Tender Document 2346
Tender Document 2346
Tender Document 2346
“Fabrication and erection of a rain shed at AFR security gate at TAPS-1&2 (P/
II Memorandum of Agreement
VI Drawings
BOQ (enclosed as separate pdf file for view. Excel file of BOQ to be filled and
uploaded in e tendering by bidders)
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e-Tender Notice, Notice Inviting Tender
(Including Pre-qualification criteria).
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1.14 Date and time of online 27/03/2021 (14:30 Hrs.)
opening of technical bid.
1.15 Date and time of online Will be notified on the website at a later date.
opening of financial bids
1.16 Competent authority inviting Senior Maintenance Engineer (C), TAPS-1&2
1.17 Authority & place for seeking Shri Sunil Saxena, SO/E,
clarification on tender Centralised Tendering Cell, TMS, NPCIL.
conditions, pre-bid meeting, Phone no. 02525-283103,
opening of tender e-mail : ssaxena@npcil.co.in
On working days and during office hours (i.e. 09:00 hrs To
17:00 hrs)
1.18 Help Desk 1. Help desk of M/s ITI:
Shri Rudresh, Mobile No. 09969395522
e-mail : daehelpdesk@tenderwizard.co.in
2. E payment gateway :
On working days from 10 am to 6 pm
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2.3 Submission of bid shall mean acceptance of undertaking to be furnished online by bidder as per
format enclosed as annexure-09.
2.4 Information and Instructions for bidders posted on website shall form part of tender document. The
tender is to be downloaded and uploaded only on www.tenderwizard.com/DAE after paying requisite
processing fee.
2.5 The bid can only be submitted after uploading the mandatory scanned documents, payment of
processing fee in favour of “ITI LIMITED, NEW DELHI in favour of NPCIL and other documents as
specified. Processing fee shall not be refunded in any case.
2.6 After submitting bids the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number of times but before
stipulated closing time and date of online submission of bid as notified. The bidder can withdraw the
bid before stipulated closing date and time of online submission. But, once the bidder withdraws
the bid, it cannot be resubmitted.
2.7 The contractors, who are not enrolled on tender wizard website, are required to get enrolled.
2.8 The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature to submit the bid.
2.9 Contractor must ensure to quote rate of each item. The column meant for quoting rate in figures
appears in YELLOW colour and the moment rate is entered, it turns SKY BLUE. In addition to this,
while selecting any of the cells a warning appears that if any cell is left blank the same shall be
treated as “0”. Therefore, if any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted by the bidder, rate of such item
shall be treated as “0” (ZERO). The bidder shall be required to execute such items at his quoted rate
of zero as per specifications, bill of quantity and GCC provisions.
2.10 In case of bids in three stage system and if it is desired to submit revised financial bid then it shall be
mandatory to submit revised financial bid. If not submitted then the bid submitted earlier shall become
2.11 The bidders are solely responsible to keep their email and bank account active and to update their
profile in case of change. This is essential as communication shall preferably be done by e- mail by
corporation. Moreover, all the auto generated mail by e-tendering portal shall be sent on this e-mail
2.12 Contractor can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.
2.13 Bidders are advised to open bank account with core banking solution branch (with NEFT / RTGS) in
order to facilitate online payment of tender processing fee for their own benefit. IFSC is an 11 digit
code with the first 4 alpha characters representing the bank, and the last 6 characters representing the
branch. The 5th character is 0 (zero).The bidder shall fill IFSC code correctly i.e. upper case of
alphabets, spacing and all eleven alpha-numeric.
2.14 Bidder shall read the GCC and NIT before submission of bid. Submission of bid shall imply
that the bidder has seen and understood the GCC & NIT and shall abide by the same without
any deviations/conditions. The detailed NIT and GCC shall be part of agreement. If the bidder
at any stage refuses to accept the same, the bid shall be rejected and bidder shall be liable to be
suspended to participate in NPCIL Tenders for a period of (03) Three years. Further disciplinary
action is liable to be taken including debarring from participation in retendering of the same
work or other works as deemed appropriate by the competent authority.
2.15 The prevailing corporate policy on Banning of business dealings as uploaded on the website shall also
be applicable in addition to relevant clauses stipulated in bid document. The words banning,
blacklisting, holiday, de-registered means the same.
2.16 The e-tenders are being uploaded on Central Public Procurement Portal (www.eprocure.gov.in) for
wider publicity and free view of bid document. The bidders are requested to visit
www.tenderwizard.com/DAE for all other activities viz., registration, downloading the bid document,
uploading technical & financial bids, viewing corrigendum / addendum, pre-bid meeting, bid opening
and closing date & time, etc. The information as available on www.tenderwizard.com shall only be
legal and binding.
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3.1 Power of attorney of the signatory of the bid as per relevant clause of NIT
3.2 PAN card
3.3 GST registration certificate (GSTIN)/ARN–(For registered vendors only)
3.4 Registration of EPF
3.5 Certificate (having UDIN) of annual turnover of last 3 years stamped & signed by chartered
accountant as per annexure – 2 of NIT
3.6 Statement of value of work executed during last five financial years certified by chartered
accountant with signature and stamp as per annexure – 3A of NIT (Applicable for Tender of
estimated cost Rs. 100 Lakhs and above).CA certificate should have UDIN.
3.7 Statement of existing commitments and on-going works and value of bid capacity certified by
chartered accountant with signature and stamp as per annexure – 3B of NIT (Applicable for
Tender of estimated cost Rs. 100 Lakhs and above). CA certificate should have UDIN.
3.8 Work experience – 1 :
As per annexure – 1 of NIT Along with Documentary proof as per P.Q. Criteria Clause
3.9 Work experience – 2 :
As per annexure – 1 of NIT Along with Documentary proof as per P.Q. Criteria Clause
3.10 Work experience – 3 :
As per annexure – 1 of NIT Along with Documentary proof as per P.Q. Criteria Clause
3.11 Work experience – 4
As per annexure – 1 of NIT Along with Documentary proof as per P.Q. Criteria Clause
3.12 Certificate of registration with MSME; uploading is mandatory if bidder wishes to avail benefit
of clause- 25 of NIT
3.13 Bid Security Declaration as per Annexure-11.
3.14 The bidder shall upload scanned copy of originals in JPG format or PDF format. The submission
of documents is deemed as undertaking by bidder that all the documents are true and genuine. If
it is found, at any time during bidding or execution of work, that the information/ documents
submitted by the bidder are in variance/ forged/bogus, they shall be legally held responsible for
the same. Their offer shall be summarily rejected or termination of contract, if awarded, shall be
liable to be suspended to participate in NPCIL Tenders for a period of (03) Three years, forfeiting
of the performance guarantees, security deposit, if any. The bidder / contractor shall be
blacklisted / debarred for further works in NPCIL for a period of five years.
3.15 By submission, the bidder undertakes and confirms that eligible similar works have been
executed as prime contractor and the same have not been got executed through another
contractor on back to back basis or as a subcontractor. Any violation of this shall result in panel
action as per point-3.13 above.
3.16 It is essential to upload all the mandatory documents. If some document is not applicable/
available the status shall be printed on a paper and same shall be uploaded. Uploading of
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any blank/irrelevant documents in connection to mandatory documents will lead to
rejection of the offer.
3.17 At the time of submission of bid, contractor shall upload certificate (having UDIN) from CA
mentioning financial turnover of last 3 years ,value of work done during last five audited financial
year (3A) and existing commitments (3B) for calculation of bid capacity. The bidders are
requested to submit details of all existing commitments. Concealment of information in this regard
shall result in rejection of bid and forfeiture of bid security along with debarring for a year from
participation in any of the tender of corporation. Further financial details and related supporting
documents, if required may be asked from contractor after opening of technical bid. There is no
need to upload entire voluminous balance sheet.
3.18 It is binding on the bidder to fill the data required for assessment of pre-qualification criteria in the
excel sheet uploaded for the purpose. The technical evaluation shall be done based on the data
provided in excel sheet and the relevant document uploaded to support the same. In case where
the relevant information is not filled in the uploaded excel sheets while commensurate supporting
documents are uploaded, the supporting documents shall not be considered in evaluation as the
technical evaluation sheet is auto generated by system. Therefore the bidders in their own interest
shall fill all the relevant information in excel sheets and upload commensurate supporting
documents. The bidders shall not write in the excel sheet that information is as per enclosure, as
it will be treated as no information is submitted. In order to facilitate proper pre-qualification,
evaluation the tender approving authority may ask bidders to submit the documents
already listed in uploaded excel sheet. Corporation may also ask for clarification and
submission of documents in support of documents already submitted.
3.19 In case of single/nomination/limited tenders the bidders are not required to upload information
and documents for prequalification.
4. PRE-QUALIFICATION CRITERIA Note:- The cost of completed work shall mean gross value of the completed work including all the taxes
and levies, cost of material supplied by the client on chargeable basis, but excluding those
supplied free of cost. The cost of chargeable material shall be the fixed value at which the client
had supplied the material.
Tender No. : TMS / CTC / CIVIL-1&2 / 2021 / 2346 Page 8 of 127 The work experience of the bidder for those works only shall be considered for evaluation
purposes, which are completed before the last date of month previous to one in which NIT has
been published on e-tendering portal. Hence, the works which are incomplete/ ongoing, as
on the last date of month previous to one in which NIT has been published on e-tendering
portal, shall not be considered against eligibility. In case the work is started prior to the eligibility period of 5 years (counted backwards starting
from the last day of month previous to the e-publication date of NIT) and completed within the
said eligibility period of 5 years, then the full value of work shall be considered against eligibility. In case the experience has been earned by the bidder as an individual or proprietorship firm or
partner of a partnership firm, then 100% value of experience will be considered against eligibility.
But if the experience has been earned by the bidder as a partner in a Joint Venture / Consortium,
then the proportionate value of experience in proportion to the actual share of bidder in the joint
venture/ consortium will be considered against eligibility. The bidder shall furnish information
regarding the actual percentage of share and value of experience accordingly. In case of joint
venture / consortia, full value of work, if done by the same joint venture shall be considered. The bidder shall submit details of work executed by them in the Performa of Annexure-1 of NIT
for the works to be considered for qualification of work experience criteria. Documentary proof
such as work order/purchase order/agreement, completion certificate from client clearly indicating
the name of work, actual completion cost and actual date of completion for such work should be
submitted. The offers submitted without the documentary proof shall not be evaluated.
In case of the work done for private clients (ie except government/government bodies/
public sector units) the following documents shall be submitted: The bidders if required may be asked to produce original and photocopy of all the documents
attested by notary submitted for qualification purpose for verification at any stage at corporation’s
discretion. If the same are not produced in stipulated time, the bid shall be rejected. The average annual financial turnover during the last three years ending 31 st March of the
previous financial year should be at least 30% of the estimated cost. Notes: Financial data for latest last three audited financial years has to be submitted by the bidder in
Annexure-2 of NIT. The same shall be certified by chartered accountant (CA) with his stamp and
signature (CA certificate should have UDIN).. In case balance sheet of the last financial year is not
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audited, the bidder has to submit a certificate (having UDIN) by a CA certifying that “the balance
sheet has actually not been audited so far”. In such case the financial data of previous three
audited financial shall be taken into consideration for evaluation. If the audited turnover of any year
as per above is not submitted, the turnover for that year shall be considered as zero and average
annual turnover for three years will accordingly be calculated. If the CA certificate (having UDIN) is
not submitted along with the bid, the bid will be considered as non-responsive and rejected. In case of joint venture / consortia, the financial standing criteria will be evaluated based on
weighted average of the financial data of the members as per their percentage participation.
4.1.3 For tenders of estimated cost put to tender of Rs 100.0 lakhs and above, bidders who
meet minimum criteria will be qualified only if their available bid capacity is more than the
bid value .The bid capacity of the contractor shall be determined by the following formula:
Bid Capacity = (A x N x 2) – B
‘A’ = maximum value of works executed in any one year during last five financial
‘B’ = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works calculated from last date of
month previous to one in which NIT has been published to be completed in the
next ‘N’ years. Financial data for latest last five financial years has to be submitted by the bidder in Annexure-
3A of NIT The above financial data will be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum or part thereof calculated from the last date
of that financial year The same shall be certified by the chartered accountant with his stamp,
signature and membership number. (CA certificate should have UDIN.) Value of existing commitments for on-going works has to be submitted by the bidder in
Annexure-3B of NIT. These data shall be certified by the chartered accountant with his stamp
and signature. (CA certificate should have UDIN.) In the case of joint venture / consortia, bid capacity of each member will be computed applying
above formula and combined bid capacity of the joint venture / consortia will be weighted average
of the individual bid capacity of the members as per their percentage share in the joint venture /
consortia. If it is found at any stage that the bidder has submitted incorrect data for assessment of bid
capacity the bid or if the work is awarded the work order shall be rejected/cancelled and other
penal action as per NIT and GCC shall be taken.
4.1.5 For all types of work except works mentioned below having completion period of more
than one year the estimated cost for qualification shall be on per annum basis. Similarly
the experience shall be considered on per annum basis.
1) construction works
4.2.1 A Bidder may be a natural person, private entity, government-owned entity, or any combination of
such entities supported by a letter of intent to enter into an agreement or under an existing
agreement in the form of a Joint Venture of Association (JVA) or Consortium. Bids from JVA or
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Consortium shall not be accepted for works with estimated cost below Rs. 100 crores. JVA
are not permitted for service & maintenance contract of all values. Joint venture should not have more than three partners who are specialized in their
respective field. The JVA or consortium agreement shall nominate a lead partner who shall have the
authority to conduct all business for and on behalf of any and all the partners of the
JVA / Consortium during the bidding process and, in the event the JVA / Consortium
are awarded the contract, during contract execution. In such case, generally the lead partner shall take full responsibility of successful
completion / fulfillment of all the contract conditions. Unless otherwise specified, all
partners shall be jointly and severally liable. In case of joint venture/consortium PAN number, GST registration number of each
partner shall be submitted.
4.2.2 A bidder shall not have a conflict of interest. In case of JV/consortium none of the partner shall
have a conflict of interest. All bidders found to have a conflict of interest shall be disqualified. A
bidder may be considered to have a conflict of interest with one or more parties in this bidding
process, if: a bidder was affiliated with a firm or entity that has been hired (or is proposed to be
hired) by the corporation or as engineer-in-charge for the contract. One firm applies for tender both as an individual firm and in a group.
4.2.3 Government-owned entities in the corporation’s country shall be eligible only if they can establish
that they are legally and financially autonomous and operate under commercial law. Also, they
shall not be dependent agencies of the corporation.
4.2.4 Bidders shall provide such evidence of their continued eligibility, satisfactory to the corporation,
as the corporation shall reasonably request any time within the currency of the contract (including
defect liability period). as a matter of law or official regulation, the corporation’s country prohibits commercial
relations with that country, provided that such exclusion does not preclude effective
competition for the supply of goods or related services required; or by an act of compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken
under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations, the borrower’s country prohibits
any import of goods or contracting of works or services from that country or any
payments to persons or entities in that country.
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Further, the contract eligibility may include the following, if specified in pre- qualification criteria:
4.3.1 Documentary evidence of adequate financial standing, certified by bankers, audited profit & loss
a/c and balance sheet, access to adequate working capital.
4.3.2 Construction equipment proposed to be deployed for the project and proof of its availability;
equipment proposed to be purchased or leased.
4.3.3 Key personnel available and proposed to be engaged for management and supervision of the
Project, their qualifications and experience. Valid certificates by a recognized University, technical
Board, or Ministry of Government of India would only be taken cognizance of.
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1.0 Scope of bid
1.1 The Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (referred to as corporation or NPCIL in these
documents) invites bids for the work .The successful bidder should provide the services during
the period of work as per the terms and conditions specified in the NIT, general condition of
contract, technical specifications, special conditions of contract and schedules.
2.1 Bidding is open to all eligible bidders meeting the eligibility criteria as defined in prequalification
criteria. Bidders are advised to note the pre-qualification criteria specified in the notice inviting
2.2 Incomplete bids and bidders not meeting the minimum qualification criteria shall be summarily
rejected. It may be noted that mere submission of bid does not imply that your offer shall be
considered. Tenders are considered only after NPCIL themselves assess the document
submitted along with the bid by the bidder meets the pre-qualification criteria as specified in
notice inviting e-tender during evaluation of bid.
2.3 The bidder who has been blacklisted / de-registered / holiday at any of the sites of NPCIL, DAE,
any other government department or PSU shall not be eligible for participation in tenders of
NPCIL for that period.
3.1 Each bidder shall submit only one bid. A bidder who submits or participates in more than one bid
will cause the bidder’s participation to be disqualified for all the proposals.
4.1 The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of his bid and the
corporation will in no case be responsible and liable for these costs.
5.1 The bidder and any of his authorized personnel or agents will be granted permission by the
corporation to enter upon its premises and lands for the purpose of site visit. However, the bidder,
his personnel and agents will be responsible against all liability in respect thereof, including death
or personal injury, loss of or damage to property, and any other loss, damage, costs, and
expenses incurred as a result of the inspection.
5.2 The bidder should inform the corporation at least three days in advance about the proposed site
5.3 The bidder, at his own responsibility and risk is encouraged to visit, inspect and survey the site
and its surroundings and satisfy himself before submitting his bid as to the form and nature of
the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation he may require, etc.
5.4 In general, bidders shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies
and other circumstances which may influence or affect their bid. A bidder shall be deemed to
have full knowledge of the site, whether he inspects it or not and no extra claims due to any
misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed.
5.5 The costs of visiting the site shall be at the bidders’ own expense. Any report shared at the site,
by the corporation is subject to verification by the contractor. Any deviations of information in the
report and the actual site will not be the responsibility of the corporation.
5.6 The bidders are requested to bring photo identification like passport, voters’ identity card, and
driving license, PAN card, identity card issued by employer etc. for security regulations. Any
electronic devices like mobiles, radio, transistors camera etc. are not allowed inside NPCIL
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premises and the same shall be left at security gate at the risk of bidders. The bidders are
requested to e- mail the details of authorized representative in the prescribed format (annexure-
5.7 The bidder shall forward any query/question by e -mail within the stipulated date and time given in
NIT. The clarification given by the corporation shall be visible to all the bidders without disclosing
the identity of the bidder raising the query. The questions/query received after stipulated date and
time shall not be entertained and no response shall be forwarded. The submission of bid shall
mean that the bidder has seen the response and accepts the content.
6.1 Submission of a bid by a bidder implies that he has read this notice and all other contract
documents ,clarification, addendum, corrigendum and has made himself aware of the scope and
specifications of the work to be executed and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and
plant, etc, will be issued to him by the corporation and local conditions and other factors having
a bearing on the execution of the works.
6.2 The bidder shall submit the bid, which satisfies each and every condition laid down in the bid
documents, failing which, the bid is liable to be rejected.
6.3 The documents listed below comprise one set of bid document:
b) Memorandum of Agreement
f) Drawings, if any
h) Bill of quantities
7.1 The bidder or his officially authorized representative is invited to attend pre-bid meeting, which will
take place as referred in instructions to the bidders. The bidder shall intimate the details of his
authorized representative in prescribed format (annexure-10) to the CTC office to facilitate his
attending the meeting.
7.2 The purpose of the pre-bid meeting is to clarify issues and to answer questions on matters that
may be raised at that stage. The bidder is requested to submit their questions/queries/clarification
in writing preferably by email so as to reach the corporation before stipulated date and time for
submitting the same. The queries which are received after stipulated date and time as per NIT
shall be summarily rejected and no response shall be made.
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7.3 Attending the pre-bid meetings is in the interest of bidders to understand the scope of work of the
tender. It is insisted upon that bidders shall attend the pre-bid meetings. However, in case the
bidders do not attend the pre-bid meetings, it would be presumed that they have understood the
scope of work. NPCIL has to finalize the award within a limited time schedule. Therefore, NPCIL
will not seek any clarification in respect of incomplete offers. Any doubt, may be cleared, if
required by the bidder before filling the bid. No request for extension of bid submission dates shall
be entertained.
7.4 Minutes of the meeting, including the text of the questions (without identifying the source of
enquiry) and the responses given will be displayed on web site. Any modifications of the bidding
documents which may become necessary as a result of the pre-bid meeting shall be made by
the corporation exclusively through the issue of an addendum only and not through the minutes
of the pre-bid meeting. The addendum shall be binding on all the bidders. Submission of bid shall
imply the acceptance of addendum by the bidder.
8.1 Before the deadline for submission of bids, the corporation may modify the bidding documents by
issuing addenda on web site.
8.2 Any addendum so issued shall be part of the bid documents as well as contract document.
8.3 To give prospective bidders reasonable time to take an addendum into account in preparing their
bids, the corporation may extend the date for submission of bids, if necessary.
8.4 Corrigendum, addendum or any other information regarding tender shall be uploaded only on web
site. Hence, the bidders are requested to visit the web site (www.tenderwizard.com/DAE)
regularly. The above documents shall become part of bid and agreement. Submission of bid shall
imply that bidder has noted and accepted content of all the corrigendum/addendum/clarifications
and affect of same has been included in price bid.
9.1 All documents relating to the bid shall be in the English language, unless stated otherwise. Hindi
version of general conditions of contract (GCC) uploaded on web site is for information purpose
only. The English version of GCC is the legal document.
10.1 Undertaking (as per Annexure No.11) has to be given by the bidder
“We hereby accept that in case we modify or withdraw Bid during the period of validity, we
shall be liable to be suspended /blacklisted to participate in tenders of Corporation for
period of three (03) years from such modification/withdrawal of Bid.”
Non submission of the Bid security declaration by the bidder will lead to technically disqualification
of the bidder.
10.2 MSEs (and not their dealers/distributors) registered with agencies as per clause 25.2 are
exempted from payment of bid security. However operational part of this clause shall be as
defined in schedule –A. But, all the bidders have to pay tender processing fee to M/s. ITI.
10.3 Bidder shall be liable to be suspended to participate in NPCIL Tenders for a period of (03) Three
years, if;
a) The bidder withdraws / modifies his bid or any item thereof after opening of bid.
b) The successful bidder fails within the specified time limit to submit the performance
guarantee and commence the work.
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c) The bidders who are exempted from paying bid security being registered with MSE, if default
for reasons mentioned in clause 10.3 a and b, shall be debarred from participation in any of
the tender of the corporation for two years
11.1 The bidders shall quote bid price / rates / total bid price in Indian rupees only unless otherwise
specified in the special conditions of contract (SCC).
11.2 The bid price / rates / total bid price quoted shall be inclusive of all statutory liabilities, taxes,
cess, duties, levies as applicable under the prevailing statutes or levy by the statuary
authorities/State/Central Government and payable by the bidder under the contract.
All the GST benefits and credits on inputs as available to the bidder shall be taken into
consideration in the quoted price and pass on the benefits/credits to the Corporation. Bidder shall
also comply with the provision of Anti-Profiteering under GST act. A declaration to these effects is
to be affirmed by the bidder in annexure-7 of NIT.
11.3 The bid price / rates / total bid price shall be quoted in the prescribed format with the required
break-up as specified therein.
11.4 The statutory deductions of income tax, GST or any other taxes/dues (wherever applicable) shall
be made from the payments due to the Contractor. For details on taxes, the bidders are advised
to refer to relevant clause of General Conditions of Contract (GCC) forming part of this tender.
11.6 The bidder has to compulsorily submit Annexure – 7 along with BOQ during submission of Bid.
Annexure – 8 is to be submitted along with regular tax invoice during execution of work after
award. Bidder shall substantiate the information provided herein if called for to do so.
11.7 The security deposit and insurance shall be on contract price which is inclusive of GST
12.1 The unit rates and the prices shall be quoted by the bidder in Indian rupees, unless otherwise
specified in the special conditions of contract.
13 Bid validity
13.1 The bids submitted shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days from the date of
opening of the bid. The bidder shall not be entitled during the period of validity, to revoke or
cancel his bid or vary / modify the bid given or any item thereof. In case of bidder revoking or
canceling his bid, varying any terms in regard thereof, then they shall be liable to be suspended to
participate in NPCIL Tenders for a period of (03) Three years from such modification/withdrawal
of Bid.
13.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the original bid validity period, NPCIL may request
the bidders to extend the period of validity for a specified additional period. The request and the
responses thereto shall be made in writing. A bidder may refuse the request bid, then bid security
declaration clause (clause no 10.1) will not be applicable, but his bid will not be considered. A
bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to modify its bid.
14.1 Bidders shall submit offers that comply with the requirements of the bidding documents, including
the basic technical design as indicated in the drawing and specifications. Alternatives will not be
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15.0 Submission of the bids
15.1 The date and time of on-line bid submission shall remain unaltered even if the specified date for
the submission of the bid is declared as holiday for the office inviting tender.
15.2 The corporation may extend the deadline for submission of bids by issuing an amendment, in
which case, all rights and obligations of the corporation and the bidders previously subject to the
original deadline will then be subject to the new deadline.
15.3 Any bid received by the corporation after the deadline prescribed above will be rejected.
15.4 The bidders shall note the following before submission of bid
(a) If the digital signature certificate (DSC) holder is sole proprietor of the firm, power of
attorney need not be submitted.
(b) In case DSC holder is bidding on behalf of partnership firm, joint venture, consortium etc.
power of attorney or any other legally acceptable document viz. partnership deed, board
resolution etc authorizing DSC holder to bid on behalf of the bidder is to be uploaded. In
case of non-submission the bid shall be summarily rejected.
16.1 Tender opening shall be done on-line only. If the date of opening is declared as holiday then bid
will be opened on next working day. In exceptional cases opening of tenders can be done on any
day or time after scheduled date and time of opening. Corrigendum issued for opening of tender
shall be uploaded on website.
16.2 The bids without stipulated bid security declaration (clause no. 10.1 & Annexure 11) and other
manadatory documents as per NIT shall be summarily rejected.
16.3 In two part tenders financial bid of only qualified bidder shall be opened.
17.1 To assist in the examination and comparison of bids, the corporation may, at its discretion, ask
any bidder for clarification of his bid, including breakdown of unit rates. The request for
clarification and the response shall be in writing or by email / fax, but no change in the price or
substance of the bid shall be sought, offered, or permitted. If the bidder does not respond within
the stipulated time, then the bid of the bidder will be evaluated on its own merit.
17.2 Bidder shall not contact the corporation on any matter relating to his bid from the time of the bid
opening to the time the contract is awarded.
17.3 Any effort by the bidder to influence the corporation’s bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract
award decisions, may result in the rejection of his bid.
18.1 Prior to detailed evaluation of bids, the corporation will determine whether each bid(s) meets (a)
the minimum requirements as per pre- qualification criteria (b) is accompanied by the required
bid security declaration (c) is responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents (d) has
been properly signed by authorized signatory as per clause-15.4.
18.2 A responsive bid is one which conforms to all the terms, conditions and specification of the
bidding documents, without material deviation or reservation. A material deviation or reservation
is one (a) which affects in any substantial change in scope, quality or performance of the works;
(b) which limits in any substantial way, the corporation’s rights or the bidder’s obligations under
the contract; or (c) whose rectification would affect unfairly the competitive position of other
bidders presenting responsive bids.
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19.0 Evaluation and comparison of bids
19.1 The corporation reserves the right to accept or reject any offer. Corporation also reserves to
award only part of the work.
19.2 The estimated effect of the price adjustment conditions under variations and deviations of the
conditions of contract, during the period of implementation of the contract, will not be taken into
account in bid evaluation.
19.3 If the bid of the successful bidder is seriously unbalanced in relation to the engineer-in-charge or
his representative’s estimate of the cost of work to be executed under the contract, the
corporation may require the bidder to produce detailed rate analyses for any or all items of the bill
of quantities, to demonstrate the internal consistency of those rates with the implementation /
construction methods and schedule proposed. The unbalanced bids are liable to be rejected.
19.4 Any deviation in the commercial terms shall be suitably loaded before evaluation.
19.5 In case of unregistered bidder/(s) who is/are not required to register under GST and in case of
supply of notified Goods or Services where Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) is applicable, the
GST liability on the Corporation under RCM shall be loaded on the quoted price for evaluation
20.1 The corporation shall award the contract to the bidder whose evaluated offer / bid has been
determined to be the technically suitable and financially lowest (L1) and is substantially
responsive to the bidding document, provided further that the bidder is determined to be qualified
to execute the contract satisfactorily. The technically and financially suitable bids in other types of
bids shall be decided as per criteria given in pre-qualification requirement. In case of tie between
two lowest bidders, both the bidders shall be given a chance to offer rebate to decide the lowest
bid. If the situation still remains same the lottery shall be adopted to decide the award.
20.2 L-1 bidder will be required to produce the original documents in support of the information
furnished by him on line for verification and submit photo copy of documents attested by notary as
specified in NIT/e-tender notice. The bidder shall submit the same on any working day within
specified period after issue of letter to this effect. In case the L-1 bidder fails to produce the
documents within the specified period or if any of the information furnished by L-1 bidder on-line
is found to be false during verification of original document, which changes the eligibility status of
the bidder, then the bid shall be disqualified and banning of the concerned bidder for participation
in future tenders for five years. The next financial lowest qualified bidder shall be awarded the
work subject to producing original document and photocopies attested by notary.
20.3 Submission of illegible or blank document may render the bid non-responsive and liable for
rejection. Submission of bid will be recognized and accepted as a certificate regarding
authentication of all information provided in the bid and acceptance of all terms & conditions,
general condition of contract, notice inviting tender etc., since such acceptance by bidder with
digital signature is legally tenable.
20.4 The corporation reserves the right not to award the work without assigning reason and without
incurring any liability to the bidder or bidders.
21.1 The bidder whose bid has been accepted will be notified of the award by the corporation prior to
expiration of the bid validity period by issue of work order. The notification may also be made
through letter of intent, wherein the work order shall follow.
21.2 The details of award can be seen on web site. The bidders can request for de-briefing in writing
within fifteen days of award. They shall be informed about suitable days to visit the office of the
concerned officer. Requests beyond deadline shall not be entertained.
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21.3 The work order will constitute the formation of the contract subject only to the furnishing of a
performance guarantee within 30 days of issue of work order.
21.4 An agreement shall be made and signed by both the parties. The agreement will incorporate all
correspondence between the corporation and the successful bidder, bid documents etc. The bid
document as uploaded on website www.tenderwizard.com/DAE shall be forming part of
agreement. The successful bidder shall be responsible for compliance at his own cost with the
stamp duty act of the state where the agreement is being executed. The non-judicial stamp paper
of appropriate value after adjudication shall be submitted by the successful bidder at his own cost.
22.1 The corporation requires that bidders / suppliers / contractors under this contract, observe the
highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of this contract. In pursuance of
this policy, the corporation:
(a) defines, for the purpose of these provisions, the terms set forth below as follows:
(i) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of anything of value to
influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution;
(b) Will reject a proposal for award of work if it determines that the bidder recommended for award
has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question.
(c) will declare a bidder ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time, to be awarded a
contract / contracts if at any time it determines that the bidder has engaged in corrupt or
fraudulent practices in competing for, or in executing, the contract.
22.2 The bidder may make representation in connection with processing of tender directly and
only to the competent authority (calling tender) as mentioned in the tender document.
However, if such representation is found to be un-sustentative and/ or frivolous and if the
tender has to be closed because of the delays / disruptions caused by such representations
and the job has to be re-tendered, then such bidder will not be allowed to participate in the
re-invited tender.
In case, any bidder while making such representation to competent authority also involves
other officials of corporation and / or solicits/ invokes external intervention other than as may
be permitted under the law and if the tender has to be closed because of the delays /
disruptions caused by such interventions and has to be re-tendered, then the particular
bidder will not be allowed to participate in the re-invited tender.
23.0 Disclosures
23.1 Any change in the constitution of the contractor’s firm, where it is a partnership firm, joint venture
or consortium partnerships as declared in the bid should be disclosed to the corporation, at any
time between the submission of bids and the signing of the contract. The same shall be disclosed
during the currency as per the relevant clause of GCC (Changes in constitution).
24.0 Fiscal Concessions for mega power projects
24.1 Nuclear Power Project of capacity 440 MW or more have been notified by GOI for eligibility
towards fiscal concessions. As such the goods required for setting up these projects are subject
to ‘NIL’ Customs duty as per the extant policy of Government of India (vide Customs Notification
No. 50/2017 dated 30-6-2017 at Sr. No. 602). In consideration of the aforesaid Fiscal Benefits,
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no customs duty on goods shall, therefore, be payable/ reimbursable by the Corporation to the
Contractor. Similarly, as per the paragraph 7.02 (h) of Foreign Trade Policy 2015-2020 of
Government of India, Domestic Contractors supplying goods for these projects under the
procedures of National competitive bidding or International Competitive bidding shall be eligible
for benefits of ‘Deemed Export’ under paragraph 7.03 (a) relating to advance authorization and
7.03 (b) relating to deemed export draw back and of the Policy and paragraphs 7.02(d), 7.03(g)
and 7.05(b) of Hand Book of Procedures) issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade,
Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India (DGFT
Trade Notice Number – 11/2018 dated 30.06.2017).. In consideration of the aforesaid Fiscal
Benefits, no customs duty on goods shall, therefore, be payable/ reimbursable by the corporation
to the Contractor.
24.2 The contractor is solely responsible for adherence and compliance with the necessary processes,
procedures and documentation as may be stipulated by the concerned Statutory Authorities
connected in respect of availing such fiscal benefits. The corporation, shall, however, make
available only the requisite documents or certifications as per the extant rules and procedures for
availing the above exemptions/concessions by the Contractor.
24.3 In the event of subsequent denial of the above benefits prevailing as on the last date of
submission of the bid, by the designated authorities to the Contractor, either on the basis of
interpretation of the provisions of such benefits or due to change in law, such indirect taxes will be
reimbursable by the Corporation at actual rates for the supplies made within the contract
completion period or extended period of contract due to reason attributable to the
Corporation/Force Majeure. For the supplies that are made beyond the contract completion
period due to reasons attributable to Contractor, the reimbursement of taxes shall be made by the
Corporation limiting to the rates prevailing on the contract completion period.
24.4 The applicability of this clause shall be as per Schedule-A of GCC
25.0 Purchase Preference for supply of goods or services as per new Public Procurement
Policy for Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) under Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Development Act, 2006. (subject to meeting prequalification criteria).
25.1 Preference and exemptions to MSE Units
a) As per the provision of MSEs Policy, the participating bidder registered under MSEs Act in a
tender for supply of goods or services, quoting price within the band of L1+15% would be allowed
to supply a portion of the requirement by bringing down their price to the L1 price, in a situation
where L1 price is from someone other than an MSE. Such MSEs would be allowed to supply up
to 20% of the total tendered value. In case of more than one such eligible MSE, the supply will
be shared proportionately. Further, out of 20% allocation, a sub-target of 4% (i.e. 20% out of
20%) will be earmarked for procurement from MSEs owned by SC/ST entrepreneurs. However, in
the event of failure of such MSEs to participate in the tender process or meet the tender
requirements and the L1 price, the 4% sub-target for procurement earmarked for MSEs owned by
SC/ST entrepreneurs will be met from other MSEs proportionately.
b) In case a tendered item is non-splitable or non-divisible, MSE quoting price within the price band
of “L1-Price (Other than MSE) +15 % “may be awarded for full/complete value of supplies,
subject to matching of the L1 price.
c) Tender sets shall be provided free of cost to MSEs for the item/ services tendered. In case of e-
tendering the bidder has to pay the online processing fee to M/s ITI as per NIT conditions
25.2 “MSEs” who are interested in availing themselves of these benefits shall enclose with their offer
the proof of their being MSE registered with any of the agencies mentioned in the notification of
Ministry of MSME indicated below:
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(iv) Coir Board
(ix) The MSE must submit /upload registration certificate along with bid.
(i) Wherever the certifying agency is issuing the registration certificate with terminal
validity, the MSE must also indicate the terminal validity date for their registration.
The MSE should furnish certificate valid as on date for submission of tender.
Failing of the above requirements, such offers will not be eligible for
consideration of benefits detailed in notification No. 503 dated 23.03.2012 as
printed in Gazette of India.
(ii) Wherever the certifying agency is issuing the registration certificate without
terminal validity, the same shall be considered for giving benefits to MSE,
detailed in notification No. 503 dated 23.03.2012 as printed in Gazette of India.
25.3 The operational part of this clause shall be as defined in schedule –A.
25.4 The registration certificate issued from any one of the above agencies must be valid (if falls under
above clause 25.2 (ix)(i) as on last date of submission of the tender. In case such a certificate is
found to be defective or invalid, such bids shall be rejected. The successful bidder should ensure
that the same is valid till the end of the contract period.
25.5 The MSEs, who have applied for registration or renewal of registration with any of the above
agencies / bodies, but have not obtained the valid certificate as on last date of submission of the
tender, are not eligible for exemption / preference.
25.6 The contractor on whom the contract may be entered into against this tender shall furnish the
Corporation, the details of sub-contractors meeting any part of contract execution herein and who
is registered as MSE as per the Micro, Small and medium Enterprises development Act 2006 and
amendments to same.
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1. Name of Work
2. Agreement / Contract No. / Work
Order No.
3. Name and address of client
4. Whether the client in public / private
5. Date of Start
6. Stipulated date of completion
7. Actual date of completion
8. Extension letter (mandatory if the
work done for privately owned
companies is completed after
9. Final value of work done on
10. Ref. to client’s completion certificate
11. If work is done with private entity, the
details of CA certificate (having
12. Value of penalty / LD levied,
1. Separate Performa shall be used for each work. Details of only similar works as defined in the
minimum eligibility criteria shall be submitted. Clubbing of works in completion certificate shall be
avoided. If done same shall be rejected.
2. Only the value of contract as executed by the bidder /member of the JV/ Consortium in his own
name should be indicated. Where a work is undertaken by a group, the portion of the contract which
is undertaken by the bidder / member of JV / Consortium should be indicated and the remaining
done by the other members of the group be excluded while filling the item No. 9.
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We have obtained all the information which to best of our knowledge and belief was necessary for the
purpose of certification. The certification process involves examining the supporting documents.
UDIN - _____________________
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(Value of work done during the latest last five audited financial years)
This is to certify that the Value of work done during the latest last five audited financial years of
M/s. _______________________________ is as under-
Total value of work done
2. All such documents reflect the financial data of the bidder or member in case of JV / Consortium, and not that
of sister or parent company.
3. The financial data in above format shall be certified by Chartered Accountant / Company Auditor under his
signature & stamp, membership number. (CA certificate should have UDIN.)
UDIN - _______________________
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M/s. _______________________________ is as under-
Description Place Contract Name & Value of Stipulated Value of Anticipated Remarks
of Work & No. & Address Contract period/date work date of
state Date of Client (In Rs) of remaining completion
completion to be
done (in
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1. The bidder shall submit the details of black listing /de-registration / holiday by any central / state
government department or public sector undertaking. The relevant letter shall be scanned and
3. The undertaking shall be signed by authorized signatory of the bidder or constituent member in
case of JV / Consortium.
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Client & Work Order Name of Work Cause of Amount Remarks and
Address No. dispute the present
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Particulars Response by bidder
1 Bidder’s Name
2 Address (as per registration with GST with Postal Code)
3 Whether Registered under GST? Yes / No
4 If YES, mention the GSTIN/ARN
In case Unregistered, mention the reason for not registering.
(Please tick). In case of (b) please give full details.
5 A)a) Not required as per Section 22 (1) of CGST Act
b) Any other provision under GST act, please specify….
Any change in the status of Registration of the bidder, after award
6 of the Contract shall be disclosed to the Corporation forthwith. o I / We Confirm
Please confirm.
Rate of applicable GST included in the quoted price.
7 CGST :
All the benefits and credits on inputs as available under GST
o I / We Confirm
acts/rules are availed and passed on the benefits to Corporation in
bid price complying with provision of Anti-profiteering measures.
o Not Applicable
Please confirm.
9 Service Accounting Code (SAC)/HSN code
Mention whether Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM) is applicable
10 o Yes / No
for the tendered supply.
o I / We Confirm
In case of unregistered bidder/supplier of notified goods or service
where RCM is applicable, confirm bid price is excluding GST. o Not Applicable
o I / We Confirm
Confirm that GST compliant Tax Invoice shall be issued while
regular billing. o Not Applicable
1. Bidder shall mandatorily provide all information in this
2. The evaluation of bids shall be done strictly on the basis of all
inclusive bid price / rates / total bid price quoted in the price bid
3. In case GST is required to be paid by the Corporation under
Reverse Charge Mechanism (RCM), the applicable GST shall
be added to the quoted price for evaluation of bids.
4. Bidder shall substantiate the information provided herein
whenever called for to do so.
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(To be submitted by the Contractor along with running account bill and tax invoices)
(a) It is certified that the goods and services on which GST has been charged are not exempted
under the GST Act or the rules made there under and the amount charged on account of
GST on these goods and services are not more than what is payable under the relevant act
or the rules made there under.
(b) It is certified that in respect of amount of GST billed in the invoices, no refund claim is
pending and/or is admissible to us other than the benefit/credit on input tax already effected
in price. Also certified that in the event of our getting refund in whole or in part of GST on
output from the Government, we shall return the equivalent amount of refund received by us.
(c) I/We, hereby certify that my/our GST Registration Certificate is in force as on date and that
the transaction covered by this invoice has been effected by me/us and it shall be accounted
for in the turnover while filing of return and the due tax payable has been paid or shall be
paid to the Government Account. It is also certified that the GST charged in the invoices and
other details have been populated in the GSTN portal.
(d) It is certified that we have complied with the Anti-profiteering provisions under GST.
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1. I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule-A, B, C, Specifications
applicable, Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of Contract,
clauses of contract, integrity pact ,Special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents
and Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender
document for the work.
2. I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the Corporation within the time
specified in notice inviting tender, schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respect with
the specifications, designs, drawing and instructions in writing referred to in General Rules
and Directions and the Conditions of contract and with such materials as are provided for, by,
and in respect of accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable. I/We agree to keep
the bid valid for acceptance for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of the bid. I/We
shall not revoke or cancel the bid or vary / modify the bid given or any item thereof.
3. I/We undertake and confirm that in case of any default of bid conditions Corporation shall
without prejudice to any other right or remedy, shall be liable to be suspended to participate
in NPCIL Tenders for a period of (03) Three years.
4. If I/We, fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed period. I/We
agree that the said Corporation shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, will be
liable to be suspended to participate in NPCIL Tenders for a period of (03) Three years.
Further, if I/We fail to commence work as specified, I/We agree that Corporation shall without
prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law, shall be liable to be suspended to
participate in NPCIL Tenders for a period of (03) Three years. I/We agree that in case of
forfeiture of Performance Guarantee as aforesaid and in the event of deficiency, out of any
other money due to Me/Us or otherwise. I/We shall be debarred for participation in the re-
tendering process of the work.
5. I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) meet the prequalification criteria.
Further that, if any violation comes to the notice of Corporation, then I/We shall be debarred
for tendering in Corporation in future. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of
Corporation before date of start of work, the Corporation shall be liable to suspend the firm
from participating in NPCIL Tenders for a period of (03) Three years.
6. I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records
connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate
information/derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are
authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the
safety of the State.
7. I/We declare that all the information being submitted by me is genuine, authentic, true and
valid on the date of submission of tender and if any information is found to be false at any
stage of tendering or contract period. I/We, will be liable to the penal actions as prescribed in
8. I/We declare that in the preparation and submission of the bid, we have not acted in concert
or in collusion with any bidder or other persons and not done any act, deed or thing which is
or could be regarded as anti-competitive.
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10. I/We authorize corporation for seeking information / clarification from by bankers, clients
having reference in this bid.
11. I/We have uploaded all relevant documents as prescribed in the tender document in support
of the information and data furnished by me/us on e-tendering portal.
12. I/We accept all the undertakings as specified elsewhere in the tender document.
13. I/We accept the Integrity Pact and shall be bound by its provisions for the work wherever the
same is made applicable by the Corporation. The submission of bid shall constitute a binding
integrity pact as per the enclosed format between the bidder and Authority calling the tender
on behalf of Corporation.
14. I/We confirm that this online agreement will be a part of my bid and if the work is awarded to
me /us, this will be a part of our agreement with corporation.
15. I/we confirm that the submission of bid shall mean absolute acceptance of the undertaking .In
case of non-acceptance of the undertaking in part or full shall result in cancellation of bid and
shall be liable to be suspended to participate in NPCIL Tenders for a period of (03) Three
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5. Designation :
6. Address :
7. Contact No. – :
Landline/ Mobile No.
8. E-mail ID :
9. Purpose of visit :
10. Person whom you want to meet :
11. Date of visit :
12. Time of visit :
13. Vehicle No. :
14. Driver’s name & age :
15. Additional persons, if any *
Name :
Age :
Designation :
16. Remarks
*Photo ID Proof in any form of PAN Card, Voters ID, Bank Pass Book, Ration Card, Driving License, any
other ID card issued by Government etc. shall be produced at CISF Main gate for entry. Mobile phones,
laptop and any other electronic device are not permitted.
The information given above is true to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of the bidder with date.
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It is mandatory for all bidders to fill details in the above format & submit along with Part-I bid
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I/We hereby tender for the execution for the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited of the work
specified in the underwritten memorandum within the time specified in such memorandum at the rate
specified therein, and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, design, drawings and
instructions in writing referred to in Rule 1 hereof and general conditions of contract and with materials as
per provided for by and in all respects in accordance with, such conditions as far as possible.
a) General Description of work : “Fabrication and erection of a rain shed at AFR security gate at
TAPS-1&2 (P/ Site)”.
Should this tender be accepted, in whole or in part, I/We hereby agrees (i) to abide and fulfill all terms and
provisions of the said conditions annexed hereto and all the terms and provisions contained in the notice
inviting tenders so far as applicable, and/or in default thereof to forfeit and pay to Nuclear Power
Corporation of India Limited or his successors in office, the sum of money mentioned in the said
conditions. A Draft/Bank guarantee of a scheduled commercial bank has been deposited as Bid Security.
If I/We fail to furnish the prescribed performance guarantee within prescribed period, I/We agree that the
said NPCIL or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to
forfeit the said bid security absolutely, Further, if I/We fail to commence the work specified in the above
memorandum, I/We agree that the said NPCIL or his successors in office shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said bid security absolutely and cancel the award of work.
I/We agree to execute all the works referred to in the tender document upon the terms and conditions
contained or referred to therein and to carryout such deviations as may be ordered, upto maximum of the
percentage mentioned in Clause 11.2.1 of General Conditions of Contract and those in excess of that
limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provisions contained in General Conditions of
Contract. I/We hereby declare that I/We have been debarred/not debarred and/or delisted/ not delisted
by any Govt./PSU.+
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Dated the_____________________________ day of __________________ 20_________________
++ M/s.____________________________________________ Signature______________________
Witness+++ _______________________Signature_______________________________________
Address _____________________________________________
Occupation ________________________________________________
The above tender is hereby accepted by me for and on behalf of Nuclear Power Corporation of India
Signature ++++_________________________________________________________________
+ Bidder is advised to read carefully and strike out whichever is not applicable and furnish details
wherever applicable.
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b) For Piece work Tender :
I/We hereby tender to execute for the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) the under
mentioned description of work on a Piece Work basis in accordance, all respects, with the specifications,
designs, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule 1 hereof and the conditions of contract in
consideration of payment being made for the quantity of work executed at the rate specified in the
following schedule.
c) Amount if any, to be : `
deducted from bill
d) Percentage to be : Percent______________________________________________)
deducted from bills
Name of work No. of Item Clause & Unit of calculation Rate of item
Description Unit of
Rate work to be
---Schedule Attached---
Should this tender be accepted I/We agree to abide by and fulfill conditions contained in the tender
document which have been read by me/received and explained to me for as applicable, or his successors
in office the sums of money mentioned in the said conditioned, without prejudice to any other right of the
Note: 1. Piece work is that which involves the payment of work done at stipulated rate only without
reference to a total quantity or time.
2. A separate schedule should be attached in case where the space provided herein found to be
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Give the particular and numbers.
The sum of Rs. is herewith forwarded (details of remittance made_________) as Bid Security, the full
value of which is to be absolutely forfeited to the said NPCIL or his successors in office, without prejudice
to any other rights or remedies of the said NPCIL or his successors in office should I/We fail to commence
the work specified in the above schedule.
Address :
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Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.
(Hereinafter referred to as the Corporation)
I/We have read and examined the following documents relating to _______________________________
(d) Drawings
(e) General Conditions of Contract including Contractors Labour Regulations, Model Rules for
Labour Welfare and Safety guide appended to these conditions together with the
amendments thereto if any.
(f) Special Conditions of contracts
(g) Schedule of quantities and Rates (referred to in the General Conditions of Contract as
Schedule of Rates) together with Amendment if any.
I/We hereby tender for execution of the works referred to in the aforesaid documents upon the terms and
conditions contained or referred to therein and in accordance in all respects with the specifications,
designs, drawings and other relevant details at the rates contained in Schedule of Quantities and Rates
and within the period(s) of completion as stipulated in NIT.
In consideration of I/We being invited to tender. I/We agree to keep the tender open for acceptance for
....... days from the due date of submission thereof and not to make any modifications in its terms and
conditions which are not acceptable to the Corporation.
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at liberty to forfeit the said bid security absolutely. Should this tender be accepted, I/We hereby agree to
abide by and fulfill all the terms, conditions and provisions of the aforesaid Documents.
If, after the tender is accepted, I/We fail to commence the execution of the works as provided in the
conditions, I/we agree that the Corporation shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at
liberty forfeit the said bid security absolutely.
Witness ___________________________
Address ___________________________
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GATE AT TAPS-1&2 (P/ SITE).” Agreement made this _________________________ day of
_______________2021 between the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited, (A Government of India
STATION-1&2 (hereinafter called the CORPORATION) of the one part and
STATION-1&2, on behalf of the Corporation invited tenders for the work of “FABRICATION AND
tender of the Contractor was accepted and work awarded to the Contractor by the Corporation under this
letter No.(i.e. W.O. No.___________________ dt.______________
AND WHEREAS the Contractor has accepted the work order for the work aforesaid in their letter No.
___________________________________________ dt. _____________________
Now the agreement, witness and it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows:
I) This agreement, inter alias, consisting of (section I to VII inclusive) hereto annexed contains the
entire agreement between the parties. All other previous and collateral arrangements,
representations, promises and conditions are superseded by the contract and shall not be binding
on either party. All the work executed by the Contractor under the work order and undertaking
given under the terms and conditions of the agreement.
II) In consideration of the payments to be made by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India limited to
the Contractor as mentioned in the contract the Contractor hereby covenants with the Corporation
GATE AT TAPS-1&2 (P/ SITE).” On the terms and conditions as mentioned in this contract.
III) The corporation hereby covenants to pay to the Contractor in consideration of the aforesaid work,
in the manner mentioned in this Contract.
In witness whereof Shri. ___________________, the Contractor and Shri.
___________________ (work order signing authority) for and on behalf of the Corporation and
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the Contractor have hereunto affixed their seals and signature the day, month and year here in
above written.
M/s. _______________________
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The work is of “Fabrication and erection of a rain shed at AFR security gate at TAPS-1&2 (P/
Site)”. The construction shall be as per drawing No. TAPS-1&2/29700/2007/DD/R0 and relevant
BIS-SP. for making/erecting a rain shed at AFR Security Gate, TAPS-1&2. The scope of work
includes dismantling/demolishing, earthwork, soling, murum, PCC, RCC, re-steel, form work,
structural steel columns, bracings, roof truss, roofing using hollow section cum cladding using
Galvalume sheets, rain water down comers, disposal of debris etc. all as per approved drawings
and as directed by Engineer-in-charge. For fabrication of truss in factory, if any the MS Pipes
(hollow section) will be issued free of cost as per schedule ‘B’ to contractor from departmental
stores TMS.
The bidder may please note that Boisar Railway Station of Western Railway which is 98 Km.
North from Bombay Central in Dist – Palghar, Maharashtra. TMS plant site and TMS Township is
located at about 15 km and 03 km respectively from Boisar railway station.
The contractor shall follow all security rules as may be framed by the corporation from time to
time regarding movement of materials and equipment to site, issue, cancellation, deposition, loss
etc. of identity cards, control of entry of personnel etc.. The contractor and his personnel shall
abide by all security measures imposed by the Engineer or his duly authorized representative
from time to time. Contractor shall also follow all rules and regulations applicable in the event of
subject area being declared /proclaimed under emergency from time to time by existing Nuclear
Power Stations in the vicinity or by any other statutory order. Nothing extra will be payable on
account of stoppage/ hindrance of the work on this account.
The contractor should apply for issue of identity cards with photo for all his employees which
should be displayed while on duty. The photo identity card shall be issued by the TAPS-1 to 4
security section. Police verification shall be done by contractor at his own cost. Intermittently and
specifically at the end of contract period all the identity cards shall be accounted for. The expired
cards and all the cards after completion of work order shall be submitted to security section for
cancellation. Failing this a penalty of Rs. 200/- per missing card shall be levied. The contractor
has to submit a copy of report to local police station regarding missing photo passes.
4.1 The successful Bidder shall enter into contract and shall execute and sign the Contract
Agreement in accordance with the Articles of Agreement.
4.2 Client shall prepare the draft Articles of Agreement in the Proforma included in this Document,
duly incorporating all the terms of agreement between the two parties and send the same in
duplicate to the successful Bidder for their concurrence.
4.3 The successful Bidder shall return the duly concurred copies of the draft Articles of Agreement
within Two (02) days of receipt of the draft Articles of Agreement from Client, duly printed on a
Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 500/- (irrespective of value of contract) at his own cost , duly
adjudicated by the registrar of stamps where the contract is proposed to be executed.
4.4 The competent authority of the Client shall sign the Contract agreement and return a copy of the
same to the successful bidder.
4.5 The draft agreement before execution shall be got vetted by F&A group .
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5.i.A Minimum Wages for different categories of laborers shall be considered as prevailing wages of
the Maharashtra Government or Central Government which ever is higher. At Tarapur
Maharashtra Site (TMS) the minimum wages under the provisions of Minimum wages Act, 1948
as notified from time to time by HR group, TMS for “Scheduled Employments” as mentioned
below shall be applicable:. The scheduled employments shall be followed for the purpose
of minimum wages of contract labour in NPCIL as following:
Table 1
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Rates applicable at TMS site for category No. 5 i.e. Construction or Maintenance of Road,
runways in Building Operations-
The rates shall be applicable as per the minimum wages under the provisions of Minimum
wages Act, 1948 as notified from time to time by HR group, TMS. The present minimum wages
rates are give below
w.e.f. 01/01/2021
Table 2
However present rate of minimum wages applicable for various schedule of employments as
notified by site HR are given in Annexure-I for reference only
i.B Escalation-
ii) For Category 2 of Scheduled Employments- Where minimum wages are based on
scheduled employment of Watch and Ward Staff, Escalation will be governed as per
iii) For Category 5 of Scheduled Employments- Where minimum wages are based on
scheduled employment of construction or maintenance of roads or in building operations,
Escalation will be governed as per GCC.
iv) No price adjustment will be applicable for Highly Skilled Grade I, Grade II and
Executive category
i.C PF, Bonus, ESIC and other statutory requirements governed by minimum wages shall be
applicable as per Acts. However for PF the clause No. iii) as follows shall be applicable in
addition to PF Act.
ii. Factor to take care of increase in minimum wages as notified from time to time during the contract
period where escalation is not applicable. This is applicable for scheduled employment of
category 5 i.e. Construction or Maintenance of roads or in building operations and category
2. For other schedule of employments(i.e. category 1, 3, 4) this clause will be applicable only if
minimum wages (as mentioned in Annexure-1) of respective category schedule of
employment category 1, 3 ,4 exceeds minimum wages (as mentioned in Table 1)of
Construction or Maintenance of Road or in Building Operation” as on 1/4/2016.
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iii. EPF component as per provision of EPF & MP Act – 1952 shall be taken into account while
quoting the rate.
b) As per the act if A person who is appointed on the salary ` 15000/- and he had not been
the member of Fund earlier, will not be eligible for the benefit of Provident Fund under
the Scheme since he will be termed as an 'Excluded Employee'. Of course, if the
employer and employee both agree, there is no bar in enrolling such an employee
member under the EPF & MP act. But at TMS this provision is not applicable and all the
employees are to be covered under EPF irrespective of them being exempted from EPF
c) As per employee PF and miscellaneous act contractor can voluntarily pay PF even if the
No. of workmen deployed is less than 20. As PF component is added in our estimates,
the contractor has to necessarily be registered for PF and deposit the Employees and
Employers contribution irrespective of them being exempted from EPF Scheme/Act.
d) Having a provident fund code by all the contractors shall continue to be prerequisite
qualification for award of any contract in NPCIL. However in exceptional cases, Unit
Head / Site Director/ Station Director / Project Director can relax this condition in case of
specialized jobs where contractor is required to engages less than 20 workers including
BSD / PSD jobs.
e) The contractor shall indemnify on stamp paper of appropriate value before settlement of
final bills that provision of EPF & MP act 1952 as applicable have been complied with
and he will stand responsible for any future claims, in this regard, received through
central and state government.
iv. ESIC component as per provision of ESIC Act – 1948 and its amendments shall be taken into
account while quoting the rate where ever applicable. ESIC component shall be applicable
on minimum wages only.
It has to be ensured by the bidder that workmen shall be covered under ESIC Act.
Wherever if employees are not covered under ESIC act then they should be covered
under Employee Compensation Policy. However Third party insurance shall be applicable
as per schedule A. It is the responsibility of contractor to undertake necessary care and make
arrangement for transportation and treatment of his employees at ESI hospital or any tie up
hospitals of ESIC. Contractor should assist and guide his employees for claiming lawful
benefits from ESI.
v. The Amt towards the NPCIL Special Allowance has been fixed. Fixed NPCIL Special allowance
will also be applicable to all categories of Schedule of Employment (Category 01 to 05) except
DGR rates, all CSR works and all mega project contracts. The rates of Fixed NPCIL Special
Allowance are as under.
01 Un skilled ` 133.82
02 Semi skilled ` 139.78
03 Skilled ` 148.13
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No escalation /price adjustment shall be provided on Fixed NPCIL Special Allowance
component as mentioned in Schedule A which is specified in percentage of contract value.
vi. Industrial Safety & security charges covers for PPE like Safety Shoes and Safety gears, labour
license, medical fitness, expenses for Police Verification, restricted entry for the workmen and
other associated charges.
vii. Charges for uniform comprising of a Trouser and Shirt (2 Nos. in a year) for male employee
and sari/salwar suit (2 Nos. in a year) for female employee for contract period more than three
viii. Charges for Audiometry and medical test for getting TLD cards / working in high noise area /
working at height.
ix. Contractor has to issue pay slip to the contract workers as per given format.
x. Bonus as per the act has to be paid and shall be shown separately in wage slip issued to
contractor employees.
xi. As per act wages of the workers are to be disbursed with in seventh day of the every month. If
contractor fail to do the same then penalty of 2% of Monthly Min wages of those employees to
whom payment is not yet made for the particular default month will be deducted after the seventh
day for every week or part thereof (subject to a maximum of 10% of Min wage). Levy of penalty
does not absolve contractor from his responsibility for disbursement of wages as per the
Payment of minimum wage act 1948. NPCIL shall not be liable for any damage or compensation
This penalty will not be applicable for work Order having completion period upto three months.
In case the contractor fails to make payment statutory requirement like wages within the
prescribed time period or makes short payment, then the corporation shall be liable to make
payment of wages in full or the unpaid balance due, as the case may be to contractor labour
employed by the contractor and recovered the amount so paid from the contractor either by
deduction from any amount payable to the contractor under any contract or as debt payable by
An administrative charges of 1% of such amount shall be recoverable.
xii. Rates shall be inclusive of premium on insurance. The policy should be taken considering
actual wages. When the monthly wages are more than ` 8000/- per month it will be deemed `
8000/- for calculating the premium for policy (According to Employee Compensation Act
1923.) in case of delay in submission of policy as per tender condition shall result in levy of non
returnable penalty equivalent to 5 times the Premium required to be paid for default period .
Levy of penalty does not absolve contractor from his responsibility regarding Insurance and risk
cover. NPCIL shall not be liable for any damage or compensation payable.
Note: Insurance policies are to be taken from Govt. Insurance Companies (GIC), like
National Insurance, New India Insurance, Oriental Insurance & United India Insurance
only. The Insurance should be applicable for the entire site i.e, Tarapur Maharashtra Site
Paid holiday to be given to workers against national holidays i.e. Republic Day, Independence
Day and Gandhi Jayanti (if above holidays falls on Sunday/weekly-off/second Saturday same
will not be paid .The cost towards paid holidays shall not be considered in the estimation.
contractor shall pay his workers for these days and may keep provision for the same in his
rates. Corporation will in no case reimburse him separately for this payment.
xiv. The contingency tasks shall be paid at the rate of twice the minimum wages as it is
mandatory for corresponding category.
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xv. Factors to be considered for arriving at Salary of Highly Skilled Grade I & II /Executive
Category of Manpower -
a. Basic Salary Per Day:
b. EPF component as per provision of EPF & MP Act – 1952 shall be taken into account
while quoting the rate.
c. Insurances.
Note: Insurance policies are to be taken from Govt. Insurance Companies (GIC),
like National Insurance, New India Insurance, Oriental Insurance & United India
Insurance only. The Insurance should be applicable for the entire site i.e, Tarapur
Maharashtra Site (TMS).
d. Indl. Safety & Security requirement covers PPE like uniform (2 Nos. in a year), Safety
Shoes and Safety Gears, Labour License, Police Verification Certificate, etc.
e. Audiometry & Medical test for TLD card
f. HRA
g. All taxes, duties and levies.
h. Paid holiday to be given to workers against national holidays i.e. Republic Day,
Independence Day and Gandhi Jayanti (if above holidays falls on Sunday/weekly-
off/second Saturday same will not be paid .The cost towards paid holidays shall not be
considered in the estimation. contractor shall pay his workers for these days and may
keep provision for the same in his rates. Corporation will in no case reimburse him
separately for this payment.
Quotation, which are less than minimum wages ( as per Table -1 for Scheduled Employment
Category 1 ,3 4 & as per clause no 5-i-a for Scheduled Employment Category 5 and category
2), Fixed NPCIL special allowance, EPF contribution (if applicable), ESIC(if applicable), Bonus
are liable for rejection for manpower (unskilled, semiskilled and skilled categories) contract or
where minimum No. of manpower are mentioned in the contract.
i. GST,EPF,ESIC related
a) For GST - To ensure the compliance of payment of statutory levies by contractor, the
documentary evidence of registration towards GST of Maharashtra (As place of business of
recipient is Maharashtra) to be submitted by Registered Bidders before commencement
of work.
b) For EPF - To ensure the compliance of payment of statutory levies by contractor, the
documentary evidence of registration towards EPF (if applicable) and Professional tax
shall be submitted before 1 R.A. Bill.
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c) For Insurance Policies i.e. Employee Compensation Policy (if applicable), CAR policy (if
applicable) and Third Party Insurance, documentary evidence of premium paid towards the
same insurances shall be submitted before commencement of work. Contractor shall
provide Insurance cover in the joint name of corporation and the contractor, from the
date of commencement of work to the end of defect liability period as per LOI / work
Insurance policies are to be taken from Govt. Insurance Companies (GIC), like National
Insurance, New India Insurance, Oriental Insurance & United India Insurance only. The
Insurance should be applicable for the entire site i.e, Tarapur Maharashtra Site (TMS).
As per ESIC rules Contractor has to register the contract workers under ESIC immediately
after the award of the work. Contractors shall register all the workers working under him so
that they can avail ESIC benefit from the first day of their work. Further it may please be
noted that contract workers, who are already registered and having registration number
need not to be registered again but they shall be transfer to present contractor code and
contractor shall transfer their name before commencement of the work.
The contractor shall furnish the ESIC contribution deposit challan duly certified by EIC
along with the next month RA Bills. The amount of the premium towards the ESIC shall be
as per the ESIC Act 1948 and amendments thereon. ESIC component shall be
applicable on minimum wages only.
It has to be ensured by the bidder that during Defect Liability Period also workmen shall be
covered under ESIC act. Wherever if employees are not covered under ESIC act then they
should be covered under Employees Compensation Policy.
The following provision of ESIC Act may please be taken into consideration while covering
the workmen under ESIC / Employees Compensation Policy
“If the contribution paid not less than 78 days in the contribution period, medical benefit is
admissible till the end of the corresponding benefit period. Following is the contribution and
benefit period”:
Contractor shall submit documentary evidence of remittance of EPF by next RA bills along with
the challan (work order vise) submitted to PF office (if applicable).
In case of any difficulty, the concerned may kindly approach / contact the branch office / sub
regional office as per detail given below:-
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ii. Implementation of all the provisions of the EPF & MP Act, 1952 & ESIC Act 1948 in respect of
the contract workers engaged by various contractors in NPCIL shall be to the extent as
provided in the EPF & MP Act, 1952,/ ESIC Act 1948 as amended from time to time. However
clause No. 5. iii of this section shall be complied in addition to various provisions of EPF Act &
MP Act, 1952 and their amendments from time to time.
iii. The deployment of contractor’s supervisory staff shall be in accordance with schedule- “A”.
iv. Penalty for inadequate deployment: The penalty for inadequate deployment shall be as per
Schedule “A”.
v. Penalty for late disbursement of wages @ 2 % of monthly minimum wages of those employees
to whom payment is not yet made for delay of each week (applicable as per clause no. 5 - xi of
section - III).If contractor is unable to make payment even after lapse of one month from due
date ,then NPCIL being a principal employer has all right to make payment at the risk and cost
of contractor. If contractor fails to do the same repeated times then ENC has the right to initiate
proceeding to debar/blacklist the contractor for one year from participating in the tender.
Administrative charges @1% of WO value will also be deducted from contractors various
deposits /Bills in case NPCIL has to make payment /Bonus/PF/ESIC.
vi. Penalty for late submission of labour license and or less in number than required under Labour
License as applicable shall result in levy of non-returnable penalty equivalent to 3 times the
premium required to be paid on pro-rate basis on per day per person basis. Contractor shall
ensure the submission of receipt of application within 10 days of issue of FORM-V failing which
penalty shall be imposed and recovery date shall be reckoned from the 11th day subsequent to
issue of FORM-V. Levy of penalty does not absolve contractor from his responsibility regarding
Labour License.
vii. Penalty for late execution of agreement shall result in levy of non-returnable penalty of Rs.
10.00 as per day beyond the stipulated period by which agreement should have been executed
as per Tender Conditions, subject to max. Rs 1000.00/- but prior to 2 nd RA bill. Signing of
agreement shall be completed within following time schedule:
viii. The contractor shall take an Insurance policy before commencement of the work. Quoted rate
shall be including the premium amount of insurance policy.
Payments under the contract will be processed only after submission of applicable insurance
policies. In case of extension in the contract period consecutive insurance policies are to be
submitted without any lapse.
If part of the contract period including extension, if any, remains uncovered under the policies,
TMS will not be responsible for any risk occurred during such uncovered period and a penal
provision of 5(five) times of proportionate premium amount of the applicable policy for the
uncovered period shall be imposed in the current RA / Final bill. Further the work shall be
immediately interrupted till suitable policy is obtained. Levy of penalty does not abrogate
contractor from his responsibility regarding Insurance and risk cover. NPCIL shall not be liable for
or in respect of any damage or compensation payable. The work order is liable for rejection in
case or repeated / continuous non compliance.
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Insurance policies as applicable are mandatory for any work executed by contractor at TMS site.
However, if a work is to be executed at contractor’s premises and the defective plant and
equipment are to be sent to contractor’s premises for repair or Free Issue Material (FIM) is to be
provided to the contractor for fabrication work, the associated risk coverage is also to be ensured
as applicable, viz., transit insurance as well as Insurance Policy and Indemnity Bond, equivalent
to the value of FIM or a bank guarantee equivalent to the value of defective items being sent for
repair which shall be valid up to the contract completion period and are required to be extended
based on the extension of contract completion period in order to protect the interest of the
Corporation The cost of such insurance /expenditure is to be borne by contractor.
ix. When the estimates are based on the NPCIL pay scale (for Highly skilled and Executive the
minimum equivalent Gross Salary include perks shall not be less than Band Pay + DA + HRA +
EPF. This shall be as per schedule ‘A’ clause 31.
x. Wage Slip /Wage register shall indicate payment towards Minimum wages, Fixed NPCIL
Special allowance, contingency task , bonus, PF and deduction if any as per wage slip
Compliance shall be submitted with each RA Bill and same has to be certified by NPCIL
representative. The contractor shall inform the ENC in writing about the date and time of labour
payment to facilitate witnessing of the same.
xi. The contractor has to make payment to their worker through nationalised bank only. The
contractor shall ensure bank account for all the workers. Every month the documentary evidence
of payment of wages through nationalised bank will be submitted to EIC for monthly RA – Bill. In
isolated case if it is not possible to make payments to any contract workers through bank
account, the approval of unit head shall be obtained for making the payment by cash under the
witness of an official of HR, TMS.
xii. The contractor shall furnish the Performance Guarantee as per clause No. 4.2.3 of General
Conditions of Contract within 30 days after issue of work order.
The failure to furnsih the Bank Guarantee within the specified time will constitute sufficient ground
for cancellation of the award of work as per clause 4.2.4 of GCC.
If the cancellation of award of work is not feasible, the contractor shall be imposed by witholding
the release of his Retention Money beyond the period as in caluse 4.3.1 of GCC by a period
equal to the delay in submission of the respective Performance Guarantee.
xiii. The contingency tasks shall be paid at the rate of twice the minimum wages as it is mandatory
for corresponding category.
Contractor shall employ their employees, preferably from amongst the project affected eligible
persons. Contractors, if asked by engineer, shall submit regularly in a prescribed proforma; a list
of such eligible project affected persons employed by him through out the contract period.
10.0 PROVISION OF UNIFORM (This Clause is applicable for contract period more than 3
The contractor shall at his own expenses provide uniform and footwear etc. for all labourers
engaged on work to the satisfaction of the employer during entire period of work order. On his
failure to provide the uniform and footwear to the workers, employer may deduct an amount of `
600/- and ` 400/- respectively. Employer may recover this amount from any amount due or which
may become due to the contractor or from any amount lying with them or under their control. The
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minimum uniform shall be overcoat type half shirt with firm’s name printed on back. The uniform
to be provided by contractor shall be of different colour and shade than that of NPCIL employees.
11.0 RATES :-
11.1 The following Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) shall supplement / amend
General Conditions of Contract (GCC) (Clause Reference 6.10, clause description Octroi,
cess, taxes, Royalties, etc.) – for Works and maintenance contracts. Wherever there is a
conflict between the two, the provisions in SCC shall prevail over those in the GCC.
A.1. The Bid prices shall be inclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and any other Indian
Indirect Taxes payable in India for the final product / services.
A.2. The Contractor shall bear all non-Indian taxes, duties, levies, IGST etc. payable in respect of
sourcing items from abroad.
A.3. Contractor shall be responsible for payment of all Indian Taxes and other statutory levies as
applicable. The Contractor shall however take into account Fiscal Concessions available to
the subject contract and pass on the benefit to the Corporation.
GST and all other indirect taxes, duties shall not be paid separately on Contract Price
Adjustment, as price is inclusive of all Taxes and Duties as applicable.
A.4. In case of increase in applicable GST rates, if levied by Government during the contract
completion period, the same shall be paid by the Corporation, as the case may be, at actual
against documentary evidence. This provision shall not apply to changes in Personal Income
tax or Corporate Income tax or to changes in non-Indian Taxes.
In case of decrease in applicable GST rates the decreased GST rate shall be reduced from
A.5. For extension in the contract completion period for the reasons attributable to the Corporation
and/or Force Majeure, increase/decrease in existing taxes & duties, if any, and new tax
component introduced in the extended period shall be paid/deducted to/from the Contractor
subject to the submissions of necessary documentary evidence. No increase / new tax shall
be payable during the extended period of contract due to reasons attributable to the
Contractor. For extended period of contract due to reasons attributable to the contractor any
decrease in GST rate during this period shall be reduced from the price.
A.6. GST on Compensation for delay, as applicable, shall be to the account of the Contractor and
shall be recovered from payments due to the Contractor. As the bid price is inclusive of GST,
the deducted amount shall automatically be inclusive of GST. Similarly the GST on any
penalty on contractor shall be on account of contractor.
A.7. The bidders are required to examine the provisions of The Central Goods and Services Tax
Act 2017(CGST), The Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act 2017(IGST), The Union
Territories Goods and Services Tax Act 2017(UTGST) and The Goods and Services
Compensation to States Tax Act 2017 and their Rules as being enacted and amended from
time to time. The bidders are required to take into account the input tax credits and the
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exemptions available therein while furnishing their bids.
A.8. GST as applicable or quoted, whichever is lower will be allowed by Corporation limiting to the
rate prevailing within the contract completion period.
A.9. Towards invoicing for the GST, Bidders are required to take note of the following & comply
A.9.1 Bidders are required to provide their GST Registration numbers, the HSN code of the
goods/SA Code for services and the applicable rate of GST as in the Commercial Terms and
Conditions of the bid submitted.
A.9.2 While claiming the GST the Contractors are required to adhere to the provisions available
therein. The Contractors are required to populate the details of GST paid by them in the GST
portal, only upon which payment of GST would be considered.
A.10. Please note that if in case any refund/credit to GST is granted to the Contractor by GST
Authorities, the Contractor will pass on the credit to the Corporation immediately along with a
certificate from the Contractor’s Director/ Manager/ Proprietor/ Accountant that the credit so
passed on relates to the GST originally paid.
A.11. The Contractor shall submit a certificate as per Annexure-8 to the paying authority with their
B.1. The Corporation shall have the right to withhold taxes on income, excess profits, royalty and
other taxes from payments due to Contractor under this Contract to the extent that such
withholding may be required by the government of India or any relevant authority thereof or by
the government of any other country, and payment by the Corporation to the respective
governmental office of the amount of money so withheld will relieve the Corporation from any
further obligation to Contractor with respect to the amount so withheld.
B.2. The Corporation shall, at the time of its payments due to the Contractor, withhold the
necessary taxes at such rate as is required by any Government Authority, unless and to the
extent that the Contractor shall produce to the Corporation any certificate issued by a
Government Authority (having authority to issue such certificate) entitling the Contractor to
receive the payments under the Contract for a prescribed period without deduction of any tax
or deduction at a lower rate.
B.3. The Corporation shall provide the necessary withholding tax certificates to the Contractor
within the time stipulated by the relevant law to enable the Contractor to file the same with the
Government Authority as a proof of payment of such taxes.
B.4. All taxes levied on Contractor’s corporate income or profits shall be for the account of
Contractor and shall not be reimbursed by the Corporation. Contractor shall also be
responsible for payment of income taxes of its personnel levied in India or elsewhere.
C Indirect Tax-Tax deduction at source
C.1. The Corporation shall, at the time of its payments due to the Contractor, withhold the
necessary tax at source at such rate if required under the legislation unless and to the extent
that the Contractor shall produce to the Corporation any certificate issued by a Government
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Authority (having authority to issue such certificate) entitling the Contractor to receive the
payments under the Contract for a prescribed period without deduction of any tax or
deduction at a lower rate.
C.2. In case of such deductions as mentioned above, the Corporation shall provide the necessary
withholding tax certificates to the Contractor within the time stipulated by the relevant law to
enable the Contractor to file the same with the Government Authority as a proof of payment of
such taxes.
C.3. The Contractor shall be responsible for filing all necessary Tax returns (including, without
limitation, returns for Corporate Income tax, Personal Income tax and GST) with the relevant
Government Authorities in accordance with all applicable statutory requirements and shall be
responsible for providing all information requested by such Government Authorities.
11.2 The BOCW (Building & Other Construction Worker ) Act 1996 and payment of Cess
(Construction Workers welfare) thereof shall be applicable for construction work and some
specific maintenance works out side the plant premises as define in BOCW act.(Refer
12.0 Contractor would give preference to those employees who either have Aadhar No. or have
applied for Aadhar Card or agree to apply for Aadhar Card to establish their genuineness and
payments may be made to the through Aadhar payment Bridge to the extent possible.”
The contractor shall apply for issue of Form-V as soon as work order is issued, in case labour
license is to be obtained.
i. CAR policy (if applicable), Third Party Liability and Employees Compensation policy (in
original) as per schedule – A along with premium receipts in original to ENC.
b) For payment of the First RA Bill, the contractor shall furnish the following
documents duly forwarded by engineer in charge of work order.
i. Performance guarantee issued within 30 days of issue of work order as per clause
4.2.3 of general conditions of contract shall be submitted.
ii. Copy of registration of EPF along with the PF account no. of the employees. Challans
for EPF for previous month shall be submitted along with subsequent RA bill (if
iii. Partnership deed of firm in case of partnership firm or power of attorney of the
representative in case of company.
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iv. Bank details, address, RTGS number etc.
vi. Copy of PAN card in name of firm / individual (in case propriety firm).
viii. Copy of wage register witnessed by NPCIL representative for the bill period, bank
transfer details.
xi. The contractor shall deposit the challan certified by ENC regarding deposition of
contribution towards ESIC I (if applicable) as per the ESIC Act 1948 and its
amendments along with the next month RA Bills. The Amt shall be as per the ESIC Act
1948 (if applicable).
xii. In case exemption from TDS (if any), copy of valid exemption certificate to be
c) Registered Bidder shall submit the GST Tax Invoice as per the GST Rules. The GST
will be paid to the contractor in RA bills on the basis of Tax Invoice under GST Rules.
The GSTIN of NPCIL TMS of Maharashtra is 27AAACN3154F1ZQ.
Bidder shall also submit the declaration form for GST in each RA Bill.(Annexure-8 of
d) For payment of the Final Bill, the contractor shall furnish the following
ii. The contractor has to take clearance from HR group of TMS before release of final bill
that bonus has been paid to all employees.
iii. The contractor has to take No Objection Certificate (NOC) from safety section, if
applicable from stores, health physics section, HR / HS Section and security section
before release of final bill that no dues / issues are pending from the respective
iv. In case exemption from TDS (if any) copy of valid exemption certificate to be
v. Certificate (having UDIN) from chartered accountant on GST payment after setting off
and passing on to NPCIL for all applicable ITC on inputs, capital inputs and input
services with respect to the contract in the given format as per Annexure – II of
Special Conditions of Contract.
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The contractor shall solely and exclusively be responsible for engaging or employing persons for
the execution of this work. All employees engaged by the contractor shall be on contractor’s
payroll and be paid by him. The Corporation have no liability whatsoever concerning the workmen
engaged for this service. The contractor shall indemnify Corporation against any loss / damage/
liability arising out of in the course of its employing person or out of relations with its employee.
In case of complaint of non fulfilment of any obligation under the contract, corporation reserve the
right to withhold the payment due to them and out of such amount or amount of security held, if
any or amount likely to fall due contractor, to make such payment as it may consider necessary
for smooth and unhindered working.
There shall be no relation of employer and employee between corporation and workmen engaged
by contractor under the contract and no claims for any employment in corporation will be
entertained or tenable. It shall be the contractor’s sole responsibility to regulate and effect any
terms of employment with the engaged persons without any liability whatsoever to the
Corporation. The contractor shall issue a employment letter to each person engaged. The
contractor shall make appointment of his employee only for a specific period and same shall be
recorded in employment card.
The contractor shall be solely liable for any accident or injury that may happen to any of his
personal engaged in the contract. The corporation shall not be liable for, or in respect of any
damage or compensation payable at law in respect of or in consequences of any accident or
injury to any personal in contractors employment and the contractor shall indemnify and keep
indemnified corporation against such claim, damages, compensations and proceedings.
17.0 Right of Recourse under Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages (CLND) Act 2010 & Rule 2011
a) The Purchaser shall have Right Recourse against the contractor in accordance with
provisions under Section 17(a) of Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages Act 2010, with
following limitations, as stipulated in Rule 24 of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage
Rules, 2011
i) The Contractor’s liability shall be to the extent of the Operator’s liability under sub-
section (2) of section 6 of the Act or the value of the contract, whichever is less,
ii) The duration of Contractor’s liability shall be limited to duration of initial license
issued by AERB or the product liability period, whichever is longer.
b) The term “supplier” and the duration and extent of supplier’s liability are explained in Rule
24 of the Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage (CLND) Rules 2011. For any questions
related to supplier’s liability under section 17 of the Civil Liability for Nuclear
Damage(CLND) Act 2010, Government of India’s clarifications dated February 08, 2015
may be referred to. These have been posted at the website of Ministry of External Affairs
and the Department of Atomic Energy under the title “Frequently Asked Questions and
Answers on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damages Act 2010 and Related Issues”.
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explanation of the term “supplier” given in Rule 24 of the CLND Rules, 2011 and in the
context of section 17(a) and (b) of the CLND Act, 2010.
d) Other suppliers can avail the Nuclear Supplier’s Special Contingency (Against Right of
Recourse) Insurance Policy provided by the India Nuclear Insurance Pool to cover any
liability exposure under section 17(a) and (b) of the CLND Act, 2010. NPCIL maintains
the operator’s statutory insurance under the CLND Act, 2010 by subscribing to the
Nuclear Operator’s Liability Policy offered by the India Nuclear Insurance pool, thereby
subrogating to the India Nuclear Insurance pool the operator’s “right of recourse” against
suppliers under section 17(a) & (b) of the CLND Act, 2010.
Note :
The following Special Conditions of Contract(SCC) shall supplement / amend General Conditions
of Contract (GCC). Wherever there is a conflict between the two the provisions in SCC shall
prevail over those in the GCC.
Case : I : If, the requirement is for PHWR then following SCC to be used.
Since, NPCIL is the system designer and technology owner, being responsible for safety
design of such installations in the this tender, NPCIL shall assume the role of supplier in
accordance with the explanation of the term “supplier” given in Rule 24 of the CLND
Rules, 2011 and in the context of section 17(a) and (b) of the CLND Act, 2010.
Case : II : If, the requirement is for other than PHWR then following SCC to be used.
18.0“ Security Deposit shall be 3% of the contract value for any value of the contract and will be
equally split in two parts Viz. Performance guarantee and retention money (50% of security
deposit each).”
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20.0 Material Supplied by Contractor:
All material & labours including cranes, tools & tackles required for the work shall be supplied by
the contractor from the approved sources. The structural steel available in departmental store at
TMS site will be issued free of cost.
21.0 Compliance of Industrial safety & security Rules by Contractor’s remployees at TAPS-1&2.
Industrial safety & security Rules are to be compiling scrupulously by all contractors’ employees
working at TAPS-1&2.
Penalty for non compliance of Industrial Safety& Security rules shall be Rs.2000/- per violation
subject to maximum up to 2% of contract value as per schedule A.
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Construction purpose power supply will be provide free of cost by NPCIL on written request on a
prescribed proforma indicating there in a purpose and amount of energy required which will be
given at one point designated by the Engineer in charge. For maintenance purpose power shall
be given at multiple locations as desired by Engineer-in-charge.
Contractor shall make his own arrangements for the distribution of power to his entire work site
from the point of supply mentioned above.
It shall be contractors responsibility to provide panel board, install, operate and maintain a
complete set of all installations, switch controls, panels etc. on the load side of supply with due
regard to all safety requirements at site.
The Corporation will not be liable to any loss or damage to Contractor’s equipment, or any loss
arising from failure or interruption, stoppage of works and any attendant delays, direct or indirect
loss consequent on such occurrences of failure interruptions, variation in voltage frequency etc.
Contractor shall install all safety devices for such purpose as deemed fit by him.
After completion of works contractor shall at his own cost promptly dismantle the distribution and
other facilities be may have erected for the purpose, as directed by the Engineer.
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Rates of Minimum Wages - Reg.
Category (1) Housekeeping at Plant and Colony – As per Scheduled Employment in Sweeping
and Cleaning including activities prohibited under the Employment of Manual
Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibited) Act, 1993:
Un-skilled ` 368.00
Semi-Skilled / Un-skilled Supervisory ` 375.00
Skilled/Clerical ` 408.00
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Category (4) Loading and Unloading – As per Scheduled Employment in Loading & Unloading :
Category (5) All Other Types of Works – As per Scheduled Employment of Construction or
Maintenance of Roads, runways in building Operations including laying down
underground electric wireless, radio, television, telephone, telegraph and
overseas communication cables and similar other underground cabling work,
electric lines, water supply lines and sewerage pipelines :
Un-skilled ` 550.50
Semi-Skilled ` 569.73
Skilled ` 603.00
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Format of certificate to be submitted in work order final bill
On Letter head of a Chartered Accountant
This is to certify that the GST under the registration No. _______________ as per following
invoices issued by M/s. ______________________________________ is deposited after setting off for
all inputs, capital inputs and input services as applicable and ITC passed on to NPCIL under the work
order No. TMS/CTC/……………………..
I / We hereby further confirm that the above information is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
We took all responsibility regarding correctness and authenticity of the above information.
Dated :
Works payment section, TMS
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Sr. Clause no.
Description Stipulation
No. of GCC
21 11.3 Applicability of escalation clause Applicable as per GCC
Various components expressed as a
percentage of contract value.
11.3.3 Fixed component. (Non-escalable) (F) 15%
Fixed NPCIL Special Allowance. ( Non
escalable) (f)
11.3.4 Unskilled labour component (lu) NIL
Semiskilled Labour component (lss) NIL
Skilled labour component (ls) 8.16%
Other manpower component (Non escalable) (t) 19.33%
Material component
Ordinary Portland Cement (m) 2.74%
Reinforcement bars – Long 3.51%
products(Rebars) (n)
Angles, Channels, Sections, Steel (coated 23.78
/ non-coated) (o)
Copper wire (p) NIL
Aluminium wire (s) NIL
All other materials (q) NIL
Other materials component (Non- escalable)(r) 27.49
P.O.L component (d) 2%
Nearest Petrol pump to be considered for Boisar
petrol prices (P.O.L)
The rate of interest to be charged for
22 12.1.4 Not Applicable
mobilization advance.
Applicability to submit the bills and
23 12.2.1 Yes
measurement in Computerized form.
Simple interest for delayed payment @ 12.25
24 12.5.1 Applicable
% per annum
25 15.1.1 a) Employees Compensation Policy Applicable
b) Third Party liability @ 10 % of the
contract value subjected to maximum of Applicable
rupees 50.00 lakhs.
c) CAR policy for the whole contract value Not Applicable
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Sr. Clause no.
Description Stipulation
No. of GCC
28 Penalty for shortfall of minimum number of
Labours to be deployed as per special
condition of contract
a) Unskilled Not Applicable
b) Semi- Skilled Not Applicable
c) Skilled / Clerical Applicable As per SCC
d) Highly skilled - Gr.- I Not Applicable
e) Highly Skilled– Gr. II Applicable As per SCC
f) Executive Not Applicable
29 (a) Details of Supervisory Staff to be
deployed As per SCC
(b) Penalty for shortfall Rs.905/-Day
WAGES @ of 2% of monthly min. wage of
employees to whom payment is not made for
delay of each week after 7 days and part
thereof ( subject to maximum of 10%)
31 Minimum Gross Equivalent Salary
including perks for
a) Highly skilled - Gr.- I Not Applicable
b) Highly Skilled– Gr. II Applicable As per SCC
c) Executive Not Applicable
Applicability of Civil Liability for Nuclear
32 Not Applicable
Damages(CLND) Act 2010 & Rule 2011
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(The Engineer-in-Charge to indicate permissible wastage before issue of tender duly approved by the
Competent Authority)
* This percentage can vary as per the cutting plan approved by Engineer-in- Charge
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
--------------------------------- NIL---------------------------------
Tools and Plants are not expected to be hired out to the Contractor. If, however, any tools and plants are
available at the time of performing the work the same may be hired out at rates to be decided by the
Engineer-In-Charge. The Corporation reserves the right not to hire out any T&P and to withdraw at any
time such T&P hired out.
The Contractor shall ask the Engineer-In-Charge the value of tools & Plants for which these have to be
insured and carry out the insurance accordingly in case insurance not available with NPCIL.
Date.............. Date..............
Sr.No Nature of Date of Date of Period of Overlap- Net Dated Dated Remarks
hindrance Occuran- removal hindrance ping exten- sign of sign of
ce period if sion Contract- Engr.
any or with with
name name
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Name of work: Fabricating & Erection of Structural Steel Shed at AFR Gate at TAPS 1&2 Plant Site.
1 Earth Work
The work is comprising of fabrication and erection of a Rain Shed of size 7.2m x 21m x 6.2m
height at AFR Security Gate in combination of concrete & structural steel work as given below :-
(a) Sub-structure foundation:- 8 Nos. RCC footings and pedestal with re-steel, form work and up to
500mm above road level. The size of footing is 2.5m x 2.25m x 1.5m depth and the size of
pedestal shall be 700mm x 600mm. The scope of work includes road demolition, excavation,
PCC, RCC, Re-steel, form work etc.
(b) Super-structure:- Comprises of 8Nos. structural steel column (4 Nos. on each side) supporting to
4 Nos. roof trusses. The spacing between roof trusses is 7M c/c. The roof truss is made of M.S.
Pipe sections using available material in departmental store and remaining under supplied by
Contractor. The vertical columns are having cross bracing as well as cross wind tie at truss level.
(c) Roofing & Cladding:- Comprising of Galvalume sheets with rain water gutters and down corners.
The side cladding starts from 2.5m clear from road top to facilitate clear vision on either side
looking to security concern. A provision of cantilever over the pathway for padeatrain of 2M wide
has been considered as per drawing.
All excavation in areas having depth more than 30 cm. pits, trenches, over walls etc., shall be
measured net. The dimensions for the purpose of payment shall be reckoned on the horizontal
area of the excavation multiplied by the mean depth from the surface of ground determined by
levels. Excavation in areas having depths less than 30 cms. shall be measured as surface
excavation on square meter basis, mentioning the average depth of excavation.
After the test is passed and satisfactory the joints and remaining trenches shall be filled in such a
manner to cause no injury to the pipeline and also suitably compacted.
This specification covers the general requirements for concrete to be used on jobs using on-site
production including requirements in regard to the quality, handling, storage of ingredient,
proportioning, batching, mixing and testing of concrete and also requirement in regard to the
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quality, storage, bending and fixing of reinforcement. This also covers the transportation of the
concrete from the mixer to the place of final deposit and the placing, curing, protecting, repairing
and finishing of concrete.
The following specifications, standards and codes are made a part of specifications. All
standards, tentative specifications, specification, codes of practices referred to herein shall be the
latest edition including all applicable official amendments, revisions and additional publications.
In case of discrepancy between this specification and those referred to herein, this specification
shall govern.
1 IS: 269 Specification for ordinary, rigid hardening and low heat portland
cement, 33 grade.
2 IS: 455 Specification for portland blast furnace slag cement.
3 IS: 1489 Specification for portland-pozzolana cement.
4 IS: 4031 Methods of physical tests for hydraulic cement.
5 IS: 650 Specification for standard sand for testing of cement
6 a) IS: 383 Specification for coarse and fine aggregate from natural source
for concrete.
6 b) IS: 8112 High strength OPC 43 grade concrete.
6 c) IS:12269 53 grade OPC.
7 IS: 515 Specification for natural and manufactured aggregate for use in
mass concrete.
8 IS: 2386 Methods of test for aggregate for (Part I Concrete to VIII)
9 IS: 516 Method of tests for strength of concrete.
10 IS: 1199 Methods of sampling and analysis of concrete
11 IS: 3025 Methods of sampling and tests (physical and chemical) for
water used in industry.
12 IS: 432 Specifications for mild steel and medium (Part I & II) tensile
steel bars and hard drawn steel wire for concrete
13 IS: 1139 Specification for hot rolled mild steel and medium tensile
Steel deformed bars for concrete reinforcement.
14 IS: 1566 Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire fabric for concrete
15 IS: 1785 Specification for plain hard drawn steel wire for pre stressed
16 IS: 1786 Specification for cold twisted steel bars for concrete
17 IS: 2090 Specification for high tensile steel bars used in pre stressed
18 IS: 303 Plywood for general purpose.
19 IS: 4990 Specification for plywood for concrete shuttering work.
20 IS: 1629 Rules for grading of cut size of timber.
21 IS: 2645 Specification for integral cement water proofing compounds.
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7 IS: 4656 Specification for form vibrators for concrete.
8 IS: 2722 Specification for portable swing weigh batchers for concrete
(single and double bracket type).
9 IS: 2750 Specification for steel scaffoldings.
1 IS: 3606 Safety Code for scaffolds and ladders (Part I & II)
In the event that state, city or other government bodies have statutory requirements than those set
forth in this specification, such requirements shall be considered part of this specification.
The quality of materials and method and control of manufacture and transportation of all concrete
work irrespective of mix, whether reinforced or otherwise, shall conform to the applicable portions of
this specifications. Contractor shall ensure continuous quality control of ingredients by periodic
sampling, testing and reporting to the Engineer on the quality of materials being supplied.
The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to inspect the source/s of material/s, the layout and
operation of procurement and storage of materials, the concrete batching and mixing equipment
and the quality control system. Such inspection shall be arranged and the Engineer-in-Charge’s
approval obtained, prior to starting of concrete work.
The ingredients to be used in the manufacture of the standard concrete shall consist solely of a
standard type portland cement, sand, natural coarse aggregate, clean water and admixtures, if
specially called for on drawings or specifications or as directed.
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i) Unless otherwise specified or called for by the Engineer-in Charge / Owner, cement shall be
ordinary portland cement of 43 grade conforming to IS or / and portland pozzolana cement in 50 kg.
bags. The use of bulk cement will be permitted only with the approval of the Engineer-in Charge.
Changing of brands or type of cement within the same structure will not be permitted unless
otherwise necessitated and approved by Engineer.
ii) A certified report attesting to the conformity of the cement to IS specifications by the cement
manufacturer’s chemist shall be furnished to the Engineer-in Charge, if demanded.
iii) Contractor will have to make his own arrangements for the storage of adequate quantity of cement.
If supplies are arranged by owner cement will be issued in quantities to cover work requirements of
one month or more, as deemed fit by the Engineer-in Charge and it will be the responsibility of
Contractor to ensure adequate and proper storage. Cement in bulk may be stored in bins or silos
which will provide complete protection from dampness, contamination and minimise caking and
false set. Cement bag shall be stored in a dry enclosed shed (storage under tarpaulins will not be
permitted), well away the outer walls and insulated from the floor to avoid contact with moisture from
ground and so arranged as to provide ready access. Damaged or reclaimed or partly set cement
will not be permitted to be used and shall be removed from the site. The storage bins and storage
arrangements shall be such that there is no dead storage. Not more than 12 bags shall be stacked
in any tier. The storage arrangement shall be approved by the Engineer-in Charge. Consignments
of cement shall be stored as received and shall be consumed in the order of this delivery. Cement
held in storage for a period of ninety (90) days or longer shall be tested. Should at any time the
Engineer-in Charge have reasons to consider that any cement is defective, then irrespective of its
origin and / or manufacturer’s test certificate such cement shall be tested immediately at a National
Test Laboratory / approved laboratory and until the results of such tests are found satisfactory, it
shall not be used in any work.
i) a) “Aggregate” in general designate both fine and coarse inert materials used in the manufacturer
of concrete.
b) “Fine Aggregate” is aggregate most of which passes through 4.75mm IS sieve.
c) “Coarse Aggregate” is aggregate most of which is retained on 4.75mm IS sieve.
ii) All fine and coarse aggregates proposed for use in the work shall be subject to the Engineer-in
Charge’s approval and after specific materials have been accepted, the source of supply of such
materials shall not be changed without prior approval of the Engineer-in Charge.
iii) Aggregates shall except as noted above, consist of natural sands, crushed stone and gravel from
source known to produce satisfactory aggregate for concrete and shall be chemically inert, strong,
hard, durable against weathering of limited porosity and free from deleterious materials that may
cause corrosion of the reinforcement or may impair the strength and / or durability of concrete. The
grading of aggregate shall be such as to produce a dense concrete of specified strength and
consistency that will work readily into position without segregation and shall be based on the “mix
design” and preliminary tests on concrete specified later.
Samples of aggregates for mix-design and determination of suitability shall be taken under the
supervision of the Engineer-in Charge and delivered to the laboratory, well in advance of the
scheduled placing of concrete. Records of tests which have been made on proposed aggregates
and on concrete made from this source of aggregates shall be furnished to the Engineer-in Charge
in advance of the work for use in determining aggregate suitability.
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All coarse and fine aggregates shall be stacked separately in stock piles in the material yard near
the work site in bins properly constructed to avoid intermixing of different aggregates.
Contamination with foreign materials and earth during storage and while heaping the materials shall
be avoided. The aggregate must be of specified quality not only at the time of receiving at site but
more so at the time of loading into the mixer. Rakers shall be used for lifting the coarse aggregates
shall be piled in layers not exceeding 1.20 metres in height to prevent coming or segregation. Each
layer shall cover the entire area of the stock pile before succeeding layers are started. Aggregates
that have become segregated shall be rejected. Rejected materials after re-mixing may be
accepted, if subsequent tests demonstrate conformity with required gradation.
Aggregates having specific gravity below 2.6 (saturated surface dry basis) shall not be used without
special permission of the Engineer-in Charge.
Normal fine aggregates shall consist of natural sand or an approved combination with manufactured
sand thereof. Fine aggregates shall be graded within the limits specified in table / IS. The sand shall
be of siliceous material, sharp, hard, strong and durable etc..
Fine aggregates except as noted above, and for other than light weight concrete shall consist of
natural or crushed sand conforming to IS 383. The sand shall be clean, sharp, hard, durable and
shall be free from dust, vegetable substance, adherent coating, clay, loam, alkali, organic matter,
mica salt or other deleterious substances, which can be injurious to the setting qualities / strength /
durability of concrete.
i) Machine Made Sand : Machine made sand will be accepted provided the constituent rock / gravel
composition shall be sound, hard, dense, non-organic, un-coated and durable against weathering
and on approval of Engineer.
ii) Screening & Washing : Sand shall be prepared by screening or thorough washing, or both, as
necessary to remove all objectionable foreign matter. Sand with silt content more than 3% by weight
or 8% by volume (by field test) shall not be permitted to be used unless the same is washed and silt
content is brought within 3% by weight or 8% by volume.
Sand from riverbeds of Surya (Kalala village), Vaitarana (Haloli village Dahisar), Tansa, Mumbra
are suitable after washing. Contractor shall ensure uninterrupted supply of approved sand from the
said source or any other appropriate source of qualified sand. Approval of CORPORATION shall be
obtained before bringing sand from any other new sand quarry.
The washed water from the sand shall be free from water soluble chloride and sulphate content.
The presence of chloride and sulphate content can be checked with silver nitrate and barium
chloride respectively.
iii) Foreign Material Limitations: The percentages of deleterious substances in sand by weight,
delivered to the mixer shall not exceed the limits mentioned in IS:383.
iv) GRADATION: Unless otherwise directed or approved, the grading of sand shall be within the
limits indicated hereunder:
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2..36 mm 60-95 75-100 85-100 95-100
1.18 mm 30-70 55-90 75-100 90-10
600 micron 15-34 35-59 35-60 80-100
300 micron 5-20 8-30 8-30 20-65
150 micron 0-10 0-10 0-10 0-15
Where the grading falls outside the limits of any particular grading zone of sieves, other than 600
micron (I.S.) sieve by not more than 5%, it shall be regarded as falling within that grading zone.
This tolerance shall not be applied to percentage passing the 600 micron (I.S.) sieve or to
percentage passing any other sieve size on the coarser limit of grading zone for the finer limit of
grading zone IV. Fine aggregates conforming to Grading Zone IV shall not be used unless mix
designs and preliminary tests have shown its suitability for producing concrete of specified
strength and workability.
Fineness Modulus: The sand shall have a fineness modulus between 2.2 to 3.2. The fineness
modulus is determined by adding the cumulative percentages retained on the following I.S. sieve
sizes (4.75 mm, 2.36 mm, 1.18 mm, 600 micron, 300 micron and 150 micron) and dividing the
sum by 100.
2.14 Coarse Aggregate: Coarse aggregate for concrete, except as noted above and for other than
light weight concrete shall conform to I.S. 383. This shall consist of natural or crushed stone and
gravel, and shall be clean and free from elongated, flaky or laminated pieces, adhering coatings,
clay lumps, coal residue, clinkers, sag, alkali, mica, organic matter or other deleterious matter.
The coarse aggregate and fine aggregate shall be tested from time to time as required by the
Engineer- in-Charge to ascertain its suitability for use in construction and the charges for testing
aggregate shall be born by the contractor.
Screening and Washing: Crushed rock shall be screened and/or washed for the removal of dirt
or dust coating, if so demanded by Engineer-in-Charge.
i) Grading: Coarse aggregates shall be either in single or graded, in both the cases, the grading
shall be within the following limits:
I.S.Sieve Percentage passing for single sized Percentage passing for graded
Designa- aggregates of nominal size aggregates of nominal size
40mm 20mm 16mm 12.5mm 10mm 40mm 20mm 16mm 12.5mm
63mm 100 - - - - 100 - - -
40mm 85-100 100 - - - 95-100 100 - -
20mm 0.20 85-100 100 - - 30-70 95-100 100 100
16mm - - 85-100 100 - - - 90-100 -
12.5mm - - - 85-100 100 - - - 90-100
10mm 0-5 0-20 0-30 0-45 85-100 10-35 25-55 30-70 40-85
4.75mm - 0-5 0-5 0-10 0-20 0-5 0-10 0-10 0-10
2.36mm - - - - 0-5 - - - -
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The pieces shall be angular in shape and shall have granular or crystalline surfaces.
Friable, flaky and laminated pieces, mica and shale, if present, shall be only in such
quantities that will not, in the opinion of Engineer-in-Charge, affect adversely the strength
and/or durability of concrete.
ii) Foreign Material Limitations: The percentages of deleterious substances in the coarse aggregate
by weight, delivered to the mixer shall not exceed the limits mentioned in IS:383.
The scope and responsibility of design of concrete mixes for various grades of concrete lies with
the successful bidder. The mix shall be designed as per SP 23 -1983. Approval for the mix design
shall be obtained from the approved laboratory of NPCIL or at Concrete Testing Laboratory of
CORPORATION existing at site. The proportioning of the aggregates, cement, water, ice and
other admixtures etc. shall be arrived by the contractor after carrying out trial mixes in the
concrete Testing laboratory. CORPORATION shall allow the bidder to use the concrete testing
laboratory located at site to conduct all necessary laboratory tests related to various construction
materials and concrete on chargeable basis at the rates approved by NPCIL. Contractor shall
supply samples and required manpower at the laboratory at this own cost. If certain test facility for
testing materials not available in concrete testing laboratory of corporation due to any reason, the
contractor shall make arrangement for making necessary testing confirming to relevant IS as
directed by Engineer-In-Charge shall be done by the contractor at his own cost and result to be
submitted to the corporation. Non testing of material at corporation’s laboratory shall not
constitute hindrance in progress of the work.
The concrete mix proportioning shall be carried out as per the approved mix. This does not,
however, absolve the contractor of his responsibility to produce the concrete of requisite quality
and other characteristics as specified. Variation of proportions of mixes may be made from time
to time as per the change in site conditions and material properties. However under no
circumstances the mix design will be changed by the contractor without the permission of the
The contractor shall supply the concrete or concrete materials as specified herein.
All concrete shall be mixed in mechanically operating; concrete Mixer RM 550 of UNIVERSAL /
UNIMAX or any other make equivalent with in built weighing system based on load cell shall be
used for production of all types and concrete. The machine shall have a total hopper capacity of
550 liters and mixer capacity of 450 liters. The concrete production rate shall be minimum of 9
Cu.M. / hr. It shall have a separate hopper of three / four bins with individual weighing
arrangement through load cell. It shall also have a separate digital weighing arrangement for
water and admixture with atomized dispersing to mixer unit.
The unit shall be calibrated initially after installation and at regular intervals as per QAP to
maintain the weighing system in proper condition. The tolerance shall be followed as per IS
standards. Regular maintenance shall be carried out to avoid any breakdown during the
concreting and efforts should be made to repairs unit at the earliest. The next concrete will be
taken up with repaired unit only. The Engineer-In-Charge can instruct any maintenance or
calibration in case of the unit is shifted to a new location / feels the quality of concrete is not upto
the mark. Suitable infrastructure shall be erected, to inspect the concrete during mixing operation.
Before start of work, the area shall be inspected by safety officer of contractor to avoid any
accidents and his instructions shall be strictly followed.
All ingredients shall be weighed as per mix design and then charged to mixer drum. The batch
shall be mixed until the concrete is uniform in colour for minimum period of 2 minutes after all the
materials and water are in the mixer drum. The mixer needs to be cleaned and hopper needs to
be kept empty once the concreting activity is completed.
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2.17 Water:
Water to be used in concrete works and curing shall conform to IS : 456. Water used for both
mixing and curing shall be free from injurious amounts of deleterious materials. Potable waters
are generally satisfactory for mixing and curing concrete. In case of doubt, the suitability of water
for making concrete shall be ascertained by the compressive strength and initial setting time test
specified in I.S. 456. The sample of water taken for testing shall be typical of the water proposed
to be used for concreting, due account being paid to seasonal variation. The samples shall not
receive any treatment before testing other than that envisaged in the regular supply of water
proposed for use in concrete. The sample shall be stored in a clean container previously rinsed
out with similar water.
Average 28 days compressive strength of at least three 150 mm. concrete cubes prepared with
water proposed to be used shall not be less than 90% of the average strength of three similar
concrete cubes prepared with distilled water.
The initial setting time of test block made with the appropriate test cement and the water
proposed to be used shal1 not be less than 30 minutes and shall not differ by more than (±) 30
minutes from the initial setting time of control test b1ock prepared with the appropriate test
cement and distilled water. The test blocks shall be prepared and tested in accordance with the
requirements of IS 4031 (Part – 5).
Where water can be shown to contain an excess of acid, alkali, sugar or salt, Engineer-in-Charge
may refuse to permit its use. As a guide, the following concentrations represent the maximum
permissible values as per IS:456- 2000, Cl. 5.4.
b) Limits of alkalinity: To neutralize 100 ml sample of water, using mixed indicator, it shou1d not
require more than 25 ml. Of 0.02 norma1 H2SO4. The detai1s of test shall be as given in I.S.3025.
d) Percentage of solids as per IS:456-2000, Table-I shall not exceed the following:
Organic (200 mg/litre)
Inorganic (3000 mg/litre)
Sulphates (as S04) (400 mg/litre)
Alkali chlorides (as Cl) (2000 mg/litre) for plain concrete work & (500 mg/litre)
for reinforced concrete work
Suspended matter (2000 mg/litre)
Reinforcement bars shall be plain round mild steel bars Grade-1 as per I.S. 432 (Part 1) and High
Yield Strength Deformed TMT bars conforming to Fe-415, IS-1786, as shown and specified on
the drawing.. Wire mesh or fabric shall be in accordance with IS-1566. Substitution of
reinforcement will not be permitted except upon written approval from the Engineer-in-Charge.
The reinforcement shall not be kept in direct contact with the ground but stack on top of an
arrangement of timber sleepers or the like. Reinforce-cement shall be coated with cement wash
before stacking to prevent scale and rust. Fabricated reinforcement shall be carefully stored to
prevent damage, distortion corrosion and deterioration.
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All steel shall be of Grade I quality unless specifically permitted by the Engineer-In-Charge. No
re-rolled material will be accepted. If demanded by the Engineer-in-Charge, contractor shall
submit the manufacturer's test certificate for steel. Random tests on steel supplied by Contractor
may be performed by owner as per relevant Indian Standards. All cost incidental to such tests
shall be at "Contractor's Expense ". Steel not conforming to specification shall be rejected.
3.3 All reinforcement shall be clean, free from grease, oil, paint, dirt, loose mill scale, loose rust, dust,
bituminous material or any other substances that will destroy or reduce the bond. All rods shall be
thoroughly cleaned before being fabricated. Pitted and defective rods shall not be used. All bars
shall be rigidly held in position before concreting. No welding of rods to obtain continuity shall
allowed unless approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. If welding is approved, the work shall be
carried out as per IS-2751 according to best modem practices and as directed by the Engineer-in-
Charge. In all cases of important connections, strength of bars welded Special precautions, as
specified by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be taken in the welding of cold worked reinforcing bars
and bars other than mild steel.
3.4 LAPS
Laps and splices for reinforcement shall be as shown on the drawings. Splices in adjacent bars
shall be staggered and the locations of all splices, except those specified on the drawings, shall
be approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. The bars shall not be lapped unless the length required
exceeds the maximum available lengths of bars at site.
All bars shall be accurately bent according to the sizes and shapes shown on the detailed
working drawings/bar bending schedules. They shall be bent gradually by machine or other
approved means. Reinforcing bars shall not be straightened and re-bend in a manner that will
injure he material; bars containing cracks or splits of over 25 mm in diameter which may be bent
cold, except bar specifically approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Bars which depend for their
strength on cold working shall not be bent hot. Bars bent hot shall not be heated beyond red
colour (not exceeding 645°c) and after bending shall be allowed to cool slowly without quenching
used for straightening and re-bending be such as shall not in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge
injure the material. No reinforcement shall be bent when in position in the work without approval,
whether or not it is partially, embedded in hardened concrete, bars having kinks or bends other
than those required by design shall not be used.
Reinforcement shall be accurately fixed by any approved means and maintained in the correct
position shown in the drawings by the use of blocks, spacers and chairs as per I.S. 2502 to
prevent displacement during placing and compaction of concrete. Bars intended to be in contact
at crossing point shall be securely bound together at all such points with number 1.6 mm
annealed soft iron wire. The vertical distances required between successive layers of bars in
beams or similar members shall be maintained by the provision of mild steel spacer bars at such
intervals that main bars do not perceptibly sag between adjacent spacer bars.
Cover to reinforcement for various structural elements shall be as shown in the drawings and / or
as per IS :456.
Erected and secured reinforcement shall be inspected and approved by Engineer-in-charge prior
to placement of concrete.
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For payment of work done under this item, the actual quantity of steel embedded in concrete as
calculated and approved by Engineer-in-charge, irrespective of the level of the height at which the
work is done, shall be taken. The unit rate of reinforcement shall include all wastages, binding
wire etc. for which no separate payment shall be made. Laps as shown in drawing or as approved
by the Engineer-in-charge, and minimum number of chairs and spacer bars to keep the
reinforcement place and approved by Engineer-in-charge, shall be measured and made for
4.1 Bricks
Bricks shall be locally available having min. 35 Kg/Sq.Cm. crushing strength, sound, hard, well
burnt through out but not over burnt, of regular and uniform size, shapes and colour (generally deep
red or copper) homogeneous in texture and free from flaws and cracks. They shall have plane
rectangular faces with parallel sides and squats, straight and sharply defined edges. A fractured
surface shall show a compact fine grained, uniform and dense texture free from lumps of lime
laminations, cracks, air holes, grits, soluble salts causing efflorescence, or other defects which may
in any way impair the strength, durability appearance and usefulness of the brick. A clear metallic
ringing sound shall be emitted when two bricks are struck together. After 24 hours immersion in
cold water, water absorption by weight shall not exceed 23 percent of the dry weight of the brick.
They shall not break when thrown on the ground on their flat face in a saturated condition from a
height of 600mm. Bricks shall be of local standard size or as approved by the engineer. Only
bricks of one standard size shall be used on one work unless specially permitted by the Engineer.
Each brick shall have the manufacturers identification mark or initial marked clearly in the frog. The
frog shall be 10mm deep on one of its flat sides. Ten representative samples of full size brick shall
be submitted and the approved samples shall remain with the Engineer for future comparison and
reference. All bricks proposed to be used shall conform to the approved samples in all respects.
Any brick found not upto the specification shall be removed immediately from the site at the
Contractor’s own cost.
4.2 Cement
Portland cement shall conform to IS:8112 latest edition.
4.3 Sand
Sand for masonry mortars shall have the quality and particle size grading conforming to IS:2116
latest edition. The grading of sand for use in mortar for unreinforced and reinforced brick work shall
be within the specified limits for respective works. The fineness modulus of sand for mortar in
unreinforced brick work shall be between 2.9 and 2.3 and the same for reinforced brick work shall
be between 2.9 and 2.1 and whose grading falls outside the specified limits due to excess or
deficiency of course or fine particles may be processed to comply with the standard by screening
and or hard. Any deviation may be allowed at the discretion of Engineer. Sand shall be hard,
durable, clean and free from dirt clay, organic matter or other impurities. Percentage of clay and all
other deleterious substances shall not exceed 5% by weight of sand.
4.4 Water
Water shall be clean and free from oil, acid, salt and other injurious materials. Water fit for drinking
will generally be found suitable. Water shall be obtained from sources approved by the Engineer.
4.5.1 Bricks
Bricks shall not be dumped at site. They shall be stacked in regular tiers, even as they are
unloaded to minimize breakages and defacement of bricks. The supply of bricks shall be so
arranged that at least three days requirements of bricks are available at site at any time. Bricks
selected for different situations of use in the work shall be stacked separately.
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4.5.2 Cement
Cement sand etc. shall be stored as stated under clause of Specifications. Concrete Plain and
4.5.3 Mortar
Mix for mortar shall be as specified in the Schedule of quantities and/or shown on drawings. The
cement and sand shall be mixed dry in specified proportions and then thoroughly mixed by adding
just sufficient quantity of water to proper consistency. No mortar that has stood for more than half
an hour shall be used; mortar that shows a tendency to become dry before this time shall have
water added to it and remixed.
Care shall be taken during construction to see that edges of bricks at quoins, sills, heads etc. are
not damaged. All brickwork shall be tightly built against columns, floor, slabs or other structural
members around door and window frame with proper distances to permit caulked joints. In case of
very dry weather, the surface of the brick shall be kept wet to prevent drying of mortar, if so desired
by the Engineer. At the end of days work, provision shall be made to keep the top surface of brick
work wet with water. Bricks work shall be added uniformly throughout so that no portion of the work
shall be courses shall be checked very often with plumb bob and spirit level respectively.
Whenever the brick work is to be done against the concrete surfaces like columns, beams etc. the
concrete surfaces shall be hacked closely to get proper bond between masonry and concrete.
Brick work shall be laid out and arranged such that a minimum of cutting and chipping is required.
Where necessary to trim brick work units, they shall be cut, trimmed or broken at kerbs, or where
required, to a neat true line without chips on exposed faces. Brick work with two bricks thick or
more shall have both faces in true plane. Brick work of lesser thickness shall have one selected
face in true plane. Bonds used shall be English and shall be carried throughout the work. At all
corners alternate courses of brick work shall be laid header and stretcher wise as soon as on the
faces as to secure good bonds. The arrangements of bonds at quoins shall be symmetrical. Bricks
shall be laid in joints not exceeding 10mm in thickness and this thickness shall be uniform
throughout. Joints shall be struck flush with the face at the time of laying. All joints on face shall be
raked to minimum 10mm depth while the mortar is still green to provide bond for plaster or painting.
Brick work shall be constructed only upto a few centimetres below the structural members having a
gap between the block and the structural member. These gaps shall be thoroughly and properly
filled up by 1:3:6 concrete using 6mm down coarse aggregates with expansible grout admixtures
as per manufacturer’s specification and from both sides and cured for few days before plastering or
other finishing work is taken up. The cost for the above shall be included in the rate for brick work.
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For unsupportable length of half brick work exceeding 3.5m, 100 x 200mm wide RC mullion (1:2:4)
shall be provided @ 3.5m etc. for which payment will be made separately under relevant item.
The height of laying masonry may be upto a height of 1000mm per day or as approved by the
All such and door frames, louvers, and other connections requiring weather proofing shall be built in
and the outside joints at the perimeter of exterior doors and windows frames shall be cleaned out to
a uniform 20mm depth and filled solidly with an approved elastic caulking compound applied with a
caulking gun.
Scaffolding will generally be single but may be double if warranted for the particular work as
approved by the Engineer. Scaffolding shall be erected with steel pipes, the Contractor shall take
all measures to ensure safety of work and the working people.
Contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage to property or injury to persons resulting
from defective scaffolding, ladders and materials, or otherwise arising out of default in this respect.
Proper scaffolding shall be provided to allow easy approach to every part of the work. Overhead
work shall not be allowed.
4.11 Cleaning.
Upon completion of the masonry installation, all exposed brick shall be cleaned of all mortar and
cement grout incrustations and concrete stains. Protruding mortar joints shall be shipped off. As
the cleaning progresses, all masonry work shall be examined and all imperfect joints, and holes,
cracks etc. shall be carefully pointed up and filled with mortar where required and the horizontal
rackings left tooled and clean on completion of the work all equipment and surplus materials shall
be removed and the floors left broom clean. For reinforced brickwork, the reinforcement shall be as
specified in the Bill of Quantities. All reinforcements shall be thoroughly cleaned and full embedded
in the mortar.
5.1 Terminology
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(A) Dismantling: The term Dismantling implies carefully separating the parts without damage
and or more parts of the building as specified or shown on the drawings.
(B) Demolition: The terms ‘Demolition’ implies breaking up. This shall consist of demolishing
whole or part of work including all relevant items as specified or shown on the drawings.
5.2 Precautions
The demolition shall always be well planned before hand and shall generally be done in reverse
order of the one in which the structure was constructed. The operations shall be got approved
from the Engineer-in Charge before starting the work. Due care shall be taken to maintain the
safety measures.
Necessary propping, shoring and or under pinning shall be providing to ensure the safety of the
adjoining work or property before dismantling and demolishing is taken up and work shall be
carried out in such a way that no damage is caused to the adjoining work or property. Wherever
specified, temporary enclosures or partition shall also be provided, as directed by the Engineer-in
Necessary precautions shall be taken to keep down the dust nuisance to the minimum.
Dismantling shall be done in systematic manner. All material which are likely to be damaged by
dropping from a height or by demolishing roof, masonry etc. shall be carefully removed first. The
dismantled article shall be removed manually and otherwise, lowered to the ground (and not
thrown) and then properly stacked as directed by Engineer-in-Charge.
Where existing fixing is done by nails, screws, bolts, rivets, etc. dismantling shall be done by
taking out the fixing with proper tools and not by tearing of ripping off.
Any serviceable material, obtained during dismantling or demolition, shall be separated out and
stacked properly as directed by the Engineer-in Charge within a lead of 50 meters. All
unserviceable materials rubbish etc. shall be disposed off as directed by Engineer-in Charge.
Parts of work required to be dismantled and those required to be demolished shall be measured
Measurement of all work except hidden work shall be taken before demolition or dismantling and
no allowance for increase in bulk shall be allowed.
Specification for deduction for voids, opening etc. shall be on same basis as that adopted for new
construction of the work.
6.0 Plastering & Rendering
6.1 Scope of Work
The work covered under these specifications consists of supplying all materials and rendering all
types of plaster/Pointing finishes strictly in accordance with these specifications, applicable
drawings etc.
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6.2 General
Cement, sand and water required for the work shall, conform to specifications laid down herein
before under section 'Cement concrete (plain and reinforced)', except that sand for plastering
shall be conforming to I.S. 1542. The surface to be plastered shall be raked out properly, dust
and loose mortar shall be brushed out. The concrete surface shall be hacked before plastering if
not already done. The surface shall be thoroughly wetted before commencement of the
plastering. Scaffolding required for facility of working shall be provided by the contractor at his
own cost. This may be double or single according to the requirement and shall be approved by
the Engineer-in-Charge. Stage scaffolding shall be erected when ceiling plastering is done. The
contractor shall be responsible for accidents, if any, take place. The contractor shall co-operate
with the other agencies also. Whenever electrical contractor/agency has to fix up switch boxes in
walls, necessary 'Thiyyas', 'Tapanish' or 'Dhadas' shall be arranged to be given in advance of
actual plastering process at these locations so that the boxes are fixed properly in line with
finished plaster surface. All finishing in and around these boxes as also around the conduit boxes
in ceiling shall be done by plastering contractor without any extra cost to the Department. The
decision of the Engineer-in-Charge in this regard shall be final and binding on the contractor.
If the surface which is to be plastered either internally or externally is out of plumb and not in line
and level and if the plastering to be done is more than specified thickness to bring the plastered
surface to perfect line and levels, in such specific cases, chicken wire mesh is to be provided by
the contractor at his own cost and the plaster should be done to required line and level with no
extra cost whatsoever.
The finished plastered surface shall be free from cracks, fissures, crevices, hair cracks,
blisterings, local swellings and flakings. The finished surface shall be true to line, level, plumb &
plain and durable. The adhesion of the mortar with the background surface is of prime importance
as this affects durability of plaster. Preparation of surface which has to take plastering is of great
importance. Before starting the plastering work the surface should be got approved by the
In order to avoid the formation of deep and side cracks and for dispersion of cracks at the
junctions between concrete surfaces and brick masonry work as also between junction of
windows/door frames and brick masonry works, the cautionary measures should be carried out
over which the plastering work as required by the .Engineer-in-charge.
The minute gap between window/door frames with sills and jambs should be filled up/caulked by
plaster of paris/epoxy putty/silicon sealants by approved methods as instructed/approved by
The grooves shall be of required dimensions. The same shall be made to turn wherever
necessary. The finish, inside shall be of the same finish as that of the plaster. The lines of the
grooves shall be well defined and rounded. The grooves are to be provided in plastering in
internal and external surfaces as shown or directed. The rates for plaster shall include the
making of grooves.
6.3 Mix Proportions
The mortar for plastering shall be of proportion as specified in the item schedule. The mixes
specified in the schedule are volumetric.
6.3.1 Mixing
Cement and fine aggregates shall be mixed dry In the required proportions to obtain a uniform
colour. Water shall then be added to get the required consistency for the plaster.
Mixing shall be done mechanically. However, manual mixing will be allowed at the discretion of
the Engineer-in-Charge. Manual mixing, where adopted shall be carried out on a clean water tight
platform. After water is added during mixing, the mix shall be held back and forth for 10 to 15
In machine mixing, the mixer shall run atleast five minutes after placing all the ingredients in the
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drum. Only so much quantity of mortar which can be used within half an hour after the addition of
water shall be prepared at a time. Any mortar for plaster which is set or partially set shall be
rejected and shall be removed forthwith from the site.
The proportions of sand and cement shall be as specified and shall cover all irregularities,
undulations, depressions due to chasing etc. in the surface to be plastered. The mortar shall be
applied slightly more than specified. thick and pressed and levelled with wooden ruler or straight
edge to finished thickness. Straight edges shall be freely used to ensure a perfectly even surface.
The finished surface shall be true and even and present uniform texture throughout and all joining
marks shall be eliminated. All corners, edges and angles shall be made perfectly to line, plane
and plumb. All exposed angles and junctions of walls, doors, windows, beams, slabs etc. sha1l
be carefully finished so as to furnish a neat and even surface.
Plastering items amongst all other things as described in various items also include:
i) Preparation of surfaces to receive the plaster, providing cement plaster of the specified average
thickness and proportions with specified number of coats.
ii) All labour, materials, scaffolding, use of tools; and equipment to complete the plastering work as
per specifications.
iv) Cleaning the surface of doors, windows, floors or any other surfaces where plastering might have
v) Finishing the portion of plaster left above the terrazo, plain cement tiles, ironite or any type of
skirting work to be finished rounded or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, in a separate
operation after laying of floor tiles skirting.
The item shall also include rounding up of corner and angles making sharp corners and angles
finishing around ceiling rose and electrical fittings etc. fixed by other agencies, finishing of top of
dado and skirting and finishing, junctions of roof and wall or beam with the finish as specified in
the item. Plastering of brick and concrete cornice and copings and plastering in restricted areas if
any shall not be measured separately. Architectural bands and narrow widths of plaster over
structural as well as non-structural and the line when prepared in the same thickness of plaster
shall not be measured separately and shall be covered by respective plaster items.
All interior plaster shall be extended upto 10 mm below the skirting or dado level at no extra cost
wherever required.
6.5.1 General:
Materials and preparation of surfaces and scaffolding etc. for sand faced plaster wherever
applicable shall conform to specification laid down here-in-before and the following specifications
are also to be complied with.
The surface to be plastered shall first be thoroughly cleaned down. All joints shall have been
raked out in case of brick work/stone masonry as the work proceeds. Concrete surface shall also
be clearly hacked and wire brushed if not already done before plastering is taken up. The surface
to be plastered shall be well wetted for a minimum period of 6 hours before commencing the
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work. The mortar for all plaster work shall be cement sand mortar of mix as specified in the
schedule of quantities.
Double scaffoldings required for facility of construction shall be provided by the contractor at his
own expenses wherever directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Scaffolding shall be erected with
pipes or ballies or bamboos of adequate strength so as to be safe for all the dead, live and impact
loads likely to sustain by it due to construction operations. The contractor shall take all measures
to ensure the safety of the work and workmen. Any instruction of the Engineer-in-Charge in this
respect shall also be complied with. The contractor shall be entirely responsible for any damage
to Government property or injury to persons, resulting from faulty scaffolding, defective ladders
and materials or otherwise arising out of his default in, this respect. Proper scaffolding shall be
provided to allow easy approach for workmen and supervisory staff to every part of the work.
Ballies, bamboos etc. for scaffolding shall not be tied to the windows, doors, mullions, ventilators
etc. Any damage" done to the windows, doors etc. shall be made good by the contractor to the
original conditions at his own cost. For better safety, steel pipe scaffolding is preferred.
6.5.3 Workmanship
Base Coat
The surface to be plastered shall first be dubbed out with cement mortar to cover all irregularities
and faces upto proudest part. The dubbing coat which shall be of proportion as specified in
schedule and a 12 mm. thick layer shall then be applied/scored and keys shall be formed on the
surface by thoroughly combing it with heavy horizontal lines about 12 mm. apart and about 3 mm.
deep when mortar has just set.
Second Coat
The cement mortar for sand faced plaster shall have washed and approved sand with slightly
larger proportions of coarse materials, but not exceeding 3 mm. The proportion of cement to sand
shall be as specified in the schedule. The water is gradually added to make the mixture
homogenous. The thickness of finishing coat excluding key shall be 8mm.. A reasonable time
(not less than 48 hours) shall be allowed after application of base coat for thorough drying before
the application of second coat. After application the surface should be finished with a wooden
float lined with cork closely pricked on with wet sponge tapped gently to bring sand particles into
The chajjas and any other horizontal portions shall be cleaned and set mortar that might have
been fa11en at the time of plastering at higher elevation, before plastering the same is taken up.
Vatas shall be done simultaneously with chajja plaster.
Synthetic fibre additives which is made of fine fibrillated 100% virgin poly propylene fibres to be
mixed in cement mortar for plaster in recommended proportions as and when directed. The
compound shall be of approved make.
Area of plastering will be measured net and shall be paid for. The measurement of length of wall
plastering sha11 be taken between walls or partitions (dimensions before plastering sha11 be
taken) for the length and from top of the floor or skirting or dado as the case may be to the
underside of ceiling for the height. All openings more than 0.1 sqm. Shall be deducted and an
jambs, soffits, sills of these openings if done, wi11 be measured to arrive to the net area for
payment. No opening less than 0.1 sqm. Shall be deducted and no jambs etc. for such openings
shall be measured for payment.
The rate shall include the cost of finishing all the edges, corners, cost of all materials, labours,
scaffolding, transport, curing etc.
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7 G.I. PIPING WORK (Exposed):
7.1 GENERAL : The item includes provision of G.I. pipes with G.I. fitting of specified nom. bore and
class as mentioned in the schedule including laying, fixing. The G.I. pipes and fittings shall run on
the surface of the walls or ceilings unless otherwise specified.
7.2 MATERIAL : The pipes and fittings shall be of M.S. galvanised as specified in the
schedule. They shall conform to IS 1239 (P-I). All the pipes and fitting shall have ISI certification
mark. The specified nominal bore of the pipe shall refer to inside approximate bore according to
the thickness corresponding to outside fixed diameter. The pipe and fittings shall be smooth, sound,
free from any imperfections and neatly dressed. The pipe and fitting shall be able to withstand a
hydrostatic test pressure of 5 MPa (50 Kg/cm2) maintained for at least 3 seconds at
manufacturing works (lab test). The table showing the dimensions and different bores of pipes are
given below.
CONFORMING TO IS: 1239 (PART-1) 2004
Mark Class THICKNESS For Single Tube For 10 Tones
(+) (-) (+) (-) (+) (-)
L “Light” Yellow Not 8.0% 10.0% 8.0% 7.5% 5.0%
class Band Limited
M “Medium” Blue Not 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 7.5% 7.5%
class Band Limited
H “Heavy” Red Not 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 7.5% 7.5%
class Band Limited
Random length of tube:- unless otherwise COATING:- Zinc coating as per IS
specified 4.0 to 7.0 m includes one socket for 4736 (latest revision)
screwed & socketed tubes
7.3 LAYING : The plumbing contractor shall set the layout of the plumbing approved by
the Engineer-in-charge as may be required by the bye-laws. Pipes shall be laid in plumb and in
straight and parallel lines. When unavoidable, pipes may be buried for short distances
provided additional protection is given against damage and where so required joints are not
buried. Where directed by the Engineer -in-charge, A M.S. tube sleeve shall be fixed at a
place the pipe is passing through a wall or floor for reception of the pipe and to allow
freedom for expansion ,contraction and other movements. In case the pipe is embedded in
walls or floors the pipes shall be painted with anticorrosive bitumastic paints of approved
quality. The pipe shall not come in contact with mortar or lime concrete as the pipe is
affected by lime. Under the floors the pipe shall be laid in layer of sand filling as done under
concrete floors.
7.4 FIXING : The entire pipe line shall be fixed in position as shown in the drawing or as directed by
the Engineer-in-charge. All pipes shall be fixed truly vertical and horizontal unless unavoidable.
The pipe line shall be supported with “U” type G.I. clamps not less than 2 mm thick and G.I.
nails not less than 40 mm long, wooden gutties etc keeping the pipe about 15 mm clear of the
wall. Spacing between clamps for fixing internal piping shall be as per IS 2065 - 1983 as
given below:
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No joints shall be located inside the wall. If the pipe is required to be cut and the end
threaded, the hums of the cut end shall be filed smooth and any obstruction in bore shall be
entirely eliminated, down take line shall be provided with union of every floor for easy
maintenance. This shall be made of line threaded pipe ends and coupler with check nut to
avoid leakage. Die cast union shall not be permitted in the shaft.
7.5 JOINTING : While fixing the pipe line the joints shall be made by applying a few turns of hemp
yarn dipped in linseed oil shall be taken over the threaded end of the pipe and socket
screwed home using the pipe wrench, pipe connected shall touch each other and the socket
covering each end about equally. The branch connection shall not protrude in the bore of
parent pipe.
7.6 PAINTING: G.I. pipes and fittings running exposed shall be painted with two
coats of oil paint of approved make and shade over a coat of approved primer.
7.7 TESTING: The pipes and fittings after they are laid and jointed shall be tested
to hydraulic pressure of 1 MPa (10 Kg/sq.cm). The pipes shall be slowly and carefully
charged with water allowing all air to escape and avoiding all shock or water hammer. The
draw off taps and stop cocks shall then be closed and specified hydraulic pressure shall be
applied gradually,
Pressure gauge must be accurate and preferably should have been recalibrated before the
test. The test pump having been stopped, the test pressure should be maintained without
loss for at least 2 (two) hours. The pipes and fittings shall be tested in sections as the work
of paying proceeds, having the joints exposed for inspection during the testing. Pipes or
fittings which are found leaking shall be replaced and joints found leaking shall be redone,
without extra payment.
7.9 MODE OF MEASUREMENT : The measurement shall be for unit running metre length of
pipe line of specified nom. bore laid or fixed and shall be taken along center line of the pipe
7.10 MODE OF PAYMENT: The contract rates shall be for unit running metre length
of pipe line of specified nom. bore laid or fixed. No extra payment shall be made for fitting
and fixtures.
7.11.1 GENERAL : The item includes provision of G.I. pipes with concealed type fittings of specified
nom. bore and class mentioned in the schedule including laying, fixing, wrapping with hessian
cloth, painting and testing.
7.11.3 CHASES: Chases of size 75 mm x 75 mm shall be cut in the wall, floor, slab
wherever required or as directed by chases cutting machine. After testing the pipe line the
chases shall be filled with cement mortar 1:3 and surface made good to its original condition.
7.11.4 LAYING: The plumbing contractor shall set the layout of the plumbing approved by the
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Engineer-in-charge as may be required by the bye-laws. Pipes shall be laid in plumb and in
straight and parallel lines. No lime plaster or composition containing lime shall be allowed
to come in direct contract with the pipe, which are to be concealed as the pipe is affected
by lime.
7.11.5 FIXING: The entire pipe line shall be fixed in position as shown in the drawing or as directed by
the Engineer-in-charge. All pipes and fittings, which are to be concealed, shall be properly
embedded in the wall, flooring etc. after being treated. No moulding or plaster design or
any ornamental plaster work shall be done over the walls or flooring or ceiling where
concealed pipes have been laid. If the pipe is required to be cut and the end threaded, the
burns of the cut end shall be filed smooth and any obstruction in bore shall be entirely
7.11.7 PAINTING : All the concealed piping work shall be thoroughly painted with two coats of anti-
corrosive black bitumastic paint of approved quality shade over a coat of approved
primer before concealing and filling the mortar.
7.11.8 INSULATION: The hot water pipe line concealed on the wall, floor etc. after painting shall be
insulated with 2.5 mm thick 95% asbestos magnesia compound of approved make
all round the pipe and fittings.
7.11.9 WRAPPING : After painting the cold water pipe line, it shall be wrapped with two layers of
hessian cloth of approved quality.
7.11.12 MODE OF MEASUREMENT : The measurement shall be for unit running metre
length of pipe line of specified nom. bore laid or fixed and shall be measured along the
center line of the pipe line.
7.11.13 MODE OF PAYMENT : The contract rate shall be for unit running metre length of
pipe line of specified nom. bore laid or fixed. No extra payment shall be made for fittings and
7.12.1 GENERAL : The item includes supplying G.I. pipes and fittings of specified nom. bore and
class as mentioned in the schedule including laying, jointing and painting.
7.12.3 TRENCHES: The galvanised iron pipes and fittings are to be laid in trenches. The widths
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and depths of the trenches for different diameter of the pipes shall be as given below:
When excavation is done in rock, it shall be cut deep enough to permit the pipes to be laid
on a cushion of sand of min. 7.5 cm at joints the trench width shall be widened where
necessary. The work of excavation and refilling shall be done true to line and gradient in
accordance with general specifications for earth work in trenches as per clause 2.0.
7.12.4 LAYING: Where a pipe is to be laid underground, the particular length of pipe should be
protected by first painting before laying and then wrapping around the pipe a layer of jute
or hessian cloth in the form of bandage, so that this cloth in the form of bandage, stick
to the composition which has been freshly applied. The pipe shall be laid into the trench and
screwed with sockets, elbows, tees, bends etc. as necessary. The pipe line laid near
electric train lines, power transmission lines, electric railway, power houses etc. should be
provided with insulating joints at frequent intervals to guard against electrolysis. Pipes shall
be so laid as not to expose to sun or be subjected to any injury or risk to the pipe. As far
as possible pipes shall be laid in straight and parallel lines. They shall be used in standard
length pipe pieces being used only where necessary to make up the exact length.
7.12.8 PAINTING: G.I. pipes and fittings shall be painted with two coat of anticorrosive paint before
pipe line is laid and wrapping the pipe and fitting with jute or hessian cloth in the form of
7.12.10 MODE OF MEASUREMENT: The measurement shall be for unit running metre length of pipe
line of specified nom. bore laid or fixed and shall be measured along the center line of
the pipe line.
7.12.11 MODE OF PAYMENT: The contract rate shall be for unit running metre length of pipe line of
specified nom. bore laid or fixed. No extra payment shall be made for fittings and fixtures.
The specifications are intended for general description of quality and workmanship of
materials and finished work. They are not intended to cover minute details. The work shall be
executed in accordance with best modern practices.
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These specifications shall have precedence in case anything contrary to this stated anywhere
in the contract document. The Engineer’s decision shall be final on any issues arising out of
such discrepancies. Unless specifically mentioned all the applicable codes of standards
published by the Indian Standards Institution before the date of receipt of tenders shall govern
in respect of design, workmanship, quality and properties of materials and method of testing,
method of measurements etc. contractor’s offer shall be deemed to include all intended and
which may have not been referred to specifically in the tender documents but which are
essential for satisfactory completion of items referred to in schedule of quantities and rates,
specifications etc.
The items in the schedules of quantities will be read in conjunction with relevant specifications
and construction drawings released, as may be deemed necessary during the progress of
In case of discrepancy between item description in section VIII (BOQ) and then this
specification, shall govern. If there is further discrepancy in said technical specification, also
relevant: IS: shall govern. However, decision of Engineer-in-charge shall be final.
The work covered by this specification consists of furnishing and erecting of structural steel
complete in strict accordance with this specifications and the applicable drawings.
All structural steel shall be of standard sections as marked on the drawings and shall be free of
scale, blisters, laminations, cracked edges and defects of any sort. If the structural steel is not
supplied by the Department and the Contractor is required to bring such steel, the Contractor
shall furnish duplicate copies of all mill orders and/ or also the test report received from the mills,
to satisfy the Engineer-in-Charge.
All structural steel and electrodes shall comply in all respects with I.S for structural steel.
All workmanship shall be of first class quality in every respect to the greatest accuracy being
observed to ensure that all parts will fit together properly on erection.
All ends shall be cut true to planes, They must fit the abutting surfaces closely.
All butt ends of compression members shall be in close contact through the area of the joints.
All holes in plates and section between 12 mm. and 20 mm. thick shall be punched to such
diameter that 3 mm. of metal is left all around the hole to be cleaned out to correct size by
The base connection shall be provided as shown on drawings and the greatest accuracy of
workmanship shall be ensured to provide the best connections.
Figured dimensions on the drawings shall be taken.
Erection and fabrication shall be according to I.S. 800-1984 section-11. During erection, the work
shall be securely braced and fastened temporarily to provide safety for all erection stresses etc.
No permanent welding shall be done until proper alignment has been obtained.
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Any part which does not fit accurately or which is not in accordance with the drawings and
specifications shall be liable to rejection and if rejected, shall be at once be made good.
Engineer-in-Charge shall have full liberty at all reasonable times to enter the contractor's
premises for the purpose of inspecting the work and no work shall be taken down, painted or
dispatched unti1 it has been inspected and passed. The contractor shall supply free of charge all
labour and tools required for testing of work.
The contractor shall deliver the: component parts of the steel work in an undamaged state at the
site of the works and the Engineer-in-Charge shall be entitled to refuse acceptance of any portion
which has been bent or other wise damaged before actual delivery on work.
The shop drawings of structural steel based on construction drawings shall be Submitted to the
Engineer-in-Charge. The necessary information for fabrication, erection, painting of structure etc.
must be furnished immediately after acceptance of the tender.
Painting should be strictly according to I.S. 1477 (Part l-Pretreatment) and I.S. 1477 (Part :II-
Painting should be carried out on dry surfaces free from dust, scale etc. The paint shall be
approval by the Engineer-in-Charge.
One coat of shop paint (red oxide) shall be applied on steel, except where it is to be encased in
concrete or where surfaces are to be field welded.
Welding shall be in accordance with I.S 816, I.S 819, I.S 1024, I.S 1261, I.S 1323 and I.S. 9595 as
appropriate. For welding of any particular type of joint, welders shall give evidence of having
satisfactory completed appropriate tests as described in any of I.S. 817, I.S 1393, I.S. 7307 (Part-I),
I.S. 7310 (Part-I) and I.S. 7318 (Part-I) as relevant.
Covered electrodes shall conform to I.S. 814 (Part-I)- and I.S 814 (Part-II) or I.S. 1395 as
Filler rods and wires for gas welding shall conform to I.S. 1278.
The bare wire electrodes for submerged arc welding shall conform to I.S. 7280. The combination
of arc and flush shall satisfy the requirements of I.S. 3613.
The filler rods and bare electrodes for gas shielded metal, arc welding shall conform to I.S. 6419
and I.S. 6560 as appropriate.
Arc welding (direct or alternating current) or Oxyacetyle welding may be used. Field welding may
be used. Field welding shall be by D.C.
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Average thickness of Maximum gauge or diameter
plate or section of electrodes to be used.
Less than 3/16" 10 S.W.G.
3/16" and above but less than 5/16" 8 S.W .G.
5/16" and above but less than 3/8" 6 S. W .G.
3/8" and above but less than 5/8" 4 S.W .G.
5/8" and above but less than 1" 5/16"dia.
1 " and above thick section 3/8" dia.
Note: On any straight weld the first run shall not ordinarily be deposited with a larger gauge
electrode than No.88. W.G. For subsequent runs the electrode shall not be increased by more
than two electrode size between consecutive runs.
The contractor shall ensure that each welding operator employed on fabrication or erection is an
efficient and dependable welder, who has passed qualifying tests on the types of welds which will
be called upon to make. Sample test shall have to be given by the contractor to the entire
satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge.
a) Welding should be done with the structural steel in flat position in a down hand manner
wherever possible. Adequate steps shall be taken to maintain the correct arc length, rate of
travel, current and polarity for the type of electrode and nature of work. Welding plant
capacity shall be adequate to carry out the welding procedure laid down. Adequate means of
measuring the current shall be available either as a part of the welding plant or by the
provision of a portable ammeter. In checking the welding current, a tolerance of 10% or 30
amperes from the specified value whichever is less shall be permitted.
b) The welding procedure shall be such as to ensure that the weld metal can be fully and
satisfactory deposited through the length and thickness of all joints so that distortion and
shrinkage stresses are reduced to the minimum and. thickness of welds meet the
requirements of quality specified.
8.9.1 Preparation of Fusion Faces: Fusion faces shall be cut by shearing machine or gas cutting and
later dressed by filling or grinding so that they shall be free from irregularities such as would
interfere with the deposition of the specified size of weld to cause the defects. Fusion faces and
the surrounding surfaces shall be free from heavy slag, oil paint or any substance which might
affect the quality of the weld or impede the progress of welding. The welding face shall be free of
rust and shall have metal shine surfaces.
The parts to be welded shall be brought into as close contact as possible and the gap due to
faulty workmanship or incorrect fit up shall not exceed 1/16". If separation of 1/16" or more occurs
locally, the size of the fillet weld shall be increased at such position by an amount of equal to the
width of the gap.
The parts to be welded shall be maintained to their correct position during welding. They shall be
securely held in position by means of tack welds, service bolts, clamps or rings before
commencing welding so as to prevent and relative movement due to distortion, wind or any other
The minimum leg length of a fillet weld as deposited should not be less than the specified size
and the throat thickness as deposited should be not less than that tabulated below:
Throat Thickness of Fillet
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o o
Angle between 60 -90° 91°-100o 101°-106° 107°-113° 114 -120°
fusion faces.
Throat thick- 0.70 0.65 0.60 0.55 0.50
ness in cms.
In no case should a concave weld be deposited without the specific approval of Engineer-in-
Charge unless the leg length is increased above the specified length so that the resultant throat
thickness is as great as would have been obtained by the deposition of a flat.
All welds shall be deposited in a pre-arranged order and sequence taking due account of the
effects of distortion and shrinkage stresses.
After making each run of welding, all slag shall be removed and final run shall be protected by
clean boiled linseed oil till approved.
The weld metal, as deposited, shall be free from crack, slag, excessive porosity, cavities and
other faults.
The weld metal shall be properly fused with the parent metal without overlapping or serious
undercutting at the toes of the weld.
The surfaces of the weld shall have a uniform and consistent contour and regular appearance.
In welds containing crack, porosity or cavities in which the weld metal tends to overlap on the
parent metal without proper fusion, the defective portions of the welds shall be out cut and
rewelded. Where serious under cutting occurs, additional weld metal shall be deposited to make
good reduction.
All structural steel shall be measured on weight basis in metric tonnes or quintals or kgs. as
mentioned in the schedule of quantities. The length or areas of various members including gusset
plates shall be measured correct to two places of decimals and the net weight worked out from
the standard steel tables approved by Indian Standard Institution. No separate measurements
shall be taken for welding, revetting, bolting, field connections etc. The rate shall include cost of
all labour materials, scaffolding, transport and also cost of welding, rivetting and bolting, field
connections if any all to complete the job as per specifications.
Unless otherwise specified all forms in contact with concrete shall be tongue and groove straight
lumber or plywood. If steel forms are used they shall be as specified or approved by the "Engineer".
Unless otherwise specified the lumber used for unlined forms shall be surfaced on two sides and
conform to the latest Indian standard grading specification IS:3629. Plywood for forming concrete
surfaces shall be graded BRW type AB in accordance with latest IS:303. All forms shall not leak
mortar during vibration of the concrete. Where the "Engineer" specifies and details a particular type
of form whether wood or steel, the contractor shall use the type of form and supports as shown on
the drawings unless an alternative design on construction is submitted by the contractor and
approval to use the alternative is obtained from the "Engineer".
All forms shall conform to the lines and dimensions of the structure as shown on the drawings and
shall be of such strength and rigidity and so supported that they will not deflect objectionably under
the weight or pressure of the wet concrete. The contractor shall correct failure or misalignment of
the forms and damage caused thereby. Forms shall be properly braced and tied together to prevent
leakage of mortar. Care shall be taken to ensure that forms do not become dry and warped before
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concrete is placed. Supports for forms shall be so constructed that they will not deflect under the
weight of the wet concrete or other loads incidental to construction. Shores supporting forms for
slabs, beams girders or arches shall be set on wedged or other approved supports in order that
they may be removed without producing undue strain or shock in the superstructure.
All vertical wall forms shall be constructed in such a manner so as to ensures that the
construction of the forms is adequate for all conditions of placing the concrete.
9.3.1 GENERAL :
Internal ties shall be preferably bolts and rods and they shall be straight and so arranged that when
the forms are removed, metal shall not be left closer than 25 mm to any exposed surface. Wire ties
may be permitted on light work only when specifically permitted by the Engineer. They shall not be
used through surface where discoloration is objectionable. Form ties shall not be fastened to
reinforcing steel or embedded parts.
Temporary openings shall be provided at the base of columns and wall forms and other places
necessary to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Immediately before concrete is placed all forms shall
be carefully inspected to ensure that they are properly placed, sufficiently rigid and tight, thoroughly
cleaned, properly treated and free from foreign material. When forms appear to be unsatisfactory in
any way, either before or during the placing of concrete, the "Engineer" shall order the work to be
stopped until the defects have been corrected.
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The Contractor shall supply and install all glass and glazing as required for various doors,
windows, sashes, ventilators and louvers, miscellaneous glazing and partitions, unless otherwise
stated in the drawing or schedule. All glass shall be of superior quality from approved
manufacturer like Hindustan Pilkington or equivalent, having uniform refractive index and free
from flaws, streaks, laminations and bubbles. Sheet glass for glazing and framing purposes shall
conform to IS: 1761 latest edition. The glass shall be brought to site in the original packing from
the manufacturer and cut to size at site. The cut edges shall be straight and free from chips,
spalls or any other damages. Wherever clear glass is specified, it shall be flat drawn sheet glass
and shall be 6 mm thick. Where wire glass is mentioned, it shall be thick rolled glass with
centrally embedded wire mesh of georgian type. Where obscure glass is mentioned, it shall have
a cast surface on one side. Heat absorbent and glare reducing glass shall be 'Calorex' of
Hindustan Pilkington or equivalent, having a thickness of 6 mm unless specified otherwise in the
schedule of Quantity. The Contractor shall submit samples of glasses for prior approval of the
10.2 PUTTY :
In general, the putty shall conform to IS:419 latest edition. The putty shall be of best quality from
approved manufacturer. It shall be brought to site in the manufacturer's original packing. Quick
setting putty shall be used for windows and sashes except when glare reducing glass is used.
Neoprene gaskets with snap-fit glazing beads shall be fixed as per manufacturer’s specifications
and shall sit snugly against glass to give a leak proof installation
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10.6 RATES:
Opening size of panel in Sq.M. shall be considered for measurement. Rates shall be in square
metres for supply and installation. Dimension of each panel shall be clear distance of opening
plus width of structural member of window / door / partition
This specification shall include furnishing of all labour, materials, and equipment, necessary to
complete the different types of flooring work as shown on drawings. Work under this section shall
i) Ceramic tile floor
ii) Ceramic tile skirting and dado
For all types of flooring, skirting and dado work, the base cement concrete slab or the masonry
surface shall be cleaned of all dirt with water and hard brush. If required the base surface shall
be backed or otherwise roughened to obtain a good bond. The surface shall be clean, free from
grease, oil, dust, loose particles, etc. and thoroughly soaked with water to prevent absorption of
mixing water from the base course. Before placing the underbed, any excess standing water shall
be mopped out. The original concrete surface shall be thoroughly chipped and the aggregates
shall be exposed. Before laying the flooring, skirting or wall finish, approval of the Engineer shall
be obtained as to the acceptability of the base. No extra payment is admissible for the
preparation of base and the unit rate of flooring shall be inclusive of preparation of the base. The
tenderer may please note that there will be variation/s in the level of the existing concrete surface
on which the flooring top has to be done. Wherever the level is down, the tenderer may have to fill
it up with the base concrete to achieve the specified top level of the flooring surface. Wherever
the level is higher, the tenderer may have to chip/break the concrete to achieve the specified
thickness of the floor topping. The tenderer may please note that the rate quoted for the floor
topping shall be firm for the variation in level of the existing surface upto ±12mm. No extra rate
will be paid for chipping the specified floor topping thickness. Similarly no extra payment will be
made for the extra concrete to be laid for achieving the top specified level in flooring.
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All work shall be cleaned thoroughly and left in an acceptable condition on completion. No harsh
abrasive cleaning powders, acid or steel wire shall be used for cleaning the tiles. Curing shall
start on the next day after laying and shall continue for 10days. The entire work of laying,
polishing, finishing and cleaning etc. shall conform to IS 1443 latest addition. Tiles shall be
selected and used, such that colour of each area of the floor remains uniform.
11.2.1 MATERIALS :
The tiles shall be of earthenware, covered with glaze, white or coloured, of dimensions as
approved by Engineer. The top surface of the tiles shall glazed or with a mat finish of uniform
colour and texture and free from flaws, cracks, chips, craze, specks, crawling or other
imperfections. These shall be sound, true to shape with true and straight edges, non-absorbing
and non-failing. A fractured section shall appear fine grained in texture, dense and homogeneous.
The edges and the underside of the tile shall be completely free from glaze so that these may
adhere properly to the surface below. The tolerances shall be ± 1.5 mm for length and breadth
and ± 0.5 mm for thickness. Before bulk supply, the contractor shall give samples of tiles to the
Engineer for approval. Bulk supply shall only be adopted if it conforms in all respects to the
approved samples kept with the Engineer. Tiles including specials shall conform to IS: 13753 to
IS: 13756.
Cement, sand, pigments and water shall be as specified under Clause 10.4.1
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shall the total thickness including underbed be less than 20 mm. The surface shall be truly
vertical and the whole work shall be neat and clean and free from any scratched or cracked tiles.
12.1 The work covered under this specifications consists of supplying and erecting stone masonry
walls with available best quality of stone in strict compliance with this specifications and
applicable drawings.
12.2.4 When practicable, the whole masonry in any structure shall be carried out upto a uniform level
throughout. But when breaks are unavoidable in carrying the work
continuously in uniform level, sufficiently long steps shall be left. All junctions
of walls shall be formed at the time when walls are being built. Cross walls should be
carefully bonded into the main walls. All masonry built in cement mortar shall be
kept continuously wet for 10 days from the date of laying. Should the mortar perish? i.e.
becomes dry, white or powder through neglect of watering and if the masonry shows hollow
joints or non adherence of mortar to the stones or if the work does not conform to drawings and
specifications, the work shall be pulled down and rebuilt by the contractor at his own cost and
risk. All masonry shall be thoroughly cleaned and washed down on completion and all stains,
adhering mortar removed from the surface and raking of joints carried out as the
scaffolding is being lowered and removed. Holes left in masonry for supporting scaffolding shall
be filled and made good before pointing/ plastering.
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12.3.1 The specifications for Random rubble masonry as given in item shall generally apply to these
for quality of stones, workmanship etc. except for the following:
12.3.2 The face of the stones shall be square/ rectangular in shape and shall be so dressed all-round that
those can be set on proper bases and shall render uniform joints. The stones may have bushing
on the face but shall not project more than 40 mm. The external faces shall be laid in courses of
about 200 mm. height or as specified and the internal face shall be finished with rubble
12.3.3 The other specifications, mode of measurements etc. shall be same as per specifications for
R.R. Masonry mentioned above.
12.4.1 All stone masonry shall be measured in cubic metres as actually done. All openings for windows,
doors, lintels etc. shall be deducted to get the net quantity of actual work done. Openings or chases
required for P.H. and electrical inserts less than 0.1 Sq.m. and bearings of precast concrete
members shall not be deducted. The unit rate for masonry shall include cost of stones, dressing,
mortar, simultaneous flush pointing, corner stones, bond stones, scaffolding , labour, curing,
forming or leaving holes for fixing or building in hold fasts, forming chases and grooves and all
operations including tools & appliances of any sort or kind requisite for the completion of the work
13.1 The work covered under this specification includes all type of soling work by rubble stone laid under
floor or foundations.
13.2.1 Rubble used for soling under floors, foundations etc. shall be hard, durable rock, free from veins,
flaws and other defects. The quality and size of the ruble shall be subject to the approval of the
13.2.2 Rubble shall be hand packed as directed by Engineer-In-charge. This shall be laid closely in
position on the well prepared sub grade. All interstices between the stones shall be wedged in
with smaller stones of suitable size well driven to ensure tight packing and complete filling of
interstices. Such filling shall be carried out simultaneously with the placing in position of rubble
stones and shall not lag behind.
13.2.3 Small interstices shall be filled with murrum and well watered and rammed with mechanical
(heavy) rammer or hand rammer as approved by the Engineer-In-charge. Care shall be
exercised to avoid damage to the grade beams and columns and trench wall edges while
13.3.1 The unit rate measurement shall be square meter for the specified thickness of rubble soling.
13.3.2 The linear dimensions shall be measured upto two places of decimals of a metre and are
worked out correct to the two places of decimals of a square metre.
13.3.3 Plan areas of soling work actually done limiting to the dimensions as per drawings shall be
measured for payment.
13.3.4 The rate shall include all the materials, labour, preparation of surfaces, watering, consolidation
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The works covered under this specification consist of providing and fixing block flush door shutter
in accordance with the specification and drawings.
The relevant I.S. specifications, standards and codes given below are made a part of this
specification. All standards, specifications, code of practices referred to herein shall be the latest
edition including all applicable amendments, revisions and additional publications.
List of Indian Standards
Flush door shutter shall have a solid core and may be of the decorative or non-decorative
type conforming to I.S. 2202. The thickness and type of shutter shall be as specified in item of
schedule of quantities. Width and height of shutter shall be as shown in the drawings or as directed
by the Engineer-In-charge. All four edges of shutter shall be square. The shutter shall be free from
twist or wrap in it’s plane. The moisture content in timbers used in the manufacture of flush door
shutters shall be not more than 12 percent when tested according to I.S. 1708.
The core of flush door shall be a block board having wooden strips held in a frame constructed
of stiles and rails. Each stile and rail shall be a single piece without any joint. The width of the
stiles and rails shall not be less than 75 mm and not more than 100 mm. The width of each
wooden strip shall not exceed 25 mm. Stiles, rails and wooden strips forming the core of a
shutter shall be of equal and uniform thickness. Wooden strips shall be parallel to the stiles. End
joints of the pieces of wooden strips of small lengths shall be staggered. In a shutter, stiles and
rails shall be of one species of timber. Wooden strips shall also be one species only but it may or
may not be the same species as that of the stiles and rails.
The face panel shall be formed by gluing by the hot-press process on both faces of
the core either plywood or cross-bands and face veneers. The thickness of the cross
bands as such or in the plywood shall be between 1.0 mm and 3.0 mm. The
thickness of the face veneers as such or in the plywood shall between 0.5 mm and 1.5 mm for
commercial veneer and between 0.5 and 1.0 mm for decorative veneers. The direction of the
veneer adjacent to the core shall be at right angles to the direction of the wooden strips.
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Finished faces shall be sanded to smooth even texture.
Lipping where specified, shall be provided internally on all edges of the shutters. Lipping shall
be done with battens of first class teakwood or as specified. Joints shall not be permitted in lippipng.
The shutters shall be single leaf or double leaves as shown in the drawings or as directed by
the Engineer-In-charge. In case of double leaves shutters the meeting at stiles shall be rebated by
one third the thickness of the shutter. The rebating shall be either splayed or square type. Wherever
specified the opening for glazing of size as shown in drawing or as directed shall be made in the
shutter for vision panel and or louver. Opening for glazing shall be lipped internally with teakwood
batten of specified size. Tolerance on width and height shall be (+) 3 mm and on thickness it shall be
(+) 1.2 mm. The thickness of the door shutter shall be uniform throughout with a
permissible variation of not more than 0.8 mm when measured at any two points. Adhesive used for
bonding various components like core, core frame, lipping, cross bands, face veneers, plywood
etc. of flush door shutters and for bonding plywood shall be phenol formaldehyde synthetic resin
conforming to I.S. 848. Samples of flush door shutters shall be subjected to following tests in
accordance with I.S.2202 (Part-I & II): End immersion test. Knife test. Glue adhesion test.
All the sample shutters when tested shall satisfy the requirements of the tests as laid down in I.S.
2202 (Part - I & II) if the number of samples found unsatisfactory or a test is two or more the entire
lot shall be considered unsatisfactory. Fittings shall be provided to the contractor free of cost by the
Department as decided by Engineer-In-charge. Screws for fixing these fittings shall be provided by
the contractor and nothing extra shall be paid for the same.
Length and width of the shutter shall be measured to the nearest centimeter in closed position
covering the rebates of the frames but excluding the gap between the shutters and the frame. Over
laps of two shutters will not be measured. All work shall be measured net as fixed and area
calculated in square metre to nearest two places of decimal. No deduction shall be made for
providing openings for vision panel/ louvers. Rate quoted for the items shall cover all the
specifications described above and for the complete work as per item of work including all labour
and materials. The work of providing vision/ louver opening and making rebates in double shutter
doors shall be measured and paid for under relevant item of schedule of quantities.
All glazed Vitreous China Sanitaryware fixtures shall conform to Indian Standard IS:2556. The
details, make and type to be provided are given in the Bill of Quantities. The Vitreous China
Sanitaryware shall be of first quality only. They shall be non-porous and fully vitreous, with all the
visible portions perfectly glazed and should absolutely be free from hairline cracks, pin-holes and
local depressions. It shall be perfectly symmetrical, uniform, smooth and curves. All sanitary
fixtures and fittings shall be stored under covered roof and handled carefully to prevent any
All Chromium plated fittings shall be of brass/copper, heavy chromium plated, of the make and
design approved by the Engineer. The fittings shall be cast fittings of screw type, machined and
threaded properly for fixing to the supply pipes.
The plating shall conform to Indian Standard IS:482 (Electroplated coating of nickel and
chromium of copper and copper alloys).
The fittings shall be supplied complete with chromium plated matching flanges, wall cover plates,
nuts and extension pieces of required lengths. Metallic washers where required shall also be of
chromium plated brass. All bib cocks and stop cocks shall conform to Indian Standard IS:781.
Brass screw down pillar taps shall conform to IS:1701 and all other fittings shall match the supply
fitting in construction and appearance. All fixing accessories and screws shall be similar to
fittings. All washers shall conform to Indian Standard IS:4346.
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All waste fittings (Waste, Chain, Overflow, Spreaders Caps etc.) shall be of brass/copper heavy
chromium plated of the make and design specified and match the supply fittings. They shall
conform to Indian standard IS:2963.
Bottle traps (for wash basins, sinks, urinals etc) shall be deep seal (Min. 6 cm seal) cast brass
bottle traps, heavy chromium plated. All bottle traps shall be provided with suitable cleaning eye,
extension piece, flare nuts of all chromium plated.
Wall flanges shall be provided on all walls, floors, columns etc. wherever supply and disposal
pipes pierce through them. These wall caps shall be or chromium plated brass snugly fittings and
the receiving pipes and shall be large enough to cover the punctures properly.
The rate includes providing and fixing the following components as described in schedule :
A) M/s. Hindustan sanitary ware or other approved brand, orrissa pattern water closet pan as
specified in item with ‘P’ or ‘s' trap in white glazed vitreous chinaware.
B) Mosquito proof low level PVC flushing Cistern in 10 liters capacity with PVC ball valve, Nylon
pulling Chain and other fittings supported on M.S. Brackets.
C) 32 mm n.b. PVC flush pipes of appropriate length with all PVC specials, etc. concealed in wall.
D) 15 mm n.b. heavy quality PVC inlet connection with brass unions at ends.
E) 15 mm n.b. heavy quality PVC pipe & specials for overflow from cistern up to 150mm above floor
level fixed with wall and terminated with 15mm n.b. brass mosquito proof jail etc. complete.
F) 15 mm n.b. screw down heavy quality CP brass stop cock conforming to IS:781.
The rate shall include for cutting, chasing in walls, floors and other structural members fixing the
closet pan in cement concrete or brick 1:2:4 jelly concrete as directed by the engineer and
restoration of surface to original conditions complete.
The rate includes providing and fixing the following components as described in the schedule:
A) M/s. Hindustan sanitary ware or other approved make wash basin of sizes as specified in item
with antisplash rim in white glazed vitreous chinaware with one tap hole supported on suitable
C.I. brackets. Brackets will be painted with three coats of approved shade.
B) One number C.P. Brass pillar cock with triangular knob and hot or cold water indication with
`soma' make or approved brand by Engineer-In-Charge.
C) One number 15 mm n.b. heavy quality PVC inlet connection with brass union and wiped solder
joint at ends.
D) C.I. bracket for supporting the wash basin. The bracket shall be embedded in wall or fixed to
wall with wooden plugs and screws surface shall be made good.
E) One number 15 mm n.b. heavy quality easy clean variety C.P. brass screw down stop cock.
F) One number 32 mm n.b. heavy quality C.P. brass waste with rubber plug and C.P. chain.
G) One number 32 mm n.b. C.P. brass heavy quality bottle trap with extension piece and wall
flanges etc.
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13.5 MIRROR: (AS PER IS 3438 - 1994) :
The mirror shall be of size specified with beveled edges, belgium or other approved brand,
mounted on asbestos sheet backing fixed to wall with brass screws with detachable C.P. caps.
The rate includes for making necessary holes in walls and fixing rawl plugs etc. Complete.
All the stoneware pipes, bends, gullyraps and sewer traps etc. shall be of the best salt
glazed variety, inside and outside thoroughly burnt throughout the whole thickness of a close and
even texture free from air holes blisters and cracks, hard, sound, thick circular in cross section
and free from other imperfection and surfaces external and internal shall be smooth and perfectly
glazed and perfectly straight. All pipes shall be of M/s. Bum Potteries, Jablapur or equal approved
make as per IS 651-1965. The diameter mentioned shall be their internal diameter.
A piece of stoneware pipe about 2 inches square from any part of the pipe shall absorb
after 48 hours immersion in water not more than 4% of its own dry weight of water. The
stoneware pipes shall be capable of resisting a bursting pressure of 30 lbs per square inch
without showing sign of leakage. The breaking weight of the stoneware pipes shall not be less
than 1700 lbs.
If the engineer for his own satisfaction takes test for any of the above quality to determine
the yielding point of any or every pipe by any known method in engineering practice, the
contractor has to pay for the same without demanding extra. The internal diameter of the socket
shall be sufficiently large to allow a joint of 1/4" thickness all round the outside of the pipe
intended to enter it, so that a caulking of tarred gasket of hemp or spun yarn may be inserted.
a) All bricks to be used in the work shall be table moulded of good quality of crushing
strength not less 50 kg/cm2 as approved by the Engineer before incorporation in the
b) The bricks shall be of a deep red colour, homogenous in the texture, free from flows,
cracks, stone floats or modules of line or other blemishes, with sharp edges and of
uniform size. They shall not be stratified, under bumt or soft.
c) No brick after 24 hours immersion in water shall absorb more than 20% of its own weight.
Test report for the brick shall be submitted to the engineer at the contractor’s cost, if
required by the engineer.
d) All bricks shall be thoroughly soaked in water before usage, till the bubbles cease to
come up. No half or quarter brick shall be used except as closers. The closers shall be
horizontal and the wall shall be raised to plumb or as shown in drawings.
e) Joints in brick work shall not be more than 8.5 mm thick.
f) Brick work shall not be raised more than 10 courses in a day. The brick work shall be
wanted thrice a day for 10 days or as otherwise directed by the engineer.
g) Brick work shall be uniformly raised alround and no part shall be raised more than three
feet above another at any time.
h) All joints shall be thoroughly flushed with mortar at every course. The mortar should
conform to the specifications as laid in the schedule or as per drawings. Care shall be
taken to see that the bricks are properly bedded and all joints completely filled into the full
i) Brick work shall be built in cement and sand mortar as specified in the schedule or as in
the drawings. The joints shall be racked to a depth of 12 mm to received cement plaster,
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Materials for plastering, viz. cement and sand shall be of the best quality. All materials shall have
to be approved by the engineer before incorporation in the work.
Portland cement shall be mixed with clean sharp siliceous sand to the proportions as shown in
the drawings or as described in the schedule for the particular class of work. Cement and sand
shall be first mixed dry upon a clean dry platform after which sufficient clean water shall be added
to bring the whole mass into a plastic condition. No mortar which has started to set shall be used
nor such mortar remixed with the new one. It shall be removed from the work site at once.
The surface to be plastered shall first be thoroughly cleaned and all joints raked out not less than
12 mm deep to receive key for plaster. The surface shall be, thoroughly uniform mixture as
specified elsewhere. The thickness of cement and sand plaster shall be either 15 mm or 20 mm
as specified. The first coat shall be just sufficient to fill up all the unevenness in the surface under
treatment in case of rubble masonry. It shall not be smoothened and the second coat shall be
applied while the first coat is still raw. Cement mortar which falls to the ground, during application,
shall on no account, be reused. The floating coat over the plaster shall be done with neat cement
0.8 mm thick as approved by the engineer.
The channels include the chambers shall be formed of cc 1:2:4 of graded course aggregate
maximum size 20 mm gauge as shown on the drawings or as specified in the relevant item of the
schedule. It shall be to the full width of the pipe drains. The depth of the channel shall be as per
drawing or as directed by the engineer. Similar, curved channels shall be built in the chambers,
where branch drains from junctions. All channels shall be given a suitable fall as shown in the
drawing or as directed.
The C.I. frame and grating for inspection chambers shall be of approved quality and shall be of
double seal type as specified in item and directed by the engineer. They should have necessary
lifting arrangements incorporated in the cover. The weight of cover shall be as directed ‘in
The depth of chambers shall be measured from the top of cover to the invert level of the
The work shall generally be carried out as per these specifications, relevant drawings and as
directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.
16.1 The barbed wire shall be of M.S. or G.I. as specified and it shall generally conform to I.S. 278-2009.
16.2 The base metal of the line and point wire shall be of good commercial quality mild steel. The
line and point wire shall be circular in section, free from scales and other defects and shall be
uniformly galvanized if specified.
16.3 The line wire shall be in continuous lengths and shall generally be free from signs of welds. It shall
be able to withstand Wrapping and unwrapping 8 turns round its diameter.
16.4 The barbed wire shall consist of two splices per reel. The barbed wire shall be formed by twisting
two lines wires one containing the barbs.
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16.5 The barbed wire and its weight shall be as given in the table below:
16.7 Necessary holes should be tapped in the post and the barbed wire shall be fixed in position by
means of 'U' clamps or bolts and nuts as specified in drawings. In case of fixing with 'U' clamps, the
legs of the 'U' clamps passing through the 10 mm. dia. hole in the R.C.C. post to hold barbed wire
shall be turned up and down to get an over-lap of 25 mm. on the face of RCC post. Turn buckles
and straining bolts shall be used at the end posts if specified.
16.9 The work shall be measured in running meter length of fencing correct to a centimeter for the
finished work, from centre to centre of the posts.
16.10 The rate shall include the cost of labour and materials involved in all the operations described
above including the cost of barbed wire, turn buckle, straining bolts, bolts and the nuts / U
clamps including excavation and foundation concrete or as specified in item description for the
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Format of various contractual
documents as applicable viz: Bid
Security, Security deposit, Lump sum
Advance, Form of Hypothecation
Deed Disputes Resolution Board
Agreement, Format for issue of
tender, Format of Completion
Certificate, Wage Slip.
Tender No. : TMS / CTC / CIVIL-1&2 / 2021 / 2346 Page 110 of 127
Ref.............. Date................
Dear Sir,
In accordance with your Notice Inviting Tender for _______________under your tender No__________
dated ________________ M/s _______________________ (hereinafter called the Bidder) with following
directors on their Board of Directors/Partners of the firm.
1________________________ 2________________________
3________________________ 4________________________
5________________________ 6________________________
7________________________ 8________________________
9________________________ 10________________________
Whereas it is a condition in the tender documents that the bidder has to deposit Bid Security with respect
to the tender, with Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Corporation")
amounting to Rs........ or alternatively the bidder is required to submit "Bank Guarantee" from a
nationalised bank irrevocable and operative till 28 days after the validity of the offer. (i.e. 120 days from
the date of opening of tender), for the like amount which amount is likely to be forfeited on the happening
of contingencies mentioned in the tender documents. And whereas the bidder desires to secure
exemption from deposit of Bid Security and has offered to furnish a Bank Guarantee for a sum of Rs.......
to the Corporation for the purpose of securing exemption from the deposit of Bid Security.
1. NOW THEREFORE, we the ...................... Bank, a body corporate constituted under the Banking
Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of undertakings) Act 1969 and having a branch office
at............ (hereinafter referred to as the Bank") do hereby undertake and agree to pay on
demand in writing by the Corporation, the amount of Rs.......(Rupees............) to the Nuclear
Power Corporation of India Ltd without any demur, reservation or recourse.
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2. We, the aforesaid Bank, further agree that the Corporation shall be the sole judge of and as to
whether the bidder has committed any breach or breaches of any of the terms and conditions of
the tender and the extent of loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by
or that may be caused to or suffered by the Corporation on account thereof the extent of the bid
security required to be deposited by the Bidder in respect of the said Tender document and the
decision of the Corporation that the Bidder has committed such breach or breaches and as to the
amount or amounts of loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses caused to or suffered by or
that may be caused to or suffered by the Corporation shall be final and binding on us.
3. We, the said Bank further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force
and effect until it is released by the Corporation and change in the constitution, liquidation or
dissolution of the Bidder, shall not
discharge our liability guaranteed herein.
4. It is further declared that it shall not be necessary for the Corporation to proceed against the
Contractor before proceeding against the Bank and the Guarantee herein contained shall be
enforceable against the Bank notwithstanding any security which the Corporation may have
obtained or shall obtain from the Contractor at the time when proceedings are taken against the
Bank for whatever amount may be outstanding or unrealized under the Guarantee.
5. The right of the Corporation to recover the said amount of Rs...........(Rupees ......................) from
us in manner aforesaid will not be affected or suspended by reason of the fact that any dispute or
disputes have been raised by the aid M/s................... (Bidder) and/or that any dispute or disputes
are pending before any authority, officer, tribunal or arbitrator(s) etc.
6. Notwithstanding anything stated above, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to
Rs........(Rupees....... ....)and our guarantee shall remain in force upto.......... and unless a demand
or claim under the guarantee is made on us in writing within three months after the aforesaid date
i.e. on or before the .......... all your rights under the guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be
relieved and discharged from all liabilities there under.
(Printed Name)_______________________________________
(Bank's Common seal_________________________________
(Authorisation No.)___________________________________
Tender No. : TMS / CTC / CIVIL-1&2 / 2021 / 2346 Page 112 of 127
(Performance Guarantee / Retention money)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.
1. We, the ........ Bank (hereinafter referred to as "the said Bank" and having our registered office
at....... do hereby undertake and agree to indemnify and keep indemnified the Corporation from
time to time to the extent of Rs..........(Rupees ................Only) against any loss or damage, costs,
charges and expenses caused to or suffered by or that may be caused to or suffered by the
Corporation by reason of any breach or breaches by the said Contractor of any of the terms and
conditions contained in the said Contract and to unconditionally pay the amount claimed by the
Corporation on demand and without demur to the extent aforesaid.
2. We.................... Bank, further agree that the Corporation shall be the sole judge of and as to
whether the said Contractor has committed any breach or breaches of any of the terms and
conditions of the said Contract and the extent of loss, damage, costs, charges and expenses
caused to or suffered by or that may because to or suffered by the Corporation on account
thereof and the decision of the corporation that the said Contractor has committed such breach or
breaches and as to the amount or amounts of loss, damage, costs charges and expenses caused
to or suffered by or that may be caused to or suffered by the Corporation from time to time shall
be final and binding on us.
3. We, the said Bank further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force
and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said Contract and till
all the dues of the Corporation under the said Contract or by virtue of any of the terms and
conditions governing the said Contract have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged
and till the owner certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Contract have been fully and
properly carried out by the said Contractor and accordingly discharges this Guarantee subject,
however, that the Corporation shall have no claim under the Guarantee after 90 (Ninety) days
from the date of expiry of the Defects Liability Period as provided in the said Contract, i.e.
...........(date) or from the date of cancellation of the said contract as the case may be, unless a
notice of the claim under this Guarantee has been served on the Bank before the expiry of the
said period in which case the same shall be enforceable against the Bank notwithstanding the
fact, that the same is enforced after the expiry of the said period. The Corporation shall have the
fullest liberty without affecting in any way the liability of the Bank under this Guarantee or
Tender No. : TMS / CTC / CIVIL-1&2 / 2021 / 2346 Page 113 of 127
Indemnity, from time to time, to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said Contract or to
extend time of performance by the said Contractor or to postpone for any time from time to time
any of the powers exercisable by it against the said Contractor and either to enforce or forbear
from enforcing any of the terms and conditions governing the said Contract or securities available
to the Corporation and the said bank shall not be released from its liability under these presents
by any exercise by the Corporation of the liberty with reference to the matters aforesaid or by
reason of time being given to the said Contractor or any other forbearance act or omission on the
part of the Corporation or any indulgence by the Corporation to the said Contractor or any other
matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision,
have the effect of so releasing the Bank from its such liability.
4. It shall not be necessary for the Corporation to proceed against the Contractor before proceeding
against the Bank and the Guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable against the Bank,
notwithstanding any security which the Corporation may have obtained or obtain from the
Contractor shall at the time when proceedings are taken against the Bank hereunder, be
outstanding or unrealized.
5. We, the said Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with
the previous consent of the Corporation in writing and agree that any change in the Constitution
of the said Contractor or the said Bank shall not discharge our liability hereunder. If any further
extension of this Guarantee is required the same shall be extended to such required periods on
receiving instructions from M/s.......................on whose behalf this guarantee is issued.
1.________________ Signature__________________________
Authorization No:_________________________________
Date and Place:___________________________________
Bank's Seal ______________________________________
Tender No. : TMS / CTC / CIVIL-1&2 / 2021 / 2346 Page 114 of 127
*For Companies
M/s................ a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at
.........in the State of ............ ...(hereinafter called "the said contractor" which expression shall unless the
context requires otherwise include its administrators, successors and assigns).
Tender No. : TMS / CTC / CIVIL-1&2 / 2021 / 2346 Page 115 of 127
(On Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Appropriate Value)
Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd.
2. We,.................... Bank, further agree that the Owner shall be the sole judge of and as to whether
the said Contractor has not utilized the said advance or any part thereof for the purpose of the
contract and the extent of loss or damage caused to or suffered by the Owner on account of the
said advance together with interest not being recovered in full and the decision of the Owner that
the said Contractor has not utilized the said advance or *Refer note at the end of the proforma
any part thereof for the purpose of the Contract and as to the amount or amounts of loss or
damage caused to or suffered by the Owner shall be final and binding on us.
3. We, the said Bank further agree that the Guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and
effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said Contract and till all
the said advance with interest has been fully recovered and its claims satisfied or discharged and
till Owner certifies that the said advance with interest has been fully recovered from the said
Contractor, and accordingly shall have no claim under this guarantee after 30 (thirty) days from
the date of satisfactory completion of the said Contract ( as per the mutually agreed work
schedule) i.e. upto and inclusive of ........(date) unless a notice of the claim under this Guarantee
has been served on the Bank before the expiry of the said period i.e................... (date) in which
case the same shall be enforceable against the Bank notwithstanding the fact, that the same is
enforced after the expiry of the said period.
4. The Owner shall have the fullest liberty without effecting in any way the liability of the Bank under
this Guarantee or Indemnity, from time to time, to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said
Contract or the advance or to extend time of performance by the said Contractor or to postpone
for any time from time to time any of the powers exercisable by it against the said Contractor and
either to enforce or forbear from enforcing any of the terms and conditions governing the said
Tender No. : TMS / CTC / CIVIL-1&2 / 2021 / 2346 Page 116 of 127
contract or the advance available to the owner and this said bank shall not be released from its
liability under these presents by any exercise by the Owner of the liberty with reference to the
matters aforesaid or by reasons of time being given to the said Contractor or any other
forbearance act or omission on the part of the Owner or any indulgence by the Owner to the said
Contractor on of any other matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties
would, but for this provision, have the effect of so releasing the Bank from its such liability.
5. It shall not be necessary for the Owner to proceed against the Contractor before proceeding
against the Bank and the Guarantee herein contained shall be enforceable against the Bank
notwithstanding any security, which the Owner may have obtained or obtain from the Contractor
shall at the time when proceedings are taken against the Bank hereunder, be outstanding or
6. We, the said Bank, lastly undertake not to revoke this Guarantee during its currency except with
the previous consent of the Owner in writing and agree that any change in the Constitution of the
said Contractor or the said Bank shall not discharge our liability hereunder.
If any further extension of this Guarantee is required the same shall be extended to such required
periods on receiving instructions from M/s........................................ on whose behalf this
Guarantee is issued.
Notwithstanding anything contained herein before our liability under this Guarantee is restricted to
Rs,......... (Rupees ..............Only) together with interest. Our undertaking shall commence from
the date of execution and shall remain in force upto ..........
Authorization No___________________________
Tender No. : TMS / CTC / CIVIL-1&2 / 2021 / 2346 Page 117 of 127
*For Companies
M/s. ________________ a company under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office
at______________ in the State of_________________(hereinafter called "the said Contractor" which
expression shall unless the context requires otherwise include its administrators, successors and
Tender No. : TMS / CTC / CIVIL-1&2 / 2021 / 2346 Page 118 of 127
THE INDENTURE made this .................day of .........20....................... BETWEEN ............ of the one part
(herein after called `Contractor') and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd. (........... Atomic Power
Project/ Station) hereinafter called " the Corporation" which expression shall unless the context requires
otherwise include his successors and assigns of the other part:
WHEREAS under sub-clause12.1 of the General Conditions of Contract relating to the terms and
conditions of its Award letter No....................dated .............which have been unequivocally accepted by
the Contractor, the Contractor has applied to the Corporation for a loan of Rs.............. (Rupees)
...............................................Only) for plant and equipment described in the Schedule here to specifically
acquired by the Contractor for the works and brought to site.
AND WHEREAS one of the conditions on which the said loan of Rs........./- granted by the Corporation to
the Contractor is that the Contractor shall hypothecate the plant and equipment described in the Schedule
hereto in favour of the Corporation as security for the due repayment of the said loan.
AND WHEREAS the Contractor has represented that he is the Owner of the plant and equipment
described in the Schedule hereto and the same is free from encumbrances.
NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSTH THAT in pursuance of the said agreement and in consideration of
the premises the Contractor doth hereby hypothecate, assign and transfer to the Corporation the Plant
and equipment described in the Schedule hereto the intent that the same shall remain and form security
for repayment to the Corporation of the said loan of Rs........... together with the interest thereon at ........
% per annum.
1. The Contractor hereby agrees, declares and covenants with the Corporation as follows:-
(a) The Contractor shall repay to the Corporation the said loan of
Rs........(Rupees....................... Only) together with interest thereon as aforesaid by and
agrees that the said loan be recovered by the Corporation by making deductions in the
manner provided in sub-clause12.1 of the General Conditions of Contract and other
conditions of the Award letter from the claims made by the Contractor against the
Corporation of "on account payment".
(b) The Contractor has paid in full the purchase price of the Plant & Equipment described in
the Schedule hereto and each and every one of them and that the same are the absolute
property of the Contractor and that the same have not been sold, pledged, mortgaged or
transferred or in any way dealt with by the Contractor.
(c) So long as any amount remains payable to the Corporation by the Contractor in respect
of the said loan of Rs.__________ the Contractor shall not sell, pledge, hypothecate,
transfer, part with or in any way deal with the Plant and Equipment described in the
Schedule hereto.
(d) If the said loan of Rs.___________shall not be repaid by the Contractor or recovered in
the manner described above by the said ..........day of .... due to any reasons whatsoever
or the said Contract has been determined earlier or cancelled or if the Contractor shall
sell, pledge, mortgage, transfer, part with or in any way deal with the said plant and
equipment or any part thereof or the Contractor or any of the partners is adjudged
insolvent or the Contractor is to be would up or makes any composition or arrangement
with its creditors or the Contractor shall commit breach of any of the terms and conditions
or covenants as herein contained or if any of the said plant and equipment or if any other
property whatsoever belonging to the Contractor has been sold or attached for a period
of not less than 21 days in execution of the decree of any court for payment of money,
the whole of the said loan of Rs....... or such part thereof as may remained unpaid or
unrecovered together with interest thereon shall forthwith become due and payable.
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(e) The Corporation may on the happening of any of the events mentioned in the preceding
clause (d) or in the event of the said loan or any part thereof becoming due and payable
and has not been paid or recovered or cannot be recovered as provided in the said
conditions, seize and take possession of the said plant and equipment (and either remain
in possession thereof without removing the same or else may remove the same) and sell
the said plant and equipment or any of them either by public auction or private contract
and may out of the sale proceeds retain the balance of the said loan and interest thereon
remaining unpaid and unrecovered and all costs, charges and expenses and payments
incurred or made in maintaining, defending or protecting the rights of the Corporation
hereunder and shall pay over the surplus, if any, to the Contractor.
(f) The Contractor shall at all times during the continuance of the security and at the
expense of the Contractor insure and keep insured and plant and equipment described in
the Schedule hereto for the value thereof in the joint names of the Contractor and the
Corporation with an insurance company to be approved by the Engineer-in-charge
against the risk of loss or damage from whatever cause arising other than the Excepted
Risks not covered under the insurance. During the continuance of the security the
Contractor shall pay all premia and sums of money necessary for keeping such insurance
on foot and the insurance policy and receipts in original for premia paid shall be
deposited with the Engineer-in-charge. The Contractor shall assign all his rights, title and
interest in the policy to the Corporation.
(g) The Contractor shall not permit or suffer the said plant and equipment or any part thereof
to be destroyed or damaged or used or to be used or to deteriorate in a greater degree
than it would deteriorate by reasonable wear and tear thereof in the performance of the
(h) In the event of any damage or loss happening to the said plant and equipment or any
part thereof from whatever cause other than the Excepted Risk [not covered under
insurance] the Contractor shall forthwith have the same repaired or replaced as the case
may be or arrange for payment of the entire amount recovered or to be recovered from
the insurance company to the Corporation towards the payment of the said loan of
2 Upon repayment or recovery in full of the amount secured on account of this hypothecation deed
the said plant and equipment secured hereunder shall stand released from hypothecation but this
is without prejudice to the right of the Corporation under any other conditions of the Contract.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed these presents on the day and your first
above written
(1)__________________________ (1)______________________________
(2)__________________________ (2)______________________________
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*For Companies
M/s................ a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at
............... in the State of ............... (hereinafter called "the said Contractor" which said Contractor" which
expression shall unless the context requires otherwise include its administrators, successors and
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THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ...……........................……………. Day of …………..20
.............…. Between ….......…….....…….. (“the Corporation”) and……………………….
....................................................................... (“the Contractor”), and the Disputes resolution Board (“the
Board”) consisting of three Board Members,
WHEREAS, the Corporation and the Contractor have contracted for the construction of
………………………………………………………………………………………… (Project
name) ………………………………………………………………………… (the “Contract”) and WHEREAS,
the contract provides for the establishment and operation of the Board NOW THEREFORE, the parties
hereto agree as follows :
1. The parties agree to the establishment and operation of the Board in accordance with this Board
2. Except for providing the services required hereunder, the Board Members should not give any
advice to either party concerning conduct of the Works.
(a) Shall have no financial interest in any party to the contract, or a financial interest in the
contract, except for payment for services on the Board.
(b) Shall have had no previous employment by, or financial ties to, any party to the contract,
except for fee based consulting services on other projects, all of which must be disclosed
prior to appointment to the Board.
(c) shall have disclosed in writing to the parties prior to signature of this Agreement any and
all recent or close professional or personal or personal relationships with any director,
officer, or employee of any party to the contract, and any and all prior involvement in the
project to which the contract relates;
(d) Shall not, while a Board Member, be employed whether as a consultant or otherwise by
either party to the contract, except as a Board Member.
(e) Shall not, while a Board Member, engage in discussion or make any agreement with any
party to the contract, regarding employment whether as a consultant or otherwise either
after the contract is completed or after services as a Board Member is completed;
(f) Shall be and remain impartial and independent of the parties and shall disclose in writing
to the Corporation, the Contractor, and one another any fact or circumstances which
might be such to cause either the Corporation or the Contractor to question the continued
existence of the impartiality and independence required of Board Members.
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3. Except for its participation in the Board’s activities as provided in the contract and in this
Agreement none of the Employer, the Contractor, the Nodal Officer or his nominee, and one
another any fact or circumstances which might be such to cause either the Employer or the
Contractor to question the continued existence of the impartiality and independence required of
Board Members.
a) Furnish to each Board Members one copy of all documents which the Board may request
including contract documents, progress reports, variation orders, and other documents,
pertinent to the performance of the Contract.
b) In co-operation with the Employer, co-ordinate the Site visits of the Board, including
conference facilities, and secretarial and copying services.
5. The Board shall serve throughout the operation of the contract. It shall begin operation following
execution of this Agreement, and shall terminate its activities after issuance of the taking over
Certificate and the Board’s issuance of its Recommendations on all disputes referred to it.
6. Board Member, shall not assign or subcontract any of their work under this Agreement.
7. The Board Members are independent and not employees or agents of either the Employer or the
8. The Board Members are absolved of any personal or professional liability arising from the
activities and the Recommendations of the Board.
9. Fees and expenses of the Board Member[s] shall be agreed to and shared equally by the
Employer and the Contractor. If the Board requires special services, such as accounting, data
research, and the like, both parties must agree and the costs shall be shared by them as mutually
a) The Board shall visit the Site and meet with representatives of the Employer and the
Contractor and at regular intervals, at times of critical construction events, and at the
written request of either party. The timing of Site visit, failing agreement shall be fixed by
the Board.
b) Site meetings shall consist of an informal discussion of the status of the construction of
the works followed by an inspection of the works, both attended by personnel from the
Employer, the Contractor.
c) If requested by either party or the Board, the Employer will prepare minutes of the
meetings and circulate them for comments of the parties.
a) If either party objects to any action or inaction of the other party, the objecting party may
file a written Notice of Dispute to the other party stating that it is given pursuant to
relevant clause and stating clearly and in detail the basis of the dispute.
b) The party receiving the Notice of Dispute will consider it and respond in writing within 7
days after receipt.
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c) This response shall be final and conclusive on the subject, unless a written appeal to the
response is filed with the responding party within 7 days of receiving the response. Both
parties are encouraged to pursue the matter further to attempt to settle the dispute. When
it appears that the dispute cannot be resolved without the assistance of the Board either
party may refer the dispute to the Board by written Request for Recommendation to the
Board, and the other party stating that it is made pursuant to relevant Clause.
d) The Request for recommendation shall state clearly and in full detail the specific issues of
the dispute to be considered by the Board.
e) When a dispute is referred to the Board, and the Board is satisfied that the dispute
requires the Board’s assistance, the Board shall decide when to conduct a hearing on the
dispute. The Board may request that written documentation and arguments from both
parties be submitted to each Board Members before the hearing begins. The parties shall
submit insofar as possible agreed statements of the relevant facts.
f) During the hearing, the Contractor and the Employer, shall each have ample opportunity
to be heard and to offer evidence. The Board’s Recommendations for resolution of the
dispute will be given in writing, to the Employer and the Contractor as soon as possible,
and in any event not more than 28 days after the Board’s final hearing on the dispute.
a) Normally hearing will be conducted at the Site, but any location that would be more
convenient and still provide all required facilities and access to necessary documentation
may be utilized by the Board. Private Sessions of the Board may be held at any location
convenient to the Board.
b) The Employer and the Contractor shall have representatives at all hearings.
c) During the hearings, no Board Member shall express any opinion concerning the merit of
any facet of the case.
d) After the hearings are concluded, the Board shall meet privately to formulate its
Recommendations. All Board deliberations shall be conducted in private, with all
individual views kept strictly confidential. The Board’s Recommendations, together with
an explanation of its reasoning shall be submitted in writing to both parties. The
Recommendations shall be based on the pertinent contract provisions, applicable laws
and regulations, and the facts and circumstances involved in the dispute. The Board shall
make every effort to reach a unanimous Recommendation. If this proves impossible, the
majority shall decide, and the dissenting member any prepare a written minority report for
submission to both parties.
13. If during the contract period, the Corporation and the Contractor are of the opinion that the
Dispute Resolution Board is not performing its functions properly; the Corporation and the
Contractor may together disband the Disputes Resolution Board. In such an event, the disputes
shall referred to Arbitration straightaway.
The Corporation and the Contractor shall jointly sign a notice specifying that the Board shall stand
disbanded with effect from the date specified in the notice. The notice shall be posted by a
registered letter with AD or delivery of the letter, even if he refuses to do so.
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Name of Work :
Tender No. :
Name of Contractor :
Estimated Amount :
Completion Value :
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7. 0
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