intercity motorway/freeway, an orbital motorway/
8. a highway: a three-lane highway, a federal highway, an interstate
highway, a main/major highway, a national highway, a county
highway, a provincial highway, a rural highway, a village highway,
a coastal highway, a deserted highway, an empty highway

21. Provide equivalents for the following words and phrases:

1. приміський поїзд/електричка 13. вийти в море

2. товарний та пасажирський поїзд 14. відправитися у плавання
3. пересісти з одного поїзда на інший 15. надувний човен
4. затримуватися 16. двоповерховий автобус
5. відправлятися пізніше 17. приміський автобус
запланованого часу (про поїзд) 18. туристичний автобус
6. кінцевою зупинкою поїзда є… 19. плата за проїзд в автобусі
7. купе нового вагона 20. черга на автобус
8. розклад руху поїздів 21. залізничний переїзд
9. сісти на корабель 22. внутрішній/місцевий аеропорт
10. сісти на поїзд/автобус 23. автовокзал
11. сісти на літак 24. кільцева дорога
12. ставити корабель/човен на якір 25. затримати рейс на літак
22. Agree or disagree with the following statements. Express your opinion on
the topic and provide examples to support your ideas.
1. It is much better to travel by public transport because it is cheaper.
2. A bus pass and a monthly or season ticket saves you a lot of money.
3. A bus tour around Europe is a fabulous opportunity to see a lot of interesting
places in a short period of time.
4. The best way to get to any place in a city is taking a taxi.
5. The cheapest way of travelling around another city is renting a bike.
6. It is really dangerous to sail in an inflatable boat.

23. Discuss the following questions.

1. What is the longest distance that you have travelled? How did
you travel? What means of transport have you used?
2. What means of transport have you never used? Which ones
would you like to travel by? Which ones are you afraid of using?
3. What are the most comfortable/uncomfortable means of
transport in your opinion? Why do you think so?
4. What unusual means of transport do you know? (Think about
different nations in different countries and how landforms and
climate can influence means of transport)

Use of English
24. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in the box. 1. essential
The tuktuk is Thailand’s local version of a taxi. It’s (1) ___________ a 2. modify
three-wheeled vehicle that looks like a (2) ___________ motorcycle 3. colour
built with a metal frame carriage that can accommodate 2 passengers. 4. near
The carriages are usually bright and (3) ___________, and carry the 5. crowd
6. drive
“TAXI” symbol on the roof. These three-wheeled vehicles can be
7. faint, heart
found in (4) ___________ every town and city in Thailand, including
the mega-packed city of Bangkok.
Tuktuks are great for buzzing around the busy and (5) ___________ streets, as they
can easily manoeuvre and squeeze through the smallest gaps in the traffic. However,
this also means that you will experience the ride of your
life. The tuktuk (6) ___________ can drive really fast and
turn and cut corners that most foreigners find themselves
clinging on to their seats! Taking the tuktuk may not be for
the (7) ___________, but it’s a great way to experience
and travel around Bangkok and other towns and cities in
Thailand. Nevertheless, it is one of Thailand’s unique mode of transport, and a symbol
of Thai ingenuity.

25. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words in bold.
1. Miranda was alone in the compartment and glad of it, as it was an old-fash-
ioned commuter train, with no corridor, just a door opening straight on to the line.
2. On the way to our initial meeting I had to change trains, and soon found that
I was travelling in the wrong direction.
3. The liner will depart from Tilbury on August 31 for a Norwegian fjords cruise
which terminates at Liverpool on September 14.
4. Hundreds of people are standing around, gazing up at the indicator and
waiting for the platform of their train to be flashed up.
5. In addition, for a short time bus route 64 was extended from West Croydon
to the Robin Hood and to Elmers End Garage, but there proved not to be a demand
for this service and it was soon cut back again.
6. The spacious railway carriage known as The Anna Karenina is available for
charters by private groups of two to eight passengers, allowing an extensive tour of
Russia in considerable style and comfort.
7. Under these circumstances, it would have been possible for a ship sailing
south from Thera to dock at Dia, unload and set sail again for destinations to the east
or west.
8. When I changed buses there was
just time to get the sweets and bananas —
the bananas were very good today; and on
the other bus there was a nice driver who
said that if I sat near the front he would let
me off at the crossing if he was held up
in the traffic, instead of my going on to the
bus stop and having to walk back, because
of the rain.
26. Insert prepositions where it is necessary. Translate the sentences.
1. Nine cars and a van collided, spilling wreckage ______ across all three lanes
_______ the motorway.
2. I might have travelled _______ almost eight thousand inches an hour if it hadn’t
been _______ the stops.
3. The train was delayed _______ 224 minutes and left just after 9am eventually.
4. Since she’d started work she had seen nothing of the surrounding area, except that
covered _______ the bus route which took her _______ work and back each day.
5. He was standing _______ the window of an empty compartment, laughing, as he
made the gesture of slitting his throat.
6. The river, so wide that she would have mistaken it
_______ the sea, was full of craft of all sizes, though most
of them lay _______ anchor.
7. The sound was a bit like an underground train _______
a distance, and there was a feeling _______ complete
emptiness when it had gone.
8. I was a bus conductor _______ twelve days — eleven
days of training and one day as a bus conductor.

27. Complete the sentences using the words in the box. Translate the sentences.

changed jumped platform return

collided oncoming railway voyages
1. The current timetable unfortunately allows only thirteen minutes in Llandrindod
before the _____________ train.
2. The _____________ train drew nearer.
3. In addition there have been several other accidents where cars have _____________
with each other.
4. The long passageway towards the
_____________ was spotless, gleaming like a
hospital ward.
5. Susan laid down the paper she had been
reading, and with one gloved hand made a
little peep-hole on the steamy window of the
_____________ carriage.
6. John and Sebastian Cabot and Martin
Frobisher set sail on their pioneering
_____________ from here.
7. Brenda _____________ off her bike and
stood still.
8. Regular visitors to Switzerland will almost inevitably have _____________ trains
there at some time or another.

28. Tick the correct sentence or find a mistake in the sentence and correct it.
Translate the sentences.
1. A daytime shuttle bus operates 6 days a week to the village.
2. Jack was able stopping the freight train without accident.
3. There were no serious injuries, but one passenger was cut by flying glass and
traffic were held up for over an hour.
4. She waited for some minutes at a platform, a train came and she would have got
into it if that had been possible.
5. In 1842 six ships were at anchor in Funchal
Bay when a hurricane blew them all onto the
6. Cars parked on both sides of the road
made it almost impossible for buses passing
each other on a popular bus route.
7. When Columbus first set sail, his aim was
to reach India and China.
8. You can also reach the museum on train
from any station on the suburban line.

29. Read the text and fill in the gaps with only one word.
Hanging Train – Schwebebahn
The Wuppertal Schwebebahn is (0) the continent’s
only suspension urban rail line, which for most (1)
___________ its length runs 12 m (39 ft) above the
river Wupper (10 km or 6 mi). Only the westernmost
section between Sonnborner Straße and Vohwinkel
runs 8 meters (26 ft) above streets (3.3 km or 2 mi).
This line can (2) ___________ called a full metro line
because it’s totally independent, absolutely urban and runs on a 4-6 minute headway.
(3) ___________ almost 100 years this was one of (4) ___________ safest means of
transport in the world, but unfortunately (5) ___________
April 1999 a bad accident happened after repair work had
been carried out during the weekend and 3 people lost their
lives and more (6) ___________ 40 were injured as a train
fell down (7) ___________ the river Wupper. The single
rail which carries the train is supported (8) ___________
472 iron arches that span over the river bed. Currently all
these arches are being replaced and also stations are being restored, most of them in
their original Jugendstil design.

Listening and Writing

30. Match the words with their definitions:
1. canal a) a machine that uses the energy from steam to produce movement
b) to make sth work by using electricity; to pass an electrical current
2. magnet through sth
c) a vehicle with four wheels, pulled by horses or oxen and used
3. rails for carrying heavy loads
d) two metal bars that form the track that trains run on
4. steam engine
e) a piece of iron that attracts objects made of iron towards it, either
naturally or because of an electric current that is passed through it
5. to electrify
f) a long straight passage dug in the ground and filled with water

6. to hover for boats and ships to travel along; a smaller passage used for
carrying water to fields, crops, etc
7. to refine g) to stay in the air in one place
h) to improve sth by making small changes to it
8. wagon
31. Look at the proper names mentioned in the text. Do you know anything
about these people and phenomena?
• James Watt • The Flying Scotsman
• Richard Trevithick • The Trans-Siberian railway
• Cornish • The Mallard
• the Stockton and Darlington Railway • Bullet Train
• The Rocket • the TGV (=train à grande vitesse: a
• the Manchester and Liverpool railway high-speed passenger train)
• the Golden Age of Steam • Euro-tunnel
• The Orient Express • Maglev trains
32. Listen to the recording ‘Trains: past, present and future’ by John Russelland.
Make notes about the history of trains using the provided key words, dates and
proper names mentioned above.

• 1800

• 1829

• 1833

• 130 years

• 1870

• 1883

• almost 30 years

• 1994
Key words
idea of transporting things train accident
need to transport raw materials Golden Age of Steam
canals and horsepower famous trains and journeys
steam engines diesel powered locomotives
a ‘puffer’ modern trains
early locomotive high speed trains
a competition, the future of train travel

33. Decide whether the statements are true or false. Correct the false statements.
1. Richard Trevithick called the first locomotive a ‘puffer’ because of the noise it made.
2. The first locomotive travelled at almost 18 km/h an hour on its first journey!
3. One of the first train accidents in history happened during
the competition when a Member of Parliament wasn’t careful
as he crossed the tracks and The Rocket knocked him down.
4. The Orient Express started in 1883 and carried people in
luxury through more than 13 countries between France and

5. The longest steam train in the world was The Mallard.
6. Quite a lot of countries now use high speed trains.
7. Euro-tunnel was opened in 1994 and connects Britain to France through a railway
that goes under the sea.
8. Maglev trains are supported by electro-magnets and hover off the ground.
9. Some engineers think speeds of over 10000 km/h are possible.
34. Listen to the recording ‘Trains: past, present and future’ by John Russelland
again and complete the sentences.
1. Rails were made of ________, stone or ________, and railway wagons were
pulled by________, some were even wind powered and had sails.
2. By 1829 locomotives were travelling at________ of over 45km/h and the first
public________ had been opened, the Stockton and Darlington ________.
3. By 1870 it was possible to cross ________ by train, and the building of railways
in many other countries allowed people and progress to move ________ across the
4. The Trans-Siberian railway was finished in ________, and is still the ________
railway line in the world. It goes between St. Petersburg and Vladivostok, is over 9000
km long and even today the journey takes over a ________.
5. Diesel powered ________ or trains running on electrified ________ now run on
most railways.
6. Journey times are now much ________, and trains can travel on some unusual
________: up hills, through mountains, even under the sea.

35. Write a short paragraph (5 – 7 sentences) summarizing the text.

36. Complete the WebQuest. Follow all the steps carefully and prepare a final
report about it. For more information follow the link

Vocabulary and Reading

37. Check the meaning of the following
• A rural area
• To be in the country (NOT To be in the nature)
• Peaceful/ tranquil countryside
• (gentle/ bleak) landscape
• Unspoilt/ breath-taking scenery
• Uninterrupted/ panoramic/ spectacular views
• Secluded place
• Pace of life
38. Rewrite the sentences using the word above.
1. Already she had fallen under the lazy, carefree spell of the peaceful rural area.
2. After another mile, Chapel-le-Dale is reached, an oasis of greenery in a dull
3. ‘From my boyhood, I always wanted to live in an isolated area, to live like a Sufi.

4. Walking in the wild place where people have not touched a thing is a favourite
occupation of most guests.
5. Public transport needs in a countryside will be different from those in an urban
6. In Vienna the the speed of living was more civilized.
7. Situated on Karon Beach the well-appointed rooms in the Thavorn Palm Beach
have views that are not hidden by anything.
39. Describe a place ideal for cycling. (What should be there? What shouldn’t?

40. Read the text and compare your ideas.

6 of the World’s Best Biking Destinations
by George Hincapie
George Hincapie is one of the most recognized professional
cyclists in the world with numerous national championships and
professional victories to his credit. He has traveled around the
world devoting time to his passion for riding and has created
a line of custom professional sportswear for cyclists, available
at Hincapie.com. More recently, along with his brother Rich, the
Hincapies opened Hotel Domestique in the Blue Ridge Mountain
foothills, drawing inspiration from George’s world travels.

With spring just around the corner, it’s hard not to fantasize about the days when the
sun starts to dry the road, offering optimal conditions for hours of cycling. If you’re
serious about riding, no doubt you have a few go-to spots within an hour or two from
home, if not right outside your doorstep. Of course, there are also times when you
itch to travel farther afield for a little more adventure.
Here, six fantastic travel destinations for cyclists,
whether you’re ready to pack up your bike and take
it across the country—or perhaps across an ocean.
Superb Scenery: Villefranche-sur-Mer, France
This commune in the south of France is the perfect
starting point for exploring the French Riviera by bike.
There are several routes you can choose between
Nice, which adjoins Villefranche, and Monaco
roughly 20km away. As one might expect, the coastal routes are fairly heavy with
traffic, but if you take the inland routes, you can ride all day without seeing a single
car. And of course, there are the amazingly quaint French villages, which are great for
family activities or a post-ride stroll. A must-visit on this trip is Èze, a small village on
the cliffs above Monaco, where there are amazing walking paths, lovely cafes, and of
course, great wine.

Unexpected Solitude: Malibu, California
You probably wouldn’t think of Los Angeles as a cycling-friendly
getaway, but you’d be surprised. Once you get into the mountains
above Malibu, you can really disappear. And there’s virtually no
traffic up there—definitely not what one expects in L.A. It’s a great
place to train, because there’s lots of climbing and the weather
is great year-round. There are also
many camping options in the area, and the kids will
love the beaches. Plus, it’s not too far from the hustle
and bustle, in case you want to go out for incredible
Mexican or super-fresh sushi after a long day of riding.
Country Roads: Greenville, South Carolina
I may be a little biased, because I live in Greenville, but it really
does offer some of the best riding on the east coast. Plus, the
area has plenty to offer for other outdoor sports as well, including
some beautiful hiking trails. You can ride straight from downtown
and be at Paris Mountain in 20 minutes and
there are countless miles of country roads to
choose from. On a single visit, you could easily go without riding
the same road twice. Downtown is also home to tons of bars
and restaurants downtown — two of my favorites are the Sip
rooftop wine bar and Soby’s. And of course, you’ll find plenty of
nice places to rest your head, including Hotel Domestique.
A True Escape: Colombia
Colombia is still way off-the-beaten path for a lot of travelers,
but it’s truly a unique destination worth exploring—especially by
bike. The people here are some of the nicest I’ve ever met, and
if you know the right places and the right
people, you can really have some great
support along the roads. Cycling is the second largest sport in
the country (behind football — as in soccer — of course), and
the scenery is as varied as it is spectacular. Also, two words:
The Andes. If you’re after challenging climbs, this is the perfect
Post-ride Relaxing: Blackberry Farm, Tennessee
Blackberry Farm resort really is in the middle of
nowhere, so you can imagine the kind of traffic you’ll
find on the surrounding roads (read: little to none). The
roads themselves are great: it’s a fairly hilly area, and
you can ride a nice climb from the resort up into the nearby state
parks. Of all the cycling trips I’ve taken, Blackberry Farm offers the
best place to unwind, thanks largely to their amazing spa. Who
wouldn’t want a massage after a long day of riding?
Cycling on the Side: Gargas, France
Provence is one of best places to ride if you’re not
really looking for a lot of climbing. The area features
plenty of easy riding for all levels. In addition to being bike-friendly, Gargas offers
plenty of indulgent activities for the whole family. Stroll around vineyards, eat world-
class food, or have lunch by the pool at La Coqillad’s bar.
41. Explain the highlighted words and expressions and make up your own
sentences with them.

42. Discuss the questions in the group:
1) In which of the places mentioned in the text would you prefer to cycle? Why?
2) Have you ever been to a perfect place? What kind of place is perfect for you?
Why? How do you feel there?

43. In small groups describe the pictures (using the vocabulary from the unit)
in as much detail as possible.

44. Where would you prefer to live: in the city or in the countryside? Make pros
and cons lists of living in both places. Discuss your lists with a partner.
Living in the City vs Living in the Countryside

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45. Write a short paragraph explaining your choice of living in the city or in the

Reading and Vocabulary
46. Guess the city from the picture, description, and the letters from its name.
1. V_ _I_E 2. _A_I_
Among those The Seine and
who’ve seen it the bridges that
in person, the cross it, the grand
conclusion is boulevards, the
unanimous: It is monumental
unique and well squares, the
worth seeing. Each building is a work of magnificent
art, with their beauty enhanced when monuments, the charming streets
reflected on the canals that cross the city. of Montmartre -- these images confirm
Its magical scenery is fascinating and that it is indeed the most elegant and
breathtaking at first sight. sophisticated of all cities. Sit at an
3. P_A_ _E outdoor café table or go on a boat tour of
It is known as the city of the thousand spires the Seine and see it all romantically flash
because of its beautifully-preserved before your eyes.
historical monuments dating from 4. L_ _B_ _
practically every period in history. Those Magnificently
spires are best admired from the bridges sited on a series of
that cross the Vltava River, especially from hills running down
the magnificent Charles Bridge, or standing to the grand Tagus
in the stunningly beautiful Old Town River, it is one of the
Square. Add the atmospheric alleyways world’s most scenic
and cobbled streets that lead to it, and cities. Beautiful unexpected views are
you know that few found at every turn down its colorful,
other cities delight picturesque streets. The city has an
the senses as much unpolished, seductive appearance; an
as this city. effortless beauty with captivating details
such as cobbled designs, tiled façades,
and pastel-colored buildings blending
together to give it a singular atmosphere.
5. _IO_ _ _A_EI_O
There are those 6. FL_ _EN_E
who say God created This city is
the world in six s y n o n y m o u s
days and devoted a with the Italian
seventh to this city. R e n a i s s a n c e ,
It is indeed blessed known for the
with one of the most artistic heritage
stunning settings in its palaces
and museum collections. See its beauty
in the world. Even if it was deserted of
from Piazzale Michelangelo, a 19th
buildings and population, anyone standing century terrace overlooking the entire
at the top of the famous Sugarloaf Mountain city, and you’ll be looking at one of the
or by the Corcovado statue would see one most storybook-perfect cityscapes.
of the world’s most beautiful landscapes. You’ll see its unspoiled skyline, the
Green, tropical luxuriance mixes with the towers and domes of the heart of the city,
blue of the ocean and the brightness of its bridges, the hills in the distance, and
the golden sands at the beaches, proving the magnificent Duomo dominating the
that this is indeed «the marvelous city» cityscape. Few other places in the world
as locals call it. will leave you as awestruck.
7. GU_T_ _ _LA C_T_ 8. _E_ _ _O C_T_
This fumes-and- Mexico’s capital
crime-filled city is an eyesore. It’s
is the capital of an currently known as
otherwise beautiful one of the world’s
country. It looks more most dangerous
like a slum than cities, but even if it
a capital city, with was a safe haven,
most buildings appearing on the verge of it still would not be a very inviting city.
collapse. Many streets are strewn with In fact some districts have become no-
litter. go areas with high crime. It’s one of the
9. LU_ _DA world’s most polluted cities and there
It’s undergoing a isn’t much to look at.
spectacular boom as the 10. CA_AC_S
capital of Africa’s recent Venezuela’s capital
economic success story, sure is no beauty with
but let’s hope the new a large impoverished
development creates and homeless
something more attractive than what we population (close to
see now: ugly apartment buildings one in five families live below the poverty
dotting the skyline of city. There’s no line) and a cityscape with no formal
question that it’s one big ugly concrete zoning regulations. Rundown city
jungle. It should simply be an arrival and mostly made up of brick, concrete and
departure point on your travel itinerary. glass. The comfortable suburbs away
Unless you enjoy dirty, chaotic streets from the city center contrast sharply with
and ugly buildings looking like they’re the poor shanty towns and the urban
crumbling on top of each other. waist lands in the industrial zones.
L_ _ A_ _ _ _ _S
A city known for its congested highways with
bumper-to-bumper traffic is enough to make it
unattractive, but then there isn’t much to look at
walking down the street either (if anyone actually
walks -- this is one of the world’s least pedestrian-
friendly cities). Despite the allure of Hollywood
and the beaches nearby, upmarket shops, pricey
restaurants, fashionable clubs, this city is simply not the prettiest place on Earth.
47. In the descriptions above find all the adjectives used to characterize a city.

48. Which of the expressions below have a positive meaning (+) and which
have a negative meaning (-)?
ugly concrete jungle; singular atmosphere; stunning settings, a large impoverished
and homeless population; tropical luxuriance mixes with the blue of the ocean;
buildings appearing on the verge of collapse; storybook-perfect cityscapes.

49. Match the collocations to identify objects and

districts that can be found in a city.
1. upmarket a) shops
2. congested b) cafés
3. no-go c) clubs
4. monumental d) areas
5. urban e) highways
6. bumper-to-bumper f) waste lands
7. pricey g) alleyways
8. fashionable h) squares
9. shanty i) restaurants
10. outdoor
j) traffic
11. comfortable
k) streets
12. beautifully-preserved historical
13. atmospheric l) towns
14. cobbled m) suburbs
n) monuments
50. Describe the view using the expressions below and other expressions from
the texts.
magical scenery is fascinating and breathtaking; delight the senses; unexpected
views; picturesque; beautiful landscapes; overlooking the entire city; storybook-
perfect cityscapes; unspoiled skyline; leave you as awestruck

51. Choose a city and prepare the city guide. Make a pecha-kucha presentation of
your city guide for tourists. Follow the guidelines for Pecha-Kucha presentations
(Appendix 26) and the instructions below .
Describe the city stating its different peculiarities, attractions, sights, etc. Make
others want to visit this city!

Your presentation may include such sections.

You should include only those facts (about geographical features and climate) that
are important for the activities that are connected with this place (e.g. you should say
that Bukovel is a resort situated in the Carpathian Mountains and tell some facts about
the weather there if you want to speak about skiing there).
Please, do not copy and insert large pieces of information about the history of the
city if it is not connected with the activities you are speaking about. Try to connect
history facts with the sights of the city that you can visit (see the section ‘Activities and
Activities and Attractions
Pay special attention to this part of the presentation. Mention the sights of the place
and different types of activities using as many words as possible (e.g. If you are
interested in arts and architecture, you can visit the art gallery…, such monuments
as…, such temples and cathedrals as… etc.).
Other: Transportation
Specify how you can get to the place that you are describing (by railway/by bus/by
plane etc.). Say what the most convenient way is.
Also, speak about different means of transport that you can use to travel around the
city. Mention specific facts (e.g., London double-deckers). Attractions and Sights
Shopping • museum/art gallery
Include very brief information about shopping if the place you • church/cathedral/
are talking about is
connected with some specific activities and products. mosque
52. Discuss the following questions. • tombs/mausoleum/
• What is the most marvelous city you have been to? memorial
• Which city in the world would you like to live in if you • castle/tower/town hall
were able to choose? Why? • statue/monument/
• What sights and attractions do people usually try to fountain
visit when coming to a city? What about you? What are • park/square/market
the most magnificent/striking sights you have seen? place/zoo
• Name top 5 cities you would like to travel to and explain • Ferris wheel/
your reasons. What sights would you like to see? observation wheel or
• Describe your native city in 5 sentences. big wheel
• Imagine you are hosting a foreign friend. Where would • theatre/cinema/opera
you take them to? Think of the sights and attractions house
your city has to offer. • café/restaurant/
• What are the main problems of modern cities? casino/ cabaret
• What is the ugliest city you have ever seen or visited?

Reading and Writing
53. Look at this description of different types of travellers. Some information
is missing, brainstorm ideas to complete the gaps.
No Matter What Type Of Traveler You Are, We’ve
Got A Vacation Idea That’s Perfect For You
The thrill of a vacation starts in the planning stage—you consult your travel advisor,
check out different destinations and packages and then decide on The One. To help
you to choose the right trip, location, accommodation and itinerary the travel advisor
has to know what kind of traveler you are. Check out these types of travellers, with
vacation ideas suited to each one.
The Adventurer
Likes: Learning about indigenous cultures, experiencing an
adrenaline rush.
Dislikes: Lying on a beach for two weeks, complainers, fine dining
(read: waiting forever for miniscule portions), forgetting the video
Favourite way to get away: Exotic places and unique experiences
excite this fearless thrill seeker
Worth Exploring: Discovering the Himalayan kingdoms with
Trek Holidays. This exciting 13-day tour will take you through the
wonders of Nepal and India. While there is some walking and
hiking involved, this tour is not overly physical and can be enjoyed by Adventurers of
all ages.
The Culture Vulture The Spiritual Seeker
Likes: Local art, “satis-map-tion” (the Likes:
satisfaction that comes with finding a location
on a foreign map).
Dislikes: Celebrity tabloids, pollution,
fast food, plastic surgery.
Favourite way to get away: The Culture Favourite way to get away: The
Vulture loves to spend time in a sophisticated Spiritual Seeker is searching for a
city. vacation that will enlighten his body,
First-class holiday: An Insight Vacations mind and soul, with lots of physical
Easy Pace 11-day tour of London, Paris activities
and Rome will allow you plenty of time Soulful Exploration:
to explore on your own. Begin in London
with a guided tour of the West End, take
the high-speed Eurostar train to Paris,
where you’ll discover the beauty of the
Louvre and end the journey with a glass
of wine in Rome.

The Single Senior The Foody
Likes: Being a social butterfly, getting- Likes:
to-know-you conversations, dancing to a
live band, watching a perfect sunset.

Favourite way to get away:

Favourite way to get away:

Singular Adventure:

Worth Exploring:

The Eco Traveller

Favourite way to get away:
Worth Exploring:

54. You are a travel agent and you have to work out a package tour for one
type of travelers above. Write down your holiday ideas and prepare a brochure
of your package tour. Use the guidelines in Appendix 23 to create an effective
Speaking. Group Work
55. Role-play the situation. Use 'Useful Language' box to help you.
Student A: You are a travel agent. Using “Useful language”
the brochure you have made, sell your • Is _________ included in the price?
package tour to a tourist or a group of • Could you tell me more about
tourists. Think of possible questions that _________ (e.g. the hotel/the flight/...)?
may arise and get ready to answer them. • How many meals do we get?
• What else do I have to pay for?
Student B: You want to go on holidays
• What about …
and you are looking for a perfect package
the transfer?
tour. Look through the holiday brochures
the excursions?
and choose one that appeals to you.
the car rentals?
Think of four to eight questions to ask
the travel agent about this holiday. Use
“Useful language” for ideas.

56. Revise your active vocabulary. Translate the sentences.
1. Миколаїв та Одеса не сполучаються міжміським поїздом.
2. Кінцевою зупинкою цього поїзда є Сімферополь, але Вам потрібно
пересісти на інший поїзд у Джанкої, якщо Ви хочете дістатися Феодосії,
оскільки немає прямого поїзду з Миколаєва до Феодосії.
3. Через високі ціни на житло в столиці багато людей живуть у селах та містечках
недалеко від Києва, тому вони щодня користуються приміською електричкою
або приміським автобусом, щоб доїхати до міста, а потім – переповненими
поїздами метро, автобусами, тролейбусами, трамваями, щоб дістатися
місця роботи чи навчання.
4. Вікна її будинку дрижали кожного разу, коли проїжджав товарний поїзд.
5. Джейн чекала на поїзд на пероні, радіючи, що отримала знижку на проїзд
у поїзді завдяки студентському квитку. Коли вона почула звук поїзда, що
наближався, її посмішка стала ще ширшою, оскільки вона знала, що маршрут
поїзда є досить коротким і вона дуже скоро нарешті побачить свою родину.
6. Після того, як провідник перевірив наші квитки та документи, ми зайшли в
наше купе та зрозуміли, що вагон всередині був не менш розкішним, ніж зовні.
7. Мені дуже подобається оглядати місто на туристичному автобусі з
відкритим верхом.
8. Скільки зараз коштує проїзний квиток в автобусі? – Чесно кажучи, я
не знаю, оскільки не користуюся часто громадським транспортом. Мені не
подобається стояти у довгих чергах на автобусних зупинках. До того ж,
їхати автобусом до роботи мені лише на 10 хвилин менше, ніж іти пішки, тому я
зазвичай прогулююся.
9. Великі міста часто бувають надзвичайно забрудненими і стикаються з
великою кількістю проблем, таких як: нескінчений потік транспорту та
затори, високий рівень злочинності у небезпечних районах міста,
перетворення промислових районів міста на пустки. Заможним людям
зазвичай не подобається жити у цих кам’яних джунглях, тому вони живуть у
комфортних передмістях.
10. Якщо ви полюбляєте культуру, замовте 7-денний автобусний тур вишу-
каними містами Західної Європи. Найгарніші міста Європи захоплять вас
пейзажами, від яких перехоплює дух. Ви зможете насолодитися величними
пам’ятниками, що чудово збереглися, чарівними бруківками, краєвидами
міст, що ніби зійшли зі сторінок книг.
11. Працівник аеропорту швидко переглянув наші паспорти, прийняв наш
багаж, видав нам посадкові талони. Все що нам лишалося – пройти огляд
служби безпеки та піднятися на борт літака. А через три години, коли наш
літак приземлиться у аеропорту Делі, ми поринемо у пригоди, досліджуючи
дива Індії.

Britain and the British
Unit 8. Ukraine and the Ukrainians
Listening and Speaking
1. What are the first three things which come into your mind when you hear the
words ‘Britain’ or ‘the British’? What stereotypes of the English do you know?
Make a list and compare it with the rest of the group.
«Englishman In New York»

I don’t drink ___________ I take __________ my dear

I like my __________ done on one side
And you can hear it in my accent when I talk
I’m an Englishman in New York

See me walking down Fifth Avenue

A __________ __________ here at my side 2. Now look at the
I take it everywhere I walk lyrics of Sting’s song
I’m an Englishman in New York “Englishman In New
York” and try to
I’m an __________ I’m a legal __________ complete the missing
I’m an Englishman in New York
I’m an __________ I’m a legal __________
parts. Then listen to
I’m an Englishman in New York the song and complete
the gaps.
If, “Manners maketh man” as someone said
Then he’s the __________ of the day 3. Discuss the
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and ____________ questions.
Be yourself no matter what they say

I’m an __________ I’m a legal __________ • How is the Englishman

I’m an Englishman in New York shown in the song?
I’m an __________ I’m a legal __________
I’m an Englishman in New York • What is different
between the English and
Modesty, propriety can lead to notoriety
You could end up as the only one the Americans according
Gentleness, sobriety are rare in this _________ to the song?
At night a candle’s brighter than the sun

Takes more than combat gear to make a man

Takes more than a __________ _____ _____ ______
__________ your enemies, __________ them when you can
A gentleman will walk but never _________
If, “Manners maketh man” as someone said
Then he’s the __________ of the day
It takes a man to suffer ignorance and __________
Be yourself no matter what they say

I’m an __________ I’m a legal __________

I’m an Englishman in New York
I’m an __________ I’m a legal __________
I’m an Englishman in New York

Reading and Vocabulary
4. Decide which of the stereotypes about the British below are true and which
are false.

ˆˆBritons love to queue.

ˆˆAll Britons have bad teeth.
ˆˆPubs in Britain only serve warm beer.
ˆˆBritons drink tea all day.
ˆˆEveryone in Britain is closely related to the Royal Family.
ˆˆBritons love to celebrate Royal occasions.
ˆˆEveryone in Britain has a plummy accent and talks like the Queen.
ˆˆBritons are obsessed with the class system.
ˆˆIt rains every day in Britain.
ˆˆBritons do everything by the book.

5. Read the text, check your suggestions and put the stereotypes mentioned
above in the right place.
It would be valuable indeed if divine providence blessed us with the gift to ‘see
ourselves as others see us’ as Robert Burns mused in his famous poem ‘To A Louse’,
but although we’ll never achieve this sort of omniscience, it’s still fun to sift through
some of the most common stereotypes about Britain and the British and consider
which have any basis in fact.
Naturally, it’s impossible to generalise over the beliefs, habits and attitudes of each
and every Briton, and as a modern multicultural nation we also celebrate unity in
diversity. However, one thing Britons have in vast reserve is eccentricity  and their
perpetual ability to combine a stiff upper lip with surreal and self-effacing humour.
So here follow five stereotypes about Britain which are false and five which have
some basis of truth.
1. ________________________________________________________________
Since Britain has a population of over 63 million this is not the case, but
some unlikely Britons in line for the throne include Catherine Laing; a
West Country travel agent’s wife and Chloe Felton, a farmer’s daughter
from Devon. In fact, there are only around 20  people  in the UK who
bear the title ‘Your Highness’ or ‘Your Majesty’ and around a further 70
who can claim to be members of the extended Royal Family or Royal
Household; so it’s a reasonably exclusive club!
2. ________________________________________________________________
Although Britain receives its fair share of rain, in 2009 the UK received
less annual rainfall than Norway, Switzerland, Japan or New Zealand.
It’s true that sodden citizens of Glasgow can expect around 48 inches
of rain a year but this is only half the amount that the good people of
Bergen, Norway can look forward to!
3. _____________________________________________
Whilst some ales are still served warm, the popularity of continental lagers
means that most beers served in the UK are now served cold. In fact, British
lagers such as Carling and Tennents are marketed as best served cold and
even Guinness stout has an ‘extra cold’ version due to popular demand!
4. __________________________________________________
This is untrue as there are hundreds of distinctive regional accents
across the UK and Standard English is itself a synthetic language
amalgamated from elements of regional languages.
5. __________________________________________________
There seems to be no factual basis for this stereotype,
dental hygiene in the UK compares well to that of any
other developed nation. However, some British cultural
icons do have very ‘unusual’ teeth; such as Rab C Nesbitt
and Ken Dodd.
6. ______________________________________________________
Each Brit consumes 1.89 KG of tea per year according to 2009 figures
and are ranked 6th in a list which is topped by the United Arab Emirates,
followed by Ireland and Mauritania. Of course, tea is the 2nd most popular
drink in the world next to water, so Britons are not alone in their collective
love for a cuppa!
Although no-one in their right mind loves to queue anywhere,
many British people will state that they would prefer forming an
orderly queue than the type of ‘free for all’ policy they may have
seen adopted in other countries (although this in itself might be
yet another stereotype!) However, the record for longest toilet queue is actually held
by the Belgians and occurred when 756 people waited in line to use a latrine as part
of UNICEF World Water Day activities!
8. ________________________________________________________________
Business groups are constantly complaining about the reams of
Governmental red tape, rules and regulations and (in their view)
the effect it has on jobs being lost as businesses move abroad to
avoid bureaucracy. Britain is unarguably one of the most rule-bound
nations on Earth but it is debatable whether these regulations protect
our freedoms or infringe them.
9. ________________________________________________________________
Although traditional class boundaries have become more blurred
over the years, most Britons do tend to identify with one of the 3 main
classes for better or for worse and although some claim that social
mobility is greater now than it was for previous generations, evidence
suggests that Britain unfortunately remains divided along class lines.
10. ___________________________________________________
This is definitely true as Royal Weddings and Jubilees are lavish
occasions which millions of Britons love to celebrate by waving
Union Jacks, organising street parties and donning fantastic Great
British fancy dress costumes! Indeed, as 24.5 million viewers
watched the Royal Wedding of Prince William and Princess Catherine on TV last year,
if  a Royal Wedding was held every week it would certainly eclipse viewing figures of
‘EastEnders’ , ‘Coronation Street’ and ‘The X Factor’!

6. Say what these numbers refer to.
3; 48 inches;
1.89 KG; 20;
24.5 million; 63 million.
7. Match the highlighted words from the text to their definitions below.
1. not certain because people have different opinions about them
2. when something loses its power or fame, because someone or something else
has become more powerful or famous
3. definitely true or correct
4. to examine information, documents etc carefully in order to find something out or
decide what is important and what is not
5. unclear in shape, or making it difficult to see shapes
6. important because there is only a limited amount available
7. having a special quality, character, or appearance that is different and easy to
8. to do something that is against a law or someone’s legal rights

8. Match the collocations as they were used in the text and explain them.
1. lavish a) mind Useful phrases
2. rule-bound b) occasions
3. in one’s right c) accent to express a personal
4. factual d) nations point of view
5. plummy e) basis In my experience…
6. to receive f) the title As far as I’m concerned…
7. red g) upper lip Speaking for myself…
In my opinion…
8. to bear h) tape Personally, I think…
9. stiff i) one’s fair share I’d say that…
9. Fill the words from the exercises above into the I’d suggest that…
gaps and agree or disagree with the statements. To I’d like to point out that…
I believe that…
express your opinion, use the useful phrases from What I mean is…
the box.
to agree with a
1. Ukrainians are one of the most __________ nations. statement
2. Nowadays the boundaries between sexes are _____. That’sExactly.
a good point.
3. In the modern world information is more ___________ I don’t think so either.
than money. I’d go along with that.
4. The __________ feature of Britons is their politeness. That’s true.
I agree with this entirely.
5. French women are, ___________, the most beautiful That’s just what I was
in the world. Nobody can ___________ their beauty. thinking.
I couldn’t agree more.
6. Nobody in ___________ would move from a city to
a village. to disagree with a
7. There is no ___________ for claiming British football statement
That’s different.
fans to be hooligans. That’s not entirely true.
8. One can ____________ the law if he is sure that he On the contrary…
won’t be punished. I’m afraid I have to
I’m not so sure about that.

Speaking. Group Work
10. Work in groups of 6. Using the information from the text and the useful
phrases for group discussion (Appendix 30), role-play the situation.

Student A Student B
You are hosting a talk You are an aristocrat from British
show. The topic of the day upper class. You are distantly related
is “Common stereotypes to the Royal Family.
about Britain and the You are taking part in a talk show.
British”. The guests are several The topic of the day is “Common stereotypes
British people from different about Britain and the British”. Try to speak
social groups. Ask them if the using the “plummy accent”. Express your
stereotypes about the British opinion on British obsession with the class
have any basis of truth. system.

Student D
Student C
You are a
You are a van driver. You are taking part in
dentist. You are
a talk show. The topic of the day is “Common
taking part in a talk show. The topic
stereotypes about Britain and the British”. At
of the day is “Common stereotypes
leisure you enjoy spending time in pubs. You
about Britain and the British”. You
definitely know how beer is served in English
must be especially interested in
pubs. Express your
discussing the stereotypes about
opinion on English
Britons having bad teeth. Express
your opinion on this topic.

Student E
You are a police officer. You Student F
are taking part in a talk show. You are an owner of a grocery store in
The topic of the day is “Common Gloucester. You are taking part in a talk show.
stereotypes about Britain and the The topic of the day is “Common stereotypes
British”. When asked, prove that about Britain and the British”.Go along with
the British are the most an idea that the
rule-bound nation on the British are fond of
Earth. queuing.

11. What image do foreigners have of your country, its food and its people? Do
you think it is accurate?

Watching a Video
The Ultimate Journey – London
12. You are going to watch a film about London. Before watching the film, in
one minute write as many things as you can about London.

13. While watching the film, complete the table with the facts about London
from the video.
Place/Fact What’s special about it? (write as many details as possible)


How many capsules are there? Why?

London Eye
How many people can each of them carry?
How many monarchs ruled it?
The Tower
of London
How is it connected with Henry VIII?


The Square

Fire of

New Gate


Hyde Park

The London

South Bank

What kind of art is exhibited there? How much does it cost to visit
London Art it?

“Les Trois



Jack the

What do they do? Why?

Pearly Kings
and Queens

Road Flower

Brick Lane



14. Imagine you are in London for just half of the day. Which attraction would you choose
to visit and why?

15. Answer the following questions.

1. Why do many people in Ukraine today feel uncomfortable if a black cat
walks across your path in front of you?
2. How do you understand the word ‘superstition’? Do you believe in
Reading and Vocabulary
16. Read the text and find out what superstitions are.
Ukrainian Superstitions
Inna Danylyuk, a philologist, a lot of boys and girls have heard
has done some research into the from their grandma. “Why?” some
phenomenon of superstition and now says dare to ask. “Because if you do, there’ll
that though Ukrainian superstitions share be no money in this house!” But it’s not an
many common features with superstitions explanation, of course. It is one of the most
of any other nation, there are differences, characteristic features of any superstition
peculiar for the Ukrainians. that in most cases, there seems to be no
rational explanation. Many attempts have
The word “superstition” is somewhat been made to discover the circumstances
ambiguous and suggests a belief or that gave rise to this or that superstition,
practice for which there appears to be or dig deep into the roots of the age-old
no rational substance. Every religious traditions, or probe into the subconscious
system tends to accumulate superstitions of the people who believe in superstitions,
as peripheral beliefs — a Christian, for but it seems not much success has been
example, may believe that in time of trouble achieved.
he will be guided by the Bible if he opens Though no results of a large-scale
it at random and reads the text that first research into the superstitions of the
strikes his eye. In fact, all religious beliefs Ukrainians seem to be available, it is
and practices may seem superstitious to probably quite safe to say that a great
the person without religion. many people in Ukraine today feel
There are superstitions that belong to the uncomfortable if a black cat walks across
cultural tradition and these are enormous your path in front of you. They would feel
in their variety. Many persons, even in the
most developed and largely irreligious something has to be done to ward off
societies, have held, seriously or half- the possible ill effects on them that they,
seriously, irrational beliefs concerning for no apparent reason, believe may be
methods of warding off ill or bringing caused by that small and harmless feline
good, foretelling the future, and healing or just peacefully taking a walk and minding
preventing sickness or accidents. A few its own business — many would look for
specific folk traditions, such as belief in a cross or wood to touch; some would spit
the evil eye or in the efficacy of amulets, over the left shoulder three times, change
have been found in most periods of history the direction of their walk or try to walk
and in most parts of the world. Others around the place the black cat has walked
may be limited to one country, region, or
village, to one family, or to one social or across, or wait for someone else to cross
vocational group. the imaginary line along which the cat has
Also, people may develop their walked — the passerby who does it would
personal superstitions, but we’ll deal thus take the evil charge of the black cat
with superstitions that have gained wide magic upon himself. Most of those who
currency in Ukraine and are still, though do such things would hardly be able to
not to the extent as in the earlier times, explain why they do it, but would admit
popular. that the instance of the black cat walking
“Don’t whistle indoors!” is a stricture that in front of them can bring bad luck.
Some research suggests that in the was a belief that existed in a very distant
times of old, it was widely believed that it past — “working on Sunday may turn you
was the devil himself that walked around into a werewolf.”
in the shape of a black cat. Superstitions can be divided into several
Some superstitions have become so groups. “Don’t do it” superstitions are
wide-spread and casual that many people particularly many and have roots in a very
think that they uphold some traditions (and distant past. Most of them have died out,
usually people do not either question the but some still persist. Such superstitions
reason why this or that tradition should be are of the kind that many people would
maintained, or give it any thought and just not dare to ignore them.
do what the tradition requires) rather than Do not look into the mirror after the
believe in these irrational superstitions. sunset — or you’ll lose your beauty.
Reluctance to work on Sunday, for Don’t borrow money in the evening.
example, on the part of many people The study of superstitions may help
seems to go much deeper into the understand better certain aspects of
past than may seem at first glance. ancient beliefs and conditions of life,
Ethnographic materials collected in the and can even reveal some unexpected
nineteenth century show that there “shady nooks” of the human mind.

17. Find English equivalents for the following words in the text:
1. віра; вірування; переконання
2. звичка; звичай; заведений порядок; застосування
3. двозначний; неясний; невизначений; непевний; сумнівний
4. на(в)здогад, навмання, випадково
5. провіщати (віщувати, передбачати) майбутнє
6. ефективність; дієвість; успішність
7. сувора критика, осуд; обмеження поведінки
8. обставини, умови
9. відвертати, відбивати (небезпеку, тощо)
10. підтримувати; зберігати
18. Answer the following questions:
1. What do beliefs usually concern?
2. Are folk traditions and beliefs limited to only one region? Why/Why not?
3. What is one of the most characteristic features of any superstition?
19. Write your own list of ‘Don’t do it’ superstitions that you are familiar with.
‘Don’t do it’ superstitions
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
20. Work in groups of 3 – 4 and compare your lists of superstitions. Discuss
any unknown facts. Are there many similar superstitions?
Watching a Video. Speaking
21. You are going to watch a video called ‘Why Ukraine?’.
Before watching, discuss with your partner why Ukraine
as a country is worth visiting. Think about the history of
Ukraine, its culture, traditions, its nature and its people.

22. Watch the video ‘Why Ukraine?’ and fill in the blanks in the sentences
1. Ukraine is a bridge between and .
2. The strongest powers used to for the right to this
wonderful land.
3. The construction of Kyiv began years ago.
4. Pilgrims from all over the world come to bow to the of
located in the centre of Ukraine’s capital.
5. Back in ancient history, the Great ran through this
breathtaking and beautiful land.
6. Yesterday’s Ukraine is an unknown country; Ukraine of today is an
; Ukraine tomorrow is life-affirming of Europe wise with

23. Explain the quotes and answer the questions.

1. ‘The history of great empires is here, in Ukraine’. What empires is the history of
Ukraine connected with?
2. Why is Kyiv called ‘a second Jerusalem’?
3. ‘The land shrouded in legends’. What is it? Why is it called so? What is this region
characterised by/famous for?
4. Where can you see the ruins of ancient Hellenic cities,
Genoese fortresses, monuments of the Ottoman empire
and gorgeous palaces of Russian tsars?
5. Why is Ukraine ‘about the youth of modern Europe’?
6. How are the people of Ukraine characterised?
7. What is said about Ukrainian cuisine?

24. You are going to watch a video ‘Ukraine’s Top 5 Places to Visit’. Before
watching, think about different particular places in Ukraine that you would
recommend to visit. Prove your choice.

25. Explain the meaning of the words below.


26. Watch the video ‘Ukraine’s Top 5 Places to Visit’ and check your
comprehension answering the following questions.
1. What place does Andrew Evans miss the most, have in his mind and
want to get back to? How does he describe this place?
2. What is Andrew’s favourite place in Lviv? Why? What does this place
3. What is ‘number three’ in Andrew’s list? What reasons does he provide? What
villages does he mention?
4. What is Andrew’s favourite river? Which particular place on the
river does he talk about? How does he describe Zaporizhya?
5. Why is Sevastopol different from the rest of Ukraine? Why does
it attract Andrew?

27. Discuss the questions below. Express your opinion.

1. What places mentioned by Andrew have you been to? Are they among your top 5
places to visit in Ukraine? Why/Why not?
2. What places in Ukraine can be called some of the culturally richest places on
earth? Why do you think so?
3. Which places in Ukraine have ‘strong literary history’?
4. What is ‘Ukrainian country village spirit’ for you?
5. What places of Ukraine would you call ‘incredible nature parks’?
Where are they situated?
6. Is there a place in Ukraine that you have in your mind and want
to get back to? What attracts you most in this place?
7. Are there any places you have been to several times? How many times have you
been there? Why?

Project. Presentation
28. Prepare a presentation “Born in Ukraine”.
Tell about people who were born in Ukraine or have Ukrainian routes and now are
famous all over the world.
1. Search different sources (books, journals, Internet sites) and find out information
about famous Ukrainians.
2. Choose five people that you want to speak about. You can speak about writers,
poets, scientists, sportsmen, etc.
3. Choose the information about these people and organise it. You should say what
these people are famous for; how and when they became famous. You should include
only the most interesting facts about people that are relevant to the topic.
4. Include visual materials (pictures, maps, etc.) to help you.
5. Learn the text of your presantation. Practise speaking and mind the time! The
presentation should be 3-5 minutes.
6. Present your project in the group.

APPENDIX 1. Unit 1. Leisure. Exercise. Pets.
Consult the list of the words and their definitions to read the text ‘Top 10 Peculiar
Pets That Are Legal To Own’

• containment – the act of keeping sth • obese – very fat, in a way that is not
under control healthy
• dispositions – the natural qualities of • obscure – not well known
(a person’s) character • odor (BrE odour) – a smell, especially
• diurnal [daɪˈɜːnl] – (of animals) active one that is unpleasant
during the day • pasture – land covered with grass that
• domesticated – accustomed to home is suitable for feeding animals on
life • pellet – a small round ball
• enclosure – a piece of land that is • stench – a strong, very unpleasant
surrounded by a fence or wall and is smell
used for a particular purpose
• surge – a strong rush or sweep;
• equine – of, relating to, or resembling
sudden increase
a horse 2) of, relating to, or belonging
• to bond - to develop or create a
to the family Equidae, which comprises
relationship of trust with sb; to become
horses, zebras, and asses
emotionally attached to one another
• fad – something that people are
• to inhibit – to prevent sth from
interested in for only a short period of
• to molt (BrE moult) (of birds,
• gross – (informal) very unpleasant,
mammals, reptiles) to shed (feathers,
hair, skin, or cuticle)
• herd – a group of animals of the same
• to neuter – to remove part of the sex
type that live and feed together
• implication – a possible effect or result organs of an animal so that it cannot

of an action or a decision produce young

• leash – a line or rope used to walk or • to nosh – to eat
control a dog or other animal; lead • to roam – to walk or travel around an
• maintenance – the act of keeping area
sth in good condition by checking or • to spay – to remove the ovaries of
repairing it regularly a female animal, to prevent it from
• maturity – the state of being fully breeding
grown or developed • to trim – to put in good order, esp by
• nocturnal – (of animals) active at night cutting or pruning
APPENDIX 2. Unit 1. Leisure. Exercise 33. Group 1.
Miniature Donkey
Shrek and Fiona might have accepted a donkey into
their family in the popular animated movie, «Shrek,» but
wasn’t that just a fairy tale? Not necessarily. The American
Pet Products Association reports that more than 3 million
people in the United States own equine animals, including
miniature donkeys. According to the National Miniature
Donkey Association (NMDA), these animals make good
pets because they are affectionate and good with children.
Caring for This Pet
Don’t let the name fool you: Mini donkeys aren’t tiny. They are about 3 feet tall (1.5
meters) and weigh between 200 and 350 pounds (90 and 158 kilograms) at maturity.
Mini donkeys have needs similar to those of full-size donkeys: plenty of hay, grain,
fresh water and access to a fenced pasture with dry shelter. They also require regular
vaccines and should have their hooves trimmed every two to three months. NMDA
explains they need the companionship of other mini donkeys, as they are not solitary
animals, so taking on one means taking on at least a pair.
Is This Pet Right for You?
Do you have plenty of land for at least two mini donkeys to roam? Are you financially
prepared to keep up with the large amount of hay your pets will require? Do your
city’s laws allow for pet donkeys? These are all questions you’ll need to find the
answers to before you make such a big investment.

Stick Insect
The stick insect has been entertaining and educating school-age children in
classrooms for years, because of its unique appearance and simple care needs.
Now, more and more people are keeping stick insects as pets at home, according
to science author Sandra Markle. These intriguing insects are usually around 3 to 4
inches (7 to 10 centimeters) long and can live for several years in the right conditions.
Caring for This Pet
Stick insects need tall enclosures, at least double the height of the insect, because
they like to hang. They are omnivores and thrive on a diet of bramble, ivy or even lettuce.
These insects don’t like being alone and need other stick insects for companionship.
Their enclosures should be kept at room temperature and cleaned out weekly. Stick
insects molt many times before they reach maturity and need enough room to literally
climb out of their skin.
Is This Pet Right for You?
Stick insects are very low-maintenance and generally
make good first pets for children, as long as adults are
in charge of cleaning and handling duties. Special care
should be taken when handling the insects, as their
limbs can break easily. The species’ unique appearance
and interesting molting process make them a living
science project for anyone’s home.

APPENDIX 3. Unit 2. sports. Exercise 33.
Student A. Read the arguments and match each argument to the headings
1. Coercion 4. Health Risk
2. Seeking an «Unfair» Advantage 5. Sportsmanship
3. Drugs vs. Technology
Should performance enhancing drugs be accepted in sports?
1. PRO: «If athletes prefer the gains in performance provided by the use of steroids,
along with the increased risk of harm, what gives anyone the right to interfere with
their choice? After all, if we should not forbid smokers from risking their health by
smoking, why should we prohibit track stars or weightlifters from taking risks with
their health in pursuit of their goals?»
2. PRO: «There is no argument to support 4. PRO: «Why should we think
the view that enhancing performance is that those who take drugs to remain
unfair; if it were, we would ban coaching and competitive with the drug users are
training. Competition can be unfair if there is forced into doing so? No one is forced
unequal access to particular enhancements. to become a competitive athlete. The
Athletes come from a variety of training pressures that the non-drug users may
environments; some athletes have the luck feel are no different than any other
of growing up in a wealthy country, while pressures that come with committing
others grow up in much poorer countries. oneself to playing the game at a
Some athletes have access to the best relatively high level of competition. If
coaches in the world, while others don’t get some athletes spend much more time
any coaching. Some athletes have access in the weight room than others and
to world-class training facilities, while others thereby build their muscular strength
don’t have access to any training facilities. to levels significantly higher than their
As one can see, even before we get to the opponents, those opponents who want
PED issue, there is no such thing as an to remain competitive may feel obliged
“equal playing field”». to also put in more time with weights».

3. PRO: «Sport is for enjoyment and 5. PRO: «The spirit of sport is defined
competition, and usually aims to improve; as ‘ethics,’ ‘fair play, and a bunch of other
but what is the difference between increasing words that clarify nothing. The definition
skill and performance by training, and taking includes ‘courage’ and ‘dedication.’
drugs? If it is the use of personal effort rather Doesn’t it take courage and dedication
than outside help, then what of advanced to change your genes for the sake of
training by teams of sports physiologists who improving performance? If sport is the
wire athletes to equipment monitoring heart, exhibition of human achievement then
muscle, brain and nerves to optimize activity. improving those achievements is a good
Today’s athletes use a lot of equipment that thing. As mentioned earlier, PEDs will
is highly “unnatural”: extremely light shoes, increase the rate at which we approach
advanced speed skates etc. As a matter of the limit of human performance. In other
fact – it’s hard to imagine today – training case, soon that improvements will be
of any kind was disapproved in the early measured in 1000ths and 10,000ths
days of the modern Olympics. To train for of a second or spectators will have to
competition was considered “ungentlemanly” wait 150 years to break a world record
— because remember, the early Olympics in swimming, sprint or any other kind of
were only open to rich white males». sport».
Compare your answers with another student A.
Discuss the doping issue with your partner. You have arguments in support of
PEDs. Try to prove that PEDs should not be banned using the arguments that
you have. To debate use the useful language from the page…
APPENDIX 4. Unit 1. Leisure. Exercise 33. Group 2.
Related to the guinea pig, this native South American is
the largest rodent in the world. Fully grown, the capybara is
on average 4 feet (1.2 meters) long and usually weighs more
than 100 pounds (45 kilograms). It’s rare to find these obscure
animals as pets, but there’s one capybara named Caplin Rous
who’s gained a loyal Internet following. His owner, Melanie
Typaldos, who lives in Buda, Texas, has made it her mission to educate people about
this very unusual rodent.
Caring for This Pet
Typaldos says capybaras are never fully domesticated, so you must handle one
often while it’s young to establish a human-rodent relationship. Capybaras need lots
of outdoor space and places to swim, since they are semi-aquatic creatures. They eat
a steady diet of grass and require fresh drinking water at all times.
Is This Pet Right for You?
Capybaras need a lot of attention, plenty of room to roam and some type of swimming
pool. They can be territorial and could bite with their large teeth. Typaldos doesn’t
recommend capybaras for families with young children, because the rodents aren’t
nearly as tolerant as some other domestic pets, like dogs. Like most of the animals on
our countdown, your city or state may have exotic pet legislation that would keep you
from owning a capybara, so always check the laws before bringing one home.
Many think the surge in pet hedgehogs began with the release of the popular
video game, «Sonic the Hedgehog» in 1991, and this is one fad that seems to have
staying power. Hedgehogs are commonly mistaken for small porcupines, but the two
species are not related. Hedgehogs can vary in size from 0.5 pounds to 1.5 pounds
(0.23 kilograms to 0.6 kilograms), with spines up to 0.75 inches (1.9 centimeters) in
Caring for This Pet
Hedgehogs are generally low-maintenance, gentle pets. Wild hedgehogs eat
insects, but you can buy hedgehog mixes at pet stores that are specially formulated
for these spiny creatures and supplement their diet with insects, like crickets, as treats.
They need to be handled often while they are young to adjust to humans. For living
conditions, The Hedgehog Welfare Society (HWS) recommends cages no smaller
than 30 by 24 inches (76 by 60 centimeters) and at least 15 inches (38 centimeters)
tall to accommodate exercise wheels.
Is This Pet Right for You?
It is illegal to own a hedgehog in some states, and in Washington D.C. and New York
City, so check your city’s and state’s laws before purchasing one. You should also make
sure you can locate a vet in your area that will treat hedgehogs.
A hedgehog can make a good pet if you’re committed to weekly
weight checks to ensure it’s not eating too much or too little,
and plenty of one-on-one time. This is a pet that mostly sleeps
all day and is up all night, so you’ll also need to plan bonding
time during odd hours.
APPENDIX 5. Unit 2. sports. Exercise 33.
Student B. Read the arguments and match each argument to the headings
1. Coercion 4. Health Risk
2. Seeking an «Unfair» Advantage 5. Sportsmanship
3. Drugs vs. Technology
Should performance enhancing drugs be accepted in sports?
1. CON: «Performance enhancers, like 3. CON: «When used by fully trained, elite
steroids and other forms of doping, have athletes, [performance-enhancing] drugs
a negative effect on long-term health. can improve performance to a much greater
For then users of these enhancers extent than any combination of the most
are hurting themselves in the long intensive, and costly nonpharmaceutical
run without on the average improving means known to modern sports science.
their short-term rewards from athletic Special diets, and complex physiological
competition, as long as competitors and physiological measurements during
also use harmful enhancers. This is the exercise and recovery cannot match the
main rationale for trying to ban steroids enhancing effects of drugs... Thus, drug
and other forms of doping from athletic use in a subgroup of athletes who -- even in
competitions». the absence of drugs -- are able to compete
at an elite level causes their separation into
2.CON: «Remember that athletes don’t a distinct athletic population, distanced from
take these drugs to level the playing ‘natural’ humans».
field, they do it to get an advantage. And 4. CON: «One athlete’s decision to use
if everyone else is doing what they’re performance enhancing drugs also has
doing, then instead of taking 10 grams a powerful effect on the other athletes in
or whatever it is, they’ll take 20 or 30 the competition. As reported by Sports
or 40, and a vicious circle simply gets Illustrated, half of all recently surveyed
bigger. The end game will be an activity Olympic athletes said that they would be
that is increasingly violent, extreme, willing to take a drug -- even if it would kill
and meaningless, practiced by a class them in the end -- as long as it would let
of chemical and or genetic mutant them win every event they entered five
gladiators. The use of performance- years in a row. This type of ‘win at any cost’
enhancing drugs is not accidental; it is mentality results in athletes feeling forced to
planned the sole objective of getting an use substances just to compete with other
unfair advantage.» athletes.»
5. CON: «Anti-doping programs seek to preserve what is valuable about sport. This
value is often referred to as ‘the spirit of sport’; it is the essence of Olympism; it is how
we play true. The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind,
and is characterized by the following values:
1. Ethics, fair play and honesty. 7. Dedication and commitment.
2. Health. 8. Respect for rules and laws.
3. Excellence in performance. 9. Respect for self and other
4. Character and education. participants.
5. Fun and joy. 10. Courage.
6. Teamwork. 11. Community and solidarity.
Doping is fundamentally contrary to the spirit of sport.»
Compare your answers with another student B.
Discuss the doping issue with your partner. You have arguments against PEDs.
Try to prove that PEDs should be banned using the arguments that you have. To
debate use the useful language from the page…
APPENDIX 6. Unit 1. Leisure. Exercise 33. Group 3.
Native to Australia, the wallaby is a marsupial like its cousin
the kangaroo. It can grow up to 41 inches (104 centimeters) in
length and weigh up to 53 pounds (24 kilograms). It might be
really cute, but the wallaby is also a fast jumper and needs a lot
of space to hop around at high speeds.
Caring for This Pet
Wallabys are timid animals that require a lot of open space and diets rich in grass,
leaves and some fruits, such as apples. They are great escape artists, and regular
privacy fences are no match for them. According to the Australia Marsupial Society
(AMS), you’ll need fencing that’s at least 5 feet (1.5 meters) or taller and has additional
containment structures, like chains, along the bottom half to keep them from going
under the fence, too. Wallabies are social animals, so it’s best to own a pair.
Is This Pet Right for You?
The wallaby typically doesn’t make a good pet for most people. A normal backyard
isn’t going to be enough space for a wallaby to roam, and the expense associated with
providing the necessary fencing could be too much for many. According to the AMS,
these animals do not house-train easily, and they are generally nocturnal, which could
mean sleepless nights for you and your family. Families looking to bring a wallaby into
their homes should seriously consider the financial implications and commitment
before purchasing or adopting a wallaby.
Skunks have been kept as pets since the early 20th century,
but these striped animals have never been that popular. It could
have something to do with the species’ smelly reputation, but
domesticated skunks’ scent glands are removed when they’re
about 4 weeks old, so that owners won’t have to live with the
stench. Skunk enthusiasts describe them as very sensitive and intelligent animals,
with curious personalities.
Caring for This Pet
According to pet skunk expert Jane Bone, owners need to spend plenty of time
bonding with their pet skunks when they’re young, so that the animals will be
accustomed to being held and grow up to be tame. Skunks can be litter-trained, just
like cats, and eat diets similar to ferrets’, with a mix of fresh veggies to supplement
dry food. They do require annual visits to veterinarians for vaccines, and must be
spayed or neutered in addition to having their scent glands removed. Keep in mind,
not many vets are experienced with skunks, so make sure you locate a professional
who is comfortable treating skunks before you bring one into your fold.
Is This Pet Right for You?
Only a few states allow skunks as pets, so that prohibits the majority of Americans
from owning one. If you do live in a state where pet skunks are allowed, then really
think long and hard about whether you are truly willing to dedicate yourself to this
pet for the remainder of its life, which can be more than 10 years. Pet skunks cannot
ever be released into the wild, since they no longer have their most vital defense
mechanisms, the scent glands.
APPENDIX 7. Unit 4. Choosing a Career. Exercise
Group 1
Student 1. You Student 2. You are an expert in Student 3. Your job
work in a bank the medical treatment of animals. is to cut men’s hair and
and maintain You check, examine, and treat sometimes to shave
them. them.
security there. D
DFind a postman.
DFind a surgeon.
DFind a member D
DFind a semi-skilled
DFind someone who works at
of a fire brigade. the casualty department and is person who serves
DFind a police responsible for the treatment of customers and keeps the
officer. stock in the shop looking
accident and emergency patients. its best.
Student 4. You started working as Student 5. Your job is to repair water
a baker 10 years ago and now you are pipes, baths, toilets etc.
very famous in your neighborhood D
DFind someone who designs and
for delicious biscuits and croissants supervises the construction of buildings or
you sell in your bakery. other large structures.
DFind someone who owns or works D
DLook for a person whose job is to draw
in the butcher’s. all the parts of a new building or machine
DFind a chef. that is being planned.

APPENDIX 8. Unit 5. a question of health. Exercise 51.

Group A
Each member of the group found themselves in an emergency situation. Think about
the names for people and the places where the situations can take place. Using the
key words in the box, depict the situation. Expand it with expressions from your topical
vocabulary. Call 911 to ask for help.
1. 4. 6.
9sharp sudden pain 99to cut oneself badly (on 99 to be allergic to smth
9chest discomfort smth) 99 swelling (of the face,
9breath 99deep cut eyes, or tongue)
9to9 have a heart attack 99the surface of the skin/ 99 skin/ skin reaction
9to9 get unconscious, to 99 to be out of breath, to
breathe with difficulty cough
2. 99to bleed heavily, to swell 99 to lose consciousness
99a severe burn 99to be in (a lot of) pain
99limbs, body, skin
99to fall out of (e.g.
5. window)/to fall down
99unbearable pain
9a 9 car crash 99to injure smth/to
3. 9a 9 back injury break/to twist/to bleed/to
99to break 9
9broken limbs be unable to move
99open fracture, 9
9bruises, bleeding, 99bruises, fractures,
99bones, skin, injured area concussion bleeding
99to be in agony 99to be unconscious
9to9 be unconscious
99to swell up, to bleed
APPENDIX 9. Unit 1. Leisure. Exercise 33. Group 4.
Potbellied Pig
This pig isn’t the 1-ton (2,000-pound) variety you’d find on a farm, but a
smaller breed that makes a pretty good pet. George Clooney famously cared for a
potbellied pig named Max for more than 18 years. These squealers are relatively
odor-free and easy to train. Police departments have even used potbellied pigs as
drug sniffers, because of their trainability and the fact that they have an amazing
sense of smell.
Caring for This Pet
Potbellies like a regimented schedule, so exercise and mealtimes should be at
the same times every day. According to veterinary experts, they have a tendency to
become obese, so it’s important to maintain a balanced diet and make sure that they
get plenty of exercise. Potbellies can be trained to walk on leashes, so you can walk
your pig the same way you would a dog for daily activity.
Is This Pet Right for You?
Potbellies are considered intelligent and affectionate animals, but they might not make
great pets for everyone. For one thing, the potbelly likes to be the center of attention,
so one pig is enough for any family. According to the Merck Veterinarian Manual, this
sense of importance can lead to aggressive behavior after
the age of 2. Therefore, this peculiar pet doesn’t make a good
match for a family with small children. The potbelly also loves
to root and can destroy carpet, if yours is an indoor pet. And
it’s worth stating that this pet isn’t good for anyone who
takes pride in a perfectly manicured lawn.
Madagascar Hissing Cockroach
Some might think this is the grossest pet ever, but
many people consider this large, hissing insect their love
bug. If you can get past the idea of keeping a cockroach on
purpose, you might realize these hissers actually make really
good pets. They don’t fly or bite, and the hissing sound they
make is pretty cool, too.
Caring for This Pet
These roaches need small living spaces with places to hide from light, and sticks
to climb. They are excellent climbers and have been known to climb right out of their
enclosures. Experts recommend keeping the top couple inches of the enclosures
coated with petroleum jelly to inhibit the roaches from escaping. These insects like
fresh veggies with any type of dry pellet food that’s high in protein -- even dog food
will do the trick.
Is This Pet Right for You?
Some states might require you to get a permit before bringing these large
cockroaches into your life, so check your city and state laws before bringing the bugs
home. Because they don’t bite or sting, these cockroaches could make excellent first
pets for children, especially those interested in bugs. Just remember, as with all of the
pets on this countdown, owning these rather peculiar pets can present some
challenges. Make sure you’re up for them before diving in.
APPENDIX 10. Unit 4. choosing a career. Exercise 18. Group 2.
Student 1. You Student 2. You are Student 3. You are formally
have been working a member of the police educated and trained in the
for the post office for force. care of the sick.
14 years already. D
DFind someone who D
DFind someone who has
DFind a person rescues people from car something to do with treating
who works in the local accidents, collapsed and sick animals.
barbershop. burning buildings and other D
DFind someone whose
DFind a person who such situations. profession is to cure diseases
works in a shop selling D
DFind a uniformed or injuries of the body by
things to customers. security guard. manual operation.
Student 4. Your everyday responsibility Student 5. You are qualified to
is to prepare standard cuts of meat and design buildings and to superintend
poultry for sale in your shop. their erection.
DFind a person who works in a commercial D
DFind a tradesperson who specializes
bakery. in installing and maintaining systems
DFind someone who is in charge of all used for potable (drinking) water,
activities related to the kitchen, which sewage, and drainage in plumbing
usually include menu creation, management
of kitchen staff, ordering and purchasing of
inventory, and plating design. D
DFind a person who has something to
do with drawings, plans, and sketches.

APPENDIX 11. Unit 5. a question of health. Exercise 51.

Each member of this group is an emergency dispatcher answering
a certain phone call. The emergency dispatcher may find it necessary
to give urgent advice in life-threatening situations, tell people how to
perform first aid or CPR.
Think about the first aid When somebody calls you for help in case of
measures that could be taken emergency, you can follow these instructions.
in different situations: 1. Ask what has happened. Perform a primary
- a person is unconscious; out survey to determine the condition of the victim.
of breath (because of different 2. Calm the person down.
reasons); 3. Ask the person’s name and location.
- a person has different injuries: 4. Insure that the paramedics are on their way
a deep cut; broken or twisted and are going to help them.
limbs; fractures; injured back/ 5. Explain to the person step by step how to
head, etc.; perform first aid (CPR).
- a person is unable to move; 5. Keep talking and asking questions about the
- a person has an allergic situations until the rescue crew let you know that
reaction to something; they have found the injured person.
- a person has poisoning; 6. Let the person know that paramedics will take
- a person is burnt. care of them.

APPENDIX 12. Unit 1. Leisure. Exercise 33. Group 5.
Pygmy Goat
Goats have long been kept as pets; even Abraham Lincoln had a pet goat
in the White House during his presidency. Although most people don’t keep standard
dairy goats as pets anymore, pygmy goats are popular as pets, thanks to their compact
sizes and friendly dispositions. These grass-eaters are similar to small dogs in size
and are generally considered easy to care for.
Caring for This Pet
Pygmy goats aren’t as high maintenance as standard goats, but they still require
shelters that are at least 8 by 10 feet (2.4 by 3 meters) with 4-foot (1.2 meters) high
fencing, suggests the National Pygmy Goat Association (NPGA). They are very
sociable and are happier in a herd atmosphere or with other pygmies to befriend. A
balanced diet for these creatures includes grass hay, brush and leaves. While most
livestock vets will treat pygmy goats, you should locate one before bringing home
your unique pet.
Is This Pet Right for You?
A pygmy goat might be right for you if you are able to provide
a home environment that includes strong structures with
plenty of land to roam and healthy grass to nosh. The NPGA
says that pygmies will react to their owners’ voices, but even
with a responsive goat, this pet could prove too challenging
for most people.

Sugar Gliders
Part of the possum family, sugar gliders are quickly
becoming one of America’s favorite peculiar pet species.
They are native to Australia and get their name because of a
special membrane that extends from the front leg to the hind
leg, allowing them to glide from tree to tree. The average full-
grown glider will weigh only about 3 ounces (85 grams) and
reach around 7 inches (17 centimeters) in length.
Caring for This Pet
Sugar gliders love to socialize, so they are happiest in pairs or more. They are
capable of bonding with people, so spend plenty of time handling your gliders when
they are young to make a connection. You’ll need a proper enclosure with enough
space to allow them to climb on tree branches. Veterinarians recommend a diet of
cooked meats and eggs, fresh vegetables, and raw nuts for gliders, supplemented
with insects, leaves and fresh branches.
Is This Pet Right for You?
Sugar gliders are nocturnal and rarely adapt to daytime activities, so you might have
to adjust your schedule to get in some bonding time. This animal is probably not ideal
for a household with small children, since gliders do have sharp teeth and claws that
can hurt inexperienced handlers. These tiny marsupials are considered exotic pets,
and regulations in your city or state could prohibit you from owning them as pets.

APPENDIX 13. Unit 4. choosing a career. Exercise 50. role-play.
Group 1.
You are employers who have got a vacancy in their companies and who are looking for
people with certain qualifications. You are going to hold the interview.

 Discuss in your group what questions you can ask at the interview.
 Read your piece of information and remember it. Be ready to answer interviee’s questions.
 Organise the space for your ‘company’.
 Hold a job interview. You may interview any people who come to your company. While
interviewing, make notes on different candidates.
 Decide what candidate you would like to hire.

Working as a class, present the information to others (your company name, your
requirements, the candidate you have decided to hire and the reasons for choosing this
Group 1. Student 3
Group 1. Student 1 Employer 3
Group 1. Student 2
Employer 1 Company Name:
Employer 2
Company Name: The TranslateMedia
Company Name: South
Garden Cafe Job Description: English/
Hampstead High School
Job Description: Chef/ Ukrainian translator/interpreter
Job Description: Teacher
Cook Required Qualification:
of English for senior students
Required Qualification: excellent knowledge of
Required Qualification: 5
3-years of cooking experience English and Ukrainian; 4
years of teaching experience
Job Salary: $20.00/hour years of experience
Job Salary: $30 000/year
Location: Downtown Job Salary: $100.00/day
Location: Suburbs
Restaurant Location: Downtown
Benefits and Incentives:
Benefits and Incentives: London Agency
Medical/Dental; 3 Month
Free dinners Benefits and Incentives:
Promotions and Raises: Free dinners, bonuses;
Promotions and Raises:
3% raise per year. overtime pay
3% raise every year.
Promotions and Raises:
5% raise per year.

Group 1. Student 6
Group 1. Student 5
Group 1. Student 4 Employer 6
Employer 5
Employer 4 Company Name: The
Company Name: Travel
Company Name: Illustrated London News
Channel (TV)
Hummingbird Bakery Job Description: news
Job Description: journalist
Job Description: baker editor
Required Qualification:
Required Qualification: Required Qualification:
4-year experience
4-year cooking experience 5-year experience
Job Salary: $1600/a month
Job Salary: $50/a day Job Salary: $1500/a month
Location: London, 64
Location: Islington, London Location: London, 64
Newman Street
Benefits and Incentives: Newman Street
Benefits and Incentives:
Free dinners, bonus Benefits and Incentives:
Overtime pay, bonus
Promotions and Raises: Overtime pay, bonus
Promotions and Raises:
1% raise per year. Promotions and Raises:
3% raise per year.
3% raise per year.

APPENDIX 14. Unit 6. geography. Exercise 4.
altitudes nesting slopes
harsher rocky soils
lowland salty uppermost

Mountains are in general a much tougher place to life than equivalent
(1)__________ habitats, partly due to the lower temperatures
and (2)__________ weather. At very
high (3)__________ there is also less
oxygen and carbon dioxide in the air,
making life difficult for both animals and
plants. (4)__________ are thin or non-
existent on steep mountain (5)__________, which restricts the
types of plants that can grow. The (6)__________ slopes of the
tallest mountains may be completely barren of plant-life.

Coastal cliffs
Coastal cliffs are the (7)__________ land edges that face the sea.
These are complex and diverse habitats that lie above the water
line, where exposure to (8)__________ spray, wind, sun and rain
all play their part, as does the type of rock. Clifftops make important
(9)__________ places for seabirds and each species has its own
requirements. Bats, lizards and buzzing insects are also to be
APPENDIX 15. Unit 6. geography. Exercise 17.
Record Number of Climbers Reach Top of World’s Highest Mountain
They include an 18-year-old girl and a 71-year-old man.
Special English, 19 June 2007

Today, we tell about efforts to climb (0) Mount Everest. Last month, an 18-year-old (1) __________
became one of the youngest people to climb the tallest mountain on Earth. And, a 71-year old
Japanese man became the oldest.
Mount Everest is at the border of Nepal and Tibet. It was named for Sir George Everest, who
(2) __________ the mountain’s position in 1841. Since 1953, more than 10,000 people have
attempted to climb to the top of the world’s highest mountain. The summit of Mount Everest is 8,848
meters high.
Climbers have reached the summit more than 3,000 times. However, more than (3) __________
people died while attempting to get there.
They all battled low temperatures. Wind speeds of up to (4) __________ an hour. Dangerous
mountain paths. And they all risked developing a serious health disorder caused by lack of oxygen.
All for the chance to reach the top of the world.
The first and most famous of the climbers to disappear on Mount Everest was George Mallory. (5)
__________was a member of the first three trips by foreigners to the mountain. In 1921, Mallory
was part of the team sent by the British Royal Geographical Society and the British Alpine Club. The
team was to create the first map of the area and find a possible path to the top of the great mountain.
Mallory also was a member of the first Everest climbing attempt in 1922. But the attempt was
canceled after a storm caused (6) __________ to slide down the mountain, killing seven ethnic
Sherpa guides.
Mallory was invited back to Everest as lead climber of another expedition team in 1924. On June
fourth, Mallory and team member Andrew Irvine left their base camp for the team’s final attempt
to reach the summit. The climbing team had great hopes of success for the two men. A few days
earlier, expedition leader Edward Norton had reached a record height of 8,573 meters before he
turned back.
Mallory and Irvine were using (7) __________ . Mallory believed that was the only way they would
have the energy and speed to climb the last 300 meters to the top and return safely. Team member
Noel Odell saw Mallory and Irvine climbing high on the mountain the following day.
Odell said they had just climbed one of the most difficult rocks on the northeast path. He said they
were moving toward the top when clouds hid them. He never saw them again. The disappearance
of Mallory and Irvine on Mount Everest remains among the greatest exploration mysteries of the last
Today, scientists say a person dropped on the top of the mountain would live no more than (8)
__________ . Climbers can survive above 8,000 meters because they spend months climbing on
the mountain to get used to the conditions. Several things have made climbing Everest easier now
than it was for the first climbers. These include modern equipment and clothing. They also include
information gained from earlier climbs and scientific studies.
This year has been reportedly the most successful ever for Mount Everest climbers. More than (9)
__________ people have reached the top of the world’s highest mountain.
Last month, eighteen-year old Samantha Larson of Long Beach, California became one of the
youngest people to reach the top. She made the climb with a group that included her father. Larson
is believed to be the youngest person in the world to have climbed all of the «seven summits,» the
highest mountains on each of the continents.
Also last month, a (10) __________ from Japan became the oldest person to reach the top of
Mount Everest. Katsusuke Yanagisawa is seventy-one years old. He said climbing the mountain
was more difficult than he expected. He said he was not attempting to set a record. Instead, he said
he was just trying his hardest not to die.
Another record was set last month. Nepali mountain guide Apa reached the summit for the
seventeenth time. That broke his old world record.

Questions: Example
(0) The efforts of climbing which mountain does the article tell about?

APPENDIX 16. Unit 6. geography. Exercise 4.
Deep ocean

chilly food
coral-dominated sea bed
cover shallow
diversity shelves

The deep ocean begins where the continental

(1)__________ and their (2)__________ waters give
way to the dark depths where little or no sunlight penetrates. Here, in the
layer underneath the (3)__________ open oceans, live some of the most
bizarre and highly adapted creatures on the planet. With no plants or algae
here to photosynthesize and form the base of the
(4)__________ chain, life here is largely dependent
on the dead material and droppings that sink down
from above.
Reefs have existed since at least the Cambrian,
although the familiar (5)__________, reefs of today are a much later
arrival. A coral reef is much more than old rock lying on the (6)__________.
An intricate structure, complex set of relationships and distinct zones
(reef top, reef sides, debris piles around the base) offer myriad places for
animals to live and hide, which leads to incredible
Did you know?
Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is larger than the
Great Wall of China and is visible from space.
Shallow seas
Shallow seas (8)__________ the continental shelves. These sunlit, or
neritic, waters are where the oceans are most productive, where biomass is
highest and where all the major sea fisheries of the world take their catches.
The shallow seas include warm (9)__________ waters, temperate seas
like those round the UK and the (10)__________ waters of the Arctic and
Southern Oceans.

APPENDIX 17. Unit 4. choosing a career. Exercise 50.
Group 2.
You are looking for a job and you are going to attend interviews.
99Discuss in your group what questions you can be asked at the interview.
99Think of the questions that you could ask an employer.
99Read your piece of information and try to remember it.
99Go around the classroom. Look at different companies and choose those
that you could work for.
99Attend several job interviews.
99Decide what company you would like to work for if you were suggested a
position in all companies.

Working as a class, present the information to others (your name, your

qualifications, the interviews you attended and the reasons for choosing a
particular company).

Group 2. Student 3
Interviewee 3
Group 2. Student 2
Group 2. Student 1 Your Name: Mary
Interviewee 2
Interviewee 1 Shevchenko
Your Name: Ann Smith
Your Name: Sam Spade Work Experience: 4 years
Work Experience: 2 years
Work Experience: 2 years as a university teacher
as an interpreter
cooking at a restaurant. Your Major: Linguistics;
Your Major: French;
Your Major: Economics English
English; Ukrainian
Special Skills: Driver’s Special Skills: Computer
Special Skills: driving
License programming skills.
Good Points: Funny, tidy Good Points: Creative,
Good Points: responsible
Bad Points: Lazy intelligent.
Bad Points: talkative
Bad Points: gets bored

Group 2. Student 5
Group 2. Student 6
Group 2. Student 4 Interviewee 5
Interviewee 6
Interviewee 4 Your Name: Catherine
Your Name: Margaret Black
Your Name: Betty Crocker Jonson
Work Experience: 3 years
Work Experience: Three Work Experience: 3 years
of editing experience at a
years at a bakery as a news reporter (at a radio
fashion magazine
Your Major: Didn’t go to station)
Your Major: journalism;
university Your Major: journalism;
Special Skills: Bakers reporting
Special Skills: knowledge
License Special Skills: computer
of Spanish and Polish
Good Points: Kind, skills
Good Points: attentive,
Generous Good Points: analytically-
Bad Points: Talkative minded, easy-going
Bad Points: messy
Bad Points: moody

APPENDIX 18. Unit 6. geography. Exercise 4.

bodies downstream level

coast flows mix
current inlet species

Rivers and streams

Rivers and streams, burns, brooks and springs – the names
are varied but the flora and fauna all have to cope with the
same thing: water that (1)__________ continuously in one
direction. If you live here you need a way to avoid being washed (2)__________ and
ultimately into the sea. Plants and animals have to be able to cling on, hide away from
the flow or swim against the (3)__________.
An estuary is an (4)__________ of the sea, into
which flows a river or stream. Fresh and salt water
(5)__________ here, so the inhabitants have to cope
with both. Some estuaries have extensive mudflats
which are exposed at low tide, and teem with life.
Many estuaries were formed at the end of the Ice Age, when sea (6)__________ rose
and flooded the (7)__________. If an estuary completely silts up, it will turn into a
Lakes and ponds
From the smallest pond (1m square) to the largest lake, this biome provides many
opportunities for life to thrive. Because many of these
(8)__________ of water are closed environments, they
often have self-contained ecologies, enabling some to
become evolutionary microcosms. One such example
is the African Great Lakes, where over a thousand new (9)__________ of cichlid fish
have evolved during the last 12,400 to 100,000 years.

APPENDIX 19. Unit 6. geography. Exercise 17.
Record Number of Climbers Reach Top of World’s Highest Mountain
They include an 18-year-old girl and a 71-year-old man.
Special English, 19 June 2007

Today, we tell about efforts to climb Mount Everest. Last month, an 18-year-old American became
one of the youngest people to climb the tallest mountain on Earth. And, a 71-year old (0) Japanese
man became the oldest.
Mount Everest is at the border of Nepal and (1) __________. It was named for Sir George Everest,
who recorded the mountain’s position in 1841. Since 1953, more than (2) __________ people have
attempted to climb to the top of the world’s highest mountain. The summit of Mount Everest is (3)
__________ high.
Climbers have reached the summit more than 3,000 times. However, more than 200 people died
while attempting to get there.
They all battled (4) __________. Wind speeds of up to 160 kilometers an hour. Dangerous mountain
paths. And they all risked developing a serious health disorder caused by lack of oxygen. All for the
chance to reach the top of the world.
The first and most famous of the climbers to disappear on Mount Everest was George Mallory. The
British schoolteacher was a member of the first three trips by foreigners to the mountain. In 1921,
Mallory was part of the team sent by (5) __________and the British Alpine Club. The team was to
create the first map of the area and find a possible path to the top of the great mountain.
Mallory also was a member of the first Everest climbing attempt in 1922. But the attempt was
canceled after a storm caused a giant mass of snow to slide down the mountain, killing seven ethnic
Sherpa guides.
Mallory was invited back to Everest as (6) __________ of another expedition team in 1924.
On June fourth, Mallory and team member Andrew Irvine left their base camp for the team’s final
attempt to reach the summit. The climbing team had great hopes of success for the two men. A few
days earlier, expedition leader Edward Norton had reached a record height of 8,573 meters before
he turned back.
Mallory and Irvine were using bottles of oxygen. Mallory believed that was the only way they would
have the energy and speed to climb the last 300 meters to the top and return safely. Team member
Noel Odell saw Mallory and Irvine climbing high on the mountain the following day.
Odell said they had just climbed (7) __________ on the northeast path. He said they were moving
toward the top when clouds hid them. He never saw them again. The disappearance of Mallory and
Irvine on Mount Everest remains among the greatest exploration mysteries of the last century.
Today, scientists say a person dropped on the top of the mountain would live no more than ten
minutes. Climbers can survive above 8,000 meters because they spend months climbing on the
mountain to get used to the conditions. Several things have made climbing Everest easier now
than it was for the first climbers. These include modern equipment and (8) __________ . They also
include information gained from earlier climbs and scientific studies.
This year has been reportedly the most successful ever for Mount Everest climbers. More than 500
people have reached the top of the world’s highest mountain.
Last month, eighteen-year old Samantha Larson of Long Beach, California became one of the
youngest people to reach the top. She made the climb with a group that included (9) __________.
Larson is believed to be the youngest person in the world to have climbed all of the «seven summits,»
the highest mountains on each of the continents.
Also last month, a retired teacher from Japan became the oldest person to reach the top of Mount
Everest. Katsusuke Yanagisawa is seventy-one years old. He said climbing the mountain was more
difficult than he expected. He said he was not attempting to set a record. Instead, he said he was
just trying his hardest not to die.
Another record was set last month. Nepali mountain guide Apa reached the summit for the (10)
__________ time. That broke his old world record.

Questions: Example
(0) Who became the oldest man to climb Everest?

APPENDIX 20. Unit 6. geography. Exercise 4.
amasses edge rainfall
arid ground still
climates habitat wetland
Marshes form where water is very close to, or above, the
(1)__________ surface for part or most of the year. This
results in a waterlogged environment that stays soggy even
if there are no pools of standing water. Marshes are either
features in their own right, or zones along the margin of a
lake or a river’s (2)__________. In intertidal areas along
the coast, salt marshes sometimes occur. Surprisingly, these
are enormously biologically productive.
Bogs, though similar to swamps or marshes, are a distinctive
kind of (3)__________ where peat forms from dead plant matter.
Waterlogged conditions set this cycle going: (4)__________
water holds little oxygen compared to flowing water, so plant
material can’t decay fully and slowly (5)__________. The decaying plants keep the
oxygen level suppressed. Bogs are common in places with wet (6)__________ like
Siberia, Ireland and Scandinavia.
Desert and dry scrubland describes any area that receives less than 250mm of
(7)__________ a year. Not just the endless, baking sand dunes of popular conception, it
includes (8)__________ areas in temperate regions. Plants in this (9)__________ are
well adapted to conserving water and often have to survive
extremely hot days and cold nights when the temperature
plummets. Deserts may appear to have very little life in them,
but a closer inspection can reveal high biodiversity.

APPENDIX 21. Unit 6. geography. Exercise 19.

The USA The UK
Oceans 1. 1.
Seas 2. 2.
1 Rivers and tributaries 3. 3.
Waterfalls (4.) (4.)

The USA The UK

Mountain Ranges 1. 1.
Mountain Peaks 2. 2.
Plains 3. 3.
Deserts (4.) (4.)

APPENDIX 22. Unit 4. choosing a career. Exercise 18. Group 3.

Student 1. You are Student 2. Student 3. You perform

a firefighter. Your responsibilities operations, operate on
DFind someone are to find items for patients.
whose responsibility customers, to give advice D
DFind someone whose job
is to guard buildings, and information and is to look after people who
goods in stores, to handle payment for are ill or injured.
money that is being customers’ purchases. D
DFind someone who
transported. D
DFind a person who is practices veterinary medicine.
DFind a person who some sort of hairdresser but
wears a uniform, is for men. Student 5. You work
armed and arrests D
DFind someone whose as a draughtsman for an
people who have job is to collect and deliver
architect’s bureau.
committed crimes. letters. D
DFind a person who fits
and mends domestic water,
Student 4. You are a skilled cook, and you are
gas and sewage pipes.
very proud to work as a main cook in a fine French
DFind someone who
has something to do with
DFind a person who has something to do with selling
designing and erecting
DFind a person whose business it is to bake bread,
biscuit, etc.

APPENDIX 23. Guidelines for writing an effective brochure

1.Think of your audience, not yourself.
2. Start with a sentence that hooks your audience and makes
them read the rest of your brochure.
3. Don’t immediately include the price. If there is something really
expensive, give details about your product, then introduce the price.
4. Highlight the main features, that your target audience will find
appealing, and list them in bullet points.
5. Make the brochure easy to scan. When there is too much text, your prospect
clients will probably not take the time to read everything.
6. Write short sentences.
7. Check for punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
8. Use different colours and fonts to highlight important information.
9. Add eye-catching photos. (http://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-

APPENDIX 24. Instructions for debates

Step 1. Introducing the topic.

Step 2. Introducing the resolution

Step 3. Introducing the affirmative and the negative team.

Step 4.The affirmative team (pro resolution) should come up with several reasons

that support their position. The negative team (anti resolution) should come up with

several reasons why they support their position. Both group should prepare a speech

and assign two people the role of spokesperson to deliver the team’s argument to the

class. The teams have 5 minutes to prepare the first speeches.

Step 5. After a few minutes of preparation the spokesperson for the affirmative team

should give a 3 minutes speech defending why the resolution is good. While this

person is speaking the class should be quite. The negative team may take notes and

prepare questions to ask at the cross examination.

Step 6.The cross examination. After the spokesperson for the affirmative team

finishes their speech; the negative team is allotted 3 minutes to ask questions.

Step 7.The negative team has 2 minutes to make their speech ready. In 2 minutes

the negative spokesperson should give a 3 minutes speech defending their point of

view. Part of the speech should contain counterarguments to what the affirmative

speaker has said. The affirmative team is quite and thinking about how to respond to

this speech.

Step 8. After the spokesperson of the negative team finishes their speech, the

affirmative team has 3 minutes to ask questions. After this time expired, the affirmative

team is allotted 2 minutes to prepare the second affirmative spokesperson for their

speech. This speech has to be a direct response to the negative team’s speech.

Step 9. The affirmative spokesperson makes a 3 minutes speech. There is no cross

examination this time. The negative team has 2 minutes to prepare their second

speaker with a speech that should be a direct response to the affirmative team’s

APPENDIX 25. Useful Phrases for Success in Debates
Stating an opinion
♦♦In my opinion… Asking for an opinion
♦♦The way I see it… ♦♦What’s your idea?
♦♦If you want my honest opinion… ♦♦What are your thoughts on all of this?
♦♦According to ... ♦♦How do you feel about that?
♦♦As far as I’m concerned, ... ♦♦Do you have anything to say about
♦♦If you ask me, ... this?
♦♦What do you think?
Expressing agreement ♦♦Do you agree?
♦♦I agree with you 100 percent. ♦♦Wouldn’t you say?
♦♦I couldn’t agree with you more.
♦♦That’s so true.
♦♦That’s for sure. Expressing disagreement
♦♦(slang) Tell me about it! ♦♦ I don’t think so.
♦♦You’re absolutely right. ♦♦ (strong) No way.
♦♦Absolutely. ♦♦ I’m afraid I disagree.
♦♦That’s exactly how I feel. ♦♦ (strong) I totally disagree.
♦♦Exactly. ♦♦ I beg to differ.
♦♦I’m afraid I agree with ♦♦ (strong)  I’d say the exact
James. opposite.
♦♦No doubt about it. ♦♦Not necessarily.
♦♦(agree with negative statement)  Me ♦♦That’s not always true.
neither. ♦♦That’s not always the case.
♦♦(weak) I suppose so./I guess so. ♦♦No, I’m not so sure about that.
♦♦You have a point there.
♦♦I was just going to say that... Interruptions
♦♦Can I add something here?
Settling an argument ♦♦Is it okay if I jump in for a second?
♦♦Let’s just move on, shall we? ♦♦If I might add something…
♦♦Let’s drop it. ♦♦Can I throw my two cents in?
♦♦I think we’re going to have to agree ♦♦Sorry to interrupt, but…
to disagree. ♦♦(after accidentally interrupting
♦♦(sarcastic) Whatever you say./If you someone) Sorry, go ahead. OR Sorry,
say so. you were saying…
♦♦(after being interrupted) You didn’t let
me finish.

APPENDIX 26. pecha kucha presentation

PechaKucha or Pecha Kucha (Japanese, IPA: [petɕa ku͍tɕa]chit-chat)
̥ is a presentation
style in which 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (six minutes and 40 seconds
in total). The format, which keeps presentations concise and fast-paced, powers
multiple-speaker events called PechaKucha Nights.
• Try to use as many new words and expressions as possible. At the same time,
avoid using sentences that are too long and constructions that are too difficult for
comprehension. Be precise and specific.
• Carefully choose the information you would like to include. Search for the photos for
your slides. You may insert your personal photos of the place you are talking about
or you can find photos in the Internet.
• Then, organise the information to match the slides and to meet time requirements.
Practise your presentation aloud.
The sports that are now included into the Olympic programme
Summer Sports Winter Sports
Aquatics Biathlon
Diving Bobsleigh
Swimming Bobsleigh
Synchronized Swimming Bobsleigh Skeleton
Water polo
Archery Ice Hockey
Athletics Luge
Basketball Skating
Boxing Figure skating
Short Track Speed
Canoe kayak Speed Skating
Sprint Skiing
Alpine Skiing
Cycling Cross Country Skiing
Cycling BMX Freestyle Skiing
Cycling Road Nordic Combined
Cycling Track Ski Jumping
Mountain Bike Snowboard
Artistic Gymnastics
Rhythmic Gymnastics
Modern pentathlon
Table tennis
Beach volleyball

APPENDIX 28. Performance review guideline
Begin with a catchy statement to attract the reader’s attention. This can be a
quote from the play or a list of items from the play, for example.
Make sure to include the answers to the five W’s :
Who (the playwright, directors, and actors)
What (the title of the play)
Where (the name of the school or theater)
When (when did you see it?)
Why (In a few sentences, state the basic theme of the play)
Give the reader some background about a production, a little bit of history
about the playwright and the period in which the play was written,a brief outline of
plot and themes, a sense of what the staging looks (and sounds) like.
Review the performance. Do not summarize what happens in the script.
Speak about how the actors act within the script, whether they approach the roles
traditionally or in a new way,were they believable or not. Justify your reasoning
for not liking (or really liking) an actor’s performance. Be sure to provide the
actors’ names and other information, such as some of their past performances..

Don’t Forget The Production Crew!A lot of work went into designing the sets
and lighting and everything else you see on stage besides the actors. Comment on
it! Sometimes, the set and props make the whole show! Even if it’s just one sentence,
please say something about it.
Tell your readers whether you would recommend the play, and give reasons.
Suggest ways in which the performance could be improved, and if the performance is
great, tell why. Be honest about what you really think about a production: convey
your enthusiasm for it or explain why you disliked it.
Remember to:
* Back up all your opinions with valid reasons.
* Be objective, fair, and sincere.
* Evaluate the entire production.
* Be constructive. Indicate good points along with those you felt needed
Do NOT just tell the story and DO enjoy giving your own opinion because
that is what makes a good review stand out from the rest while a timid theatre review
is often a dull read.
Good luck and happy reviewing!

APPENDIX 29. Workshop
A workshop is an informative or instructional class focused on teaching
specialized skills or exploring a particular subject.
To prepare a workshop, you must first identify the core objective of it, as well as the
needs of the participants. You as workshop leaders can strengthen the effectiveness of
your presentations through careful planning, organization and presentation practice.
Here are the steps and tips for preparing a workshop.

Define your objective. The objective of your workshop may be to teach a practical
skill (f.ex: how to use movies in teaching English) or to deliver general information
about a certain topic.

Plan your workshop presentation.

€€Introduction. Decide how you will introduce yourself, other workshop leaders,
and the topic. List the skills and/or topics you will cover.
€€Presentation. Decide on the order of the topics. Move the most important skills
or information to the early part of the workshop.
€€Interactive activities. Find relevant activities or games to increase engagement
and participation. Activities may occur in small or large groups.
€€Question part. Invite participants to ask questions either throughout the workshop
or in scheduled time slots.
€€Conclusion. Think how to conclude your workshop. You might include a short
review of learned skills or receive participants’ feedback.

Divide responsibilities among workshop leaders. Think what each of you is good
at but make sure everybody is equally involved.
Plan the amount of time you will assign to each part of the workshop.
Create handouts for participants. Convert your presentation outline into an agenda
for participants and/or prepare hard copy handouts of important information or graphs.
Use visual tools. Movie episodes, pictures, tunes, everything that can be useful to
back up your message and to convey particular concepts or skills.
Rehearse your workshop presentation. Rehearsal is an important part of the
workshop preparation process as you can make sure that your presentation is smooth,
fluent, clear and effective.
Arrive early on workshop day to set up. Prepare electronic equipment and other
tools that require testing and set up.
For more details go to http://www.wikihow.com/Prepare-a-Workshop.

APPENDIX 30. Useful phrases for group discussion

1. Introducing the Don’t forget that… suggestions are similar.

topic  You must remember Mr. Suzuki’s idea is
Today we are here to that… about the same as Ms.
discuss…  8. Inquiring about Ito’s.
The goal of Agreement or My idea/suggestion is
our discussion today is… Disagreement (more)....er than mine/
2. Bringing in other Do/don’t you agree, Ms. hers.
people Suzuki? 13. Interrupting
What is your opinion, Wouldn’t you agree, Mr. Excuse me for
Mr. …?  Ito? interrupting, but…
Do you agree with Mr. 9. Expressing doubt or Sorry to interrupt, but…
….’s opinion, Ms. ….?  reservation 14. Getting a point into
Mr. …., what do you Well, maybe, but I’m not the discussion
think we should do?  sure about that.  I have a point I’d like to
What are your views Hmm, he may be correct make.
regarding this point? but I’m not sure.  I’d like to add
3. Keeping the I can see your point, but something here.
Discussion Moving I’m not sure I agree.  I’d like to say something
Let’s go on to another 10. Refuting a fact about your/her/his idea.
point.  Actually,
15. Seeking
Next, let’s talk about… As a matter of fact, …
4. Giving an opinion Well, I’m not sure that is
What do you mean?
In my opinion… true/correct because…
Sorry, I’m not quite sure
As far as I’m 11. Dismissing an
what you mean.
concerned… irrelevant point
Do you mean that…?
Personally, I believe I’m afraid you’re missing
that… the point. I’m sorry, I don’t quite
The way I see it is… I don’t think that has follow.
5. Getting further anything do with the goal I don’t quite understand
information of our discussion. what you’re saying.
Would you mind 12. Capitulation 16. Paraphrasing
explaining that a little Mr. … has convinced another person’s idea
more, please? me that my opinion/ What Ms…… means is
Could you explain that suggestion/idea is that…
more fully? not useful/practical/ What (s)he is trying to
6. Restating an idea necessary/good. say is that…
In other words, Therefore, I have 17. Closing the
That is, … changed my mind. Discussion
What I’m trying to say OK. You have In conclusion,
is… persuaded me to change the purpose of this
I mean… my mind. I can agree with discussion…
To put it another way… you. The goal of our
7. Persuading  13. Expressing discussion is to….
Convincing similarities We have concluded
You must admit that…  Those two points/ that…
Word list. Unit 1. Leisure
Pursuing a hobby Leisure activities • visiting friends/
• can’t bear • collecting socializing/hanging out
• can’t care less • cooking • watching a movie
• can’t put up with • dancing • writing a diary
• can’t stand • doing jigsaw puzzles/
• to adore puzzles/crosswords Describing a hobby or
• to annoy smb • drawing pastime
• to be crazy about • eating out • to be a major source of
• to be fond of • exercising and playing a therapeutic unwinding
• to be keen on sport • to be absorbing
• to be mad about • fishing • to be an enjoyable
• to be passionate or • gardening experience
concerned about • geocaching • to be beneficial
• to be sick of • going dancing • to be boring
• to change one hobby for • going downtown • to be environmentally
another • going on a picnic friendly
• to choose/ to decide on a • going out • to be exciting
hobby • going shopping • to be money-consuming
• to come up with new, • going to a ball game/ • to be more your thing
creative solutions to match/to a concert/to the • to be mundane
• to creep into your free cinema/theatre • to be painstaking
time • going to an amusement • to be relaxing
• to drive smb crazy park/to an art gallery/ to • to be terrific
• to enjoy the museum/ to the park/ • to be time-consuming
• to enjoy oneself to the zoo • to be useful and
• to fancy oneself • going to the beach/ enjoyable
• to get involved in/ to get seaside • to give tremendous
interested in • having a party creative satisfaction
• to give up/ to drop a • listening to music • to make you feel diligent
hobby • painting /engaged fully in life /
• to give yourself the • playing a musical focused /switched on /
space to unwind, reflect instrument well-rounded
• to hone skills to • playing board • to make you feel inner
• to indulge (in) your hobby games /cards /chess/ joy
or pastime draughts(checkers) / dice
• to keep yourself • playing computer games/ Crafts
occupied video games • beadwork and beading
• to make no difference to • practicing art and crafts • blacksmithing
smb • reading • candle making
• to make smb mad • rollerblading • ceramics [sə’ræmɪks]
• to provide you with • sculpting • crochet/crocheting
ample opportunities for • singing [‘krəuʃeɪ(ɪŋ)]
• to start/ to take up a • surfing the internet • cross stitching
hobby • taking photographs • decoupage [ˌdeɪkuːˈpɑːʒ]

• doll making • to be litter-trained/low • commitment
• embroidery maintenance/ odour-free/ • danger for the fun of it
• engraving tame • daredevil
• knitting • to handle an animal • daunting
• leather crafting/working • to hurt inexperienced • death-wish
• macramé [məʹkrɑ:mı] handlers • experience of a lifetime
• origami • to lead to aggressive • frightening experience
• papier-mâché behaviour • hair-raising experience
[ˌpæpɪeɪ’mæʃeɪ] • to locate a vet in your • heart-pounding sport
• patchwork area • insane, unreasonable,
• pottery • to maintain (a balanced risky
• pyrography/ woodburning diet) • personal challenge
• quilling • to make a good match • thrill seeking/ sensation
• scrapbooking for a family with small seeking
• sewing [ʹsəuıŋ] children • thrilling/ terrifying/exiting/
• soap making • to make an excellent scaring
• weaving (first) pet • to faint with fear
• wood carving/ • to need … enclosures • to get addicted to the risk
woodworking • to plan bonding time of it
• fabric [‘fæbrɪk] • to prove too challenging • to go beyond your fears
• needle • to recommend a diet of… • to push the boundaries
• ornament [‘ɔːnəmənt] • to require regular • to scream in cold sweat
• stitching vaccines/shelters/open • typical adrenaline junky
• technique [tek’niːk] space/diet
• thread • to roam Other expressions
• yarn [jɑːn] • to supplement the pet’s • favourite pastime
diet with… • geyser (hot spring)
Keeping Pets • to take on an animal • on a whim
• diet rich in sth • to thrive on a diet of … • regular get-togethers
• friendly dispositions • to trim an animal • sedate
• simple care needs • sense of fulfilment
• to accept (an animal) into Extreme Sports and • to accommodate
the family Activities • to brag/ to show off
• to adopt an animal • base jumping • to gain immense
• to be (not) ideal for a • big wave surfing popularity
household with small • bungee jumping • to plunge
children • caving • to share ideas
• to be accustomed to • kayaking • useful pursuit
• to be considered • mountain biking • vertigo-inducing
affectionate/entertaining/ • mountaineering • white-knuckle
educating/tolerant/gentle/ • parachuting • to bring sb
intelligent/timid/sensitive • paragliding • to come along
animals • parkour • to get together
• to be easy to care for/to • rallying • to go round
train • rock-climbing • to hang out
• to be good with children • white water rafting • to have a party
• to be in charge of • windsurfing • to meet up with sb
cleaning/handling • adrenaline rush • to socialize

Word list. Unit 2. Sports
Individual Sports and Fighting sports and • aerobics
Games Martial arts • archery
• badminton • boxing • equestrian (dressage/
• basketball • fencing eventing /jumping)
• billiards (snooker, pool, • judo • gymnastics (artistic
pyramid) • karate gymnastics/rhythmic
• bowling • kickboxing gymnastics)
• bowls • sumo wrestling • trampolining
• chess • boxing • hang-gliding
• darts • taekwondo • jogging
• golf • wrestling (Greco- • roller-skating
• squash Roman/freestyle) • shooting
• table tennis (=ping- Aquatic & paddle sports • skateboarding
pong) • diving • triathlon
• tennis • rowing • weightlifting
Athletics (track and • sailing • weightlifting
field events) • surfing Places
• track events • swimming • a course
• marathon (race) • synchronized swimming • a court
• long-distance race • water polo • a lane
• relay race • windsurfing • a piste
• middle-distance events Winter sports • a pitch
• sprint • biathlon • a ring
• hurdles (hurdling) • ice-skating/ figure • a rink
• field events skating • a track
• discus (throwing) • short track speed • an alley
• javelin (throwing) skating Equipment
• high jump • speed skating • a barbell
• pole-vault (pole vaulting) • skeleton • a bat
• long jump • luge • a bow
• modern pentathlon • bobsleigh • a club
• shot-put • slalom • a crash helmet
• triple jump • cross-country skiing • a cue
Team sports and games • ski jumping • a dart
• American football • freestyle skiing • a foil
• baseball • nordic combined • a hole
• basketball • snow jumping • a hoop
• football (soccer) • snowboarding • a net
• hockey (ice hockey, field Races • a paddle
hockey) • horse racing • a pin
• rugby • motor racing • a pole
• volleyball, beach • mountain biking • a puck
volleyball • cycling (cycling BMX/ • a racing shell
• curling cycling road/cycling track) • a racquet (racket)
• handball Other kinds of sport • a sabre
• a shuttlecock • to dribble forward the ball • to beat smb
• a stick • to give (it) a free kick • to concede
• a target • to give/award a free • to lose
• an épée kick/a penalty • to lose to
• an oar • to handle the ball • to admit defeat
• gloves (mitts, gauntlets) • to have a shot Other expressions
• goggles • to head a ball into the net • bodyweight category
Participants • to kick away the ball • chivalry
• a competitor • to make a pass • competition
• a crew • to make a run • competitive
• a fan • to make a save • disfigurement of the
• a favourite • to pass forward the ball opponent’s face
• a judge • to pick up the ball • disgrace
• a loser • to save a penalty • elaborate
• a pushover • to score (to) • elevated
• a referee • to score a goal • generosity
• a rival • to send a player off • great achievement(s)
• a runner-up • to take a penalty • host city
• a spectator • to take a throw-in • impartial
• a sportswoman • to throw the ball in • imposing
• a teammate Winning and losing • inspiration
• an athlete • to break the world record • IOC (International
• an entrant • to chase down a record Olympic Committee)
• an Olympian • to give a lead over smb • marquee (AmE)
• an opponent • to come first • obstacle
• an outsider • to finish in second place • official award ceremony
• an umpire • to capture / to earn the • patriotic hostility
• audience gold medal • pre-eminent test of
• the weakest link in the • to be ahead of smb speed
chain • to pull ahead of the rest • retreating sportsperson
Football • to remain at the forefront • rite
• a defender • to take the lead • secular
• a goalkeeper (a keeper) • to win the gold medal • shrine
• a midfielder • to win hands down • successive
• a referee • to progress into the final/ • the breadth of sb’s vision
• a wide player (a winger) semifinal/quarter final • the final score
• an attacker / a striker • to notch up a 2-1 win at • tolerance
• to be out of play • to romp to a 12-shot win • tough sports
• to block a shot • to put smb through to • tournament
• to blow the whistle to (final/ semifinal) • union of the five
stop play • to draw continents
• to book a goal for offside • to give in • votive
• to catch the ball • to go home empty- • zeal
• to commit a foul handed • to be entitled to
• to disallow a player for a • to be/get narrowly participate in
bad foul defeated/ beaten
• to be widely practiced
around the world
• to cheer
• to compete in the race
• to decree
• to dedicate
• to have guts
• to hold the Olympics
• to immortalise
• to jettison
• to jump over a bar
• to push against the
water with an oar
• to receive one’s first
• to reconcile
• to represent one’s
• to strive to do one’s best
• to trace back
• to undermine the
original idea

Word list. Unit 3. theatre
Parts of theatre • playwright • to give the actors a
• aisle • prompter standing ovation
• auditorium [ˌɔːdɪ’tɔːrɪəm] • stage crew • to go on stage
• balcony • ticket takers • to take a curtain call
• box • understudy • to play encore
• box office • usher • to applaud an actor
• dress circle = first Tickets • to overplay
balcony (AmE mezzanine • a limited number of • to make a debut
[‘metsəniːn]) tickets [ˈdeɪbjuː]
• dressing rooms • affordable • to move and awe the
• gallery • standing room tickets audience
• green room • the performance is sold • to muff the lines
• orchestra pit out • to play a (leading) part/
• parquet circle [͵pɑ:k(e) • to be available role
ıʹsə:k(ə)l] = parterre circle • to book tickets • to put on (a play)
(AmE balcony) • to read a cue
• prompt corner/ prompt On the stage • touring company
box • before curtain
• quick change room • current run at the Theatre genres
• row theatre • black comedy
• scene dock • denouement • comedy
• scenery [ˌdeɪˈnuːmɒ̃] • country-booth
• seats • dress rehearsal • drama
• stage • entertainment • entertainment
• stage-box [ˌentə’teɪnmənt] • farce
• stalls /AmE parterre • improvisation • melodrama
[pɑː’teə] [ˌɪmprəvaɪˈzeɪʃn] • mime, physical theatre,
• trapdoor • intermission • musical comedy
• will call window • performance • musical theatre
• wings • playbill • operetta
• first /opening night / • pantomime
Participants première • puppet show
• actor • props (property) • puppetry
• actress • to draw up the drop- • rock opera
• audience scene/the to release • romantic comedy
• cast • to rehearse • theatre of images
• character • repertoire [‘repətwɑː] = • tragedy
• choreographer repertory • tragicomedy
• chorus [‘kɔːrəs] = choir • script
[kwaɪə] • first/second act Describing a play
• composer • to act • a fantastic bunch of
• conductor • to change performers
• director • to dim the lights up/ • a floss-thin story
• leading lady/man down • a jumble of prancing
• low-comedian • curtain characters
• a lean version of sb
• a standout • to provide a dazzling
• a stand-out movement routine
• a stunning job well done • to steal the show
from all involved • visually stunning
• a tremendous
• a weak singer Other expressions
• a well-polished show • disguised [dɪs’gaɪzd]
• award-winning • foundations
• dazzling choreography • gag
• direction • groundling
• dreadful orchestra • incarnation
• emotions running high • octagon
• gifted • open-air
• grotesque scenery • pathos [‘peɪθɔs]
• passionate music • preservation
• show-stopping • the palmy days of the
• staging British drama
• the fault truly lies with • to appeal to one’s
• the plot centers on imagination
• the quality of the sound • to preside over sth/ to
and the band be presided over
• the story revolves • to be suitable for
around • to drive somebody away
• to be a solid centre for • to have sth in store for
the chorus smb
• to be comprised mostly • to intend
of • to owe smb big time for
• to be disappointed • to resurrect [ˌrez(ə)’rekt]
• to be great to watch • with an air of gorgeous
whatever age you are servility[sɜː’vɪlətɪ]
• to bear an odd • wretched [‘reʧɪd] hole of
resemblance to a place
• to clearly hear all vocals
on stage
• to create marvelous
portraits of
• to deserve merit for sth/
doing sth
• to leave a lasting
• to offer equal measures
of … and …
• to play out at the end
• to play under the baton
Word list. Unit 4. choosing a career
At work •• cashier •• optometrist
• administrative and •• chef •• paralegal
routine work •• chemist •• paramedic
• calling /vocation •• chief executive officer •• personnel manager
• career •• coach •• pharmacist
• demanding job •• composer •• photographer
• grunt work •• computer programmer •• physician
• job •• conductor •• physicist
• occupation •• conveyer operator •• pilot
• position •• crane operator •• plumber
• post •• custom officer •• police detectives
• profession •• dentist •• police officer
• to pursue typically •• dietician •• politician
masculine jobs •• draftsman •• postman
• vacancy/opening •• dyer •• priest
• work •• editor •• psychologist
•• electrician •• public relations
People at work •• engine driver specialist
• assistant •• entrepreneur •• real estate agent
• co-worker/ colleague •• estate agent •• receptionist
• department staff •• excavator operator •• refuse collector
• employee •• factory worker •• reporter
• employer •• filling station attendant •• roofer
• intern •• film director •• sailor
• interviewee •• financial analyst •• sales manager
• interviewer •• fire fighter •• scientist
• junior staff •• fishmonger •• sculptor
• senior staff •• flight attendant •• secretary/PA (personal
• skilled employee •• forklift truck operator assistant)
• trainee •• freelancer •• security guard
• workaholic •• garage man / service •• shepherd
station man •• shop assistant
Jobs and Professions •• hairdresser •• social worker
•• accountant •• jeweller •• soldier
•• archaeologist •• judge •• solicitor
•• architect •• lawyer •• surgeon
•• artist •• loader •• tailor
•• baker •• locksmith •• taxi driver
•• bank clerk •• lorry driver •• teacher
•• barrister •• lumberjack •• traffic warden
•• blacksmith •• mechanic •• TV host
•• bricklayer •• news presenter (an •• vet
•• butcher anchor) •• waiter
•• camera operator •• notary •• welder
•• carpenter •• nurse •• window cleaner
Getting a job commitment jobless/to be unemployed
• to apply for a job • to work (in) shifts
• to appoint Employment basis
• to be called for/have/ Building a career • annual working hours
attend an interview • to follow/pursue your • day/ night/ evening shift
• to complete/fill out/ vocation • employment agency
(BrE) fill in an application • to enter a profession • Employment Service
(form) • to begin/pursue a • flexible working hours
• to employ/ to hire career • full-time employment
(especially NAmE)/ to take • to work freelance • job centre
on(especially BrE) staff/ • to take on temp work/ • part-time/ partial
workers/trainees freelance work employment
• to find/land a job • to be involved in • standard/ regular
• to look for work voluntary work working hours
• to look for/ hunt for a • to promote sb (from • to work on and off
job sth) (to sth) • to work shorthours/
• to offer sb a job/work/ • to achieve promotion longhours
employment/promotion • to demote sb (from sth)
• to recruit sb to sth/to do (to sth) Kinds of pay
sth • to climb the career • bonus
• to send your CV(BrE)/ ladder • fee
résumé (NAmE) / • to take off (about a • financial gain
application form/covering career) • good pay
letter • median annual earnings
Leaving your job • median salary
Doing a job • to leave/quit (especially • tip
• commitment NAmE) your job • wage gap
• high productivity • to resign (from your job) • holiday pay
• job satisfaction • to give up work/your • maternity pay
• performance job/your career • overtime pay
• qualifications • to retire sb • unemployment pay
• responsibilities • to retire (as sth; from • sick pay
• to be in charge of sth) /to be due to retire
• to be responsible for • to take early retirement Benefits
• to be trained for (work) • to hand (in) /submit • commissions
• to cope with/manage/ one’s resignation/notice • day off
share/the workload • to lay sb off • flex time
• to do/receive training • to dismiss sb (from sth) • gains
• to do/work overtime • to make sb redundant • health/dental insurance
• to gain/lack/ • to fire sb • housing
experience/qualifications • to sack sb (informal) • job resources
• to improve your/achieve • to give sb the sack • job security
a better work-life balance • to get the sack (for sth)/ • life and disability
• to learn/improve/ • to discharge sb from a insurance
develop (your) skills job (formal) • on-the-job decision-
• to require time • to be out of work/to be making latitude
• paid holidays • to look out for juniors
• pay raise • to mess up one’s body
• professional clock
development programs • to pay one’s dues
• promotion • to pursue
• sick, personal, and • to run the company
parental leave • to screw up
• strong future growth • to side with
• vacation time • to speak up
• to start over
Qualifications • to take over the world
• ability to meet • to treat sb like …
deadlines • turnover
• ability to work • update meeting
• bachelor/masters/
doctor degree
• driving licence
• references
• regional occupation
training classes
• verbal communication
• work experience

Other expressions
• round the clock
• to adjust
• to be discounted
• to be led by a strong
• to be mapped out
• to be scheduled to a
• to fall out
• to feel a bit more
vulnerable and open up
• to feel jet lagged
• to feel totally out of
touch with the universe
• to fit in
• to give sb respect
• to hand to someone on
a plate
• to intern
Word list. Unit 5. A Question of Health
Body parts and organs Feeling ill •• to ache badly/ slightly
••abdomen •• to have got.. •• to come out in a red rash
••ankle --а blister •• to ease up the pain
••appendix --a (splitting) headache •• to get dehydrated
••armpit --a stomach-ache •• to faint
••artery --an earache •• to hurt
••bladder --a bad back •• to loose/to put on weight
••blood vessel --a splinter in… •• to scream in pain
••brain --a blocked up nose •• to starve oneself
••calf --diarrhea •• to vomit
••capillary --hay fever •• to exhale
••cell --indigestion •• to inhale
••chromosome --an allergy •• suffocation
••earlobe --food poisoning •• strangulation
••fist --a ( nasty) cough
••gallbladder --a runny nose Illnesses and diseases
••gene --pins and needles in •• ailment
••gland --a sore throat •• terminal illness
••heel --a temperature •• acute/ chronic/
••immune system --a sunstroke contagious disease
••intestines (bowels) --a heavy / slight cold •• to catch/ to contract…
••iris --a sore throat/back/neck --a cold
--bouts of depression --AIDS
--a chest/ear infection --chicken pox
--an attack of … --cholera
--pain in…. --head lice
--high blood pressure --malaria
--trouble swallowing --mumps
••nerves •• to be --measles
••nostril --sweating --plague
••ovary --sick --pneumonia
••pancreas --allergic to --the flu
••pelvis --constipated --typhoid
••ribs --dizzy • to be diagnosed with…
••skeleton --pregnant --Alzheimer’s disease
••skull --in (a lot of) pain --appendicitis
••spinal cord/spine --in agony --arthritis
••stomach --taken ill --autism
••temple --unhappy about one’s --bronchitis
••tonsil weight --carditis
••throat •• acute/intense/severe/ --conjunctivitis
••vein unbearable/piercing/sharp/ --diabetes
sudden pain --Down syndrome
•• dull/ nagging ache --gastritis

--heart disease •• to cut out something --a blister
--hepatitis •• to keep to a diet --a bruise
--hypertension •• to swallow --a concussion
--infertility •• to refer somebody to --an electric shock
--inflammation --allergist= allergologist --an open fracture
--leukemia --anesthesiologist •• to bleed
--pancreatitis --cardiologist •• to swell (up)
--rhinitis --dentist •• to scratch
--skin/lung/cervical/ --dermatologist •• to sprain
cancer --emergency doctor •• to sting
--stomatitis --endocrinologist •• to break
--tonsillitis --gastrologist/ •• to cut oneself badly (on
--ulcer gastroenterologist sth)
•• to suffer from… --general physician (GP)/ •• to burn
--an allergy family practitioner •• to hit
--asthma --gynecologist •• to twist
--diarrhea --intensive care specialist
--food poisoning --psychiatrist First aid
--hay fever --immunologist •• antiseptic
--migraine --neonatologist •• bandage
--tooth decay --neurologist •• ointment
--travel sickness --obstetrician •• plaster
--to prevent /to transmit/ --oncologist •• to be rushed to hospital
to fight off (about a disease) --ophthalmologist •• to call an ambulance
--orthop(a)edist •• to ice/cold something
At the Doctor --otolaryngologist/ENT •• to stich up
•• to go for a check up specialist
•• to pass one’s medicals --pediatrician At the hospital
•• to examine a patient --rheumatologist •• to be hooked to a heart
•• to take one’s --urologist monitor
--blood pressure •• to organize a stomach
--blood/urine sample Injuries pump
--pulse •• a slight/ internal/ back / •• to pump one’s lungs
--temperature life-threatening/minor injury •• to give an injection
•• to prescribe •• a knife/ bullet/ stab/ •• to operate (on)
--antibiotics deep wound •• to treat somebody for
--anti-depressants •• a running sore something
--cough mixture •• to be/get •• to receive treatment
--eye drops --injured •• to recover
--indigestion tablets --hurt •• to be discharged from
--painkillers --wounded hospital
--sleeping pills --shot in.. •• complications
--spray for the throat --knocked unconscious •• relapse
•• health damage --paralyzed •• blood loss
•• eating disorders •• to get •• acute spinal/maternity
•• to eat sensibly --a black eye ward
•• casualty (A and E –
accident and emergency)
•• intensive care
•• neck brace
•• catheter
•• drip
•• walking frame

Other words and

•• drastic solution
•• one’s jaw dropped
•• the window to the soul
•• to act as a temporary
•• to be alarmed (about)
•• to be better off without
•• to be terrified (of)
•• to be through something
•• to break somebody’s
•• to confront something
•• to destroy one’s life
•• to drift between two
•• to flitch at the sight of
•• to follow your heart
•• to get a frog in one’s
•• to get down on one’s
•• to leave a note
•• to make something an

Word list. Unit 6. Geography
Water bodies • summit • boundary
• bay • trench • chilly waters
• body of water • coastal cliff
• burn/ brook/ spring/ Explorers of the Earth • continental shelf
stream • conqueror of (shelves)
• delta • polar explorer • dead plant matter
• estuary • to command the first • diverse habitat
• freshwater expedition • exposure to sth
• gulf • to conceive the plan of • flora and fauna [ˈfɔːnə]
• inlet • to discover the sea route • food chain
• lake to • harsh
• lake bed/sea bed • to explore across • inaccessibility
• marsh/ bog/ swamp • to lead an expedition • incredible diversity
• pond • to make the first flight • inhabitant
• river over • inhabited
• strait • to reach sth • intertidal areas along the
• tributary • to sail round the world coast
• waterfall • to set foot on • isolated
• landlocked
Landforms Climbing Everest • means of transport
• altitude • climber • mountain pass
• angle • giant mass of snow • navigable
• archipelago • lack of oxygen • peat
• canyon • mountain path • rainfall
• cape • to battle sth • remote
• cave • to find a possible path to • rocky land edge
• coast the top • salty spray
• coastline • to reach a record height • sand dune
• continental crust of …metres • sea level
• coral reef • to reach the summit/the • self-contained ecology
• desert top • shallow waters
• elevation • to record the mountain’s • soggy
• glacier position • soil
• gorge • to slide down the • species
• hill mountain • steep mountain slope
• inlet • still water
• island Other expressions • sunlit open ocean
• isthmus • a much tougher place to • swim against the current
• lowland life • temperate seas
• mountain range/ridge • arid areas in temperate • the seaside
• peninsula regions • thin soils
• plain • biome • to amass
• plateau (pl – plateaux) • border • to be completely barren
• shore/seashore • borehole of plant-life

• to be exposed at low •• the Niagara Falls
tide •• the North Pole
• to be well adapted to •• the Pacific Ocean
conserving water •• the Sahara desert
• to bulge due to the •• the South Pole
rotation •• the Southern Ocean (the
• to decay Antarctic Ocean)
• to dig •• the Strait of Gibraltar
• to evaporate •• the Suez Canal
• to flood the coast •• Treaty of Versailles
• to have access to
• to penetrate
• to silt up
• to swim against the
• water that flows
continuously in one
• waterlogged
environment/ conditions
• wetland

Some geographical
names to remember
•• Amazonian rainforest
•• the Alps
•• the Andes
•• the Angel Falls
•• the Antarctic
•• the Arctic
•• the Arctic Ocean
•• the Atacama desert
•• the Atlantic Ocean /the
•• the Baltic Sea
•• the Black Sea
•• the English Channel
•• the Equator
•• the Far East
•• the Grand Canyon
•• the Gulf Stream
•• the Himalayas
•• the Indian Ocean
•• the Marianas Trench
•• the Mediterranean Sea
•• the Middle East
Word list. Unit 7. On the Move
Travelling --commuter train ••to change trains
••accommodation --direct train ••to anchor a boat
••arrival/departure point on --freight [freɪt] train ••to row a boat
your travel itinerary --intercity train ••to sail a boat
••costal/ inland / train/ bus --passenger train ••to land a plane
route --suburban train ••to pilot/to fly a plane
••to come off/to fall off a
••cruise •• bus
••destination --double-decker bus ••to mount a motorcycle/
••excursion --open-topped (BrE) bus bike
••expedition --public bus ••to ride/to drive a
••getaway --shuttle bus motorcycle/bike
••go-to spots --sightseeing (BrE) bus
••hike/ to hike --tour/tourist bus Travelling by TRAIN
••hiking trails •• plane ••train car (esp. AmE ),
••itinerary --cargo/transport plane carriage
•• journey --jet plane ••train compartment
••location --passenger plane ••train conductor
••train driver
••must-visit • ship
••train fare
••off-the-beaten path --cruise ship ••train platform
••stroll --passenger ship ••train can...
••tour/ to tour •• boat --be delayed
••train/ bus schedule --inflatable boat --be due
(AmE), times, timetable --motor boat --depart
(BrE) --rubber boat --run late
••travel/ to travel --terminate
••trek Using means of --travel at the speed…
••trip transport
••to catch a train /a bus/a Travelling by BUS
Means of transportation plane/a flight ••bus conductor (BrE)
and vehicles • •to take a train/a bus/a ••bus fare
•• convertible car plane/a flight ••bus ride/journey (esp.
•• limousine • •to miss a train/ a bus/ a BrE)/ tour/trip
plane/ a flight ••bus pass
•• lorry/truck
••to board a train/a bus/a ••bus queue (BrE)
•• minivan plane/ a ship ••bus station
•• pickup truck ••to get on a train/the bus/ ••bus stop
•• smart car (into/onto)a boat/a plane/ a ••bus terminal
•• van motorcycle/a bike ••bus can
•• wagon ••to get off a train/a bus/a --carry sb
•• locomotive boat/a plane/a motorcycle/a --go/leave from …
•• steam engine bike
--pick sb up
•• motorcycle • •to come/go aboard a
•• bike ship
••to come/go on board a Travelling by SHIP
•• liner ••ship can
•• train --anchor
••to get out of a boat
--arrive •• to delay/ hold up a flight •• to leave you as
--depart •• plane can awestruck
--be at anchor (to lie at --crash •• to overlook ( the entire
anchor) --land city)
--put out to sea (to put to --take off •• tropical luxuriance
sea) --fly/cruise at…feet •• unexpected /
--sail --taxi (move slowly) uninterrupted/ panoramic/
--set sail towards the runway spectacular views
•• unspoiled skyline
Travelling by BOAT Describing a nice place •• unspoilt/ breathtaking
•• boat can •• ancient temples scenery
--sail •• atmospheric alleyways
--capsize •• cobbled streets Describing an ugly place
--sink •• comfortable suburbs •• bustling districts
•• downtown •• chaotic streets
Travelling by PLANE •• fascinating/ •• cityscape with no formal
(air travel) breathtaking/magical zoning regulations
•• flight number scenery •• congested highways
•• flight attendant, crew •• gentle/ bleak landscape with bumper-to-bumper
•• airline agent •• grand boulevards traffic
•• departure lounge •• lush valley •• crumbling buildings
•• boarding card •• magnificent/beautifully- •• hustle and bustle
•• check-in desk preserved historical •• large impoverished and
•• baggage reclaim monuments homeless population
•• ticket counter •• monumental/stunningly •• no-go areas with high
•• connecting flight beautiful Old Town Square crime
•• regular/scheduled flight •• outdoor café •• on the verge of collapse
•• charter flight •• peaceful/ tranquil •• polluted /rundown city
•• direct flight countryside •• pricey restaurants
•• domestic flight •• picturesque /charming •• shanty towns
•• international flight streets •• slum
•• transatlantic flight •• popular cluster of (Maya) •• to be heavy with traffic
•• bumpy, smooth flight ruins •• to be strewn with litter
•• to go through passport •• quaint villages •• to dot the skyline
control •• rural area •• ugly concrete jungle
•• to apply for visas •• secluded place •• upmarket shops
•• to fasten your seatbelt •• serene rock gardens •• urban waste lands
•• to go through security •• singular atmosphere
•• to pass through customs •• storybook-perfect Other expressions
•• to stay in the check-in cityscapes •• an uneventful day
line •• sun-drenched /inviting / •• conserve the wildlife
•• to weigh the luggage marvelous /magnificently •• endangered
•• to book sb / yourself on/ sited/elegant/ sophisticated •• explore the unique
onto a flight /pedestrian-friendly city experiences
•• to cancel a flight •• the blue of the ocean •• in the middle of nowhere
•• to suspend a flight •• to delight the senses •• indigenous cultures
•• indulgent activities
•• lodgings
•• lost reservations
•• made a beeline for
•• pace of life
•• reserve
•• suntan lotion
•• surge of panic
•• sustainable
•• to be granted permission
•• to be in the country
•• to benefit
•• to make the most of the
•• window shopping

Word list. Unit 8.
Britain and the British. Ukraine and the Ukrainians
General expressions • unarguably • royal accommodation
• alabaster • valuable • semi wild parkland
• ambiguous • sinister past
• at random Video “ Why Ukraine”/ • smooth trip
• belief “Top 5 places to visit” • species
• blurred • stall
• Briton • gorgeous palace • temple
• cemetery • hospitable people • to be destroyed by fire
• circumstances • picturesque highlands • to be immortalised
• cuisine • spa and ski resorts • to display
• debatable • stormy history of the land • to execute
• distinctive • strong literary history • to go through a secret
• efficacy • to be shrouded in legends tunnel
• factual basis • to end up doing smth • to guide a tourist around
• fast-paced • to find smth to one’s liking smth
• folk traditions • to have smth in one’s • to play host
• fortresses mind • to see for ….km
• in one’s right mind • to preserve the heritage • to take one’s word for
• lavish occasions • to satisfy even the most • to while away a lazy
• notoriety discriminating gourmet afternoon
• omniscience • to welcome guests • up-to-the-minute style
• plummy accent • unforgettable discovery
• practice • up-to-date facilities Some proper names to
• pristine • veritable history museum remember
• propriety
• red tape Video “London, the • Austro-Hungarian Empire
• rule-bound nation Ultimate Journey” • Brick Lane
• sobriety • Genoese (fortress)
• stiff upper lip • breath-taking views • Glasgow
• stricture • cosmopolitan melting pot • Hellenic city
• superstition • crew • Hindu (Indian) Temple
• the Royal Family • deity • Hyde Park
• to attract • fantastic view from smth • London Eye
• to bear the title • heath • New Gate Prison
• to bow to the holies • hectic life • Ottoman Empire
• to eclipse • Her Majesty • Oxford Street
• to foretell the future • hidden treasures • Russian Empire
• to infringe • history forged through the • the Carpathians
• to maintain/to uphold centuries • the Great Silk Road
• to queue • hot-spot • the Peninsular of Crimea
• to receive one’s fair share • in-crowd • the Square Mile
• to sift through • landmark • the Tower of London
• to suffer ignorance • local
• to ward off • monarch

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