Using The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) To Predict The Mortality and Outcome of Patients With Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Using The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) To Predict The Mortality and Outcome of Patients With Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Using The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) To Predict The Mortality and Outcome of Patients With Intracerebral Haemorrhage
A R T I C L E (NIHSS) to predict the mortality and outcome of
patients with intracerebral haemorrhage
CM Cheung 張春明
TH Tsoi 蔡德康 Objectives To investigate whether the National Institutes of Health
Sonny FK Hon 韓方光 Stroke Scale (NIHSS) can be used to predict mortality and
M Au-Yeung 歐陽敏 functional outcome in patients presenting with intracerebral
KL Shiu 邵家樂 haemorrhage.
CN Lee 李至南 Design Retrospective study of a prospectively collected cohort.
CY Huang 黃震遐 Setting Regional hospital, Hong Kong.
Patients A cohort of 359 patients presented to our hospital from 1996 to
2001 with their first-ever stroke and intracerebral haemorrhage.
Main outcome measures The sensitivity and specificity of the NIHSS with a cut-off point of
20 in predicting mortality at 30 days and 5 years, and a favourable
functional outcome at 5 years.
Results A total of 359 patients were available for analysis and were
divided into three subgroups according to the site and the size
of the haematoma. The NIHSS can predict 30-day mortality with
a sensitivity of 81% and a specificity of 90%. The NIHSS can
predict 5-year mortality with a sensitivity of 57% and a specificity
of 92%. In predicting favourable functional outcomes at 5 years,
the NIHSS had a sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 16%.
Conclusions The NIHSS performed on admission can be used to predict
mortality at 30 days and 5 years as well as favourable functional
outcome at 5 years, all with an acceptable sensitivity and
Intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH) is a major cause of stroke among Asians. It contributes to
about 10 to 15% of strokes in western countries.1 In Hong Kong, ICH contributes to about
30% of all strokes.2,3 The disease differs from ischaemic stroke, as it confers higher early
mortality and poorer long-term outcomes.4 A method of predicting mortality within 30
days and good long-term functional outcomes could facilitate interviews with patients and
their relatives in terms of decisions for invasive and/or supportive care. For this purpose,
complicated scoring systems had been created but were difficult to use in daily clinical
practice. In the recent 6 years, two less complicated scoring systems have been published.5,6
The ICH score involves a scoring system consisting of the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), age,
Key words infratentorial origin, ICH volume, and presence of intraventricular haemorrhage. The new
Cerebral hemorrhage; Outcome
assessment (health care); Predictive ICH score uses National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS), admission temperature,
value of tests; Sensitivity and specificity pulse pressure, presence of intraventricular haemorrhage, and subarachnoid extension of
haemorrhage. Whilst these scores are useful for clinical trials and sophisticated research,
Hong Kong Med J 2008;14:367-70 a system based on commonly assessed clinical parameters for stroke patients could be
much more useful. The NIHSS score is commonly obtained in patients presenting with
Department of Medicine, Pamela Youde acute stroke. It consists of 15 items and a total score of 42 points. A score of 0 indicates
Nethersole Eastern Hospital, Chai Wan, no clinically relevant neurological abnormality. If a patient scores more than 20, it usually
Hong Kong
CM Cheung, MRCP, FHKAM (Medicine)
indicates a dense paralysis with impaired consciousness. We studied whether the NIHSS
TH Tsoi, FRCP, FHKAM (Medicine) can provide adequate predictive information in the course of routine clinical practice.
SFK Hon, MRCP, FHKAM (Medicine)
M Au-Yeung, MRCP, FHKAM (Medicine)
KL Shiu, MRCP, FHKAM (Medicine)
CY Huang, FRACP, FHKAM (Medicine)
In our hospital, all patients with acute stroke attending the Accident and Emergency
Correspondence to: Dr CM Cheung Department are admitted to the Medical Department. On admission, a stroke is defined
E-mail: [email protected] as acute if the onset of symptoms has ensued within 5 days. Patients are transferred to the
TABLE 1. Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of the whole cohort and different types of intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH)
Characteristic Whole cohort Patients with small Patients with lobar Patients with
(n=359) non-lobar ICH (n=239) ICH (n=68) massive ICH (n=52)
Mean (range) age (years) 71.4 (27-98) 69.9 74.1 74.4
Male:female 192:167 141:98 28:40 23:29
No. (%) of patients with atrial fibrillation 15 (4) 13 (5) 1 (1) 1 (2)
No. (%) of patients with diabetes mellitus 66 (18) 49 (21) 8 (12) 9 (17)
No. (%) of patients with hypertension 201 (56) 144 (60) 31 (46) 26 (50)
No. (%) of patients with ischaemic heart disease 21 (6) 13 (5) 3 (4) 5 (10)
No. (%) of patients with hypercholesterolaemia 28 (8) 22 (9) 4 (6) 2 (4)
No. (%) of smokers 66 (18) 52 (22) 9 (13) 5 (10)
Mean NIHSS* score 16 13 17 32
Results TABLE 2. The 30-day and 5-year mortality and favourable functional outcome rates at 5
years related to NIHSS assessments on admission*
A total of 431 patients suffering from first-ever stroke
NIHSS No. (%)
and diagnosed as having had cerebral haemorrhage
were enrolled in our stroke registry during the 5-year 30-Day mortality 5-Year mortality Favourable 5-year functional
outcome for survivors†
period from 28 July 1996 to 27 July 2001. The outcome
of 24 first-ever ICH patients could not be traced at >20 96/120 (80) 106/120 (88) 2/24 (8)
the time of review. The remaining 407 patients were 11-20 15/61 (25) 35/61 (57) 9/46 (20)
included in this analysis. Among these 407 patients, 6-10 3/56 (5) 14/56 (25) 17/53 (32)
only 359 patients had NIHSS assessments on the day 0-5 5/122 (4) 31/122 (25) 73/117 (62)
of admission.
* NIHSS denotes National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
The baseline characteristics of these 359 † P<0.0001 when using 0-20 vs >20 for 30-day, 5-year mortality and good outcome
patients are shown in Table 1. The relationships
between NIHSS assessments on admission and 30-
day mortality, 5-year mortality, and the favourable TABLE 3. The 30-day mortality and favourable functional outcome rates at 5 years for
subgroups with massive, lobar, and non-lobar (small) intracerebral haemorrhage (ICH)
functional outcome at 5 years for the whole cohort are
shown in Table 2. The corresponding relationships for NIHSS* in various No. (%)
the three different ICH subgroups are shown in Table 30-Day mortality Favourable 5-year functional
3. Except for the massive ICH subgroup (in which outcome for survivors
there were too few 30-day survivors), the relationship Massive ICH †
between NIHSS assessments on admission and 30- >20 38/40 (95) 0/2 (0)
day mortality or 5-year functional outcome holds true 0-20 5/12 (42) 2/7 (29)
for all subgroups.
Lobar ICH
those who were younger also had better 5-year >20 40/55 (73) 2/15 (13)
functional outcomes regardless of NIHSS category 0-20 13/183 (7) 83/170 (49)
(Table 5). In all, 41 patients had a second stroke after
* NIHSS denotes National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
surviving the first 30 days. Adjustment of the results † P<0.0001 when using 0-20 vs >20 for 30-day mortality, P=1 for functional outcome
to their modified Rankin scores just before their ‡ P<0.0001 when using 0-20 vs >20 for mortality and P<0.01 for good outcome
second stroke shows that there would have been § P<0.02 for both mortality and good outcome
80 favourable outcomes for those with initial NIHSS
scores of 0-5, and 19 such outcomes for those with TABLE 4. The 30-day mortality for different age-groups
scores of 6-10. This would have further improved
NIHSS* No. (%)
the overall outcome of the whole cohort with NIHSS
scores of <20 (108 favourable outcomes instead of 99), <60 Years ≥60 Years
and accentuated the disparity of outcomes between >20 †
13/16 (81) 83/104 (80)
those with NIHSS scores of >20 and <20. By itself, age 0-20 1/56 (2) 22/183 (12)
did not increase the risk of recurrent stroke over 5
* NIHSS denotes National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale
years (in the group aged <60 years, the rate was 15%; † P>0.05 for NIHSS>20; P<0.05 for NIHSS≤20
and in those aged ≥60 years, it was 10%). Recurrent
stroke therefore was not the cause of less favourable
functional outcomes in older patients. TABLE 5. Favourable functional outcomes at 5 years for different
In total, 186 patients died during the study
period, 119 within 30 days, and 67 between 30 days and NIHSS* No. (%)
5 years. The number of patients who died of vascular <60 Years ≥60 Years
causes (ie not counting aspiration pneumonia) was >20† 2/16 (13) 0/104 (0)
35. 0-20 43/56 (77) 56/183 (31)
(90%) using a cut-off point of 20 (0-20 vs >20). Using Furthermore, the ICH scores have not
the same cut-off point to predict 5-year mortality, previously been studied in terms of predicting long-
the NIHSS has a lower sensitivity (57%) but good term prognosis; only outcome at 30 or 100 days has
specificity (92%). When using an NIHSS cut-off point been reported.5-7 For predicting favourable outcome
of ≤20 to predict a good outcome among survivors from stroke onset at 5 years, the NIHSS alone already
at 5 years, its sensitivity was 98% but specificity was achieved an acceptable negative predictive value.
16%. If the cut-off point is changed from 20 to 5 (0-5 This information is important as the busy clinician can
vs >5), sensitivity was reduced to 72% but specificity interview relatives in terms of life-support decisions;
increased to 68%. When the NIHSS is used to predict a score of >20 means a high chance of death in 30
30-day mortality, it has good sensitivity (81%) and days and virtually no chance of favourable long-term
specificity (90%) using a cut-off point of 20 (0-20 vs recovery, even in patients surviving 30 days. In which
>20). Using the same cut-off point to predict 5-year case, statistically the chance the patient would die
mortality, the NIHSS has a lower sensitivity (57%) but within 30 days would be 80%, and within 5 years it
good specificity (92%). When using an NIHSS cut- would be 88%. The chance of a poor outcome at 5
off point of ≤20 to predict a good outcome among years from the stroke onset would be 98%.
survivors at 5 years, its sensitivity was 98% but Taking age into consideration did not affect the
specificity was 16%. If the cut-off point is changed predictive value of a high NIHSS on 30-day mortality.
from 20 to 5 (0-5 vs >5), sensitivity was reduced to 72% However, chronological age may reflect concomitant
but specificity increased to 68%. disease burden, and less favourable response to the
In two earlier studies which have examined the neurological insult. Compared with persons aged 60
impact of NIHSS on outcome in cerebral haemorrhage, to 80 years, younger patients with an NIHSS score of
Cheung and Zou6 found that the NIHSS assessment ≤20 had a lower 30-day mortality rate (2% vs 12%),
but not the GCS was an independent predictor of which was statistically significant (P<0.05, Table 4). In
mortality and outcome at 30 days. A study published predicting favourable functional outcomes among
in 2006 also used the NIHSS to predict outcome those with an NIHSS score of ≤20, younger patients
at 100 days, when the patients were assessed at (<60 years) also faired better, although this did not
admission.7 The investigators assigned scores for: detract from the adverse prognosis of a high score on
NIHSS assessments (0-5=0; 6-10=1; 11-15=2; 16-20=3; functional outcome (Table 5).
>20=4), the level of consciousness (alert=0; drowsy=1; In conclusion, NIHSS assessments performed
stuporous=2; comatose=3), and age (<60=0; 60-69=1; at admission can be used to predict the 30-day
70-79=2; ≥80=3). Using a total score cut-off point of <3 and 5-year mortality as well as long-term outcome
to predict complete recovery and >7 to predict death, among survivors. Irrespective of age or type of
yielded a sensitivity of 74% and specificity of 84% for the cerebral haemorrhage, an NIHSS score of >20
the former and corresponding figures for the latter is a strong predictor of death or poor functional
were 44% and 98%. outcome. Whilst additional information, such as
Compared to previous scoring systems, the age, precise location and size of the haemorrhage,
NIHSS alone is much simpler to use. A cut-off point at intraventricular and subarachnoid extension,
0-20 versus >20 already achieved sufficient sensitivity temperature and blood pressure may improve
and specificity for predicting 30-day mortality, close prognostic precision, the busy clinician may find
to what was reported for the original, modified and the NIHSS sufficient for most clinical management
Essen ICH scores. decisions and counselling.
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