Narrative Report-Virtual Parent's Orientationn

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In an effort to ensure The virtual orientation

that parents will have a better started with a prayer

understanding of how conducted by Ma’am
education will be delivered to Sharmaine J. De Guzman,
their children this upcoming followed by makabayan song
school year, ALISHS through video. It is followed
conducted an orientation for by a warm welcome remarks of
parents and students. Parents our school head Sir Antonino
have a genuine role in making S. Palaganas.
his/her children are getting in
The first agenda was to
touch to learning.
present the virtual graduation
ALISHS conducted the and recognition led by
said orientation in preparation respective teachers/advisers.
for the opening of classes. Each grade level advisers
And as part of that presented their presentation.
preparation, it will help to
make sure that our
stakeholders- including
parents and learners- will
understand the Basic
Education-Learning Continuity
After presenting the After that, we
virtual graduation and also presented the videos on
recognition, the next agenda how to distribute and retrieve
will have been discussed. It the modules or learning kits
was the rules and regulations for the students. The next
of our school in the school topic to be discussed was the
year 2020-2021. The next Online Kamutahan Schedule
agenda have been discussed by as supplementary in Distance
Ma’am Joy L. Pasia, entitled Learning. Brigada Kick off for
Parenting Tips for the New the SY 2020-2021 was also
Normal. She emphasized that presented.
we together with the parents
need to have unity in teaching
our students.

To finish the
orientation, Sir Noel B.
Cuaderno leave his closing

All in all, it was

acceptance , unity and
cooperation will lead us to
finished/overcome this battle
over the pandemic Covid 19.


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