PEER EVALUATION Total 50 Points: Name of Group Member Scoring Per Item

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PEER EVALUATION Total 50 points

Name of Evaluator: Kate G. Gundan GROUP: (ABM12F - GROUP 1)

Doloso, Diana Rae

Gundan, Kate (leader)

Lapatha, Shantel
Agravante, Cleo

Peruelo, May Grace

Rabaego, Moska Camille

Celis, Reinhard Martin

Yalong, Cherry Lou

Name of group member Scoring per item:
1-10 (0 lowest and 10 highest)

1. Contributes ideas to the group and get them accepted 9 9 10 8 8 8 10

2. Accepts and works on the assigned tasks accurately 9 10 10 8 8 8 10

3. Submits quality work on time 9 10 10 8 8 8 10

4. Suggests/Finds solutions to group problems 9 9 9 8 8 8 9

5. Shows willingness to cooperate and work along well with the 10 10 10 8 10 10 10

other group members

TOTAL score per member 46 48 49 40 42 42 49

(Please put the total score per member)

COMMENT: It was hard to reach out miss sa iban, but we worked it out man. I hope you consider this miss, I’m very sorry I passed late kay ang
internet connection miss wala gid mayo ga gana  . Thank you so much miss!

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